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S: Good morning from Sardinia, good morning in Milan to Ludovica and good evening Maurizio. M: Good evening from Australia. L: Good morning. S: Thanks Ludovica for being here and yes, I am very happy, to introduce a topic that will be explained by Ludovica, by the way today we touch an area that concerns "sustainable fashion" and therefore I immediately begin to introduce this very young girl, who is connected from Milan, where she lives, who is following a very interesting path, so I invite Ludovica to introduce herself, so tell us a little about who you are and what you do.. and then we will go into what you are doing, that is very interesting. Thanks again, the floor is yours, Ludovica. L: So, good morning, I'm Ludovica, I'm 21, I 'm quite young and I'm finishing my Bachelor degree course, I'm studying something totally different from what I do for which I'm here. I study art in general

but I'm here because I have approached, for about a year and a half, on the theme of sustainable fashion, sustainability but more precisely in the field of clothing/fashion. I approached through a documentary, that totally changed my view of things.. from then on, I changed many of my habits: first of all, that of buying assiduously in stores every weekend to go and buy a new thing, let's say that I was very obsessed with having lots of clothes, always wearing something different, every day, changing clothes... so I had this need, it really pushed me to go to the shops that are now being indicted "fast fashion", producing fast fashion and not respecting the seasons, the four seasons, so let's say, since then, precisely since I saw this documentary, which I also invite you to see, if you haven't seen it, it's called "The true cost", I totally changed my habits. I work especially with sustainable fashion also because, let's say that... nowadays, there is more and more the need to feel accepted, I see especially on Instagram this need, the obsessions to feel accepted, we see the model we see a perfect body we see the beauty that is always, anyway, a bit false because you never see it live but it is always a photograph, sometimes with filters... so that reality is very filtered,

and this obsession also to reach perfection, to be like the person you see on Instagram, I mean... in my opinion yes, it also transforms into the thought of "I have to dress like this", because let's say that...the role that is emerging in these recent years is the influencer, the fashion blogger, who shows off what she possesses, the life she/he leads and what she/he wears, especially tagging the brands. So what I use to say, is that I'm the "Anti-fashion blogger" instead, because it seems absurd to me to invite people to buy what they don't need to, right? In that moment people see the picture, they see what you wear, and obviously a psychological system is triggered for which you absolutely want to dress like this. I am an anti-fashion blogger, because I buy used/vintage clothes, so it is very rare to find the pieces I wear, so yes, if you want I tag brands too but let's say, to induce people who look at me, who listen to me, to try an alternative path to the obsessive consumerism of new clothes, bought in fast fashion, that is.

S: Thanks, Mauri to you. M: Cool, thank you Ste, thank you Ludovica for being here and thank you for sharing this vision with us. My question is: how, I mean, in your studies, so in your life in general... when and how did you approach this speech of sustainability? L: So, let's say that in this context I was really completely the opposite, I mean, I didn't know what it was, I wasn't too aware and in addition, I didn't care a bit because I didn't understand the gravity of the situation, So from the badest habits, small, bad habits but significant, as not throwing things in the bin... the butt, for example, throwing it on the ground, and therefore

there was this transition, this phase, in which I was totally unaware of the problem. Since I saw that documentary, that changed my life a little bit...I mean, obviously, by entering a field of sustainability, you can't ignore all the M: So, a documentary. The documentary was, it was the ... S: The key. M: Well, it is important to understand it, because of course we are trying to bring knowledge, to make people aware of what is happening and therefore for me, it is very interesting to understand how, and when, at which point of its life a person makes a decision, what it was influenced by, so this is very important to me...and the other fact is that... you have touched a beautiful point, that I fully share, about the discourse of the image, of what we chase on social media, on the fact that we live in an era where the appearance that has a huge weight and is distorted, because what we see on social media as you rightly said, it is not exactly the truth. So I would like to

understand what your vision is instead, in this context, and what are you going to work on, in your opinion, with the path you are following. L: Ok, well... I see the role of the influencer, I mean the one who has many followers, who is very followed... and therefore I think that such a person has a certain responsibility. That's why I see the figure of the influencer, I repeat, who has a large following, as a person who can really influence psychology, the way of thinking of others. I do not say that she would necessarily change it,

but... completely ignore a problem that needs great intervention and great participation from the community... I think precisely that these people should be aware of this need and therefore transmit it...stop transmitting the message of consumerism, always buy new things and instead raise awareness. Obviously, in my opinion, in the path of these people has been created a bit of an image of the public figure, so at any day now, it cannot induce you to stop buying, of course. But I believe that if these

people are really aware of this problem, in my opinion, it would be very useful if they could give some advice to people , to sensitize the large following, because it is precisely thousands, millions of people... so they would make... M: The difference. L: ... the exact difference yes, yes so here I am doing the opposite,. S: In fact, I would like to add... L: Yes, please! S: ... this is the question

I wanted to ask you, I really wanted to ask you, specifically, tell us a little what you are doing. L: So I created this page, on Instagram in December, with the intention of sharing what I'm slowly knowing over the days, weeks, months, I'm completely self-taught, I don't have a degree in this field, but I'm very interested and I have a lot of fun looking at the latest news on the field of fashion sustainability, the new machines that they experiment and patent, to identify, in an item of clothing, the cotton, the polyester inside a garment, divide them in such a way that they can be recycled.. it is fantastic! In my opinion, we are still a little behind, however, something is moving, and let's say that... all the knowledge about it... I always wanted... I had always the need to pass it on to someone, I didn't know-how. Then I found Instagram as a place that really has a great potential, because it is a place, you know, a "democratic" space where everyone can express their point of view, their opinion... which sometimes there is also the the way, for this disclosure

of information... because even if you think about it, the newspapers use Instagram to inform, with the breaking news... and therefore I tried to ride that wave more than other... and insert myself, always trying to cite the sources, publishing posts that could inform for a minimum. So what I deal with is very simple themes, very easy, which, however, for someone who has not approached this theme yet.. these themes can be very useful and I always try to add, to these posts that I publish, stories in which I explain, so there is me who with my voice, with my image, I try to explain the fact, also to give more a sense of connection, to break the wall that separates us on Instagram, and therefore this is what I do... plus I try to explain the benefits that second hand, vintage can bring, precisely because I am in the field of fashion, I am more interested in this. And then, well, a pillar that is fundamental, the

circular economy, that I try to develop in my own way, in the sense that I tried to tell those who listen to me the importance of not throwing an item, if it is no longer used, but to give it away , sell it... and in this regard, I said "Send me a picture of it, in the direct and I will publish it, I publish your garment at a very low price"... and imagine if there is a person looking for that thing... on a page he finds everything he needs. So, this is a bit of the idea, I will try to tell about it... then it's up to the people to decide, because no idea should be imposed

in my opinion, but I try to tell the benefits of these alternative ways. M: I am curious to know what are the reactions around you, since you started doing this. L: On social media? M: Yes on social media, but also off social media, around you, friends, family... L: So, I must say that I found a

solidarity in this... in this environment, that I did not expect. I mean, the people who deal with these issues really create a community that I had never experienced before... and therefore I can really see a sense of solidarity between people! So...very often the people who deal with this topic on their Instagram profiles, people who I don't know, commented on me, maybe because through the hashtags a post appears on other people's homepage, and therefore he commented on me "Very good, we must always do it together" "thanks for your precious advice", and at the beginning it was strange... but then you have to get used to but there is really a sense of crazy solidarity and therefore let's say that the feedback on Instagram of course still has to grow because the page is not even a month and a half old, but yeah, really beautiful feedback on Instagram, I like it very much, precisely I also like to meet people who think like you do, who give information that maybe you do not know, so I have other ways to learn about other things, and as for my friends I have to say that I am...

S: ...starting to rub off on them. L: Exactly, yes I am rerouting them in this way, in this way, yes, because they were like me so they bought assiduously as I did, in fact in the first place I feel guilty, but here indirectly, maybe, yes, I am pushing them to understand the benefits that vintage has, also because it is fashionable nowadays, that is, the fashion of vintage has broken out and I do not know if these platforms, also second-hand, were born for this reason or because retro fashion is back, I feel lucky because I really like to dress up in the 70s style, I really like it, In fact, I live of clothes that my mom wore as a girl and that luckily she always treated well, she always kept them in her wardrobe and so now I put them on, so that's why... because I like them very much, but the vintage style is also returning a little so many people who may not think like me, however are pushed to buy in vintage because of the new fashion of vintage, so ... M: It's nice, it's nice to know that we are going in this direction, especially from me who I am here in Australia... because here they have

always had this trend a bit of vintage, they have a lot of shops where you buy second-hand clothes, it is... here in Italy we have always been the driving leader in the field of fashion, so we are seen as the example to follow...and the fact that we are moving in this direction for me is a very powerful signal that we are giving to the whole world, so great Ludovica, you are part of this movement. L: Yes, in my small way, but I'm trying... S: But it's true, every beach is made of grains, the ocean is made of drops, and consequently you are making a great contribution.

M: Absolutely, and we are talking about culture, we are changing... culture is changing, and you at 21, as you said in your small way, are doing great things, as Stefania said many small things then make the difference when they add up. L: Well, hopefully! That's what I hope too, and that I try to pass on to others too, small, small things, step by step, also because what I believe, is that for us, young people who still live in home with our parents, a radical change is difficult, that is, from one day to the next you cannot impose your parents "Well, stop, from tomorrow you eat vegan", because obviously you cannot impose your idea, and then, parents are two people who lived in another era, they were not used to living a sustainable lifestyle, they were born in the economic boom, consumerism boom, where what was previously elite has now become completely democratic, so they could access with little money... let's say, most of the population, so I really notice that there is a bit of a detachment. They are not used to it, they do not see the gravity of the situation it is us, we are the younger ones who push for change, see also Greta Thunberg, anyway, she is amazing, I saw the other day her documentary that tells her story, it's beautiful. It is important that the idea of ​​"now" does not pass, "now" "upset your life", because especially for us young people, this is important and I too try to convey this idea, I have not upset my life, because until I leave home it is not possible for me to completely upset it.

S: Exactly, that's why I thank you, because despite your young age you demonstrate a great maturity and also a great awareness of what is happening, of the fact that I too fully share the fact that the parents belong to another period, another era and even for them a change for us maybe some quick changes.... we can easily manage, but for them it takes more patience and I also see it from my father who has adapted to separate collection, and now does it in a precise manner, but it must be done step by step and for this reason to bring us to a conclusion, and also strengthen the message that you have given, and the message that you want to give to boys and girls of your age, to young people, even not so young, what suits you, what exactly do you want to suggest? L: Well... this is the million-dollar, It really changed my vision of things watching footage, ok, truthful footage of what happens behind what we buy, it upset me, because they are strong, powerful images, and if you have the courage to finish that documentary.... so, do you have a Netflix subscription? Look for all the

documentaries that are on this platform, do you also have Amazon Prime? there too, there are many. First of all, I would say to rely on those who are able to show you what is behind the scenes, and perhaps it is a lighter way to approach this topic.. let's say that... because.. to find out, to read articles, to read books, it takes a while.. that many young people don't

have, so turn on the screen, put on play and watch the documentary, which can be effective, many after having seen so many of these documentaries, I mean it is not necessarily written that there must be a change... in me, there has been. And then, paying attention to it more... because maybe there, you don't notice it, but the environmental theme is everywhere, if we think about it, then take a moment to pay attention to it and... open your ears, listen to what the news tells us, because we have a long way to go. M: Great Ludovica, I thank you again for being ... L: Thanks to you, very good. M: ... for coming today, for helping

to move the waters, we wish you a very big good luck for what you are doing, maybe we can organize the same interview in a year and let's see where you are in a year, with everything you are doing. S: Perfect, one last thing, thanks Ludovica, your Instagram page, how is it called? Let's give this message to everybody... L: So it's called, it's called "Liusd gems", yes it's a bit difficult, I admit, but now it was born like this... it's written "liussddd_gems". S: Then we'll add in our stories. L: Yes, then we will add it in a better way. S: Thank you very much, thank you all, a hug and see you soon! M: Bye! L: Thank you very much!

2021-02-07 10:29

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