Digital Food: The Food Industry Of Tomorrow - Docu
You. We'd. Like to eat more local, and sustainable food, but. We'll also have more mouths to feed in. 2050. That'll be 9 billion how. Will we make sure that everyone, has good food and enough, to eat. Digital. Solutions, will help to put a new mix of high-tech, and low-tech ingredients. On our plates and sooner. Than we think this. Is what's in store for us a. Tomato. Is a hummer of the food world it requires a ton of soil. Fertility, you got farmer who not just a technique conscious yappy who knows different mistakes noted, by, a well and all that state smear technique, may open up a problem, but. What I find interesting about what's, going on with all these technologies, is that, they're kind of changing. The. Basic, dynamic, of the default. Position when we think about the food system, this. Is back light welcome. To the era of abundance. You. Using. Information technology, to increase the transparency of, the food system is a great opportunity. Fact. Is a lot of food is between the black box. When. You're buying a pound of hamburger you, really, know very little you don't know what kind of animal it was you don't need to assume you lose account, you. Don't know what. You, know how that animal lived where it came from how long ago it was slaughtered, what the diet was all Estela stuff with. His books about food author. And journalist, Michael, Pollan has, made millions of people aware of the drawbacks of our current food system, you. Know it's always been my conviction. That. The. More people know about how their food is produced the better the choices, they'll make and that's. Very that, could be very disruptive to the food industry. A growing. Number of people are focusing, on what our food is actually made of, Shirin. Yates working, in San Francisco's, technology, industry, is one of them. Do. You guys carry any gluten-free pasta. I. Feel. Like we just don't, know how to properly feed ourselves, then. When you look around and you, see all these people with weight, issues sugars. A big hot topic, diabetes. Understanding. Exactly how, to feed ourselves to me is one of the most exciting parts of this. Health revolution that I think, we're just at the beginning of a. Lot. Of people don't know exactly why but it's a fact that there's more than 50% more. Food allergies among children. Then. There was you know 14 years ago so there's there's been this massive increase, in. Sort. Of how we're reacting to food. If. You look at the 50s, it was all about packaged, food Maskell supermart, accessibility. And, refrigerators. And freezers where, you're starting to get really popular and, now. You're saying this total, shift more, farm-to-fork. You know that fresh local, connection. Good. How are you good. Do. You guys do. Any of your marinade in soy sauce and I'm asking because I'm gluten, allergic. Pork. Chops of delicious yeah my name is Meyer lemon some herbs you also have marinade buffalo chicken wings - great. What's the marination oh god. I wish the marinade on the other chicken weaves again I started.
To Get pretty, sick in university, I went, to go to a doctor and I was lucky enough that, they made the connection that it might be food allergies, and I did all the tests and sure enough gluten. I'm very very allergic to. So. I had to retrain myself I had to read, a lot of labels interrogate. The waitstaff and, it was hard and eating out. It's, always a risk when you try something new that you haven't tried before you trust, that the food, manufacturer, knows what they're doing that there's no cross-contamination and. Even if the label is there as you, know this is gluten-free. You, you might look at the package and I might say processed. In a facility that also has wheat and that's a little bit of a, internal. Alarm for. Me just I have to raise my eyebrow at that are, these new - I've never seen these. There's. An increased, kind of distrust, now yeah, this is the people who lost faith in the, food, supply system, and they're. Very fearful they're, worried about being poisoned. About their health. And. To. Me it seems like there's this interesting tension. Now between, on the one hand the desire what is like cheap and plentiful and on. The other hand the desire for what is like clean and sustainable. And, healthy. And. I think that this sort of tension is is very, interesting, and not really resolved. In. His, book the virtues, of the table, philosopher, Julie and gajini poses. Ethical, questions, about the food that we eat. Trust. Is a really. Interesting. And important, issue. The. Supply chains are so large now I think the real issue over, trust is that, there's kind of no substitute. For. The. Direct, relationship. And the transparency. And the. Mistake people make a lot of the time is they, sort of going for that kind of trust they go for the like, the certificate, or the stamp or, the procedure, or the system and they, say we've ticked these boxes, so it's. All okay the. Problem with any tick box system is that once, that set up someone, finds a way of ticking the boxes and you. Know getting away with things yeah, there weren't really there are all sorts, of safeguards. That were meant to mean that it was impossible for horse meat to end up in a supermarket lasagna, but. They didn't work because all it takes is at one point, in that chain someone, to tick a box and, be dishonest and you're, gone. The, technology, is becoming more accessible and the, interest is there there's, just this heightened, awareness and, I think that has drawn. A lot of attention to this, space that has been very. Much overlooked. And I think the real interest to me is how, are you empowering the, consumer, to make better choices in, their everyday life. There's. A new generation, of entrepreneurs with. A background in, companies, like Facebook, and Google who. Are working to make our food system, healthier, and more sustainable. Shirin. Yates for example, who, came up with a device that can check your food for gluten within a couple of minutes. Our. First product is a portable. Sensor that can detect gluten. In foods as, a user you would basically take a sample, or core of whatever you'd. Be testing, put it in here this, would have a test. Strip in it and then you'd put it in this sensor, and then, turn it on and. Then in in a few minutes then you'll know whether or not that very. Trace, amount of the protein of whatever you're looking for is there, but then you, can actually share your test result on on. An app so, it can be shared, with and I think that's the part that I get really excited about because it scales that, individual, experience, to make it really. Universally, useful for. Other people who are trying to navigate eating. Out with food allergies, I. Personally. Think that the. Vast majority of people walk around feeling, subpar. They don't know their optimum, self they don't know how good they could feel because, there's still such a mystery. About how. To feed ourselves and, how to fuel ourselves, I think, as we have that additional, information that goes beyond allergens, I could go into pesticides, I could go into all, these other realms for food, the, more we're going to know how bodies are reacting, to that then it's all this wearable information, and what we're learning about our bodies is our gonna fuse with what we're putting in our bodies and you can have this real.
Great. Custom, connection, of okay this is how this particular set, of inputs. In my body makes me feel and if I cut this out then. Or if I add this in then, I'm, gonna be my best self so that's that's that's what I'm really excited about. Fruit. Scanners, could play an important, part in making the food industry, more transparent. And these. Scanners won't just detect gluten, currently. Scanners, are being developed that, can measure anything, from calories, and pesticides, to antibiotics. Imagine. If there was a way to know which, watermelon, is sweeter. By. Now there are hundreds, of different new, startups, in the food industry, most. Of them were founded by the new generation, who. Are applying the advantages, of the internet, and digital technology, to our food it's. Time to bring, innovation. To the system, for. Instance the American company, Hampton, Creek is using big data to develop a mayonnaise, without chicken, protein, one. Area where there's, hardly any technology. Disruption, is the. World of food. One. Of the investors, from Silicon, Valley who have moved their focus to the food industry, is Ali Petrova. Who, got involved in Internet companies, like Facebook, and Dropbox, at an early stage I, sold my first company and I bought my first new car and, then I saw the Austin Powers movie, that had this, design, I instantly, thought oh that is so cool. Flashy. And, unique, but not ostentatious. Why. Do people. With the dot-com background, like part o B suddenly, start investing, in the food industry a. Good. Engineer, looks, at a whole system, kind of from the ground up and. Thinks. About efficiency, thinks about well you, know is this the best way to have done this this, is like this because this one was like this what if we change that would, this be better or worse and, so. This aspect of taking, complex, systems. And breaking them down and simplifying. Them and seeing where the essence of something is that, is part of how, an engineer looks, at looks. At everything there's. A lot of VCS who have you. Know over the past decade. Spend. Money and invested and cared about solar. Electricity. Or, ethanol. Or these other. Ostensibly. More sustainable, components. Of the energy world and then, there's a realization that you know what all, of those. Dynamics. And, energy applied, of food and farming, because, food, is part of the overall. Spectrum of energy we're still talking about calories, from the Sun being. Converted, into some storable, usable form whether, to power our cars and. Our machines or our bodies the food system is responsible, for somewhere, between 20, and 30 percent of greenhouse gases we produce people. Are very aware of their cars and how they heat their house and and the, fossil fuel that goes into those processes, but our food system is basically a fossil, fuel. System. As well we. Turn a fossil, fuel into food in many ways the. Main. Ingredient. In in. Fertilizer. Ammonium, nitrate is a fossil, fuel product, and. That's spread, on fields, all over the. World now, it. The process, of making it consumes, a lot of fossil fuel and then when it leaches into the atmosphere, it. Is a very potent greenhouse gas itself. We. Also process. Food in ways that use lots of energy we move it around the world that uses lots of energy but, probably the worst part is the is the fertilizer so there's a there's a especially. Meat-eating as an, Norma's role. To play in greenhouse. Gas production a UN. Estimates about 18 percent of all greenhouse, gases, are. Traceable. To the animal agriculture I. Spent, some time a couple years ago trying to figure out how much fossil. Fuel energy oil it. Took to, produce a quarter pounder with cheese when. I speak about some of these issues particularly, about the fossil fuel use in the food system I do a little demonstration and, I bring a quarter pounder with cheese here. Is our oil and I, bring a picture of what, looks like crude. Oil and four. Or five glasses and and. I pour them out to show you exactly, how much fossil fuel goes into creating that quarter, pounder with cheese and it's 26, ounces of oil to, produce that one hamburger. It's. Really chocolate syrup. That's. An astonishing amount of oil to. Produce something that could be produced entirely. With sunlight. The. Moment of awakening for, me I'd say was when I read the the Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan I wouldn't, say that I immediately said this this, is ready for a Silicon Valley style disruption. But. I'd you, know I think anyone who reads that book has. A, certain, level of shock.
For. Me reading that book awaken this question of there's. Obviously going to be better ways to do this and they are probably even more profitable as well this. Doesn't feel like a system, that was designed, even. For profit let alone for being you know the best for the world. Agriculture. By its very nature is the solar technology, it's it's all based on photosynthesis. The the amazing, ability of plants and only, plans to to take solar energy, combine. It with carbon, dioxide in the atmosphere and. Water. And, some, minerals in the in, the soil and turn. That into sugars, into food that then, can be the basis of a food chain either feeding us directly or feeding animals. This, isn't an this is this. Is nature's free lunch you know a solar energy it's the only one we have and in. Agriculture, we harnessed, it it. Just wasn't quite fast or efficient enough for us and so we began. Improving on it with things like fossil. Fuel based fertilisers and, pesticides. But. It still works and it's an and the challenge, I think the great challenge of our agriculture, is can you put it back on a solar, footing. Without. Turning back the clock I'm not talking about going back to the way we grew food seventy-five or hundred years ago but sophisticated, new, highly, productive ways of harnessing, sunlight. In. Order to to. Make food. In. Their search for a more efficient, food system. Investors. From the field of digital technology, not only consider, high-tech but, also old-fashioned. Techniques. For. Instance Silicon, Valley provides a lot of financial backing for farmland LP. An, investment. Fund that buys arable. Land and converts it into organic, farms, with an old-fashioned, rotation, of crops. The. View that that we have is. That. Soil. Is a biological. System and it's. Actually the soil biology the, cycles, in the soil biology that actually creates the soil fertility and. If. You if. You add. Ammonia. If you have fertilizer to, soil you're actually adding ammonia ammonia. Is basically Windex, it's what used to sterilize things you're killing, and destroying the soil biology so, you're actually destroying, the very thing. That. You, that you really need to be there and when.
When, All, of our agricultural, practices are designed to enhance the. Biology, of the soil to work with the biology of the soil and that means that the soil, is more fertile you, get better biological. Productivity, and that translates to better economic, productivity. Because. You have the crop diversity, you don't require the herbicides. And the pesticides, and and some, of the other and the GMO, seeds that are expensive, input costs, so, after. We take it through this about five-year conversion, period our, costs. Are lower. Even. If we sold the product at the same price as the conventional, goods. Our. Farmers would be more profitable but, that that takes about five years so we like the organic price premium, but after you finish the conversion, period we actually don't need it anymore but, because the demand is so large we don't expect it to go away when. People start looking at farming, as an investment. Place. To invest their money, they. Discover, that the most sustainable, farms, by the least amount of stuff I mean, in other words if you're really running a sustainable, farm you don't need a lot of inputs inputs, are usually chemicals, to fix monoculture. Problems, you. Know are the solutions, in your head or are they in a ball the. Most sustainable farming, the important solutions are in the head of the farmer. We. Don't use any kind of herbicides. Or pesticides on. Any of our pastures, you. Know if we run into a weed, or a pest problem we try to manage that with our livestock, you. Know for instance I have, a alfalfa. Field back here and last year I got some aphids in there, and. My. Neighbor next, to me also, had some aphids and he, elected, to spray, and I elected, to take and sheep it off and. You. Know I generated. The economics, of it I'm generating, some revenue it's. Costing, him and. When. Our when, our alfalfa, crop came I got better tonnage, than he did so. You. Know sometimes. You, know Mother Nature can do some great things for, you if you just get out of the way. The. Best, pattern for sustainable, agriculture is having livestock. Crops. Grains. In, a rotation, all there at the same time just rotating. Among the different fields hard. For one farmer to do all that hard, for them to grow all those different, varieties and, then also to. Sell. Them all, at the right time for for the best price and so, by, us, operating. At scale we. Can help each individual. Type of farmer the cattle farm or sheep farm or vegetable farmers, get. All the scale that they need without having to come up with millions of dollars for. Farmland and without, spending the years that it takes to get it certified organic, and manage it that way so the role that we play is really that of the land steward, and, making, sure that we're, getting the highest and best sustainable. Use out, of the farmland and, it benefits, both the environment. And economics. So. Old, farming. Techniques, but, this doesn't mean they can't be improved on a lot. Of data is gathered and monitored, and both crops and farmers, rotate, around the fields, but. This this. Basically shows the crop map it's happens to be for 2012. That we. Color. Code the fields, and we track a lot of information about. What. Happens on the farm each, and every year we. Use a lot of GIS, technology. For what we do. So. Is, it going to be high-tech organic, farming you say that like that's a contradictory, term. Some. People would call that a contradictory. Term don't you think I, don't. Know I think that growing. Crops. Is a very biological. Function. I actually think that biology, is more complicated than chemistry, the, systems that they're using now so looking, at the soil biology is actually more complex and. To me a superior, way of managing the farmland. And you need to use all the tools at your disposal a. Lot. Of people who are investing, in commodity, cropland are. Keeping. It in commodity. Corn for example and, it's very easy to put on a spreadsheet you're. Going to grow the corn here's the input costs, here's what you're going to get you. Can lock in your input costs, and sell your corn before. You ever sit. On a tractor for the year so as. A financial, instrument, it. Looks. Very, simple and great and it's very linear what, we do is it's. We're. Focused on maximizing the soil biology its, systems, the the. Farmers are rotating, the land is rotating, and the. The. Technologist. The Silicon Valley of the people in Silicon Valley, there. Are systems, thinkers, so, they understand, you, know software, is not linear, software.
Is Loops. And everything has to work together object, oriented for example, and so, when they hear, how we're managing farmland. They get it and, get it very quickly and they get it instantly and they also have. A view towards the future to have a view towards how, can't how should the world be. In, the quest for food production without, the use of fossil fuels, there, is another solution, what. If you could grow vegetables. On a large scale, locally. Close to the city and without. Pesticides or, fertilizers, just. By using electricity. That, can be generated by solar energy. Lettuce. Grow a mark day listen from fellow, the Netherlands, is already, doing this and the, secret formula turns out to be light. Let. For. Mixing the other side look at the Haley knew with her daughter. Bug from you let Felicity gonna be like like I'll take their Lantern our boat sir I'm gonna say what. You see here hey my happy baby food for the lenses I could smell screw in the video too from the gap. But. No safe reliable Volkov. Associate, cake and efficiency, burning angles a BFF, sham-pow, oh poor flock there I'm on, a beach in a lacrosse. Starting, up cranky Delta and a crazy deal is it the mouth ext bagger, from Zion, of the plunge one give you a few Santa member throw, this. Knot. Is in Atlanta all. Sewed up in the winter so dune some speak of all for all the baguette, here. The basin let's a lever the cyclic open ext. Bag and all this come with black chiffon, Ziya 14, centimeter, coat decry the. Truth. Darling inhale like a slob jointed, Zoop. Toka Donna Glick except, for the gooey from slaw and a, table agapia, Road blow. And felt no they come photos and a city guy again and the, yes that could be Nancy the home source, for an optimality witness, table of I a Gallic, philia, honest it's a super. Self. The smack from about the product is how you can be included to. Me a blow to gave the mayor all together my. Dad sat near, anglich pasa con Tacoma, the, summit all super baby say. El, Cucuy directors, and space particularly a king and, the. Site launches along here, before slab blow, vote, and family, and the could be Nassif and III sort. Of all that and top-line champion at events outside at a cuisine. Might. As well so our symbol for vault the, clear, blow eats me a to Fugen I hope you Blanchett are here on those artists in the to you as a betrayer for bars and back-end who, that with, that salami on God, forbid. I should ever be a blob I did if I spoke about the yellow. Stacking. You know that, you. Can try any plant, on Xmas to the metal of still in the short to live sama. Met extreme art and about tuna you like but your halo more in control over. The plunger. You, got former who know I'm just not technique conscious yappy, who knows different states notice my, well know that states me a technique, valuable, color photo. The. Lets technique. Is moment in Roanoke air do you can I tricked like him at the pace a syndicate, architect, EMU job doesn't lose the dollar for claim, if they say a new, thing of all the cases overall five, euro Colin, laptop. Copa90. Son of devaki Moodle of MATLAB - muchas. The. Bossman scamming have again a taupe gray hair mommy Manoli the survival, folder. 20:44. OS Murata how, about, Matt movie. Authority who's up start. Being a normal despairing, opening with Mia for Stella mamala, plunger, are claiming appointees of the rowdy boy, to Stan and assaults kind we ended need to feed on per and out, attract him about some, hogs and Virata he only lets Alice tell of it so in don't, you go on all day it's the etiology LaMotta. Or by the like minimal. Of evolving yes. Let's. Go Matt let's L was like the helmet is enum that they select, a haenam of moon sang so, well violet talk to me rode, the ferry on the NZ a chief Eric I can see you more the. Chlorophyll up coma. On. The left leg the cranky. Including, the Bahama Vincent. And yeah. Booty of annoyed the caustic I keyed up as well and, I've been around a trader, does morganatic. Lira. Here's. Alice Capone Kinnear talking, about the news van Eyck. What. I find interesting about what's, going on with all these technologies is, that, they're kind of changing. The, basic, dynamic, of the default, position when, we think about the food system so what, is that default position it's really the idea that people have that agriculture, is divided, between the.
Organic Or the traditional mixed, farm method, you know the kind of thing we recognize as a farm if we see it walking in the countryside and. Industrial. Farming, biotech. All those things that are, somewhat, alien, and they they rely on technologies, to much and are not natural so you've got yeah people think about it is natural, and non natural although obviously it's more complicated, than that well, there are all sorts of things about that division, which are already quite problematic, but. It seems to me a lot of what's going on now, is. Kind of challenging people to really ask themselves the question well, what matters about this divide. Growing. Foods, in ways which on the one hand is is is entirely, artificial. You're talking about using LED lights and things and keeping, things in highly controlled, conditions. On, the other hand without these. Additives. And. Fertilizers. And everything so, it's kind of organic. In the, sense that it doesn't have any of those inputs. Which are considered nasty, but. It's not at all organic, in the sense that traditionally, organic is about the soil cycle, it's about growing in such a way that you. Feed the soil even as you grow in it now. Once, that kind of technology becomes mainstream. It's, really forcing people to ask themselves the question, what. Really, matters here what's the important, thing what's really really matters for us and it's, no longer good enough to have this kind of neat division. In your mind between all-natural, and good and the industrial and scary. Some. Of these things, they're coming up with are arguably, going to be both more productive, and more sustainable, than. The. Best organic farms. People. Aren't gonna like that very much a lot of the time because, we. Do have a romantic, attachment to, the idea of the traditional, farm. The. Dom allotment Veda and five Sigma namely, of men's design this diminutive. Element, Harrogate the. Zulus form of who was me - my only products in opposition to, Tanaka and. Oba Oba he gave off top of the products etag or plots and other men's labor being. The thought of the high dying from the common Yaga, so thing. Do, we really need to produce more food in order to feed 9 billion people in, the future. Chef. Dan barber, who owns a restaurant just outside New York City doesn't. Think this is necessary. He. Believes that our current harvest, is enough to provide good food for everyone in the future. The. Premise of the question is how. Are we ever going to produce enough calories to feed 9, billion people and what, is predict for 2050, when. You. I think we, need to stop and relook. At that question and realize. That we already produce enough food to feed 12. Billion people right. Now. There. Are as I mentioned a third of a population, that is food insecure and starving but that's not because there isn't enough food that's. Because there is a an. Unfair, distribution, of. Food that, has to do with political, realities, and and, deep. Deep. Unfairness. In the world producing. More food is not going, to help that. At. All and. So. So the premise of the question for me is troubling, because it it it, it, squares, you off into, a into a set it puts you down a pigeon, hole into a set of answers where you have to answer well how do we produce more food instead of asking what do we need to produce more food and the. Answer is actually, in, terms of caloric intake, we really don't we need to distribute it better as a big problem distribution, is a big problem 60%, of it is not being fed to us, it's. Being fed very inefficiently, to animals so you're eating meat that's fed corn and soy but but but you know we don't need to do that these animals as we have proven here don't, need a lick of grain and can use the energy from the Sun that feeds the grass and the grass feed them and there they taste, delicious and they're healthier for us so that's the kind of system I think we should be supporting. The. Problem, in the last half. Century has, been a disconnection, with our food is produced because, when we become disconnected, with how food is produced we generally make really bad decisions, about who, is growing our food and how it's getting to us.
First. Of all this is a carrot that is, an organic carrot but you equip one you would get it you know Whole Foods right. So we squeeze, the little bit of its juice, our. Lovely Tara is, getting. A reading of sugar, bricks. Reading which is four point five which reads four, point five percent of. This carrot is sugar, now, we're. Going to test. Stone. Barns carrot from Jack algiere we just father we've been in storage for the last three months. Grown. In the best, organic. Soil and also rotated. With all the crops and here we have a Brix of twelve to, twelve. Percent of this carrot of sugar versus four percent and what, studies. Have shown is there's a correlation, between bricks, and and nutrient density there's. Definitely a correlation between how much you like the carrot and how much you might not like the carrot based on the amount of sugar. But. Local, farming, on organic, soil is not enough according to Barbra, we. Will also have to adjust our diet. If. The definition of farm-to-table meant all we needed to do was shop for what we want it locally, I'll. Get, that tomato and that eggplant and ETSU Keaney and that, carrot and that onion and, I'm. Gonna call myself farm-to-table. Well know what you need to do is dig a lot deeper and, we need to we. Need to support the the crops that gave us all the scraps all the crops I just mentioned our. Cream crops you know we think about a local tomato as, you. Know as the epitome of a. Sustainable. Farm. To table system. Of the future in fact a tomato. Is a very, expensive. Vegetable. It's a fruit but it's it's a very very, expensive from a soil fertility expensive, it's from. The soil fertility, perspective. It's the hummer of the food world it requires a ton of soil. Fertility. What. We need to do is I don't I wouldn't say turn away from Tomatoes but I would say we need to celebrate those, crops that give. Us the fertility to enjoy the tomato those, are crops, like brassicas, and a rotation or. Grain. Cover crops or, clovers. You. Know cover crops that we can actually learn, to eat bean. Crops leguminous, crops. Those are the ones that give us the nitrogen, the phosphorus and, all the building blocks for healthy, soil that give us those flavors, that we love so much. We. Tend to, gravitate. Towards. Certain diets, that are in vogue or in fashion, or we believe to be best for us and then we demand that the land growing or. We. Become fixated, on certain, trends, or ideas because. We think they're the most delicious, and we tend to put. Great demands on a landscape to grow it. Any. Dictate. On a diet that comes. From our sense, of right and wrong or, our sense of need is the, wrong diet.
We. Move this out of the way. And. Here's that right, there. Okay. It's. Just fine. No. Cover at all, we. Plant this in October. And. It's still very small but. In the spring it'll be huge it, grows really big doesn't. Need any protection it, does not being affected by the frost at all right now. So. Just, this space maybe 2,000. Pounds of spinach from, the section that really took no work except, to prepare, the beds seed and cover. You. Can see there's no, damage at all. I. Think. For the future the, right way to think about this is to get away from looking. At what we covet and look more towards, what the land wants to produce. And. It's perfectly, healthy and still growing. And. Maybe frozen but very. Sweet. We. Have to eat it the first diet that's the challenge and. That that means I have to create. The. Dishes, and, the menu. That. That, people want to eat and that can they can easily replicate in their own homes I mean that's that's where cuisine comes in it's so you don't just have that restaurants you have that in your daily diet and, it becomes part of the culture of eating that's the that's, the key. Look. Tonight I'm working, on a carrot, steak. So, we have carrots, that are in storage now. We've. Been aging, it in beef, fat and. Tonight. We're gonna serve this like a steak. But. The architecture, of the dish is going to flip on its head it's going to be the American ideal, reversed. My. Hope is that we do that with a lot of dishes and that ultimately we can create a system. And a pattern of eating that is more reflective of, what, this can provide not, what we expect. This to provide but the other way around it's a big difference. Barber. Believes that if we just eat what the land gives us there, will be more than enough for everyone now. And in, the future. But, how can we get ourselves to actually eat, all these less common, ingredients. Technology. Could, help us with this as well. Hey. Steve-o don't. Know you want. William. Um, pick. Also. Be VOC Steve arrested, there's, the be most animal dick over birthday, hey daddy. Does this DN book. Brought. The fifty that. Does the steampunky, ray okay. Because. What I'm you tonin known on the screen exemplar, me, he can't be the video. Comment to pony that, let's hope so sorry the. Phony look a nose and words here and the vessel anak all can be altered continue. With. Trauma brahmand. Me earlier the tongue. That are about the cobble yo TN, and a max can. Sorry. For me man, this. Week a movement, winter tone with me, there's. Not there's near anything, yet and will. A stone oval, stone -, wave hogs be functional. 50%. Brave of me. 50%. Them enemy 50%. More foodie vessel and the vessel. Yeah. Through. With, the word. Twitty. As, a liar that or there's not that is a fool. Without them in the water the hates fish here, I'm. In the water his fish, how about an ACME you just meet my, broad enemy knew it. There's. A lack of it mum. I get buffer Danny always, that they knows his years went by super lie. About. Moment of Eden narrows Lobo I mean. The came back a smart man transit my karuma's at, the, house in retro me some posts. A. Couple. Of years ago, Johann Longin, Bukh founded. The food tech startup, food pairing. Together, with bella, loves. They. Want to analyze, all the ingredients, in the world and, create, a database, of all the aromas contained. In them. The. Bike catch of, the day. It. Is aroma miss, Blahnik tartar, percent from hitting, approved or, telic door do you news but bolts knew how they need to rake him our hand to stalin lateral, cohan to stalin the aromas latin an elysian, revolves, on the stain walk or, not elevating, who the aromas, are enter a hearin met, under aromas on, Sudan economizing, well kadhi Anton sudden perfect Baraka awesome. Okay. Perfect. This. We hand the aromas hand on Elysian, monotonic, and mention, is effect under Sun and to sell this defeatist like every her. Marked on the way I. Convert, even on the stain milk, lotion. Are not. Perfume, on the funniest involve caked yeah don't, see that of it vanilla. Avoid, cumin. Seed. Are you, know come come back to here aromas. Invoke, cumin floor. Allah honing. After component, Nutella, Cosway. Hospice. Own a sting, ball critical, how many serve on this. Honing con comers vanilla. We handle Eric in a. Room, our bills for marking and his automobile deference. Vermin, zone of rain comes Matt Mustaine, bulk mehandi, act in India. Hannah and H Blitzen. Larvae, evil innovative a Loki Steen walk did send aromas. The the Balearic sing a nobody's. De Vaca dollars in with popcorn crucial, popcorn. Is walk crucial, vote at cost first brought aroma as Hill style of popcorn balls occur. In the community, Matt Matt, brutal maken of calm. Commerce Markham common aroma is Oobleck for rotten voluminous Ukranian about illuminating, Han zoko, Eric hill creative, a NASA helmet near. Commonalities, but, this. Farm insulting whom a bit like, a communist, man man, Condon.
The. Software parameters the, algorithm. Is the is, a table drying the burn of the computer test it away money will of ding, result on a destiny, buy food and visual. Tartan found the analysis, in and the, retina Nuttall algorithm, is up and even, ethereal Todd brought, crop, a come comer oscar. Menassa te kaha mark met him at his teen book. And. Intuitive. Didn't. Chef that all medical. Notes in the Tejanos dots, and -, stahma to say mark actin and the, type of it a lot more localized any, production and, how does the interacts his hand ham bacon. Soup. Not almost, him is how flicks a intestine production, the senator valve on the come-come it had. Come come aroma the year ends at a zoo could come comer aroma the income committed the, second day. Service how common aromatic, on chimeric CFC tristan. Exceed. Hauling stan my, with the honing aroma. From top four in between. Oven. Gas click. On between, cars honing, how, come in here matter method, products. Cuckoo, music combined asesino, diamond-hard active, on that, man vomit and Koreans, arrogant et al come come in Ihram an appearance, in the end we, have mark are annoyed tone in the keuken my vacant and evil detect Aaron on that way the aromas found the three product in the same bar heaven. Rope the steam ball coppers Hilton. San. Francisco, brutes mckeavy. And love. An animal morning super. Okay. Imogen. On. A mango wait away even was in the key aromas. In a mango guava parted aroma from the mango mousse. Was annulled and and. Key aroma at mango can opt for common, in an. Apple, of. An under product in the second Hank a coven hookah, and the hounds form communities, from local predictor among. Embarking upon the, block we evolved at spin of an apple. Seen a hawk a coven whatever may be sick but in twenty kilometer around in, orbit rave and. Water. Community screed on how mark Anansi like, apples in Conan hannahb new mark Naraku, - even malloon, fizzle. Is a naval base. Christmas. And in the east of who-ville head gifted of neutrik a person, does. Eternal he canal de la coka broken on production. Of neutron of britain to Hannover vermin matter locally, a radiant. We. Have on all approved intervals, on Elysian as a tool, I'm certain MacLean stigma, which. Has delivered around the track. My. Fishing net Harden is updated yeah I, was uh paper holders next Roger Davis I'll open honest. I'm a certain I. Thank. You for watching, for. More on this subject take, a look at the playlist you. Can also watch this recommended, video, don't. Forget to subscribe to our Channel, and we'll keep you updated on, our documentaries.
2019-01-05 22:54
Isn't there ABSOLUTELY HUGE MASSIVE areas of this planet with no people which could be used to grow food. There is no shortage. Only mismanagement due to the DEMONS being in control :)
Soylent green...
Hydroponic farming can never reach the energy density needed in their vertical forms.
The big fat farmer boasting how his cattle eat the weed, is driving the huge car .. is that vehicle running on vegetable oils? Or Petrol? Bogus Hope in face of reality ... Fact is 80% of the farmers across the world are not some "cowboy driving a metal horse on the colonised plains of america" ... Could you guys look at India to learn more? Guess Not....
reduce the population bomb, best solution food scarcity
Can digitalization help food redistribution? Cause that's what we need first. Its the same story with land usage. avb land vs. control.
Just convert daily tons of food waste into consumable, no man would sleep hungry.
you have the best channel on youtube. thank you
normaln'd thank you!
I think these technologies will be helpful to colonize Mars and some will be very useful in tracking where are food comes from, the health of the soil and in identifying areas of over distribution or lack of diversity for communities and markets.
Adding technology to every problem isn't the solution to every problem. It isn't the magic bullet and it will add huge upfront costs which will eliminate small private farms. If there is already mistrust in our overly industrialized, subsidized, lobbied and backed by big oil farms.... what makes you think adding big tech companies into the mix is the best solution? Permaculture works, and is ridiculously low tech for the abundance it naturally creates. If you want to add some tech it would be autonomous machines that can harvest, collect and monitor the variety of produce and prepare it for market so the farmer and his small staff can go away for longer periods without worry of food rotting or produce not being harvested for the markets, CSA's and restaurants they supply. Farmers work very hard and those who work with nature just need a bit of tech to allow them to enjoy more time away from their land without worry. How much more expensive is a factory made, artificial environmentally controlled farm going to cost? With wages and job growth stagnant and public services looking to be abolished... how many people will be able to afford to eat while we throw money at farms that poison the land, water and air doing things how it is currently done?
Capitalism in the food industry is all about selling more and more. They like to keep things a secret, not tell you what they really put in the food. So they load it up with manufactured sugar from corn, even your government encourages the use, they get special tax breaks. The whole industry has consolidated, taught big is better, it was just a way to control the marketplace. Those fast food outlets, all the premanufactured items so they all look alike. Lots of calories, but it just encourages you to eat more and more.
Eat more plant-based is the solution. Why can't the documentary say it out loud?! The data is clear. Plant-based or vegan diet is best for our planet, our health, and of course, the animals. It's simple math, really. A vegan requires about 1/18th of the resources an omnivore requires - land, water, fossil fuel and so on, because farm animals eat a lot of plants. Cut out the middle animals, and we can immediately have as much as 18 times the amount of food for everyone. That would eliminate the need to chop down our remaining rainforests, and even allow some land to be re-wilded. eliminate ocean dead zones, the eminent danger of empty oceans and ecological collapse, water shortage, mitigate climate change, etc. Going vegan is SO easy, because study shows that it is our gut bacteria that tell us what we like to eat. So simply eat more plants and the good gut bacteria will thrive, while the bad that feed on meat, eggs, dairy and junk food will starve. Pretty soon, your thriving good gut bacteria will tell you how much you LOVE eating plants! Here are literally hundreds of studies to support if you're interested:
Nourriture digitale veut dire nourriture pour les doigts ;-) On dit plutôt nourriture numérique.
All you can control is what you put in the machine. We all know what comes out...but I digress. Yes, we are machines who make waste.
D R-K colonize Mars ? Try to Be a critical thinker of mars colonization..
+Satan Exactly the kind of lie the prince of flies would spread. Capitalism is not the free-market system, it is a philosophy that proclaims that the market, left to its own devices will solve all problems without any interference. Socialism, in which ever form it might take, to a lessor or greater extent (depending on the country or state) asserts that the government should interfere at the behest of society at times, whether it is within the context of a command economy or, more often, a free-market economy. There is no country that is not socialist to some degree. Where capitalism was applied, at some time a government had to interfere or the state failed.
Capitalism is about ensuring people keep eating. Socialism is about ensuring people starve.
James Bond Returns kill your family first
We don't have a shortage of food, half of what we produce goes to waste one way or another. We have a distribution problem and greedy people in power that's the problem. We still feed good plant food to our farmanimals instead of feeding the people with that, we leave have of our harvest on the fields because it's not the right shape or size. Even a huge amount of the meat we produce under horrific surcumstances goes to waste. We don't need the food industry or our governments solving problems they are responsible for, we need a change in society and we need that fast!
The Food allergy thing is dumb...
food allergies are mostly fake. buy your food at dollar store. it's shelf stable for years. the feature person appears to be a teenager. bot.
actually populations are beginning to fall. that, plus lab induced, grown humanity, will change earth landscape. at least i hope so. homo sapiens have made a mess of our wonderful planet.
we already grow food for 10 billion people
you grow food organically without pesticides
now that looks damn right bloody scary
check out the guy at 19:50, really focus on his behaviour.
Off topic: Isn't it normally best practice to credit the artist for using his music? (which is Paul Kalkbrenner, by the way)
We asked him personally;)
Come on people, what do you expect from very low prices? People are pushing for cheaper prices all the time, so they are in large part responsible for the insanity of the production system. They closed their eyes for decades perfectly knowing the whole food production apparatus was built lies. And now they wake up and cry wolf because they're gluten intolerant? Non sense. You want good food, you have to recognize that the value of it has to be paid fairly. And it's not cheap.
+Togbe Osagyefo I use it as an example of what this could be used to help to do as the idea of colonizing Mars is from Elon Musk... a hugely difficult seemingly impossible mission that will require lots of engineering and tech to accomplish. I would prefer to have our resources go towards the earth, but in the pursuit of this goal, I acknowledge many useful ideas and discoveries can help us in the now.
Fat and sugar are badass. But, so is self control.
+Jared Houston Oh pull the other one. Learn your own history. The great depression happened BEFORE social spending and it was social spending that got the US out of the depression. Same with the 2008 financial crises. The banks were bailed out by the state. Before the great depression there was a tiny middle class. After the New Deal and World War Two recovery the middle class grew. What metric are you using to measure prosperity? By the amount of slaves a person owns?
+Martin Menge It's when government did intervene that capitalism failed that is the definition of a free market failing (when government intervenes). When USA had capitalism it was much more prosperous, it has taken 100 years of social government theft to bring the economy to the brink of total collapse. If free market was the rule, collapses of companies would happen all the time, but they would be very isolated and wouldn't effected the overall economy. Do not advocate for a socialist economy, it will always fail, no matter who makes the rules it's a failed system, while free markets allow failures to fail and winners to keep operating.
+Togbe Osagyefo I wana kill ur childrens and ur sexy mommy
For us to eat lower in the food chain the better for the environment. The lowest is plants. Plant-based diet is also the healthiest for us when compared to other diets such as the vegetarian diet, the Pescetarian diet, and especially when compared to the omnivore diet. However, there is hardly any study on health in regard to eating crickets or other insects.
What about eating crickets als0?
food purveyors and 5 star restaurants get the best of the best first and supermarkets with the best reputations then local supermarkets schools and other types of community places are among the last with food banks coming in dead last. The dollar drives the food market in every country.
Redistribution? What are you saying?
You don't know what you're talking about. The areas that aren't being used are either not economically attractive, or it would be way too environmentally destructive to use them to grow food, or both.
Id have to disagree. They now have transparent solar panels. Which let's light in, and converts uv to energy. That in conjunction with hollow core fibre optics, redirecting light to any needed point. And all of that just comes from glass and sand.
*Creative people create nice solutions.* The issue of industrial farming with chemicals is a huge disaster on our planet. Great people will reduce the destruction that was caused by industrial farming with chemicals. We need that to help nature and to have better health with basic foods.
9:04 And suddenly busted fake food scanners appear.
yum, carrot steak...I'm out!
It's the cost of transportation of the food that makes the food so expensive. Farm & grow locally and distribute locally is the solution.
go permaculture
I grew up on organic farm- long before it was cool. I am allergic to most plants.
curb scout you say it like your not one of them. Shoot yourself and we can start to save the planet.
+vpro documentary Oh cool! Nice to hear! I really enjoy his music, and was just afraid that he would be forgotten, so other people wouldn't have the chance to enjoy as well :D
There is no food scarcity. Heck most Americans carry enough body fat to not eat for 2-3 months
+none given I know right, that's why I'm all about crickets.
Slow path to diabetes, if vegan was perfect they wouldn't need supplement
+Case White Well then, if self discipline was as popular as fat and sugar we'd be alright.
+Synerrox you one of them lizard guys
"There is no shortage." False. Current agriculture methods are depleting topsoil nutrients at scale. In other words, the fertile farmable land is shrinking while demand increases. FarmlandLP has the right idea, use known permaculture methods to replenish soil nutrients and reduce the use of fertilizers and pesticides substantially. The challenge is to prove this works at scale economically.
+Synerrox shhhh it easier to point a finger and blame it on others.
I expected seeing more futuristic food production, like making the synthetic food.
do they light the plants 24 hours a day for 30 days in the warehouse in the Netherlands at 23:00?
+trytorememberallthis Greens stop you from absorbing calcium. Plenty of studies on that. You're iron deficient, you are balding, and you weigh less than 100 lbs.
Nope. You can get all nutrients from plants, roy romano. Vitamin B12 is the only supplement generally recommended by dieticians for vegans, not because we need animals products for B12, but rather that 90% of B12 supplements made these days are fed to farm animals, and meat-eaters are in fact taking second-hand B12 supplement by eating meat. Neither farm animals nor us can reliably make B12 due to lack of beneficial bacteria in our very 'clean' food these days. I have been vegan for seven years, no supplements although I recommend others to take B12. Not only all my ailments were gone, my annual checkups have been perfect with no deficiencies of any kind.
+trytorememberallthis if you vegan you also need to supplement vitamin, k-12, vitamin A, and calcium. If you dont, you're hair will thin, and fall out along with you're teeth. I was a vegan for 1 year.
+trytorememberallthis you have to over eat meat to get a high enough sugar conversion,, it's not hard to convert veggies and fruits to sugar overload
Do you know that meat is actually the cause of diabetes? That's why vegan diet is better than any known medication for diabetes at this point. Vitamin B12 is the only supplement generally recommended by dieticians for vegans, not because we need animals products for B12, but rather that 90% of B12 supplements made these days are fed to farm animals, and meat-eaters are in fact taking second-hand B12 supplement by eating meat. Neither farm animals nor us can make B12 in our bodies these days due to our food being too 'clean' and lacking beneficial bacteria for us to make B12.
Morticia147 Agreed. VPRO did a fantastic docu about vertical farming, which is 200 times more efficient than the current method and uses zero fertilisers or pesticides, plus it can be grown within inner cities reducing the transport costs (financial and environmental). Cultured meat is also being developed and if we adopt it (which we inevitably will do given a few decades), the 80% of the arable land we use to grow crops for animal feed, can be rested more frequently and used more responsibly.
It's full of digital nutrition of course...?.Don't eat any vegetables and fruits from shops-all poison, and salt will eat you from inside
For everybody who liked this documentary, we suggest to check out our documentary about vertical farming and food flats in urban agriculture. They are important alternatives to our current inefficient food system!
Thanks, Geoff Chown for coming in and mentioning our vertical farming video, that we really would like to recommend at this point!
+Satan I would like to live in your simple, delusional world. Is there still room for me please.
How do you do vertical farming in your room? Now I'm curious. Could you please be so kind and tell me? Maybe then I could do it myself.
+vpro documentary This video is not available.... :o(
I'm starting vertical farming in my room this month, lots of benefits.
+Case White Well then, if self discipline was as popular as fat and sugar we'd be alright.
White people are always allergic to everything. Look at the Blacks feed them pig food they're still alive
What is the music at 1:13?
The problem with those health food stores is they are EXPENSIVE
They could get less expensive if the need for it is growing!
Morticia147 ı think he means this:
There is no foodwaste.
+G That's what the app is for, to detect BS.
Says something about the research behind this series.... Going to cover solar roadways next I assume :/
+Squirrel I would like to live in your simple, delusional world. Is there still room for me please.
+Squirrel Exactly the kind of lie the prince of flies would spread. Capitalism is not the free-market system, it is a philosophy that proclaims that the market, left to its own devices will solve all problems without any interference. Socialism, in which ever form it might take, to a lessor or greater extent (depending on the country or state) asserts that the government should interfere at the behest of society at times, whether it is within the context of a command economy or, more often, a free-market economy. There is no country that is not socialist to some degree. Where capitalism was applied, at some time a government had to interfere or the state failed.
"Just convert"
+roy romano you did not get me.
+DzaMiQ Controlling a "free market." Means it's not a free market.
Free market can never control it self without external hand of governments. Its not possible. Market needs to be regulated in some way to ensure proper way of its development.
Amazing I love it...
9:04 And suddenly busted fake food scanners appear. check out the guy at 19:50, really focus on his behaviour.
@G That's what the app is for, to detect BS.
@vpro documentary This video is not available.... :o(
@vpro documentary Oh cool! Nice to hear! I really enjoy his music, and was just afraid that he would be forgotten, so other people wouldn't have the chance to enjoy as well :D
@Togbe Osagyefo I use it as an example of what this could be used to help to do as the idea of colonizing Mars is from Elon Musk... a hugely difficult seemingly impossible mission that will require lots of engineering and tech to accomplish. I would prefer to have our resources go towards the earth, but in the pursuit of this goal, I acknowledge many useful ideas and discoveries can help us in the now.
@roy romano you did not get me.
@DzaMiQ Controlling a "free market." Means it's not a free market.
@Squirrel I would like to live in your simple, delusional world. Is there still room for me please.
@Jared Houston Oh pull the other one. Learn your own history. The great depression happened BEFORE social spending and it was social spending that got the US out of the depression. Same with the 2008 financial crises. The banks were bailed out by the state. Before the great depression there was a tiny middle class. After the New Deal and World War Two recovery the middle class grew. What metric are you using to measure prosperity? By the amount of slaves a person owns?
@Martin Menge It's when government did intervene that capitalism failed that is the definition of a free market failing (when government intervenes). When USA had capitalism it was much more prosperous, it has taken 100 years of social government theft to bring the economy to the brink of total collapse. If free market was the rule, collapses of companies would happen all the time, but they would be very isolated and wouldn't effected the overall economy. Do not advocate for a socialist economy, it will always fail, no matter who makes the rules it's a failed system, while free markets allow failures to fail and winners to keep operating.
@Squirrel Exactly the kind of lie the prince of flies would spread. Capitalism is not the free-market system, it is a philosophy that proclaims that the market, left to its own devices will solve all problems without any interference. Socialism, in which ever form it might take, to a lessor or greater extent (depending on the country or state) asserts that the government should interfere at the behest of society at times, whether it is within the context of a command economy or, more often, a free-market economy. There is no country that is not socialist to some degree. Where capitalism was applied, at some time a government had to interfere or the state failed.
@Togbe Osagyefo I wana kill ur childrens and ur sexy mommy
@Case White Well then, if self discipline was as popular as fat and sugar we'd be alright.
do they light the plants 24 hours a day for 30 days in the warehouse in the Netherlands at 23:00? Just convert daily tons of food waste into consumable, no man would sleep hungry.
I forgot to mention that food is so much related to sickness that conscious Americans use the opportunity to heal cancer completely in India or Mexiko or Germany. The use of organic bio food in special hospitals will spread and one day the medical doctors in the US see clearly what the colleagues are doing in these countries. They will call for an open revolution in all internet forums and their songs will bring the walls build by pharma industry to a sudden fall. All goes very fast when it will be revealed that the children of the pharma CEOs are treated in Germany, Mexico and India.
In the US the digital technology improves everything but never ever the food for the best chefs in restaurants. That is worldwide today. What matters is the quality of the food not the cost of producing it. I come from a farm family, the Blomeyer family, 400 years old and producing Bio-food. The Blomeyer family is today also in the US. And when I will visit the US, I will have my health fasting period because normal American food makes you sick a tiny bit. I will not eat it. Obese people and cancer is the result of American food production. There is a very small beginning in the US to realise that the whole concept of present food production is completely wrong. The bio food had been introduced in about 1925 by Rudolf Steiner in Germany with his slogan: "No artificial fertiliser, no pesticides". It is such a pity that my American friends are living in an artificial world. Only a very few have changed, first the best of best cooks who never serve any food except bio food. Also there are hotels who changed to this concept. I believe also that the last will become the first and one day American food has got the excellency which you experience in France and Spain in their 3 star restaurants.
Amazing never knew this was happening in my backyard cool to see new tech in a old industry :)