10 of the Most GIANT Products that Actually Work

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What's. Going on guys I am pay off and this. Is my cohort, tanner tanner. No, we, shall begin. Oh. Yes. That's the, what we, are doing ten of the biggest, products. That actually work, that's, right. Number, one is. You. Know everyone, in the comments says that my beard elongates, my face so I look like a horse. Literally. That was the comment that. Wasn't me who actually collagen, fired. That's what I don't have a comeback fired, if. You actually get, to the point where you're funnier, than me you're gone. I'm. Gonna let you guys know whether these products, are good or bad if they're big rig. Pocket, knife see, it may look like to you that this pocket knife is next to some very very tiny, money, all is so funny but, it's not true, you've been lied, to by. Me, honestly. For the first 15, words I was looking like I don't know what you're reading dude you. Went all like acapella. Yeah I, compel. You, just mean I copy the actual word okay but acapella, it, meant what I meant hey listen to me guy I tried my best to you giving me a lot of flack I'm. Trying to bat the words away my. Breath smells good what are you talking about what a fantastic, night, with an old Oprah, Oprah. Did. It in today's vlog I was crying because I walked up to Gunnar and Paul was like darn Connor Connor and he was like so deep in the zone he turned around and took his headphones off and then balls like where's Tanner and got a rose its accomplice, cops. Oh, surprise. Party. Music. Patrick's. Office that's what he's trying to say but he's like jakara Pachi. Pachi link. To that video right there it's a funny video subscribe. To my vlog channel cuz I need more attention now, let's go back to the pocket knife it's a giant knife what more do you want can I cut some stuff with it yeah we can add to cart' I'm, so excited, I, just can't, hide it Wow. Does it look big doesn't look big but here's my hand, we. Got big this pocket knife is do you think I can hurt something. Calm down there, cold-blooded. Killer boom, how do you close this oh here we go say Alakazam, oh yeah, you actually closed it like an actual pocket knife actually, Wow actually, this is sharp. This is shark a machete can we prove it no no not like cutting you just cutting. Cutting. Something else do you have something else I can cut yeah. I'll. Give you a blood brothers thing but Wow, there, you go guys that's not annoy that's, annoy you, this Apple is machi isn't, machi the green stuff much about you know. What do you call it when an Apple is like saw and it's like do you what do you say literally down in the comments below I'm curious because I've never been confident, with that word but the word I use when an Apple is like a little soft and like granular. In your mouth like just doesn't taste good it's like a little old, I call it machi I call it squishy, or woody, you know it's like woody okay, I can see woody yeah see. What I mean look at this dude. I can't perfect example of this is like when I go to press the knife against, it and like the skin wrinkles. Instead, of being cut what, is this, take, a take a bite of that nasty, just to make sure cuz, it does smell machi Mikey Mikey you wanna play a game yeah yeah. Do, I scared it off alright I guess on the top of your head no don't move should. I put my hand in front yeah we've got three two. Let's. See if it cuts this this is a very delicate, fruitcake. Is that a Twinkie no it's you wow that, was delicious, you wanna try it yeah I do okay everyone gets a slice hey where's this knife man don't worry about it I eat a few eat take a slice you, have to join in Michael Ready Set. Wow. That's already good that is garbage that's good. I'm. All out you are sorry why your. Originals, like coconut, oh yeah, it's like a coconut Twinkie, I'll be another one aptly you have the rest honestly. But. Hey. I rate this big this is working, giant, working pocket knife also don't carry this around in your pocket you're not gonna get arrested for what you think ah. This. Is the biggest nothing you've ever seen that's, right it's absolutely, nothing at all not a zero, zilch, and since it's nothing it can be used both indoors and outdoors it matches the decor of any bedroom den kitchen or rocket ship but he seriously, who is buying this oh my gosh there's that many ratings, and to, carve. Guarantee. You I don't believe this for a second they're gonna walk in here and be like look well we have their hands are gonna be empty biggest dead dewclaw.

You. Think I have dead jokes like. Are. You tired from that that's. Like actual, panting, over here dude. Acting, okay, acting. Dude I can't believe that, that many people actually bought, that no. Phone err, I. Bought. Nothing again, tanner, that's definitely rigged. And not big. Wristwatch. I mean if it, was just like this picture I'd been like okay, $85. For a crappy looking watch but then we see this picture and then we start to understand, I feel all these still have their small word, like pocketknife wristwatch. But yeah used on none of those exactly, all right it's. Me the WWE. Champion. Looks. Like a little belt you will honey. So. Before I even get it you broke it No well it came broken, on the face as you lose a crack hey there is look at this attacking. Michael, alone so. What happened here look at that crack it just came within the shipping look at this look at that giant crack right there, wait. The whole thing what's happening here why isn't the second hand moving there's no battery in it are you gonna give me a battery or what. Charge. This thing is huge dude, have you ever tried to wear this on your wrist ah, you. Just pull it up it I thought that's how you set the time you start pulling out rate of items here's a puppy oh okay. Wow that's loud you hear that infer a lot do that. But. That was the watch no. That's my phone it works I mean it works it's just broken and crapped, out upon. Delivery, yeah should we put this on the wall I don't know what you know what do you do with this when you're consistently. Home late from work and your wife's like never again. Okay. Really well, man, this thing's a piece of junk dude, what, the heck how much was this 85 bucks what the heck man I'm Chuck, I don't want to break it cuz I think it could make a nice, wall ornament, but it's so loud and it's already cracked I have to say this is rig. That. Was a rough one tanner that's. Pretty solid, TV is that was a rough one before you knew that next product I do want to let you know if you do find crazy, wacky weird, strange, items, that you want to send us we have a subreddit, just, for that so send us those items in that subreddit. Let's go computer. Mouse this hilarious, but fully functional, giant, computer mouse is an everyday optical. Mouse that is compatible with mac and pc so it's an actual working mouse simply plug it into your USB port as you would your smaller one and the mouse and your and the mouse what doesn't, even make sense simply, plug it into your, USB port as you would your smaller one and the mouse and you're ready to go alright add the card let's see if this thing works that.

Is Kind of big but it's not as big as you'd think, it's not as big as I thought it was gonna be but maybe it's. Probably. Probably, probably. Probably. The. Biggest Mouse ever because. Mice. Are typically spawned and look how small this mice Mouse's we can say that this is a mouse and this is a rat but no I wouldn't okay. There. We go alright I'm using this for the rest of the video look at this yeah I'm moving the mouse it's, happening, devices ready I just feel like this is somewhat like underwhelming. Though I'm like not, super, shocked it just doesn't seem that big I was expecting, something much bigger but I mean like if you're thinking about it this is probably, one of the biggest mouse mice. Ya know Mouse's mice, know mice when it's actual mice but Mouse is when it's a physical, product I don't think so guaranteed, are you sure about that no but I'm I'm, gonna wager a guess mice, versus, Mouse's, in computer terms a mouse is a corded or wireless device but Allah but more than one computer mouse can be called Mouse's you skip the words the. Plural of mouse is my but, more than one computer, mouse is. Can. Know. Christ Mouse is correct to plural, mice or Mouse's, a small, handheld device see, it kay it's talking just about Mouse's, I just I can't I can't allow this to be true in my head you one of the people that want to call it nice know that mooses Benson why are they armies but there's no mooses and there's not nice, alright, now there's not you're, kidding right it's a moose I know yeah it's just moose great everyone's saying me there's a lot of moose there's a moose yeah. Good. I. Was. Like Tanner are you with me. It works so rest of the video I'm gonna be using this now suck it wall gatech I'll rate this one a big Christmas, stocking, look at that kid he's just confused three, and a half feet tall oh is, that how what that kid is literally, two feet tall then maybe that's normal, I told Lana Lunas, about a foot mass Oh or five feet so they can be 5 feet oh wow. 5 feet mama see this, jumbo, christmas stock, is a very, good quality i like, it one like someone you have to say that it's very good quality you know like it's not then yeah if you have to tell anybody you are something, you're not something you know yeah you know i am made of boyfriend. Material you, want to marry me i say, that but look at me yeah member not people see right through you yeah how do person yeah i because there. You go just giants talking this is big dude, oh no, kidding all over, me just. A. Week more dramatic than I needed to be, dude. Where you can put in this you have a present to put in it what is this for you then, all, right should I help you with it put it in and surprise me. You. Think. This is you seen, the previous video I have on all fours yeah yeah. At. Least she looks like a mermaid okay. In. Case you guys haven't met woods before this, is woods so here's, a big question give this video a like if you want woods for your Christmas present. We. Will ship them out to the highest bidder so I get any of that money no, I go straight to me you did all that honey though. Not. What I thought it was gonna be honestly, how about we wanted it to be a hikes. Yeah not what I wanted it to be but thanks for thanks, for trying dude that one is, you, know I don't I definitely don't want woods as a president, before we get the next product big shout out to roar roar they say first, now the beards, got to go why are they always insults, monsters can't you say something nice to me like the beards gotta stay the beard is how, my motivation. To live things like that that's all I'm looking for why is anybody shot at last yeah exactly, cuz I mean they have just as good of a chance of being last as it is being first actually be really hard to be last on a YouTube video exactly, as hard as it be first no you're right.

Artists, Brush oh my gosh it's enormous, Bob. But add an artistic touch to any decor, with a giant paintbrush, accented, with giant, paint palette a detailed artist brush is a work, of art itself, nearly, 6 feet long with its gently tapered, wooden handle, contoured, metal, collar and real, bristles, real bristles, you think we can actually paint with it I'd be cool too. Oh my. Gosh, is there any practical use for this I mean I know you can probably paint with it but maybe like honey you know it's time for you to paint the floor and it's really just mopping for your kids you know it's time to get him in the hey you, want to get tickled with like an eight-foot-tall the paint brush I guarantee. You I can tickle you with it there's no way guaranteed, you want to place a bet yeah all right. Look. At this thing dude whoa. Right. This is actually, wood an actual, metal and. Real bristles, this, has got to be like 50 pounds how, heavy is this let's go back I guarantee it'll say in the listing 13 pounds Wow ok so that, everywhere just week yeah feels like 50 oh my gosh this is enormous Tanner, made the bet that I couldn't take home with him with it turn around I just gotta get a laugh out of you that's it okay I'm not gonna do anything weird don't look. What. Do you do with this like is this just a prop like why are you buying this, $250. Good this takes teamwork the pain here yes like you hold the top half okay and you do a lot of that thing I'll do, this I'll do yeah you just hold it and I'm just kind of like and I'm the one doing this yeah yeah. What churning butter yeah. You're right I was super bleep painting, a circle Oh. What's. This what are we gonna paint we're gonna actually paint I have a canvas for you okay we're, gonna paint so, unsettling, the way it just dangles, what do you want me to do you want me to paint I paint, the. URL, to my blog channel. Shameless. Self-promotion, a little, bit so it's. Youtube.com. Slash. Eventually. Many. I. Just. Gave up.

Anyway. My, blog channel, is. It's up in the info card area and it's in the link that's in the description but the URL is youtube.com. Select one-to-many with you Oh can't, you tell. That. Is I, mean, what do you think I mean I'd have to say that ones that I'll say it's big cuz you can paint we just need a bigger canvas and, a more muscular, person cuz it's heavy what is this what is this snicker, slice and share giant chocolate candy bar one. Pound candy bar oh wait is actually one pound I the card dude I got you this are. You clean it yeah yeah you could tell it hasn't been cleaned. Alright. So at first I thought this was just like you know the pack that has a bunch of them but upon, holding, it it feels heavy and I wonder if what am I getting dupes here gotcha. Mathias what'd, I ever do to you yeah all the time yeah you're right, yeah. I just spit all over it. Do. You want a slice. Yeah. It's got even less efficient way to do it yeah there, you go make a full snicker bar there yeah no kidding you're good, what. Do you mean what else am I supposed to do it I said you're good at this I thought you're being sarcastic oh, good, you're doing good at this cheers Cheers. You all want Michelle too bad you, do this is the one I didn't spit on oh my. God so, much I just a lot but boy does this help yeah I love God right now I believe I make really obnoxious sounds. What I mean you just always do I'm using Tanner's vlogs, nothing. But I'm not the sound this, is the most cringe-worthy breathing, have, one of the people that don't want it there's so much caramel that it's just like a workout for your mouth you know yeah and you're technically burning as many calories as you're eating I say reg you know it's not an enjoyable experience we're so much lighter. I look how they're non like just, the most boring titles, not giant lighter just, lighter like a little, bit of a tip to great big stuff calm, if you want to get more sales name, it giant, lighter because Google, will parse your site as a giant lighter so someone actually is looking for a giant lighter it'll come up bingo, Bob but right now maybe not this working giant cigarette lighter is a monster, that has the potential to singe your eyebrows, nevertheless it is a popular item and it's a great fun measuring, in at nearly 5 inches tall that doesn't seem that big. Yeah that's pretty big a half pound imagine, carrying this thing around she's like you got a light.

Add. To Cart. Almost. You're gonna get one of these. Howdy-doody. It's big but again, not that big, it's voluptuous. I'll. Stop with the candle we go all those rounded this that's, satisfying, though oh wow. That stinks oh my gosh there's so much fuel in this thing Wow light it up baby wait wait before we lie to that hold on I gotta show you some lighter tricks check this out. Yesi. I mean there's special, things to do I doubt those people that think they're so cool can, do it with this but, I bet you can am i right no I can't, definitely here, is a size comparison this, is a regular lighter here is he Zippo lighter, wow, it works, there's, a giant Zippo lighter that is a big flame. Think. You're just helping the fire oh. Jeez. I was starting to get worried dude we're, never getting rid of it you could just close the top yeah I know but I respect you don't, tell them that it's for the comedy oh. My. Gosh, that. All the sudden fuel. You. Like that impressively. Close to my face. All. Right well there you go guys it, worked this is a big. Rated. Well man yo, wouldn't. Match this, foot, long, wooden, match is a fun novelty the, realistic-looking matchstick is a great-looking accent, for hearth in your den really you're gonna decorate with this I don't know I'm, gonna be trigger, if it's not working Add to Cart. Thanks. For that tanner you're welcome only good times this is a big match it looks like it's plastic it does not look like a real match it'd be cool if it. Let. Me tell you something I'm. Not a real match wide, comas, just a wooden stick this is I mean I. Wow. Can. You believe this fire in, here. This. Thing is a stink of poopoo this would have been so cool if you could actually like this yeah you enhance so let's see it's like an immediate, and agrarian a torch it could have been a torch yeah it could have been like a slow burning match where you like light it like that that could have some application, you know yeah yeah you go out in the wild and you're like I just need you, brush, it against the wall and it starts lighting now you got a torch out in the wild there's real application. For that how's it going Bob. Bacon. Strips two pieces oh come on this can't be real bacon though but what's the point of it we all know that bacon usually shrinks, when prepared then. There's a lot about that but when we cooked. Up these giant, bacon. Strips they got huge Nana doesn't know anything about that, these, amazing, realistic, slices, of bacon measure, about, 32, inches long Jenna, knows all about. Printed. On both sides of for authenticity. Have you noticed I'm printed on both sides for authenticity you've never seen the back of my head now that you think about it right how do you know it's not just blank it actually says owned by Tanner. Add. To Cart missed, opportunity, if this thing doesn't smell, like, bacon oh, wow. It's. Actually like hardwood. But. Why decor. Maybe should, we use this as decor yeah oh I, don't know yes I was like probably, where did you trip down and start bacon. Come. On good. Lap. Was just, my. Grandfather, laughs are you never. Been slapped by 32. Inches to me a. Little, bacon. Bacon. Hurts. Oh. I. Can't I'm gonna say that one's rigged I don't. Appreciate it this right here is the exact opposite, of this video so check this one out because this is ten of the smallest products. That, may or may not be working products, now this one right here is instant. Freeze spray, you spray things and it freeze instantly pretty. Cool so, if you're new here also subscribe. For beard, love am i right and we'll see you here next time, high-five. You.


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