USA visa counseling session by Shiksha com

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To. Me Anamika yeah. I can hear you okay. Great so let's start, once. Again good evening everyone and welcome to the USA, visa counseling, session conducted. By Shiksha experts, in. Today's session we would cover the process of applying for the, f1 visa and. Remove. A few mins misconceptions. About the, visa interview in addition. We would cover basic, tools and zones and also discuss questions sent by you with pointers to guide you on how to best answer those questions, now. If. You talk about the visa interview. One. Of the most important. Things that students. Need to understand, is that it is not a very complicated process, in fact it is, one of the simplest process if you get to the nitty gritties of it so, we. Would be covering that and. In. Today's session would, be joining. Me. My. Name is Ruth Narang and, have. Been working in this industry for the last six years and I've helped more than 250, students getting. Admissions, in MBA. Programs, MS programs and undergraduate programs in US and I've, successfully helped, these students getting you, know successfully, cleared a visa as well and, also. Joining us is Anamika, Saxena, she's. An expert in, MSN. MBA admissions. And. Visa counseling, and has worked with over 150 students, and. She's. Also been working in this industry for a long time. As, mentioned, this session is conducted, by Shahrukh Khan India's number one study abroad website. Feel. Free to visit, the website once, the, session is done or for any details regarding, the. Visa guides as well as articles, on the visa interview. So. The. Agenda of today's discussion, is, an introduction. To the, US visa counseling, session and its but and we, would manually be covering, the, steps for applying for a visa the. Documents, that you should carry, so. Need. To know, and. Interview. Questions and category is an actual interview you know actual question and answers that were shared with you. Clear. Responses. Just. Give, us a second. All. Right my. Apologies, for the inconvenience. In between so. US. Continues to be the top choice for students who are planning to study abroad. It's. A general notion by many students, that US f1 visa processing, interview is complicated, by nature however. I assure to. Most of you after, the session you. Would know that the process is simpler and simple, and not time-consuming, at all it. Is worth noting that though, the visa interview is an integral, part of the u.s. visa process, it, is not the lengthiest in fact. Majority. Of your time would. Go in applying. For the visa which, includes, the various steps in world some. Of them which we will be covering during, this, presentation, that. Includes filing, for your ds-160. It. Also includes, booking of visa appointment and, the. Other things that are involved along the, process. And. By, the way the visa interview lasts. A maximum, of two to three minutes, so. Something a, point, which most. Of you might, not know and. According. To the visa law as. Per the u.s. any non-immigrant. Visa. Was, applying for the f1 visa interview. Any. Non-immigrant, applicant, means that someone who was applying, for, the. Student visa, should show intention. Of coming back what. Does that mean it means. Students. Are supposed to prove themselves.

During The visa interview that, they are not potential. Immigrants. They. Have to come back, this. Is what the visa officer should perceive out of the interview, some. Of you might be thinking we. Want to go. To. The u.s. we want to study and we want to work so how do we counter that how, do we ensure that the visa officer does not consider, us as an immigrant, despite, us wanting to work there. After graduation so we would be covering those points along with the presentation and with the. Questions. On. Three major. Economic. And. Professional. We. Would be covering each and every points in detail as we move ahead. By. The way remember to, book your appointment. 120. Days prior to the term started, it would not be possible for, you to book an appointment 120. Days before your. Term starts, so, majority. Of your program, would, be starting in the second week of August third week of August so by, all means you should start booking your appointments if you haven't done so. So. Let's start with the process of applying now. As you can see in the slide. We've. Summed. Down the entire. Process. Into, three steps which includes, you to pay your service. Fees you. To fill the ds-160. Form and book, or visa. Just. Give us a moment please I think there's some technical difficulties are not able to see the slide. You. Hey. So. As far as the service fees is concerned this is the form. I-901. And, this. Is issued, by the Department, of Homeland Security this. ID is mentioned, in your i-20 and, it, could be found on the top of the page of your i-20. The. Fees is, $200. And it, could be paid on FM JFW, calm, this. Is the website but you need to pay your fees and it's a very simple process if you ask me just go to the website click on the payment button you, have to enter your service ID name, date, of birth and, you can simply make the payment, we. Highly recommend that, you pay this early. Though. As the, process you know from the process point of view from the US, visa point of view you, do not it. Is not mandatory for you to pay the SEVIS fees before, you. Go for the actual interview so you could even pay that just a couple of days before your actual interview, but. We are suggesting you to pay the fees early, some, reasons behind that, you. Could receive an admission, offer after, you make this up you know after. You made the service payment and this would save you time when you want to transfer the service fees. There. Could be many other reasons that moving water which would depend on a case-by-case basis. As. Per the tech guidelines, by the Department, of Homeland Security which is responsible, for, issuing, the, from. I-901. When. Your visa is approved you. Cannot enter the, u.s. 30 days prior to the term start date so if your term, is starting, on August 17th, you, cannot enter the US for. July 17th, that. Would not be lethal, once. Student, the, student is in the US he, has to report to the University, within 30 days from landing, which. Means that once. You have you, know once, you've entered if you enter the US on 1st August then you have to report to the University maximum, metric is August. If. A, student does not do so if the Department, of Homeland Security can, track the student and that. Can simply lead to him or her being. So it's very important, for you to follow this protocol. Otherwise. It could lead to serious immigration, problems in the future. Next. Is filling, the ds-160. Form, now. You must remember as a part of the. Visa process, the visa application process.

Ds-160. And service, are the most important. During. This entire, visa process, before you go for your actual design an. Appointment. Can be booked without submitting, the ds-160. And the service, however. If, the. Ds-160. Is once, the ds-160, is submitted. It stays in the system for 99, years that's. Correct you heard me correct it stays. In the u.s. system for, 99, years for. Student. Once, he is there once he's done his studies he's, applying he's done with his opt, period he's applying for an h-1b or he's applying for a green card if a. Student is doing that his ds-160. Can be looked at a. Meal. Plans now. This. Is a very common, error that students, generally make when. They, are, booking. It. When when they're filling the ds-160, application, as. A section, that states. If. You've made any specific travel, plans you. Should not mention this. Unless your visa is approved you. Might get a rejection in your first comb you, might get a second rejection and altogether if, you, mention travel plans that, might not work out for you so it's best that you mentioned, no in the travel plans and you can enter a tentative date four to five days before your orientation. So. If you are only if your term is starting on 17th August and your orientation is on 5th August you could enter first off this is the tentative. Start date by when you know when you would be entering the u.s., there's. Another section. Where. You need to mention about your relatives, this. Is one of many common questions that I received from students, that my, cousin, sister. Or my cousin brother or my. Uncle is, there in the US should I mention their details in the ds-160, we, would not recommend you to do that there. Is no way for, them. To track anyone. Except your immediate relatives, who are there in the US so, why bother, rather, we. Suggest, you to enter details of your immediate relatives, which would only be your siblings. Or your. Parents, if they're there no. One else. Length. Of the stay this. Is another common mistake that students, have done when. They're. Submitting the ds-160. They. Mention. The opt, period along, with. That. The duration. Of the program so. If you're going for a master's course and your duration is two years, students. Sometimes i've mentioned five years that, is not correct information, and this would be used when you. Are going, for the visa interview so, this can go negative against, you it's. Advisable. And, it is mandatory for you to show the, duration, of the program which. Would either be two years one, year of foils depending on the program that you are applying for. Reference. Details, this. Is very important, information that you're giving to them the. US consulate, they, could validate. The, details that you've given with your referees so, those the, details, that you kept very carefully. The. Next step is. Booking. A visa appointment, now. All I'm sure all of you are aware that you have to book two V's appointments, which includes. The OFC, and the. Actual interview. The. OFC is you. Know generally advice for students you, know students should book the OFC, just a couple of days before their actual interview, though you can even book it three, weeks four weeks before your actual interview, depending on the slots that are available, however. The, major concern, lies with, the actual visa interview, at. This time us being. Into it you know we've. Reached 25th, May the. Waiting, period, for booking. A visa appointment in major cities is at least thirty days so, if you try to book a visa interview today you. Will get the next appointment near 25th June. 10th. You what. If you get a rejection and you're trying to book another visa appointment and there. Still, awaiting period of 30 days that. Means you would just have one, more shot because your term would practically be starting in August you know so. It's advisable that you book your visa early and if you face our rejection apply, immediately there. Is no constraint for anyone, to. Wait for any particular number of days before you can book the visa appointment again if, you can on the traction you can book the piece upon man next day how, can you do that we would be covering that and, in. The next few slides. There. Are two preferred. Payment modes, one, is through, NEFT and we. Recommend, that, you. Use this method because, it's. Not time consuming at all and, the. Reference number that you get it gets activated within 24 hours or you, could visit your nearest access or citibank branch and make a direct deposit there. Remember. As far as booking the appointment is, concerned you, can only reschedule. Your visa appointment twice.

So. If at all you booked an appointment and, you want to reschedule it don't, try to experiment, you can only do it twice there. Won't be a third time. Next. We would discuss the, documents, which you need to carry during. The visa interview and the. OFC, as, far as the OFC is concerned you don't need to carry majority, of your documents. The. Ds-160, submission, confirmation the. Passport, and the visa one minute enough, you're, in the OFC. But. As, far as the visa interview is concerned, we recommend, that you create four, sets of documents how. Do you plan on doing that you should create a file and you should create four sets in that file in the, first set you, should carry your Academy documents, in standardized, escort. What. Does you know what on account Academy documents, in test post you need to carry it includes. Your, passport, of course you know the current passport and the previous ones if if your passport are required, you know expired earlier, you. Need to carry the MRV fees. Receipt. You. Also need to carry your visa interview appointment letter, along with the ds-160, confirmation, slip a service. Fee receipt and you, know some, of the passport size photographs, just in case. As. Far as the visa related documents, are concerned. I'm. Sorry there was a confusion I was talking about the visa alleged document self for your Adamic documents, you need to carry your class 10 10 12 documents along. With your test post which includes your GRE team at SETI, Stoffel. And. Your. Bachelor's degree transcript, and your ma cheats of course if you're a bachelor, and. If, in case you've done your masters also when you wait for a second masters then you do carrier. For. Your financial documents, it is absolutely. Mandatory that, you carry your documents. If. I, told you miss your academic, document, that. That, should, hold favor of your case because the visa officer, would. Least be bothered about reviewing, your application, you know Academy related documents, if at all he has to review them he, would move me he would be more interested, in reviewing your financial documents which. Includes, a copy of your loan approval letter, which. Includes a copy of your saving banks were Tiffa Kate saving. Bank statements, along with the bank letter which. Showcases. The. Funding, that would be used to fund your education and, we, highly recommend that, you carry the bank statements, for a minimum of six, months you. Could even carry for at least three years you know that's gonna work beneficial, in your case if at all you have that kind of money for the last two years in your accounts no sponsors account. Fix. Deposit certificates. It's applicable, though we, recommend. You use this kind of funding, you, know. These. Officer wants to be sure that you have enough liquid, funding for education which is where we highly recommend that, you show. This funding in your savings bank account or through your loan or scholarships, up there Africa will of course. For. Your sponsors you have to ensure, that you get your tax returns and specifically, for the last three years and. Property. Documents, if you are planning on discussing your you. Know fixed, assets or your properties during the visa interview you. Need to ensure that you're carrying them the. Property documents. Must be validated by your bank, simply. Carrying your papers, might not just do the trick and. Finally. For those people who are work experience, we. Like, that you carry your joining later your. Salary slip along. With a reliving letter and in fact on you still, working then you just need to tell you're joining letter known. With your sorry slipped, now. I. Would, transfer. I will. Request in our maker to take over and discuss a few points, a few important, of points that all of you need, to know for, the visa process and the visa interview.

Thank. You this and. Thank. You for enlightening, on, the visa process so. Having. Covered this whole. Visa, process, and what are documents, to carry now, let us briefly understand, about the visa interview that, is what most, of you are waiting for it. So, before. We dig into the visa, interview part, let, us briefly. Go through what, are the important, facts but most of the students are not aware about this visa interview, so on an average the visa interview is, going to be there for two to three minutes in. 95. Percent cases the vu never asked you for any documents to show. So. The, last are, yeah. So, and. Some. Of you might be thinking that I'm going to so-and-so, University. He might reject my application, for visa, so, for you to know that Bo or, visa officer, never makes a decision based on your. In university, your. Decision, is based on what you say there in that interview. What. The, visa officer is looking at a screen most, of you would not be aware that he is looking at the ds-160. Form that is why you that was are talking. About what, common, mistake students, make in, the ds-160, form so it's. Very important, that you fill your yes one system very. Carefully, is actually, looking at your this screen and going through your ds-160. Form. Vo. Does, not know how, many universities. A student, has applied to so. The most important. Thing to remember is, that during f1, visa interview, you, have to remain calm, being. Well-prepared is, extremely. Important. Be sure to have all of the required documents and, receipts with. You before. You go, for an interview. Let. Us talk. About how. The interview. Is categorized, so. Basically. The visa, interview is categorized, in five categories if, they are as, per the, interview, questions they are going to ask you we categorize, them in five categories first. Thing is your study abroad plan, so, similar. To your university, application, essays and interviews, these are officer is interested. In your choice of causing higher education, so they are also interested in your choice of study in the USA, versus, your home country question. Related to this can be asked like why, are you going to your you u.s. what, do you specialize and, why, are you planning to continue your education. So. Similar, to discretion the next category is questions. About, your university, selection, now similar, to your study plan the, choice of in a university. Is also important, as I, said visa interview, never interview. Is never based on a university, selection, if 10 people are going to Utd all of them will get the visa as long as they are able to answer that the, question, related to this can be how many colleges, did you apply to how. Many colleges by you admitted, to how many schools rejected, your application, so all of this information is, important. To the visa officer, third. Important, thing is questions, about your academic, capability, so, in this part you may be asked, to prove, your capability, to succeed, in a u.s. University, which. You are going to study there write your, test course previous. GPA, cannot, be evaluated to determine your, likelihood, of success during. Your program question. Related to this can be what, are your test goes GRE, Djem and SAT, TOEFL, hires etc, what, was your GPA in your bachelor's why, do you want to pursue a degree in u.s., why, not Canada Australia or, any other country, third. Thing now this is the most important, piece of obtaining your f1 visa which is your financial, capability, regardless. Of your technical education. You cannot, be awarded and have student, visa unless you have proven. The means to finance your education, so. Even. If student has a scholarship I would, always mention. Or. Recommend, the student to mention about family, funding first then, you mention about scholarship, if you have taken a loan then. No, one should. Be talking about your. Funding. Followed. By the funding, then, you should talk about your loan, so. Question related to this can be what. Is a sponsor, annual income how, do you plan to find your entire education, or what, do you a parent do okay. Now. The last thing again, visa. Officer actually wants, to know what I your plan after completing your higher studies, there in USA, that. They are very important questions would be very well prepared for this question you should know your short term goal right, after, completing a master what do you plan to do after completing, your studies after. Having certain years of experience, what is your long-term goal what do you want to become in your life so this is again, related to or do, you plan to return to your home country or not do, you have a job or career in mind after you graduate.

Back. To you the. Texan. Omega4 the inside. Right. So. Without. Reading further we. Would talk. About the. Questions, that all of you have sent and. We. Would like to know, if we've received over 500 questions, and. We've. Clubbed, majority. Of the questions to, you, know which, which most. Of you have asked, and we've. Segregated, them into, different, activities, which. And, you know we'll start we'll start with the appointment, alleged questions so. The. First question that I would like to answer is, can i, play my visa fees without getting the i-20. Many. Of the students are not aware about that, but. There, are two types of fees that we are talking about here, one. Is the service fees and, two. Is the. MRP fees which is required, for booking. A visa interview. The. Service fees can be paid if your, University, where you are joining has. Sent you the service ID it, would not be possible for you to pay the service fees without the service ID now. Earlier, when I was talking about the, service ID I mentioned, that it is something. That is founding the i-20, but many a times when, the university, is sending. You the i-20, by courier you know, it. Takes. Time for the Corps you to reach you you know during transit, there might be some problem with the courier service and in. Many cases we've seen that it, takes about. Three. Weeks to four weeks for the i-20 to reach the student from the University, so. What should you do you should simply ask for your service ID and you, can pay the service fees once you have that the. Second is the MRV fee and interview. Appointment can, be booked without. You. Know paying without, without getting the i-20, however, you, must start. Your ds-160. Form and save it remember. Do, not submit, the ds-160, form because you would need details. From the i-20, that, you have to match and fill while you're filling the ds-160, form so, an interview appointment can be booked, once. You have your ds-160, application, ID.

The. Interviews, are conducted by third parties they're not done by the Department, of Homeland Security so, you can book a visa appointment and, then later, once you have an i-20 you can book you, know you can submit the ds-160, and you. Know you, can do the havoc you know you can arrange the necessary documentation. The. Second common question that we receive from, students, was how, can I change the university, after booking a visa appointment. Listen. This is something, that you, know have been seeing happen. Of lately with a lot of students, because. You might not get an admission offer from the university that you were targeting, but because, of the timelines you decided, to book, a visa appointment, assuming that you will not get an admission offer, but, once you got the offer you know there was no other choice but you, want to change your visa appointment because, that was a dream University, where you wanted to go so. There are two steps involved, in all that you need to take care of one. You. Need to submit a new ds-160. And. When. You go for the actual interview appointment you, need to carry this das 164, the. Copy, of the ds-160, along with you and. Show that to the visa officer, and you know tell him that this is what you've done and second. You need to transfer your service fees one. Of the common. To, have this that it's a transfer, process is a long process you have the first email the US visa counselor, and then, you know you have to transfer the surface, ID and they were kind of you on how to do that that's, what threw you, simply need to go to the same website which is you. Know FM, f je calm, and you can, transfer, your service. ID over there. How. Do i reapply, for the visa interview if i'm rejected once that's. A tricky question. There. Are two options here one, is that you are going to apply for the same University where you are going and. One. For the owner of the university that you're going and I, just, saw that is a question you. Appreciate. JA is asking if these are officer, does not know that how many universities. We have applied in then. We can easily I, all. The time Abhishek, I would not recommend that because. Both. Of these officers. Have any. Track of the number of universities, that you have applied in they, could simply. Put your case on hold if they suspect that you are lying. During the interview, then, your file would directly go to Washington, DC where all the details would be including. The given. Universities. That you have two. Networks. That you have and if. The information, is not matching. Information. That you have given you. Could possibly even get a lifetime ban you know you, never know that these. Are would definitely get rejected but. It would be further complications. And. We. See that you know I see that there are many more questions that are being posted we, will take more questions at. Once. For. The same University, you. Don't need the selfies again please. Be clearer on that many, students, make the mistake of paying. The service fees again which is going to include an additional two hundred dollars that's, not a small amount it's put in fifteen thousand rupees you know so. We'll recommend that you only pay the, MRP fees, and, you, schedule a new appointment however. As I, mentioned in my previous answer you, also need to submit. A new ds-160. So. Carry the new ds-160, during, the actual interview and, pay. The mrv, fees, for. Another university, how do you book an appointment. You. Need to submit a new ds-160. And, you need to pay the MRV fees which is 160, dollars however.

Let's. Discuss. The funding request, funding. Related questions, all. Right so. Now. Again coming back to the most important, piece as the visa officer wants to know how are you going to find your studies in United States most. Of this are going to be confused. About what to show what not to show how much to show this. Remains the freaky question so, as I mentioned that all of us talk about your self fundings, your patron savings force and then talk about your education role and then, talk about the scholarship, now. Most of the questions most. Of the students are not aware how much, you should show for, the visa interview so. As. A rule it is recommended. To show the liquid funds for one year this is also based as for, the US law however, it is better, to show some backup for the second year as well because, the visa officer wants to know how are you going to find your studies so for the first year you're sorted, but what would you do for the second year that's more important, the. Next question is is it mandatory to show known later on even if your parents have more than required for spot to be years now, again. One. Does not want to take education law so. There is no set rule on. Taking education alone as long, as you are able to prove that you are going fully funded and your parents, have financial backing for themselves, it, is not mandatory to take education alone however, I have seen some. Of the students in such, cases they would like to take long to show the responsibility. To pay their, tuition fee they want to take that responsibility on, their shoulder for their higher studies. Now. Third. Question, often comes. Sponsor. Income is to know how to tackle, this so. There are less chances if. You are showing less savings your, sponsor, income is very low and, you. Are completely showing, your funding, through education, no so, there are less chances even if I would recommend, even if the student, has family. Saving as low you, should still, talk about your family income, on. The other hand if you are showing less savings, and majorly, through education, loan then, you should mention that your parents, were more investment. Focus, on their career you could probably say that that. They invested, money in property which has doubled in the last of X. Number of yours, and you, are taking loans since you want to take the responsibility, on your shoulders and once, you are back you, will be repaying it. So. Moving. On to the rejection rubric questions. Thanks. Anika. We. Could discuss the. Next segment which is study plan related questions. Now. You. Know during, the visa interview. So. The first question. Why. Are you choosing this university. What. You should do here is that you should go. Through the, website and the handbook of a university, very carefully, and you. Have to. Note. Some of the important highlighted, features. Now. If you simply say let's let's assume that you're going to a 200, Business School in the US if. You say that I'm going to, 100, business school and that's the reason for me to choose that university it, could lead you to the rejection it is not the right answer the. Visa officer, wants, to know the, specific, reasons, as per, your, career, goals as for your profile and why you have chosen that University, for. People who are applying for MS programs you could talk about the research facility, you, could talk about the faculty profile you. Could talk about some of the notable Adam, and I who have graduated from the University. For. Students who've done their MBAs, who are, going to do their MBA you could talk about student clubs and organizations, you could, talk about the class profile, and how you are a good match for the class if. You're an engineer who's, going if, you are a mechanical, engineer was going for an MBA program and, the, class has. Many. Mechanical, engineers that could be able to highlight for you you know at the end of the day it all depends, on how you are matching it with your, goals and why, you wanted to that degree from that University. Choose. Any of the university, should not come out like you know did not matter to you which university, you go through for example if you, five. Universities, your.

GRE, Score on your GMAT school is higher than, the average of the, program, at the university that you are applying for you. Might you might not be able to justify it it could simply lead to a, perception. That you're going to any university, just to immigrate to the US so, it's very important, that you answer that question very carefully on why you're choosing that University. How. Should you prove home ties this. Is very important, the, visa officer. Through. His, or her training, is. Going. To believe that you are a potential immigrant, you, need to convince the visa officer, that you are not an immigrant. How. Do you do that the best way is to prove home. Ties. That. Could be done to three possible ways social. Ties economic. Ties and professional. Goals in India, when. You talk about economic ties this, is one of the best ways to establish a home time, if. Your family is earning enough you could show ideal returns savings. Bonds. Which. You, would need when you come back remember. The visa officer, will see the family and the applicant, has two different entities so you should focus more on whatever. Is in your name also. You. Can mention properties, you could mention fixed assets yeah is, that definitely going to be establishing home ties, and. The, second most important, thing if at, all example a cable to you his professional, goes in India, if. You has a student I see the potential, career in India after you graduate you, are definitely, in the good views as far as the visa officer is concerned this. Can include a job a job offer with, your present employer or with your past employer, for. Some of you who might be going for an employee you know going through an employer sponsorship, it, would definitely work out in your case an employer. Sponsorship, is nothing but some amount of money that your employer is you. Know, your. Employer is participating. While funding your education and. Any. Other relation that you could with your present. Employer. Then. Comes what answer should you give, if asked. About working on an opt, if. You, simply tell that, you want to do an opt, you. Can mentioned. You want to work there now. This is definitely negative in the eyes of. Anything. Related to working, should not be mentioned why. Is that because, the visa officer, wants. To confirm that you're going there only to study not. To work however. The. Law understands. That opt is an integral, part of the u.s. education system which. Allows students, to utilize their. Knowledge while working, so. You as a student have. The advantage, to mention, that opt, is an integral, integral, part of your system and I would like to take advantage of it but. It should only be done if you're asked. So. What are we trying to do you. Know some up here will say not. Use, the word working. But rather just talk about the opt how it's, an integral, integral. Part of internal. Process, and how, you would be utilizing, that to. You. Know use. The knowledge that you've learned in your academics, and. Use. That when you come back to your home country especially. For you you know people are waiting for technology, courses, you.

Could You know pretty, much validate, that you're going to use that technology. You know what you've learned in the classroom utilize. That through your opt, learn, how to implement it and utilize, that when you come back to India, and. Of course if CPT, is a part of your curriculum it, should definitely be, mentioned. Now. Let's just take a pause here and we'll look at some of the questions that I. Think. The first question is related to the funding part of. My. Parents, are retired but. Saving. Is double then my I 20, about I am NOT, taking any education, or I think they. Have covered this in the funding part that as long as you're, able to prove that your parents, are fully funded, and also, they have, financial. Backing there for themselves and they, are getting pension, or they are retired or they, would be able to take care of their living expenses here in India even if they are putting. A lot of their investment, in your higher education it's. Or, not a problem or it's not required you take education, loan. I. Problem, of stammering so. I want, to know whether it would be a problem during visa, interview, should I mentioned, them in beginning itself. Yes. You can, mention that in the beginning its itself, it's okay, to tell that and the, visa officer would not mind. I'm. The, next question is I'm supposed to get new i-20 till, 90th, May approximately. Is that, fine if I pay size ID after, that day because. This visa interview, is on 6th of June so, I. Am would recommend, you to pay your service ID before, you, appear for your visa interview date, and I believe that service ID is the same ID you submitted, in your ds-160. Form if it. Is non then you will have to submit your ds-160. Again with, the new inside this ID. Next. Question, now can. Liquid, funds to be shown as an educational, loan in case of aspiring, artists preparing, for scholarship, I think. The question is not clear. Do. You understand, this. Not. Right now my car and due, to the time constraint, you. Know we will cover some of the other common questions that were asked by students, and we'll. Get back to the questions that are being asked in the live chat. So. Now. The student had asked us on what to do what. Do you plan to do after your studies, now. Again as I've mentioned the, law understands. That opt is an integral, part of the u.s. education system, you can. Simply mention, here that the opt, is an integral, part and, I would like to take advantage of it as, I. Mentioned before they should only be done if asked, and. Clearly. Please do not mention if you want to work in the u.s. even if you have an intention to do that it.

Would Who negative against you it would lead to a perception, that you, are a potential immigrant, and you will face a rejection. Backlots matter during the visa interview. Yes. They do it. Depends. How. If, you have some backlogs, you have to be confident to mention that. It's. Just a 3/4 backlogs, these officer, understands, that one, for scenes of them a. Student. Can fail in some subject. Be. Confident, tell, them the reason that yeah you, know these were the backlogs that I had and it, didn't take me much time when I clear them in the next semester but. If you have too many backlogs, and there, are many students who apply to universities. With any. Input, or negative, against your case I'm, not denying the fact that there, are students who've received a visa. Approval. With, 25, backlogs, also, but, those, students would might, have not been asked, the question or, they would have covered it up well during the visa interview so. The best way to go, if you have too many backlog cells to be honest about it if you, lie about your backlogs, so these officer can simply, you. Know verify, this by having a look at your mouth shields so, in 95%, of the cases the visa officer does not look at the documents. Again. They, have been trained to suspect, students, who are lying during the visa interview if, you lie it won't take them more than a minute to let, you know that that you're, lying and they could verify with your mark sheets and if they see through, many backlogs, they, would enter that in the system that the student was not being honest about the backlogs and that could keep, on leading to you keep you know getting a rejection again and again and again because the next time when you go for an interview so, next, visa officer, would, look at the previous peace officers comments and that could go negative against, you. How. To justify changing of streams. For. Instance I'm, a mechanical, engineer and I want to go for a computer science program what. Do I say. Let's. Again a very tricky question because. If you. Have no backing if you have no. You.

Know If you have not backed up or you. Know if you don't have a backup with relevant data this, could go negative, you for, example, do. You have relevant. Experience in, the field of computer science after. You did your mechanical, engineering did. You work in the computer science field that's very important because if you did you. Have relevant, backup to prove that the master's in computer science program that you are going to do is relevant. For you, having. Pursued relevant. Courses or certifications. Even, if you don't have work experience if you're a fresher after, your mechanical engineering have, you done relevant, certification, someone. Is going for a master's in cybersecurity program, or. You. Could do some certification. That. Could be three months or six. This. Gives a crux this, this, gives the visa officer, a sense that you know you know what you're talking about you're not simply going to us just for the sake of it and this. Is matching with what you want to do in your career. Finally. If none of this is applicable, do not mention that you have pursued or different degree in your in. Your under graduation due to parental or peer pressure, this. Will definitely go negative against, you these, officer might think that you know if, you, did, your undergraduate due to parental pressure once, the guarantee that you're not doing your masters right or because of that and you're simply going to the u.s. because it's an emerging field over there it. Really depends, just, simply try to make the peace officer understand. Your career goals and how your masters in the. New field will help you in achieving your goals. We. Talked about you know. Many. Many students. Some. Questions, coming in the likely movin on. Alright. So. Moving on to the rejection related, questions, now I know most of you are. Scared. If we get a rejection, what will happen next and, I. Believe. We are also conducting the, session to eliminate, that fear in your mind that. If. You are well prepared. Rejection should not come so, what. Are the common reasons, are and why, do you get rejection we have already covered that so. Question. We, got from one of the student has been rejected without a reason, what, would be the most probable, reason. As. To why, a candidate gets rejected so, now as. Per our, understanding, that two possible, reasons of, one is that a student was not able, to show whom ties to his country, it's. Very important, that you show your home, ties that you will return back to India second. Is that the student was not able to prove his financial, status that, his parents are financially, sound here in India our to, fund their studies so that these two are the most important, questions and common reason of rejections. Second. Answer the, question, is what are the visa rejection chances, if I only have one admit, so. In. In. The iso visa officer, when. You purchase, a phone you, have, two three options, and when. You are going for your university.

Higher Education, in USA, which, is a huge investment, how. Is it possible that you applied with just one university, but even, if you have one admit chances. Should be fine as long as you are able to justify why, that university. Third. Question, of visa. Rejected, once or multiple, times what changes, has the student made now, this is again very tricky question what, should you say what, should you not say, now. Student, can play, around the documents, he has changed student, can say that I was not carrying financial, papers previously, and now I am getting some additional documents. So this is how we incline to answer this question. Fourth. Question, visa. Rejected, more than thrice should, you apply again, I would. Say yes. You. Should not give up but. You should try. To improve, what went wrong in the last interview what you could actually improve how can you do that so, you can apply, as many knives as you want and I have, seen many students getting their visa approval, even on their seventh, and that for them I know this is surprising, but trust me this has happened in some of the student cases I. Would. Like, to take one question here Rob, I. Had. One visa rejection, last year for business class visa when. It also affect, me as I'm trying for f1 they, did not give any reason for rejection how to prepare, for this now. This. Denial will, most likely effect, a new heaven, application, probably. Because you, are not able to show your home times that you are going to come back to India, because. As in even in, every interview you're. Required to prove that you are coming back to India so. If you were previously denied, it means that you are not able to previously proof, that you are coming back to India at the town's end so unless, your situation, has changed and. Or. You are able to prove strong, ties again, it. Can, still happen that your visa and. Shall approve. All. Right we have some more. Questions also. Deepika. Is asking, while sending documents for, i-20, I have sent documents of my mother as my, sponsor I hadn't mentioned my father anywhere. So will. There be any discrepancy. If, I carry financial, documents, at the visa interview, that's. A good question the vicar for the. I-20, whatever documentation, you, are showing it has got nothing to do with the funding that you will be showing during the be side view so. As long as you have the necessary documentation, that your father is going to find you you. Could talk about in, the visa interview why, am i focusing.

Because. The officer. Might ask for your documents. There. Is one more question I I called the single admit only and it's my dream in positi so. I'm going. In 2012. And for this okay, and all you. You must have up to five to six universities, now. Even, if we have just one entity, that produce your dream it was me it is okay to be like your dad you. You know. You know why. I definitely, it wasn't even if you had gone. After there is still. A capacity. Which, you have to listen to apply and vodka, visa would, fail you. Can again have to talk about them they become violent that was our. Window. And in this party. Do, we have more question. Radhika. I will request you to type in your question again we've not, received your question, and. We'll, request you to do that as early as possible because we're closing the session another five minutes. All. Right so the next question is from Satish he's, asking while carrying Jelani scorecard we have to take all three pages of the score sheet right the, pages already shows the number of universities, the scores are sent to yeah. You could do that as, I mentioned your documents, would not be reviewed but if you. Document. All, the. Pages. The. Nagy is asking, about the funding scenario if I have an education loan covering, entire education, cost how, much savings do I need to show for Visa or no went low and if my 9:20 requires forty five thousand dollars and I'm Becca would you like to answer that, can. You repeat the question I can't see, that here, after. Rogers asked him if he has. Education. Loan which is finding his entire, cost how much. Funding. Should he show any savings. If. The cost of education is $45,000. Okay. And he is taking, a complete. Loan yes. He is taking complete loan that's what you mentioned, so. There. Should be a balance between your. Savings, and your education, or as I mentioned if you are completely, going to fund, your studies, through your education, loan you can probably say that your parents.

Have Some property, is some fixed assets fear which. Can be liquidated at any point of time now. About the savings how much you can show that, depends, on. Your. Capacity. If your parents, have all their savings, in fixed assets then, you could probably so show that same, that, you are majorly. Funding, through your education, loan and. You. Can get that liquid ended because your parents have invested, that money in terms of properties. And. I'm sorry to interrupt you not able to hear you know, what's broken between can. You hear me now yes. Yeah. So, should I repeat my answer. Yeah. We lost you in between alright. Alright so the, student. Question is that he, is majorly, funding, through his education. Loan right and he wants to know whether you should show some savings. Or not is that the question. That's. Correct, alright, so as, I mentioned and covered in funding, related questions. That it is important, that you show. Some. Personal. Savings of your parents, there. Should be a balance between your parents, savings and your education, loan if, you are not able to show some savings, then probably you can say that you. Are going to fund your studies, through education, loan which is sanctioned. For so-and-so amount. But. Your parents they were more. Focused in their career they. Saved. On all, of the savings in the form of fixed assets, which can be liquidated, at any point of time if, you want to get that if, you need have a need, of them on, an urgent basis. All. Right we, have a very good question from. Not. You again. Okay. Can you hear me now, yeah. But, we. Move on to the next question he's, got a good question from age. He's. Saying can I show to those orphans why a mutual, funds and only 50% of the tuition fee of first. Year has funds in liquid, so. I would, like to highlight here that for, the visa interview it. Is mine a treat for everyone to show only first year tuition and living expenses. Second. Your tuition, and living are, not required, but highly recommended. So. To your answer your question if you have. Funding. For your first year through your savings account will liquid fire you are in a good position you, could tell the visa officer, that you have mutual, funds for, your second year which could be liquidated at any point of time depending, on the need and availability. Right. So. Dope. We, understand, that, all of you have many more questions, due. To the time constraint, we. Would like to close the session aware and, we. Would be doing another session. We. Will, keep all of you. Please. Send. Sending your email on our. Website or you, could reach out to me or anomic, our directly. You. Could send me an email on. That's. UDI. Or. You, could reach Anamika. Saxena or, email ideas cannot. Come. We. Also have additional resources available for, everyone's, convenience. We've. Met given a link, in a presentation, which, is the. U.s.. Student, he's a guide so, you. Could see that on your screen that, is the link you know we will also keep the link in the comment section, you. Need, to visit this link and download the visa guide it will give you a step-by-step process on how to book the visa appointment and.

Personalized. Counseling servers within, our home page which is study abroad not section or calm slash apply. Your. Details one of our counselors would be getting in touch with you shortly and as. I mentioned before if. You have any questions please feel, free to reach out to me or anomic, or directly we would be happy to help you all. The best to everyone for, your visa interview -. Well. You. Know make, sure that you. Four. Important, point during the visa interview which, includes by that University. You. Know why have we chosen that specific, course. Why. Have you chosen us here to do your studies and of course establishing, home ties. Thanks. A lot everyone. Thank. You thank. You so much and wish you all the best.


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