E-SCOOTER遊遍溫哥華市 | KO睇樓團 台灣發展商 NOVA by Gryphon大玩智能家居 | Bumblebee Space升降睡床 科技融入加拿大生活 (中英文字幕) (4K影片)

E-SCOOTER遊遍溫哥華市 | KO睇樓團 台灣發展商 NOVA by Gryphon大玩智能家居 | Bumblebee Space升降睡床 科技融入加拿大生活  (中英文字幕) (4K影片)

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今天我答應大家 Today I promise you 就用E-Scooter Using E-Scooter 遊走溫哥華市的 walking around Vancouver city 怎樣將科技與藝術融入你的生活中 How to incorporate technology and art into your life 怎樣將科技與藝術融入你的生活中 How to incorporate technology and art into your life 在大堂已經感受到了科技融入生活 In the lobby, you have already felt the integration of technology into life 在大堂已經感受到了科技融入生活 In the lobby, you have already felt the integration of technology into life 首先用手機就可以開門了 First, you can open the door with your mobile phone 嘟一聲 beep 就可以開門回家了 You can open the door and go home 如果你在Amazon買了東西 If you bought something on Amazon 這裡也會通知你快遞已經到了 It will also notify you that the courier has arrived 鎖匙 全放進去 put it all in 進行消毒 to be sterilized Bumblebee Bed 這個真是像變形金剛一樣 This is like Transformers 只是要手機上一按 Just click on the phone 床就會自動下來了 The bed will automatically come down 除了儲物空間之外 having storage space 另外有張寫字台也是可以升降的 In addition, there is a desk that can also be raised and lowered. 今天我應承了大家 Today I promise you all 使用這台E-Scooter Use this E-Scooter 跟大家了解一下周邊環境 know about the surrounding environment 究竟有什麼特別呢 What's so special 大約一分鐘時間便來到 Oak Park About a minute to Oak Park 再開了五分鐘E-Scooter Five more minutes on the E-Scooter 就來到我身後面這個 come right behind me this VanDusen Botanical Garden 由Langara College大約1分鐘時間 就來到旁邊的Langara Golf Course About 1 minute from Langara College 已經差不多沒電了 只剩下1格電量 Almost out of power, only a little power left 好彩夠電回程 luckily enough power for the return trip Hello 大家好我是史丹尼 Hello everyone, my name is Stanley 歡迎收看Ko阿佬 welcome to watch KOARLO 見到我這一身裝備 see my outfit 就知道我又出來玩 I'm out to play again 如果大家有追蹤我的IG都知道我最近很喜歡出來踩單車 If you follow me on IG, you will know that I like to go out and ride bicycles recently. 事實上加拿大 In Canada 也都很鼓勵市民出來進行單車活動 Canada also encourages peoples to come out for cycling activities 就像我目前身處在的溫哥華的Oak St Like Oak St in Vancouver where I'm currently 有很多道路的升級有讓單車的使用更便利 There are many road upgrades that make the use of bicycles more convenient 除了這幾年很流行的ebike之外 In addition to ebike, which has been very popular in recent years 看看我身後 look behind me 有一部E-Scooter Have an E-Scooter 事實上真的非常的方便 It's actually very convenient 首先體積細小 Small Size 攜帶也很方便 It is also very convenient to carry 能跑幾十公里的 Can run dozens of kilometers 有時候只是想出一下街 Sometimes I just want to get out of the street 去買點東西 喝飲茶 或去咖啡廳享受一下 go shopping, drink tea or enjoy a coffee 不至於開車出門 No need to drive out 有部E-Scooter真是方便一些 It's really convenient to have an E-Scooter 那今天我就帶大家 Then today I will take you 用這部E-Scooter Use this E-Scooter 去遊走整個溫哥華市 to travel the city of Vancouver 不過先不說那麼多 But don't say that much 先去吃個早餐 go have breakfast 一早喝杯咖啡真是好精神 It's so refreshing to have a cup of coffee in the morning 今天我答應大家 Today I promise you 就用E-Scooter using a E-Scooter 遊走溫哥華市的 walking around Vancouver 另外想帶給大家一個概念 In addition, I want to bring you a concept 就是怎樣將科技融入生活 how to integrate technology into life 現在的手機及電腦 Current mobile phones and computers 很多高科技產品的芯片 Chips for many high-tech products 大部分都是台灣製造的 Most are made in Taiwan 今天 Today 和大家看看 let's see 由台灣建築商精銳建設 Built by Taiwanese Builder JINRAY 又名豪宅王 king of luxury home 怎樣將科技與藝術融入你的生活中 How to incorporate technology and art into your life LET'S GO 現在來帶大家看看這個 Now let's take a look at this 如何將科技與藝術融入生活的住宅項目 How to integrate technology and art into residential projects 由Gryphon打造的Nova Nova by Gryphon 精銳建設一直在台灣建造住宅超過20多年經驗 JINRAY Construction has been building houses in Taiwan for more than 20 years 創作生活靈感 creative life inspiration 以及堅持將藝術融入生活 And insist on integrating art into life 提供了真正奢華並意想不到的元素 Offers a truly luxurious and unexpected element 令你獲得更好的生活態度 Give you a better attitude to life 除了精心打造的Gryphon Nova之外 In addition to the well-built Gryphon Nova Gryphon在大溫亦曾建造一致好評的 Gryphon has also built a home in Metro Vancouver with critical acclaim 優質豪宅Gryphon House 以及剛剛入伙的Westbury 今天我們來到了在加拿大公司Gryphon打造的Nova Today we come to Nova built by Canadian company Gryphon 聽名字就知道很厲害 You can tell by the name it's awesome 新星一樣 like a nova 這個角落位置是第一棟 This corner location is the first building 最主要的全新項目之外 Beyond major new projects 在整個區域中 in the whole area 無論是街道還是公園設施 Whether street or park facility 都會重新進行升級 will be re-upgraded 待會我就騎E-Scooter帶大家遊走整個區域 Later, I will ride the E-Scooter to take you around the whole area 先和大家看看建築模型 Let's take a look at the building model first 首先說它的位置 First of all, its location 它是在Oak St和67 Ave的路口 It's at the intersection of Oak St and 67 Ave 這次的Nova可以說是去哪裡都非常方便 This Nova can be said to be very convenient to go anywhere 真正的15分鐘生活圈 The real 15-minute life circle 5分鐘可以到達公園,學校,天車站,超市 5 minutes to park, school, sky station, supermarket 10分鐘可以到達溫哥華國際機場及Richmond 10 minutes to Vancouver International Airport and Richmond 15分鐘可以到達溫哥華的downtown 15 minutes to downtown Vancouver 以及最高學府UBC and the highest institution UBC 真正的中心位置 true central location 這個項目是9層的水泥建築 This project is a 9-story cement building 當中有43個單位 There are 43 units of 其中3個是Townhouse單位來的 3 of them are from Townhouse units 單位由四百多呎到一千七百多呎左右 Units from more than 400 feet to more than 1,700 feet 有一房到三房的單位給大家選擇 Choose from one- to three-bedroom units 大家能看到 everyone can see 下面有商鋪和辦公的空間 There are shops and offices below 是Double Height Ceiling來到的 It's Double Height Ceiling 你進去的時候 when you go in You will feel a sense of space Have you ever thought about go downstairs 馬上有咖啡廳和麵包舖 There is a cafe and bakery 平時能下樓喝杯咖啡是否覺得很Chill Do you feel chilled when you can go downstairs and have a cup of coffee? 三樓的位置是辦公空間 The third floor is the office space 也是預留給專業人士進行辦公的 Also reserved for professionals 然後來看看大堂的位置 Then take a look at the lobby 完全是個酒店式設計 Totally a hotel design 貫徹豪宅王之稱 Carry out the title of the king of luxury houses 所以能看到裡面的設計很有特色 So you can see that the design inside is very distinctive 很豪華的 very luxurious 這次項目有用個keyless系統 This project uses a keyless system 你只需要 you just need 打開手機 Turn on the phone 按個鍵 press a key 就可以進門 you can enter 非常的方便 very convenient 到後面 to the back 就是那三個townhouse單位 those three townhouse units 然後最特別的就是它的amenities Then the most special thing is its amenities 43個單位可以享用五千呎的內外amenities空間 43 units can enjoy 5,000 square feet of interior and exterior amenities space 外面還有個BBQ的位置 There is a BBQ outside 除了可以和朋友來開party之外 In addition to having a party with friends Nova還有室內的amenities空間 Nova also has indoor amenities space 當然有健身器材齊全的gym room Of course, there is a gym room with full fitness equipment 當中包括Peloton的健身單車 Including Peloton's exercise bikes 可以跟著教練一起健身 Work out with a trainer 旁邊還有配備B&O Sound System的Nova Theatre Next to the Nova Theatre with B&O Sound System 可以約三五知己來一起看super hero You can invite friends to watch super hero together 當然少不了酒店式設計的Nova Lounge Of course, the hotel-style Nova Lounge is indispensable 除了amenities之外 other than amenities 看到這個停車場的入口 See the entrance to this parking lot 看起來非常的簡單 looks very simple 但事實上 But actually 它有個License Plate Recognition System It has a License Plate Recognition System 你只需要開車過去 You just have to drive over 它會認得出你的車子 it will recognize your car 就會自動開門了 it will open the door automatically 你就可以直接進去了 you can go right in 是不是非常方便 Is it very convenient 這個項目 this project 位於的Oak St at Oak St 是非常繁忙的道路來的 came from a very busy road 下面有六條的車道 There are six lanes below 我相信有很多人會擔心 I'm sure a lot of people will be worried 會不會很嘈呢 Will it be noisy 大家可以放心 don't worry 為何呢 why 為了解決大家的擔憂 To address everyone's concerns 發展商有選用三層的玻璃 The developer has chosen three layers of glass 三層玻璃的好處是非常之多的 The benefits of triple glazing are numerous 除了隔音之外 Apart from soundproofing 其實也節能很多的 It actually saves a lot of energy 冬天不會那麼冷 winter will not be so cold 夏天也不會那麼熱 Not so hot in summer 以我所知 as far as I know 這個地區沒有其他發展商那麼落本 No other developer in this area is willing to spend more money 將整棟大廈 the whole building 都裝備了三層玻璃的 Equipped with triple glazing 因為真的好貴啊 Because it's really expensive 在大堂已經感受到了科技融入生活 In the lobby, you have already felt the integration of technology into life 在大堂已經感受到了科技融入生活 In the lobby, you have already felt the integration of technology into life 回到自己家門口也一樣可以的 You can go back to your own door 首先用手機就可以開門了 First, you can open the door with your mobile phone 用密碼也可以開門 You can also open the door with a password 或者使用通行感應卡 Or use a pass-through card 嘟一聲 beep 就可以開門回家了 You can open the door and go home 但也有人擔心 But there are also concerns 沒電時怎麼辦 What to do when there is no power 不用怕 do not worry 畢竟也預留了鎖匙孔 After all, there is also a key hole reserved. 所以插鎖匙也可以進門回家 So the key can also enter the door and go home 進來看看示範單位 Come in and see the show room 進入每一個單位 into each unit 都能見到一個這樣的傢俱 You can see a furniture like this 特別的地方就是 The special place is 這裡可以給手機無線充電 Here you can wirelessly charge your phone 這次發展商非常的細心 This time the developer is very attentive to the customer 因為知道大家擔心病毒及細菌 Because I know everyone is worried about viruses and bacteria 所以都預留了一個UV消毒空間 Therefore, a UV disinfection space is reserved.

就可以將手機啊 You can put your phone 就可以將手機啊 You can put your phone 鎖匙 全放進去 Put all in 進行消毒 to be sterilized 進入這個單位 enter this unit 首先會見到In-suite Wall Pad First you can see an In-suite Wall Pad 這個系統真的很萬能的 This system is really versatile 無論是室內溫度 whether the room temperature 燈光都可以控制 Lighting can be controlled 每個不同的時間也可以定不同的設置 Different settings can also be set for each different moment 然後如果有人拜訪你的話 Then if someone visits you 只需要按個鍵 Just press a key 就看得到是誰來找你了 Can see who is looking for you 大家也知道現在很多人喜歡網上購物 We all know that many people like to shop online now 如果你在Amazon買了東西 If you bought something on Amazon 這裡也會通知你快遞已經到了 It will also notify you that the courier has arrived 除了手機能收到通知之外 In addition to the mobile phone can receive notifications 這裡也會顯示 It will also show here 你的郵件到了 your parcel has arrived 快下來拿吧 Come down and get it 是不是非常方便 Is it very convenient 接下來來到我最喜歡的廚房位置 Next comes my favorite kitchen location 首先看到這個countertop First see this countertop 是非常漂亮的石英廚櫃面 is a very beautiful quartz kitchen countertop 配合waterfall設計 With waterfall design 感覺上是非常高貴 It feels very noble 後面這塊板 the backsplash 也是一整塊的 also one piece 一整塊板 有什麼好處 What is the benefit of a whole board 除了好看之外 Apart from being pretty 清潔也特別容易 Cleaning is also particularly easy 至少沒有哪些縫隙 At least there are no gaps 這次設計師預留了很多儲物空間 This time the designer reserved a lot of storage space 你看這邊是櫃子 Look here is the cabinet 這邊也有 here too 下面除了有很深的櫃桶之外 In addition to the deep cabinet barrel below 品質也是非常用心的 Quality is also very attentive 首先全是牌子 First, it's all brand 旁邊不鏽鋼邊框 side stainless steel frame 連裡面的板子都非常用心配置 Even the boards inside are selected and configured 你看板子的配色都不是隨便放進去的 You don't just put the color of the board in casually. 講到這次選用的電器 Talking about the electrical appliances chosen this time 首先一房單位都會用24吋的 First of all, a one-bedroom unit will use a 24-inch 兩房及以上的單位會選用30吋的電器 Units with two bedrooms and above will use 30-inch appliances 這次選用的牌子是Fisher & Paykel The brand chosen this time is Fisher & Paykel 首先這是我非常欣賞的 First of all, I appreciate it very much Fisher & Paykel的洗碗機 Dishwasher by Fisher & Paykel 通常的洗碗機一開機 when you turn on the dishwasher 就是整部機打開使用 Just open the whole machine 有時候 sometimes 要洗碗但是又沒有那麼多碗碟怎麼辦 What to do if you want to wash the dishes but don't have so many dishes 不如不用洗碗機算了 I'd rather not use the dishwasher 而這次用的是櫃桶式的洗碗機 This time, it's a cabinet-type dishwasher. 下面有個小的 Below is a small 上面有個大的 there is a big 如果只是要洗幾個碗 If only to wash a few dishes 放下面就好 Just put it down 然後按個鍵 then press a key 這樣只會下面那層運行而已 This will only work at the bottom layer 如果碗碟很多的話 If there are a lot of dishes 一次放兩層 two layers at a time 再按鍵 press again 就可以兩層同時運行了 Two layers can run at the same time 內嵌式的冰箱 Built-in refrigerator 五個爐頭的明火煮食 Five-burner cooking stove 烤爐 oven 抽油煙機 range hood 有個必須提到的 there is one that must be mentioned 就是這個洗碗盆了 It's the sink 這個洗碗盆的材料是花崗岩來到的喔 The material of this sink is granite 它不僅能承受530度高溫 It can not only withstand high temperature of 530 degrees 還防刮花 Also scratch resistant 除了一般見到的家庭電器之外 In addition to the commonly seen household appliances 另外會提供能過濾99%雜物的醫療級中央濾水器 In addition, a medical-grade central water filter that can filter 99% of debris will be provided 水質達樽裝水的級別 The water quality reaches the level of bottled water 住宅單位及大廈設施配備醫療級五層 Residential units and building facilities 過濾的空氣淨化器 Air purifier with medical grade filtration 可以過濾99%常見致敏原與細菌等等 Can filter 99% of common allergens and bacteria, etc. 可以保障每位住客的健康 Can protect the health of each guest 發展商提供了兩種配色給大家選擇 The developer provides two color schemes for you to choose from 有淺色的Twilight Has light colored Twilight 如果喜歡深色的話 If you like dark colors 也有叫Eclipse的色調 Also available in shades called Eclipse 另外還有升級的選擇給大家 There are also upgrade options for you 每個單位的樓高都有9呎 Each unit is 9 feet high 如果是penthouse的話 If it is a penthouse 能到10呎高 Can reach 10 feet tall 剛才廚房就是Twilight的色調 The kitchen was just Twilight tones 洗手間裡的色調就叫Eclipse The color in the bathroom is called Eclipse 是比較深色些 it's darker 但感受是非常高貴的 But the feeling is very noble 所有磚都是地板到天花板 All tiles are floor to ceiling 所用的磚是叫做Engineered Stone The tiles used is called Engineered Stone 有浴缸 Has a bathtub 另一邊還有淋浴的位置 There is also a shower on the other side 也是地板到天花板舖磚設計 Also floor to ceiling tile design 然後整個洗手間 Then the whole bathroom 是沒有石膏牆的 no dry walls 沒有石膏牆的話防潮會好一些 Moisture resistance is better without dry walls 大家有沒有看到所有配件的用色 Have you seen the colors of all the accessories? 全部是金色的 golden color 這些設備真是好貴的啊 These devices are so expensive 所以能體現到發展商想打造的 So it can reflect what the developer wants to build 很豪華的感覺 very luxurious feeling 畢竟今天講的是科技融入生活 After all, today is about the integration of technology into life 這次的單位內 In this unit 每個單位都會配備Bumblebee Space設計的 Each unit will be equipped with Bumblebee Space designed Bumblebee Bed 這個真是像變形金剛一樣 This is like Transformers 給你們看看 show you 只是要手機上一按 Just click on the phone 床就會自動下來了 The bed will automatically come down 是不是很有變形金剛的感覺 Does it feel like a Transformer? 肯定又有人擔心了 Someone must be worried 那麼重的床 such a heavy bed 會不會很不安全啊 Will it be unsafe? 這些帶子那麼薄 These straps are so thin 會不會很不安全啊 Will it be unsafe? 但可以放心 But don't worry 每一條帶子能承擔的重量 The weight each strap can carry 可以達到三千磅 Can hold up to 3,000 pounds 大家可能也會擔心 You may also be worried 如果下面有人會不會很危險啊 Would it be dangerous if someone was down there? 下面是有感應器的 Below is the sensor 大家可以放心 You can rest assured 馬上試給你們看 I'll try it for you now 現在我站在床下面 Now I'm standing under the bed 先按鍵 Press the key first 就已經感應到 already sensed 有提示下方有物件 There is a hint that there is an object below 所以不會自動降下來 So it won't come down automatically 安全性是非常好的 safety is very good 也提供了流動性的儲物空間 Also provides fluid storage space 那將日常物件放進去後 After putting everyday objects in 就可以儲在天花板上了 can be stored on the ceiling 除了儲物空間之外 Except for storage space 另外有張寫字台也是可以升降的 In addition, there is a desk that can also be raised and lowered.

肯定也有人問了 Someone must have asked 為什麼要傢俱升上去 why the furniture goes up 大家也知道要讓空間更實用 Everyone knows how to make space more practical 那有很多人想做瑜伽 There are a lot of people who want to do yoga 但是沒有瑜伽房間 but no yoga room 那你可以把床升上去後 Then you can raise the bed 整個空間就可以是個活動室了 The whole space can be an activity room 當你不需要床的時候 when you don't need a bed 就按個鍵 just press a button 就可以把整個傢俬收上天花板 You can put the whole furniture to the ceiling 悄悄跟大家說 tell everyone quietly 如果你想自己買一套這樣的系統的話 If you want to buy a system like this yourself 大約要三萬美元 about $30,000 剛剛就帶大家看完示範單位 I just took you to see the demonstration unit 轉眼間 我們就來到Gryphon NOVA 樓盤現場 In a blink of an eye, we came to the Gryphon NOVA real estate site 當然這地盤暫時還未完成興建 Of course, this site has not yet been completed. 將會於2025年興建完成 Construction to be completed in 2025 今天我應承了大家 Today I promise you all 今天我應承了大家 Today I promise you all 使用這台E-Scooter Use this E-Scooter 跟大家了解一下周邊環境 Know about the surrounding environment 究竟有什麼特別呢 What's so special 究竟有什麼特別呢 What's so special 學校區在哪裡 where is the school district 究竟未來有什麼商場呢 What is the future of the market? 有什麼未來發展呢 What's the future 這個亦是我今次想講的路口位置 This is also the location of the intersection that I want to talk about this time. 這邊將會有翻天覆地的大改變 There's going to be a big change here 在這個十字路口最高的便是Gryphon NOVA The highest at this intersection is Gryphon NOVA 將會提升整個地區的品味 Will enhance the taste of the whole region 無論是街道上 either on the street 地面將會有更多商店 There will be more shops on the ground 大家只要到樓下便可在Cafe 享受一下 Just go downstairs and you can enjoy it at Cafe 不講太多 換太陽眼鏡 準備出發 Don't talk too much, ware sunglasses, get ready to go 原來使用E-Scooter 真的可以很快 It turns out that using E-Scooter can be really fast 大約一分鐘時間便來到 Oak Park About a minute to Oak Park 現在大家看見這個公園只是一片草地 Now everyone sees that this park is just grass 但將會進行升級工程 But there will be an upgrade project 升級後將會有網球場 There will be tennis courts after the upgrade 亦都會提升附設Water Park Will also upgrade the attached Water Park 到時就可帶同小朋友一起去玩 You can take your kids to play together 在公園旁邊 大約一分鐘時間 next to the park about a minute 就可以來到這個Community Centre You can come to this Community Centre 裏面有健身室以及兒童遊樂室之餘 There is a fitness room and a children's playroom 亦都可以打羽毛球 Can also play badminton 數分鐘路程 非常之快 Minutes away very fast 只需幾分鐘路程就來到學校區 Just minutes away from the school district Gryphon NOVA的學校區包括兩間名校 Gryphon NOVA's school catchment includes two prestigious schools 非常有名氣的 very famous 就有Sir Wilfrid Laurier Elementary School 小學的對面就是非常出名的中學 Opposite the primary school is a very famous school Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School 每一個學生都想考入來讀書的 Every student wants to be admitted to study 環境真的很好 The environment is really good 如果我小時候有這些環境讀書的話 If I had these environments to read when I was a child 成績一定很好 Must have good test scores 再開了五分鐘E-Scooter Five more minutes on the E-Scooter 就來到我身後面這個 come right behind me this VanDusen Botanical Garden 這個公園非常出名的 This park is very famous 在裏面亦有很多不同種類的植物 There are many different kinds of plants 如果大家在聖誕節 If you at Christmas 記得入內觀賞燈飾 Don't forget to watch the lights inside 有植物園開動E-Scooter出發 There is a botanical garden to start the E-Scooter departure 便到達了我身後的Oakridge Centre and arrived at the Oakridge Centre behind me 將會是極大規模的發展 will be a massive development 裏面除了有商場之外 In addition to the shopping mall 有公園 Community Centre 亦都有很多休閒設施 There are parks, Community Centre and many leisure facilities 到時大家就可以享用到 Then everyone can enjoy 如果由Gryphon NOVA開車過來都只是數分鐘 It's only a few minutes by car from Gryphon NOVA 非常方便 Very convenient 大家有follow我的IG都知道我近期喜歡踏單車 Everyone who has followed my IG knows that I like cycling recently 為何呢? Why? 你看見這條路多漂亮 You see how beautiful this road is 再看這邊一樣如此美 It's so beautiful here 加拿大都很鼓勵市民踏單車 Canada encourages citizens to ride bicycles 或者我現在用的E-Scooter作為代步 Or the E-Scooter I'm using now as a commuter 亦都設計了很多道路 also designed many roads 就算是馬路也好 Even the road for car 都預留一些單車專用路線 Reserve some bicycle routes 給大家使用 for everyone to use 剛才就跟大家介紹附近的中小學 I just introduced you to the nearby primary and secondary schools 如果大專院校的話 If colleges and universities 都有我身後面這家Langara College There is this Langara College behind me 在裏面亦提供很多專業學科 It also offers many professional disciplines 由Langara College大約1分鐘時間 About 1 minute from Langara College 由Langara College大約1分鐘時間 About 1 minute from Langara College 就來到旁邊的Langara Golf Course Just next to the Langara Golf Course 有些人正在練習開波 Some people are practising their serve 這邊就是推桿入洞 Here is the putt 另一邊還有哥爾夫球球洞 There's a golf hole on the other side 尤其是來到夏天時份 especially in summer 所有人都出來玩 everyone out to play 來到最後一站的位置 to the last stop 就是我身後的Marine Gateway It's the Marine Gateway behind me 行到來Marine Gateway基本生活所需齊全 Come to Marine Gateway with everything you need for basic living 商場裡有Winners亦有各大銀行之餘 There are Winners and major banks in the mall 亦有我們最喜歡的 T&T大統華 Also has our favorite T&T supermarket 想買什麼都有 You can buy anything you want 都帶大家來到Marine Drive Station Bring everyone to Marine Drive Station 交通非常之方便 The traffic is very convenient 正正就在Marine Gateway旁邊 Right next to Marine Gateway 剛才會有看看地圖 I'll have a look at the map 由NOVA地盤位置步行過來只是10多分鐘時間 It only takes around 15 minutes to walk from the NOVA site 旁邊亦都有很多巴士路線 There are also many bus routes nearby 真是四通八達去什麼地方都方便 It's really convenient to go anywhere Take everyone to ride around Vancouver City with E-Scooter today 走了一圈 go around E-Scooter都差不多沒電了 E-Scooter is almost out of battery 現在來到最後一站 Now to the last stop 就是使用E-Scooter由Marine Drive Just use E-Scooter by Marine Drive 回程到樓盤現場 究竟要多少時間呢? How long does it take to get back to the real estate site? Let’s Go 剛才由Marine Drive 回到NOVA樓盤現場 Just returned to the NOVA real estate site from Marine Drive 大約用了五分鐘左右 It took about five minutes 已經差不多沒電了 只剩下1格電量 It's almost out of power, only a small amount of power left 已經差不多沒電了 只剩下1格電量 It's almost out of power, only a small amount of power left 好彩夠電回程 luckily enough for the return trip 今天亦都很有誠意地利用E-Scooter I also use E-Scooter sincerely today 在Vancouver City遊走一圈 Take a walk around Vancouver City 大家都應該很滿意吧 Everyone should be satisfied 很滿意要怎樣做 very satisfied with what to do 當然要先畀個LIKE Of course you have to give a LIKE first 記得Comment留言 Remember to Comment 以及Share給你的朋友 and Share to your friends 說給朋友知原來在加拿大使用E-Scooter很方便的 Tell your friends that it is very convenient to use E-Scooter in Canada 我相信Gryphon NOVA可以滿足大家所有願望 I believe Gryphon NOVA can fulfill all your wishes 如果大家對這個樓盤有興趣及了解更多 If you are interested in this project and know more 或者想預約參觀示範單位 Or want to make an appointment to visit the show unit 非常簡單 very simple 只需要到達他們的網站便可了解詳情 Just visit their website to learn more 今天的分享就到這裏 Today's sharing is here 如大家喜歡請畀LIKE 留言 If you like it, please LIKE a message 記得Follow FB & IG Remember to Follow FB & IG 好了! 就這樣 Bye Bye Alright! That's it Bye Bye

2022-07-10 12:28

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