Latest Software Release - RSCAD FX 2.0 Tutorial

Latest Software Release - RSCAD FX 2.0 Tutorial

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[Music] thank you welcome to this runtime FX  tutorial video this video will give a general   introduction to the updated runtime interface  of the rscad FX software for the rtds simulator   if you're not yet familiar with the draft  interface of rscadfx please go back and watch   rscatfx tutorial videos one through six with the  addition of runtime FX rscatfx is more integrated   than previous versions of the application the term  case is being redefined so that it always includes   both a cad element in the form of the draft  canvas and an HMI element in the form of the   runtime canvas each case will be represented as  a tab and will have a draft sub Tab and a runtime   sub-tab the runtime sub-tab can be undocked if  needed by dragging it onto another monitor or   by simply selecting undock from the context  menu that appears when right-clicking on it   a case's runtime sub-tab can have its own sub  Pages this allows users to better organize   their runtime interfaces and avoid panning  across large canvases the runtime sub-tabs   work similarly to the draft canvas sub  tabs any signal in the case regardless   of subsystem that it originates from can be  placed on any of the runtime tabs subpages   users are free to add rename and delete  subpages via context menu options to increase case integration rscatfx is moving  toward a new file format this new format will   combine the draft and runtime case components into  a single file with the file extension Dot rtfx an   rtfx file is an archived file containing the draft  DFX and runtime RTX files auxiliary files that are   created when compiling a case are now located in  a build subfolder available in each case folder one of the main advantages of moving  towards an integrated case File is   that it will allow for tighter dependencies  between the draft and runtime environments   these dependencies will allow for an  improved user experience in the future   the integrated rtfx file will also  make the exchange of cases much simpler   new cases created and compiled in rscadfx  version 2.0 or newer will automatically   use the Dot rtfx case format if the user opens a  DFT file from rscadv5 or a DFX file from rscadfx   version 1.0 they will be automatically  prompted to convert the case to Dot rtfx   the conversion tool automatically retrieves  the associated runtime.sib file and converts   it into a runtime sub-tab for the case the user  can also manually select a runtime.sib file   from rscad fxv 1.0 or rscad V5 by clicking file  import runtime file from the main drop down menu   the imported runtime canvas will be converted  into a new runtime sub-tab for the case [Music]   the converted runtime canvas may not  look identical to the original and   some restructuring may have to be  done to make things look polished   the conversion tool has different modes that can  be selected depending on how the user wants to   handle runtime groups which can be placed  in hierarchy boxes or in the main canvas   hybrid mode is recommended learn  more about each mode in The Help menu [Music] an important new feature of rscatfx  is that it will now be possible to   add plots sliders meters and other objects  directly on top of your draft canvas we've   labeled this as the runtime overlay this  approach is a departure from how things   were done in previous versions but will give  the user additional flexibility users have a   choice on whether they want to use the runtime  overlay and or the dedicated runtime subpages [Music]   in rscatfx we refer to sliders push buttons dials  graphs meters and the collection of other objects   that allow the user to visualize results and  interact with their simulation as runtime objects   one of our core objectives in developing runtime  FX was to add a mechanism to make it easier to   modify and reorganize runtime objects with  this aim we've introduced the concept of   containers in rscatfx each container will be a  docking point for one or more runtime objects   there will be two subclasses of containers  frame containers and plot containers each of   these types of containers is compatible  with certain types of runtime objects   frame containers can contain meters numerics  sliders push buttons switches dials lights   binary switches Vector displays and wind turbines  plot containers can contain graphs and XY graphs   next I'll demonstrate how to start  building your runtime interface we've introduced the runtime signals utility  tab to make it easier for users to add runtime   objects to a case the runtime signals utility  tab gives users access to the signals that are   available to use in the runtime Tab and in drafts  runtime overlay you can launch the utility tab   like any of the other utility tabs you have the  freedom to lay out your workspace as you see fit the utility tab is split into two panes the  left pane shows the runtime signals directory   structure and the right pane shows all the  signals in the selected runtime directory   there's an icon beside each signal that  indicates the type or default form of the signal   for the example described here the source in  the case has three sliders and one push button   simulated quantities like node voltages  or control signals will have an icon   beside them indicating whether they  are real type or integer type signals   turning our attention to the utility tabs  toolbar the active case mentioned earlier   is listed so the user can easily associate  the signals that are displayed to a case   next you'll notice a toggle button that allows the  user to categorize the signals displayed according   to their compatibility with a specific type of  runtime object to be added to a case [Music]   filter of sorts for the signals in the  currently selected runtime directory   when signals are non-categorized the user sees  all the signals that exist in the selected runtime   directory you'll notice that all the other  buttons in the tab are disabled in this mode   dragging and dropping signals from the right  Pane and dropping them onto empty space will   add the signals to the case in their default form  integers and real numbers will be added as meters   notice that I can drop one signal at a time or  I can select multiple types of runtime objects   and add them together the selected signals  are shown at the bottom of the utility tab   depending on the runtime object the  order of selection may be important   when signals are categorized then the user gains  control over the type of runtime object that will   be added when they drag signals into a case for  example turn on categorization and select the   plot button select the signals you want to add  and then drag them onto the canvas you'll see   that a new graph containing the selected signal  has been added to your case if I then select the   slider icon from the toolbar you'll notice that  all the signals in the right pane are filtered out   this is because none of the signals are compatible  with the slider runtime object I can add runtime   objects in their non-default form in this manner  [Music] adding signals to an existing runtime   object or container is also straightforward simply  drag and drop while completing the drag operation   you'll notice that there are indicators to show  where the signal is being dragged can be dropped we can take a closer look at the graphing  capabilities in rscatfx by reloading tutorial   chapter 4 and trying to build a practical runtime  interface for this case first let's add the input   components from our control logic into our case  we'll want to add two push buttons and two sliders   next we'll plot the flux burden current  and magnetization current for the current   Transformers phase a before I can add them to a  graph I should toggle on the categorization and   select the graph button in the runtime utility  tabs toolbar notice that the graphs in the same   container share a common x-axis you'll also notice  that all the signals are added to the same graph   there will be one active signal whose text  will be underlined and colored blue multiple   signals can be selected by holding the control  key let's run the case and update the graphs [Music] in runtime effects the rack status  information has been relocated   in rscad V5 it was displayed on the right  side of the runtime canvas in effects   we've created a new rack status window it  can be accessed under the utilities menu   when the window opens the status of all  of the simulation Hardware is refreshed   in addition to viewing the current status of the  hardware a user can rescan the racks unlock racks   set rack security and more from this window  hovering over a particular rack displays a   tool tip containing the hardware configuration of  that rack as per the hardware configuration file   multiple racks can be selected and be  unlocked or have their security set together I'll push the button pb1 to trigger the cases  sequence of events and capture them in the graph   to edit the properties of the graph I can right  click on the graph's title bar or its body and   select properties users can choose to have the  graphs signals superimposed or stacked vertically   X and y-axis properties can also  be set in the graph properties   let's ensure that the graph is set to superimposed  for the moment if I right click on an individual   signal in the graph I can do several  operations including toggling its visibility   to change the properties of the signal including  its color line style and line thickness the user   can select signal options this can also be done by  double-clicking the signal name if a user wants to   display an integer signal digitally they can go  into signal options and select display as digital   when working with integer signals several  additional options will be available to the   user such as setting the filled state and its  color and the option to utilize a bit pattern   foreign [Music] a user can reorganize the plot  quickly by dragging and dropping the signals   notice the black bar that appears above  below or to either side of an existing slot   these indicate where the signal will  be placed if dropped at that moment   if the signal is being dragged can be dropped  in an existing runtime object that runtime   object will show a light blue box around the  perimeter of the slotted occupies copies of   an existing signal can be made by holding  down the control key before dragging a signal   zooming can be done by simply left-clicking  and dragging the mouse on the body of a graph   the Box drawn will fill the area of the graph   vertical and horizontal zooms can be achieved  by holding the shift and control keys while   dragging the mouse the context menu can be  explored to learn about other Zoom options   tracers are available for graphs and they  allow the users to quickly preview the value   of specific data points users can press the T key  as a shortcut to enable tracers a second price of   the T key enables tracking of the active signal  pressing and holding the space bar while moving   the mouse will show the Delta X and Delta  y between two points on the active signal   markers are also available and are  useful for analyzing simulation results adding XY graphs to rscatfx is a simple matter  [Music] select the XY graph toggle button select   the signals you want to add and then drag them  onto empty space in your case if I re-trigger the   control logic that drives the CT into saturation  you'll see the expected hysteresis curve When developing runtime effects one of our goals  was to make the process of adding images and   shapes to a runtime canvas more flexible and  more intuitive enabling users to more easily   and quickly create polished hmis images and  shapes are referred to as runtime graphics   runtime Graphics can only be placed on a case's  runtime tab sub Pages not in the draft overlay   in order to add shapes macros or images editing  of runtime Graphics must first be enabled this   can be done by toggling on the pencil icon in  runtime's quick access toolbar or by selecting the   appropriate option from the main menu when editing  of runtime Graphics is turned on the icons below   the pencil and runtime's quick access toolbar  will be enabled I'll click on the rectangle and   if I hover over a runtime subpage you can see that  the cursor indicates I'm ready to draw the shape if I then go back to the quick access toolbar  and double click on the rectangle I can see   that the button is toggled on and now I'm  able to draw multiple rectangles successively this allows users to quickly add multiple  instances of the same shape shapes can be   selected resized copied grouped and otherwise  manipulated in addition to rectangles rscatfx   also offers lines circles arcs images text boxes  and macros macros are simply predefined shapes together using a rectangle as an example let's explore  how we can change some of the properties of drawn   shapes double-click on a shape to open a window  with its properties we can change many properties   including line weight color and style fill  pattern and color orientation dimensions and more [Music] next let's take a closer look at how  conditional Graphics work in rscat effects   we'll use this simple case to demonstrate  it has a single dial a summation Junction   an integer constant and a signal label  the dial will have three positions and   each position of the dial will  change the color of a rectangle after successfully compiling the  case I'll navigate to a runtime   subpage where I can draw a simple rectangle   inside the rectangle properties I'll change  the fill pattern to solid and the color to red next I'll go ahead and check the conditional  Graphics checkbox at the bottom left of the window you'll notice that the set of parameters has been  duplicated and that an if then else structure has   been added around it the user can specify which  block of settings is used based on a condition   that is constructed around a simulation Signal's  value here we'll directly use the value of the   dial to control the color of the rectangle below  the conditional checkbox there are two fields   one of them allows me to specify which signal is  used to determine the active conditional block   the other allows me to specify an alias used  to reference that signal so that it's easier   to write conditional logic first I'll select  the dial input signal its Alias is dial 1.  

the first block will be used when  the value of dial 1 is set to 1.   I can just go to the if condition double-click  on it and then type in dial 1 is equal to 1.   next I'll add another conditional  block I'll make the second block   active when dial 1 is set to 2 and I'll  change the color in this block to Blue in the last block an else statement  I'll set the color to Green [Music]   let me add a runtime object for my case  it's dial input and then I will run the case you can see as I change the  value of the dial from one   to two to three the rectangle changes from red  to blue to green as expected users are free to   conditionally change the orientation Dimensions  or any other properties of runtime shapes runtimefx has preserved several other features  for which separate documentation is available   for example snapshot allows the user  to save the state of the simulation   and then restart it later from that saved point you'll also notice that there is a new scripting  utility tab that will serve as the mechanism to   run and record scripts in rscadfx the utility tab  includes an integrated text editor for convenience   scripting information is available in the quick  start guide which can be accessed from the main   drop down menu [Music] thanks for watching this  tutorial video on runtime FX happy simulating

2023-04-23 23:11

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