Robotics in Themed Entertainment SSS #31

Robotics in Themed Entertainment SSS #31

Show Video

Katelyn Wyatt: Alright. Hi there everyone, welcome for coming to the skill session on robotics and Themed Entertainment with Jake Katelyn Wyatt: We're gonna get started here really quickly. But as always, if you have any questions or suggestions for how to make the skill sessions better or have ideas for topics we can do that you'd like to see, feel free to shoot them to teach it, and D. Katelyn Wyatt: And and we will be sure to take those into account. So I'll pass it off to Jake to get started.

Jake Plocher: Yeah. One thing I'll say, too, is as we're getting into winter break you know after people's exams. I know here in Notre Dame, we only get 10 week winter break Jake Plocher: And we'll definitely be ramping up the sessions in like magnitude, just because I know people are busy during the school year here. So we're trying to keep them pretty light, light for people so far. And then we've got some good speakers lining up for them over winter break the Jake Plocher: Present my beautiful canvas. Alright, welcome, guys. So I'm going to be walking us through basically robotics and then you know how that looks. In the the Themed Entertainment scale and I'm going to make sure I share my computer sound for a couple of the videos I have

Jake Plocher: To hide my floating controls. So I can't see your faces now because I had to go to the video sharing mode. So if you do have questions, please unmute because otherwise I won't know that you have a question. Jake Plocher: Awesome, let's go ahead and get started. So who am I and, you know, why am I qualified to sort of talk on this topic, so Jake Plocher: First, I am the president and design lead for Notre Dame's robotic football team as well as the head coach and I'm going to show a video in a second. Just to give you a sense of the scale, but we Jake Plocher: Basically designed robot football players to play against other schools, mostly around like the Midwest in the east coast.

Jake Plocher: A lot of fun lot of cool opportunities there. And I also have spent a good bit of time in a research group with Professor on campus here we're designing this Jake Plocher: Jumping robot. And so that's like a picture of the CAD model, we were working, you can see that black line is kind of like the trace curve. Jake Plocher: Of the foot of the robot. We're trying to get it to jump perfectly vertical almost like consistently with a motor just running in a circle. I'm not going to go into, like, super details, unless you guys have questions about that and and then lastly I worked at tape. Jake Plocher: Tape is a company and Themed Entertainment they design basically every concert stage for like the biggest stars in the industry. So Jake Plocher: When I interned there. I got the opportunity to work on stages for like Celine Dion Drake even Barbra Streisand Queen and Adam Lambert Jake Plocher: Jonas Brothers, a lot of really cool, you know, big names, which was a lot of fun, but they also do work for Jake Plocher: Staging in theme parks as well. So I have to work on some cool things there as well as a good bit of like robotic systems as well. Sadly,

Jake Plocher: I did sign an NDA. So I can't talk about the details of that stuff. But I can talk about some of it. If you guys have questions. Jake Plocher: Next I'm going to play a video about robot football. It's like five minutes long. Tell me if it's like way too loud or something on the share audio, but otherwise all Jake Plocher: My name is Zoe. I play football for Notre Dame. Robotics.

At the University of Notre Dame. In the basement holes of the engineering school, a group of students are turning their beloved sport in design. Robotic Football Club as a engineering club with students from a variety of different engineering majors that work together to design fabricate and play with robots. You may not think it but reliable actually is a lot like real football. Our goal in this club is to make the game as comparable as possible. We have, for example, a quarterback that can throw a ball we have wide receivers. I can catch the ball. We have our offensive line and defensive London.

Office alignment on the kickoff same Connor Michelle I want you hitting people on the kickoff robotic football is a contact sport. You're trying to hit as hard as you can. So you need to build designs that are robust that can handle that sort of stress that are constantly play center. From its founding six years ago, the club's roster now boasts 20 roadmap football players at a variety of positions all controlled and driven by 35 humans on the sideline. This is RPM. It's our first string quarterback and it's a really interesting robot. It uses semi autonomous features.

To scan the field and find the receiver that I'd like to pass to once it does that it can look at the size of the receiver and know how far it should throw the ball to it. This is terabyte and it's our running back. It's really great at finding the gap to go down the field and get a touchdown Irish chocolate is one of our linebackers and it makes a lot of really great open field tackles This is Justin unit and it's our kicker. It can accurately kick the ball between two and 60 feet. This is one of the most precise robots on our team. Notre Dame competes against three other Midwest colleges in a tournament held each sprint. But it takes a full school year to prepare for that gauntlet in the fall semester. The team recruits new members and trains them for a one off scrimmage with another colleges team.

This year, their fall opponent is Valparaiso University and they're not leaving anything to chance. And the week before the game they're running practice drills, they're learning the playbook. And they're watching tape just like any other football team. This is basically the the culmination of all this work, you put in the shop with these robots building them repairing them designing them and you're going out and basically watching your engineering put to the test.

3123 Robotic football are very similar amount of human football. So we follow NC double A rules to the best of our ability. There are 220 minute halves for a game with a time and a half time. So it's a very quick paced game. These robots take a lot of big hit. We have a backup for every robot, just in case one breaks down. So at the quarterback breaks down and we pull it off and put the second string one in and pick from. We'll work on it and try and fix it as possible. With their starting quarterback back in the game. If you're a quick medical break the robotic Irish fight to hold their narrow lead but can't score.

A TOUCHDOWN and an extra point will snatch victory from Notre Dame, the game. The goal of this is to grow it to be a truly national competition where we can have multiple conferences competing for the trophy. One day, this could be a real sport or maybe it already is. Jake Plocher: Alright, cool. So that gives you gives me a perfect transition into my next slide. Jake Plocher: I'm kind of asking this question of, like, what is a robot. And, you know, sort of, what does that. What does that definition mean you know i think that's going to be important for how I framed the rest of the you know the session so Jake Plocher: I'm just going to answer it with a classic Google definition right any robot is a machine resembling a human being and able to replicate certain human movements and functions automatically. And so it was mentioned a couple times in the video right and robot football.

Jake Plocher: We're clearly trying to replicate the function of a quarterback passing the ball or a wide receiver, you know, catching it, or a kicker kicking the ball. Jake Plocher: I mean, that's kind of the focus and like at the end there. He says, as well. Right, this is real football. It's just not humans playing it. So, you know, that's kind of what we strive for, obviously. Jake Plocher: They're much smaller and they're driving on wheels and not legs. I mean, the dream of the sport is to one day build our robots to the point that they are humanoid

Jake Plocher: And sort of running around on the field playing football, a little bit more like we know it today. Jake Plocher: So that's kind of the, the definition. We're going to frame this in and so Jake Plocher: I figured I would start off just by looking at some of the coolest robots, in my opinion, outside of Themed Entertainment first just to help frame that definition, a little better. Jake Plocher: So this robot here. This one's really cool it's used for kids with autism and it really helps them with like their attention right they found that kids who had one of these

Jake Plocher: Robots to sort of like talk them through things and you know sort of be with them as they move through through life. Jake Plocher: Like as they're growing up. Right. They have like 70 to 90% retention rate, whereas kids without without like a three to 10% Jake Plocher: So, you know, it's something that really makes an impact on a lot of kids lives. Another really cool robot. Jake Plocher: This is like an exoskeleton robot is sort of works with people who are recovering from, you know, major like leg injuries. Jake Plocher: So robotics are used in the in the medical industry here right and helping people recover from, you know, major trauma, they may have encountered. Another really cool medical example of a robot are prosthetic limbs. And so right using Jake Plocher: Robotics to sort of rebuild an arm for a person who may have been born without it, or you know, had some tragedy, where they lost that limb.

Jake Plocher: And the, the point of the grape in the picture is to show the dexterity of that robotic can, to the point where you can hold a grave without squishing it or dropping it, which is a major challenge. So, really cool. Another example of helping out people in the medical field. Jake Plocher: This little guy. He's basically like a BB eight any rolls around on a ball with a camera sort of on the front vision. Jake Plocher: As well as, like, audio, like a microphone and some other like a button or to a couple of light indicators and basically Jake Plocher: The idea with this one is, um, you can be like on vacation, let's say, Jake Plocher: And oh, it's the classic, you know, you have your Ring doorbell. Somebody comes up to the door. The idea is that you can control this guy like a BB eight droid Jake Plocher: And he can drive around your house and turn on the camera and look in any direction you want to look so Jake Plocher: Cool robot just improving security in people's lives. This one super awesome basically like give these robotic arms, the instructions and they go around and they cook a meal. Jake Plocher: Based on like certain instructions and like the ingredients you like set out in certain locations and will then go and actually make a meal for you, which is super cool. I could absolutely use that

Jake Plocher: Because I hate to cook, and that would be incredible. Um, another really cool so I'm on the I'm the president of the curling team here at Notre Dame as well. Jake Plocher: And so there's this really cool robot they designed to throw curling stones and it actually be like a team of humans, which is sad to the humans, but also an incredible you know engineering thing to put a put a robot on a field and throw some curling stones with it. Jake Plocher: I imagine many of you have seen the Boston Dynamics dogs fondly known as spot. Jake Plocher: This one is super cool. Basically, it looks exactly like a dog when it runs around very fluid movement. I'm not really sure. Like, what the purpose of it is

Jake Plocher: But it's just a really cool thing that I think they're selling them finally now after like years of development, but they're like $75,000 Jake Plocher: Each so definitely don't have that money, but really cool definitely recommend looking up some videos about that one. Jake Plocher: Um, and then there's this awesome. Oh, it's known as, like, one of the most powerful robots in the world, developed by Honda. Jake Plocher: But some of you might recognize him from a certain attraction at Disneyland, they brought in our CMO to like the female about topia couple years ago. And so Jake Plocher: I just thought that was a neat. One really cool robot as well capable of doing a lot of stuff. There's Rojas now to that can, you know, read people's emotions via their like facial

Jake Plocher: Recognition software lots of lots of really cool things out there but I kind of want to dive into, you know, what are robots in the Themed Entertainment space, right, because that's kind of Jake Plocher: You know what the session is about and what we're here for. So I'm sure many of you have heard the term animatronic right that's kind of like the core of robotics in this industry. Jake Plocher: And so the definition of an animatronic right it's the technique of making an operating lifelike robots typically for using film or other entertainment. So the point of an animatronic is to is really the key word like like you look at you know like the ball security robot right like Jake Plocher: It doesn't look like it's that lifelike. You know, it's just a big white sphere. Jake Plocher: But really animatronics. Right. And I'm sure you've seen is bringing different characters, whether they're human whether they're, you know, animal or some, you know, sci fi creation, you know, bringing those things to life. Jake Plocher: And in our case for for theme parks. So I went through I you know research to Tom on different animatronics. There's thousands of animatronics out there.

Jake Plocher: So I kind of just like pick my three favorite to highlight for us. I'm Jake Plocher: Abraham Lincoln. If you've watched like the imaginary story. You know, they talk on Disney. Plus, they talk a lot about sort of that development. Jake Plocher: Bill from the 1964 World's Fair at when the precursor to Wi Fi or Imagineering Jake Plocher: And literally blew people's minds when they found out that it was a robot up there and not a real human to the point that they were throwing things on stage right to see if you would react when they through there like Jake Plocher: You know their copper their hot dog or whatever it might be up at him and you know he didn't react, because he's a robot and Jake Plocher: It's just impressive. That's kind of where this whole idea of animatronics came from another one of the the coolest animatronics out there. If you've been to universal and been on the Jake Plocher: I can't remember what it's called but basically the King Kong ride in Orlando and the animatronic there of Khan is Jake Plocher: Incredible. And it was the first like animatronic to really build out to the scale. This thing is like the height of, like, three humans basically

Jake Plocher: You go by and you're like at like knows level with it. So I'm not only did they they've nailed the scale, but they really brought it to light because it's easy to build something that big. Jake Plocher: But making it seem lifelike which is that core of an animatronic is really the challenge and you know they nailed it with Kong, which is really cool. Jake Plocher: And then I totally butchered the subtitle on the third one. Looks like I forgot to edit that. But I'm sure many of you have, if not been to animal kingdom and Pandora, you've seen Jake Plocher: Or heard of the Navi river journeys animatronics. Now another journey doesn't have much to it, other than this animatronic known as the shaman of songs and Jake Plocher: Basically this animatronic has like the most life like facial features that we've ever seen. Jake Plocher: In a, in a robot. And so it's incredible. If you again watch the the Imagineering story. They have a whole scene where they show a person on the right.

Jake Plocher: Sort of talking, and they're tracking all of the like facial muscle movement and then almost immediately following this animatronic is perfectly matching all of that facial recognition. Jake Plocher: And I believe they said there's around like 40 plus motors in the face of this animatronic alone. So like on our rollout football players. Jake Plocher: There's maybe five, at most, maybe six and this thing has 40 only in the face. So that just shows the, you know, complexity that Themed Entertainment really takes

Jake Plocher: These robots to in order to achieve that whole keyword lifelike in these animatronics. Now there's tons of Jake Plocher: Like other incredible animatronics. Sorry if your favorites did not make the list, but I'm going to jump next to Jake Plocher: It arrives. Right. So it's become kind of a popular thing ever since. Really Harry Potter and what is it a forbidden journey. Jake Plocher: pulled it off but taking these industrial robots that are normally used or, you know, the manufacturing of cars on like a plant in Jake Plocher: Detroit, Michigan right for for Ford and rather than putting Jake Plocher: You know, a piece of machinery on it to them, click into a car, you know, we're sticking humans on it and swing them swinging them around, because what else would we do Themed Entertainment. Jake Plocher: So I just figured out which show this video. For those of you who might not have seen one of these. But basically,

Jake Plocher: It's on this thing called a cuckoo arm, which is a, is that a robotic like industrial arm made from Germany. And then there are like Themed Entertainment companies. Jake Plocher: Whose like soul like purpose is to take Cooper arms and then make like rides out of them. I'm super cool and then also if you don't know what I app is Jake Plocher: Basically this is at a conference for Themed Entertainment and because Themed Entertainment is this awesome. They literally bring rides to our conferences, so Jake Plocher: This is just a pitch to check out I app. I believe it's still happening virtually this year like third week of November, so it's coming up soon. Definitely worth looking into. Jake Plocher: So you can imagine some of the possibilities. Also, I've been doing a design project we're making shopping carts, apparently, Google has Jake Plocher: Started targeting my shopping cart.

Jake Plocher: But just the complexity of emotion you get yours, nothing that could have been achieved by, you know, a simple track on even a roller coaster or Jake Plocher: What would be called in this case six axes of motion, which means that you can move like to the left and right for them backwards and up and down. But you can also rotate left and right. Rotate up and down and rotating quarterback so Jake Plocher: Really cool against you know the designers of the riot flexibility to do almost anything they want. Jake Plocher: With the writers at the end of the other robotic arm. Jake Plocher: So super cool. I'm not gonna watch the point where we all get sick. Here are the chat messages. Jake Plocher: Oh, cool. Yeah, so that is super cool. Jake Plocher: Oh my goodness, this is so slow. So definitely worth checking out. There's lots of videos out there and lots of different rides.

Jake Plocher: The sort of like look into. Now just imagine that arm on a track and sort of like driving along and taking you through right and that's how a lot of like theme park ride sort of pull off really cool, really cool experiences and sort of telling that story as you through Jake Plocher: Robotic robotics in parks. So there's this really cool I hadn't found out about it until I was preparing this presentation, but in South Korea, they're building Jake Plocher: A theme parks solely dedicated around the robots construction and they basically cleared all the land which is cool construction starts in 2022 I believe in the park is projected to open in 24 Jake Plocher: You can see in this little like concept map, they have here. There's like the robot Kingdom robot topia kid by village and then just fun city. I mean, I'm a fan of fun city. I'm not sure how hell if it's in the theme of robots. Jake Plocher: But it looks, it looks really cool. And I just thought it was super unique we've got, you know, animatronics. We've got rides and the first ever robot themed theme park coming to South Korea soon so that's

Jake Plocher: Kind of random random note, but a cool little piece of the news coming up. Jake Plocher: Looking then sort of into the future, right, like robots are continuing to become more and more involved. Jake Plocher: In all sorts of different industries like I talked about in the beginning right you have you know culinary robots who are now cooking meals for people who have Jake Plocher: Medical robots who are building up like, you know, new techniques that weren't able to be achieved before and like saving people's lives in ways as well.

Jake Plocher: And so this ideas. How are robots going to continue to sort of build our world in the future. And then, particularly, how are they going to impact the themed entertainment industry as we move forward. Jake Plocher: Especially posto bit so I put down three that I think are going to have an impact because I think these are incredible. So the first Jake Plocher: One is the service robot. I imagine most of you have seen these at Lowes, I've seen them at Walmart. They basically just kind of like float around Jake Plocher: And if you have a question, right. Like, you can go up to and talk to this like robot thing, and it'll like help you answer the question, and I believe they also they cleaned up or as they walk to Jake Plocher: Which can be super cool. So my idea was we take these robots and have them basically be like roaming Park maps, while also cleaning like the floors in the theme park and like picking up trash.

Jake Plocher: So, you know, it can be a really cool way to to agree guess at the entrance. If any of you read Kingdom keepers. It would be like the Holograms that walk people through the park. Jake Plocher: Just you do at the robots and it sort of like takes them hey walk me to Space Mountain and their walks with them to Space Mountain so Jake Plocher: Not sure how all the logistics would shake out. But I think it'd be pretty cool. The second this is one that you know obviously sort of exists in Themed Entertainment. Jake Plocher: Already almost soon. If you don't know what this images. It's also my background because I think it's so cool. And we'll watch a video on it on the next slide. Jake Plocher: But imaginary has been developing robotic stunt actors.

Jake Plocher: Who will be able to do things that sometimes we see in the movies you know that they pull off with wires or, you know, green ski green screen CGI, whatever it may be there like a human stunt actor just can't really do. Jake Plocher: You know, or maybe the risk is too high, with robotics. Right. We can make it very lifelike and sort of bring them into a human function and say, hey, go do whether superhero would do go to a flip or here, or Superman pose. Jake Plocher: And then that'll help us tell our stories better because it'll be a lot more believable.

Jake Plocher: As opposed to a human, who's going to be limited by what obviously humans can do and then this third one. Um, I don't know. Jake Plocher: I did not know this existed but I sort of as I was just looking around found this thing that somebody built and their idea was, um, Jake Plocher: They just wanted to make a transformer that they had always, you know, watched growing up as a kid, and they wanted to actually make it real. And so this Jake Plocher: Thing actually sits to people and then it actually transforms from a car into like this, you know, the classic like two legged robotic thing. And I just think that would be such a cool theme park ride and we'll watch the video and it'll make more sense. So I'm going to start with the Jake Plocher: animatronic stunt actor here. First we'll play through this video and hopefully if you haven't seen it, this will be pretty cool stuff. Jake Plocher: Buddy. Jake Plocher: Alright so that was that I think that video gives me goosebumps. Every time it's so amazing. And then we're going to check out this

Jake Plocher: Transforming video as well. Just to give you a better sense of like how this thing actually works. Jake Plocher: So those are two real human sitting in the driver's seat in the passenger seat there. Jake Plocher: This one doesn't have quite as epic good music sadly to cover for me but Jake Plocher: Just imagine if this were a theme park ride and you got to sit in the in the cockpit there. And all of a sudden like your ride vehicle, because this car like is able to drive, I believe, all of a sudden just lift off the ground. Jake Plocher: I'm going to play that like a faster speed because I forgot how slow. This is

Jake Plocher: It's pretty cool. Jake Plocher: So all I'm saying is future of Themed Entertainment is transforming ride view right vehicles. Jake Plocher: Where you know one minute you're on just like a normal dark right and then boom, all of a sudden your robot is like running through the ride. That'd be pretty insane. Jake Plocher: Um, so yeah. That's most of what I had. I think I covered like 30 minutes to such as well shooting for what I'd love to do now is break people out into we can probably do, just like to breakout rooms and just take like five to 10 minutes Jake Plocher: And let's just, I want you to each thing, sort of like in your groups.

Jake Plocher: At a theme park any you know anything or any experience kind of grounded at a specific place though. And then think of like where it could have robotic Jake Plocher: Implementation take that guest experience to the new to a new level. I gave you three examples of, you know, my own thoughts on how robots can sort of step things up so Caitlin, if you can set up those breakout rooms. Katelyn Wyatt: I don't have access to breakout rooms. Right. Jake Plocher: Oh, do I need ok ok i can i can set them up. I'll just assign automatically Jake Plocher: All right, go ahead and go for it hop into your breakout room, and then I'll send a message. Once it's time to come back.

Jake Plocher: Hey, welcome back. Were there any ideas that like particularly like Jake Plocher: Jumped out at any of you. Riley Titterton: Guys like Jake Plocher: You know, like we got to build this Danielle Lotridge: Yes. Sorry, I'm like peeking out because Ariel, just show me that there's an animatronic Pascal like from Tangled and I'm Danielle Lotridge: Like dying. Danielle Lotridge: But anyways, Danielle Lotridge: Oh, we were Arielle Spencer: It's so cute. If

Jake Plocher: Your screen with it. Danielle Lotridge: I'm on my work computer just just literally look up animatronic Jake Plocher: I'll look it up. Jake Plocher: And then we'll actually discuss yes priorities.

Eleanor Zinsmeister: Also there's like Beauty and the Beast animatronics to on a PLC. Jake Plocher: Know your show. Eleanor Zinsmeister: The waltzing Katelyn Wyatt: That's adorable. Arielle Spencer: The same kind of ideas, a lot of those Beauty and the Beast animatronics where it's just like ridiculously life like Jake Plocher: And that's where Jake Plocher: When I was making this slide I literally changed which on this one. I literally changed the like animatronics. I did, but I was like, they don't want to see me just list off like Jake Plocher: You know 40 animatronics because like there's just so many that are so cool. So I like keeping it pretty quick and simple. Um, but I haven't seen a basketball one's no one's actually Caitlin Wilkinson: One of my favorites.

Caitlin Wilkinson: Oh, sorry. Caitlin Wilkinson: Oh, I just say one of my favorites. It's a silly from theme parks, but, um, the T Rex from Jurassic Park, which I believe is inspired by Caitlin Wilkinson: The end of chronic for the original Congress confrontation in Universal Studios. Caitlin Wilkinson: Always super, super cool. It's amazing how much the special effects in that film like really hold up even so now it's like almost 30 years ago. And that's like a huge part because of how often they implement animatronics. Caitlin Wilkinson: So yeah, those are all super cool.

Jake Plocher: Yeah how Jurassic Park is held up over time is actually so fascinating. Yeah. Jake Plocher: I worry saying though Daniela an idea that blew you away. Danielle Lotridge: Oh, well that the Pascal. But anyway, but our idea overall was just thinking about how to incorporate animatronics in a more subtle way, particularly in character interactions. Danielle Lotridge: Because we were thinking like, for instance, like with Mike. Mike was ASCII like he's such an odd body type, and it would be great if he could actually like articulate his arms and like sign an autograph or something.

Danielle Lotridge: Or even thinking about like Wreck It Ralph, his hands are always clenched fists and just being able to articulate that like that could also be done in in other ways. Danielle Lotridge: But Danielle Lotridge: Yeah, we were we were just thinking about like how do you augment certain character interactions, particularly, yeah. Again, like with body types that might not necessarily match to human proportions and that could be really cool. Jake Plocher: Did you have something. Oh. Jake Plocher: Go for it. Go for Danielle Lotridge: I was just gonna say I'm trying to find this image that I took a photo with like Wally. Um, oh

Jake Plocher: Sorry I snuck him into the last slide. Danielle Lotridge: But there was like there's like this thing called Maker Faire in the California, Bay Area, and they had like a like a Wally around this was like a long time ago, but Danielle Lotridge: It was really cool and like his head like, like a, like his head moved me like looked at me and like kind of moved around. Jake Plocher: So have you seen the Pixar in real life shorts on Disney plus Jake Plocher: No, because they have an episode with that. I don't know if it's the exact same one. But like, it looks a lot like that, while the animatronic I would highly recommend

Jake Plocher: I'm super entertaining. Basically they like take this animatronic Wally on the streets of New York and prank. A bunch of people with them and it's so Danielle Lotridge: Like, so it's not a prank. That's just like please Danielle Lotridge: Please come and live with me. Molly, but Jake Plocher: I will say an idea that I really enjoyed was Caitlin had the idea of taking like a lion coaster.

Jake Plocher: Right. And then if you themed it to like a dragon or something you could put like robotic wings on the coaster that actually like flat with the ride. Jake Plocher: So like, as you're flying. You know, it's almost like you're being like Karen like I the way I imagined it is you take a Lord of the Rings theme park which still hasn't been built yet so hoping I get the chance to work on that. Maybe one day. Jake Plocher: And then the classic eagles, you know, like you have the whole scene where they hop off the cliff and the eagles, just like save them all from the Orcs and then like your story with the Eagles like Jake Plocher: Just imagine like the eagle wings like flapping above you, as they're like flying you to Mordor then apparently you can't fly and mortar not going to talk about that whole level, but those, those who don't know, Jake Plocher: But I thought that was a great, a great idea from from Caitlin, and I think la had a really good idea to have like bringing them into the museum space, a bit more and really like using them to engage like education and learning more than you know maybe Eagle wings on a roller coaster. Danielle Lotridge: Yeah I know the Smithsonian was doing had like a robot named Pepper that looked sort of like I forgot the name that you had the one from Honda looks like similar like that. And, but it was just kind of like

Danielle Lotridge: could only do really minimal interactions, also because museums don't really have money. Danielle Lotridge: But yeah Danielle Lotridge: That's a great idea, actually. Katelyn Wyatt: This isn't like something futuristic or like Katelyn Wyatt: new and innovative, but I remember when I was a kid at Animal Kingdom. They had this robot that was a trash can and like, yeah, and it would talk to you and I'm surely someone in the bag just talking through the trash can. But like that was the weirdest thing to childhood be and it was Katelyn Wyatt: It was I wanted to go to animal kingdom, just for this talking trash can. And so, like, thinking of strange stuff like that. That's maybe out of the box might be a good way to go.

Caitlin Wilkinson: Yeah, we were talking about that in our breakout room. I think his name is push to talk trash can. Arielle Spencer: Land in Disneyland to Caitlin Wilkinson: Yeah, yeah, we're just talking about like Caitlin Wilkinson: Just roam around characters. Caitlin Wilkinson: On in places like Tomorrowland galaxies edge, kind of like futuristic thing just to kind of like make it more immersive that sense. Jake Plocher: I think that's like with Shannon had mentioned in our group, as well as the idea of like Jake Plocher: waiters like possibly like even galaxies that are like the Star Wars hotel cruise experience or like see three feel like walks up to you like gives you your meal. Jake Plocher: Like that would just be so cool early if any of you watched Lego masters.

Jake Plocher: When they designed like the Lego like waiter who like brings them their food. And he's like, about to drop a very moment, I don't know if you remember that specific episode and that specific build but I loved it and so Jake Plocher: Yeah definitely would love to have like droids coming like give me my food restaurant. Katelyn Wyatt: Speaking of hotel robots. I, I watched a YouTube video once and they were going over like interesting hotel designs and there was one. I think that was in Japan. Katelyn Wyatt: Where all of the service interactions. So like the front desk and everything were all run by robots, but they weren't necessarily humanoid robots like I think one was like a velociraptor robot. Katelyn Wyatt: And so you just like walking and like sitting behind the desk is a philosopher after I'd like that's who you check in with. And it was like they were just all around the hotel like this. Jake Plocher: That's actually so funny.

Katelyn Wyatt: Oh, I'll see if I can find a link to it. Danielle Lotridge: Also just thinking, off the top of my head, like maybe using robotics more for safety and safety purposes like I don't know how like I Danielle Lotridge: Like launching fireworks or like pre loading them and checking and making sure like I know that there are humans who are like super trained and qualified to do that, but maybe just Danielle Lotridge: Augmenting that with like robotics could be interesting. Jake Plocher: Yeah, that's a really interesting one and another one that kind of comes to my mind again. You watch like Disney plus a lot which like I feel like that's all I have to do. But they do the the shorts, where it's like a day. Jake Plocher: What do they call it a day in the life of Disney or something like that. Caitlin Wilkinson: One day at Disney Jake Plocher: And there's like the guy who goes into like is basically like the underwater welder for like goes in like checks all of like the piping to make sure like Jake Plocher: Imagine if you didn't have to be like putting humans like Jake Plocher: Through all the training required to do that. You can just have like some robot that just goes and like you drop it and it just like

Jake Plocher: Like from Incredibles, you're the one they're like scans through like looking for sure. Mr. Incredible. It's a check of these that are not like, something like that. This is looking for, like, Jake Plocher: You know, like he said safety, like any fractures and any other like elements on a ride. Like that's tedious work that humans are like prone to like mess up on and like miss something. Whereas like that robot will just do it like, you know, year after year. Caitlin Wilkinson: It kind of reminds me, you know, like the cleaning robot from Wally I forget his name. Danielle Lotridge: Oh, Caitlin Wilkinson: But like like Caitlin Wilkinson: Something like that. That would go around the park and like pick up trash and stuff like that, you know,

Jake Plocher: Those types of things. Yeah, I will say I was the human who had to do that for 20 years and the park. So I logged out robots do that for us. Jake Plocher: And Jake Plocher: I'm going to share Caitlin's video so we can all watch her Katelyn Wyatt: Listen to it. Just FYI. I just saw the Jake Plocher: Doors. Welcome to the hotel. If you want to check out please press one. Jake Plocher: The dinosaurs at the front desk. That's the best

Jake Plocher: Good stuff. Any other ideas that people had on robotics. Danielle Lotridge: Oh, oh, new idea. Um, I know that the I can't remember their what their title is. But the people who like come in and make all the beds for each of the rooms in the hotels. I know that they Danielle Lotridge: Yeah, I know that they usually the way that they do it is that they have like a certain amount of time that they have in order to like clean make the beds do all of that for each room. Danielle Lotridge: So either maybe having like a robot assistant or having that all be done automatically like would probably save like just a lot of energy, because I know that that's like a really Danielle Lotridge: That they're always under a lot of pressure to be able to go through cleaning to the rooms and like two minutes each, and then come back out. So Jake Plocher: I mean, for all your help them to do it more thoroughly as well then because they're less like Jake Plocher: Pressure to like skip Danielle Lotridge: Something right Danielle Lotridge: And also just being able to like Danielle Lotridge: Automate, like, Oh, this one's in this room. This one's in this room and you can kind

Danielle Lotridge: Of have a like an automated log of how that's being done. Arielle Spencer: And a couple years ago I did like a human centered design project on rest theme park restaurants and like one of the pain points that was like really Arielle Spencer: Like one of the major ones was efficiency for theme park restaurants and and so you said that like robot that could cook. So, especially since, for the most part they're very repetitive meals and fairly easy. That could definitely help speed things up. Jake Plocher: That'd be so cool. Jake Plocher: I'm appealing to like any part that did that would like flaunted almost is like an attraction somehow see like wait in line to watch the robot cook. Jake Plocher: Your food right and then, like, people would line up for it, like Arielle Spencer: Without a doubt, I, I like use this stuff that I the data and gathered to design a restaurant like that it addresses everything. So I didn't meet the Robinsons themed and I definitely had a Carl robot in there. So I think that would be super fun to make them all theme two characters. Arielle Spencer: From the Muppets. And like just really random stuff Ratatouille all

Jake Plocher: I just want that, like, you know, a restaurant, like in town near me something that's like, go to the park. So it was like hang out there every night. But, um, Jake Plocher: You know, sadly. These things cost, like a lot of money. That's like one thing I barely touched on, you know, like I said, the Boston Dynamics dog. You can buy for like 75 if any of you watch like, Dude Perfect also Jake Plocher: They had an episode where they like bought one and we're like playing with it on like they're like YouTubers, basically. And they were like, yeah, this cost us like $75,000 I'm just like, Jake Plocher: That's so expensive, but it's literally so cool, but like our robot like football players costs, maybe like $1,000 to build, which is like not cheap but Jake Plocher: 75 of them is the cost of that Boston Dynamics dog. So I just always wonder, you know, like how much more do some of these like Disney like WT R amp D projects go to like design. This guy over my shoulder here. Danielle Lotridge: So do you think is like a. Do you think it's like particularly expensive just because of the amount of expertise that it goes into creating each one and also because I would think the individual components might not cost that much unless they're custom fabricated

Jake Plocher: Yeah, I think. Jake Plocher: Part of it is the expertise but also like Jake Plocher: The components that are needed. Like, I think what you'll find is, at least in my experience with like actually like doing robotics, like I'm working on a running back design right now. Like, I literally had a design review earlier today and Jake Plocher: You know what we're doing on this one is we were like, okay, our motors are like a certain one that we buy and they're like $60 a motor Jake Plocher: But we realized they were like burning out like they get too hot too fast. They don't have as high ratings of like torque and speed. Jake Plocher: So like there's a slower. And so we're like, okay, well can we find a better option that runs on a 24 volt system ran a bunch of design constraints. Just imagine get thrown on

Jake Plocher: And we found like these really incredible motors that like hit all of our like constraints perfectly Jake Plocher: But it costs $600 promoter. So there are 10 times more expensive. Jake Plocher: And they're like maiden like Switzerland or something like that. But they just do everything like so much better. And so what you find is that, like, in order to pack really high performance electronics into really small spaces. Jake Plocher: The cost just goes up exponentially. So my guess is on that Boston Dynamics dog. There's like a ton of sensors that are like Jake Plocher: Because man I should show a video of it, but like if you like kick the like I'm this is I would never do this just doesn't like disclaimer. But if you kick, like the dog or like push it over like Jake Plocher: Or like it runs into a person walking like it'll get hit. And it only catch itself like a Dawn would Jake Plocher: And like stand back up. So like it has like some insane like electronics and it's a sense like its exact position of all of its limbs in order to make the adjustments to catch itself and like

Jake Plocher: Readjust and sort of put those into such a small space. I think the parts are like a lot more expensive than we realize. No. Jake Plocher: I'm sure they're also turning a very good profit on that $75,000 side, I doubt, they're selling it at cost, but, um, that's, that's kind of what I would say is probably how it how it looks, but I'm Arielle Spencer: One of those things where it's like individually those parts cost a lot, but like, just like with everything else as you buy in like bulk if you're producing it scale it the cost would go down. So like to incorporate more robots in the parks like the ones we've been talking about. Arielle Spencer: Especially ones that would replace humans, it would end up being cheaper because, like, if we're doing the character meet and greets Arielle Spencer: A lot of those actors or equity, which are already super expensive and like you have all the unions to deal with, which causes all sorts of stuff.

Arielle Spencer: Or like, you know, you have to pay hazard pay for certain jobs and things like that. So, and even if the the robots would be pretty expensive to Arielle Spencer: Buy overall the labor costs would probably even it out relatively quickly. Jake Plocher: Actually really good point. I mean, what are you paying for a charge like some electricity bills and then the occasional like maintenance worker and like the, you know, party needs device that's actually a good way of looking at it. What are you gonna say, Daniel. Danielle Lotridge: Thing, like I'm looking at Moore's Law, like where you can pack like Danielle Lotridge: Basically transistors will like decrease in half like each year. So I'm just wondering if that's sort of the same thing that's happening with robotics almost like Danielle Lotridge: High Efficiency parts become cheaper and cheaper, the more and more you make them.

Jake Plocher: Yeah, and I think like the Moore's Law is actually super interesting. For those of you who don't know the idea, basically, is that like electronics every year. Jake Plocher: Like for the past was like 20 years or something like that have gotten like half as big. So it's like the whole idea of like where you needed a flash drive like 10 years ago to fit like one gigabyte. And now we have like a flash drive the same size that can fit like a terabyte Jake Plocher: So that's like, I don't think those numbers are actually real. So don't quote me on that. But that basic idea. And so the really interesting thing is like Will that continue into the future.

Jake Plocher: And like, when do we sort of hit like the ceiling on that because I don't think we're going to exponentially do that forever like that's not physically possible. So there's going to be someplace where we like plateau and I just hope we don't plateau for a really long time. Jake Plocher: But, um, that's, that's a good point, though, you're totally right like as we continue to develop technologies in other spaces. Jake Plocher: Like these robotics are going to be a lot cheaper and easier to manufacturer, as well as things like 3D printing becoming like additive manufacturing becoming more feasible. Like, I don't know how like what materials they did this guy over my shoulder out of Jake Plocher: But it's like some fascinating like flexible. Jake Plocher: Probably some like composite like Polymer plastic material that's able to bend and fight. I don't know. It's so fascinating, but like Jake Plocher: That type of material selection didn't exist like 10 years ago. And so you wouldn't have had

Jake Plocher: You know that clean of motion because you didn't have the materials to pull it off. So I think you're totally right. Just as we continue to develop technologies on all fronts. Jake Plocher: You know, sort of this robot that brings them all together. It's just going to be so much better. You know, year after year. Jake Plocher: Well, that's perfect great discussion. That's what I was hoping for. I was like, I'm just gonna hope they they bite on the discussion hook and I think it went well. So, any, any other questions on robotics that are still floating out there. Caitlin Wilkinson: One question. So as far as the price go, I don't know how much this goes into robotics, but they have to run them almost constantly every day. So how much does that kind of factor into kind of what we're talking about with like costs and maintenance and all that. Jake Plocher: Yes, I think a lot of it really depends on battery life, which is obviously critical in that whole situation. And so I mean we've gotten to the point where there are some incredible Jake Plocher: Battery life that like we're able to produce like a Tesla being at the drive like 300 miles on like one charge, which is incredible.

Jake Plocher: It, it's obviously a factor of like when you're saying maintenance how complex the robot is right, and generally we look at like axes of motion, like I was saying like a normal like Jake Plocher: defensive lineman on the robot football team has two motors two axes of motion basically that just spent so he doesn't need a lot of maintenance normally unless like he's actually in the game and getting hit because they get like 25 mile per hour like head on collisions, which is Jake Plocher: Like you saw the quarterback just snap and half on that one play, which is so sad. Um, so I think it's a matter of, like, what use case. We put them into Jake Plocher: That will define how much maintenance, they need, like, is this something that the guests are going to be like Jake Plocher: Touching and interacting with because obviously you know those safety questions like, we're saying character meet and greets like you have to like expect like Jake Plocher: The dumbest possible behavior of a person who's going to start just like ranking on Mike was our skis arm trying to pull it out, you know, Jake Plocher: Which could then lead to like terrible maintenance costs because people are now all of a sudden like tearing arms off of your they're expensive animatronics. Jake Plocher: And so like there's some of those questions. But if it's something that's maybe like the cooking one behind the scenes. That's just running and like an enclosed very controlled environment, you'd probably need like Jake Plocher: Almost no man to just be running like the cost of electricity just power that thing continuously. There's also really cool like wireless charging Jake Plocher: That's possible. And so, like, you can literally have, like, say you had a character meet and greet. If he was standing on a certain like platform basically Jake Plocher: In the park. It could literally be charging wallets, just like standing on that platform through like wireless charging, which is the coolest technology ever so like it. It's the way

Jake Plocher: What's the new lizard Luigi is rollicking roadsters at DCA now if anyone knows of that ride. It's like it used to be. The Flying Tigers like loading right now it's like Jake Plocher: These things, but it was fascinating about that right as there's like 30 Jake Plocher: Little ride vehicles that run around. They do like a dance as you sit in them. And it's like, Luigi his family or something is dancing. But there's like two charging pads. Jake Plocher: On the actual like flat right and so Jake Plocher: What they do is they sort of shuffle and they like move around in every after every ride like the different one lands on the charging pad and so they have it timed out where like, you know, say like Jake Plocher: I get on the ride I ride it. I'm on the charging pad. I'll end up my ride vehicle, not on the charging pad. At the end of the ride.

Jake Plocher: But like Caitlin's ends up on the charging pad and then while they're unloading and reloading Jake Plocher: Hers is like building up it's you know capacity on its battery and then Jake Plocher: shuffles and then you know areas lens on the charging pad max and starts like recharging, so that's like a technology that's used in like rides as well. It's not as much like Jake Plocher: Robotics specifically but sort of that wireless charging tech could be a really good way to get around this idea of like battery life. Jake Plocher: It is less efficient those you're spending more electricity and you're losing a lot of it to the environment. So does cost more, in that sense, I don't know if that really answers your question, but Jake Plocher: Might have Caitlin Wilkinson: Yeah, yeah. That was really good. Thanks. Jake Plocher: Okay, cool.

Danielle Lotridge: Yes, sort of building on and asking another question like what about like indoor robotics versus outdoor because definitely the elements are going to take a toll especially like Florida with all the humidity. Oh. Jake Plocher: Yeah, so Jake Plocher: It's funny because we joke about that in the robot football team because like we can't really take our robots outside because our electronics are all basically Exposed Jake Plocher: And so the differences like Jake Plocher: Basically the only thing that's going to be affected by it, not the only thing. But the main thing that will be affected by whether your electronics. Right. Like if you all of a sudden get rain. Jake Plocher: Or like moisture into your electronics are going to be shorting you could be potentially shorting some circuit which will fry very expensive electronics, like we talked about so Jake Plocher: That's the downside to weather. But, I mean, there's really powerful material choices and like manufacturing processes that can ensure that those are completely like enclosed in waterproof. Jake Plocher: Spaces. Right. So yes, outdoor robotics are certainly like please plausible feasible. I was about to combine those two words. Um, but it takes like a whole nother level of like design and engineering like really high quality which then it's going to drive up your costs, whereas if it's indoors. Jake Plocher: It's a lot. It's a lot easier because you're sort of dealing with control temperatures control them. Jake Plocher: What's it called like humidity moisture so we joke it roll off because we're a Notre Dame that like we want to play in the snow, like a snow game with our robots and just like the like snow plows on the front of all of them and then like battle another team with like snowfalls but Jake Plocher: The rest of my team is not on board with this idea of putting our robots out in the snow storm. So I just got to convince them.

Jake Plocher: I don't know if that helped answer again like I'm still I'm just a senior in college, like I've done a lot of robotics, but like I have a lot to learn myself as well so Jake Plocher: Definitely would highly suggest like Google and read it because like there are some genius people on Reddit, who I don't know why they spend their time on Reddit with how smart they are. But they do and Jake Plocher: It's kind of hilarious to me that like people are that smart and also spend their time on Reddit, because I feel like I spend too much time on Reddit, but that's a whole rabbit hole. Jake Plocher: Cool. Any other questions. Jake Plocher: All right, well great stuff. Thank you to everybody for coming out tonight. I had a lot of fun. I hope you guys did too. I hope you got to see some cool new

Jake Plocher: animatronics that you never really saw before had a chance to sort of flex some creative muscles and balancing that with the technical side of robotics, so Jake Plocher: We'll have a session two weeks, again, so next week's and off week. Keep an eye out. What is it like November 7 or something like that. Jake Plocher: And we'll keep you posted on who is going to be speaking later next week. Jake Plocher: Awesome. Alright, everyone. Have a great night. We'll see you around.

Jake Plocher: All right, I'm gonna go ahead on up to hazard a guess. Katelyn Wyatt: I Katelyn Wyatt: Gotta figure out some CAD stuff will see Katelyn Wyatt: CAD Jake Plocher: You're getting a cow. What kind of Katelyn Wyatt: No, no, no. CAD Jake Plocher: Cam by my crap killer you've known me for too long.

Katelyn Wyatt: I, I should the tabby I realize you're joking. Jake Plocher: Ma'am. Jake Plocher: For your john you're saying Katelyn Wyatt: Yeah, I don't know.

Katelyn Wyatt: How to Make you a vertical is a problem. Katelyn Wyatt: Like how to build build up vertically Jake Plocher: What do you mean Katelyn Wyatt: Here I can show you. Katelyn Wyatt: So like the dragon head needs to go up here ish Jake Plocher: Yeah. Katelyn Wyatt: Right. And this is what I currently. So this is what currently exists. Basically, the red stuff hasn't been printed yet but all the green has Anchor Katelyn Wyatt: Anchor CAD. Yeah, that's our professors having issues.

Katelyn Wyatt: Will say Katelyn Wyatt: Don green is printed and then everything in this middle area is printed Katelyn Wyatt: It's just like this red that's not Katelyn Wyatt: And so this is this is operative it's an idea, but basically the head needs to be up here and the body needs to come here and one leg goes here and one by goes there. Jake Plocher: was way too fast. Jake Plocher: Like spawn in a circle. Katelyn Wyatt: Sorry. The head is here.

Katelyn Wyatt: Yo, right, the body comes down like this. Like it's laying on this stack of gold bars is what it's what it's going to be on the outside and then what like is going to be over this wheel and one Katelyn Wyatt: Is going to be over this real Jake Plocher: Got it, and you're trying to figure out how to actually mount your head. Katelyn Wyatt: Yeah, like how do I, cuz like cardboard is what's going to be going in between these supports. Jake Plocher: Whoo. Oh. Katelyn Wyatt: Yeah, cuz he doesn't want us to use that much PL a Katelyn Wyatt: Fine. Yeah, so Katelyn Wyatt: I have to like build a build something up here.

Katelyn Wyatt: To like hold the cardboard don't Go. Katelyn Wyatt: Away. It's like the cardboard will support itself like when it's Jake Plocher: Tense word is Jake Plocher: Lame. What's the scale of this thing like linked by what Katelyn Wyatt: I'm just saying the actual engines.

Jake Plocher: Are you in Jake Plocher: Millimeters. No. Katelyn Wyatt: It's not a choice. We were told, you know, we know the metric system is so much Katelyn Wyatt: Yes. Jake Plocher: What is 350 millimeters go Katelyn Wyatt: In the customary system.

Jake Plocher: Not just what like what is it Katelyn Wyatt: Hot. It's like Katelyn Wyatt: You don't understand the question. Jake Plocher: Yeah, because you don't understand what 350 millimeters even is.

Katelyn Wyatt: No, I don't understand what you're asking. Jake Plocher: I'm asking you what, like what is 350 millimeters Katelyn Wyatt: Hi, it's like point three meters. So about a foot. Jake Plocher: Oh, what did you just say Katelyn Wyatt: A foot because I'm trying to explain as someone who only understands the customary system. Jake Plocher: Because you don't understand metric unless you convert it into a period Katelyn Wyatt: Because I was born into a country that uses customary. That doesn't mean I think it's better Jake Plocher: What if I told you that that was 13 inches long, then you'd be like, oh yeah, I know what 13 inches is Katelyn Wyatt: Of course, because I was born here, but just because Katelyn Wyatt: Because the professor to a told us we had to Katelyn Wyatt: That's why I'm using a Katelyn Wyatt: Wrong, so Katelyn Wyatt: So, Jake Plocher: That's it all in pitches and then change to metric on the last day.

Jake Plocher: It's literally not more work. It's literally as work because you don't have to convert for metric to freedom units in order to understand designing Katelyn Wyatt: Designing because like I have a mental it. Oh, that's okay. Okay, maybe this is I have a mental image of how big this Wow. Katelyn Wyatt: Yeah, I was shots fired but it's true. Like I can mentally. Imagine I don't need to know the conversion rates.

Jake Plocher: But like Katelyn Wyatt: I don't convert this to bed so customary in my head. Katelyn Wyatt: inches, inches or so bad. Jake Plocher: Literally so much better.

Katelyn Wyatt: How are you, Peter. Katelyn Wyatt: Just because in order to quantify it. I have to convert it to a customary doesn't mean it's better Jake Plocher: Name something this one millimeter Jake Plocher: Hmm, like, and I grew up in customary. This is not a fair question. Jake Plocher: One inch this knuckle Katelyn Wyatt: One foot. Okay. Okay. Katelyn Wyatt: But that's on an average like Katelyn Wyatt: That's not everyone like our forums are different legs.

Jake Plocher: Yeah, but like, Yeah, but all our, our knuckles are not so different than yours is like half an inch and mine is one and a half inches. Jake Plocher: Right, we're gonna have a difference intolerance of like Jake Plocher: Maybe point two inches. Katelyn Wyatt: So the URL is it's an estimation. I don't Katelyn Wyatt: Understand what Jake Plocher: I know, but I know what an inches. Like, I know what like five pounds feels like really like I know what a pound is right. It's like a stick of butter. Katelyn Wyatt: Right. But if you went. If you grew up in kilograms, you would know what a kilogram feels like

Jake Plocher: I really don't think so. I've talked with Jake Plocher: Their fellow engineers in my class who are from like Jake Plocher: Other countries and they're like, they don't even know what like kilograms necessarily are I mean like Katelyn Wyatt: The way it is done in kilograms. Jake Plocher: Yeah I know but they're not like, oh yeah, that would be like this many kilograms, because it's just not an intuitive system. It's great for unit conversion. If you're trying to do like complicated scientific studies. Katelyn Wyatt: And if you want to actually use the units. Jake Plocher: Freedom units. Katelyn Wyatt: All the way to learn how to use them.

Jake Plocher: Now I literally have learned how to use them into less effective. Katelyn Wyatt: Customary Jake Plocher: Another lesson to it. Katelyn Wyatt: But you don't think that could be less than two at it because you originally alert. Jake Plocher: Is 200 Jake Plocher: Degrees Celsius me do Katelyn Wyatt: Absolutely. Jake Plocher: Yeah, exactly.

Jake Plocher: Like, like what is 100 meters. Katelyn Wyatt: Because we've learned it, I Katelyn Wyatt: Learned so Jake Plocher: Honored is, man. It's really hot outside, yeah. Jake Plocher: Zero is man, it's really cold outside. You go to Celsius. Jake Plocher: 37 is really hot outside, Katelyn Wyatt: If it's above zero, it's worth it's below. Jake Plocher: It's not really not cold. Katelyn Wyatt: Well, that's because you choose to wear shorts when it's above 32 Jake Plocher: It's not that cold, it's Cold Jake Plocher: It's really not.

Jake Plocher: Freedom units also I'll actually help you if you want to share your screen again but Jake Plocher: That's probably your main problem with mounting this head, honestly. Katelyn Wyatt: My unit. Well, you can take it with Professor McLaughlin. Jake Plocher: What does this have me to actually mount, too. So, Jake Plocher: You're floating around right now. Like, how are you actually going to mount to the head.

Katelyn Wyatt: So my thought was, there's going to be so that's why I had this poll here. Jake Plocher: Okay, but like, how is it connecting. You know what I mean. Katelyn Wyatt: Yeah, so that gear is going to be attached to a server motor. So this is going to set, kind of like that. And this is going to have a ledge that comes out in the server motors going to sit on that attached to this year. Jake Plocher: That's hidden under the cardboard.

Katelyn Wyatt: Yeah, so then the idea is like the Jake Plocher: Dragon's Jake Plocher: Head or his like mouth of the bottom Katelyn Wyatt: It drops the job. Jake Plocher: OK, so the joy has not been designed yet but that head. You want to stay perfectly stationary at all times. Katelyn Wyatt: Yes, the joy has been designed to jaws on here with Jake Plocher: You okay oh Jake Plocher: Sorry, just not see oh it's tucked inside Katelyn Wyatt: Yeah.

Katelyn Wyatt: You see the teaser. Jake Plocher: Understood. Yeah, so Jake Plocher: I mean, Jake Plocher: How is your dragons neck going to look like. Is it a perfectly straight drop neck or is it like a curve neck because I think you need to think about that before dropping a perfectly vertical pole. Jake Plocher: Right, so the Katelyn Wyatt: The ideal situation is that it comes out goes back in and curves up right like the chest is over here. And then, so this whole needs to be open, but but it goes like this, but a it's supposed to be robotic dragon, so I can feasibly make it more angular and like make it still like Katelyn Wyatt: More sense within the context of my dragon. Yeah.

Katelyn Wyatt: Yeah, and I think that will be ea

2020-12-24 21:27

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