Flew Hang Glider To South Lake Base Raided Bravo #2

Flew Hang Glider To South Lake Base Raided Bravo #2

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hi everyone we're playing subsistence and i'm gonna go ahead and fly over to the south lake base um i rated that base first i believe it was yeah i have everything so it's a little bit of a trek up there you know and then those ladder hatches but uh but we'll get it we'll do it it'll be no problem hope everybody's having a great day i was thinking yeah i brought three and i have a pic yeah i'm good i wanted to um like i was saying i wanted to go over there and read that base even though i've rated it one time like the other ones i'm not sure who is who except for the one that i rated just a bit ago that was a bravo and that was kind of in the middle of the map and then i'm not sure about the one kind of down for me you know across that little inlet and then this one over here i know charlie is definitely over there that base is huge so that's a definite and i bought uh brought some health kits and some not the optimal thing that we want to be doing here some heating packs that's what i was going to say because she's definitely going to need yeah because i'm taking cold uh i'm taking cold damage right now let's buy my uh microphone deal i kind of even though her stamina is starting to tank going up this mountain right here i don't want her like that right there you take more of a chance of falling because although i can give her one i still want her to have one um while she's flying the health packs and i really need the or the heating pack i need the health kits though so when i get shot alrighty did we do it no no no bad no matter how many times i've been up here i still kind of like you know even though it's a game you kind of like shake you know because you're you're afraid of heights at least i kind of am yeah an elevator most definitely okay the south lake is right there and so the base for them is right up there so all right i'm taking care of that way and um yeah that's where we're headed towards my weight my beacon no no no no no too much too much there you go let's hopefully we'll make it over there i've been adjusting it a lot before i kind of flew over it i seen the campfire excuse me yeah you're taking cold damage it's minus nine nine or no seven now should be coming into it here soon no no no no no bad bad bad down down down you're gonna fall that was a mistake that's just gonna go down too soon right through the tree smash she broke her leg that sucks now we know oh god try to veer away from the tree there we go oh wait a minute i forgot she was a broken leg there we go look how close i mean i couldn't have gotten basically any clothes oh [ __ ] oh yeah hello oh look there's a man and a wolf okay nobody has shot me yet what about balcony i don't dude him that's the glass piece why do i not see anybody i don't like that are they all out to lunch okay this is really weird there's one there's one sorry he didn't notice me uh-oh i'm pretty sure he did now oh no i'm caught on this thingy okay the hell what the hell dude come here oh thank you oh ouch that looked like it hurt hold on just made me i'll kill you in a second i need to reload okay [Music] no no peekaboo oh [ __ ] oh that that looked like it hurt okay let's get yours this balcony dude where's he at my hand is shaking i don't there he is there he is i can't get him through this can i no no okay yeah yeah yeah i had a feeling sick for both bad shots and then oh i call him a little bit down tagged him straight to the dome i like it and then pick it up the mouse is really messing with me besides the fact that i'm shaking where's the claymore at let's see it what button no it's empty this is odd we're different all right i'll wait on that i don't know why i did this no i have no room for anything that's a hate can i put that in there here okay and that would have been cool if if there would have been money in there all right that's the only reason why i'm going to keep that going other than that i don't want to hear the sound i don't know why i have more than enough of these this is cool hmm that'll work all right i'm out of here hold on and take a picture real quick okay all right oops let's go oh wait okay let's go all right three begins one beacon okay this is the way all right now we can go back and there's some um fiber we can go back to the little base i have at the south lake and um fish we'll catch dinner but that was fun flying raid i mean i couldn't have gotten any closer other than you know landing on them baby daddy too funny i'm a huge smile now i broke my leg and went straight into a tree we have our ups and downs i need a a locker chest crate thingy in here i wonder if i have this stuff to make it i just need three quarters what with 3p right on okay well i need this to go right there and then we're going to make one of these and put it down we'll be able to store all this stuff and go fishing and all that good stuff very cool i grabbed the um the pole in the first off i went i wanted to make sure that i had it okay so i end up doing that anyways oh oops never mind don't worry yeah actually i might even leave uh some of this here so i can do the fire starters i think i have to one no none i used the last one okay cool all right where's the ring let's see what we got can we catch one said how everybody's day go i know you're not gonna answer me i don't laugh all the time i just have a nervous laugh you know talking into a mic again get nervous that's why i constantly fall when i'm playing destiny but if i'm not talking into the mic then i'm fine it drives me crazy oh very cool let's see what we got for dinner a little person no not a little person little guy yep little one the eagle didn't get it so that's cool do very cool it looks like a small one again our perch yep that perch okay so we have two left give us a big fish we want a big fish very cool i think we got a little fish again yep little one okay this is our last as they say oh that's a lucky spot i don't know little fish are hanging out there big fish are supposed to eat little fish right i don't know all depending on what type they are so it's fall in october it's gotta be at the end of october did we get a little one again probably no very cool we got a salmon okay everybody well on that note i'm going to let y'all go have a great night or day bye oh wait like subscribe and share subscribe i see a bat now it's a wolf bye everyone

2022-01-19 05:31

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