Crypto-technology Transformers Earth Wars Stream

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so my hey guys so she wasn't here welcome  back to another thursday stream where   yes we'll be obviously covering the news but uh  talking a bit as well about some things that sort   of come out of last week a bit of like i said  news as well that's separate from the newsletter   we always go through so uh we'll be talking about  the five-star poll and sort of giving my opinions   on the bots that are in there and maybe talk about  some bots that are missing should they be in there   why would not in there uh talk a bit about the  five-star poll uh we also gonna be talking about   the new war effects that hit literally today uh or  yesterday depending on where you are in the world   uh but yeah uh super pumped about them been  looking forward to these for ages we'll talk about   the sort of uh play testing behind it how we came  to these effects and the uh the process behind it   so yeah we'll talk a bit about that uh but first  of all obviously let's see who we've got in the   chat so we've got stay puft who was first in the  chat thanks for joining in one of our members as   well uh grad time a lot of our members and uh make  sure you go check out grand times channel guys as   always uh we've got wind played plenty of members  in the chat today we've got uh esclajos here we've   got chris trodden we've got penny lancaster we've  got matt paul how's it going we've got risky and   of our members thanks for being a member uh  william wilkinson we've got carnage mac aight   we've got a virtual vf1j what what does the vf1j  stand for just out of interest so now i've always   puzzled me uh we've got joseph trillo we've got  uh jason rollers we've got a roly poly brothers   in the house uh thank you soldier for being a 12  month member thanks uh and don't forget guys go   check out soldier's channel well we're trying  to get soldier on the channel i think he's the   last of the content creators to get on the channel  i'm pretty sure so i'd be uh interested to get him   on yeah uh thanks for being a member uh there  we've got silverbot 94 one of our moderators   cheers for joining us as well bud uh we've got  generic we've got volcanicus i think that is   everyone in the chat yes so let's jump  straight into this week's newsletter so bowie grana weep ninibong and this week's  event as per the thumbnail is crypto technology   so a bit of a chilled out event after uh last  week so it's a five times 500 000 troop xp   five gold power calls 20 million alloy and energon  75k spark 125 k combine spark 75k combat spark 25k   uh premium shots 7 500 3 star shards 2504  star shots and a partridge in a pear tree   uh and yeah 20k event super xp pretty shield  individual events uh battle zones as normal   and you've got to think so just looking back on  this day second a minute so again it's a little   bit of an indicator why have we got 75 000 spark  75 000 combat back and 125 000 combine us back   why we'll combine us back who knows maybe it's  because something's coming through combiners   obviously way we all know it's coming  we're not daft are we we're not daft   we know we're not stupid so yeah uh yeah  the rewards are spaced out as per usual   yeah 10 million i saw 10 million as like  10 million what energon yeah not gonna   lie we've seen 10 million is that 10 million  shards i'll take 10 million four star shots   no it's 10 million energon sadly but yeah not bad  rewards the only thing i'll be a bit critical of   is why they got three star shards that's the last  reward just kind of stopped there but 70k i'm not   really fussed about the rest really 25 gigabytes  back it's all right i'll just stop there yeah 17k   but yeah cool uh game updates and information so  this thursday our new season will be kicking off   the new battle pass has dropped today uh so yeah  it's a four week battle pass so the points have   dropped uh there's a couple of things that i want  to sort of uh you know that to look at which i'll   talk about in a second after going through this  um but yeah we've got to go obviously got the   free-to-play uh section on the left there which is  still pretty good free to play let's be honest and   then you've got the uh pay-to-play uh right-hand  side uh and it's pretty much got the normal   uh reward but this time obviously we've got five  star shards so last event was combat shards this   one now is five star shots and uh 1 500 is nothing  to be sniffed at really good uh amount of five   star shots really good really good um probably  the best value in the game other than the the uh   start i wonder i mean the startup one looks crazy  outside of that this is the best value in the in   the game guys without a doubt um the only thing  i'll be critical of this and i i get that it's   a four-week event sort of shortened it but some of  the uh tasks that they give you some of the things   but that are still quite long so for example uh  win 400 battles now on a six week saga easy on   a five weeks ago it's not too bad on a four week  saga it's maybe pushing it a bit i mean we have   got a big event at the end of the month but i mean  i'm not talking from top level players i'm talking   sort of like you know sometimes you know mid to  low level players even you know 400 battles it's   quite a lot of battles but hey we'll have to wait  and see i passed it on to higher or saying this is   like a dude and doing 350 maybe just lower a bit  you know help of help brother out but we'll see   uh and then onto the new bots so we have got the  new box ah g2 silver not a big fan of the colours   i don't like these g2 but then look at ramjar  ramjot ramjet look at ramjet he look looks awesome   ramjet looks a beast silver looks like ronald  mcdonald so yeah not a big fan of that but uh   i haven't got them in testing yet not even tried  them so i can't even comment on the abilities but   let's be honest i think they're gonna be a  jet of some kind so it will be pretty cool uh and then what effects have just come in to  prime league and cyber so uh the mds effects uh   just for prime league are uh 10 hp and dps that's  standard in prime league regardless uh we've got   uh the plasma cannon gives 25 additional  hp for beam lasers and missile launchers   the laser gun mds defenses explode  dealing five times their dps upon death   and then the mds minigun uh 15 attack speed and  range for cannons mortars and laser turrets so   that's prime league so you will if you get to  prime league you will get either two or three of   those mds's now don't try and run two it doesn't  stack so you can't have say two laser guns and   other sort of defenses explode dealing 10 times  it doesn't work like guys if you have two laser   guns you only get the advantage of one so try and  use two different uh mds settings uh in your base   setup uh and personally i would go for laser gun  and mini gun i wouldn't go for plasma plasma was   very old p in the uh last effects on the one  before that this time around they said this and   plasma sort of had its day then now we're gonna  go to the other two and see how they go um but   plasma cannon 25 additional hp for beating laser  missile launchers missile launchers have kind of   had their day in the last few effects not you know  very prominent i don't really consider taking them   out it's honestly off they're not that big a  deal beam lasers uh easy ways round beam lasers   but you know explosion defense is five times a  dps that's a lot of damage to your bots uh and   then attack speed and range for canon's motors  and turrets uh that could be huge as well so uh i   would definitely go with mitigate and laser gun so  then on top of that that's prime league so you've   got the 10 hp and dps and then you've got the what  the two settings from the mds then the hard mode   settings on top of that you've got an extra 20 hp  dps so altogether it's 30 hp and dps when you take   hard mode into consideration outpost combiner has  100 more hp these combiners are hard to take down   don't take unlikely be wary if you are doing a  sack where you're battling these combiners because   they do take a while to get down guys and also the  big one defenses heal for 30 of the damage dealt   that is dangerous guys that is super dangerous and  we'll talk about more about these effects in game   we'll go through them and i'll explain why they're  so hard and uh some things you can sort of do to   maybe help you get through these walls and uh  you know challenge for some decent points and   you know and hopefully get past your  bases so yeah uh community corner oh grandson just told me that those are  these new cyboskins not the new bots   oh well well i'll be using them then i could do  with the new jet it's honestly yeah uh better   than jet fire but uh yeah i'm not too fussed uh  so yeah we've got a chilly tiana i'm a bit like   there but you know what that's actually pretty  decent that's such a pretty cool driving of space   uh yeah i like it pretty cool i've gotta lie um they've got a couple of drawings as well and  then we've got week one out of a four week   saga so this week is obviously the uh but xp  event nice and chilled um and then we've got the   anniversary event next week it does say one mil  but i believe it might be getting reduced i think   uh why did the anniversary event last year it was  super easy and the idea was that you'll complete   the event and go and jump out and help someone and  everyone was sort of jumping in helping everyone   else get these uh new combats well new bots  last year so it's a five-star bot looking up   last year this year they're giving out a five-star  combat from uh batches one to three it's totally   random out of one to three you can't pick before  anyone asks is just random out of one to three no   the new batch is not in there just one to  three um but yeah it was super cool it was   cool to go and help people out and go and jump  in and jump out relaxes and it's just good to   know that you're helping people it's a bit hard  sometimes we're doing a one million point event   but um you know if they lower it like you know  two three four hundred k and uh that could help   um and yeah a few people in the chat is saying  they believe it's been dropped to 300k um yeah   that's a good that's a good amount that will be  done by day one we can go and help other people   out so uh yeah but don't forget guys if you're  an alliance and you don't think you're gonna get   it get on the discord get on the transformers  earth wars discord you don't have to be at vip   to get in there go and join the discord and go  and put your alliance in there and people are   going to be jumping and jumping out and you'll be  surprised at how quick it fills out because you've   got to think that you're going to have hundreds  thousands of people trying to find a bit of xp   go and help people out uh most alliances  only have a few spots most fans will be full   that are going to get it and those that don't will  have spots so make sure you've got a few spots   full so um yeah uh looking forward to anniversary  event random five-star combat and alaba   a new combat to pull as well so gonna be  interesting point two five star crystals uh   on that anniversary event and as always we'll be  giving some sunstreaker wasn't crystals away we'll   be doing polls so excited for that then we've  got a uh individual total out of prestigious   for prime course shards i'm saving my prank  card shots up uh that was 25 prestiges for 20k   and then at the end we've got new bots five star  shards new crystals not too sure what's going to   be uh they've not said it's going to be a chance  event i don't think they've noticed there's going   to be a leaderboard so i'm not too sure it maybe  you score 1.5 million points and you get the 4   star but who knows hey i'm just spitballing but  we don't know yet but it's new bots five-star   shards as always that's cool and new crystals so  looking forward to that uh and then the following   bug fixes have happened so uh later artemis and  amanda megatron can now uh hit billbots until oh   sorry well i think it's target buildbots i think  but anyway they hit billboards now which is pretty   good and uh elimination mode there was an issue  because of extended to monday sunday there was   an issue where they failed on sunday but that has  now been fixed cool okay let's go into the game i apologize coffee guard just getting over  a cold uh if you join my monday stream   uh you'll have seen that i was a bit rough  uh but yeah don't forget guys i have so   i've set up start doing a monday stream so  the idea behind the monday stream is listen   on a monday night i'm doing my titan xp i'm doing  some zen farming i can do some wars whatever i'm   doing not then basically i'm gonna stream and let  you guys sort of watch for an hour or so whatever   it is but you can come along ask any questions  we can talk about anything we should talk about   anything that's been earth was related to like  i was even talking about my dad on monday stream   so yeah listen you can come along and talk  about anything pretty much uh but you've got any   questions uh you want to ask me you can come and  join on monday like i said it's just something to   do while you're pouring around whatever or driving  home for work whatever like i said but i thought   i'd see you on one day just to you know keep you  guys in the loop something entertaining and just   while i'm playing along you can join me um but  we're still doing thursday stream first thing said   what you're quitting thursdays no no we're still  doing thursday streams just uh i used to do sunday   it was quite hard to do sundays because by sunday  the events winding down you used all your selves   not much to do pretty boring you can't do zen on  sundays really if you're still doing the event so   it was very slow paced so the idea is um monday  that's the idea uh and grand that's what i've got   a i know the question is i know what the question  is before you even ask you do not need to ask okay cool so uh first off the bar i'm  just going to get that it's just in   my head and it's not so much a goddamn  thing uh so first off the bat so let's   talk about the effects and sort of play  test and how we sort of started off so how it all started was uh we've  about a lot of complaints from um from higher players basically saying uh listen  walls need to be harder the bit easier people are   scoring this 12k and we're measuring wars on  the few mistakes people have made and everyone's   pretty much scores 300. uh and we've sort of  discussed this and the idea was in the last   uh set of war effects that was the aim but  it failed miserably really failed miserably   um and so they've probably dedicated i think  he got a lot of complaints about the last   of our effects uh the protesters  thought it would be hard enough   it wasn't by any means they were far too easy  actually even went backwards from the previous   effects so look most of the communities have  got this this is far too easy so the apes are   gone right listen two things one you want this  harder fine but you keep going about this extreme   difficulty so they're going to bring out some sort  of tournament for the top teams if it works well   they said they might extend it but we're sort  of like a bit of a testing ground in a minute   so i know some people have said it's not fair that  only the top teams are doing this but we're kind   of the guinea pigs in this really and then they'll  see how it goes and maybe extend it past that   but i believe that's going to be like super  crazy effects uh i gave a few ideas to dale today   not sure if they're doable but  a couple of the ideas i said   we talked about maybe a reduced battle timer of  only three minutes rather three and a half minutes   but my personal idea to make it super hard  was have the current effects of in game now   but take away prime cause i know even saying it  i was like i can't believe i'm saying this dale   i can't live much like saying this but if you  want to make it super hard for me just take   away prime course no my cronus no alpha try on no  quinces oh a disgusting but listen if they want   to make it super hard for me that would make it  super hard that and a reduced battle timer ouch   that'd be hard hey they could take away combats if  you wanted to imagine imagine imagine going back   to 2016-17 with no combats listen like i said you  know what i mean like it's anything they could do   really it's endless in this tournament and it'd be  interesting to see where they go with that but in   the meantime we did need harder war effects and  at the start we were sort of pushing for extreme   effects and the apes said no no listen we don't  want these extreme effects in wars in the game   too many people get really frustrated with it it  does need to be harder it should be challenging   but not crazy hard and they said right what i  want to do is we want you to go and basically   um fight the wars with a four-star combiner you  should still be able to be competitive with a   four-star combiner you shouldn't need omega to be  successful now my my answer to that my reaction to   that was simply yeah but we're still facing omega  on defense when we do this test so that's not   fair on that side and two people are going to use  omega omega is a part of the game now whether it's   overpowered or not which is you know is because of  you guys and you guys need to balance that sadly   you know that's the way things go but that's  the way they want to test it so we did test it   uh i think i scored um a 300 omega couple times  i think i scored a 280 i think before that i was   i've messed up on the first iteration uh but that  was really really hard and then on the last one i   think i used a four stack and buying i think  i scored like 230. it was difficult in these   current effects uh but then there's something  weird i'm not sure it's a book or something   but it actually showed i went easy on the last two  effects i was like listen i dropped points but i   didn't go easy i haven't gone easy for the last  three years or something i did not go either but   it showed either but i've seen that bug somewhere  else before but but yeah i think it would have   worked out if the points would have been dropped  i think it would have worked out two five five   i dropped on the commander in the fourth base once  each so you know makes sense but uh yeah you know   go for the effects but personally i'm pretty happy  with it we had a uh we had a uh fight with uh   powell today uh like 100 points in it both  finished around 11k so we dropped a thousand   points each and that's what it should be you  know it shouldn't be difficult to the point where   everyone's flaming out on base one but we should  be dropping points if we're not careful if we   don't consider something and you know what one  of the good things was in the side chat sometimes   you could sort of wake up in the morning and you  missed 10 15 messages maybe and someone's talking   about a film they've seen or something there's  not much in there where's the day people were   like oh should i put this box let's just swap this  out uh maybe i've just two tanks maybe just do   this maybe put extra gunner in maybe drop healer  maybe use tracks what's doing this space and it   was good sort of see those interactions talk about  bass design and talk about which bots to use and   you know we've not seen that for quite a while  and that was good the people were dropping points   and asking for a bit of advice and there's a  bit of an interaction between the alliance so   uh was good to see that like i said and uh yeah  it was a pretty good okay so like i said we uh   talked about the effects so the big thing that  we're seeing uh at the minute is uh this sort   of setup with the uh shield generator with the  two mds side by side with g-metal self-repairs   and um we'll do a bit of a jigging round  and i'll show you why people are doing this so the idea behind doing this is  you've got the mds so the mds are 6700 hp to be an idea then you've  got uh the 30 hp increase from   um the effects from the uh pram league and the um  hard mode effects so a third of that is around 2   200 so we'll call it 9k we'll round it up to 9k  just for simple maths so the mds is now at 9k   so what bot could do 9k damage so you could say c  spray so c spray will do a decent amount of damage   so just to give you an idea what we're going  to do is i'm going to take this away like this   we're going to undo this core let's just  give you an idea on what this setup does let's put a bit of a bit of game sound on i know we can hear the  sound or not should be able to hopefully i   think i fixed the issue okay but i'm  proudly put on high mode away we go cool could hear the sound good okay so this  is before people sort of cottoned on to   having uh the uh repair calls on the mds this  stuff people sort of started off so you can see   there we've got no uh anti-stun build bops  we've got c spray [ __ ] spray down there i've got a sword i'll talk that off there you go  c spray nice and easy nicer chilled one shot okay now we've got the mds with a  repair core next to the shield all of a sudden hey a one shot now it's a two shot so you know it's a bit harder you know next to  the shield jen adds a bit of protection to it but then what happens when we add in an anti-stonker let's move  this out of the way a minute oh i've got one equipped somewhere  let's try and find it it's like a quiz   try and find it okay somewhere got that one on  it it's that one right behind where the combined   rock pulse is i've just put obviously there we  go and you had the one somewhere i did but hey cool so now i've got that stunker behind it  let's see what happens now put in c spray into hard mode so now we've got the mds with  a repair core we've got a shield jet on top   and now we've got an anti-stun core  as well just to make it a bit harder so what we'll do just to reiterate  what the anti-stone core does   so it protects nearby buildings from  emp effect and blocks five percent of e   electric damage which includes c spray  so now if we use c sprays you saw there   it was one shot mds on its own two shot wow it's  got a repair core and under the mds now we do this shot two shot and you can see there look look  all the mds is repairing itself three shots four shots basically the mds is just immune just  immune to c-spray and what makes it even worse is   because the defenses heal for what damage they do  once they lock onto a target they're even harder   to kill once they lock onto a target they are  pretty much invulnerable with the self-report   repair core that heals with the shield gen which  produces damage taken with the uh anti-stone core   that reduces damage taken with the healing from  the damaged dell they are pretty much impossible   so how do you take these out it's pretty  simple to be honest guys but it does take   ability points that is the problem so all we need  to do is because we're stacking these things up   we've got to take them out the equation  so how can you get rid of the seal gen   jet fire and a boost will take that out pretty  much with the tech tree part lightning rod again   jet fire will take that out so we could use jet  fire twice to take that out c spray run through so let's put ship fire in  there if you can find them now obviously normally silver would work but  not in this case because of the anti-stun if   you've got uh jet fire and you've got um silver  bolt then yeah you could use jet fires take out   the build bot cell bolts take out the shield gen  but the problem is there as well is you've got to   take that shield gen out before the mds locks  onto something because once locks on something   it's almost impossible anyway you know so  you've got it still bought in these effects   maybe not the best all that shield just right on  the back it's unprotected in that case then maybe no explosion is it a glitch no it's not a glitch  it's just the effect stacking the effects of   self-repair the effects of protection from the  shield generator the effects of protection from   the billboard the repair from the target in uh uh  bots and damaged out so let's put jetby down here   take out the build bot first we'll drop c spray i see how we're doing now and even now you can see that  even now we're struggling so the problem there is what i've done is is i  looked at my base i thought this is how i would   do it so i'll just put anti-air everywhere you  can see it everywhere it's killing my own stream   but yeah i put anti-air everywhere on my base that  is what i've done for a simple reason to stop jets   but we'll take them away for  a time being just to help us it's gonna be an awful base by time  we're finished let's try again guys silverbot 94's put i dropped  points because the situation yep   added the same on the test server like  i said the first time that i saw this   i thought yeah i think i would see spray i just  hit it like three times like what is going on i want a boost as well but i don't mind and jet fire is still taking damage as well so it's not like we're just going  to waste a bit of points but there you go so like i said there are ways to sort of take out  these structures there are ways that you can think   you know to get around these things that  we've said time and time and time again   that in terms of these billboards take them  out it's no longer a problem but it's going   to cost you ability points that's the point  what's what makes it harder is that now you   got to consider these billbots and take them out  guys that's all you got to do you can still use   tracks tracks is still as usable trust me in  testing everyone's using tracks in this effect   take the fft out for as cheap as possible as  you can and just use tracks someone in a gold   league something said yeah i just use smokescreen  take them out that's not viable in prime league   they're too much hp they've got like four and a  half thousand hp it takes two shots bit expensive   um but listen if that's why you want to take them  out just take them out guys take the ffd out first   you can use tracks take out the anti-stun uh you  can use uh bubble bee or c-spray take out the   anti-hack you can use blades still these things  are still apparent you know there's ways around   these so yeah um but yeah a lot of elixir in the  chat i love my auntie air save but don't forget   by using anti-air you do lose something you lose  that attack on the ground but in these effects   you don't so let's just do something let's just uh just do something so this laser turret does  358 damage now in these effects uh defenses   um will explode doing damage to five times their  dps so a laser turret will do about 1700 damage cannon will do about 1 000 damage  when it explodes the mds will do   around four and a half k so yeah a lot of  damage the mds beam laser will do about 2k   damage anti-air another 4k and you've got four  of these so although you lose something on the   ground you're gaining 4k of damage and if you put  these in a bit of a kill box along with the mds and you put four of these you've got 4 8 12 16  20 24 k damage and so again guys i'd love to take   these out as soon as you can so okay we're going  to take the build bots out and we're going to take   the shield gent out be careful the mds because  they hit you they're just going to heal up again   be careful for anti-air then you've got the  mortars they've got extended range and fire twice   as much which means they've got double dps pretty  much so you've got so many things to think about   that beam lasers of a sudden ah a problem did you  get problem with the beam laser throw some minions   at it throw look at it do away with it it's gone  yeah it won't hit your bots for quite a while   john's your little tip guys stay with the titan   yeah if your titan loses throw minions at it  throw rook at it the titan will hit that minion   for a good 30 seconds because you gotta think  the titan does one at one attack and weights then does one attack then wait by that  time rox hollow is just sat there waiting   you know the minions are doing damage taking  the hits you know they work really efficiently   don't worry about the titan too much don't  worry about beam lasers too much the killers   are cannons with high velocity because they go  right through to your healers the killers are   turrets and anti-air that's  the g metal obviously mds   once at close range please don't forget guys no  one's really using plasma but someone uses plasma   buzzing brilliant it means they've even lost uh  the exploding buildings of a healing i'm fine   with that fine with that that makes it tons easier  so i doubt anyone's gonna be using plasma so they   can't shoot even range you gotta think the mds has  just a short range no it's not too bad yeah okay   it's not a short range but you get what i'm saying  you can take it out quite easily with someone yeah   warpath will take out this build bot and the  steel gen and do damage online as well if you   want a combat warpath use some heathen build  bots so you could have an anti-stone billboard   you got a couple of healing build bots all of a  sudden you can't use warpath what's that gonna do   all of a sudden you could use blades but  hey they might have the defenses spaced out   then you might have two ffds it's stupid  to take them out there's only two of them   probably one on each side of the base take one out  use tracks on that side eventually take the one   out use tracks either side again this is what i've  been saying for ages guys these create a choice   and it creates openings you can't use them all  it's impossible i've tried and i've like yeah i   want two of them and two of them and one of them  and four of them maybe and everything i try it   leaves me open i don't like that you know that's  how it should be there should be one defense   that's good for everything and i like these war  effects i like the exploding buildings because   it makes you also think that maybe you want less  tanks on because if you've got three tanks and   two healers two healers cannot heal three tanks  so they're only ever healing two tanks so one   tank is gonna take some hits then they switch  to that one and all of a sudden you've got one   tank getting here then you switch to that one then  you've got another tank not getting hit so i think   people start going towards having two tanks rather  than three again these are all sort of processes   you gotta think about now because exploding  buildings you don't want as many frontline bots   you want more gunners that are gonna sit back that  aren't gonna get hit by these exploding buildings   we've used glitch with this kind of rage you're  getting hit by much but with glitch that causes   passing issues this is where it goes guys for  every solution it's the kind of problem you've   got to deal with i like that again i like the idea  behind this i think these effects are really well   thought out i think they're well balanced they  are hard and don't be scared of going easy guys   don't be scared of going easy mode quite a  few guys in silent easy mode in the in the   last war we had against powell you know there's  nothing to be ashamed of these effects are hard   and that's the point of it is that you should be  able to go hard on some bases and some look and go   no this one i don't think i could do this one  hard i'm gonna go easy for this one the next one   with the commander hey listen the commander's  base might work for you and you might think   you know what i've got to take this out this  one down i think this one's doable you know you know don't be scared to go uneasy guys  and don't be scared submitting that this   space is a bit too hard for you guarantee  the points if you flame out on base two   you're gonna lose a lot of points if you play them  out on base two you're talking 250 points you've   dropped if you go easy on base two you probably  just dropped what 20 points you know that ways okay right what we're gonna do now  is i'm gonna show you some of my war   attacks so let's just throw it to um into the game and i i'm gonna get a drink be right back it's like i never left i've been drinking a bit of smoothies recently  trying to go in a bit of a detox not a diet but you're drinking a lot of fizzy pop recently  and it's cut down and too much beer as well so as you can see from these effects this  is my live server account so as you can see   as i said uh anti-air i've only got one um  self repair the other one gmat wasn't armor   took that off i would rather  have a gold self repair   than a g metal armor that's how overpowered  these uh self-repair cores are right now so yep   all around the uh shield gen uh and i've actually  got a healing core there but i'll probably put um   two anti-stone cores i think maybe there  maybe i'm still a bit undecided but uh yeah   but we've got some war attacks for you guys uh  this should be saved i think let's have a look so obviously i didn't say base five one it didn't  go too well and one the replay was awful way off   i know replays off sometimes but i've  won it with one gunner and two healers   and my combiner got hacked at  the last minute and just saved me   actually saved me around the box getting  his hat because it got hot and then died   so i didn't get hot by competron the  replay showed me getting hacked so yeah so here we go so uh typical base so again we've  used c spray so the idea behind this is we're   trying to take this section out here so we can  path a bit to the left uh you see there that   there's no uh it's one this one's a stone core  there which will cut his damage down to five   percent but you can still get through these um  it's still worth it you know it's quite expensive   but again we can get through that's where i  broke brought smokescreen trying to get through so you can see there we've puffed the box to go  left the idea was we'll drop the minion there   so pop and then they'll meet  round here that was the idea   but it doesn't work like that always blaster goes  that way around and that drags smokey that way   but bots are still all together this  worried me a bit with small screen   um and tantra popping out we've used titan they  started doing some damage over there but it   didn't really hurt the mds got self-repair  on so i don't know why we're doing that so now the minions have attacked up here pop  the combiner that's actually helped me out a bit as the hack come down we drop omega and  again the idea is to take this right and   side up with omega keep focusing on  this right hand side take this out again focus on the md as you can see  that's ticking ages there to kill   because of that healing but  it is going slow but surely then we use the five star ability combiner is almost down i think it was about a   third of the health by the  time i finished it i think yeah even lower than that there we go small screen  kills there but we left this target there but it's   only block that comes out so we're all right and  then we finish it with a full squad by the end   so pathing didn't work entirely right and  again like i said the reason doesn't work   because it's a small stream because of glitch  you know glitch makes your bass your box path   differently because they sit further back so they  prioritize differently so it's harder to path but face down you see chips can't beat my titan  there because using titan beams on the base   and you should find that that if you're using  uh your abilities only with titan your titan   should win if using it on the base you'll  probably lose so just keep that in mind guys and then next replay then we're on to base two and here we go a typical layout we see quite a  bit so again we've used jet fire to take out the   anti-stun billboard because uh that mds could be a  problem but we're gonna take all this section out   here again there's some anti-air there so we're a  bit wary of that so we're gonna try and hit that   as best we can get rid of it before it hits our  bots so the mgs has started hitting targets so   we don't use abilities really on that as much  um just try to take out naturally if we can that comes down then we drop omega on this side do you  want to pass the bots upwards if we can   so i'll take that nds oh ways  target the mds i always tighten mds   it's the one thing that i really  should have to take out with abilities   so it's the number one focus for me you use  tracks a lot and you want to take out the   ffd cause then on the billboards that's up to  you firstly um you know i'll focus on the uh mps   so the bots drop there the idea is to pass  these upwards now so you can see we've played   a section out here but as always thoughts start  to pass differently i thought they could find   a vlog over here about the combiner there  but he's not he's walk this way around again so we've got um rat trap on laser optimus  so we'll use later optimus in this sense   to take out the uh stun tower late afternoon walks off down there  obviously but this point here the cannons   ain't gonna do much because they're not nice  to put close to them out so this is my worry   it's not really a worry too much but if the  titan starts winning along with this it could   cause a problem to want to take this out so  we should see spray do some damage up there again huge amount of damage from c spray because  there's no anti-stone coal anything like that and there we go easy base down squad all intact super scott asks why is it called crypto  technology i'm not too sure i could not tell you does that make any skywarp more important than  uh but the problem is because of four-star   skywarp uh night raven he doesn't do damage the  same as five-star so he still won't take out some   you know yeah we'll do four two thousand  damage to her thank you so yeah i suppose   you could but he's gonna take out the shield  gen you know the shield again jenna's got a   crazy health so you know six thousand health can  not reverend do six thousand health damage maybe maybe don't know okay next replay let's go let's go let's go there what's up base  two he was on it space three now that basically i'm intrigued now see that was basically  this is basically i don't know it's basically   so again using jet fire to  take out the uh billboard   using the take out the anti hack build bot uh  this has got a lot of cannons a lot of turrets   and beam loads in this area here so we're gonna  use just to weaken the mds uh do some damage a bit of a kill box area there  so hit it a couple of times there   take out the mds now it's that damage done  to it looks hollow should distract that   long enough and if it explodes it'll  do enough damage to take all that out there we go tower goes down because the  damage is well he's takeout and reason   to get this out with jet fire this particular uh  structure it's not because it it's in trouble or   i'm worried about it it's because i want my box  to take this out and get around this wall as   fast as possible i don't want them going up here  and be getting stuck on walls things like that   uh i wanted to get out so shoot up the wall and  then walk around try and keep them together that's   the idea this section here i'm out of mexico the  problem was getting hit on my uh by the mortar   i was doing tons of damage so usually the  ottomans to get around that if you've got   a sort of situation guys sometimes we just get  stuck on something just clear out whatever's   causing the damage guys no matter what it is get  rid of it but we passed them all around there now   so it's a good path in kept the inside walls  intact that's perfect drop some minions   to pop the uh combined outpost on the outpost and then once again as always once the hack  gets dropped so always wait till it goes about   three quarters way through guys and then pop your  combiner i have seen a bug sometimes where it will   go one place and then we'll hit your combiner so  i always wait until actually the hit hack is just   about to drop or just drops before i um do that  uh i use my titan under titan on this one because   i didn't really need to take it out we passed  it really well so i could focus on that and then   focus on at the end just help in taking out the  um opposite combiner but listen three defenses   four defenses left shield gen almost down let's be  honest and these bots are at low health so it's a   easy win once path right it's an easy win  there you go shield gent down full team intact and then on to base five i'm too old for this okay we see it's designed quite a bit the  problem bit is this beam light up here in this   um this outpost so i made a point of making sure  i took this out uh with c spray uh there's no uh   anti-stun so c spray will do loads of damage here  but uh the bots get attracted to this beam laser   pop the elbows and they start traveling upwards  and cargo masses split so you want to get rid of   that beam laser as a priority pop this outpost  when you want to so again we've passed through   the base we've got i think when he goes through  the wall we've gone through the walls regardless   because we're battling close to them through  top shot elite today take it out that's fine then we throw some minions off that way to pop  that out poles because we want to try and distract   this here so we throw the minions up there  pop the l pulse to strap that and then looking   up actually pop the combiner as well i didn't  think that would happen but hey we're looking so the hat was up there but we're still gonna  pop omega the reason is that once this combiner   starts to walk down our bot's gonna start  to walk upwards leaving his seventy behind   and these mortars are a killer especially with you  know either incendiary or target protocol on you   don't want them hitting your bottom behind target  protocol will hit your healers regardless and   gunners but in cinder it will hit them obviously  just because behind them simple their name is bots   because everyone's walking upwards so i wanted  to take that out make a point of taking that out   before my bots are getting hit from behind i  want all the damage coming in front of them i   don't want my heels get hit from behind that's  when problems start to you know arise really so they've passed round there so we've dropped  uh we've used chromia on this attack um and   using a tower because they don't anti-stone calls  again we've switched some bots out we've uh took   blades out completely put chromia in i was gonna  tuck tape put b in but i was worried about the   outpost and combiner uh so i thought i'm gonna try  chromium because she does stay ranged so uh yeah   come here works pretty good let's see what you  see there chromia on attack he saw it here first   base four down you know no bots left they're lost  now listen don't make out like that because if you   play didn't lose a bar it wasn't hard guys in  the recent and grand tower backed me up in the   recent sort of uh effects we had i was challenging  myself how many points i can finish a battle with   and half a time i was finishing with 40 points to  the point where one of my side members was like   please stop posting them it's annoy you yeah  because i finished 40 points finishing 40   points and sometimes going that's the hard pace i  finished 26 points left over 26 points left over   not even used you know but these effects now i'm  using every point every single point i'm using   because they're difficult and they should be it's  called hard mode for a reason guys so like i said   be wary of this shield gen and mds uh if it is  take out the shield gem first guys take out any   build bots that are uh protecting it warpath is a  great bot for that um i said jet fire or someone   that can one shot take a build box he's a good  option the more the better be wary of anti-air   in terms of your um jets if you are using them be  wary of them for doing stupid amounts of damage as   well same as the mds so good effects guys uh but  as always guys listen i mean every monday movie   thursday if you stuck on something you can hit  me up if you're a member i have a thing where you   know you can hit me up whenever i say listen if  you're a member you can hit me up and say listen   i'm struggling on this base these are my bots can  you give me a solution can you give me a course of   action i know i'll try and advise you you know  it's a bit difficult if you're at lower leagues   because i'm not too sure what can one shot you a  better idea than me but i get the idea the base   i can show you the path in instructions to take  out if you what if you can uh and give you some   advice how to attack it that's what i do for my  members so if you remember uh hit me up if you're   a platinum member they can you could literally  book in with me at any point uh that i'm available   and i will let you sit there for an hour with  you and go through your box i'll go through your   combats go through your war attacks whatever you  want so if you're a platinum member guys you have   that at your disposal uh a few members have used  in the past not everyone but listen it's there to   be used guys you're paying for that service so you  might as well use it so if you want any advice in   your box are you struggling walls anything like  that and you're a platinum member hit your guys   booking if you're a normal member just hit  me up with dm i will also always answer in   dms especially if you're a member like i said and  i'll give you some advice so we should hit you up uh grinds has asked to do a live war attack  we can do and then we'll look at the uh   the five-star poll penny lancaster's put they need to  up the points the max points from   forte there's so many buildings  i disagree i think it's all right okay so the first thing i'm looking at guys is  the billboard so i've got a healing billboard   down here but it's only bro bronze healing  billboard we've got a uh anti uh trax core there   uh and two anti uh we've got two healing b boats  there so we'll try and go without a combiner   um but c spray he's gonna love this blades  he's gonna love this so this section here   all this is hackable so i'm gonna hack this a  lot i think i'm going to take out the martyrs   with jetfire and then i'm going to use c spray  this is all lined up you've seen a line there   so i'm going to use c spray diagonal to take this  out the mds is right in the corner over there so   i'm not too bothered about that rook to pop the  outpost so blades sea spray c spray rock there   jet fire jet fire so four six ten ability  points there seven is it seven for c spring   that's quite nice cheat it's five and i think um  ten fifteen five four rook twenty uh i think i   need two c sprays so seven twenty seven ability  points five for blades thirty 32 two c sprays   the other way but at least one maybe uh that's  nine i think you get where i'm going with this   they might pass a bit weird  at the start but we'll see   so let's put blades in i don't think i bought setup c spray yeah he's  set up jet fire set up yep there's artemis that's   the setup that trap amalgam blaster quintus and  tracks yep rock my cronus and stripes yep we'll   keep them alive which we can uh ratchet up yep  wrong and uh healing core wheel jack alpha try on   and wrong yeah all set up ready to go let's do  this i'm gonna take these optimus out i think bumblebee there's only four gunners a lot have it no it's not rock-a-roller it's a a non-fiendish smoothie i'll let you work it out some people actually recognize  the uk um company so maybe not okay i'm gonna do is i'll drop brooke  first because i want to see in this outpost all right it's okay so i'm gonna hack that bit there  do a lot of damage jet fire there could use a heel grenade just  to help rock out in there i'll get it closer before you see spray just hovering over waiting titan we'll  use another titan for now don't need it and rook's gone walkies so we need to put it  there but it's not a popular one i don't think   that's not good maybe it is maybe it  isn't you can use both on that side there i think good just trapped again look distracting the beam  laser with the minions that's what we're doing this parting is the worst i've ever done let's i don't need to there we go based out scrape through that one okay cool okay next uh we'll talk about the  five-star votes so this is the five-star vote   that is currently underway on discord so you  don't need to be a vip member to vote uh it   just could be any old joke so yeah grab a  vote guys go and vote for you up here but   so the bot in the lead at the minute  number 16 is sixth good and trigger happy   um second place is hound and drag strip and  third place is after breaker and flame war and in   fourth place is dynabots just about and i think  after that then it is strafe and thrust a lot of   the cons voting for strength and thrust but no not  too fussed so here's my sort of thinking on things   so i get people are impressed by six gun i  understand that uh and he is decent personally   i prefer hound and the reason why i want hound is  that it's the way that i think the game's gonna go   so because hq 18 is coming soon that means  everything is going to be opting to the hp so not   just defenses but also resource buildings as well  resource buildings will be upped now last time we   went up like this uh the apes said they were very  um they were very bit over the top i can't think   of a word for it but they were very generous  they're very generous in the time they gave   to complete the battle i think it was an extra  minute they gave they were also very generously   ability points they gave it extra like you know  because eight ability points extra max and started   with an extra six i think they were very generous  and they said that's not gonna happen this time   so we're gonna have less ability points um  sounds of it not less but less of an increase um   and once the resource building hp  go up it could be quite dangerous   so i've done a bit of testing we'll go into test  serve in a minute and have a look at it um but   listen six gun trigger happy i'm quite happy with  it they get a five star would be too bad for them   uh hound drag strip yeah after breaking flame war  i don't understand why people are voting for them   i understand why but again we'll talk about  that in terms of strafe and thrust personally   i'm not a big fan i think they get trapped  behind walls too much um uh i'm just not a   fan of thrust i've got the four-star thrust and i  don't use him in any team i've got for me when i   look through this list i think about the team the  bots that i use as four stars so i do use dynabot   dynabot is a very good bar so you understand using  him i would love a five star down up dynabot um   hound and drag strip i use hound brilliant  bot um six gun i use brilliant outside of that   i don't use anyone else even after breaker i  don't use again we'll talk about that soon why not   but there's no one in there that jumps out  of me there's no one in there apart from   those three that jump out and say i would be  a good five star there's bots outside of that   that i think would be a great five star and the  big one is star saber i still don't understand why   we're not seeing a five star star saber i still  don't understand it i don't think it does that   much damage they're really that's stupid i thought  they could be that bad or powered but you know   the apes have said no so it is what it is sadly  but i would love to see a five-star star saver   um and then obviously we've got mirage and  breakdown which i would i would love to see   mirage breakdown i really would um not for  the reason that he is good but i think they   could improve him if he became a five star so  you know mirage could you know could work well   um but in as it currently is no i do love  his g1 you know that would be really cool   um but sadly it's not powerful enough but i would  love to see mirage as a five star just again we'll   talk about bots and says the lore as well to the  mirage and the hound and bots like that you know   the original g1 box even trail breaker could  do with a fix so there are bots where you know   again look at them and go well no any block can  be fixed anybody could be improved um and some   maybe someone like trailbreak could be an amazing  five star uh but we saw people start looking it on   on paper as what bought do we know is good already  and guarantee it's good we'll just get an increase   and we'll be really good and i agree cisco drinker  happy uh hound and drag strip dinobot uh and   yeah sixth gun yes it's good hound drugstore  and um dynabot is that the three i said yeah yeah i think then yeah cisco trigger happen   uh hound and drag strip and dino button down  about two they will without a doubt be my picks   so let's go on to test server and  uh we'll take a look at um why we'll have a look at you know  why people sort of choose   why people choose these bars uh have a  look at why i've not chosen them bots that paul is put are the apes not in the batch  likely to be under consideration by the apes   um either one of two things either   they are under consideration or they think  they're too powerful to be a five star so they're   taking them out of the voting so you never know  could be one of the either you just don't know okay so we've got a maxed 4 star hound  with a volatile mixture top shot   is obviously relevant to ability damage we  have got we'll put a vm back on him again we have got a maxed uh volatile mixture  on a max four star six gum at 65 11 and we'll also give uh after breaker i run out and after breaker is 57.5 so go primal going hard battle i don't want to go  on easy mode because i know people will say yeah   but that's in cyber mode so it's not that good  well let's let's test it at the hardest level of   the game 30 extra hp on all buildings selfie self  heal like i said these are hard effects so let's   give it a go so let's take home for example so put  hound right at the back here we'll do one ability so again with hound what you want to do  is you don't want to hit the same target   twice ideally you want to let it burn there we go now you see the mds is healing so  listen regardless that's going to happen you see there howard did a decent amount of damage   now the only thing that about how which  sort of sells him sure is the fact that   it's a bit random that that is that much  is true but you can't deny uh you know how   much uh you know damage it does so you can see  that cleared out a good section at the front so let's try out six gum you all are one there we go so six gum  right in the back so first off you'll notice   cisco doesn't have the same range so  we've hound here we're hitting up here   so he hasn't got the same range so  we'll suddenly have to get a bit closer let his passive hit we are taking a nice bit of the uh structures out live for that turret up there again that mds ain't doing much there we go and then we'll  try and take this out up here so you can see there slightly in damage in  some ways better in some ways worse probably   a bit more damage than hound does but a lot less  range he isn't finding those hard to reach places   so if you're facing a time trap cisco's are right  he won't reach the back of that time trap maybe   and he's going to get you know for himself shot  where it's hound will but it's going just do a   bit more damage so like i said i wouldn't be  fussed either way between six goat and hound   i think they're both good choices both  good bots personally i like the range pound   i think it adds things like maybe doing  back door attacks and helping with that   taking out key structures from a range especially  the shield gen things like that but you know again   six guns winning the pole will have to wait and  see so next onto after breaker now this is the   good reason why i'm not booking boyfriend breaker  let's put after breaker in a bit of testing okay so i've got mds either side so  i'm gonna go up the middle a bit here have to break up put it in position and  then we'll go there on the billboard yeah that's awful let's try again i'm going to actually take trench foot off after  breaker to shorten his range so we can get him   into range of that billboard easier i  want to take away his range of anything what we can do is no we'll leave him living  pure we'll leave him as he is auto box i'm at police spot  that he's voted for cosmos   why and he's poor i'm telling you there's a  core on a combat that makes him pretty useful   yeah there's also a defense chord  that makes him pretty useless   sorry buddy i had to get that  in there okay after


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