Zodwa Mkandla talks business on Centre Stage

Zodwa Mkandla talks business on Centre Stage

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hey what up everybody it's your boy t gone it's lifetime radio and right now you're listening to chambari the lifetime rocker on power this is center stage with the latest and the hottest issues with chambari brought to you by nmb bank nmp bank in pursuit of excellence [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] um [Music] to watch [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] um [Music] 25 minutes past 2 o'clock our time right now and welcome to center stage another exciting episode of the show every tuesday between 2 and 3 p.m we make sure that we get a public figure public personality uh somebody that you know very well we get them into the studio and then we get to sit down and chat to them about this and that and that and this and uh today this afternoon i'm very very honored to have her in the studio i've been trying to get her for the longest time we have zordom kandla in the studio and she's an amazing businesswoman a mother she's a friend to many and yeah we're just going to get her to open up about a couple of things that we want to know about her uh we've also we've always wondered who is this woman some people may say they know her because of her personal life and who she was married to and some people would say we know her because we've seen her a lot on social media so we have in the studio and we'll get to let you know more about her we are live on facebook the facebook page is power fm zimbabwe big shout out to everybody getting in touch and oh the numbers the views are going up share our videos share it with everybody yeah we have her in the studio she's looking very pretty in green by the way nice green jacket and uh this is probably brought to you by nmb back so did you know that with nmb bank you can pay your bills instantly to register billets without moving an inch simply select bill payments then pick your service provider in the categories of utility insurance telecommunication fuel hospital airlines retail and real estate just to name a few so go ahead pay your bills today on star 241 nmb bank connect app or nmb connect online and you get a digitally stamped receipt n b bank your digital back so let's get into it because we don't have a lot of time uh we we don't start on at two o'clock because they're never late you're delayed business women are delayed how are you i'm very well thanks sorry i really do apologize to all the viewers i was held up in traffic so my apologies for starting 30 minutes late but yeah i promise we'll make sure we make up for the lost time of course you requested that we play job praise uh murder are you a big job raiser fan he's my brother he's my best zimbabwean artist he's really very very good friends like a brother to me i've known him for years from before he was a real appraiser but you know now he's the international star but very good friend of mine that's what i was gonna ask my next question is obviously gonna be uh at when did you first notice start listening to job please or was the first job raise a song that you vibed can you dance like a reason yes why not today some of the time yes obviously not today today we're here for other things let me just adjust her microphone taku can you please just move her microphone close to her so that we can pick up her audio very well [Music] all right there we go we've got it sorted all right so let's get into zodwa we want to understand more about you what would you like as young girl my mom says i was very naughty but look like all other kids kids are very nuts growing up i've got scars all over me i grew up in the rural areas by the way i was never i was not brought up in town i came to harare at the age of 12 but um i was in the village most of the time that's where all the mischievousness was happening way we we didn't have cars then i mean they were cars for those that we reached but as we used to you know maviri take my vd and get into them they're doing it and that's what you used so all the scars that i have when it runs fast then it rolls and then you get you'll be inside the tires yeah then you get scarred you go on top of it and with your legs at the bottom so if the donkey runs away then the towel will come on you and then you you wrong so you then get scarred so we really had our time back then so that's all we had we didn't have the luxury that the young kids of today have so how how many were you in your family how many siblings do you have six six of us and how many boys are they in the second i'm just three girls and four boys okay seven yeah that explains this adventure which home did you come from i grew up in a place called members in fingo location in blue iowa so along 40 kilometers from blue that's where i grew up all right that's where i was born okay so what was your dream what what did you think you would be or where did you think you would be back then in the days our parents all they wanted from us was to either be a teacher or be a nurse so ever almost everybody in my family is either a teacher or a nurse so finishing my all levels i say to myself i'm not going to be a teacher i'm not going to be a nurse because to me it didn't fascinate me that's why i then moved to harare and i looked for a course that was not offered anywhere else i always applied at all the teachers colleges it was hillside college then in blue every time i they would tell me to apply i would say i've applied when i've not applied so i wasted a year or so after my own levels because i didn't want to be a teacher so i wanted to be something different from everyone else in our family so i never like jumped in dreamed to be a teacher like everyone else i wanted to be something that was different then i didn't know what i wanted to be but when i then came to harare my father introduced me to the late uh nelson samkanji who was tourism authority boss and then he then took me through the courses in the tourism tourism industry that is how i ended up being a travel agent okay so this is why you said you you took up a course that wasn't very popular yes that wasn't very popular back in the day yes all right so you knew whatever it is that you're going to do it was going to be inclined to do it tourism but what about your personality were you a people's person back in the day i've always been a people no no i've not always been a people's person i loved people but i think i had a very low self-esteem for a very long time until up to having my first daughter i had no self-confidence i think maybe he's growing up in the village and then coming into town and then meeting people that i should think they are superior that come from very rich families and all that they have everything they come with cars i used to walk to school even when i was in harare others will come with them with cars dropped by parents and all that so i'm one of those people that have always really really looked down on myself i would get into a conveyor telling someone the other time that i'll get into a combi and you know i would not when i get to my stop where i'm supposed to stop i wouldn't stop already i had a baby then i was married i would be so embarrassed just to to come from the back to the front just to say okay you remember back then you say papastopo when they stop at my if they drive past then there's no one who is getting off i wouldn't get off the the kombi i would go with it until the next stop then i walk back post now will be so ashamed you're worried what are they seeing what are they looking at you know i i really had very very very very low self-esteem i didn't believe in myself at all at all at all at all how old were you when you entered your first marriage i was 23 years of age and what would you what were your expectations as young girls we always have these fairytale dreams and you say you grew up in the village so maybe your your fairy tales were a lot different from us the children who grew up from town but what was your expectation of marriage i didn't know what to expect to be quite honest but you know when you go to the we our parents never told us that when a man proposes you could say no they also never told us that you can marry when you are ready they said when someone says in you just get married so i was 23 and everyone else already the big sisters were complaining so much peer pressure back then you i think most people got married from 20 21 you'd be married already when you get to 23 24 you they think you've overstayed in their homes i think maybe they didn't want us in their houses either but it's still happening to some extent right currently i think it is happening on the child marriages which we are fighting against that was a new look we're saying no to child marriages i think a child a girl child must get married when they are ready i've got two girls one is 20 one is 25 i would never ever encourage them to marry until they are ready i think when you're 23 you don't know what you're getting yourself into you don't know what marriage is you don't know all of a sudden you've got this husband that is looking up to you you have to be cooking for him you have to be watching for him you've got mothers in laws you've got so many things with so many responsibilities and you also have babies it's just so much for a 23 year old it was 23 years you're still a baby you are still you're a young adult you're discovering you're discovering yourself you don't know what to do with yourself later on looking after a whole man a whole husband and children i think it's we've our parents were very harsh on us growing up so if my daughter i wanted to get married like just the one the 25 year old i'm fine maybe she's a bit mature but still i would say take your time give it time give it time find yourself when you're ready then all right so when you realize that you say you don't really expect much you don't have any expectations but when you realize that wow this is a lot how did you deal with that i couldn't it was not easy to deal with it because you've got in-laws that are pushing you left right and center you've got an attitude yeah you know there's so much that is expected out of us as um african women especially coming from a in the very background marrying into the shauna culture there are two diverse cultures that are so so different so it for me it wasn't easy but fortunately my in-laws were very loving both my first and second marriage i've got i had wonderful in-laws they were very understanding they were very loving they always gave me all the support that i needed so i never really felt that that the what people say that anam we never knew needs a relationship i had very good relationships up to today all my in-laws i still have wonderful relationships with them so i've never really felt i don't know what it is to be married into a family where you have in-laws that are in nuisance okay without a problem so when you got married at 23 and when did your first marriage end how old were you okay when i was 27 i had my second baby and then when my second baby was three years old my husband migrated to england because he had left his job we never had problems as such that i can say look they warranted our divorce but he went to england and started staying there i didn't know that he became an asylum seeker when you go to london so when i kept on saying come back home come back home says i'm coming next month i'm coming next month until six years month was next month until six years and i said you know what if you're not coming by this time i'm going to file for divorce and i thought it was a threat to him to move him back but he didn't come that's when i then found out that he was an asylum seeker okay but then i decided you know what i'm not going to stand for this because i was flying to london almost every school terms with the kids and it ended up being something that i was not enjoying then i stayed so we literally never had problems the only problem was he went to england he became an asylum seeker without telling us and i was not going to go and live in england because i think um there's more zimbabwe has to offer us than staying out there yeah it was not never my place and the weather when i went over there oh it was so cold so i was not going to leave my beautiful zimbabwe to go and stay in the cold england i wasn't going to do that all right so when when your husband left when you were married were you a stay-at-home mom or you actually had a career path that you had i was working i've always been a working woman i've always been an entrepreneur when i was married i had i had my job i was teaching at spaces college after work i was baking cakes i was doing weddings i was making clothes so i did everything to make sure that i always provided for my kids i never i was never a person that wanted my kids to make anything so i've always worked hard i used to people used to order cakes fridays saturdays sundays was my busiest days so after work you get home you have to cook for the husband yes where they made ours and for one of the unfortunate girls that marry men that don't want food that is prepared by me yes you must cook for me so you come from work you have to cook for the husband after that you have to bake the cakes for your orders that you'll be having so really it was i i i don't think i could pass for a stay-at-home mom i can't i've got too much energy i'm a hustler hustler all right so i could never stay at home all right uh our what's up number zero seven one two eight three one one seven two send us your messages we're also live on facebook remember this is brought to us by nmb bank and we just wanna say you can forget about the month in blues because with nba connect bill payments you can pay your rent your clothing account funeral policies and insurance from the comfort of your home it's instant and you get to share or save your digitally stamped receipts more freedom with your money smart banking with nmbconnect your digital bank we have zodwa mukanda in the studio and we are also live on facebook so like share our facebook link with your friends and your family and tell them it's going down in the studio she just got to tell us about her experience as a child and getting married at a young age but now we want to understand about zodwa i remember seeing a live a video actually on facebook you were relating your experiences on your career journey and one of the things you spoke about was the harsh lesson you learned about venturing into a hustle because of peer pressure so you spoke about how you baked cakes you you you did weddings you did a lot of things what is this hustle yeah magazine most of my friends were in the clothing industry they were selling shoes some selling clothes some selling shoes and i thought oh because i've got a little bit of money i'll get myself a shop at some levy it's a prime location i started selling suits that's the worst mistake of my life i was i didn't have the time between my travel agent's business and the suits business i didn't have the time to be going in between so the people that were working for me were actually working for themselves so they were selling into their own pockets so never venture into a business that you don't understand to start with and never do a business that you are not hands-on because those that are hands-on they will do it better for themselves not better for you so i always advise people that whatever business you want to take make sure you are hands-on you are there 24-7 so that you one you don't lose money through people that are stealing from you you if you you must understand what the business is about and what you're doing that way it's easy for you to account for every penny it's easy to account for the stock but if you're doing things that because soren so is doing it then you can never get anywhere is this why your travel agency has thrived so much because this is your passion this sorry go ahead no go ahead yeah it i'm very passionate about travel i'm very passionate about people i mean people's personal person i want to serve people so i've been i started with express motorways where i was a bus selling bus tickets this was my first job in the hospitality industry which then led into the travel agency so i love serving people i love taking people to destinations i love making people discover new destinations all over the world so that's why i think i started you you spoken about how you have managed to find success in business uh through your hard work your hustle and you did this without having a degree so how did you manage to balance it this has to work because at the same time we have to go to school to learn how to how to make money but doesn't necessarily mean i don't think you go to school to learn how to make money i think you can make money whether you've gone to school or if not going to school but you must be focused there's nothing wrong with going to school having a degree because remember as much as i'm a ceo the people that i run in my business have got degrees because there's a level that you reach at i might have the brains i might have the vision i might have the ideas but there are some things that i will not be able to do because of my limitations on the education levels that i have so now that's when we employ you that are degraded to come and work for us yes so they then come and do the job for us we find we work together we guide each other we've got limitations yes but it doesn't mean that if you don't have a degree you can't achieve the success that i've achieved you can still achieve it so what i'm getting from you is you're saying at the end of the day you have to be hands-on in whatever you're doing even if you employ someone who knows how to do it is this maybe why a lot of some businesses fail because people sit back and allow their accountant to do the accounting job but you don't make an effort to learn and follow through yes and what they what these accountants will do they'll give you what they think you want to know they'll not tell you the truth about the true nature of what is happening in the business even like my job i'm a travel agent if a consultant can for example say no that flight is full i can't book this i can't do that i'll go into the system myself and check what they've told me is it the truth because i can do it myself if you can't do it or even if everyone resigns in my business i don't care they can resign if they're not happy and go start their own businesses i'll still get onto the computer get behind that desk and work and make sure my clients are serviced not that i don't appreciate the people that i work with i love all of them i couldn't do it by myself like there's no one who can have a successful business by working on their own i've got a team that i work with that has contributed to the success that we have not just a zodiac but as a business okay so uh if if for example someone is struggling with uh finding their feet and deciding what they want to do uh the career path they want to choose or the side hustle they want to choose what advice would you give someone like that i would say find out first what is it that you're passionate about what is it that you love doing in many cases what you love doing and what you enjoy doing that's where your money is at not what someone else is doing what you enjoy doing someone might like cooking so get a business maybe open a restaurant or start doing groceries selling food commodities and things like that do something that you enjoy doing something that you will not be tired because you find if you do something that is loved by someone else eight o'clock you start work but the time is 11 12 o'clock you're on instagram you're on facebook you're not giving it your all because you're not enjoying what you're doing and if you're not enjoying what you're doing you'll never make money out of it you'll start a business today to close another and tomorrow it will close you always be stuck miss start it up that's what you will be so do something that you enjoy doing if it's about hair that you love doing then do it do a hair business because even though the qualities to go forward you know what to go for and there's no money that is little you can start with maybe three bundles of hair and sell it but you are giving your best this next person will refer the next person and the other person will say the other that's how you grow i didn't start with many clients i started with one then they referred each other they start coming and also the service be the best at what you do all right give it your all we've got 15 minutes to go before the news comes through at two o'clock uh before at three o'clock uh you know one of the dangers of inviting people who are very confident is that they know how to talk and time moves very quickly okay let's move on do you think african society has embraced the concept of women dating men younger than them and is this is it more about happiness you know or about financial gain when you send me that question yesterday i wanted to ask is that directed to me or is directed to because there's personality but anyway it's okay i've got personal experience i think age is nothing but a number it depends on the two people whether africa or europe or whatever it depends we are dating it depends what they feel about it because these guys when they do ask you out they know how old you are don't be like that they know how old the person they are asking out is they know your age so i think it's about that chemistry it's about the understanding it's about clicking with that person that you're dating so i don't believe that dating in older or younger guys about always this one loves young boys loves young girls i've received so many negative comments on on my instagram page or whenever i posted my late or whenever i've posted my current boyfriend oh this one another comment so what they're the ones who love me some women like big men some women like yes but with me i don't go after these men yes they come after me if they are young and they're for you guys why are they not with you must come to you they come to me i don't go after them so if someone asks me out and we click and i like him yeah what's wrong with that and you are happy if he makes me happy why not all right so what was your first impression of jinbe when you met him sure when i met that boy the first days i used to tell i think it took him it took me four years to eventually say yes to dating him i used to look at his yes four years he asked me out for four years every time i saw him he was a stalker he would stalk me every day if he meets me on the streets he comes to my office every day and i say what does this boy want and i would tell him i could never be with you i could never date you and then i remember one day i said okay take me to hawaii fest and see how serious you are and he says no don't worry one day i'll take you to hawaii i'll take you to away but once four years later one thing led to the other i ended up in a relationship and it turned out to be a very nice guy despite all the negative things people said about him and all that we were very good friends we used to get on very well he was my friend actually more than anything else so is this why even after you guys broke up you'd always get to meet up you'd you'd always get to i remember seeing an interview where you said uh even after you guys broke up you you could still just call him and say which i'm coming and you'll be like come over yes literally i spoke to genius every morning of my life when he lived every day of my life when he lived we spoke together people didn't understand why we're that close even those girls that tried to date him they didn't understand when he was with them and i came into the place he would end up being with me it's because he had so much respect for me he cared about me we cared about each other even though we're no longer together that's why even when he passed on the family said look this is your husband we are going to give you the honor to be able to bury him the way that you want him to be buried so we had that love for each other we had that respect for each other even the family up to now we're very very very close with the family but um okay i think i don't know there's something you said that i found very interesting simon and daniel so you said even when he when he was with those girls and then you would show up he would be with you so would he dismiss them could he they will not be his girlfriends for whoever he is with things he never i remember one day he had a party at um he's i think a party some three four years ago his birthday party invited me at dreams i went there for the party and the girl that she was dating then left the club went to scratch his cars three of his cars oh you are conditioned so do i didn't even acknowledge me engineer said all he said samara at the like that um i mean this is the girl that he's supposed to be with but he's acknowledging him yeah so he's here if i'm there i'm there that is me i was there i had that hold over him just like he had that one so you were that you had that one name here i can go to our own that's unfortunate for you okay not that there was anything going on between me and him but he had a higher level of respect for you he respected me i just also respected him we ended up we i mean we were very good friends most people don't know that at this time of passing on with broken up for at least two years then it had been two years because i think i left juniors 20 2018 2017 yeah december 2017. and these girls would they would they try and prove points to you like you said what would they do what's the craziest thing that could do nothing to me what could they have done they couldn't do anything to me you would never allow them to do anything to me to be just him and them but anyway you know genius was never a serious guy so he was just wasting their time and unfortunately them they they failed to understand the person that he was jenas never stayed with anybody he said if it's not you that i'm marrying i'm not marrying anyone else and that's exactly what happened okay so what advice would you give based on your experience with your with him what advice do you give to your daughters and what advice do you give to other young girls that are out there about dating a guy who's like him and also looking what they should look for in a man because you are older wise and more experienced what would what advice do you give you must look for someone that loves you more than you love not someone that you love someone that loves you more someone that loves you will give you all the respect that you need someone that loves you will respect your family respect anyone and everyone around you but if you date someone like genius you just didn't care about um about women he was not one of those guys who was moved by girls yes you are beautiful in everything you do what he does with you tomorrow is a different girl so if you didn't understand him you then think that oh i'm in love he loves me is this that that he'll just waste your time he never stayed with one girl for more than a week he never one girl or more than a week or two weeks i think out of all the relationships that he had had i was the longest he ever was with so maybe because i was an older woman i was mature he was too much for his age that's the thing so these young girls they failed to give him the substance he needed okay uh we need to move on we just have nine minutes to go before 2 p.m who is in control of genevieve's estate and what is the current status of that estate the family is in control and i think we're still um going to court and back and i think everything is under control we everything is under control now they've been able to sit down with the lawyers the executors and i think we're in the process of looking for a new executor i think the other executor was suspended yes we read that in the paper yeah so i think everything is in control now they have to go to court to appoint a new executor but the family is in charge of that he is familiar i mean okay it disappeared can you believe it i know anyone uh could be i don't know where it is i haven't found it up to today so it's one of those things and like i said i worked hard to buy that car it was your car yes i'll still work very hard to get another one buy another one i can't buy another one so i'll work very hard with your child i want to be rich too you will definitely be rich soon okay yeah so you have you and your friends have a group called the rich aunties they're not the rich cousins sorry the rich cousins i realized that later when i sent you the question i was like no this should be rich cousins why do you guys call yourself that it was just a joke just calling the others used to call themselves poor cousins then you said they'd call ourselves rich cousins but um you know what what you the bible says what you preach is what comes to life you manifest so we want to be rich that's what we want to be released we are not there yet we want to be rich so we are there as a group we encourage each other we promote each other whatever business if you're doing this business we all our money revolves amongst us unless the service that you want is not amongst us we just support each other to make sure we elevate each other we encourage each other every day and all that so that's why we're the rich cousins and we're not going anywhere never going to be poor maybe you are going to be billionaire billionaires thousands sometimes soon okay so uh how have you managed to keep this group this family this how do you have you managed to stay united because you know with women sometimes cateners and all these things happen we do fight here and there but we love each other that's what is the most important like right now one of my my best friend dania she lost her mom some three days ago so we all went to congo tomorrow to go and support her so we are there for each other we we we we just are they for each other one family even if we fight but when something has happened we all come back together sit down on the table we forget about the fight ahead with this one yesterday or this one yesterday but we just come together for one purpose as a family we are all family i think we've all known known each other for more than 15 years so my policies there's no point making new friends let's fight with the old ones and make up and move forward so there's no need the new friends you know they always come with problems they want to divide dividing so no new friends no we don't want new friends we're okay okay very happy for those who are our children maybe we can have uh mixed seasons whatever yes but not cousins okay uh so we need to open up the phone lines but before we do that uh you were very you're very close with some amazing popular and opinionated social media stars namely noma timber queen posh lady posh as well as mighty tt so what drew you to to to bond with these ladies what do you see my chamber is from blah blah and i've known norma timber for quite a long time number 10 i used to work for a company i think it was called trends it i met at transit that's when i used to know her from so she used to sell clothes to me so because we also come from the from the same time my belief is anyone from blower is my sister whether we share a surname or not but automatically you are my sister so manoma timber is a young sister of mine i've mentored her i love her so much she she dresses most of the rich cousins and she's got a very expensive taste in clothes and if you want ever wanted to have a function we are now advertising yes i'm not advertising but that's the concept yeah business acumen that's right that is okay and then my titty my tt used to work for me okay i met my tt at church long back and most of you don't know this my tt used to work she used to clean in my office that's when i knew my teeth i employed her from church she wanted a job i think that's when she had broken up with baba titty then i took it and i used to have a company called the events company so she came there she was cleaning washing toilets and everything i'm actually very very very proud of what she's achieved and what she's done she's done extremely well i don't think anybody ever thought she was going to be the person that she is that's why you must never look down on anybody because you don't know what their destiny is you don't know what god has planned for them they might be cleaning your toilet today but tomorrow they might be your boss so she's a wonderful girl yes i know she talks she does but it's money for us she's at work so people must never take it so seriously when they come out of that thing then you know she's a completely different fairly and my teachers are two different people yeah so many people don't know that they're just two different people so the person i employed was not my teacher was failing this okay and became my titty all right so let's open up the phone lines we only have three minutes to go one caller you the one caller i have to ask something worthy of being the one called the lucky caller power from below hello all right uh we're gonna win the aparri from hello okay something is going there four nine eight six five two and five four power fmlo four nine eight six five two and five four we have zordo in the studio hello okay hello hi what's your name and where you calling from hi how are you please can you please can you reduce the volume of your radio or just move away from the radio so we can hear you properly okay how are you i'm fine thanks go ahead and ask your question uh no i just want to say um i really appreciate road work and may god keep on blessing me for whatever she's doing and motivating other women i really appreciate her wow thank you so much what's your name what's your name though oh she don't tell us her name what's your comment to her thank you so much my dear i'll continue doing motivating young girls and women and a few men okay so uh what three things can any woman listening to you right now what can they learn from zodwa oh my god by the way i didn't pay coffee to sing that song he sang it in them if you all remember when the song came out that was when geniuses just passed away right so i didn't even know about the song i only found out after that we all danced for your behalf anyway yeah well it was it was a surprise he's a very good friend of mine coffee and we appreciate him as zimbabwe we love his music and i think he's um all right so what are the three things that any girl listening can learn from you um i'm a go-getter that's what i don't depend on men that's true and most of all self-confidence yes get what you want to do do it for yourself don't do it for him live for yourself don't live for others and most importantly pray to god to bless you and god is the creator of everything on earth there's nothing we can do without putting god first that's what i'll say thank you very much zodwa for coming through to the studio we really appreciate this and thank you so much to everybody that had been getting in touch on social media i also want to say a big shout out to bruce chawanda from the news department and digital department here he actually worked on getting her here so thank you for showing up my pleasure all right we will be back again next week brought to us by nmb bank with another exciting edition of uh center stage this has been brought to you by power fm and nmp bank this has been center stage with chanvari all the hottest and latest live tune into power fm every tuesday from 2 p.m to 3 p.m nmb bank in pursuit of excellence [Music]

2021-08-18 23:43

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