2023 05 25 TOC

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Tracy Kuhrt: All right. Welcome everybody to the May 20 fifth Hyper Ledger. Technical Oversight Committee. Call. Tracy Kuhrt: as you are probably all aware, 2 things that we must abide by on the call. The first is the antitrust policy. Tracy Kuhrt: which basically says, Don't do any activities that would be prohibited under any Tracy Kuhrt: added trust in competition laws. And then the second is our code of conduct, which is link in the agenda Tracy Kuhrt: for announcements. Today we have the Standard Hyper Ledger Dev Weekly Developer Newsletter that goes out each Friday it. Tracy Kuhrt: If you have something that you would like to include in that newsletter, please do leave a comment on the Tracy Kuhrt: link for the newsletter that is, in the agenda. I did start the newsletter already, I added the best practices, and the Github guide that we had put together, that Dave had so nicely put together with our help. Tracy Kuhrt: So Tracy Kuhrt: how that has been started, so feel free to add anything else to that newsletter that you would like to go out to the developers the second announcement. Try, I think you added this one.

Ry Jones: Yeah. so this is just an alert that in the coming weeks this call will be moving to Pcc. Ry Jones: so this particular zoom link will go away, and there will be a new zoom link. And this is just a the heads up that the zoom link is gonna change. And Ry Jones: that's it. It's gonna change. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, right? with the move to Pcc, I do have a question Tracy Kuhrt: obviously, the folks that you send it to. Obviously the Poc members will get that link. Others who would like to join could still join. Is that correct? Ry Jones: Right? that Ry Jones: for a public meeting there will be a link. Actually, we will all use the same link to join. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay.

Ry Jones: you know, there's just a an additional click through Ry Jones: So it it is a. It is a public link. So it'd be the same thing. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, good. Thanks for Tracy Kuhrt: The reminders here, I guess, are now old reminders, because those have been merged in. So thank you all for reviewing this and getting that merged in Tracy Kuhrt: for the the quarterly reports we did get everybody to approve both the bevel and the so long report I did merge those this morning. Tracy Kuhrt: so there were no questions or anything like that. We did have everybody approved them. So unless there's any questions there.

Tracy Kuhrt: I'll give you a pause and see if there are Tracy Kuhrt: okay, we can move on to the past 2 report. So with the Tracy Kuhrt: Hyper Ledger Sawtooth report, it was due basically almost a month ago. Now. Tracy Kuhrt: we did have a room sent out a reminder after our last call. And then, rye, you spoke to the community yesterday.

Ry Jones: Yeah, I was on the Saw Tooth community call, and I mentioned it, and James was very sorry that Ry Jones: you know, he hadn't gotten around to it, so Ry Jones: he said he was going to do it soon. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, So I know we've talked about, you know. What do we do with these Tracy Kuhrt: past 2 reports? How do we want to handle those? Do we want to Tracy Kuhrt: move the status of projects or anything like that. I'm curious as to what people are thinking at this point with the Saw Tooth report.

Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): so I don't think we should do anything, I mean in this case there, there is clearly a community behind it. Still, it's not like a Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): you know, a zombie project. It's bad behavior from their part. But you know oh, well. Tracy Kuhrt: alright, thanks anybody else. Yeah, Peter.

Peter Somogyvari: I agree. I don't know. I think Peter Somogyvari: it. It goes a long way that they actually responded on the community call and said that they'll rectify it. It's a very different from as if there was no community call, and they not respond. Tracy Kuhrt: Alright, thanks, Peter. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay. So then we will keep this on the agenda for next week. Hopefully, we will see that come in. Tracy Kuhrt: Obviously there's a holiday in the Us. On Monday, so we'll

Tracy Kuhrt: we'll see what might happen. The transact report is coming up again on the calendar. It is a project that we move to dormant, probably Tracy Kuhrt: what? A few weeks ago? Tracy Kuhrt: So I doubt that we will actually see any sort of report come in, but I've made sure to keep this on here, because I would like to continue to check in with transact and see where they're at and what they're doing Tracy Kuhrt: to ensure that they want to remain dormant, or if they're ready to move to end of life. So we will continue that for Tracy Kuhrt: for the next quarter. I'll probably reach out to them just to make sure that they're still in the right state. But I I feel like given that we just did this. They probably are in the state that they want to be in at this point. So that's

Tracy Kuhrt: the transact report that is upcoming. Tracy Kuhrt: I think the next report is in June, and that's cello. So we'll get that one on the agenda for next week, as far as just being a reminder to the cello group Tracy Kuhrt: for discussion. Today we have,

Tracy Kuhrt: David, who is gonna walk us through kind of an okay. Our review of what the community architects have been up to. Tracy Kuhrt: And then we have the task force discussion. that, Bobby is going to take us through. So with that, I think, unless there's any other comments at this point we'll hand it off to David. David Boswell: Thanks, Tracy. let me share my screen. Just one sec.

David Boswell: Are you all able to see my screen. David Boswell: Okay? David Boswell: So I think there's 2 things that I'd like to do today. One is just keep you in the loop on what's going on because a lot of the things that we're doing around community to development goals and staff are obviously relevant for people in the community. But I think, maybe even more importantly than that, you know that now that we're about halfway through the year, I'd love to get feedback if you think that we should rethink anything on here, or add new things or kind of change. Anything we're doing now is the perfect time to do that right. We'd love to see if there's any David Boswell: thing we need to do in the second half of the year. That's not already on our our radar, so to speak. So if you have any feedback comments, suggestions, ideas at any point, feel free to stop me. And we're happy to talk about things David Boswell: And just for context, the staff has a number of different goals for the year. I'm only gonna talk about the community growth goals. If there is interest in learning more about the details of any of these other objectives in terms of what the staff is working on, you know, let us know, and we can always report back on that at another time. But just for context, today, specifically what our community development community growth goals are.

David Boswell: And I bucket the bucketed them into a few different topics and we can go through these. And again, if you have comments or questions about any of this, please stop me. David Boswell: The first. I think all the goals are important, but I think for me it really starts with this first set of goals which is supporting maintainers, you know. Obviously, if we wouldn't have a community if we didn't have Maintainer. And we, you know, we need those maintainers who show up to be successful. So really supporting maintainers is where I think all of this starts. David Boswell: and there's a number of different things we we're doing here. And to get into the details. What I've done is kind of, for each of the set of goals had 2 slides. So this is just a high level overview to show some of the things in some of the examples. But then. David Boswell: you know, this is where I think maybe the the you know, the details will be interesting for the group. You know we've booked that you're we've taken each of these buckets and shown what's been done so far, what's in progress and what's coming. So I do. David Boswell: I do want to spend a few moments kind of going into the details on this, because I think again, this is David Boswell: of all the goals we're doing this year. This one's very important and obviously relevant for everybody here on the call. So just to to share a little bit about what's been done. So far we have updated our project services. Document. If you haven't seen that recently, please do take a look. We had a blog post about this earlier in the year where we talked about exactly what went on in here, if you want to see the details, but just to be.

David Boswell: you know, just to make sure everybody's aware of this. If you're ever wondering what services are available to you as somebody who's involved in the project, that the project services, Doc, is a good place to go. It talks about. What are the tools? You know how to staff help. So just just be aware that that's there. If you want to take a David Boswell: excuse me if you want to take a look you can click through, I'll share these. The link to this app after the call and the Poc channel, so you can go through and click on it. You can also just go to the Wiki and search for project services. But just be aware that that's there. David Boswell: Also, in terms of things that have been done so far that I think are worth highlighting. You know that, I think shows David Boswell: one of the our focus is here is we really want to again understand what maintainers are trying to do and then help them be successful with that. So I think one example of that is facilitating the integration of the Atl operator lab into Bubble, as people here probably remember, the Hlf operator lab came to the Toc a few months ago and said they wanted to start a project. David Boswell: and we really helped understand what they're trying to achieve, and understood what other projects in the community are trying to achieve, and saw that there was some overlap, and that it was probably best to bring these 2 things together versus starting up a whole separate project. And I'm glad to say that has happened David Boswell: There was a blog post about this recently, too, about the integration of Hlf operator lab into bevel. And there's actually going to be in about a month in late June, a workshop

David Boswell: where the Bevel Maintainer is in the person involved with that lab originally are, gonna do an in-depth workshop about what the work they've done. David Boswell: Another example of kind of understanding what's going on in the community. What people's needs are is we helped restart the development of the Eol, the explorer and Borough code, and restarted those as labs because the code was still of interest for people in the community. And so we understood who the stakeholders understood what they were trying to achieve, and then figured out the right way to support them. And then that was taking that code and helping them restart it in the lab. So just be aware that those are some of the things that have been done David Boswell: in terms of what's in progress. I think we've all known that there's been some bottleneck issues with Github. No, I think that's I kept that still in progress, because I still think there's still some things to do there, but I think much of the kind of David Boswell: biggest parts of the bottle that you've been addressed now. But you know we're still there's an ongoing conversation. We have a github David Boswell: in terms of having that conversation. We did. we did get some invites to a Github Maintainer Summit that they just recently had, and that was a great way to have some dialogue, so they can understand more about what we're trying to achieve, what, how we're using their tools, what we need to know. You know what they need to know about what we're what we're doing. So I think there'll be some good things that came out of that.

David Boswell: And again, if anybody went to that Maintainer. Someone wants to debrief and share their experiences with that. I think they could be an interesting discussion. David Boswell: we're also doing some ongoing recruiting for New Maintainer, for bay zoom fabric and we're happy to do that for any project that's interested in looking for additional maintainers. Again, this goes out. The this is involved. What's involved here is going out looking at the group of stakeholders in the community, understanding who is interested in which project going on having those conversations trying to get people to, you know. Not just be users of a project, but contributors and maintainers to David Boswell: And I'm not going to go into this level of detail on all of these things. We can just read through the slides here, but I didn't want to highlight some of the things that's going on And then in terms of what's coming. David Boswell: And Ry alluded to this, too, with his mention of the Pcc. We are also working with the internal Lfx team to help them better understand our development process. What we need out of the tools that they're working on. And to get that into the roadmap. So that's an ongoing process. And you know, hopefully, we'll see some things that they roll out later in the year that we can make more use of as well. So David Boswell: Unless there's questions comments on this, I I will move on to the next set of goals. Victor Gridnevsky: Oh, great! I can't really see that. So thank you for that. Yes, David, it's just a way to reach out to yesterday's question. So just

Victor Gridnevsky: I'm not sure it's the best time. But let's listen to this in the time for questions. Victor Gridnevsky: if it's with here. David Boswell: if you have a question, sure.

Victor Gridnevsky: Well, The question as yesterday is about the mentorship program. Certainly we were quite confused with the Lfx interface, and many of us did not have Victor Gridnevsky: access to the list of communities until recently. Victor Gridnevsky: This is fixed, but at the same time, and you said a deadline for us checking, which meant this should apply. And the deadline is this month. So this. Victor Gridnevsky: I believe. if Victor Gridnevsky: in any way possible, this limit should be extended to the next to the first week of Victor Gridnevsky: as the next month. Victor Gridnevsky: because we don't have much time to actually check everyone. And we want to be very honest about this.

David Boswell: Yeah. So that's a good question. I do think it's relevant right here because it does talked about how we're talking to the internal development team at the Linux Foundation to help them improve their tools that work better for our community. So I think there's 2 issues. One is, yeah. Thank you for providing that feedback. If you want to write up your experience, and maybe you've already done this and send it to men. But if you want to write up your experience with the details about what specifically in that in the interface was David Boswell: not intuitive or it could be improved. We're happy to help get that Victor Gridnevsky: feedback back to the development team. So I'm continually well, and everyone is the place where I could actually detail all the parts of the Lfx interface which we are confusing and kind of our progress. this will be very nice, so please show me any, and I would like to record our experience. David Boswell: I think, in that case, giving it to. So, men, if you, if people on the call haven't met before, men is the the person on staff who's running our mentorship program and she interfaces with the the team running the mentorship tools. So I think giving her the feedback is probably the best in this case, the best, the best thing to do. And again, maybe you've already done that.

Victor Gridnevsky: Well, I have tried, and I've sent some tickets, but it seems she has a limited link to the team. So if there are any one who can actually Victor Gridnevsky: got to more context and make it recorded, or maybe we can record it on hypothesis, it would be very nice, because I feel like our experience. Could it repeat for other teams? And this would not be good. David Boswell: And I know. And I've seen other people ask questions. I don't know if they're running into the same issues that you've run into. But I've seen other people have issues and say that sort of thing like, I can't see the list of Mentees, for example. David Boswell: and we can talk about this more offline. But yeah, getting your feedback on what would could be improved would be great. And then the second point about extending the deadline, I can't speak on behalf of men and men is actually out of the office this week, so I don't. I don't know for sure if that's gonna be something that works with her. But I'm happy to talk to her about that when she gets back. Victor Gridnevsky: We wish she actually put some people who were responsible for this. because at the same time she is out of office, and nobody, she added to the least actually response. So this is confusion for me. Yeah. Well, I if if I can, I just added a link in discord to Ry Jones: community. Lfx, dev. okay. Where

Ry Jones: the developers are supposed to be more engaged. so there is. If you Ry Jones: there, there is a link which I will provide and discord to the mentorship questions. Ry Jones: and Ry Jones: that is probably a better, more public place to ask, and I feel your pain on filing tickets and not getting responses, because Ry Jones: it's no better for me as an employee than it is for you as a community member. Victor Gridnevsky: I see, I understand. Okay. David Boswell: But again, if you share that information, you're writing it on. The wiki is great and giving that information to us, the community architect team. We're we're happy to help advocate on your behalf. David Boswell: And again, I can't speak on behalf of them, but I imagine that we'll be able to do something on the deadline. I just I don't want to give you a a definite yes, because I'm not the one running the program, but it's actually as a key idea here, as I see at least is that they have a very confusing set of rights.

Victor Gridnevsky: E, C. Victor Gridnevsky: because you need to fill the description unless you do. You don't see everything, and the system doesn't guide you to the right direction to actually do that. It doesn't show the requirements. And this is way of coming in. Yeah, that doesn't sound intuitive at all. And I again, I've seen other people say they've had a hard time accessing the mentees. And so maybe they're running into that same issue. So thank you for reporting that I apologize for that David Boswell: issue. But yeah, we're happy to help support it.

David Boswell: and again Min is back next week, and I will talk to her when she is back. Victor Gridnevsky: No. David Boswell: any other comments questions on this, or, if not, I'll move on.

David Boswell: Okay, I will move on another set of tasks or another set of goals we do. I really in my mind this is still related to the first one about supporting Maintainer. This is really creating a pipeline to bring new maintainers in. You know, my David Boswell: and my observation is, it's very rare to have a new Maintainer to show up fully formed. You know, somebody needs to show up and learn about a project, learn about. You know all the details about it. Nobody is going to have all that knowledge the as soon as they show up right? So I think there, there are a set of goals where we help empower people with the information they need to be successful, both using a project or a lab, but also contributing and becoming a Maintainer to a project to the lab. So I think this is critical David Boswell: to bring in New Maintainer. So there's a set of things we're doing here, both creating certifications, creating workshops, doing doing a number of things. So just to go into some of the details on here. David Boswell: One is speaking of the Mentorship Project pro program. I am glad to see that this year we explicitly added documentation as something that people can do in the mentorship program. And I think this has had a really nice pick up. You can see here 14 of the approved mentorship projects this year have a documentation component. David Boswell: And I think that's important. I think it's pretty much a tourism and open source that, you know. Documentation is something that you know, we probably could always do more of. So this is a nice way to encourage more of that to happen. David Boswell: Another thing that's in pro or that's done is, we did recruit a number of fabric experts in the communities develop a new fabric certification. Exam. People are probably aware that we had

David Boswell: fabric certifications in the past, but those are based on earlier versions of the fabric. So we're creating a new one based on the latest version of fabric. So the recruitment of that is done, and they're doing that work right now, and the new certifications should be available soon. I don't have an exact date yet from our training team, but that that is in the recruitments done. And now they're doing the work. We've also organized a number of workshops across the number of projects, and I think I skipped that on here. But just one thing to flag. David Boswell: Oh, excuse me. One thing to flag that I think is really relevant for everybody here. David Boswell: If you're ever thinking about? Hey? How do I get information about my project out to a bigger audience? I just want to flag the the online technical workshops that we do are the most popular online events that we run at Hyper Ledger.

David Boswell: You know, we do a lot of things we do webinars. We do. meet up. We do a number of things, but all of of all those things that we do. People seem to be very, very interested in the technical workshops which makes sense, we're developer community people are really going to respond when we give David Boswell: interesting developer content. So just for an example, the recent Cbdc workshop that we did had over 800 people sign up. So again, if you ever interested in reaching an audience to help bring more users in more contributors in an an online workshop is a, you know, a way to do that. And we've done that again for a number of David Boswell: projects so far this year. Happy to organize more David Boswell: later in the year. That's gonna be, you know, in our what's coming Well, I think this will be something we'll do on an ongoing basis. But we need the experts in a project who can share that expertise, you know, to work with us in order to organize the workshop. So that's of interest. Feel free to reach out. David Boswell: again. I'm not going to go into all these details. I know we have limited amount of time. But just to flag that there's a number of things that's going on. One other thing to flag around working with our training team. David Boswell: we're looking at, not just doing work on the certification side, but also updating and improving the hyper ledger courses that we have. You know, this is an ongoing effort because things change right? You do a course a year year and a half ago that content has changed. So the project has changed. So that's an ongoing thing that we're doing.

David Boswell: If there's any comments or questions, please let me know if you see something like that we don't don't have on our list that we should again let me know. But if there's no comments I will move on. David Boswell: Okay, and I'm not keeping an eye on the chat or the list. So if anybody raises their hand or put something in chat, please let me know. David Boswell: Here's one set of things I would really want some feedback on, and this is a new set of goals for us this year, I think what we've done around supporting Maintainer and doing learning content is something that probably is not a surprise to you. We've been doing that every year. you know, some of the details may change, but having that is a top level, you know. Set of goals, you know, is certainly David Boswell: something we've done in the past, but I think this year.

David Boswell: having to focus on explaining why they contribute is something that is new new for us, and we're really trying to explore the best way to do this. And I would really be interested in feedback here because my observation I've been here over 5 years. Now my observation is, we often assume that people kind of understand why to contribute. David Boswell: but I don't think that matches reality. We have had a lot of examples of people using projects or labs and hyper ledger David Boswell: and not contributing back. And so we see situations like when we end of life to explore, a lot of people showed up and said, Hey, I was using that, but they never contributed back, so I don't think they had to understood why. Right? And that's a great why, right there, if you're relying on a piece of open source code. David Boswell: if you want to make sure that that code evolves and stays healthy. And and is there for you? You really need to contribute, because if nobody contributes, there's obviously nobody to make sure that project keeps going on. So I don't think we've done enough

David Boswell: to explain to our users, to our members, you know. David Boswell: to our community members to remember organizations, why they contribute. So this has been a new focus for us this year. So there's a new set of goals here and again. Since this is new. I don't know if we've really figured out what's gonna work yet, because we haven't done this much as much in the past as I think we should, so it would be really interested in feedback and thoughts and suggestions here. David Boswell: One thing that we have done, and again, this is more of a, you know experiment to see if this is going to be an effective medium. But we've started a new po podcast series, specifically focused on talking to people about why they contribute. David Boswell: and we've done 2 so far, one with Tracy, one with Sophia, and thank you for for the people who worked with us on that. I think it's still too early to see what kind of you know. Results. We'll see on that. But we're going to the plan is to continue to do more of those this year. David Boswell: I think we're. We're also developing

David Boswell: presentations that more clearly explain the value organizations and individuals get from contributing. Again. I think we've always kind of assumed that this has been, you know. David Boswell: known, you know? David Boswell: Maybe not. In all cases. I think obviously we have talked about why to contribute, but I think maybe not enough. So I think just being more clear getting some of this down on paper, and in a way that's easy to present, I think, is important. So we're doing that. I don't know if we have time for that today. But I would be happy to come back and present. David Boswell: You know some of our articulation of why they contribute again to get your feedback, but that's something that I think it's useful for us to get down as clear as possible in a way that's easy to present. David Boswell: and then reaching out to people, yeah. Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): yeah, David, this is all I I just wanted to introduce you to ask, I mean, is that aimed at like individuals like developers, or more at their companies. David Boswell: Well, I think we can aim at both, because I think you know. both of those audiences are important. I mean, I think there are some individuals.

David Boswell: that may maybe with an organization, or may not be with an organization that we could, you know, reach to. And then I think there are individuals that an organization that may David Boswell: maybe bought into that. But there, you know, their management may not be. So. I think there's a lot of different levels here where we need to pitch this. So it's not just one presentation, even necessarily, or one. Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): Yeah, I agree. And this is what I was getting at. That is that, you know, in my experience, the feedback I get when you ask people developers offer in a situation where their employers don't doesn't support them, contributing back. They may even maintain some fork and make patches, you say, why don't you contribute that? And they say, Well, we don't. Really, you know my company doesn't really want me to. Arnaud J Le Hors ("Arno"): And it's this terrible to here. But that's, I think, more. We more from the case than the individual himself for our self deciding they just don't care 100 and and thank you for that. And yeah, I didn't get into all the details on this slide. But yeah, I mean, I think the right way to approach this is thinking about the different personas in the community David Boswell: and then figuring out, you know, there's gonna be a different argument that resonates with different people. Right? I mean an an argument to, or you know, or information for a developer is probably going to need to be different from an information. For you know, you know, a non developer, maybe in management. So absolutely

David Boswell: other comments, questions, suggestions. Tracy Kuhrt: Peter has a stand up Peter Somogyvari: common, I think podcasts are a great idea, because Peter Somogyvari: those seem to be Peter Somogyvari: the easy slows barrier way to have long form content nowadays that people are going to listen to all they're doing somebody else. So I think it's a it's a good idea to get into an audience that may not have Peter Somogyvari: been that interested in reading the entire the amount of content as a blog post. So it's it's great. And I wanted to ask there are the podcasts who stay on one of these platforms? Or Peter Somogyvari: do we just put it on the hyper ledger.org domain somewhere. David Boswell: They're definitely on our Youtube channel. Ben is probably sharing them in other formats. But if you go to our Youtube channel they're there. And if you're interested in that, Peter, I I think then may have reached out to you recently about, you know, if you want to be in an David Boswell: and I, this goes for everybody on the call. If you're interested in in being a part of our podcast series. We'd love to have you.

David Boswell: so that's something that's of interest certainly reach out as well. And you're right. It's not actually that heavy a lift. I mean, I I I did not know what was involved with making a, podcast, I've done one of these, and it's really just a recorded conversation that you do a little prep for in advance. So it's not a huge production, and it was takes like a. David Boswell: you know, 45 min conversation that you record. So it's not a huge lift. So if that's of interest, certainly let us know, and we're happy to do that with you. And again, the focus. I think we do a lot of content about what projects are doing, so that I think the set of questions wouldn't be what you are doing necessarily. But it's more like, why, why do you do the things that you do in the open? Right? David Boswell: So that's of interest. Certainly. Let us know. So Peter and anybody else. If you want to think part in a podcast. Happy to work with you. Benjamin Thomas: hey, David spend good timing. hey, Peter, I literally just emailed you about it. So thanks. Good timing.

David Boswell: Any other comments. Suggestions again, I really would. I mean, I think, to going back to our nose point, you know. I think you you know what your needs are inside your organization more than we do. Is is there David Boswell: any content or or material, or anything that we can provide that would be helpful for you and your discussions internally about why. to do things in the open like our no, said maybe there's some internal fork, and that you've had a conversation with people about. Why, that might not be a good idea. Is there anything we can do to support you in those internal conversations? David Boswell: And you don't have to answer now. But if that is something that you say, Hey, I'm I'm gonna have this an internal conversation. It would really be great if I had X, just let us know. Maybe we already have that. And we can just give it to you, or maybe we could develop it with you. David Boswell: If there's no comments or questions here, I'll move on David Boswell: one. I don't think this is going to be new to all. this is something we've talked about many times before. But again, I think there are a set of goals around community health David Boswell: again, we've done this in the past. So this unlike the last set of goals, I think we this will seem more familiar to you, and this is something we've worked really closely with to see on. So again, I think everything on here you'll probably be aware of. But just again to flag it. David Boswell: And we've we've shared this information with other people. So this may be new, for for example, the Government and board. But I think you're going to be familiar, obviously, that we moved. You know, some projects to Aol status recently.

David Boswell: we're also internally just keeping an eye on projects, and some of that, not necessarily all the labs, at least active labs. Just to see how things are going. Again. If we feel like a project needs support. We want to be aware of that. So we need to keep an eye on things and review things. So we know where where our time could be useful. David Boswell: I think one other thing to flag, and this just changed. And, Tracy, I actually haven't had a chance to share it with you, either. But we have been talking about not just monitoring the health of projects, but monitoring the health of all the activities in the community. And we're a big community, and a lot of stuff is going on. And I think we need to monitor all of it. And so one set of things that we've done is, we've recognized that the working groups haven't been David Boswell: as successful a way to drive contribution and collaboration as we had originally hope back when Hyper Ledger was started, and organically most of the working groups on their own have winded down and and asked to be archive. But there had been a few remaining, and so there had been some discussion over the last year or so about David Boswell: what does it look like to David Boswell: kind of wind down all the working groups, and either archive that work or evolve them into a a format that's going to be a better fit. That we've seen

David Boswell: would be a better way to drive collaboration. So, for example, I think task force David Boswell: in practice, or a lot more effective than working groups. So some of the there were about 3 remaining working groups at the beginning of the year, and some of the things that we've done to move them off of being a working group. We have evolved some of those into task force of learning materials. Development working group, for example, turned into 2 of the task forces we're doing now so wanted to flag that we have now archived all the working groups as of last week. The last one that was remaining David Boswell: was the performance and scale working group. I had been checking in with that group on and off for, for you know

David Boswell: over a year. Now to figure out how we can kind of support them. Harris, the chair of the group, has said that they haven't been meeting recently, so we have archive the group, but he is interested in doing things. I've reached out to people involved in caliper, and they are just in doing things. You know, we have a couple of different performance related David Boswell: mentorship projects this year. So I think there are clearly performance and scale-related activities happening in the community. There's also some labs related to this right. I think the the trick is, what do we do with it? So David Boswell: just a flag. We've archived the performance and scale working group, but they still want to do something. The conversations I've had with Harris, and until and others they've talked about

David Boswell: creating some sort of sort of performance center which I think makes sense, because right now, if you were interested in performance. There was this stuff that is scattered all over the place. It wasn't clear. Do I go to the performance of Scale Working group. Do I go to caliber? Do I do David Boswell: good? What do I go to this lab? Right? So I think I'm trying to pull all that stuff together in some way is a good next step. I don't know exactly what that looks like. Maybe it's a task force. Maybe it's revitalizing caliper just like cacti is kind of the home for interoperability in the community. Maybe calipers the home for performance and scale in the community. So anyway, just a flag David Boswell: I wanted to spend a little bit of time on the working groups, so there are none of the working groups are active anymore. They have all been either archived or evolved. So just to to flag that. And there is something, I think, of the performance and scale space that people in the community David Boswell: are wanting to do, and we may need to be able to support them, to figure out what the right way of that is. Maybe that's a future to see call discussion, but just the the flag, and then the last of the 3 working groups that had been at the beginning of the year. There was also the identity working group David Boswell: that has been evolved into the Identity Special Interest group which I think it's going to get them better support. We're able to support a special interest groups and promote what they're doing. And and I think that's a better fit. And I think it's effectively has been a special interest group all long. It's talking about, what are people doing to adopt and deploy these technologies in the identity space, which is exactly what our special interest groups are. It's

David Boswell: bringing people together to look at how these technologies are adopted and deployed in a given space like telecom, like health care. So I think it fits better as a special interest group, anyway. So David Boswell: anyway, long story short, we have removed the working group as a community activity. It's not featured on the wiki anymore, the the archive, the information is there, as it are, in archive format, but we're not featuring it in terms of on the home page or in the navigation the same as on the website. So just the flag that all just happened very recently of the performance and scale group David Boswell: and the other things on here again. I think you all are familiar with. We did the Community Health Task force last year. David Boswell: There's still some work to be done there. So you know we can. We're happy to support the Toc with restarting and wrapping that up

David Boswell: You know, we recently had the governing board reach out to us and say, Hey, that you know we're we encouraging you to conduct project reviews? We're happy to support you with that. David Boswell: And then, lastly, what I was saying earlier about community health assessment is really not just something that we only do for projects. I think we want to do that for everything. So working group, special interest groups, anything we do in the community. David Boswell: Anything comments, questions, suggestions on this. David Boswell: Alright, if not, I will move on so one more bucket. And then, after this, there is a set of questions I wanted to have for the group, but just the the flag. David Boswell: One other thing that I think, is very important in terms of what we're doing is try to improve the accessibility and diversity in the community. We say all are welcome, but I think to actually mean that we have to do things to make that happen. David Boswell: So what are the things we're doing to make that happen? Just a flag on here. This one, I think, is really important. Something, I think, is really important. You know, we're global community. And if we say all our welcome here. Not everybody necessarily speaks English, so I think the more we can do

David Boswell: to provide content and languages all around the world, the better. So far this year we have done some content in different languages. I think we could always do more here. If this is something that's of interest to you. David Boswell: let me know I'm happy to support you. There's I think this could look like a lot of different things. We can always run a meet up about your project or lab and a a different language. We can help you connect with people in the community that want to translate your material. We've had a very successful translation effort in the past around fabric documentation. If you would like your documentation David Boswell: in a different language, I think we've proven and other open source projects have proven that this is something that people in the community are are more than happy to do. I think it's really meaningful for people to have content in their own language, so people will step up to make that happen if you support them on that. So just to be aware, if if that translating content in some format into another language is something that's important to you.

David Boswell: We're happy to support you. With that. David Boswell: We've also sponsored. this year. The International Women of blockchain event and sponsoring events that you know, get us in front of people who aren't, you know, fully represented in our community. It's something we will do on an ongoing basis. But just a flag that's happened this year. David Boswell: we've also worked with Morgan State and other Hbc use. They have a very active blockchain program

David Boswell: across the network of Hbc, so we're working with them. and it would be great to see them be more actively involved in the community. Another thing I really want to flag that I think, is important is we're in the process of conducting an accessibility audit of our site and our tools. David Boswell: So, for example, I don't. I don't know how well our wiki works on screen readers. Right? For example, if you. David Boswell: a a a community member, and maybe you need to work with the screen, reader.

David Boswell: I don't. I don't know how well we've supported that right, because we've never really audited it. So I I suspect there's probably a lot of things that we will find in this audit that hey? We can improve David Boswell: And we've never really looked at closely at it before, so I don't know what to expect out of that audit, but I think this is an important thing to be doing this year. Again. We want to make sure that everybody in the community David Boswell: is who wants to get involved can get involved in some people may not be well served currently by our sites and tools. So you know, we're gonna do the audit. We can report back what we have found. And then, if we need to make some improvements we'll look at how to do that. David Boswell: any comments, questions about this.

Tracy Kuhrt: you, too. Peter Somogyvari: on the last part, about accessibility. I have a tool that I use. Peter Somogyvari: That is a completely automatic and free. It's called Vive. And you can use it either online or you can use it as a browser extension, and but it does Peter Somogyvari: it just scans the HTML of any website that you pointed to. Peter Somogyvari: And it tells you. Peter Somogyvari: the baseline issues, if there's any. For example, if the font size is too small, if the colors are not contrasted enough so that it it would blur together with for someone who

Peter Somogyvari: has a an impairment regarding to seeing the different colors. David Boswell: and they double checks for you. If there are labels on the HTML. Elements for screen readers. Peter Somogyvari: Okay, I am happy to send a link in the chat after the meeting. If if you want that the directly yeah, please, please, that'd be great. So you've run. You have run that that's great to hear. So you have you found? So you have you run that on any of the hyper ledger infrastructure. Peter Somogyvari: I have ran it on the website that I have for Dci lint. Peter Somogyvari: Because that's fair. That's what I started thinking about this because this island was about inclusion. Peter Somogyvari: And then I had this website for it. And then I realized that it was actually badly contrasted. And it was missing some of the screen reader labels. So I have to use it. And it worked.

David Boswell: Oh, that's great. Okay, that's cool. Yeah, please. If you have the link. I I'll check it out. I mean, I imagine that people doing on our audit may be familiar with that, but I'll I'll double check to make sure they are, and we can use it as well. Peter Somogyvari: Okay. David Boswell: any other comments, questions. David Boswell: If not, there was one more slide and sorry if I'm taking up a lot of time but David Boswell: I think this is something again.

David Boswell: I do want to get some feedback on if you have thoughts. But I think again what Staff is doing. David Boswell: I I don't think we should be working on a bubble, and we are happy to work with you, and we want to work with you. And I think we're going to be successful. Only if we do work with other people in the community. So where we really need help around these goals. This wanted to flag a few of these things, so David Boswell: And some of this may not be relevant for the people in the to see, to see. Obviously, you're you're very engaged in the community. So some you already are, you know, doing some of these. But again, this, the the David Boswell: the point of the set of slides we put together is really to share this across the community. So one of the things is, we really want to talk to people if you're using a Hyper Ledger project but aren't engaged in the community. I kind of referenced this earlier around explorer. There were people using explorer, but not engaged with explorer, and the project moved to Aol. Right? So we don't want that to happen. If there's if there is a community around, if there's a commute of users around a project, we really want to speak to those people and really understand. What is it David Boswell: that we could talk to them about to help them David Boswell: explain the why of getting involved and and to help them get involved. Maybe they do want to get involved, and they just run into barriers. Right? So if we understand what those barriers are, and maybe we can remove them. So David Boswell: And I think the thing I would say here. Obviously, you are engaged in the community, everybody on this call. But if you have users, if you know there are people using your projects who aren't engaged. Well, let us know, and we're happy to talk to them right if you flag people who like, Hey, I I know X, y. And Z. Are using my project. But they

David Boswell: wanna I I've really wanted them to get involved. But they haven't. We're happy to go out and talk to them right? so feel free to empower us, and let us know who those you know more about your users than you know we do in many cases. So you know, feel free. We're happy to have those conversations if you let us know about that. David Boswell: And I I kinda touched on the the second bullet I already touched on. But if you are trying to get involved in the community yourself, and you're running into blockers, let us know. I think we talked about this earlier with the mentorship thing. You. You are users of the infrastructure that Hyper Ledger has set up, and the Linux Foundation has set up. If some of it doesn't work as well as you would like it to let us know, and we can try to improve that right? So if you're running into blockers, certainly we want to hear about that. David Boswell: And then if you in your organization have internal resources focused on documentation or training or translation, David Boswell: please let us know, and we'd be happy to talk to them and work, you know, with them as well. you know. I think documentation, training and translation is some, you know, something that we could always do more of. I think it's good to do more of, you know. I think we are obviously a developer community. But David Boswell: we can't just do development right? We have to also go out and talk about what we're doing. Explain what we're doing, train people on what we're doing right. So if you have people on your organization doing those sorts of things and they may

David Boswell: not yet be engaged in community, let us know we're happy to talk to them. David Boswell: and the same goes for the accessibility experts. And thank you, Peter, for that feedback. But if you have people on your on your team. And internally, who are accessibility experts. You know, we're, gonna I assume, get a number of issues back from our audit. And we're gonna have to tackle those. So if there are people who know how to tackle these issues, we would love to work with them. David Boswell: and I know it's a special. I've worked with other communities that've had accessibility, you know, efforts. And you know it's a specialized skill. And and I, you know anybody has that that skill would be happy to work with them. David Boswell: So I don't know if this res, if any of this stuff resonates with people, or you have comments questions on this. David Boswell: but if so, have to have a discussion about those, or and answer any questions.

David Boswell: and if you have questions about anything that we covered, certainly let me know David Boswell: if there aren't questions I would just say, and and again, probably I'm keeping an eye on the time. I don't think we have time on it today. But if you are curious to see the information we put together about the kind of the why to get involved, I would love to present that that it goes back to our nose point. Maybe you can say, Hey, this is good information, but it's not pitched at the right audience, right? We think you really need to pitch this at a different audience, right? That that's going to be really valuable feedback for us. So if you have space on the agenda in the future to kind of go into the why David Boswell: you get involved. Stuff I'm happy to, you know. Come back. And what about that? David Enyeart: The fact that we're all quiet means you did a really good job explaining all this. So thank you. Tracy Kuhrt: That looks like Jim has a question.

Jim Zhang: yeah. But I still agree with with what David just said, yeah, very nice work. Just want to comment quick comment on the continued focus on helping to find maintainers. the far-flight community can definitely use. Continue to use your help on that on that effort. David Boswell: Sure, happy to do that. I don't. Yeah, if you want to rehab, I know we've been talking, but if you want to have additional, we can get another call or talk on discord. But yeah, that'd be great David Boswell: happy to do that. Tracy Kuhrt: What? Tracy Kuhrt: Thank you for, David, and we'll definitely ask you back to to the other presentation that you've got out there about? Why, to contribute? I think that would be good. to get some feedback from this group. David Boswell: Yeah, that sounds great. Whenever whenever it works, just let me know.

Tracy Kuhrt: All right, probably 8 min. Can you do it? Or would you like to move to next meeting? Tracy Kuhrt: I can do it in 8 min. Okay, go for it. Bobbi Muscara: Let me share my screen real quick. I'm having trouble with zoom share screen. There we go. Okay. So the task force again meets every Monday. It's the onboarding and the Documentation task force. we did have an application into the mentorship program. Bobbi Muscara: and I will show you.

Bobbi Muscara: So I saw that I had these wonderful 7 Mentees, and I decided that I would interview all of them. That finished all their tasks. Bobbi Muscara: And that was my criteria for myself, for the interview process. I didn't realize when I made that decision, that that was only page one of 10. Bobbi Muscara: I had 65 applicants.

Bobbi Muscara: So with that, said the Documentation task force is kind of been eaten up with the mentorship program for the time being until we can get that piece in place and move forward. I am in the process of intervening, and, like the gentleman said before me, this is in in Bobbi Muscara: overwhelming tasks. I have 24 interviews to do. I've done 3. I have them set up. Everybody. Green here has an interview coming. Bobbi Muscara: Just like David said. I feel it is one of the most important thing in the community to get new people in, and it is a personal pet peeve of mine when you apply for a job and bother to write the cover letter, not to hear back. So that's why I'm granting all these interviews because these people reached out to us, we should reach back at least with a 10 min interview.

Bobbi Muscara: That's my opinion on this, though, so I'm doing that this week. Getting that done. So I hardly have time to work on the task force material but where we left off with the mentorship program. Bobbi Muscara: if my computer will go back. Bobbi Muscara: we want to conclude the task force. And this is something that I want to bring up at this meeting. We kind of want to conclude the task force because this task force can go on forever. You're always going to have documentation needs. You're always going to have, you know. Again the working groups are gone, but somehow this piece needs to continue to live on once the task force is done. Bobbi Muscara: I have a lot of the mentees, even though I can only select one Bobbi Muscara: Most of them have agreed to stay on the mentorship project as unpaid Mentees. Bobbi Muscara: So they've already started signing up for things, and one of the things they signed up for is again, we would like to present the findings of the task force and kind of ended to move forward to. I'm going to call it meetings task force responsibilities. and the Mentees want to do the presentation. So in the next few weeks I'm going to be working with them again, and the person who is the men Bobbi Muscara: T. Select will be managing this But we want to give to the Poc in 3 weeks, maybe 4 weeks, whenever our next session is a presentation on

Bobbi Muscara: the conclusion of the task force and kind of moving forward to task force maintenance. Bobbi Muscara: and these people have already signed up to do Bobbi Muscara: parts of the presentation. so I think that that's great. Get them involved. They're they're like terrified of the Toc they're like, are you sure we can do this, you know. So it's really cute. I love watching them learning stuff. It's great when they figure out things in the community like I told one gentleman Bobbi Muscara: he wanted to. prepare some items in advance for us for next week, and I told him he can just go under mentorship and create his own Wiki page and put the information there. He thought that was like, mind blowing. I can. I can use the Hyper Ledger Wiki page. I'm like, Yeah, of course it's your page you could do whatever you want. You're part of the task force, you know. Make a page, put your name on it, put your stuff there. And next meeting. Bobbi Muscara: present it. so that's basically where we're standing. Now, again, the task force is going to be working on Bobbi Muscara: supporting Maintainer in their Github to documentation efforts. We're going to be supporting Ben and the Hyper Ledger community when they come out with the new branding, getting

Bobbi Muscara: Powerpoint templates to the community with the right color schemes and Logos on them. So they don't have to worry about that. They just have to worry about the content. Bobbi Muscara: we want to work with the best practices, in so far as the documentation needs how to get that set up Bobbi Muscara: as well as the onboarding task which is looking at the 5 or 6 locations people come into the Hyper Ledger community. Whether it's the Github, whether it's the Linkedin page, the Bobbi Muscara: webpage, the Wiki page, the however, you get discord. However, you're getting in. we want that onboarding task to be able to define what type of user you are right away and give you a one click to get where you're going. Bobbi Muscara: because right now everybody's coming in the same spot. They have to figure out where they need to go. what the Documentation task force wants to do with the onboarding task force is to get those user personas in places where they need to be. And then the documentation to support their learning

Bobbi Muscara: whatever workflow they need. So that's basically it. For what we're working on again, you should see a big presentation from us on A to see call in a few weeks. if that's okay with Tracy and everyone else. Bobbi Muscara: any questions, Bobby. Bobbi Muscara: they're so excited. It looks like a run. In main. Aeronoma has that question. Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah, I do have a question regarding So I have scheduled a interview tomorrow with Bobby and I I wanted to know, like, get some insights on how to prepare for it. And what are the areas that that I should be focusing on for the interview. Bobbi Muscara: Oh, don't worry about a thing. It's just a 10 min interview where we're just gonna get to know each other. There's really nothing it it's just a Sit down with me. We're just gonna have a nice 10 min chat. There's no preparing. It's just your talk about your resume. We're gonna talk about, you know what? You what your passions are. That kind of thing.

Arunima Chaudhuri: Oh, that sounds cool. Thank you so much. Arunima Chaudhuri: Yeah, yeah. Me, too. Bobbi Muscara: any other questions. Bobbi Muscara: Nope, then I'll turn it back over to Tracy. Tracy Kuhrt: Okay, thank you so much, Bobby. so I think then, for next week. Just a a reminder. I did. We listen to the meeting that I missed. It looks like Tracy Kuhrt: Peter. You had volunteered to lead the automated pipeline task force. I'm thinking it's time for us to add that to the agenda

Tracy Kuhrt: for next week. So j


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