Overview of Digital Campaigning Certificate Program (April 2020)

Overview of Digital Campaigning Certificate Program  (April 2020)

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We're going to be talking, about this. Essential, training to, organize in the digital age today very. Quickly who, we are I want to introduce David. David if you want to activate your webcam and say hello, David, is part. Of the SMT. Team and you. Can introduce yourself. Hey. Everyone, I'm David Rojas and part of S&T team and I'm gonna be helping Hannah today. With the chat I'll be answering. Your questions, feel free to chat it in or send that to me privately and I'll do my best to answer happy. To meet. Y'all great. So. I'm Hannah, rody DSM T's director, helped. Found the organization seven. Years ago SMT, many, of you already know what SMT is but for. Those of you who may not we're a non-profit, NGO. Movement, partner. We. Do online organizing, strategy, training and staffing, to engage members and win campaigns, we've. Trained staff and leaders from twenty-four hundred groups in the, first seven years and, worked with 70, groups more in depth with on assessments. And campaign, support, etc and, we're proud members of the Pacific media workers guild which, is part of the Communication, Workers of America. So. What. We're gonna invite you to do now this is a spectrograph, that enables, people, in an online meeting to. Anonymously. Say. Where they are and I'm, going to get out of presentation, mode here because that's the only way to see and watch, you all I'm, going to share again, the link to this specific, slide and, let's. See how many we are so far we got 68. Folks in this so I don't think this will crash if too. Many it. Has crashed before when hundreds of people tried to access but I think we'll be ok so if you want to get into this document and. We're gonna have a number of slides where you're going to be that you're going to be engaging with and so, here, just take one of these double click on one of these fruits. And drag, it to where, it's true for you whether you have on the, left no experience, with online organizing, all. The, way to lots. Of experience, with online organizing, and how, you're feeling very confident, or very nervous about it. And let's. See where we are and. This is a useful, tool. Just. To kind. Of get, quickly. Anonymously. Gauge the pulse of a group of people that you, may be meeting with online. Okay, so we see that, at least most of the people who have engaged so far are, on the low end of X feel, like they're on the low end of experience.

But. Not too nervous about the whole prospect, and, some of you are pretty high pretty. High experience excellent. Okay so the next thing that we're going to invite you to do and there's. More room here for more people to engage with this is those. Of you with a first name between, a and, M click. On any of these blurbs double click on it and you can enter text in what I want to learn today or how, I'm hoping, that this certificate program, might. Be able to help help. Us in our work, and. Those of you who. Are for have first name between N and Z go, to the next slide down which is slide 6. So as when it's not working for you how's. That I'm really curious because every once in a while we. Hear that it's, not working for you yeah you know what it is it's there's too many people in it what. Happening. Is it starts freezing up in fact I'm see yeah so if you. Wait, a few minutes once some people are done it. Might in my unfreeze. Yeah. So let's see what people are personal, I'm gonna just go back to this. And. See where we ended up yeah okay, and then. Here so let's see what people are saying. Learn. How we can continue to building power in. Black. People. Of color communities, digitally. I'd, like to learn them grant-making strategies. Tactics for organizers yes, and we'll learn about how to track online organizing, yep, how, to run global digital campaigns, how, to effectively each an audience inspire calls to action, via social media. What. The program is about and, hope it can help find better ways of online organizing. How. To engage with the community with more conservative. Values, digitally. Mm-hmm. Building, among people of color, online. Bringing. Back information about. The. Program, to our partners. My. Tools especially right now yeah, right now this critical, moment where online digital. Stuff is becoming all-important. Great. Ok, the next slide here I want. To learn about whether this program is right for me how the training can help me in colleagues and activists. What. Groups normally share best suited for this program, yep. Great. Tools to support our community-based organizations. With accessible, digital organizing. Training yeah yeah, ok, excellent. So. We're, gonna talk about all that. So. I'm going to go back into presentation, mode here. Ok. So. Online. Organizing, you know has become an, absolutely. Essential skill, if, anybody thought that you could be an organizer without, you know really, pretty good online organizing skills, or a good. Fundraiser or, a good communications, person or any of the above kind, of a whole range of work that we do in our social change work now requires, just, about everything requires, proficiency. Online so. Obviously. It's. Critical, during this period, of physical isolation it's. Extremely. Useful for finding and engaging our people, harnessing. Broader community. Support, pressuring. Targets, and secondary, targets, where they're vulnerable. Creating. A new source for skeleton. New staffs right increasingly. The. Media has a hard time covering. A lot of our events not just because, you know they're corporate owned and more responsive, to kind, of mainstream news but also because. There's their, staffs or so are. So downsized, so everything that we can do to, get content, to them in a way that they can consume on Twitter is. Helpful, and. It's. Also critical. For shaping the narrative, so that we're not completely, dependent on on on. The media for for, a narrative that we are out there shaping it so, let's actually take, a look at the curriculum, of the course.

And Want. To invite, you and we will talk in more detail some, of you had questions about you, know what type of organization is best suited we're going to cover all of that and if we haven't answered your specific, question by the end please ask it so, while, we go through this, the. Curriculum, which. Is on the page here on. The main landing page of the program what, I want to invite you to do is grab. A pen, or something in a. Scrap of paper and, maybe. Jot, down the. Particular. Topics, that are the five to ten topics that are of particular interest, to you because the next thing you're going to be voting, on those in the slide deck so. So. Here's what we're going to cover and I this is going to be kind of a whirlwind, I'm just gonna go through it fairly quickly so, putting. Together an, online organizing, plan, and measuring. If it's working to build power so these are two really different things but they're very linked, a lot, of times in our work we find that groups don't, necessarily, have a really, intentional online. Organizing plan, and they, aren't tracking. Results in a way that enables them to evaluate, whether, the online, part of their work is actually, helping to build power so we do a bunch of work, around that and in. The program you will build your plan and also, develop. Metrics, to. Measure its effectiveness. Campaign. Management, and team collaboration. Tools and best practices, we've, been doing a bunch of stuff now as teams, are moving. To remote work but whether or not. You're working remotely. We. Find that most organizations. Are vastly, under, using, the tools and, practices. That they. Could be to work effectively as, teams, and to run. Campaigns. Efficiently. So. We do a bunch of work on that running. Online meetings, and trainings, which has become again. Essential. Live. Streaming, for organizing. Has become essential. Mobile. Power so, mass texting, peer-to-peer, texting. Using, short, codes this. Has become, essential. And so, we've, done, comparative. Tool analyses. That can make recommendations. Around, which. Tools are the, most provide, the highest value for different use cases and, when, to use each of these tools strategically in, your campaigns. Orchestrating. Mass call in campaigns, to targets, so, there, are now tools to make this super, easy super, effective, that are very, affordable, like, $50 a month we've. Been able to negotiate down. Some. Some, rates on some really powerful tools and then really, talking through a whole campaign to, orchestrate, mass kahlan's. Activating. Members online, and building an online organizing. Committee, there. Is so much here around training, members to be active online what, kinds of leadership roles you can develop for people online and we, know that members, who are active, and are asked to do stuff are more committed members, right so really, I think we've vastly, under. Under. Asked and under invite members to take on roles and part, of that is because we haven't clearly. Oftentimes, defined, the, roles and set up you. Know guides and, training for that so we we do a bunch around that ad, campaigns. To build your list and activate, your base and pressure. Targets, this becomes critical. When you have a strategic campaign, where you've identified primary.

And Secondary targets. And you've, identified where. They're vulnerable. On social, media and, so there's all kinds, of ad channels. Now whether, you're using geo-fenced. Mobile. Ads. Or. Geo-targeted. Google, ads or, Facebook. In a variety of ways, with custom audiences, and all of that can be extremely powerful but. It like if you're right now you're kind of just using the boost button on Facebook you're really you're, vastly under using this. Strategic. Storytelling. And never. Mind talking about newcomers, to advertising. Like tic toc if you, have a younger. Audience you're, targeting snapchat. Geofilters. Strategic. Storytelling, and message development, so, so. We do we. Think it's really important, for groups to develop. A. We. Find that their groups. Often need support, around, developing. Their, public, narrative so, this, is a narrative that includes. A hero a villain a, quest, all of these iconic, kind of parts of of. Narrative. And storytelling, that, make something. Compelling to people and move people to action but. Then in addition to that we. Do a bunch in this around, personal. Story, right personal, narrative, and that's, so important, because being. Able to link, your public, narrative, with. A personal. Story. Becomes. Extremely. Effective, in, in. Lifting. Up and having active. Members, donors. Speak. About why, they, are getting active, with with, the effort with the movement, with the work and then, activate, others, and if, in fact right now in the current cohort we're, just at tomorrow. And a week from tomorrow doing two sessions all, about talking about race and given. That race, is kind, of the quintessential. Tool. That is being used by the 1%, to, divide, the 99%, and keep us fighting each other, figuring. Out how to talk about structural, racism in. A way that in. A way that connects. With the issues that you're, working on if. It's not directly, about, racism, and brings, people along. Is. Really is really, powerful. Online. Organizing. For. Organizing, groups so, oh they're here we talked about what. You can do online, that. Strengthens. Your offline, organizing. Like your major donor, work. How, to use the online piece and then how to use just, online fundraising, if, you, are if you have a big enough list because many groups don't necessarily. And so then it becomes the. Online piece is definitely. Key to building what you're doing offline. Facebook. For organizing. Here we're now focused, a lot on Facebook groups, and using them powerfully, in your, work training, moderators. Managing. Trolls. And and anti is that kind of thing Twitter. For organizing. So, we, do a couple sessions one. Is about aggressively. Building, your Twitter account in, order for it to be strategically, useful in your organizing, putting. Together a, Twitter. For, power plan, for, your organization. And then, how, to orchestrate powerful. Twitter storms. Email. Writing for actions so there's a couple of sessions that one of our team members who's, extremely, experienced. With email. Writing and is an excellent coach does. In terms of just giving people feedback on, their writing and, how. How, an email should be structured and then, email. Management best, practices, so this is all about best, practices, from for really managing, your email list, CRMs, and other action, tools and here we focus in on two. Things integration. And automation, these, are the two, key, kind. Of issues. Right now with, tool, use, I'm. Just checking the chat here for a second. David is there anything that we need to address because, I feel like I've been going a long, time here with that no I'm, answering, people's, questions do. You want to do you want to just go over really quickly what's, your end yeah yeah, yeah so constituent. Relationship, management system. Is what it stands for and it's. Just the tools that manage, your data like it's it's, generally, a tool that enables you to do mass emailing, and for, groups involved in action you're gonna want it to be able to enable, you to spin up a quick petition, or an email, campaign, and, so. In, some cases it's they're more. Designed, to manage data, like, Salesforce, would be an example which, is more or less of an action tool more, designed to manage. Extensive. Data so it's kind of that whole range of tools. Media. Getting and tracking media coverage, for actions, and campaigns, and and. David just did a session on this last week for a, series. We're doing on worker, organizing all about generating. Media coverage for your strikes and workplace actions, but, so yeah, this is um another.

Piece And using online tools to help with that especially especially. Twitter, optimizing. Your website for organizing. Power yeah. It's really, important, video. So, the, the training we do on video is all about expanding. The role of quick, and instead. Of being lost cause that should say low-cost, video, for organizing. So, it's not so much about you, know paying, a videographer, paying. For like a very slick production, the. Critical, need right now people are consuming vast amounts, of video online and, they're looking for and more interested, in genuine, raw. Stuff, and, fortunately. That's exactly, what's easier, for, organizing. Groups to do right and to, capture and so. We, talk a lot, about that. Digital. Security why. It's important, how to implement it what are the nitty-gritty, like top tools. To make sure you're using, petition. Best practices. For building your list, particularly. Instagram. Best, practices. Whatsapp. For organizing. This is a. Critical. Tool if you're organizing, like. American immigrants, and and, many, immigrants. From, especially. Not, so much China where it's you know a different messaging, tool that that's used or most, of Asia but. The rest of the world. Voter. Engagement. And get-out-the-vote yeah, there's some really interesting. Approaches. Now to voter. Engagement, and tools for that that, are much, more effective so we look at evidence-based. Research, and best. Practices, and, the. Implications, that that has for a voter, engagement that, should, be done in a way that actually builds. Power, on our issue, campaigns. Using. Snapchat, facebook, Messenger, chat BOTS and newcomers, and organizing, and finally budgeting, so. Budgeting, for online organizing making. Sure that you kind, of so it's, really looking at wherever. You are with your budget like how no, matter how small or large you are what does stuff cost and what trade-offs can do you need to make and and kind of planning for that. Okay. So having gone through that. Now. Want, to invite you all I'm going to go out of presentation. Mode again here, to, go to this, slide which is slide 9, I'm going to put. This link. In the chat again and put, a + sign next, to. The. Topics, that would. Be your. Priorities. That. You feel like you most your organization. Either. You personally, or kind of given. Your role in the organization or. Your organization. In general is the. It's the top priority. And. You. Can see for for unions there's a additional. Few topics here, at the end on the right. I'm actually really curious to see. Email. Writing to drive action seems like it's a priority for a lot of folks, and. Livestreaming, metrics. Digital, campaign planning yeah, digital. Campaign planning is a really. Big. Yeah. You. Cool. So. We'll come back to this maybe, we'll see but anyway yeah keep, that up and really interested, to see what. The results, are. Okay. So going back into presentation. Mode here. Okay. So. You. Know I just want to like this is maybe maybe this is kind of obvious but just want to go through this quickly why invest, in training ourselves up like, this is a big investment right I mean it's an investment of money it's. An investment of time so. You. Know one reason is that social, media habits, are changing all, the time like we know that in this moment clearly, vast, vast. Changes. But. In general they are - for example you, know young people moving more toward certain messaging, apps and not using Facebook anymore, and so we, know that their shifts, all the time and they can sometimes be pretty quick, person. This is a really, important, point, to think about personal. Use is not equal to organizing, use with with all this tech and, social, media channels so, some. Groups are you know feel like well you know we're gonna hire in a young person, who's really social. Media savvy and that's gonna fix our are kind. Of the. What, we need and and. It doesn't necessarily, work that way because someone. Can be really proficient on you, know a social, media channel in their personal life but, if they are not if they don't have organizing.

Experience, Then. They're, not kind of thinking, about how to use it to build power or, to put pressure on a target, or to, combine online and, offline in an effective, way. Tools. Are developing, all the, time and, tactics. Are changing, like for example there's a there's, there's. A there's new tools out there's three new tools, actually that, I mean, I just heard about last. Week that, I've, set up demos, I'm like, we're trying them out and we're, testing them so there's tools all the, time that are coming out and finding. Out what is on the cutting edge it's super useful, instead. Of waiting until I, mean, like we started using zoom years ago right but, most people hadn't heard like a lot of groups of just using, it this year so the idea is to be, a little bit more on the cutting edge of what, tools are could. Be useful in your work for, your particular use, cases right, and then sifting, through given. That all the stuff that's being developed what's, worth spending. Time on and using and what's not and like we try to do, a lot of that that. Vetting, for her groups. Tactics, are changing, so for, example the use of peer-to-peer texting. Has become it became, like, hugely. Popular, after. Bernie's campaign in 2016. And is, now like, massively, being used geo-fenced. Mobile. Ads and. Evidence-based. Best practices, are evolving, it's important, to actually learn. What, is, working and what's not based, on on testing. And there are, organizations. That are, supporting. Organizing. Groups and doing that kind of testing and then sharing, what gets what. Gets learned from that and. Finally. The ant eyes are investing, heavily online, like like. It in many, cases it just Dwarfs. What we're doing and so we really need to be smart about about. How we engage there. So. Let's talk about the. Digital certificate, program. So. It's live online sessions, every one, week. Or two from, September. To June. It's, high engagement, you know unlike in this webinar unfortunately. People. Can't see each other you can unmute yourself, it's. And it's and that's actually really an exciting aspect, of it because even. If there are 50, or a hundred people in any one session, people, kind of get to know each other and and, share, what's share. Exciting, stuff in. Fact we just had in the last session one, of the members shared about how he had this tiny. Little local tiny, little Twitter account, and tweeted. Out something, critical, of of an. Elected, leader and it. Caught. Huge. Attention, and in. Feedback and. It kind of blew them away they had never ever gotten any kind of notice. And now, with growing this tiny little account, and get the active, way that they got noticed, some of you things like that they're shared within the group can be very useful an experienced. Diverse instructor, team so we have like 15 to 20 people at, least, we're. Expanding that but I'm helping, out, in. Depth recordings, with quizzes, on 25. Plus key topics, so yeah we we, have the recordings, and I'll show you an example of that and then, also on, most of the recordings, there are quizzes to test your knowledge your absorption, of key learnings. A, community. Of peers we talked about and so, the idea is it's kind of a buffet, program.

Like The idea isn't that you are you. Know you should expect yourself to participate. In every, session through the nine months that would be there. Are some people who do it but it's you know that's a lot of time right so, you, the idea is to pick as few as five out, of all the topics and you. Can get, a certificate level one if you just do five topics, and. So. What we've learned there's, a need, for. Different. Levels and you here see here, is an example of people, who completed, what. Level they completed, so you, can complete, three different levels at either a regular certificate level, which is averages. One to two hours a week or an. Advanced certificate, level which is more like three to five hours a week. And. You can also be, an auditor, like you can see here this chart on the right shows that, most people when, they last, when they registered, last year wanted. To get a certificate but. You can see that, let's. See. One. Quarter, yeah the blue but one quarter wanted to be an auditor we're not interested in that so it really depends, what you want to do and. Then we have a question about, attendance. Yep. Yep, absolutely good, good, timing there so the first thing, here is so. These. So, what we've learned is that requiring. That. People attend, at least three. Out of four of the, sessions, they want to have counted, towards. A certificate is really. Helpful and the, way what, we got feedback from participants. Two. Years ago that, you. Know it was hard to make room for this, and sometimes, supervisors. Were asking, people to watch it at night after the day you know the craziness of the day was over and. What. We found is that if people were, being, kind of discouraged Trung or not able to make the live sessions, they. Quickly got behind like, it creates, a deadline there's, there's, prep, work that you do before the live session, then, you are able to do your assignment, afterwards, and it, just keeps everybody moving together, and like you, know and it's great to connect, with people live there's, a lot of value. In the live chat that's happening, so, so. That's what we've done and I think that's worked pretty well for this, current cohort and so, again it's just three, out of four of like, let's say your goal is to attend ten, out of the 30 sessions, during, that during the the, nine months right so it would just mean that you. Know six, or seven of them would. Need to be attended, live. Or. Rather, let's, say your goal was to complete, ten topics. Meaning. You've done the prep work you do the assignment, and and. You you attend the session so you don't need to attend all all those sessions live you can watch some the recordings, for some of them, and. Another, question what if what. If one, of the sessions is more aligned to, a, particular. Work that my colleague is going can I send my colleague, definitely. We're gonna go over that too absolutely, so this can be shared the own so let me go over that in a second okay let me just go through this first so. So. Another thing is that during, the registration process there's. A so there's a registration form, that should be submitted, around. The same time that you pay in that, form, should, be filled out by the registrant. And their supervisor, obviously, if you don't have a supervisor you, know here the see you're the executive. Director or whatever, you, know no big deal but the, idea is to have some discussion, within the organization, about what. Priority, topics, the, registrant should be focused on so, that there's also agreement, around learning time and also like is, is, the expectation, going to be that all of the learning time happen on the job or is is, there going to be an agreement about splitting some time so, that's just important, to have up front, third. Is that so. We. Want to provide support to supervisors. In this to extend. The benefits across, the, organization. So. That's, we'll talk about that in a second, but, yeah, we really, think it's it's, important.

To See how to extend. These benefits in, some cases groups. Will download an all the video clips and recordings, are downloadable, so, some of them sometimes download, a piece, of a recording, or something and want to share that with staff other, times, we we see that like several people will gather around the, computer during the live sessions, and it's just like multiple. People are learning from the session and engaging with it and that's all good and, the. Last thing here is just support. Pairings, so many people not everybody but many people would like to have. Someone like a buddy that there, kind of check encouraging. Each other and that kind of thing so we we, try to team people up based, on what, level certificate, they want to go for and what, level of experience, they have that, they're starting with and also, if we can to some extent what movement, they're in like what work therein so, we we use a few different ways to team. People up and then. If, both, of them, complete. A certificate then, they graduate with teamwork distinction. And the other. Piece of it is that people who, are registered. From, the same organization can, also decide, to work as a team within, their organization, sometimes, people would prefer not to do that and sometimes they do want, to do that you know like sometimes people would prefer to be paired up with someone outside their organization, but sometimes, it's useful to build actually, teamwork, from. Different if your organization, is large enough from different departments, you know maybe like communications. Field or organizing, fundraising. In the development, it's. Useful to have that kind of cross-functional. Team work and and. We do make, clear which assignments. Can be done as a team and. Which ones really we're, looking to, develop each. Registrants. Skill, there's. Many assignments which are really about making sure you personally, have developed, skill. Using, this tool or that tool or and so, those are done individually. So. It's very flexible and, just going to click through so. There are two certification. Option, spreadsheets. That, are also linked, right on the landing page on, the registration page and this, is the one for 501, C 3 s or NGOs, and so. Here you can see what. The requirements, are like for a regular, certificate in, digital campaigning, level, one you. Just need to complete, a minimum of five topics, if you, complete eleven or more then you get to level two and if, you complete them all level, three if, you're. Going for an advanced certificate. It's. We think that the more breaths. So. So becoming, a really skilled digital campaigner, is about, breadth. And depth, right, just like anything is but, breadth in terms of you, know exposure, to a whole range of tools and tactics is, important. In digital campaigning, because it enables, you to layer, on different, tools and tactics at the right moment, which it enables. You to be strategic right so, that's why we like the more breath, you can get it's, helpful, and enables, you to be, more advanced, and also. The depth here is more like the assignments, are slightly more complex, we and. So yeah this is for up to five hours a week and the.

Other One the, basic level is about two hours a week and. Then. Here, you have we've, tried to also. Make recommendations, around topics, for people, who have different functions, in their organization. And we recognize, that you know many small groups like, everybody's doing everything right or you know but, if you do have, departments. And you do have specific roles these these might be useful these recommendations on, the, other hand like. We, we definitely think that it's useful for people, to have exposure to everything, so. So. I see a question about talking, about assignments yeah, so, assignments. Actually, I wasn't planning to talk much about assignments. But so. To, give you an example. Well, you know what I can let, me go through the presentation and then actually I will show you some examples. So. Let me show you an example of, what Recordings, look like so the this is all, the, recordings, that, are, available to, you so they're really. Extensive. We, go, through them every. Year, at least, once a year like we're always engaging with them when we see new content that's relevant, for a topic, like the first thought is okay is this good, enough important. Enough that we want to include it as a link or something in in the course so that anybody who takes that course they've got the latest that we've uncovered. That's. Useful about it right so we're it's it's definitely they're, all live courses. In, terms of like these, content, new content, there be getting pruned and edited all the time and so, then meantime, let me just show you this. One is an example Twitter for organizing. And. So. What. This looks like is. We. Have created. Many, like, clips. On specific. Topics. So that you can easily go, to specific, clips, and that, you're more interested, in and then, on each one and it goes all the way through you know growing your Twitter account aggressively, using Twitter in campaigns, so. What's. Useful about this is that even, if we are not going to be covering.

Orchestrating. Twitter storms, until. You, know later in the. Program, and you. Need to learn about that now you've. Got to learn about that now I mean it's right, here you could just do this do, the recordings, do this piece, and you'll be ahead of the game when we get to that topic. Then we, also can, do small group sessions, on request if there, are enough registrants, interested, and. Especially for other time zones like you know if you're deciding. To take this course and this. Is not a good time zone for you you. Know we were really interested, in making, this more accessible, and so we'll will really go, out of her way to figure, that out. This. Is the just a link to the registrants supervisor, questionnaire. This is the registration form and we, do small. Supervisors. Small group sessions. Normally. Halfway, through the program we actually in this current cohort we delayed it just because of kovat, 19 and the craziness supervisors. Asked us to delay, it but the the, idea is, to, enable. Supervisors. To get, together once. Or twice and, talk. About like what what's. Going, well what's, challenging, and, that. Gives us feedback on the program and it's, also a way for them to connect, to, other, people. Who are guiding. Digital. Campaigners, work and and talk, about best practices, and what's useful. The. Other piece of this is that it is a it's, a very active participant, community so, like. I mentioned we run these as meetings, rather than webinars, so that people can see each other and unmute, themselves there's. A slack. Channel, for, the, cohort, we, currently have I think 800. People. Digital, campaigners, and folks, in. SMT. Slack channels, so. You have access to kind of that community, we're. Also going. To be launching a Facebook group we. Just some people prefer slack and others prefer Facebook, groups, and so, we're. Probably going to do both and there's. A shared leader board and tracking spreadsheet and I'm actually going to show that to you in a second, actually. Let. Me should do that now since we're covering it so this. Is the, trip. This is the tracking, spreadsheet for, the current cohort so, this, is the spreadsheet that you know you'll have access to this, is all the purchase. Going. Down on the left, side here and then across the top are all, the, the, sessions, and assignments. So, for. Example GOTV. This. Was the assignment to prepare, then, there's the live session, recording. A few, days after the, session and then. Here, is the assignment so, just, as an example. So. For here, you have for. A regular certificate. Write-up a realistic, GOTV plan for your level of resources, advanced, certificate, goes a little bit further and you upload your certificate. When you're ready and we, provide, templates, for. Guidance so kind. Of the the, assignments, you know vary. A lot but like. Metrics, practice. Assignment. Let's take a look at that so. For, the regular certificate - at least three of these send. A bitly short link do. Source tracking, if. You have access to Google Analytics you, know so you're kind of picking amongst, these and then for the advanced, version you're doing all, of them, and. We, we, try to make sure that again that, we're, respecting, the time, limit so you, know a couple hours a week including, the live session, for the regular. Program and the three, to five for the advanced. So. Yeah, I see this comment from, Angie, not, till September be nice sooner, since most working, from home absolutely. So, that is why we. Are going to be making normally. People get access to all of the recordings, once. We start up in September. So, registrants. Who register, now will, have access to all of the, recordings, starting immediately, as soon as you sign up the other thing is that registrants. Will also, be eligible to, sign, up for immediate. Q&A, sessions, but, there will be an extra cost for that so that those will be 40 dollars each, for Q&A sessions, with a maximum of ten groups participating.

And Those will be once a week starting, starting. Next week and so, I don't know what the demand will be for that but in any case yeah, you'll have access to all the recordings. This. Is what the certificate looks, like and we will send out gold leaf if you want a printed one. Time. Commitment, so I mentioned, you. Just go back to, presentation. Mode here. Time. Commitment. So. Yeah minimum two hours per week for five weeks so like, if this is sounding a little for, some of you were super excited about this I'm seeing in the chat for, others of you this might seem like a little much and so. Really, the minimum to, be effective, in this program, if you, want a certificate is, two. Hours per, week for. Five. Of the topics. And really that's a typo that should say five topics. Instead of weeks cuz some topics. Covered. Like two weeks some are like one week some are two weeks but so. Essentially. You, should plan on two. Hours a week for ten weeks, max. To. Get. A certificate level, one and. Then. The maximum on the other hand is if you're going for an Advanced Certificate level. Three then, you're doing three to five hours per week over nine months and so. There's this is someone. Asked this question before right three ways to share content with other staff or leaders so. You. Should definitely you, don't need to think about this is just for you in your organization. Number. One you can share the recordings, as I mentioned, number. Two like, I said you can access, the, live sessions, together on, the same computer and number. Three you can also divide, up the topics, so let's say that you. Only have time for five of the topics, those are your priority, five topics, but, then you can have someone else from. Your group actually. Log in using your login and be. Part of the other live sessions, like if they can make another five you could do that the only thing, the, only limitation. Is that only, the, registrant, can't. Earn a certificate, and, that's because, so. Like if if there are more than one of you that wants to earn a certificate you do need to do two separate registrations. And that's, because it's just really time-consuming for us like we give feedback. The assignments, it yeah, there's just there's a lot involved in that. And. So. Yeah, we trying to do we really are trying to design this so that your whole team and cross, team learning can happen and if, you have a really limited budget, that you you can get a lot out of it with even one person, attending.

Now. In terms of like in the past we've done QA as we've had a whole bunch of like. Of, participants. And and sponsors. Doing, testimonials. And frankly we we put them all up on the on the webpage so given, kovat, 19 and everything we, have not wanted to ask anyone, to do anything more than what's necessary, so we haven't invited anyone to, join today and so, I just want to show you if, you're, looking for kind of testimonials. This, is there's, a ton, of them here like, look at these all like, yeah, you can you can kind of get a sense of what was useful for people and there's. Also the, alum page so. This is people who earned a certificate and, you. Can you, can see a lot of folks here, this is not just for this certificate, we also did a graphic. Design certificate program, and you can actually click here and see not only their testimonial. But many, of them have also, supervisor. Testimonials. If you have a coalition, and you want to make it available to coalition. Members that are reduced, rate, there's. Really, really, low rates right so like the group, rate right here so, if you're a coalition, and you can pay, for people the. Earlybird group rate for up to 15 people is seventy-five hundred dollars so that's five hundred per person, right if, you, can't pay for people but, you think, you can get 15, we can set up a portal, for you, here's. An example of that. So. That this is the. Service. Employees Union. Portal. And, so. Then people, can register directly. For six hundred and fifty dollars and they're, all you, know connected, to you and you. Just need to make sure that at least fifteen, sign up, so. Let's, see how much is it for two folks in level one the cost is not related to what level you're doing you, know we we want. To encourage people to do the most they can right, so there's, no additional cost and it costs SMT, the same, amount. Whether people do a little bit or a lot really I mean I guess it costs us a bit more to provide, more feedback on more assignments, but so. For two people from one organization it would be the, full rate, if you're paying you know unless you're part of a group would be the full rate plus. Six. Hundred and fifty for the second, person. So. The first person is whatever the full rate is like right now it's sixteen hundred through. April 24th, and then. It would be six hundred and fifty for the second person and, once. An organization has paid the full, rate like that whatever the earlybird or up to two thousand dollars whatever whatever. But in that ballpark, you. Don't ever need to pay it again so, you. Don't have to worry about like if the person leaves the organization, and then you're back to paying, the full rate again no from. Here on out in future years you just pay the six hundred and fifty. So. Yeah the full rate is is the, sixteen hundred depending. On when you register 1,600, to 2,000. If you're not sure if the organization has paid before you can send. In a question. To. About. It to Natalia, I'll. Put her email. In here but yeah you can just ask us we'll look it up. And actually there is also a, link, up here to, all the organizations, that have participated. So. You can see if your organization, is on it. Now. How many participants are, you normally, not very. Well. The. Two. Years ago we had 230. This. Current, cohort has 260. So. We are an alliance of 10 organizations. Across California. Where, we, are organizing. And based building in California's. Most polluted areas so, my question is if we're in an alliance, not. Just my. Organization. As one on staff at I'd say how will, all of our member organizations, in the Alliance the qualified. To do, the lower risk registration. Amount. No. Unfortunately. Not so for. The lower like the. Once. The main person has paid for that second, staffer, to get in or additional staffers at the 650, level they, have to be immediate, staffers, of the same organization. Like same, email, domain. Yeah. We unfortunately. Just like we couldn't afford that, but. But, you. Know if you did, a group rate or we throw up a portal for you then everybody's. In at 6:50 right the, other thing is that there are now a bunch, of there, are several funders. That are going, to be helping. To send well, in, the last cohort, there were two funders, who, sent a bunch of grantees, who paid for a bunch of grantees to attend, and now. There's several that are that. Are thinking about it for this to this coming year, so I would definitely, you, know we've had many many funders say that they would be glad to pay for this kind of capacity. Building, so. Check with funders, we, also have a special deal for funders going, so, right. Here funder, group rates Oh. Actually. This is not linked to our new page all about funder, rates I'm just realizing. We have to up do a little few updates here, so. So the current rates, for funders are, actually, it's here under four funders I believe.

Let's. Take a look. Yeah. So, the way, it works for funders is that if, they have at least ten, grantees, that, they're, paying for then it's $1,000. For the first person and then 650, for additional people and if. They want to pay for up to 30 seats, then, everybody, can can, go get in as low as 650.

2020-04-18 03:58

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