10 of the Most GIANT Products that Actually Work!

10 of the Most GIANT Products that Actually Work!

Show Video

What's. Going on guys I am pay off and this. Is my cohort, tanner tanner. No, we, shall begin. Oh. Yes. That's the, what we, are doing ten of the biggest, products. That actually work, that's, right. Number, one is. You. Know everyone, in the comments says that my beard elongates, my face so I look like a horse. Literally. That was the comment that. Wasn't me who actually collagen, fired. That's what I don't have a comeback fired, if. You actually get, to the point where you're funnier, than me you're gone. I'm. Gonna let you guys know whether these products, are good or bad if they're big rig. Pocket, knife see, it may look like to you that this pocket knife is next to some very very tiny, money, all is so funny but, it's not true, you've been lied, to by. Me, honestly. For the first 15, words I was looking like I don't know what you're reading dude you. Went all like acapella. Yeah I, compel. You, just mean I copy the actual word okay but acapella, it, meant what I meant hey listen to me guy I tried my best to you giving me a lot of flack I'm. Trying to bat the words away my. Breath smells good what are you talking about what a fantastic, night, with an old Oprah, Oprah. Did. It in today's vlog I was crying because I walked up to Gunnar and Paul was like darn Connor Connor and he was like so deep in the zone he turned around and took his headphones off and then balls like where's Tanner and got a rose its accomplice, cops. Oh, surprise. Party. Music. Patrick's. Office that's what he's trying to say but he's like jakara Pachi. Pachi link. To that video right there it's a funny video subscribe. To my vlog channel cuz I need more attention now, let's go back to the pocket knife it's a giant knife what more do you want can I cut some stuff with it yeah we can add to cart' I'm, so excited, I, just can't, hide it Wow. Does it look big doesn't look big but here's my hand, we. Got big this pocket knife is do you think I can hurt something. Calm down there, cold-blooded. Killer boom, how do you close this oh here we go say Alakazam, oh yeah, you actually closed it like an actual pocket knife actually, Wow actually, this is sharp. This is shark a machete can we prove it no no not like cutting you just cutting. Cutting. Something else do you have something else I can cut yeah. I'll. Give you a blood brothers thing but Wow, there, you go guys that's not annoy that's, annoy you, this Apple is machi isn't, machi the green stuff much about you know. What do you call it when an Apple is like saw and it's like do you what do you say literally down in the comments below I'm curious because I've never been confident, with that word but the word I use when an Apple is like a little soft and like granular. In your mouth like just doesn't taste good it's like a little old, I call it machi I call it squishy, or woody, you know it's like woody okay, I can see woody yeah see. What I mean look at this dude. I can't perfect example of this is like when I go to press the knife against, it and like the skin wrinkles. Instead, of being cut what, is this, take, a take a bite of that nasty, just to make sure cuz, it does smell machi Mikey Mikey you wanna play a game yeah yeah. Do, I scared it off alright I guess on the top of your head no don't move should. I put my hand in front yeah we've got three two. Let's. See if it cuts this this is a very delicate, fruitcake. Is that a Twinkie no it's you wow that, was delicious, you wanna try it yeah I do okay everyone gets a slice hey where's this knife man don't worry about it I eat a few eat take a slice you, have to join in Michael Ready Set. Wow. That's already good that is garbage that's good. I'm. All out you are sorry why your. Originals, like coconut, oh yeah, it's like a coconut Twinkie, I'll be another one aptly you have the rest honestly. But. Hey. I rate this big this is working, giant, working pocket knife also don't carry this around in your pocket you're not gonna get arrested for what you think ah. This. Is the biggest nothing you've ever seen that's, right it's absolutely, nothing at all not a zero, zilch, and since it's nothing it can be used both indoors and outdoors it matches the decor of any bedroom den kitchen or rocket ship but he seriously, who is buying this oh my gosh there's that many ratings, and to, carve. Guarantee. You I don't believe this for a second they're gonna walk in here and be like look well we have their hands are gonna be empty biggest dead dewclaw.

You. Think I have dead jokes like. Are. You tired from that that's. Like actual, panting, over here dude. Acting, okay, acting. Dude I can't believe that, that many people actually bought, that no. Phone err, I. Bought. Nothing again, tanner, that's definitely rigged. And not big. Wristwatch. I mean if it, was just like this picture I'd been like okay, $85. For a crappy looking watch but then we see this picture and then we start to understand, I feel all these still have their small word, like pocketknife wristwatch. But yeah used on none of those exactly, all right it's. Me the WWE. Champion. Looks. Like a little belt you will honey. So. Before I even get it you broke it No well it came broken, on the face as you lose a crack hey there is look at this attacking. Michael, alone so. What happened here look at that crack it just came within the shipping look at this look at that giant crack right there, wait. The whole thing what's happening here why isn't the second hand moving there's no battery in it are you gonna give me a battery or what. Charge. This thing is huge dude, have you ever tried to wear this on your wrist ah, you. Just pull it up it I thought that's how you set the time you start pulling out rate of items here's a puppy oh okay. Wow that's loud you hear that infer a lot do that. But. That was the watch no. That's my phone it works I mean it works it's just broken and crapped, out upon. Delivery, yeah should we put this on the wall I don't know what you know what do you do with this when you're consistently. Home late from work and your wife's like never again. Okay. Really well, man, this thing's a piece of junk dude, what, the heck how much was this 85 bucks what the heck man I'm Chuck, I don't want to break it cuz I think it could make a nice, wall ornament, but it's so loud and it's already cracked I have to say this is rig. That. Was a rough one tanner that's. Pretty solid, TV is that was a rough one before you knew that next product I do want to let you know if you do find crazy, wacky weird, strange, items, that you want to send us we have a subreddit, just, for that so send us those items in that subreddit. Let's go computer. Mouse this hilarious, but fully functional, giant, computer mouse is an everyday optical. Mouse that is compatible with mac and pc so it's an actual working mouse simply plug it into your USB port as you would your smaller one and the mouse and your and the mouse what doesn't, even make sense simply, plug it into your, USB port as you would your smaller one and the mouse and you're ready to go alright add the card let's see if this thing works that.

Is Kind of big but it's not as big as you'd think, it's not as big as I thought it was gonna be but maybe it's. Probably. Probably, probably. Probably. The. Biggest Mouse ever because. Mice. Are typically spawned and look how small this mice Mouse's we can say that this is a mouse and this is a rat but no I wouldn't okay. There. We go alright I'm using this for the rest of the video look at this yeah I'm moving the mouse it's, happening, devices ready I just feel like this is somewhat like underwhelming. Though I'm like not, super, shocked it just doesn't seem that big I was expecting, something much bigger but I mean like if you're thinking about it this is probably, one of the biggest mouse mice. Ya know Mouse's mice, know mice when it's actual mice but Mouse is when it's a physical, product I don't think so guaranteed, are you sure about that no but I'm I'm, gonna wager a guess mice, versus, Mouse's, in computer terms a mouse is a corded or wireless device but Allah but more than one computer mouse can be called Mouse's you skip the words the. Plural of mouse is my but, more than one computer, mouse is. Can. Know. Christ Mouse is correct to plural, mice or Mouse's, a small, handheld device see, it kay it's talking just about Mouse's, I just I can't I can't allow this to be true in my head you one of the people that want to call it nice know that mooses Benson why are they armies but there's no mooses and there's not nice, alright, now there's not you're, kidding right it's a moose I know yeah it's just moose great everyone's saying me there's a lot of moose there's a moose yeah. Good. I. Was. Like Tanner are you with me. It works so rest of the video I'm gonna be using this now suck it wall gatech I'll rate this one a big Christmas, stocking, look at that kid he's just confused three, and a half feet tall oh is, that how what that kid is literally, two feet tall then maybe that's normal, I told Lana Lunas, about a foot mass Oh or five feet so they can be 5 feet oh wow. 5 feet mama see this, jumbo, christmas stock, is a very, good quality i like, it one like someone you have to say that it's very good quality you know like it's not then yeah if you have to tell anybody you are something, you're not something you know yeah you know i am made of boyfriend. Material you, want to marry me i say, that but look at me yeah member not people see right through you yeah how do person yeah i because there. You go just giants talking this is big dude, oh no, kidding all over, me just. A. Week more dramatic than I needed to be, dude. Where you can put in this you have a present to put in it what is this for you then, all, right should I help you with it put it in and surprise me. You. Think. This is you seen, the previous video I have on all fours yeah yeah. At. Least she looks like a mermaid okay. In. Case you guys haven't met woods before this, is woods so here's, a big question give this video a like if you want woods for your Christmas present. We. Will ship them out to the highest bidder so I get any of that money no, I go straight to me you did all that honey though. Not. What I thought it was gonna be honestly, how about we wanted it to be a hikes. Yeah not what I wanted it to be but thanks for thanks, for trying dude that one is, you, know I don't I definitely don't want woods as a president, before we get the next product big shout out to roar roar they say first, now the beards, got to go why are they always insults, monsters can't you say something nice to me like the beards gotta stay the beard is how, my motivation. To live things like that that's all I'm looking for why is anybody shot at last yeah exactly, cuz I mean they have just as good of a chance of being last as it is being first actually be really hard to be last on a YouTube video exactly, as hard as it be first no you're right.

Artists, Brush oh my gosh it's enormous, Bob. But add an artistic touch to any decor, with a giant paintbrush, accented, with giant, paint palette a detailed artist brush is a work, of art itself, nearly, 6 feet long with its gently tapered, wooden handle, contoured, metal, collar and real, bristles, real bristles, you think we can actually paint with it I'd be cool too. Oh my. Gosh, is there any practical use for this I mean I know you can probably paint with it but maybe like honey you know it's time for you to paint the floor and it's really just mopping for your kids you know it's time to get him in the hey you, want to get tickled with like an eight-foot-tall the paint brush I guarantee. You I can tickle you with it there's no way guaranteed, you want to place a bet yeah all right. Look. At this thing dude whoa. Right. This is actually, wood an actual, metal and. Real bristles, this, has got to be like 50 pounds how, heavy is this let's go back I guarantee it'll say in the listing 13 pounds Wow ok so that, everywhere just week yeah feels like 50 oh my gosh this is enormous Tanner, made the bet that I couldn't take home with him with it turn around I just gotta get a laugh out of you that's it okay I'm not gonna do anything weird don't look. What. Do you do with this like is this just a prop like why are you buying this, $250. Good this takes teamwork the pain here yes like you hold the top half okay and you do a lot of that thing I'll do, this I'll do yeah you just hold it and I'm just kind of like and I'm the one doing this yeah yeah. What churning butter yeah. You're right I was super bleep painting, a circle Oh. What's. This what are we gonna paint we're gonna actually paint I have a canvas for you okay we're, gonna paint so, unsettling, the way it just dangles, what do you want me to do you want me to paint I paint, the. URL, to my blog channel. Shameless. Self-promotion, a little, bit so it's. Youtube.com. Slash. Eventually. Many. I. Just. Gave up.

Anyway. My, blog channel, is. It's up in the info card area and it's in the link that's in the description but the URL is youtube.com. Select one-to-many with you Oh can't, you tell. That. Is I, mean, what do you think I mean I'd have to say that ones that I'll say it's big cuz you can paint we just need a bigger canvas and, a more muscular, person cuz it's heavy what is this what is this snicker, slice and share giant chocolate candy bar one. Pound candy bar oh wait is actually one pound I the card dude I got you this are. You clean it yeah yeah you could tell it hasn't been cleaned. Alright. So at first I thought this was just like you know the pack that has a bunch of them but upon, holding, it it feels heavy and I wonder if what am I getting dupes here gotcha. Mathias what'd, I ever do to you yeah all the time yeah you're right, yeah. I just spit all over it. Do. You want a slice. Yeah. It's got even less efficient way to do it yeah there, you go make a full snicker bar there yeah no kidding you're good, what. Do you mean what else am I supposed to do it I said you're good at this I thought you're being sarcastic oh, good, you're doing good at this cheers Cheers. You all want Michelle too bad you, do this is the one I didn't spit on oh my. God so, much I just a lot but boy does this help yeah I love God right now I believe I make really obnoxious sounds. What I mean you just always do I'm using Tanner's vlogs, nothing. But I'm not the sound this, is the most cringe-worthy breathing, have, one of the people that don't want it there's so much caramel that it's just like a workout for your mouth you know yeah and you're technically burning as many calories as you're eating I say reg you know it's not an enjoyable experience we're so much lighter. I look how they're non like just, the most boring titles, not giant lighter just, lighter like a little, bit of a tip to great big stuff calm, if you want to get more sales name, it giant, lighter because Google, will parse your site as a giant lighter so someone actually is looking for a giant lighter it'll come up bingo, Bob but right now maybe not this working giant cigarette lighter is a monster, that has the potential to singe your eyebrows, nevertheless it is a popular item and it's a great fun measuring, in at nearly 5 inches tall that doesn't seem that big. Yeah that's pretty big a half pound imagine, carrying this thing around she's like you got a light.

Add. To Cart. Almost. You're gonna get one of these. Howdy-doody. It's big but again, not that big, it's voluptuous. I'll. Stop with the candle we go all those rounded this that's, satisfying, though oh wow. That stinks oh my gosh there's so much fuel in this thing Wow light it up baby wait wait before we lie to that hold on I gotta show you some lighter tricks check this out. Yesi. I mean there's special, things to do I doubt those people that think they're so cool can, do it with this but, I bet you can am i right no I can't, definitely here, is a size comparison this, is a regular lighter here is he Zippo lighter, wow, it works, there's, a giant Zippo lighter that is a big flame. Think. You're just helping the fire oh. Jeez. I was starting to get worried dude we're, never getting rid of it you could just close the top yeah I know but I respect you don't, tell them that it's for the comedy oh. My. Gosh, that. All the sudden fuel. You. Like that impressively. Close to my face. All. Right well there you go guys it, worked this is a big. Rated. Well man yo, wouldn't. Match this, foot, long, wooden, match is a fun novelty the, realistic-looking matchstick is a great-looking accent, for hearth in your den really you're gonna decorate with this I don't know I'm, gonna be trigger, if it's not working Add to Cart. Thanks. For that tanner you're welcome only good times this is a big match it looks like it's plastic it does not look like a real match it'd be cool if it. Let. Me tell you something I'm. Not a real match wide, comas, just a wooden stick this is I mean I. Wow. Can. You believe this fire in, here. This. Thing is a stink of poopoo this would have been so cool if you could actually like this yeah you enhance so let's see it's like an immediate, and agrarian a torch it could have been a torch yeah it could have been like a slow burning match where you like light it like that that could have some application, you know yeah yeah you go out in the wild and you're like I just need you, brush, it against the wall and it starts lighting now you got a torch out in the wild there's real application. For that how's it going Bob. Bacon. Strips two pieces oh come on this can't be real bacon though but what's the point of it we all know that bacon usually shrinks, when prepared then. There's a lot about that but when we cooked. Up these giant, bacon. Strips they got huge Nana doesn't know anything about that, these, amazing, realistic, slices, of bacon measure, about, 32, inches long Jenna, knows all about. Printed. On both sides of for authenticity. Have you noticed I'm printed on both sides for authenticity you've never seen the back of my head now that you think about it right how do you know it's not just blank it actually says owned by Tanner. Add. To Cart missed, opportunity, if this thing doesn't smell, like, bacon oh, wow. It's. Actually like hardwood. But. Why decor. Maybe should, we use this as decor yeah oh I, don't know yes I was like probably, where did you trip down and start bacon. Come. On good. Lap. Was just, my. Grandfather, laughs are you never. Been slapped by 32. Inches to me a. Little, bacon. Bacon. Hurts. Oh. I. Can't I'm gonna say that one's rigged I don't. Appreciate it this right here is the exact opposite, of this video so check this one out because this is ten of the smallest products. That, may or may not be working products, now this one right here is instant. Freeze spray, you spray things and it freeze instantly pretty. Cool so, if you're new here also subscribe. For beard, love am i right and we'll see you here next time, high-five. You.

2018-06-02 09:49

Show Video


send me woods

Why the long face horse?

Stupid beard!!!!! Cut it!!!

Believe it or not I have a lighter four times the size of that one from the 1950’s.

I love your videos and those funny faces


so....this is entertainment now .....welp i'ma go kill myself if i don't i'll see ya tomorrow




I liked the snickers.

do you want to buy my air guitar pics shown $150 ono

Hes so beautiful and I tell him every day yah i know i know when i compartment ham and its so its so sad to see that he don't see what i see but ever day he ask me do i look ok i say when i see your face its not a thing that I would change cus boy your amazing just the way u are

I liked tanner until he said it’s meece

gota link for one of those knives


the defination would be mealy for apples

............................. OPRAH

I think Matthias should cut his beard

I could see how it could be mealy or mushy, but I've never heard the word mealy used for anything but describing an Apple. I'm sure I'll get some comments that prove me wrong.

Dang it I just looked it up and proved myself wrong, mealy worms, mealy mouthed... First time I've heard that term.

Love the beard

17:33 for lighter

I want woods lol

i call a mushy apple somebody elses problem cause i dont eat apples

in japan u could acctually use that at a school festival and join a giant caligraphy challenge

Is Matthias forehead bigger than miniladds lol

It looks like a big but on your face

Get the beard shaved

the soft apple would be called like a bruised apple on the soft spots

I am Courtney aka biggest fan THE BEARD STAYS it is his body plus we all know it was his wifes idea


Too much side dialogue. Get to the point. I became bored in

Beard is great, KEEP IT ON AND GOING!!


We call it mulchy

I aspire for your beard Mister Math-o-pias

That's ink sanses paint brush

Reddit 50/50 A box of dead mice or A box of dead mice

The beard is staing right

thats not a noife its a noife

The beerd is a cheesy burger

Keep the Beard it’s the best

Ur beard is to big

The beared is fine

Did anyone notice, that when they were testing the paintbrush, you could see the bacon from later in the episode on the floor

Issa knife

Press read more I dare you I'm not like those other cancerous comments

Thei beard shall stay

Can you cut your beard because before you was very funny


Your beard is great

#beardsquad leave the beard alone! I think it rocks

- king kong or king wrong

Esses produtos vieram todos de Itu KKKKKKKKKKKK #Br

My family just says "Its fookin raw throw it away!"

your dadthias now love the beard takes attention away from yo ears lol jk love you and your look just don't go all hipster on us again #notesquad

Keep up beard

I bid my life savings on woods!!

You forgot NASA’s Super Guppy


matt i like your beard last

The Beard got too gow and this is a now fand

I will take woods for 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Regular Matthias, (without beard), turns into, MANLY MATTHIAS, by using his beard magic

Hate the beard js

i love ur vids matt

“The beard is what you want, the beard is what you need, and if you don’t like that, then you can just flee!”

I call the Apple going bad.......

Soooooooooooooo much makeup

disappointed that they didn't remake the bob Ross intro XD

“Un-Ripe” is what I call apples

matt i like the beard

wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle 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wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle

I love your vids

Trying to feel my meat that is gay



This is embarassing

Put some links to the stuff you show !!!!

That guys song

Beard is awesome

Such a not smurt purse on

Please ship him first class


$45 for a$6 stocking...

I call to see apples mealy

Have you not seen a lighter text book size?

His head is shaped like a zipo lighter.

You got to love this guy he is awsome thank you for your videos mithis

The apple is old

When an apple is squishy and grainy that means it’s over ripe.

Keep the beard

Little did he know zippo lighters are wind resistant

Ship me the woods

I have 3 of the

Christmas stockings

I call it mushy

Keep your beard

matthias came across 3 "nothing" items so far. I just hope when the next April fools day come around there needs to be "10 most valuable items of absolutely nothing."

Anyone else think jazza from Draw with jazza needs this paintbrush????


I call it disgusting a disgusting apple

Flour apple

the beard must be forever


plz delete ur beard

Definitely the beard has to stay, and so far I am last

What site does he buy all these products from??

tha beards tha bezt

I came for the beard stayed for the giant lighter

$999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 for him

I call it rotten


Fucking mush


Why does woods look like murfey from the 100

Call 1-800MATTHIAS and Matthias can paint your house for only the price of 999$


Your ears are as bog a the nasa satellite

matthias chad wild clay try to call you

Believe in the beard

The beard should stayyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Nice beardd

Trying to blow out a wind proof lighter... lol

D. C c cc.

What happened to Brian

It’s called mooshy

I don't want woods for Christmas but I still liked the video

again!!"there's a matthias in my boot!"

Puha alma

6:52 we see the back of your head there. u say we have never seen the back of your head before. nice try. lols

Tha apple was mushy

When the apple is soft it is bruised

That’s not the biggest knife that works mine is the size of my dads calf witch is five inches but great vid

That's way the horse Said

Woods would be the best christmas present

"That's not a knife, this is a knife" love that accent

Where are the links for the products?

I give you 1000000000000000000000000$

You said know one says anything nice but I think you are funny

18:28 When somebody Farted

The word you're looking for Matt is mushy

I bought the giant match it does work if you just light it up lol

Okay your beard looks wonderful but you got to get rid of it because I like you better in the past I want you to look like the past

The beard must be shaved, at least a little bit . . .


Your beard OMGGGGG


I'll take him for 1 mil

its mice

3:20 I call it mushy

Sorry for the spelling

I think you should keep the berd

I kinda

Your funny

The the beard has to stay but it looks gay

Please keep the beard

U should do a video on largest or smallest candy.

I love the beard Notification squad

apple like that called "masir" in my country.

It's bigger than your head.

Mealy the word is mealy

Apple sauce

Lol you quoted crocodile Dundee! "That's not a knife this is a knife"

Test skeet beat my meat

Bro it’s ok I have big ears to big ears team like if your in my team

i call it gross

I call it soft

19:21 i had to look twice

Lemme back the words away

13:41 sounds like a high pitched Mickey Mouse

13:30 the - Blue Neon Sign - in the top center background says "Lets Get Weird". when Matt said (I'm not going to do anything weird!)

The giant paintbrush reminded me of the Amby and Dexter series

The beard looks good

It can’t be a pocket knife unless it fits in my pocket!


beard looks nice matt keep it

You say that his whole face looks big you know you shouldn't always judge a person by the way he looks or she looks you should never even touch a person that by the personality at all it's just rude I'm just saying it's the truth.

It is probly bad and i hope you feal beter

My dad uses that Christmas stocking every year


The beard is the best thing ever and it has to stay

I call the


Matchi Matchi

this dude's face skin is super nice.



Beard gotta stay

you have the most funiest and finest beard

He looks like a house



Yeah the beard gota go

Your beard is good and manly

I love the beard. In fact when I started watching last year I was watching older videos from team edge and I was like wow I like the beard.

The beard is so cuteeeeee and I always look at ittt #notificationsquad !! #mattificationsquad !!

That aint no pocket knife thats a bitcher knife.

Spongie texture

I've always said an apple is 'mushy' when it has that texture

That's what i say

I think it suits you

Love the beard and vids best youtubers ever

I call it gross

This video was way to long. Too many filler BS

The beard is life

I love the beard❤

when an apple is soft i call it "Soft"

I call it nasty XD

Soft apple

I call Apple's horrible

I think Luna can use the stocking to hide in when she wants to play hide and seek with you and Amanda since she is small and she’ll fit in it

There’s a lighter that looks like a giant match and I thought it was that. Wtf.

I call it “graniteie” pronounced granite-ey

u look like messi with that beard

i,ll pay 5 cents for woods

Charlie? Is that you? I said I’d see you in another life brother


Where do they buy these products

at 2:59 he looks like pewdiepie

you are now mattman

This channel has over 5M subscribers and I didn't know about it. Still not subscribing tho. Seems like it's a kid channel.


Be nice I like his beard ;)

My peni-


I call it discusting

the giant paint brush reminds me of the guy with the giant paintbrush from the intro of reading rainbow..... or something along those lines??


Don’t press read more.... Told you I tried to tell you But you here now so How’s your day! Almost done sorry NOT


If he gets alot of views, why are u watching without subscribing!

He kinda looks like messi

i call it disgusting

Sooo boring.. nothing useful. Total waste of time


Does anyone know what shirt Matthias was wearing in the video? It looks super cool

I've seen a bigger knife than that, buttt it was 4000 dollars


matt zippos are windproof

This is good but you take so long to get to the actual product


Me: Hey Matt u like my knife.

I use _mealy_ having the qualities of meal; powdery; soft, dry, and crumbly http://www.dictionary.com/browse/mealy

So can I have woods as a present ? Lol

I like the beard.........

I want woods

Is it really a pocket knife if it can’t fit in your pocket

Butt butt

A rubber apple

Matt your beard is very cool and I wish you would never cut it off!!!

The beard makes you look like a horse horse man



What hat is Michael wearing? Asking for a friend...


I want Woods as a Christmas present :(

That moment when your gaming mouse is as big as the huge mouse he got

Do a video on Top 10 Video Game Products IRL

Judy’s subscribed

The beards gotta stay

Wanna get hit by 32 inches of MEAT? Anyone?

When an apple is dry, grainy, wrinlkly, and soft i call it "old and nasty".

Mat: this is a working giant working pocket knife Me: lol putting in comments

The first time I saw you with a beard ima be honest, I didn’t recognize you

gaddy up

Keep the beard it insparing

I like the beard

I like it

your thumbnails are all the same

He plays minecraft why

Wtf is wrong with your face?


It's called "mealy". The texture result from freezing and thawing (and refreezing) and/or age. Age is more likely to cause this in certain variety of apples, such as Macintosh.

*side note* Although the texture and loss of flavor is gross, the apple is generally still edible.

8:27 - 8:34 Thats what she said XD

The beard is life, the beard is love

That giant watch is similar to the giant red watch on the wall in iCarly

apple sauce


6:48 anyone else see the giant bacon on the ground? Ooooops

Needy much?

please send me woods


can you please get Skylanders

the beard is cool

Probibly wakwqkwakwkawkawk

I want him. I'll call him daddy and give him 10000 kissed ;)


Tanner: paint me like one of your French girls. Me:that was a sex scene in titanic

Tanner: I am made of boyfriend material. You want to marry me. Me: WAIT..... Matthias is GAY!

Grow it

A useless “pocket knife”

1 pound

I call it... a apple


they should name it heavier not lighter

Your beard is on fleek

Can you get through this??????? Are you still going????????? Did you get through it?? If you did give this video a like!!

The beard is too big try trimming it down a bit

I call it NASTY

I like beards.

sequence deal economics bottle third coffee analyst saving.

That can’t fit in ur pocket. It is going to stick out a little.

tanner being stelth: KLUNK KLUNK KLUNK!!! Matthias: ITS A NUKE, TAKE COVER!!!

I call it nasty

Moo shy

Used to hate this channel now I actually like the humor because I gave it a chance

the beard is the big one

i call it smooshy

Can stand the random bs you use as filler

#Thor from infinity war

love the beard

Slapped by 32" of meat


Beards 4 life

When an apple is soft I call it soft

i get bored alit so ill bet donald trump/lil pumps life to get some entertainment

When an Apple has a soft spot I don't eat it cause I don't like apples but the name for the soft spots are mushies.

Woods is so awkwardly adorable lol and tanner looks like my ex

Don’t scroll down Almost done Nope I lied still a lot more Still trying? Wow I told you not to Might take awhile Hehe All done now leave a like!

I love the beard and your ears I have a condition we're I can barely hear so I would be greatful for big ears

I call it mochi

His beard is sexy

Lmao 69k people want Woods for Christmas

The beard dude

Matthias was like no it's just miss and he was like no it's meese and I'm like meeska mooska Mickey Mouse

The beard has got to stay

You look good with a beard you should see my dad when he has a beard he looks like a hobo!

Virgins first time be like 6:48

I like your beard you should keep it

Why would you title it “that actually work” you’re not gonna say “top10 giant products that don’t work.”

I said this because I am angry and these types of titles are my trigger.

+Matthias bro check out the beardalizer products treat your beard to some great stuff!

Never underestimate the power of the beard! #Beardalizer

Can I get some like my mom and dad died today :(

It’s mealy not matchy

i say mushy

You should be in the next a quiet place dude

I LOVE THE BEARD (In my world it's opposite day)

I don’t like your beard


i don't want him he isn't as good looks as Bryan, J-Fred, and Matthias

I call that apple saggy lol

That thumbnail gave me cancer

tanner should have said "i thought it was timeless" after his terrible watch pun was rejected

The beard is awesome !!!!

I call soft apples *TRASH*

Petition to send the giant Snickers to J-Hope

Love the vid, You should keep the beard!!!

you look great

My art teacher brought the giant paint brush but she just hung it up

whos here for the lighter

Matchie. youe ight

i call it a niggapple


I call it soggy

They should make the biggest pocket to go along with that

The beard has to stay!!!!!!

Mushy M-uuuu-shi

In my opinion I like the beard

I say mulchi

I call it moshi

I miss Bryan

I use the word Mushy

Is it still a pocket knife if it is too big to fit in ur pocket


When he was on the Giant paintbrush and reading the paragraph I Instantly thought about Bob Ross

What are the odds of Matt’s phone alarm go off the same time he shows us how loud the clock is?

I call my apple cant square up


11:04 tanner is gay

11:4 tanner is gay

We see the back of your head at 21:40

Contrary contrary contray... 8:38

Michael is hot

I'll pay $10,000 for the guy in the stocking and I'll throw in my collection of Matthias cringe moments


I call it ugly apple

Beards are cool

Me personally I like the beard Matt...it makes you look manlly

See not all the comments are insults lol

TBH i like your beard

Badass beard matthias

Woods is cute. I’ll take him

also I think you look go with the beard

your my favorite youtuber

That’s What She Said

Nice beard

99,00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000p0000000p0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000990000000000000000000 dollars

Never do a video about fortnite!

Fortnite SUCKKKKKKS!!!!!!!!

Can Michael be the co host when tanner takes over??

21:15 You could say they were, beating their meat together ;)

Woods is what you give bad kids for Christmas instead of coal

Keep the bears you look more of a man

At 6:49 you can see the random giant bacon strip just laying there...

I miss Sam

Don’t worry Matt I don’t want you beard to go i think it’s not bad

I like it when he said that's not a nife that's a nife

Something nice? Hmmmm. Nothing brightens my day like your forehead.

My dad's beard is 10 times bigger than yours

Matthias shav you beard ヽ( ͡°ヮ ͡°)ノ

I wold give you 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,

You could just say.. soft



either matt complains about there being too many or too few words in a product title

Do you plan to dye your beard?!

I'll trade my dog for woods


Am I legit the only one who likes the beard?

for a pocket knife the best test is holding a sheet of printing paper vertically and see if it can cut it

I call that apple in my mouth, “gross”

Was Matthias talking about the word "mushy" when referring to the apple??? Like the first half of mushroom and then "eee" at the end

Sun to me if u like toast

Matt looks like pewdiepie

Soo when do we get to see if your ears work



soggy you bloodyhell

I call it bruised

Go to a watch shop and say can you fix this crack

Damn send him to me!! Woods is a great Christmas present

15:51 lolol

Ok Ok

I'll take wood for 14000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

5000 thosen for him

your beard is uneven


The facecil hair has to stay

that is one expensive broom


wait a second i saw the large bacon when he was wearing the sock beside the chair

What dose your beard smell like?

Why is tanner sitting like a girl

The good thing is that your beard isn’t grey

It’s a mushy apple

Pause at 17:23 17:24

I would bid 400,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

I call it Soft

Stop Talking So Much Plz Just Go Straight Into Your Videos

You always need to keep your beard or I'll die because it's so beautiful it's history and gorgeous I just want to touch it through the screen

You are so. Stoopit!

hey mat I think the beard should stay I rather you with the beard

I Collett throw it in the garbage from the apple of the garbage that’s what I call it a felony in the garbage

That is the biggest watch ever in the whole wide world oysters a watch take out the earth

Huge paint brush- ink sans role play:2

Sorry dude but the beard has got to go


Don't you know that Zippo lighters are windproof, seems to be the same for the BIG one !


The apple is rotten when it is like that

Haha I'll take woods for my Christmas present btw love the Chanel #notificationsqaud

its mooshy

The beard is how my motivation to live

Mathias 2018

That Beard looks dope

I call it mushi

"That's what she said"

Omg your beard

8:32 that’s what she said...

100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000565555555566656656785335798534787886456887567876567877777777777777776545788654 6457777776544444444446756533211234668999887653211123456789099th 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999911111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999991111111111111111111111111111111111111111

I fell for it at 19:24

The beard has to stay

do a slime video


Soft Appeal

DID YOU SAY ERIN MY NAME IS ERIN lol hahaha Btw I like your beard

I wonder if he meant mushy as in something being squishy

Keep the beard. It's more King Leonidas



It's a soft apple

*Breaking News:* _2 men caught slapping 32 inches of meat together_

I call the apple ROTTEN

3:13 I call it 'gross' m8

1:54 wow gunner


When that dude said first in the comment I was expecting for him to say “ technically on the first there’s just a few small things” only true fans will get this

In 20.58 the watch is gone pretty soon !

Beard is THE beard

Mealy apple is the word

Why did Matthias buy a Christmas stocking in the middle of summer?

Thats a school molded apple

One computer mouse, two computer mice or mouses is both ok.

Bro Matthias Moi dad got moi a bigger Snickers it took me three months I took it for snack every day at school everyone was so jealous Also they couldn’t have any because we didn’t have real knives because come on people it’s school


A wimpy apple

liked only for woods.

Soft apples

I'll take woods for a whole lot of nothing.

Your beard enlongates your face so you look like a horse

Man 71 thousand people (including me) want moose for there Christmas present XP I subbed and turned notifications on btw!

when do you have your beards

They make real giant matches


The apple is "UNBONERFIED"

I say apples are mushy

The best remix

I call it squishy

Your beard is cool



Beards got to stay

It's a mealy apple.

Beard’s gotta be BIGGER

Your beard is pretty



I dont won't to get him as a present either

Try to do one of buying everything that come up first when you put a letter of ur name, one item by one leter,

I used to have one of those giant stockings and my mom used to stack them fullll of little goodies on Christmas for me

I call it papery

At first when I heard Tanner’s voice I thought it was Sam

is that a bare oh wait it's mattias the bered gotta go


All aron said is no problem make it a better easter egg next time you does it

Wait...you're telling me that alarm that went off was not the watch? It was your phone? ....interesting

i say brused

I love your beard

Over Ripe

ill have woods


The apple is mushy (moo-shy)

Gritty apple


Nah beard will never

You're beautiful without the beard

What is this channel now?

My actual Christmas stalking is that big that’s normal size for me

I just say bruosed

The big beard looks ridiculous. Make it shorter


The wrist watch is basically a clock

i call it mushi

8:27 that’s what she said


Lasttt plz

10:38 that's what she said

the yall make you look so small lol :P

The beard needs to stay

Best bierd ever

3:20 Rotten????????

I call it gritty. Because like he said I hate it when it’s all weird textured.... screw fruit.


roast me

I say squishy or gloopy

It’s a peach


The most spot

I call it manky


First and your beard like a cactus that I love it

you look like Lionel Messi

Dude I actually thought that the match lit for a second

Maybe matcha

The beard is cool

Love the beard I am trying to grow one.

When ya get to the end like

Soft apple: mjölig

My tiny bro got me watching Team Edge and here I am, a Nineteen year old watching this family friendly content, by myself. I like the beard though, your face doesn't look like a baby face anymore.

13:11 is dat inks paintbrush?

It's Moosen. Watch the Disney movie Brother Bear and the Canadian Moosen say its Moosen and Im sticking to it. Keep up with good Youben Tuben content.

If the apple is soft it’s mushy

11:17 I why o don't want him eww

Matthis looks like an off-brand John Seed.



You will not to get through this opportunity Hello Are you still here If you're still here like If you guys made it like I love you guys and I hope you have a good day

You will not get through this

Just BTW the plural of moose is moosen. Duh

3:29 that is old and mushy

If you are out in the wild where would there be a wall

This apple is... gross.

You make me laugh

I call those soft apples dosgustinf then say WHY DID YOU TRADE ON ME!! XD then throw them away


The beard has to stay I like it

Matthias confirmed as the true Bacon Jedi

If the apple are soft I will say peach

#1 your

that beard is the best beard i've seen. Shh don't tell my husband.

A soft apple

I have a niece named Tanner

thought you would have the "Moby Huge" in there (look it up if you dont know)




I say milly

You look like a hippie

I say "this apple is gross"

I love your beard keep it please!!!!

Mushy/mooshy? • • • • • • •(I think that’s how u spell it lol ) • • • • • • •(don’t come at me)

That lighter was lit fam

Zippo lighters have a wind resistant sticker thing on it that I guess you didn’t read


In german its called matschig, so your name for it is pretty close to the german word :D

I say "soft apple"


Its a sandy apple!

I’m I the only one who thinks he acts like pewdiepie

Your beard is sexy

I call that kind of apple bad apple

Meis is german for corn!!

I call it pithey

I will give 2000 buck for woods :)

I call soft apples mushy cause that's the correct word

I call fruit that gets that way fuzzy!! Fuzzy Apple, fuzzy melon, fuzzy Tom. I hate when they get fuzzy.

I'll have woods for ten million XD

Its num

I call them limp apples

The apple is bruised

I call it Mushy

I love the beard

*insert dirty joke here* jk jk keep it e for everyone

19:46 why would there be a wall in the wild

Mushy. The apple is mushy.

Big stocking big candy

When the Apple

Do splatoon weapons

first da beard must stay second give meh that stocking thats huge

Their is bacon on the floor at 7:09

I call it a soft apple


I call apples like that ashy

Vat19 also sells a big lighter

Quite possibly the only time someone has said "have you ever been slapped with X inches of meat" in a non-pervert scenario

In italian the apple is "troppo matura"

how is that a pocket knife. I think it is a backpack knife

It say on the video that bacon material: PVC

Please post a review of faulty match on amazon so people would know.


I want the dude for my Christmas present

I LOVE Your face

I call it expired

The beard is honestly great! I love it

Last and the beard is sexy

The big watch is always watching.


The apples fuzzy


I call it old...

I have that lighter


When an apple is soft I usually say it's soft


Dont read more How dare u scroll Its not ending I told u Fine keep going it will end soon Keep going I TOLD U !!!!!! Omg you will never learn will u ?! Hey u made it Hahahahha jk your not done yet Almost FINNALLY u made it thank goodness!!! Please like this if you scrolled all the way and made it ! Also check out my instagram its sara singleton 33 please follow me and i will follow u Scroll faster now SLOW down your going to fast Your close !!!! Ummmm!..... U should of listened to me



your beard is fine

That knife is Illegal in most states, the blade is longer than 4.5 inches

I call it ( soft )

Not much of a pocket knife any more

I call it mushie

put subtitles on and pause at 12:14, instead of saying is that a mop? Chan man Tan said is that a Bob? omgg help me


Also you should take the products you don`t want and do giveaways with them...u might get more subcribers and likes.. just saying

Keep thou beard

the reason the plural of goose is geese is because goose is a word of french origin and is allowed to be manipulated because of how the rules of french works. moose and subsequent mooses is due to the fact that the word moose is of unknown native american origin and can not be manipulated like the word goose because we don't have knowledge of the rules of it's language of origin. gee manetti, i sound like a frickin nerd.

you look better with the beard


The magical beard

The beard looks better

2:58 crocodile dundee

Matthias looks like captain America from infinity war

I can't believe you bought something that much $250 for a paintbrush.

I say mushy


Tbh woods looks cute

Love your beard (no mare insults!!) on the notification squad!!!!!

Your beard is like a Bush in fortnite. . . . I LOVE IT!!!

I have $2

it's good looking

yeah the beards has to stay

Matthias, the master of Djem So. (Star Wars reference)

Give me him

I subscribed

I'll take Woods...I am broke af so I can't pay but I need someone to watch movies with

The only biggest thing is Mattiases BEARED!

You are not Peter pan. Because of the beard you're a man

Copyright :(

Stop talking to him

You should trimyour beard just a little

5000$ for Wods

I call it rotten


I call it disgusting



Dude that knifes not sharp I cut apples with rulers better than that

dont scroll to the bottom

Taking home gonna love my little daughters....take them to the slaughter

in denmark we call it stødt

MATTHIAS I LOVE THE BEARD, AND HOW DARE HE PAINT YOUR BEARD. Nah but for real though i love the beard

at 00:03 i just died


21:10 song?

Funny vid bro and the beard is awesome!

I like Brian more (As your assistant)

pullsh@t apple

The beard makes me happy


Mommy Matthias

Hi mommy

i call it smated


What happend to your beers, it's to big


the beard must stay

I call the apple soft and disgusting lol. I cannot eat Apples that have any soft spots. They make me gag due to my stomach problems lol. I have to have really crunchy and com apples. I can't believe I haven't been watching these anymore. I missed these videos! I love the beard Matthias, I don't know how anyone can hate it.

I actually one of those snickers bars 8n one sitting

I say the apple is squishy

A soft apple is a peach



The beard is so cool!!

Wow this guy just wont shut up

Don't listen to Matthias the watch pun was solid.

In german we say matschiger apfel

Matt you look funny

20 mil jkjk

Gross that's what I call a mushy apple

Bro u can light a camp fire with that lighter

I say mushy when an apple is grainy and old

Seriously, how do you get the money to do these videos and get that stuff.

Is it just me or does the beard make him look like Thanos?


It's a computer mouse! No more like a computer elephant!!

I call it floury

That's not a knife this is a knife


I'm new to u and ur actually quite funny. And I'll say something nice about u u suit with and with out the beard...... I have subscribed

I call a apple that’s soft/mushy rotten

I just realised you sound just like Steve Ramsey you tube woodworker. It's been bugging me for months ha ha

I call it a soft Apple.

My dog is called looner

Hey... guess what 6:38

Caramel... Matthias: ‘(car-mel)’ Me: ‘isn’t it (ca-ra-mel)... whaaaaaaaat?!’


your beard sucks

i call apples grainy when they’re old

Mushy or squishy

Two grown men fighting with wooden baken not weird or

Dig it or hit it.

Grow a beard on your forehead the is enough room also I think I saw sant stuck on your forehead but who cares hehehhahahhehehebeahahaba


The mushy matchi

you have to cut your beard

No worries i love the beard

i like your beard

12:12 now that’s what I call a inkbrush #TeamB-rush #Splatoon #Splatoon2

Grow longer hair



nice beard

I like your bered




Remember when u and jse was the same size

Beard is awesome and lastw

3:20 I call it a bruised apple.

I want him

I do

No woods

Trash apple

#1 his ears

Dude your beard is perfect

Ooooooh I want him for Christmas

3:46 oof

“Thinki’n bout’ home, Lovin’ my daughters, Paintin’ little pictures so you take em’ to the slaughter.”

Of course i want Woods as a Christmas present lol

I call those apples powdery because when they get soft they always act like a weird powder cuz that sentence made so much sense lol

I call an apple

Does the giant mouse work with Linux, though?



LAST a this is for you

Cut your bierd horse

Listen 13:59 with ur eyes closed

Hi matt

When the apple are soft I call it mjukt äpple

am I the only one that saw the bacon when he was messing with the watch

I colit bnana

I call it a bad apple

3:20 I call it rotten

I love that beard get rid of it Matthias.

I call it a bad apple

Soft apple ._.

I call it "Mjukt" i am from norway.

i call it melig its dutch in english that would be floury cause its kinda grainy and weird like raw flour when the apple is old

Omg they couldn’t lift up the paint brush that’s 13lbs

In Scotland we say soggy


When the sound for the match went off it scared me

your beard is awsome

Pause it at 1:12

I like u better without the beard. But that’s just my oppinion

Keep the beard it looks good


A lapsed Apple

The beard must stay

your face tho

i like the beard

love ya videos mattiears!


there is a big working match lbarbecue lighter I have one.

_oh let me just burn the house with my fucking giant lighter_

The beard is the best part

I farted

the beard is fine. keep it. it makes you more.... something. Matthias-y

i love the beard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how much air do they need in there? how many times have they bought nothing? 3? 4? 5?

You had a kirby paintbrush from Kirby star allies

I would tango with that paintbrush

Your beard is fabulous

Leave matt's ears alone

I have seen the back of your head in battle universe

Last! And the beard should stay


Last! The beard is my motivation! My motivation to kill myself.

I have a novelty pocket knife that's even bigger then that one. :) It's hilarious.

18:27 i love the smell of napalm in the morning

Your beard just does not suit you

Stealing PewDiePie's previous look, wow

I wouldn't mind woods lol

Mushy? I think is the word your looking for.

Tanner is so cute

Beard socks

He said “is anything big if everything is big?” That’s gay

i like the bared i thank it should stay Matthias : )

Please have brian for a few episodes


13:41 that voice crack

lose the beard

let the beard grow for 2 years without shaving

I like the beard;i call it sour/squishy


The beard is my reason to live

I call it. Chat


For the apple question I had actually asked my dad and he has a degree in horticulture and he said that it would be called ripe or ripened

I call it brusided

Did any one think of steven universe when he said bingo bongo

I love your beard!

Get me 1 like

Soft apple definiton: squishy, gross, watery mush

Weirdest conversation starts at 8:40

I soft apple

I’m not gunna do anything weird! Ummmm

5 trillion dollars for woods as my Christmas present

8:32 learn how you can help curb opioid abuse. also minecraft adventure are there a few things youd like to tell us?

soggy apple

That isn’t a pocket knife


You should cut your beard

I'll take Woods as a presont

U look like Santa’s fraternity buddy.

U look like the shovel guy off of home alone

Can you get through this Ceep on going Almost there

Should’ve lighted the big match with the zippo lighter

I call it bruised cause it’s like the inside of a bruise but a lot better tasting

I call it squishy

He has a 6 head

25 50 100

I call an old apple MUSHY

I call it applesauce

I really hate the useless babbling before they get to the point of the video. Terrible.

Hi j_fred


try to say rød grød med fløde

I LIKE UR BEARD BUT IT DOESNT COMPLMENT UR FACE i can already imagine shaveing it i mean : D

I call it sandy


the beards got to stay, the beard is how my motivation to live.

I call it a squishy Apple

why is the beard have a darker color than the hair not hating

100 k

You can barely hold a 13 lb paint brush, but I can hold my 80-90 lb friend. K.

Beard you shook me go away

I call the apple bruised

Mushy is probably the word i'd use

Keep the beard plz

I thought you killed tanner

I bid $407!!!!!

I loooove yer beard!! Beard needs to stay

Find the odd thing

I can do this to

The beard is so beuitifuly ugly

72K people want Woods for Christmas

When there is a soft brown disgusting spot I say the apple is bruised


I think that your Beard looks very dump

Your hair dont grow on your head any more so it grow under your chin



I just call it fockin disgusting

mr.bean me:mr.beard(matt)

*I c a l l t h e a p p l e s o f t a n d d r y*

I swear to god i asked my science teacher if the plural of moose is mees

I actually like the beard it ties me on

I would bid $25

I like your beard mathias

I was raised by my grandparents and the term I always heard from them and old heads for fruit that was on the brink was "peffy". probably just southernese for puffy. lol

just cut your beard now

Gritty is the word I use

Do a painting Challenge with the brush!!!!

Cut your beard


Your beard is as big as your four head

you look like one of the dwarves from snow white

Its called soft

Press read more... Read more

Supposed are WINDPROOF lighters


$50 for Woody

20 grand for woods

I can't stop watching your videos, they are good content.


Keep the berd. It is butiful

i dont like your bierd

Every time I watch Matthias I want to eat a hot pocket

That's not a knife This is a knife

Damn he went from no beard to a full on man


The beard is the only thing that’s helps me get through life. There you happy

My bid is 1 trillion dollars


I feel like the apple has flour inn it haahahhahah

In Ireland we a call it a bruised apple when it is brown in the skin

No bad dragon dildos?

Match it was a lighter

Tanners watch joke was time comsumeing

that's an overripe apple, on the verge of going rotten.



it does

Lol this video was posted when I ended school lol

Sure your not just really small


you look like a man with you bush (on your face)

I call it, you know...mushy?

# beard for life

The Apple is soggy

I have a zippo just like yours. It took a hole bottle of lighter fuel to make it work but cool

Rotten is what I call a bad apple

The plural of moose is meese

21 would say, "ISSA KNIFE."

In hungary for the apple we say its “szaros”


The beard makes you look like Jesus it looks good

WAIT!!! Machi!!! MATTHIAS THAT MEANS ITS OVER GROWN!! It was picked late and or it was picked to early

A soft apple is called a bruise. I think..... But if u mean a soft spot on the apple then yes, thats a bruise. But if u mean a WHOLE apple is soft then idk. But a soft spot on a apple is a bruise. Ok byeeee hope this probly worng infomation helpt lol k by

That lighter was on fire

The paint brush is Bob Ross's gigantic paint brush

The baerd is beast

I call it moochi


Ur mom

I call it frot

a bad apple

Did you mean that the apple was "mealy"? I suspect the word relates to cornmeal, aka grainy.

Last Beards got to stay

Hit read more for a prize Jk You get nothing

You know what I love... Read more

Apple is mushy

We say mehlig in Germany


I prefer Matthias with a beard. #motivatiuon #thebeardmuststay


beard is pretty cool

I call it soft.


Jabuka je trula

soft Apple = peachy

Sort Apple = peachy


The brown spot on a apple is eww it's fricken gross

I call it a bruised apple.

Such a magnificent beard

When an apple is soft, i call it a pear

3:05 I call it f%cking gross


The beard needs to and must stay okay it's fabulous if you got a problem with it then go sit in a hole he looks great

I call it a apple

2:30 haha pocket knife


A apple is mushy

I just wanna know if i can have all the junk y'all don't want :D



#NotificationSquad I want Woods

bruised, a bruised apple

The big watch is cool and my mom's friend has one

It’s a bruised apple?

Pull the flint out of it

Moby huge

You talk to much

I call It bruised

15:50 that's me every day...

I love your beard that’s one big thing you should be proud of it’s almost as long as mine love it


I call it old... Jk, I call it squishy or mushy or fvfjlhfrwx... No joke.

Matthias is right. The plural is mouses.

i had to unlike because I don't want woods

I’m a kid

The world heavyweight time champion matthas

In Texas, you can actually buy a bigger lighter than that at Walmart for $20

I call a fuzy apple old and rotten

Liked for woods tbh

*the beard is my motivation to live*

I’m dying at 6:14

I say Mushy

Ripe Yaaaaaàaaaaaaaasss queen

I call old apples mushy

Cool Beard Dude.Looks awesome

Like the bird

He looks like Messi


Cool mustash

we all love I hope

Matt look at my canel

lol lol lol I love you

I love you

apples ,when they are soft, or overripe, are mealy.

I’ve alway thought “pithy”

What everyone girl says about mathias its not as big as i thought

Yuck. That’s what I call it

YOU COULD PLAY IRL SPLATOON WITH THAT THING, but by urself because u dont have enough money to buy more...

THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID for literally every statement.

Why are you still going....???? STOP Plz OMFG STOp Did you make it through if you did!!!! you have no life

Look at that beard man hahah

Does he not realize that zippos are made to be wind proof??

Nice, Purple Haze by Jimi Hendrix at 18:34

I know what is big and works a tv

Not gonna lie, You look like Pewdiepie with the beard.

I call it bad

I just ran across your channel for the first time, and I havnt laughed so much. xD A definite subscribe.

Mushy ?

I have a bruced apple well my family calls it that

1 mill

The word I use for an apple like that is "mealy"


When an apple is soft and weird me and my mom call it a frothy apple

The beard is awsome

I call it mushy or old


The word is mooshie

Piffy apple

Mushy Apple

I like ur beard

I HAVE A BIG BEARD! MA BRO HAS A BIG BEARD! MA DADDA HAS A BIG BEARD! AND... ma mom have big beard No she doesnt... But anyways, THE BEARD STAYS MATT, the beard stays.

I'm not getting ur notifications ;c I hit the bell

Hey guess what I'm really funny and original Can I get a copy of halo for original Xbox???

Love your videos!!!!!!!

Your beard motivates me to live cut it off ill suicide



Lol its a bruised apple

I call it poison


why does tanner remind me of a little rhett from gmm ??

I call it soft and gross

There is something very important I have to say........ Lol

Play fortnite with the big mouse

Does he mean mushy?

Can you get though this? Are you still here? Did you regret it? please leave a like and have a nice day!!!!

I liked

You could say they were genital jousting.

Is he german

Hi Don't you dare Why da fak did you do this -_- seriously AND YOUR STILL HERE

Squishy or icky


You look good with a beard but you look so fuglly with out it

tanner is hilarious

Bacon fight!

Soft apple or whatever Mattias called it.. Me: apple sauce

You call it

I call it a soft Apple

you want a bog object. Look up moby huge


You know what you guys should do? You should keep the paintbrush, and later, make a Team Edge video of GIANT PICTIONARY CHALLENGE! You might’ve done something like that before, but I think it might be fun! I hope you like my comment! Love ya Matthias! Also, I really like your beard. Don’t think about what others are saying about getting rid of it. It’s wonderful, keep it as long as you want. You’re awesome!

3:09 Trash (that's what I call squishy apples)

First bid at 5,000

The apple is mushy

First Your beard keeps me alive

I mean just catch the pink part on fire then the match works



Like if you get to the end!!!! Hi You still there? If yo still there like!! Thank you!!!!! Do you like Matthias??? Keep going you will love the end!!!! Keep going!!!! You'll like the end!!!!!!!! Keep going till the end It takes minutes to do this Keep going Keep scrolling and have a good day, afternoon, night! Come on!! You are almost there!!!!!! Thanks for coming to the end!!!! Like if you did and I'll give you a like on one of yo vids or sub if really good and if you made no vids that ok, just thx!!!!!!!!!!!

meal·y ˈmēlē/ adjective of, like, or containing meal. "a mealy flavor" (of a person's complexion, an animal's muzzle, or a bird's plumage) pale. (of part of a plant or fungus) covered with granules resembling meal.

Dope beard

I honestly do like Matthias’s beard he looks to young without it I guess

I mean, i have seen the back of your head. Team edge boi

I think the beard is cute and I think haters be haten'

hare amasig I LOVE YOUR HAER

let's see if YA can make it TO THE END!!!?!???? :3 ok u can stop now I said YOU CAN STOP NOW ehem I'll give you 2 more chances to GIVE UP ONE MORE CHANCE . I give up you win

I call it old

There is a wire four head is bigger because you’re smart

I call a soft apple a soft apple

these items dont look huge you just look like a kid

I like your beard

I love your Beard man

I love this channel

I like your beard

Woods for Christmas? Um yes

Matt I agree the beard has to stay

A mealy apple.

This was published on my birthday, lol....I'LL TAKE WOODS!


that beard is my will to live

He said you have never seen the back of my head and then at 21:40 you see the back of his head

Pappy Drew it with that paintbrush loll

Where did u get that pocket knife ????

I will pay 2000 for woods

Keep the beard real men have beards

the lighter and the knife are my favourites wish the match was real

I miss Brian

“OMG ITS ENORMOUS” That’s what she said

I found out a use for the giant paintbrush... Ink! Ink Sans uses a giant paint brush! Now you can go dress up as him and carry around a giant paint brush! :D (wait... do you even know Ink Sans?)

The beard is awesome

Pehmeä omena

The bacon slices look like dirty bandaids

Y’all ain’t funny

When a apples soft it’s squishy

12:10 it's Bob Ross' paintbrush in his open thing :0 Am i the only one who thought that immediately??

When it’s squishy I call it nasty

I got $5 for Woods!!

Why are there so many long comments?!?

stop guys his beard looks good your all being bullys # keep the beard like if you agree

I call it sandy because it kind of feels like sand in your mouth

bruised apples


At minute 8:33 repeat to phrase “that’s what she said”

Is your beaded fuzzy ☺


I got a question if bacon is called bacon and cookies is called cookies why do u cook bacon and bake cookies

I will give a penny for him


One of them should hace been your mom

Tanners better than you


He really looks a hairy horse!

Bruised motha fuckkkkkkaaaaa

You do have big ears

I call it an awful apple. Say that five times fast.

I love the beard im getting the gooses

My. Any brothers name is Gunnar

i call the apple disgusting

I call it rotten... like Tanner

i call it mushy

You without your beard makes you look like a hormonal teenage boy. Also your beard gives your face dimension that your face doesn’t actually have. So keep it :) there ya go someone on the beard side.

I thought the stocking was big

"do I get any of that money?" "no it goes strait to me" "but you get all that honey" *very quietly* "I don't like that"

I like the beard I’m sorry for not watching ur vid in a while show I did not know u had a beard

You say floury

Omfg you say bruised

That Mach could be a new battle universe weapon hold on to the stick while throwing

The actual panting though

5000000 for Woods

matt ignore that say ur beard is stupid its cool its ur life matt pin if u agree


whats woods @ haha

It would be easy and cheap to make a giant match

$3000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000 for Woods

Thats what she said 8:42

I like the beard it reminds me of kratos (god of war)

I’ve just realized that Matthias looks like an *older version of Dopey* with a beard

Hi Matthias

So many ads ugh I’m trying to get my daily dose of Matthias in and his majestic beard

Oh look, the lighter from Monstrum.

I question tanners sanity

Talk too fuckin much... Get to the damn list!...

I want woodz to show up at my house at Christmas in that

Laramie has gas stations that sell 1 pound snickers bars


When apples are grainy i call them mealy

Been with u since the app review days.


Moog from mighty car mods? Science garage guy from donut media? You look them both

Beird must stay

What happen to Forrest Gump

Keep the Beard

2 billion for the P.A.

Dude, you talk too much.


I call that bruised

Keep the beard it is my funny factor in life

If an apple is wrinkly and squishy i call it Trash

8:34 that’s what she said

I WAN'T WOODS I BID 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

When an apple is soft, I usually call it soft

Go to 1:12 he looks like stoned thanos

What about TOOK or SHOOK?

Don’t read more or your going to swipe for every Like if you got done

Now it only WATCH ing us I laughed XD

Love the beard!

I feel like your face should be upside down because of your beard

Woods is hot, I'll take him. I wager a hundred.

Usually you can an Apple like that old. #wth

the knife is not that big. i have seen one in person that is as long as your arm

15:24 ❂.❂ 15:27 ◉.◉ *I NEED THAT IN MY LIFE!!!!!*

Matt tell team edge you Should do a fornite dance challange

Last :] also, I like the beard! It looks good on you! :]

Ready Set Still not there Ahhhhhh Finally.. what Done congrats

i call it an ugly apple.

A little late to this but... there is a big bbq lighter that looks like a match.


Mushy lol



You look osum I. Like. Your. Video

I bet a $100000....... in likes

Its not a POCKETknife if it can't fit in your POCKET


It's called a rotten apple

Why do they call it a pocket knife if it is to big to be in your pocket


My brother showed me your channel and even though I don't really like watching youtubers, I really enjoy watching your videos.

if the sides of your beard were more rounded instead of squared off then your chin probably wouldn't look as big. But it's all up to how you want it so do as you please. :D

Ok does woods have insta? Snap? Anything I need

it's mealy

The beard stays I like it #beards life mater

The words moist

i like your's baby face

Keep the beard please


if i order nothing how will i know when its gets to my house? The royal ghost mail? will my post box open and nothing will fall? i have soo many questions! :)

I bid 10000 dollars

dat knoife is as big as a kitchen knoife

When you get to the end, give a like

haaaa turn the sub titles on lmaooo

I don't know.. that watch is going to PM you 12 hours a day.. and all it does is communicate the time. Plus if you want it to move it takes a second.

"Mealy" apple.

I accidentally said "the plural of moose is goose".

I'm bidding a nickel for woods

Your beard looks great



I'll give $200 for woods

Matthias im gonna be honest with you the beard looks Really good in you it fits you


The Apple thing when it's like that I call it soggy

I WANTN WOODS £1,000,000

I call it " lamog" when apple is really soft

3:18 i call it moldy

Thats what she said

Wanna get trolled Read More

I thought that giant match got lit for a second lol

Imagine if you were a leprechaun

Hi Why you still reading Stop I’m not kidding stop you to die Welp your choice S St Sto Stop Sto St S St Sto Stop Sto St S M .. . . Here’s a poisonous cookie

Beard is lit

the beard is glorious

You look like that one fornight prson



I like the video

I shall give u 300 for woods

Mushy Apple ?

200 dollars for wood.

Great beard


I’m sorry matt

its pronounced ma-chh-eee

Original pewds vs made in china

When an apple is soft I call it nasty

A, for A Christmas present.

I'd love that for Christmas present.

If the Apple is soft it is mealy.

The Apple is bad

I say soggy


if u get to the end ur a good boi good job

The beard is how i recinize you

here in Argentina we called it "arenosa" that translates like.... "sandy" or something ike that

Give this video a like if you want woods for Christmas Me thinking there are no likes on this video

13:12 well found ink sans' paintbrush

Bro u ugly


Just remove it.

I call an apple when it’s soft bruised

Matschig or weich

I found a wacky thing you Matthias

The apple is over ripe.

Possibly last

i call the apple when its soft i call it ITS A DAM SOFTIEEEEEEEEE

i call granular apples "foamy" like biting soggy styrofoam



Can i Get a link to the lighter?

Mooshy mooshy

2:57 Crocodile Dundee

You should be on the lord of rings lol

The beard shall stay

O baby all I want for Christmas is!! Woods....

I am last!

Put the other guy in the frame its weird to have him talk but not see him

When it’s soft I call it soft

I called the Apple gross

Tour Brard is cool!

That’s not a knife. It’s a sword

The apple —wedi pwdri


75k hmmm... What?!?! XD (when I see the woods part sorry if the name is not like that)

I call a soft apple discussing

I want woods he’s cute

Keep The Beard Because It Is Ok And You Look Like A Lumber Jack

Do you mean mushy?

I'm A loud eater too tanner

Your beards nice


Beards gotta stay


He looks like pewds

it's browsed

the vid starts at 1:40

The minecraft torch...

U look handsome with the beard

Hahahahahah 19:25

Hey Woods I'd pay you good money for you as a present....but it would be more pretty woman style or man rather so involve some actual physical labor lol

I love the videos

You look like the lovechild between Markiplier and Dominic Monaghan

He is cute

I have one of those big lighters

8:32 - 8:34 she said that too

Making a 5min video into 20min why !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you get to the end like

Awww woods is cute

You said the f word

I call that apple mushy

I say mooshy

Beard is great

I think you should let your beard grow

I remember when you didn't have a beard you looked more better but I'm not saying you look really ugly with your beard,I'm just saying you looked better without it.I'm sorry if it might hurt your feelings expressing my true feelings.

Hi... I have to tell you that you are... . You just wasted your time...

Matthias should enter weapons sparring in a martial arts comp

My uncle has a lighter that’s a match no kidding

Merio nintendoes

The beard is my only reason for living


I call it mushy... xD

Meh like the beard

0:14 I died

It’s called sofgy

7:14 At least he TIMED it right.. I'll go home..

I call it millie when a apple is like that

you could use that brush as a broom. :)

don't get angry because the clock at least works.

Beard is dope

You look good with your beard


That giant paint brush is awesome! Now all they need is a giant paint roller!

Seeing you guys play with giant lighter and match this ends badly with beards going up in flames.

I'd take wood for christmas

I LOVE your beard! Its masculine and cool!

An old apple o call mushy

I say iccy and bally

you need to try the 4-feet long Toblerone, unless you already did it on another video. :)

I actually thought the big match worked for a second

Abraham Lincoln?

I call a soft apple mooshy

Gross apple

16:29 sorry but the correct word is "caramel" and it's pronounced "ca-ra-mel" obviously lmao

When an apple is like that I call it spoiled common sense

In my country, we call old apples an a "puvenis"

he looks like captian america in infinity war

I say Mealy

Your beard is LIT!!!!

Beard is the best

Gross for the apple

giant items -what i think :- tanner's EGO

Your nope not dope

I will glue £100000000000000.43 to buy him


I call it melee

Soft is what u called dumdum

a german word for "mushy" is "matschig"


When he pointed at the crack on the clock he pointed at the one crack on my phone

I say this apple is soft.

To the apple: matschig, because im german

in norway we call rotten apples 1776

Try the most small things

3 mill dollor

Not ripe...

i call it bruised


At 19:27 I thought it was real for a secind

3:21 German says "matschig" "Der Apfel ist matschig"

i call it squishy :)

BEARD LOVE...... what sound does a banana make

When the apple is like that in sweden we call it mjöligt. That means like floury


I'd say the Apple is mealy....

Brush the match against a wall in the wild. WHAT?

i love you vids i like this one the best is so funny

Your beard reminds me of my dad. Take that as a compliment or insult.

I want him for my Christmas

i cal it myk

You can’t do an Aussie accent

Hi dont press read more I told you Keep going You can do it Almost there Keep going Ok your done Jk i dont want to stop Ok i got bored Ok for real now your done

matthias, I think its called "bruised"

Your better than KSI

WOW! Your beard... I like it! GOOD JOB!! :3

I guess I can’t like the video

i love the beard

I like his blue eyes


When u end up like a sheep

Nice beard

it's "mealy"

I call a soft apple expired....

I threatened my older brother if he grows a beard I would never hug him again

I call it gmo

I normally can’t spend Father’s Day with my dad becaus or firefly so every night I cry myself to sleep but you help me cheer up

umm mushy?

W jkko actually believed for a split second that the big match was actually lit

i call it dry and mushy

“That’s not a knife, that’s a knife” -Australian Matt, 2018

meally or mealy idek how to spell it

* immediately likes video *


3:18 thats what she said

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

You gay

This video was published the day I ended school

I know a strange item it’s ur mom jk

The beard is awesome keep it makes you look like a wise man

Its called bruised

I like the beard the beard has got to stay

Is this Pj from Good Luck Charlie?

14:58 Tanners song rocks! LMAO

Matt the watch should go in the stocking

Also grow your hair to fit beard

You used to be a lil boi, then you grew the beard. You have leveled up from "Lil Boi" to "Big Boi", so don't be a lil boi again


That beard is hella nice and thick

The can stay

beard must stay

stop at 19:24

Its not a mouse its a rat

My Christmas stocking is small in width, but it is really long

At 21:40 I saw the back of your head it loocks kind of funny

Dont read more... YOU CAN'T READ COMMENTS ANYMORE!!! ok... you found the end.

200 billion for woods

You are the bset

Your brain should be on the list


Subscribe for a chance to win a Xbox one X winners will be announced at 1000 Subscribers! (Not fake)

You look like messi


i love the beard but loose the mustach it would be awsome

I have that stocking the night after Christmas I sleep in it

I say mushie when it's squishy??


Subscribed and turned on Post notifications

I've seen the huge lighter in Walmart

Your amazing

I call it sandy.

Mushy not machy Matt

The plural form of moose is meese. Uh doi


Your beard gots to stay

Butcheek on a stick

You look like Kenny from the walking dead, I like it

2:34 - 2:36 when you find a nerd gun and your brother right there.

I laughed so hard during this video I stared throwing I'm not kidding

8:05 - 8:07 again when you learn a new word

2:40 - 2:43 when you learn a new word


The beard really brings out the inner Matthias.

They sell those snicker bars in gas stations

Kimberly hall is rong

It's mouses tanner

You call a soft apple mealy

Mealy apple is the term I believe you were looking for

When you get to the end comment Btw this took 4 hours

The term for when an apple has a granular texture is MEALY. A soft and/or mealy apple can also be classified as OVERRIPE.

moushy apple

I would’ve never taken you for someone who watched crocodile dundee

Like the vid but I did not want woods no offense maybe

This dude is wearing his face upside down.

“actually works”?

Did that other guy just say "Bingo Bongo?"

I remember when he didn't have a beard.

Hi I'm new and I love love love your bird and your bids r cool

The beard sucks

I call it solidified applesauce

mushy. lel

Hi Matthias. Btw my cat gabby is fat.

Bruised apple

I just say this apple is stuffed

lol when u said get me a battery my phone said low battery

The beard makes your face look a normal length though.

look at 11:12

I want woods for my Christmas present

Last 12:00

Slappin yalls meat together

U mean mushy??

The beard is the best

You look cooler without your beard pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee cut your beard

I just blew a snot bubble

probbible probbible probb probb probbible LOL

Your beard is like the best. I've ever seen that's why I want you to keep it

i just call it 'mushy' or yknow rotten lol

I don't like your beard

This channel is like an adult version of those kids toy review channels and now I get it

The way your ears poke out make you look like an pokemom

Around Christmas,​ they sell a bunch of the candy bars 1 lbs size.

I want the paint brush for my art teacher

an apple like that is mushy and gross

You can use that lighter to burn your beard off

Yo ! Get rid of the beard it looks like , well a beard but whatever


Me: I'm loving it! Matthias: loving what. me: your beard. Matthias: oh...

Your beard is good

That‘s funny, in Germany we say „matschig“ for an old Apple, so i had to laugh when you said „matschi“

Pause a 1:21

Please cut your ....

pithy, that's the word i use

the apple is bruised

I really like his beard

BEARD has to stayyyyyyy the channel is only about the beard


Beer needs to stay

Long live the beard

I was watching this on TV then came on here to like the video when you said like the video if you want woods as a Christmas present


that's crascy


Is that huge pocket knife actually considered a pocket knife because it can’t fit in your pocket can it?

Beard can stay it looks cool

Uuuhhhhhh.... A mushy apple

The beard needs to live!!!

I love the beard fade!


I want the PA to be my present.

His beard is amazing

i just call it powdery

I like your beard and your channel and your humor!

Pederu prokleti ubi se

I call it nasty

This video ir trigering me

I like your beard it makes you look like a pro YouTuber

Cut that beard

at first i thought it actually lit (im tired its 3 in the morning)

First the beard has to stay

Your beard is magical and makes your videos awesome e have a great day do a not let any hate comments or words get to you i

its brused the apple

The site actually renamed the Lighter to Giant Lighter after this video was posted.

Right as he started to paint, I got a home depot painting commercial

it is cool I do no want you to change your self just because they are jelly because they are not rich and as nice like you

3:20 i just say soft & old

Big head big ears big beard

i hate you beard

I prefer just to say “Computer Mice”


I just say mushy

Beard is dope

Don’t worry I like the beard it doesn’t have to go

My mom got the lighter cheaper

Why would somebody buy a giant paint brush but the lighter was cool

The beard can stay ☺☺

I love you My thighs ❤️

Your beard is cool and should stay and I subscribed and turned post notfercations on

Who sees the bacon that he reviewed later on in the video 6:49

1 Million dollars for Woods



the beard needs to stay- i like it

the beard gat stay

When he said the knife joke I was like "KEEP IT PG"

Squishy feces

gross apples are meely

I know right


13:49 The BIG BACON IS SEEN!!!! and it's the LAST product!! Aaa! WHAT IS HAPPENING !

Free shipping?

I’ll give $2.00 for woods

Mushy (mooshy)

The amount of potential that's what she saids in this is unreal

Grainy and old

Can you send Woods to Romania? I am waiting for him !!

i love the beard


My bid is $700,000,000,000,000,500,540,543,432,211,100 for Woods no actually I bid Infinity dollars for Woody LOL I win.

hi hehe I love you you hate me let's keep going until you understand your not done nvm Your dun

when an apple is soft i call it no good or rotten

I use mushy or sh*t

Dude you look like my third grade teacher with that beared

i love beards. the bigger the beard the more wizard you are

Bro I love ur beard it’s an amazing look on you and u should definitely keep it. I love you so much Matthias and everyone that supports u ❤️

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahajahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahuahahhahhahahhahahahahahhahhhbbbgaAhhfu5vuk,,hv7lvm5you O U iöyyoct8np Kyrivy.hä

My word for the apple is mealy


I call it weird

I just call it a mooshy apple

all around me are familiar faces.

17:37 light it up baby instant flashbacks 2 Benny Fallout New Vegas

If you give me Woods, I'll try to make my entire high school subscribe,(there's almost 300 people, in each class/year)and watch you. And that's a whole fat bet.

At 13:43 in the background there was a sign saying lets got weird

Oh yes, woods would make a great Christmas present.

I call those Apples Floury

The watch jokes were well timed

So many “that’s what she said” jokes can be made in this video

I what again baby face

With the beard you look like pewdiepie

just say soft Apple

I love ur beard Matthias

18:05  *When I wake up and my dog is stareing into my eyes

I call the Apple dead inside... (lol)

the big stocking is not that big for me bc i have 2 of those xD


When the Apples are like that I call it mushy

The Apple is soft


19:28 I honestly thought it worked

i love your beard

I am da duck


You look like one of the seven dwarfs

Beard is legend

He looks like kratos from God of war

I love your Beard


Is That Ant-Man Helmet On The Background?

$200. He can live in the attic for $40 a month for food, water, and bathroom use.

For get good gaming you guys should play portal 2

Lick if you want a new series cald Sly or decline

who ever told matthias he could grow a beard i willl find you and i will kill you J.K but the beard is "Rigged" got to go man

I luv da beard. It's uLtImAtE

I say the apple is grainy when it's super soft

Beards are lucky

not ripe

I want woods ;) lol I need a friend

Mmmmmmmmm no wood

I thought he said oversised piranha

Did matt say a cup of cocks at 2:11

Beady. That’s what I call a gross apple

With the giant pocket knife its supposed to be small to fit in your pocket... That really ruined the whole point of a pocket knife

Woods should be my Christmas present

keep the beard keep it!

I want woods bro

I will buy woods for 5,00 dollars

The we we champion lol


Hi horse

in argentina we called it arenosa o sand like texture to the apples xD

Who ever roar roar is they are wrong about the beard.

an apple u cant nom nom on...

I don’t like when you don’t have the beard

Beard has to stay. I am last

I call it mushy or a bannana

I would buy the paintbrush.

U should have tried to light the match with the lighter

I call it A SOFT APPLE -.-

Keep it

3:17 I call them bad apples!


The word for a squishy and weird apple is MEALY. Machi is Tamil for friend, and Matcha is green tea version.

Hey at least your ears aren't as big as mine


I was making a smoothie and how this propped up farther on the kitchen counter. I heard that Woods was being shipped. I stopped what I was doing, reached to grab the phone, and immediately requested the following: I bid my soul for Woods

We calle it flouery apple

those lighters are windproof


Dude early in the vid u sound like jack sparrow

Whose Woods?!?!

I call it smooshy

Tanner's funnier than u

Mushy is the word

You will go bald if have big beard btw

2:57 Crocodile Dundee!!! Best movie ever

paintin little pictures so you take them to the slaughter Tanner 2018

18:44 Matthias are you trying to eat the candle wick???

How much was t he candy bar

I got Woods yay

Hey your beard is long........Or i dunno mabye its suits you ........i like it

Matthies nice intro you faxe LUL

The word i say when an apple and its all soft the word i use is "ew"


I like your bierd

Beard is every thing

Bread stay


Who else thinks that the intro is ELVIS

8:30 - 8:35 sameee

hey matthias.... the beard is my motivation to live :)

I love WWE do you


Why is you're forehead so shiny

“If you actually get to the point where you’re funnier than me, you’re gone.” What a quote

the paintbrush is good for cosplaying

I call a squishy apple is over ripe

A soft spot on an apple is called a bruised apple

You should see the big Hershey Kiss at the store at New York


The paintbrush is the one from the joy of painting intro

Mushiii its called mushi

Yo Matt, your hair looks great and your videos are awesome!!



I call it black rotten apple

That beard is life

Isn’t a Giant Pocket Knife just well... A regular knife



Matt looks like he’s 49 with the beard




Mathias you should make a video of going to a jewelry store and asking them to fix the glass on a watch. Then go out to your car and walk in to the place with the giant watch.

the beard HAS to stay!!!!

A mango

I like the beared and it brings out your fun

I think the word he's looking for is mealy

*skips threw a little bit of the video* Video: starts ad right as they say one flipping word Me:vtvrfrvghhjnjnbvcdxdcfv*jmjmj:=$dxs!

When an apple is squishy I call it rotting potato in disguise

Give me

13:53 don't hate on my mario sunshine bowser jr cosplay Matt

The beard is

I couldn't like the vid I don't want woods as a present or anyone


When is bacon EVER rigged!?!?!??!! #trigger!!

Beard is luv

when a apple is like this i usally call it "vecia"

19:22 LOL legit thought it was real for a sec

I call thee apple rotten

Love the beard they are idiots.


That is why they give you the candle with it so the smell can go

Rip x

Baby faced Matthias is dead. The beard should stay.

when it’s soft


Please keep your beard Matthias

This joke is at least more solid than the watch

i'll give you $90000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for him

Luv the beard

Mongoose?... No never it is now Mongeese

Bad apple

soft apple=mushy or squishy

I call it moldy

I like his chinhair

i see he grew a beard while i was gone



19:24 oh sh**

call it bruised

The beards' gotta stay cover your eyebrows that's how he would look with no beard

you shuld keep the beard!! look better with it

The word you are looking for (a squishy apple) is nasty

Matt says that you can swipe the match on a wall in the wild but why would there b just a random wall in the middle of the woods?


First The beards gotta stay

your bread looks great!

Apple, sandy

I vall the Apple sweatie


It said the match was fake in the description

you're berd is G O D thare you go!

its a poket sword what they had in the 300 THIS IS POKET SWORD

i thoght at first the big poket knife was a lock blade that means you slide over a little thing to close it i have one its small

Mochi mochi is the word you're looking for

I can't take Matt serious with the giant paint brush

bishh its Mushy

It’s called mush

Bruised. I use Bruised

Lose the noisehair

BACON WAR !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I liked for Woods


I'd take Woods for Christmas

I’d like woods❤️

So, do you have to have a cool first name to work there??

I call it an apple when it’s soft


Your beard is my motivation to get up in the morning and then binge watch your videos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Aww it bigger then ya brain

drop the beard plz :< your shaved face is soooo Cute

mushy might be the word you were looking for Matthias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wOw!

The giant paint thing is Bob Ross intro

"Mealy apple" when going bad

This is the most bro channel ever

I call it a grape

Made my day y’all....

11:19 woods is hot

can i have woods please

The beard has to stay *it suits you so much*

“You know what number 1 is?.......... YOUR FOREHEAD...” Me *(THIS IS A JOKE ;w;)* : Hmm... I don’t think it’s working XDDDDDDDD

The apple is pithy.

" A stick of poopoo"- Mathias



I love the beard btw I love you Chanel your amazing your my inspiration keep making gret vidios ➖〰➖

" Is that a twinkie? " "No, it's you."- Tanner and Matt

The 1st product was very knife * ba dom ching*

At school every year they give out a 5 pound chocolate bar

nah fam u look like thanoos (insert thanoos image)

I call the apple soft

HEY Matthias! Did you not know that Zippos are WINDPROOF! Can't just blow that one off LOL

This is so bad,just get to the fucking point

"It just doesn't seem that big.... I was expecting something bigger" that's what she said lolll.....I'm sorry that was horrible

WOOO or BOOO Like if agree

Even in the descriptions it said wood with plastic tip for the wooden match


Kill the bread

i hate no beard

What what I say Lady apples soft and squishy it is rotten

sandy apple

500 for woods


i call that type of apple rotten

I like no I love your beard . I has to stay.


Mushie you mean

We must now breed giant pigs so that we can have giant bacon

8:32 thats what she said

rame ey

Good beard

I call it battered

your beard is awesome!

I say "The Apple is bruised" :D

this apple is mushy

Does anyone realize how triggered tanner gets. Go to the part where woods walks in tanner just starts having a triggered spasm


That means the apple is not good to eat

I bid $1,000,000

the beard suits you BUT it is a little too big/long w.e lol I liked it when you had it a little smaller but still decent!

Omg the intro literally killed me

im so disappointed you didn't try to wear the watch as a belt..

Its mushy

i got an ad four 1 pair of shews

Feax Fox

I had a really big stocking like at 10:36 growing up and it was my dads

this video is my first born child



I call the apple over ripe or spoil

I call the apple rotten

Love it

Let he have he's beard!!

when he was tickling Tanner... i frikken felt it on my neck aaaaah

Am I aloud to send myself because I am weird wacky and goofy

The knife look like CS:GO knife the Flip knife!

I love your beard l wish I had it

I would call the apple NASTY that's the right name

i call it muchy

the beard is amazing

19:23 I actually thought

Matthias why is your mouth all the same in the intro

Anyone wanna mention the giant match is in fact a lighter?

The beard is a religion its a way of life

NO HIS EARS ARE SMALL #NotificationSquad

The beard must stay lol #last

I'll bet 100,000,000,000,000,000

I thought it was a peach

I call it a soft... apple



Your beard is magestic


I'll take Woods because I need a Friend

I HAVE AN IDEA TO PROPOSE!!! SPEND IT or END IT like if you like

apparently i have to unsub


I apologise I didn't get to see you before the game you are not a big hug for us but if not then I'll head that I can think I can do this one was the only way you had to you had to see me today I can do this Friday and I have to you can do this one was the game you are coming home for dinner I didn't get to you by tomorrow I didn't know if I was going with the game is on the way you want to see the movie and we will see me today I can get a copy

thanks again and I hope to see everyone again and again I apologise I didn't know you had mentioned to you before the holidays are coming to see me again I apologise I didn't know you had mentioned to you before then and we didn't know that it will not work for me to come

what did I say

I say gross

I call the apples bruised

Just get to the effing product! You guys talk and joke too much! lol


Last!!! Haha

Why didn't he use tighter for the match?


I call it rotton

The lighter is air resistant

10 billion dollars my dad is a billionaire

Lmao the word is mushy

I call it rotten milk


i made a holy shrine on dat thicc beard #keepdabeardmatt i has to stay

Hey I'm in the notification squad

1 septilon

For woods

Can I have that paintbrush tho ?

one time I got a five pound hershey's bar for my mom

I love your beard too

999999999999999999999999999999999999 Billion

10:46 the back of your head

The beard looks good on you

Kratos beard omg

Your beard is ASOME #shout out

It’s mushy you absolute toe

your beard makes you look like a horse

Woods = Gunner 2.0

Last comment

3:05 a soft apple

i can see the bacon strip on the floor matthias 13:28 .its below tanner

The beard so has to stay.!.!.!

My grandma had one of the wall watches when I was a kid..... That was forever ago.....in the 90s.


Pocket knife 1:04 Biggest nothing you've ever seen 4:37 Wrist watch 5:35 Computer mouse 7:32 Christmas stocking 9:44 Paint brush (why would you pay that much) 12:10 Snickers 15:20 Lighter 17:00 Wooden match 18:49 Bacon 19:58

My nan and mum made me a massive stocking bigger than that and at least it looked better than that

Its called a bruised apple

I love your beard handsome

i call it bad

That ghost reference

Luv da beard

Nooo I do not want that present

I'm tired of the fricking don't read more comments like STOP IT!

"You wanna get tickled?" Hey Matthias you sounding a little pervy lol

Just saying u look like messy

I just say bruised

The beard has to stay i think you look much better with it

Love the bear look nice


Never understood these channels that have others in the room during filming... you have conversations with them they are part of every video just put them in front of the camera with you

I say ........

Soft annd chewy

Mattias can you do a doorlr stor

I say floury

I call it trash

Dude!!!! My favorite Christmas Present!!!

3:40 we see the back of his head

I use pifthy


soft apple

3:14 mushy..?

it is called soft

Little does he know zippos are suppose to be wind proof

I like your beard.

A couple years ago I sold one at least 4 times that size

I mean

I paid $5 on the Walmart shelf for that same lighter

19:59 you actually show that earlier in the video , look closely 7:00 on the rigth next to the table

Use the giant lighter to burn your beard off

You The beard Off :)

You are awesome

8:33 "Thats What She Said"

How is that zippo litter giant if it fits in your tiny hands

What's your spotify???

its not like ur gonna smoke


Who went strait down the comments?

I hate the beard

That giant paintbrush would be a cool cosplay prop for Splatoon

i liked for woods

i'd take woods. I need someone to clean the house and look after my toddler once in a while.

Omfg stop talking to people not on video. 1st video i have seen. And can't make it to the end. Ew.



matthias you have a great beard keep it

Soft af

I call those apples grainy or old

I remember when he had Brian #oldsubscriber

That beard is literally my reason for living

I’ll take him

I imagined a person wearing the watch like a cave man strap saying "IT'S TIME TO STOP"


Why the long face

*Gets a genuine compliment from friend* WHAT DO YOU MEAN? WHY ARE YOU SO SARCASTIC?

Ha you lit 》○《 ahh you branch a aaaaaa

Hate hear on your Vandenberg ride it now pl!!!!!

8:34 that’s what my ex told me


My newborn was 19 inches. A foot and a half is 18 inches. If Luna is smaller than my newborn, there's a problem


The plural for a group of moos is called moosenI BET WOODS FOR 100,000,000,0000$

Stud or dud

can you please put the link for the website that you buy all of the stuff from. and i think your beard is really cool on you.

Imagine what the peeps in the car park think when they see some random guy walking around in a giant Christmas stocking

No joke, I say meece too!

I was cracking up when he said "That's not a knife that's a knife."

the shape of your beard is off beards not supposed to have corners it makes you look like a no neck love your videos

Die appel is verrot bro

mushie (mooshie)

Im from German also i said it Der "Apfel ist Matsch"♡


Put the links to the product

I'm addicted to ur channel u all mke me laugb

I call the Apple moist


I actually love your beard it looks like kratos and I love the new god of war game its less brutal...

i say there rotten

The apple things is called melee

16:57 bingle bongle

Man those watch jokes were well timed

do a waste material or good material video

i want you big daddy woods

That intro though

I would call it mushy( for the apple question )

lolo You can send him to me! don't mind! lol No need the Christmas gear! lol Hop up Woods! lol

If the mouse was bigger you wouldn’t be able to use it cause its to big for your fingers/hands Edit- With the giant stalking you should have just put yourself in it for Christmas (Yeeeey we got a Matthias for Christmas)

1.00 dollar im the highest bidder

"Guess what number 1 is. *your forehead* ." LMFAO XDXDXDXDXD I HAVE DIED

$7,000 for woods


Sorry that there is mean comments but I like you beard and do what you like with your life since it's yours so thank you for the great video.

I call it squishie

Keep the beard!!! :D

I call it mooshie

1 million dollars


Mthtis you look like a

stitck po poo lol

3:20 a bruised apple

I call it apple sauce

these products are all for andre the giant

The Beard is the best

Respect the beard


The beard is inspirational!

the apple is “meeli”

12:12 who else instantly thought of Bob Ross' Intro for The Joy of Painting


the word is saggy or something

Waste of time

like it

You have the beard of of a god

I'll give you 3c for woods

I love your bread

I call the apple cottonapple

In Germany we say matschig for something that is soft but not in a nice way but like mud but you could also say its matschig. Maybe in you local dialect or from your family you have some german influences.

I call the apple bruised...

Well if we are biding...500.000

Btw I’m not really going to pay

big head big beard

i call it a shitty apple

I found canned air on amazon

i call it brused

I love the beard keep it please

Mathias got to grow da beard out

Those first 30 seconds were utterly hillarius

“this thing is a stinkin poo poo” dEaD


every single video is hilarious, but OOF THIS ONE GOT ME GOOD

Something nice I did it

I love the ghost pottery scene reference.

I laughed so hard with the watch


I like your beard because it makes you look more grown up

I call it disgusting


I call it a soft apple..

Sure! I'll say something nice. I love the beard!!!!!!!

A rotten apple duh

Id pay 0.00

I'll take Woods for Christmas

That face lol

That brush part got me dying I was laughing with so many tears

How would they get away with selling a giant pocket knife?

I like beard

Horses rule!

its pithy

mushy or woody

I want Wood's in my stocking this Christmas!

Pause at 10:39

When an apple doesn't taste right in my mouth I call it... rotted.


i call a soft apple soft

The beard is beautiful

I call it foamy

Keep the beard I like it


In the vid when they tryed the bacon taner had one in the beging on the floor



I read "add an autistic touch on any decor"

i like the beard:)

I thought your vlog channel was Mathias vlogs

you say "Mathas" but it's spelt "Mathias" soo... is your name spelt wrong?

Beard is love beard is life

Woods looks like a Walmart Brendon Urie

That giant pocket knife is like one of the Basque pocket knifes that shepherds carry.


You should try buying a switchblade comb


There was a couple who made a video about two giant matches that worked

I hate apples that aren’t cold


Beautiful beard win

You look like a horse


i beat 1 billion robux

matt keep your beard if u dont u will be like me nothing jk\\

i love the beard keep it

i call it woods

The beard is awesomeness

I would have woods as a present

Matthias is your word mushy

Where is Brian?!?!

I say ew

mushy this what it is

I call bad apples trash cubes

I was honestly freaked out when he faked the flame on the match

Beard has to stay

Japanese people use these to write ads tournament winner names and all kinda big display stuff

I call that apple sqeeshie!




There's a 2ft switch blade, and a 5lb gummy bear

Beards.....such a turn on broskie

Is Tanner gay?

2;58 is triying to be spiers

i call the apple s**t

Nice Australian accent, very spot on

Finally. My question have been answerd.. the BEARD IS ICONIC!!! Way to go bearddo.. #matthias

Beard stay

mm i will give u 10 grand but i need him as christmas present

In this video Matthias turns into father time

I shirk my self

“That’s not a knife,that a knife”

You have to wet the brush

I have one of those stockings. I got it for Christmas. I put all of my presents in it and not under the tree.

I love your beard just as much as your channel

U said when ur out in the wild scrape the match against the wall if ur in the wild there is no wall

my grandma has a huge wall wrist watch but its like a chain watch

Try crazy go kart

The beards gotta last and stay

I’ll take Woods

The beard the better

Smooth beard shout out know jk I like it

It's mushy


Why is his beard hair a darker colour to the hair on his head?

Why they don't like your beard.I think you are better with it.

I call it old...and mushy....

Can I have Woods as my Christmas present? He's adorable.

21:20 is like the new luke

You beard is awesome

It's mushy! That's the technical term

And I call it soggy

“It’s not as big as I hoped it would be” lmfaoooo

That ain’t no paint brush bro. That’s what you call a magic flying broom from frickin Harry Potter

I left when i saw two grown men beat there meat

Dat beard is awsome

i call it rip apple

The beard is how my motivation to live!

Maybe you should get Bryan to lift the paintbrush

That match is lie

the paint brush is good for an ink sans cosplay

I think you look good in the beard

I love your be

I call it apple

The word is mealy

He said bingo bongo ahhhhhh steven univers reference

When the apple is soft I call it an apple because that is what it is

i call it a soft apple

ive always said mushy

The apples soft

Love you Mith Mith

i say its not good

The Beard is a way off life

Your beard is what I mastrubate to daddy #creepymofo

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