Should You Really Shower Every Day? (Agree To Disagree)

Should You Really Shower Every Day? (Agree To Disagree)

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i wash my hair every single day i i'm good i'm like i don't what the what oh my god are you serious did you not go through the pandemic welcome ladies and gentlemen and non-binary friends to agree to disagree today we will be listening to some crazily controversial statements read by our very own garretts [Music] power garage a shotgun mic that's pretty cool garrett will be reading a statement and we have three seconds to stand still think while standing on this line and go to either the disagree or the agree side after we see how everything plays out we're gonna get to sort of voice our opinions debate you know we'll pick our battles but we get to you know you get to see the nitty-gritty of our brains and why we think the things we do and then maybe someone will change sides yada yada yada it's a grand old time but speaking of things being around your screen on different sides why don't you click that notification bell and punch that subscription button wow so make sure you don't don't forget us yeah yeah uh be sure to subscription the farther you are forward is the more strong opinion that you have so here i super disagree but back where tommy is we we kind of disagree sorry we're talking back where tommy is let's get started we should abolish the penny three two one well you feel strongly about that olivia got a big penny hater right here all right yeah yeah [Applause] yeah you heard me the pity it what do you have to say amanda petty well i have to say that the penny is a fun little token of my appreciation to a nice little ice cream shop man when i leave and i love the little plastic box that says leave a penny take a penny because it makes me feel like i'm a part of the community let's start just rounding it like let's start let's just simplify it so because because if if the small percent can exist then you need a physical thing of that but let's just start rounding it and i think and i think we can all agree that this that this place doesn't truly actually exist but there's a place called canada that did abolish their their one cent uh coin but that place is an imaginary place it doesn't exist yeah yeah that's true yes um i you really you you almost made me go on the disagree uh section but i think if let's say something would be 51 cents we can round it down to 50. you know like um um uh penny loafers are super stupid yeah penny loafer it's okay to clap when the plane lands three two one what the heck dude i think you and i have a lot to agree on olivia hear me out usually in life when you're surrounded by a crowd of people you don't know their circumstances you don't know their personality you don't know what you're dealing with i like it when people tell me that they're an right away so i want to know who's clapping when the plane lands so i can point them out and be like you you you i'm not interacting with you i was gonna say it's it's okay to clap but you're just a huge dork for it like you're just a huge door tons of planes have gone down big time let's let's clap for our lives turkey are you scared you clap every time you just drive something what i was gonna say sometimes hands on the wheel amanda you clap every time you eat peanuts you're like i didn't choke i don't eat peanuts okay clapping is like clapping is like equivalent to calling in a radio stations like super but you can win tons of money and tickets i know but like why like why do you feel so self-important enough to clap and make a loud sound in a public place because you're from wisconsin right i feel like that's the only explanation but like i just think that like just don't do it i think i think a more appropriate time to clap is when the plane takes off because that's the miracle of flight that we're witnessing that's right that's incredible we should all be clapping when the plane is in the air crazy the pros of social media outweigh the cons three two one ah oh my god i i think i think social media was a great idea in the beginning and we just don't deserve it anymore i think it's pretty equal because the it's such a powerful technology that can be used for such good but it's inevitably going to be taken advantage of and used for equal amount of bad and manipulation and stuff but i don't think social media is evil i just think it's i think it's evenly split for the most part but i can't make that call it's too complicated what shane said uh at olivia sway follow me on everything i learn a lot on social media yeah social media is what you make it and all over the world it has been used for uh information gathering and the spread of information that's very important it's been like very instrumental in like saving lives or having people sort of like wake up and realize like a bad situation they're in obviously it has been used for the negative of that same coin as well but i think i think the pros do outweigh the cons and it's like it's a new tool and we're trying to figure out how to use it we're all just animals that learn how to use fire and we haven't learned that maybe you should keep it on a candle for a minute as opposed to burning down a building exactly there's another pro we got jobs right now yep cats are better pets than dogs three two one here's the thing dogs are great yeah but dogs stinky no so are cats i mean not i have to go do something for it no and i would rather have something just not listen to me than sometimes listen to me and then cause frustration however danny is exempt from this opinion because he's barely a dog exactly yeah barely a dog cats have to uh their trust has to be earned it is very rare that a cat will immediately go to you and love you in the same way that dog is like stoked to see you so i understand 100 the desire to say that dogs are better and i also love dogs i love animals you know just in general um but i think cats are so uh perfectly easy to make easy to maintain it's easy to keep them healthy and happy with less resources they handle themselves a lot better and i generally don't have to worry about uh taking like an hour and a half out of my day to bring my cat to a park so i can scream at other cats while other people don't have their cats on leashes and then i go not friendly not friendly and then it's a whole thing with carrots but but dogs are so incredible how can we say no to them they're so loyal if you get lost in the woods that dog will stay with you until you are found cats peace i'm out i grew up watching cat dog on nickelodeon i like the dog side oh and vote her for vice president that's great please vote for me um yeah and i have my dog grizzy i love grizzy so much um cats i don't really i never had one i think because you're too closely related to a cat that might be really am i like do i have cat energy yeah yeah i will say i will i do take umbrage to your your line uh tommy about uh dogs being stinky have you ever gone into okay have you gone into a dog person's house and went oh this place stinks yeah have you no how many times have you gone into a cat person's house and went oh this person has cats yeah i will say if a cat pees on something it's done forever my dog smells really really she smells like grape i'd survive a zombie apocalypse three two one yeah and i agree with important things absolutely can i just point something out real quick first two people to die the more confident you are about a zombie apocalypse the less well you're going to do that's a lot of danger you got to be scared the whole time and really taking shelter um and also i wouldn't want to i wouldn't want what's the point like what's the point what are you living for i'd just be like all right let's go like you don't have a choice well because like you absolutely like cause like then like the like the people would be gone and you just go to the bank you get all the money from the bank i can't even really eat a toasted ciabatta sandwich without scraping the top of my mouth that's true so like surviving this is crazy i can't even eat like vinegar chips without getting the sides of my mouth like raw so this is like you're not built for this i'm not built for this world yeah um i feel like i would try to survive for a week just for fun see what it's like and then i'd look into the sea of zombie people and jump in like an ocean yes hoping that i turn into the the one i am legend zombie that's like this yeah one's really scary because it's so scary it's so scary that would be cool that's the one yeah nobody's ever made me want to watch i am legend until just now you should tip when you order food for pickup three two oh my [Laughter] what i'm getting confused with is i saw a tweet that was very accurate it's like when you go to pay for something and they have one of those electric screen things like you're about to tip for something you never tip for before this technology it's always really high made its way yeah it's like oh i now tip for coffee i now tip for literally every single thing now i'm finding myself tipping not when i pick up food when i pick up food that makes that's different um i think i'm confused because i tip in the app so i'm not going there and like yeah but the coffee place the coffee place by me they added a seven percent service charge and then you still get the tipping screen but they're working constantly and non-stop and they're working a lot of hours and that is very sneaky but honestly it's really sneaky tips they didn't used to have that they didn't use that i agree but you know what covid was tough i like going to movie theaters alone three two one sorry yeah big fan i don't i don't do it very i don't do it very much but the the couple times that i've gone has been a it's been a very very different experience i love it i love it it's my favorite way too much it's so good you can really enjoy the movie and like just do your own thing because when the when you're here they are amc theaters i i i love it even though i've experienced a strange phenomena uh i would see movies all the time at the arclight which is no longer around but at movie theaters where you reserve a seat and i would show up and i wouldn't reserve a seat online i would show up and i would reserve a seat ten minutes before the movie so i could be like okay i'm gonna sit completely alone on this row with nobody yeah yeah and i would go and i sit down and this happened three or four times i know at least three times where i would sit down and then one other person would walk in and sit directly next to me and it ruined that makes me hate seeing yeah because i'm no longer seeing a movie alone and what are you thinking over there i just you know i like to i think movies are a communal experience and i like being around people and i guess i don't really have a choice because i'm always in the movies no i'm just kidding i've never been to the movies alone and i don't want to that sounds spooky and hard let's send damian to the theater [Music] re-gifting something is totally fine three two one oh that's hard okay i have something to say oh uh my mother re-gifts everything oh so i i used to always be like why do you do that why do you do that and she said well i think maybe this person will like it more than i do i'm like oh okay cool so then i always just like grew up with this mentality where i'm like i like i don't know i i'm like sometimes i'm like do i really need this candle or this my friend might appreciate it even more than me or like a necklace that i get gifted like oh maybe like my mom will like it more than me so that's how i feel i think it's fine to re-gift if a this person will have no way to track it back or b you go i'm re-gifting this i'm not gonna i don't like it maybe you'll like it yeah as long as you're like absolutely straightforward with it or you're aware that it will never be like what the this is a re-gift right yeah what if they like my mom re-gifts everything she re-gifts half-used things to me a lot what like half it's not really a gift and well she's a teacher and she's like it's my student's gift and i'm like this is awful it's a half-eaten apple weird baked goods and oh well so i i feel a little bit bad and i also i would hate someone to feel what i feel when i get a re-gift so they might know that feels really embarrassing see i'm thinking if someone got me like a toaster and i was like oh i already have a toaster so i'll regift this yeah i'm not thinking if someone ate a little bit of a sub sandwich and it was like you want this you're like oh this is a gift i wrapped it for you that's specific i am less likely to do something if someone else tells me to three two one [Laughter] no one told me to do anything hey olivia go over to the agreement just go over to the degree corner no i i always do things i'm like hermione and harry potter someone tells me to do something i'm like absolutely sir and they should all do it too yeah i don't know what this is i'm sure i'll unpack it someday but if i'm like planning a relaxing day for myself where i just do nothing and i'm like i'm gonna have a relaxing day but i talk to my mom for like five minutes and she's like you know what you need you need to have a relaxing day take today make it relaxing i'm gonna be like i'm gonna go to work i'm gonna i'm gonna do it i like i can't it's i don't know what it is but i can't do it it's messed up and i know it i'm here because school school forced me to do what read oh ar books and now my brain has hardwired a toward any book and that's why i'm over here did you love books before that yes me too stolen from me but tommy no one's telling you to read now yeah yeah oh come on it sounds like you read more when someone was telling you to because ever since ever since they stopped you stopped reading but i was stuck in the system that i had to do it hamilton and it's not like everyone's telling me to read but that but i'm like people read and then i'm like oh i need to read i'm so dumb swallowing gum is better than throwing it away bro three two one oh who's yeah for fun i guess i feel like i feel like this is one of those that if we had courtney here she'd be like i swallowed all my i saw oh my god what i don't know i'm just like i haven't shipped for dave my dookie looks like our lisa frank book so true that's awesome thanks man my poops look like kirby that's weird no i would never do that that's gross no i've swallowed gum before but it's never out of like ah this is a good choice that's better than the trash can yeah it's all going to a landfill whether you poop in the trash or you spit it out now but then you take away the joy of sticking it under a desk or sticking it under you're the one or underneath a bar you're the one doing that i love when you reach under a bar to try to find a hook and it's just gum hook come on potatoes are better than rice three two one so stupid just do the dumbest get the out of here what actually because you just not you just remember fries didn't you yes i did oh my gosh oh french fries baby french fries rice rice rice i'll just say this is on my this is per this is my opinion i don't think like you look very cool right now i'm not saying i know this i know it's i know it's phrased as a general statement in general or but i i for me personally in my diet i love rice i eat anything so prove it but potatoes are more of a necessity for me what the heck i never eat a potato i eat sweet potatoes every day you eat potatoes sweet potatoes do slap i eat sweet potatoes literally every day can you eat sweet potato fries over and you're sick well why no i eat french fries when i'm hungover i know when you're sick with the flu you have rice i don't just try this one you have porridge rice literally don't do that i don't personally do that oh my god i i'm sorry i'm just saying if you have like a curry you can't have it with potatoes you gotta have that rice so it's suckable oh you could have potato in curds potatoes stuck up all that juice easily what about what about two now you want tuna and sweet potato i don't like tuna i bet tuna and rice is delicious yeah tuna rice i've had this before yeah i i think rice is overall more versatile and more used worldwide like potatoes are good but you can like find substitutes for potatoes that also work well like yucca yucca is not a potato gecko's nuts it was good very good and you can mash it yeah it tastes good no thank you it's okay to keep a gift from a past relationship three two two one yeah oh yeah oh yeah hell yeah oh yeah okay guys soccer photo sucker i wish i kept more oh oh my god my first boyfriend got me a bible for christmas he's a smart man he made his intentions known [Laughter] height is important to me when dating three two one well hey buddy okay yeah that's what we gotta do it's really hard when you hug someone who's really small and you can if you look in the mirror and your whole chest up is seen i love the baby there's there's a middle school feel protection you don't feel security and you definitely don't feel turned on sorry oh right tommy gets it yeah gay world's different because it's like it kind of can be anything goes but there's there's a height that i don't want and it's too big oh or too small what's too big like a giant person love me a giant i don't want to answer that okay that's right no it's like the gay dynamics are really fun because you can be like you're so little and i'm so big whoa like like that's fun but like this is how it came that's how gay people meet you actually it's a carnival but i don't i'm not don't know how what i'm exactly trying to say it's just like the dynamic works until it doesn't so height is important but there's no specific height that is necessary got it it's a feel feel it out i know it's super important i've never been offended by it being important to other people and i like when i'm scrolling through like dating apps there's so many like if you're under six feet like keep scrolling whatever and i'm like that's fine you are allowed to do that like that but i'm from my perspective i know there's a lot of dudes who don't want to date a woman who's taller than them and i've i've never understood that i don't care i have dated people who are taller than me and it didn't bother me at all i didn't even think about it so yeah yeah people totally did it but whatever whatever floats your boat i don't care wnba hit chain up yep it's okay not to shower every day three two one oh my god yeah i shower like three times a day i wash my hair every single day i i'm good i'm like i don't what the what oh my god are you serious do you not go through the pandemic i i shower i shower because that's where i'm the most calm and it's therapeutic for me and i think about a lot of things in the shower but also like after this after we finish work i'm going to go home and shower so yeah i shower all the time it's my it's the save point it's a respawn point that's great wait i don't get it if you die you you spawn back where you shout where it's your shower why don't you so you guys don't shower every day i do but i'm saying it's okay not to i take bathtubs i don't shower after a tub and i wash my hair once a week even with a bath bomb gross i wash my hair once a week because it's actually better for your hair yeah i do think it's okay for people not to shower every week uh if you're playing magic the gathering well you will know there are days where you don't do you're just sitting around pajamas if you put on deodorant before this scenario you most likely aren't that stinky and you're not even gonna see your boyfriend that night tommy so i'm just gonna sleep in my bed wake up and if tomorrow's another day that i'm not doing guess i didn't shower that's too far for me that's that's too far no i like that no i'm still showering when i'm completely alone and doing nothing all day i still shower because it makes my day better yeah showering is but it's okay if other people don't i don't give a i have a terrible sense of smell oh good to know i work with courtney every day i don't think she's ever showered in her life um sometimes the sequel is better than the original movie three two one sometimes that's important to know star wars shrek star wars i'm sure there's probably others sometimes but most likely it's not two words godfather part three name the bad sequence true okay actually godfather part two is good part two yeah all right it is well no that's a well-known thing i mean greg just said dark knight and i think that's the best oh yeah darkness i've ever seen actually sequels are just so i would actually go so far to say that sequels are usually better but the third is always somehow the worst challenge ever i don't agree with that with shows are we just talking specifically movies i would say movies yeah are you talking seasons yeah oh i wouldn't say this i would say season twos are often very strong a lot of season ones are super weak yeah they're trying to set up the world deeply insecure right now it's okay to disagree it's because you're wrong maybe the next amanda will be better y'all this has been agreed to disagree we're trying it out and we're having fun with it give us a like if you did indeed like this and give us some scenarios that we should maybe debate for the next one of these leave those comments below interact with the videos maybe we'll see it and maybe we'll do it if you like what we do hey subscribe so you don't have to track us down every time we'll come right to your inbox and also there's a video over here what there's a video over here oh my gosh wow between the two videos okay this video is better than that video agree or disagree three two one

2022-05-22 17:56

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