Mental Telepathy: Organic vs. AI

Mental Telepathy: Organic vs. AI

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hello my name is pamela strum and i'm sharing with you something i've been working on for a while i've been practicing with a friend mental telepathy so i think this is going to turn into maybe a series as this friend and i might come together she's an energy worker as well and she has a gift of telepathy which we all do and i really wish to present um what you know what we've been playing with and how it's been working out and sharing it with you but this this uh recording has to do with organic telepathy versus ai to mental telepathy so artificial intelligence mental telepathy and i'm going to put a little bit of a disclaimer on it because this when i get to the artificial part it has to do with once again one of those bizarre pamela events in life where someone says something to me or i witness something that you know goes off inside of me somewhere where i absolutely know it's something for me to bring forward and to share once i process it and the timing seems correct so i you know as i said telepathy is a gift that we all have and i'm even going to say i think it was probably a preferred mode of communication maybe in different iterations in this earthly realm where we have heard about uh you know ancient civilizations who were here before us and they had these abilities and and certainly television shows make use of this now um but we have all had experience or know someone who's had an experience where maybe you're so close to someone you read you can read their thoughts or children before their fontanelle is closed at the age of seven you know around the age of seven they um are often telepathic and i know my daughter was and sometimes it i have to admit it could be really um jarring to have someone like precisely read your thoughts um but but really um in a more expanded consciousness it's beautiful and it's a normal way to communicate and in your dreams don't you tell you know you communicate telepathically right it doesn't matter what language people speak you understand the language just organically from what the person is thinking and you can read the person's thoughts it's automatic and i believe our words and adding words to what we're thinking is um actually a manifestation power tool where i'm gonna quote the bible in the beginning there was the word or some such thing i might not get that precisely but the words are incredibly important because we have thoughts and then we add a certain resonance uh and frequency with our sound and our thoughts and our sound um create and it creates our entire uh world and our experiences in our life uh but i don't believe that we need them i think it's a lost art and as we're at this now time on the planet where we're in this uh the earth is holding a higher and higher frequency so we are holding more and more light and the uh dark structures are being revealed and the the the um density and darkness is being eliminated as the light shines on we're awakening within us our own dna activations and our the structure the authenticity of those missing strands of dna are being activated and maybe some of you who are listening to this feel like you're you have more of your clair senses activated your clair audience your uh clairvoyance cognizant sentience your ability to pick up uh pick up information that is not presented to you in a third dimensional capacity and i will say this is correct we are able to perceive things that are uh in a higher higher energetic maybe frequency and resonance and we're able to pick this up and so playing with communicating with someone this way it's not a passing thing do you ever have the phone ring and you know who it is and it's it doesn't make sense it's not like you were expecting a call from someone at that time you simply know and certainly um parents with their children experience this kind of bond or best friends and you you absolutely can read the person's thoughts you know exactly what they're thinking but you might toss that off as well of course i know this person so i know how they think and and you might dismiss it but i encourage you to play with it so here's the pamela story here's where this comes in so i'm i'm going back poof uh let me see how far back did this take place maybe five years ago four years ago i met someone in a barnes and noble i was with my children he was with his child and lo and behold recognized the person when i belonged to a gym and they were working out at my gym and i like talking to people and and this person we we had more and more in-depth conversations because i found what he had to say fascinating and i this person had a knowledge of history that dumbfounded me like it's certainly not the way i was taught in school um i wasn't a history major so maybe for those of you who are history majors you would have you know felt of course but this person had a knowledge of history and politics that i was absolutely drawn to and they knew dates they knew names they had this person and i'm intentionally leaving them unnamed i actually can't remember their last name at this moment uh but for their own protection and privacy sake because i did not ask permission but to name the person but they had worked under a few administrations presidential administrations such as the bushes and the clintons and this person knew a lot so in course of conversation in course of talking about life um i shared with this person for commentary the video i did about my modality grid light healing golden ratio interdimensional light healing and i was interviewed by uh alicia hartsell in this video i'll i'll pin this video to to this so if you'd like to watch it to find out what this man would think about the video because our conversations took a turn of talking about energy and uh and and a grid light healing uses our energy grid but a lot of sacred geometry and the golden ratio and from its name so this person shared with me research he himself was doing and okay this is the part i'm gonna slow down because this is the part that gets me really excited that was the inspiration for this video and quite honestly a little freaked out at the same time he was working on a technology amongst the other things that i was so curious about of his uh experiences and working for um you know certain um presidents etc where if light could be beamed in just so and it sounds like they were working on the precision of the light into our brains through the um optic nerve and the third eye and i think from the optic nerve it goes to the optic um chasm is that he pronounced the optic chasm it goes the optic nerve the optic cosmic crossover point so like the right eye um goes to the left side of the brain left eye right side of the brain so that crossover point right behind that is the pituitary gland and if they could hit the light just so in a flash they undefined they they with this technology they that um control the world like who are the they that they would be able to read the person's thoughts hmm i can tell you when he said that i i had rapid fire thoughts my brain was shooting all over the place with that one and so for those of you who do energy work and meditation oftentimes the focus is the pineal gland so the pituitary gland's a little lower maybe if i were to go right back here and smidge lower inside my brain is is the is the pituitary gland and then more toward the back um a little higher is the pineal gland and the pineal gland is our inner eye it's that part of us that we have our thoughts and we can see our inner world and from our inner world we can project outside of ourselves and and call in frequencies and create our outer what we consider our outside of ourselves world and vice versa take in what we see what we perceive and bring it to our inner world for processing so our pineal glands are incredibly powerful and i will say one of the reasons i'm getting back to this story but one of the reasons uh some of us feel like we don't have these abilities of clairvoyance clear audience clairsentience clear cognizance it's because we've been shut down so the pineal gland is super vulnerable to chemicals and certainly in this in our culture with exposure to chemicals from the food we eat the you know air we breathe the water we drink our products our cleaning products our beauty products we are bombarded with chemicals um things that we put in our bodies um like uh just recently those are loaded with chemicals and it shuts down our pineal gland our pineal gland can calcify and we lose our capacity of that third eye inner inner sight so maybe i'll go back to talking about at some point what to do about that to decalcify the pineal gland and certainly detoxify your body and activate further your abilities to um to see to hear to perceive things that aren't in a maybe a third dimensional form back to the story so the man says this to me and ah right away i was i felt yuck this is awful and wow this is really amazing so this is where i want to go with this let's talk about uh developing an organic uh telepathy or a start on the subject before i lead you into pamela putting the pieces together and proposing something to you about artificial intelligence mental telepathy and i'm going to tell you if this happened years ago and so the technology technology's probably there already and i'm going to maybe toss in my thoughts on how this is playing out how this can happen but please by all means feel free to ponder this for yourself the reason i haven't come out with this sooner is i have no desire to stoke the fear machine there's plenty of that i wish this message to be filled with hope and real excitement keep in mind all technology can be used in a positive polarization and a negative polarization just like i'm using social media to communicate with you and i consider that a positive um but certainly people put things out on social media that are very horrific and fear-laden and um convince you that you're not amazingly powerful the way you are and that what i would consider a negative polarization so in organic telepathy when i put out a potential video with this friend of mine uh we'll get more into the details of bringing that forward into practice but i want to propose to all of you something right away as far as using that capacity to see and flash a light and use that to your own advantage as far as what you're thinking and your capacity to use telepathy as far as reading other people's thoughts i will encourage you at first to focus on yourself and your own abilities to frequencies that um are not in um form yet and haven't been spoken to you so so really the goal here is that we really don't need our phones and we don't need ways to communicate like our computers right now like i'm doing with you or even televisions or technology because the fact of the matter is i don't know if you all know that the the united states which is states is my country and other countries have this as well we're at this point uh connected to three power grids that run the entire country that's it so it's very easy to shut down the power grids and have enormous outages and that could happen it's technology but then how would we communicate with each other what would we do well let's build our organic superpower telepathy that we were all born to uh utilize it's certainly within our design structure to do this if we can think about this and imagine it it already exists and i can tell you it has existed children are born showing us that it exists because they have telepathic powers so what do you do let me do a simple exercise with all of you to show you how this might work this technology that this man said and when i was shocked by his revelation he um he told me pamela all the information on how to do this is there he was referencing using the sorbonne it's a university in paris and he said in the basement of the sorbonne all this information is right there so he didn't when he saw i was shocked he didn't think what he was telling me was amazing and so i'm sure the information is there i'm gonna now take another little detour as i tend to just a moment doesn't that get you you know make you wonder like who has access to that because if i were to go online or do i need to take a plane to paris would i be able to easily access this information that he's referencing would i pamela strum be able to access all this information or do i need someone who has inside information have you ever wondered i know i'm not the only one really like what is in the archives of um the smithsonian institute for example what secrets do they have and say well we we want to put out you know we put out our um you know we choose what goes out into our museums based upon public interest and i'm sure that's a part of it but what's the other part do you ever wonder what's in the vatican like wouldn't you want like have access to the library at the vatican maybe the vatican and doing some penance for what they've been doing lately and hiding lately can give us more access to what they have in their library and archives so this information apparent that i'm that's my detour back on story so this information exists and technology was now i'm sure it's there being built to um access this and and artificial eyes so artificial eyes were mentioned in this technology yes um i'm trying to stay on topic because right away i wish to share so so so much okay so when i close my eyes i'm telling you my pineal gland and other gland structures are designed to perceive the light that i have projected outside of me so when i close my eyes whatever source of light i last perceived because this man said with the flash of light they can read your latest thoughts if they hit the light correctly so if i close my eyes i can see and and i focus my attention toward my third eyes if my eyeballs are looking toward my third eye i can see light because my glands are perceive light particles of light it's part of our bliss and our awakening and our enlightenment is to perceive light sees light in the shape of which i was last looking at the light so right now if i close my eyes you can close your eyes and look inward i will see the shape of light in a computer screen because that's the most dominant light beaming into my glandular structure right now and whether it's coming through my third eye sight or my um optic nerve passing through in front of my pituitary gland going then splitting toward my pineal gland um i see it in the shape of what i look now i also have a bigger light to light me here so when i close my eyes if i look up a little bit and stare at the light i close my eyes and i see that shape of light the circle um the hollow circle of light so how can you work with this you know do you know the stereotype of people meditating and looking at a candle so this is my yin yang candle you might have seen in my video of the equation of creation and i love this because all whether it's positively or negatively polarized or light and dark it's all part of the same creation structure in unity so if i stare at a candle and then close my eyes it's an organic way for me to light that area of the optic nerve crossover and get a spark of light and then perceive my thoughts and my creations which then i project out in a certain resonance or frequency especially if i add sound to it so sometimes you see images of people they meditate with their eyes slightly open like a little slit that might help you so if you want to practice staring at a candle um is a is a traditional practice and it's organic and the reason i mention organic as opposed to using an artificial light is because it will awaken within you the structure of your design so you can utilize the technology of looking at the light activating within you that structure um of sight inner sight right in front of the pituitary gland back to the pineal gland which is seeing your inner universe and the perception of you how you see yourself and you can train yourself using organic light like a candle and then when you um you know close your eyes or you focus on your third eye that energy imagery provides that spark that awakens within your own consciousness um your own authentic capacity to utilize telepathy it starts activating that system within you um and then if you decide to practice with someone you can um you know practice by first staring in the candle going to meditate maybe mentally send someone a message maybe connect with their energy and i'll get into more of that practice later here's my concern about this um artif um artificial intelligence technology so i'm just throwing this out there to you i am not saying this is my disclaimer i'm not saying this is the way it is i'm not saying that this technology will be used for nefarious purposes but possibly in certain hands it might be so i'll also tag this video actually let me write down the videos i wish to tag so my interview about grid light healing i'm writing it down so i remember so i can share it with you um okay and uh my video of a prequel to clearing the illusion where oftentimes we see technology and it's it exists by the time i find out about it because i'm not in these positions um you know life puts me in these fluky circumstances it's it's already in the works and and this is my guess so of course i'm sure this technology can be used for beautiful healing where an artificial source of light like a light bulb for example i don't know is projected out but here's another thought for you um what about our technology so i know over the last years with the school shutdown shutdowns that have happened with covid my school districts spent an enormous amount of money not toward a furtherance of our children's educations and programs and much needed upgrades for the buildings every single solitary student has a device provided by the state and and the district the school district and it is for of course you're not going to negate the reasons that we're told the reason that we're told of course is so that it's fair that every student is using the same device so once children are schooling at home they have access to learning this is yes and um the children in our school district still have their devices so devices are prevalent and most of you have probably heard that even with your tvs frequencies and resonances can be emitted from these incredibly high technology devices and they can influence you they can influence your thought patterns because they put certain frequency and resonance into your environment and it affects how you think it affects your health what if the flash of light as i'm talking to you is the little beam from my camera on my device what if that emits uh frequency so a little light flash and from that light flash i'm just playing here i'm not saying this is how it works this is just me having fun with someone who isn't giving me all the details like this man who told me this story and basically telling me to look it up it's all there um which i wasn't able to get that information so if any of you have access to the cerbon in paris let me know so what if our devices emit a very pointed laser specific frequency and you know how we all are holding our devices up or hanging our heads looking at our devices right at what are you looking at your your eyes your third eye it's going the the very pointed light and what if a flash was admitted emitted because who wants to listen to us anyway like we all know those devices like an alexa for example is listening to us our computers are listening to us right this isn't something new and i'm not saying this once again to get everyone frazzled i'm saying it to just wake up a little bit and really you don't need the devices for this and protect yourself so maybe get in the habit of covering up that little dot um or or um so so that they those people who are watching us um or spying on us or whatever is going on that we sign away when we agree to the terms of something are doing this like a little flash of light so my thoughts could be read now i know what some of you might be thinking i mean what am i really doing or thinking about that anyone really wants to read my thoughts i don't know i mean um our information has been gathered so things could be sold to us our information's gathered so that um personality profiles are designed to track and anticipate how we think and behave to a further purpose of i would you know i don't even want to say you use your imagination like please don't use your imagination for that because that's feeding the control structure um i already put out some videos on the matrix and exiting the matrix so maybe that's something else i'll tag exiting the matrix the artificial matrix of the control of the negatively polarized service to self um um people who control the planet you know i don't know the structure's coming down just relax everybody so the matrix series matrix okay this is really hopeful what i'm saying ultimately so another thing that occurred to me is um face recognition technology and um eye recognition for our computer devices the man told me he was working on artificial eyes well that sounds good i'm sure if you're a person who has vision issues who would not agree to an artificial eye technology wouldn't you say yes but what if it's used for other purposes nefarious purposes and controlling things i'm just saying it's just a question so i always say no to anything that involves scanning my eyes and um scanning my face to recognize my face i know i was going to try to get easy access to airports and they wanted to be able to do recognition and i i said no thank you i'll wait in the line i'll wait in the line for hours um rather than give my consent to technology being used for that maybe we're moving in that direction but until the people who are running things are of a unity consciousness higher frequency higher dimensional expression um who are using using that technology my answer right now is i do not consent so maybe i've given my consent away unknowingly by like not reading the nitty gritty of page after page after page of terms of service now this all sounds so off track i'm saying to you be cautious with a.i mental telepathy i strongly suspect that the technology is there to read our thoughts and i'm just throwing out there a possibility take it or leave it this is just me questioning the narrative on what we're told and um from this person that is involved in major level politics has the most astounding capacity to recall history and that i never was taught in school when he was telling me and keen keen keen intelligence who um is you know researching the technology this is once again going back four or five years that have to do with reading our thoughts and artificial eyes and when i looked him up i'm like who is this guy it turns out he had uh was it owned a media company in the philadelphia area i didn't go looking into the extent of his media company i didn't look into who might be above him if he was flying solo or he was part of a big information network that usually funnels to um you know a point of some point of just a few people who give our news out to us and mainstream so once again um as part of my introduction to telepathy please have fun and trust yourself that you have the capacity and you can wake it up within you to operate telepathically if you practice now um um it's amazing and you will strengthen that skill and i'll be putting out more videos on being able to do this um and it might come in handy someday you know to you know not always rely on on artificial technology you can do this organically i promise you you can do this organically and have fun playing um once again it's it's in our children to be able to do this so that means it's in it's in you to be able to do this as well so i hope you had fun with this video i hope you feel hope from this video and have a great day everyone thank you for paying attention if you like this please give it a thumbs up please feel free to share this video with anyone to get this information out there it helps me it helps people find me and i'm really grateful for all of you thank you you

2022-03-29 17:54

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