Map and Compass (Simplified)

Map and Compass (Simplified)

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Welcome. To corporals corner today, we're going to talk about basic, land navigation using a map and compass so, stick around. Last. Time we talked about land navigation we kept it simple and discussed. The basics using a Suunto mc2. So, I thought today why not continue that discussion and keep it simple - a quick review I'm, going through a topographical, map into, that equation. So. Here we have our basic Suunto MC to start. Here at the top we have our signal, and sighting mirror it, can be used for hygiene purposes as, well you could take that mirror and use, it to look in areas on your body that you can't normally see looking, for fights scratches. Ticks etc. Moving. Down we have our rotating bezel, ring now. On that bezel ring we have a series of numbers those. Would be your degrees for your azimuth, or bearing that we'll talk about later. Inside. Of our bezel ring we have our magnetic, needle and, you can see how sensitive that is just, from contact, with this pencil it's. Moving around so, that's good to go red. Means North black, is south the, red will always face north. Now. Perpendicular, to our magnetic needle we have our orienting, arrow sometimes. Referred to as a doghouse or a shed so. Most a put, red in the shed so, all you got to do this, rotate your body with your compass. Put. The red end of that needle in that, shed or that dog in that doghouse. Now, our puzzle ring we actually have or. Right below it we. Have a glow-in-the-dark line, here and, here. Now. I think of it back to the Future analogy, this. One on top up here will. Tell you where. You're going. The. Bottom one will tell you where you were, so. That will be your very inert azmuth that. Would be your reverse azmuth. The. Bottom of our compass here we have a clear, plastic base plate why it's called a base plate compass they. Have a series of scales. My. Personal favorite we have the magnifying lens or Sun lens for starting fires. And. That. Right there in the nutshell is the sole reason why I'm carrying the Suunto mc2, baseplate compass or mirrored, compass over lensatic. Compass example. The lensatic compass would, be an old school military. Commando compass. It's, a multi-use, item and the, options contained in here will make your life a heck of lot easier out there let's, go ahead and do a quick review on how to shoot an azimuth are. You gonna do look. At your compass. You. Have a arrow. On top here or glooms, arc indicator, it. One the bottom as well you want the top is going to tell you where you're going the, one that bottom tells you where you were take. Your bezel. Ring and. Put. It on zero or north, so. Line up north or zero with that glow-in-the-dark. Indicator, on top. All. You're gonna do is, look. Out there where you want to go. So. I'm go ahead take my compass, make. Sure my arms are extended. The. Compass is level I'm, gonna, look from my signal mirror or, sighting, mirror there's, an opening here at the bottom with, a v-notch. Now. I take that v-notch I'm a tree like a gunsight. Looking. Through that gun sight in the direction that I want to go I. See. A tree out there in the distance. So. At this point right here all I'm gonna do I'm. Going to rotate my bezel ring and move that doghouse to my needle put. The red in the shed or the dog in the dog house, keeping. That be nuts or gun sight lined it with my target for my tree. Once. That's complete I'll. Look down check. My brain or azimuth. It's. 40 degrees. And. Go ahead and double-check. We're. Dead on and. Now I know I can walk that Boehner azimuth of 40 degrees and a run right, into that tree once. I'm at that tree all I got to do is step to the opposite side. Reshoot. My barrier has me at the forty degrees, and. Continue on in that straight line. Here's. My start point. Or. 40, degree bearing, or azimuth. Here's. Our tree. I could, then move to the opposite side of that tree. Take. My compass locate. A new target. And. Continue. Walking. At. 40 degrees in, a. Straight line. Opening. My topographical, map the first thing I come to you on the far right hand side is my map the legend and map, information all. The way down here okay, and the, first thing I see is the company name my. Topo and. It, was printed in 2013. Now, the map was printed in 2013, it doesn't mean it was surveyed in 2013, we'll come to that in a minute working. Our way down we. Come to our vicinity map and. The vicinity map is basically a line. Of the state that you're operating in and, looking at that outline you, should see a red square or a red rectangle and. That's gonna give you the area of, that state, but, this map was printed from.

Right. Beneath that you're gonna see a couple of dates this one here is 1995. That. Means the map was surveyed or this section of map was surveyed in 1995. Right. Next to that it gives a contour, line interval will, come to contour lines in a few minutes. Working. Our way down. We. Come to our declination. Diagram, and, that's going to give you a true north reading grid. North and magnetic north then, we discussed that last time last time we only dealt with magnetic north this, time we're gonna deal with grid north. And the, last thing I want to talk about is our map scale we've got two scales on here. The. First one says 1 in 10,000. And what that means is that every inch on, your map represents. 10,000. Inches on the ground so, if your map says one in 25,000. Or one in a hundred thousand, it's the same thing 1 inch on the map gives, you the 25 thousand or a hundred thousand, inches on the ground now. Right beneath that we have our scale, and feet or meters and that. This represents a distance, so if you want to shoot a bearing our azimuth and then, mark it on the map you can actually measure and see how far you're actually gonna walk so, you can confirm that with your pace count now, one thing I want to back up to this. Is 1 in 10,000, the. Lower the number is the, larger, your. Grid square is going to be there, for more detail you're gonna get. So, one in a hundred thousand, your grid square might be like this very. Difficult to see. All. Right so we have five basic cosine map first, one's gonna be black anything, black is gonna be a man-made structure. Next. We have blue, blue. Is gonna be water rivers. Streams creeks, lakes oceans. Etc. Green. Just what it is vegetation. You're, gonna have a forest, or wooded area. Browns, may be a relief feature an, example of a relief feature is going to be a contour, line and, we'll come back to that later. Lastly. We have red and, that's going to indicate boundaries, or highways now, any other color besides these five is. Strictly put there to relay special information and you, can find that in your legend. Let's. Go ahead and move on to contour, lines now. A big part of a topographical, map are contour, lines and. Contour line gives you a way to judge, elevation. That's, the sole purpose on your, map Legend and gives you the contour line interval and I showed you that earlier and I believe it was 20 foot between each line. Every. Fifth line is darker and marked, with the specific elevation, and. The. Closer the lines are together which. Is a rapid, gain elevation. So. Right here's a pretty good example that, this contour line is darkened it's 700, and, you follow that all the way around that means that whole area is 700 feet now. According to our map legend, every, contour line is 20 foot and every. 5th line should be darkened, with a specific. Elevation. Let's. Go encounter contour lines so, from right here we have one two three. Four. And, five the. Fifth one is darkened and the, distance between each one is 20 foot so. It's seven twenty seven forty. Seven sixty seven. Eighty eight hundred. So. Far so good you're doing an outstanding job let's, go ahead and power through this and talk about major, in minor terrain features the. First major, terrain features are going to be a hilltop. Here. We have a good example of the hilltop we. Have rings within rings or. Circles inside of circles, the. Rapid elevation gain we talked about earlier and. There's our circle there's our hilltop a. Ridge. There's. A good example of a ridge a ridge, is nothing more than a series of hilltops in a row, starting. Right here is one two, and three. Saddle. When. You look for a saddle all you're doing is looking for two or more hilltops, in a row which, is your Ridge and between. Those two hilltops, is a saddle. Valley. Hey. Valleys look round that's. Usually bordered by two or three sides of higher ground and. It forms this u-shaped right here. And.

Depression. And. Unless we have a depression you. See one right here perfect example it's. Bordered on all sides by higher ground and, you have the sloping tick marks right here. To. Show that's lower ground. All. Right good to go we talked about five major terrain features now, let's talk about three, more the Minor Train features those are going to be a draw. So. In this example right here it's. Pretty good indicator of a draw now. It draw a sloping, terrain that. Forms a V, that. Points towards that Ridge so, here's our rich one two and three hilltops in a row is a ridge, and. We have that V that points up towards. That Ridge a. Spur. And. A cliff. Here's. A good example of a spur now. Spurs are contour lines that jut outward, from. That Ridge so. Here's our hilltop and our ridge and. They're jutting outward. And. Making its way down into that Valley and lastly we have an example of a cliff cliff. Is nothing more than vertical or sloping contour lines that are close together, with. Tick marks. Indicating. A steep drop-off. Let's, go ahead and move on to reading the map how do you read a map and determine which grid square you're actually operating in on that large map well, it's very simple, before, we get to that let's go ahead and make sure that we understand something here so there's no confusion no matter what scale that you use meaning, one in ten thousand one. In twenty five thousand evening one in a hundred thousand, the, grid square is made up of one, thousand meters by, one thousand meters which, actually creates that square one. Thousand meters by one thousand meters now, those lines that create that actual, grid square are longitude. And latitude lines, now, looking at your map the. Lines that run up and down are, longitude, ones. They go horizontal, or sideways, which are east and west our, latitude, lines now. The, million-dollar question how. Do you actually read the map think. Of Battleship, got. Your numbers and letters you. Go over and up boom, you hit or miss it's, exact same thing we're, gonna look at our numbers and we're gonna read it from the right and then. Go up okay. So we're talking about battleship, and the, Rita map is very simple, all you're gonna do you, have our imaginary. Mock-up, map right here we're gonna start at the bottom left corner I'm. Going to move to the right so. Let's say if you want to be in grid square. 6922. Six. Nine two two all. I'm gonna do. Start. The bottom left corner I'm. Going to slide over to my right tell. You at 69. Once. I get to 69 I'm gonna go ahead and go up to, twenty-two put. A dot right there. That. Tells me, six. Nine two two. Is. This grid square right here. And. We have 1,000.

Meters By 1,000, meters to work with I. Start. At the bottom left corner and move. Over to where it says 69, 69. We're. Gonna go up to. 22. And. That one's 22 so, that corner right there gives. Me this. Grid square. To. Work with. Now. The last thing I want to talk about before we go ahead and move, on to plotting the route is, making. Our map and compass work together in unison, horn harmony now. A previous video we talked about three, types of north we had true north magnetic. North and grid north now. True north is north according to the Earth's axis. Magnetic. North from last time there's nothing more than that magnetic, needle and which direction that it points to and. Grid north refers, to the northern Lea lines on your map, that's, why you always want rotates your map to the north before you go ahead and use it so, with that understanding let's. Talk about this right here this is our declination diagram, and, it can be found on your map legend. So. Looking at this declination diagram, it, gives me a sixth degree offset, or six degree difference between my, magnetic, north and my grid north what, does that mean that means I'm out here and, I'm shooting an azimuth of, saying, 100. Degrees. It. Could be six degrees more, which is 106, or could be six degrees less 94, now, keep this in mind. Every. Single degree that you're off equals. 92 feet in one, mile or, it. Means one mile off in 60. Miles so. People say I'm only a couple degrees off over. A long distance you can walk right by something and have no idea was there to. Think about that so. The million dollar question again how. Do we go ahead and account for that six degrees how do you make our map and compass work together in unison here's. How I learned it. Think. Of the military. Major. To general is a promotion, so. Magnetic, north to grid north we're. Gonna add. General. Two major is a demotion and the. Heck of a demotion or. Grid. North to, magnetic north we're, gonna subtract. Just. Like we talked about there's. A six degree difference between my neck north and grid North even. Tells you right here the, magnetic declination of. Six, degrees west at. The center of the map on, June 11th 2018. So. I wanna go I don't want to add six, degrees to my compass or if. You have a Suunto mc2 you, flip it over it tells you east or west so, six degrees west or simply, add six degrees now. Looking at our seem to mc2 bezel ring we. Have a declination, indicator, right here and set to zero and. I mentioned before with six degrees west so. There's our West and there's, our east declination. So. I want to go ahead I want to add six degrees to this. On. The backside are assumed to mc2. We. Have an adjustment screw right there we. Also have our declination. Indicator, tells. Me western declination, and Houston, declination so, I want to go and I want to add six degrees I want to rotate, using. A key or a small screwdriver I, want. To adjust it and move that indicator, six. Degrees every. Single one of these red tick marks represents. Two degrees. Someplace. In a key or. A small screwdriver. Into. Our adjustment, pin. You. Can now rotate this left or right so. I want to head to the west I. Want. To add six degrees. It's. Two four. Six. You. All. Right now that my map and compass can work in unison let's go and talk about Rob planning before, you plan a route and you go ahead and orientate your map so take your map outside and, what I found works best let's put your map somewhere dry, flat. Level. You. Have no contact with metal whatsoever. And, that goes for picnic tables well this place does have fancy, wood, or plastic picnic, tables well. They're held together with what nails. Screws, metal. Hinges things like that all right so very adjusted, our compass to grid north and a counter for that six degree offset or six degree difference so, to do this all you gotta do take, our compass.

Place. It at the bottom left corner. Lamp. The edge of my base plate, with. That line or, that border of that map and. Just. Like our first video or, I put red in the shed or that dog in that doghouse. And. As long as you don't bump remove that map you're dialed in to grid north you should be good to go let's, talk about route planning route. Plan is very simple it's, that infamous. Day hike but, it shouldn't go wrong. Route. Planning are you doing as a series of as miss or bearings, you. Want to get the reverse azimuth, or bearing to each location that you go to why. Go ahead and keep track your pace count, and. You want to know what grid location that you're gonna operate in. So. Right here we got 300 meters or going to measure the distance on, here looks like an inch, and 3/16. Is. Approximately, 300 meters. Let's. Go ahead and plot a route to figure, out our start point let's say our start point is right here here's. A parking lot right there my, vehicles park for the day and, I want to go out here and explore all this area and check it out. So. I want to go ahead and walk from here to that hilltop right there, then. We're gonna go ahead and go across this saddle. To. That hilltop. From. The hilltop we can look down this spur right there and see the water so. That'd be a good spot to go down and get some water we supply, once. We're all hydrated, again we're gonna go ahead and from this water source. Back. To our vehicle so, how do we do that. Not. Moving the map once again I'm, gonna go ahead and take our compass, and. Place. It on. Our start point. And. Where. We want to go want, to go to the center of that hilltop, so. It's good advantage point so we can look around, so. All I'm gonna do just. Line. Those two up. And. Put a dot right there at the center of that tilt up. Now. Can draw a line from. The hilltop. To. My start point. Though. Since we're already here to, get our bearing our azimuth all we got to do, is. Now rotate our bezel ring from zero. And. Put that dog in the doghouse or that, red in the shed. And. Once we do that you, go. To our top glow-in-the-dark indicator. And. Read that number and. Said. It's 30 degrees so. I know there's. A 30 degree azimuth, or bearing from my start point to. That hilltop, now. Go ahead and measure our distance. We. Said about an inch and 3/16. Was. Somewhere around 300. Meters. So. Now we're looking at let's. Round up say inch and a quarter so an inch and a quarter an inch into quarters two and a half inches, that's. 600, so we're looking at about 620, meters from. My start point to. That hilltop. So. From start point to our point number one we're to walk of bearing our azimuth of thirty degrees, we're. To walk to half of 620, meters now, what about back azimuth what we're gonna do go. To our bottom glow-in-the-dark, indicator, here's our top one tells. Me where I'm going bottom, one tells me where I was and. Looking, at that it's. 210, degrees. To. Have a back a Smith, of. 210. Degrees. Down. Here I'm in a note 4, features point, number one is a hilltop. You. The, last thing I want to talk about before we get out of here that pertains to route planning are five navigational. Tools that, you can use that will make your life a lot easier when you're out there once. You get confidence, built up give a little more experience you, can apply these tools and basically sort. Of cheat the system and get, to where you want to go a lot faster and, with a lot less hassle these. Five navigational, tools are handrail. Backstop. Baseline. Aiming. Off and escape. Or panic asmath a. Handrail. Is simply a linear object, that, can be used as a guideline, talking. About a handrail look, at our start point that parking lot we're.

Going To move along this burying our azmuth to our hilltop. Directly. To my left we have a road and. It parallels, the direction of travel. So. In a way I can, use this road as my linear object like a shooting Baron or azimuth to that Road walk. That row for that 600 meters, once. They get at six iron meters, shoot. An azimuth to that hilltop and. I'm there and that. Might be a lot easier. Not. As scenic but, it'd be a lot easier than busting brush all the way across here for six hours. Backstop. Is the point at which you shouldn't go past for, example fences. Walls, large. Rivers, bodies. Of water pipelines, etc. In. This next example we're, looking for a backstop so, on the top of this hill I look, down and I see that Creek, I'll. Make my way down that spur into. That Creek so I can get hydrated now. Here's. My pipeline the, creek is located on this side of that pipeline so. I know if I cross over that pipeline end up over here I've, gone too far so in a way I could use that pipeline as a backstop a. Baseline. You. Use a baseline so you can return to we started from, and. Now a baseline, goes hand in hand with aiming off if, you want to go ahead and aim off deliberately, so you can use a baseline, you, take a bearing left or right of the objective, then. Use the baseline to get back so. In a sense what you're doing you, know where you need to be and, you see an easier route so, you going to shoot an azimuth their bearing through. That easier route or that place where there's less brush you. Go through it once you get through that area you, know a turn left or right to, get back on track or, go back to your start point, aiming. Off and baseline go hand in hand let's, use our example this, hilltop right here we can look down and see that Creek or that stream let's. Say for example we can look over and see a road right here and, we want go ahead and shoot an azimuth or burying directly to that intersection so, we can get the name of that road for our map. So. All you gotta do is shoot, azimuth, to, that corner and be good to go well what if lateral, drift occurs or I'm careless and we end up over here we're. Not really going to know we're actually past that intersection so, I'm gonna deliberately aim off, over. Here use. This road as a baseline so I can turn left and, walk right to that intersection and. Number. Five we have an escape or panic asmath and, that's meant for exactly, what it says you're out there you get lost start, to panic and you need to escape it's a predetermined, as myth or burying but you can dial into your compass if, you are lost and you can get to a known point like a road or a house.

And. Lastly. We have an escape azimuth or panic azimuth. So. Looking at our entire route here we went first point second point third point and then, back to our starting point now. Anywhere on here I should be able to dial in a predetermined. Bearing. Or azimuth and, will take me to a road or to a pipeline. So. Somewhere I get lost in here and I need to escape I just got a dial in zero while my compass take, me right to that road or, 270. Will, take me to that road ninety. Will take me to the pipeline and worst. Case 180. Will take no heed down here this road. Welcome. Back land, navigation is, still outstanding. Just. My humble opinion now. If you haven't already go ahead go back and watch my first video on land navigation simplified. Take. Those tools techniques, go. Out there and practice them apply them and then, go ahead and try and attack this bad boy there's, a lot of information it, was a real long video and I apologize for that it, was better in my opinion to do it one, long video then, go ahead and break. It down into five or six 10-minute videos. But. Truth be told the. Only way you're gonna get better at this is actually go out and do it practice. Practice, practice practice, will, make you better not. Perfect or make you better and. You can always do better than you are now. With that once, again think if your comments abusing support thanks for watching get out in the field have some fun I'm gonna catch you. Next. Time.

2018-10-20 23:42

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hi Corporal Kelly you keep up the good work doing these kind of video's and all kinds of video's well I have one ideal how about you calling of on you marine's experience like did in the one with the compass where you taught us to do a recon box you have a lot to teach you've heared from us we want to learn from you we all like you'r teaching style you keep it simple and good common sense

Great video, loving the series.

Excellent job.

Great refresher course! Thanks Cpl K

Awesome video with great information! Keep it up!

A practice in practicality. An educator in the truest sense.

Thank you so much for this vid I am a ARMY VET and did better than most in "Land Navigation" While watching your vid I realized that I have forgotten much. I am moving to Yuma AZ. soon and plan to do much exploring. Your vid is a much needed refresher. I feel much better now . All I need is some to let know my plans/ route.

Good videography.

The best Nav series on YouTube! Simple, to the point, easy to remember, logical. Essentially, Infantry proof! The only subscription I bother to receive notifications from. Well done!

Great refresher :-) It's been too many years since I've had to navigate an un-marked trail.

Land Navigation Outstanding

Most excellent topo educational media I have seen; props to you...was just discussing map & compass & topos w/ my son...your vids are excellent ++ guide.

Thanks for the easy to understand explanation. Learned a few things I did not thought of before and had not learned prior so very helpful. Just found your channel.. I like the easy to understand approach. Cheers from the Netherlands.

Fantastic breakdown and explanation and indeed made simple for people to learn or "brush up" on navigation skills. Outstanding as always brother!

Thanks for your time and effort. I wish the first time I learnt this stuff was from someone with you talent for teaching. Particularly enjoy your rope-work videos and would love to see more bush cooking.

The best explanation I have ever seen.Thanks.

Great video and extremely informative. Always enjoy the way you explain things, they're very easy to grasp. One thing I didn't understand personally, because I usually learn better from being hands on, is West always add declination, and East always subtract? Declination is the only thing I'm foggy on. If that's not it, how do you know if it's West or East declination if the map doesn't specify?

Great video, thanks for sharing. Can't wait to try that out.

Another great video on navigation and making it easy to understand!

thank you for the follow up video...and so quickly too!

Great presentation. Will you be doing how to find your position within the specified grid box?

I could also use a refresher course in Intersection and Resection.

Great video 5 star.

do not apologize for the time you put into this information, which you gave away for free.... If your audience is not interested, they can change the channel. In my (not so humble) opinion, this level and depth of information requires the length of time you spend on filming it. This stuff is gold!

Great video. Love the notebook layout for route planning. Definitely stealing it.

what about Oliver North ?

Thanks for sharing, excellent teaching and instructions, great information !

That was outstanding. Thanks for doing this series on navigation. You do a great job in both videos breaking things down to make it easy to understand. Of course brining, practicing, and putting the techniques you demonstrate to the field is the next step. I carry a compass and usually have a map of the area, but use them for directional guidance. I mostly I stick to trails, and rely far to much on my cell phone apps. If I ever lost my way and my phone died, I'd struggle. Keep up the good work. Love your channel.


Excellent you make it very understandable and the usual very high standard. Thanks Corporal Kelly. More please

Absolutely outstanding video brother it was a good refresher for me thank you very much

73 YEARS OLD, I have owned compasses, topographical maps, trail description guides and the like. Still, I found that I never knew how to get the most out of them until this video! For me this is fascinating stuff!

excellent video. easy to understand and i will apply techniques to our uk os maps.

Thank you for your presentation. Well done. I was an IFR rated pilot who used "topo" maps for route planning and "flight interruptions". I could do in the air what you presented on land. Until now, I was ignorant how to translate flight planning to walking route plan. I have saved both videos as tools for preparing routes for dispersed camping in National Forests.

Thanks Corporal I actually had some lights go off in my head haha! I'll have to watch this a few more times but I get it ! Keep the videos coming Brother!!

Another awsome lesson, thankyou SIR.

This was excellent.  I finally understand the process.  I'll be out practicing soon.  I'm sure I'll watch again and again.  Thank you so much.

Excellent best teacher ever on this topic. Keep ut the good work

Outstanding video, Corporal! Just what I was asking for earlier. I'm going to watch it several times to really lock in the knowledge, ideas, and skills you presented. What would really help is to find a small group or organization that goes out and does this on the regular. You have any ideas for that? In any case... always feel that I learn something new when I watch your channel; and there is this quality of feeling that even though you've simplified things quite a bit... I understand it at a much deeper level than most channels would have me understand it. So, thanks again; and keep em' coming! This may be asking for more than you're willing to dedicate time and energy for; but if you actually WALKED this route; and took footage, so that we, the viewers, understood the connection between the REAL THING (Terrain) and the SYMBOL of that terrain on the MAP... I think that would go a long way in helping to solidify the understanding of this process, uninterrupted, start to finish. Awesome as always

Outstanding brother! Thank you.

Outstanding. Look forward to the next phase. Carry on.

Thanks boss-West is best East is least

Great refresher!! Nicely done!

Excellent video.. was glad to see this follow up to the first video...I'm motivated to get that sun to compass and learn more..thanks sir for the no nonsense informational learning source.

All you need is some hajji and "fire for effect"!

Good stuff! You've given a few classes in your day!

Any 19d cav scouts watching??

Great job and thanks. I had some of the basics down. I've added to my knowledge base after watching this video. Much appreciated.

Another excellent video. I will be referring people to both of these videos so they have a basic understanding/practice before (trying to get them lost) working with them in the field. Thanks again for all you do.

Just a question, but is this a re upload because I think that I saw this exsact video before

Thank you once again ! As I mentioned previously, I teach kids and teens who are struggling emotionally with the fears of SHTF scenarios. Please never apologise for a video being too long. You actually teach my class sometimes as you are thorough, forthright, clear and objective. A positive guide line for these kids. (Don't worry, I am not making money off of your work. I am a volunteer who saw a need and started a group that turned into a class or two) I have noticed a change in some of the boys in my classes, they think you are "the shit!" (I have been teaching them how to be respectful citizens, but trust me on this one.... when they slip and call you or anyone else "the shit!" That's the highest regard in their book.) Your terminology is also found on their lips.. "outstanding!" "Good to go" in a sense Shawn, you are teaching them much more than the description of the class. They are gaining confidence. Please don't stop. Your example is profound on these kids. And I thank you for sharing. Some are even catching up on your videos independently ! Having said all of that, I am now going to plan a hike after the holidays in December/January where they can utilize the lessons they are learning (or will be learning) using a compass and maps. I also teach them to draw their own maps so now they can practice with points that are important/familiar to them. Smores, hot chocolate and hotdogs after the hike. Yeah! Thank you again Shawn. I thought it only fair that I share with you the i,pact you are having without even knowing it.

Another great video sir. Keep up the great work!

Yea one long video is Great!!... It is important to have throe instruction. your attention to detail help information from the last video sink in and is reinforced, It give me a great reference to come back to. ( i am a visual hands on learner) it highlights new information and technique to add to my skills. It may seem obvious to some but overlooking the obvious or being complacent can be the difference between life and death, People have been lost with even with a compass because they may have failed to note an escape aztmuth or from misreading a map and finding your are disorientated (can be frightening) because you dont recognize the terrain, Having fail safes and attention to detail is essential to preventing that from happening, I am taking your advise very seriously. making good notes is essential to success. Love the video, never apologize for the length.. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I love topographic maps.. Thanks again J

I use terrain Association for the most point. Compass is just used for orientation North or piloting exact paths. There are some exemptions dense flat terrain where a compass is needed. Land navigation is as much an art as a skill. One company you should look in to is map tools. com .

Outstanding video, Corporal! I've been using topo maps for years and learned some new stuff from your video that I didn't know. I never noticed those tick marks that indicated cliffs or depressions. Very cool! I got a lesson a few years back in 'the map is not the terrain'. !!! Selecting the route we used on the last day of a four day backpacking trip added 5 miles to the planned 10 mile hike. The contour lines didn't indicate the real severe ups and downs of the terrain (or more likely, the map reader failed to understand!) Outstanding video. Thanks for doing these. I know you didn't want to but we're all benefiting.

Good info and very well presented. Thanks for the refresher.

Your best video yet! You have a gift of teaching, thank you for taking the time to teach us.

Thanks for the video. It informational and to the point. Way better then some of the other video out there and much easier to understand.

very thorough, nicely done

There IS a lot of information here, please don't apologise for a lengthy video - there's no fluff, it's all relevant and it's all v-e-r-y usable! I can see the previous one and this one being part of a playlist that I'll be coming back to... now to order a topo map of GA :-) Thanks, as always, Cpl!

Also, could you do a winter Get Home Bag video showing what you add or change out for a winter season? That would be great!!

Outstanding vidio

Thanks for this very informative video. This is super helpful for people like me who are learning this type of stuff. Very concise and to the point. Excellent work Corporal Kelly. Thank you

great educational video, very precise and clearly explained, ... useful for reference or a refresher,

I  had to stop watching this video.  An untold number of political videos kept popping up during video play and completely ruined this video for me.  Shame on YouTube,

Thank you very much for this really well explained video about navigation with map and compass. Greetings from Germany..... Uwe

Thanks a lot for doing this.

Heya! fantastic video about compass usage, theres a few things i already knew but definitely learned something again ;) Have been watching your channel for some time but this time around i subbed! Thanks for your great content :)

Outstanding, as always!

Hey Corporal.. one of THE best beginning land nav videos I have watched.

Excellent explanation.

A most excellent and well thought out video full of great information that i feel most anyone can follow. Just my opinion. Keep up the great work brother.

Outstanding. I actually followed everything. Clear and concise. Thanks.

Never had anyone explaining the magnetic declination as good as the cpl did. Great vid. Btw, Compass is of Recta design.

What a timely video. I literally just ordered (and received) a MyTopo map not long ago :D

Great instructional.....Thanks

Nice easy to understand. Well done. But what what happens during an EMP. Kidding

Good job cpl

I was a sergeant in the army and you explain land navigation much easier.

Yep.... Like I said in the other Video on Basic Land Navigation. An old dog like me can learn new tricks. I'll again save this video to my phone and head out in the field for a go at using a TOPO map of my area. The more you put out on maps and compass the more we all learn. Keep these videos coming.

On one of your next outings, please, would you consider doing a practical demonstration? I think that would really be neat to see the concepts (pace counts, azimuths, topology, etc) tied together in the field.

Excellent! Just ordered a couple maps for some areas I frequent a lot (one is a friends farm, with over 170 acres of forest). Now, gotta convince him and his wife to let me do a basecamp somewhere on it and set up some nav games! Again, great refresher for our depreciating skills! As important as the 10S's are, being able to navigate out of the area is just as important.

Which compass is that? Mc-2?

I hope I'm not jumping but what's that metal line in the mirror for?

Once again, thank you for teaching.

Good video! =)

This vid is outstanding! I’m definitely good to go! Keep them coming, you’re a gifted teacher. These are really easy to understand.

I gotta say, navigation is not my strong suit. Thanks for those explanations. Outstanding, I'm good to go !

Outstanding lesson. Best I have seen and it finally makes sense to a neophyte compass user.

Outstanding video, thanks for taking the time to share with us ! Have a good day sir.

What model is that compass? I went to buy on on and they had several models and I don’t know the difference.

one piece of advice i will give you is do not draw all over your map they coast a lot of money better to copy and print out the bits you need but carry both in case you fall off the flat earth

Just to add to that. Never use ink on a map.

Excellent tutorial - thanks Cpl

Great explanation, really easy to understand!

How do i find my current location on a map, get lost first than use a map to get to the car.

I suspect CK will cover dead reckoning and triangulation in a future tutorial. Important thing is for you to remain calm, seek shelter from the elements and if necessary build a fire and boil water.

I am a cartographer and I can say that this presentation is as good as you can get. Precise, practical, ordered

Outstanding video Thank you

Just ordered my MC-2 compass! I previously have the cheaper Suunto model of it in my bug out and get home bag. But I honestly have no idea how to use it! So I ordered the Bob Burns Wilderness Navigation book to go with it. Here's hoping I don't get bogged down by it all!

I already know all this.... but I watch all 30 minutes because I understand its value. Thank you, Corporal!

So that's what a saddle is. Ty for the info man.

Corporal Kelly Please disregard because at 19:41, I see said the blind man picking up his hammer and saw

Great length video mate. This simplified version you’re teaching is just fantastic. Coulda watched that for hours.

Outstanding! I have no LandNav experience and it has always been baffling to me. These lessons of yours are the best explanations I've seen and have been very helpful. Thanks for taking the time and effort in making them. You are an excellent instructor.

EXCELLENT information presented in a way that is SUPER easy to understand. Great job Corp!

Please share it with others and thanks for watching

Excellent instructional video!

Great video. Will share it with the kids. Subbed.

Great video. You have a knack for teaching.

Definitely check the "age" of your map. Really old ones will likely have outdated declination info. Yes it was probably right for the time it was surveyed, but may not be valid today. One can find the current declination for your area off the web.

Hidden Valley Ranch Salad Dressing. How I was taught to remember it.

+Corporals Corner All the time. Your channel is a breath of fresh air.

Thanks for watching

I take a time I want to say thank to you to share you’re knowledge. Be healthy may GOD bless you Ian

And again a very well explained video. Thanks a million Shawn. I don´t mind the 30 minutes, some things take time to explain, so thanks for taking the time to make this video. I have this one and the previous one bookmarked to revisit plenty of times. To bad I can only hit the likebutton ones.

Please share this video with others and thanks for watching

Love your videos, you explain the material very well!! Thanks for your service & time!!

+Corporals Corner With your aproval I would like to link lots of your video´s on my website to be. You are part of my inspiration for my new livestyle.

Where to get topo maps locally??

Thanks man! I've never been able to find topos outside of base.

Online at and thanks for watching

Very informative instructional video. I took a lot of notes. Thank you!

Shawn, thank you for the two videos on using a compass and reading maps (topographic). I learned more watching your videos than sitting in a classroom years ago.. You are an outstanding instructor. Now all I need to do is get out and practice. I have to reconsider getting the Suunto compass as I have a military lensatic and a Brunton cheapie. The Suunto seems to be the preferred tool amongst several tour guides I've met.

Your compass and map lesson made things so simple in understanding. I have watched many vids on map and compass and they were terrible and confusing. You broke it all down into simple learning.......... excellent lesson ...... outstanding and thank you

Your video's are always right to the accurate point, thank you so much . I have learned so much on your channel.......... excellent channel...... I wish you and your family the best.

Thank you absolutely clear instructions on the navigation topic.

Again, thank you. You explain it so well.

Hi. You explained it so well that I will take the risk of sounding stupid with this question of mine. Can the campass be used in the same way if the map is a more common city map. I have an Atlast of all USA states. Would I use it the same way? Thank you.

Thank you so much for explaining everything. Even if it is a long video.

Thank you for the tips. I'm going out into the forest this weekend on a 10 mile overnight hike. Good times and good to go.

Shawn, What is the best way to verify the accuracy of my compass so I will use it and trust the bearings? I took 5 devices ( Suunto MCll, Silva Guide 426, my cell phone, old Silva Boy Scout Compass 1051, and A Casio Pathfinder Watch) aligning the edges to grid north (top of map). I got 5 different bearings. I’m flummoxed. Talking about readings ranging from 48 degrees to 86 degrees. I don’t know if any of them are correct.  Any ideas on verifying the accuracy before you head into the woods?

Roger that. Thanks

There will always be a difference of bearings, but I would use a gps reading and the newest Compass. If it is slightly different it is ok. In 1 mile you will be approx. 92 ft off for every degree that you are off. Most people do not travel a mile. Thanks for watching

Very clear and I liked the summary notes on the white board. I copied those over to a small notebook so I can easily practice the texhniques. Thank you

Just bought the Sunnto MC 2. Was going to teach my kids how to use a compass. My wife, who knows everything, (She's Danish), said it's a waste, she just uses Google maps to get where she's going. These Europeans get triggered when you say "shoot an Azimuth"

been away from your channel for a few years. glad to see your still at it. this is one of the better vids on land nav I've seen. simple, to the point & well illustrated.

Great video! I will practice and re watch these videos again until I'm much more confident.

Hey can you make a video that explains declination in further detail ?

No, this video is all you need for basic map and compass. Thanks for watching

I haven't touched a topographic map in years. This was not only an excellent refresher, but a great intro for those wanting to learn how to navigate. I love the straight forward, simple, no bs approach you take on your videos. I'm scrolling now hoping for a night land nav version.

Excellent ! Very thorough and nicely designed video. Land Nav was a while ago for me , so this was a great refreshing course , and a confidence booster . I really enjoyed this, you do a great job of explaining how it works.

Great video. I think I need to get rid if my old Marine Corps compass and get a compass like you have. Simplifies things

Great video. Thanks for posting

10000 fucking videos on YouTube and you motherfukers never teach about the most important part of the fucking navigation. What happens if I don't Mark where I started from? You said you mentioned the parking lot what if I did not Mark where the parking lot is how can I tell where it is Also how do I find out where I am on the map once I'm lost? I don't need a compass to lead me to a tree I need to lead me right back to where I started from

maybe you should have watched the entire land nav series, Then you would have marked your location on a map and left a good game plan prior to stepping off. You can lead a horse to water...….Thanks for watching

Excellent Job DD

I learned this in boy scouts 50 years ago and forgot. Thanks for the reminder.

That was “good to go”. Outstanding!

Just learning navigation and this video was super helpful! Thanks much!

Just can't wrap my mind around meters vs feet, mile, etc. I'm old school and resistant to change.

You did a great job of explaining things! Electronics are nice...but people these days are relying too heavily on electronics for land navigation!

Thank you, great lesson!

As I've said before, your class's are the best, thank you for sharing your knowledge. I just got the same compass for Christmas and need your instruction. I am watching and re-watching so I can try it out. You can't get very lost in Michigan's lower peninsula but it will be nice saving time when I become turned around. lol. YMHS, campdog

I'm wanting to get back to basics. In Alaska (in the 70's) I relied entirely on map &, it's all about electronics. I'd like to throw my GPS unit in the river. Thanks for a video I can relate to. I intend to watch it several times over so I truly understand. It's been a long time since I've used a map & compass. Nice thing about a map & compass: no batteries needed!Thanks again...and, I subscribed.

Man, you just made more sense, teaching Navigation in 30 minutes, than the 8 hour class I took on it today at work!!!! Great instruction!!!

This is a great video. As a surveyor we use bearing and azimuth a bit differently. Azimuth bearing is just azimuth and bearing is quadratic bearing to us. Even having hiked many woods taking survey measurements in distances (ft) and HZ/ V angles ( deg.min.sec.) to develop topographic maps. I still learned a lot. Thanks for sharing this info. It seems to have faded a bit with us younger surveyors. I enjoy picking up a plan marked up by an old timer and seeing magnetic bearings to and between property corners called out with possible locations of magnetic interference throughout the property.

Awesome video!

Awesome video! Very helpful!

Im just getting into learning basic survival and you channel have helped me learn tons of stuff i will surely be rewatching alot of your video while out in the field doing some first hand learning!!!

Awesome video

I just bought a map and compass and i want to explore my woods in Croatia. Its in a mountain area and they say there's a cave that the Croatian partizans hid in, so my goal is to try and find it.

Awesome vid! Ive watched a few others that wasnt as informative as yours is. Plus you made it easier for me to understand by showing in greater detail on how the definitions relate to the exact points on a map.

I learned all about Map and Compass in the Boy Scouts you did a good job with your presentation , I also learned the Morse Code when I got my signaling Merit Badge, I am now a Ham Radio operator N5MFI, Another fun thing too do is Geocaching, I now have a GPS unit

Outstanding Video! Thank you

Bravo Zulu Mate! Wonderful presentation Cheers.

14:28 I guess they never miss, huh?

Very good info man thank you ..

This is the best video I found. Thanks a lot.

Outstanding how to video.

Hola mi amigo Love your ENERGYgreat awareness,excellente knowledge.gracias safe

One of the best descriptions of how to use a map (chart) and compass I have heard. I’ve been using them for close to 50 years on land and sea (coastal nav) and this was an excellent refresher for those of us who know and a great learning tool for those who would like to. You were spot on about doing this in one video vs multiple clips - too many intertwined concepts to not have in one place. The rewind button is easier to use than multiple video clips. Well done sir, and thank you for your service.

Will do sir. Excellent content, and excellent presentation and communication skills.

Please share my videos with others and thanks for watching

Great content. Thank you.

One of best presentations I've ever seen. Had to share with my 13 yo grandson immediately We will practice this summer when he comes to visit. We practice many of the bushcrafting lessons that you post. THANKS

Good job Corporal! One of the best map/compass tutorial series I have seen.Great teaching aid for teen boy. Clean, simple, concise. Good to go.

PS: I got my WFR about 2 years ago. So it's time to re cert. Do you have any medical or emergency first aid related videos? Anything you have to share I'm sure would be good info to have. Thanks.

Really liked the video. Kinda feel like a doof now though! Lol. I asked about going over the magnetic declination. I didn't know enough to know that if I don't have a map I can't really use it anyway and if I do have a map it's on there. The grid square 69/22 was new info for me. I've heard of grid square references but didn't know what they were talking about. Thanks dude, I've been edumecated!

Corporal - This is great , thank you for this video and the previous video in the series. One thing I don't think I heard mention is that magnetic north changes over time (about 34 ,miles per year right now) and can change significantly over just 5-10 years. In fact, NOAA just release an update one year early to the GPS system to correct the variance. If people are using an older map, they can check the declination for that mapped area at I am going to recommend your two videos to groups I work with in the PNW forests, it will save us some time teaching map and compass skills to new team members.

Best land navigation tutorial I have seen. Corporals 2 videos tell the why of techniques, map details, how to count pace demos, long and close up views of the compass and maps, memory tricks, in every day language, etc.

Great video! Thanks for sharing.

Excellent series! Thank you sir.

3:02 thats how my compass looks

Great video, remembered a lot just watching....including some 2nd Lt jokes....thanks again..

Thank you!

Nicely presented .

When sighting for feature to walk to on your bearing, should have discussion about dominant eye?

First off, I only recently found this channel and let me say how glad I am that I have! As someone who is a firm believer in the idea that a GPS is fine until (a) the batteries die, (b) the electricity goes out or (c) you have nothing but a compass and your wits, I am thoroughly enjoying both this video and the previous which dealt with navigation without a map. Your videos are concise, direct, and informative. I enjoy the lack of the "flash and bang," as I call it, of so many other videos in that these are right to the point. If I may, I did have one question which I am hoping you will be able to answer. In this video you spoke of Magnetic and Grid North in terms of promotions and demotions. You demonstrated adjusting your compass according to the declination, but when would you use Magnetic North to Grid North as opposed to the reverse, i.e., when would you add vs subtract? Is it just a matter of preference or does it depend on the situation or how you are laying out your route?

Good stuff! Thanks Corporal!

Been teaching the Orienteering merit badge for boy scouts since 2011 and wishing is had this video all this time. Thanks for explaining things so clearly and simply. I've also learned the importance of taking off bracelets or watches that may interfere with the needle.

Good info , but can I just say if you sight through the top notch on the mirror housing then there's no need to hold the compass so high . You also have a better view of what's in front of you because the mirror housing does not block your view

My Dad did a lot of gas n oil leasing in that area of Ohio. Learn how to read topo map from him. I graduate from Gallipolis.

Hey Corporal; what kind of notebook is that? Is its primary purpose to draw maps or something like that? I need to carefully take note of everything you say in this video (and the one before) before going to practice in the wilderness... I can't wait! :) Also, I like this format; 30 minutes for that kind of instructive videos is better than 3 videos of 10 minutes, in my opinion. (Please don't apologize for making such amazing content!) Stay safe :)

I have a question. If beating brush to that hilltop is 650 meters how would walking the road be the same distance with its curves be the same 650 meters to the mountain top? Shouldn't it be longer overall distance considering you're travelling away and back to the mountain top?

Yes sir, I been lost before,

One of the most informative channels on YouTube for an outdoorsman. I have learned so much from this channel. Thank you Corporal!

please share my channel with Everyone and thanks for watching

Outstanding video presented in an informative manner.

Another excellent video. Overflowing with info. Better to cover it concisely than to skip bits. No apology needed for the long duration. Thanks.

Will do Corporal! Sender Fi

Grid to mag you add Mag to grid get rid British Army easy

Bravo Zulu, Corporal! Well done! ENC Rodge, USN (Ret)

Top job sir.

Knew nothing about this subject and always thought it was daunting but your video made it very easy to understand.

Such a great teacher! When you got to the point of charting your adventure on map & talked about the path to hilltop thru Saddle down the spur I understood it!!!!

Easily one of the best instructional videos on compass navigation. I now understand how to use my MYTOPO maps much better. Only question is in preparing to use the map and compass should one check online to determine the present mag dec?

best teaching out there that I found thus far. don't apologize. it is not too long for those who want to learn. I watched it multiple times. this is the skill I want to learn specially for winter trekking. thanks

I just started getting back into hiking and I was looking for something to help me get back into reading topo maps. Thank you sir, you made it easy to refresh my mind.

Didn't mind video length. Lots of knowledge to consume and it is appreciated. Especially since I am in the same area.

I think the length is just fine. Lots of easy to understand instructions. I've watched this several times now, your way of teaching this information is a lot better then other videos I've looked at. I recently purchased the "Wilderness Navigation , third edition book", and between your videos and that book, I've been able to pick up how to use a compass and use a map a lot better. THANK YOU!

thank you for the amazing intel and info its so much fun to actually learned it the RIGHT way thanks for taking the time to make a review on land and navigation its a MUST TO LEARN .

Great video! Well explained!


Nice refresher course for me. Now if I can figure out My Topo that will be a good thing.

Not too long at all. Excellent presentation.

Outstanding!!! I had forgotten some of the stuff I was taught in the army ,although it has been over 20 years ago ha.great to get a refresher course corporal .I'm glad to have stumbled onto your explain very well I'd have no problem with you covering my six brother.

Just. Suppose. Your maps were washed away in that flashflood... Now. Navigate out using your compass as a sextant... GO.

As usual, another great video on the art of the use of the compass. You have obviously been taught well, but not to detract from your part, you have learned your lesson well, outstanding job, thanks again.

Great video! Like land navigation made easy.

I’m gonna watch these two videos I told burned into my mind , Thank you sir

I wanted to learn how to use a compass, it turns out I find you. You are a spitting image of my brother Anthony who is also in the Marine Corps, but he died almost 30 years ago nine days before his 29th birthday. Anyway I’ll be watching take care.

Brilliant lesson. I'll be watching this until the skills are memorised that's for sure.

American Citizen 1986 city map is a little easier. You can use the scale for distance and get your general bearing off the roadways. US Highways and Interstates use (generally) odd numbers NS and even numbers EW. So you put your compass down to show you which direction to orient your map, verify it matches a know direction on the map. EX. Map on the ground, rotate map to magnetic North, needle aligns in roughly same direction as I-5 on west coast or maybe I95 east coast. Then plot your course using roadways as backstops. Estimate your distance using the scale. Good luck! God bless!

I just turned 60 and am still out doors as much as possible. All the new style compasses are nice and I'm sure they work well. I learned land nat. over 45 years ago in the Boy Scouts. I still use the same compass I used back then and it has never let me down. Just food for thought, newer don't always mean better. Great vid. Will be back to check out some more.

Thank you once again, Corporal! No apology necessary. You covered all information in easy to understand language and illustrations. Yut!

This one of the best tutorial videos I’ve seen on land nav. It was kinda weird not seeing CPL Kelly without the skull cap though.

Classroom instruction. Thanks for watching

X S with the panic azimuth you should be good to go, as long as you don’t loose your compass and notebook in the same flash flood.

I love this video. Makes me think of my grandpa. He fought in WWI but never spoke of wartime much. He'd go over maps and compass every night before a hunting trip with me. We did a lot of stalk hunts so his focus was more on showing me how to box myself in with natural or manmade geographic features and using the sun for general direction. Then using those geographic features to get back to the truck. I'm eager to pass this knowledge to my children. Thank you sir for your service and this video.

Good video. Where I live (Vancouver Island) the Magnetic declination is 21 degrees East of North. Any compass without adjustable declination is almost useless here.

You were showing same Map Dave Canterbury was using in a video

Probably cuz I work for him ;) thanks for watching

Your channel is outstanding (just my humble opinion)

I like your simple easy to follow explanations.

Very good explanation thanks bro

Great lesson, glad I watched and learned more about land navigation.


Great tutoral Corporal. Tip: Everyone drifts left or right over distance as no one's legs are perfectly the same length. I always drifted left so every 1'000 meters I would take 10 steps to the right and then start back on azimuth. Tip: Alternate left then right when going around obstacles. If you go left every time you will drift left. Tip: Your pace count can change due to terrain. Stride may be shorter climbing a steep hill or busting through brush or may be longer if moving at faster pace down hill. Make mental notes as you go.

Excellent. Thank you.

New subscriber. I learned orienteering from aviation. This is refining my skills! Last summer I spent 9 days in the Adirondack wilderness alone using just a compass and map with no tails. People are always getting lost there and some die or are never found. Yes starting where it is just a pain if you get lost and not life threatening is key until you build that confidence! Thanks for the video and check out my wilderness bushwack if you get a chance.

strong work!!!!!

Just found your channel. Excellent instructions. I still carry a compass and a map when backpacking. 20 year old lensatic military compass. This video brings back some fond memories. Thanks for the refresher course in a course I once taught.

Great video

You should do a video on more advanced techniques like triangulation to find your position, using a protractor to find grid points, and night land nav.

Search my videos bro I have one on PAUL method. Thanks for watching

Good job sir, thanks.

Hi Corporal. I have one question. I have used an orienteering compass for some time now. Your video is very good and informative. I would like to know why you need to turn the map to get a bearing and not set the compass on the map in the direction of travel and then rotating the bezel of the compass to the north to get your bearing. I do understand turning the map for finding landmarks though. Thank you sir.

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