Sustainable Cooling for a Post Pandemic Digital World

Sustainable Cooling for a Post Pandemic Digital World

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protocol activities in this country the montreal protocol to which this country is signatory these were the phase out of gas is damaging to the ozone layer this collaboration led to trinarantobago being granted approval for the largest ever grand funded project under the jeff the overall goal of this four year project is to create a sustained market change towards the adoption of low carbon rock technologies in trinidad tobacco which will deliver multiple benefits at the local regional and global levels it will also assist the country in achieving their sustainable development goals in particular those related to climate change and ensuring and affordable reliable and sustainable energy you can find out more about this project on the several social media platforms such as facebook and instagram using the handle energy efficiency in rack project as well as on the blog sites for the national ozone unit by searching national ozone unit in tobago so welcome once again and i now have the pleasure of passing it over to the moderator for today's session mr anthem simon who's a project manager for this project handsome you have the flow thank you dr gory um my name is anselm simon i'm the project manager for the energy efficiency project energy facility true look up on technologies in the iraq sector it's my pleasure to be the moderator today for such a very interesting topic of sustainable cooling for a post-pandemic digital world i'd like to yield the floor to ms nira singh project manager for the montreal protocol projects to give a formal welcome and she would then pass past tyrion's to mr ronaldo mohammed jaleel who would be your speaker today thank you thanks anselm and thanks dr gauri so hi um welcome everyone i'm happy to be here and i'm happy so many people have logged on so world refrigeration d celebrates the people and the technologies responsible for creating and maintaining the world that we live in a world that is dependent upon temperature controlled environments dented around june 26 every year world refrigeration d is supported globally by industry professionals scientific and engineering associations governments and individuals the campaign for this year 2021 is entitled cooling champions cool careers for a better world and focuses on careers in the refrigeration air conditioning and heat pumps industry refrigeration is at the very heart of modern life more than 15 million people are employed worldwide in the refrigeration sector the total number of refrigeration air conditioning and heat pump systems in operation worldwide is around 5 billion those systems provide the conditions we require for health comfort worker productivity manufacturing and essential environments for our food or pharmaceuticals and digital detail we recognize the dedicated professionals who design build maintain and regulate these systems as well as educate a new generation of practitioners to complete our webinar series for the month of june today we present sustainable cooling in a post-pandemic digital world where we delve into energy efficiency with precision cooling technologies our two presenters mr anselm simon who you met earlier who is the national project coordinator in trinidad tobago he holds a master's degree in industrial and innovation entrepreneurship and management as well as a bachelor's degree in chemistry and analytical chemistry ansem has more than 10 years working experience in the areas of quality assurance and control project management business process re-engineering process improvement and entrepreneurship our other moderator and presenter mr ronaldo julio is an energy efficiency and renewable energy professional with over seven years experience as a project manager and consultant for the development of sustainable energy projects he has developed resources in energy efficiency and renewable energy to impart to persons the economic benefits of identifying potential energy saving opportunities and implement strategies to reduce energy uses he works to minimize costs reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve business performance ronaldo is always working always willing to work toward a greener and more economically sustainable future for trinidad and and the wider caribbean so i'll pass it over now to mr ronaldo julio to begin his presentation good day everyone and thank you and thank you for attending today so to come in coming marital world refrigeration day and reflecting on these pandemic times you're facing i thought this would be the best time to highlight how sustainable cooling actually affects our increased reliance on digital technology these days so to begin with yes um yeah for years uh we've been seeing that the digital transformation has been taking place all over the world with growing use of computers cloud services and the internet for example you know um our virtual work meetings working from home remotely um online banking and bill payments online shopping netflix etc and all this has been accelerated by the um by the copen19 pandemic so information communications technology also referred to as ict is actually becoming um is one of the hot topics in today's business world becoming an increasingly strategic business factor for smooth operations and productivity and data centers or you know server rooms ig rooms whatever you could call it um actually consider the backbone of any organization these days for networking and managing and storing data so if um so let's say if if data centers server rooms etc are the backbone of any of today's um digital world then the cooling systems for these electronic ict of equipment are actually what are keeping an organization's heart beating um electro electronic icd systems are responsible for five to ten percent of the world's electricity consumption where a significant portion of this is actually for cooling these systems and this is that this um is a lot considering everything else in the world that needs electricity this is a lot of consumption so then failing to provide proper cooling over these expensive systems can actually result in you know costly malfunctions and and break breakdowns you know this could be detrimental to any organization and um you know disrupt productivity i mean think about this um i mean how how many people have been inconvenienced at work or personal lives or whatever because the internet went went down so yeah so that that trivial effects could be huge so these days um you know rising data consumption and electricity costs will wire driving the need for more energy efficient and sustainable cooling for electronic ict equipment so why do why do electronic systems need cooling well this graphic i did shows the simplest terms how servers use electricity to operate and process data and produce information to center on whatever device you're using for the internet with these pandemic times most most of us would be you know on board stuck at home if if not for the internet so remember that every time you use on the internet for let's say for work or even for personal things like searching for a new recipe or watching a youtube video remember that there are servers somewhere running 24 7 pulling electricity to make all this possible for you so the real question is what happens to all this electricity when um when the servers are done with it well according to the uh the first law of energy energy is neither created or destroyed it can only be changed from one form to another so let's say um so this most of the majority of this electric electrical energy becomes heat energy and so and if this is not um cool then then this could just result in you know serious consequences for this equipment here um so let me give you a little example think of the on your laptop computer um if let's say you're running a lot of programs but yeah put your hand behind it and you'll feel the amount of heat coming out and that's just seeing a little bit your laptop alone so consider a large server that's about the size of a person and many of them imagine how much each heat energy would be produced there and you can see what i mean process and data takes a takes a lot of electricity which produces a lot of heat and this heat needs to be cool um problems with unsustainable cooling well the main causes of malfunction breakdown of these ict systems are like overheating or heat spike damage you know high humidity humidity meaning on the amount of water vapor moisture in the air and of course this will cause moisture damage sometimes sometimes they might have a little humidity if we have too much too much cooling too much air conditioning um this could dry or dry out the air and could cause like static electricity to to build static electricity might sound so like something um to play with or whatever but for electronic equipment it could be pretty um damaging and then last but not least some particulate matter like dust and dirt and build up on all these things these are main causes of malfunction for these ict systems um apart apart from direct damage there's also improper cooling could cause certain environmental issues as well um air conditioning systems use refrigerant gases which if um if the systems break down these these gases could be released into the air um could contribute into the global warming effect and climate change and not only refrigerant gases but but at the majority of the world's electricity is still produced by the combustion of fossil fuels so the more electricity usage means the more carbon dioxide emissions which also add to mainly to global warming and climate change so um before before we get into sustainable cooling it's really important to understand heat energy itself what is heat energy so there are actually two types of heat energy you should understand there's sensible heat or real heat dry heat this is what um causes the increase of temperature in the air this is the heat you generally would generally feel generated from any heat source from sunlight electronics even people people themselves give off sensible heat then there's a second type of heat not too well known it's called latent heat it's it's a kind of hidden heat because um it doesn't cause any kind of increase in temperature or anything but it's a heat that's involved in the phase change between water water and liquid droplets in the air around you um so and if so think about if you have a complaint about humidity this is not the heat it's the humidity you're actually complaining about um the latent heat content contained within the humidity on a rainy day you would especially feel this latent heat so and just know the cooling capacity of any air conditioned system is actually a measure of how much of both sensible heat and weight and heat can be can be removed from a space so think of two scenarios in a general office and and then in a compute in a computer like the iit rooms in in a in a business organization's um in a general office you would have mostly people and yeah yes people give off sensible heat but um also people sweat people on our bodies natural cooling system is is for water to um water but to be leaving our bodies constantly so with any room with people in it humidity will increase and therefore you need both sensible heat and elite and heat cooling for those type of rooms now consider an i.t room first of all people are not really supposed to be inside those rooms except for um id stuff but because those rooms contain of course the servers which contain your organization's senses important sensitive data so people are not supposed to be in that room in the first place there's just the electronic equipment to iron that room and machines don't sweat um so i mean you have very little need for latent heat cooling however they do give off quite a remember people people our source of energy is food and our bodies produce heat as a result machines on the other hand they they their source of energy is electricity and then they got a lot of heat energy being produced so the amount of um the heat the heat cooled the cooling requirement for like a a space with just people in it it's very little compared to um a room where to equip electronic equipment in it it would have a much higher need for cooling right and it's mostly sensible heat cooling as needed so to understand this difference between sensible heat and weight and heat there are actually two categories of cooling you could say you could save all cooling systems you could put into in two main categories comfort cooling which is what we're us as people we're used to dealing with every day this is a condition system designed specifically for human beings designed you know to perceive as pleasant for people so these are the normal air conditions the air conditioning units the ones in your home the one in your workplace all right um no precision cooling only had a hand these are this is cooling that's specifically designed for electronic ict equipment they designed this to speed very high heat loads and maintain cleanliness as well as um regulate environmental conditions what i mean by environmental conditions is precise um temperature and humidity parameter essential you know optimal operation of the electronic equipment so so um right then that's this is why we say maintain precise temperature and humidity that's where the name precision cooling comes from human beings don't really need those those um precise parameters you know our bodies where we're warm blooded creatures so um our bodies could take it could take um fluctuating temperatures and and humidity but um electronic equipment you can't say the same for that so these are just some pictures of what precision cooling systems look like um remember my example i told you with a laptop computer it usually blows heat from from the outside and has another vent somewhere on your laptop to allow cooler air to come in same thing with service um you'll see some heat comes out comes uncool the cold air comes in the front comes out the back so usually in a silver room you'll have like cold and hot and hot aisles and so um precision cooling systems um crack pains on sea computer room air conditioning so that they're designed and oriented in such a way to they know provide cooling to this with these cold and hot aisles that you would find in um silver room this is another example of how they how they look like in real life precision cooling systems um for any air conditioning company or any any technician listening i mean do these precision cooling systems air conditioning systems are not very really not so different from the normal air conditioning systems they're used they contain the same kind of components condenser compressor evaporator they just said they contain additional components as well um like controls and sensors and even even a humid humidifier as well that is that is so that um it could keep temperature and humidity within a certain range not to go too high to or too low um there's there's a computer room air conditioning unit there's also a computer room air handler which is like like a normal air handling unit in buildings that use on chill water systems that receive chilled water to cool certain certain rooms all right then um so precision cooling um versus compass is comfort cooling for electronics and on ict environments so these precision air conditioners remember the computer room has a much higher heat load than than what people would um people would need human beings would need so these are designed for very high sensible heat cooling because there's not much need for latent heat cooling um you know precise to humidity and temp and um temperature control high humidity of course can cause um you know moisture damage um is what is i should let you know that um air conditioned air conditioning naturally dehumidifies a room okay but um if you're not getting proper cooling there then you won't get enough dehumidification right especially in a tropical country like ours where humidity is like 80 to 100 on on average or outdoor humidity i mean is necessary to have proper air conditioning to reduce that to those humidity levels now sometimes humidity can go too low and this could result in like i say normally electrostatic distress static electricity to build up and um and when this happened precision cooling systems actually have humidifiers built into like release uh like a water mist or so that could help add a humidity to the air because remember these systems don't sweat anything like people do so you need some kind of system to add humidity to the air in case humidity goes gets too low as well as um high efficiency filters something to deal with um you know duster dust and dirt particles as well and one thing that's also important to note is that uh did the manufacturers of these are electronic ict equipment they they specify that um these equipment must be operated within specific temperature and humidity ranges or else the consumer avoids their warranty if malfunction happens and you the consumer cannot prove and prove to them that you operated this equipment within the yes their specified temperature range and humidity range and stuff they were not on a warranty at all they would say it's not it's not their fault the equipment malfunction so energy efficiency i mean when we look at all these things we can see that um precision include when it comes to electronics and ict equipment um precision cooling is the more energy efficient option because here's the thing on these these silver rooms they run 24 hours a day seven days a week uh through throughout the throughout the year um they have built-in redundancy and um you know um like i say they operate non-stop whereas in the traditional comfort cooling systems we're accustomed to they're only actually designed for eight to twelve hours because people don't need human beings don't need on 24 hour um air conditioning we need to go outside and get some sunlight once in a while so and the rule of thumb is that um um it takes like three tons of comfort cooling capacity to actually do the same same job as two tons of precision cooling capacity for these um electronic rooms um so it personally therefore more efficient and then and customers would have to buy more comfort cooling capacity to do the same job as the precision air conditioning systems so precision cooling systems you know they are generally more expensive than the nutritional traditional cooling system they're talking about specialized equipment versus commodity equipment here i mean i mean of course positioning will be much more expensive however when you look it up to looking towards procurement pay for your organization the long-term financial benefits offered can actually make up for this higher purchase cost because um if you look at reduced energy costs reduce maintenance and repairs you know remember um comfort cooling systems were not designed for this this amount of cooling so they would break down faster you might need to replace them faster all these long long term operational maintenance costs could actually add up okay so um applicable areas of precision cooling there there are many um data centers manufacturing environments you can see how much the world is advancing we're done with computer technology hospitals monitoring rooms tests and labs there's so many applicable areas all right i'm not um and you know this because of this croton and ict throughout the world um even new and newer cooling technologies are starting to emerge like liquid cooling where you have coils of a liquid coolant wrapped wrapped around the surface to maintain cooling and immersion cooling where the weather equipment is is um submerged in a kind of gel um i can't say much these are very very new technologies who knows how they would evolve in the future for all we know these technologies might even replace precision cooling someday but precision cooling has been around for for um almost uh like almost a few decades now um and you know it's still even despite that it's still considered a very niche area of the overall air conditioning um refrigeration sector so that the average consumer isn't unfamiliar about what precision cooling is we have a comfort when we wear we are accustomed to comfort cooling systems we think that might be the only type of air conditioning system out there but um there is there like i said there are air conditioning systems specifically for electronics um whereas comfort cooling is for human beings um or organizations with like 20 and let's say we're trying the employees in uber will likely have at least one silver room in their building um and you know technicians um to need specialized training to actually work on precision cooling system because of the added components such as control sensors and hue and humidifiers and um i mean it is a necessity in large data center applications such as so let's say like banks and telecom companies they can't you know um play around with that and i think they can install comfort cooling systems there um that could cause serious serious losses for them um five serious financial losses for them um so that's why israel is considered a niche area because these precision clear systems are usually uh marketed towards organizations like like banks and telecom companies however there are a lot of smaller organizations that tend to choose comfort cooling over precision cooling because of the you know their familiarity and with comfortable and lower procurement costs are commodity comfort cooling systems or commodity so in pandemic times the afghan standard organization will tend to be very frugal with their spending even though the use of digital technologies significant will significantly increase the continuity operations and the use of com um comfort cooling for these electronic environments will strain the systems resulting in you know long-term excessive energy in maintenance repair replacement costs for the organization so well you need to look at it from a long-term perspective not just the short-term perspective where you see okay lower pokemon cost twitter i'm comfortable let's let's go with that you know um you know you need to take into account what um what the future implications would be in terms of costs um this is just an example that it happens to even the largest organization this is it was an article um for microsoft they experienced heat spikes in their data centers and we talked about microsoft here one of the did um the computer giants in the world one of the biggest computer giants and they would of course have the most sophisticated cooling technologies for their systems and still um they had to they had to experience their experience he'd spike something sometimes too so this is just to show that you don't think your little organization wouldn't um wouldn't end up having to to um you know suffer the same fate um right so yeah if it could happen to large organizations like like a microsoft it could happen to your small organization as well all it takes is from like let's say you're upgrading upgrading the software you have you create your database a lot of you all you have a lot of traffic on on your on your internet um for a particular day or you're doing some for company you must be um installing a new enterprise resource management software whatever all it takes is the result things to cause heat spikes and then damage your equipment you know as well as the cooling systems as well so yes it could happen to your small organization um without even realizing it and it costs you have to you know put the cost to repair and replace so in summary this will say the kobe 19 pandemic has accelerated digital growth in businesses or organizations many factors contribute to the damage of you know ict equipment like overheating high and low humidity and airborne particles um sustainable cooling you know results in high electricity maintenance repair costs as well as the environmental detriment of having a higher carbon footprint and what organizations need to be made aware of is that long-term cost benefits of um you know choosing precision cooling over comfort coolant for these id ict systems can can make up for you know the high purchase the high initial purchase cost and today um i d i ct infrastructure and business is more important to the organization than ever before i'm talking about um you know not not just not just banks and telecom companies or global government agencies small um you know small businesses with over 20 employees hospitals um you know monitoring applications uh manufacturing facilities things like that yeah no um eventually um you know um the growth their dependence on ict and should be so high that they will no longer be able to target the costly issues based on comfort clone is used instead and require the question i would leave leave everyone which is should position could still be considered just a nation erc technology or should demand grow in response to the growth of ict in in today's business world when i say should i basically consider niche should only the banks and telecom com companies that they only use precision cooling only those large data organizations or with the growth of ict should we look to these other industries as well and um because the ground ict is growing and we need we need sustainable cooling um solutions to also grow with it as well um that way we could achieve our sustainable development goals um when i say all these things affordable energy industry innovation climate action the reason i say this one no poverty is because um um create greater demand for in the precision cooling part of the area of the refrigeration air conditioners that could help could be more more more job opportunities and more um more more business opportunities for organizations and um technicians you know people who work in in the in refrigeration and air conditioning sector as well so yeah so i'm supporting supporting you know sustainable um cooling technologies such as precision cooling and maybe the others um like liquid cooling and emotion cooling in the future as well all these things could go a long way into to helping um countries like trinidad tobago and the rest of caribbean achieve their sustainable development goals all right um there's some references here for my information i've got and um thank you for listening um i hope i hope you know the well what a share today was um what would help you you know um see let's see that's that's how i mean we've seen with the pandemical our reliance on digital technology on on the internet and everything has hasn't has and has increased and coming in as soon as i guess everybody gets vaccinated and whatever coming in coming close to all postpartum returns even though a lot of things might go back to normal i could tell you that one thing that would not go back to normal would be our increased reliance on on internet technology so thank you for listening and you know i'm happy to answer any questions you know thank you very much for me for such an insightful presentation insightful and timely you know given up on it new normal on context and the heavy utilization of technology for meetings for webinars you know the increasing utilization of id resources for even entertainment i know you mentioned platforms like netflix amazon and playstation you know with a lot of people working from home etc i know that these platforms would be heavily taxed during this time you know we also appreciate the fact that you would have covered things like you know um causes of malfunctions and computers and silver systems and tied it all into one sustainable heating and also the un sustainable development goals right so at this point in time i'd get right into the questions all right the first one is could you reiterate the differences between sensible and latent heat and how it affects sustainable cooling um sensible and latent heat think of sensible heat as the actual heat you're feeling maybe right now and it will go outside that's the heat in the in the air itself and that's the normal that's what we call the really the normal kind of heat you feel um right as a heat that's produced by a body produced by the sun that's a real heat now um and yes our bodies also produce sensible heat as well latent heat is just um right well you know what there's there's actually water vapor or in the air around us um and and if you remember from back in like secondary school days you would remember that um sometimes it's like when you when you're when you're boiling when you're heating up water at a point where it reaches 100 degrees celsius the thermometer stops um increasing and then um well why the happenings and then you'll see a phase change like between liquid water to the water vapor um that's that's because latent heat is being absorbed that i'm that heat being absorbed to cause that phase change between liquid and vapor that's what you call um that's yeah that's what that's what you call latent heat so like i say um from it is water vapor around this con and it's always constantly changing between vapor and and and liquid droplets um you all you all have heard um like one of the ways called with 19 spreads is by water droplets in the air right and yeah this is our example right there um um you know there are water droplets in the air around us there's always changing between liquid and vapor um is does happen a very microscopic level so we don't really see it and then and in the in that phase change is latent heat you'll feel it and heat when a lot of people are in in a room he's sweating and releasing water vapor so feel it on a rainy day especially like someone tells it's not it's not a heat that bothering us the humidity right um was actually the way that he contained contain and humidity that's what has bothered you so much so like i say people people need both sensible heat and weight and keep cooling you know but um electronic systems do not all they need is really sensible heat heat cooling mostly maybe a tiny little bit elite and heat cooling but mostly sensible heat mostly sensible heat cooling electronic booms would need um does that help all right thank you very much for the response um we have another question coming in in the question and answer section can you share any experiences with renewable energy technologies in precision cooling um i can't i can't say if you're honest i mean i can tell you that there are not many companies in trinidad that really deal specifically with um with precision cooling and trend on tobago that's like well that's like one or two companies that i could have actually identified when i was looking around and um like i said i don't think um most people even know know that uh most likely the general public already know this technology exists and also it is considered a niche technology because when i say only a certain is only a client of telford mostly like um like like i say banks i mean with their heavy amount of data usage on their idea they have you know data centers they have data warehouses and those need serious proper proper cooling systems so that um precision cooling is not really um um known you're not way too familiar with a lot of people and hence that's why a lot of organizations would after choosing um you know comfort cooling systems to cool like their small server room something instead of considering um these precision closed systems remember their person who's a lot more expensive but it's also the better decision to make when it um when you're looking at it from a long-term financial perspective it has to have taken the initial procurement into into consideration you're taking on you're talking about um you're looking into the future like within a five to ten year period all the all the maintenance and repair cost of both the ict systems and the and maintaining the the comfort cooling systems as well because you'll notice those will be a lot harder it'll be a lot higher than if you were to use precision cooling um so in the glasgow renewable energy tell um i have never heard of any um use of combined renewable energy i mean this is you know i mean it's already difficult to use like renewable energy systems to like power um small small comfort cooling air conditioning systems already and the heat local precision cooling is much is usually much needed it is much so i higher really say anything about really renewable energy to be honest thank you and i appreciate your response one of the other questions coming in is from our actual econ is from an economic standpoint do you think the economic situation due to covered would affect the uptick of this approach to cooler um i i can't i don't know but i would i would like to see an uptick in these cooling solutions that this actually would have one of the reason why i'm doing this webinar in the first place because yes i think i mean the uptake of digital technology especially due to the pandemic um yes yes it um it's if you're seeing a major shift right um when it comes to what is considered a sustainable cooling technology i mean for your personal i'm a procedure who has been around for years now but because comfort cooling systems have always been a cheaper option um the cheaper initial purchasing option and you know that's that is why um most organizations tend to go with normal air conditioner comfort air conditioners i think that's to cool their their like their server rooms and their id rooms um you know but um yeah with the rise of um our increased reliance on on on digital technology now would mean it would mean a lot you know a growth in the ict sector um more procurement of these of of ict equipment because you know businesses are transforming they're going more online now i mean what used to be considered traditional marketing is now social media marketing people communicate keep large databases so yes i ict is growing and i i think um you know sustainable cooling solutions like precision cooling should also grow in demand with it as well with this growth in ict um well i think i think what what is the the main thing is that um people are aware of the differences between these two two cooling technologies one is for human beings one is for electronics and and then i know that on the long term um when you take into account long-term financial losses when it comes to repairs and maintenance of the cooling systems and the ict systems as well then you could if you look at it from a long term rather than the short term low cost of comfort cooling you would realize that precision could be a better solution i hope that helps just to get people more and more aware of this thanks once again one of the other questions coming in is based on one of the slides where you would have mentioned that um the system is used for comfort cooling and also precision cooling are similar how so and what are the similarities similarities uh uh like um it is the same components it is made up of any comfort air conditioner um the four main components are the evaporator condenser compressor and expansion valve and it's the same same mechanism as cooling as well refrigerant gas circulates absorbs heat on evaporator sides and release that heat outside on the condenser side it's really the same exact thing what what makes specifically different is the additional components which are availability built-in controls and sensors because i mean to make um maintenance easier because these some of these systems have to run 24 7. so we need like redundancy and things like that in order to maintain what um do maintenance on one section while the other section is it still remains turned on and then alternate between the two um so there's redundancy then there's humidifiers remember if um yeah you can't have too too too low humidity or some static electricity and come into play there and so you need to have built-in humidifiers to release water water mist into the air in case humidity drops a little too low um so yeah there's the humidifier there's the additional controls and sensors and all that that that's what makes the precision cooling zone cooling systems really different otherwise they're not component wise they're not really different compared to comfort cooling systems another question coming in precision cooling uses essentially controls to manage the amount of energy being utilized are there any additional measures that are used to control the energy expended by the silver room and also how could this type of controls be applied to comfort cooling um one thing control systems are expensive and remember comfort cooling systems are supposed to supposed to be commodity items so i mean um there's nothing stopping stopping manufacturers from putting like more advanced controls control systems and things in there in their normal air condition units that we buy but that'll just increase the price price too higher and that's all supply and demand um so but yeah uh um precision cooling um what was the question again in regards to controls for that yes um so precision um cooling utilizes a lot of controls to manage the amount of energy being expended and utilized and manage the temperature in the room um how could this be applied to comfort cooling well yeah like i said it could be easily applied but manufacturers won't do that because that would increase the cost of your yeah yeah i can do like your home recognition unit when you want to pay twice the price for an air conditioning unit well of course not so um that's why it's only like basically controls and and things like that you would find it you know in these commodity air condition air conditioners comfort comfort air conditioners and control systems really will get us as extra hardware um adding to the technology and extra hardware always comes with extra cost and yeah understood so even though it's feasible for the scale at which um precision cooling is utilized um it isn't as feasible for comfort cooling which is on a much smaller scale you know if you're looking at a tongue fine if they were there in terms of cost yeah it wouldn't be so feasible okay while we on well on the topic of comfort cooling one of the participants is asking how could renewable energy be applied to comfort cooling well i mean you notice these days they have like solar air conditioning units so um so it's all about air conditioning units so yeah there's a lot of there's a lot um do you know what a renewable energy industry is is doing to you know be able to provide energy to that to on our small comforter air conditioning systems i mean the larger the energy energy load is though is the larger the renewable energy the more solar panels they need or wind energy and things like that so i mean i guess it all depends on costs and and the scale of the system and well yeah that's all clearly okay so we also we have a question from a young investor as a young investor looking to diversify what type of precision cooling system would you recommend for an at-home crypto mining system would ask me more about bitcoin thing yeah anybody who does crypto mining they definitely use up a lot of processing power on there on their computers um like i um well i know like this from from what i've seen from looking at the companies here in trinidad tobago who offer precision cooling um i see like the smaller systems they offer is like um three three ton um to five to five tons of air conditioning or so it's it'll be up to you to like check to check the the one of these um companies um i mean for something like crypto mining and if you have a lot of a lot of computers running it um yeah that you definitely need some serious cooling for that or either that way or just buy a very powerful um a very comfort cooling air conditioner but i mean i would really recommend that you could you could try looking at to see um what what precision cooling solutions are available locally um even if it's small small like three done to fight on or so and maybe that would helped with that otherwise i'm not i don't really know too much about krypto miners no ideas one is it's a large energy gaza and it will produce definitely produce a lot of heat which could damage your systems liam maybe a position to definitely look look into it but yeah what you should do is yeah talk to find a company talk to and see what what's on coolant solution what precision coolant solution they would have to offer for the ferrari okay all right thank you very much for your input um i'm just gonna give um one more minute to see if any other questions come in but um while we discussing the the topic of precision cooling you'd have mentioned things like um dust particles um humidity moisture development does affect does affect the functionality of these civils in these types of environments could you um expand on this a little um well yeah come um okay well something was wasted on these ict systems good girl malfunction remember all these all these offices so what servers do all they do is just stand up still there they don't really have much movement parts and then fans and stuff um they just stand up still processing data 24 7. so um without without proper

cooling um without proper cooling system in place you know you would find a lot of heat spikes over he didn't have happening quite often all right i'm trying in trinidad we we uh we live in a very high in trinidad tobago is a very high humidity um um a country so that if we need echo we need the space for for these servers need to be air conditioned in order to reduce that humidity oils you could have like water vapor moisture and then get them into the electronics and rust resting up everything and you know um all that and then but you have to also be aware that um if you if you're too much cooling the humidity would drop too low and when you have dry air you know it's static electricity can can build can kind of can build up as well as the dusk or dust dust getting into and anything like dust and dirt and sand maybe even sea salt if your building is located near the nether and there to see um if these things get into your electronic systems i mean it caused a lot of um damage to damage if i'm already with electrical electronics here you know if you're if your cell phone falls into the water wouldn't it um when did um give give problems to worker and you have to take it to repair um any you know any any little thing happening to your cell phone could um you know cause it to malfunction um these servers i think are just like not just giant versions of your big much bigger versions of your computer than your laptops and your cell phones basically so yeah okay thank you once again for on a a very interesting explanation and yesterday that you answered the question at this time i'd like to take the opportunity on behalf of the united nations development program the global environmental facility and the government of trinidad and tobago through the ministry of planning and development to thank you mr muhammad jalil for taking of your time to lend your expertise and share your knowledge with us in this third installment webinar um in celebration of wool refrigeration the sustainable cooling for post pandemic digital world i'd also like to take the opportunity to thank the national ozone unit the project management unit and you our audience for participating and engaging with us through the question and answer session making the session even that more valuable as mentioned in the opening to have information related to 1d project and also the recordings of not only this session but the other two previous sessions stay tuned to all our facebook and other social media platforms including youtube so once again on behalf of the project management unit i'd like to say thank you very much for tuning in

2021-08-06 23:15

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