10 Supposed Secret Space Program Insiders

10 Supposed Secret Space Program Insiders

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I. Greet. You in, the love and the light of the Infinite Creator. Event. Is, coming soon YouTube. Channel here's. The latest Intel. 10. Supposed, secret, space program, insiders. By. Samuel, Popejoy ever. Since the German Vril society provided. The blueprints, for Nazi flying saucers, in the Roswell, crash brought UFOs, to the USA, the, possibility. Of advanced, extraterrestrial, spacecraft. Have captured, the imagination. Over. The decades, a steady, stream of whistleblowers. Have come forward with inside information on, free energy reverse. Engineered, UFOs, secret. Slave colonies. Anti-gravity. And government. Cover-ups, that if proven, true would, spark, drastic, and irrevocable. Changes to, life on this planet here. Are the top 10 whistleblowers. Who have risked everything to, expose the existence, of black-budget space, programs. 1. Corey, good good, who came forward, in 2015. Claims. To have been recruited, as a teenager, and served for 20 years in a u.s. Navy, secret, space program, among. His many revelations, good. Says that beneath the ice of Antarctica lies, the ancient ruins, and technology, of a master race that is a hybrid of early earth humans, and extraterrestrial. Refugees, fleeing from a highly advanced, but doomed planet good. Claims, that an imminent full disclosure, event, will rewrite human history, and usher in a new age, -, Edgar Mitchell when, confronted, with the majesty, of outer space the Apollo 14 astronaut. Experienced. A profound spiritual, awakening. Mitchell, publicly, revealed that the US government, is aware of the existence of alien spacecraft and, extraterrestrials. Who were drawn to this planet, by the emergence, of nuclear weapon, technology, during World War two and that the government, has continued, to cover-up this information, in order to hide its acquisition. Of this advanced, alien technology. 3. Carl, wolf the former Air Force sergeant, says, that he was shown a photo, of a large base on the Dark Side of the Moon take, prior to the 1969. Moon landing, and that NASA the, NSA, and the US, Air Force have maintained, the policy, of destroying such photos. For. Richard. Doty a former, Air Force investigator. Richard, Doty was recently, featured in Steven Greer's documentary. Unacknowledged, confirming. The government's, knowledge of the existence, of UFOs and, reverse engineered technologies. However. He, is also the guy who in the 1980s. Fed lies and disinformation to. A well-meaning, US, citizen, Paul bennewitz until. Ben Witt suffered a mental breakdown. Five, Tom, to launch the, launch changed, his career from blink-182 Rockstar. To the founder of to the Stars Academy, now working with former, government, officials, and military officers, to disclose, the existence of extraterrestrial. UFOs, the, Lanza's group was instrumental in the December, release of a UFO a New York Times article and, a u.s. Navy jet cockpit, video of a tic-tac shaped UFO but. Some folks suspect, that de longe is being used and yet another government disinformation. Campaign. Six. Luise, Elizondo. The former head of the Pentagon's, advanced, aerospace, threat identification. Program Elizondo. Has recently joined up with Tom DeLonge just to the Stars Academy, to present official evidence, of extraterrestrial. UFOs. Elizondo. Told CNN, that he had seen enough during his tenure in the program, to be convinced, that human beings aren't the only intelligent. Life in the universe. 7. Steven. Greer over. The course of his career Greer, has met with dozens of supposed, secret, space program, insiders, acquired, thousands. Of documents to back up his claims and has founded, two organizations. To promote the release of secret technologies, and disclosure, of et contact, among.

His Claims is that oil coal, and natural gas companies, have actively suppressed, free energy, technology, that Marilyn, Monroe was killed to prevent her from repeating. What john and bobby kennedy, had told her about UFO, and that, the existence of extraterrestrials. Is kept secret from even the President of the United States, 8. Bob, Dean as a master. Sergeant in NATO headquarters during. The 1960's. Bob, Dean was given a cosmic, top-secret document, of NATO's investigation. Into UFOs which. Concluded, that extraterrestrials. Had been visiting, the earth for hundreds, of years but posed no threat deemed. Thereafter retired, from the military and embarked, on a lifelong, career researching, and revealing the existence of UFOs. 9, William. Tompkins as an, aerospace engineer. For top US defense, contractors. Tomkins, claims to have designed, more than 16, spacecraft, for the Navy's secret, space program, some, of which are still in use today he, claimed that negative extraterrestrials. Have been exploding, humanity, to perpetuate, war and strife while, more positive, ETS are attempting, to accelerate. Our spiritual, evolution. 10. Bob, Lazar in, 1993. Physicist. Bob Lazar was among the first to reveal the government's reverse. Engineering, of UFO, craft utilizing. Antimatter, and anti-gravity, propulsion, at, the now notorious, area, 51, / s for, installation. In Nevada, over. The course of the last century the, public imagination has. Been simultaneously. Enthralled, and terrified, at the prospect of. Extraterrestrial. And involvement in human affairs. Ever, since rumors, emerged that the secretive rural society, in Germany, had successfully. Channeled beings from other stars in a trance state and schematics. Were unveiled, of what appeared to be Nazi, flying saucers, the world became, obsessed with the idea of communication, with extraterrestrials. With. The roswell crash in. 1947. In the subsequent surge of UFO sightings, and apparent abductions, that started, taking place shortly, thereafter the. Collective, mind became an extra, be focused, on the idea of e t--'s and their potential interaction. With humankind. Over. The years dozens. Of apparent, insiders, have come out of the woodwork, with stories, of free energy reverse. Engineered, UFOs, secret. Slave colonies, and e gravity, and government. Cover-ups, that if ever, proven, true would, spark drastic, and irrevocable. Changes to life on this planet, every one of its inhabitants the advent. Of free energy technology, alone would put a permanent end to poverty, and hunger freeing, humanity, from the rule of a tyrannical, and corrupt elite who have foisted upon them more after meaningless, war while. Some would say that such a monumental, clandestine. Effort to explore space and research UFOs, would be impossible to keep under wraps it, bears remembering that, no one knew about the Manhattan Project until. The first nuclear weapons, were detonated, over Japan and that everyone, thought Operation, Northwoods the, plot to stage terrorist, attacks on American soil to, justify, invading cube, was, a conspiracy. Theory until the pertinent, documentation, was, the classified. While, many of the following testimonials. May seem completely beyond belief, the alleged existence. Of black-budget space programs, is one secret that these 10 individuals. Have risked everything to, expose, one. Corey good if. Even, 10% of what Corey Goode claims, ever ends up being proven, true humanity. Is due for a brutal wake-up, call good. Has been making the ufology. Convention, circuit since 2015. To share his unique message, consider. Life changing, to those who believe and infinitely, entertaining. To those who don't Goods, testimony. Includes, assertions, that he was recruited into a secret space program, as a teenager, and served for 20 years in a spacefaring branch of the US Navy during. His tour of duty he supposedly, had access to sources of information that paint a picture of human history very, different, from the one with which we are familiar he. Alleges, that Antarctica, is absolutely. Filled with ancient ruins, and that alien technology, is buried, just below the ice he. Goes on to claim that this icy continent, used to house extraterrestrial. Refugees, that bred with humans to, create a master, race which once ruled the planet those. Wondering, if any of these fanciful, claims, could possibly bear a grain of truth won't have to wait long for confirmation. Good, and esoteric, researcher, David Wilcock, both assert that a full disclosure, event, is coming soon that will utterly reframe, our understanding.

Of History and the role that plan and turf plays in the wider universe. - Edgar, Mitchell, Edgar. Mitchell if Apollo 14 fame, was the sixth man to walk on the moon and always signed his correspondences. Accordingly, but. Mitchell became, somewhat, of an embarrassment, to NASA later in life when his passions, for meditation. Spirituality. And alternative. Healing led him into the arms of the follow G community, and the classified, information with, which he had supposedly, been entrusted, started, spilling out before. His death in 2016. Mitchell, stated, that not only was the Roswell incident a, real instance, of a downed alien spacecraft. But the extraterrestrial. Entities, that crashed there had been observing, military, tests, of nuclear weapons. Mitchell, revealed to the world in an interview, with Kerrang in, 2008. That the government, cover-up, of extraterrestrial. Visitation, and the space exploration, technologies. Derived, from recovered, ufos had begun with the roswell, crash and, continues, on to the present day 10, he, claimed to have been let in on this information due. To his ranking position, as an Apollo astronaut. NASA. Was quick to debunk, his assertions, but in doing so the, Space Agency, appears to have gotten a bit ahead of their skis Mitchell. Never stated that NASA was involved, in the UFO, cover-up, but NASA still went out of their way to state that they were involved in no such activity, Mitchell, also never claimed that NASA tracked UFOs, yet, the space agency, still felt the need to clarify that this wasn't one of their functions, either. Mitchell. Agreed with claims made by other supposed, insiders, that the main reason UFOs. Are being covered up isn't to avoid a panic but to suppress the technologies, that power these craft when. Confronted, with the majesty, of outer space during, his Apollo mission, Mitchell, experienced. A profound spiritual, awakening. That no doubt contributed. To his urge to share what he knew with the public, 3. Carl. Wolf though. Hard evidence of, extraterrestrial. Visitation, to Planet Earth and the existence, of secret government space, missions, is admittedly, hard to come by this, dearth of facts might be more due to governmental, interference, than, an actual lack of documentation, according. To Karl Wolfe a former, Air Force sergeant, who worked in the national security, administration, photographs. Taken from orbit prior to the 1969. Lunar landing, that depicted, a vast base of the Dark Side of the Moon had been purposefully, destroyed, by elements, within NASA the, NSA, and the US Air Force, according. To Wolff he was shown a single photograph, of the base in confidence, by a superior, during, his tenure at the NSA, though, he was duly impressed by, the implications. Of the photo he, was more concerned than excited, he, knew as a trained intelligence, agent, that what he had seen was never meant for his eyes and at the very existence of such a photograph, endanger, the life of anyone who witnessed it, for. Richard. Doty the. UFO, research community, has good reason, to fear disinformation, agents. In their ranks, for years. Richard, Doty made a habit of reaching out to you foll ingests and alleged contactees, and presenting, them with a proposition. Telling. His gullible, prey that he was with the government, he would then offer up all the secrets of UFOs, in exchange, for their cooperation 8, while, the effects of this disinformation campaign. Seemed to have been largely harmless, one, of Dodi's famous, victims, was Paul bennewitz, an electronics. Engineer who lived near the base where Doty was stationed, over. The years Doty, and his team fed the UFO, seeking Ben wits lie after lie until, he suffered a complete mental breakdown. Yet. It remains unknown whether Doty was spinning, a web of pure deception or whether some of his information may have been based in truth his. Testimony, in the documentary. Film when acknowledged seems to indicate that he was indeed aware, of the existence, of real UFO, crashes and, reverse-engineer. Technologies. Capable, of taking human beings, into the far reaches, of space but. Coming from the mouth of a professional, government, conman, anything. Doty says is certainly suspect. 5. Tom. To launch it. May simply be impossible, to ever stop, associating, Tom DeLonge with the 1999. Punk pop hit all of the small things and album titles like take off your pants and jacket but. This former blink-182. Frontman. Has even bigger things in then the band that will define the millennial, generation for. Decades to come, tom, is the founder, and CEO of to the stars Academy, a unique, initiative, that seeks to blend entertainment. And alien, disclosure into, one delicious package, 7, he's, attracted, a bevy of respectable. Contributors. To his cause and has some interesting stories, to tell about the path that has led him from world-renowned.

Rock Star to aspiring NASA competitor. According. To the launch his, interest, in UFOs dates, back to his blink-182. Days, when, he would spend every free moment he had on the internet, looking for evidence to prove the existence of intelligent, extraterrestrials. This. Ammeter interest somehow evolved, into actual contact, from government, agencies and, before, long the, launch was visiting, the Pentagon and being flown around the country to meet with various generals, and private, interests, it, seemed, that the United States military, industrial. Complex had, decided to start revealing, UFO, information, and wanted, to use that launch as the face of their disclosure. Suffice. To say public. Reception, of de logis change and career has been mixed, those. Who think he's at least partially, telling the truth worried that his entire initiative might, be some kind of government disinformation. Campaign. And while. There are still those who think he's flat-out making, it up these, voices, have grown quieter, with the addition of more and more distinguished, names to the ranks of the to the stars team in the release of the recent UFO, themed New York Times article, which, he seemed to have predicted, weeks in advance, according. To the launch the, Navy video released, with the article, is only the tip of the spear with many more disclosures, to come, six, Luise, Elizondo. On, December. 16th. 2017. The New York Times released, an article called glowing oars and black money the Pentagon's, mysterious. UFO, program this. Investigatory. Piece by America's, most prestigious, newspaper. Centered, around a Declassified. UFO, video released, by the Department of, Defense in the testimony, of Lewis Elizondo. One-time head of the Pentagon's, advanced, aerospace, threat identification. Program. The, short video shot from a navy fighter jet appears, to depict a saucer-shaped, object, flying, above the clouds before abruptly rotating. Sideways, since. The UFO, was matching the speed of the jet filming, it the, g-forces, involved, in such a maneuver would have been far more than a human pilot would have been able to withstand yet. Elizondo. Believes there's compelling evidence that the pilot may not have been human.

Supposedly. Closed down in 2012. The, advanced, aerospace, threat identification. Program was tasked with locating UFOs. In the skies and was apparently also involved, in the recovery of downed craft in an, interview, with CNN, Elizondo. Stated, that he had seen enough during his tenure in the program, to be convinced, that human beings aren't the only intelligent. Life in the universe six, after quitting the Pentagon, in October, 2016. Elizondo. Went on to join the ranks of how putt Hoff Steve, Justus Chris, melon and Tom, DeLonge jazz a core member of the recently, founded initiative, called to the Stars Academy. 7. Steven. Greer, Steven. Greer has become one of the loudest voices demanding. Full disclosure, of extraterrestrial. Contact. But this former trauma surgeon, had other plans in mind when he first started exploring, the UFO, phenomenon. Accepting. The supposition at, a young age that extraterrestrials. Were visiting, the earth he, wanted to be the person to organize, the diplomatic, apparatus, that would interface, with these mysterious visitors. But. Decades of petitioning, prominent, Washington lawmakers, and, power brokers appearing. Before the National, Press Club and serving. As the main source for the recent UFO, documentary, unacknowledged have, pushed Greer firmly into the limelight as a dedicated antagonist. Of the alleged extraterrestrial. Cover-up, over the. Course of his career Greer, has met with dozens of supposed, secret, space program, insiders, acquired, thousands. Of documents, to back up his claims and has founded, two organizations. To promote the release of secret technologies, and disclosure, of et contact, 5. Greer. Claims, that among the technologies obtained. From downed alien spacecraft. Is the sea Krita free energy which he asserts has been kept from the public due to the immense profits, made from the sale of oil coal, and natural gas, greer. Repeatedly. Petitioned, high-ranking, members of the US government, to disclose what they knew about extraterrestrials. Until he concluded, that the pertinent, information was, being hidden even from the president of the united states since. Then he, has redoubled, his efforts in, popularizing, the, ET phenomenon, among the public and has appeared in the documentary, film serious. And unacknowledged, one. Of the more bizarre claims, that greer makes in the latter film is that marilyn monroe didn't die of a drug overdose, but rather was on the verge of holding a press conference disclosing. Everything she, learned from John and Robert Kennedy about, UFOs, and was silenced, before she could reveal her secrets, 8, Bob. Dean Bob. Dean's life changed, forever when an airforce Colonel Bruce Cleese laughed at 20-centimeter, high aid in document. On his desk and said here, read, this this. Will wake you up for. At, least that's, what Dean says happened one sleepy, night in NATO's war room during his service as a master, sergeant between, 1963. And, 1967. Usually. Reserved, for the eyes of those holding, cosmic top-secret, clearance, and above the document that Dean claims to have witnessed detailed, natives, three-year, investigation into. The UFO phenomenon. Which, employed the services of physicists, astronomers. Sociologists. And theologians. According. To Dean the document, concluded, that extraterrestrials. Were not a threat to humanity and had been visiting, the earth for hundreds, of years in his. Career as a professional, ufologist. Dean, has sought to corroborate these, claims by pointing out instances, of saucer-like objects, and ancient cave drawings, and classical, pieces of art though. It's confirmed, that he served his country for decades in the Armed Forces, many, have disputed, Dean's unsubstantiated.

Claims, Regarding, his access, to the NATO report, these. Sustained, assaults, on his credibility haven't. Stopped Bob from making the UFO, convention, circuit and appearing, in various interviews. 9. William. Tompkins. Some, knew the late William Tompkins is an avid builder of model ships others. Were aware of his work as the corporate director, of North American, advanced, space research, and as a member of the red team at, General Dynamics Corporation. Yet. Some researchers, care less about Tomkins, his illustrious, career in the aerospace, sector and more about that claims he made about his involvement in a secret space program. According. To Tompkins, who wrote a book detailing, his, experiences. In the secret side of naval intelligence he. Was recruited, before even finishing high school to back engineer. Extraterrestrial. Communications. Systems, three. Tomkins. Also, claimed to have designed, over 16 modules of spacecraft for, the Navy at his first think tank job some, of which are apparently still in use today he, believed that extraterrestrial. Civilizations. Had been meddling in human affairs for millennia, with some factions, exploiting, us for warlike, purposes and, others attempting, to accelerate, our evolution, Tompkins. Died on August 21st. 2017. In the midst of the first total solar eclipse, viewable, in North America, in 99, years, 10. Bob. Lazar though. Bob Lazar never, really wanted to be lumped in with the UFO, crowd he, remains the man who ignited popular, interest in the secret of nevada military, base known as area 51, in. 1993. Lazar, became, one of the very first purported. UFO insiders, to break the veil of secrecy, motivated. By what he described, as concerns, about the way in which the UFO, subject was, being handled, Lazar. Claims to, hold advanced, degrees in electronics. And physics, from Caltech, and MIT though. Both institutions. Insisted, they have no records, of his attendance, an old, phone directory, seems to corroborate, Lazer's assertion, that he once worked for a los alamos though any official, records, of employment. Along, with his hospital, birth records, have disappeared. Without a trace. Lazar. Reports, that he was part of a team of scientists, assigned to the top secret base north of Las Vegas known, as s4 his. Work at this camouflaged, base built into the Sandy Hill site can sista dove inspecting, captured, extraterrestrial. Spacecraft, for the purposes, of reverse, engineering, his, schematics, of the UFO, which he calls the sport model look like the archetypal. Saucer shaped replicated, in thousands, of toys and films in the, course of his research Lazar, discovered. That the sport model along, with the other saucer, shaped craft he inspected, appeared, to be propelled by amplified, gravity, waves, Bob. Doesn't regret, coming public, but these days he's, more focused on his scientific, supply, company, and consulting, work than he is on spreading the word about, extraterrestrials. He. And his wife now, live in the boondocks to avoid UFO, fanatics and are in no way trying to capitalize, on his wild claims, interestingly. Part. Of his 1993. Disclosure. Was the assertion, that the antimatter engines, in the UFOs, that he inspected ran on something, called element, 115. This. Part of his story seemed like pure fiction until scientists, were successfully. Able to synthesize element. 115. Aka. Mosca, viim in a lab in 2003. Please. Like us and share with your social media. Please. Subscribe, and click the bell to be notified of our new videos. Remember. To check out our playlist for. Important, intel you may have missed a visit. Our sister, channel the event is coming soon for, additional, Intel and, information, stay.

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2018-02-06 02:10

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44th viewer.I like to think that theirs more happening, space programs and things then we're led to believe, also i bet theirs more things being held back from public knowledge! Such as extra terrestrial life to advance medicine and technology, to even human abilities. Trouble is even space agencies such as NASA cannot be trusted! people that are representatives or talk, might be paid shills. In a world full of lies and deception and deceit, hard to know whom and what to trust!

Thank you :-). I've seen a few synchronicity in numbers for quite a number of months now, i met one of my soul mates online and he too has seen signs in numbers before we met which was quite fascinating! that sounds positive with the number 44 being an angel number, thank you i will indeed. I wish you all the best! thank you for commenting @indigo lightbringer. Angel blessings to you. Take care

Moonshadow Fae you're right. And awesome angel number. Love 44. Look up every number you see. They're all messages from the higher realms.

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