I'm. On Lake Winnebago at the mouth of the Fox River and on either side, Menasha. We're. In Menasha, meaning, we're in the Fox Valley meaning, that there is water everywhere, Lake, Winnebago, the. Fox River right over there this is the canal that hey hey John oh yeah so, a few seasons, ago we did Nina and, now this season we're. Doing the other side Menasha yeah they've always been twin cities John yeah but they actually began as one settlement and, the reason is geography this. Is where the, Fox River empties from Lake Winnebago on its way to Green Bay and, the. Outlet actually had two channels, and, they were about a mile apart they, reconnect, just downstream. From us to form Doty Island and, they both drop about ten feet early on so what you had here was what they called Winnebago Rapids, hmm and it was obviously, a great site for water power and when did Winnebago, Rapids, become Neenah Menasha real, early at first there was one partnership, that tried to develop both channels and the, partners decided to go their own separate, ways not amicably, back in the 1840s, so, Menasha developed, here right here on the North channel that means Island in the native tongue and Nina, develops on the south channel that means running water they, became fierce rivals and if she was always water power and who, won, they. Both won they did they, both built dams they, both, attracted industries but. Menasha won, the contest for state canal improvements, back in the 1850s. So, by 1856. The canal right here was, carrying, steam ships from Fondulac an - gosh all the way down to Green Bay what, that meant is that Menasha became the more industrial, know the Twin Cities so the riverfront was just lying with factories by, 1900, banana had 30 plants employed around 2,500, workers and making what all kinds of things John pumps. Pulleys books and my favorite product was lumberjack socks so. Far. The biggest employer was right across the canal that was Menasha pail and they, became the largest wooden, wear manufacturer, on the planet they. Made pails they made barrels, they made butter tubs they made washboards. And then they wouldn't close pens by probably the millions, so, by 1900. Menasha pail employed more, than half the town's workforce, and, the owner was a Yankee named Elijah Elijah, Smith, who, became a leading citizen gave. Money for a library you stand right here before they moved a few blocks north back in the 60s and, and for what's now Smith parking building island and, as mr. Smith's company, still around still is now it's called them a national corporation, headquarters, south of here okay and they've long since switched, to plastic and cardboard products, the last wooden pail was made back in 1957. Wow all. These factories were who worked there the, same mix of immigrants elsewhere. And Wisconsin, Nationals, workforce was largely, German, polish, Irish Nina, was also attracting, industries and both, cities made the transition gradually. To paper manufacture. So, early, 1900s. The Fox Valley becomes, paper Valley and the em-dash were right at the heart of it and the economy today paper still a big deal in the valley John but there's also been a lot of attrition as you, can see Menasha is waterfront, is no longer as industrial as it once was it's, also given the city a lot of redevelopment, opportunities and. This work began back in the 1980s. Nómine, she has a downtown, marina yeah really nice Riverwalk, complete with housing and parkland, were these to be just factories, and mills population. About, 18,000. And still. Largely German polish and Irish but also about 7% Latino and the boundaries, the, city Menasha covers seven square miles of the very northwestern, tip of Lake Winnebago right, where the Fox Valley starts, oh good and good, biking good biking it was a great friendship trail here I haven't been on it yet gonna have lunch with you and then take off for the trestle trail goes across Little Lake buta more and then on into the country so we take a nap in between, okay. So. This, has nothing to do with what you make see, that right there this, this is what you that is our product that's found in almost every single roll of toilet paper or, paper toweling in North America. The beginning of our manufacturing. Process, it's basically, a giant blender we couldn't come in at Menasha without talking about paper and you talked about the Fox Valley and that's the first thing yet there's, the nickname the paper valley right at one point there were 18 paper mills between.
Oshkosh, And Green, Bay that. Were in this area manufacturing. Paper we've, been in operation continuously. Since 1888, making, paper yeah were, they always making, this stuff we've, always been making recycled. Paper board yeah we make about 450. Tons of material, a day that's, already, pre-cut, to be sent to our customers, so, then they will self manufacture, that into their finished cans, industrial. Tubes and course or, cords that are going to be manufactured. For toilet paper this is an example of our finished product, and they will then utilize, our slit stock to, manufacture, this core this is what I think of what I think about paper mills something that, big unaware, of that big in a room this year in a room that's how, long before it ends up here probably takes about us two hours to process, from raw material, to finish that's it that's, all two hours correct, we employ 115. People we, work 24/7. Most paper mills are running 24, hours 7 days a week we have on the maintenance staff with about 20, employees yes correct. Yeah and they worked very very hard to keep clean ah to keep it going not all of our equipments, from 1888, will ship out about 20, to 25 trunks, and finished paper a day yeah. It's. Not very glamorous. So. Every time I finish my role of Paulette paper I could think of this plate and think about today that's. Correct, what, does faith do so, faith actually started, off many many years ago as an electrical contractor okay, but since then you, know through our customers, expectations and. Through, our people wanting to grow and and keep diversifying, we, really became kind of an energy and technology, expert, providing. Solutions, holistically, to our customers this is our customer center so what do we have virtual. Reality okay where are you even. I'm in the accelerate. Building that we're building in Little Chute these guys from the shoot would come here, the undersell force base yeah so, as you're laying it out you get a chance to actually see what it'll look like this, is one of the innovation, labs yes this is one of our partner innovation labs so some of the products, that our partners, application. Either electric, and a PC, a lot, of these devices are smart devices so. These are the ones that that can analyze the loads and that type of stuff so this equipment, really analyzes, this building that we're sitting in now and the coolest part about this building, is we. Were able to reduce the energy consumption, of this building in, about three, years by. Thirty thirty, five percent I believe is over at today so, we're using a thirty five percent less energy in, this building today that when we opened it when.
We Had less than a hundred employees in this building now we have four hundred plays this building and easier, than less than entry C actually a three thousand employees really, supporting, a national, presence so we're a national contract, or national engineering firm yeah doing. Work all over the country, based. Here out of the national downtown. Menashe of Main Street as it all, breakfast. And lunch at the weathervane Children's. Boutique at, lemon loves lime it has an ice cream shop come on a great. Woman's clothing store and Esther's, attic. Great. Art great gifts wild. Africa my. Kind of place renewed, and reclaimed. Get. Coffee at your daily grind, I'm. Gonna get to the end of the block do not miss club liquors. This. Was a General Electric store. Because, at that time your Jasmine electric, appliances, were all sold in its sword yeah, and this is your store yes it and there's a bar next door that yours as well right my sodden your sons how long have you been at this operation, about, 50 years 50 years in the beginning you had beer, whiskey. Yeah, then wine came along at, that time it was picnic. Her all beer beer, beer beer beer beer sure, and one day a guy came and he said, yeah we got to get some beer so they get some beer and they piled it up and then, I said, you know you, probably ought to take some wine you know it but I was like oh my god they're gonna buy wine go, to a picnic, I just, do this you. Have an entire division of, wine I know I of. Things out there and people, drinking, habits, have changed yeah. Oh. Yeah yeah gins back Gina's, back oh yeah. Whoever, thought that I, thought, one see a different. One area of storage I love that the store offers you, your wine, any. Type of liquor you, can find some good cheese I saw your yeah, sure, can, you get glassware, here yeah yes. We. Rent glasses, oh you do yeah how many extra do we need one. Hundred two hundred three, hundred four on their gun yeah, people like to have it in a glass that it belongs and that it belongs it yeah yeah, so, a highball, if so you don't want to drink the champagne out, of a jelly jar do, they yeah. Can't. Do that that's. Out, remember. That never. Drink cava jelly jar. Where everything is yeah. What it was what he won. I'll. Go get it for ya. Someone. Ashes surrounded by water so what should they have they, should have a great marina and can I tell you they do what, a beautiful marina. Let's. Take a walk down this way so we're on we're right in front of Lake Winnebago right, and we, are looking which way we're looking basically.
Solved Overlooking, South yeah, so, the lake turns, into the river yeah. Comes in and Oshkosh, and comes through the lake and flows out here and then goes up north, to the. Green Bay you know there's not too many rivers, that flow north in the United States it's, great how long have you lived here, my, parents had this house oh they didn't so I was born in 1930, in the house was built in 1927. Okay so I lived. Here all my life yeah this is the original house that, your father built yes what happened was my dad in. 1926. Bought, this. Property from a mrs. Burke stroke who. Lived. On end of High Street and, this, was kind of a farm originate. There weren't you know like three or four homes down here and then eventually I think there's about 28 it's a nice quiet area but yeah you're close to town yeah and his life really kind of controlled by the, water kind of interesting, time of the year actually is in late, winter here, because. There's some fish, that died and this. Is open because of the current in the, from the river and the, dead. Fish come underneath the ice and into, the open water and sometimes we can have 25, or 30 Eagles here, coming. In to feed on those fish. Sit. Sit on the trees over here yeah and they're, kind of fun if you like to watch Eagles there there. This. Is called Porcha Palooza right it, was really remarkable. I've. Never seen anything like this before I've never heard of anything, there. Are a few models like this around the country but we really started it here in tradition, and I really, think of it as a Menasha thing it's sort of the perfect Menasha, music. Festival. This. Is the Jefferson Park neighborhood, and they decided a few years ago that what they wanted to do was to bring everybody together around, music and so we, found a number of musicians who, live in the neighborhood and I would sign to the neighborhood to come in and play music, all on the same night on one or two blocks people's, porches yeah. They. Just talked, to somebody who was on a boat who, heard it it was like what's going on and it's like this is the bass a lot of the people here are from the neighborhood but, we, like to also showcase, the neighborhood you know bring people in to see what a great neighborhood it is yeah. The. Primary, thing they wanted to work on with social connection. And there will be six, to eight to ten musicians, playing. So, everyone's standing, talking, meeting. People and then listening, and then sort of moving on and, everyone is saying I both, saw a bunch of people that I knew and I met new people here, it's as much about the. Music. How often does this happen generally. Do one or, two for. The season, for the season yeah. We're. Heck rats a wetland, reserve every, bit of this place it's kind of remarkable it's, a this is the beginning of a three mile loop, that's, accessible. To all its, loved, and completely. Supported, by this community it's a lot of wildlife, it's a lot of nature and it's, right here in Menasha necrons. This. Is Fox Cities of Habitat, for Humanity, we're talking about rock, the blinds right there rocking the block today right we're rocking the block let's. Talk up this initiative, out of this happen it started in Des Moines in the morning we were the second Rock the block affiliate, to start so we started rocking the block in Appleton, and, we were just spending maybe eight or ten projects, in that neighborhood we ended up with thirty-one projects, in that neighborhood. There's. Different, things that are gonna happen to each house and then on the black yep every, house is different every, year Morrissey is different we're looking to replace roughs the place of windows replaced siding vegetation, removal painting. Porch leveling, you name it exterior, impactful. Repairs we're doing with homeowners not for them with them I love the fact that you're really so involved with it all that it's really working together yeah. You, have to be so we personally. Engage every homeowner in this neighborhood so you were working on your gutter yes I see they're putting on door they are putting in new inside. Doors and. Screen, doors and they are fixing, my fence, panel, they're also working on my garage they're gonna put aluminum so that's gonna be low. Maintenance now it's been amazing there will always be work, but, we can always see the effect of the work that we're doing and the impact it has on families, that. That are living in a house that has a leaky roof we can see the effect if those repairs those immediate repairs now, we can see how that's improving their quality of life now we can see how that's spreading, in the neighborhood as well rock the block is the spark, that, starts the neighborhood revitalization and, we've seen that we've seen that in the neighborhoods ever worked on so rock the block has been happening for three years in this community how many homes have you touch we've.
Done Three hundred over three hundred thirty projects, yeah, and with. How many volunteers all. The four thousand volunteers. This. Is the isle of Balor which is a memorial to all of those who served, especially. The two recipients. Of the Medal of Honor both, from Menasha there's, only two cities in the country that have multiple, Medal. Of Honor recipients. And Menasha, Wisconsin is, one of them the Isle of Valor. No. Matter where we went Indonesia. Your. Steeple was always present right it's the staple, of Manila was present mm-hmm. And once it was good too because then they know that Christ is in our community too this, church was built in 1883, the. Church was founded in, 1867. The parish was so it's about one hundred and fifty two years ago and it hasn't changed much since it's, being, built hasn't a few modifications after. The Second Vatican Council vote, much most of what you see is original, we have about thirteen hundred families, we're worth bernice who is a member, of this parish that's right how are you I'm fine have you been a member long, well. For, as long as I, would say 58. Years 58, years well then if somebody asks you that again I would say yes a very long time yes yes. And did your kids go to school here they went to school 12, years they were baptized, confirmed married. This. Is your family's parish that's what this is yes it is now this. Is very much like the parish I grew up in, which was the German Parrish day. And. St., John's is the Polish. Parish. This is a sizable, parish yes it is so that link parish has has 1300, families yes and the, volunteers, here are amazing, and not only internal. But, what Bernice does and, the other 20 plus individuals that we have on the care ministry team are just amazing, they, outreach, to our parishioners, that can't get to church or, might be just ill for a little bit anybody, that's Catholic, and wants.
Communion Or needs that prayer they, will go on service, endowment, as well they're not just well it's just the st. Mary's or st. John 1st nur they're there for everyone yeah and it's really neat I am, on the trestle trail which is part of loop the lake which, is a 3 miles over for, bridges over three bodies of water you can bike, it you can walk it you can run it you can bring your dog if you're in the Menasha area you should not miss, this. Michael. We're in Menasha is the home of the blue chase said where are we call their stadium yeah yeah home field for the match to blue Jason nine hundred kids in the school joke a what we're doing here it's called toughness. Tuesday 6:30. The more they get here leadership, training, 7:30. They get out in the field and they get after it early, Tuesday morning 70. Kids here boys and girls boys and girls these are kids, a lot, of them in the football program but, they've developed that they call mass which, is Menasha, athletic, speeding strength yeah and any athletes, can get involved it's a really wonderful program it's, great and they've been doing this how long they've. Been doing this for about six years jeremy court there's a head coach yeah he is a special, ed teacher in, the, middle school here in Menasha went to Menasha high school right, out of college got, hired here and has, now taken over the program and, him and his staff done a great job state. Champions, 2014. The first state championship of, any sport, in the school it's easy when, when you're winning all the time well, they haven't, won all the time and the community still back to him 2003. They started turning it around and they have to fully turned this thing around, look my money is always gonna be on Menasha after seeing stuff like this good job the face. This is the bridgetower museum which I believe I'm just gonna say that there's got to be one of the smallest museums, in the world and I love the fact that if there is a boat, coming down the river and this bridge is forced to come up you are forced to leave the museum yeah, evacuate, look. It's. A stable word. The barlow of planetarium. What is this exactly it was the first major planetarium. In the state of Wisconsin, it is an amazing. Classroom. There's. A bunch of stuff we can do in there that no matter how great your classroom, is yeah being, under a starry sky, having. The constellations. Come up moving the Stars as we want them having, planets, float up it is pretty magical we serve about twenty five thousand, school kids from. The quarter, of Wisconsin. That is basically Sheboygan. 251, up to the U P and that's our our surface area yeah we also serve a lot of public we do shows almost every weekend, yeah star parties, this is beyond cool, and. Have, a lot of fun not only promoting astronomy, we promote space we promote space exploration. We. Prompt science, you guys ready for this we called 98 people jiù jiù jiù jiù jiù and we're really proud of that, we're the largest in the UW System how did this end up here in Menasha well. I think if. You go back to 1961. Somebody. Wanted to have a planetarium, here and that, planetarium, people had access to when, they start rebuilding, this, wing that that's when they start planning this one in 98 and when, it was installed, it was state-of-the-art, well we have multiple structures our main projector, is in. The center and. We still push its limits, now when we have a lot of fun doing that another, one in only in Menasha is the Weiss Earth Science, Museum which, is Wisconsin's. Mineralogical, Museum, and it's right next to the Barlow planetarium. Same building right, here in Menasha I know what you're thinking is that Pole cold, no that's, yarn-bombing you know what that is it's public art you can sign up to decorate, one of these poles with yarn.
And It's, called yarn bombing there's over a dozen of, these poles that are filled with. Yard art downtown. Menasha it's. A great addition to. Guess. What this property used to be no, look at it okay if I told you there were gas pumps right there what would you say it, used to be a quick trip yeah now, it's a great bakery that is how long have you been a baker oh so. It's nine years old since you were nine there, so 40, years. Really. Yeah. Was your dad a baker my dad was so big and what happens at this location, compared to the other bakeries or artisan, breads recent breads happen here, has. This business, changed, much in the years that you've been doing every, year if you had a good product people will come they'll, call me and what are you gonna do with those now they're gonna rest, for about 5-10, minutes they have to rest yep on the bench they're, much like me. If. You were to talk to somebody in Menasha and, mention this bakery, what product, do they come here for on a daily basis I would see the dormant, product definitely carrot, cake oh my gosh cookies, see these babies here mm-hmm. Tunnel cookies six. Thousand, dozen we sold at Christmastime. Six. Thousand, dozen yeah look at that turtle cooking that. Looks delicious, we actually toast, the pecans, with butter and salt elephant. Years we've had since 1954. And is, that is that your dad's recipe, it is very, famous doughnuts our persian doughnut this. Is a different than a lot of Perkins I've had really yeah is what we. Have seven children seven. Well 600-volt. In the bakery in all band space is that right sixteen oh seven children. 120. I'm sorry is no there's. Nothing here that I would deny myself really go. It all looks really good this is almost lunchtime. That's. What I've been told this is what I should order that's your order amends with half butter half onions okay and they said you have to have a chocolate ball makes. It's a mall - not a shape that's layered let's talk about the history of this place - the first location, was across the street original, 1958. And. Mem what's the name of those people. No. No. What you had to keep the name yes but I kept, the tradition, and you kept the tradition, yes and the recipes, of the MEMS absolutely. You did and they use a lot of butter rice. Demographic. Care. We. Have customers, here that were originally, customers, at 58. Thank you yeah, they still come in area and they still come in mm-hmm, what do people order up their board mostly, cheeseburgers. And steak sandwiches, that's, our number one whatever their idea of a MEMS burger, is yeah that's, if they order because some, people's version, is the, steak sandwiches their official. Members of burger oh yeah other people it's a cheeseburger, so yeah, what's yours buddy what what do you do when you make a steak yeah, cheeseburger. Would. Be mine as well what's served on their cheeseburger, usually butter.
Onions, And pickles that's. It that's it and then you have a ketchup, or mustard at the table yes how we use the brown mustard oh not yellow no oh why, is that because, that's mr. dick Oh is that okay all these years that I could still eat them then the burger every day in, their soul it's like outdoors what kind. Of grows we. Actually have hardwood charcoal will you do we really, use our hardwood, charcoal. Like. Magic, yes, where the outside tastes from an inside place I will, say it again outside taste from an inside place that's smart did you make that up or was that already here dad sarin in our daughter so now you got to come here every time. They, come here to come here I am so happy I could spend time in Menasha now, I'll always think of it as a gem, in the Fox Valley I. Love. That he overlooks this busy intersection do, you know what he's saying he's, saying, that's. How you drive. Yeah. That's good you drive like crap, they. Say that he's, saying, that. White was red. Or. You just went through a red light is. That better so, I saw this thing he who, walks with thunder, so, I looked, it up on Google. And it says here we go he. Who walks with thunder. Can't. Hear a thing. He. Who walks with thunder is luckier than he, who walks with lightning. That. Guy is dead. Awesome. That's half butter. You'll. Be fine. It's. Good I took my cholesterol medicine. JAMA. Nash is a lovely place to visit you know visit would not be possible without, the generous support of our underwriters, so underwriters, thank you very much Thanks. The, greater milwaukee foundation's ernest. C and florence, m shocky fund and, by. The david, a and nancy, e putz fund the. Greater Milwaukee foundation, inspiring. Philanthropy serving. Donors, and strengthening. Communities, now and for the future. Michael's. Corporation. Serving, the energy, transportation. Telecommunications. And utility, industries. Michael's. Constructing. North America's, infrastructure, for our future. We. Energies foundation at, Wisconsin, public service foundation are proud to support public television together. We create a brighter future for the communities, we serve. ATC. Moocs electricity. For its generated, to communities, where it's needed American. Transmission company helping to. Keep the lights on businesses running and communities strong.