See Thru Engine on New Turbo Got Boost? (Nitromethane & Dyno)
I'm already on Episode, six with this thing and that. Is, pretty unbelievable. Check out. I'm. Going to be picking up where I left off an episode, five because, this thing is just starting to make boost I think, the only thing that we are missing to make more boost is more fuel this is running nitromethane, not, gasoline which. Behaves a little bit differently in a turbocharged, application, so, yeah, let's see if we can make some boosts the only thing I want to change this, time around is the way that it's mounted we're, gonna just take a dolly some, two by fours a base, screw. That all together drill holes into, the concrete floor. And. I, think that's gonna work so I'm gonna be using gravity. As my fuel pump here to overcome, any boost, pressure, that we make during this run this is gonna be my regulation. Orifice, and it's, also going to be a good indicator, of how much boost pressure we're making because, as the boost pressure increases. The fuel flow in that little eyedropper there it is right there is going to slow down so we're all set we, have our nitro, coming, from the fuel tank like before we. Have our extra. Nitro using, it kind of like nitrous, with this valve I'm, gonna start it up on nitro through the carburetor give, it full throttle and, then I'm gonna open this valve right here just, like that and. Then we see the nitro start flowing it's already pouring out of the carburetor. Yeah. It's running I don't know how much power in me but uh I ran. I didn't hear the turbo spool though that run was very uneventful, not, really impressive, it made, four point five horsepower. On turbo, and nitromethane. About. The same as the previous episode. So I'm going to try it one more time see if we could get some more power out of it on this setup but. More importantly, I want to see if we can get some boost out of this turbo. All, right I heard, it starts. Bullying, and probably. Making boost and the, one thing that I forgot to do is install. A boost, gauge I mean how are we gonna see if it's, making boost if there's no a boost gauge. Let's. Run it again see what happens. That. Last run went, pretty, good the. Engine started, making. Some kind of knocking sound, and while. That may not be good and my. Opinion change is always good at least we made some type of progress here and it, made about, 4.4. Horsepower. Not. Really impressive, and the boost gauge was bouncing around just a little bit so, for this next run, I'm, gonna remove the exhaust manifold, completely, because, that is kind of a restriction and, my idea behind making this exhaust manifold, in the first place was. I thought, it would create kind of like a kind. Of flow in. There and. I. Don't know increase the performance but, it may have actually hurt the performance, so let's. Run it without the exhaust manifold, and see. What happens one, thing I want to do before this next run is just check the oil real, fast that's one. Thing I'm curious about. Whoa. What's. That that doesn't look good I, wonder. What that is. Doesn't. Really smell like nitromethane. It just smells like. -. Smells like oil I wonder. If maybe. The piston rings are broken or something I don't know I'm gonna change the oil, run. It again anyway and, yeah. That's. What I'm gonna do. Get. All that metal. All.
Right Cool. I. Heard. The turbo spool for sure that time let's. Look at the high-speed camera, and see if it made boost. I'm. Tired of this setup already I think. The real restriction, now is gonna be the carburetor like everybody said previously, in the comments I'm, gonna remove this carburetor completely. The whole thing, and that is the. Inside of our turbo, it's gonna be full throttle, all the, time and I'm, just gonna spray, the nitromethane. Into, the turbo, and, just kind of listen to it and kind of tune it as we go I mean, theoretically it, should work and yeah. Let's see if it actually works. All. Right ready, to go oh. Just. One more thing. My. Kill switch in case I need to shut this engine off in an, emergency or it runs away or something happens I'm, gonna get this ball and stick it right into the intake of the turbo cut. The air to the engine and yeah. Should, work right I. Got. It all in place it's ready to go my. Kill switch. Mechanical. Fuel injection system. And. Yeah we're ready let's see what happens this is a mechanical. I'm gonna call this mechanical, fuel injection, wide. Open throttle the, sky's the limit let's see what happens. Looks. Like that was the longest, run in, history. Of this. Engine, I've never seen this engine run that long and, it looks like it's overheating like hell but uh now. We know why they used a mechanical fuel injection and the Top Fuel dragsters because it's definitely. Reliable. For sure that, was definitely interesting, that it ran on my. Mechanical. Fuel, injection sprayer. System, what, I want to do now is I'm going to mount this exhaust manifold, back on here to, quiet this exhaust down so we can hear the turbo spooling, I love that sound, give. It one more shot the. Way it is right now and then we're gonna do something completely different. Alright. That was a pretty good run, yeah. I think that's all we got, whatever boost we got out of it right now that's, it I heard the turbo spooling that's, the most horsepower it's gonna make if it made boost and made boost and looking, at the high-speed footage I see it made about two pounds, of boost which. Isn't much but it did make boost can you imagine with that little turbo what this thing's gonna do I'm gonna go with a different setup altogether. But. This was fun so let's do the math real, quick once. I started applying more, load it started, eating up more nitromethane. And I just went with it so, if we do the math that's. Gonna be. 7.2. Horsepower. That's. What I'm talking about okay, I just refilled, this bottle, right now and on. That. Last run, they'd, used 45. Ounces. Of, nitromethane. That was like a two-minute run. 45. Ounces, I, thought. That was uh that. Was a pretty impressive number, for this next setup I'm going, to be using this turbo, right here which as far as I know is the, smallest turbo, that they make to give you an example of size difference, this turbo right here is 22, millimeter, and this. Is 27, millimeters now. That you saw what turbo I'm going to use time. For me to build it. I'm. All done with the new setup the, turbos mounted, the, intake pipe is mounted, and I'm just going to leave it without the carburetor, for now and do a quick test run, with, the stock head and do, what I did before spring. Nitromethane. Right into, the turbocharger. And see what it does first. Things first, before. You start any new engine, turbo. Make. Sure you add some oil. Alright, that was a test run with. The turbo properly, setup and the stock head and I, think it did pretty well looking. At the high-speed footage we can see it made a couple of pounds of boost and again it's freewheeling. There's no load I didn't, apply the dyno break. Did, you see that rpm I had to cut it short you. Know put that ball in there I didn't want it to run away but, ah yeah, I'm gonna do this run one, more time this time with the see-through head let's, see what happens. Alright, that was a pretty good run I think. We might have lost compression. Or something happened, cuz, it just died but uh yeah, that looked pretty good. Well. We cleaned that head up, alright, let's see what happened there why it's shut off that's.
What Happened, look. At that. Looks. Like our little screw, the, retaining, nut for. My electrode. Must. Have vibrated, loose I, don't. Know if it's the nitromethane. Or the RPM, or the heat or what I've. Never seen this before if you look at the seed through head and, it's. Actually, like polished. Wow. That's pretty cool if that electrode didn't break, off if that didn't happen I bet you we could just burn through this whole thing this time I'm going to run it one more time with the new see-through, head and I'm, just gonna, go. For gold I'm just going to try to blow this thing up and I. Have a wider shot on, the high-speed camera, hopefully, we're gonna see some carnage and something blow, I'm. Not sure but that's, the goal, to. Make a bull. Wow. That run was, probably, my favorite, run of all of them this, thing hit. 70. 400, rpm I didn't see what the boost was, because. I was so excited because this thing had. 7400, rpm with, the seat through had with. Boost so. I'm, gonna do another run this, time I'm gonna put the stock head on and my goals have. Changed just. A little this. Time my goal is going to be to, make as much boost and as much horsepower as, possible, with. The stock head I'm. Gonna give it as much nitromethane. To. Keep the mixture right. Where. I can here it should be and give. It as much resistance. On the dyno and let's, see what happens I think this is gonna be awesome. I. Don't. Know I got a bunch of stuff coming out of the intake of the turbo I don't I just. Don't think this turbo is as good but, yeah. I don't know I wasn't, really impressed let's look at the footage and see what it looked like. That. Run was just okay not. Really what I expected I. Wanted. To see more rpm, like that previous, run with the see-through head I can't figure that out I would have thought that with this stock head we would have had more efficiency, and just better. Hello. And it would have got more rpm, that didn't, happen I also, think, that this. Turbo, charger design is, not. As good as the Mercedes turbo charger the impeller, design is probably a little different because, with the larger turbo I can hear it's pooling more but, it was making less boost pressure and this turbo, once, it did start to make some boost pressure. Yeah, it just didn't I don't know it just didn't really perform, like I thought it was going to so, I'm gonna do one more run even though I don't want to I want to end this video here but I am determined to, make some booze pressure with this turbo I know it has, to make some boost pressure so, what I'm gonna do next is I'm gonna drill a hole into the intake, tube and use. That same sprayer always using run, a hose from the intake tube to the sprayer to, create a sort of mechanical. Fuel injection system. That, way we're injecting fuel after the, turbocharger. And not before my, gut feeling is that when I'm spraying the fuel into the turbocharger. Right. When it's starting to spool up the stream. Of fuel is hitting that compressor, wheel slowing. It down and, then interfering. With that, spool up so, I'm gonna try it one more time, with. This mechanical, fuel injection system, and let's, see what happens I have. A feeling. It's gonna work oh yeah. Wow, that sounded, good that, was good we. Did about three pounds of boost. 7.5. Foot-pounds. Of torque and about, 4200. Rpm and if I do the math real quick, that. Is about six horsepower, so it's not the most horsepower it's made but.
Yeah, I mean it did pretty good did, what I wanted it to do we, can move on I have, an AM P EFI. Engine management. System, then, I'm going to hook up to this engine for the next episode, I'm gonna try to do a full-out fuel. Injection, system, with all the sensors, and, that. Way we can control the boost the. Mixture, the, timing, the. Whole nine yards, that's. It so, see, you in the next episode, which is going to be this. Engine, and, hopefully. It's the last and then I said that like three times hopefully, this one's the last see, you guys next time let me know what you think in the comments below don't, forget to subscribe. That's. It see, ya adios. You.
2019-02-13 22:49
+Daniel Grampa Nah, there was a guy in my class at school who was an absolute maths and physics genius, A star every exam yet the dude could barely tie his shoes and was utterly useless at anything manual like carpentry, mechanics etc, intelligence can be very very specific sometimes. I've come across this a lot, my mum's old neighborhood was a nuclear physicist for a well known UK based company (not going to say which one) yet couldn't even drive a manual car.
some people are just jerks. some experiment to learn first hand and others learn from others instead of experiencing it first hand. if he came away from all these episodes and learnt nothing, then that would be bad
Warped Perception I'm stoked you're experimenting and sharing regardless on your limits or skills, thanks :) Try using the brake / adding load to see boost?
Jack Gorbachev I agree & I think he’s pretty smart but I wonder what happened to his middle finger ?
+MrcabooseVG lol, how badly was it done? what were the expectations?.
+zippyoya ha! I'd be up for any challenge you throw at me LBVS. Im a good actor but I don't think people are ever Happy. Imagine if I just said " hey I'm going to take this engine and put a turbo on it and it's going to run great, j show the build and then show one run where it runs great, end of video. How boring would that be ? Might as well turn on the elevator music and fall asleep. Not in my world, I like to have fun. Thanks for watching
Cuz he doesn’t
I could easily do that ..
+Daniel Grampa I would start again if i did it that badly. My dad is a lawnmower mechanic for a living, i used to work for him and i could tear one of these brigs engines down and put it back together with my eyes closed, it'd be the turbo part i'd be in unknown waters with although i have worked on turbos but i've never done the whole thing from scratch. "i know enough to get me into trouble" comes to mind, sure if i had the money i'd be doing shit like this just for fun but i don't. I have a V-Twin 16hp mower engine i have been wanting to boost but forced induction isn't exactly cheap, certainly not when if i break anything i have no means to replace it
+MrcabooseVG I have to see it to believe it, can i see a video of you "doing that"? i would be equally impressed. IMO if your incredibly smart, then that intelligence applies to everything you do, not just one thing.
Im a good actor ! LOL
I could do that, i still don't know what i'm doing
Buy a fuel injektion Setup from a Predator Generator or a Peugeot Scooter and get IT running in that sucker
If you run it rich its going to bog down.
Why not just make a boost box for the carb? Leave your mechanical injection line in there but put a small orifice in it to limit fuel
Can we call this "How to ruin a turbo quick"
ADD NOS AFTER 20shot should work
how did he lose his finger
Can you please help me out in figuring the correct turbo size and the math involved for the setup for the KTM 390cc engine please!!!!!!
Waw god joob you pro
You're lucky the stock connecting rod didn't break yet.
If you can get a stoichiometric mixture of the fuels and air (maybe go a little lean so you dont flood out) using some sort of auto sprayer you might be able to eek out some additional power. But of course there are other variables ie not the correct amount of the nitro going in because it pools up at the bottom of the tube.
7.2 hp out of a 3 hp motor is absolutely insane!
That tripped me the fuck out for a second dude lol 5:09
The fuel injection he had would work if eh would put a varayble valve in the line
Is there any way I can get those 22 minutes of my life back?
Yes, just skip one toilet break, and if you're like me, you might even get a whole hour
Make a expanded exaust pipe off between the exhaust port and exaust port like a snow mobile with a turbo
Get a small turbo and your running it rich. You probably gonna blow a gasket because of the boost and the compression ratio.
(Runs turbo without oil) Hmm what's all this stuff coming out of the intake?
This is cool. I wonder if you try a hotter spark or maybe add more spark to the combustion so you get a solid burn?
Call me crazy. Would a 1 barel carburator from an old 4 cylinder engine work on this crazy set up. Like a small car or small truck. Since it will have less restriction due to is size. And at the same time be able to be adjustable and tunable. If needed you can add an electric pump made for carburators.
Spraying nitro around like it's not flammable or anything....
It's coolant
You would be better to run propane
Spraying fuel directly at a turbo thats not hooked up to an oil feed, or any turbo for that matter is a terrible idea. The fuel will clean off any oil you sprayed on prior to that.
Sick setup and love the choice of fuel. Gasoline is so boring.
Wonder if itll run smoothly if you used a water sprayer pump, kind used for spraying weeds in gardens flow isn't bad an pressure will be steady. Plus nozzle could be tuned for a fine mist which would be more controllable. Another idea for spraying into it would be machine a *throat* for the turbocharger inlet
Oh and see if you can use a finer nozzle for the fuel ... So it sprays a finer mist of fuel
This is really good stuff by the way ... Keep pushing the envelope bro!!
Why was there so much oil in it?
Hi good evening... What I've noticed, the same concept you did with the exhaust, to the outlet of the turbo. Make a cone for that, from the turbo outlet going into the motor in stead out eh blunt machined piece
you need a carb off a 10 hp engine or so bolt it to the turbo flange try and use regular fuel nitro meth has its own oxygen in the fuel so turbo not going to do much good just my 2 cents
Shouldve used a old Off bug spary bottle... Thats alot of fule in that little combustion chamber not enough fire i think.
Big a bigger engine that engine doesn't have enough to make boost, a 6.5 hp should be a better start or even bigger!
Love the slow motion
What is running away
4:53 the "flowie" thing you are describing i believe is called the Venturi effect, draws air away from turbo and out the exhaust resulting in more boost/power. Faster you can get air in and out of the engine the better it preforms. (Correct Me if I'm wrong)
Stop spraining fuel in your turbo your going to destroy it
So where's the ' see thru motor'
Have you put heavier valve springs in the motor. If not you may be haveing valve flot
thanks for the awesome video! very entertaining and has inspired me to use this same turbo on a 21hp briggs
Come on, man. Trying to use a turbo charger on a single cylinder engine just isn't practical. It's fighting itself. You don't have the exhaust gases to push the turbo to AT LEAST operation. You really need at least a 2 cylinder motor to even get any rpm's out of the turbo to even try to keep up with the intake ratio. That's why the boost pressure was all over the place on your gauge. First thing's first. Find out exactly how a 4 cycle engine works. When the valves are open and when they are closed. Exhaust spins turbo. Turbo forces air into intake. A single cylinder motor intake accepts forced air, but can't produce more exhaust for turbo spool-up. It simply can not. Exhaust valve is closed to ignite the incoming mixture on the power stroke. (Not to be confused with fords garbage). The next and final revolution of the piston is the exhaust stroke, but the vacuum created on the intake stroke has probably slowed the turbo down dramatically, and no exhaust pressure effectively makes it naturally aspirated, but it really isn't because the turbine is actually fighting the incoming air/fuel. In other words, the turbo is surging because it can not MECHANICALLY do what you're asking it to do. A 2 cylinder motor would definitely make boost. It wouldn't be much, but theoretically, if one cylinder opposes the other, you should get the exhaust gasses needed to turn the turbo. Think about it.
guy sounds like urkle
Hey let me have ur brain
How in the fuck, do you lose your middle finger.
Dude.... just put the carb in front of the turbo..... make it a draw thru set-up
What you should do is not run it so rich and make a double Venturi exhaust manifold. It’s kinda like what you have now, but it’s more symmetrical which increases velocity and pressure. It’s basically what jet engines use, so if you did it on this motor I think it might help. I would put the turbo in the second squeeze point of the Venturi to maximize velocity and decrease pressure
Dm me so I can draw it out and explain better
You might be drowning the turbo, all that fluid on it will make it heavier and spin slower, figure out how to do port injection at the head.
For a Carb, use one off of a motorcycle. That is what the JR Dragsters use. I know this because I have a neighbor that builds the engines for his grandkids Jr. Dragsters. Jet it 4 points bigger than running on gas to start and work up or down from there as needed.
Check out those welds @ 4:49 !! What a great fabricator this guy is. He also apparently doesnt know how the fuel system is supposed to work...smh
Can't wait for the fuel injection
You need to have some kind of oil pressure flow over those turbo bearings that is not a ball bearing turbo and requires constant oil flow or the bearings themselves will drag on the turbo impeller shaft put a gear Drive pump in line to circulate oil through the bearings you will be impressed and much happier with your setup
Try some rubber dampers to reduce vibration? Some poly bushings ans/or stretchy ratchet straps may help? Freaking awesome man. Thanks for the videos. cheers!!
The reason the oil looked like that before you changed it is due to the by products of burning nitro methane. Among other things water is a large by product and through standard usage will make oil look milky like that. A similar thing happens if you run E85 through a standard gas engine for an extended period of time.
is that a glass head on the B&S engine??
You should have tried drilling a hole in the intake right before the intake port, pointing into the port as form of port injection. The engine would respond faster to fuel flow changes, the fuel flow could be more precisely controlled and it could make a bit more power. The only thing is that you need to be very careful with the fuel flow since there isn't nearly as much of a buffer to dampen changes in fuel flow. Even with the EFI setup now you should try to do port injection.
I'm pretty fuel you cannot Turbo charge Nitro methane with good results its been tried .. methanol yes
i just hope you have a good fire extinguisher.
You need to measure torque!!! Your rpm is limited with the flathead design.
You need a mister spray bottle not a squirt bottle.
run it with propane instead of nitro meth... propane loves turbos and is way easer to run
What is the Brand and the model of the smallest turbocharger used at first time?
To much fuel. Maybe mix it with some alcohol to take some of the % down. Also you need lots of spark to fire that fuel load.
Бля не могу это смотреть... Дай мотору раскрутиться шакал дурной! Начинает тормозным его давить чуть не с холостых... Ебанатик
Starts 22 minutes in...
-Makes 7hp from a 3hp engine -Sprays nitro methane around like it's water -Works in enclosed garage with running engine -missing a finger this is my type of channel. Subscribed and liked my friend!!
Why tf is he using a two stroke pipe lmao
Too much fuel. All he had to do is cut the fuel for a sec.
The irony of hearing "wonder what that is?" And noticing missing fingers. Not yourfirst rodeo. Try changing the temperature range of the spark plugs.
*pretends to do math on phone*
I love these inventions
what the story behind the missing finger?
Next use supercharge
Small motors, small gains. Noticed thos when i had my cr125 bored out to a 140. Just saying
Have you considered putting the carb in front of the turbo, i think thats how the beetle carb dudes do it, maintains suction for oxigen/fuel, instead of pushing in oxygen and by doing so fuel out?
Looks like your flooding the engine. Need to lean it out.
im so happy you finally put the fuel injection AFTER the turbocharger, that's what i've been screaming to myself the whole video lol. love theese see through engine vids, would love to see a turbo set up like this on the see through rotary.
We need more boost!
Heck yeah !!!
When exhaust was off it looked like the wastegate was wide open all the time. You will make more boost if you clamp that shut
I have no idea where you saw the wastegate open, it's clearly completely closed. Look very closely
i think also that you are getting bad fuel atomization. i think you should definatly get a carburetor of some sort. or get a smaller nozzle and spray the nirto at a higher pressure
if you manage to shorten the intake between the turbo and manifold. then it might not take so long to respond to the nitro-methane
What are you running that turbo on cause it isn’t hooked up the the exhaust
Or is the header you took off after the turbo
2 psi out of a 3hp engine and 7.2hp is really good that’s like 150% efficiency with the addition of a turbo
Idk i cant see you making more than 3 psi with that setup and thats if you get it just right Hey i was pretty close, that smaller snail should do a little better but i cant see it making a significant difference especially higher in the rev range
Needs a expation exhaust manifold
Well I realized after we finished filming this that the hole in the mounting hole in the turbo actually goes all the way through into the compressor housing, if you look closely when I am spraying the nitromethane into the turbo you can see it going in and coming right back out of that hole. I never seen that before and I'm assuming that's because it's a cheap Chinese turbo, but I will definitely plug-in next time.
That milky oil is usually coolant in the oil but as I can see this is an air cooled engine so idk why your oil was white lol
that is WAY too much fuel you need to get in more air
Judging by the colour of the oil the piston ring or cylinder wall is shot
You have to weld some restrictors on the exhaust of the turbo to make the housing smaller.
I love your videos and I’m going to donate, but under one condition. That you buy a FUNNEL! Lmao
LOL .... I have five funnels about 15 feet from where this engine is set up oh, but they were never used in the making of this film does that count?
pull off the pull start and do what Project Farm does, electric drill start
Yeah I tried but it was too much torque
Smaller turbo
Lol most accurate fuel consumption math I've ever seen. 44oz.....28 of witch ended up on/around the surrounding floor not burned. Great video for the curious!
I wish I could love your comment twice, very well stated
Dear sir (WP), I'm sure you have plenty of WW2 British spirit inside you: proper mad-cap back of a cigarette packet engineering, I love it! Could have done with a little more nitro, since the floor was still dry, and why bother with the screen? ;-) Full respect and I reckon you'll get over 10hp on street "gas" with efi... good luck and can't wait to see your results.
You need one of Cooper's Wet Shots.
great video, hooking up ms3pro ecu next is going to be crazy, will watch again.
I know that you proabbly don't want to do this, but the only way to make a decent amount of boost is going to be with a minimum of a v-twin engine. You would have much more luck with a little smog pump supercharger.
why don't you just hook it up to your air compresor and set the regulator to hvat ever psi you want to test???
”How to drain the oil . CrAnk the fucking engine without the oil stick . Fucking hell mate remove the damn oil plug
This guy only has 9 fingers ...
Make sure the waste gate is staying closed. I think that's your issue with not making much boost.
I wonder if this could help calculate how much boost per hp an engine of any size can really have I kno there's many variables that can come to play if I'm wrong lmk
+MrcabooseVG Looking forward to your next youtube video where you do this better.
+Bryan Roupe Okay? I wasn't bragging, i was making a point that i know what i'm doing with these engines. Everything in this is pretty simple stuff, doing it well on the other hand is something else
MrcabooseVG a monkey could tear a briggs down and put it back together with their eyes close. I can do a gov delete, cam, rod and valve spring swap from start to finish in less than a hour and have it running. Takes longer to scrape the old gaskets off.
+Will Crone I have a MK5 Golf TDI actually, tuned to 160bhp with a hybrid turbo. It is possible to have more than one hobby
+Arrested Lycian Development sorry buddy software and hardware are two completely different worlds. If you really don't think I know what I'm doing well just wait till the next episode. It wouldn't be entertaining any other way, do you find School super exciting?
+Ben Green I always thought that was crazy, I met a quite a few mechanical engineers who don't know how to work on cars or some don't even know how to do brakes. I'm actually pretty well-rounded, my great-uncle was a nuclear physicist on the Manhattan project, my other uncle is a rocket scientist. I never really liked School much, I always like doing things hands, but like my grandmother always taught me, never let anyone know how smart you actually are, all you have to do is talk to somebody who knows me personally, eventually the audience will know me, but I'm pretty new to YouTube.
MrcabooseVG keep telling yourself that buddy your a 5 year old playing video games you don’t even have a car get out of here
+Warped Perception It's functional but look at the welds man, i'd bet there was blow through on the other side that would be restricting air flow too although i never actually saw inside so could be wrong. At a guess it sounds like it's running way too lean too
I can swim for hour and not die but it doesn't mean that i know how to swim efficiently. He just filling entire combustion chamber with fuel....
He has no idea or knowledge of how what he built is supposed to work. It's just like building a super computer and not understanding the software that runs it.
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Cool vid, i think the nitro would work better in a cross engine though. theres a lot of fuel being recirculated unburnt in the bore.
Kick sss man you hope it's the last I dont I love watching these see through engine experiments
Possibly the most dangerous thing I've seen on YouTube with a Briggs & Stratton motor. I totally approve!!! (Kids, don't try this at home. Try it at your grandma's home!)
You should weld the waste gate shut and put a carby between the turbo and engine.
great video, some tech with some comedy thrown in. tip... as others have said, you won't get much if any running no load. try loading up the engine when it hits 3500rpm+ to see the boost. also, it is running way to rich as others have also said. you need to add less and try to atomize the fuel more by spraying it in at a higher pressure. good luck.
you are blowing it up
if this guy does this again. id like to see him un hook the waste gate
What show do these guys run on discovery? I can’t find it anywhere with spectrum
Use both turbos!
I was thinking about Putin a little turbo my my 110 quad what u think?
Awesome. I think you really need to work on your fuel delivery. Sometimes less is more. Find a way to inject (hint, hint) your fuel so it atomizes. Looking forward to the next video....
Turbo needs oil pressure. Run a Bosch VP44 pump off the engine drain plug. Rig a oil return. The turbo shaft floats hydrodynamically.
Am I missing something about the nitro... flashpoint is 95°f... hot exhaust manifold
You can see you flooding it out with the see threw head it's running way to hot need to reduce the fuel till you get the brightest flame with out killing it with more fuel
I love it! Great experiments! Like you i really want to hear that turbo FULL SPOOL! keep bringing us these cool videos brother
Should've called McFarland Tuning
Dude install anti-lag next
It will have it with the EMS
Too much fuel brother and yet you keep injecting more :/
The oil looked like that because there may have been moisture in the oil
You need actual oil pressure for a journal bearing turbo. This is why it won't spool well, friction yo.
The fuel just spraying on the hot exhaust and then the see thru head just sparking away. LOL you made my day dude. Buddy you had gas all over your arm. If that thing popped and made a flame out the exhaust while you were spraying,,,your next vid would be from the burn unit. There was fuel everywhere!
I was hoping and caught fire actually, imagine the whole engine on fire while it's running with the see-through head, all while being filmed in slow motion, that would be epic. If you thought that was bad check out where I was a week ago but I do have all the safety gear there, blast Shields fire extinguishers and all that good stuff. thank you for watching and thanks for your feedback I appreciate it.
What a ridiculous video
Rip turbo from lack of oil no oil even just a oil in the turbonis better than nothing burn up the bearing and seals And Mercedes turbo are more low pressure than high pressure just letting you know
What happened to your middle finger
Looks like a lot of fun. I would try port work, lot of compression, got cam and valve springs next. Should have built a 8hp or at least a 5hp. I have a 28hp briggs I build in shop class in high school. Still have it 10 years later.
You actually showed that running too rich the combustion is less efficient
I noticed that when you had the clear head on it it was misfiring I think a hotter coil and plug would help
Try a type of expansion chamber to reduce exhaust pulsation.
The turbo will never get dirty.
You need a longer exhaust and a better carb that properly mixes the fuel with the air . Also clean your piston , rings and spark plug , then do another take .
Your also drowning your engine
The mixture calculations, must be made over the amount of oxygen admitted in the cylinder (stoichiometric calculations ex. for gasoline is 14 grams of oxygen for each gram of gas), witch is difficult to calculate in this set up! But for sure that amount of nitro is way over...and for me, the engine was obviously choked! Next episode with the electronic controller, things must be different. Anyway thanks to show us it! Good luck! Let´s blow that thing!
Absolutely, nitromethane needs to run very rich compared to gas, even in a top fuel dragster, which those are my guys I know them personally, half of the nitro is burned in the cylinders and the other half or even more goes out the exhaust to produce the rest of the downforce that they need for the car. That's why they have huge flames coming out.
You can also use a shot of nitrous oxide to spool the turbo.
Main reason you're not making boost... The damn turbo is too big for that motor. You need about 5 times the exhaust volume to spin the impeller. For that size motor you need one of those little turbos you find on a keychain.
LOL! I like how the fuel served three purposes. To run the engine, to cool it and to shower any grime off of it. Just binged through all the series and can't wait for the next episode.
LMAO!!! , I love people like you that actually get it. I'm having fun with this thing for sure, it's a ton of work but I think in the next episode it's going to blow, since it's all going to be computer controlled I can use anti lag, rev limiting, extra timing, whatever I want it's going to be a blast.
i have seen peoples put carpurator oon in turbo in small engines but what ever peoples likes and you need to spray casoline in fine fumes not dropping that in like water hose more fine spray is more its can put air to in so its burn like its normaly do
the reason the oil gets yucky yellow is because of the methanol thats mixed in the nitro to get 50% slips by the piston rings... if u wanna burn higher % nitro u are gonna need more compression 1:15 .. dont forget that to mix nitro u have to weigh the fuels to get an accurate % .... if u light nitro with a lighter noting will happen..... because u need compression hit it with a hammer it will explode gotta love CH3NO2 greetings nice channel....
last replyy i want u to get 12hp outof that engine ... run atleast 47-55 degrees of timing 1:16 compression and make a fuel line with a jet in it and a secundair fuel line that goes back to the tank so everything the engine doesent except goed back to the tank... kina of mechanical injection
and dont forget cleaning everyhting that the methanol gets in contact with excpecialy aluminium thats why everyhtings anodized in dragracing for the methanol.....
It’ll be interesting to see what boost you make when you fix them two massive air leaks on the compressor housing lol :)
A better way to shut it off is to put a zip tie around the spark plug wire and pull it when you want to shut the engine off.
You should look up how people use Arduino computer system for $35 with a Vaper carb with an oversized regular carb with a OC sensor and have the flap adjusting it from the vaper carb to fresh air based on the OC sensor so it won't run too lean and overheat
Smog pump next then smog pump +turbo!!!!! The smog pump should make pooploads more low end torque and combined with the turbo should give it more top end. Also the smog pump should help the turbo spool! Can't wait to see it (if you do it). It's be an awesome minibike/go kart engine!!
you feed to rich fuel ass hole
Tiszta marha vagy!
A channel called build, break, repeat did a turbo gokart on their channel. They used the same turbo and got it to work great. They even dynoed it.
try spraying ether at the same time it works really well for a boost in power.
You are flooding the engine with fuel. Fuel vapors burn, the liquid fuel itself does not. Get an EFI kit instead of this cruel setup and you'll be seing some real performance gains :) Love the See Thru engine episodes tho ;)
This is surely a joke!!!!!
“Let’s start by turning the valve a little” opens it all the way
Que video bosta
Switch to race gas get it running correctly first then blend in nitro and adapt slowly as the mix gets closer to full nitro. I believe Turbos like e85 too.
damn that engine has seen better days.
Wtf un 2t de 50cc te da como 5hp
what happened to your finger?
Great job re-configuring the new turbo. Making good power now in both set ups. Before you end this series I was hoping you'd run it with Nitrous oxide. In theory you could reconfigure this back to gasoline (or keep nitro) remove the turbo and increase spray and fuel until the engine blew. Nitrous oxide is the great equalizer, the only limitation to power is part durability. You'd either end up with the highest HP rating yet, or a blown up engine guaranteed.
You had my curiosity, now you have my attention.
Your spark plug might have been one of your problems your electrode probably fires hotter the stock head you might have to figure out a hotter plug to put in it.
TRY SUPERCHARGED!!!! Maybe that gave more boost??????????????
I don't know what's the point , but I watched all 22.25 minutes of it PS by the way I subscribed
an you're flooding the shit out of the engine. its not making shit for power
the damn thing isnt going to run away. you quit giving it fuel its going to die
Flooding tf out of it no wonder he can't get spool
+Warped Perception If you still want to use the carburetor, you can try a "wet system", in this case the carburetor goes before the turbo and boost will not affect it, look it up, its used in some old turbo cars. Also i think a 110/125 cc chinese carb will be more tuneable and responsive for this purpose! just make sure you dont have any vacuum leaks!
Running it way too rich, drowning the engine thats why it wont stay on for long
Try doing supercharged and injection!
Oh wait he is gonna do injection... DO DIRECT INJECTION THEN
How am I just now realizing you don't have a right middle finger?!?!
smaller turbo
Just subscribed
Liked and subscribed
you should try nitrous
Do a vtwin 500-650cc, that tiny turbo, make some big soft copper head gaskets to lower compression, and use a big motorcycle carb for fuel. Use gasoline because you’re running super lean on nitro, you need a LOT of nitro fuel per amount of air and that engine really just can’t handle it. Also, put the carb BEFORE the turbo as a draw through, you don’t have to worry about boost pushing the fuel out
cant wait to see the full build
hah nice click bait
I wanna know what the name of the tracks you used are.
U gave it to much petrol
I guesd fueling is the biggest issue. sounds like you need a little efi setup!
u should run it with the karburator and just nozzle it up
use nitrous straight in the engine with nitro methane.
Put bigger carb take out limiter
Take out limiter
Just use arduino, old fuel injector and fuel pump from car. Ti is simple as fuck..... Current setup makes no sense.
why don t u use a electronic scale?!?!? so it doesn't wigle
You should also thread an AFR gauge into the exhaust manifold so you can see how much more or less fuel you need to put into the engine.
Weld the wastegate shut, it will make boost for sure then.
Wow over fueled much haha dont need that much for 49cc
It’s density not gravity
This is just stupid
You probably need more load on the crank to generate boost. You can rev an turbo engine to 10krpm and not make boost if there's no load on the engine...
Id put a little bigger turbo on it to get a bigger whistle. There will be lag but itll be worth it
whats the song name on 12:20?
that nitromethane is eating the crankcase seals thats why the oil look like it does
What type turbo Is?
Surely you could have gravity-fed the nitro-methane into the turbo?
When a gentleman with missing digits says "Don't try this at home" you should probably listen. I wonder if nitro would make a 2-stroke blower move more air?
What turbo is that?
My small 50cc engine has 5ps.
You might be use fuel injector and fuel pump ...
You should try pushing the boost through the carburetor. Instead of sucking fuel through the turbo. A turbo is made to compress air. You are pushing fluid .wich prevents the turbo from spooling. Fluid doesn't compress. In order to opfaun pressure with fluid there can be no air .Awesome work love it .
@warpedperception can you do a nitrous run with the engine
Why not make a separate proper oil system for the turbo? Put a electric pump a reservoir and a radiator, that turbo is dying without oil you could see it boiling the oil away!
Do a nitrous oxide episode
"I now know why top fuel dragsters use mechanical fuel injection. It's very reliable" man you just made a top fuel lawn Mower hahahaha
just a waste of time. Sorry.
Not a HEMI !
You are DROWNING the motor
You need to atomize the fuel better. You are WASTING a ton
I am just surprise he didn't go as a human torch
Hahahahaha this is a fucking laugh
Fue realmente muy productivo tu video gracias por toda esa información Saludos desde Perú - Cusco
Not enough cid
I don't think you're getting a good combustion burn. You should do a direct "manual" nitro injection with an atomizer nozzle on the clear head. Then I bet you get some boost!
-You need a direct injection on that...- Seen the end now... and can't wait to see that!
Lean it out a bit buddy
Running metanol makes the oil loock that way.
Add a atomizer at the end of the tip
you did not need a kill switch lol your feeding fuel to it
can you inject some nos into the turbo and see how much that increases HP?
This guy is weird like he does bunch of smart things like he knew what he was doing then a bunch of dumb things like drown the engine with fuel making it stall. it was frustrating to watch.
Turbo é turbo
Que projeto fooda , parabens
rich and wet
No load on the engine of course it won't make much boost
Fuel injektion system
Mount the carb in front of the compressor so the turbo will draw air and fuel into the carb
You should put a needle valve in between the intake tube and “mechanical injection device” so you can get a consistent amount of fuel
Boost leaks on the turbo
This is the stuff I would LOVE TO DO if I had lots of MONEY and didn't have to work hahahah
Nice !, However I don't have lots of money and I still have to work.
Blow through carb. stop running your turbo wet.
+Warped Perception i did. i saw you injection attempt. but it what i see every one do wrong with turbo small motor is they run a wet turbo. it kills all their throttle response and boost. i am interested in your injection system when completed but i much rather see a carb be modified to blow though for these small engine.
Watch to the end.
Suggestion: get a proper ECU (like MegaSquirt) with a fuel injector, coil, MAP/MAF sensor, throttle position sensor and an oxygen sensor doing the lambda readings. That should help to make this experiment a bit more scientific. ;D
+Warped Perception I lost the MS3 Pro by looking sideways while I was just listening the audio. lol Well... Anyway, with all the pressure variation on the intake, I'm wondering if a MAF would be more recommend at lower RPM or if the engine will operate more stable only at higher RPM with lower RPM work based in throttle position. The MS3 is very complex ECU and requires a lot of setup, but I guess you couldn't have a more complete tool in your hands. By the way, most of my clients end up using only the MS1 and MS2 due to cost limitations and lack of MS3 ECU available in my region. The applications usually vary between racing, improving fuel consumption, ethanol converted engines and lowering emissions to keep collection cars road legal (some only uses the ECU to control automatic choke, check the carburetor fuel mix and electronic spark advance). OBD2 isn't a requirement in my region. Well! Until next time
Did you watch till the end ? . That answers your entire suggestion.
dude try using less nitro with more precise spraying that way you can get your NO2 into the air intake
Just like everyone else is saying, you're just flooding the hell out of the engine. you can even see it in the clear head with all the unburned fuel. Stop flooding it and I'm sure you'll hit 7400 again.
Grab a few cans of whipped cream and feed the nitrous into the engine lol.
+Warped Perception did not know that, thanks for informing me. This isn't a top fuel dragster though, it's a lawnmower engine, so is it possible the engine itself is having a hard time with it? Since we can only see what you show us, did you try using different ratios of nitro to see how the engine performs? It looked to me like the 7400rpm run happened when there wasn't as big of a flood of nitro.
That's not how nitromethane works though, nitro loves to run wet, if you look at top fuel dragsters, half of the nitro is burned to make power and the other half is burned after it leaves the combustion chamber, I know this because I know the drivers and the teams personally.
WTF?? I wouldn't exactly recomend pouring nitro methan straight into a red hot turbo. But then again, this turbo will never get hot on that small engine.
bro, try making a vapor carb container, its a large bottle filled with fuel, a down stem that draws air from the top down through the fuel agitating it and creating vapor. the vapor then is drawn directly into the turbo, any extra fuel needed can be added with a normal carby if you put it BEFORE the super and change out the needles to let a lot more fuel into the system. primary air intake - large diameter carb, using the carb allows limiting of boost fuel and air intake, this attaches to the cab jug on its down stem. secondary/idle intake - large diameter down stem fed fuel agitation jug, allows air to churn a fuel heavy air mix and feed that into the pipe before it feeds into the super charger. Fuel injection - a similar pump to the garden sprayer you are using can be used to push more fuel into the air mix if you were to attach the spray valve to the wall in the middle of the intake pipe, allowing you to manually push an amount of pressurized fuel into the intake behind the jug/carb combo fuel mixer and throttle.
Need more power? Get a 5hp engine. Cheaper and less trouble.
+Warped Perception Ilove it when the intake gets all iced up!
I used to race the 5 horsepower back when I was a teenager, I would run methanol.
This is even beyond rednecking,.....
Lol... That's a good one
what turbo are you using in the end?
Would make more power with higher % of nitro and control the fuel flow through a small jet at pressure but loved the vid
Yes I would, and that is coming. you are correct, but I didn't really want to atomize all that fuel outside of the thank you I'm glad you enjoyed it
Help is turbo
An engine is an air pump....more fuel will only give you so much, unless enlarge intake, it is limited to that factor.
As you saw, the plastic head ran better, because that head has more volume were it is cavatated.
Make a Minny blower
The turbo is WAY too big for the engine, plain and simple.
С ведра нужно было заливать, может к хуям собачим все сгорело бы.
It's the same name, also spots on Daily planet and Outrageous acts of science. They are just slightly different episodes but I'm really concentrating this year on building up the YouTube channel. I can try to send you a link but I'm not familiar with spectrum.
That "mechanical fuel injection" was pure comedy! I have laughed like that in AWHILE! Thank you for that bro you just made my day
+Todd Simone hahahahaha... that's how I conceived my children by " manual injection" very reliable system
More like "manual injection"
+Warped Perception I got it right away and I was ctfu the whole time! Thanks again. I wish more ppl had the same sense of humor!? Great stuff man, keep it up!
Even the one part where I spray the whole turbo down before I start it, I did that on purpose but almost nobody who watched it got it.
Same here, I'm glad at least somebody got it, I think you're the first out of 200,000 people. When I did that I was laughing pretty hard, when I watched it I was laughing my a** off. It was a last-minute idea but I knew it was going to be funny and it actually worked, kind of. I always go with the flow but it did give people a good example carburetor vs. Fuel injection, especially once it's compared with the next episode where I do proper fuel injection.
turbo ist still to big for that engine... what is this 300ccm 400ccm ? xDDDDD
You are adding so much fuel, cut some fuel and put a smaller turbo on. You don’t have enough exhaust gas to spool that turbo
Insane video editing
I want to see this engine on nitrous
Rings are shot on that piston - bearings are probably fried on the turbo from spraying into it - I could be wrong - it would be cool to see how they are holding up though!
Another run with an oxygen cylinder wide open to inlet. I think it would be ozom
That's great see the turbo push the fuel.I think it need more air
Put a restriction on the boost line for more accurate reading and if you put more of a load on the engine you will see a better reading of boost.
Well umm the mechanical fuel injection was not good for the turbo that’s how you ruin the turbo second the air to fuel ratio is way off way to Much fuel that’s why it was bogging the best way to make this experiment work with the turbo is a better fuel jet or buy a Mikuni carburetor I highly suggest that if you want best need new piston rings it is smoking that or you have to much oil. Also drilling the fuel jet can work to so you don’t have to spend to much money. Good luck
Try using 2 turbos. And maybe a nos can.
you need a new fly well and coil and spark plug bc all that fuel need to burn fast so it u spark
Is this the dad from Glee ?
like from brazil!1
Boa noite !! Obrigado
what the fuck is this?
Hahaha what an amateur!!!
Honda announces V-TEC 2 With turbocharger and Mechanical Fuel Injection for the all new Honda Civic Si
Dam son you are going to start a fire
Ok Thank you
You deserve encouragement.
From where did you buy that turbo
Hit that turbo with a air blower it will spool then
Man. Hook up a nitrous wet system and spray some nitromethane and nitrous..or oxygen. Or run nitro metane in gas tank..your just too rich. And bogging it down
эксперементатор что ты делаеш ?
Он сам-то понимает, что он делает и нахуя?
I didn't get a notice for this video.
Hello I would also like to tune a motor and still looking for a very small turbocharger and wanted to ask how your turbocharger means?
It's an RHB 31 cz21
And make the carb to lean u will get performance ur running at too rich
Bro that turbo charger need external oil pressure to running the fan inside charger add it bro ur performance will increase
Water got in your oil
Its too much fuel injected broo, its imposible to reach max RPM. Lol
try to change the timing of the engine or mod it to fastest to have,a fullspeed
Well it's 40deg advanced right now. That's what the nitromethane requires. I will definitely try different timings once I get engine management system setup
He is superman or Mcguyver.
Lol. They used to call me MacGyver when I was a kid.
I know I'm so sorry I've been behind. Sorry sorry sorry, but it's coming
I know, next time that's what I'm going to do, pressurize it slightly oh, I'm not sure if it was boiling or if the boost was leaking through the seal into the oil housing, but you could very well be right it may have been boiling. Thank you
Yeah that was good.
That’s a lot of damage! What a stupid fuel system. More looks like an aquarium.
Do you know who Mike O'Malley is, from the CBS TV show Yes,Dear?? You look like him a bit. Hes from Boston.
Hey pal.. Always have a GOOD fire extinguisher in reach an preferably a friend incase you can't make it to the extinguisher the friend can and save a life. I know because I got third degree burns from a fire that happened so quick, my skin was hanging from me and blowing in the breeze when men came to help me,it was so hot so fast. You got fuel that burns maybe hard to see it. Take care man!
Hi , thanks, yes we have fire extinguishers and CO2 system right there, there is an entire crew right next to me, just off-camera, as well as blast Shields in place. This is movie magic!! Kind of, it's all real but all the safety precautions are in place a couple inches outside of the view of the camera. Yeah burns are no joke I've had a few but not that bad. Thanks and I hope you healed well.
get a car dump methane all over the engine instant boost.
That’s a little much fuel HUH ?? Just a little it maybe.
You appear to have no idea how turbos, carburettors, and engines actually operate. If you applied science rather than guessing you could easily make a setup that works, with largely the same parts. Also, if you make your flywheel heavier you can smooth out those pulsations on your torque gauge (because the rpm won't vary as much between individual cycles). On a similar note, put a small chamber with some cotton wool in the boost gauge line (and/or a very small diameter restriction at the pickup point), this will damp out the pressure fluctuations you are seeing in the boost gauge, you'll be able to see it in real time 5:58 is that wastegate flapper open or closed? I thought I saw gas come out of it
I mean, I'd *love* to see "Singh grooves" in action (they are supposed to be able to give the random squish action a direction, so you can, for example, direct the majority of the mixture to the spark plug for an overall faster burn)
+Warped Perception all good, it just looked like a lot less thought was going into it than there actually was. Still not a fan of spraying fuel all over a running engine though. Re wastegate, I saw later in the video from a different angle and I could see how damn weird it was set up, no wonder I got confused. Can't wait for efi. You'll probably make this much power on gasoline without the turbo. I assume you're setting up spark control too? You might want to be careful of those pressure fluctuations messing with the map sensor signal. It wouldn't be without precedent that it makes an incurable misfire at some particular rpm. And while I've got your attention, are you able to make clear heads with varying squish clearance and patterns? It would be pretty trick to see different burn patterns on the high speed.
Wastegate flapper is closed oh, but that is a primary turbo of a sequential setup off of an SL65, so the turbine is actually buried inside that housing, the exhaust gases flow around the wastegate valve body and out, so it looks like it's coming from the wastegate valve but it's not.
I'm going to address your reply in detail because that's how I do it because your opinion is important to me. 1. I actually know exactly how turbos, carburetors and engines work very well, so much so that I really don't even think when building them as it comes so naturally, I have also worked on engine designs and am currently working on some ultra high efficiency engine projects that I will have episodes on this year. 2. I like guessing on camera as it makes it so much more entertaining, it's boring if I just say " I'm going to put a turbo on this little engine", then the next scene is starting the engine and it runs perfectly, I also take the "dumb dumb" approach, that way even people who don't know much about how engines work, fuel injection, or cars in general can understand why those EMS ( engine management systems) are so necessary in modern cars and what they do, and why tuning maps are necessary, when I compare just spraying nitromethane into the turbo versus actual fuep control, everybody understands. 3. I don't really want to modify this engine much, it was supposed to be only three episodes I had no idea this engine was going to last this long, I have more things to build right after this one. The pulsations are coming from the rotor being warped, I'm just trying to get through this episode and I'll be on to dyno version 2 which is a revised version of the dino in this video. As for the boost gauge, you are correct, but I wanted to show the fluctuation, because once it starts making some serious pressure the fluctuations going to disappear, I did leave a damper out of the line so I can see with the high-speed camera if the individual pulses from the engine are creating micro boost spikes, that shouldn't really happen since the turbine has enough Mass to dampen those pulses, especially once it gets into operating RPM range. I did however make one mistake here, and that was one of the intake flange mount bolt holes, actually goes all the way into the compressor housing, so when I was spraying the nitro into the turbo it was coming right back out of that hole oh, I didn't realize that until it was too late and we were at the end of the shoot. Thank you for your feedback, and the next episode it should be running really good, and again I'm trying to make education entertaining here oh, so that way people can compare episode 6 with episode 7 and figure it out for themselves. Not everybody knows as much about mechanics as we do. Thanks again
Need more air and speed up injection
Get a rotary:>
Hey dude you might try to put on a carburetor ahead of boost (chinese carburetor of 27mm) jejeje
that killswitch seems like a good way to lose a finger
Oh hey, it made 5 horses.
Muito topp
Turbos make power from exhaust heat and nitro is very good at cooling the whole engine, thats why the boost is so low.
Show show show..............
Guess I should have finished it first lol
You dont have enough drive pressure for the turbo ! Get a turbo with a small exhaust side . That one was made for a v6 or a v8
What is the smaller turbo from?
I'm not sure. It's the smallest turbo that I know of, I just bought the turbo by itself. It's a 21mm. I have good news though after we finished filming this episode and reviewing the footage I realized that, the bolt hole on the turbo goes all the way through into the compressor housing. All of the boost that was being made was leaking out of that hole. Bummer. But I did a small 3 second test run and I can tell it was boosting up right away. I'm very confident that this thing's going to blow sky-high for the next episode and make some serious power. I guess we'll see, going to start filming that one next week but unfortunately since it's a complicated build now I probably won't have that episode out for another three weeks. But I'm going to move as fast as I can because it's going to get exciting.
I just would have used a bigger carburetor like the one from a motorcycle but your idea was way cooler. That made my day. ^^ For the turbo you should build an oil tank, which you mout above like the fuel tank, to make sure the turbo gets enough oil. I love the see-through engine.
You can't cut the fuel, it's nitromethane, you need a lot of fuel. It won't run otherwise. I'll show that in the upcoming episode.
+Warped Perception I guess it would only be a big problem if the exhaust got red hot and the fuel temp difference shocked it. I'm still kind of baffled about the acrylic window getting better performance! Do you think the compression is a lot more within the combustion chamber with that flat piece of acrylic? It could explain why the exhaust flow was greater before. Anyways, just a few thoughts on the whole thing! Can't wait to see more! Seems like forever since the last one haha! Thanks for the reply man!
Yeah I just checked the bearings on the turbo, they're still too tight. They're not going to fry though, because as you have exhaust gases you also have intake air cooling on the opposite side, it will overheat eventually, but not with these short runs
You can't run a standard carb with nitromethane, you need 3 times as much fuel as gas. Believe it or not the AFR wasn't that far off.
Dad ??? Wth ?
Why don't you come over and help?.
+Warped Perception Understandable. I think so.
Wow dude! most of the liquid fuel is just sitting inside the cylinder!!! >0.0
Only because 80% or more of the fuel went everywhere OTHER THAN the inside of the system... ~( ,m,)~
Boosted civic engine Nice build
Lol.. pretty close
Wtf is this guy doing! ? This ass hat had no clue, just destroying the engine plan and simple.
Lol ..hahahaha... Thank you. It's honestly a compliment, for all of these videos I felt like I wasn't acting dumb enough, seriously, then comments like yours make me realize that I'm actually doing a good job. I'm not even joking I'm being dead serious oh, that's part of how I rothes episodes. Thank you, I will make sure I surprised everybody in the next episode, I have some cool things in store.
U did not cooled the head???
No .. it's ok.
Alguém conta pra ele ou vai descobrir sozinho. Existe uma matéria da engenharia mecânica que estuda a relação estequiométrica do motor de ciclo Otto. Essa loucura não corresponde com a realidade. Pronto falei... Someone tells him or he'll find out for himself. There is a subject of mechanical engineering that studies the stoichiometric relationship of the Otto cycle engine. This madness does not correspond with reality. There, i said it...
Make this motor whit twin turbo
Why don’t you buy a pit bike carb and tuned it with it and make it run really well
You know a turbo will only make boost under load and the whistling noise is the turbo spooling
Yes but it was leaking here through the intake flange hole. I've never seen a turbo where the mounting hole goes all the way into the compressor housing, but apparently this one does. I didn't realize it until we were already done filming. if you watch closely when I'm spraying the nitro into the intake of the turbo you can see it coming right back out...SMH
Un banco de pruebas? dinamómetro??
That is awesome engine abuse and I love it great video
I'm not 100% sure, but to me it looks like your wastegate is stuck open or something... That way the exhaustgas just bypasses the turbine and doesn't really spool the turbo...
+Warped Perception the first one where the exhaust was off. It looked like the wastegate was like half open. But it was hard to see from the camera angle. The turbo's i have seen have the wastegate closed flat with the input of the turbine housing, so it may very well be just the design lf the turbo
No the waste gates are closed, which turbo setup are you referring to?
Its 2t?
And it doesn't sound like 2t
+Warped Perception sorry i forgot, we (Poland) call two stroke 2t. And now i see it's 4 stroke
2t ?
Making simple mechanics into rocket science
Lol... Actually I thought it was the opposite way around.
poor engine. RIP little briggs.
+Warped Perception because RIP= Rest In Peace..... ( i think you knew that..) this type of engine isn't made to have a turbo and run on nitro.... the crankshaft is going to be broken soon. but this is a very good video, you make me laugh to death with your mechanical fuel injection!
Nah.. RIP?. Why
Warped Perception It looked like the engine was chocking on this much nitromethane. But never seen it before with a see trough intake so would be cool if you tell more about it, good idea!
Damage? What damage?
It's actually not that stupid if you know about nitromethane, nitromethane runs rich, very rich, it's not gasoline. The majority of people don't have any experience with nitromethane, that's part of the problem, I should have addressed that in this episode but I didn't think about it, I just thought everybody was going to figure it out, but in the next episode I will, thanks for watching
Honestly the issue that I had in this episode was coverage, the camera person wasn't good, I should have shown everybody inside that turbo after I took the exhaust manifold off,, but I missed a lot of points here in this video because I wear a lot of hats when we film the stuff. I agree about spraying the nitromethane all over the place, but it happened for two reasons, one was just for pure entertainment and to put people on edge Tama but I found out later it was coming out of the intake flange hole in the front of the turbo that actually goes all the way through into the compressor housing, if you look closely when I'm spraying a nitromethane in it's coming back out and spraying everywhere. Yes I am going to set up ignition control, the whole thing, I'm then going to move that entire set up to a different engine oh, that was supposed to happen a few months ago but I had no idea this engine was this tough. Yeah I'm going to look into that pulsation tomorrow, I have a feeling it's because the boost is leaking, normally a pulsates a little but not that much, thanks for all the feedback!, This actually helps me figure out how in-depth I need to go in future episodes as I am the writer. Thanks again
Seems like the small emgine doesnt create enough exhaust flow to spool it. Aka too big of a turbo for that motor.
it looks to me the wastegate on the turbo is completely open
No it's close it's just a funky turbo design, next time I'll go more in depth for everyone
Permanently shut the wastegate
It's shut.
To get that to rev higher and spool the turbo you really need a large funnel into the turbo and pour nitro into it by the bucket load, dribbling it in like that is just no good..
You could be correct
Do a twin-turbo set up
Well, now we know why you are missing a finger.
No that's not why...LBVS
Figure out how to spray fuel into the exhaust right before the Turbo
I thought of that, but I think fuel and air would be better
I just finished doing a live stream where I actually got quite a bit of boost and power, I was showing everyone how wet it runs,
Well it's Nitro, gas and nitro burn completely different.
Seriously People THUMBS DOWN ALREADY !!?? .. geez, so much for blood sweat and tears...LOL
+iHSÁN 9T3 jeah, but we know that you cant piss nitromethane on a wrong turbo and say that you measured power with a break and a scale
Well it was for entertainment, education and illustration. I actually do almost everything for a reason, and the reason here was to create a connection for people that don't know that much about cars. Once this and the next episode are out people will have a deeper understanding of why modern cars use fuel injection vs older methods. I like to make it visual.
They are just doing it to get your attention
So awesome could watch this all day was so disappointed when the video ended, hurry up with the next one lol
Likely should have skipped out on the first turbo part some it was too long, I think they dropped out before the second turbo, people don't have patients. If you are up for it contact me and I'll help you out with some things on it, ideas etc... Possible collab? Hopefully the stand alone will make all the difference. LMK if you need a injector and what size I may have one.
Just get an old used megasquirt already FFS and stop with the jerry rigged this and jerry rigged that - everyone knows carbs are a headache - especially in a forced induction application
thumbs up from me !
Assistindo do Brasil e esperando os próximos capítulos
Don't worry about it. Some people have no taste beyond what they have in their mouth...
Let them, they're baby sitters.. they don't know anything about these kind of things
People just jealous that you don’t lay around all day doing nothing like they do themselves.
@Warped Perception There was no blood, fortunately, but there _could_ have been with this 'setup'. See my other comments if you really are interested in learning what was wrong with your approach.
For a reason sorry
Answer do you remember me
They prob didn’t even watch it!
Regardless, I loved it. Of there was a stronger emotion then just looking, I would
Probably people shorting nitromethane stock, lol. That's a thirstly little bugger!
good good job
I think the fact that he has a mangled hand and a missing finger tells you he has no idea what he's doing...
7400 RMP on a small briggs flathead.. damn, i didn't think the would hold up to that!
find a sprayer jet for the hose into the intake... the finer mist you can get the better it will burn and the more power you will make... also put the carb back on but before the turbo instead of after
How do I rig something like this up on a go kart or something along those lines.
Good vid
To get some better boost you need to put a load on the motor to make more back pressure on the exhaust
this guy is going to blow himself up....
This is cool! I just cant wait to see that engine with proper fuel injection. You could need oilpressure to the turbo also!
Traduci, no ves que soy de boca?
ez már nevetséges!
Well we just started filming episodes 7 yesterday, and after I plug that hole in the compressor housing, it spooled it
+Warped Perception maybe try an oxygenated fuel as well
+Warped Perception I would try both but only a small amount of fuel is needed
just do what you do. some people love it some hate it. you do you. thats why people watch you.
Your biggest issue is the gapping of the spark plug
flooded it heaps....
YOU ARE DROWNING THAT MOTOR!!!!! The fuel in the oil showed it. Lean out the AFR keep using the after turbo injection. Use a nozzle that will atomize the fuel so it's a well mixed charge. You should have the injection nozzle in the intake tube that's running vertical right before it goes in to the motor and have that nozzle come in at a steep angle so it's in line with the air flow. Keep up the hard work. You put a lot in to make content for us. The slowmo of of the combustion cycle was absolutely beautiful. We all would love to see that puppy make some power!!!
+Warped Perception That's awesome! I was wondering what was coming out of there. I thought maybe the wet setup was too much and somehow ruined the seals letting the oil out. I cant wait to see that boost. Have you thought about switching between gas and nitro to see the differences? It might be a little easier to manage vs. The nitro since you dont have to dump so much in and would also be easier to meter. Either way its going be cool to see. I hope you can give the atomized injection a try in one of the upcoming videos too. I think the consistency would help. I'm sorry if the all caps came of condescending but it grabs attention lol. Len
So I started episode 7 a couple days ago, just a spoiler, I show how rich the nitromethane actually has to run just to keep the engine running, but it made almost 5 lb of boost and 8.5 horsepower after I plugged up that mounting hole in the turbo that was leaking all the boost. I'll save the rest for the episode but yeah that was the first scene of the episode. I promise you I actually know what I'm doing, I just act dumb on camera to make it entertaining and well, it's always suspenseful. Thanks I'm glad you liked it
15:37 - i swear i heard a fart
How is he lubricating the turbo
What in the hell are you doing jesus christ dude. Just build a draw through set up already. You got no business doing this shit good god this is cringeworthy
Too late for that, I already did a draw through setup in the previous episode. If this is cringe-worthy do you I hate to see what you call the life hack
the exhaust side of the turbo is designed to spin a shaft attached to a intake air impeller. not a water/fuel pump. your introducing way too much fuel and its causing friction between the blades and housing .
This was absolutely retarded. You need to learn more about vacuum buddy. Your just about hydrolocking the motor with unburned fuel.
Hydrolocking? With nitromethane? Have you ever worked with nitromethane before? I'm assuming not. Nitromethane works much different than gasoline.
Lol... You're joking right.
It looks like at 5:59 the waste gate is open it will never make boost
It's not open oh, it just looks that way because the way the turbo is designed. It's the primary turbo from a sequential setup from an SL65
You need to atomized fuel which means to spread in a fine mist
I can't wait I stayed away from a fine mist on purpose, I'll show you why in episode 7, I'm not going to spoil it but I have a big surprise.
youre half assing it bud. not to be rude but you should have for 1 run oil feed and return at the turbo because it wont last long . and second it might make actual boost if you metered the air fuel in instead of washing the cylinder down with methane..your heart is in it you just gotta get the finish work done and execute it and i think you bee more pleased ..good luck
Thank you, but not so, my heart is definitely not in it, I want this thing to blow already so I can move on to my other series and seasons. Once episode 7 comes a lot of people are going to be very surprised. we started filming a couple days ago, these videos are made for everybody, not just mechanics, they need to be entertaining. Nothing is going to happen to the turbo in that short amount of time though, it's not getting hot enough to discolor the metal. the biggest problem here is 99% of the people commenting have zero experience with nitromethane, why do you think top fuel dragsters don't have cooling systems. Because they don't need them, the amount of nitromethane being burned cools the engine at the same time. I'm glad you liked it, I didn't think you were rude, but I think you should watch episode 1 through 5 so you can get up to speed on what's going on with this engine. Not to spoil it for you but with the same setup I made almost 5 lb of boost and 8.5 horsepower in episode 7, I actually know what I'm doing, but I act dumb for the camera, but the reason I used that spray bottle system is so when episode 7 comes out people will have a clear understanding of why we use modern fuel injection systems versus old carbureted systems. Thanks for watching I'm glad you liked it
Wrong, that happened when I was 3 years old. You can pass judgment in the next episode, I'll make sure to make it super complicated for if you can't figure out why I did it this way ... Well... It was just for fun man, take it easy Steve.
Me either, I was really surprised
Most of the project is intriguing to me but i didnt like u flooding out the motor..... I do want to see it run on engine management tho...
+KillaG FPV exactly!
look how incomplete burn these engines are
The weir on the see throu allowed more O2 .
i'm just here for the vtec kicked in yo
I like your channel And what about hydrogen gas If you can do experiment with hydrogen gas Thank you for your good jobs I love it
If you would just stop and listen to ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE who have done this and failed, you MUST atomize the fuel via an injection system with greater force via a pump +1-5PSI greater than boost via a boost controller and fuel pump. The turbo is spinning the fuel and air and causing the fuel to come out of the air and into a liquid form vs atomized into the air. Get a pump and some fogging nozzles. SMALLER turbo, like MUCH smaller, PORT the head and you might make like 2 or 3 PSI, The problem is that the cost loss is not even worth the HP gain. you could do a stroker motor with a ported head for 10% the cost and gain 20x the HP that the turbo might give you. You get thumbs down because in the last video i said, it cant work, you said i was wrong. FUCK YOU, no seriously thanks for the video but dont fucking say im wrong when im clearly right. you dont know much about this stuff.
I'll have to look back at those comments and see where I told you you were wrong, but I'll have to give you a spoiler, and episode 7 I actually make almost 5 lb of boost and 8.5 horsepower with this same setup. The problem wasn't the setup it was that mounting hole in the compressor housing went all the way through, so if you take another look at the video, you can clearly see a nitro is going into turbo and coming right back out through that hole. I didn't notice it until after we were finished shooting. But you have to remember again, nitromethane is much much much different than gasoline. Thanks I'm glad you enjoyed it.
sorry bro 22 minutes is way to long, i barely made it in to 5 min. cool video but gotta go, you need to cut some of the lingering. there is waaaayyyy to much more youtube to watch to just sit around watching single videos for a half an hour that move way to slow.....
Are you gonna make this into a drift build once you get it configured for power?
hows the spark plug look lol
Ik im late but what do u think of adding a supercharger to the engine
Thinking about it
Much less fuel and will be better.Great video!!
Thank you, unfortunately it won't run unless fuel since this is nitromethane. I'm going to give that example in the next episode, I'm going to run gas and nitromethane side-by-side
Great video, you are way over complicating this though, a bigger draw through carb and Jett accordingly. Spraying it like you are is just bogging the engine down. The cylinder is way to saturated
That makes sense, I’ve never plaid with nitro methanol, besides nitro rc cars. Could you still jet the carb to really dump the fuel..? PS I’d love to have all your toys in your shop !! Awesome man really is
Thank you. It's nitromethane, not gasoline, nitro cars are ran with so much fuel they are almost hydrolocked. The AFR for nitro is like 1.5 to 1 versus gasoline that is 14.7 to 1.
To be happy, install a carburetor with a venturi suitable for engine performance, electric pump, fuel regulator with a boost reference. 20º timing to boost the turbine, and maximum 10% nitro. if the turbine loads, I see 10hp or more.
+Warped Perception im sure you did, more than a few times there. Lol. To be expected with ur setup. No biggy. Sort out carby jets and get that bitch running sweet.
It's actually not flooded
The air fuel ratio for nitromethane is insanely rich, nitro drag cars run so much nitromethane that they are almost hydrolocked. That's the only way nitro methane will run. It's going to be very nice with the fuel injection system because I will be able to show the air fuel ratio vs the pulse width of the fuel injector, that way everybody's going to understand. Thanks for commenting and thanks for watching I'm glad you liked it
+Warped Perception I respectfully disagree. When you had the first turbo and removed the manifold you can clearly see the wastegate moving.
Warped Perception amazing please keep working in videos like this ones
What was the 2nd turbo you used in the 2nd part?
Hey bud on that small turbo, try putting two m6 bolts in the bolt holes next to the turbo intake, one of them goes through the compressor housing and leaking all your boost. I have the same turbo on a yx150 motor and I’ve seen upwards of 14psi. Cheers.
If your oil looks like that and you keep testing no results are valid somethings broke fix your shit and try again
Use the small turbo to spool the big one!!!!!!!!
10:00 Looks A Bit Rich Lol
Ur better off running E100 with this small engine. Ethanol works so much better than other fuels in these single piston motors. Especially running a turbo on it, ur guna want to lean it out a bit, and the Ethanol will help out with that as well! Put a turbo on it! That's my motto!
The manual fuel injection proves that all those intricate and sophisticated carburetors in the years before fuel injection were wasted rocket science, sure they are more efficient than a spray bottle, but damn, he sprays the fuel, cranks the starter with his other hand, there is enough residual fuel to allow him to position his sprayer before the engine is starved of fuel. Interesting.
Love your determination with this thing. How about one last ditch effort? Leaf blower!!!!! Get some serious air through this thing. Get it really spooling, assuming you can keep up with the fuel, pull the blower and see if it can maintain boost.
Please spray this lil briggs with some huge nitrous shots! I've always wanted to see that.. :)
Create head diesel motor.
I really like your experimental style. What about using an alternator connected to some controlled loads like 100 watt lightbulbs? You could have light switches and every light bulb you turn on will load the engine down by another 100 watts so you could use it to ramp in the load and have it be much smoother than the mechanical brake which isn't really meant for continuuous running and is hard to keep constant. Plus you can directly convert Watts to HP so it would still be easy to measure, you could even use a KillaWatt wall plugin measurer to get the exact power load from the light bulb setup, since a 100w bulb isn't always using 100w exactly.
Don't feel bad if it made around 0 pounds of boost the whole time, that's still power adding that you can really feel. Most cars run at -15 vacuum or more, so 0 is actually 15 pounds more than -15 vacuum. If you drive a car with a boost gauge you can feel the turbo power at 0 psi. To get more boost you probably need to load the engine more.
needs a intake pipe and get a single fuel injector 300cc connect wire up a circut to fire it with a positromitee so you can increase / decrease rpm and possibly connect a throttle position sensor , actually just get a dang honda ecu hook it up run a honda throttle body mess around with a chipped p28 on neptune bet you can make it run on 2 injectors by fucking with the spaceing etc
Bro Mount the turbo the correct way round, you poured oil down the oil return and you could see it try to pump the oil back out..... the turbo is probs dead now
That’s cool to watch. I’m always expecting the connecting rod to break over 6k rpm those engine are very cheap built. Maybe next video :-)
In my humble opinion, you should install both of those turbos on the fire rescue vehicle nearest your garage.
Man merkt das der Typ keine Ahnung hat was er da tut...
It looks like he has no oil pressure tothe turbo it is probably nearly seized
titanium alloid. no aaron paul in our project
pull thru carberator in other words carberator before turbo big jets and race fuel KISS keep it simple and try something proven and repeatable its painful to watch these videos started awsome with something to see few have but cant even finish this one
The oil was silver looking because the the piston is grinding against the wall and metallic dust is in the oil. The engine is done for. Do this with a 125cc motorcycle engine or something it will be much better!
I'm thinking . Under load that spark ain't strong needs to spark hard
Thank you, well as others have said, this engine made 8 horsepower and it's rated for 3. So I can't be running that bad.
Keep up the awsomeness
Try to remove engine from setup and make turbo rotate by mind will. But, if you make it run, you must hold that to yourself. If you say, power will left you.
Nitro douche for the turbo.. Love it
I know, we started filming episode 7 and I did one run with the engine on the same setup, but this time I plug the holes, it made 8.5 horsepower on 4 PSI of boost. I had absolutely no idea that those holes we're drilled all the way into the compressor housing, that makes no sense but I guess that's how these little turbos are, thanks
Nothing's broken, that's why top fuel dragsters use 70 weight motor oil, because as the nitro is burned it Waters down the oil, in between runs they usually heat up the oil to boil off any nitromethane or methanol contaminants, then they use the oil again.
That is a fantastic idea. I may end up doing a compound turbo just for fun.
Well this is already way more than ethanol, 50% nitro 50% methanol. So ethanol and methanol are fairly comprable, they are both type of alcohols, they are just derived from different sources.
Out of almost a million people you are the first one to get it!! , that's exactly why I did that demonstration, I thought people would just get it but apparently not, I am definitely going to go a little more in-depth into that comparison in the next episode. Thanks for watching and thanks for the feedback
A leaf blower definitely sounds interesting, however in the first scene of the upcoming episode, I plug the bolt holes in the compressor housing, and that fixed the problem, that's where it was leaking all of the boost from, on the first run it ended up making 8.5 horsepower on 4 PSI of boost.
That's not the engine that's the fuel, it's nitromethane not gasoline
Thank you, I may experiment with some hydrogen gas in the future.
Ha.... Maybe!
Yeah you're not going to make any power with 20 degrees timing on nitro though. You need more like 35 to 60 degrees timing
+Warped Perception sure but with0out proper measurement and the fact you are putting out the spark with completely crude somewhat unmetered delivery system. rpm's going down and almost stalling as a result. yeah id say you were flooding it at points. i know the purpose of richness in nitro cars, since i do work on top fuelers at 5000-10000hp solid alloy block v8's. i dont play with their fuel systems tho. i just repair the things when they go boom! lol
Not with nitro, that's not flooded. 50/50 nitro I believe is 1.5 to 1 air fuel ratio. That's about 14 times more Rich than gasoline.
People are just pieces of shit
If u retarded the timing of the spark I think it would be better
Also nitromethane, methanol, and alcohol will change the engine oil color. When I ran methanol in go kart racing it turned the oil the same milky color. We changed the oil after every race!
I would drill out the jets bigger for more fuel and maybe try offset flywheel keys to control timing
You should twin turbo it and see what happens
WAYYY TOOO RICHHHH No wonder it wont spool.
the sprayer should be adjusted to a "mist" like spray so the engine wont run too rich, in here we see in the video that you are drowning the engine coz its too rich in fuel that it somewhat chokes itself. btw the sprayer can handle some pressure too dont be afraid to pump more air in, and adjust the nozzle into fine mist(again) :)
You should be working for NASA
You would make more horsepower if you convert that turbo into a jet turbine and add a rc helicopter gear system.
Haha thought so when I seen the fuel blowing out of the holes. Good luck man.
Nitro runs wet for sure but it needs petrol. Also I would *_Highly_* recommend reading the MSDS sheet for the fuel you are using. Excessive Nitro exposure will give you Leukemia. Avoid skin contact and breathing the unburnt vapors..
Yes that's for sure. We have a full exhaust and make-up air system at the shop so not to worried about excessive inhalation, that's for the heads up though, you are correct.
Why are you doing this the fuel system looks a bit like Heath Robinson made it up and boy am I glad I don't live next door.
try LPG from a regulated bbq jet. i ran a lawnmower for 20min this way with no problems at all.
Warped Perception, where did you get a 3hp Briggs? I have an old fox mini bike from the 70 and i acquired a 3hp briggs for it because that was original for the fox doodlebug in 1970. I though 3 hp had been discontinued by Briggs for quite a while, whats up?
Eyyy fuhgedaboudit!
+Warped Perception Needs a strong ignition, nitromethane is so bad to burn..
Always wondered what would happen if you turbo'd a little Briggs and Stratton. Might need a more compact turbo. That one might be too big to make any boost with the small single cylinder engine's exhaust volume.
It's a god ordained miracle you didn't burn your house down.
You need a better fuel system
Kitarya Kysubae he’s doing an injection system next time
You're not getting any boost pressure because you don't have a high enough exhaust volume.
I may have missed it in a previous video, but have you adjusted the timing for nitro? Nitro needs a LOT more spark lead to really make power. Top fuel cars run something like 60-65 degrees of timing advance.
Thumbs Up here the tests were cool !! 7 grand is interesting awesome video ;-) subscribed
Try uso low octane fuel
Try putting the carb before the turbo!
Interesting, keep on, on this experimenting project!
+Warped Perception Skin contact is the worst, and you have nitro fuel everywhere.
sirgallium this
+ADEBISI ADEBISI dude, the fuck? Chill
Warped Perception You’re pathetic. Dress like an adult. Creep muhfucka.
The methanol is making the oil go milky. Source: junior drag racing using methanol Briggs and Stratton engines.
You ought to try propane
Your waste gate spring looks too soft.. Tie it closed man..
Your wastegate flapper is wide open. You will never make boost no matter how much you free up the I take and exhaust breathing
let it make power before applying the brake, once it gets to rpm and boosting if it boosts, and lean it out..
I hope he has several very large fire extinguishers close at hand. 'Cause you're probably going to need them.
This shit is gangster
Must be the most miserable attempt to inject feul manually.
+MrZetor please link your video since you have so much input and issues I would like to see your work as well oh wait just one craptastic video 5 years ago just gtfo good vid ignore the morons they are just having trouble finding a safe space thumbs up here
16 mins watching someone spraying nitro into a turbo and achieving nothing might be a reason.And you still didn't make any boost(2-3 psi and 1.5 hp is in the realm of error).At this point its obvious this engine will never be able to spool up the turbo and make boost.You might as well attach the compressor side of the turbo to the crank with some pulleys and see if you will get SOME gain.
The turbo's turbine doesn't get a stable airflow to keep spooled up.... it just gets pufs of air...
Use a proper fuel injector for atomising the fuel. Now you drown the engine.
When you have liquid pooling in the piston, you're too rich. You could have done a better job with a ball needle, tank, and compressed air to control fuel pressure and flow.
maybe machine the piston with divets like in nitro cars.
that see through head shot towards the end shows you how rich its running, its only burning a tiny bit of the fuel..
It is that piss oil your putting in it
Might as well just run it off a can of ether
This is painful to watch....I can make a list of the wrong things with this video longer than Santa's naughty list.....a STOCK, UNMODIFIED 5 hp motor on 5lbs of boost should at least make 10hp....then 5lbs of boost and running on nitro should be making the same because nitro wants high compression ratios....a good rule of thumb for a naturally aspirated PERFORMANCE gas motor is 1hp per cubic inch and a Briggs 5hp motor is 12.5ci....sooo.....before putting on power adders I'd start with porting, brow shaving, valve jobbing, camming ,re springing, rasing comp ratio (especially for nitro), and actually GETTING THE FUEL RATIO RIGHT.....before posting another video...I'd do more research on what your trying to it looks like you at least know what your doing....
Too much crank case pressure cavitating the oil!
what kind of CC is the engine?
smaller turbo would help
It already very small 21mm. I'd today find smaller than that let me know.
Im just waiting for a flame to come out and light the roof off that place with the puddle under the engine
I have better than that and I will give a demo in the next episode.
how you think its get more power when you spray nitro methane to turbo are drowning engine. I thought its nitrous oxide.
That’s should put it on a gokart.
I realized he is missing a finger
Sad world haha
Usually running lean gets you high rpm and power right before it starves the engine of fuel and overheats. Running rich really bogs it down as we are seeing. But props for the determination that was awesome how you kept saying "I'm gonna give it another run"
perhaps use a pressure washer or a fire hose, that'll do it ... lol
Pressure washer pumping nitro... Yes that would be fun
great vid very interesting.
You need to put a lot bigger carb on the inlet side of the turbo
You stole this concept from project farm's channel good one jack ass sit tight whilst I tune in
Carb after turbo fuel into the turbo is bad also fuel to air is way off could easly boost it if it doesn't blow up could do a pressure washer tip in intake pipe 4 to 6inch frim the motor and run the fuel through that to get a better mist. If you get it done right she's gonna get hot
The reason your oil looked like that is because you over filled it, when its overfilled it adds air into the oil.
it was fuel blown past the rings, fuel is not compressible, at least not at the volume you sprayed in there
No sir, was not over filled. I will follow-up on this in the next episode
I think 40 of those 45 ounces went over the turbo instead of in it.
Much better setup the second time
sei un coglione
Put the carb on the intake side of the turbo it wont flood out and it will work correctly as if the turbo wasnt there it will use the vacume to pull the fuel instead of the positive pressure
I hope you read this comment I think it will really help you of you do it this way
You need to have the wastegate close to make boost
Do a 80cc 2-stroke with turbo might crank more boost with some additives
How many % of the nitrous actually made it trough the turbo..? Lemme guess 30%? You spilled 70%...
Hey matey, your credit titles at the end show 2018 in Roman numerals instead of 2019... time to update?
Ha !! You are right !!. Thanks
It sounds like a muscle car
Mikuni 32mm triple atomizing jet carborator..
Wait a minitue. WHERE IS INTERCOOLER???
The reason why the engine made higher rpms in the see through head is because you are running a lower compression head with lots of room for more airflow to go into the combustion chamber. It’s easier for air to move through a bigger area than it is for a smaller area
Close the wastegate, make boost; then open it to maintain boost pressure at a certain level.
watching the see thru head was like watching hippos in a swimming pool. There’s running rich, then there’s “holy shit, how does it still run!”
Try using a mister like the ones used at the barber shop you need to atomize the fuel
Great vid But you had me dead when you said “mechanical fuel injection system” and held up the spray bottle
I bet cha , if you rig up an inter cooler of sorts. The intake air would be a lot cooler . = More horsies .
:) looks like it needs more oqygen ,,,,, :)
Did I see that right? You're at 40 degrees btdc timing??? Wtf
+Warped Perception we ran 25 on our go karts, and that was aggressive. Methanol and a big cam n/a
Yes, 40 degrees, and believe it or not that's not really aggressive, 60 to 65 degrees would be on the more aggressive side.
Close that waist gate
Turbo is supposed to intake air right????
It’s a 3 hp not 5 hp it’s only 8 cubic inch displacement
MX304 he already did in the last episode
Have you tried running it on hydrogen?
Подойдет ли цилиндр на к 750
Put you a diamond E3 spark plug in it and try doing another test
5:09 just noticed you’re missing a finger, what happened?
Good Idea :D
looks like water contamination in the oil
damn man turbo intake isnt for fuel ahhaahhahahas w.t.f. pure comedy
You're drowning the dang thing!
Forget the turbo make this far simpler. Use a large compressor and a regulator. Would save you hours of problems and you don't need to work about oil lines to the turbo.
Might be over fueling at the wrong time of the rpm
This guys actually not smart when it was running good he kept adding fuel I was yelling stop adding fucking fuel dude running way to rich someone help this man
Not nitro, if it's not wet and flooded it won't run, it just won't run. Have you ever seen how much fuel they spray into dragsters?, So flooded the engine is close to hydrolocking, half the fuel is burned in the engine and the other half to create downforce, look it up and you will see what I'm saying.
Im sorry to say but he doesn’t know what he’s doing
Well I'll guess you'll see if your accusation is accurate in the next episode, entertainment before anything else in my book. wait till you see what happens when I light the entire thing on fire in the next episode, yeah let's see if I know what I'm doing since my life depends on it. .lol .
The gray stuff in the oil might have been water, but how would there be water in it?
20:00 waaaaayyyyy to much fuel, and then says that it sounded good, uhhhh wutt......
18:00 he keeps putting fuel into the turbo and when he doesn’t it increases the rpm like he wants and he keeps adding fuel when he doesn’t need to.
really enjoy the video is cooler with little engines
try welding the waste gate of the turbo closed, and see if it will boost. Also that turbo probably wants actual pressure not just oil, which likely would help with friction.
Your voice/accent sounds like Norm McDonald of SNL fame.
Way too rich
Uses nitro methane in a engine that’s designed for gasoline and also uses stock carb jetting and buys turbo and just to ruin them
i get more power from a stock engine!
An idea would be to get a fuel pump from a small outboard motor. Outboard motors have a small hole on the block to attach the fuel pump and acceleration regulates the amount of fuel flow the engine receives
3hp is nothing
Am I blind I dont see the boost gauge picking up any boost. I spoke to soon I did see the boost needle go up one at the end, when you realised turbos aren't meant to have liquid sprayed into them lol
That first turbo might actually make some boost if the waste gate wasn’t wide open
Nah, it's not wide open, it's completely closed. That's how the exhaust housing is designed, it looks like it's coming from the wastegate but right next to the internal wastegate is the exhaust port, so it just looks like it's coming from the wastegate but it's not, I wish I would have showed this because this is the stock primary turbo from the SL65. It's not an aftermarket turbo so it's designed specifically to mate and direct the exhaust gases into that second larger turbocharger, I should have showed this but I didn't really see it until later. but I assure you not wastegate was completely closed with like a 10 lb spring.
двигатель копия мотоблок нева
No, hydrogen likes to explode, I like to live.
It happened when I was about three years old, I was interested in a machine called the Ludlow machine, I went to touch the gears and it pulled my hand in, completely mangled my right hand.
It's because turbos aren't meant to have liquid sprayed into it
This looks horribly dangerous I love it
Why thank you!!
Of course it wont make consistent boost its one cylinder.
+Warped Perception interesting.
Well actually, after finishing this episode I figured out that all the boost was leaking out of the intake hole, the mounting hole for the intake of the turbo is threaded all the way through into the compressor housing, if you look at the last runs closely where I'm spraying the nitro into the compressor housing you can see all of the boost leaking out of the turbo, bummer. I ran this thing for the first scene of episode 7 and it made 4 lb of boost no problem, consistent with no pulsation
nitro is lighter than simple gasoline. it does not take time like gasoline to burn. if you want to improve the intake ...cut these angles and make staight to the intake manifold and you are going see big impovement ....... also give some back pressure at the exhaust
your sprayer sucks ?
Lol.. I wasn't that bad, made 8 horsepower
And thats the exact reason you dont turbocharge a carb engine, you have zero fuel flow efficiency or increase for rpm.. waste of time
Is the waste gate open that whole time??
No the wastegates are completely closed, it just looks like that because of the design of the turbo housing.
Try lpg gas,, you might be able to regulate the right amount simply by using the right injector size nozzle, You can increase gas volume by a valve.
I thought so too, and what was really cool was that in between the time the intake valve is open, you can see the pressure in the tube stop and then as soon as the valve opened again it rushed into the cylinder, it was really cool to see with the high speed camera
It's nitro, you need to add fuel, a lot of fuel, if I would have stopped adding fuel it would have just stopped running, nitro runs very very wet. Look up the air-fuel ratios for nitro versus gasoline
No way, the turbos are not ruined at all, just hang tight you will see in the next episode.
I highly doubt that
Need bigger motor
Most people have found that carbs and turbos just dont work well together. One of the only successful turbo setups ive seen ended up using an EFI before they got any significant power. Another one had to have dual carbs just to make it produce boost and it produced very little after running for about 3 minutes at full throttle
If he knew any better it ran better with the smaller turbo but he was just flooding it out with nitro
Der turbo läuft über, der motor säuft ab aber der hat save zu wenig erstmal noch mehr reinsprühen... so dumm muss man erstmal sein..
Stimmt.. die sind echt durch haha
cabbage with 30 psi turbo boost would pull out 60 hp, doing the 3 psi calculation has pulled out 6 hp, 3 psi x 10 = 30 psi boost and 6 hp x 10 = 60 hp large
Public Saftey Video in reality right here
6:25 the dog was eye balling you hard.
Shit hot
Pretty neat video. when are you putting E7 up? i wanna see the stand alone computer FI set up.. keep up the good work!
The draw through setup with the carb was way tooooo small....the manual fuel injection should work much better lol. Thats actually kind of how the old Scott Injectors worked.
I like how you removed your middle finger to clear the disk on the back of your phone.
Hey you should try putting the carb in the front of the turbo. So the turbo will suck fuel through the carb.
долбоеб ты ебаный, по русски говори
Sequential turbos. Don't be a bitch. Do it.
Ecotrons makes complete turbo systems and efi systems for single cylinder engines. Lookup turbocharged 230 quadsport, it's triple the stock hp.
Build a box around the carburetor and run boost through it, then you can equalize pressure on the carb and it won't blow the fuel out of the bowl.
killing it bud. great video. Looks like a lot of work for one video. but I appreciated it
Those RPM are way too low. That sucker needs to screeeeeeeeaaaammmm!!!!!
even better 4800 rpm
like 3800 rmp
This video hurts. Top to bottom. Wtf.
+Warped Perception your test rig is, unique. Your fuel system is insane(seriously you are lucky you didn't start a fire). your motor is rediculous and sounds like death. You filled the case with nitro. It was a shitshow and you know it. Lol
I think you are giving it too much fuel. I mean you can see liquid inside the cylinder.
Looks like one of the things is rusted
I want to see someone sleeve and drop forged pistons/rods in a lawnmover engine then boost the crap out of it.
That's a great idea
Ha. I didn't even notice until you pointed it out
Thank you
Working on it now and should be out in a couple weeks.
Nice to see a Youtuber that has good slow-mo video quality!
Thank you. And I give other channels credit if they give me an idea,
i was just going to sugest to try to adapt a car carburator, but the efi sounds way better
If it makes 15hp. Just make a go cart
Damn 7400 rpm... I figured it would've threw a rod at 5k. Or at least float the valves. Engines stock never been rebuilt right?
Kind of cool watching the 'scavenging' effect.
It hurts to see
He reminds me of the banana bread at work kid
Use a old spray paint can, drill the bottom out install a tire stem, loose the Schrader valve to fill it with nitro, fasten Schrader valve and pressurize with air... Atomazation of fuel will make your numbers
Awesome video. I have vfb to agree too much fuel and hard to manage. But good TV est run . That EFI should definitely do to trick. Look forward to seeing that. You should try try boring the cylinder next put an up graded piston in it next . Good work
Well yeah oh, it seems that way, but in reality I'm going to go deep into the nitromethane air-fuel ratios in the next episode. Nitro runs very very wet.
Why did you not run the carb infront of the turbo?
appericate it, I havent see the past eps, will check.
I did, in the previous episode
Damn it really baffles me that it didnt blow up
I thought the same thing, also with the guy from Briggs & Stratton said, yes it's all original never been rebuilt.
Properly set up being a relative term in this instance
God damn, those welds are really something.
Turbo too big fam:( turbo lag
In top fuel we use venturi style fuel injection on cold days to start up the cars on alcohol. Maybe you can do that with nitro and play with the height of the gravity fed fuel pump for pressure. Also, both nitro and turbo need a load to work against, so try to keep the brake dyno on it. Great work love the videos and engineering.
+eclipsehipsi OMG... Hey man!, I love your team, awesome people, I hope all is well, yeah man I got into a lot of trouble last year, shook stuff up big time, I'm sure you heard the everyone was nervous, but I'm almost positive I'll be out there this year, I can't write in here but I'll explain in person what I have going on, I think it's going to help all of the teams exponentially if I can make it work.
+Warped Perception Justin Schriefers nitro funny car. I believe we spoke last year when you interviewed me about the clutch on a fuel car. Let me know if youd like to talk further. I have a few ideas from what I learned in the nitro racing pits for your video.
Thank you, that's a great idea, that's exactly why this thing is a pain in the butt to start when it's cold, I didn't even think about that. What team do you work on? I know a lot of the teams.
How to kill a perfectly good engine an waste fuel
Yeah dirty steel, also I didn't clean the slag off of the welds afterwards. No excuses thought the welds are the most important part of this video, that's probably why I didn't make any boost...
You are welcome to cameo on that one
Nitro Methane needs cylinder pressure to make any real power. It would make more power on gas but dont spray it directly into that turbo, chance of fire very high. It is a lot safer with nitro, its much more difficult to make explode. While very entertaining, that little engine just doesnt have the compression to really use nitro and gasoline would be just to dangerous ( fire bad ). It sure is fun to watch though. Thanks for that.
?? This is just straight up the stupidest video I've ever seen. You may as well fill up a jug with nitro and just pour it down the exhaust pipe. Pointless.
Looks like the wastegate is open all the time.....
No it was closed
Could you do a video explaining how a carburetor and other fuel/air mix systems work?
Cool idea really ,but so many things to improve . Blaming turbo for not making boost when it has no constant pressure oil feed ,the bigger turbo might had a better chance but only because the lubrication contact area is bigger thus could rotate longer faster ,other issues ect ect. Nice try but rename to " how not to turbo ect"
Absolutely, one of the whole idea is behind me original in creating this show, was to explore subjects that not many people are familiar with, and even more so play with subjects that have unexpected outcomes. But yeah the lubrication would normally be an issue for a long-term run for sure, and for the next episode I'm working on making a slightly pressurized lubrication chamber, but I left it out because I didn't want to clutter things up, this thing's going to make a lot of power you'll see, but one of the main things you want to keep in mind is I'm running nitromethane, if this little thing was running gas I highly doubt it would ever even spool up and once I get the EFI system in place, I'm going to try both gas and nitromethane to show how much less gas do you need, how much more nitro you need, as well as how it's probably only going to spool on nitromethane, a lot of nitromethane.
+Warped Perception Thank you for the reply ,lots of respect for divulging the issue with the boost leak even in regards to my satire at the end. I am very happy to see you do improvements and actually seek out the problem. I turbo'd a 600cc motorbike but my main issue was the oil supply to the turbo ,they spool up quicker and keep boost/rotational momentum much longer under constant pressure .
Actually I can sum it all up for you better, the reason it didn't make boost with the small turbo was because it was all leaking out of the compressor housing hole. In the next episode I put a screw in that hole and I made 4 lb of boost Non-Stop without even trying before moving on with the EFI system. Another big problem is nobody knows nitro, except for the top fuel guys which is a very small number of people
+Warped Perception LOL got em
I can see why you lose a finger
the 3.5hp flat head engine can't even blowout a birthday candle let alone get a turbo up to speed. Ya gotta start with a better breathing engine like a predator 6.5
Daytona anima 190 has 21hp. Stock the way it comes.
Retard the timing, reduce compression, Buy forged crank /piston /rod, and a lightened flywheel, then do some pipe size engeneering, more air more fuel, more rpm more power, but keep your stoichametretic ratio slightly on the richer side under boost.
Well I'm trying to blow this thing up not beef it up, nitro needs advance timing, I'm only at 40° advanced right now next time I'll do 50 or 60 degrees advanced. Running nitro rich is a fuel to air ratio of 0.5 to 1, gasoline stoichiometric is 14.7 to 1. Yup, that's nitro, not many people know nitro.
Thank you, however I would have to argue that point, it's absolutely impossible that this thing is going to make more power on gasoline, I can almost put money on it that this turbo would not even spool on gasoline, only a portion of nitromethane is burned inside of the engine, a lot more is burned outside of the engine, and in this case inside the turbo, that's the only reason this thing is making boost pressure. and in the next episode which we already started filming I plugged up the hole in the compressor wheel where all the boost is leaking out, it made 8 horsepower on 4 lb of boost, sorry for the spoiler just figured you might want to know. If I advance the timing to about 50 or 60 degrees, it will make more horsepower from just the actual powerstroke without the turbo, I wouldn't retard the timing any more than 40 degrees. But I would much rather show that with the engine management system in real time. Thanks for commenting I'm glad you like the video.
+Warped Perception That's why I don't do that either! Your videos are more wacky than most but they're certainly entertaining. Don't change mate.
I also liked my own comment, because that is also very pointless. Thanks
Well when you go out to the bar with friends, spend all your money on booze, just to talk gossip go home late and have a hangover the next day, that seems more pointless to me then this video.
Put a pop off
I think you need a slightly bigger turbo
Good bye piston rings. It was nice knowing you. Sorry for the nitro bath but now your thoroughly washed out.
You need to make that nitro mist finer. You are just drenching the engine and running it fat as hell. Turbos like lean and advanced
Doesn't Nitro need a lot´s more pre ignition?
I need the name model number of that turbo.
I didn't hear any turbo spooling I call bullshit retard
Ha! Whatever....k
Like wtf if this dude doing.
Continuing from the previous episode.
Make a hole in the turbo and flood it with nos
Just use the squirty bottle
It’s be nice to see him build the predator to get a lot more rpm, a shaved head for more compression etc
It's drowning in fuel you dope!
Jesus Christ bud tone it down on the spray that isn’t a v8.
might be a stupid question but how many cylinders does the engine have?
run a crank case vent system. That turbo is blowing forced air through the oil res which turns your oil into mousse.
Looks like an explosion waiting to happen. Stupid risk.
sprays 4 ml of fuel.. says motor uses that much lmao... yea cleaning the outside of the turbo with 3ml of it :))
your drowning the engine lean it out a little
West gate open hahaha
Why did you leave wastegate open?No wonder you not getting boost.
Just one
Try a vaporizer for fuel delivery. ..a bubbler! Cool video!
I was just watching to see this guy burn his garage down from all that wild spraying of fuel everywhere
Demasiado combustible.,lo ahogas.
Watching you with that spray bottle is excruciating. Its like watching a monkey fuck a door knob.
+Warped Perception Do yourself a favor. figure out a way to regulate the fuel that doesnt involve spraying the combustible liquid all over the hot exhaust system.
Lol... I've never seen that happen before, it's called engineered entertainment
@ 9:33 It's like a turbo motor money shot! Love it! Thanks for doing this series. It's very entertaining as a gear head and large scale gas RC enthusiast. Currently adding a crank driven supercharger (made by RBInnovations) to my 2 stroke 30.5cc 5th scale RC Baja 5b buggy. Should be interesting. Watching these videos has got me itching to wrap that build up, get it tuned, and then let her rip. Thanks!
Wow. So much fuel going not just into the combustion chamber (as seen through the plexi head).. but all over everything else as well. I was worried it would get ignited on the exhaust either by heat or a leak (after-fire). Interesting to watch, but I'm glad it's not happening in my garage. lol
Pull the Hose to the waste gate
Honda people working on there car
Julian Saiz it's literally impossible for an engine to reach 100% efficiency
SIMPLE HUMAN bruh lmao you dumb
not actually efficiency... just more power. Doesn't mean its actually making better use of the air and fuel
I have a great idea, instead of seeing how much boost the engine will make, see how much itll handle, fill up an air tank and run a direct line into the plumbing of ur turbo then when u get ur air fuel ratio figured out crack the valve and how far itll go on hmm idk 120 psi lol
The leaner the meaner
Oh.. you're middle finger was cut off..
+Warped Perception first..
No not cut, crushed. It happened when I was about 3 yrs old. My hand got mangled by a Ludlow machine
+Punisherix efficiency is actually most likely less with a turbo on a petrol due to pumping losses
You're a plonker, impossible to get even 100% efficiency. You'd need an engine that emits zero noise or heat etc
Engine effenciety is like how much heat you can get of buring fuel Effenciety for this engine it's like a i dont know maybe 40%... of all burned fuel I just mean you can't say that making more power it's making it more efficient becouse you adding boost pressure and more fuel to the engine. Effenciety still is on the same level
Try leaf blower or hair dryer in place of turbo but keep fuel injected like at end of video
You need a inercooler for the turbo
good job
Mate the turbo is fine, you need a 28mm pitbike carb in front of the turbo, an old fuel pump to supply oil pressure to the turbo so it can actually spin, and mix 10% nitro with normal fuel. Then she'll boost. Drowning tho whole thing in liquid aint efficient.
That's entertainment, hey*
They work with passion.. My Respect
+Dave Micolichek Nobody is talking about volumetric efficiency. How does 7.2hp from a 3hp engine have anything to do with VE? A sidevalve engine like this has very low VE, and that stupid turbo setup is not adding much
+EngineEngineer Its called V.E.(volumetric efficiency). It's a measurement of how much air (and fuel) the engine is capable of drawing through it regarding the size of the engine, compared to the ACTUAL flow that the engine IS actually using. Example, a 350ci engine, if perfect, would ingest 350 cubic feet of air every 2 revolutions( one cycle per cylinder). Most stock n/a automobile engines do not come close to 100% V.E. A highly modified n/a race engine, or a boosted engine, can actually achieve over 100% V.E. It's especially impressive if an N/A engine achieves over 100%. I think that is what the original post was referring to.
+forbidden pollo an engine that was theoretically 100% would convert 100% of it's fuels energy to rotational energy. That would mean no heat or noise. The most efficient petrol enigne on earth is roughly 44% efficient
+EngineEngineer no, you're really dumb
Where did you get your turbo
You can see your getting droplets not mist. Why not use a small fuel injector with a timed spray. Also try cutting the turbo in haft and add a brushless motor to regulate the boost better. Too.
The fuel isn’t atomizing enough, to get the gain of the nitro mix fuel. It should yield a higher amount hp. what was it with out the turbo and on the same full mix?
Amazing Job !
Damn 15 percent of the nitro went in into the turbo. The other 85 onto the floor sloppy work
There was no way to not make it sloppy, I found out later that all of the fuel was being shot back out of the turbo through the hole in the compressor housing
+EngineEngineer Engines with a "very low" VE are the ones that benefit the most from boost... And that's a fact Jack.
It's a joke
fun stuff
Timing way to early.... Burn is way too cold..
Timing is modest at 40° very modest for nitro. It is a little cold in the first few seconds.
You're drowning the engine with fuel, you should put something along the lines of a carburetor, and if you're using nitro, just bore the jets up a bit
Need to add another sparkplug and hotter ignition. Lots of unburned fuel in there.
lol in real engine labs this is basically the setup but 10x more complicated and boring
Thanks !
Try this with an 8hp briggs
You Have To Open The Governor to make rpm = boost.
Hello sir, i am huge fan of your see through engine videos, it’s helps a lot to understand how engine works. I have one request for you, can you please make a video (see through) on variable valve timing .
Should also consider the wastegate, for all you know being that small it could be set to open at 2-3psi, weld it shut or fix it shut another way. Also the “mechanical injection” is just flooding the living crap out of the engine.
Dude your mixture is way too rich and it's not atomizing either. You just need to invest in something that mists the fuel in with more control yoh can't just gush fuel in there and expect it to perform my man. Thank you for saying you were going to do the ecu setup. I can assure you that's gonna be far different.
I can hardly wait to see the result.
Good god your ignorance of forced induction is baffling -_-
This guy is such a moron. "Omg it used 25 ounces of fuel on that run!" No, idiot, you sprayed it all over the turbo and drowned the engine anyways
i musta clicked on the wrong link for the SEE thru engine
Or just eliminate the carb and turbo and hook up your vac tank that is maintained vac at 15 and hook up to your intake of the engine i really want to see the redults i love your c thru head ....please? for this vid ?
Do it with the see thru head after making the vac chamber.and eliminate the carb and attach the fuel line from the vac exhaust to the intake of the turbo and then close or limit the air flow to the turbo then your rpms will drsmatly increase and the c thru head will show a complete burn instead of looking like awashing machine in wash cycle
Dude. Your gonna blow yourself up all that raw fuelus a disaster waiting to happen. What would be cool is to blow it up and lose another finger. Love to hear that story. Lol. Sure u were. Doin something stupid. I subscribed just to watch u blow yourself up.
Put the nitro in a vacumn chamber(hermetically sealed container with a vacumn pump attached to draw the vacumn down to 15 in ...the exhaust port of the vacumn pump attached to turbo inlet) then you will see a huge amount of performance increase.
Put the carburetor on the inlet of the turbo instead. Also it might be good to use a wide band lambda to see if you even have the right mixture. That setup looks terrible and you will never get that working. properly. Go back to school!
Try compounding the 2 turbos. And let it breath man. Stop running it so rich.
I think I'm just going to redo this with a obd1 Honda ecu, Neptune RTP, and LS2 smart coil
+Warped Perception your videos are awesome, you fab, you just get after it and try, big props to you, would like to see a little more science applied, and you'd be heading next level
Do it, sounds like a lot of work, I'm sure you could get it done. Maybe we can put the two engines Head to Head!. See which one blows up first.
Is that Wastegate sealed off?
You have to shut the wastegate to make boost
I still have a great idea for a new vid using your high speed cameras. (if I had a good camera, I would make the vid) Please respond back to me, or watch any vid on my channel and leave a comment. This will be a vid you will be interested in for sure! Take care. Miles
What's up charger! I'll check out your channel now .
Put a carb on turbo inlet
45 oz.? You were spraying nitro everywhere bro
Remove the wastegate actuator pipe. That will give you 100% available boost, but the engine needs some load.
Well the wastegate was closed for sure.
This engine will work better than my 2.4 Jeep Patriot
The milkshake oil happens when nitromethane or alcohol mix with the petroleum based oil. Switch to caster oil or something designed to be compatible with nitro or methanol like Klotz Super Techniplate synthetic. My thought if you aren't seeing fuel coming out the exhaust, you aren't feeding it enough. Nitromethane ratio is something like 4 to 1 air to fuel whereas gasoline ratio is 14 to 1. Fun stuff. Does it smell like gunpowder when you burn the Nitro?
+Warped Perception nitro burns fast... I day it's about 25 to early...
do a draw though set up.
What a bunch of bollocks ...
Running way too rich!
Need a smaller intake pipe diameter. That thing is like 1/5 of the size of a V8 throttle body. A smaller pipe will create more velocity and allow the boost to atomize the fuel and burn faster. Bigger isn't always better. It's like trying to blow water out of garden hose compared to a straw. The straw will spray farther and faster.
You killed turbo blades lol
Turbo oil
No safety concerns hear pressurized container of race fuel spraying all over precarious glass container of gas hanging over head
I think the engine needs additional cooling.
so much fuel you filled the crank case. Fun video, but the engine would have made more power with less fuel. Just use a bigger carb and set it up before the turbo.
Not enough fuel with a carb. We need AFR's of like 1:1 for nitro.
WhT happened to your finger
+Warped Perception Even if you have a wider band to play with you can't just spray fuel in to the turbo and think that it will magically work. You might get some mixture right but the turbo will probably newer have time to spool up until you get the wrong mixture again. I'm looking forward to your EFI conversion.
Well standby, I might surprise you, have you ever work with nitro before? You can run AFR's as low as 0.5 fuel to 1 air. That was part of my idea behind this, not many, very few people know how nitro works. Everybody tries to compare it to gas, there is no comparison. I won't give out any spoilers but after filming this episode I soon realized that all of the boost was leaking out of that hole in the compressor housing. Yup. You might need to go back to school and learn about nitro
Ha!!, I love the idea. Although it's not running rich believe it or not, this is how nitro likes to run, I'm monitoring and regulating the amount of fuel I'm putting in, any leaner it just won't run. Trust me, this is how nitro works, with nitro you can run AFR's all the way down to 0.5:1 that's more fuel than air.
Thank you, yes it's coming, just been a real struggle bringing all this to YouTube, it's been a heck of a lot of work, but I think we're moving forward now.
How is this engine see thru??....
It couldn't spool up because there was a quart of nitro in the crankcase. ??
I would think that huge exhaust plenum would slow the pulses down has to fill the plenum and then fart out the exhaust
Its litterally sputtering its choking on fuel so hard bro. chiiiiiill with the fuel.
Yo this dude is missing a finger?????
Cool. Nice Engine work..
I definitely think you need much higher RPM. The last transparent run was very good. When I was a kid, I had a few of the same Engines. All of my stock Briggs and Straton Cars and Mini Bikes ran very well at about 8k RPM, and I never even blew one up.
That's kind of crazy, because the Briggs & Stratton guys told me that above 7000 they run the risk of throwing a rod, and naturally valve float.
You had it richer than Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates combined! I'm so confused as to why you dont just hook up some scrap fuel pump and variable regulator. Using some maths you should he able to estimate how big of a fuel port you need at full throttle and as the intake pressure rises you can adjust the regulator to increase pressure at a set rate to inject more fuel. Its crude and not at all precise but in the end itll work better than your guestimation because its consistent, you can start small, and make adjustments as you go. But it's more than apparent the AFR is your biggest limiting factor at this point.
+Warped Perception There is way more that goes into this than I can cover so I'll keep it as brief as possible and sorry in advance for not covering all the math and for any typos. You have not looked at all of the variables here. Sure one can "hypothetically" run a 0.5:1 AFR on nitro but this particular setup can not. The guys that come close to that have intake velocities and fuel systems that aren't even comparable to this. Not only that but they have a constant flow or air and fuel through the engine. You only have air flow at best 1/4 of every cycle so half a rotation every other rotation. Your ideal AFR is 1.7:1 by weight not volume on nitro. Air weighs about 0.0012929g per cc and let's say that's a 200cc engine. Assuming you have 100% volumetric efficiency that's 0.25858g of air per cycle. At 4000rpm you only have 2000 cycles. 2000×0.25858 is 517.16 grams of air per minute. The math for the ammount of fuel in a 0.5:1 AFR in this case is simple. 517.17÷0.5 is 1034.32g of fuel per minute. 100% nitro is 1.1371g per ml so you'll need 909.62ml of nitro per minute. That's as rich as you hypothetically would want to go with an ideal setup. Just because you even can doesn't mean you should. If we stick to the ideal AFR for nitro of 1.7:1 we take air 517.16g÷1.7 so well need 304.21g of fuel at 1.1371g/ml for 267.53ml of fuel per minute. Again this is at 100% volumetric efficiency in a 200cc engine with a setup that can properly disperse and atomize the fuel. You are giving it entirely too much fuel. Your AFR on top of the fact that you have too much liquid fuel entering the engine creates very unfavorable conditions. Other factors such as the engines lower than desirable compression for nitromethane, L head design, ignition location, and a few others that I dont have time to get into make running an appropriate AFR that much more important. Again please forgive my crude math and typos. I'm typing this out on my phone at work. I know this setup has potential to make over 15hp. The L head engines have about a 6:1 compression ratio so pushing 8-12 psi of boost should be possible without intercooling.
Well that's what it looks like but, in reality AFR's for nitro are as low as 0.5:1 that's twice as much fuel as air. But I wouldn't expect anybody to be well-versed in nitro unless they have ran nitro before. Nitromethane has its own oxygen, and quite a bit of it to. I'm going to go more in-depth into this in the next episode which we already started shooting. It's not as rich as you think.
You liquid fuel out the exhaust get a windex bottle and use that same pressure every squirt
Holly shit this guys going to catch himself on fire. The engines overheating. SPRAY GAS ON IT. Wtf
Ha, well if you thought that was bad wait till you see the episode after this, the whole thing catches on it was awesome!!
Do you change the shipping oil out before you run these engines.
Long time ago. But yes
Made sure u got no air leaks from manifold to compressor? Need to control boost pressure. Gap them rings if u get a chance too. Otherwise cool project. Hope it works! Be cool to see a 3HP make 3x its rated HP now!!
Damn you sound like that guy that used to narrate the old ww2 documentaries on history channel back in the day.
It's nitro, nitromethane can have air-fuel ratios down to 0.5 to 1, that is more fuel than air.
1:30 uhh
I think there is a lot of unburned fuel. The nitro should be injected in form of vapor in the piston. Is't not good to be liquid and to be squirted. All in all it was a pleasure to watch. Great work!
every now and then i watch the update to this saga. every time i walk shake my head at how incontinent this guy is. puts a smaler turbo on to see if it will spool better, then doesn't load the engine. wounders why engine is making the power expected but engine is so rich the fuel is still liquid inside cylinder. stop, calm down, and quit screwing around like a ricer kid with his crapy honda. tune the damn thing, bigger carbs can be had rather cheaply. you could have reworked your fuel metering system onto the intake of the turbo etc.
It's so cool to see the things you do every video you make makes our jaw drops more and more like in a cartoon , thank you for everything you do.
I honestly feel like the motor works better stock then all that shit on there and just take the governor off the throttle body any thoughts?
Too rich fuel mix
+Ultra CNC The engine was designed by me, you fucking goof. I didn't just write a check for it. I was involved in every aspect of the engine design, camshaft, carburetor, headwork, piston design, ring pack, valve springs, 4 speed automatic trans w/brake, torque converter, rear gear, tire size, EVERYTHING. All these things have to be perfect for each other. You can't just hodge-podge a bunch of shit together and end up with a streetable 9 second car. Something like this takes alot of knowledge. The last time I checked, getting into the 9s, with a street driven Olds Big Block, was NO easy task. Like I said earlier, come back and talk to me when you accomplish getting YOUR 9 second street car done. Until then, throw all the knowledge you read in a book out here, that will never top 25 years of experience. The statement I made about V.E. is correct. There was nothing false, or wrong about it. It was just a fact. Same thing about boost. Say you have 2 engines of the exact same design, and size, but 1 has crappy ports in the heads. Put the same amount of boost on them, the one with the crappy heads will pick up a higher percentage of horsepower than the one with the good heads. The one with the good heads will end up with more h.p., but the one with the poorer heads will pick up a larger h.p. gain. I have seen this on the dyno many times. It's not up for arguement. I don't talk bullshit that I don't know anything about. I am not just an "internet expert", if I make a statement about something, it's because I have knowledge about it. If someone else is wrong in a comment, I don't act like you and call them "stupid" or a "moron" like you do. Learn how to educate a person without putting them down, like a grade school kid would do. Grow up. Learn how to be a real man, and not just an immature, asshole like you presented yourself here. This comment has nothing to do with "turning the tables" in a YouTube comment either, there is nothing to win here for me, this isn't a "game". I don't care what anyone thinks. This is just some free advice if you don't want to make enemies, or be seen as a prick for the rest of your entire life.
+Dave Micolichek Congratulations on making yourself out to be a complete ass. Good for you for "owning" a fast car, that means absolutely FUCKALL about your knowledge of engine VE or anything related to engineering, engine efficiency or...well... anything related to this discussion. Have fun trying to turn the tables on YouTube comments in future you
+Ultra CNC Umm, Ok. First thing, I don't own, and am not interested in the least, in import cars. Second, I do own a Pro-Street Olds Cutlass with a 547c.i. big block that runs deep in the 9s. Yes, it's a STREET car, not a race car that races on the street. I can drive it anywhere, anytime, for any distance. I will compete in Hot Rod Drag Week this summer with it, and make the 1500+ mile drive. So, I do happen to know a thing or two about high performance engines. Make sure YOU keep paying for YOUR subscription to "Today's 15 Second Imports" so you can learn a thing or two, and then come back and talk to me when you can drive 1500 miles in YOUR 9 second street car. I bet I have forgotten more than you will ever know Ok? P.s. Oh, and I didn't take the easy way out with my car, and use a nitrous, big block Chevy either. I did it with an N/A, Olds Big block..
+SydneyChromatic Nobody said it was. Nice try though.
There is nothing efficient about dumping fuel all over the damn place
+SIMPLE HUMAN You. Are. Retarded. Talking straight out of your ass.
+Dave Micolichek Another know-nothing that hasn't built anything. Keep reading your import tuner mags for your info
Ultra CNC no, it equals more fuel and air consumption, doesn't mean the engine is more efficiently using it
+SIMPLE HUMAN Are you stupid? More power=more efficiency ALWAYS.
Dude! What a great experiment!!
Fire Marshall must hate this dude
Def not enough exhaust spinning that turbo. I bet a supercharger would work well with tiny pulleys... actually can you hook up an air compressor to that puppy just for giggles?
14:12 What is the name of that audio track during slow motion?
Uhhhhhhh I also have set my friends 6hp go kart engine at full throttle and you only have 3 seconds before it goes flying
so you think flooding it is what sounds right lol
Not enough exhaust pressures I think needs stiffer valve springs and ported head maybe and it might make boost other than that cheap ass turbo
bro take a finger count!
I count .25 as one, I also count .75 as but little kids don't count it at all.
I wonder what the O'neill bros think of this or RCmax? fuck turboing my rc cars would be DOPE AF!
Epic vid !!!!
I’m confused are you trying to start a fire or blow up an engine?
Have you considered a motorcycle Carby like something to suit a 250cc for eBay for like $20?
Yes I have one, but the best thing visually and for explanatory purposes is going to be EFI. I already have the entire system and all of the components I'm going to put it together this week
Well that's almost impossible with nitro, with nitromethane you can run afr's as low as 0.5 to 1, that's twice as much fuel as air. To get that much fuel into a vapor form is virtually impossible, think of when clouds get oversaturated and then it rains. I will give a good demonstration of this in the upcoming episode
Well I appreciate that, however I have taken note, in the future episodes I'm not going to act so dumb, I think I'm a decent actor... Apparently. For 1, the engine was in fact loaded here, 2. I'm thinking you have never worked with nitromethane, it is actually not running as rich as you think, with nitromethane you can run air fuel ratio is all the way down to 0.5 to 1, that's more fuel than air, but after shooting this episode I've come to the realization that not many people know about nitromethane, it is a completely different animal from gasoline, gasoline at stoichiometrically is 14.7 to 1, even 50/50 nitro methanol is stoichiometry at 5 to 1. once you start getting into the power air fuel ratio is you're talking about 3 to 1, now think about that for a second, think about how much fuel that is, a lot. But like I said I'm not going to ask so dumb in the upcoming videos, I'll make it a little bit more realistic and give more information, I just honestly assumed that everybody was kind of going to figure it out, but again if you've never worked with nitromethane you're probably not going to know some of these things. I appreciate you watching and I appreciate your feedback. Thanks
Thank you, I'm definitely going to try and pump out more videos big and small on this channel.
They always work best stock.
Awsome project! I just found this channel, but i will deffinitly watch those videos! (I alredy subbed) I hawe another question, does anyone know where i can get those adjustable stands (those things that holds the fuel tank, ligts camers, etc in the videos) in Europe? They looks lot more solid and sturdy compared to what i found in the hardware store where i live.
Hey WP, if you're really looking to blow that thing sky high with enormous torque/HP output, put a 50 shot of Nitrous through it.
Nitro is a dry burning fuel you should have had some type of oil mixed in with it
WTF, is this how to pimp your lawnmower engine for red necks? I see the at times sideways hat but Jesus; proper air flow if the fuel changes state. Liquid doesn't burn homie.
Light up a cigarette
Wonder if it would run on pure oxygen.
I understand Nitro gasses off by itself faster then gasoline. Almost as fast as Acetone but the other thing to remember is that you were squirting in big droplets/streams of fuel. There was no carb or fuel injector to mix the drops into a fine mist so it could burn in a gasious (sp?) State. You could see the fuel washing in and out when you had the "see through" head on it. While it's just an estimate and without being there to see it in person, it looked like that motor was only burning about 20-40% of the fuel you were feeding it. It's a fun Idea. Wish I could be there! I still think compounding the turbos would do the trick.
A turbo needs pressure to function. Try out with a hell lot more pressure on your input. What you do there is like taking a bucket of petrol and splash it into the turbointake. Pressure is what you need and much thinner nozzles for the spray.
that is an Okie accent for sure, the F11 commercial
Run diesel through the brigs that out to blow it up
Gas engines can't run away.. especially when you're manually feeding the gas into it..... christ.. Now we know how you lost your finger..
Lolololol.... Of course it can run away, I can obviously cut the fuel, but if the RPMs start getting too high, I cut the fuel, it leans out oh, the RPMs go even higher, the engine blows. Not what I wanted during the first run. so if I stop feeding and fuel and I hear the RPMs continue to climb I would cut the air to the turbo. That was the idea.
The fuck happened to your finger?
Carazy my finger happened when I was about three years old, it got pulled into a Ludlow machine
Pretty cool stuff
Oh man, thank you so much, those are C-stands, they are in the same category as vice grips channel locks and a screwdriver, indispensable.
By the way WP, all that oil is coming out of the vent tube on the valve spring/lifter cover under the intake manifold. You probably already knew that but in case you didn't. .......................
Lmao! I would really like to be there for that one! You're the man WP! SUBSCRIBED!!!!
That is coming
what about electric turbocharger and run it full speed?
Flooding out wait... let's shoot 12 more gallons in to fix it lol
pressurize fuel using boost of spooliboi run,,,, carrb and separate boost ref fuel mit little jetss
Hey I wonder if u used a weed blower instead of a turbo(biggest blower u can get) & put the carb to the intake of the blower, I wonder ?WOT “IDK maybe” ur on the rt track
yo how about carbon monoxyde in your garage ?
First things first. Thx 4 the effort to show how a combustions engine runs - from the inside. There are a few things i wanna mention; 1. Your engine has 127 ccm. The smallest turbo engine I know is the 750 ccm Kawasaki Turbo engine. It has therefore 5 times the pump-volume to move the wheel from the turbo than your engine has. The turbo from the Kawa starts pushing power at approx. 4000rpm. It was the smallest available turbo in this time on the market. Yours is from a car and therefore not really smaller. Do the math when the turbo get enough exhaust flow (= volume) for coming up on enough speed to give pressure for more boost. 2. The turbo is a "wind driven wheel". Yours has to function as a "waterwheel". Bc you drown it in liquid . . . . instead of let it suck gas. So, your liquid actually works against the turbowheel - as a waterbreak. 3. There is alltime an optimal gas-petrol mix. It seems to me that you - not only - drown your turbowheel in liquids . . . . . You can reduce the power output from a combustion engine with too much petrol. It' s proven! But; last but not least: Go ahead with your intensions. I expect the next "step of evolution" from the good, reliable Briggs & Stanton ; )
Well you are correct on the math, and everything else you said makes sense, the only thing you're not taking into consideration is, here I am running nitromethane, nitromethane is a completely different animal than gasoline, I promise you this thing will make boost, if you noticed the second turbo that I mounted was rhb31 oh, it's the smallest turbo that I know of, but still too big for that engine. Just to give you a small comparison between nitro and gasoline, the stoichiometric air fuel ratio for gasoline is 14.7 to 1 and power is 11 to 1, however air-fuel ratios of nitromethane can be all the way down to 0.5 to 1, that's twice as much fuel as air by volume.
That small of an engine isn't gonna produce enough exhaust flow to decently spool the turbo. Just no way. I have vz21 on my bike and its 800cc. Running at 0.6bar of pressure.
There is so much wrong with this setup i dont even know where to begin... Turbo is WAY oversized, those kind of turbos go on 3 cylinder car engines. You are running it WAY, to rich also why the heck on nitro methane?! The ignition and burn characteristics of nitro methane is way differend from the gasoline this engine was made for. Also your way of "measuring" the power output is one of the jankyest ways ive ever seen, the friction of this brake setup is by no means constant therefore whatever you "calculated" is completely useless.
Governor ?? Who needs a governor.. I rode my go-karts every day for hours for years with no governors.. Briggs & Stratton engine, no governor, and alittle common sense and they'll run for years no problems..
Hay bud your missing a finger just noticed that
Plus i would.put royal purple in the motor
The whole setup is wrong but atleast he is trying..
Boost not booze, lol
where is your finger?
No true. In fact the worlds fastest 50cc 2 stroke has a small turbo. Bike does 150 mph
Fire Marshall bill?
I noticed that you completely flooded it, with way too much fuel. I would try a different nozzle, with more of a strong mist, like one of those high pressure foggers.
This guy doesn't know anything about how turbos or fuel injection are supposed to function is using a hundred times more fuel than should be fuel injection atomizers the fuel tough very ultra-fine mist and there's something called compressor lag when you have a single cylinder engine with a turbo you can fix it with what's a intake air capacitor properly sizing the turbo is crucial as well here's a link to Michigan Institute of Technology's article on the importance of an air capacitor on a single cylinder engine with a turbo
He's missing one crucial part and that is a are intake capacitor..... if you don't know if that's real it is Google MIT single cylinder Turbo and read Michigan Institute of Technology's article on the subject you'll see Y8 intake air capacitor is what's missing here
That was supposed to say air intake capacitor voice recognition error on the previous comment but it's missing a air intake capacitor
i thing that if you get the turbo closer to the exhaust of the motor it will be more efficient try to go not more than 1 inch far from yhr hrad . i havent watch the other videos but still kinda to far
Your fuel delivery method is garbage lol.
+Warped Perception for sure!
Nah, cutting edge technology !!!!
Just think how cool this would be if you'd just break down and spend a few bucks on a carb and tweak it to run above atmospheric
couldnt you use compressed air and a painting pistol to it to create a good (and constant) mist going in the turbo instead of dumping it in with what looks close up like a water hose from this gardening thing :D
Yes, but that would not put out nearly enough fuel, to give you an example. The story kill metric air fuel ratio for gasoline is 14.7 to 1, and about 11 to 1 for power, nitro is like 5 to 1 and as low as 0.5 to 1 for power, that's twice as much fuel as air, think about that. That's how nitro likes to burn, very wet
+Jason Barney ugh
You have to love the home brew DIY shit, experiment is how things are learned :)
Any idea what those small turbo's would be used for?
So what ever happened to the fuel injected version of this project?
Should be out in about a week or two, was super busy for the last couple months prepping. This month I start bringing all of the episodes to YouTube now.
This is the most ghetto thing I've ever seen in my life, but it's also awesome
So much wrong with this video... - Poor to no air ventilation - Pours fuel everywhere - Overpowers an air-cooled motor - No dampening on the force meaurement spring - continues to run a motor that had metal in the oil - ear protection? - using imperial units ...
+Warped Perception Thanks man.
There is even more wrong with the world we live in, but here I'm going to address your concerns. Before I begin, thanks for watching and thanks for your feedback! First and foremost, this is TV, there's way more than meets the eye, but the subject is true to it's core, just inches off camera, there are blast Shields, fire extinguishers and other safety equipment, I need to keep my crew safe so we can make more videos. 1. My shop has a full make-up air and exhaust system, with an air change rate of 1 minute, that means that the entire volume of air inside the shop gets completely change with outside air every minute. 2. The point of spraying fuel everywhere, was well for entertainment, and also to connect this episode to the upcoming episode where I feature a certain amazing product, that's the idea there. 3. As for overpowering the motor, yeah that's the idea, I'm trying to blow it, but as you know people hook up their cars and overpower their motors all the time, that's why I connecting rods are broken many times, not every car on the street is stock. 4. There's no damper on the dyno for a reason, to make it simpler to understand, and to avoid people saying that the results are doctored, for all you know that damper could have a spring, but I will be on version 2 of this Dino soon for the next series, no need to worry. 5. As for running the engine with metal laced oil, again that's the idea here, and that's also connecting this to the next episode. 6. Ear protection, we have, you just can't see it. 7. Imperial units, we are located in the United States. again the idea behind these episodes is to show people things they haven't seen before, even if it's something you have seen before, it's edutainment. not sure how much of your comment was serious and how much of it was just messing around, but at least you have all of your answers. Thanks again for your feedback!!
No blow off valve?
Don’t you need load on the engine to make boost?
need larger volume of intake manifold, or an air to air cooler as a reservoir for boosted air, the single cylinder produces pulses of boost
I think you should make the intake shorter
Thats the most redneck thing I've seen. Trying to boost an engine by uncontrollably flooding it with fuel.
Well that depends on the fuel, if it were gasoline maybe so, but nitromethane can run air fuel ratio is all the way down to 0.5 to 1, that's twice as much fuel as air, so that would be two cups of fuel for one cup of air, do you think it would be flooded with that air fuel ratio?, Nitromethane has its own oxygen. I'm going to explain how it works in episode 7.
obvious ur flooding it out duh
+Warped Perception Awesome!
Yummy that Nitro looks like pearmoonshine!!
ебать ты дебил
Что это за жидкость льется в турбину и зачем?
13:53 for anyone looking for just the clear engine head
dude why tf did you make the inlet coming off the turbo into the engine so long that takes away power too please say im not the only one irritated by this
All that freaking work, Changing this an changing that trying this an trying that an the mans clothes still clean. Good job.
He just klls it with soraying nitro, thats easy to hear. And whats about the hip hop signs all the time?
how come you just don't get it. 3 liter V6 vs 125ccm lawn mover engine is not the same. This turbo is way way to big for you. What is does it only creates drag. You can clearly see your compressor makes 0 boost. So with no boost how can you expect power increase?
my poor guy cant say f you f to pay respect
Нихера не понял но было интересно
U should try a draw thru set up, mount the carb on the intake of the turbo
So where is the efi video
Currently filming it, I was a little difficult to film but really cool. thanks for asking, it should be out in about a week or two.
Ken Brown exactly man
Does he really think he's smart? I feel like I'm getting dumb watching this...
Zip tie would be proud
Uhmm ok. Way to much fuel for one that’s why oil is grey. And the carburetor is definitely a huge factor
Warped Perception nitro air/fuel ratio is 1.7:1 right? Just seemed like she was drowning with that cab running sounding really rich like she’s not getting enough air.
No Sir Marcus, that's the surprise, this is nitro now gasoline, with nitro you can run air fuel ratio is all the way down to 0.5 to 1, that is twice as much fuel as air, I don't know what's going to happen in the next episode where I show everybody how does engine runs, I mean the whole reason I do these episodes is the show people things they haven't seen before in a way they haven't seen before, and apparently I'm doing a pretty good job, I'm not speaking highly of myself but I always think that it's just not enough, but I've had about a million people disagree with what I'm doing here so yeah, wait till you see the next video, I'm working hard to get that out ASAP. You're going to love it
We all just waiting for a spark to ignite all that fuel and oil in a big ball of fire, please use the internet to learn, if you want to turbo charge, please mont the carb in the turbo intake. It's so basic.....
here you go but I do have great news, during the filming of the newest episode, we had a spark, and it was intentional, and it burned, nice and white just like nitromethane does, wait till you see it you're going to love it
This is a nitro, completely different story, and not to spoil it but the only reason it didn't make boost is because that threaded hole in the front of the compressor housing goes all the way through, if you look closely you can see that it was leaking boost from there, I think you will be very surprised in the next episode. Thanks for your feedback and thanks for watching
I tried that here
dude why did you make the inlet coming off the turbo into the engine so long that takes away power too please say im not the only one irritated by this
+Warped Perception hey man thank you for the explanation I understand your reasoning alot better now, I wasn't actually expecting to for you to read that but it seems you understand where I was coming from along the lines of the turbo being closer to the intake valve and I wasn't all that irritated to be its awsome watching you tinker on this engine and I will give you credit where due fabricating a dyno and turbo mounts for an engine that was never designed for one I honestly couldnt do the same so I had no place leaving that comment and I apologize for being rude thank you for being so cool about it
Well a couple of reasons, 1. so we can see the air-fuel mixture going into the engine in the slow-motion footage, 2. so we can see the fuel injection at work in the next episode, and 3. because in a car like my Supra or skyline or any other turbocharged car, you have a lot of plumbing going from that turbo outlet to the throttle body. think about it, normally it routes through the fender well under the bumper into the intercooler out of the intercooler around a few things and then into the throttle body, much more realistic. but I do understand that there are some other vehicles that have the turbo very close to the intake, for instance some older cars and the newer Mercedes hot v setup. thanks for the feedback and don't get too irritated I'll get it going soon, the next video is being filmed
I've learned over the years, I've ruining all of my clothes I have kind of adopted to working and still staying sort of clean... Glad you noticed!
It smells really good
technically no but it really depends, if you had a really small turbo on your car and you just rev the engine, let off the accelerator oh, you'll hear the blow off valve from the boost pressure created, it wouldn't be much boost, but to make like actual boost boost yes you need load, It does have load with the dyno
Nah it's going to be fine stay tuned, in the next episode you will be surprised at what happens! Thanks for the feedback
No I didn't because I wanted to show what's going on in the intake, you will see what I'm talking about in the next episode.
I agree, that's what makes it so much fun though
Utseende not konstant but a Short top.
Dude you are having too much fun....destroying a Briggs one bolt at a time. Great video thanks for sharing. Keep em coming!
Thank you. I am trying to destroy it, because I have a big surprise at the end
This just a video of someone with no mechanical knowledge trying to blow himself up.
Ha!, Apparently I did a really good job at acting dumb, next time I won't act so dumb, and by the way we did quote-unquote get an accidental spark for the next episode in the whole thing went up in flames
Wtf are you doing?
+Warped Perception yes I am interested to see what you' ll do with this engine. I am really interested to see real boost, but I still think the engine displacement is to small for the turbo. Also with increased boost you should experience knock problem but in your case you have soooooooo much fuel that this should not be a problem ;) I realy can't beliewe that with such a rich mixture (you can see fuel through clear piston head) mixture still burns. Also I am supprised that this engine takes all that torturing. As I know cam lobes on those B&S are actualy made of plastic and also spring tension is weak.
Way way WAYYYY to rich
Squirting like that on this girl like there is no tomorrow. She looks tired.
Why does this nigga face look like he wearing a mask
A mask ? Wtf
Dude, Drag that green oxygen bottle over there and light that bad boy up! Those fumes has gotsta tobez giving you draim bamage sukka. You can't stops waving your hands! You ain't no homey for reelz, 'cause your whyte pribiliij is show'n bro.
this was definitly the most dangerous video of you! I am eager to ee next, be careful and thank you
well if that fuel you sprayed egnited ... that would have been crazy in that closed area . stay safe! and thank you +Warped Perception
It's gotten even more dangerous in the next episode, thank you very much, I am taking a lot of safety precautions however, for the most part.
gas motors are inherently inefficient @ ~22% efficiency. the rest of the fuel goes away as waste heat.... they are HEAT engines with the by product of a little power. like the incandescent light bulb... a LOT OF HEAT and a little light as a by product of the heat. got to do some head work, open up the intake/exhaust ports, bigger carb, more air. would've been nice to see what HP it had done stock at MAX RPM's... with stronger valve springs to get it to 6500 RPM's... 5-6 hp? with E 85 alcohol and bigger jets, skinny head gasket shim in the .009" range, shaved head... billet rod to keep rod from making a viewing hole in the side of motor... prematurely. billet flywheel to keep it from grenading from centrifugal forces over 6000 R's. built in advance in billet flywheels of ... 32 degrees total advance. most likely situation would be con rod breaking from not enough oil getting to rod bearing/crank surface and aluminum con rod piling up and spin welding aluminum to the steel crank. stock Predator rod/crank clearance .003".... open it up by micro polishing the crankshaft with 2000 sandpaper so can get .004" clearance... open little oil hole up to twice its size to get more oil to crankshaft/bearing. oil dipper on the new BILLET connecting rods they make for Predators and B&S motors to scoop oil up and shove it into the crank/rod bearing surface. or trim off 3/8" off the oil dipper so when crank flexes at 6000+ RPM's the oil dipper does not hit the bottom of motor, break off and take the bottom rod cap with it.... and throw the rod thru the block= nice viewing window in side of block to be able to check the oil without using dipstick and get to see how the now, non functioning motor, doesn't work. Predator 212 HEMI is the new standard in karting motors, or the non hemi with hemi flat top piston in it, .009" head gasket shim, 22# springs for 6500 rpm's, Billet connecting rod that is .020" to 040" longer to get piston to 0 deck height but still give minimum .030" piston to head clearance for when crankshaft flexes at 6900 RPM's ... that is where the NON hemi predator might be better as the HEMI has canted valves that the edge of the canted valves will kiss the piston and that would be bad. NON hemi head does not have the canted valves so less chance of piston contacting valves. yet play do is ur friend to "clay" the valves to make sure there is plenty of clearance between the valves and piston head, without the head gasket in the motor for testing purposes
nice work Try adding hydrogen or haydroxy
lotta work, im surprised it ran at all with that much fuel being thrown at it without TOTALLY FLOOOODING THE MOTOR. they think that airplanes go down in the bermuda triangle cuz of burps of methane from under the seafloor coming up in clouds of methane. engines run on fuel, AIR and ignition.... no air and ALL METHANE and fuel, motor wont run. planes fly in air.... not methane clouds burped from dead stuff in seabed. cute turbo, i thought smaller turbos were THE TICKET to faster spin up? better boost... down low where it is useable? granted my turbo knowledge is limited. a smaller finer atomization sprayer would be the ticket but ppl power mechanical fuel injection (you) is not too accurate?
Thank you, glad you liked it. Jet engines run on jet fuel, which is kind of like a clean kerosene with additives, it needs a lot of oxygen, so does gasoline, however nitromethane has its own oxygen, you can run air-fuel ratios all the way down to 0.5 to 1 on nitromethane, that's twice as much fuel as air, if you think it looks flooded in this video, wait till you run an air fuel ratio of 1 to 1, it's practically hydrolocking, but the nitro loves it. Stay tuned we are currently working on episode 7.
I left a can of degreaser lying around and my brother mistook it for two stroke fuel. He later said the lawn mower was hard to start and he had to use a can of start you barsted but after it started he was amazed at how much more power it had and how easy it was to mow the lawn that day. Love to see how much you can get out of degreaser.
You're an idiot. What you should have done is let the turbo spool by itself for a little without spraying that crap in there and when it gets to Max pool then sprayed in there don't start spraying it as it's trying to spool up.
Nitro doesn't work like that, as soon as I stop spraying even a little, that's it, it will stop running, nitro does not behave even remotely similar to gas. I show this in the next episode, with nitromethane you can run air-fuel ratios down to 0.5 to 1, that's twice as much fuel than air, I show in the next episode that when you try to run it like gas it just doesn't run, but when the cylinder is completely flooded, almost hydrolocked, that's when the nitro is running at its best. Nitro has its own oxygen source. The turbo will not spool by itself without spraying, what you're suggesting and what actually happens are two different things. Thanks for the feedback
You deserve to suffer third degree burns....
Lol... I've suffered more than that, however, intelligence is always your best defense, btw the entire thing started on fire in the last episode, to fulfill everybody's fear, on purpose, in slow motion...hahahhahah!!!.
Don’t talk about proper mixture while using a pesticide sprayer as a carburetor. SMH
Water flows better in a twisted tube, I would assume exhaust gases would too if the manifold would twisted (in a correct way)
Fuel not atomizing, you can't control the mix correctly that way, also fuel too cold and it's Robbed the engine of head pressure cooling down the cylinder too much (hence gasket not sealing correctly. Run copper pipe coil on the exhaust to heat up fuel before intake and find a intake jet to atomize the fuel. Also exhaust gases are loosing speed due to size difference between output header and turbo chamber, run output header as wide as possible and run long pipe with fiber glass muffle rafter turbo to reduce noise without restrictions
It's great to have the See-Through cylinder head so you can see what's going on in terms of combustion. The right mixture was the key to good operation. Unfortunately, the turbo was lacking a proper oil line and with all that extra metal that came out with the oil, I wonder if a proper synthetic oil was used. Also, seeing as how you're increasing loads and adding on the turbo function, I wonder if you need a proper oil circulation system complete with a filter. Obviously a little overboard but that would keep contaminants out of the crankcase.
You have the waste gate open you wont make boost with that open
It's not open, that's the design of the turbo, look to the end of the vid, I change the turbo.
Valve guides toast?
It's still running great
Not yet
I think you will find it takes more than 4 hp to spool a turbo that to me looks like it's designed for a 1200cc engine.
Get the stochiometry right. It sounds like you are flooding it at times and other times starving it. I can't wait until the next one!
For sure, I'm looking for an air fuel ratio around anywhere from 2 to 1 up to 5 to 1. but you can run nitro all the way down to 0.5 to 1 air fuel ratio. it's running good now, we're currently waiting on some new head gaskets to finish the episode. Wait till you see it it was nuts
If you didnt use pennzoil the motor wouldnt of gone to shit lol. Use better oil thats like the worst brand to buy
Flooding it out too much, try to find a way to atomise that fuel, it's going in to wet.
Please, I need the name of this engine and the turbo
Well at this rate you might as well build it the right way ... put it in a go cart and let it eat.
is there a story behind the finger? if its too personal iam sorry (considering how pussified you Americans are ) ELSE i really would like to know
That split second moment when you think Tom hanks is narrating this.
Your gonna burn your shop down.. Does your home owners carrier know about you ? Lol i bet no...
+Warped Perception I know I'm excited. Can't wait to see it!
You are flooding the engine you freak! Go easy on that finger bro .
Does top fuel dragsters also need to pump all the time?
That turbo is too large for that motor that’s why it didn’t spool. It’s made for a 4 cylinder I’m assuming. The engine would need to go through 4 complete cycles to equal one revolution of a 4 cylinder to get the amount of air pressure it would need. Also you could try making the exhaust pipe smaller but as I said it’s too large of a turbo. But if you really want power get a high compression head, balance the flywheel better than what they do from the factory, and put tighter valve springs in.
Classic Red Neck Engineering Experiment.....
I am not saying this is stupid or a waste of time.... for the most part... Checking things out is an education. A good education. But it reminds me of the Honda CX 500cc turbo motorbike.... It was a turbocharged 500cc motorbike. It had a turbo (+weight), extra plumbing to and from the cylinders (+weight), it had stronger pistons, barrels, crankshaft, crank case, gear box and shaft drive (+weight), and it produced as much power as a 900cc version of the same bike and it weighed as much as a 900cc bike.... it seemed to me to be a much easier deal to just buy the bigger bike minus the turbo. Kind of like this engine. If you have a 3HP motor and want more power, why not just buy a 5 or 6 HP motor.... Making up the prices - 3HP motor = $120 + turbo? + time, effort and research ? = super expensive. 6HP motor out of the box $220. Yeah I get it with the educational side - just throwing up a fundamental fact of life.
Please use a carb and run it on 91 octane. E 85 if you have an ethanol safe carb. It should be making that power pretty easily if you would take a second to think about what you are doing. Nitromethane is a cold fuel, especially when you are running it so rich that it is staying liquid in the cylinder through all 4 strokes. You are "putting out the flame" so to speak. So you have no heat from a strong combustion and no rpm. There simply isn't enough exhaust energy to actually get the turbine moving. And get some sort of oil system for the turbo. It literally relies on oil to act as a bearing. Too rich + cold fuel = no heat No heat + no rpm = no turbine energy No turbine energy = no boost No boost = too rich Repeat. NO OIL= NO BEARING.
You flooded it of course it won't run right
Your turbo is way to big and air fuel ratio is super important you'll never get shit with a 3hp motor get you a ten or even a 20hp and doit again and watch the magic happen. We turbo a 20hp briggs and could moke the tires if we floored it at about 40mph now thats making boost but our set up wzs way different than what you got going on I would throw that exhaust manifold away you made thats not helping
850 on the spray you run nitrous no the spray
this guy needs to calm the fuck down
What do you mean? Calm down about what
What a mess!
Gotta open that Watergate bro.
It's closed
It'll may generate more boost when the compressor scroll is acting like a belt driven supercharger. I think there is to little exhaust gases to spool up the turbo enough. And also as others said before you run too rich. Try to make a fuel pump with a spray nozzle to atomize the fuel a little jit better so it gets a better mixture with the air.
sadest piece of shit engine ive ever seen, you know nothing jon snow
Lol... That's crazy, I never knew who Jon Snow was, and I just heard a recording of him literally 5 minutes before looking at this comment. That's weird
Saw this engine on another channel so I came here to subscribe
Which channel?
Strap a centrifugal super charger, easier and better results
Coming soon
I think it would make even more power with one of those 6” Honda mufflers like you see on the back of a civic
You are just simply pumping in fuel, its so rich it won't work
No actually this is nitromethane, it's completely different from gasoline, you can run nitromethane properly and the engine is almost hydrolocking it's so much fuel, you can run air fuel ratio is down to 0.5 to 1, that's twice as much fuel as air.
600cc to 1200cc 100hp max
dude i literally just noticed your finger.... what happened if ya don't mind me asking...
All it’s doing is boar washing it with over fuelling
"Is the engine fuel efficient!? Of course it is!! This old girl nearly gets 5 gallons to the mile!"
Yes!, Thank you .
+Warped Perception mad lab
It didn't use 45 oz the table used about half you should create a nipple to fit over the turbo so you can put the nozzle of the spray bottle in so it doesn't spill as much
Try and allow the engine to spin up more before applying load to the dyno.
Your oil is going to look like milk each run because alcohol and Nitro pass by the rings much faster than gasoline, when a top fuel or alcohol car makes 1 pass they drain the oil and put it back in the engine but not all of it because there is more oil than before because of the alcohol that is getting into the crank case
The problem is the way you are spraying nitro all over
Did you give the wrong person the middle finger?
That's literally an elementary school level joke. So funny.
One word: atomization.
you used so much fuel ....america wants to invade that flooded engine like its venezuela
Regarding your mechanical fuel injection, I think you just added to much fuel. Everytime I personally thought the engine would raise RPM, you just sprayed another portion of fuel to it, and the engine lowers RPM again .... hmmmmmmmm
Yes but it's very hard to keep it precise, and it runs out of fuel very quickly if you stop spraying, needs a constant flow for sure like a fuel injection system. That's what I'm working on now, we've been filming it for a couple days now but it's been rough.
Tie the waste gate shut, it might be leaking and since it's such a small engine I doubt it can make more than a few pounds of boost anyways!!!
Way to much fuel u need more air
+Warped Perception Brutal.
Happened when I was 3, my hand got mangled in a Ludlow machine.
Nah it spooled up at the end and it also made power in the newest episode. 8.5 hp 5 psi of boost.
Oh yeah, I totally agree, but this project just evolved out of constant viewer interest, check out the entire series, this is episode 6. Thanks for the feedback, what you said is very logical and definitely a mistake a lot of people make even with cars.
+Warped Perception Actually, after a little more research, Gale Banks used to do some turbo-nitro stuff in the 70s. It wasn't an issue getting the turbos spooled up, the problem was with how violently the power came on. So... CARRY ON! P.S. Oil the turbo and use some sort of fuel metering!
+Warped Perception I was referring to exhaust gas temps when I'm talking about a cold fuel. I was assuming you were doing doing tests on a warm motor. I just don't think nitromethane is a great candidate for this particular setup. But then again, that's the point of the video. Can't say I've seen anyone turbo a small engine on nitromethane. Lol.
Well I think I'm going to surprise a lot of people with the next episode, you're partially correct in a perfect world, and for one it's not so easy to regulate the fuel exactly, but nitromethane will burn very very rich, and I can tell you from the newest episode which is already filming that's some of what you said isn't quite accurate, or at least the time plot is a bit off, see it only takes a couple seconds for the engine to warm up under full throttle, once that happens then we increase the amount of fuel, load, exhaust energy, and in turn more boost pressure which equals more horsepower, which equals more stress on the engine. But at the end of the day it's burning a whole lot of nitro... And it's burning it pretty wet.
Thanks for saying all this. Thought this was a bit ham fisted to say the least.
+EngineEngineer its actually more efficient not with this setup ^^
I learned a large amount just from reading all these replies
you should try doing a similar thing with small pullstart diesel engine
Could you fit that turbo on a chainsaw engine?
Just spray ether into the gas and see what that dos
need a better Plenum. With turbos atomization is very important.
Try running your car engine and then dump water into the inlet. That's basically what's killing this engine. Look at all the fuel splashing around in the bore. sprayed about 20 oz into the intake. The rest went everywhere but the intake. Tighten the sprayer nozzle next time. Or loosen.
I run this engine in my go kart it makes 10 hp after getting it blueprinted
The same 3hp block ?
I did not but will watch the video in a few
I'm already going with fuel injection, did you see Alaska set up where I take up a garden sprayer and run the hose right into the intake, it's near the end of the video
You are correct, and actually with nitro cars, they cook the oil in between runs to get all of the nitro and alcohol out.
I remember only walking up to the machine, I must have blocked out after that from shock.
I say your giving it way to much fuel. You hear it race is it finally burns off out the flooded engine races then you flood it again. Ps weld waste gate shut to make sure noo exhaust gas by passes
You're over fueling the crap out of it.
Is that wastegate open? It looks open. I think I know why it's not making boost
I feel like you are gonna light your garage on fire. Fuel everywhere. Am I missing something?
How is your shop ventilated? I'm assuming you're venting somewhere running that engine but your doors are closed
sounds like it was flooding
Your an EPA enforcers dream. This is the kind of stuff that bring in hundreds of thousands in fines.
Fines for what? This is exactly what they do at every nitro race in the country, nitro spraying everywhere, fuel lines breaking, oil all over the track, no catalytic converters, explain that to the EPA.
Running wayyyyyy too rich
I am amazed that the Nitro-methane didn't ignite being so close, and towards the exhaust. That could be really bad for you if it ignites!
I think you have enough knowledge to be extremely dangerous!
All that alcohol poor little guy
I have a full industrial exhaust and make-up air system with a 1min air change rate. I used to build supermarkets and manufacturing facilities, I've installed so many of these systems before so it was a no brainier for me.
Dave Micolichek Mate. Respect. Keep dropping those knowledge bombs.
.,, ZX
"I'm just gonna spray the nitro-methane directly into the turbo..." Mad Max: Fury Road style!!! YEAH!!!!
I wish I could hit the like button 10 times on this comment. At least someone knows how to have fun
You are so stupid you can't find your own ass with both hands.
Well it's probably cuz I only have 8-3/4 fingers.
Why you so mad?
Говори по русски ничего не понятно.
чувак ты долбаёб реальный
Wait till you see the newest episode, I may give a little sneak peek on Instagram tomorrow, or maybe the YouTube community post tab.
I addressed that in the newest episode. The results were very very interesting as usual
Sloppy sloppy sloppy, but ok ta watch
+WP *Trust me as a Diesel Hot-Rodder for almost 30yrs. You won't make Boost pressure without a Load on it. Plus you should be spraying Ether in it. Liquid doesn't burn, Vapors do. Your YUGE Expansion-Chamber coming out of the engine is killing any chance of Exhaust Pressure building up and turning the Turbo.*
the oil when you mix it with water changes the coler the one you so at 5:30
Would’ve thought the exhaust would be terrible from that. Anytime I’ve been around nitromethane powered cars at the strip they literally choke you out, and the crew working on the strip wear chemical masks.
Hey guys watch me flood an engine several times.
Hay quá
No estaría mal probar con un encendido sin avance (fijo a unos 30 y tantos grados) y el electrodo de la bujia en el centro del cilindro.
What you might consider is adjusting the ignition timing which on these engines would probably not be optimized.
Please write "MegaSquirt v0.5" on your fuel injection bottle in any future test runs.
+Warped Perception no
sorry to say this those engines do not make enough exhaust preasure to spool any turbo BUSTED
Top fuel nitro engines have a compression ratio of about 6:1 which may be much lower than the stock B&S motor has. With the spacer you used to make valve clearance for the see thru head, I would imagine you had a lower compression ratio making it run better. Could you try running the stock head with a spacer to see how that fairs?
That's a great point and a great idea, today I was working on the second version of the see-through engine, making a very large spacer, and I was thinking exactly what you commented, because with the larger see-through engine I'm building, the compression ratio has gone down quite a bit, and it would be much less with the spacer and the stock head, I'm going to have to try that out.
This would be awesome if he had the slightest clue of what to do
What's even more awesome, is that I actually do, I'm just a good actor, at least that's what I realized.
Turbo dont have mechanical bearings... ITs oil bearings. You must have oil pressure And oil Flow to run turbo smooth.
maybe you could reduce the spray of fuel into the turbo, try using a misty spray pattern.....i heard the spool but when u add to much of a solid stream it only creates drag on the impeller blades slowing down the turbo...nice experiment though
Ugliest squirt ever
You're off your trolley mate
Отдайте чуваку его брови.
احد يترجم بليز
+Warped Perception also one step colder range spark plug
+Warped Perception also remember it takes roughly double methanol by volume so il need a big jet but the cooling benefits are well worth it and ul turn 2 psi into 4
+Warped Perception dude u have every tool to do this freaking awesome test but I think ur gonna tear it up before it's right tuning is a very fine process lean for just a few seconds iv melted hole sets of je pistons with a procharger on 25 psi we own a dino and we build motors u needto get a shock on that break to that and the amount of fuel u got going to it is way way to much a d u need to get a vacume reference regulator a d a alcohol carb for a junior dragster then convert it to blow threw
Ball bearing turbos exist but then again they need oil flow too
why are you running fuel threw the turbo all the turbo does is add boost fuel never gets in to the turbo ever the exhaust to turn the turbo and it forces more air down the carb
VZ21 Mini Turbocharger
This is it!
why not use a glass cylinder head
you make me anxious sprayimg nitro methane on hot exaughast pipes
Sub to me please
your engine had bad sounds. Sound should have more kick on it. Now it is allways getting too much or not enough fuel in it.( setup)
Is it me or is every one in the comments mentioning about the sprayer getting specialty likes? I mean cool idea bud but... way to much fuel in the engine, on the engine, on the floor, on the mounting system, in the exhaust, in the garage drains, on the neighbors cat. Hell you're probably high as a kite by the end of this. That's why you wanted to stop recording. Hahaha
Can’t wait to see the EFI and what the engine is really capable of.
To much fuel in motor. Use a finer mist on injector pump that will lean it out and make more power.
LOL.... Caveman vs basic mechanical principals, we've all got to learn somwhere I guess?
I was thinking this, why was he forcing the fuel mix through the turbo surely he should have the turbo pushing air into the carb :)
It would be interesting if you tried somehow combining the two engines and making them into an inline 2 engine and THEN putting the turbo on that and it should have more exhaust flow = more boost
How the rod stays in with nitro ? I think you need to add a mechanical fuel pump.
My electric garage door opener has more hp it literally says it on the side
this guy is so fucking retarded
Lol... Why would you say that?.
The center bearing needs lubrication!
You need to spray it bro the amount of Nitro was waaay too much
Look I can make more power with different fuel Everyone els no you can't, Hold my beer
Turbochargers work with heat to make boost. Nitromethane is a monopropellant and actually burns cold. Try running 10% Nitromethane with methanol..... you might get some boost then......
I think it's 20% more efficient for gas engine to run on compression without a spark plug.use a spark plug to crank motor until it warms up then switch off electric current motor continues to run on compression. I seen it done on shell eco-marathon gasoline car . A modified piston increases compression in the cylinder.
I was watching your see-through motor had an idea. Spark plug would it be possible or beneficial. For the electrical arc to jump to the center of the piston to ground instead of the ground strap on the Plug?The center of the piston could have a small square of iridium if it were an .aluminum piston .may or may not be a good idea.some motors run better ignition before top dead center. What do you think? It look like on one of the videos your piece of wire electrode was firing on piston or engine Block.
Could you work on your motor – so it will run on compression. No spark plug needed . I've seen it done before on the Internet but I can't go back to it. I would like to do my car that way. Would not need a catalytic converter. Compression ignition is cooler oxidation so less nitrogen pollution. You do it so I can copy . Big fan thanks
I was supposed to put together an episode on that technology exactly, but the company did not follow through, not sure what happened, maybe one of these days soon.
iq level : 999999+
+Warped Perception ah sorry I wrote this comment before watching the vid till the end, with that EFI I think it's gonna do way better than the carb, because carbs aren't really built for turbocharged engines heh
It's going to do ok with the turbo
How is he only missing one finger...? Doing shit like this he should be missing at least up to his elbow!
I haven't had that many close calls with machinery, animals on the other hand has been a different story.
Atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi. To double power would mathematically be 14.7 psi of boost. So yeah 2psi for a 150% net gain is amazing
What's the point of this test? Not sure what your trying to achieve.
Ok love the videos but please research a little bit more and mix your gas and nitro please
lol 30oz of that 48oz is the extra in the oil i mean come on you really don't know were the extra oil came from lol da the only extra fluid that ya add to the mix of coarse. lol still funny to watch. thanks for sharing
You should swap it in a car
If the wastegate is wide open, the flap needs to be shut or it’s not gonna make boost because it’s not creating exhaust pressure. You should be able to lift that head off the motor with that size turbo.
This is painful to watch. You’re so far off on everything.
When is gonna the mext episode release?
+Warped Perception i cant wait any longer. Lol
Currently filming it, had a few issues. All sorted out now, should be out in a week or two.
Pump up sprayer..........fuel efficiency at its finest
thanks it was so much fun
Maybe it needed a stronger spark?
+Warped Perception hear that brother! Thanks for the reply, how'd ya lose it anyways?
it's just over double power w/double atmosphere. burning a shit ton of fuel. not "efficient" but I get what you mean
Wanna know why it overheats? NO VENTILATION!!! You gotta atleast have a small fan
Actually has a built-in fan in the flywheel.
Fuel mixture is way to ritch lean it out with a proper carb and it will pull
You are flooding the engine all the time .. never gonna work
Try running it with an air compressor and some sort of pressure regulator from a distance.
One of the most dangerous things I've ever seen, GREAT, more more!
Thank you, best comment ever...LOVE IT !
Start over but next time use a 5hp Briggs engine that they use for Jr. Dragsters. I think it's Horseman products that make all the High-performance stuff for those. The reason the clear head works better is it ups the compression ratio. The stock Briggs rings are weak you get too much blow by. Total seal will make any size rings that you ask them for. The crankcase vent is also holding you back. The Nitro strips the oil off the cyl. walls and the rings will score the cyl. in no time. The rule for Alcohol is twice the jet size of gasoline. Hobby shops sell tiny drill bits and pin vices if that helps. To help stop the head gaskets from blowing out use copper coat on both sides of the gasket let it dry overnight before you install the head then use it to coat both surfaces wet upon installation then wait a few hours before you start the engine. All surfaces must be oil free and use a scotch bright pad to lightly scuff the surfaces by hand.
Are we still looking forward to an episode 7 of this series?
Warped Perception that’s awesome to hear, thanks for the reply! Don’t let us hassle you too bad you take all the time you need! I’m gonna follow you over on IG- I literally went out and bought a vintage Briggs powered Homelite Trail King today (probably partially due to watching this amazingly fun series!)
Yes, absolutely, I posted an update about that on Instagram couple days ago, it has been plagued with a few head gasket failures and compression leakage problems from the head, but I got through all that, I am currently building EFI system, we should be all done filming that by early next week, the video will be out before the end of the month!!. And then I have a huge surprise for everybody for the next season.
Lol.. that's what makes it fun, don't worry I got it all straight in the next episode
Me either, it was very very very painful to get done, and I'm not there yet but we should be all wrapped up early next week, I'm currently building the EFI system
+Warped Perception right on, there's always a good story with these things. I chopped the very tip of my middle finger off years ago (down to the bone and could see fat n all the gross stuff) . Glad you still have pretty good dexterity! Thanks for taking the time to share!
Well when I was three my hand was pulled into a Ludlow machine, completely mangled, I had reconstructive surgeries on that hand all the way up to age 5. Then I lost the tip of my ring finger a few years ago, the tip is actually still in my mom's freezer at her house, there was a dog fight between two of my dog's, I went to pull the blanket off of the older dog, and the bam, she bit right through the blanket, didn't even know she got me but she took the whole tip, the bone and nerve were sticking out, I was so pissed. The video was up on YouTube and got like 2 million views in a few days, but I made the video unlisted because many people didn't like it, it was very disturbing and very graphic. If you can stomach it I will be glad to share it with you
It was firing on the engine block, I didn't set it up to fire on the piston, because then I would lose the ability to make the timing variable to any degree.
That video science . Wellcome everybody visit my channel. Thanks you so much.
Way too much fuel. It should be just a mist. Fuel was washing on the see through head and coming out of the exhaust. Use a small sprayer.
18:50 you keep drowning the engine with fuel. Each time you keep stopping, thinking its going to die, but then it comes back to life because it got more air.
song at 14:13?
No ignition timing no oil pump
Nitrometh in fuel, makes fluffy oil
litterly soaks the engine in fuel xD
+This Is Merica Yeah it's totally fine bro. I just got a strange sense of humor
+Vikings are better o-okay?
+This Is Merica Yeah i know, was just joking
+Vikings are better atmospheric pressure is 1 atm. 1 atm=14.7psi
+Dave Micolichek I don't see why this is so important to you "Volumetric efficiency in an internal combustion engine design refers to the efficiency with which the engine can move the charge of fuel and air into and out of the cylinders. It also denotes the ratio of air volume drawn into the cylinder to the cylinder's swept volume. [1] More specifically, volumetric efficiency is a ratio (or percentage) of the mass of air and fuel that is trapped by the cylinder during induction divided by the mass that would occupy the displaced volume if the air density in the cylinder were equal to the ambient air density. The flow restrictions in the intake system create a pressure drop in the inlet flow which reduces the density (unless boosts like turbos or superchargers or cam tuning techniques are used). Volumetric efficiency can be improved in a number of ways, most effectively this can be achieved by compressing the induction charge (forced induction) or by aggressive cam phasing in naturally aspirated engines as seen in racing applications. In the case of forced induction volumetric efficiency can exceed 100%" To me it seems you would get a hell of a lot more out of focusing on CR. Ofc not timing so the valves to trap to much exhaust gas, as i'm guessing you prefer HP over Nm. But going the other way around and not trapping anything and/or havind no exhaust back-pressure seems utterly stupid, as it would leave you with a 2-stroke like Nm. Now i'm again guessing, but if you're building for drag week you're probably going with a high ratio 3 gear gearbox? As such sacrificing all your Nm would not yield great results. Low Nm, high HP, NA engines aren't at all for drag, but for tracks. And ofc all rednecks favorite sport, NASCAR, but they constantly push 7000+ rpms, would like to see you do that in a standing start drag competition
+This Is Merica Atmospheric pressure is 1......... But can be converted
+Dave Micolichek Erhm... This VE you're talking about, is kinda BS. Just go do some calculations on dynamic compression ratio and you'll quickly see how little is actually lost on an NA engine and how insanely much is lost on a boosted engine. As you go from negative to positive pressure a lot of resistance will suddenly spring up. You would also be able to see this in a real world experiment, by adding a supercharger to a car and setting it up at 0.99 atmospheric pressure (there's no difference to speak off). Ofc different factors are in play here, like rpms and shape + length of the intake runners
2 things; 1: He's using nitro, a mush more volatile fuel, lots of power right there. 2: He's measuring resistance/pulling force (Nm) and converting to HP, adding boost would offset his calculations and give a "false" HP reading
20 minutes of my life wasted
So to get a steady flow you only need to raise the fuel up 6m (around 20 feet) to counter 0,5bar pressure. Soooo, can still be improved A LOT by adding a fuel pump. You could maybe adjust the flow and add some misting by using regular carburetor jets on the additional fuel line
cool video but spraying way to much fuel, its bogging down
What kind of turbo is that? who made it? I'm looking to put one on a motorcycle and I like how small it is..could even put two on each carb
This guy is a complete idiot has no idea what he’s doing
Warped Perception he clearly knows nothing about charging an engine. Many red flags in this video. The biggest being nitro instead of race fuel or at the very least/best pump gas (which stores a whole lot more energy than a high octane slow burning fuel such as nitro) 2 pounds of boost does not require anything above 87 octane on any application. The only reason to run a high octane fuel is to control detonation. Detonation will not occur unless high levels of boost, advanced timing and or high compression is involved. Also spraying nitro into the compressor housing via a squirt bottle... come on. And who builds a turbo setup without a boost guage? Also what’s with the down pipe? Restricting flow after the turbine not a good way to go. Next time do a little homework. Could have been a really interesting video if done properly.
I know right....that dang idiot, he doesn't even know how to put anything together, or build anything either, I mean look at this piece of crap engine, it doesn't even start, it's heavily modified with garbage, and it just sits there pretending to run and make power, what a piece of crap, and what an idiot for sure !!!
You need to run pure oxygen through that turbo I will guarantee you the rod will end up in another County.
Lol ......
Feed it some bill Cosby in a can aka quick start lol
Holy moly that is running rich
You need more compresion on the engine a flat head translucent makes more compresion
Don't need a kill switch oh, just quit feeding it fuel.
You made whipped oil, wrong rings for boost, most of the boost probably when out the crankcase ventilation.
Try compound turbo now that you have 2!
How did that thing NOT catch fire?
Why are you going to this trouble, interesting sure, but nevertheless, trouble?
Warped Perception .. oh come on. What was your aim, what did you learn, and then discover?
Why not though ?
Your stalling the motor by putting a brake on it
So next step sequential turbos
First install the turbo then put the carborator if u put the carburador 1st will compress the air whit fuel u are not putting more air in the mixture to boost something u need compressed air and fuel not compressed mix of air and fuel
No surprise how much fuel it used when 70% of the fuel your spraying is missing
Where's the next episode yo???
We been building 5hp engines into 20hp for 20 years already, and naturally aspirated. No turbo, no nitro, no fuel injection, just the right components. Then we have OHV engines making 5x the power they came with from the factory.
Name of the song on 14:13? Please
Put the carb on the draw side of the turbo.. it will automatically regulate your mixture. Simple but it works. You can also do blow thru setup but you need to regulate fuel pressure to more than the boost pressure .
+Warped Perception sorry missed that one... Have to go back and see. If that didn't work try the blow thru setup.. you should be able to use boost pressure to equalize the fuel pressure and have it flow. But you might need a small pump also .
I tried to draw through setup in the previous episode
Que idiota jajajaja lo llega a agarrar alguien que sabe y se pone a llorar el pelado.
+Warped Perception la verdad todo muy mal echo. El cano de escape lo sujeta por dentro tapando mucho flujo de escape de vital importancia para un turbo tan grande que de echo no tiene alimentación de aceite a si que va a poner un turbo nuevo por semana. El caño de admisión exageradamente larga para abajo y para arriba utilizando el carburador original sin seguramente cambiar el reglaje de aire/combustible y después para peor sin carburador y mojando todo con un aspersor de jardín... Claramente se ve como la mescla entra totalmente liquida a la cámara de combustión yo le recomendaría que saque todo y utilice un caño de escape bien liberado y un carburador de motocicleta 200cc 4stroke... En Brasil para go-kart le sacan aproximadamente 30hp y usted con todo eso no llega ni a 10hp. Suerte y saludos
Si senor ....jajajajaja!!! Mandar alguien por favor !!! Whoo hoo !!
If you're committed to the spraybottle injector, you could use a quick connect fitting to presurize the container off of a compressor, and a screw-clamp to adjust the spray volume from the bottle's injector.
+Warped Perception glad to hear xD that much overspray is dangerous at best. Thanks for all your awesome vids!
Nah I moved on to fuel injection already, thank you though
Would be interesting to see just how much you can push it by installing a hotter cam and raising compression. Maybe even make a lighter rod and piston.
How is this guy not on fire?!
Turbo is must pumping air not liquid. You just flooding air intake. No wonder that turbo isn't spinning as it should be.
put a carb on that thing! One way is to put the carb in a sealed air box that the turbo feeds. You'll have to mess with jetting a bit but that is a proven method for turbocharging a carbureted engine. It's done on boosted drag bikes all the time.. With a little bit of fabrication and a bit of tuning that thing will run and produce some decent power numbers.
+minidragbike Dope! Can you make my B&S 17,5 bhp into a 80+ bhp then? Cause then i'll let work on my bike aswell. You must be able to pull out 120+ bhp from a V-twin 650cc?
what effeciency ...????? it made more power .....and losed some power ( pumping loses)
Your engine is toast! Probably very poor compression at this point! Need hotter spark too.
All that fuel is flooding it out need a fine mist...not a water hose
TRY better spark plug or two and i think you have restriction on exausth and intake port of the engine and your turbo intake piping is really weird try shorther and minimal 90 degree corner all the trouble i think is ffrom the flow of intake and exausth
Really like what you are doing, but as a turbo R&D engineer, I would highly recommend using an electric oilpump to feed the turbo. In general a turbo needs at least 0.5bar (8psi) of oilpressure to be able to form a stable oil film between the bearings/shaft and cartridge. For a clean burn and better running engine, use a much smaller nozzle and higher fuel pressure, preferably on the compressor outlet side. Spraying droplets in the inlet will cause damage (erosion) in the long run (especially at higher rpms). Have fun ;-)
Just realised he miss a finger...
That series is dope! Will it continue and will you make another episode about the wankle?
Thank you, yes I will, working on it now just had some huge technical challenges. It is coming now but it was not easy by any means
Does your autocorrect also put "oh" at the end of your sentences before a comma?. But yeah I know I was so done with me to just not put a kill switch?. In the next episode I have a kill switch and it made my life so much easier.
So.... Where's the next video it's bee. 3months!
Getting the proper mixture as well as fuel atomizaton should be an enormous help. Looking forward to seeing it.
Thumbnail made me think it was a fukn robot donkey or pony
I'm neither an engineer nor a mechanic... But when fuel is exiting the exhaust, I think it's running just a smidgen too rich.
dont give this guy a engine and turbo has no clue what he doing lol xD
How did you lose your finger?
Dude, you're an idiot. Go back to your job baggin' groceries...
Lol....hahaha... Good one
Turbocharging an engine. I don't think it works the way you think it works. Maybe Project Farm could lend you a hand with his vaporizing rig.
Nah... I got This, halfway done with the new episode, currently hooking up the EFI system, had to make a lot of pieces to get it to work well still working on it but almost done.
Oil issue is because too rich, just washing the cylinder in fuel.
Don't use a carb use fuel injection and you'll have better results
For that kind of system(nitro-methane + turbo), it's actually required to be that rich, to keep it from overheating. Top Fuel dragsters dump a lot of fuel out the exhaust too. Typically the leaner you make a vehicle run, the hotter it will run. I think with nitrometh, the burn is so hot and violent, it practically has to have a river flowing through it. But by all rights, if it were gasoline yeah, way too rich. It wouldn't even run. Watching the fuel slosh around in the cylinder blew my mind. Can't believe it even burns like that.
nice doing bro
+Warped Perception I understand. Sometimes you just gotta scratch the itch.
next episode is gonna be lit
try take of f the west gate tube so turbo will spool max psi
Dude just hook up a leaf blower to the intake duh
I don't know about the 3 HP but with the 5 HP L head commonly used on go karts Briggs says you can run them at 6,000 safely. Given the rules in place at the time (late 90s) stock carb waas required, and our best RPM was just under 5,000 in use. Those little engines are TOUGH!
You should do a 2-Stroke engine
This setup seems like it would work better with nitrous oxide instead of nitromethane. That engine is just having a difficult time lighting up the liquid fuel.
So get a turbo off a Honda jet ski that would be closer to correct size. I also think the smallest engine that will run a turbo well is a 200 cc or so. Can’t you run the math and see what turbo is best for your setup? I look forward to the fuel injection test
I like that little engine. Though as hell. No matter what you do it just keeps running. Love to see the efi work on this. It has potential. Im sure it could make a bit more hp.
zip tie on the spark plug is a better kill switch IMO and . Also is nitro not that flammable? Spraying it all over the place with an engine you are trying to blow just sounds like dumb idea.
11:24 No, you used 44 ounces all over the place when you did your hardest to flood the engine, the engine used 1 ounce.
"I ehh youz'd abouta 3 gallons of Nitro methane in 11 seconds (at .2:10 A/F) Looks like twelve hunnit horse, maybe a little rich I dunno. Aboutta gallon made it on toda test stand. Ya know. Good start" This guy is hilarious. Will sub for more lolz and progress.
This is almost hilarious.
A sloppy mess. What is your point ? Not enough displacement to notice any boost whatsoever
Not so, in Episode 7 it makes boost no doubt, but you have to keep in mind this is not gasoline, most people don't understand how nitro works. Normally you couldn't use a turbo this big with gas ever on an engine this size
you need to make a little car out of that engine
I know. Once it's done and running good on the EFI system I will
Чё за говно?
+Warped Perception you got a sub out of me. I love how genuine you are when doin this stuff, you're a riot, because you genuinely seem interested. Plus you remind me of a buddy so this is extra gold. I'll be forwarding this on
Thank you, that was the partial in the next episode I get more serious though.
exactly. what did he mean bro lmao 'it used 45 ounces' no you did it consumed probably 1 ounce
You should use supercharger
Watching this channel is like watching NASCAR: I’m just waiting for the carnage.
Turbocharging a normal 2 stroke engine? This must be a joke right?
sad to say I cringed at the kill switch implementation as I would of went for an electrical disconnection kill switch unless the mixture is self-igniting and then I would use the ball as a last resort
If you give it a little bit less fuel it’ll probably run better. Notice how the engine dogs out when you give it fuel and then runs better when you stop? It’s running way too rich. And you won’t get much boost considering how small the turbo is. You’d be better off with a tiny supercharger realistically.
It's hard
@minidragbike Dope! Can you make my B&S 17,5 bhp into a 80+ bhp then? Cause then i'll let work on my bike aswell. You must be able to pull out 120+ bhp from a V-twin 650cc?
@This Is Merica Yeah it's totally fine bro. I just got a strange sense of humor
@Vikings are better o-okay?
@This Is Merica Yeah i know, was just joking
@Vikings are better atmospheric pressure is 1 atm. 1 atm=14.7psi
@Dave Micolichek I don't see why this is so important to you "Volumetric efficiency in an internal combustion engine design refers to the efficiency with which the engine can move the charge of fuel and air into and out of the cylinders. It also denotes the ratio of air volume drawn into the cylinder to the cylinder's swept volume. [1] More specifically, volumetric efficiency is a ratio (or percentage) of the mass of air and fuel that is trapped by the cylinder during induction divided by the mass that would occupy the displaced volume if the air density in the cylinder were equal to the ambient air density. The flow restrictions in the intake system create a pressure drop in the inlet flow which reduces the density (unless boosts like turbos or superchargers or cam tuning techniques are used). Volumetric efficiency can be improved in a number of ways, most effectively this can be achieved by compressing the induction charge (forced induction) or by aggressive cam phasing in naturally aspirated engines as seen in racing applications. In the case of forced induction volumetric efficiency can exceed 100%" To me it seems you would get a hell of a lot more out of focusing on CR. Ofc not timing so the valves to trap to much exhaust gas, as i'm guessing you prefer HP over Nm. But going the other way around and not trapping anything and/or havind no exhaust back-pressure seems utterly stupid, as it would leave you with a 2-stroke like Nm. Now i'm again guessing, but if you're building for drag week you're probably going with a high ratio 3 gear gearbox? As such sacrificing all your Nm would not yield great results. Low Nm, high HP, NA engines aren't at all for drag, but for tracks. And ofc all rednecks favorite sport, NASCAR, but they constantly push 7000+ rpms, would like to see you do that in a standing start drag competition
@This Is Merica Atmospheric pressure is 1......... But can be converted
@Dave Micolichek Erhm... This VE you're talking about, is kinda BS. Just go do some calculations on dynamic compression ratio and you'll quickly see how little is actually lost on an NA engine and how insanely much is lost on a boosted engine. As you go from negative to positive pressure a lot of resistance will suddenly spring up. You would also be able to see this in a real world experiment, by adding a supercharger to a car and setting it up at 0.99 atmospheric pressure (there's no difference to speak off). Ofc different factors are in play here, like rpms and shape + length of the intake runners
@Ultra CNC The engine was designed by me, you fucking goof. I didn't just write a check for it. I was involved in every aspect of the engine design, camshaft, carburetor, headwork, piston design, ring pack, valve springs, 4 speed automatic trans w/brake, torque converter, rear gear, tire size, EVERYTHING. All these things have to be perfect for each other. You can't just hodge-podge a bunch of shit together and end up with a streetable 9 second car. Something like this takes alot of knowledge. The last time I checked, getting into the 9s, with a street driven Olds Big Block, was NO easy task. Like I said earlier, come back and talk to me when you accomplish getting YOUR 9 second street car done. Until then, throw all the knowledge you read in a book out here, that will never top 25 years of experience. The statement I made about V.E. is correct. There was nothing false, or wrong about it. It was just a fact. Same thing about boost. Say you have 2 engines of the exact same design, and size, but 1 has crappy ports in the heads. Put the same amount of boost on them, the one with the crappy heads will pick up a higher percentage of horsepower than the one with the good heads. The one with the good heads will end up with more h.p., but the one with the poorer heads will pick up a larger h.p. gain. I have seen this on the dyno many times. It's not up for arguement. I don't talk bullshit that I don't know anything about. I am not just an "internet expert", if I make a statement about something, it's because I have knowledge about it. If someone else is wrong in a comment, I don't act like you and call them "stupid" or a "moron" like you do. Learn how to educate a person without putting them down, like a grade school kid would do. Grow up. Learn how to be a real man, and not just an immature, asshole like you presented yourself here. This comment has nothing to do with "turning the tables" in a YouTube comment either, there is nothing to win here for me, this isn't a "game". I don't care what anyone thinks. This is just some free advice if you don't want to make enemies, or be seen as a prick for the rest of your entire life.
@Dave Micolichek Congratulations on making yourself out to be a complete ass. Good for you for "owning" a fast car, that means absolutely FUCKALL about your knowledge of engine VE or anything related to engineering, engine efficiency or...well... anything related to this discussion. Have fun trying to turn the tables on YouTube comments in future you
@Ultra CNC Umm, Ok. First thing, I don't own, and am not interested in the least, in import cars. Second, I do own a Pro-Street Olds Cutlass with a 547c.i. big block that runs deep in the 9s. Yes, it's a STREET car, not a race car that races on the street. I can drive it anywhere, anytime, for any distance. I will compete in Hot Rod Drag Week this summer with it, and make the 1500+ mile drive. So, I do happen to know a thing or two about high performance engines. Make sure YOU keep paying for YOUR subscription to "Today's 15 Second Imports" so you can learn a thing or two, and then come back and talk to me when you can drive 1500 miles in YOUR 9 second street car. I bet I have forgotten more than you will ever know Ok? P.s. Oh, and I didn't take the easy way out with my car, and use a nitrous, big block Chevy either. I did it with an N/A, Olds Big block..
@SydneyChromatic Nobody said it was. Nice try though.
@SIMPLE HUMAN You. Are. Retarded. Talking straight out of your ass.
@Dave Micolichek Another know-nothing that hasn't built anything. Keep reading your import tuner mags for your info
@SIMPLE HUMAN Are you stupid? More power=more efficiency ALWAYS.
@EngineEngineer Engines with a "very low" VE are the ones that benefit the most from boost... And that's a fact Jack.
@Dave Micolichek Nobody is talking about volumetric efficiency. How does 7.2hp from a 3hp engine have anything to do with VE? A sidevalve engine like this has very low VE, and that stupid turbo setup is not adding much
@EngineEngineer Its called V.E.(volumetric efficiency). It's a measurement of how much air (and fuel) the engine is capable of drawing through it regarding the size of the engine, compared to the ACTUAL flow that the engine IS actually using. Example, a 350ci engine, if perfect, would ingest 350 cubic feet of air every 2 revolutions( one cycle per cylinder). Most stock n/a automobile engines do not come close to 100% V.E. A highly modified n/a race engine, or a boosted engine, can actually achieve over 100% V.E. It's especially impressive if an N/A engine achieves over 100%. I think that is what the original post was referring to.
@forbidden pollo an engine that was theoretically 100% would convert 100% of it's fuels energy to rotational energy. That would mean no heat or noise. The most efficient petrol enigne on earth is roughly 44% efficient
@EngineEngineer no, you're really dumb
@Punisherix efficiency is actually most likely less with a turbo on a petrol due to pumping losses
On his right hand he flipped so many people off, they broke off his finger.
@Warped Perception you got a sub out of me. I love how genuine you are when doin this stuff, you're a riot, because you genuinely seem interested. Plus you remind me of a buddy so this is extra gold. I'll be forwarding this on
@Warped Perception I understand. Sometimes you just gotta scratch the itch.
@Warped Perception sorry missed that one... Have to go back and see. If that didn't work try the blow thru setup.. you should be able to use boost pressure to equalize the fuel pressure and have it flow. But you might need a small pump also .
@Warped Perception la verdad todo muy mal echo. El cano de escape lo sujeta por dentro tapando mucho flujo de escape de vital importancia para un turbo tan grande que de echo no tiene alimentación de aceite a si que va a poner un turbo nuevo por semana. El caño de admisión exageradamente larga para abajo y para arriba utilizando el carburador original sin seguramente cambiar el reglaje de aire/combustible y después para peor sin carburador y mojando todo con un aspersor de jardín... Claramente se ve como la mescla entra totalmente liquida a la cámara de combustión yo le recomendaría que saque todo y utilice un caño de escape bien liberado y un carburador de motocicleta 200cc 4stroke... En Brasil para go-kart le sacan aproximadamente 30hp y usted con todo eso no llega ni a 10hp. Suerte y saludos
@Warped Perception glad to hear xD that much overspray is dangerous at best. Thanks for all your awesome vids!
@Warped Perception i cant wait any longer. Lol
@Warped Perception right on, there's always a good story with these things. I chopped the very tip of my middle finger off years ago (down to the bone and could see fat n all the gross stuff) . Glad you still have pretty good dexterity! Thanks for taking the time to share!
@Warped Perception hear that brother! Thanks for the reply, how'd ya lose it anyways?
@Dave Micolichek BTW i'm not specifically saying back pressure in an exhaust is necessary a good thing, it will be on some engines, but i much prefer to control it in valve timing
@Dave Micolichek No, i will not. It's a very complex subject which is why i told you to read a book about valve timing. I'll however give you the headline and hoepfully it'll interest you enough to actually invest some time into understanding engines (not that's it's gonna matter very much anymore, the electric powered cars are coming!). Headline: Back pressure increase Nm and usable bhp specter
@Vikings are better Well then, you explain to me, in your own words, why you think back pressure is beneficial to a 4 stroke engine....
@Dave Micolichek A pro-stock builder probably don't care. Where i'm from pro-stock means a unmodified engine (thing like injectors aren't considered an internal engine part) but severely modified intake and exhaust. I've seen a pro-stock team run a 120 psi compound turbo setup, fully allowed in their class. But i honestly have no idea what a pro-stock USA drag team rules are
@Dave Micolichek As said, please read up on valve timing, that'll explain back pressure fully. Valve timing books are pretty fucking boring, so great for read before bedtime
@Dave Micolichek Exactly! Now since you're building a drag car my guess would be you would want some umhf in the lower rpms, so you get a good start (which i hear is the entire drag race. I don't do drag, well as a fun little thing at race events, but not actual drag racing, if you get what i'm saying). Back pressure has everything to do with Nm or foot pounds as you call it in USA
Tell a Pro-Stock engine builder not to spend time, and worry about chasing 4-5%, and he will tell you that you are nuts. Thoae guys spend thousands of hours chasing after 2 or 3 h.p. and that can mean the difference between being in first place, or last place. A 5% increase in power isnt just a tiny amount, and a waste of time.
@Dave Micolichek Like i said, if you're talking about VE during an engine build you are just talking about regular tuning (engine building). Listen! What i'm saying isn't that airflow doesn't matter, i'm saying focusing on it doesn't matter very much. When the engine is build, monitoring the intake airflow will give you some number. Decreasing the remaining negative pressure is a ghost chase! You'll not get results that are gonna matter anyway (again we're talking 4-5% AT MOST!). But sure if that's the only option you have left, you're already pumping out 200 NA bhp per liter, then sure, spending a shit load of time redesigning intakes and checking airfilter restrictions will give you that last little edge. But if you really where such a pro-mechanic you would be able to get a job at any pro-race team (but since you don't even know how and what backpresseure does that's obviously not the case)
@Vikings are better No. I'm absolutely not a "Get a sick number" guy at all. Yes a big h.p. number is important, but I focus on getting as much area under the curve as possible. The wider the usable rpm curve is, the better.
@Dave Micolichek Oh my fucking god! No i'm not saying the same thing you are! Increasing the airflow is BS! FFS get your head out of your own ass! I brough the motorcycle example up to show you how little difference it makes..... That focusing on VE after a engine has been build is chasing 4-5% bhp
@Dave Micolichek I totally GUARANTEE you you are wrong! It matters a lot, but increasing it does focus on a different part of the rpms. You're one of those "lets just get a sick number on the dyno" type guys huh? Needless to say (well maybe needed in your case) dyno numbers doesn't directly translate into a good time. On the drag there isn't much difference, but when you build cars for actual racing the difference isn't just noticeable, but rather huge
@Dave Micolichek No back pressure isn't a myth and i don't care enough to begin explaining basic engine design and functionality to you. Please read up on it yourself, you can start with a book about valve timing, that book will cover the works of back pressure
@Dave Micolichek Oh FFS, it's called tuning where i'm from and that's all google translate gives me.... So.... Thanks for playing language police, but can you plz put that childish BS out of the way? We both know what we're talking about here! You can change VE after the engine is build by ex ram air, i literally just told you about that, are you at all reading my comments?
@Vikings are better Back pressure is a pure bullshit myth, started by muffler shops. I totally GUARANTEE you that all it does is rob power. If back pressure was so good, ALL race cars would not have headers, and all would have mufflers. You DONT EVER hear an engine builder say "Hey! Let's put a more restrictive exhaust on this car! It will go FASTER!" Now you are really starting to sound silly.
@Vikings are better Wrong. Tuning does not focus on V.E. Tuning just makes the engine run correctly. V.E. is focused on during engine design, and building. You can't change V.E. after the engine is built, unless you replace parts. So, yes big valves, intake runner length, header size, or whatever, shows up as a V.E. improvement on the dyno.
@Dave Micolichek No, fitting big valve kits and increasing port size isn't exactly focusing on VE. If that's the case ALL tuning is focused on VE in which case, again, it would be more beneficial for you to actually talk about the changes you've made, get some feedback on it and take it to the next level
@Dave Micolichek Wait you don't know what backpreasure have of benefits in a car?..... Why in tf doesn't that surprise me... Do you at least know what advancing or retarding the timing does? Wait, no, then you would know what backpreasure does in an engine.... Maybe you should read some theory about engines before trying to make a NA drag car
@Vikings are better Proof of what?You keep saying the same things I say. Then you tell me I'm wrong. Umm, ok? Same thing I'm talking about... Increasing airflow=Increasing V.E., not chasing ghosts. The two are CLOSELY related, if you increase V.E. you HAVE increased airflow, OR made the airflow more efficient. You can't change one without the other. V.E., and B.S.F.C. are the two most important numbers on a dyno sheet. I have been to many dyno sessions, and those are the numbers that engine builders, and dyno tuners use to evaluate the whole engine build.
@Dave Micolichek It would appear you need prove? Well then take a look at the SS class motorcycles. Ram air isn't a new thing and eliminating the negative pressure on the intake side (which is what ram-air does), still only gain about 4-5%. That what you're talking about here 4-5%..... Increase the ports, stuff a big valve kit in, shorten/straight exhaust to limit the resistance there, pretty damn sure you'll get more out of that then chasing ghosts
@Vikings are better No. My Drag Week car has a 5 speed Lenco transmission. And as far as V.E. goes, it has everything to do with how much power, and how efficient the engine is. All an engine is, is a big ass air pump. ANY mods done to an engine to increase power has to do with moving more air, as efficiently as possible. In other words, increasing the V.E. Whether it's by increasing the compression ratio, bigger cams, porting heads, sheet metal intake, whatever. Its ALL about moving more air through it. Increasing V.E. has EVERYTHING to do with it.
@Vikings are better "No exhaust back pressure is stupid". Huh?? Why the hell would you want back pressure on a 4 stroke? You sound like a 60 year old guy who runs a muffler shop... In fact you want the opposite of back pressure, it's called scavenging. Look it up if you need to. A boat load of torque and power can be had by losing back pressure, and tuning the exhaust for maximum scavenging.
lots of power lost. excessive gas.
The rings had nothing to do with the way the oil looked. Nitro always milks the oil like that from having to run it so rich. Take a look at the oil that comes out of a Top Fuel Dragster after a run. It looks similar to that.
The carb for that engine would run way to LEAN, not rich. I doubt that you could even drill the jets out big enough..
Just put a carb on the entry of the turbo ,a wideband on the exhaust and fine tune that little bitch.
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Rotary + turbo plz
You're limiting factor is rpm. That's how turbos work. You need higher rpm to see any useful boost. I'd be interested in seeing a super charger on it.
Its been almost 5 months. wheres the next episode?
Tem que ter uma pulverização de combustível. Vc ta somente injetando ta encharcando o motor!
He could run a mikuni and jet it up more that was what I meant not the factory brigs carb spraying in fuel unmetered is drowning that motor
so cool
You're chocking it too much fuel on it
Looks like the engine was trying harder the last run, if you could atomize the mixture more or try your EFI controller. Nice!
Ever heard of a funnel?
The reason your oil looks like that is called wash by. Basically you are putting to much fuel in the cylinder to be burnt, and it is washing your cylinder of oil and going into the oil down below. This problem occurs only when you have to much fuel or extremely bad rings. I had to happen to my 454 big block due to wrong timing, a 220cc a 110cc and 3 Honda small engines. All due to much fuel. In the cylinder.
Слишком богатая смесь. Заливает свечу. Распылять надо очень маленькими каплями
You are gonna make a total fortune once you get this proper stable nock out spare parts once you sell the engines you will have a pretty good bank balance
That would be nice
put a smaller piston
Still waiting on the Mega Squirt system video!
@Warped Perception I hear you man, my back has been screwed up since mid November, and I as well am finally getting back to normal, though I doubt I'll ever snow ski again. Take care of yourself, and see you on the next video!
@kleetus92 honestly for a while I had health issues, severe chronic nerve damage oh, and crazy crazy pain for too many years, I just got over that about six months ago, still adjusting. And I had to make money off of YouTube, so yeah I've been dragging. And now I think I'm on it. Thanks for waiting and thanks for the feedback
@Warped Perception Awesome! I can easily believe there's a lot of work behind the scenes of that... with great adjustability come great chances for mistakes! Definitely looking forward to it!
It's being filmed and should be all wrapped up this week. Slot of technical challenges with that one as I went full tilt.
Isn’t the timing? Around 15min.
The engine is not going to have nearly enough exhaust airflow to drive the turbine and once again we see numerous posters that think adding a turbo increases efficiency. A turbo DOES NOT increase efficiency, it increases power via allowing more oxygen and fuel to mix in the combustion chamber. Find out how many horsepower it is going to take to drive the turbo to say 25,000 RPM, does that engine even come close to having that capacity? Probably not.
Still hoping for the update to this
It's coming up very soon. Still working on it but just about done, we're halfway through filming that episode, we have a few little random episodes in between, then the engine episodes again. Sorry for the delay, I'm also working on an upcoming TV show at the same time as doing the YouTube stuff. Episode 7 of the see thru engine is even more insane then this episode, I think you're going to love it.
you need to try direct inyector.
Muy bueno
The engine won’t run away because you are supplying the fuel. Cutting off air won’t do anything extra for it after you stop spraying it.
Anyway you should try a belt driven turbocharger. Exhaust pressure in single cylinder engines don’t maintain a steady/ish pressure for the turbo to spool. Not to mention the size of the engine is small too so it doesn’t move as much air. A belt driven turbo would be better because it relies on engine rpm.
wait a minute, When did you lose that finger? where did it go? it just disappeared didn't it? because i think i remember you having all of your fingers in past videos or am i just completely blind?
Dude you remind me of Al Bundy lol
Flooding the engine like a mofo...
Thank you, I'm very upset because I'm pretty behind, I'm trying to hurry now and get these videos pumped out.
@Warped Perception Glad to hear it's still in the works. Love your videos!
Well if you would stop flooding the fucking thing....when you spray fuel into the intake/carb and it sputters and stalls, obviously it’s too rich and too much fuel...the answer isn’t MORE FUEL...with what your doing, why not just turn a gallon jug of fuel upside down into the intake so it can fill it up!?!
E for Effort
Can't believe you didn't burn that thing down spraying all that fuel on the exhaust and turbo one spark and then what you gonna do
Congrats. You made yourself the internal combustion engine version of a push-me pull-you! Boost spools up, leaning out mixture, causing drop in power, causing drop in boost, causing increase in power, causing increase in boost, etc. The GT-15 clone has much less rotational mass. Designed for 150HP max. That Mercedes turbo is designed to make 400 HP! You are waay overfueling. The turbo also comes with the wastegate set to pop off with about 2lbs from the factory. This is obvious by the geyser of fuel shooting out the top of the compressor section. You have to tune it up. facepalm
Could you try running it on hydrogen?
I don't get why you don't put a pump with a dial pressure regulator. You could set the pressure where it would kick it the best. The pressure from the turbo will always push the fuel back if you don't.
the nitro needs to have pressure behind it otherwise the pressure from the turbo is gonna push it back up the line. Also no need to run it so rich. P.S. if you do that you might get an extra hp or 2.
wp: *abuses the fuck out of a briggs and stratton 3hp motor. and its still running* b&s: *TAKE MY DAMN AD REVENUE*
how about run it with WD40 or airplane fuel?
Too much fuel your washing the piston and nitro is getting past the rings into your oil, what else would make your oil like that lol its not water cooled so its gotta be the only other liquid.
did he have all his fingers at the beginning of this series? Actually , this is quite cool .
Would you recommend 1ml of Nitro/methane in a gasoline engine to clean it inside The cylinder?
Gotta love when someone who has no idea what they're doing tries something stupid.
This is a complete train wreck!!! I watched the whole thing!
Use quad turbo lol
Your problem is your using a synthetic on a conventional oil engine and you are using junk penzoil
Use a bigger exhaust=you got more emap wich means your exhaust gas pressure is higher so the turbo's going to load earlyer and also its going to load more about 6 pounds of boost! And don't use so much nitro... It doesn't get the horsepower better if you use 50/50! Try to use 70/30 nitro!
11:59 song name?
leigh byford he measures horse power with a fish scale. Lol
Where my popcorn?
It's a 2 strock or 4strock?
Why not add the carburetor after the turbo like try and make it all the same size so it sucks in the fuel and not blows it through that should help adamize the fuel and should help the engine run and idle plus it should be idle rich and so when boost kicks in it should thin out the fuel to air ratio creating more power
Seeing the exsplotion in piston silender in slow motion is fucking awesome
Broo this is a small ass engine it doesn't take that much nitro meth
Your nitro nitrous isn't helping your "boost" problem bus
Jit really flooded the fuck out that motor
Take brakcleaner instad of nos
too much fuel! u need to reduce fuel to air ratio than u need to time ignition system to get proper weight of exhaust gas to spool the turbo and make boost. "Too wet exhaust gas" gets no boost.
You're putting way too much fuel you're flooding it out I need to reduce the fuel to the air mixture then it will come to life
This week on what the fuck am i doing
so mutch fuel and it's not ionized if you make fuel vapor it will work the best
Honda engine
maximum incompetence at work :(
Ha! Well that definitely depends how you define incompetence
This one is for stroke
Put a efi system on a flat head
Its dying when I spray a load of fuel I know I'll just spray more
Damn dude cant really know performance of engine without proper carb jetting... you would need to jet carb to engine with turbo and use a ox sensor to check if lean or rich simple as that... they way you are doing its just a waste of time bro
I suggest to put a 30mm scooter carb on the inlet of the turbo maybe it will function better you should try it out
Two engines one turbo !!
I see you listened to absolutely no one about properly sizing a turbo to this engine.
What was the deal when it looked like a wave pool was inside his cylinder. It literally looked like waves of liquid sloshing around inside it. Was that all fuel (nitromethane)? Wasn't a lot of that being pushed out the exhaust port? Why didn't he have flames 10ft long flying out the back of it - was it just not hot enough. That seemed like a MAJOR fire hazzard with this setup and such short exhaust. Please kids - don't try this at home. SMDH.... The rest was kind of interesting but was he just spraying NM directly into the turbo and all over the table? Naaa no fire hazard there. Was this published on April 1st or something? That had to be water being injected. Maybe he needs to learn what atomization is and a spray bottle just doesn't cut it. How does someone like this get /12 mill subscribers? Is this a spoof channel?
Many people think the power of an engine comes from burning fuel, hence more fuel - more power. However, engines run on expanding gasses. A hot burn and a cool exhaust are what really increases the power and torque. A properly mixed stoichiometric fuel - oxygen ratios is a good start. However, here again we can do better. There is three ways to put fuel into an engine: first - as a liquid; second - as an aerosol or atomized mist; and third - as a vapor. Now remember, liquid fuel won't burn as it has no oxygen in it. This makes liquid fuel less efficient as it has to turn to vapor to burn (as does atomized fuel). In addition, liquid in the cylinder mixes with the oil making foam. You know... through ring blow by. Atomized fuel benefits the most from a blower as it increases the amount of oxygen (found in air) to correct the oxygen - fuel ratio problem caused by yet still liquid fuel. A vaporized fuel - oxygen mixture at a optimal stoichiometric ratio will destroy the engine. So, if you vaporize the fuel you may need to mix it very lean not to melt the engine. The stoichiometric balance will give the most power but the engine wasn't designed to take the force. It's cool, the engine roars like a jet plane, gets hot, vaporizes the oil in the crank (which acts as more gas on the fire), and starts pumping liquid iron through the oil ducts. Just seconds of life for even a brand new engine. No turbo charger required. Of course we used V-8s.
This should have the music from pimp my ride.... cause niggas out here don't know what they are doing
Someone needs to explain to him on nitromethane works, it doesn't burn it explodes but only under high temp not high compression, you need to get the engine up to like 220 on regular gas before even trying to add nitro. And engine rpms and load is the only way to get the turbo to make boost.
There's an electronic fuel injection system for those small engines you can get, I know there is one for the harbor freight predator engines anyways. Maybe that would allow for better tuning and you could use a larger intake.
Oh NVM didn't see your efi stuff at the end
Lawn mower engine for sale. Barely used, professionally maintained, all parameters constantly supervised, never ran for long. Asking price 600 bucks
Not the sharpest ape in the garage
Правильная топливная смесь это не про него
What about a procharger ?
I am lazy and am not going back though videos. did this guy use the see though aluminum or something else
Might want to take some timing out.... 40 degrees of timing a bit much for good boost and power. The other thing is that boosted single cylinder engines often need a "surge tank"- 4 times the engine displacement placed between the turbo and the intake of the engine. The tank will calm down the pressure fluctuations in the inlet tract caused by the intake valve opening and closing. Right now, what seems to be happening is every time the intake valve closes, the turbo stalls, then when it opens, then it tries to take off again.
I want one
Insufficient exhaust gas flow / pressure to drive the Turbo, which by the way requires oil pressure to make the spindle float on the oil film it provides. Turbos work by raising the compression ratio of the engine. Your Turbo is nowhere near the speed needed to make pressure, not even close.
How many times can you say boost LOL
the mix was too rich the AFR was about 14:1 but 14 parts fuel for 1 part air ;) ;) ;)
This is stupid as hell. Spraying the turbo inlet with a liquid while that turbo impeller in trying to *compress* the intake charge is about as idiotic as it gets! LIQUIDS DON'T COMPRESS!
HIJO DE SU PUTA MADRE le falta un dedoooo
Engine is too small to turbo charge....not enough displacement.
I'm being overcome with fumes just watching this. Someone open a window!!
@Dave Micolichek Olds 455?? Overbore?
The nitrous mist schould be way finer, so it can bind with oxygen molecules
what a clown, nitromethane shower?
This man has no idea how a carburetor works. I watched til the end in hopes that it exploded in his face. Stick to lawnmowers because if you tried this shit on a car you wouldn't be alive right now.
You need a wideband O2 sensor to measure your air to fuel ratio. You need to load the engine to be able to build boost or just going to immediately overrev engine break looks like a disaster waiting to happen get rid of the fish scale it doesn’t matter how much power you make... you test the power once you get the fucking thing tuned. Once you do these things you can play with the carburetor jets and actually getting your fuel mixture right I was extremely upset when I didn’t see you light yourself on fire, Or through a rod and hit you in the balls
turbo's don't produce boost from spooling up, they produce boost from the hot exhaust gas hitting the turbo blades, the engine needs to be under load, if the engine is not under load the exhaust gas is super cool compared to when it is under load. If you drive a turbo car on the free-way and keep your foot at the same position on the gas, when you go up a hill the turbo produces boost when you go down a hill it produces no boost.....yet the revs stay the load no boost.
What it actually is the turbo gets power from HOT exhaust gases hitting the blades; 1. He is drowning the engine with fuel which cools the exhaust gases. 2. He does not have the engine under a good load which cools the exhaust gases. 3. He has a large turbo which has too much blade surface area which means the small engine does not have enough hot gas to drive it.
To make boost, i recommend to use brake to hold the velocity of the engine and make the intake open to make more power but your not gonna spin the engine more, your just want to bring more exhaust to the turbo to spin to get more air to the engine for more power to have. Its simply call brake boosting.
Fuel in the oil
I've never seen more ambition toward a absolutely futile cause in my life...Five stars!
Lol... Well said !
Can i have that turbo
way too mutch fuel dude wtf
I see you took my advice.
Dave Micolichek the one where you stated that you didn’t cheat and put a Chevy motor in a olds and you did a N/A olds engine. Most are cheap and lazy and switch over to chevy
@Richard Martin Which comment are you referring to??
@Dave Micolichek jesus christ you could have put the BBO power at the top you had me on the edge of my seat until the last sentence lol
Next time, use the governor to control the waste gate and a carb before the turbo.
So just how much nitro have you been inhaling? Gotten any headaches? Your heart pounding?
Ok. I see stainless button head screws in the head. Most likely they are 18-8 alloy and inferior to what was originally there in regards to strength. Your fuel feed is seriously flawed. When the engine needs to be enriched most is when boost is actually countering the gravity flow from the “IV” flask. This can be compensated for by adding boost pressure to the surface of the fluid reservoir (not just ambient pressure). With just a gravity fuel you would have a vicious lean rich cycling that would be impossible to meter.
Garden blower and micro spray !!!
and what is your AFR!! stupid setup!! you ned a controlled amount of fuel vs air to get propper hp!!! i guess the mess in the oil is unburn nitro. this is not an engine its a nitro pump.
I hope you soon make a proper EFI one: Here is your shopping list: - Buy a EFI scooter as a you got: - Electric fuel pump, and tank; - Fuel rail; - Pressure regulator; - Labda sensor; - TPS, IAT, ECT sensors; Further you need: - MAP sensor up to needed boost level; - Electric oil pump with feed to the turbo; - Some discrete electronics and wireing to make a harness, to connect the MS3 to the sensors etc..;
How can you talk about consumption if you are spraying it all over the place?!? Its nice video though. Todo this proper you need to use a more controlled environment. You will need boost controllers and WideBand Labda atleast ...
Next : procharge it
Instead of Mechanically injecting the fuel into the turbo, mount the carburetor on the turbo intake,. This is called draw through, and will get rid of the problem of boost pressure messing with the fuel.
when comes the nieuw vid
Hey be careful it made boost! " 2psi, so it made boost"! The engine cluttering would move the needle that far i guess...
You are spot on...even if you would think a bit further, how many of those garden sprays you will need for a won't even travel from fill station to the next one... So apply a bit of need finer mist and less quantity. You can even see it in the see through head it's all freaking wet...
Me too. Couldn't help myself. Lol. Wasn't thinking he was gonna make it till the end. Not with any hair left anyhow.
I see safety is wparamount in your operation Do you have anymore videos of your oil changing procedure ? I suppose your doing this at 2:00 am in the morning when your wife is in the bathroom shaving her back, you shouldn’t be allowed near anything mechanical , what a totally stupid fucking exercise this was, you proved without any shred of a doubt you’ve got no idea what your fucking doing
To much fuel and you need to get the rpm up to get that turbo spooling. Try to apply the dyno brake at say 6000rpm. You need rpm and load to make a turbo spool. No load no spool
this is trailer park turbocharging at its finest
Exactly, too much mass for the engine to spin. Need a smaller turbo.
You should atomize the fuel much better AND use much less fuel, you're killing it with to much fuel.
Well theres your problem, you're using pennzoil. You would do better using the cheapest oil you can find like the Walmart brand
Your drowning that poor little engine!
Those old briggs and stratton engines are indestructible
Watch your video and you can see without my elaboration lol
Ha! Interesting point of view. Please elaborate.
wow Man ! lol..
this way, when you are forgeting make thumb up, because was very interestnig...thank you!
Get a little Eaton M45 supercharger and put a pulley on the engine to power it. Get the pulley ratio right and you can start playing with how much boost the engine will take rather than if it'll make boost. I'd probly do a 1:1 pulley ratio and use a blow off valve to control boost pressure.
You could wash it with all that extra fuel spray
@Iso Novoso to be clear, I hoped it exploded in his face so that people would understand that this is HIGHLY dangerous and wouldn't attempt similar antics at home.
so the last 22 minutes of my life.
Yea the Piston rings probably broke when it comes out grayish the engine has water of some sort
spray me ! i need a boost!
hey! fred flintstone!
Um..well an open wastegate won’t make boost..
Lucky not to light the workshop up A little knowledge can dangerous
well the bigger kind of sprayer like 24" tall will give smooth flow for a long time. and spray it to help aeration maybe. cheap.
Try a compound turbo setup
Jesus man. Can you make this any unsafer? No funnel pouring nitro, then a glass beaker with duct tape hanging from something that can tip over. Fuck I hope you have extinguishers around
Thank you for this wonderful content and beautiful new follower from Iraq I wish you more and I hope to be careful because you deal with inflammable materials on your safety
Its possible to but you need a ecu and few other things to the engine I turbo my shifter kart
You need to add castor oil to your fuel. You are washing away your cylinder lube.
why not ignite the nitro before you "spray it" into the turbo, just get a propane torch and light it all to hell screw reasoning!
I did in episode 7, hoping to wrap it up next week
The chocolate milk coming out of your engine is fuel and oil, so perhaps your piston rings are worn (not surprising after what the engine has been through)
It's a frickin' miracle that you are still alive
"it used 46 oz" yes but 90% of that went all over the engine instead of into it
Way to much fuel vs air and carb needs adjusting and mount in front of intake turbine of turbo as boost is produced add additional fuel gravity feed.
anti laaagggggg..JUSTTT DOO ITTT
Many have tried to boost a Briggs engine on YouTube. I have yet to see one run properly and make real power. Tough to pump enough exhaust gas through a turbo to spool it up to 100,000 rpm like an automotive application because you just don't have enough displacement. To spin a mechanical supercharger fast enough to make boost would probably load the engine down so much it would fall flat on it's face. Try boosting a larger engine or one with more than one tiny cylinder.
Thanks for the feedback
True, but the difference is I'm running nitromethane, completely different scenario, completely different fuel characteristics. I wish I was on schedule but, I got it to run properly and episode 7, hopefully we're going to wrap that up really soon, it was beyond awesome
How you didn't catch fire is behond me. Bet you wake up with a killer head ache each mornung. One comment... TOO MUCH FUEL!! All the heat produced to expand exaust gasses goes into (gets absorbed by) evaporating the over fuel. Get the fuel/air mix right and you will run that puppy like a TF Dragster.
You need a turbo.. about the size of a real snail... LoL.
My favourite run was the run u liked the most to! The sound was awesome! It reminded me of when i used to moe my lawn lol cause i rigged a shoe lace straight to the throttle so i could over ride the automatic govoner so i could have fun reving it as i mowed the lawn!
Thats a sick engine lol!
I don’t undestand, u are so damn smart but u don’t check that u take way to much full. The Air and full Mixture is so damn important but u blow way to much full in the enginge.
Bad full and Air mixture all the time. Thats why it will not worke right.
Chapuzas, no tienes la mezcla estequiometrica ni por casualidad
Way to rich u can see fule come out the exhaust
Way too much fuel man
Supersoaker sprayer
Долбоёб какой-то. Все америкосы такие уебаны?
Watch those fingers
do the same tihing with an aisin amr300 supercharger and efi kit from aliexpress!
Wastegate looks like it was wide open try manually closing it see what you make for boost then
Also seen someone use an emissions air pump as supercharger might be an idea for future videos love your content keep it up
Have you tried carb on inlet side of turbo would not have to raise fuel pressure 1 to 1 but may have to drill jet to supply enough fuel
No it's closed.
you should probably let the engine rev up to 6000 before applying the break, so it will have a lot of boost at that point. It might make more HP that way. Also, you are spraying way too much fuel in there, the mixture is too rich and it won't burn as good as it could.
You need a to have a some thing like a air tank in line between the turbo and cylinder head, becouse it's a single piston engine compared to an engine with more cylinder, so you need to have "boost" waiting to enter. Becouse when the exhaust value closes the turbo turbine side has no flow to it to keep it spooling, so if you can make an in line tank on the compressor side you can make more boost you could make 8psi if not more becouse you have it waiting
When does E7 come out?
Luckily you didn’t blow the welds on the intake, almost had me?!
Great video. What hp does the turbo add?
Too much fuel, man
Too much meth dude u were bogging it
I am believe that if you fabricated an intake runner (simple pipe into the turbo, spray a steady stream of high pressure fuel and compressed air MASSIVE POWER AND CONSISTENTLY, add on an 02 ( wideband )sensor and gauge for long term power!
Finished the video! THANK YOU
Finishing it up this week... Been working on A show for weather channel and Nat Geo. Starting up again this week
I don’t think it’s taking enough fuel to be honest,.
A run away Briggs.....
Funnels ?
Cdouglas cause you can see the entire room right. And further more do you feel like a big powerful keyboard warrior right now?
Idiots like you are the reason there are warning labels on hot sauce and,.. well everything. Your lucky you didn't blow yourself up with all the fuel you were spraying in the turbo. I'm just saying.. get a fire extinguisher at least.. people like you hike everyone else's health insurance cost up doing stupid shit.
Waiting for all you engine builders in the comments to show him how it’s done.
Why don't you do a full 20 horsepower build with a Predator 212 then add in the nitro methane and the turbo to it.
That's not a bad idea, but I need to get this engine finished to move on to the next episode. I didn't think this engine was going to last this long. Also I have heard that the flywheels explode on the predator engines. Is that true ?
Omg dude please someone take that spray bottle away from him!!!
I think you should make see thru turbo
Should try this on a dirt bike fuel wheeler motor
Why? Why not? Ah or yeah my mower engine failed. OK, So what happend Ah, under 6pi boost running nitro methanol it just stopped man, I don't know what happened it just stopped.
Ultra CNC so if I said that I’m a pro skater and tried to tell you about a trick, you’d tell me that being a pro skater doesn’t make me know anything about skateboarding?
You are that cool dad I wish I had to do cool projects like this with, I love watching your channel!
Thank you very much! I'm going to try to bring some cool content really soon just been busy working on a show.
Where can i buy the turbo..?
Q loucura!!!!@ muito legal mesmo!!!!! Tenho um motor desses na ordenhadeira aq em casa para quando acaba a energia ai eu logo ele na bomba de vácuo da ordenha aí não é preciso retirar o leite das vacas na mão e sim com a ordenhadeira normalmente......
you need a air tank in the charge pipe that is 4.4 times bigger than the engine displacement
Do a bi turbo setup , make the smaller turbo power the bigger turbo and the output of the bigger turbo into the intake
Single cylinder turbo engines run best with what's called an air capacitor on the intake side between the turbo and intake valve. The air capacitor size is between 4 and 5 times the size of the engine, so a 100cc engine would need a air capacitor between 400 and 500cc's. You can find plenty of info on Google. I searched "air capacitor for single cylinder turbo engines" and plenty of info including a paper written by the MIT department of mechanical engineering, and there are also several videos on YouTube showing people making air capacitors. Love your videos, keep up the good work
I turbocharged a 5hp Briggs in. Auto shop class 20 years ago. I learned a turbocharged one cylinder engine needs a chamber. Or intercooler(not just a open tube ) to supply boost when the turbo isn't making boost for 3 storks if I remember correctly the chamber needs to hold 4x the engines cc.
Im laughing at the people saying this guy doesn't know what hes doing. He can build a Dyno from scratch, put this whole engine together, set all this up, get it working, stay alive, and he doesn't know what he's doing? I think that makes no sense