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greetings and salutations youtube this is sage aka sage the urban witch and i'm coming online with you guys to do a pick a card reading in my own special way of a one card quickie so please do it this time select a card between one and four or if you like you may choose more than one also i'll let you guys know for those of you who are new to my channel then again my name is sage aka sage the urban witch and i'm an empath an introvert a healer a starseed a mystic a magician and a witch and i do read for this special collective so chances are if you come across my channel and you see a dice or taro or any other type of message that resonates with you then chances are you are a magician or a witch however if the readings still resonate but you don't consider yourself to be a magician or a witch then chances are you are highly evolved spiritually and you operate outside of any major religion or organization and you consider yourself to be more spiritual rather than religious i also want to let you guys know for those of you who are new to my channel that i do read for all signs and my readings are timeless so once again when you come across my channel and you see a message that resonates with your spirit at that particular time then know that it was meant to be okay one last thing you guys what i have here is a spirit jar and rather than allow random spirits to come to me to dictate the flow and message of the reading what i have here is a spirit jar with pre-written and pre-channeled questions and whatever question that i pull from the jar that would be the message of the day that spirit and i would like to impart to you guys as my viewers okay so that's how we do that so let's get started and i do hope that you guys are doing well today you and your families okay i do hope that all is well okay let's see what do we have here who do you need to kick i'm sorry i'm thinking somewhere else who do you need to keep out of your life you have already kicked them out so now who do you need to keep who do you need to keep out of your life okay that's a very very important question for those of you guys out there my fellow impacts you healers you start these you chosen ones you mystics you magicians you witches okay those of you guys who have um done a lot of the cleanup work in terms of wiping the slate clean in your life okay deciding who needs to go who needs to stay a lot of you guys i'm here from spear you have done some cleanup okay so some of you guys you may find yourself at your circle has become a lot smaller and this is a good thing because you had a lot of snakes in the grass okay so now that you guys have identified those snakes okay and you're making room you're making way for people who are of a high positive vibration that resonates with you to come into your life okay you're learning how to vet people out not just based on surface things but also based on the fact of if you guys share any core values okay any core uh goals okay uh life purposes and paths okay any type of identical or similar uh gifts talents skills and abilities okay but as a result as you guys are continuing to you know make room for people who are not familiar with people who are different um allowing new people in your new season and your season of new beginnings you're allowing new people who resonate with your vibe to come into your life okay there are certain people that you need to keep out of your life certain people who will try to wear a mask and pretend as though they have made all of these type of changes and all of a sudden now they have evolved with you okay but we know that this is total okay that is not uh what has happened these people are simply trying to get back in where they fit in to continue where they left off to be a leech in your life some type of parasite to continue to do some type of further undermining out of a sense of envy and jealousy of wanting to compete wanting to compete with you and wanting to destroy and undermine what you have built for yourself even if what you have built at this point is nothing more than your self-esteem and your confidence of knowing that you deserve more you're worth more than what you settled for in the past and that you're moving forward okay uh only allowing those who match your vibe and who can come to the table with equal if not more than what you have to share in their life okay so for the purpose of this reading guys we're going to tap into spirit we're going to find out who do you need to keep out of your life okay this should be very very interesting guys okay so we're going to tap into spirit give me one second here need to put some batteries in my remote and i don't feel like getting up you guys there we go okay all right so let's tap into spirit spirit can i get any channel messages please for who do you need to keep out of your life who do my viewers need to keep out of their life okay i'm hearing toxic x toxic x okay some of you guys you have an ex who may be in the form of a baby mother or a baby father okay or that situationship okay uh you have uh someone in your life um a very nosey person for some of you guys i'm hearing it is a nosy neighbor someone that wore the mask of being an acquaintance someone that tried to get into your life however this person uh was no good very very toxic individual and simply based on the fact of location uh and familiarity you allow this person to come into your life into your inner circle without pretty much vetting this person out and they really turned out to be not only a stressor to you not only a pain in the ass to you not only a freeloader to you not only someone that really wore out their welcome they constantly infringed on your time you got to the point where you were trying to sneak inside your home or inside your apartment because you were trying to avoid that person as soon as they saw you they want to run up to you they want to run up to the car they want to knock on the door all of a sudden they got something to show you they got something to tell you you know they want to borrow something and it just became a nuisance to where your home that you consider to be a sacred private space where you can unwind uh rest and you know uh entertain of your own accord and you know largely you know re-energize because you are you know a bit a lot of you guys who are part of my life tribe you're a bit you're a bit introverted okay you don't mind socializing but there's a time and a place for that and you like to set that time and place not have other people infringe upon that so for some of you guys i'm hearing that there's a a neighbor something like a busy body like um a nuisance a pet okay that was a neighbor and you mistakenly um you know allowed them to present themselves as a friend or an acquaintance and they just simply did not know how to you know uh respect your boundaries and your privacy and your time okay just because you live next door to a person that doesn't mean that you have to always want to knock on their door or come in and just see them every day or call them every day okay that's being a nuisance that means you need to get a life okay so a lot of you guys had to learn that the hard way and i'm hearing that you need to keep this particular person it's very uh very just worth some uh bugaboo type of neighbor out of your life you guys you need to keep them out of your life you know maintain your boundaries okay with them you're always busy or you always you know you have your company or you're always doing something where you don't have time to entertain they can't come in you don't have time to talk to them on the phone so that they can get the message they need to move on with their life okay and find someone else to uh waste their time okay your time is not to be wasted okay you're about the business of uh building and producing okay also spirit is telling me for some of you guys you have a toxic ex okay this ex could be a baby mother baby father okay could be a former spouse okay uh could also be like a situation ship a spear saying you need to keep this person out of your life because when this person was in your life okay you guys um you had major anxiety dealing with this person okay this person really wasted a lot of your time you guys could have been a lot further in life uh financially a lot further in life in terms of uh your health and your overall security and stability um you could have been a lot further in life in terms of just really uh matching up or having a partner that matches your vibe and not someone that you felt like you were raising like another a grown adult child okay this is how this person came off for some of you guys you got into relationships or situations with someone that was a parent a single parent could be a single mommy or a single uh father uh their drama with their uh baby mother baby father kind of came into you guys's uh relationship and this is why this person is now an ex okay a lot of drama a lot of back and forth that's what i'm hearing from spirit some of you guys were um and you should not have been doing that okay but a lot of you guys were manipulating you ladies were manipulated into helping uh your ex pay uh child support okay and of course this person was using you and then not only that he had this crazy chick uh that he had a baby with calling you all times of the night all times the foolishness this is what i call a ghetto struggle love drama okay no one has time for that okay so now that you guys have removed yourself from that you need to keep uh this person out of your life because this person was a package package deal in terms of his drama with his children and with the baby mama and with his uh lack of finances financial obligations that he kind of you know scooted on to you to help you uh help him you guys were not married uh so there was no need for your money to become his money and paying for his responsibilities and his uh bills um and then on top of that taking on issues and baggage from uh this person's uh baby mother okay just not a good look okay spirit is saying that you need to keep these people out of your life because as you guys continue to level up as you guys continue to grow and progress these people will try now they will try to circle back around and to come back into your life in some way shape or form okay and for some of you guys it's like if they're they're watching you online they're lurking and if they as long as they feel or as long as they see that you're single they still feel as though they have a chance and this is not to say that you can go out you should go out and find somebody to pair it with and say now i have someone now get the on you know you can still stand fully in your power as a single person say i'm not available to you okay make that very very clear it's what a lot of you guys have to do for some of you guys where that uh person that you need to keep out of your life is a toxic parent okay toxic mother i'm hearing for a lot of you guys or even a sibling or a family member i'm hearing cousin as well um continue to do that okay and i'm hearing keep out of your life in terms of your business i'm hearing your personal life your relationship life your sexual life and most definitely most importantly your financial life you don't need to let them know when you get a raise how much you got how much you make when your relocating to another you know transitioning to another job when you quit when you're working on your own when you're working to create your own business anything concerning your relationship life and your financial life should be off the table for uh toxic people toxic family members and particularly toxic mothers and cousins they don't need to be in your business at all concerning that okay so spirit is saying keep these people out of your life okay so that's what i'm getting from spirit you guys i'm getting the wrap up sign thank you spirit for those child messages we're coming out of the child messages into the reading you guys and this should be very very interesting okay so let's tap in continually okay now for those of you guys who chose card one and you want to know who do you need to keep out of your life uh-huh spirit guy jokes we have the ace of pentacles in reverse the ace of pentacles in reverse spirit said broke people okay so this is more than one for some of you guys uh for those of you guys who chose card one uh there are some people around you guys they really were like beggars you know they constantly had their hand out uh wanting to uh wanting you to do for them okay uh 24 hours in a day that both of you guys share you may have had you have a job this person may have had a job however they thought that their your money was their money and their responsibilities and burdens financial burdens and limitations were yours okay a lot of you guys i'm out of that sense of you know i'm hearing on family is all we got so this could have been um you guys had some family members i'm hearing from spirit that uh made you feel obligated financially obligated to give of yourself and to give your money to these people okay i'm hearing that there was heavy manipulation in terms of guilt uh in terms of uh making you overly responsible uh for them okay whoever this person was i'm getting a parent vibe here okay i'm also getting a younger sibling vibe okay you may have been uh you may have been groomed to be that caretaker slash parental figure in your home growing up and then as you got older that continued to be the case because uh you may have uh grown up with an uh alcoholic parent one or more or one that was dependent on drugs okay also suffering from mental and emotional imbalances so you had to take on the parental role unfortunately um this puts you in a type of trap where you were assigned a role to be a parent okay so you were parentified you were essentially playing the role of being a parent to your younger sibling could be more one more than one for more than you guys out there one or more of you guys and also uh you were uh given the role to be the caretaker to a parent okay uh one of her parents who suffer from some type of substance abuse and or mental illness is what i'm hearing from spirit now as a result okay you are on the precipice of new beginnings where now you have decided you have learned that enough is enough and you can't continue to live your life for other people who can't even give you so much as a thank you that is not your responsibility you did not come on this earth realm to parent your parents okay who are full able-bodied if only they would uh get themselves together and see some treatment and therapy and some help okay and stop trying to place their burdens on to you okay and so i'm hearing from spirit that these people you do need to keep out of your life okay you need to have some strong boundaries where you can go minimal contact for some of you guys no contact totally completely may not be realistic and it may not be what you need however you do need to keep them out of your life in terms of your financial life okay and in terms of your personal life when it comes to the point where you don't have time to make friends you don't have time to date you don't have time to take a bubble bath okay or shower without the phone ringing off the hook constantly for someone calling you asking for money asking you to pick up medication asking you to come over to do this do that you know uh treating you like you're some type of traveling nurse like you're some type of uber like you're an atm machine like your goddamn catering service then it comes a time when you really have to put your foot down and understand dear one that love also there's a component of love that requires tough love there's a component of love that where you need to have a strong no okay at the end of your sentence okay so that you can stop allowing people to run you through the ground because this is causing a lot of you guys to kind of unravel where you're gonna end up developing a lot of um health issues as a result of trying to be superwoman to everyone in your family who is very very dependent on you or particular people who are dependent on you um and you need to take that cape off burn that cape okay and stop mewling stop being a mule a work mule for certain people in your family this will force them to do what they need to do to help themselves if they love themselves more than they love using you and charging you with the uh big responsibility of taking care of them then they would get up and live their life they would get up and do something to better themselves okay but you cannot continue to drag yourself down and be the martyr be the doormat be the sacrificial lamb for the uh for people in your family uh who are too lazy too often and feel too self-entitled to your time energy and money to do for their damn cells what you know you've been doing for them okay this is what i'm hearing from spirit for those of you guys who chose car one and this is causing you guys to lose money this is causing you guys to be in a cycle of poverty because these people are broke okay they're spending their money on alcohol they're spending their money on drugs they're spending their money on frivolous stupid part my canadian french is what i'm hearing from spirit just dumb okay stuff that is not appreciating any value okay uh stuff that is not even going towards their health and their wellness uh or groceries or uh things contributed to the house bills and expenses you know i'm hearing stupid okay so they're wasting your money okay they're broke and you're gonna end up being broke if you continue to keep pouring into these people it's like pouring into an empty bottomless pit like an empty bottle as well okay there is no bottom okay you were these people spirit is saying could either be a taurus pisces capricorn i'm hearing strong capricorn uh capricorn mother um thank you spirit for that stream okay i'm also hearing that you were this person could be a virgo aquarius or pisces someone arising and i'm also hearing leo moon leo moon that's for those of you guys who chose card one okay now for those of you guys who chose card two also spears just said vacation vacation thank you spirit some of you guys need to hear this you need to go on a vacation if it's three days two days a weekend or a week whatever it is you just need to go away get away i'm hearing go somewhere go to like a tiny home out in the forest somewhere and just relax and and some place where you have no phone no cell phone connection and just you know just be in nature and journal and sleep and eat and sleep and rest and pray and meditate and sleep and do yoga and sleep okay you need to go on some type of retreat to rejuvenate okay it's what i'm hearing from spirit okay so now for those of you guys who chose cartoon and you want to know who do you need to keep out of your life okay we have the moon in reverse we have the moon in reverse okay spirit is saying there is a very very sneaky a very deceptive person around you this person could be a male or female however if this person is a male they operate very much so in low vibrational feminine energy meaning they're very very covert very manipulative okay very passive aggressive in terms of their narcissism and in terms of their uh manipulation uh in terms of their deceit okay this person would be the type of person where they lie by omission so then later on say for example if this person had you in a third party and you were to confront this person and say why didn't you tell me that you were married uh you didn't ask i that doesn't mean i lied because you didn't ask me if you would ask me i would have told you that i was in a relationship with someone well you didn't have no ring on well you know i don't have to have a ring on you didn't ask so this is a type of that some of you guys are dealing with that they're very very passive aggressive they lie through omission they don't openly tell you the full deal and then they leave the onus the responsibility on you to ask the 101 questions to reveal to uh to to make it known and to reveal uh the fact that this person is a goddamn liar okay this is the type of person that some of you guys are dealing with and spirit is saying you definitely need to keep this person out of your life um this person is also the type of person i'm hearing from spirit uh very much so uh a closet warlock this person does a lot of moon magic i am getting the vision and the uh how do you call it the streams that i get you guys i'm getting the vision and i'm getting the strain that this person could be someone's uh baby mother uh that has their eye on you out of a sense of envy and jealousy this person is doing a moon magic on you guys to i'm hearing anti-beauty spells this person is very very jealous of the fact that your ex this person that uh this baby mother or that this person is currently dealing with very jealous over the fact that um your ex has not gotten over you for some of you guys this is not an x for some of you guys this is a weird ass weirdo or for some of you guys this is a person that you had a situationship with okay uh uh one night stand of some sort okay uh could have lasted more than one night but it was something that was just very you know kind of like friends with benefits type of situation okay um you guys need to be careful of those uh friends with benefits because uh the only person that's benefiting um is the person that is the most deceitful deceptive and most manipulative because they have nothing to offer and um very very uh apt to give you guys a lot of responsibilities a lot of burdens okay so that's the benefits the benefits is that you'll be taking on a lot of baggage and a lot of burdens with no uh stability and any type of uh stable monogamous relationship so you guys be careful with that everyone nowadays is connected to someone okay particularly males who cannot stand to to be by themselves to uh live alone they usually have at least two baby mothers hidden somewhere somewhere up in the cut okay uh know this um if they don't have a wife okay uh alone or in addition to that or a girlfriend or ex that they're still dealing with okay there are there's always some type of attachment it's very very rare nowadays where you're going to see someone walking down the street by themselves and you ask them if they're single and they say yes and they really are there's some there's something someone lurking laying around there's some type of complicated situation there's something going on very where do people walk about nowadays without having any type of connection okay so know that dear one now also for those of you guys who chose cartoons spirit is saying um you guys uh this uh baby mother of this ex uh that is doing anti beauty spells on you guys during the moon cycles full moon and new moon cycles okay um this person is also lurking on your social media for some of you guys where your ex is a baby mother i mean your ex is a baby father and he has more than one including yourself uh beware spirit is saying that this person is driving by your house okay i'm hearing google search okay you guys be mindful of your property your apartment your home and your vehicle okay uh make sure that you have some type of uh security uh in the form of maybe some cameras uh you have uh phone cameras uh that type of device hooked to your phone where you can watch your uh home and surroundings from your phone wherever you are remotely okay motion detectors uh things of that nature okay if you guys have pets okay do not leave your pets um unsupervised at night or in the evening because i'm hearing that um your pet could potentially be poisoned uh by this very very sick and demented individual who is the baby another baby mother who's competing uh with you for this person who is a total piece of and i don't know why she's competing for him anyway okay she wants to be the only one the only baby mother and clearly she knows that she's not this person has multiple baby mothers okay unfortunately you are one of them for some of you guys okay so you need to keep these people out of your life i'm hearing from spirit by having some um you know shoring up your protection around your premises around your home uh showing up your protection in terms of uh how often you are talking to this person who uh you share a child or children with okay have event have a very fine line between this is business concerning our child or our children um you know even have a mediator if possible uh maybe do drop-offs at another location that is not at your home or not at his home okay uh creating as much distance as possible um because i literally just uh saw the words fatal attraction and we don't want it to be a situation where uh you guys are getting hurt and ending up in the hospital because you have someone that is very very unhinged this ex of yours uh has a baby mother uh one of his baby mothers who is very very unhinged and who is obsessed with you and i'm hearing a lot of this has to do with triangulation because your ex is stupid and he can't keep your name out of his mouth he does it deliberately to make this person jealous because he wants people to fight over him in his community dick okay pardon my canadian french and this bastard has herpes okay um so be careful keep these people out of your life as much as possible i know that it may not be um practical or realistic to say out of your life 100 because you guys do share a child or some type of connection with this person where it's not possible but do try to create uh avenues in ways where when it comes to your home when it comes to your phone there's a lot of mediation to create some type of distance between you speaking to that person directly seeing that person directly and therefore you don't have to deal with him and his whole harem that are constantly now this particular woman uh who is a low-key cyber stalking and stalking you driving by your home and things of that nature okay this and doing moon magic on your ass okay i'm hearing anti-beauty spells okay so you guys get shored up do some reversals and return to senders okay that's for those of you guys who chose car two you were this person or this ex of yours and this whole harem that he's dealing with okay um you were these people could either be i'm hearing strong cancer strong cancer leo uh gemini aquarius pisces scorpio and taurus simon arising uh yes this person definitely um has a third party situation going on here i'm definitely hearing whole harem i just saw five the number five this person has at least five people that he's dealing with uh three of them are baby mothers okay this person is a piece of okay that's for those of you guys who chose cartoons these these man these dudes out here are just simply whack and that's all i'ma say about that ladies vac them out very very carefully okay now for those of you guys who chose car 3 and you want to know who do you need to keep out of your life okay we have the hangman in reverse the hangman in reverse okay there's someone around you guys um they're trying to they may be in a similar niche as you and i'm hearing from spirit they're competing with you based on what you do for work some of you guys are very very um artsy farsi but also i'm hearing you have a spiritual edge so you may indeed be a witch you may have an online spiritual business you may be uh some type of counselor motivational speaker a spiritual advice counselor uh you could be a practitioner spiritual practitioner you know that is a witch okay a healer um and you could also uh have a tarot business is what i'm hearing from spear uh there's someone that um is lurking around your life or lurking around your social media platforms uh youtube tick tock instagram twitter facebook okay uh one or more okay uh they're trying to compete with you okay they're trying to ingratiate themselves into your life by uh just disguising themselves as a customer or a client so that they can get the formula for what is making you successful and i'm hearing also they want to try to uh cyber troll you and they also want to try to steal your ideas i'm being creative thief okay so if you selling products online say you're selling um spiritual candles and you charge 25 per candle they want to charge 20 so they can take uh your customers but they want to try to have the same formula use the same herbs uh you know charge on the same moon cycle so you guys be very careful about the information that you're putting out there in terms of your products and services okay because you have a copycat out there alert or someone that is trying to compete with you someone that is trying to ingratiate him herself into your business as a client as a customer so that they can get you know some ins and outs from the inside of how you work and how you do your business and then also on top of that they are very interested in trying to defame you okay and um just really send you through a lot of hassle saying they didn't get the product they didn't get the service you know all this and that and so it's really trying to create a lot of havoc okay so beware these people when you sense that a potential client a prospective client or customer uh is kind of shady something that's off with their vibe um do not take them on as a client or a customer that is your spirit uh guiding you and letting you know that this person is bad news and that all money is not good money and now for those of you guys who are in the spiritual business you know very well what i'm talking about and you know that feeling that i'm talking about when you feel like someone is a little bit off a few fries short of a happy meal you understand what i'm saying you know the cheese and definitely slid off the cracker okay i have another fellow tara reader who used to say that um very beautiful spirit a very gifted young lady okay i don't have to say her name i'm sure you guys know who she is okay um so yeah spirit is saying as far as the competition people trying to compete with you guys out of a sense of envy and out of a sense of jealousy okay do keep these people out of your life key potential uh clients and customs out of your life who will be trouble makers okay keep them out of your life as well and again your spirit will intuitively let you know who these people are okay and that's for those of you guys who chose car three you are the people that you need to keep out of your life could very well be a leo gemini pisces virgo taurus and capricorn summoner rising okay and again i'm hearing leo moon leo moon have a lot of leo moons that are watching me right now okay that's for those of you guys who are that chose card three and last but not least you guys for those of you guys who chose card four and you want to know who do you need to keep out of your life okay uh-huh we have the six of cups we have a six of cups come through spirit for those of you guys who chose car four there are some people or a person in particular from your past uh could be someone that you grew up with in childhood in an old home your old neighborhood your own hometown could be a um old university could be someone that you've known since elementary school or high school okay uh because some could be someone from your former workplace okay a former work mate or some of you guys it could be a supervisor um i'm hearing that some of you guys maybe one or two of you guys who did have an affair with a supervisor uh this supervisor is currently uh watching you guys online okay uh you guys need to be mindful of that uh this supervisor is a little bit unhinged okay so uh you guys be very very careful um i really don't advise with you guys having um sexual relationships with your boss okay there's a saying that says don't don't don't don't eat don't what is it don't sleep where you eat something like that okay you don't you want to keep a fine line between your personal life and your professional life because when they come together sometimes they can create a formula a perfect storm for disaster okay and that's all i'm gonna say about that some of you guys were spirits telling me one or two of you guys you may have slept with uh your former boss okay this boss is uh still trying to you know weave and weasel his way back into your life okay uh he doesn't consider to be over he considers himself uh to be the type of person where um based on his status and uh authority uh and uh perceived power that he has that he has to say not you to determine when your situation should flame uh one night stand rendezvous or whatever it was uh to determine when it's over rather than you okay so i am did i'm getting fatal attraction vibes here unfortunately guys so you guys be on the up and up about that in terms of showing up your protection and doing what you need to do as far as your current place of employment and as far as your current relationships and particularly for those of you guys who are just still single okay happily single okay also for those of you guys who chose car four i'm here this person could be some type of weird ass weirdo okay that uh may have met you guys um in the past from a social gathering i'm hearing a club uh could be a bar uh could have been some type of uh creative rc farsi outlet uh spoken word venues gems um parties um hotel parties concerts uh-huh things that have to do with music social gathering festivals farmers market festivals traveling and meeting people cruises okay any type of former um social recreational type of activities and groups and things of that nature um this you may have met this person uh this person is very very obsessed with you guys this person is very very fascinated with you guys you guys may not have been in that particular circle where that person was for uh five years or more but this person never forgot you for some of you guys this person is in a relationship be they male or female they're married some of them uh or they are a baby mother baby father or they are a part of a whole harem okay that they have erected okay or they're part of a whole harem that they have just become a member of they're they are tied into uh situations with other people however they're very very obsessed with you so you guys need to be very very mindful of uh people um on your uh social network who are your social media who are lurking um leaving very weird uh comments uh pretending as though they know you and having some sense of familiarity with you okay you guys be very very weird aware of that and also you guys be aware of your surroundings okay in your community when you go to the gym when you go to the grocery store and all these different places where you go okay always be mindful of your surroundings because i'm hearing there's someone from your past that is very very obsessed uh very very fascinated with you and then this person's head they believe they have a relationship with you okay and they are having a relationship without you in it okay so i'm hearing very much so um cuckoo for coco puffs here okay uh is this type of person so for those of you guys who chose car four you and this person could very well be a scorpio pisces aries leo cancer virgo aquarius and taurus moon taurus moon thank you spirit that's for those of you guys who chose card four okay and i'm also hearing some of you guys may have to get a restraining order because this could be a past situation for some of you guys okay all right you may have met someone in the club you like the way you dance you did the boom boom bop and now this person is still you know obsessing over you okay so you guys that have that starfire you need to watch you share your sexual energy with i told you all about that that is dangerous okay all right so having said that you guys um thank you so much for participating by watching my video please do like share and subscribe don't be afraid to leave a comment down below because i do enjoy responding to them when i see them and last but not least you guys stay blessed not stressed do your part and allow spirit to handle the rest peace


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