Kitchen Gadget Testing 75

Kitchen Gadget Testing 75

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[Music] oh this is this is working so well oh no oh that's disgusting but i feel like we can touch this [Music] hello everybody it's barry here hope you you right there am i pointing right yes i am look right in the middle oh well wherever you are in the world welcome to our kitchen today we're doing another kitchen gadget testing video part of the epic playlist uh where we just test loads of gadgets that you guys send me send me links to our eye source massive box still to get through we're working our way through but please remember before commenting down below that some of these gadgets can and in fact there's one in particular can help people that struggle with certain tasks in the kitchen for a variety of reasons i've always said that it's extremely important um let's get going shall we a pie yes pie the other day i was looking for my baking beads which is a really exciting thing to say but that's what happens when you turn 40 like you go from let's have a wild night out so uh excuse me where are my breaking beads mrs b has decided to throw them out she said they were ruined and i'm like no they're not ruined they just got like scorch marks on it before i've used them so much it's it's fine because that's where this comes in uh this is something uh called the pie weight it's a way of blind baking the pastry in your pie particularly on the base because if you don't do that you can get like quite a soggy or even raw uncooked bottom so this thing is like kind of like a vented frisbee and it's got like silicon sort of heat proof flaps on it so it can be adaptable for uh nine to 11 inch pie pans and it's got this sort of like i've just noticed it's like a pie can you see it's an actual pie shaped hand on it which i just i quite like playing with it but you put that into a pie dish like this yeah look at that this is a large pie dish and it will fit in there because as you can see it's still got a bit more to give those silicon edges will just kind of like support the side walls of the pastry it's not too heavy but it's going to be enough to just weigh it down the weight is in this rim the whole thing is just going to replace what i would normally put in a bit of baking paper and uh the baking beads and it does that whole job now if only i had another pastry related gadget to justify doing this i do possibly a random epic rolling pin oh crikey but this uh from uh lakeland uh is a cooling rolling pin so when you roll out pastry mine's in the fridge at the moment i've got the ready roll stuff in a block or we've made our own on the channel a fair few times here you try your best to keep it cool because once it gets warmed and used to room temperature which in here is warm today oh my gosh can you feel that it starts to stick to your rolling pin but this rolling pin right check this out can you see there's actually a whole end which you can actually put your flower in there to dust like your work surface what a cool idea that is but anyhow you've got your flower on one end but in here we can put in here cold water so you can roll out your pastry and hopefully it shouldn't stick so i've got some pastry ready to roll to go with our um pie weight you would not want the flour and the water being in the same chamber would you so you wouldn't think that this is your role look i can go like that there is no flour in there apart from me not being able to pour it properly or with a spoon but then we can twist this 980 degrees and then oh yes it's a rolling pin with a built-in flower dispenser sieve whatever i want to call it pull the plug out so you see we've got that hole there and it goes down quite far let's let's pour this in oh oh my gosh i can feel it getting really cold can we get some ice in there oh that's a bit too big oh no it's going in amazing okay oh my gosh that is freezing so this is chilled in the fridge this uh a block of pastry oh wow this is not sticking at all okay this is cool right this is cool if i got my other rolling pin out i would normally have to flour it loads that is working an absolute charm oh this this is working so well ah [Music] and then boom in goes our pie weight so just while we get in the oven preheated because i am so prepared i forgot to do it i was just a bit too excited about the gadgets now the strange thing for me is my rolling pin has gone in the fridge to keep cool whilst this warms if we need any pastry we might do some strips on top or i might just do a lid might go old school but all you're basically trying to do by doing a blind bag is seal the pastry kind of in place and what we tend to do is do bacon beads for like 10 minutes or so last five minutes uh take it off because it's set in place just to brown it gives it nice little crispness merry crispness so will jolly well see but that apparently should do the works all right so uh when we do pastry if you wish to you can do an egg wash you can do a milk wash you can do a water wash is that a film kevin costner if you beat together an egg you got the egg white and the yolk together it gives you a nice color if you do milk apparently you need a lighter color too or if you want you could separate the egg and just get the yolk for a slightly more golden color this from culinaire is an egg separator separates egg yolks and whites mess free i've got a few different variations of egg celebrators from the egg stream uh it's a nice simple ones like this uh still in my box that i'm rummaging through so i thought this would be a nice quick one uh this clips on a bowl and uh catches the egg in there so let's see if it does it whilst that bakes this egg separator is a handy gadget for any home baker or bakers at work come on let's not discriminate crack and the cup in here should act oh no look at that it's failed blimey right now this is the cause of a big argument between me and mrs b we're not like divorced territory but we've discussed this on camera before these eggs have been left out at room temperature what mrs b says they should be and i disagree i always say when you crack an egg it is best done cold but this is one that has been put in the fridge look how much firmer that yolk is even the white is like no let's stay together the fridge method is definitely giving it more tension more action it doesn't know what to do it's a bit shell shot oh my god look if i lift it it is solid but what maybe if i give it some gravity oh oh that's disgusting but also quite fun can we scrape it off the side oh there we go oh it's yeah it's going yoki all right going yay okay stay there karaoke but does it work yeah i think just about but i have had i've had better ones this yolk's going to go on the crust all right about a minute left maybe just under that i think it's worked this is uh the trivets are using my view a lot of people like where'd you get this from uh these were joseph joseph ones uh and i really like them and i think i should just set up a list on my website of all the stuff that i use that i really really like um yeah that'll probably save a lot of time for everyone wouldn't it yeah baby look at that just slightly lightly golden and can we take i feel like we could touch this oh my gosh is oh my goodness oh yes so you can see how that much that's weighed that down it's just very lightly browned it and that is enough because it's going to stop our filling pouring out of it because if that wasn't there with that lamination like what's happened here all those layers would thanks oven timer would have puffed right up awesome so i'm just getting some ready-made pie filling oh my gosh have i even i bought two tins just in case is there gonna be enough well i found some custard that'll do and i will say this um this can opener i've got right here um that's actually by cullen there as well the people that did the egg gadget my favorite one actually got broken it yeah it's like it's okay i like it but it's a bit new anyhow um we'll flour this down a little bit more so yeah so it's not saying you don't flour it because of course you need to for your surface need to [Music] sugar bay no come on now and then back in there same temperature and hopefully jobs are good and right uh anyone fancy a drink uh these are eastern ning forum hopefully that translates to ice cube balls or i'm gonna look like a complete blanca standard basically there's a very small diagram here where you can open them up uh you pour some water in but it suggests putting in a citrus fruit did i do two last night and put them in the freezer here they are we've got one wow it's open slightly can you see and this one has opened slightly too oh expansion and that's it really it's cooled it down and given it a very very very light citrus flavor but leave that in for a couple of minutes jimmy brilliant brilliant you get the idea one of you guys is going to love that i say that because one lucky patron will get these on the top tier of my patreon i sign and give these away i think bry won the last one congrats to you my friend remember also if you're not subscribed to the channel if you want freshly baked videos every single week make sure you subscribe to the channel and of course if you are make sure your notifications are turned on and you follow me on social media because i tell you about new videos there too right let's crack on oh wow oh check that pie out it's a pie folks uh we know chef and i don't even need to look on the back of the box there's a guy called famous inventor david hulk and we've been there a lot and well hopefully one day david and i will dine on a fine tesco sandwich but i'm disappointed in chef and today because it could be me it probably is me but if you remember this one right this is called the garlic zoom garlic chopper it's basically like a nice little car for garlic and you wheel it along it chops it it's got blades in there like so in fact i'll just get it right out because i have had this before except i think i'm fairly certain it was brown and it was for chopping walnuts now what they've probably done is probably like the walnut one is outdated now and they've gone with this or vice versa i don't know put apparently a maximum of three garlic cloves in there one just went on the floor we'll go with two we'll literally go with two well i can't really see what's going on in there so i'm not looking oh wow oh wow look at that all finely diced garlic on the on the sunroof of the car oh wow okay i think i might take it back that's actually pretty cool damn it open it up push it out and um well that blooming stinks but it's quite good all right two more to go you might remember in the last video we did the kettle tipper this was a link that i was sent from someone that actually did struggle uh to use a kettle and wanted me to try out i did my best no bry you have that so hopefully you're all right mate um take your time with it but in that video i also said that i had another tool that i've been sent now this one's more for food preparation it's basically a really sharp knife with an angle to help people that i guess struggle with that standard motion of holding a knife and pushing down to effect and it's got a really nice non-slip grip now i'm not obviously fully aware of the struggles that some people would have when using a knife you know holding it like this like i would do but for some people that is not possible or it's a real struggle and apparently by using this instead which is the grip you kind of hold it a bit like a joystick when you're playing an old-school video game it very much reminds me of an atari 2600 controller with a red button playing pitfall that's old school so let's slice up four or five things and see if it's any good right we're going to start with a tomato so i'm going to hold this and i guess you would kind of pinch it here like so or there are tools that you can hold it in place and it's just that serration that is a very very sharp knife and actually quite cool because you can pick things up with it i assume when i first saw it i was thinking oh yeah that's for a cheese knife but to actually grab something like that and lift it up i don't know maybe that is useful so a tomato is all right how about a courgette so yeah peppa's a little bit more stubborn so we'll just try and take a cheek off it feels like i'm using a saw as you know i've got a left-handed serrated knife and it helps me cut straight it generally was amazing if you missed the left-handed gadget video that was a proper stonker i'm gonna do a follow-up that is cut and free oh wow it's fairly straight this is actually a really cool knife anyway but i could be testing on lots of other things but i thought that a butternut squash that is pretty full-on oh that's tough but if i'm just let the serration do the work oh wow one of the toughest vegetables i could find i forget the name of the person that specifically told me to get this but hopefully this has been a nice little showcase that that will hopefully help a lot of people in the kitchen blooming awesome all right this last one although there is a slightly bonus one that i just ran i remembered that i had in my box i was like that kind of relates to this this by joseph joseph is the three in one corkscrew it's called the bar star so it's a bottle cap opener it's also a corkscrew but there is additionally a foil cutter for your wine bottle i'd make this myself sound so sophisticated like i have wine all the time uh on the bottom can you see there's like these edges here where we had that what was that on ah do you remember that wish gadget thing that i had that opened the cans of drink it had those on there and it took the lid fully off a can of drink that's the same thing we've combined three bottle opening tools into one compact design i didn't realize that was an actual tool to cut the foil off of your wine because normally you just get the old tab and just peel it off so uh yeah all right so i've got some mixed fruit tropical cider uh to show the bottle opener so we've got it out the packaging don't need to wash this really but oh my gosh oh is the foil cutter loose oh okay right so this is like literally a separate little tool that they could sell separately well let's just do it that feels really sturdy actually i like that i mean this is going to work surely oh my gosh that comes off as well okay and you can't lock that in to stop that happening again oh that wasn't amazing hey ho wow that tastes like a cake it's a lot of sugar in there well it's not really about that it's it's more about the wine bottle what it does here so we have got this three in one so it really is three in one because you can take it apart into the separate tools um except that needs to work in conjunction with this to do the cork place the foil ow wow that sharp place the foil cutter onto the top of the neck of the bottle and squeeze sides twisting it to cut okay we're going to sit this down and that is slightly actually hard to see it's actually just slightly above um the foil tab line so i suppose if we ruin this which i'm pinching together now and we'll rotate the bottle oh i can hear a i could hear like a tearing sound oh oh that has taken it off like a dream almost makes it look more expensive the bottle now look at that it looks like fancy all right okay so whereas i wasn't really sure with the uh cap remover it did get it off to be honest and if you're that desperate so important in the video you can go old school and just use your teeth don't do that everyone's got a threat if it's not you that did it everyone had a friend that did that you're like ooh push holder down over neck of bottle and grip the sides firmly replace the screw into the holder push down and twist clockwise into the cork to remove cork from holder squeeze sides and twist anti-clockwise oh oh oh wow look look can you see it's coming out if i keep twisting it is taking the cork out but it tells me not to do that push down and twist clockwise into the cork to remove the cork from the holder squeeze down remove the screw push them to remove the cork from the holder squeeze the sides again but twist anti-clockwise i don't get this is this right [Music] what i mean is it's there it is nearly there i've got another bottle mrs b said to put a spoon in it and keep it in the fridge and it keeps the sparkle so i guess she'll be happy with that remove the screw push the holder down over the neck of the bottle and grip the sides firmly push down and twist clockwise into the cork right so now remove the cork from the holder squeeze the sides and twist anti-clockwise so do i do i just go like that now but look that's spinning look it kind of oh oh and anti-clockwise no that's going out of it what [Music] there's something not right here folks oh i see oh i see oh i see and then to remove it you twist the thing anti-clockwise pop it off like that oh my goodness but you've still got to like unthread it from this i don't know that's a lot of work isn't it our favorite way of getting a cork out of the bottle was from a hacks video where he uses chef's blowtorch and goes so fun but in my gadget box i've got a couple more wine bottle openers to look at but for now i still think as fun as that was i can't rule out that the cap thing removable out of all of that this was amazing anyhow well mrs b is going to love the wine and what better way to finish than trying out one more this is something by joy do you remember that i think we did like some sort of weird celery or carrot holder thing with hummus it's pretty cool they always do like quite quirky gadgets these are wine glass markers you basically got four different colored markers in there you've got uh gold silver red and green uh you can decorate and identify each guest's drink so is this a kitchen gadget maybe maybe not it's it's effectively a pen this is mrs b's favorite glass so um apparently you can easily wash it clean so if i go barry i can't even spell my name nice little cheeky smiley face like that okay can you can you see that so i'm at a party i'm going oh where did i put my glass and then we can go oh it's barry's glass but there's kind of like a sort of lipstick like look to it it's a little bit glossy so um it makes it look a bit more sophisticated uh so there it is in the washing up and we'll have a little squirt of washing up liquid on there i should not really be doing this one-handed but oh wow look at that oh that's coming straight off look at that you'll never know but there we go folks another kitchen gadget video in the bag you've made it this far go put on your sweatband have a barrathon check out the rest of the ones on the playlist don't forget if you've seen any cool gadgets do tag me on social media you guys do that every day and i love it thank you so much for watching massively appreciate it my favorite one today i like them all even the ice cube thing even the garlic zoom thing the rolling pin i think is a proper stonker so let me know what you think is your best down below take care and i'll see you soon oh i see

2022-09-13 01:09

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