Ralph Martin - After the Election: What Now?

Ralph Martin - After the Election: What Now?

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hello brothers and sisters last week I recorded  a video on the antichrist which I felt like   contained a lot of important insight that  we need to take into account right now   I hope you had a chance to view it if  you haven't you can find it easily on our   Renewal Ministries YouTube channel today I’d  like to talk about after the election what now   on October 7th last year 2020 about a month  before the November American elections   I did a video that was  titled the American election   its global consequences the reason why I did it is  because a number of people in different countries   were saying as America goes so goes the world  including Cardinal Mueller but also there were   other people on the other side like George Soros  and people who are really working to implement a   Marxist socialist agenda throughout the world  saying as America goes so goes the world and   some of them said that the current  American administration at that time   was the only thing holding back a global reset  where the elites of the world could take control   well we know that there's a new administration  now we know the new administration is committed   to lots of things that are going to ratchet  up the pressure on Christians we know the   new administration is committed to expanding  access and funding and removing limitations   on aborting little babies cutting them up into  little pieces killing them crushing their brains   injecting poison into them up until the moment  of birth and there's even a number of people   now are saying no we don't want to we don't want  to save the lives of babies that are born alive   from failed attempts to kill them what kind  of what kind of country are we going to live   in if that's the case but it's not just that  it's the whole Christian vision of marriage and   sexuality marriage between a man and a woman open  to life is under aggressive attack you know it's   already crumbling it's been crumbling for years  in the United States and in many countries around   the world and it's just going to crumble some more  not only that uh religious freedom is going to be   reduced in its priority and it's going to  become something subordinate to the sexual   revolution reaching its insane conclusion where  no longer is there anything as biological reality   no longer does it mean anything whether  you're a biological man or woman but you can   you can pretend to be whoever you want to be and  the rest of us have to burn incense to it the rest   of us have to honor it pretend like it's real  when it's just not real so I’d like to talk now   actually at the end of that video I did in October  before the election I reflected a little bit   about different outcomes I said if the uh pro-life  pro-religious freedom of pro-marriage and family   uh candidates win we'll have another four years  or another two years or whatever length of time   it would be where we're able to hold back the evil  and not be forced to burn incense to Caesar and   not be forced to violate our consciences and maybe  not be discriminated against as badly as we would   be if those candidates lose then I said if those  pro-life pro-religious freedom candidates lose   uh the spiritual battle is still going on  even if they win the spiritual battle's   still going on because even if we're able  to hold back evil for another four years   uh evil is not going to give up because it's  not just a matter of human beings and political   parties tremendously powerful forces are at  work just like saint Paul says in Ephesians   chapter 6 are battles not just against flesh  and blood it's not just a matter of elections   it's a matter of really powerful spiritual forces  that are trying to insinuate deception lies fear   into people's lives so that they uh cower before  the powers of this world and no longer have the   courage or boldness or confidence or certainty  of faith to be a faithful witness to Christ   well we know that those candidates lost and we  also know that the current candidates who are in   office are really dedicated to some pretty evil  things and it's going to put tremendous pressure   on us I talked all about this in the video last  October if you haven't had a chance to watch it   I think you'll find it illuminating many of the  things I talked about there are now unfolding   but again what I said at the end of the video  is we don't have a lasting city here below   our salvation isn't in political candidates or  political parties our salvations in Jesus Christ   who really need to look to him as a source  of wisdom guidance and leadership in the days   ahead so what's been happening since the election  here in the United States and I know that this is   also relevant to other countries around the world  like Cardinal Mueller said as America goes so goes   the world I think that's very unfortunate I think  that's extremely unfortunate one country shouldn't   have that influence and hopefully it won't but  this country has been in the past extremely   aggressive in trying to convey these uh this  rebellion against God's plan into other countries   as well through foreign aid through political  pressure and there's lots of fifth columns and a   lot of other countries that want to cooperate with  this and it's happening in a country close to you   okay what's been happening since the  election we've seen a much more sudden   and much more aggression much more aggressive  attempt to stifle dissent and free speech   than I thought would happen it's happening a lot  more quickly it's happening a lot more radically   it's happening with a lot more totalitarian  power and force against it there's an aggressive   purge and shaming and proposed prosecution of  all those who in any way dare to a question   election procedures or election results even when  there was pretty significant evidence that there   were irregularities in the elections in certain  states anybody now who dares to question that   is considered treasonous an enemy of the state  and then people are being fired from their jobs   uh people are being uh thrown off boards  of directors of major corporations   a distinguished Harvard University graduate who  expressed concerns about some of the election   procedures and some of the things that are  happening there's a petition now amongst Harvard   students graduates and administrators to take  away her degree because of her political views   so it's really getting pretty aggressive pretty  ugly pretty painful and it's proceeding with   remarkable ruthlessness and boldness and God  help anybody who engages in peaceful protest   because now because of the very unfortunate  violence at the capitol a couple weeks ago anybody now who protests is going to be  labeled an insurrectionist I do think   there were a very small number of people who  invaded the capital who were insurrectionists   like trying to overthrow the government a lot  of people were there because they were misled   because they wanted to make a statement they  went too far they should be prosecuted but we   can't have a double standard on prosecution for  months and months and months cities were burning   businesses were burning federal buildings were  under siege riots were happening all over the   country and local authorities refused to prosecute  those who were throwing Molotov cocktails uh   smashing windows looting stealing rioting taking  over uh jurisdiction of cities declaring them   independent free zones of people who are rioting  and now people are being prosecuted for uh   trespassing or worse you know at the capitol  and they should be prosecuted but it's such   a double standard it's just unbelievable  there's such hypocrisy for all the looting   burning rioting killing uh shootings that  were happening all summer and into the fall   now what's happening is that almost every  powerful segment of our society has somehow   coalesced together and I don't think this can  be explained without supernatural power it's   censoring cancelling and intimidating alternative  viewpoints huge corporations whose products we buy   all the major social media companies who are  now canceling accounts for political reasons   all much of professional sports  the dominant entertainment industry   all the major social media outlets like  traditional newspapers and television and cable   news with a few exceptions much of professional  sports virtually all the major universities and   now all the governmental agencies both the  United States and this is true also in Canada   are coalescing to uh try to remove try  to shame try to distance try to exclude   those parts of the population that aren't going  along with the new agenda which contains so many   things that are directly contradictory to the  Lord so this is a time and this is a situation   where we're going to need more boldness more  courage more humility more prayer than ever people are being fired from their jobs  if there's any hint of using freedom   of speech or freedom of association that  those in power are now deeming treasonous   it's hard to believe that all this is happening  but it is I knew we were moving this direction   I knew this was what at stake what was at  stake in the last election but quite honestly   I didn't expect a catalyzing event like the uh  demonstrations and incursions at the capitol to be   so ruthlessly and aggressively taking advantage of  to try to shut down all opposition there are even   people in the government now in Congress and in  the House of Representatives in the senate saying   any legislator who questioned the election results  who wanted to do audits who wanted to look into   charges of election fraud should be expelled  from the senator house of representatives uh   80 percent of the major corporations that  supported these candidates these senators   and these representatives have now taken away  their financial support there's a concerted   attempt to make it impossible for opposition  leaders who've shown any gumption at all to   ever again win re-election now there could be a  significant blow back against this maybe people   are overplaying their hands maybe they're going  too far there are a few liberals here and there   who are saying wait a second this is violating our  values but a lot of people are saying this is now   not only a post-Christian society this is the now  post-liberal society where freedom of speech and   freedom of thought is no longer valued but rather  imposing the correct view that the technological   and political and educational elites think  everybody should have to live to it's a new gospel   it's a new belief system it's a new morality  that ignores the killing of babies that ignores   euthanasia that ignores compelling people  to violate their conscience in the name of   in a new enlightened society which has basically  declared as independence from God it goes right   back to the garden that goes right back to  that fundamental deception that fundamental lie   of the devil tempting our first parents to  say you know what you don't have to obey   God and you're a fool if you do you can  declare independence you can be like Gods   what a horrible lie what an incredible  deception and what horrible misery came from   and there's nothing but misery that's going to  come from that lie as it's being implemented today   I’ve said this before I’ll say it again those  who are trying to accommodate to the culture   those who are trying to be on the right side  of history those who are violating their   consciences in order to go along and get along  are going to find themselves going over a cliff   and they're going to find themselves if they  persist in their foolishness if they persist in   their rebellion on the last day the door will have  closed and they will have not entered the kingdom   they will have not repented they're going to be  excluded from the Father's house forever if they   don't repent in time that's the truth that's the  gospel truth now I didn't expect it to happen so   suddenly so comprehensively it's almost like  totalitarian controls being imposed overnight the   aggressive support of killing babies in the womb  suffocating religious freedom denying conscious   exceptions for catholic medical providers and  once again trying to force the little sisters of   the poor and other entities like them to provide  contraceptive insurance coverages which is against   their conscience it's going on its going to happen  they're doubling down free speech and freedom of   religion are under grave and powerful attack  and the wickedness and foolishness of it all   is ignored by those who don't want to be  confused by the facts the party from God's way   will be the end of civil society as we know it and  possibly the end of this country those of you who   listen to my videos and Father Michael Scanlan’s  prophecies from 1976 and 1980 know that there's a   terrible warning there about son of man do you see  this country which you love are you prepared to   live with no country are you prepared to depend  only on me son of man are you prepared to see   lawlessness in the streets and to live with  no protection except the protection I give you   son of man are you prepared to see all  these structures that you're trying so   hard to preserve parishes and schools  fall apart and have nothing except me   are you prepared to see it all shut  down and when it's all shut down   and you've learned to depend only on me then you  will know what I am about that's the note of hope   all of this is happening under the providence of  God nothing's happening right now including the   election's results that God hasn't permitted we  don't fully understand why he's permitting evil to   gain the ascendancy in such a radical and  sudden almost overnight way but he's doing   it for a purpose what could that purpose be  maybe he wants wickedness to ripen maybe he   wants all those who have their hearts turned away  from the Lord to manifest their commitment to   another gospel maybe he wants those who know  him to double down on their commitment to him   to choose more clearly to get their feet out of  the world and into the kingdom you know in in my   book a church in crisis pathways forward I have a  whole chapter devoted to stop straddling the issue   I think it's chapter five and it talks about how  the Lord wants us to stop straddling the issue to   really commit ourselves to the person of Jesus but  also to commit ourselves to his actual objective   teaching that we find in scripture and tradition  and in the catechism of the catholic church those who magically invoke the phrase follow the  science only follow the science and sometimes it's   manufactured science when it suits their  ideological goals we're seeing remarkable   reversals now on following the science for  a long time the science supposedly said   schools are a dangerous place where the virus  can be spread now more and more people who   said that are saying actually as a matter of  fact science shows that the virus isn't being   you know spread in schools and we need to  reopen the schools and reopen the economy   some perhaps cynically perhaps wisely are saying  now that there's a new administration we don't   have to make people so afraid anymore we don't  have to keep people suffering somewhere I don't   know we'll have to see now if you haven't seen my  commentary on Father Michael Scanlan’s prophecies   I’d encourage you to uh put in your search box  YouTube Ralph Martin Father Michael Scanlan’s   prophecies or go to our Renewal Ministries YouTube  channel put in Renewal Ministries YouTube channel   and in the search box you can just say Father  Michael Scanlan’s 1976 prophecy and then there's   also one from 1980 it's tremendously relevant  to this time I was just giving a retreat for   143 priests in Texas a few weeks ago with Scott  Hahn and I spoke on these prophecies and I’d say   it really connected I think it really helped a  lot of priests get really clear about what we're   facing and make some decisions in their personal  life as well in their ministry life that's going   to help people this has all happened with such  suddenness and with such viciousness I don't think   it can be explained without acknowledging that  demonic powers and principalities are involved   and one of the psalms says the nations are  arraying they're marshaling against God   but God sitting in his heaven is laughing the  foolishness of the human race thinking that a   rebellion against God can hurt God in any way God  only permits people to rebel so that they either   are given a chance to repent and be saved by  Jesus Christ you see this icon back here behind me   I’ve been meditating on every day it is  so amazing that the all-holy almighty   infinite God who dwells in inaccessible  light and is from age eternal and immortal   and immensely transcendently  beautiful transcendentally good that the word became flesh and dwelt among us  and now in the person of Jesus we can see God   we can see what he's like we can see his  love but we can also see his justice we   can see his holiness but we also and we can see  his compassion but we also can see his solemn   serious warnings that if we don't believe his  word if we don't say yes to our need for the   forgiveness of sins if we don't accept his mercy  by repenting and believing we will not be saved   the son of God has entered the world he's asking  us to take his hand he's asking us to recognize   that he's the vine and we need to be grafted into  him we need to be his branches we need to live by   his grace and live in his friendship and live in  his love through faith through the sacraments by   eating his body drinking his blood by meditating  on the word of God and every time when I read my   little Magnificat over here and I meditate on the  face of Jesus I’m saying wow God is loving us so   much he's showing so much kind to us he's showing  us a way of our hard hearts being transformed by   staying connected to Jesus and allowing the  heart of Jesus and the immaculate heart of   Mary to be a source of purity for us a source  of power for us a source of transformation now   many of us are fighting discouragement depression  sadness anger frustration and even doubt   the continuing suffocating covet 19 virus and its  escalating variants put a pall over everything and   many are discouraged that our intense prayer and  intercession didn't block all this from happening   many are distressed that many of our bishops  didn't and don't speak clearly or give real   leadership or even sometimes sympathetic  to the powers that are oppressing us   I must admit it is very distressing to see  the Cardinal Archbishop of Washington DC   almost fawning over the new  administration and glad to be   in dialogue with them and unabashedly giving  communion to politicians who are committed to   doubling down on the killing of  babies and all the other things   it was so distressing before the election to have  the official bishop statements coming out of the   bishops conference in Washington dc saying well  you know what abortion is our primary concern   killing babies is our primary concern but there's  so many other considerations like immigration and   climate change and you know a catholic could  actually vote for a pro-abortion candidate   uh an anti-religious freedom candidate uh if  there were other issues that he felt like were   you know very important or more important uh  you know in the big scheme of things balancing   everything out as long as he wasn't voting for  that candidate for the reasons of immorality   uh even though the candidate was going to divorce  you know advance these immoral positions okay   confusing for the average catholic  not a clear sound for the trumpet can't we say that voting for these candidates  is voting for the persecution of the church and   the killing of babies and the mockery of marriage  and family life can't we say that clearly there's   nothing that really outweighs that that  these other issues are important but they   don't outweigh these issues we couldn't say that  the bishops didn't say that before the election   then when the election happened the  president of bishops conference said   we want to congratulate and offer our  support to the second catholic president   well I can't say that our two catholic  presidents have set a very good example   of what it means to be a catholic and it  almost seems like the bishops were like   affirming the legitimate authentic  Catholicism of people who openly flaunt   the teaching of the church on really serious  matters and insist on receiving communion   even though they really aren't supposed  to thank God we had Archbishop Chaput   who recently retired as Archbishop of Philadelphia  say Cardinal Gregory you shouldn't be doing this   we have a committee working on this issue and  we don't think that this is what we should do   you know we don't think we should affirm people  who are posing the most important moral issues uh   to be given communion you know and uh  we got to start making that clear and so   this is the division of the church that I’ve been  talking about this is the attack from the culture   I’ve been talking about in this book a church  in crisis it's so good to hear Archbishop Chaput   speak out but it's so distressing to see these  pictures now of the Archbishop of Washington   giving communion to the most aggressive catholic  in in name politicians who are just so opposed   and want to really suffocate religious freedom  and continue killing babies so many are tempted   to doubt the efficacy of prayer or the goodness of  God or just are tempted to profound discouragement   anger frustration and doubt here's one  of my main messages today don't give   in to this spirit of sadness of discouragement  of doubt of anger or frustration resist it say   the Ignatius of Loyola says discouragement is  never from the Lord it's a human emotion that the   devil uses to cut us off from the power and joy of  faith scripture says our faith overcomes the world   and the power that's at work in us is greater  than the power that's at work in the world   and if you're in Jesus Christ you don't have to be  afraid of the world you don't have to be afraid of   the devil you only have to be afraid of offending  the Lord Jesus said you know don't be afraid of   those who kill the body be afraid of those who can  kill the body and the soul and condemn you to hell   like Jesus said if your right hand causes you to  sin cut it off if your right eye causes you to sin   pluck it out better to enter the kingdom missing a  hand or an arm or an eye then they go down to hell   with an intact body so brothers and sisters we are  called to a level of courage a level of clarity   a level of resolve not to deny Christ  before men not to please men more than God   not to give into cultural pressure that  may require us to burn incense to the   new emperor we can't burn incense to the  new emperor we can't burn incense to lies   we can't burn incense to rebellion against  God but we need courage from above we need   power from on high we need the power of  Christ dwelling in us to be capable of that   Lord Jesus says he says when they bring you up  before kings and rulers and authorities and courts   don't worry about what you're going to say  because I will let you know in that moment   what you would need to say so we need to learn a  new level of living and daily trust in the Lord   you know in the Lord's prayer every day  we say give us this day our daily bread   we don't get the manna that came to the Israelites  in the in the uh desert didn't last for more than   a day except it would last over the sabbath we  can't get the grace we need for the situations   we'll face in the future now we need to prepare  ourselves for ever deepening our relationship   with the Lord we need to look every day for the  help of the Lord to do what we need to do that day   uh going to work in the morning making the  beds washing the dishes taking care of children   going to the doctors offering our suffering  and union with Jesus for the reparation of   sins and the conversion of sinners and for mercy  on our country so say nation so Loyola says don't   ever give in to discouragement it always should  be resisted and the Lord uses our natural tendency   to human discouragement uh to give us an  invitation to draw our strength from him   the devil wants to use our human discouragement  to cut us off from faith to cut us off from hope   there's no hope everything's lost no everything  isn't lost nothing that's happening is happening   with except with the permission of God and  he's got a plan to bring good out of it that   last line of Father Michael prophecy when you've  learned to depend only on me and not all these   other things even your country even your police  departments even your church structures even when   the church doors are closed when you've learned to  depend only on me then you'll see what I’m about   brothers and sisters it's absolutely true  that God heard all our prayers and valued   all our sacrifices and will answer  them in a way we weren't anticipating   but in a way that will be fully satisfied when  we see it unfold his thoughts are far above our   thoughts his ways are far above our ways but  he is so wise he's so powerful he's so good   one day we will see what his plan was in  allowing the election result that just happened   but now we have to make a choice are  we going to give into discouragement   or are we going to resist discouragement  resistant discouragement is very much like   resisting the devil it says in scripture  resist the devil and he'll flee from you   so brothers and sisters resist  the devil resist discouragement   keep making acts of faith and acts of hope and  acts of love in the Lord because they're well   warranted they're well justified they're going  to bring us into contact and reality with them Cardinal Ratzinger prophesied this  many years ago when he was just   a German priest and in our march newsletter  we're going to publish his uh prophetic   sense again years ago way  back in late 1960s early 70s   he said you know what a tremendous trial awaits  the church the church is going to lose much of its   power much of its influence many of its buildings  many of its structures many of its members   is going to go through a tremendous trial but out  of that trial is going to come a purified church   out of which an immense explosion of light  and love will come and people who have been   unspeakably lonely in a soulless technological  culture will once again be able to find a home   that they've always been looking for where real  love and real life and real humanity can be so uh sign up for our newsletter it's gonna be in our  march newsletter uh and also i want to tell you   that you know everything that's happening you  know websites are being shut down social media   is being shut down if for some reason we're not  expecting this but it could happen if for some   reason we have to move to another vehicle to bring  these videos to you the only way we'll be able   to communicate with you is if we have your email  address so go to our website renewalministries.net   and i think right there in the home page should  be an opportunity to sign up for our newsletter   uh it will come to you it's free no obligation  never have to contribute if you don't like it   will stop coming to you automatically after  six months you never have to contribute to keep   getting it if you want to keep getting it and  at least we'll be able to communicate with you   if for some reason we can't keep getting  these videos to you the way we are now   uh peter Herbeck and i are trying each week  most weeks to give you a new video that will   hopefully encourage you to strengthen you give you  clarity and perspective and give you the support   you need from brothers in the Lord sisters in  the Lord to navigate the time we're living in   false optimism has been exposed to what remains  now is true and real hope is not wishful thinking   hope is that certain knowledge  that Christ has in will triumph   looking back at this icon i just think for a  thousand or more for thousands of years the world   lived in hopelessness all it had was promises  from the prophets which most people didn't   believe and didn't pay attention to that  a day was coming when a suffering servant   would appear in the face of the earth  and that he would speak he would speak   mildly and humbly and uh he would suffer  greatly and he would be not esteemed by us   and people wouldn't even want to look at him so  marred was his face but out of that suffering   servant would come blessing and salvation  not only for Israel but for the whole world   i am so glad that we are living in the time of  the messiah that we no longer have to wander in   darkness we don't have to no we no longer have  to kind of ponder over how these prophecies   could possibly put together of the triumph of  the messiah and the suffering of the messiah   we know now how they come together and  they come together in the person of Christ   i am so glad that God has appeared on  the earth in the person of Jesus and   when we look at Jesus we see God and he's  spoken to us clearly in sacred scripture   now we now know the clear path forward we know now  what God's plan is for the human race we know now   how we can be saved how every bit of goodness  and love and tenderness and truth and kindness   that we've ever encountered in this world and  become eternal can never end can be fulfilled   Jesus is with us and he's so kind and he's so good  and we need to know that he's with us right now in   this post-election time and he's not only here  with us in the United States of Canada but he's   with us wherever we are in the world whatever  is happening in our country our faith is what   overcomes the world and Jesus will give us the  strength to be his witnesses his joyful witnesses   in a time of tremendous challenge thank God we  live in the age of the church thank God we live   in the age of messiah and as certainly as Jesus  came the first time and is with us now he's going   to return in glory to judge the living and the  dead and those of us who have become his friend   on earth before we die are going to be welcomed  into the Father's house with his tremendous words   well done good and faithful servants enter into  the joy of your master may we all hear those words   may we all draw ever closer to Jesus i might  also tell you that we're going to do a Lenten   mission uh starting in lent uh we'll have some  information on our website renewalnersies.net   we're going to continue what we did in  our advent mission we're going to continue   talking about the wisdom of the saints that we  find in the book the fulfillment of all desire   that I’ve written but it's not my  words it's the words of the saints   we're going to continue to talk about how to make  progress on the spiritual journey so we're gonna   do that for four Sundays in lent and uh gonna  be on Sunday evening at eight o'clock uh you can   register on our website and uh it doesn't quest  anything but that way we can communicate with you   and it's going to be live so you can interact with  me you can ask questions you can make comments you   can greet people that you know around the world  and you can know live and in person that you're   part of a worldwide brotherhood and sisterhood  of others who are undergoing the same sufferings   but also know the same Lord and are living  in faith and hope and enjoy God bless you

2021-01-31 01:29

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