Ecstatic States of Consciousness | Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up with Jamie Wheal

Ecstatic States of Consciousness | Wake Up, Grow Up, Show Up with Jamie Wheal

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i feel hope when people come together in their mortality in their humanity and then something beautiful happens freeing ourselves from the individual patterns and past that no longer serves us is just one avenue to personal mastery we also face a collective crisis in both meaning within the world as well as the multiple existential threats that we all face from climate change to the toxic food system how then can we reconnect to our deepest purpose and what practices can we use to help us reboot our system allowing us to contribute to a collective perspective for the good of all as we continue this series and understanding layers of personal mastery the next profound teacher is jamie will and he says these days we're drowning in information but starving for motivation reconnecting to our true self requires a multi-dimensional approach from the energetic the spiritual the physical and the emotional levels and with that awareness today we're looking at the spiritual and neurophysiological levels to how we come together mysticism meets science and so in today's video you're going to learn why we are all facing a meaning crisis you're going to learn how we can develop a new meaning you're going to learn the five big triggers to accessing peak states and you're going to learn why it's more important ever for peak states to go mainstream and we're going to discuss the benefits and pitfalls that peak states offer us collectively if you're new to my videos please click the subscribe button and click the bell so you'll be notified each and every week when i release new content so when you've done that let's dive straight into this fascinating topic with jamie wheel [Music] i'm richard sony coach speaker and here to support you along your path to personal mastery and one of the most challenging aspects to personal mastery is understanding our thoughts feelings and actions especially when looking at our relationships the way we interact with people and the way we come together within our communities and this video links with stage three to five of the pathway to personal mastery how do we heal our individual pain and trauma so we can show up with an open heart to contribute to the collective for the good of all so on to part one of today's video the collapse in meaning we are all facing right now you know right now we all need to integrate and process our own crisis points and really you know working through our stuff the inner work for outer action and out action within our own lives but also out of action for more of a collective global perspective of all the teachers featured so far in this mini-series jamie wheel is the only one that i've trained with personally which has been an amazing experience he is an expert in transformational practices and peak states and really his life's work is about laying out an open source manual the manual is about recovering a sense of meaning and transcendence during these paradoxical times of global abundance and impending crisis he has a brand new book out at the moment called recapture the rapture rethinking god sex and death in a world that's lost its mind and that's out right now and this is the open source manual of how reclaimed back our meaning the blueprint of practice is needed and how to come together as a collective without getting stuck but where have we lost our meaning we had a rise in consumerism a rise in education a rise in all the things you know and every generation we were you know really only three generations baby boomers gen xers and millennials came up taking that as steady state reality like i'm gonna have more education i'm gonna live in a bigger house i'm gonna have a nicer car i'm gonna travel more than my parents before me and their parents before them right and this is just the way it all keeps going so we had this kind of um happy accident of a of a historical anomaly of peace prosperity abundance and possibility so that's our kind of coming alive arc the the staying alive arc is all about triage it's like oh you know i mean and so many folks are wrestling with this you've got aging grandparents that have just missed a year of their grandchildren's lives you've got kids going into college but this is my college experience kind of no it's not really this is weird you know and and we're having a lot of having to let go of dreams plans and possibilities against what might be coming down the pike and so that has made it you know eb white the uh the author of charlotte's web he has a beautiful quote he says he said i wake up each morning and i'm torn between the desire to save the world or savor it right and that can make it hard to plan my day so that's kind of where we are we're like wait do i do i go for a leisurely walk do i take time with my friends do i write a poem or a novel or you know or found you know fun found and fund a new entrepreneurial venture or is this like holy smokes you know what's the backup generator i've got for the next storm or fire or do we actually still want to live in a high-rise in the city and should we off to the country and buy a bug-out place you know like it's those kinds of things and and it makes it hard to plan our days have you been feeling those daily undulations because i certainly have our family has you know one like having ambition and dreams of what we want to achieve as a family and personally versus you know how do we become self-sufficient how do we come away from the system so we're not dependent for food and our safety and our security and our health and all that kind of stuff and as jamie references from eb white you know there's that choice almost a daily choice of like how do we savor the world right now versus how do we contribute save the world so being aware and tuning ins you know but not getting lost in our social feeds and not being disillusioned with what's going on right now as well as squeezing the joy and happiness out of life out of every moment possibly of life and that to me is a reminder to focus on myself you know focus on my personal mastery so i can show up as my my brightest version despite this paradox when i inevitably get lost down the rabbit hole i remember that and bring myself back and bring myself back means asking myself am i being the best parent i can be right now am i being the best partner i can be right now am i serving others in a way that's authentic reproducible and mostly useful yeah challenge in life is not normal it's built into our human experience so how have we managed before for cheats they're called heuristics is the fancy word but it's just really just rules of thumb that's like well wait what do i don't have to figure out how to recreate reality from scratch every morning i anticipate that it's going to be mostly like today i anticipate that when i open the door it's going to take the same amount of force as it did yesterday to get it open right but i also look for others i look for authority figures i look for considered opinion consensus all these kinds of things so as we've got this exponential mean you know uptick in everything but meaning we're at the same time seeing a collapse in our two most familiar sources of guidance so we can call that kind of like meaning 1.0 and meaning 2.0 and meaning 1.0 has typically been traditional religion and so for thousands of years humans have oriented around the faith and belief of their culture and community and meaning 1.0 promised salvation right like if you believe in this this body of knowledge and practice and community of practice then you will be saved in this life or the next right so it offered salvation but it was at the price of exclusion right so the believers were saved the non-believers were not i really like how jamie is breaking this down like i've got to be honest that jamie will often go far over my head and i have to work hard to kind of understand his concepts and the way he brings things together but definitely now like i'm starting to understand like and i really like how he he's uh layering out kind of really meaning what that means from my personal experience growing up you know i had no faith whatsoever i had no faith everything was just material this is life and i had no consideration to anything else other than my day-to-day um you know this whether you know my story or not this came to fruition uh when giving end-of-life care to my mother you know and really kind of that was a slap in the face for me to realize that one i'm gonna die and two you know what does that even mean and i'm chill looking for answers but um i i really you know of all whatever tradition or religion or it's not necessarily about that but what you get from it is salvation a faith gives us salvation so meaning 2.0

meaning 2.0 and that's loosely kind of modern liberalism or just modernism right that's democracy civil rights private property and separation of church and state those kinds of things and everybody regardless of race color or creed gets to play now whether that was fulfilled you know all those kind of things deep deep questions to kind of click on but it it instead it reversed it so it offered inclusion to everybody at the price of salvation no one's going to tell you me what it what it means so again simplifying this meaning 2.0 was all about inclusion meaning 1.9 was salvation as long as you abide by certain rules meaning two is about inclusion there's no rules yet there is no salvation you know you make up your own story so really this leads on to the question you know kind of what stems from this if we've lost meaning what does that lead to this mean of religion has persisted for three four five thousand years potentially a hundred thousand years depending on how you you know date and classify religiosity it has to work it has to actually do something and so other researchers have found hey believers are healthier wealthier and happier than non-believers and it doesn't matter who you believe in it could be jesus buddha vishnu doesn't matter it's that you believe not what you believe so participation in these social structures oriented around faith have actually been pro-social and and evolutionarily adaptive so we we have the collapse of that you're like oh no now what happens so now we look over at modern liberalism like meaning 2.0 where it's like i want

the car i want the vote i want the smartphone i want the fridge the motorbike or hashtag best life big house whatever right all the all the things and i got no meaning and you know like i've got no salvation and so we're also seeing the increase in diseases of despair anxiety depression addiction suicide and so the who has has you know i think this was three years ago now you know it's said that for the first time ever you're back to this game of thrones like how rough has life always been kind of thing for the first time in history more people on this planet are choosing to kill themselves choosing to exit this experience than all wars and all natural disasters combined so we've currently lost the meaning to the exponential world that we currently live in we have more of everything and none of it matters so on to part two of today's video how we can develop a new meaning 3.0 is to say we need a lot of credible thoughtful voices from significantly different points of view and perspective so i don't always agree with sam harris but i appreciate he's out there and i appreciate he thinks the way he thinks i don't always agree with jordan peterson i don't always agree with yuval harari but i like the fact that they're doing their thing so i think that there's a significant component of that that we just need a bunch of credible thoughtful informed people bringing their voices as skillfully um and visibly to the problems at hand as we possibly can um i feel i mean again to just restate um pema children some folks like her of her ilk people who are expressing the human condition not as an infinite escalator of successes and perfect abilities but hey here we are this is this is this is blending heaven and earth you know and and this is what it means to be woke and broke and can we celebrate that those are the kinds of things that leave me there's about i would say that's about the only place i feel hope i feel hope when people come together in their mortality and their humanity and then something beautiful happens i love what he says about the beauty of coming together and holding our mortality and humanity none of us are immune to the world's problems and we are all needed now more than ever and as jaime links to martin luther king's soul force he references to that you know coming from our living life from our heart from a heart center showing up authentically and doing what makes us come alive living life from a deeply resonant heart-led action for the good of all that is such a powerful statement describing our dilemma of love and loss and embodying all of that even though even though we go have inevitable pain and that pain is built within our life from my example i woke up because of pain in the sense of you know it forced me to look at my life but pain doesn't always have to be the initiate to that you know there are other ways to get glimpses of connection to the bigger picture that's going on so if you've lost the salvation of meaning 1.0 and the inclusion of meaning 2.0 how do we form a new meaning stakes are high um where you know we've suffered a collapse in familiar reference points that's making it super confusing how do we get to a global consciousness as fast and skillfully as possible to mend the meaning crisis so what if we take the best of meaning 1.0 which is the promise of salvation and we take the best of meaning 2.0

which was the promise of inclusion and can we make a meaning 3.0 that is inclusive salvation what would it take what would it look like if we brought design thinking to the meaning crisis and so if we take the you know we talked about how believing in faith like having a religious identification leaves you healthier wealthier happier right what are the core elements like why and the sacred design lab at harvard divinity school actually kind of took a took a cut at this and they came up with basically three things healing inspiration and connection but those are the three things that are really pro-social that actually helps us deal with life better right because sort of life's a and then we die we know that right we know we take hits along the way so having a social program having a cultural code that allows us to heal and digest our grief super important you know life for many of us can feel a little bit like hamster wheel groundhog day you know get up work try to get ahead look after everybody you care about you know get exhausted go to sleep get up do it again like what's the point right so having moments of inspiration having peak states where we are literally and you know and filled with enthusiasm or this filled with spirit where we experience quite often a sense of deep remembering of like oh yeah this is the point i remember and experiences of all when people experience oh they have lower blood pressure less disease more expensiveness more lateral thinking there's all kinds of health giving experiences and reaffirming experiences from access to inspiration how often do you access peak stays you know how often are you in deep nature how often did you come together in concerts or festivals did you go away on retreats or the passengers or anything like that or do you feel stuck on that hamster wheel probably during this pandemic you felt that more often than not you know the days are just bleeding into one so to dive into more detail of that those three healing inspiration and community let's look at kind of you know what that means access to peak states in a skillful manner ecstasis inspiration access to healing in a regular periodized manner not just a one and done right we've got a lot of profound and encouraging studies about mdma and trauma work about psilocybin about all of these experiences and events but that's often retroactive historic trauma these are the hits i've taken over time they're often acute or intense particularly if i've found myself in a treatment or research project but then there's also just life as it keeps happening so how do we do that and then finally connection how do we actually balance and integrate this as social primates and how do we do this together the full catastrophe of life he's talking about marriage he's talking about children he's talking about work and he's talking about trying to keep it all together and that to me feels really beautiful and really important because this isn't just about number one this isn't just about how do we hack our way to god consciousness right this is about how do we inevitably get dragged down through the floorboards to the pits of our despair and grief and suffering how do we pick ourselves back up dancing and how do we do it together joyfully in culture there are many messages i love that jamie is putting out there and the work that he's doing in the world is is amazing in my opinion which is why i'm highlighting him in today's video and particularly the the concept of we feel our pain we go through grief we lose the people we love and we still live our life as fullest heartless we we embrace every single experience now that can be linked back to all different you know spiritual traditions but the way he says it to me um it just really resonates and i think probably because of my life history the grief that i've experienced you know i kind of they are such moments of teaching everyone has got a different past and everyone sees things in a different lens but the what i have taken from the pain of life is to use that to live life to its fullest to be free it's it's reduced the fear i feel within life to allow me to step into life more so on to part three of today's video the five big triggers of peak states in the last clip you saw jamie discussing inspiration healing and community and kind of how we need to go around that throughout life to keep digesting the grief we feel but now we're going to start to dive into what does inspiration look like how do we achieve it what is it and what does it give us we're discussing peak states and particularly the triggers of peak states it can often come loaded with highly taboo opinions and perspectives kind of it's very unusual to have a neutral opinion but if we can shift past the culture and the stories that we've put around certain practices and really begin to look at the mechanisms the physiology of what's going on it can offer us a clarity and a knowledge for us to update our opinions and if you want to take a look about how do we do that how do we go around and around through that sort of three-legged triad of life right if you think about the two the elements that are closest to evolutionary biology the ones like basically it's easiest to make the most of things that we're hardwired to do anyway it means we already have it on board it means our genetics help us it means our hormones help us it means that we're basically wired to do these things and if we can just learn to influence them steer them this is what bucky fuller called the trim tab idea right rather than like trying to completely steer a 747 just adjust the trim tabs a little bit here and there and then you can actually bank and steer the whole plane and the five that we've done the research on that appear to be the most potent and most consistent are breathing and obviously anybody who's been into wim hof or holotropic or pranayama or kriya right you know how strong respiration is we're hardcoded to do it have to or we snuff it embodiment and movement right is another key element music even predates language as a tool of communication with humans and it is a very strong entrainer of state sexuality no user manual for millions of years and we've all figured out how to do it so there's got to be an awful lot of biological encoding there and substances which is obviously one of the themes of this conference so if you take a look this is kind of our palette or our toolkit for how we can actually begin to engineer these things and when you combine them right when you actually combine them you find that you can go from long duration experiences whether that's a nine-day vipassana retreat right or it's a 12-hour lsd experience right or or ayahuasca experience or something in that realm right that either takes many many many hours and has a long half-life or takes days or weeks to then master and enact like a vapor tree if you actually find yourself working with all of the tools and combining them you can get higher you can get in more amplitude out of your experience you can get into the in what we would loosely call the information layer right where you have heightened access to pattern recognition meaning making inspiration etc right and then come back down and if you can do that then you can spend more time retaining and integrating these ideas versus just getting blown sky high and then being wrung out worn out disintegrated and requiring tons and tons of time we're really really good these days at the macro experience and we've been flirting with the micro experience for the last decade or so the place that i would argue we are conspicuously lacking is in the meso experience what are the weekly monthly seasonal practices that can keep us going keep us digesting our grief keep us connecting to source and true self and keep us effective in our actual lives as we're living so i want to start to link this video with the other videos within this series so where we covered gamma mata and he looked at the emotional triggers so the archaeology of the mind getting to the root cause we looked at lisa feldman bearer and interception so how the brain makes emotions based on how we feel within our body and the video of dr john amorel and looking at the energy and how energy gets bound within our tissues and so when we release that we get a huge release and i think this is this concept that jamie is talking about the combination of practices again from my experience it's allowing me to see or maybe a general experience allows us to see perspective the experience is very subjective and so we tend to see what we need to see but it not only is it on an emotional level but it's energetic level it's kind of a whole flush through i think jamie said like it's a whole reboot for our nervous system and so all three areas of gaba mate lisa phelan barra and dr annabelle and dr john amarill are addressed in these huge peak states doesn't mean that we haven't got any work to do when we come back and i think that's where the tools of gabon mate you know those three videos become essential because we still need to integrate it it's not like we have these experiences and oh that's it we're all healed it's not but they give us inspiration they give us a new perspective to then allow us to bring that back into our life as long as we continue to do the work and i think hopefully you got the takeaway it's it's not the big huge events that one-off annual event it's the timely uses these the wise and timely use of peak states that allow us to kind of keep planing along the surface of life now these practices are not new they're part of any indigenous culture they're millennial old they're a part of humanity they show up all the way through history and humanity so why are people like jamie wheel open sourcing this information right now so these are the key you know the keys to our cage right the meaning crisis and and getting out and saying oh there is purpose there is meaning there is this mytho poetic grand story we can i i'm a part of and we're a part of and it might work out the keys to our cage are also the keys to the kingdom right they they unlock the higher realms of the human experience that up until now have been confined to esoteric mystery traditions etc but that that is a that's a fearsome responsibility and the only reason that we would be potentially sharing you asked about my sense of responsibility for this the only reason we'd be sharing is just the hours late and the stakes are high and i'm not aware of anything other than open sourcing that death rebirth initiation open sourcing the possibility for choice for people to say i'm all in for this planet these bodies this lifetime like no mars colonies no no singularity uploads no life extinction like we're all in for the least of our brothers and sisters i don't know how else to get us there other than people having that initiatory experience for themselves and having the freedom of choice which is critical right the freedom to choose i'm in for this joey mentioned the initiatory experience where kind of typically generally speaking the western culture has lost the rights of passage we've lost us meaningful ways to navigate the stages of life and that leaves us disconnected from who we really are and aimless in this pursuit of abundance so what's on the final part part four of today's video the benefits and pitfalls peak states offer us collectively now whatever your experience of peak states there's probably an element of uh unknown there's probably an element of mysticism there's an element of some form of experience that is potentially unexplainable and unknowable and just the mystery and the mystery is the mystery what i love about jamie and his work at the flow genome project is he's looking at these experiences from a neurophysiological point of view so what's happening within the body to lead to the access to these peak states stephen and i went down the rabbit hole looking at healing inspiration and community around the world and what seemed to be this rising revolution in the seeking of peak states and different communities of practice all around the world ranging from special operations military to the burning man community to the meditation community to the kinky sex community to all to the pharmacological psychedelic renaissance community and what we found was like wow it seems like a lot of people are barking up similar trees and as we began doing the research on the neurophysiology and the optimal psychology of it we started kind of putting the pieces together and we realized wow whether it's neuroelectrics near anatomics endocrine system postural system respiratory system you name it as far as a connection in the body and brain that there was this very clear road map to both what was wrong currently and what could be incredibly right and that red circle basically sums up 21st century normal that's where we feel tired wired and stressed we're in a state of perpetual micro ptsd and it is quite literally as those world health organization stats showed us literally killing us now on the other side things get super interesting this is where our brain waves shift from beta to alpha and theta and maybe even delta it's where our stress response gets replaced by a relaxation response and feel good pleasure and learning chemicals we think better we make more connections we actually our nervous system recovers and we stand up tall and connect with others and experience in the technical term for that healing inspiration and community is catharsis ecstasis and communitas and when we experience all three of those not only are we better connected to each other but we have heightened innovation heightened collaboration and heightened inspiration that to me is empowering you know the left-hand column if you remember that it's looking at the erratic heart rate it's looking at all the physiological symptoms to being tired wired and stressed as jamie will describe so looking at poor heart coherence looking at poor breathing respiration looking at poor vagal known term vagal tone for example whereas on the other side where we become more optimized and we're looking at you know eventually reach peak states we're looking at coherent heart rate delta brain waves you know the body high vagus nerve tone for example there are others and so each one on their own we can begin to develop practices and it comes back to self-care practices developing on the on the fundamental level learning how to use your breath to change your state to use your breath goes from incoherent to coherent states to learn how to you know meditation in the sense of how to lower our brain waves and these are all learned trainable skills so then to me that just opens up choice we either choose to remain the same so we're not doing any practices to help us shift back into more optimized state or we begin to learn new ways so whether that's beginning to learn how to use your breath or beginning how to enter into a deeper state a deep meditative state for example or how to use maybe cold water to help to improve your vagus nerve tone it's not about doing all of them you know all the ones that we need to tick off because that's what biohackers say or any you know people along those lines but doing ones that resonate with us and make us feel better i've mentioned this in other videos like practices are all well and good but we have to be able to feel the benefits it's no point just ticking them off just because like what are those changes doing for you are they making a difference are they making an improvement and so once you know obviously as a physiological basis to accessing peak states it helps us our neurophysiology come into a very very optimised position but what are the benefits to peak state a um you know an effective initiatory death rebirth experience so like an entire nervous system reboot power up and kind of shoot them in which is eminently doable and then we kind of you know i should i share the exact neurobiological protocols step by step you know it's like high nitric oxide high endorphins and dopamine high vagal nerve tone delta wave brain state brain stem reset you know orgasm pain uh like you know ac electricity dc electricity magnetism sound pulse through your body all these kind of things will reliably deliver you to the numinous to the kind of non-dual what you could call the kind of information layer you can make any sense of that you want right and if you so if you're theistic if you're running a religious-based script you can commune with the you know angels and deities of your pantheon if you're running uh you know a materialist aesthetic you're just like oh well why this is the fractal symmetries in my mind's eye this is beautiful this is just synaptic complexity emerging as my self-awareness of me neat right if you if you want to be agnostic you could just be like hey i glimpsed all sorts of rad stuff but i'm not going to spin up a mythology about where it all comes from or what it means so the answer there is you know believe what you want to believe right just never lose the right and in this case faith is that sense of like this i remember because that is consistently something that peak states seem to deliver right it's an experience of an amnesia or the forgetting of the forgetting so this i remember and today i begin again back to nietzsche back to god is dead like if we're in this post-modern world but we've now unlocked the secrets we've unlocked the source code the protocols at a neurobiological level we can strip out all the mythologies but we can t we can keep the functional technologies and since they lead us to a place where we can go and see for ourselves we don't we can let the mystery stay the mystery we don't actually have to engage in these elaborate baroque descriptions of what's up there out there or what it all means we can just periodically visit that experience for ourselves discharge our trauma reaffirm our inspiration and purpose connect with each other and then go and do good stuff together the four things i take away from peak states is one there's an european neurophysiological reboot our system reboots we get kind of a reset the second thing peak states offer is experiential a subjective connection and experience to something more than you the third thing that we get is faith you know we're getting experience of something more and so we could begin again today we will remember re-remember and then we can start again bring us back to our you know bring us back onto the track and the fourth is that these are all just functional technologies functional tools to use that we all have access to now as i mentioned earlier there we don't always have to go for peak states there's a choice it's either peak states or pain i mean i think it's basically you can either use ecstasis or we will be served up catharsis so it'll either be the peak experience that renders people to have a global centric perspective and then come down you know come down from the mountain with helping hands oh i got it i got the message and here's the work to do and i'm going to conduct it with the urgency that my long-range vision tells me is potentially prudent if we ignore that it seems like most of us are including the people that are getting lots of time up at the top of the mountains if we ignore that then we will experience enough pain unless or until that wakes us up instead and what degree of cultural collapse destruction tension needs to occur or will occur in order first in order for us to get to that spot who knows but that's where i'm not wildly comfortable like that's where i'm i would say at a minimum deeply concerned because um the notion that even the things that are potentially helping us these days like ecstatic techniques culture and practices um unplugging nature retreats you you name it i mean but the classic cliches is you know let's go to costa rica or mexico or nicaragua and do yoga and ayahuasca and and talk about our feelings and eve and unplug from our phones but even those things are being then sold commodified refracted through instagram posts and through social media and so even when people i mean i just read an article today on how basically instagram culture is creating a huge spike in fatalities in colorado's 14 000 foot peaks because people are going there they're shooting oh here i am shimmying along this knife rage is this awesome red shot look at me i did it and then other people are de-risking the process and there's one mountain near aspen where where five people died in six weeks and that's that's analogous that high territory which then seems safe and approachable is just no different than hearing joe rogan on a podcast i mean how many crossfit mma guys are now hitting dmt because they're like joe said i said it was cool you know you're having these kinds of experiences and even the things that are potentially our salvation are becoming commodified refracted and distorted by the very tools we're actually trying to get away from with those new solutions so in that respect we've almost trust ourselves up with no escape and that one baffles me we all have our own experiences and i can tell you for mine like it's pain that initially woke me up you know that's what forced me to change the direction of my life and thankfully it did my peak states has offered me inspiration and direction back from a place of being lost in a life i was living that i thought i had to i had to live i thought that's what it was about i've been able to integrate the grief from losing both my parents and now i aim to be someone that contributes to the collective more often than i get lost in my own drama and that's taken acceptance and continual practice to remember that perfect and painless is not the girl it's really to show up for others as best i can while still navigating my own life and i think this is where jamie makes a really wonderful and powerful one of the most powerful points is that it's 80 20 80 fixed 20 broke like we can't be we can't be we can't be fixed or you know there's no point chasing the end twenty percent it doesn't exist we need to fix ourselves as much as we can to enable us to step forward to then help others you get 80 of the return for your initial 20 of your investment in personal growth i would advocate i mean this at least is a thought experiment but people don't stop there they get hooked on the catharsis they get hooked on the x-star says they get hooked on the communities they're like oh it feels so good to break down and break through it feels so awesome to touch the sun and it feels so amazing to be around my brothers and sisters my tribe you know and so and yet they'll then spend 80 more time effort money resources chasing the chasing the uncatchable of their own completion and some story or tale that when i get there i will be free from pain i will be free from insecurity anxiety you know poverty you name it i will be whole and life will be perfect and in the meantime you're blowing 80 of those energy credits on yourself when you already know enough as to what you've got to do and there's people drowning behind you so lifting those folks up is going to provide infinitely more net good than polishing you know polishing the last little corner you know on your statue if you're new to jamie wheel the flow genome project then i really encourage you to check him out the links are below and also you know read his books his first best-selling book was stealing fire and as i said at the beginning his brand new book is out now recapture the rapture but links for both books are below it really is a really novel refreshing inspiring way to look at life so over to you have you trained in the flow gm project have you read the books please comment below let me know what you think of this video has this inspired you i really would love to hear from you and if you're new to this if you've not done any self-care you'll kind of this has sparked some questions within you and you're just you're you're on the hamster wheel then download our free guide it's free for you to download the link is below it's the four simple steps to self-care and what you'll learn in that is you'll learn how to do movement to ease chronic pain you'll learn how to shift into a growth success mindset you'll learn how to make three very simple changes nutrition to improve your health and you'll learn how to get the best night's sleep you've had in ages you're also gonna learn some breath practices to help you become more resilient and sort of calmer during stress and lastly there's an introduction to flow states or peak states so as i said it's free for you to download please click the link and just follow the instructions very very easy to do so thank you again for listening i hope this has been inspiring and see you on another episode

2021-05-07 18:08

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