GROUND-BREAKING DETAILS! Advanced Tech: Hall of Records/Pyramids/Space Arks by Ileana Star Traveler

GROUND-BREAKING DETAILS! Advanced Tech: Hall of Records/Pyramids/Space Arks by Ileana Star Traveler

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Welcome to Cosmic Brilliance! I'm really excited to  have today's show titled more advanced technology   revealed in the ancient hall of  records and the activating space   arcs for 35 years i studied hidden archaeology   and ancient technology which are solutions that  could solve all our problems today and as you   will learn in our show they are being used in the  secret space programs for over a hundred years   therefore today we will be revealing huge  amounts of details on this advanced technology   that can solve the draconian and outdated  approaches to issues concerning environmental and   physical health and much more today my experienced  guest ileana star traveler will be revealing exact   groundbreaking details and advanced tech that  is currently being found currently being found   underneath the pyramids and close by ancient halls  of records that are scattered all over the world   now this information was originally revealed at  least the first time i heard it was revealed by   the renowned psychic and healer edgar casey  he did many life readings and healings that   he performed on other people and he had mentioned  during those that the hall of records were buried   in three major locations across the earth and they  would reveal the ancient knowledge and secrets   that would enlighten humanity when the time was  right well guess what folks the time is right now   you will be surprised to find out how and why  ileana is qualified to share more historical   unveiling of these truths for  you iliana like all of us has had   many lives when iliana contacted me for show  i sensed that there was a deeper reason and   as i read these past two weeks over a thousand  pages of her most current two volume books okay   check these babies out look how thick  they are each over uh 500 pages easily   i plowed through those and it was fascinating  and now i discovered why it was the latest most   specific knowledge and answers to my  46 questions our 47 questions really   that i had written for these next two shows with  ileana so please be proactive and share these two   classes we are providing for you part one and two  for the public and unveiling two million year old   knowledge crystal artifacts and advanced  technologies and more it's very exciting   so please if you don't mind like and subscribe  if you felt like you received benefit from this   ileana my guest is a star traveler who is  certified as a native american shaman psychic   crystal healer energy healer past  life regressionist soul retrieval   and hypnosis practitioner and an akashic records  reader she's also a successful self-published   author on amazon with a book called crystal grids  the art of healing with crystals that teaches   various healing crystal modalities and how to  create your own crystal grids so you can achieve   and manifest your desires and create your best  life she has also authored three new books titled   messages from a star traveler research archive  volume one and the two i showed you ileana's   star journeys with ufos et's secret space  programs and past lives volume 1 and 2.   now through self-hypnosis protocols ileana was  able to access memories of her secret space   program experiences being an ssp asset working on  the mars basis and get this folks cybernetic labs   creating biological drug serums biological  human cyborgs improving neurolink implants   and operating the regenerative technologies that  are the ones we really love and are waiting for   called the holographical medical pods is  the correct name we call them medical beds   and metatech units now ileana has also done  what is called one complete 60 years and back   in these secret space programs now that term  and science was defined and explained in my   previous cosmic show which makes  her current actual age 90 years old   so you're looking great ileana you go girl so in  iliana's two volume books that i just showed you   she describes her past life regressions where she  had remembered that she is an andromedan palladian   l as an e l extraterrestrial hybrid who is  a star traveler the l is the l's excuse me   are a builder creator race who inhabit the unknown  space universe they come from the 12th density of   dimension and they embody both the male and female  forms they are able to shift their biology and   forms in order to appear as different beings  and they can become corporal or non-corporeal   the l-rays were and still are shape-shifters  changing their looks to whatever form they want   wouldn't that be nice they all have psychic  psionic abilities and can manifest the realities   with thought consciousness they often exist as  pure energy i believe now the l race it's more   exciting the l race was one of the first races to  colonize earth 250 000 to 300 000 years ago and   left remnants yahoo of their vast technology here  which we are finding now back then the humans were   believe it or not seven feet tall and in those  early days the elves were referred to as giants   standing at 12 to 40 feet tall so folks if  you can picture this that is a height of a   four-story building because the average two-story  building is 20 feet plus a roof so imagine what it   would be look like meeting and telepathizing and  communicating or conversing with someone the size   of a four-story building awe-inspiring for sure  so thanks for showing up in the smaller body form   so once the elves colonized a planet they would  build great libraries deep underground which is   usually referred to as the hall of records because  they're libraries many of these libraries are   scattered on earth underground and are also  on on-world and off-road planets and moons   now the cool thing is these have tiny crystal  records which contain the history of the known   universe and yes you heard me right folks the  history of the known universe gathered and   archived by the elves and founders and cedars  during their vast travels inside these hall of   records which you will discover today the l race  made stasis chambers for their giant bodies to lie   safely for thousands of years for those giant  guardians who chose to remain behind because not   all of them did but those chose to remain behind  on earth are asleep inside those stasis chambers   and they knew they would be triggered to wake  up when the wave x energies came to earth   and you'll find out what those are the elves  can also travel in bio-living sentient light   ships if they want to the el rays are known for  being negotiators who helped to bring peace as   ambassadors to different planetary systems  to help prevent wars in various galaxies   now my subscribers know that previous cosmic  brilliance guests like elena dena and jean charles   and now ileana the star traveler  are all activators that are able   i want you to get this they are able to activate  all these crystal artifacts and stasis chambers   and other things in that we will be elucidating  in these hall of records they also access   the founder cedar space arcs because they have the  same dna and frequencies that match these ancient   builder cedar races if you are new to hearing  about these revelatory historical activations   understand that these are activating now on  earth across our and across our solar system   i personally am so excited because i've  waited thousands of years for this moment   and we are so fortunate to be alive on earth  for these exciting times so with that long yet   amazing introduction to ileana i felt she and her  ancient el anstress ancestry would be the perfect   cosmic brilliant person to provide answers to my  many many cosmic mystery questions so for today   and in our forthcoming part two ileana will share  many details that are not public knowledge now   please note that due to the s the specific details  that i have asked ileana which is a real deep dive   okay and totals 47 total questions that she  will address and answer for us it requires our   due diligence for accuracy so respecting ileana's  whose persona is precise and scientific in nature   she will be reading the detailed answers she  wrote in the two volume series because this   ensures that every accurate detail which is easy  to forget some of that will be shared with you   all without missing out anything so we truly  appreciate your patience in this matter uh i   know it's not always easy to listen to someone  who is reading but just take it as if you and   your family are attending classes and i promise  you that it will be worth it i guarantee that the   historical factual class will not disappoint  you and has never been taught in school so   i do recommend stop the show grab your family and  friends get some tea put your feet up and attend   to the gift of this free class thanks  for your patience and welcome back ileana   i appreciate you being here and consider you a  cosmic brilliant traveling universal encyclopedia   thank you mary lee it's good to be here with you  today good why don't we start by uh getting your   our terms defined as we go along so in  the introduction you mentioned the term   wave x energies that have been coming to earth  recently so please define for our audience what   that means sure so wavex is an energetic cosmic  wave that is supposed to help beings to evolve to   their highest potentials on a soul level and also  a physiological level of being as well so these   are the wavex higher frequency golden energies  that are coming from the great central sun and the   12 12 density portals and we discussed  that you felt the golden vibration and   i concurred with that um golden frequencies seem  to be part of these waves quite a bit yes and um did this start in 2012 do you know yes   it started 2012 and onwards and even got  more expanded in 2013 yes okay and so just in case for some of our newbies they have  never heard the central sun concept can you just   say a little bit about how the central sun send  sends frequencies our sons pick that up and it   gets transferred through so it happens in gradual  wave forms it's not all at once because the   central sun is like source creation where creation  begins where creation happens or things develop   so in order for us to receive these waveforms  because they're so powerful it can affect and   impact and change your genetics or dna  literally the two strands upgraded to   three four five and six in the densities from  3d and higher so this is what these wave forms   from the central sun are doing helping us in  our evolution and ascension process basically   oh my gosh that is so great to know because it's  almost like a default by creation to assist us   in whatever you want to call it the ascension and  reawakening the dna and most people have at least   12 strands of extraterrestrial dna and  up to 22 or more so thank you so much for   explaining that ileana yeah it even goes to 24  strands yes which the activators usually have   yes yes which means you and and elena and jean  charles moyan and more there are there are others   so since you go by star traveler i also would like  you to explain what that means and if you have met   any other star travelers on planet earth  or terra folks as it is called galactically so the star travelers are beings that are  traveling throughout the various dimensions   planets galaxies universes whether in corporeal  bodies semicorporeal or energy bodies there's   studying other races energetics and being record  keepers of how life is created and preserved   in all realities of existence and i have met some  other star travelers i know that there are six   others on earth or terra as you call it and  i have met two of these star travelers so far were those two that you met were were  they aware of each other on earth did   you recognize each other because our  memories have been so shut down here um so two of the star travelers that i  know of are friends of mine who i have met   but the other ones i don't know who they  are i just know the two out of the six so   two are close to me and the other ones are not  aware of their galactic heritage just the two   that i know of so it's and they're contributing  to the positive evolution of the human race and   to connecting a balance to the earth so  that's what the star travelers are doing   and getting to know their galactic heritage it's  like exploring your past life memories and seeing   who you were are and will be seeing your  future your past your present and it's all   interconnected in cycles of galactic heritage and  histories well i bet them coming together with you   triggered for them and helped them with their  memories and and of course you do amazing readings   for people and can scan people so i i would  imagine you help them out with that yeah we we had   talks about their past lives and who they were and  are today and how their past lives connect to who   they are now and what they're doing in their sole  awakening to help themselves and others on this   planet and evolving um one of the star travelers  is actually a healer and a psychic themselves   and the other one is like a record keeper  because they're into research as well this is so cool i'm if if i found that if i lie  allow myself flow which is not my strong suit   but if i allow myself flow i run into starseeds  and people all over the place i was just in the   container store yesterday and i got a a thing to  go you know just a quick message to go there and   i was just gonna go pick up a hanger i'm like is  it worth it i go in there the first guys see we   look at each other and i go hi how are you doing  he goes i'm great how are you doing and he ends   up being a star seed and we talk for like an hour  and a half he has full memory and full abilities   because he's a younger generation than i am so  we're running into each other slow mature right   yeah and you and i are very similar we're  very much into research we're very much into   the particulars of the information that we are  perceiving and trying to recognize and understand   so you and i have been working together the last  couple of days just flowing vibrating in how   the information is coming through so it's a very  interesting process i think it is it's lots of fun   we're both it is indeed yeah um your questions are  great very informative and it shows that you've   read these two books and that you're knowledgeable  about the material and you've you've followed   elena and you followed john charles moyen and  they have similar information about the archships   about dna heritage past life awakening  what's how it's helping us in evolution today   so it's all interconnected and they're in my books  as well because what they're sharing is amazing it   it coincides with the information so it's amazing  absolutely and with michael sala's work and   yes it totally coincides but yours is  literally an encyclopedia so i'm just like   because i love putting puzzle pieces together  so thank you anyway the audience will get the   benefit of this so thank you so i realize you are  humble because i've got to know you but i would   like you if you are willing to please specify your  abilities so our audience can actually understand   how you are able to access the galactic vast  knowledge including the various hall of records   and current the currently activating space arcs  so if you would just list off your abilities that   that you know you have sure so my abilities are  connected through the dna and soul axis related   frequencies of living consciousness when i connect  to people i actually see their soul sparks their   soul energy and how that works and that's how i  do my energy readings my healing psychic stuff   i really look at the soul and i listen to what  people's higher selves are telling me that's   so important because that's the true essence of  who we are it's our soul and our higher selves so   these abilities include psychic scanning astral  travel remote viewing by location teleportation   long distance healing soul retrieval  speaking multiple light languages   accessing the akashic records people and  planets again connecting to their soul energies   to their soul frequency to their higher selves  that's how the psychic scanning works activating   the space arcs in the hall of records and i  do that through remote remote viewing as well   i connect to the frequencies of what's there also  i've done psychokinesis which is moving objects   with your mind and working with holographic  devices oh like that's not enough it's so   awesome this is this is what i believe so many of  us can do once we're free and and activated um you   use the term remote viewing i know of the other  self-explanatory can you briefly describe for   any time first time listeners what remote viewing  is sure so remote viewing is when you are going   to look at something or someone could be from  the past the present or the future even you're   going to with your mind to have a look at what's  happening somewhere what's happening to someone   and you're getting sensory information back coming  back to you from your mind it's like your mind is   saying something and you're receiving a message  or a signal it could be in images it could be   in colors it could be in visuals it could be  in sentences sometimes everybody perceives it   differently and to the degree of remote viewing  that they're doing if you're starting out you   might just get visuals colors senses frequency  um and you don't interpret what that is you just   put down the data the information that you're  getting from whatever you're pinging as a source   because you're you're you're connecting to someone  or something that you're looking at remote viewing   literally means you're looking at somebody you're  listening to something you're connecting to   something or someone to see what it is or who  they are and bringing back information about   them and you write it down on a piece of paper  and you draw out little visuals of what you saw   or heard or sensed or felt so you are using  your five senses and beyond in remote viewing   what you're not using is your logical mind to  interpret what those things are what you see is   what you get and that's what you put down in your  remote viewing data you don't make assumptions   you don't guess what it is whatever you see sense  feel you put it down and that's how remote viewing   works and then later on if you have somebody that  tasked you with that remote viewing pro project   they will tell you how your results match  up what what with what they test you to do   what the target was most people don't know what  the target is in traditional remote viewing you   don't know the target you're blind um the way my  psychic abilities work most of the time i do know   what the target is because i psychically connect  to things on a deep level so for me i would say   my remote viewing is i usually do know what i'm  looking at and what i'm exploring it just to me   that that is a deeper connection so what is your  percentage of hit rates that's you know that's   a term where they were correct at getting a  item person location place often that they   don't even know what they're looking for but  they just access it yeah i would say 90 so far um if you would like it to tell you an example  of something that happened sure so i had been   remote viewing norad on october 3rd 2021 and  the most and they track everything from humans   norad is connected to satellites radar off-world  systems as well they track everything literally   airplanes cities people they can look at us zoom  in on the satellite and see us what we're doing   this this this is wild to me but the most  interesting thing that um i found is that   they're tracking your clothes they have  dedicated computers and servers to track   different types of ufos and crafts and um stephen  greer was just talking about that how his military   advisor had been at norad and he saw a  dedicated computer console computer console 50   that was dedicated to that so this just confirmed  things because my remote viewing was a year ago   and dr stevens greer show was on may 21 2022 where  this was revealed so the data just collaborates   everything and verifies that information i don't  think of norad i don't really am interested in   what's inside there it's military facility within  a mountain that's connected to canada the us and   the cheyenne mountain which is a secondary base  from what i understand from the remote viewing   so for me that's a military installation it's not  something i'm curious about that often but the ufo   stuff that they tracked that was  interesting and that's corroboration   yes it is and believe it or not back in 1975 i  was dating a wonderful man i love him to this day   and his father was a high up person in norad  so i got a private uh tour which was awesome   and i can tell you just the door alone is like  this you know so it was lots of fun thank you   thank you for that okay so when i was reading your  book you and others have spoken of light languages   and so again for audience i want you  to describe you know what that is and go for it just anything you can tell us about that   sure um i speak different light languages and i  communicate with a guide of mine whose name is   zagor he is a reptilian insectoid hybrid and his  language his language is very guttural it's like   i can give you a sample rakta nash that means  don't be a sellout a literal translation of it so that's a little sample um and to me light  language is has very specific meaning like a   deep soul meaning so i'm just going to share what  that is so the light language is often what can   look like someone doing things with their hands  where there are movements incorporating flowing   and flashing with signs uttering phrases and  it might sound like it's an angelic language   uh which can sound like a quality of gold if  gold were a sound this can be like a dance   of sound and vibrant gestures with rivers of  energy going back and forth inside us so it's   an energy flow it's a vibration it's a feeling  in your heart it's a sensing of soul connection   and language can be expressed in  different forms like some people speak it   some sing it some sign it draw or write as light  maps or codes or inscriptions so it could be any   of those things really it is called light language  because that is how it appears to the inner third   eye which is here as the practitioner speaking  words that are on fire or really lit with gold   so you're accessing a frequency you're accessing  senses flow energy and that can feel like gold   because your soul is singing some say that they  are channeling white language from other beings   in other realms or scar systems some say that  it comes from their higher self and it could   because we are all connected to our higher  selves that's the greatest gift i find   and some believe that it is both those alien  beings are fractals of their own self and that   can be past life connections to galactics as well  our galactic family so each person has their own   style of expression which is as distinct as their  voice as distinct as the beings or aspects that   they are bringing through them or themselves and  again light language could be very it can mean one   thing to you and it can mean once something else  to me it's very unique and special to the person   that is connecting to it so various beings have  their own form of what might be considered to   look like sign language and it's a light  language in the form of how like dolphins   send each other holographic blasts of information  through their clicks and whistles and worse   how trees and the mycelium of forests speak to  one another in chemical impulses so it's not   just words it's frequency it's chemistry it's  sound these things don't point to definitions   they transmit states of being full of emotion  and charged with presence it has been said   that light language is truly celestial it is  both galactic and angelic ancient and futuristic   as much as many of us are familiar with ideas  of enchantment and spells like language takes   us right to the edge of that unfamiliar we can  all tap into our own forms of light language   it is a new kind of magic literally this is  weaving of light in an age of misunderstanding   how beneficial it would be for us to feel new ways  of communicating as trees dolphins et's and angels   already know and can never be misunderstood  it is so clear how it comes in when they speak   light language it is just a pure vibration of the  heart and so loving of the soul it's a deep divine   connection so through light language any beings  that we encounter are literally aspects of us   whether past future or parallel lives ancient  or in a different dimension when we gain access   to them we reclaim something that may have been  lost or forgotten within our own selves and in   that uniqueness the communication might not sound  like language at all the language of light doesn't   have to be words it could be frequency it could be  feeling it could be purity we all have a distinct   dialect first there is just the energy in the  beauty your human sits aside and you let yourself   communicate you commune with your inner self  and your higher self when people bring the light   language through they may have a vision in their  head but they might not completely understand   the word by word but rather they're getting it  and feeling they feel it deeply in the heart in   the third eye and in the soul vibration of what's  coming through white language is about healing   in the stress of our three-dimensional world  the practice of light language heals by bringing   together the spiritual and the physical its  divine union expressing ourselves helps us to   make the connection of the spiritual the spiritual  and the physical it is sincerity and humbleness   shining from ourselves that bridges the imagining  imaginary into the physical realm because sound is   physical and your imagine imagination is life's  creation literally you create you vibrate you   imagine and you make it manifest into your reality  and light language can help you with that to bring   everything we can from our ancestry into the  physical world that's literally manifestation   connecting to our ancestors we can then apply that  wisdom to everything that we do bringing it into   physical energy helps us to grow and make our  world better than it is and it's often chanting   light language it's expressing your creation in  your beautiful imagination of the soul divine   that's that's how i see light language being  special to me so with light language we can   connect the ats the fairies the spirits the  dragons nature and etc shamans and druids do this   all the time and we can as well anybody can speak  light language if you have a memory of it within   your heart then yes if you even have the question  can i do it then the answer is yes of course you   can why would your soul even be guided to ask  then why not explore it go out into nature let   what is in your chest and heart come out maybe it  will be a chant or syllables or a strange sequence   that comes out so vibrantly there's nothing scary  about it it's the embracing of more of who you are   and it is what is encoded in the sleeping  dna that we all have and that you have   so light language is also a beautiful set of  transmissions which create the light language   that could be using the voice in conjunction  with hand signals like a dance where the hands   are describing shapes glyphs and formations in  the air it is a simultaneous layer of meaning   to the utterances of the voice the hands can write  like language in the air so it can be written   in the air as parts of symbols letters  sentences phrases images numbers signs etc   it's so expressive you can literally be creating  new languages new galactic forms of communication   the light language transmissions can come from  the angelic realms from galactic dimensions   from the ancient continent of lemuria even from  the elemental realms of elves and fairies light   language is connected to intuitive channeling  and psychic psionic abilities where a person   can set the intention or the tone for the energy  or information that they wish to bring through or   the person can let the energies themselves decide  what comes in and how it expresses themselves wow that's light language and again the way  people describe it is so unique and different   um i can't describe it any other way i  can't imagine this is what it is to me   it's so magical and it's so inspirational  and communicative in its many many forms so multi-dimensional oh indeed   and it also connects to the uniqueness of my  experiences with zagor so when i speak the light   language with him it sounds like something called  klingon which people might have seen in star trek so it's when i literally verbally verbally  verbials because it's guttural or psychically   communicating with zagor this language does sound  like guttural klingon and the war refuses to learn   english so i have to speak clean on of course so  yeah yeah insectoid of course we have to adjust   and i do i i'm happy to speak with him in  whatever form he is happy to speak with me   and it sounds very fast spoken language um and  to me it's and it's very expressive it's like a   forward speaking intonations and specific meanings  and it's expressed in every word or sentence that   is being spoken so one sentence can be five  different phrases actually in this language so   there's emphasis put on speaking clearly with  precise understanding and what is being said   in this clean on sounding guttural language so  that there are no chances for misunderstandings   or misinterpretations in the vernacular of  the language itself so it's very precise it's   very concise there's no misunderstanding  with him what he means is what he says   and this this being is so interesting he loves  to play with cats he likes fluffy animals   he he adores beautiful fuzzy creatures  because he hasn't had love or warmth in   his life he's a bioengineered being his  race was enslaved so for him it's about   it's about connecting and communing with  love compassion and humbleness and loving   little creatures just imagine this 14 to 16  feet tall green looking reptilian insectoid   with black eyes just connecting with beautiful  furry animals and wondering these creatures   are beautiful this is love oh that's a beautiful  story a beautiful story yeah tenderness softness   means a lot to multiple species listening to your  answer on the light language was enchanting and   it makes i had to sit fairly still because it  makes made my heart want to just get up dance   move and try it spontaneously so so uh i'm  on good behavior so thank you for the beauty   and the dynamic precision of your answer i really  appreciate it and i'm sure our guests will too so   it's incredible now to get a little more personal  i'm curious what was your specific soul mission   and was it about coming to earth to help  wake up or rescue other soul family members   like many of us volunteered to do okay  would you be willing to describe that   sure my sole mission was to rescue a female  pleiadian soul mate aspect of mine whose name   is akira she was trapped by the matre gray race  in the peruvian portal of amaro moru under the   portal in a crude stasis pod where akira had been  asleep in a stasis chamber for two million years   so at that time there were the maldek tunnels made  by the meldakians who had come from the ancient   planet maldek which was destroyed so this planet  is not currently in our solar system anymore   yes we've heard about is that  the one we destroyed so many   in in previous wars is that the one that  is now our asteroid belt or is that tiamat is what folks that you are seeing when you see  all the pieces in the asteroid belt it's you know   these these are planets and been at  war and part of our galactic history   so go ahead and please explain to our audience  um who are learning about galactic history   a little bit more about the maldekians  and what occurred sure so the meldakians   destroyed their own super-earth planet almost  1 million years ago and it was called maldac   when mars had been closed to them they destroyed  it with supercharged crystal plasma lasers   which can act as directed energy being weapons if  programmed to do so not all the time um whatever   you program it to do it could be for positive  purposes or what happened with them unfortunately   was a negative polarity but it doesn't have to  be that way well man so when maldek was destroyed   the remaining survivors came to earth and they  integrated themselves with the 10 et comprising   atlantis as well as earth humanoids whose genetics  were getting upgraded by the atlantean geneticists   fascinating do you could you name or do you know  the 10 extraterrestrial civilizations that were   comprising atlantis at the at that time so i  have awareness of six of the names for the 10   et civilizations that were comprising the founding  of atlantis so the six so these six civilizations   that i know of that were the contributing e.t  founders for creating atlantis were the meldakins   the andromedans pleiadians syrians lyrans  arcturians and several and several of the   other races which were among the 10 but i don't  know those it's so lovely um because as long as   i've known you i don't find you ever exaggerate  you know i'm i have that irish ancestry so i just   had and i know you've got a lot in you but you're  very precise and you're willing to say what you   don't know or whatever so i really appreciate that  quality thank you for your precision well it and   it comes from being a researcher because i used to  work in university libraries so precision accuracy   of facts and fact checking that was part of what i  was trying to do is work so for me it's like this   is the information you share what you know and  if you don't know you honestly say you don't know   that that's okay thank you because it's  easier to trust someone when you know that   to what they're saying because what we're sharing  here is pretty outrageous for a lot of people   but we're all going to get up to speed then the  faster the better so please continue with what   caused the destruction of atlantis there's many  ideas about this but i know you were able you know   what destroyed it and i would like you to share  the clarity of that sure so during the time of two   million years ago when atlantis was falling the  reason for it happening was because it was being   bombarded by various races that primarily included  the draco reptilians doing this bombarding from   space with energy beam weapons that destroyed most  of the atlantean cities outposts space bridges   portal systems and andromedan space station attlan  that was orbiting near the earth at the time wow yeah okay so when atlantis collapsed and i think it had four   i don't i don't pronounce this is it epoch  or epic epics epochs it had four piers and so we're talking about the  last epoch when a land is finally   collapsed is that referred  to as the actual fall of man   so what what what i'm referring to two  million years ago is when atlantis was founded   right so the reptilians the draco destroyed  that two million year technology and   after that things really changed so when  atlantis was collapsing i consider it to   have been going down the vibrational density  as it destabilized from being in the sixth   dimensional earth that brought us from being in  the 60 to 30 which was a huge shift and it created   a loss of memory for the survivors of atlantis  that's basically where they went to using ships   and sails and stuff like that instead of hover  cars and spacecrafts because yeah they lost a lot   it's huge yes so the atlantean energetic shift  vibration caused these civilizations to have   a lesser understanding of how to rebuild their  outpost cities and other knowledge they no longer   had flight capabilities or the same crystalline  towers as they did before with the space bridges   where they could go up to their space station the  atlan so the other versions of atlantis that were   rebuilt had much less crystalline resources and  crystalline systems available to the atlanteans   they still had some crystalline technologies like  the healing wands with sound frequency with energy   and the different colors of the  crystals doing the healing on the wands   and also the ability to use gold and copper to  build their cities and water fairing vessels   but these surviving civilizations no longer had  access to much of the stargate portal systems   in order to leave the earth so they may do  with adapting to using the resources on earth   that were available to them in order to basically  rebuild their homes or their outposts it's almost   like starting all over again so that was the  time do i have this right that was the time let me back up many many humans on the  planet right now earth reincarnated   have had lifetimes of atlantis a lot lemuria so  back then so to speak uh we were at six density   is what you're saying i mean i thought we started  off at fifth density but find out we were a sixth   density oh my god no wonder there there's so  much depression and everything else with souls   trying to adjust subconsciously subconsciously to  the huge you know shift downward in primitive ways   of doing things is is would you say that's fair  to say yeah yeah i i think we when the beginning   of atlantis felt 2 million years ago we lost a lot  of advanced stuff we lost access to space stations   to space portals to space bridges we lost the  ability to travel through portal systems as well   some of the founding et's escaped through the  portals and they managed to rescue the crystalline   towers and put them in inner earth or take them  back home some of these huge towers are now in   inner earth so that the reptilians or the anunnaki  cannot get access to this technology and use it in   the wrong way um basically it's to protect  the technology and to protect us so one day   we have access to it again to the crystalline  systems that help us to extend our life force   energies that keep us healthy that allow us to be  super happy and vibrant telepathic communication   that's all crystalline technologies which you're  about ready to introduce now i uh years ago i   saw pictures of crystal towers on the moon as well  yes there are crystal towers on the moon when i've   i've been on the moon with lunar space operations  and i've seen crystal towers i've seen them on   venus as well oh cool oh my god we got to get to  that but i want to stay focused on the excitement   of this technology that is going to free people  up and help so reading your two-volume set i learned okay folks are you ready for this one  of iliana's most important past lives was as an   egyptian priest who was named calypso and this  was not a lifetime that we would say average   as dolores cannon would say digging potatoes  this was a lifetime where she ends up being   the architect knowledge keeper scientist and  builder of none other than the giza pyramids   with the three interconnected tunnels of giza  and also highly knowledgeable about the muldekian   carpathian romanian mountains a little bit at  about tibet previously spoken by peter moon on   my previous shows in the his wonderful uh series  called transylvania the transylvania series so   folks i take a bathroom break because you're  about ready to get the tour of all the details   of the pyramids and the giza plateau and that will  just be the start so how i'd like you to perceive   iliana is through the eyes of yourself as calypso  when you slash he was building the giza pyramid   and if you can describe what that job was what  it entails and as many details as you can share   i'd really appreciate it yeah so this lifetime  was in egypt it was a past lifetime from 80 000   to 100 000 years ago just so folks understand how  far it was how far back it was in the historical   record i don't think egypt was just built 10  12 000 years ago in the pyramids it goes back   hundreds of hundreds of thousands years ago so  from my memories of calypso he used the ancient   universal knowledge of magic and alchemy  to help build the various egyptian pyramids   by levitating and teleporting the large masonry  stones by connecting with thought consciousness   to the one device that he wielded in his left  hand so this wand was a tractor beam device that   was used to levitate the large stones and  stack them in precise geometrical patterns   to build the 3ds apparent pyramids the one tractor  beam device submitted a blue frequency field   that would levitate the stone blocks to stack them  in specific and precise height parameters this one   also had different color buttons that could  make the levitation frequency fields stronger   or weaker depending on the size and the weight of  the stones that needed to be levitated to fit the   pyramid structure exactly so that it allowed to do  the you know this this pyramid shape the precise   um the pythagorean theorists as well   so cool i love that because um that matched my  intuition of knowing that they used levitation   and i know i studied tibet for a while i'm not  an expert at tibet at all but i believe in one   of the most sacred hidden valleys some are invited  they get together this is the memory i have of a a   half circle with huge yak horns different  sound instruments and everything at the base of   a huge rock that has a cave upon and they were  able through sound and probably other things   uh literally lift just like what you're describing  guide uh he you know all this you know remove   remove the opening of the cave guide and up and  store these sacred items artifacts grand canyon   had that too by the is having that too but way  up there and then cover it up so uh again this   has been used in many many ancient cultures but  it's wonderful to hear the details and the exact   tech so how do you remember calypso cut those  stones was it with lasers some kind of laser thing   yeah so as calypso in that past lifetime i  remember that there were portable laser mini   platforms which were used with sound frequency  oscillation so they oscillated the vibration   in order to cut the masonry stones and the precise  shape that he wanted them to be he could cut   it small he could cut it big he could levitate  them to stack one on top of each other with such   precision because he didn't have to do it by hands  it was with the portable wand tractor beam and the   lasers cut it and they're portable and the lasers  move because they are powered by anti-gravity   energy fields so that's how he could get it in  the precise shape he wanted where he wanted how   he wanted he was very very precise mathematical  precision equation in his head he knew   how everything needed to look like before he was  even stacked so that's that's how interesting his   mind work work from what i can remember so these  stones were then stacked with the levitation   tractor being one to build the giza pyramids and  that comes from my direct memories of that past   life so these laser mini platforms could float and  move about since they had anti-gravity propulsion   devices attached to them on the bottom so that  is why they were portable and could be moved   around as needed to different sites like to  build the pyramids in egypt now these okay   you have to show me with your show us with your  hands so basically um there were many platforms   and these were anti-gravity  so they were floating around   yes they were and how big were these platforms  whatever could hold the stone that they were   working on they're not huge they're the size of a  table okay and yeah there's multiple sets of them   there's like five to seven of them at the same  time doing this function each one is cutting the   stones with precise frequency and color i could  see blue i could see green purple energies yellow   coming from these laser systems on these platforms  and literally cutting the stones into precise   segments to stack so it's almost like did these  platforms within them have templates uh blueprints   but in a certain way based on it um based on the  color and the frequency and and or was it also   calypso's intention and visualization along  with yeah they had the templates but it was   his intention and visualization so he could  psychically telegraph to these platforms what   he wanted changed if he needed to change something  to the template as they were cutting the stones   and how many people were involved in this he was  the leader or the main builder but were there   yeah he there was thousands of people involved in  building it and he was one of the project leaders   like if we were to ask him who were you   he'd say he was a project leader  he was a priest and an architect so   just imagine him standing over the building site  and just checking to make sure that everything is   precisely created the way it needs to to have  that to have that a perfect pythagoras angle   because it has to be a certain degree right for  the vibration of the pyramids to work correctly   energetically um so he was making sure that that  was done precisely to those parameters that was   his job and to monitor the workers to monitor  the lasers to just be in sync with the project   and and he was levitating i saw him in that past  life levitating the stones to stack correctly   that was his favorite thing to do from his job  it's a new version folks on playing with blocks   yes or legos yes and i think these new kids coming  in that ha that are all activated and have their   dna they're just going to be doing telekinesis  with a lot of interesting things you know all   these i firmly believe nothing's impossible and  all these abilities that we're sharing today   can be done by us technology is here to assist  us not replace us just want to make that fact   would you agree with that yeah yeah i i think that  technology is here to help us in basically helping   with daily tasks like reminders of things and  stuff uh finding us stuff on the internet but we   should be evolving as organic humans organically  naturally i don't believe in having implants in   the brain or modifying yourself genetically we  are the perfect blueprint of the soul divine the   energy the body can regenerate self-heal we have  it within us and we're doing this energetically so   we don't need technology within the body it should  stay as is outside the body and you know assist   us with just daily things remind your scheduling  timing that stuff holographically yeah yeah well   yeah they could fetch the food and put it in the  car for us that type of stuff maybe for the robots   but i i don't think they should be fully sentient  ai's running around i don't i don't like that idea   no way too many galaxies have been destroyed  by that exactly we don't need that here yeah   we don't need those wrong programming parameters  i agree with you 100 we're we're good as this we   are divine human beings yes yes beautifully  said now folks um you will be seeing uh an   amazing photograph uh of the pyramids as we're  talking about our will provide photographs and   you probably don't know this but iliana i am not  a tech person she does the most amazing beautiful   almost holographic images of different things  we'll be talking about so make sure and include   those in the video which you're probably seeing  now but uh one of the things you'll be seeing is   the entrances to the hall of records at giza under  the left paw also something elena talked about   which is on the left side of the rear tail there's  a little entrance exhaust excavated in the 1970s   by the famous uh egyptian archaeologist zahi  hawas there's also the video it's the first one i   ever found first revealed public photos within the  sphinx itself call from so check   that out and i include also in this youtube you're  looking at leech secret photos under the great   sphinx inside hidden tunnels as well as uh zahi  hawas on top of the back of the sphinx and there's   a trap door there that goes way down so those are  different things you may be looking at right now   so just wanted to let you know there'll be lots of  fun graphics so uh why don't you why don't we get   into the tunnel system because that's fascinating  too so continue on talking about the maldakian   tunnel systems which means the ancient maldeks  built those and they connect to many sacred   sites all over the world including the egyptian  sphinx and the hall's records by the sphinx so   go ahead the militants have created their tunnel  systems underground throughout south america   africa egypt indonesia as well as some  parts of europe spanning between turkey   and antarctica connecting all the maldives  bases together with their atlantean outposts   in the largest worldwide subterranean highway  system a huge highway system imagine walking   deep underground and just walking about and  being free to walk so that's how big that is   you could easily travel underground without being  undetected so you weren't being detected and not   be seen by the early human surface dwellers who  are still evolving with their genetic dna upgrades   called the earth human genome project so we would  call those guys the neanderthals um and one of the   atlantean projects um goals was to help upgrade  their dna but without them being seen without the   atlantean founders being seen so it was done  energetically from a distance so the purpose   of the tunnels leading to tibet uh egypt inner  earth was so the meldakians and the atlanteans   could have easy underground transport to all the  bases and outposts without being detected by the   neanderthals because they they did have a sort of  like a prime directive not to interfere with an   evolving civilization so that's how it was during  atlantis as well the first two million years   so this worldwide interconnected ancient and  modern tunnel system also provides a way to   discover more chambers like under the egyptian  sphinx where the egyptian hall of records had   been built around 9564 bc during the fourth epoch  of atlantis when the island poseidon had drowned   under the waves because it was a cataclysmic  event and its survivors had branched out to   egypt and peru as well as other places where the  water levels from the oceans had not risen so high   from that cataclysmic event think  uh noah's flood something like that   similar to that is what happened in  poseidon's poseidon the island round and   the people were called poseidons  or poseidons on that island cool i'm having so much fun learning all these details  and you probably introduced to those that are   watching for the first time several different  impactful facts that they were not introduced to   may have not been introduced to is the fact of the  non-intervention where there were always advanced   civilizations here on earth and it and planetary  planets and planetary evolution and the species   on it at as far as i'm concerned as a galactic  historian has always been not creationism or   evolution but at least three different factors  which include genetic manipulation upgrades   in some cases downgrades but so there's that  whole factor you covered and that's why these   underground tunnels didn't have a blow-mind effect  to the neanderthals and because they were seeing   you know neanderthals magnet what's going to be  the best ultimate avatar body for advanced souls   to come and experience earth right and be able to  be fruitful multiply and successful would you say   you know yeah and it wasn't modifying chimps  and apes these neanderthals were already   evolving human beings and this is what we are now  where the homo sapiens were the result of their   genetic dna being upgraded the chromagnum the homo  say the the neanderthals to the homo sapiens that   we are now we weren't it's not darwinian theory  where we just evolved from apes and monkeys   to us that's not how it happened there there  was et intervention and genetic positive genetic   upgrades that helped to evolve the intelligence  of human beings at a faster rate and that was   done through energy frequency changing the  genetic strands they weren't being injected   with anything or manipulated physically it was  energetic frequency that did this upgrade which   fascinating which i envision is exactly well not  exactly but very close to what is happening now   extra frequencies coming in the wave x the  everyone being on board uh us moving up in   frequencies so that we can thank you very  much get back to at least where we started   you know because right so yes it's  like here we go again to do this   now did they travel on maglev trains which we've  also had for a long long time underground and   folks that maglev means magnetic levitron trains  and anti-gravity cars in those tunnels back   then uh and they do that now for quick travel  for elites presidents extraterrestrials etc that   have treaty agreements not to show their face  topside i looked up and china's fastest maglev   train goes 600 miles per hour but et underground  trains on earth go much faster than that i know   mach speed is 767.3 miles per hour and i heard  that they go at least three mach speed or higher   have you ridden on them or do you know  anything about them so i've never written on um   these faster faster than the speed of light trains  or the maglev's um i did remove few of them and   i know that for a fact we have faster than the  speed of light train systems going through the   portal hub corridors it could take you to other  planets it could take you to location a to b on   our planet in an hour or two so during the time  of atlantis there were hovercrafts in what you   would describe as hover cars that would travel  through the tunnel systems but not maglev trains   the faster than the speed of light fsl trains that  are currently being used to go through the portal   corridor hub systems are modern technology  that is not from atlantis this is something   that these plaque ops programs have created on  earth so by using the faster than the speed of   light trains going through the portal corridor  hubs again it takes about one to two hours max to   travel to other countries or even to other planets  that's being done with this technology and again   no i have not been on these trains that are on  earth um and so this information had come to me   from a remote viewing that i had done in the  volume one book describing these fsl train systems   and the portal corridor hubs through which they  travel yeah some people have said there's more   people living underground than topside and there's  definitely there's definitely uh multiple species   for sure and the whole ancient and char and  inner earth beings on multiple densities   and um when i studied with some hopi  elders a long time ago i remember uh   one of them with the last name of fast will  said we know we hope he's know how to get   from one end of united states to the other  underground so it's you know there's fact   after fact after fact that the verifies which  are what you're talking about now today uh we   use nuclear powered tunnel boring machines and  you'll see the picture right now on the video the   tunnel very fast and make the rocks on the sides  smooth and can can go at a pretty good uh clip   so do you know how they built the tunnels back  then ileana yeah the meldakians can build their   tunnel systems with laser sound frequency again  oscillation oscillating and frequency devices   and they did not need to use nuclear powered  boring machines like we do now so overheating   the rock of underground matter is not healthy  for the sustainability of planets or human beings   the laser sound frequency oscillation devices  that the maldations had used did not overheat   any of the rock systems in the underground areas  where the maldackians had created the tunnels   these devices did not emit heat or cold outputs  instead they used sound to operate the frequencies   determining how much was needed to create the  tunnel systems and they had smooth walls with   precise edges or rounded curves depending on what  was desired in the structure of the underground   tunnel systems and the walls were smooth in  amara moro and other places that i've seen now when you say laser sound frequency  oscillation devices is that similar to what we see   in the cymatics videos where um sound is put  you know into a drum and the the mugwort or sand   immediately moves into different figures and  configurations is it simple yes that yeah sound   is amplified and the frequency is tenfold what it  should be because it's an amplification process so   it literally vibrates the walls literally changes  the shape of something so that's how that's done   it's a vibration it's like just imagine seeing  a wave form right you if you're seeing this   process in action you're seeing a waveform it's  like a mirage and the shape of the wall changes   instead of being just square it is now almost  circular depending on what they needed to form   the tunnel system and when you said it's  10 times more powerful that explains to me   because i've had i've gotten this one with uh  dolphins intimately that explains to me why those   evolved beings have chose that medium and why  their sonar track is so effective in water yeah   because it's more effective in water than air  correct yeah yeah because it's oscillating like   this the frequencies going like this so you  almost see a waveform with this technology   the only way what you're seeing how it's changing  is the waveforms of the sound oscillation   all right so another question for you ileana is  why then this has been bannered around tons of   books written about it but why were the pyramids  built and what are their several functions so according to calypso's memories from what i  understand the egyptian pyramids were built to   be power generators that were cloaked so that the  star nations could use the pyramids to either send   out positive or negative messages to earth's  field in

2022-06-14 02:45

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