How To Use Secret Of 72 NAMES OF GOD! 'Technology' For LASTING Miracles For DNA Of Your Soul!

How To Use Secret Of 72 NAMES OF GOD! 'Technology' For LASTING Miracles For DNA Of Your Soul!

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It's believed that every biblical verse that describes the parting of the Red Sea contains sacred letters. The joining of these various letters in specific combinations creates 72 NAMES OF GOD! Every Single One of these names is the KEY To A Specific Lock of our life, holding the immense power to unlock it FOREVER & lead us to LASTING FREEDOM! Have you thought about what would it be like if you received a miracle & found access to a key that could cut through the biggest locks of your life As smoothly as a knife cuts through butter! Undoing them FOREVER! Irrespective of whether that lock is of fear, or pain, or shame, or guilt, or poverty, or depression. Anything at all that holds you back from fully living your life with joy! And creates suffering for you on any level of your existence-physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic, or material. If you are SERIOUSLY interested in this transformation I'm talking about here, you'll have to learn the specific process for it. So, make sure to watch every part of this video till the end. Just like everything else I share on my channel, this too is a powerful subject.

But, there is no such tool no matter how powerful, which won't require you to use any wisdom, awareness, & do your own spiritual work! There are No such quick fixes. Even the most powerful secrets of nature can become miracles for you only when you truly know how to apply them right! One of the most important stories of the bible is that of Moses & the Red Sea, especially for those who follow Judaism. In this story, Moses, who is considered the biggest prophet for Jews, leads them to freedom from enslavement by Egyptians.

But, the road to this freedom is not an easy one. The only way to freedom is the parting away of the Red Sea for the Jews to cross over to the other side; to create a gulf between them & their enemy. A lot of great Jewish spiritual teachers, including this Rabbi whose book connected me to the wisdom that I'm sharing here, believe that Those verses of the bible which describe this escape, are actually encoded language. Even if the story appears purely literal, it holds codes inside it that contain immensely powerful spiritual light. People rarely understood these codes! This story dates back thousands of years & does not merely describe a physical escape to physical freedom but towards a spiritual one. To connect us to our own ever-present inner divine light that connects us to the creator.

Just like most people who read the Mahabharata, take every story literally, not understanding its true symbolism or metaphorical meaning & wisdom. Similarly, most people who read this story of the Red Sea & Moses are unable to grasp its true encoded wisdom! For the very 1st time in HISTORY, Rabbi (meaning Jewish spiritual expert/scholar/teacher) Yehuda Berg has consolidated all these 72 names spread across so many places, in a book. For every common man who is interested in using them earnestly for his own transformation! According to him, even though he comes from a religious background, his father also being a Rabbi, & had been exposed to seeing these things since childhood It was much later that he actually realized the soul DNA changing spiritual technology behind these names.

A big inspiration for him to write the book was through an incident in the 1990s when his father went to meet the King of Morocco for some peace talks. The King, at some point shared a personal valuable which had been handed over to him by his father (king's father) This valuable was nothing else but a parchment containing many of these names of God, & the King's father had asked him to keep it safe because they would protect him! This convinced Rabbi Yehuda Berg that it was time to share these names commonly with people. It took him a lot of effort & patience to create this book containing all these names because it was not easy to actually search out each name lost in various places. The completion of this book, therefore, convinced him even more that he was merely a chosen channel for divinity's decision to finally make this wisdom public! Make sure to follow carefully any instructions appearing on your screen throughout this video. Begin using these names only after full understanding & awareness. Whether your personal Red Seas will part for you or not, & if yes, to what extent?... Only Time Can Tell!!.. These names have tremendous true spiritual power. Of that, there is no doubt.

But, it's based on the condition that YOU take up your share of your participation in your own change with full awareness, earnestness, sincerity, dedication, & discipline! Even the most potent spiritual tools will be rendered useless in the hands of a lazy, impatient, irresponsible person who is not willing to take responsibility for his own life transformation through the light! It's time to now end this video. Perhaps, I will make another video in the future with some more Names Of God in it! Till then, stay committed to your transformation because No One else can bring it about other than YOU yourself!

2022-07-13 16:46

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