Pleiadians reveal the SHOCKING TRUTH about Night Sky, Matrix & Spirit Guides!

Pleiadians reveal the SHOCKING TRUTH about Night Sky, Matrix & Spirit Guides!

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hello my friends so I welcome all of you  almost 96 000 starseeds light workers and   Wanderers from all over the world to today's  session and today's session is really really   amazing okay the thing is uh in today's  session I have channeled The Pleiadians   and as per the Bold questions uh you have voted  on the YouTube channel uh I have channeled about   what is the truth about is the night sky a  simulation or not and I know you know many   of you may have the same question that I had like  you know when we are looking at the night sky you   know are we seeing the truth or is there something  else going on right so in today's session you'll   find the answer to that and this actually goes way  deeper so the Pleiadians you know they not only   explain about that but they also explain about I  believe you know this is this is what they said   in the session is similar to uh the illusion  Matrix or the reality which we are in and they   have revealed some mind-blowing information  it would blow your mind it sure did a mind I   my mind is actually blown by the information okay  and the thing is you know if you do not know this   information you know there is a high chance that  you may be trapped in the illusion Matrix for a   long time but now you have this information and  now you have the choice to escape this illusion   Matrix and to become your true self so and in the  second portion of the question I have asked about   understanding about spiritual guides or Spirit  guides because many of you you know had emailed   me regarding you know Spirit guides and uh  detailed explanation so this session has a   lot of in-depth information okay and I believe you  know if you want to understand about Spirit guides   this session is like the ultimate um you know  information which you'll find okay and I believe   it will help you a lot in understanding these two  information so without much further Ado I just   want to say big thank you to all of you for um you  know joining me on the meditations in my patreon   I believe we were able to stop the negative  entities this is huge and the other thing is you   know I want to see that I have a second channel uh  wherein I am planning to put some meditations um   you know which will help you as an application of  the teachings which you receive so the link is on   the bio and also on to say a big thank you to all  of you for liking the video as it helps to reach   to other star seeds Wanderers and light workers so  with that being said enjoy the session my friends and we are here now and communication through this  instruments vibratory sound the complex system   and we communicate through the process of  tilding into this vibration by the instrument we the social memory complex of the Pleiadians  shall offer our thoughts in order to guide   the human Collective Consciousness at this time  throughout this journey of transformation into the   new Earth for density vibration with child assist  each entry at this time to awaken within the self   to recognize the true nature  of reality and to identify   what is a part of the illusion complex there  has been many events happening behind the current illusory reality of which the  people of the Earth planet can perceive   however we can only share the information that  requested today we are here to provide guidance   by conserving your free will and answering  the query which pertains to it the question   as requested by this instrument which relates  with is the night sky a simulation with the   Pleiadians must state that each individualized  mind-body and spirit complex must understand that   the night sky is a type of distortion which has  the possibility of being simulated to confuse   the senses of your bodily vehicle further away the  obladians must also state that before we explain   this aspect to provide a clear understanding  each mind body is very complex must realize   that the two portions the mind and the body  are a part of the illusion complex reality   and only the spiritual self which is the  part of the awareness is the real self furthermore there are entities upon your planetary  sphere who reach this realization one day   enter into a state of higher Union with  their true inner self by focusing on   the silence within the cells which  can be attained during the process   of meditation furthermore there is  only a small percentage of entities   upon the Earth planet at this time who recognize  this aspect to be true within their own experience   further there is a requirement of experience of  the self to validate this type of understanding   as 99 of human entries who are currently in  the illusion complex are and trapped by the   thoughts emerging from the mind's complex and  they confuse themselves to be their thoughts   or their bodily complex this is a perception  which is created by a layer of the illusion   complex which the mind and body are a part of this  illusion complex not only comprises the outside   environment but also the mind and the body which  are the primary layers of the illusion complex   and creates a distortion which many entries cannot  Escape through multiple incarnations however   there are those who require a shorter amount of  exposure to such a type of knowledge to understand   and to escape from the strap of identification  with the thought forms of the Mind complex Rd   bodily complex this is by recognizing the  self to be the spiritual complex or the   awareness and this means that the true  essence of each entity in this time is   but the spiritual self which can observe and  sense and become aware of different realities   this layer of understanding can only be  reached by those entities who are able to   spends times of this attachment with thought  forms and also spend this attachment with the   bodily complex and they realize that their true  self is the sense of awareness or the Observer   who is able to observe any type of distortion  this is the true self the Consciousness which   incarnates in multiple incarnations and has the  possibility of incarnating in different bodily   complexes in different situations for the purpose  of learning the lessons furthermore everything   that is perceived by the senses in a way is a  simulation which is created to teach entities the   lessons of the true self furthermore the night  sky can also be manipulated by technology and   we can also sense that there are entities upon  the Earth planet who work for Elites and higher   entries as per your hierarchical system of  the third density planets holds demand such   technological use for camouflaging the people  of the reality what is happening in outer space this can be done to camouflage the truth or  what is happening outside the Earth's planetary   sphere there may be entries who are working  for organizations related with aeronautical   experiences who have access to such Technologies  and upon scanning the vibrations they happen using   this technology many a times in order to create  a holographic reality around the earth to confuse   the masses from the truth of what they are  performing behind the holographic screens   which are created similar to the devices known as  television or the so-called mobile phones wherein   a reality is replaced by different wavelength  of light and streaming this process is required   by many of these organizations to camouflage  their main agenda and purpose of what they are   achieving on the outside world furthermore  we The Pleiadians shall now also state that   this instrument's desires to understand about  the spiritual guides we as the Pleiadians shall   now address this aspect many on the earth  planets and many a times have experienced   a type of action or a type of experience wherein  there was a distortion in the experience and a   certain knowledge our assistance appeared by  traversing space-time such are the moments   wherein Spirit guys step in to help certain  entities in their aspect of their incarnation   furthermore many entries who are the spiritual  guides for different incarnations situations   are primarily composed as the archangels the  Angelic beings the guardian angels and guides   and there may be other ascendants Masters and  higher levels spiritual enlightened beings   and also there may be positively oriented  Elementals entries who are primarily residents   of the earth planets and they find themselves  having the ability of using the vibration of love   to communicate thoughts feelings and emotions and  heal entities who require the tribes of distortion   furthermore firstly the understanding  that is spiritual guides is the type   of entity who decide to assist those who  require their assistance and have been   granted special permission by the Council of  planets to Aid entities who call upon them   furthermore the first types of spiritual guides  are the Angelic gods are the guardian angels   who primarily appear as Spiritual Beings and  work form the social memory complex of the   Angelic realm they communicates and provides  messages for the purpose of assisting entities   to delve deeper into their inner nature  and many entities may also receive guidance   from these guardian angels for certain types of  situations which require the entry of a guardian   angel into the illusion complex there may be the  second type of spiritual guides who are those of   a higher vibrational octave primarily in the  later fourth density to Upper fifth density   Consciousness who are spiritual entries that help   many of the entities in there and Incarnation  throughout their life cycle these guides May   sometimes present themselves as assistant  in a spiritual form or a light body and they are primarily the guides who are directly  responsible for assisting a certain entry and the   Fulfillment of its Mission by giving it right  direction if needed there may be other ascended   masters who primarily achieve a transformation  by consciously learning the vibrations of love   and wisdom and these ascendant  Masters they may appear in the form of   human bodily complexes primarily for  the main purpose of acting as teachers   and these teachers primarily are those which  can be described by a people as Saint-Germain   the entry known as Jesus and Buddha are Muhammad  and there are many other entries of this nature   these ascended masters have a main purpose  of providing teaching to assist entities in   their journey of learning to overcome  attachment with this illusion complex   and there may be other types of spiritual guides  who appear in the form of protectors or Guardians   and these are known as the ancestors guides  these ancestral guides are those entities who   are of the same Soul family as The Entity and  are connected in a higher format and the higher   density by becoming a member of the same social  memory complex thereby these ancestors can provide   guidance by sending information and by guiding  The Entity who requires such types of guidance   by traversing space and time this can be done by  the process of working with the energy body of   entities who require such assistance there  may be other guides such as the spiritual   animals who are those guides primarily who  are present as pets in a entities incarnation   in order to provide the overflowing of love  and balance in certain entities life cycle   furthermore these Spirit Animals  may not only appear in the form   of pets buds may also appear in  the form of light body entities   for the purpose of providing balance and a  feeling of love in a certain entities life cycle   further there may be other types of guides such as  the Elementals who primarily are found in nature   and these Elementals who have chosen the pathway  of positivity and have decided to linger on the   Earth planet may also decide to assist those  entities who require their assistance these   types of Elementals primarily find themselves  or latch themselves to certain objects such as   trees or ponds or certain locations in the forest  of your planetary sphere where in the entry or   the elemental is able to provide thought forms  and certain types of vibrations upon entering   a certain location these types of Spirit guides  are extremely rare to find upon the Earth planets   however these Elementals if they decide  to assist a certain entry those vibrations   require their assistance may be able to help  these entities directly since they are present   on the Earth planet directly and they do not  have to travel through space and time these   nature guys as Elementals can guide each entity in  this timeline teaching each entry many lessons of   learning furthermore the pleadians now leave you  beloveds in love and light of the one creator   bye so I hope you know you learned a lot of  information in the session like I did and   you know one of the fascinating things that  I learned in the session is that is about   what they said is you know to the answer to  the query of is the night sky a simulation   I mean this is really amazing right they have said  that actually the night sky could be a simulation   and I believe you know big organizations now I now  they did not see the names of the organization but   I believe you know they were referring to you  know organizations such as NASA or you know   other organizations you know who are using the  technology to camouflage the reality or what is   actually happening on the outside okay so whenever  we look at the night sky um you know we may see um   something else uh but you know they said it could  be a holographic reality similar to the mobile   phones or the TV uh that you know can overlap the  real reality so I don't know uh you know maybe uh   they are using it okay that's what they said  and the main purpose is to hide what they are   doing so I think you know there is there is a high  possibility that there are um organizations uh who   use this technology okay so that's crazy right and  the other thing is uh they have said that you know   the most important part which I remember is they  have said that you know 99 of human entities are   trapped in The Matrix of the mind and the body if  you listen to the session you may have understood   that they have said that uh you know we are  inside an illusion complex and our mind and   body is also a part of the illusion complex  okay but our spiritual self is the only true   self this is what they said so what that means  is that you know I believe uh that there may be   um some kind of you know lessons we have to learn  by detaching ourselves from our mind and body and   then by attaching ourselves to our spirit complex  and by doing that we will escape this Matrix okay   since today you know many of many of us  are aware of this information I think it   will help all of you to just you know take  some time out and focus on your spiritual   self which they said is the Consciousness  or the awareness that is our true self as   they said and it is capable of transcending  mind and body it can incarnate in different   timelines it can incarnate in different bodies  it is independent of Mind and Body okay and to   escape this illusion complex we have to identify  with our true spiritual self and only as for   the as per the information of the Pleiadians one  percent of entities recognize this in their life   many of uh the beings you know even me I I  used to think that you know I I am my thoughts   I used to think that I am a body but now I  know that I am none of those things I'm not   my body I'm not my mind but I am a spiritual  being with a Consciousness and that's what I   learned I hope you learned the same thing  uh the other thing that they have said is   about the Spirit guides yeah so the basic thing  is listen guys my friends uh you know as far as I   understand there are different types of Spirit  guides with the same purpose assisting those   entities who require assistance okay Spirit guides  they may appear in the form of angelic beings   archangels um what they said was like ancestors  or ancestral guides and the other one is Spirit   Animals Elementals it is described in the session  the different types of Spirit guides and how they   assist us in this timeline now as far as the  gnome I think you know Spirit guides are here   to help us and I myself you know many times you  know have found myself in situations which seemed   insurmountable and I prayed to the universe  and somehow it was solved right I believe the   Spirit guides might have a system and then  there is the other information related with   our pets okay our pets uh could be a spirit  animal your pet could be a spirit animal which   is really fascinating because you know when you  look in the eyes of a pet you see love and you   become balanced yeah this is crazy I also have  a pet so I can tell you that it's true and the   other thing is they said that the rarest kind  of Spirit guides are the Elementals who are who   have chosen the path of positive polarity we  also know that there are negative Elementals   but they are talking about positive Okay who  wants to guide Humanity so these Elementals   they are stuck in some kind of you know area  like a forest or a mountain or a river and they   primarily what they do is they just give one  to help entities okay if they if they desire   they can help entities by the love and vibration  so my friends this is what I understood in the   session and with that being said I just want  to say big thank you to all of you for joining   uh me in this journey of discovery of the true  self and I also want to say a big thank you to   all of you for sending me past life requests on  this email whenever I get free time I will help   you find out your current life purpose your past  lifetimes and if you have any other questions I   can also help you channel that information for  your understanding and the other thing is I want   to say big thank you to all of you who have uh  joined me on the patreon where I upload three   sessions a week and we also do meditations  applications if you want to go in deep you   need to join the patreon and the other thing is  I want to say a big thank you to all of you who   join me on unifyd TV for the four-part exclusive  series and the link is on the description if you   haven't checked it out so with that being said  my friends I'll see you in the next session bye

2022-09-29 03:00

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