Intro to Microsoft 365 | LRN109

Intro to Microsoft 365 | LRN109

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As, you mentioned, i'm on the learning, team basically, the microsoft, 365. Technical, con. Uh and, i, will track, for the microsoft, 365. Fundamental, certification. Uh, so, today we'll be getting into, you know generally, what is microsoft, 365. You may have heard of, microsoft. 3 microsoft, 365. You may have heard of. Um we'll try to, you know give you an idea of what, what's in microsoft, 365. And all you could do with it, what careers you want to go into. Um. What careers, are available. With, 365. Technologies. Or just general, roles. Based. Paths you can go down to. Learn, about more microsoft. Values. Talk about, how microsoft, 365. Has get down into the weeds but we'll just talk about some of the principles. That we adhere to, uh in regards to security, privacy. And. And then we'll uh give you some resources, where you can learn more about microsoft. 365.. We've got a quick q a at the end. So, what, does microsoft, three. A lot of people, probably, what microsoft. Is they know what windows, is they know what offices. You may have even heard of office 65, which is uh you know, the. First iteration, of our, cloud service basically. Um. You know. You probably heard the, email exchange. That's one thing that we provide but there's a lot of other stuff that for. Not only you know employees. That are working on, um. Products but also the businesses. And, their their it, teams, and their uh security, teams we provide tools for them to make obvious, here. So microsoft, 365. It's all about productivity. It's about, personal productivity. Getting your job done making, you make your day a little bit easier. And then organizational. Productivity. Making the business, more productive. Make things easier, making things cost less making things take less time. So, on the personal productivity. Side, we generally. Want to. Work better as a team together, and simplify, that whole process, it's fun if you have to. Run down the hall to talk to this person and then run down the hall to talk to that person. We want, teams, to be able to call and connect, easily. All in one place, and we have microsoft, teams, for that. We want people to stay back. Actually now with the, working, the comment want office to be accessible, from everywhere whether that's on their their mobile phone. Or at home, or in a coffee, shop. And then the tools that you use on a day-to-day, basis, we want to be smarter, want ai, enabled, tools. That, help you be more creative. That help you learn from the content, that you're working on or, working with. We want search to be, better, and more. Personable. We want personal assistance, we've built an intelligent, feature quickly means you know ai. Enabled, tools. Telling you how to make your content, or your your project a little bit better. For organizations. The way that organizations. Are more. Uh. Managing. All of the knowledge. That. Always, heads, you know turning that into. An, ecosystem. Where, experts on one another, to. Learn from each other, uh another. We do that workplace, analytics, that looks at a bunch of different signals. In microsoft, 365. And. Ways to, help teams more better together. For it, teams, and it administrators. We have tools that making, that make. All your, computers. Mobile phones. Tablets. Devices. A lot easier, and, we have microsoft endpoint, manager for that, managing, all those things in one place, as opposed managing. All those things and different, tools. On the systems. And then lastly. If, you. As an organization. If your data is not secure, if your. Network is not secure. That you can't really be productive, if you're trying to, to. You know fill holes over we provide tools to help you protect your business, and mitigate. Risk. So. To that end for organizational. Productivity. And, personal, we have. You know these are more broken, down features. Um that we have available, 365. We've got you know instant messaging. And meetings, through teams. Email, and calendaring, through outlook and, office of course. File storage and sharing with onedrive in business. And then um. Team sites, collaboration, sites communication. Sites, uh through, sharepoint, and yammer. Like i'm as mentioned, for the, business, management or the organizational, productivity, side exemplified.

I.t, Management, with the microsoft, endpoint manager. We. Have better workflow, management, and process, automation, through power automate, and sharepoint. And then through microsoft. Teams, and the power platform, about a little bit later. You can basically, extend your line of business applications. Through those other tools. We provide tools for workflow, and, forms management. Business intelligence. With power bi. Those are things like you know creating, graphs, creating charts, out of data. And ways to manage your work better through, planner or you may have known that as project. And then the whole range of security, and compliance, capabilities. Having to do with protecting, people's identities, and protecting, access, to the resources, that you have on your network. And then protecting, from outside, threats, you know denial, of service attacks, malware, phishing. We provide tools to help. Employees. Protect themselves, and help the business protect themselves, as well. For microsoft, 365. There's, four ways, to. Sign up for it or there's there's four subscript, we have for, 365. And that's. Enterprise. For large businesses, with thousands. Uh tens of thousands of employees. We have subscriptions, for small business, for up to 300, employees. Uh if you, are. Have been in any college institution, or higher education, you may have used microsoft, 365. For education. There. And then for our home users, uh there there is a microsoft, 365. Subscription, for home users. And family. That basically just, includes, office, and a few of the cloud services, like, exchange. And teams. So. Now that we've talked about kind of. What's in microsoft, 365. And what you can do with it. Where can you go with microsoft, 365. What types of repairs, your jobs are, and you know not. There are, many more jobs available, than what we're talking about here but. Um, when you work microsoft, 365. Technologies. And use microsoft, 360, list extent. These are the types of jobs. Job roles, that are available. And these are the types of roles that we're targeting, on microsoft, learn. So we have developers. Data engineers, devops, engineers, which are people who manage. Our azure devops, instances. Administrators. You know i.t administrators. Teams administrators. Um, sharepoint, administrators. There's. Multiple, different types of administrators. That we work with or that. Can. Can work with microsoft, 365.. Data scientists, with all the data that we collect, and uh being able to, manipulate. It and visualize, it, through power bi. Security, engineers, like i mentioned, uh microsoft, 365. Is. Investing, hugely, in security. And so there's going to be a great need for security engineers, in the future. Solutions, architects, you know. They look at everything from the top down and try to build solutions, out of all the tools that are built. Ai engineers, and fungal consultants. Those are you know just some of the roles, and available. Those are the ones that we look at at microsoft, learn and try to target. With learning paths and certificates. So there are three levels of certifications. Uh we stuff 365. Fundamentals. Which is kind of what we're talking about here. Um. Once you get past the fundamentals. There's, more role-based. Certifications. Available which area you want to get into so there's. A teamwork, administrator, associate, which i mentioned works with teams. There is a modern desktop administrator, associate. Messaging, administrator, associate. A developer. Associate. Security, administrator, associate, and then a teams, another teams administrator, associate. Lastly if you kind of bring all of those together. Um, and. Become, an expert, in sort of being an enterprise, administrator. There's the expert administrator. Certification. So those are the ones from microsoft, that are certainly, more available, for azure. And. Other, technologies. For sub3. But now we're going to get into a little bit more detail, on some of the specifics. Of. What what kind of microsoft, research might actually, do. So. We talk productivity. And organizational. Productivity. And personal, productivity, the ways, that, that, microsoft, 365. Empowers. Employees, to be more productive. Is through. One way is through engagement. And that's basically, making. Employees, connected, to the business, and the projects, that they're working on. Want, employees, to be. Feel like they have, in their, in their organization. Uh feel like they, they have a say and i don't know how things run or just feel. Like they're informed. Uh. So we provide tools like. Microsoft, teams live events, to help. Ceo. And leadership, at their company. Connect with their employees. Uh i mentioned. One way to help employees be more productive, is through.

With. Their other employees. Through microsoft, teams you can, you know i am and chat. And host online meetings. With you know which video, content. And. Desktop, sharing capability. Another way obviously. Is email, and calendaring, that's not going anywhere we still offer outlook, and calendaring, services. Even though we have, different ways of communicating, now email, is, not going. To stay for many years to, come. Being productive, from anywhere, again, having office on all your devices, being able to store and share your files. From anywhere. As part of onedrive, capabilities. And then empowering. Everyone. With all of these tools, not just empowering. Your employees. But empowering, those who. Have different accessibilities. All of our microsoft, products built. With accessibility. In mind, and they meet, our, seven, accessibility. Principles, that that we. Do. When building our products. To make sure that that everybody. Is. Empowered, to do the best work that they. Can. So organizations. Have a little bit different. Way of being productive. Um it's not about the individual, anymore it's about what can the business do to be more productive, to save money to, um. Save costs. And part of that is simplified, management, like i mentioned before. When you have to, um. Multiple. Thousands, of devices. Whether they're windows, computers, or mac computers, or android, phones or, apple phones. Or maybe even some windows ones still. It's when you have to manage them all from different, separate. Uh, tools and sources, but with microsoft, endpoint, manager. We brought all those together, so you can now, dictate. Minimum. Operating, system requirements. Um, you can make sure that everybody, has most, uh delay mattress installed. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to access, corporate resources, or anything. It's process. Automation. Through. Through power automate, and. Flow. Also through sharepoint, if you have a complicated. Business, process. That, you know is not very. Efficient. It's kind of complicated. People get confused, by, microscope, has, many tools available, to help you streamline, that business. Through process. Through microsoft. Teams, and a platform. Uh employees, can create, their own apps, uh that connect, corporate data incorporate. Corporate resources. They can create those apps, without, the need for, say a developer. Or a complicated, developer. Uh forms and workflow management, that i mentioned before, business intelligence. Through power bi. And. Work, management through. Microsoft, planner. So we also have this tool called workplace, analytics. That kind of looks simple signals, all around your organization. From employees, working, from multiple, signals, connecting. Where they're connecting, from. All those kind of things. Feed into workplace, analytics. And sort of suggest. Or. Report. On. How your employees, or how your organization, works together their collaboration. Patterns, the impact product, of their effectiveness. As a workforce. And, whether or not the gauge. So. Workplace, analytics, can suggest, ways to make all that better. And it's using ai, and the back at, the back end to. Create those insights, and actually. Behavior. Microsoft, secure score. Is another tool that. We, offer for, businesses. It gives a really eek at your security, posture, in your whole organization. It's it's one score, that looks at multiple, different things across your business. And it says. These are the places, we feel you'll. And here's, the here's action plan on how to adjust.

And So as you, make these improvements. Your score continually. Um and it's just a it's a nice, simple way, for. Businesses, to make sure that you know they're not being taken, advantage, of or, they're not suffering any malicious. Beginning thinking about how secure. Microsoft. Start with. A lot of vendors. Out there. Security, vendors. Have, one tool that is built for a specific, threat or a specific. Aspect, of security. And so a lot of companies, end up with 10 20. You know, different security, products, in their organization. Um and. Microsoft. Is trying to position, itself as an all-out, security. Provider, and so. We, security. From grounds. It's something, across, every product, and every service that we. That we build, and, we use. We're looking at, signals. Thousands, and thousands, of signals. Actually, trillions of signals, across. You know the entire, net, uh, to, look at, most attacks to. Correlate. You know where, acts are happening, and try and prevent them from happening, to your, network. Uh it's integrated, across you know there's security. For. Your identity. The devices, that you work on the apps that you're actually working, with on those devices. And the data, thing is actually. Secure, so at each level, of. Access. There is, another barrier, to getting access to that and that sounds complicated, and it sounds cumbersome, but it's actually, a very. Prosperous. Thought of the beginning, and built into all of our products. Um so those three aspects, of security. Are generally. Identity. Access, managing, you, your. Your identity, your logon, credentials. Protecting. The. App, or you're trying to get access to the data or the website. Or the app. Protecting. From outside, threats like malware, phishing. Denial of service attacks. And then general, cloud secure. So for clients, uh, we provide. You know some services, and tools to help protect the information, that you're working with. And. Governing, that data making sure that, the people who are supposed to have access to that only have access to that data and no one else. So being able to perform audits, on things like that making sure that. You are. Thinking about insider, risk management. We have tools, to you know prevent. Either intent, intentional. Leakage, of data from inside your organization. The abilities, to disconnect. Um, the abilities, to discover, and respond. To, military, bodies. Their, other services. For. Legal issues, or, things like that. So, we have, tools to provide all of that for organizations. And then. One thing. That microsoft, is thinking, very heavily. For is is privacy. Of. Our data of your data. And how that is going to affect everybody in the future, so. Protecting, your personal, data, requires. You know security, and it requires, access control management, and proper data classification. And that's kind of what we talked about. In in terms of compliance. But privacy, is also about being accountable, for and respecting, our customers, choices. So it's accountable, for and respecting, our customers, choices. So it's accountable, for and respecting, our customers, choices. So it's accountable, for and respecting, our customers, choice collection, of the data. Uh what we do with that data, who has access to that data and distribute. Uh, distribution. Of that data. You know who to know that so. We try to follow the the, you know six privacy, principles. Uh. Of control, transparency. Security. Strong legal protections. No content, base. And, that, turns out to be a benefit, to you. So. Lastly. Yeah i think, anthony's. Some resources, that we have to to keep learning about microsoft, 360, so. Yeah. So uh, before we get to the, recess, i'm going to ask. A couple questions. For you, um. Since this, is uh we're now in, september, of 2020. How has the. Global. Pandemic. Shifted, the landscape. Of personal and organizational. Productivity. Um, it, certainly, makes it a lot more difficult for. Organizations. To. Manage. A business. From home. And, manage, all the employ, involved, in the business. From their homes. So. With, cloud, technologies. Links it really, because you know everybody has a. Worker, company laptop device. Um and, it makes it very easy to manage that device. Wherever, it is, it doesn't have to be on a corporate network or anything like that so.

It's Changing, in in that regard but first off 365, it actually makes it very easy. Um, for individuals, and personal productivity. Um. You know, we have. Littles, available, to make remote loading and remote work, uh very easy, uh it's definitely, a. Paired shift, but you know we have had, in the past, tools to make this, uh work, and we are now with. Teams. Speaking of the iit, department. What. Roles. Are. Most, in demand, right now. I would say will be security, administrators. Security, and. Engineers. Everything, moves more to the cloud. And. Things become a little bit more uncertain, um. You know at the global, economy or whatever. Um. Security, is is at the before for. Um. Of our, investments. And so, security. Here's, our fellows. As more people move to the cloud and kind of move away from line of business. On business. We need developers, to start taking the reins. And. Connecting their line of business applications. To mike's d5, and building. Building that ecosystem. And learning the ecosystem. Absolutely. So. Let's say one of our, viewers, uh, dreams, of becoming. An enterprise. Admin. What hard skills, should they pursue. To to be successful. Um pretty much for, for anybody, who's, looking into getting. Into an administrative. Role, um or any kind of. Id, or tactical. It's really that drive to solve problems, um. If you don't have, uh the ability or the the, need to solve a problem, when you see one, um, you probably won't go far. Because. Is all about looking, for, the problems, organization, you know finding, ways to improve, and using. The eagles and sources available, to you. To solve those problems, and. Microsoft, 365. Provides, a lot of different. And each company. Uses them a little bit for each company has a way of solving that problem, and. You know we need, unique, problem, solvers, to use our tools, to, create new ways of. Working. And what about developers. Who, work with m365. Would you say the samsung, skill set. It's, it's similar. But you also have to. Have the, um. At microsoft, we say you want you want to be able to learn it all not a know-it-all, you have to have that drive to keep learning things and. Route your career developer. There's nobody. Who's going to be a successful, developer, who learns one language, one technology. That their entire career. They're always going to be learning something new so. My. Technologies. That it touches. And you can. You know you get involved in in any one of them and learn something new every day.

And And speaking, of uh, languages. Are there. Any or, where should they start, what would be the. Uh. If you had learned, one or two languages, what would those. Uh, definitely. Start with um, but. A lot of, technologies. Are use other languages, with them. Um. So, but. C-sharp, work with and we do have a learning path, and a certain capable. For. Microsoft, 365. Developers. So i'm not just just checking. Up. With. Because microsoft. Is continually, changing. Um. The whole. All our competitors, are continually. Changing them so as, the world, changes. Changes. You have to keep and. You know try to learn something new every. Every if not, you. Know. Thank you for your presentation. Uh for, myself. Uh, to tell you about these resources. So. Uh. We have. The, m365. Learning path. And, second, we have the m365. Fundamentals. Certification. Details. So. With the learning apps, you will get more in-depth, knowledge. Of, what darren. Uh, just spent, 20 minutes, or so. Presenting. And then if you want to. Prove, or validate, that you've. Learned. Uh, enough about microsoft. 365. Plus, uh, to go further, i would highly recommend, pursuing, the certification. Uh which is the aka. M365. Certification. Link, and. Also, before we let you go, i'll talk to you about skills challenge. So this is an opportunity. To earn. A free, certification. Exam. Uh, by completing. Our, microsoft, 365. Cloud skills challenge. So join today in the learning zone, you see the link right on your screen, and with that. Have a wonderful. Ignite.

2020-10-04 00:27

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