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New LMN | New Lifetime Movies 2021 | Based On True Story  | HD Movies | English Movie | Latest Movie

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[Music] oh god have you ever felt like this well i don't know what do you mean you don't know you know yes you do know but the thing is it's frightening this feeling is frightening and you know why why because this is love lucy this is it it's what we've waited all of our lives for and everybody in this little fleabag town they think that they love you but i really love you i fooled myself with verna this is the real thing this is the genuine thing is it what yes of course it is what else could it be well i don't know what do you mean you don't know it's just when it comes to love the thing that's always clouded the issue for me is sex you want me to go no i'm just saying in my life i've i've always been i guess frugal is the word frugal with things like this frugal well i'm i'm frugal too all right now i want you to stand there okay don't move i'm gonna stand here okay now i'm gonna take off all of my clothes i'm gonna ask you to do the same thing [Music] lucy shankton if it sext that clouds things up for you i say let's just scrape sex off the plate so you can see things more clearly all right this is not sex now do you know what this is what two humans talking all right stripped down no [ __ ] straight on okay we've known each other for how long well let's see maybe what three years and for most of that time period you and i have been doing a lot of wealth smoldering for each other wouldn't you agree have we yes we have now we have been patient we've been good we've been respectful of people yes we have we're not fools we're not kids all juiced up on hormones you know what we are romeo and juliet romeo and juliet i never believed in that kind of baloney you know that kind of love where nothing else matters or the kind of love that you would die for but tonight when i was watching that game film i was just leaning back in my chair with my arms hanging down and i swear to god all i could think about was you well but hadn't you actually seen that particular game film before yes but the point is i've never felt like this before lucy i love you and and if i have to wait a year five years if i have to wait the rest of my life i will not touch you until you say clint i love you clint i love you [Music] cleanse cleanse cleanse [Music] oh lucy lucy what happened clint lucy where are you i'm here i'm right up here clint are you all right i don't know i can't see anything are you hurt i'm not even on anything i'm just floating hey listen to me lie very still on what there is no ground there's no anything what is going on here i don't know clint there's a big hole up here but when i go down to the cellar there's nothing just the ceiling what do you see when you look up oh there is no up everything is the same it's all black what the wait a minute something just hit me there are horrible little things pinging off of me things yes things little things coins coins i threw down coins ow i've been shot oh no it's a candy dish what it's just a dish yeah i'm feeling it and it's floating what is going on here right there is no ground i have to have a ground lucy i think i should go get somebody clint no no what is that gonna look like me at your house at this hour now remember we're on a rendezvous here well couldn't we be doing some sort of school-related thing okay like what i don't know project an art slash gym project who's gonna buy that lucy come on listen if things i throw are hitting you what if i throw down a rope a rope oh my god yes that is a fantastic idea go get a rope lucy where the hell was that somebody's here okay uh tell them you're sleeping lose me it's my father don't let him in all right you cannot let him in hi dad you got a guest no i was just oh no that's okay your goddamn pain in the neck mother said it was too late to come by but your phone's been busy for weeks and i just got to ask you something honey what do you think i'm a good mare yes you're a wonderful mare of course you're a good mare then why can't i write a simple goddamn poem poem yeah you see this year i want to open the jamboree with a little poem something that's kind of uplifting you know dealing with uh virtue and honesty and trust and integrity stuff that's right up your alley i mean you make people sick with this kind of stuff you're so goddamn good so i thought maybe you could uh start me off well it's something i'm gonna have to think about daddy i kind of shut down for the night oh uh yeah of course i'm sorry it's late but at least you understand the importance of an opening poem goddamn [ __ ] of a mother lucy what's the matter oh i know what it is you don't like me calling your mother a [ __ ] listen sweetie i'd call your mother a [ __ ] if she was standing right next to me sweetie it's okay i mean i mean she calls me dumbo and mr flabby that kind of thing you know that sweetheart someday you're gonna meet the ideal guy and if you can stay together as long as we have well then it'll all go to hell for you too and that'd be that anyway when a good opening for my poem hits you just give me a call or come over the house okay oh thank you sweetie you're the best good night oh and your porch light is out he's gone yes i know i can hear i can hear everything lucy rope we gotta get rope i need to get out of here rope how much rope lots miles of the stuff well i don't know clint won't be asking for miles of rope at this hour make people think something's funny good point uh uh willy perry willy perry yes he's perfect lucy go down to the porthole and find willy perry all right he's nuts he saves everything all right he'll have tons of rope he'll help us but what about the rendezvous aspect that's why willie is perfect we're blood brothers since we were 10. all right he won't tell a soul just go get willy all right you got to do it lucy go get him lucy wow ma'am don't suppose you have any idea it is against the law to look that fantastic do you i'm just not gonna stop anymore i'm just not it's no fair we gotta go dancing lucy and we haven't been dancing for months you remember the last time we went dancing i do sweat was pouring off of us we got to get sweat like that again lucy i mean it oop got to go and where are you going silly no no no no just name a night i'll call you god you break my heart hey congratulations my queen third year in a row what are you doing in here you want some popcorn no thank you brenda i'm looking for willie actually really he just missed him he just went up to clips with randy and i'm going i don't know a couple of others want a pretzel no thank you i'm completely lost money we're near this address you're looking for clint coburn yeah you know him yeah who doesn't he's not far hey lou are you going up to the cliffs after willie no you going home yeah okay follow her she goes right past clint's place is that okay with you liz toot and when you come to clint colvin's house you toot your horn or i'll slow down and point there's deer deer ceramic deer and ducks you'll see i'm in a little bit of a hurry no problem i'm right behind you lucy i'm in a little bit of a hurry oh [Music] [Music] a rag or something i kind of bonked my forehead back there oh my god what happened i don't know i hit my hand on the stupid card he just said rag thanks i just didn't have anything oh this is good good no you're a hurry so uh bye how bad is it i don't know it's it's nothing uh can you see yeah well it's a gash a gash yes a gas is it deep well no not very i mean your skull's right there you can see my skull no i i'm just saying right right right how deep can it be because your skulls are there good oh this is good now man it sure is bleeding are there any main arteries in your head i i don't know no i don't i think so but i think you got to get some stitches stitches oh god i mean when we get stitching you know i don't even know what i am fine you know what i'll deal with this i'm good you know thank you very much when it comes to uh blood on my own this oh boy this is awful i'm so sorry but how far do we have to go for some ice clint i couldn't get willy or any rope but there's a man at the bar and he's looking for you he's going to your house what what man who i never saw him before he's in the car i'll be right back he's in the car yeah outside in the car yes he needs help what could i do ditch him that's what who is this guy i don't know rydel somebody he didn't even know where you lived right del i i i don't know any rydel what's he look like dark he looks dark dark oh no oh god oh please please please no no dark oh i'll be right back i'm down in a hole floating and now they're coming to get me i'm gonna get you who's coming to get you clint thugs lucy thugs oh crow jesus god now what thugs granville's thugs there's only one there's only one dark thug who's granville granville's a bookie lucy my bookie it it doesn't matter nothing matters a cookie i make a sports bet or two no big deal no big deal it doesn't matter nothing matters but us lucy i'll be back soon clint no no no don't go lucy for god's sakes the guy's a goon that's a nice feature let's see is he mad who your husband i don't have a husband please hold still so you're a friend of clint you know yes yes we teach at the same school he's a teacher jim who's that he's a coach what kind of coach football coach the football coach and what do you teach the bleeding stopped thank you and what is it that you teach art should i drive you home or art really yes man man that's incredible to be able to teach art so incredible about it well i mean what is it you don't know what art is well kinda but i couldn't put it into words i mean what is it what is it that you do what what about if you ask me how can if you ask me what is it that i would like to do look are you if you have no interest in knowing what it is that i would like to do what is it that you would like to do none of your goddamn business um yeah i i would like to build a stone cottage in the country i would like to have maybe five acres yeah i would like to write at least one good poem are you feeling better let's test her out huh [Music] which way are the cliffs the cliffs the ones they were talking about the bar hard to describe oh i like art thank you you've been very helpful i'll walk back i'd like to walk back press share i'm all perked up do you know where you are no idea let me know when you figure out what art is so uh lucy lucy [Music] [Music] it's almost eight i'm gonna call in sick no no you can't i slept like a lot last night i feel great and i thought it all out all right everything fits you have to go to school i do yes yes if we're both not at school people might think something's fishy plus if you don't go to school you can't go to their hardware store for rope forget willy all right after school you go to the hardware store and you'll buy all the rope that eddie's got and then you come home you pull me out i go home and i lie like crazy so go what about the whole bookie thing well that's my lie some [ __ ] kidnapped me last night he came looking for me at the bar brendo will back it up you see it all fits all right so just go okay go go go go [Music] poor verna i don't want to go in there either but somebody's gotta tell her tell her what you didn't hear a couple of joggers found clint's suv down the old jones logging road it's starting to get weird with the blood and all isn't it what blood i found a big wad of bloody kleenex on the road near clint's house i'll call you [Music] so [Music] hi lucy hi um i copy something down i think you're really gonna like um because you know you're always saying you don't know very much listen the less one knows the more passionate one is able to become and the more one knows the less passionate one is able to become so do you think that's true gee i'm not sure vernon well if it is it's pretty sad because you know we like us like people thrive on knowing and what hope do we have a sustained passion you know do you see it i sleep with you you're not a big thing bye vernon did you tell him who clint coburn did you tell him about me did i tell him what about you then i'm looking for him did you talk to him at all he never went home he never went to school he must be ducking me why am i doing this who's kidding who does he drink drink booze i would have no information about that i'll try some bars i went to those cliffs they're really beautiful and i'm sorry about being such a big baby about this whole thing it's not even puffy you're very sweet thank you more all of it please ed maybe we should have left it on the spool what do you want with all this rope oh we're doing a real project in class please don't do that ed i'm just growling at you i know of it still you make a man growl you know that's all there is to it do you have more spools of rope back nope i can get more might take a week might take more might take less this is fine well i'll hold it out to the car for you why don't you hold my chocolately clear for me you can take a bite out of it if you want oh god people are coming over that was just six hours it felt like a month did you get the rope yes i'm throwing it down did you hear what i said people are coming over people people who my friends once a month at three i forgot there's nothing i can do 15 minutes are you reaching your hand up yes yes keep her coming how much did you get all they had and they found your car what no that's impossible i threw branches on it and grafts well they found it maybe i should just tell tell no ernest you might just i don't know she might just kill right over it would be like murder all right we cannot tell him are you still feeding me the rope yes are you fishing your hand around yes both hands well that's it that's it oh god oh god helen's here oh god with the rug uh rug wait wait what if they step on it what if someone falls in the coffee table the coffee table you are a genius the coffee table yes oh wait wait wait can you throw me down a snack first okay i'm dying down here i need a breath of karen anything please [Music] wow hi okay maybe we ought to let nancy off the hot seat for now no no this is good just just let me finish where did i leave off um he had just kicked the birdcage across the room oh yeah and then and then he said every time we kissed all he could see was our jaw hinges opening and closing our tongues like slabs of meat poking in and out our teeth separated from each other by just two flaps of hide whoa hide yeah i don't know he hunts a lot maybe that's why he called our lips hide this one doesn't sound so good now no no well there i'm done being on the hot seat who's next lucy yeah you don't need to take notes for lucy lucy's always fine and the men in her life are always nice i'm not always fine oh yeah how many fines and nicest was it last time remember we kept track oh uh yes so 17. well i don't care i could say it a thousand times and that doesn't mean it's true i'm not always fine nobody is and i would really like if you would stop thinking that about me i think i'm gonna make more tea the other thing that gets me there's like a million people out there that i could have a life with that i could love i don't know does an idea just drive you nuts i mean in this town there are men oh please name one name ten include addresses you know i just think that anybody could love anybody i mean that's what i think no yeah i like where the table was luce this is nowhere well i'm just experimenting hello clint copeland ugh yeah he's one of the guys in town that i'm kind of attracted to he's married i'm just talking about being attracted sorry hello no what do you mean now no attraction none he's a football coach it's like a it's like a lion tamer it's not a real thing to be is everything okay oh fine fine just a little emergency school nothing big but so ups to daisy i guess we gotta wrap it up a bit early-ish i'm so sorry no no no no no no no no we can clean up go but i like cleaning up i'm less than halfway done with my french cooler i'm not budging so go it's fine bye who's next oh i'd like to go um okay is it a deal breaker if the guy has no teeth i was waiting for your guest leave this station god i didn't know where's to go my heart i didn't know where else to go i'm sorry everybody's after me i know i know you know the police just called they want to talk to me about you god what did you do nothing nothing no absolutely nothing i swear to you well but they said you ran away yeah i did do you think i could hide in your house for a little while no i i know i mean after your guest no okay then well you better start going where are getting to the police station they're expecting aren't they talk to them if you talk to them they're looking for you i can't they'll arrest me why if you did nothing because they think i did they think he's missing because of me what kind of town is this i walk into a bar and everyone's pointing me and shouting about clint coburn and then some guy lunges at me it's a nightmare and and i just ran i just left my car there and i ran and it's not in my car it's maybe a brother's car i'm so tired of myself why am i like this how much money does clint cobra know how do you know he owes money well isn't it obvious is it you don't know him you're looking for him you seem all mysterious mysterious really yes is serious in a threatening cut way yes i would say you seem threatening yes all right well i'm happy to hear you say that because these aren't even my pants maybe i can't do this i i just gotta find them that's all i'll just get this over with where is he where is this man i'm turning into the parking lot oh lordy lay low lay lower i come to offer you my personal support i nearly tackled the lunatic in the bar but he's stiff on me he's gigantic come on i'll walk you okay so he got out of his car and when he came over to your car his face was covered with blood i wouldn't say covered with blood he was bleeding little did you ever look in his car no no no and so it is possible that clint coburn was already in that car and that the blood was caused by a struggle between the two men howard why would he be looking for clint coburn if clint coburn was sitting right in his car to throw you off the track off what track howard see you have no feel for this because you have absolutely no aptitude whatsoever for deceit you believe that the world is good and good people tell the truth howard i have people at my house okay lucy i just want to thank you for coming down god damn i like the looks of your hair is that a crime no yeah i kept running after him but i tripped on my shoelace oh yeah hey where's my bike someone stole my bike howard [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm not behaving rationally art is the human effort to position forms sounds colors and other elements into an entity that manipulates the sense of beauty did you come here to tell me that no then why'd you come here i don't know what did you mean when you said that you were tired of yourself [Music] okay here's the big joke in my family my parents work in the iron and steel business my mother irons my father steals decent joke right the thing is it's not really a joke it's kind of the truth my mom's just home my dad's a crook i have three older brothers they're crooks too they hate it when i call them that they say boogie's [ __ ] we're professional gamblers fine when i was little my brothers would jump on me and randy would hold down my arms and craig would hold down my legs and my oldest brother jamie would stick his fingers into my armpits and tickle me and tickle me and tickle me until i did not have enough air for noise and i thought i actually thought this i'm going to die i i'm going to die my dad would see this and he'd say you're being tickled for christ's sake laugh god damn it laugh everyone's laughing and i'm not laughing i wrote a poem i wrote a poem from my date to the high school prom and my brothers found this and they posted on the bulletin board like it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen and i i don't even know why i'm telling you all this right now except that's how i feel like i don't have enough breath noise so here i am there's blood kicked in my hair i'm sleeping in a tiny car it's not mine i'm stealing bicycles towns people are chasing me through the streets while i search for someone who doesn't yes why because everyone in my family wants me to be something that i can't be cannot be cannot and i don't have the balls to say [ __ ] off [ __ ] off everyone i want different things you know my my dad cheats on my mom and my mom cheats on my dad my brothers cheat on their wives and their wives you know my brothers and all they do with their lives is make lots and lots of money from nothing but other money and i say i want nothing to do with it they keep on saying taste it taste and taste it just once if you don't like it you can spit it out and i'm spitting it out i don't like it i want something different i i hate it you know i want to be someone who says hey i'm adding something good to the [ __ ] pile and you know what you're wrong it's it's a fine poem and here's what i want here's what i'm going to do and this is who i want to be and this is who i am but do i say these things no i do not why can't i be the guy who says those things i am so [ __ ] tired of me and all i want to do with this particular moment in my particular life is this [Music] [Music] ah coburn is in a hole in the living room of my house [Music] let's see lucy is that you uh-huh yeah yes it's me all right i'm back lucy do not say a thing until i say one word to you one magic word that will unlock your treasure box and free your gems and can you hear me now i i'm talking like a poet or something because down here there are no distractions no sensations no nothing except for my whiskers starting to itch a little and i'm starving for a cheeseburger that kind of thing but except for that what i am is just a floating chunk of unbelievably pure clarity oh lucy lucy i want to be with you i want to hold you i want to wrap my arms around you i want to suck your entire head into my mouth and run my tongue around you like a like a [ __ ] lollipop i mean do you hear how i'm phrasing things now oh and here's the magic word that i want to say to you that i see with such clarity jump jump be with me it'll be like loving in dreams holding each other naked floating alone in the blackness forever where are you going i i stole a bike i'm going to return it you know it seems like you got a lot on your plate at the moment so you don't need me in your hair you're not in my hair you're not and clint coburn is not on my plate he's never been on my plate never i just freeze please howard lucy clear the area dude back away from the merchandise hands high reach for the sky do not make me do what i do not want to do howard good lord there's no need for a gun you left your bag at the precinct girl do not come and get it yet tough guy huh i had a hunch girl you okay howard he's done nothing oh and then where is clint coburn he's a swell question officer where could that clink coburn be well that's cute huh you got a lot of courage girl afraid there's going to be a lot of questions a lot of paperwork we'll do it together make it fun okay just uh up we go here we go all right safe now drop something drop it how you doing why don't you wash your mouth hi hi mr sharokin nice to talk to you right now alex i know about coach coburn okay you know what about coach coburn alex that you killed him but that doesn't matter to me because i love you oh great i know they've got dogs um oh you know what i've got a spot right nearby that nobody knows about where we can hide dogs listen you can hear them maybe 40 when you're 53. that's not bad

right alex coach coburn is not dead he's in my house he fell in a hole go to my secret spot anyway it's okay that coach colburn isn't dead i mean we can go there even if you just want to rest or get away from the search party it's not far i promise i don't want to hear a single peep little bird what yeah makes much more sense hello clint is that you in there coach [Music] what in god's name this hole is invigorating it's scientifically invigorating well then jump on in if it's so invigorating invigorating my ass just yeah i'm sorry everybody didn't mean that bit about my ass hey no problem it's all guys up here coach it's john here yep thanks john are you fishing around clint i sure am mr mayor it's just opened up it's so odd it's so strange but clint was at my house because we were about to have an affair yeah we we guessed that you did yeah oh yeah that's pretty close i mean verna and everything how could i have done that to her and told him i loved him that's not a big deal don't you think that's a very big thing to tell someone you love him well sweetie you made a hopeful guess who hasn't guessed wrong right i do all the time yeah fix listen to this it's not even 24 hours later and now his voice makes my skin crawl how can that be how could i have said i love you to this man listen that skin crawling part that can take years to get to you're very lucky yeah i don't know anything about anything no no no no no no no no verna blow your nose okay everything's okay just blow i will i am i i microwave some lasagna lasagna yummy we need to come home well honey how could i come home okay i'm in a hole verna sweetie do not worry all right they're gonna get me out of here we got a great fire of course they're gonna get you out of here okay what were you doing here here yeah because you said you were going to the school so well i went to the school i went there and i watched the game films he asked herb the janitor he saw me you know but this this hole is what we should be talking about or what is it yes what is it what is this hole how could this be well we don't know verna all we know at the present moment is that there is a hole and clint's in it and it just opened up she just opened right up huh sweetie what were you doing here uh doing yes when it opened up what were you why were you here at lucy sheridan's house when it opened up i guess is um what i'm a little confused about well because miss sharington's the art teacher that's why where else would i go go for what for what for the dummies look is this important i'm in a hole for god's sakes what dummies i told you about the dummies i know i did a paper mache blocking dummies for the football team look is that rope still coming is lucy available are you out of your mind i don't know a ufo i mean whoever heard of a ufo just sitting there letting you look at it i'm just saying maybe it's from outer space i don't think so i say the entire thing is an optical illusion yeah i'll tell you what the hole is and i'll tell you right now and there's no if ands or butts about it it's a mouth you're saying just shut up you little fools just stop trying to make sense out of everything and go outside in the moonlight and make love in a cornfield before some hole comes and swallows you down get that man another beer yeah well everybody can laugh but i got four kids and to tell you the truth i don't know why we're not calling in the national guard or somebody well vernon you're the science teacher do you think the whole pose is a threat to our community um i think this whole in my opinion poses a threat to nothing but our arrogance you know we think we can know everything we think we can cage everything with words you might as well ask me in a language i've never heard to describe in a language i don't speak the taste of a food i've never eaten what we have in my opinion in the floor of lucy shearington's home is a peephole into the vast landscape of our ignorance it's an exhilarating humbling view into our frailty and limitations that's what i think the homeless here let's go go were you warm enough last night yes i was yes it's a wonderful sleeping bag oh alex i'm wearing your pajamas and my hair is all stringy and my mouth's all mossy and i'm behaving like a crazy lady what do you think of miss sharing to now it's uh different what is being here with you it's uh it's different than i thought it would be it's always different than you think alex you think about doing something and then you do it and it's always different than what you thought always absolutely always and how can anybody ever make a promise the jamboree [Music] so [Music] fred that's it what's it we're out what do you mean out out of things to tie together it looks like coach out out for now anyways plus the jamboree's turning up well [ __ ] the jamboree drapes tight drapes together i'm sorry i'm sorry that was way out of line i'm just i'm going ape [ __ ] down here okay i just i i need to get a message to verna is that is that possible all right i need to tell her that i made a mistake you stay tight down there coach everyone's going to the jamboree and as soon as it's over i guarantee you we are going to string together every last thing in this town that has two ends on it that's a promise from the mayor coach i read you coach loud and clear you read me loud and clear john keep her coming big fella give me more okay uh oh say can you see by the doors [Music] thank you very much for that fantastic poem now as all of you probably know by now i am in a hole very strange hole indeed and maybe poetry is just the thing we need when the hour seems dark i'm reminded of the poem casey at the back and while it doesn't deal with the whole per se and it's baseball not football casey does strike out in the end which is something we are not going to do tomorrow afternoon against roseville high i want you to know that i don't get choked up a lot and maybe it's because i'm floating around like a fart in the middle of the night but your applause coupled with those hawking horns actually produced a lump in my throat and who actually produced a lump in your pants you stinking lag cheating stick of heart [ __ ] lucy sure did not hello what what's happening hello stay from i say my big fat ass you were at lucy sharington's house for one reason and one reason only sex wait there's something i need to tell you all of you you should all be ashamed for not knowing exactly what that hole is ashamed somebody anybody just rub her temples it is a note it is a very clearly written note from up there a note that says no no no oh no you don't do that you don't kick people who love you do not be fooled by beauty look at me i'm in my slippers my handkerchief weighs a pound beauty did this to me beauty is empty beauty is cruel love is loving someone who is covered and snot he's not shot love me love me love me yes yes yes yes yes yes verna is right verna is right about everything clint coburn and i were going to do a terrible thing a horrible selfish terrible thing but the whole opened up the whole saved us and i am begging you verna to forgive me to forgive us because love had nothing to do with it nothing and love can be so lovely and and the hope of love is so heartbreaking and that's all it was hope you know when somebody smiles and we smile back and and then whoosh we're gone sucked inside somebody else helpless helpless and you know all i want is to cash a check and it's sex or to buy some mayonnaise and it's sex or just say hello and it sucks to put a flower in my hair a flower a simple flower and it all turns to humping and dogs humping and cats [ __ ] on a curtain and all because of hope sweet sweet hope and that murder if there is a better noise to make than saying the words i am sorry then please tell me and i will make that noise again and again and again until you know that love had nothing to do with it nothing and everyone thank you for voting for me i've been a terrible queen and i'm sorry mom and dad for making you worry and for being so crazy and for saying jizz i'm tired of holding this thing in i love you lucy and my love is the real thing yeah well i'm the one that loves her she's my lucy oh she's nobody's lucy love is not about owning it's about freeing lucy i give you your freedom well ladies and gentlemen hold on to your hats because here's a news flash i love lucy and we're going to uganda well are you willing to strap yourself till the end of time to the leg of the woman you love i am that's love no love is the eternal echo of the first heartbeat it's the gasping at the soul of the illusion of perfection i just want to point out that being great in a sack hasn't been mentioned that could make up for a lot of dead spots down the road so i second that clinton my husband down in that deep dark hole this is your wife [Music] and i will tell you what love is because now i know love is weak and love is helpless because all i really want as it turns out is you in my arms then i say what werner wants burn against folks we have to construct a lifeline to clint so if we can tie it bring it if it's got two ends on it we need it if it's hanging from something else and disassemble it so unscrap your straps untether your tethers unchain your jeans unleash your dogs [Applause] de-belt your pants have your pants fall down we'll then tie those followed pants together to pull down your drapes unlike your beds pry your best friends together tie your seats to your seats and your pillowcases to your [Applause] [Music] pillowcases got it i got it you got it yes i'm talking can you feel me tug yeah he's got it he's got it he's got the rope he has got the rope [Music] okay all right we're gonna start the pool now guys ready pull [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i love the crowd oh thank you thank you everyone thank you everyone thank you my wonderful my wonderful wife down there alone in the black i heard you say love me love me love me and i said nothing maybe it's because i don't really know what love is but this i do know if i had a shirt i swear to god i would be honored for you to blow your nose on it because i love you and i love your slot i do you're free to go nothing like family is there [Music] foreign [Music] lucy sharington yes you need to set rydel white free i already did i had none to hold him on since we located coach coburn did rydel say where he was going i guess i don't understand how you can scrub such a small potato job like this how does it happen it's embarrassing all right please please give me that this is the problem jamie i mean it give me that back danger the danger of a stranger is the threat of a better life jaime such an idiot right now come on what are you doing okay come on get your little clock out there [Music] [Music] i'm having trouble not saying goodbye come here that's some hole what is it how can it be pajamas yes pajamas that home of yours that that your brother's made fun of do you know it i do it's very short could i hear it why i just like to hear it putting love into words is like putting rose petals into a chipper the heart rattles the soul shakes and for what out comes pink goo [Music] there are many stairs

2021-06-08 02:25

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