2021 Distinguished Lecture Helen Nissenbaum Contextual Integrity

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all right um thank you everybody for  coming i think we'll go ahead and get   started even though some folks might  be popping in um at the last minute so   my name is julie kientz i'm professor and  chair of the department of human centered   design and engineering at the university of  washington and i'm honored to welcome you to   our 2021 distinguished speaker event and thank our  guest professor helen nissenbaum for joining us   i want to first start out by acknowledging the  coast salish peoples of this land on which we   are working today the land which touches the  shared waters of all tribes and bands within   the suquamish, tulalip and muckleshoot nations  we respectfully acknowledge their stewardship of   this land throughout the generations during  this year of upheaval it continues to be my   top priority as department chair to sustain our  close-knit community in hcde and across our field   guest lecturers are an important opportunity for  a community to come together in shared learning   the hcde distinguished speaker series was  created in order to provide a community event   where students staff faculty alumni and friends  could gather together to hear talks by people   that have been innovating on bold —  innovating boldly and thinking deeply   about topics that have profound impact  on human centered design and engineering   the distinguished speaker series would not be  possible without the generous support of members   from our community i want to first thank former  hcde chair judy ramey and friend of the department   stephanie rosenbaum for sponsoring the lecture  series in hcde since 2009 we are honored to   continue their legacy i'd also like to recognize  our friend jing de jong chen whose endowment aims   to broaden understanding of human centered  design issues in cyber security and privacy   thanks to her investment we were able  to have dr nissenbaum with us today   finally i want to thank our hcde staff  especially zoe bartholomew leah pistorius and   stacia green and the research committee in hcde  spearheaded by associate professor charlotte lee   for their efforts in organizing this event today  i'm now going to hand things over to professor   and associate chair beth kolko to introduce  our distinguished speaker dr helen nissenbaum   thanks julie so i would like to thank all of you  for attending today and uh thank you to dr helen   nissenbaum for being with us today i am especially  excited to welcome dr nissenbaum she and i met   many years ago at a symposium that was a pivotal  moment in my intellectual life for many reasons   uh mostly because of my conversations with helen  if i may call you helen so i'm gonna set the   scene for those of you in the audience it was uh  1995. it might actually have been 1996. neither   helen nor i can remember and i couldn't find any  online record of the event i tried but it was a   symposium about the internet it was in jackson  hole wyoming and helen i and john perry barlow   were keynote speakers for the event so one of the  things that i remember most from the event was   giving my talk and then sitting in a cafe at the  venue it was closed but somehow helen and i had   managed to secure ourselves some coffee and she's  sitting across the table from me and she says your   work is fascinating but what is your field and  from there we launched into a conversation about   the need for interdisciplinarity in order to make  sense of increasingly ubiquitous online systems   uh helen doesn't know this but that conversation  emboldened me in my own work and helped encourage   me to move from the humanities to engineering just  a few years later in 1995 or six in the late 90s   let's say the internet was just emerging from  being a text-based medium and this was against   a backdrop where anonymity online was considered  largely a positive development the online world   had plenty of trolls back then but we didn't  have bots helen was at the forefront even then   one of the only scholars asserting that questions  of trust and privacy and their interplay   would be key factors in how emerging technologies  would come to shape interactions and institutions   i want to take a moment and recognize her  prescience 25 years ago in identifying what would   be fundamental challenges to growing technological  infrastructures so she is here today to speak on   her work regarding contextual integrity research  which builds on her continued outstanding   intellectual contributions and that continues  to provide bold and insightful guidance on how   we can all think more critically and practice  more carefully the work around technology design   so it's my pleasure to introduce helen  to you all today she is a professor at   cornell tech in the in the information science  department as well at cornell university she is   also director of the digital life initiative  which was launched in 2017 at cornell tech   to explore societal perspectives surrounding the  development and application of digital technology   focusing on ethics policy politics and quality of  life helen's research takes an ethical perspective   on policy law science and engineering related  to information technology computing digital   media and data science her research has delved  into issues of privacy trust accountability   security and values in technology design her  books include obfuscation a user's guide for   privacy and protest with vin brunton and privacy  and context technology policy and the integrity   of social life the title of our talk today  is contextual integrity breaking the grip   of public private distinction for meaningful  privacy if any of you have questions during   the talk or the q & a portion please submit  your questions by clicking the q & a button   that should be at the bottom of your zoom window  and with that please join me in welcoming helen all right so thank you so much  beth i have to say it was like   what they call a blast from the past when i  i got your email to invite me to give this   lecture and it was just so wonderful you know just  to go back to that crazy time and try and trace   a trajectory now i don't know that i certainly  didn't feel prescient in any way i just knew that   these were such fascinating questions and i didn't  think that a philosopher could solve them without   so many other people in different disciplines so  here we are and let me do the share screen thing oh so it popped on nicely just like that all  right um i am grateful and excited to be here   is an amazing group of people for me to be  presenting my work to because i feel like   you're in the trenches with me  and hopefully some of what i say   will be will will connect with what you do and  some thoughts that you have and i also want to   say that i'm i was so excited to be here that  i might have stuffed just a little bit too much   into my talk so don't think i'm crazy if you leave  this talk with just some of the things i've said   staying in your brain i'll be happy  and of course i would be delighted to   share more and and carry on the conversation  and so here goes i'm also happy that um you   were interested in hearing me talk about privacy  because i have to say that you know there's always   like a shiny object in our field and now there's  so much attention to ai and ethics which is   it warrants that attention but what what i what  i fear is that we don't the by turning away from   issues of privacy we failed to understand or we  failed to realize how important getting things   right or even getting things better with respect  to privacy is so intricately connected to some   of these important questions of ai and ethics  so i'm happy to go there if need be let me see oh sorry okay so here's here's the talk  overview i want to talk a little bit about   why contextual integrity really like why  privacy what what gripped me about privacy   what is contextual integrity and how does it  differ from other ways of thinking about privacy   some applications and some potential challenges  there are many people and i'm not even sure   that i've listed everybody but there are  many people along the way who've helped develop contextual integrity with me both  the theoretical aspects of it and also   showing that contextual integrity the  framework of it could be applied in design and   in formal languages and also could be adapted to  empirical social science research and so forth so   led me along different pathways now back now to  the talk the talk outline why why privacy why   contextual integrity and um this is a slide that  i use often when i'm talking about privacy because   i wanted a lot i like to mention that i  didn't though i have a phd in philosophy   i didn't approach the issue of privacy to say oh  privacy it's such a rich concept and um i'm i'm an   ethicist or a political philosopher and now i need  to understand privacy from a philosophical and of   course a legal perspective it was more looking  at this range of technologies some you know   that we already were aware of at the time that  beth and i were were meeting so many years ago   and now as i use this slide i'm constantly oh  sorry i see a typo forgive me i'm constantly   updating obviously without thinking too much  about it i should have applied my my spell checker   but anyway um obviously updating all the time but  the important thing for me to reckon with is is when people observe what's done with these  technologies and of course whenever i say   technology please just know that what i  mean is socio-technical systems because   it's never you know the bare technology as  if it could be functioning on mars so what   is it when people see some of the applications of  these technologies and they complain they cry out   that privacy has been violated and i wanted  to show you that this is a very curious   thing that i came across um etc discovery and  invention have made it possible for the government   by means far more effective than stretching  upon the rack to obtain disclosure in court   of what is whispered in the closet the progress  of science in furnishing the government with   means of espionage is not likely to stop with  wiretapping ways may sometimes be developed by   which government without removing papers  from secret drawers can reproduce them in   court and by which it will be enabled to expose  a jury the most intimate occurrences of the home   advances in the psychic i mean that might give  things away and related sciences may bring   means of exploring unexpressed beliefs thoughts  and emotions so this was um written in 1928 by   brandeis and many of you in the famous olmsted v  united states where this was a dissenting opinion   which then was overturned 50 years later but  just to show that this the idea of technology   threatening privacy in these ways isn't something  brand new to us so we hear people claim privacy   is violated and it was fascinating to me to say  well why are people angry what are they afraid of   why do we think that these actions are morally  wrong and i and that led me to to this quest   for what i like to call a  meaningful account of privacy   and um i mean by that the philosopher's task to  begin with of defining a concept that's clear   and rigorous but also more the social  scientists concept to find one that's true to us   that it's makes sense that it responds that most  of the time when people say oh my privacy is being   violated this account actually captures that and  we also want a value that's ethically legitimate   so that we can claim that when someone's  privacy has been let's say threatened or   reduced or placed at risk there's something wrong  with that and we need to do something about it   and it's worth defending with technology and  policy so that's what we are after and in   in particular the the events that really shaped my  interest and this is really responding i wanted to   have a theme around which to discuss contextual  integrity because really the goal of this   talk today is to present contextual integrity  as an answer to these challenges that a response   to to the quest for a meaningful conception of  privacy but largest marketplace households as you   can see and i hope you've been reading was i have  to say by today's standards was was child's play   but what was important about it was when lotus  and equifax are eventually under a lot of pressure   decided to withdraw the product they  said we weren't doing anything wrong   because we were simply using data that  came from public sources and therefore   we weren't violating privacy and much later when  people started worrying about google maps street   view the defensive initially when google  didn't want to do anything about anything   now it's like blurring faces and and so forth  their argument again was we have every right   to drive around on the roads and capture  information capture images from public spaces no   privacy issues are raised because these  are public places this seemed wrong and   many people weren't buying of course we  were already in that phase that it was   you know tough luck law doesn't help  you any and um these arguments held sway   so what is contextual integrity and how does  it address these issues what these cases do and   many of the cases that i bring to bear in order to  showcase contextual integrity and how it differs i   think of it as a prism i run these cases and then  we see how the different theories respond to these   cases so for example we might think about facial  recognition systems in public used in public   places do they violate privacy in this i know  you know major discussions going on ban the scan   in different cities um happening in new york and  potentially in other places um you know and here's   facial recognition as a as augmented reality in  classes and so how do we think about this using   contextual integrity and they're going to  be a lot more examples as we move along so what this is a whirlwind pass through  contextual integrity and i want to present   it to you in a modular way so the four key  ideas that i've identified and i'm i'm going   to introduce them progressively and i have to say  that at times when i present these four key ideas   people will say oh helen you know i really agree  with the first one but no then you then you you've   lost me but but it's okay you know i i want  to show how they build on each other and um   we can see the various inter interdependencies i'm  prepared to uh defend all of those key ideas but   um this is a discussion for us to have so  what's the first key idea the first key idea oh sorry i i forgot i had this slide what uh  sorry that like really break br broke the drama   but what we have the way i'm going to present  it so that we see this prison prism effect   is i'll describe what the key idea is and then  i'll contrast it here's what it is here is how   it's different so the first key idea is that  privacy is about appropriate flow of information   just that that basic idea which may seem  uh nothing to it on the other hand it   really contrasts with a million computer  science papers where privacy is presented   as secrecy and any data that may leak that you  often see this notion of leakage because it's   not it's like a non-moral concept is considered  a violation of privacy so privacy in this case is   secrecy and leakage is a violation and the  in in privacy by design there's this concept   of minimization and it's basically says um any  reduction of the amount of amount of information   like data minimization is considered to  be um giving people more more privacy   now that's the first key idea privacy  is appropriate flow so when people say   oh privacy it's such a complicated concept  no wonder we're having such trouble i say   calm down it's very simple privacy is appropriate  flow of information and then they say what do you   mean by appropriate flow and the answer that i  give is that it conforms with norms or rules it   meets people's expectations and the number four  key idea so you'll see in a little moment why   i'm doing um i have i can count but this is just  you know um how i'm laying it out at the moment is that in fact it's legitimate norms or rules  worth defending they're morally justifiable   and i say norms or rules because again i'm talking  to computer science colleagues they really don't   like the word norms unlike the humanists and  the social scientists and so we talk about rules   instead but now let's just focus on the key idea  number two this is where context come into play   first so what we really mean to spell it out is  that flow conforms with contextual informational   norms or rules so appropriate flow meets  expectations so we connect up here with some of   the legal concepts of a reasonable expectation of  privacy now there's a social theory that underlies this second idea and that is that social sphere  social social we live in a social life that isn't   an undifferentiated social space but rather we  have these differentiated social spheres and   here i don't invent the idea but rather i'm  drawing on ideas that i read about from social   philosophy and um theoretical social sciences  um and i'm now giving you the basic ideas behind   what characterizes context importantly they're  characterized by purposes goals and values   they're characterized by distinctive ontologies  of roles or capacities in which people act   certain practices and and just it's nothing  magical but when we think about healthcare   education family these are all contexts and then  we have norms and the norms govern how people   behave in these contexts and among the norms are  informational norms which are could be implicit   could be explicit and these are the norms or  the rules that govern the flow of information   in a particular context and the claim  is that we live we we have a we know if   just by living in society we know a lot about when  data or information flows conform with the norms now number three this is where the third key idea  comes in so maybe you agree with me so far you say   you know the law also agrees with me if  we want to find out if privacy has been   violated we have to show that people's  reasonable expectation of privacy have   not been met and that's a signal that  privacy has been has been violated adding to that contextual integrity proposes  that these rules have a certain structure   this is really important to the big argument and  i've learned from my computer science colleagues   this is the ci tuple the five parameters  five not five um and they are actors   informat subject center recipient  information type and transmission principle   so um and when we talk about actors remember  we're there's always this contextual ontology   of actors it's people acting in certain  capacities the norms govern flow in terms of   there's a meaning when when we're talking  when we're mapping these flows and   we characterize the flows in meaningful terms  we have information type specific things   age gender books you've read so forth so on and  hopefully you've been reading a long while because   i'm not going to read everything in the slide and  then there's this parameter called transmission   principle and this is uh the other parameters  are known in a lot of the role-based approaches   to privacy but this transmission principle um  we always understood it to be there i think it's   quite intuitive but this theory makes it  explicit which is it's the terms under which   the information flows the constraints under  which the information flows so in the very   common thought of privacy sorry of you're  providing information with consent cons   with consent is a transmission principle  because that is the constraint under which   information flows but it doesn't always require  consent so when you're filing your income tax   returns it's not that you're  consenting to provide the information   you're being coerced you've been compelled that's  a law it requires that you provide and of course   information can be bought and sold it can be a  one-way flow it can be reciprocal so the physician   gets to hear what your health complaints are but  you don't get to hear what the physician's health   complaints are and so forth so there's certain  um and then one important one is with a warrant   so it's really important in the law we see this  over and over again with the fourth amendment   did the police have to get a warrant  in a certain instance of search   and if they didn't get the information with a  warrant then we say well it was unlawfully gained   so that happened so this concept of transmission  principle really covers a lot that's very familiar   to us but it then it identifies it now have  this question mark near use because over the   years i've had lots of debates with people as to  whether i forgot i should have had six parameters   and the sixth parameter should have been used  and maybe maybe those people are right however   there are ways in which the use parameter and  and i don't know if i'm gonna have time to go   go into it the reasons for hope for believing  that the use parameter which may not have been   important at the time have become increasingly  important as we have as we've entered this   these times that we're living in but but  i'm just going to leave this up in there   so here's you know you know how it is you learn  the mathematical concepts and then you learn   here are the concrete instances but here are  some um rules that fit the structure where we   you know travelers are obliged are obliged upon  request to show the contents of their luggage   to the csa agent to show how this this well-formed  sentence would mention different parameters   and i want to show you how some of our  sectoral laws so this comes from hipaa   when they write the rule they actually do  use these parameters which which which was i   wouldn't say proof but it was very heartening  because it suggests that these parameters   capture something intuitive in how people  want to think about and evaluate data flows   and this one is i always use this one i like it  a lot because it goes against the common wisdom   that you always need the data subject's permission   to share information and in this case  what we're saying is that actually it's   only with authorization um with the from the  psychiatrist that this information can flow   and um this work by the way comes from a paper uh  with from from these guys they developed formal   language and very excited you know maybe we can  use this formal language to implement or enforce   in a computer system okay so here we are um i  promised that i would show you the connection um   between the key ideas and other approaches  or other ways of thinking about privacy and   here i i wanted to just raise this little flag  and say this particular way of thinking about   privacy which is conforms with  contextual informational norms and the norms having the structure is different  from two dominant ways of thinking about   privacy one we are one is that privacy protects  only the private so we we're we're very much   dominated by this dichotomy of private and  public and privacy only applies to the private   and another dominant definition which comes from  alan weston privacy is control over personal   information how many articles countless countless  countless even progressive thinkers on privacy end   the article i'm thinking about you know the new  york times had a recent series on privacy what   we need is to give people control over information  about ourselves please one thing to take away this   kills privacy this this is the death of privacy  and we really need to have a revolution and   we're going to have a revolution everybody and  it is to reject this definition of privacy as   controller with personal information so this  idea we back now to the google map street view   privacy only applies to the private in  the case of the public all bets are off   so that so and contextual integrity says no we  don't divide the world into two things we don't   say public information private information we  have a much more richer understanding of this   informational and spatial ontology  that comes from social domains   we cannot build privacy on top of this  private public dichotomy it doesn't match up   and then when we want to think about why privacy  is control over personal information has led us   has gra has resulted in us being beached when  it comes to privacy and i should say that   it stems from what was initially a great idea  code of fair information practices but ultimately   builds on this idea that the right to privacy is  the right to control fast forward to the present   and i'm not going to spend too much time i'm  whipping through these you know this is what   this is where we get to when when we have the  operationalization of privacy is control we have   these privacy policies and you know have a whole  nother talk about privacy's control and privacy   policies but i just want to bring to  attention something we all know very well and the conclusion of this quick little foray   so now we have a first approximation  of a definition of contextual integrity   contextual integrity is preserved when information  flows conform with entrenched informational norms   and it is there's an assumption of of  what these norms are now like any norms they're contested they can't sometimes  controversial uh they're not 100 held and so   on but but here's the first approximation and the  point how this connects with technology remember   the whole list of technologies that i presented  at the beginning is that these technologies raise   flags and make people crazy because what they're  doing is they're disrupting the information flows and when i say disrupting the information flows  if you're a privacy as control person the only   disruption that is worth mentioning is whether  this flow happens without someone consenting   but when you're when you hold contextual integrity  as your framework for privacy then what you mean   is that you can capture the disruption by  some alteration in the data in the values   for the parameters that come about when  you introduce certain kinds of technologies so when we go back to our facial recognition technology the public if it's in public  you know you have oh you have these   fourth amendment plainview doctrine that  says you know if it's in plain view then   no holds barred i'm just obviously there's a lot  more detail when you are privacy as control then   if you choose to share the information and choose  is like you you arrive at you know a website   whatever it is and you are implicitly agreeing  then the third then it's like well you've agreed   to share this information under these in these  terms and that party can do whatever it likes   as long as it doesn't violate the terms  of the privacy policy but what privacy is   contextual integrity says and i'll be you know  fairly specific about it is that first of all when you're walking around in public so we're  looking at the hardest case facial recognition   in a public space there's certain even if you  accept that there's certain information that can   be captured traditionally or what the expectation  is your name is not known your identity is not and   now with facial recognition we have a novel  flow we have a disruptive flow suddenly the   information type changes because now your name  flows and second of all because of the technology   it's not just like you know i see someone across  the street but rather the image can be captured   and it can flow to all sorts of places and so it's  not the case oh public is public anything goes   this really constitutes a change and privacy is  contextual integrity gives you a finer grain way   of revealing what the changes are when um when  i talk say with students about surveillance   technology like drones and and cameras  what i said to them is please don't   get all worked up about these technologies because  you want to understand that these technologies   can be designed in different ways  and you as a technology designer   can decide are you going to store the data is the  data real time who gets access to the data how   fine grain is it does it feed into a facial you  know so many different questions that are relevant   to whether to what the privacy dimensions are of  these systems it really belittles it it doesn't   give enough attention to the importance of what's  relevant in these systems by just waving your hand   and attacking the systems whole cloth but it  really requires a design approach here's another experience that we had in the past few years  just to give you a little bit of a heads up   the voter role information and voter registration  information it's a state by state decision and   many states for many most states in fact voter  role which is whether you voted in an election is   public and yet when this commission on voter fraud  requested the information from states the states   said no even though this information was public so  the argument of public is public no holds barred   is belied and i think people a hazard a guess that  most people were very relieved at this resistance so all the parameters matter and it doesn't  serve us to overlook some of the parameters now i wanted to let's see how  am i doing on time we started all right gosh i'm going to try and  whip through this um because what i   th this was the promise i made to you guys  i i wanted to show how th this is now my   collaboration with people who do empirical  work empirical survey study in particular   kirsten martin and what we want to do show is  that when you pay attention to all the parameters   you can disambiguate a lot of bad survey  stuff that has been going on for decades   so we did we looked at the private public  distinction and we looked first at sensitive data   and then we looked at what's so-called public data   so the first article was showing confounding  variables with sensitive data and i just have   a couple of slides for each of these studies what  we first did is we looked at the information types   found to be most sensitive by the pew  foundation now according to the public private   dichotomy it we would say that you  should really protect the most private   and depending on your theory of privacy maybe  secrecy we hold these to be secret when you add   and it feels so obvious you know when when i show  you these results when you include the additional   parameters into your story you see that even  the most sensitive data health information   when it goes to a doctor no  problem obviously when it goes to   um the the most unpopular one was always the data  broker then we're very upset about it so it's got   not you can't take the information and divide it  into two categories and then know how to treat it   then we showed the opposite we wanted to show  that even information in public databases   people felt that there were privacy interests and  i should mention that early days i had written   an article my first article on privacy was like  oh revealing that there's privacy in public again   each time we use this factorial vignette survey  approach and we ask the question is it okay   we spent so much time asked figuring out how to  ask the question we we were trying to get at the   norm we didn't want to get the preference  so i'm sure that anyone who's been doing   this kind of survey stuff knows like how you  ask the question and there's such fine-grained   distinctions we ask is it okay and what i  wanted to point out is how um let me see   what i can do here okay so in the first case  we're saying a company receiving job information   by information type um how okay is it to receive  criminal data from a data broker from a from   government website and from the subject him  or herself and you can see the discrepancies   uh the one we kind of enjoyed a lot was we imagine  you know you're going to someone's party and   you decide oh that's a big house i wonder how  much they paid so you know you look up online   you go to you know one what what are those data  broke what are the what are they called when you   look up and you see what's something or redfin  those companies yeah yeah yeah so not not nice   not appropriate but if you ask the  person what you paid that's it's okay   it's not a hundred but it's it's much much  better and so forth so really these factors   affect you know where going from negative to  positive when you start adjusting the different parameters and then finally we looked about we we  looked this was a much more complex complicated   paper it's just just come out privacy interest  in public locations and i mean location tracking   is is in it's huge i'm sure you guys are aware of  this you know this is the plane for you doctrine   we we did multiple rounds of this survey and um  i'm just letting you look at it for you know 10   seconds and um what what we show i mean this  is just a little fraction i just mainly wanted   to point out that when what's important by  the way is that it's not only who gets it   by what means which we used as a  proxy for a transmission principle   but we also especially kirsten was interested  in what happens when the location data allows   you to draw certain inferences and i was  particularly interested in the place versus   the gps latitude longitude the kind of semantics  of the location so you can see here's the fbi   collecting look at this kind of location  uh but when you look at the data aggregator everyone hates that so these location  aggregators that are out there that are   what are they called you know data location data  brokers and the tons of them that you know it's   been discussed a lot uh people really think it's  unacceptable but sometimes it's okay for the fbi   but anyway you can draw conclusions and the  fascinating thing was when we were doing   our pilots we find people don't really distinguish  the precision so gps latitude longitude and   if you which is what you can see street  city they're very close but what did matter   is location versus place when you  give semantics to it that really   causes different responses okay so i've done all  this and i'm probably some of you are saying you   know tyranny of the convention the whole point of  technology is to disrupt data flows and sometimes   it's for the good so isn't this a terrible theory  that it always says that disruption is bad so now   we come to the fourth key idea which is that  it's not only that appropriate flow requires   legitimacy the norm needs to be legitimate we  want to allow for technologies that come in and   make things better and we also have to allow for  the possibility that technologies can disrupt flow   look bad at the beginning and then over time  make an argument that in fact these technologies   are not violating privacy and so the theory  has a way of evaluating these novel flows   it's a layered approach and i'm going to be very  i'm not i'm not even going to spend time except to   read the slide we evaluate the differential impact  on the affected parties or stakeholders which is   for individual custom benefits we evaluate them in  terms of ethics and political principles so this   fabulous literature on you know how inadequate  privacy can chill speech and freedom and   autonomy and so on and then the one that's the  new contribution of this theory is contextual   functions purposes and values and i wanted to  show you that around this time andrew mellon   proposed that irs records that tax records go from  being public to being private and why did he say   he didn't say because it hurts people that  embarrasses them et cetera et cetera his   argument is it will mean that people  will answer their tax returns honestly   and the treasury will get a lot of money so  his argument was a societal contextual argument   here's some ideas about purposes and values uh  that the different and and this is just me you   know spinning it i feel like each of everything  i've said you know take education there's a   there's an argument to be had about what  the ends and purposes and and and values   are for educational context and so now i want  to come back to the definition no longer a first   approximation and the definition is contextual  integrity is preserved when information flows   conform with legitimate informational  norms and there's work to be done   to transition between entrenched and the point  is that sometimes we don't have entrenched norms   and we need a way to evaluate flows so you  know with cambridge analytic it was like oh   people didn't give permission and i'm  thinking who cares what we care about is   that it undermine democracy that's what  we need to care about um and i am going to uh maybe i'll ask i don't know julie  how am i doing how many minutes can i have   more uh depends on how many questions you  want to be able to answer we do have about   six questions that people have asked so  far but um sure five minutes sounds great   okay okay great because that's i think i think yes so um i'm not going to go into this article  this was an early article there was a debate going   on in various states about posting court records  online there too the argument was court records   they're public records what difference does it  make if it's a file in a draw in a courthouse   or a click away on a website now any of us sitting  here know how enormous that difference is but once   again it was like public is public what does the  medium matter and this article carefully shows   how when you change to a different medium  you affect the values of the parameters   and then again we ask the question when you change  the flows what values are you promoting what harms   are you bringing on board by making a very  thoughtless change in the medium without going   through this analysis and finally we'll come back  you know to our this case we've been looking at   and again we show there's a disruption that's  really important and then we discuss we   when we evaluate the disruption first we have  to show it using a more fine-grained measurement   which is the five you know the ci tuple we then  have to discuss and of course many of the argument   arguments are just to give throw one off the cuff  you know people won't go um and protest because   maybe they're afraid undermines democratic values  and this one this is the last one thanks to badger   friedman i don't know if she's here today  but she a few days ago sent me this example   of the ancient like hundreds of years old  letters that were folded in a way that if   you would unfold them it would break them and  so there was the application of x-ray technology   to be able to unfold without damaging the  artifact and actually read the words of the letter   and you might say to yourself oh well we can now  read letters in envelopes because we have this   x-ray technology what the heck now letters even in  envelopes are public because we can read them with   technology and once again this is not the way  to argue you need to go through the steps and   see what the disruptions are and how that affects  long-held values so this this is the conclusion   um still holds an iron grip  ci reveals misalignment   i continue to believe that these dominant ideas  are detrimental to individual interests and   denigrate societal and contextual values my  approach would be to regulate with substantive   rules informed by legitimate norms sometimes  involving control but not always but using these   ends purposes and values as the arbiters  there's a lot of work to be done a lot of work   and i welcome anyone to join in the effort we  really need to change things up and that's it thank you now for the q a yes please um david  rebus is going to be our q a maestro helena i'm gonna read out the questions for  you but you can follow along too if you like   in the q a box are you in the mood for helen  for some uh very high philosophical questions   or would you like to start with more grounded  questions give me an assortment all right okay   let's uh let's begin with the mark castle corn's  question um he asks hi helen my question is   about government databases that can be used to  provide public benefit so for example to manage   a major emergency and its impact on regional  systems that government is loathe to create   because they may contain private information  and become targets of a foia and public   disclosure request can contextual integrity  help us find the appropriate balance yeah so this is this is a great question the it's a good question that some computer  scientists or you know some policy makers   want to answer by saying let's create  the databases and then make them   accessible through differential privacy so that  we can extract you know the usual you know utility   privacy utility trade-off  which is an issue for me and i   my pushback on this and it's not universal  because i'm not saying that that approach   isn't acceptable in some cases you know i think  that um for many cases and i know there's a   whole discussion of the census making the data  available in in a differentially private way   what i want to say is that if you consider the  different parameters they're ways of providing   the information different from the threat  model that differential privacy solves so   i'm i prefer to to offer a variety of approaches  to say you can create the databases certain people   will have privileged and you know what that  is or to use this data and and or you're held   accountable for certain uses of the data you  you know you we create a system where we try   and constrain the flow of that data according to  the different parameters and i think right now we   we've either we've talked about either you know  releasing at all or um having it be and and   having it be anonymized which we know cannot do  or differential privacy which also has problems   and i want to offer a different alternative to  it where we might even make the data available   in ways that could reveal identity but  we do it in a way that's constrained i'm going to stick with another  somewhat on the ground question um   caitlin cork asks as cyber physical technologies  become the norm in the built environment   especially for uh internet of thing devices how do  we ensure that the norms are morally justifiable   do you see privacy concerns with aggregate  data collected by iot device systems um the i'm not really sure why  the iot i i can understand why iot devices escape the standard  notice and choice regime i'm not sure first of all   um when we say aggregated that they're different  ways of aggregating so it could be that in order   if you have some kind of fitness device  and i'm sure and i imagine that caitlyn might include fitness trackers as an instance of  an iot device then you would you might actually   want that fitness tracker to keep track it  could be useful for you to keep track of   of aggregate like how much did you walk this week  or was it better than last week and so forth and   my colleague deborah estrin courses  in small data versus big data   when you're talking about aggregating  across contexts so we're going to   combine this data with shopping data and so forth  then we have glaring violations of contextual   integrity and we need to run these flows again  through the machinery of the of the norms i don't know if caitlyn you can come  back if if i didn't answer your question   i'll look out for that all right let's shoot up  to um the maybe the highest level question in   the deck um but i think it's a fair question  for a philosopher uh scott mainwearing asks my question is about the conception of information  the contextual integrity theory appears to rest   upon the metaphor of flow suggests metaphorically  that information is a fluid object something that   objectively exists in the world as opposed to say  to ideas from critical theories that information   is not quote unquote real but for example in some  versions a social construction that is always   in danger of being destabilized would you agree  that contextual integrity depends on this kind of   stabilized unproblematic idea of information if  so does this create strengths and weaknesses of   your approach um when it's interesting so the the  term flow was was the term i chose out of a lot of   different terms that i was considering at the time  um because i wanted to be to not make assumptions   about anything that was happening on the two ends  and and here i am i'm stuck with it and the other   thing i'm stuck with is the word context  which has caused me no end of heartburn but i think your question   i don't know that i understand your  question as deeply you know in the depths to the correct depth but i will say this  that when you take information of a certain   type and of course the semantics of the  information is is not god-given it's constructed   within the context and and i am  committed to that that the ontology   that that different contexts are defined  by different informational ontologies passes from one party to another  party and the meaning of that data   that information when it arrives to the  other party could change dramatically   and i want to just give it a very practical  you know give a very practical reason because   when it goes from this party to that party that  party might have a bunch of other information   that gives a whole lot of different meaning to  that information when it arrives and this is why   we have to be careful to um not just talk  about party and party b but rather actor in   a certain capacity and act in another capacity  so i might have a headache tell the physician   and the physician interprets that data that  data gets a meaning depending on its arrival i   don't know if that's what you meant scott and  probably what you meant was deeper than that   but i do accept that that the  meaning changes in ways and that   by including the recipient as a  parameter you're allowing us to   place constraints on what i'm calling flow which  is just passage of data from one party to another oh great question i'd love  to talk about it for hours   but i won't um let's uh i'm just going to  allow mark hasselhorn to do a follow-up   um just to remind you his his question  was about uh government databases   first question he says follow-up is um  so we can restrict individual access   for public good he's asking i guess is that what  you're saying um not quite as bluntly because um when because we can restrict in different ways  yes so the answer is yes restrict but we can   restrict in different ways and it used to be  the case just just to give you an example that   if you wanted information out of a court record  you would go to the courthouse and you would be   able to look at the material in the folder and  that restricted access materially in a certain way the data brokers got around that because they  hired people whose job it was and i saw this   you would go to the courthouse you would you know  claim all these and then they would just sit there   and they would transcribe the information so there  are various ways that you can impose restrictions   you can impose use restrictions etc i think we  don't fall into the computer science trap that   says if you can do it that's all that matters  and we we have to say well you can do it but   we're gonna make it not okay just as companies  impose restrictions on you know how you might   use a copyrighted movie or something like that  we can do it and then we need to think about that   but but but it's important when we it's  not like public interest writ large it's   to understand what's being served when we  do that so when we think about court records   we the court record played an important function  in the way the courts functioned whether   to to achieve fair outcome you know equal  outcomes for similar cases and so forth   but then they became a mechanism to attach  a reputation onto somebody and that's when   things went wrong so we have to really define  what that public what that interest is or yeah amy kelly very simply written question but i  think it's quite deep hi helen i am wondering who gets to decide uh what the privacy norms  should be in different contexts yes who should   be responsible for ensuring that those norms  are protected either by design or other means   and three how can we trust um how much trust  can we place in developers and especially   users of various technologies to  uphold privacy norms and goals i love that question um the second one the first  one was who gets to the side the second one is   who should be responsible for ensuring that their  the norms are protected either by design yeah   i'm i feel like maybe i placed you in the  audience and paid you to ask that question so um because i i don't know who gets to decide because we have  norms and by the way i'm aware that a lot of a   lot of the norms that govern us and looking at it  i'm not a critical theorist but i've been schooled   by my critical theory colleagues who say  that you know don't give too much credence to   entrench norms because these entrenched norms may  represent the interests of the powerful in society   you know whatever gender race uh socioeconomic and  not reflect the interests of everyone and by the   way that is sometimes how technology  can disrupt things in a good way so   how norms become established in a society is when  i say i don't know it's not like oh i forgot to   figure that out it's to say there are other  people who are much better qualified than me   who have studied the evolution of norms in society  and sometimes the norms are not you know equally   good but we're going to assume that if we have  a kind of reflective if we have a set of norms   that we've reflectively evaluated then who is  responsible for enforcing those norms or even   passing the norms down from generation to  generation and the answer is it's so interesting   and complex not all norms get embodied into  explicit rules we know that law is one vehicle for   is that um responsible vehicle for promulgating  and enforcing norms but norms can be family law   uh you can be you know your friends can can push  you away if you violate norms you could be part   of a professional society that that lives that is  defined by a set of norms and if you violate etc   so the are many societal mechanisms for both  expressing norms and for enforcing the norms   and then the third question about how much  trust to place in users and developers um part of what we try to do when we teach  um when we do things like this is to create   some sense of consciousness first of all that  those people who are designing our systems   pay attention so if you're  designing a drone with a camera   think about data flows and then should we  trust you if you're working for a company   that's invasive and etc so so there's this a lot  of attention on things like professional ethics   i think some of this is about trust and  about promulgating in various different ways   and some of it is about law and  enforcement sometimes we have to enforce   enforce the constraint in design and you  know this beth that to this discussion of   values and design sometimes we enforce it in  design but design isn't the answer by itself i think this is going to be our last question okay  from joe bernstein it is the most upvoted question   uh i design enterprise tools for information  privacy and protection most of our use cases   aren't voluntary but for policy compliance  such as gdpr do you think policy has negative   effects of encouraging company to collect more  information the more tools we have to manage   data sharing and attempt to protect from  breaches it feels like more companies now   feel comfortable collecting data in the  first place well that is so fascinating wow i don't think i'm going to be  able to give a really good answer   to that question because it it gets into the mind  of incentives and and motivations but i do i do   feel that we that we all held high hopes for the  ccpa and for the gdpr and i'm i'm afraid that the   achilles heel of both of these laws is that they  utilize consent as this little loophole and so   no matter what the constraints are they have so  with gdpr there's one little bit of hopefulness   in it because when you specify the the purpose  so the purpose specification the idea of it is   that you can only specify a legitimate purpose now  if those folks were on their game they would say   what do we mean by legitimate purpose and now  we run through the whole contextual integrity   process but uh i'm not seeing it happening and i'm  afraid that because they give such a big role to   consent we're going to it's it's it's going to  be close to business as usual but i realize i   haven't addressed that question because if you  if you have a law that isn't very restrictive   then the like kids you know they're going to push  wow i'm not collecting all that data i think i'm   going to collect more data because i'm allowed  to and i do see those weird backwards incentives   thanks for that quick thanks  for those great questions all right thank you i think i'll have julie has  some final words yeah thank you so much helen   that was really interesting and thank you for  taking the time to answer everyone's questions so   i want to thank everyone for joining us for  distinguished lecture today and i want to   join join me in thanking helen one more time  um either in the chat or or you know digitally   clapping or however you'd like to uh share your  things with with helen one more time today um also   i wanted to thank again to the research committee  for putting together the event as well as all the   staff who put things together so wishing everyone  a happy friday um and you wish you know health   and wellness and perseverance until we can get  together hopefully next year's distinguished   lecture will be in person again but we'll now  that we have such a great audience digitally we   can hopefully uh maybe have a hybrid next year so  looking forward to seeing you and and take care hi thank you helen that was awesome that was great  thank you thank you yes thanks and see you soon


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