Learn about our IT, Media & Electronics Programmes

Learn about our IT, Media & Electronics Programmes

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it's another day the sun is shining got to know what's going on around you wake up it's the time to motivate your mind come with me let's make this moment right away [Music] good morning and welcome to bahamas at sunrise a happy marvelous monday to you i am anastasia palacios and of course it is my pleasure to be with you as you start off this new week this holy week after those of the christian faith certainly a week committed to remembering those things that make their faith what it is and so we celebrate that we celebrate you we're so grateful that you woke up and joined us dead early as my co-host mark would say on this marvelous monday of course i know that many of you might be missing marky of course is still out uh enjoying the birth of his twins enjoying i'm sure as a part of it i'm sure also drizzle trying to sleep where he can but he'll be back with us soon enough i hope it was a wonderful weekend for you that you're looking forward to a great week we've certainly got a great show lined up for you uh so many things have happened since we last spoke first of all just congratulations to tanji brown and the new supreme court justice uh the first african-american woman to be nominated and successfully receiving that role a wonderful things of course happening with that this past weekend um lots of stuff still happening in international news in terms of russia and ukraine and so we continue to pray for the people of ukraine and not just them that wars continue around the world whether they make headline news or not uh we could think about the people in uh sudan and darfur we think about the people of course in palestine in iraq uh in israel all around the world while conflict continues uh we continue to pray for them and then even here at home where the violence continues um especially amongst young people we we acknowledge that and pray that the right people will emerge forward walking in purpose of course that those things can be stopped as best they can and before i go any further wanting to take a moment to wish a very belated happy birthday to my little brother hillary he celebrated his birthday yesterday and so wishing you many more years of god's grace and favor h may you continue to be blessed and of course i was unable to join you all on friday because i was in grand bahama i was back home my lovely island of grand bahama unfortunately there for the passing and um funeralization of the one and only anita dougherty we continue to pray that you would rest in peace certainly a homegoing celebration very worthy of our warrior queen and to all of you managing through grief and loss or in the celebration of birth and joy know that you are in our thoughts and prayers here in bahamas at sunrise well we've got a great show lined up for you today as i mentioned we've got i'm going to be talking to some phenomenal people it really is a full show and we're happy about that btvi is back we're finding out their media tech and iit programs doctors hospital is also here they're going to be talking about occupational therapy and john gomez joins us from alive to talk about the speed test awards that they recently won and we're also going to be hearing from jeff beckles who will be speaking at the upcoming eluthra business outlook full show ahead looking forward to all of it uh particularly this conversation with jeff beckles as you know we're getting ready for the lucid business outlook it's happening on thursday april 28th and it's gonna host a dynamic range of speakers covering the topic beyond recovery integrals of course you're invited to register and you simply go to tclevents.com to do that you do not want to miss it if you're connected to the island of a lutheran want to be involved with the island of luthra where i i am told that you know properties are just flying left right and center it really looks like it's going to be um the future in many ways and so if you want to join us please go to tclevents.com that's been a mouthful so far for the morning and you're hearing it all from me but it's a blessing to be here with you we're going to actually going to take a first look now at weather with garvey burnside felt a little nippy out there last night godfrey please let us know what's happening with weather this week uh of course many people uh students on spring break people looking to travel so let us know godfrey here is our first look at weather [Music] weather at sunrise brought to you by bahamas first what's first for you comes first for us [Music] thank you star and good morning bahamas in your first look at weather sunrise high pressure northeast island will support breezy stable and dry conditions for most of the week expect to increase showers on friday we form a boundary across the southeastern island should drive up a few showers in that area today partly sunny breezy and warm with a few showers over the southeastern island high temperature 82 degrees fahrenheit tonight mainly clear over the northwest and central bombers partly cloudy and mildly southeastern islands with a fueling wind showers a little going down to 66 degrees fahrenheit as after region heights and lewis across the caribbean providers 85 and 77 in jamaica 87 and 77 in trinidad 88 and 77 under the texan cavers islands 82 on 69.

north america atlanta 74-44 in raleigh 1739 in miami 1865 dallas texas 81-67 and toronto canada 42 and 30. as good of the week high pressure continues to be the dominant feature with some traffic across the northwest bar will increase some showers on friday temperature daytime will be in the mid up 80 day time and the upper 60s at night time that was robbing your first workout weather sunrise i'm glad to go inside back to you star thank you so much godfrey great technical courses such as information technology media and electronics are offered for study at btbi we're going to learn more about that this morning with this story from our own annelise thompson if you're interested in information technology electronics and media technology then the bahamas technical and vocational institute may be the place for you okay currently we offer five it programs in the iit department we have uh from the entry level we also have the support specialist program and we also have the associate degree programs like iit management the software engineering and we also have the network engineering program okay so we offer certificate and apply the science degree courses in both electronics and media technology the electronic certificate program runs for just about a year and a bit full time the applied associate of science programs run just over two years the media technology program here at btvi is intended to be a really intense and well-rounded program that's geared to introduce students to all aspects of the technical production process associated with media so you have courses ranging from video production studio production audio production we have introduction to broadcast there's introduction to transmission all areas that really seek to engage and show students the entire process the time required to complete these courses fairies well we have two programs that run presently and we're going to be expanding that there is a diploma program which i think can be completed in a little over a year and then there's an associate's program that we have that's about a two-year program we'll soon be offering courses that are kind of a la carte so if you're in the industry and you'd like to retool and retrain you're able to come in and get the latest technology the latest software offering this type of thing we want to position our program to be able to do that it ranges you can complete the entry level in about one semester which is 15 weeks if you're full time and then you can complete the support specialist one in one year if you're full time going on to the associate's degree you can complete them in two years if you're full time certain skill sets are required for admission to the electronics and media technology programs so students that enter both programs should have a good background in mathematics especially at the bjc level even though that is not a permanent requirement we ask that they do have that if they don't we work with them to bring their skill set to a sufficient level to survive through the program these programs will prepare students for a variety of professions so the electronic program right now provides an integrated person who can work in various areas that are applied to electronics like the air conditioning refrigeration feel the auto mechanic feel the electronic feel itself and also electrical installation in media technology our students are they can provide services for video editing audio editing and also short film and commercial production well you know in the iit department all of our degrees are backed by international certifications comptia just to name a few come to your cisco and microsoft so students when they leave they can get jobs id support specialists they can work in a data department they can do web development android development they can design ops at this point so there's a wide range that they can get jobs in when you think of btvi btvi really seeks to partner with industry right and so like all of the various disciplines offered here the media technology department or or program partners with all industry stakeholders we have a wonderful relationship with the regulator who is erka who's opened up doors to us for all of our sector players so we have direct contact with zarness the broadcasting corporation the bahamas cable bahamas with our tv we're looking to partner with btc and what they offer with their channels all of the and that's just the tv side you know all of the radio partners are actively involved with what we do the i.t department provides programs for high school students and others well we have the ict program this is many for students who are coming out of grade nine going to grade 10 and they are with us for three years in the summer and they can get uh btvi credits at that time and they can actually use them to come out to btbi and even transfer to go to school inside the united states so the nano degree program that we offer here persons can come in and they can gain certifications a stock of certifications from microsoft comptia and cisco there's a project that is still in its early stages our studio is going to be a real world lab environment that seeks to tool students to go into the active and productive environment and work on day one so you'll see a fully digital television studio on campus here you will see the development of a fully digital radio station that is being developed on this campus now we are in our infancy but we've done extensive work in the development design and you know the whole production planning of that facility and we're very excited about where that will go we are in the process now of building a first class studio that will serve for the purposes of training not only here in nassau but throughout the archipelago of the bahamas that will reach all of the family islands so we will be able to provide training in all disciplines not only in media not only in electronics but the other disciplines as well if you are interested in media technology here's why you should apply to btvi why study media at btvi why not study media at btvi everything is offered here for you we are developing a program that is all-encompassing and seeks to reach the students where they are seeks to address their interests where they are but at the same time offering industry standard principles and study available right here in the bahamas you know a lot of what we've gone through in the pandemic has made the world a whole smaller of a place right so you have access to training everywhere but i can assure you when it comes to technical media training this is the place to be in our country and we're looking to you know we're looking to do great things we don't only benchmark with what's happening in the country we're looking at what's happening in the region to our you know our industry partners and colleges that are affiliated with us in north america and all over you know again we are seeking to bring that experience here and bahamians are immensely talented so just imagine now we're layering on the tools that they need to bring that whole concept together and it's happening right here well what is significant about what is happening in btvi with the media technology program is our program is geared towards the engagement of the sector in our instruction just about all of our instructors are working professionals that work in the industry and by doing that we really tool our students from day one to be able to leave this institution and fill roles in active media production btvi courses are available across the country and will soon include hybrid learning presently all of our courses are online on their virtual so anyone on any family island that wishes to enroll that we have partnerships with they can and they can take our courses online for bahamas at sunrise i'm annalise thompson join the clinic is an initiative started by cable bahamas business solutions last year when we were trying to figure out how to help business leaders as well as consumers to stay connected working with canoe working with other partners working with the government and my gateway to help them to connect with customers who want to place orders and want to be able to do things in a digital way my gateway my gateway is a groundbreaking portal through which clients can request and pay for government services online we have 28 services we expect to increase the number of services to a minimum of 200. i love that we're helping uh the government and helping our citizens to be more efficient and to use their time more wisely i invite you to sign up for my gateway dot gov dot bs and let us make government work for you join the click [Music] [Music] welcome back to bahamas at sunrise april is occupational therapy month and it's time to learn about all the benefits that this specialized healthcare provides here to talk with us about this are zenobia neely the clinical manager and occupational therapist at doctors hospital and she's joined by dr karine sherwood wallace who's the director for rehabilitation services at doctors hospital miss neely ms sherwood wallace good morning and welcome to mom's sunrise good morning absolute pleasure to have you both with us um and i guess the first thing people really want to know whenever you hear it because it's unless you need it unfortunately many people don't know about it and so how do you define occupational therapy so occupational therapy is a healthcare profession that focuses on function ot is very unique because our interventions are centered first of all they are client-centered so the involvement of our patients are very important important to the intervention and treatment plan but we want to focus on the occupations that patients and our clients are unable to perform due to illness or a condition and injury that definitely will impact how they are able to be independent in those areas and so for ots occupation is a lot more than just your employment it's everything that you do occupation can look like play for children um that's their occupation that's the way that they engage and they interact with the environment um occupation can also be your actual employment so any condition that's preventing you from being at your best an ot consultation can be indicated also adls so activities of daily living and at its basic basic that can be dressing um feeding yourself basic grooming and then sometimes we even look into our instrumental activities of daily living and that involves a little bit more of executive functioning multitasking so that can be care giving or driving meal preparation those activities that involve a little bit more of your cognitive abilities so in general you know these are areas that we want to focus on we want to make sure that we maximize one's function and independence in these areas and even when you're unable to um function a hundred percent or you are able to those functions are able to return a hundred percent um ots can find ways and alternatives to um how you can adapt the environment how you can adapt the activities so that you can still um function so that you can still have some meaning and quality to life wow so it sounds like you all do a whole lot uh and you know and that's so that's why i'm so happy that we get to have shows like this where we get to explain the work that you do because it includes every function that you don't even think of because it's become so naturalized to the body in the current state of course if someone is seeing an occupational therapist um that means that something might have happened that therefore requires them to relearn these skills and so uh dr dr wallace are you able to let us know when a person might need to see an ot well um zenova did a good job at explaining you know what is otn that kind of kind of leads us into why someone might need to see an occupational therapist and um you know this is otu's ot you know i am the director i'm a physiotherapist so i'm just going to let her shine a little more and and she can further explain you know what are some of the reasons um certainly and so tell us why is it that somebody would need to see an occupational therapist uh so as i mentioned previously um if there is a condition so let's say you might sustain a stroke or maybe even just um an upper extremity fracture um when you're unable especially if that is your dominant hand you know you do everything with that extremity um and now you're unable to perform those routine tasks those meaningful activities if you're a mother you have difficulty holding your children or preparing them for school and you cannot type if you're at work or even feed yourself so any condition any injury um any illness that affects your ability to perform those routine daily tasks um as great or small they may be that's the right time for you to have an ot consultation and so what we would often do is assess assess the the patient the client to see exactly what areas of function um they're having difficulty with and that helps us to decide are we going to perhaps use therapeutic exercises are we going to integrate some activities are we going to have simulation of your functional activities um so that you can retain so that you can improve um or establish restore those functions again wow all right and then um you've talked to us a lot about you know so many different people that would need ot i love that you talked about mom stuff and their children just now because i immediately clicked with me and made me connect with you know every basic thing that we do every day and we take for granted um what are some of the different interventions that occupational therapists provide so ogs work in a number of settings so we work in the hospital uh we work in out the outpatient clinics rehab clinics within the community and so just as varied as the settings are as um varied our specialty in terms of what we do and what type of interventions we provide so for example our hand therapists our other hand therapists may use um you know the biomechanical techniques more therapeutic exercises to engage that patient to help them regain um the range of motion or the muscle strength that's required for them to carry out their daily tasks we also have ots that work again with the pediatric population and autism or children on the spectrum um so in that case we will use activities for for those patients um sometimes we may use exercises or we can also incorporate activities of daily living so having that child practice how to dress themselves how to plan um toileting you know how to communicate as well their needs we would have them simulate feeding within the clinic um and so there are many interventions that can be used based on the setting based on the condition based on the just a general condition of the patient yeah this is this is um powerful stuff and um i'm sure that there's some people who are just happy to be hearing this information for the first time because so many of us don't think about it until something goes wrong but there's something called a ergonomics right and that has to do with perhaps preventing injury at work even before it occurs can you elaborate some more on that yes so ergonomics um such a hot topic especially with the pandemic a lot of persons are working from home but even previous to this period um ergonomics assessments were very popular for those that were um in their office um or their workstation at wherever they are employed so the goal of ergonomics is to modify the environment to fit the individual that works within that environment so a lot of times we want to fix the person and that's a part of it as well but sometimes when we're experiencing strain or repetitive injuries repetitive movement injuries it's really due to our workstation set up perhaps the desk is too high perhaps the chair is a little bit too small or doesn't have the features or the accessories that's necessary um or the monitor is too low on your desk so what we want to do is assess that workstation and identify risk factors and those risk factors can be environmental so that's um directly you know your monitor your keyboard your chair your desk or it can be um your posture maybe you just have posture you're slouching in the chair you're bending or overreaching a little bit too much perhaps your job involved a lot of repetitive movement you're typing a lot writing a lot constantly rotating your neck or flexing and extending it maybe you have your wrist in a flexed position or bent position for a prolonged period of time so we want to um observe the person within their natural working environment whether that be at the office or in their home and we once we identify the deficits in function um then we look to solutions how we're going to resolve this issue measurements are taking their standard measurements for your workstation we want to make sure that that's correct we want to you know also implement things like your 90 90 rule you know when you sit at your desk that should be a 90 degree angle at your hip knee and ankles you want to make sure that you are maintaining a neutral position you know whether you're at a standing or a sitting workstation so that's a little a little synopsis of um what ergonomics is and it's and it's it's so important right like we we take for granted how much even just looking down and perhaps like our neck and our spine and you know so i love that we get to have these conversations on promising sunrise because it awakens our minds to things that we just take for granted until it's too late so this has been a great conversation before we go i am going to come back to you dr kareem and just find out uh you know what are some of the other services the doctors hospital provides in terms of rehabilitation so i just want to put it together um you know in terms of ergonomics we also have it comes under the umbrella kind of a work a rehab kind of program and that's some or a vocational rehab program and that's something that we offer at doctors hospital rehab services we offer functional capacity assessments work site analysis assessments so basically we come to your office or wherever you are and we can perform an assessment to see how you know you're interacting with your work environment and we do offer programs also such as um for uh to check if you're right for the job right in terms of can do you have the physical capacity to perform the job that um you were hired to do so we also do pre um pre-workout assessments that kind of a thing and so other other services that we offer here at doctors um last time i think that we were on we're talking about our cardiac rehab program that we recently launched that's doing pretty well i think the patients that we have in the program they were very excited and appreciative of such a program so that added some support to what they were currently doing as part of their medical regime um we also have our post pro sorry postcovid programs for long haulers that's going on as well and we have now we're offering service bundles so we're the only place to probably offer speech therapy um occupational therapy physical therapy in that same space and we realize that the cost can be an issue so we're offering discounted um programs for those persons who want all those three services uh or may maybe even need just two of those services and also i just wanted to tie in that we are opening our new facility in carmichael on carmichael road um pretty soon the doctor's hospital carmichael is is open um right now i think they're offering laboratory services but we have um will be on on board quite you know pretty soon so look out for that um but overall you know we are here to support the community and we're we're here um doctors hospital rehab just to ensure that you get the best in in terms of recovery from physical ailments and injuries um so yeah that's us you know um we're a pretty a team of pretty relatively young individual so we're very high energy and very expensive so you can follow us also um on our instagram page or facebook page as well and that facebook page is doctors hospital or the doctor's hospital rehab services that's our facebook page and our instagram is dot d h dash rehab so what you put in doctor's hospital you can't miss us and you'll see our lovely team here um yeah or you can contact us at 302-4636 and we can provide um further information for you excellent well it's been a great morning every time doctor's hospital comes on we learn so much and this has been great learning about ot i'm sure that people have so much more knowledge now because it's one of those things you know speech therapy is it's quite clear and physiotherapy is quite clear but you have occupational therapy and many people don't understand it so this has been a great conversation to have with you zenobia and a great conversation to happen to talk about everything that you offer all together love that you have those bundles i'm sure the promised shout out i forgot can i just do that quick okay so of course you know zenovia um we also have amy ettore and we also have jordan moxie as part of our team and edward russell who is our ota so we have an excellent team of ots at doctor's hospital we just want to say happy ot month to them happy ultimate to them especially to my friends jordan and eddie i appreciate all of you and all the work that you do to get us back to working fully and even to preventing some injury from happening thanks again to both of you for joining us this morning on bahamas with sunrise all right thank you for having us hi you're watching bahamas at sunrise we'll be right back in the bahamas small business is big business more than 90 percent of the businesses in the bahamas are classified as micro small or medium-sized enterprises or msmes the access accelerator small business development center was created to serve them we at the access accelerator offer a variety of services to our clients business advisory services training and entrepreneurial programming mentorship and incubation and advocacy [Music] with so much going on in the world today only accepting cash at your business can be risky let fidelity offer you and your customers safety convenience and the flexibility of a fixed or mobile terminal take it with you on the move and on the go because business should never stop for more details speak to one of our business development officers at 356-7764 in nassau or 352-6676 in freeport visit our website at fidelitygroup.com or visit us at any

of our branches [Music] we're good for you [Music] welcome back to bahamas at sunrise we're at the halfway point on this marvelous monday i'm anastasia fallacious thank you so much for staying with us well it's been a great morning so far of course we've spoken with some phenomenal professionals in their field and you know i think that the purpose of bahamas in sunrise has always been to inform to entertain and then to empower um at this morning it's been all about the information learning about what's happening at btvi and the many options available there and then of course learning more about occupational therapy of course it's occupational therapy month and it's just so many things that we don't consider until something goes wrong so this morning if everything is working and you were in good health even even you know you've got a little ache in the back while it'll aching the wrist but you're functioning well i think that's something we'll be grateful for and to give thanks for uh considering that there are so many people that have so many challenges that they have to work through as simple as lifting dishes driving or lifting their kids a lot to be grateful for this morning and that includes some great conversations we've got more to come in the second half of the show indeed we're going to be talking of course with john gomez live about the speed test awards that they won recently and we're also going to be hearing from jeff beckles who will be speaking on our upcoming eluthra business outlook about his presentation there and what we can expect before we get to any of it we're going to take a second look at weather with godfrey burnside weather at sunrise brought to you by bahamas first what's first for you comes first for us [Music] i just stand in the morning bombers and yes i can look at weather sunrise high pressure above the islands will support breezy stable and dry conditions for most of the week week training boundaries on saline islands should trigger off a few shells in the southeastern islands india marine fort yesterday when each of the 15 nazis to the first in northwest farmers northeast to east 1520 knox cities 46 feet from the central southeastern islands on two stables winds east to southeast of 15 20 knots seas 46 for northwest bombers continuing northeast to east at 1520 north seas 46 feet or the central and southeastern islands on wednesday they continue east southeast at 15 20 knots seas 46 with northwest bombers northeast to east or 15 15 to 20 north seas 46 feet for the central and southeastern islands yeah tight you can expect a low tide at 10 52 this morning next high tide is 4 47 this afternoon low gain tonight at 10 53 sunset 7 30 this evening rising west 6 49 uv on next eight your water temperature 74 degrees fahrenheit and the moon trace first quarter the external look i fresh will be the diamond fusion through most of the week so looking at partly sunny breezy and warm conditions but by friday we expect uh a trough not the islands could trigger up some showers particularly the northwest and central farmers and therefore the subject data will be in the mid to up easter daytime and the upper 60's at night time that for some of your family could weather sunrise i've got your website back to you star thank you godfrey ucla awarded a live and rev the speed test awards for fastest mobile network and the fastest fixed network recently here to tell us more we're very happy to welcome the chief executive officer for our live mr john gomez mr gomez good morning and welcome to bahamas at sunrise good morning thank you for having me it's a pleasure to have you with us uh so exciting to hear that you know alive is one of these outstanding awards that i think bohemians always get excited but we know that any of us have done something prestigious and this is a very big deal uh talk to us about how prestigious are these awards from ookla so when you think about i mean ukulele is the global index in terms of testing speeds across the entire world so this is not unique to the bahamas and so when you talk about how prestigious this particular award is this is a global index in terms of them coming into this country they are monitoring our performance of our network and measuring what's happening with all of the different providers and the facts shows that uh cable bahamas group of companies alive and rev have the fastest speed from both a mobile and a fixed perspective wow well congratulations to all of you and you know there's one thing for you to want to to do well and to keep doing well and be excellent which alive has come in and has been its mandate since the very beginning but it's another thing when that can be measured and so that is incredibly well done congratulations to you what do you think is the strength of a live mobile network so when you think about the strength of the network i think one one measure that you can actually always go back to and this is something that has stuck and will continue to stick with all of us here in this country in terms of two back in 2019 with hurricane dori where that hurricane came through as one of the most devastating and the strongest hurricanes they ever passed through the bahamas here and it sat over abaco and grand bahama for several days and saw a network stayed up uh before during and after the hurricane but even if you fast forward to a few weeks ago when we had a couple of buddhists that left anderson's going to grand bahama and they had engine failure and so the authorities reached out to us in terms of uh assisting them to locate them and again because of the performance the strength you can equate it to of our network we were able to locate those buddhists and to bring them back home safely wow that is phenomenal right and so literally the network is saving lives that is that is incredibly powerful and so we congratulate you even on that outside of being the fastest speed so that's alive um and of course rev has been with us a little longer than alive has been but you guys still managed to continue to up the par there as well how did rev final fast the fastest fixed network so so again and so one of the things we have to equate this all to is one the the network itself but also in terms of the engineering teams that we have that support the networks and so when we go back and look at the teams that we have put in place to to monitor to opt to measure the operation of our fixed network it's tremendous what they've done because one of the things now as you said there the hfc network it's been in place much longer than the alive network but we continue to look at how we can enhance and improve upon that network and we'll continue to to do that excellent you mentioned teams which i love uh talking about the engineers that support the infrastructure that you put in place and one of the teams that i i actually enjoy talking to because they always resolve my issues is the alive customer service team uh how does the live maintain its world-class service well well again i mean that's one of our core pillars when you think about customer experience this is something that we had from the inception five and a half years ago but this is not applicable just to alive one of the things that we do across a full group of companies is uh there's something called nps which is our net network net promoter score and so what we're doing with that is that we're constantly getting feedback from our customers to determine exactly what experience that they're having and what we can do to enhance them to improve upon that and so we continue to look at ways and means in terms of ensuring that that experience across both the fix and mobile networks are extraordinary wow and you know what is revs analyzed i guess the cable bahamas group of companies would be the better title for this one what is your company's commitment to its customers so first and foremost we appreciate every one of the customers that we we have and so as we continue this journey with our customers we will continue to look at ways in terms of how we can enhance the existing services that we have improve upon those and to continue to look at innovative ways that we can continue to provide services to them and not just their products i think once most times you think about the technology or the products themselves and the devices but also the experience the overall experience when they walk into our retail center when they pick up the phone and they contact us we want to make sure that experience that they have they will be you know they leave that store or they leave that conversation knowing that we totally care and this is a good segment when we talk about community service because that's another segment of our business that is an ingrained into everything that we do and giving back and being a part of the fabric of the community excellent excellent now i don't know that there's always something on the go right both at rev and alive there's always something new in the works especially uh your new mobile apps um i've heard i'm hearing some talk on the street about smart home telemedicine i know that you all have been instrumental in supporting the educational framework so kind of talk to us about anything that's on the horizon for rap or alive so i'm going to keep a little bit of surprise uh in in the in the body for now but i can just show you and as you said we are when you talk about smart homes we as a group of companies overall for us we want to ensure that that connectivity that we have the the lifestyle experiences that we have for our customers is it's across the entire spectrum and so we are continuing to look at ways in terms of different unique ways how we can improve upon that so i'm not going to hear just now you know you're going to twist my arm as much as you can but stay tuned for some exciting products and services coming from the group of companies all right well we are going to definitely stay tuned for some exciting products and services to come from you uh we we're taking your word for every single message you'll be back when it's time to make those announcements i'm not going to twist you on too much today because it's so early on a monday i appreciate you all right mr gomez any final words for us uh this morning uh even just to your team as you all celebrate at this accomplishment no no again i mean shout out to as i said earlier shout out to all the teams across the group of companies um and this is not just the technical teams it's all the support and teams across the entire business in terms of what they do on a consistent basis just to ensure that our customers have a tremendous experience but also i want to send a shout out to our customers as well because they are the ones in terms of why we do this and we'll continue to be there for them we will continue to find ways how to improve upon our services and also to ensure that they have the best experience possible when it comes to telecommunication services excellent mr gomez we thank you so much for joining us this morning on bahamas and sunrise congratulations again to you and your team uh for continually knocking it out of the park and certainly for winning these ukulele awards which of course as you mentioned our procedures all worldwide mark the global index congratulations for for world class that's what it is to you and your team believe in best we will continue to do so indeed indeed you're watching bahamas at sunrise alive police and best of course for the best on television so thank you for staying with us we're going to be back in just a minute our world has changed many businesses have been closed for months with little or no access to their customers until now rev media can help you remain connected to your customers our trusted customized advertising packages and personalized consultants will provide your business with immeasurable support during this challenging time your customers are already watching rev media can help you to remain connected call us today let us help you one thing two things blue thing all things things that are small things that are grand things that fit just right in the palm of your hand foxhill nursery a large selection of garden supplies if you can see it in your mind you can find it at foxhole nursery [Music] [Music] welcome back to bahamas at sunrise thank you for staying with us digital payments are the future of our economy well that's according to our next guest jeffrey beckles who's the managing director at island will also be speaking about this at a luther business outlook later this month mr battles good morning and welcome back to bahamas and sunrise well good morning it's good to be here good morning bahamas uh so let's get right into this what is a digital wallet and why should every behaviour have one well a digital wallet really it allows every bahaman to have a digitized currency to be able to use for everyday transactions in life we do know that fiat or the paper money that we have that we love to put in our pockets is essentially going away simply because the acceptance of paper dollar bills globally is being diminished and so the it is being now moved to a new platform called a digital platform and so island bay provides uh bahamians the ability to have a integrated sandol and fiat uh digital wallet that allows them to have the ability to participate in a local and a globalized community okay so let's talk then about the benefits of digital payments right because i hear you but i can imagine that there are some people who hear this and feel resistant toward it they'll never take my paper dollars away right they're still struggling that the penny is gone um so talk to me then about the benefits of digital payments well the benefit of digital payments is that one it is very secure and i think people need to understand that it is a very secure means of conducting business transactions uh secondly it allows for greater inclusion there are thousands and thousands of bohemians who don't have bank accounts who don't participate in the traditional economy used in those additional means so it allows bahamians everywhere to be able to participate it also allows bahamian to participate in using digital currencies because it's actually cheaper to use because in using a digital currency you don't have all the overhead of the stock fronts and the staffing and so forth it is it is very safe it is very secure all of the wallets are fully ky seed and so for us it's not so much the replacement i think when we think about it let's not think about it from the perspective that fiat or cash physical cash is going away it is about the acceptability of physical cash europe has been digital uh for for the last decade or so you could hardly find cash in europe um in asia in in north america uh we're seeing that fewer and fewer places are accepting cash so it's not about simply the replacement of cash but the fact that many businesses many merchants around the world prefer not to accept cash and we have to remember too cash is very expensive it's expensive to manage it's expensive to use the the security of it the banking of it the handling of it it is an extremely expensive form of doing business and so when we think about the digital currency behaviors uh should also think of the fact that yes it is a lot easier it is a lot safer and much easier access for global transactions okay now let's talk about this because we're talking global obviously and you mentioned europe um you talked about north america and asia but right here in the bahamas and in particular in the context of the luthra since you will be speaking at the luther business outlook how can digital currency change the face of businesses there and in the other family of the islands well it will affect it from two ways and allen bay is extremely pleased to be a part of this year's use of business outlook and um so we look forward to being there but there are several things that um the community of luther can expect digital payments affects both consumer and merchant and so the consumers now have the ability to have access to digital wallets um the business community there where the banking traditional biking services are no longer available well you can now hear about and you will hear any luther about some of the solutions that island pay has provided to ease the lack of banking uh stress that has been placed on so many family island communities you'll hear a lot about that and you'll be able to hear things like talking about our digital payroll for instance most of the family island businesses still pay a lot in cash right well guess what we have a digital payment so the digital payroll solution that eliminates uh the need for merchants there and business owners to be concerned about running around with tons of cash on friday or saturday to pay staff we have the ability to pay your staff digitally directly into their wallets and they can literally have the ability to to transact so you'll hear a lot more about that and then the other thing is our our solution here in the bahamas with our digital wallet it's it's um it's a global solution in our printable partnership with mastercard global that digital wallet that is downloaded as an island pay wallet it's not just a domestic wallet you then have the ability to use that same wallet and have access to every major platform globally so wherever your favorite shopping spot is online or your favorite uh store in the united states you can actually leave home you don't even have to leave for but you can order online or you can leave home with a digital card attached to your wallet and you can rent cars go to hotels buy airline tickets go to your favorite theater in new york just like you would with other uh traditional means but you'll be using a less expensive means and i think if all of us in these times are looking forward to saving some money so you know it sounds very good to me um but i'm sure there's still some people who are resistant to it and will have their challenges if people are how can they contact ireland pay and just you know get more information maybe have a one-on-one what is that process like to get the actual device or the digital wallet um to be on your phone not to be in your your smartphone well you know i'm glad you mentioned that because the cell phone i'm looking for mine is going to be the most important device that we have going forward it's very easy process you can go to your favorite app store google or the apple store download search for island pay you can download that and literally in about three minutes you can have you want to download and in 24 hours you can have your wallet approved and begin to uh use your services our services you can reach us at support islandpay.com support islandpay.com or you can call us at 502-8910-8910 and one of our agents would be happy to walk you through the process it is very easy and i'll say this there is typically resistance to any form of change as we all know but i believe that the haymans will be shocked to see how easy it is to download the app sign up and begin to participate and it's a great time uh for for you to sign up now we're running an extraordinary promotion with mastercard and so this is a good month to sign up indeed indeed all right so before we go mr beckles we do have to wrap up why should people attend the illusive business well for one reason and one reason only the bahamas is looking forward to jump starting our economy luther has played and will continue to play an extraordinary part of our economy there's a lot of opportunity in eluthra and i believe that now is the time for us to take a very serious look at what happens in our family islands and luther as far as the economy is concerned and expansion and luther is just one of those islands that we have great opportunities so we look forward to seeing you there certainly well thank you so much for joining us this morning mr beckles i think you provided us a wealth of information and i hope that people will take you up on it the idea to to be ahead of the game right this is going to happen um until the earlier that you get used to it the earlier that you adjust with the better off you'll be so thank you so much for joining us again indeed pleasure you're watching bahamas at sunrise we'll be right back the sports we play depend on the health we build [Music] so let's stay healthy wear a mask and practice social distancing and hand washing to protect yourself and others remember covert 19 is not a game a public service message from the bahamas olympic committee [Music] well that's going to do it for us folks thank you so much for tuning in to today's episode of bahamas at sunrise we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed bringing it to you certainly it was informative and incredibly educational and hopefully empowering as a result of the information that you got remember to continue to receive information without implementation oh at least stagnation so make sure that you guys are taking this all in that you're being active about pursuing some new opportunities and new goals including perhaps looking into attending the luther business outlook again that happens on thursday april 28th and you can check out our bahamas business outlook facebook page for more details again it's been a pleasure being with you this morning we'll see you back on good friday and wonderful week bahamas bye [Music] you

2022-04-17 14:31

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