2023 05 29 Onboarding and Documentation

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Bobbi Muscara: Hello, everybody! Arunima Chaudhuri: Hey, Bobby! Hello, Bobby! Hi. Akanksha Rani: Hello! Hello, Mom! Bobbi Muscara: Hello! So this meeting today is going to be a little different than most, because it is a holiday in the United States. So I don't think anybody is going to be on the call. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, okay, happy holiday, thank you. It's Memorial Day.

Bobbi Muscara: so all that means it's the official start of summer. So it all banks are closed. Everything is closed. And Bobbi Muscara: it's interesting. because it's just a regular Monday for everyone else. So again, this might be a little low. I'm going to share my screen and get started. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, everybody see my screen Bobbi Muscara: perfect.

Bobbi Muscara: Okay, again. I really was thinking of canceling this meeting because it is a holiday. So it's gonna be really probably quite short, and maybe a great time for you guys to work together. to to get something done. I see. Nikki's on the call. Hello! How are you? Hi, Bobby? I'm fine. Bobbi Muscara: You said last week that you were signed up as a mentee for this project. Niku Singh: Actually, I was the mentor for the project. Excuse me.

I was a mentor for this project. Bobbi Muscara: You're not listed on the site, though. actually, I'm listed on the site. Niku Singh: Let me go to the page, and I'll show you what I keep saying.

Bobbi Muscara: Okay, so here it says who the mentors are for the project and you're not listed. Niku Singh: Actually, he is a mentor of onboarding. Niku Singh: Oh, okay. no. You're on the onboarding project. Okay. Bobbi Muscara: okay? So John is in charge of that one. so we usually do that on this call as well. but I know he's not going to be around for the next week or so, so I'm not really sure what his interview schedule is like, has he? Have you guys started interviewing the Mentees? Niku Singh: Actually, I have shortlisted the candidates and share the list with the both of them, but haven't really heard from them about the until the process.

Bobbi Muscara: Okay? Bobbi Muscara: yeah. Oh, you're lucky. You have a shortlist. I have 22 on my interview list. I have to say, though I'm enjoying every single call. Everyone's been on time delight nice and very, very fun to chat with, so I appreciate that from all of you who had your interviews already, or are going to have your interviews in the next couple of days. Bobbi Muscara: And again, like I said the interview process was overwhelming because of the absolutely wonderful amount of people who want to be involved in this task force and mentorship. Bobbi Muscara: I'm urging everyone who is not selected to be the mentee. Stay on the project. I will mentor you all, and we will get a a great project and hopefully to do something at the global form with it. present it. And maybe, you know, get it adopted in the community. What we decide. So that is wonderful. So again, these are, this is the documentation. I can't go look at the other one, because I'm not. I guess I can look at it. nothing was your time but Bobbi Muscara: We can talk about the onboarding towards the end of what we're covering today. Bobbi Muscara: So I'm gonna go back. Okay.

Bobbi Muscara: okay, so let's start today. do I have any trust policy? Yes. Bobbi Muscara: the any. This calls being recorded for hyper ledger. The antitrust policy is on the screen. Please take a moment to read it over. And if you have any further questions on how to act in a consortium based call. You can go to the code of conduct or the antitrust policy and read it further, or call Bobbi Muscara: Andrew up to growth of guys are up to growth, and he will explain it even further.

Bobbi Muscara: so let me edit this page. Bobbi Muscara: I know it's very late for most of the people over in India Bobbi Muscara: again. I might during this week change this call. If anybody with the show of hands would prefer this to happen at 9 am. Pop your hand up now? Yeah. Bobbi Muscara: that's 2. I thought you'd have a lot more. Arunima Chaudhuri: Can you just repeat what you said? actually, my Internet just went out. Bobbi Muscara: I I'm sorry. Could you repeat that arena?

Arunima Chaudhuri: Can you please repeat what you said? to raise hands for? What? Because my Bobbi Muscara: This call takes place at 120'clock noon. but I'm available, and the call is available to happen earlier. anywhere after 90'clock in the morning. So if we want to drop it back 3 h, so that it starts 9 Am. Eastern time, which is, I guess, 670'clock. Your time is that about right? Arunima Chaudhuri: Oh, I'm okay with both. Bobbi Muscara: That's to make it more convenient. I'm gonna talk to David this week about changing it to 9 am. Eastern time, so that you guys can, you know, not have to stay up till 1030110'clock for us.

Bobbi Muscara: I know I'm sound asleep by 10, so I don't know if I'd make it fast for the call, so I will do that. I will check with the Ha Hyper Ledger Foundation and make sure it's okay, and then I will change the call to 9 am. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, moving on. Let me see my editing this screen yet. Yes, I am. Bobbi Muscara: So let me just put today down Bobbi Muscara: 29. Bobbi Muscara: Okay? So today is just very informal. Bobbi Muscara: informal chatting. Okay? So I'm going to go first. I was at the Toc meeting on Thursday, and I had to report I did do the report for the task force, basically saying that we are winding it down in 3 weeks

Bobbi Muscara: which is what we're next. Gonna be on the agenda. I haven't gotten a confirmation from Tracy, but Tracy Kurtz, but I'm sure I will, so that in Bobbi Muscara: 2 and a half weeks on that Thursday I'm just pop my calendar and see if I can see what day that is. Bobbi Muscara: of course, not. Bobbi Muscara: anyway, so we'll be presenting. And what we'll present

Bobbi Muscara: is the fact that the task force is still going to continue to meet, but not report to the Toc until the end of the mentorship, because we're going to work together to get everything done. And I see, Malcolm, you have your hand up. Do you have a question? Malcolm Connor: Oh, no, sorry. I was just saying that at the time. Malcolm Connor: Good for me the earlier time. Malcolm Connor: and you're in the States, too. So it's your holiday today as well. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, well, happy Memorial Day. Bobbi Muscara: you guys are, gonna do this presentation that we have in this matrix here. So I should title these better

Bobbi Muscara: presentation details. So I would prefer not to have to talk. Just introduce the gang. So Bobbi Muscara: people who have signed up for the introduction. Bobbi Muscara: people who have signed up for the Github Repository, the template, the best practices in the onboarding next week we will definitely focus on Bobbi Muscara: getting the content for the presentation. And then I will go see if we well, we have old looking fields for for Bobbi Muscara: the Powerpoint presentations, you know, like the Hyper Ledger blues and greens and all that. But I still really want to get the new branding information. So I will bug ben from Hyper Ledger about that again, because right now it's hard for me, and I'm sure Bobbi Muscara: you know, when you get into this a little bit more developing materials that you know have an old brand on them, and you're just gonna have to redo them. So it's hard to get started until we get the new branding information, which should be, you know, any week. They know. I think I saw

Bobbi Muscara: when Ben gave that presentation to the group and showed us just slightly the new branding. I think I did steal the Bobbi Muscara: I. I took a screenshot of it, but it's not very clear, and I don't think it's official to use yet. So I'm still waiting on that. So that's hard for us to to do the actual presentation without that. But if we just want to do, if everybody anybody wants to get started I'm going to make a suggestion to just use either like blue or like green back screens and Bobbi Muscara: create a couple of slides to show us next week. I do also see. Let me just update this real quick Bobbi Muscara: slow.

Bobbi Muscara: So after I'm done chatting, we're gonna go over the people who have done some work and Bobbi Muscara: wanted to make some suggest suggestions to this which would be great, or anyone else who has anything to say. But we'll just go down this list first. Bobbi Muscara: and hopefully, by the time we're done we will have Bobbi Muscara: There's a presentation thing right here. So Bobbi Muscara: oh, on the one page. Sorry. We will have enough information for the Oh, no! Here it is presentation. So if you want to

Bobbi Muscara: give your thoughts, I'll I'll just sum this up real quick for everybody on the call and then we'll do a round of introductions, and then we'll start with Akash. I'm gonna presentation or information that wants to share so real quick Bobbi Muscara: everybody's The github is really popular, because that's a really tangible and really helpful way for us to impact the community, the github right now. if you Bobbi Muscara: go to the old learning materials, working group archive pages, we did do a summation of what the whole community is using, and everybody is using different stuff in different ways. There's read, the docs, make the docs. some people are using them, and Hyper Ledger has come out with that paid tooling policy.

Bobbi Muscara: so my challenge to the Github group Bobbi Muscara: is again. I don't know. Bobbi Muscara: I've never started a project from Scratch and a lab, and created a Github Repository and know what's supposed to be in it. I know the process of it is that Bobbi Muscara: an idea comes into the group, whether it comes in through the mentorship program or we have the Bobbi Muscara: Min has another initiative in the fall. to get new ideas and new programs in. So if you are in the community with an idea, you have to find a a lab stored which is Tracy, there's a whole mess of them around. I would direct you to. who it is. I think, to Oc members can be lab stores to just by de facto. So I could, you know, help out. But your project then, would go Bobbi Muscara: into Bobbi Muscara: this blank Github lab, request template repository, or you would copy that and then put your information in, and then send it to the Toc for approval. And once you have that information correct in that Github Repository, and the to see. Like the idea of the project, it moves forward to an incubated project which steps up the documentation and the template more so it goes from the lab template.

Bobbi Muscara: which is right here to the template. That Tracy is working with us. which will be the final one. So that's the one that gets a project out of labs into incubation is the one we're working on right now. Bobbi Muscara: And what that has to have Bobbi Muscara: is a lot of information from the best practices. Bobbi Muscara: now, I'm going to click on this real quick to see if I updated it, and I'm not sure I did. They are finished with the task force as of Thursday last Thursday. No, God, this is the old templates. So this is the old learning material templates on here. and here's here's the information. Bobbi Muscara: about what the community is using, or what the recommendations comparing the different Bobbi Muscara: read the docs and and and syncs and all the other different components. And this is our try at making a learning materials, working group Github Repository.

Bobbi Muscara: so that's a lot of information. And then in here also is the comparing of the different projects in the foundation right now, what they're using and how they're doing it. So if you're really interested in that, you can go there. But that's not the link I was looking for. Bobbi Muscara: I'm going to find it here and overview for labs. Bobbi Muscara: So this would be the one that you have to fill out. So this one's done, and it's a good way to look and see what's been done in the community, so this would be the template that they'd have to

Bobbi Muscara: download to get accepted into. Oh, no, this is Tracy's. Now. I'm jumping all over the place. My links are all messed up today. So this is the template that we'll be working on. Tracy, set it up for us. a little bit. but we have to make sure it's usable, readable. And we need some user docs for because people who are creating labs and trying to graduate the labs out of Bobbi Muscara: labs into incubation. need clear guidelines. What needs to be in this Github repositories and the best practices. And I don't think I have the like. Bobbi Muscara: but the best practices Bobbi Muscara: Github Repository has, what the documentation best practices should look like. So whatever that. whether it's the licensing information, whether it's the all that information should be clearly put in Bobbi Muscara: this template. to move out of labs into an incubated project. So that's basically the Github Repository. And again, I don't know what that stuff looks like right now, that would be what we're working on this summer. I don't know

Bobbi Muscara: suggestions on how to go about this I've mentioned to a few people during the interviews that you know I'm a teacher, and I'm not really Bobbi Muscara: I don't really use Github. I can teach it to you, but I really use it. So it's hard for me to try to figure out the workflow of a Github repository from a template to a repository your own, and you know, so I would love someone to teach that to me as well. So the next thing is the template. That's on. Hold till we get the branding information. But you can go through the old templates for the learning materials working group which I just showed you that link right there. Bobbi Muscara: and that will. You can see what we have to take from the old stuff and bring into the new brand. Bobbi Muscara: again. We talked about the best. Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, that's it. So there is a link. So you can see what and you can just view this any way you want. But you can see what get. Home

Bobbi Muscara: implementation should be in here. So there it is, you can see what they recommend for the labs. They want that other template to get out of labs into incubation. and that's what we're working on. So you can see the best practices is relying on us to get information for them, because down the road what we'd like is some kind of credentialing for these projects that they've passed the best practices, and they got the badge but they'd have to Bobbi Muscara: check off the documentation piece, and we need to decide what that looks like. Bobbi Muscara: and on boarding is the same thing. We've talked about this a lot. in this call. There's 5 or 6 spots. People head into the community into the environment. There's 4 personas that are those people. we need to make sure that those 6 spots Bobbi Muscara: have links for those 4 personas to get them where they need to go. So they don't spend time swimming around the website looking for stuff. and that's what that combination of the onboarding. And the documentation is. Bobbi Muscara: so basically, that's what the presentation to the task force is going to cover Bobbi Muscara: and I know that people have thoughts and comments. So first, I'm just going to go for a round of introductions. Bobbi Muscara: and we'll start with. I'm going to say your name incorrectly against you have to correct me. And Kishan.

Bobbi Muscara: Okay, I'll say to get anchor. Pratyay Banerjee: I think she is not in the call. Bobbi Muscara: Okay. Arunima Chaudhuri: I think her pronunciation will be account shop. Arunima Chaudhuri: Hey? Hi! Arunima Chaudhuri: A conscience. Okay, thank you. Well, I I mean, you can introduce yourself at all. Yeah, yeah, sure. So Hello, everyone I got to know about Hyperlger through the Olympics mentorship. Arunima Chaudhuri: and it has been great. I'm getting to know more about the projects to the by joining the previous calls.

Arunima Chaudhuri: And pre. Prior to this I have been, I am currently a content. Try to scholarship track, and also a technical coach@anitab.org. Arunima Chaudhuri: I will also be one of the Court team members of the Gst. This year. Apart from that, I have been an emerald. But I worked with on a blockchain based project. Arunima Chaudhuri: And yeah, I just I'm graduating currently and up to my graduation, I will be going for my masters. So that's about me. Thank you so much. Bobbi Muscara: That's wonderful. Thank you.

Akanksha Rani: Hello, mom, I may order to. Bobbi Muscara: Yes, I can hear you. Now go ahead with your Akanksha Rani: Hello, mom. Yeah. So myself, Akansa, a Kam Shharani. And I'm currently a second. I have just completed my second year, and then, right now I'm in my summer break. So I am a a huge aiml enthusiast, and also just got to got in first and blockchain since I developed some projects in it other than that I have written some research papers, and one of them is quite published and other are still in process Akanksha Rani: in I, Tripoli, and other than that, yeah, I would love to contribute this summer. in Hyper Ledger, and I had a great interview with Boggleman as well, so would love to work with you all. That's all about me. Bobbi Muscara: Thank you so much. And my old friends here, Elizabeth. She is Bobbi Muscara: one of the leaders in the Hyper Ledger community, with great new ideas and trying to get them implemented. So I'll have her.

Elisabeth Green: Thank you. I'm a master biomedical engineer, certified for Stewart and a human factors engineer. And right now I'm working on a project that would bring in funding from a Institute for Elisabeth Green: stipend for 300 mentees on a project in health care on blockchain. And I'm working out the letter of intent right now, and we need Erica Beer Bower, or somebody with the authorization to actually sign this letter of intent that is due in 2 days. and so that we can. tell them that we are interested in applying for the funding. Elisabeth Green: And so I look forward to getting in touch with Happy Memorial Day weekend for everybody.

Bobbi Muscara: Thank you, Elizabeth, to have a memorial day. I hope you have nice weather where you are. It's beautiful here today. Bobbi Muscara: hey, Joel. Kajal Kumari: it's captain.

Niku Singh: Okay? Sorry about that. Go ahead and introduce yourself. Kajal Kumari: I today, I Kajal Kumari: and I'm a and I I have explored android development and software development and also have contributed in various to controls for drams. Kajal Kumari: I like, I was very much interested in documentation since my first year.

Kajal Kumari: I like to contribute in like documentation, too. So I've also Kajal Kumari: worked as a mentee in Gg, walk or 2 20 2. And there was also the top contributor. Kajal Kumari: So I I'm really excited to work in hyper legit, because Kajal Kumari: I am. Kajal Kumari: thank you.

Bobbi Muscara: Oh, thank you, I'm welcome. Let's chapter a call Karen is next Karan Verma: hi! Everyone my name is current and I' from North India. Karan Verma: I have recently done engineering in computer science around the city. Karan Verma: And I have been a volunteer as a meet up organizer for the hypon. As a chapter here in my city. Karan Verma: where I organize virtual events and physical events as well, you and I took a part in global Forum as a ta back in 2,021. Now I look forward to more in Karan Verma: technical contribution for the Hyper Ledger. So right I can get a hands on experience and managing my community, doing power here

Karan Verma: and learn as much as possible about how the Hyper Ledger through this mentorship program. So I look forward to it. Bobbi Muscara: You happen to have a a regional meet up group by you? Karan Verma: not originally so. Community group here, local. Bobbi Muscara: because I know that there's strong Bobbi Muscara: regional groups throughout India. And if there is not one up north, maybe we can talk you into starting a hyper ledger meet up up in your area. Karan Verma: Yeah, I actually, I am managing here. under India's chapter of Hyper Ledger. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, okay, great. Karan Verma: And I also attended weekly calls Karan Verma: with everybody there. and it's a good to be part of them.

Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, yeah. Great. I'm glad you're a part of it. Good! Malcolm. Malcolm Connor: Yes, good afternoon. good evening. Good morning. Everybody you know where you are. my name is Malcolm. I'm currently in St. Louis, Missouri. Malcolm Connor: I currently work as a data analysts. specifically, within data governance for a health care company health insurance company, and I, basically, I contribute to a data catalog as well as a build

Malcolm Connor: tools to help developers to find the data that they need when they're creating their analytics or their programs. Malcolm Connor: I became interested in blockchain technology. probably, like most people through Bitcoin. And but for me it was about maybe 2018 and 2019 started learning about Bitcoin. And then I moved into learning about ethereum. And that's what led me into learning more about Hyper Ledger. Malcolm Connor: And so I I'm here just because I'm I'm very interested in the the prospect of hyper ledger becoming Malcolm Connor: the basically the the standard for enterprise blockchains. I think that this is gonna be a a very interesting journey and path. So definitely excited to continue learning with you guys and and and contributing I don't have any open source experience contributing. But I'm looking to get that through this program Malcolm Connor: and and and to continue to to contribute to the Hyper Ledger project moving forward. So that's me. And good to meet you all.

Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, that's interesting that you brought up the Etherium, and how Hyper Ledge is the standard for enterprise. I couldn't agree with you more about that point. but Bobbi Muscara: I find it interesting that consensus is part of the Hyper Ledger Foundation community and that bay suit and a few of the other connector lab projects are bringing the 2 worlds together, and that is going to be unstoppable. So what we're doing, where it can Bobbi Muscara: use the token connector and ride on the Etherium blockchain, at the same time keeping everything privatized and enterprise is fascinating. So Malcolm Connor: welcome forward. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, Nikki, you want to introduce yourself.

Niku Singh: Yeah. Yeah. Well. So Hi, everyone I'm requesting a pre-file we a student from, and previously I have been a mentor for one of the projects, and this year I'll be a mentor for the onboarding task for onwarding mentality program. And What caught my interest with with my colleagues was that I was looking for some open source organization in the production space. So at that time I attended lots of their meetings, iplish English actors, and got to know about them our own combination and those other folks over here. So yeah. Still not being in this community. Yeah, it's been pretty well. Thank you.

Bobbi Muscara: Thank you. Hmm. Bobbi Muscara: okay. Who's next on my list? A pratchet? Pratyay Banerjee: Yes, Bobby. greetings and heavy Memorial Day. Everyone. I'm praetab energy. And I'm a recent graduate with majors in electronics and communication engineering and also an upcoming master student at Technical University, Munich. Pratyay Banerjee: My maintenance My interests lie in the intersection of blockchain machine learning and web development. Pratyay Banerjee: In addition to my technical pursuit, I am also a designer, and I love participating in hackathons to learn new skills and connect with You know, individuals from across the globe. I love open source, and I actively contribute to various open source organizations, including tensorflow pytors and advancing this summer. I'm contributing to tensorflow under Google sort of code. my interest in blocks and technologies and distributed computing leading me to discover the hyper ledge of foundation.

Pratyay Banerjee: I'm fascinated by the foundation's mission, and being a part of the community would allow me to deep in my knowledge of adoption technologies while contributing to the project. Pratyay Banerjee: also. I'm a part of the hyper ledge and local chapter community, and I wanted to drop a space of thanks to Miku. For playing a pivotal role in guiding me into the world of hyperlaser Pratyay Banerjee: and increasing me to apply for it excited to interact and learn from you all. Thank you. Bobbi Muscara: Thank you. Bobbi Muscara: Okay. sahil.

Sahil Prasad: Oh, yes, probably. it's a and thank you for inviting me to join this. Sahil Prasad: you didn't hear from my Sahil Prasad: so a third of student in engineering here, remember, I have been Sahil Prasad: contributing to MOS as well for one in a particularly in documentation on the. Sahil Prasad: And I think I think that what the hypothesis is doing is great it is. may. It's main whatever is to develop Sahil Prasad: enterprise gates, open source distributed larger framework sample. So what I think is contributing to this open source program or this organization would be create in my in my journey. Sahil Prasad: And I'm seeking a lot to not to learn from this program. Yeah.

thank you Sahil Prasad: great? Thank you for joining us. Bobbi Muscara: t, 4, Bobbi Muscara: 4. tripur joshi: Hello! Hello! Hello! How are you? Hi! Hi! Everyone! My name is Triple Joshi, and sorry for the background noises. I am at the airport. tripur joshi: So if you hear any announcements. tripur joshi: so I'm in my! I completed my third year recently, and I'm in my full year right now, and my summer vacations are going on, and I always learn like always love to contribute to open source. That's why I'm here and I started my journey of blockchain in my first year, and then I had an internship

tripur joshi: in a Dubai way startup. tripur joshi: and after that, now I'm tripur joshi: the writing, the search papers on Blockchain. and I have a patent with me. tripur joshi: and there is another copyright coming along. In few months it will be, it will be online. tripur joshi: And it is regarding blockchain and fts, and how we can integrate blockchain with gaming system. tripur joshi: Hello! Can you hear me that? That's yes, that's fascinating.

tripur joshi: Yeah. that's all from my side. Hope to get along with everyone. tripur joshi: Okay, we have 2, Yasha. So we're going to go for Yosh Katharia. Yash Kataria: Hello, Bobby! Josh, this side. I'm a brief finally, on that that Suitland majoring in information technology here in New Delhi, India, and I've been attending the meetings from past few weeks, and it's been a great experience to learn from all of the mentors here, and I think my previous experiences with open source and the option technology would be a great asset and a great fit for the high quality foundation.

Yash Kataria: also, I have some really good projects in hand that has helped. We've been various with hypotheses. So Yash Kataria: yeah, that's it. Yash Kataria: Thank you.

Bobbi Muscara: No, thank you. And the other yosh. Yash Pimple: So Hello! Everyone Yash Pimple: myself here to play. I am currently in my third year we'll start much harder in my summer. I'm in my summer breaks, so I am I? I have. I am from India, and my clean interest are into devops and cloud native technologies. I am currently also Yash Pimple: contributor at contributor, a member at captain organization and in documentation task force. Along with that I love to write blocks and that's from all that itself. On my side. I love to communicate with you all in upcoming tas for documentation meeting. Thank you. Bobbi Muscara: I'm gonna put that down because you know what they always Bobbi Muscara: want us to send information to the marketing department, and I never know what to send. So I'm going to check with you next time, and we have some other people on the call. Now, how about you? Introduce yourself to vish Devesh Meena: Hi! Everyone. Pardon me for the background for this. So I'm from. I'm I'm for in Company science.

Devesh Meena: So I have been for quite a long time now. and I'm looking forward to join the onboarding mentorship program. Devesh Meena: And apart from that. I'm I have good web development skills. And I recently started running docking. And I have a clean interest in pipeline hyperlier technology. Devesh Meena: So I am learning that also. And I'm looking forward to meet everyone in particular. You have pleasure in any way I can thank you.

Bobbi Muscara: Thank you. And dB, a joy to Dibyajyoti dev ray: I'm out of it. Bobbi Muscara: Yes.

Dibyajyoti dev ray: yes, Dibyajyoti dev ray: good morning, everyone, I guess. it's a night time, I guess. Dibyajyoti dev ray: Oh, Hello! My name is David. currently, I'm in a third year of. Dibyajyoti dev ray: and I'm doing my bachelors and home to science engineering. And I'm previously in tech, I Dibyajyoti dev ray: previously, I worked as an intern Dibyajyoti dev ray: at the start up as in a machine learning role and also have skills of web development. Dibyajyoti dev ray: So Dibyajyoti dev ray: and there's I landed up, or some someone referred me about this imaging community about hyper Ledger which was over. And this mentee opportunity for this June to for this 6 months as an intern. So I'll apply for this, and I'm hoping that I can contribute to this community. Bobbi Muscara: Again, everybody is welcome to contribute. I am willing to mentor everyone in this group who wants to continue on this project. This project is so worthwhile, and there's so many, so many spots for everybody. The only thing I will say everybody. A lot of people have asked in the interviews. There is no coding in this in this internship.

Bobbi Muscara: But again, if if Bobbi Muscara: after this internship, you will know if you are a coder and want to do that, you will know exactly what project Bobbi Muscara: resonates with you, and where you need what community you need to join to. you know, use your talents. And also I just wanted to extend it. Congratulations to all the graduates. if you're here during you know your graduation. celebrations. Congratulations from us. Bobbi Muscara: And now. So I'm going to change the meeting time. Bobbi Muscara: And now I'm going to let the individuals who created a Wiki page introduce their Wiki page, and they also want to supply Bobbi Muscara: if you want to, between now and next week set up a meeting through the Hyper Ledger zoom or my zoom room that I use for our interviews. Let me know if your group wants to meet, I will send you a zoom room, or if you have your own zoom room, feel free to subgroup subcommittee, whatever you call it. to work on these

Bobbi Muscara: 4 buckets that we have to. So now I'm going to turn it over to I can. I can't say it again. Akasha. Akanksha Rani: Hello. Bobbi Muscara: thank you. Shot. Yes. Akanksha Rani: yeah. Hello, mom, I can hear the last things that you said right From now to next week, what what is expected? Like I, Akanksha Rani: if you want to meet with some people who are interested in the same things you are, I will be able to supply you a Zoom Meeting room if you need. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Okay, yeah. So I just received the message from your day before yesterday regarding like we can make the of ourselves. So I I like, I right now, I don't think I am very much Akanksha Rani: known to the project, but from the things I have heard these are some of the in initial idea, just from the brief ideas of how can we improve the best practices? Akanksha Rani: And other than that, I just listed the resources for now. But yeah, from now, like this this week. I have like decided to start working on the things that you you have explained to us. Still, now, like, how are the things like you have explained different positions. The so she shares. And also I have ideas on that as well, but so sorry that I couldn't update it because of my exams, but I'll be updating the sheet and putting off my ideas here itself.

Akanksha Rani: So right now, it's a a small, a a small sheet. But yeah, from the ideas, I can definitely make it a very useful place for you and the community. Bobbi Muscara: That would be great. Yes, thank you. And the more. you know, we figure out where everybody has some talents and has some interest. we will definitely break out into the groups, if not already this week will definitely, because I'm not done with the interviews, because there were so many Bobbi Muscara: that I don't think it's fair to start like breaking out into groups until we've actually talked to everybody. So I think this week we'll just take it a little slow, And next week, after I've met and chatted with everybody, and if you don't have an interview set up, just keep looking at my calendar. They keep changing all the time. Bobbi Muscara: And we will get the interview done for everyone. and then we will break out into the groups. So thank you for this. This is this is great work.

Sahil Prasad: What are we expecting for the interview? Bobbi Muscara: nothing. It's a it's very informal. It's 1015 min. I ask you a question or 2 about documentation, and you ask me a question or 2, and that's it. It's fun. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, okay. So now we're going to go to a runa. Arunima Chaudhuri: Okay? So hey, Bobby. So currently, I'm just to completing a technical writing course by Google to better understand what are the needs of documentation, how to write better documentation templates and everything. So I will complete that course in 2 to 3 days, and I hope that after that I can add some value to the hyper ledger comment community through those learning. So currently, I'm just a focusing on understanding what to the standard standard

Arunima Chaudhuri: practices that are followed on various documentations. So I'm doing that currently Bobbi Muscara: question, can I put you on the agenda for next week for a 5 min? Teach the teacher session? Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah, sure. Sure, like. Kind of give. Give us the bullet points of your class. Okay? Sure. So whatever I'm learning through that course, I can share that with everyone I would love to do. Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah, sure, I would love to do that. Bobbi Muscara: That's great. Okay? So we'll, we'll put you on the agenda for next week for that. Thank you.

Arunima Chaudhuri: Of course we just put this down. Bobbi Muscara: Okay, hold on. Why isn't this working? Bobbi Muscara: I stopped sharing, didn't I? Bobbi Muscara: I love the teach the teacher sessions.

Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, that would be great. Bobbi Muscara: Excuse me. Akanksha Rani: yeah, account for this side. So when I was saying like, I also feel that I don't. I am not very much educated right now regarding the project, so will it be possible for you to give the the sessions to me as well along.

Akanksha Rani: Yeah, okay for them. So please put my name also there. And Bobbi Muscara: okay, wonderful. Akanksha Rani: Thank you. Thank you so much, Tom. Yes, wonderful. Arunima Chaudhuri: You probably just kind of give me a prep of what the teach the teacher session is about, and what will I have to do that? Bobbi Muscara: Okay, I would say, to teach the teacher session. When I got my masters in education. I was technology, business technology, education. And it was probably 1520 years ago. And the first thing they told us was that we were never going to be smarter than our students the next day, like every student, you see, will have more Bobbi Muscara: information than you, because there's just so going to be so much technology information out there. And they were correct. So what they teach you to do as an educator who educates is sessions called teach the teacher. It's 2 or 3 slides that you feel that what you got out of that course that you could share with others. Okay, okay, definitely, definitely got it. Thank you so much. Bobbi Muscara: No worries. Okay, we're going to move on to Good job.

Kajal Kumari: Hello, Bobby! Kajal Kumari: I'm here to explore the project. I like to explore the Kajal Kumari: open source template and tools that we'll be using in the project like Kajal Kumari: in the repository it was mentioned mentioned. We'll be using Kajal Kumari: Netdock and Meddock template. So I have just go go gone through the like a syntax, and all mark, downs and all. So, and yet, to explore the project like what I can add.

Kajal Kumari: I need like few days to. Okay. Bobbi Muscara: thank you for that. I just had a little. My 2 dogs just have a little spat. I apologize for that. okay. Bobbi Muscara: thank you for that? Karan Verma: hi, Barbara! Hi! How are you? I'm good. What about you?

Bobbi Muscara: I'm well. Karan Verma: so yeah. So I'm working on the resources that as given in the website. And according to that Karan Verma: I have gone through the repositories of Github and checked out some issues like how to improve the templates. And apart from that Karan Verma: how to initialize this project and improve the Karan Verma: all the things which resources are required.

Karan Verma: So I'm right now working on this and Karan Verma: we'll share more things with you soon. about this documentation standards Bobbi Muscara: perfect. I would love to hear it again. You could do a session for us when you're ready. We appreciate that. Karan Verma: Sure. I look forward to it. And I love to know more about this project through online resources as well as the presentations. Bobbi Muscara: Yeah, well, the presentations are going to be fun, because once we have a lot once we get Bobbi Muscara: more information into our 4 buckets of information, we'll do meet up presents, too, so we'll do the indeed, we'll do one of those network meet ups so that the whole community can be caught up on the documentation. so that'll be

Bobbi Muscara: on 2. Karan Verma: I'm very Bobbi Muscara: excuse me. Karan Verma: It will be clear and crisp for us. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, thank you, all right. So, Robert.

Bobbi Muscara: you on the call? Bobbi Muscara: No, she's not on a call. Sorry about that. And then somebody named their page suggested improvements. Oh, okay, my friend, you go ahead. You can explain to us what you think. Oh, this is great. Pratyay Banerjee: Okay. So I've been digging into the project for quite a while now, and I've been also, you know, like going through some hyperlinked resources for a while. Pratyay Banerjee: And I followed few documentation, you know, based practices. And I came to know about this 4 great practice system

Pratyay Banerjee: I've been dropping. I'll be dropping the link in the chat. Pratyay Banerjee: So I followed this thing, and I came to and about. what improvements we can actually, you know, bring to the existing template. Pratyay Banerjee: And that is how I come up with the you know all this like pipelines. Also, I raised a Pr regarding you know, I faced one issue. That is, basically, if you're a, you know, a newcomer to the template, then it kind of becomes very difficult for someone to go through and like do other things. That is why I created this Pr, which kind of you know, adds a tailbot Pratyay Banerjee: for monitoring open issues, and also integrated a few Pr. And E. So templates for contributors.

Bobbi Muscara: So you did this from a Github repository. What did you use? We did read it out, if you if you if you go back to the suggested improvements, page. Pratyay Banerjee: So you can see those 5 points right? This 5 points can be actually introduced to the main template. These are the things which are missing from the main Bobbi Muscara: And oh, I see. Great If you, if you follow those bullets, I am yet to add the best practices.

Pratyay Banerjee: Because I am already signed up for that, and if you see that. added a stale bottom monitoring thing. So you see that being right beside there is an arrow. Yeah, when you click on it. Pratyay Banerjee: you will be directed to a up here which I created today. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I get it. Pratyay Banerjee: So if you click on minor updates. Pratyay Banerjee: yeah, it's basically above, like just below the description. Yeah.

Pratyay Banerjee: you can see, the file changes. You can also click on the files changed just below it. Bobbi Muscara: just below it files change. Pratyay Banerjee: Yeah, so you can see all the workflows and everything that I created for this. Bobbi Muscara: This is great work. Thank you. So much Pratyay Banerjee: happy to help.

Bobbi Muscara: Oh, this is awesome Bobbi Muscara: again. So this is the kind of stuff we have to figure out. we have to get an example together, and and we have to decide if this is what we're gonna say that this is what every project should need. we'll talk a lot about each point. You know this is what it should look like. How do we train the people who needs to know this information? But this is a great, great job. Thank you so much? Bobbi Muscara: Very, very impressed. Yeah. Bobbi Muscara: okay, so does anybody have anything else to supply before we wrap up with to do's and next steps? Yash Kataria: I'm so sorry to interrupt my, but I think my name was not. Then the main doorship, like drop down thing. So how do we add it there? Bobbi Muscara: Oh, okay. So if you haven't had your interview yet, I haven't, and told you this, and that's why we're waiting to do anything till next week, because this week is still all through interviews, and I I probably will open another day because I do have to switch one or 2 around for something personal. but so we'll do the interviews through the week, and then next week, after the interviews are done,

Bobbi Muscara: everybody will be on board, but for those who haven't had your interview yet. And then there's like 19 or 20 of you. What I'm asking you to do is this is the page that I'm using until Bobbi Muscara: I know there's a page for the mentorship program. We're supposed to be keeping all our work. and we will do that once we determine, you know, more things. But for now this is where I'm keeping the management page for the mentorship. So this is basically our 4 buckets we're working on kind of like a timeline. And what needs to be filled in for those buckets I will fill out if you've had your interview, and it's not checked off yet. It's just because I haven't done the the maintenance work on this Bobbi Muscara: so that when you get your interview, what I'm gonna ask you to do is from this mentorship page. You see that I'm on the mentorship page. Bobbi Muscara: I'm going to ask you once you're logged into the Linux Foundation, and your picture is up here, and if you need help with that, just ask me. I'm going to ask you to create your own workspace, so you would hit the create button. Bobbi Muscara: and you would title it with your name and just publish it. Bobbi Muscara: and then it would show up on this list, and that's where you should keep. You know your notes, because if I see that that like, I get a notification if anybody edits any of these pages. So, although somebody's been working on something, I'll be sure to call on them, or you know, if I see that your page has been worked on.

Bobbi Muscara: You know that. that person it has, you know, wants to contribute during the meeting. so again, Bobbi Muscara: just create your own space and put down your thoughts. Everybody's thought is important. There are so many there's going to be so many different caveats to both the onboarding and the documentation, and working together with onboarding and documentation. that everybody's idea will have somewhere to go. And it's funny how Bobbi Muscara: people wind up just gravitating to the the information that appeals to them. And then that's usually where they wind up, you know, devoting a lot of their free time or or reading time. And then that reading time becomes a boost to their career.

Bobbi Muscara: So I'm going to quickly check the chat. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, yeah, there's my calendar. If you, I'm gonna add a couple of days after this call on, because I do have to switch something on the 30 first but I will talk to everyone who wants an interview. this week. No worries, and I don't know about John where he is or what he's doing. but he, you know we'll probably be reaching out to a few people who are on the mentorship program to interview them. but I know a lot of on the Tooc. Well, there's a lot of Bobbi Muscara: committee people who have mentors Bobbi Muscara: applications in. And all of us were saying the same thing that there's no way we're getting this done by the first of the month. There's just no way we can do all this by the first, so there's no rush to get the interview in before the end of the month. Thursday and Friday are going to be opened up as well. Bobbi Muscara: so everybody will get a chance. Does anybody have any more questions or anything to say in the last 5 min. Pratyay Banerjee: Yes, I do have a question. Bobbi Muscara: Go ahead.

Pratyay Banerjee: So I'm just kind of confused with the best practices. Batch, I mean. I don't understand what exactly the badge is assigned for. Pratyay Banerjee: because if you go through the page, then, as far as I can understand. That is it's basically, if an user actually, you know, Pratyay Banerjee: performs all the activities in the following manner, then I think the badge will be granted right? Something like that Bobbi Muscara: something here, and let me just find something, and it'll probably clear it up for you.

Bobbi Muscara: Why does it keep going over there. I want to find it first. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, I think I should find it. Hold on. Bobbi Muscara: So when we were referring to the best practices badge. just get to fabric Bobbi Muscara: is Bobbi Muscara: never before seen. Information don't share this with anyone. It's the new course that's coming out.

Bobbi Muscara: so here is fabric. Bobbi Muscara: and here is their best practice bad. So there's pipeline information. Whether they succeeded in that open source. foundation has certain guidelines, whether they've passed those Bobbi Muscara: there, I guess, go language or their smart contracts? Have they been vetted properly? Do they have reference guides? And then do they pass the documentation piece? so that's basically what each project, and I don't know if you've been that from the information you've read. But then they put this on their page so everybody knows that they got that badge. Now

Pratyay Banerjee: as a task force. I was looking and I don't think I'm gonna stop sharing The main confusion. Was there key like, if you're following some rules set of rules, then you're basically admitting that you are doing that thing correctly, right? Something like that. And now, if you do that, you are granted that badge as a piece of that mar like mark down by right? Bobbi Muscara: Yeah. And it's everywhere so like, there's, you see, fabric. You see this bad. You know that they've, you know, passed all their checkpoints. Pratyay Banerjee: Okay? Bobbi Muscara: And then, if you go to the Tooc task force page. The best practice is just wrapped up that just an extensive work on what each one of these sections should look like. And I think there's a security section that's not listed here. because I know there was a lot of discussion in the Toc about that security piece. So if you want to go to the the github of the Toc and just go to their task forces best practices. You'll see the latest conclusions. Pratyay Banerjee: Thank you Bobbi Muscara: anyone else have any questions? Bobbi Muscara: Well, for those of you graduating congratulations, and for those of you celebrating Memorial Day have a great afternoon. Akanksha Rani: and I'll talk to everyone. Bobbi Muscara: And again, email me, if you want to. set up a zoom call for anything during the week. actually, my interview schedules kind of pack this week. So hopefully, I'll just talk to everybody on Monday unless you have a scheduled interview.

Bobbi Muscara: Okay. Malcolm Connor: I'll send you. Yes.


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