This. Is business, connections, live with, Steve Highland. Hello. There welcome on this is business connector slide the prime for entrepreneurs, business owners and, SMEs. It's. Great to have you with us today on the live show got, a good show lined up here over the next hour, or so today's, show we're going to be discussing seven. Transformational. Steps to sales success now I know you've, heard all this before, and. I suppose the biggest thing about any form of plan like this is and. The most important, one maybe it's point, number eight is that. You actually do it action. Is the thing that we all need to do but, what are the seven transformational, steps for. Sales success we're gonna be finding out today my guest in the studio is Rupert Hollywood he, is the founder and CEO, of. Business. Growth Bureau, is. It the business growth Bureau or business growth viewers this growth Bureau so we know they're no no definitive mainly, all. Right so look this, is grow Bureau you've. Been on the show before Rupert. It's something to have you back again. Change. Your name for the business is that a change the name for what the business is doing and for those people that don't know what, the business does what. Do you do a great, point you're. Right we did have a name change and the reason being is that we thought the previous. Branding boxes, too much into a corner, and obviously fundamentally, what we care about is hopping businesses, to grow as the name suggests and. Obviously the way we can do that is by, clients, to help make sure they're really good low lead flow of opportunities, coming through so, they can close more business and, that's what we care fundamentally, about but the whole thing revolves, around the word growth and. It is the biggest problem that businesses have these days I know that we're kind of in this start-stop. Situation, and I'm not even going to mention the B word here but, we are in a stop-start, situation. But, business is still fundamentally what they're looking for is some way to grow their business they're looking for new, prospects, potentially, new customers, people that they can nurture people, that they can talk to is that what you do to help them do you do, you go out there have you got a system, that will help them do that yes. We put in place some. Proven. Methodologies, were to optimize. The opportunities. Through for our clients, through. What we class the seven transformational, steps but, actually, it's all about building relationships we're all interacting, with people and that, that's the crucial thing it's very easy these days with automation, and AI, are all this type of stuff to think that's the way but. You know we're human beings we, need to be interrupted, in that way so that we want to engage when people want to buy our stuff but, when we look back over a year ago what you you were majoring, really on on using. LinkedIn, to nurture, those new clients, but your business has changed now, isn't it is that because LinkedIn has gone off in a different direction sister's, been bought by Microsoft, or is, it that you feel there's more opportunity, to to. Develop new clients, and new prospects, not, only with LinkedIn with other platforms. Great. Question LinkedIn. In the business-to-business base, it is still the best one out there in terms of findings your. Clients, especially if you've got a thirty high value a product. Or service then it's a great place to hang out the, thing is there are so many other things go on as well so you don't see Facebook has had its challenges because. Facebook advertising can work very well for certain types of businesses you've got the Instagram which is very, much often coming doing very well now Twitter. Which is sort of okay but a, little, bit level, or possibly declining a little bit now so, but. The fundamental. Thing is is that, especially. Now the way we interact to communicate, quite often multiple.
Platforms. Are used to trigger engagement, so. Before we came in today we were actually discussing this one way and how, a journey might start off and LinkedIn that might, then lead, into several exchanges by LinkedIn it may be that person, goes off the boil for a little while so then, basically. Facebook. And then pick a pic, take over from there in terms of your engagement and that, might then re-engage, in another conversation for LinkedIn which there may results results, in, an email conversation which may result in a phone call kaftan, revolves, around multiple, touch points to, bear to engage with someone so they ultimately want, to buy from you when, you're talking to prospects. To come in and talk to you because obviously they know what they want from you you're saying we, will get you more hot. Leads warm, leads when. They're talking to you is. It the fact that there is so. Today, there, are so many platforms that. Have now got to approach and got to be working on that, they find it just overwhelming. Yeah, and, that's. A great point and that I must admit that is why we largely, specialize, around LinkedIn, so because, there are other, routes, you can go but especially, you trying to do something yourself, it's. Better to focus, on one thing into it really well and get that working we're really well for you then, obviously once I starting to generate a really good lead flow of opportunities, for you there then to start being a little bit more adventurous to start plugging into some of the other platforms, or technology, technologies. Out there so. Yeah. I don't know will that help as well as that question when. You look at the different platforms and when you look at what people are doing on them already I feel that we're in a situation, which, I call arr, that. People are putting more, and more content up on these different platforms unfortunately. It comes under the term AOR, any old, rubbish if I see another video. Of somebody with no point talking. To me from the front seat of their car telling. Me that they've just had a meeting I will. Go spare, because it just seems at the moment that, those are the kind of videos it seems to be any old, content any old, rubbish we, all stick it up on the platform and you're hoping to get results is that the right way or should he be more strategic than should you target better I think. That the latter is clearly a lot better. There. Sometimes, there is it's interesting actually because sometimes. He in fact we did some tests, a few weeks ago and, literally. One was very polished video, and the other one was something actually with a you. Know phone held up to your face, just.
Filmed In real time just a normal camera phone and. It's, interesting the one that was based on the camera phone, actually, got much better. Ratings, on Facebook than the other one did so, I. Think, it's probably because it was seen much more in the moment and also it was much, more that I was seen as if I was communicating with the person who's watching it directly. As a. Conversation, Robyn's, something had been professionally. Put together if that maybe in that case in having myself. In the forward no no no, see, that because yes but. That, really that. Kind, of kind of answers the question suppose. The question I'm asking you there is that. Both. Of them the exactly the same content, no. The content was a little bit different but we see isn't, it isn't it all about content, not, delivery, it's about content, surely isn't it I you're. The experts on this. Trying. To pick a fight with you. For, instance what you do is that you do very strategic, very targeted messages. When, you are representing somebody on LinkedIn and you're doing that so you know you research, the, messages, you research all of that well, then for, it to be a fair comparison, it's. About the message how engaging it is what, makes people watch to the very, end should it's that not important, do you think or is it is it AO R is it the fact that if you do stick any old rubbish up people. In some respects if it's shaky cam will, watch it it's. Like. A pig in a fight well I'm not exactly. Video. It's great and obviously in reality, it's not my specialist. Feel obviously you're much that's. Your area but in terms of putting content, out there generally, for, example LinkedIn when we put articles, of posts up there especially incorporates. Video it's, within, usually 48, hours we've had over a thousand, views. Which is pretty damn amazing for something which is Marie at the end of the day, nothing's. Free well, if it's free than you are the product well. True, yes. But. You say so putting it up on a platform that if effectively, feels like it's free. And. I, mean what you are drawing, it basically as the currency of time as it were so if you manage to get someone to watch that content it's putting, in a position because building up as if it's in a position as an expert in that space it, rests enough that I would say though is it is actually still the direct personal, outreach which is still far scope, of scores. Far higher though over all the content. You put out there is very good in supporting, your overall message, but. For, example if you engage with people on the right way say on something like LinkedIn so, you're actually having a genuine conversation. Then. The results cannot be quite quick with it whereas the other the other content you're putting up says be more about building awareness and building your credibility and relationship of trust if that makes sense I mean we were talking about this whole thing do you think they're still important to build that relationship. Yeah, especially if you're predominately. Selling yourself.
Or Your company organization, and it's a fairly high product or service, if it's more of a commoditized, service and people are perhaps buying much more into that product or that widget. You. Know rather, than into the individual. We've. Known each other now for a number of years and every time you come in I was finally interesting. And exciting, and, informative. In. What you do I I think the way your company does. What it does the service it provides is, amazing if you don't know what the service is if you had to sum up in a minute what is it well, specialize in working on our clouds to generate leads nurturing. Us leads into hot, prospects, and then working with our clients to turn those into cells based opportunities, now as you alluded to earlier on, initially. It seemed it was predominantly, on the LinkedIn platform things. Have moved on now and you're looking at multiple, platforms, that you're working on because it can come from anywhere it, could even come from a leader at a cell show couldn't it yes it could so are you combining, all that content, and tracking. All that content to produce the final results yes, as best as we can and it's again, we have this conversation. Earlier, on as a conversation, may start off for LinkedIn and that becomes the source for the initial inquiry but. It may be the actual inquiry, then goes through several different stages but it may be then say. A Facebook, adverts, or it might be the fact that you've got a pixel, on your particular. Page in your website that's, there to represent a particular type of message to that prospect, which, is finally, triggered, that conversation, but, fundamentally. Not the old skills still, apply as well so ideally. What you wanted as quickly as you can is get, people to the point where they're actually are seem to have that conversation so. The conversation could ideally, want to take offline as quickly as you can so be a phone call or a meeting or a coffee or, get them into the showrooms if you're selling more of a in, a car for example, because. Of the other day the old skills still work but if it's, underpinned. By all the engagement, you can do online and you. Can get out working really well to start with and that's great because, we've got all this social media and all these platforms available do you think we are now more hesitant, at actually picking the phone up and calling people oh it says on LinkedIn, when. You're giving a new contact, start, a conversation and, I. Wonder, just how many people actually do that, well. We've, found when we reach out to people in LinkedIn as an average, the. 30% or so at, least except the initial connection request and, now you might say well actually that's quite low but in fact if you compare that with say email. Email, does still work today but it's also you're very sad very saturated. The. Engagement. Rates on some like linked to a far far higher and also, the other thing to bear in mind as well is that the average person on LinkedIn typically. Earns well, above the national average wage, and in. The UK alone is 25. Million people on the platform 19, million profiles reasonably, active so, you, know is, a great place to start the conversation and the, thing is as well as to bear in mind too. Is that, you. Know in the old days you used to pick up the phone make a lot about banned calls without, any full, engagement. To start with these, days people, become so resistant, to that it is about trying to warm the person up first so, that they, actually ask for that call or when you do ring them there at least know who you are or a. Keen to know you're talking about exactly, where, do we start when it comes to the, seven transformational.
Steps To, sell success, well. I think the first thing is to define and earn your market so it with. That what we're really talking about is actually being, clear who your ideal target, customers, are and. Try, and think of people as being individuals, if you can try and put a name and, and. Work, out you know which sectors, they're in and what type of products or services. They're interested by and, equal to what their interests, are as well it'll help you a lot with the targeting, so. If you can do because, you can narrow things down by industry sector by, location by turnover, my key phrase a whole range of different things it's, the one important. Profile. Kind. Of question. You should be asking yourself because. I remember when we were talking in, when, we were talking radio, we, everybody. Was talking to Doreen and, Doreen. Would be middle-aged and, should be with no were age when I was doing shopping tele we knew exactly the profile, they. Were it was predominantly female it was 35 to fifty-five, year olds they, were rampant. At that time rampant. Catalog. Purchases. They knew the price of everything the. The papers they would read would be the mail and so on and the publications, that were read so we had a real profile, of them and we knew who we were talking to is, that, that important, when it comes to businesses I think yeah I think you need that much detail well I don't obviously won't necessarily needs that that level, of detail but you will do need other types of details so for, example, if you're selling a service, which, might be say ten thousand pounds or dollars by value, you, might say well okay Who am I trying to reach who might be trying to reach people in the technology, and software sector for example you. Might be trying to reach business analysts who might be trying to reach people who are, part of companies employing more than 50 people. You, might be trying to communicate predominate. As high as you can at sets EXO director, owner level for example so. If you know those type things it makes a massive difference location. Is important, in a lot of cases, but. Also key phrase can be really powerful, so we use the example business analyst, well, again taking all those things combined, you, can actually end up with a really nice target audience, of people to to. Go after and. Then once you know that then, that means that, you can start put in place so. A nurturing, process to engage with those people so, ultimately if they're asking have conversations, with you so, typically, then it's is probably, the right thing to do is it is to look for a value of the business that will match the value of the product you're selling yes. As best as you can definitely. Because clearly if you've got a high value service you don't want to be offering it to into people who just. Will. Never bear to buy your product service or widget which. Is the problem that some people have when they go to the likes of and there are other networking events would be an I in for networking what you're doing is you're dealing with one-man. Bands single, men or women, operation, who, don't have the available funds there may be two. Action, your product if you're looking for a plumber great, but, if you're looking to sell a multimillion-pound or a you, know several thousand, pound product they won't have the income or the the. Cash flow to do that know with.
There Was one slight caveat to that there of course is that plumber or electrician, guess, what they go into lots of people's houses so, they, they themselves would, know lots of other people, recommendation. You well undergoing, recommendation, it's also the people in the outer network. So we have repeated, instances both, with ourselves and for our clients where. For, example sometimes could be people could be really fixated at communicating, it director-level well, in reality if it's a larger company you, know variably, you'll be dealing with perhaps the senior management team rather, than a director, level and you're then relying on the individuals, and those organizations, to sell you from within I. Get. Sometimes yeah. So who do you target do you think in your mind's eye do, you target the company are you targeting an individual, of you that they may recommend it, else only is the company, may be interested in but it's the individuals, in the organization which. In. The b2b space which, you particularly, be targeting, and it's about building relationships up with those individuals, so they actually want. To engage and they'll Sol you from within that's especially if it's a larger organization there's. A smaller one than you may, they make the work there may be one in the same person or spawners the, land at you know the director or leadership team so, when we say define that kind of defines who our target, audience, is you. Say here that you then got to own your market, what do you mean by that what, I mean by that is actually, by being almost the go-to person, or a go-to organization. Because. You've been able to position yourself for in, Isis and these in the next point as an expert in that particular space. So. And, if. It's okay to lead on to the next point the. Relating, to that is also about building on the relationship, of trust, and we, talked about blogging. And articles by Iran that's another great web position, you as being an expert. But. We find it really quite shocking. Actually how people can actually hide their existence, so the, may think like create, a LinkedIn profile, but, actually they forget your profile, LinkedIn is actually the most important, part of your real estate that's.
How People actually get to find out about you a lot, of people don't go as far as looking at the company page so this is where, it's interesting as LinkedIn as predominant, b2b, platform. But, actually, were communicating with individuals, and it's about making sure that profile, is well optimized, to, tie in with the business. That you're working for so you could people get to an obligor proposition. Really quickly time, and again we hear people talking about LinkedIn talking about the profile why do you think we still get it wrong do we see it nearly as a because. What it originally was was a CV he will snared do, we still just see it as a CV as opposed to that valuable piece of real estate that is to all intensive purposes the. Key landing, page about us yeah. I'm afraid LinkedIn, also tend. To encourage, you to construct, things slightly differently as. Well because they, make a lot of money out of recruitment agencies, so, LinkedIn, originally, was a great place to put up basically what was your CV online now. Of course if you're planning to look for another job then, make your LinkedIn profile, a bit, like a glorified CV, if you're actually involved in running a business or you know business. Developments, within that organization, then, opt makes your profile, is well optimised to suit the people that you're trying to reach out to and, that. That bit of real estate is, really, really valuable they. Say at the moment the most businesses, do live in a world of obscurity, nobody, knows that anybody's, there you drive onto industrial, estates and you. Will see large multinationals. That are sitting there that you have never, ever heard of even. They don't, go to any any, lengths, to promote, themselves here. We are as individuals and we're trying to project. Ourselves as, experts. Or as, industry, thought leaders, so, getting, the profile right do you feel that is the first step to going along that route yes. Definitely and also the other part realm that is if, you've got clients which very place what you're done you know mate you know ask. For recommendation. And also be very pleased to give one back you've got a great relationship with the client or other people you work for have. A givers gain mindsets. Slightly, a feeling, the phrase from another respected, organization, but, it is actually about giving, it and also, because. If you give first and you tend to find that what comes back later on is people don't want to give back to you so, if you, give, recommendations to others LinkedIn, is great for encouraging, you, to give one back and that adds a lot to the credibility, when. People you, know look at your profile or you can see some good recommendations and, there that carries a lot of weight if there's one piece of advice you would give to somebody who is looking at doing redoing their profile, after this conversation the day is it, is it the Linguistics. That we use, the way that we write it is it the the is it that we write it for ourselves or, we write it for to be read well. It's at one piece of advice you would give them when it comes to that, piece of profile, right yeah. I suppose the key thing is to make the person feel you're writing it for them so writers know you and your context. So. It people feel engaged with it but, also it, is about communicating. At a personal level so the first part of the profile needs to be around you. As a person, because people need to bind to you first, next, part is about your company or organization but. A must type paragraph, typically. Five or six key pain points that people might buy into Phi, versus key benefits, libera, Versailles hook and then your contact, details so. Almost treat it like a one-page version of your website very. Condensed, because, your Linkedin is also a microcosm, on its own site own. Way so, you'll find that quite often when people start to engage a linked and they weren't necessary get as far as your website but. The good thing is if they start to engage and, they start putting the hands out well why not move things on to the next level so it's a great way of enabling, really, positive, conversations, and, we always hear the word keywords, tell me they include, some of the keywords that people be searching are they single keywords or are they longtail, keywords, where is is a particular, sentence, that people may search yes.
That's That's a good one I honestly they bits wave at, the top of your profile it mentions more about your job title try and make it not just relevance, your title so for example, say CEO well. CEO is a little bit meaner zaanse on the head of the organization but actually put something descriptive in there that gets very well indexed by Google just. As well as your main part of your profile gets very well index. So. Try, and write in such a way that people may put search, terms into, Google because that way you've got a much bigger chance. Of coming, up as well if people are not inside the LinkedIn platform when they're looking for you all right so that's positioning. Ourselves then, as an industry, expert and and not hiding. Let's. Talk about the social selling blueprint. We're. Going to work our way through this it's made up it seems of three. Key, areas, and, we've. Got a minute so let's. Just talk about the areas, generally then we'll look at them in more detail in, in a moment, so, a lead generation, system that doesn't have to be yours or it doesn't have to be anything in particular as long as you have a lead generation, system in, place within your organization, is that right yes, so, it was speaking, generically here but if you think of three cogs the first cog to do with lead generation second. Cog to do with prosper no tricks and engage. With people, third cogs to do with sells optimization. All, those three cogs need to turn sync now obviously this methodology, works very well LinkedIn, but, actually works very well through. Email or if you're trying to engage people attention, on Facebook, or elsewhere, and in fact in real senses, if your networking, as well you know it follows, the same basic principles, you, need to follow that process. And. But. The problem is if any one of those cogs is not turning the whole lot just stops so. That's a fundamental thing as an overview what you need to achieve your, watching business connections, live lovely to have your company with us today on the show today we're talking to Rupert. Hollywood he is a CEO of business growth Bureau your strategic partners, in, business. And today we're talking about your seven transformational. Steps to, sales, success. That's what we're talking about so. We're looking at the social, selling, blueprint. Lead, generation system you kind of explained what. About prospect, nurturing, system or Robbie is it better to work our way through each bit in more detail what would you suggest well. I think we've also touched a little bit on the lead generation side, and the good thing is we talked about the targeting, segment a little bit earlier on as well so that's about helping. You to identify our ideal type, customers. And then, segment, those down so you can end, up with a really nice honed group of people to reach out to and. The second, cog that Sue with the prospect nurturing side is really bad this is a bit we don't do isn't it this is a bit invariably, that we we, get out there if we're on LinkedIn we connect with somebody this, is the bit where LinkedIn goes start, a conversation and. We don't ya. Know. And unfortunately LinkedIn, sometimes, their own worst enemy because they'll, encourage you to send out to connect request someone without even personalizing, the message and you.
Know Because. Even Siri you can just click a button and do it well, it's always best to personalize message because we're human beings again we're not robots. Thank goodness not yet anyway, so. The next part is when people want to engage. And. They have accepts your request you you really in the to send. A thank you message out for its offer. Except in the connect request and then, with, that next message still don't, go out with any sales message it's about building up the next level of engagement, because. If, you and I going out networking and I. Said hello I'm Rupert, and. What's. Your name Nadia. Yeah and, then, I. Came, back and sold you my stuff and then walks, away again what, make is that it make you feel quite disrespected. In fact, you probably wouldn't want to refer them either and you probably wouldn't want to buy for them so. Yet. For some reason people seem to think is acceptable, behavior online, so, it is does require a correct. Personal, approach but, it doesn't need to take long if people read like what you have to offer and, if your profile is well optimized, then, people will engage they'll, start putting their hands up so, it's really the whole prospect nurturing, process is all around that building on the relationship, we were talking, and I and I was pontificating outside. As I sometimes say that invariably. Wrong, and. We, were talking about the fact that you don't build a relationship with the shop assistant, in Woolworths if they still existed so, it's the nurturing, bit really, important, is it not about that you've got something, and what you're really trying to do is you're trying to attract, somebody to say that's what I need I need that, service or I need that. Product because that's what I'm looking for at the moment the, nurturing, is just the froth around the outside isn't it no. I would say it's such a key part of it, if. You do have a service which is highly commoditized, people. May not be interested in that interacting, with you as an individual, so Amazon. Is a case in point I know, what I wanted Amazon psycho there I can't bother there's no relation no no no. Did, we say it but if you talk about this predominator. How you know value as a service, or product, which. Relies. On human. Traction, then, you, need to interact with human beings and the. People who are interacting with need to actually very.
Likeable Adjustable. And you, need to feel. So. But, yes sir and that the other day of people people, will engage with you then and you. Can move things on to another level have you seen real examples, of that where during. Your. Engaging on behalf of somebody else so therefore you're creating, a persona for them have. You seen where, that really works or have you seen it where you've, created the persona you've done the engagement, you've created a hot lead for somebody and the, moment that they start talking one-to-one that they're not really the persona that you generated, no. Because I think it depends how you craft the message that the message, because. When you first reach out someone you don't necessarily know, what they're most interested that point in time so you can't be too specific over, the questions because they're not they're not ready at that point and you may not even know but. So the big thing is is, I've seen people making. The whole process far. Too complex, and complicated in the messaging, trying, to get far too smart over it and that that also could have the reverse effect, and, one of the worst scenarios as well is if you go out straight with a pitch the moment someone's accepts your connection requests because, it again relationships, not theirs you've got to build on it if that's the norm on this it's, interesting that if that's the norm, for the platform and it was the norm for the platform then that would be okay they wouldn't know if that's what everybody's doing then, everybody's, doing it and if you accept a, request. From somebody then. You, know you are marketing, yourself anyway, the pitch is already there in your profile. Likewise. The pitch is already there for the post of the person that you are connecting. With they, too have already pitched to you or you wouldn't be connecting with them aren't we kind of looking for it kind, of putting our pitches up about ourselves, then. We connect the two pictures together and then, we're complaining about pitching, to eat yeah. That's, a great point I think big things in your profile, people are actually physically going to your profile to have a look so, they would expect to see what, you do on your profile, and how you can help them so, it's, it's I'm actually going there because I'm interested, whereas, if you're absolutely better than occasion for us to go no, sometimes. Yes so we live in a world of vanity by numbers only everybody, get where I got three thousand, three, thousand, der LinkedIn collections, I know, barely. Any of them exactly. And. There so this is very good analogy over that which I won't repeat for an era Specter the bottom line is is it is about reaching out in, engagement people taking, people through a nurturing process getting. People warmed up so they're asking to have those conversations and, as, quickly as possible then trying to take those people offline so. You can have a phone conversation or a meeting or whatever, your sales process is from that point onwards but whatever you do don't let those leads go cold because people are expecting to hear from you how important do you think it is to actually to. Take them offline I know you said to me before that one that the issues you have is, that.
You, Generate all these warm leads and then people get a piece of paper and they go these, are all the warm leads I'll phone them next week or if, they phoned them at all yes, yeah which is quite, shocking actually what we find but also people go to the other ways that'll try and write these very convoluted. So-called. Pitch messages, but. No one's interested people have only got an attention span of 10, or 15 seconds online so, you've got a bit to grab their attention very, quickly and. Make it interesting so, and. The, more complex, you make it that things, just then stop stop working and people feel then they're being sold to as well that's, when it goes wrong so it is about that engagement now they're gonna be internet market ears so it's going to be watching the program today and they're going to be big big, fans of long-form, sales letters, and then, what they're saying is that you're just repeating the same thing over and over again in a different way with testimonials, and call, so action all the way through it do you think it's a still a place for those long-form. Sales letters or is it a particular niche in the marketplace where there's a place for them I think. Sometimes long-form sales letters can work a lot better on in an email rather than through a LinkedIn, message, because, a lot, of the time we're looking at our our. LinkedIn, messages. Through, LinkedIn. App on our phone unless. You're looking through a very small window there, and a, lot of the time as well when you're doing you're on the go as well so, you, know it is about grabbing people's attention very. Quickly so you, know if you have got someone's attention at 10 or 15 seconds you're doing pretty well but you need to put were, the message in such a way that, people want to say yes to either one of those responses, without barely, thinking about it so you need to make it so intuitive that they want to engage with you, this. Happens and put you on the spot they give me an example that kind of question, yes. As, well for example if you if. You were to say you know k-source we're interested in business helping people to grow businesses so a great, question for us would, be are you interested. In business growth, okay now, you might think it's so blindingly, obvious why, would you ask the question but, actually it. Sums up what we do and if someone can't answer yes to that question they're, not a good client for us because. We want to help business to grow so, that's actually an, obvious question is also a qualifying, question, but, it's also the type of thing that someone in their, mind can, answer that without, barely thinking about it whereas. If I actually put made the sentence a lot longer and then try to wrap, it up in some formal complexity, I would, have to think about it and therefore, you've lost the moment you've probably never hear from them again it's interesting because isn't there a process, is it the nine word email I think, it's something like that maybe, not nine words I'm not certain but the the the, the question or the email that you send out to old, prospects. Or all the clients, are, you still interested, in, fill, in the gap and. They say yes or no question if they are then. That's good and if they're not but it doesn't matter we're, quite I mean there's, one slight caveat to that it can also be an issue of time where. Sometimes ultrashort. Works interest. Enough is via text message and. Obviously. I'd be very careful hooks and plants all this type of stuff now but. It'll be in the door you know. So. But the you know with I mean I heard about you but if if for example I'm about to meet someone but perhaps the appointments arranged several weeks ago you. You might send a short test text, message out the day before just simply said got of me kind of meeting tomorrow at ten o'clock is that still convenient, and, most.
People Because it's a personal message will. Actually reply yes sure looking forward to seeing you so. Ultra. Very very small sound bites like that especially through medium, attacks can. Work very well, so. It, doesn't have to be long whereas, email sometimes you can very short emails can work well equally some longer, ones can so, it LinkedIn generally, with, the qualifying, pitch message try, and keep assures you can expose attention, span is very short. Just. Very briefly is you talk about taking. Taking. Them off line, which, is interesting there there is so telephone, calls written. Were the letters. Yes. And in fact we talked about earlier on actually, even. Good, old boring lumpy mail has become so unfashionable it is you. Know is it is it is a great thing to do so if you again, if you've got a hide failure ticket or product. Or service you. Know integrate, that could be part of your integrated marketing, solution, so, it doesn't have to be all through social media that. Would be a really good name for a company wouldn't it. You're. Only saying that because. We're. Gonna be talking about sales optimization. Systems, in just moment just give us a brief introduction, to that then sales, optimization. Systems what do you mean by that okay. The source optimization, aside it's when it for every let's, say, you've got for every ten hot prospects, that passed David say, to you it, might be for every ten of those you, might that, might lead into say three meetings that might lead into one sell what have your numbers actually are the. Important thing is actually knowing your ratios, if, you've got a very you've, got a product which is in demand it, might be for every five you get through you that leads into to me because it leads to one sale you've, got a very high product, or service as a value product or service but it's also a very very competitive space your. Ratios might be twenty three, one instead. And why. Is that so important, well that helps to determine what activities you need to put in at the top of the bucket as it were to, actually generate those, number of cells at the bottom so. And that that's really really important, so you need to know your numbers both, in terms of the lead generators. But if you nurture it and prospect so it's a sales based opportunities. But, you also need to know what, the numbers are in terms of the overall average, value, of sale as well because, if, for example you've, got a product, or service which you say a thousand pounds or dollars but. It's going to cost you two thousand pounds of dollars to acquire that customer, clearly. Is, that, the fastest, way of going broke but. Actually a lot of people do it especially if you are using pay-per-click, and, Facebook, Linkedin, a great case one if you, get things wrong you can burn through masses, amounts of cash really quickly. And so. It's easy to it is, very easy to get wrong it's almost you, need to have a again, a very well oiled machine and again, this is the nice approach with some like LinkedIn because apart from possibly. Needing, to upgrade to sales navigator which, would recommend. What. You can do on that the rest of it apart from me you can just invest your time and, generate. Some really good activity, for yourselves of course if you really want to put rocket fuel under it then, of, course I'm biased but you know you could use us but, the point, I'm trying to make is it it's, very very low risk and you haven't got paid LinkedIn any other money to do it whereas, you do pay-per-click your.
Clickers Just to click and confirm. Through cash for and we think about LinkedIn as well when it comes to pay-per-click it's. Very expensive it's no compared. To the others I mean it's yeah it's expensive of the, route, there is yeah and at the moment the jurors stole, a little bit out on how well that works at the moment it can work well but you it's much easier to get it wrong and LinkedIn than it is through, some of the other platforms out there more, to come from Rupert in just a few moments time here on this edition of business connections I hope you're finding it interesting, fascinating. Insight, into, what. You should and what you could be doing when, you're online and when you're using your Linkedin to grown and to, get more prospects, for your organization. Or for your business is. There anything else we need to be considering when it comes to optimizing our sales, system. Yeah. I think that the devils and the follow up that's. The most important thing it's. Come on and said if someone contacts you follow them up yeah. We. Actually have to have conversations. Like that regularly. Actually it's quite shocking, I think people have got this real fear of the phone and. Also we talk to a touchless a bit earlier on a little, bit lazy as well that people almost seem to expect people just to come to them well you, know if you put a website up there be you don't drive any traffic so no one's gonna buy what, you have to source they're not good know you exist if you do if you don't use some, form of physical, engagement, at different points people then they begin to. You. Know buy from you so they're not going to know again, so. And. The other part that around that too is what, I would feel is the massive lost, opportunity, cost through indecision. In. Fact. We call, it decision, paralysis an effect because, what you can end up in the situation is where a company's struggling to get business, but, what they do is they cut money on marketing so, if for example you've, got a turnover. Of say a half million pounds a year and your. Goal is to bring it up to a million, pounds over a year you, want to be increasing, the sales, by forty thousand pounds a month so, if you actually make her to make, her take, add a three, month delay in making that decision that's. Actually cost your business 120 thousand pounds and, that's straight on the bottom line so, it's, what class this decision paralysis but ties in very well with the loss of this because, the end of the day we, want, our customers, fundamentally, to grow and accelerate, the rate of growth in their business.
How. Often do you have that conversation and, how difficult can that conversation. Be and the realization. That they're losing that much money it. Can be tough but especially if it's a smaller business because, what can happen is you can get cells that just drive up the dry art but. Because they're running it more as a what. A lifestyle, business they. Not, running, it as a proper business in the sense that normally, you and I would invest in it so, for example if you realized you've got a problem in one particular area you would invest and put money into it if you knew it was going to get you into much better place tomorrow so. What ends up happening is someone people can fail to put the oxygen masks and themselves so. That's meaning. That these and this business ends up by being stuck in the same place never. Really being to get out of it and of course when, great times of the moment because we've. Got massive disruption, going on in the marketplace it's. Up to us to seize those opportunities have, changed the companies, and. Organizations or. Individuals which. Are bold actually, fight through now of the ones that come through on the other side they'll be actually leaving a lot of the competition behind there. That we need he said the b-word we, didn't we. Were there we know I've said the word okay. Now, this is interesting it says you know your your numbers and plug into it. Says your expert, system. When. It comes to knowing your numbers you alluded to it earlier on that you. Know a number of contacts, turn into a number of leads attend to a number of meetings a turn to a number of sales how. Many businesses, that you meet actually do know those ratios and those numbers within, their business or are, we reinventing, the wheel each and every time that we approach, a prospect, I. Well. I obviously. Is going to vary an awful lot from one. Customer. To another, but. Where, possible what you need to be doing is trying to work out which clients, or customers are, unprofitable for you so, you're not trying to target those and, equally it could well be that even large customers, may not be right for you so for example if. You're dealing with local authorities they. May expect everything to be submitted in the way of tenders well, actually if you're turning over it perhaps quarter, million pounds a year can. You afford to be spent a lot of time putting in proposals, for tenders it, might be a massive tender would you ever stand a chance to get in the contract how much does it really cost you acquire that customer, so again that ties in very much with the cost of acquisition that's. A massive hidden, cost, requires. A high level of expertise, so, yet. Is fundamentally. Really important about getting to know your numbers and then making sure you ain't, ain't target, the right type of potential, clients do you think that small to, medium sized business is actually what they do because they evolved from the the, single man startup, the single woman startup, that they seem, to, continue. At the same kind of mindset. As they, get bigger and bigger so that as you said they start as a lifestyle, business because what it's doing is bringing in an income for them but, even when they get to a hundred employees they're, still running it like a lifestyle, business and not running it as a business business. Yes. Although, I would say once you get up to that size, you typically, would have probably a head of HR and you probably have a head of finance and all the shell so they're probably left by that stage what they would have done with it because it's had investment probably zeros. Have been voted out by the the new boards yes which tends to happen as. Well but. I think it's abhorrent to remember some of the stats is Orcas, 76%. Business, in the you can it's a similar percentage in the u.s. I believe Oh literally. One person, businesses, another. 18%, businesses, employ between, two and ten people so, 94 95 percent of people, are, companies in the UK in the u.s.. Are. Actually. Run by businesses. Which got ten or less people, in them. So that. But that's a massive market you. Don't need to need to look at the numbers of massive so, there's, there's massive, opportunities, in that space, but. The understanding. You're trying to reach is very important, in terms of your targeting, from a marketing point of view I think today has been really valuable for organizations. And individuals, who. Are looking to grow their business the, biggest thing is that it, is all about action the airwaves are all yours who you are where you are camera. Number four lovely thank you for that fundamentally. It's about defining, and owning your market, and also presenting. Yourself as the expert and, not, hiding your existence online it, is about using. The social selling blueprint, so lead, generation system prospect, nurturing, sales, optimization, system and, it's also about knowing your numbers and knowing your numbers are so important because that way you can determine how much you can really afford to invest in the growth of your business and, how you can move it onto another level.
2019-03-04 20:16