Hello and welcome. To Dell EMC, networking, infrastructure, solutions, this, video, discusses, the, deployment, of the Dell EMC, Isilon, x2, 1 0 with, Dell EMC, switches, in a layer 2 and layer 3, leaf spine topology. Dell. EMC, Isilon is, a network, attached storage platform. For, high volume storage. Backup. And archiving. Of unstructured data it. Provides, a cluster based storage, array, it, comes with the 1 FS operating, system, which uses a single volume. Namespace. And file system architecture, in, this. Deployment the, r7, 30 XD, servers, are used as compute, nodes, 3. Isilon, nodes and, 2 servers, connect, to each leaf pair the. Isilon, nodes connect. On a back-end. Network, through two InfiniBand. Switches, creating, a single 6 node cluster, in. This video focuses on, the Isilon, x - 1 0 deployment. Using, layer three leaf spine topology. And layer, 2 live spine topology. This, video, discusses, the steps necessary to, add Isilon, X - 1 0 node. Into. Cluster, set. Of functioning, SMB share, designate. A secondary, subnet, and configure. Smart connect, feature in one FS. Isilon, uses, InfiniBand. For a super fast microsecond. Latency. Back-end. Network that serves as the backbone of the Isilon, cluster so. The primary internal. Interface, on side, a of the, InfiniBand. Network, is int, a in the. Secondary, as well as failover internal. Interface, on side, B, of the InfiniBand, network is int, P. For, communication. Between cluster. Nodes the, network, settings, such as netmask. An IP address, range, will. Be configured on site a which is int, a here you. Can see that for primary, internal, interface, int, a the. IP address, ranges. Not. With. Subnet, mask 255. Dot. 255 dot. 255 dot, 0. Similarly. For communication. Between cluster. Nodes on site, B you, can see that the IP address, ranges. 10.10. Dot dot. One to. Ten dot 10.20. Dot 253. With subnet, mask 255, dot, 255 dot, 255 dot. 0, that means slash, 24. The. Int, B also works as failover, for, redundancy, to int, a network, and the, IP address, range for failover is, 10.10.
Dot Dot. One to ten dot 10.30. Dot 253. External. One is out of band management interface. Used, by clients, to access data, on the cluster, the. External. Interface, IP address. Range, is hundred. Dot, 67.1. 70.1. 4200. Dot 67.1. 70.1. 48. With, subnet, mask 255, dot. 255 dot. 255 dot, 0 one. Very important. Feature that must be configured, is smart, connect. Smart. Caneta liaos the, workload, to be dynamically. Assigned, to other nodes in the cluster in. The event, of a node failure. The. Smart connect zone name is. Management. Zone one. And surveys. IP is. 100.6. 7.1. 70.1. 49. The, first step in configuring the, Isilon, array is building, the cluster, after, the. Array is powered, on a serial, connection is, made, to each node, connect. To the first node and use the cluster creation, wizard to build the cluster. Access. The cluster creation, wizard, select. Option, 1 for creating, the cluster. Software. License, and maintenance. Agreement. Is displayed. Next. Except. De UL, a. Provide. A password for, root you. Can change root password from, default. Provide, an UI admin. Password. Add a cluster. Name as shown. We can configure, cluster. One, after. The cluster is created. We can add all, Isilon, nodes into, this cluster. Select. Encoding. In, this. Example. Utf-8. Is selected. The. Default, option, for cluster, encoding. Is also. Utf-8. Configure. The primary, internal, interface, int. A with. An IP address range. And subnet mask. For, stews configure. Subnet, mask option with, index, number, one and. Assign. Subnet, mask as, 255. Dot 255, dot. 255 dot, 0. Here, IP ranges. Are assigned, for back-end, network to. Add an IP address range, choose, one as shown. For. Primary internal, interface, int. A assign. Low IP address. 10.10. Dot dot, one, and high. IP address, Similarly. Configure, secondary, internal, interface, int, B with, an IP address range, and subnet mask, choose. One to assign subnet, mask as 255. Dot 255 dot. 255 dot, 0. Choose, to to assign IP address, range. For, INT be assign. IP address, range from, 10.10. Dot dot. One to ten dot 10.20. Dot 253. As int. Be a secondary, internal, interface, you can also assign, failover, IP address, range. Select. Option, 3 to assign failover, IP address, range. The failover IP address, range will be 10.10. Dot dot. One. To, Configure. External, network, by providing, an IP address range. Subnet. Mask and MDU. Configuration. Of the management, one, gig, ext. One connections. Are made using. Out-of-band, management IP. Range. 100.6. 7.17. 2.0. / 24. Choose. One to configure, the subnet, mask. Enter. The subnet, mask as. 255. Dot 255 dot, 255 dot, 0, in this. Example, enter. 3 to, add IP address, range, the. IP address, range for external, interface.
Ext. 100.6. 7.1. 70.1. 4200. Dot 67.1. Seventy, dot 148. And, configure. Default gateway, as, 100.6. 7.1. 70.2. 54. Configure. Smart connect, with smart connect zone name and service. IP choose. One to enter smart, connect zone name in this. Example, the zone name is management, zone 1 dot, del, dot local. In the, service IP is. 100.6. 7.1. 70.1. 49. Configure. DNS servers. As shown, here, the, DNS, has been configured, as per the domain name server, established. Here. In this example, the DNS, server is at 100.6. Seven dot 10.1. And the. Search domains, are Dell, dot local. In this, example we are keeping the current date and time. So keep the current join mode as Manuel. And comity, changes. Login. Into the cluster using. Username. As root and password. After, the. First node is configured. And the cluster is created, other, nodes, are added into the cluster. To. Add a node to the cluster, select. Two on cluster, creation, wizard and add. Index, number, of the cluster. You. Once. The node is added, into the Lester you can now login with username, and password. In this. Example, we are adding five, nodes into the cluster. After. The cluster is created, and each node, is added, to the cluster, configuration. Can, now be completed, through 1fs web GUI, this. Section, of the video discusses. The creation, of two subnets, and their associated, IP pools, as well. As the addition, of static, routes to ensure, end-to-end, connectivity. This. Will include, ensuring. That the LACP option, is selected and the appropriate, interfaces. Are selected. Use. The forced IP address, in the range defined. For the 10-gig, interface. To access the 1fs, web GUI it's. 100.6. 7.17. T dot 140, this. Will lead us to the first node, in the cluster, after. Successfully. Logging into, the 1fs web GUI click. Cluster. Management. Network. Configuration. This. Allows, you to modify the network configuration. Group. NetZero and subnet, 0 displays, the default details, for management access, ad. Subnet. 1 and subnet, 2 as per the topology for, storage traffic. You. Can add subnets. By choosing, view or added, on group net. Add a name, of this subnet as subnet. 1. Enter. Subnet, mask as. 255. Dot 255 dot, 255 dot, 0 and, gateway. Address as. 170. 2.16. Dot one dot 254. In, this. Example we are living the gateway priority, as default. Select. MTU as 9000. At. Smart. Connect service, IP. 172. Dot 16, dot one dot 249. And. Entered, smart connect service named as a season 1 dot del dot local. This, will create subnet, 1. Next. Create a pool by selecting, add pool. Add, a name, as pull, one. P range as indicated. By the subnet. Which is 170. 2.16. Dot. 1.12. 170. 2.16. Dot, 1.50. And ad. Interfaces. And pool in. This. Case the interfaces, are 10-gig aggregation.
One From Isilon, nodes 1. 2 n 3. And the. Zone name as a, season. One. Similarly. Configured subnet. 2 and pool to, add. Subnets. By choosing view or added, on group, night. Add a name, of the subnet, a subnet, to. Entered. Subnet, mask as, 255. Dot 255 dot, 255 dot, 0, and gateway, address as. Hundred. And seventy two dot, 16.2. Taught 254. In this. Example, we are living the gateway priority, as default. Select. MTU, as 9000. Had. A smart, connect service, IP. 172. Dot 16, dot-to-dot. 249. An enter. Smart connect service named as a season. 2 dot del dot local. This. Will create subnet. To. Next. Create a poll by selecting, add poll. Add a Nima's. Pull to. And IP. Range as indicated. By this subnet, which, is 170. 2.16. Dot 2.1. 270. 2.16. Dot 2.50. And. AD. Interfaces. And pool in, this. Case the interfaces. Are 10, gig aggregation. One from. Isilon, nodes 4, 5 & 6. And our. Zone name as a season. 2. The, subnet, and pool is now created, and configured. Static. Routes, needs, to be configured, to enable, traffic, across, two subnets. Go. To network. Configurations. Subnet. Pool. Choose. Add static. Route. Enter, the static route information. For. Subnet netmask. And gateway. The, next step is to configure the Microsoft, Windows SMB. Share. This. Will create a folder structure, that, will then be configured, under 1fs. Protocols. Windows, sharing, SMB. Once. The folders, are added, to the windows sharing, SMB, section, and the, network is properly, configured the, folder will be accessible, via a Windows server from. 1fs, web GUI, select. Filesystem, file, system, Explorer. Click, create directory. Define. The directory name SMB. Define, the user group. And permission, settings. The. Permission, settings should be default. After. The folder is created click the, SMB, folder. Create. A directory, inside, the folder, and configure, the name engineering. Modify. The user group. And permissions, settings. Similarly. Create accounting. With the same settings. And both folders, have been created, click protocols. Windows. Sharing. And then, create an SMB share. Assign. The name such as engineering and use, the Browse button to navigate to the engineering, folder, that was created previously.
Select. Within the members, window, and assign, access, permissions. Give. Member permission, as full, control, all other, options are left at the default values. Click. Create share. Repeat, the same steps for accounting, assign. A name. And use, the Browse button to, navigate, to, the accounting, folder, that was created in, the SMB directory, previously. Select. Within the members, window, and assign, access permissions. Give. Member permission, as full control, all, other. Options, are left at the default values. Validate. By accessing, the file system, from a server, you, can map network drive on server, 1 and server, for you. Can put files on either of the server and can access it from the other server, from. Server, 1 map. Network drive for, engineering. And accounting. Using, the IP address. 1. 7 2 dot 16 dot 2.1. Similarly. You can map network drive for, accounting. Using, the same IP address. The, SMB. Shares, are now, mapped on server. One. Similarly. On server, for map the network drive for, engineering, and accounting, using the IP address, 1, 7 2 dot 16 dot 1.1. Similarly. You can map network drive for, accounting, using the same IP address. The. SMB. Shares are now map on server. For. Create. A notepad file, on server, for. You. As you. Can see we created a test file. Copy. And paste it on the accounting, network share. On, server, one the notepad file that, was added, to the network drive is now visible, and accessible. Thank. You for watching this video please. Visit support. Elcom. For additional, solution, collateral.
2018-07-18 00:02