WSU Pullman - Carson College of Business

WSU Pullman - Carson College of Business

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] good morning everyone welcome to the 2021 spring system-wide virtual commencement ceremony of washington state university [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the processional will now begin entering the coliseum and leading the processional is faculty senate chair dave turnbull bearing the university mace a traditional symbol of authority his honor guard includes curtis cohen the associated students of washington state university president and jennifer johnson president of the graduate and professional student association system-wide we will recognize students from the college of agricultural human and natural resource sciences with 254 undergraduates which includes 42 from the school of the environment a joint program between the college of agricultural human and natural resource sciences and the college of arts and sciences with 18 masters and eight doctoral graduates the college of arts and sciences with 633 undergraduates 16 masters and 7 doctoral graduates the carson college of business with 373 undergraduates 38 professional degree candidates and three doctoral graduates the edward r murrow college of communication with 116 undergraduates eight masters and two doctoral graduates the college of education with 176 undergraduates 33 masters and six doctoral graduates the voiland college of engineering and architecture with 291 undergraduates 25 masters and two doctoral graduates the lcs floyd college of medicine with nine undergraduates 14 masters and 11 professional degree candidates in the first graduating class of medical doctors the college of nursing with 52 undergraduates two masters and 22 doctoral graduates [Music] the college of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences with 24 professional degree candidates and one doctoral graduate and the college of veterinary medicine with 59 undergraduates one masters and three doctoral graduates all will be cougar alums [Music] now entering the president's platform party made up of washington state university college deans a regent the provost and the president gina vasquez aswsu president global campus [Music] andre dani wright dean college of agricultural human and natural resource sciences todd butler dean college of arts and sciences chip hunter dean carson college of business bruce pinkleton dean the edward r murrow college of communication [Music] michael trevison dean college of education [Music] lisa gloss dean graduate school mary rezak dean boylan college of engineering and architecture im grand norton dean honors college mary quathan dean college of nursing [Music] mark lead dean college of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences william davis associate dean college of veterinary medicine brett blankenship wsu regent chair elizabeth shelton provost and executive vice president [Music] kirk schultz president of washington state university do the national anthem will be performed by julianne wick associate professor school of music [Music] uh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh please be seated the washington state university alma mater washington my washington will be performed by wsu choral students kayla ray bryce weber and seniors christina gomnitz and jared peterson the virtual performance was created by bryce weber [Applause] the songs [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wsu family and friends please welcome dr kirk schultz president of washington state university good morning coog nation welcome and congratulations to our new graduates the class of 2021. can i get a big hearty go cougs i say these words from the bottom of my heart for you have persevered in the face of one of the most challenging times in modern history to reach this milestone moment in your life graduates as we gather today for this celebration i'm inspired by your undertakings and ambitions you have accomplished much in nearly every academic field imaginable you have big dreams for the future we enthusiastically welcome you to the ranks of wsu alumni and we send you into the world that greatly needs your minds and your hearts current events remind us there is so much happening in the world that needs fixing disease extreme poverty religious strife sexual discrimination unimaginable violence the list is long but i'm here today to tell you that there are many reasons for hope the cougar spirit that defines this great university and binds us together as one of the main reasons i feel hopeful about the future that spirit reflected by a never say die and a willingness to work hard to succeed no matter the obstacles bodes well for our own life success and for the betterment of our society it's a spirit that you the class of 2021 have demonstrated day in and day out on your path to this moment it's a spirit i've observed every day for the past five years i've served as wsu's president it's a spirit of hopefulness reflected in the good work being done by our faculty students and staff by our alumni and by our friends the examples of compassion dedication selflessness patience and kindness i witness every day inspire me and humble me without a doubt the world needs your cougar spirit more than ever and your willingness to confidently step up and tackle our shared challenges fills me with hope hope for today and hope for our future in my role i've met many of you and you're absolutely incredible and amazing noel and i have had many of you to our house for dinner and receptions we've taught you in classes we've cheered for you on stages and in athletic competitions interacting with you is one of the great joys of serving as a university president am i an optimist about our future yes there's no doubt about it but i see the world that way because i know how hard this community and all of you our 2021 graduates work to succeed every day the potential is unlimited as we celebrate today let us look to each other for continued inspiration in the years ahead may wsu and the cougar family continue to be your fountain of hope as we face the future united in spirit congratulations graduates and let me get a go cougs no matter where you are the wsu board of regents is the university's governing body and it gives me great pleasure to ask the regent chair brett blankenship to the podium thank you president schultz hello and welcome it is indeed a great day to be a coug what an honor to be with all of you today to celebrate your success at washington state university a little bit about me many of you one of one of the best kept secrets about me is i i was trained as a pianist so when i was graduating like you i was a music major when you're a pianist you always wind up you always wind up studying beethoven before you get a degree and one of the greatest beethoven artists in history was a fellow named arter schnabel question was posed to him one day how do you play all those notes and how do you remember all those notes and he whimsically replied he said almost almost any pianist can play the notes but it's the space between the notes that's where the art resides so the art is not always the obvious part that other people see but it's the unseen things so as you choose your path forward in your field of study you will often be faced with two choices the expedient thing and the thing that brings you meaning my hope for you is to choose the path of meaning find meaning and you will find the art that mr schnabel referred to and as you personally define what brings you meeting other choices will come your way being comfortable or growth choose growth every person on this platform with me today has made those choices many had other positions and they were just fine where they were they were successful on before they came here and they were brilliant at what they did but a person who always seeks the best has a certain restlessness and that is growth so if you ever find yourself getting bored and your job becoming routine you've stopped growing find a way to continue to grow and sometimes it's as simple as comparing yourself to who you were yesterday rather than comparing yourself who someone else is today continue to learn continue to find meaning continue to seek growth do those things and you won't need to find success success will find you life then becomes art and when success finds you indeed that is where the art resides so on behalf of all the regents past and present it's my honor to wish you the very best today congratulations thank you for choosing wsu go coops please join me in recognizing our regents and the important role they play in guiding our university now i turn the program over to elizabeth chilton provost and executive vice president of washington state university provost chilton well hello graduates it's an honor to join you for this historic celebration of your accomplishments at wsu and to welcome you as alumni of this great university this is a particularly special spring commencement for me since this is my first as the chief academic officer for the wsu system we plan on celebrating with you again when we can have in-person ceremonies and all are invited to return to attend in person we look forward to the regalia the tassels the graduation march and the celebrations with family and friends i imagine that your final semesters at wsu will be remembered as an extremely challenging and stressful time and i'm sure that you will you never imagined that your final months at wsu would include many hours of zoom sessions wearing face masks and attesting that you're not sick or even self quarantining we will remember the resilience and the dedication shown by cougs time and time again i have come to know and appreciate our tight-knit and supportive coog community even in the face of challenges unlike anything any of us have experienced before i know that you've received a world-class education here at wsu and your time here has prepared you for your future careers and for your lives we all know that life is not a straight line and i am confident that you are well prepared to face all the many twists and turns ahead of you as you graduate from wsu please remain your cough spirit even if you're not on campus or in classes every day be proud to wear crimson and gray come back to campus visit your professors and cheer on your fellow cougs a major part of the university experience is to expand the network of people who are invested in your success take heart in knowing that as a wsu alumnus you are a valued member of an incredible network of people i hope you'll find that cougs helping cougs doesn't just apply during your time as a student but throughout your life finally as one of the newest members of the wsu community i am proud to say to all of you go cougs now to welcome the first class of 2021 i am pleased to introduce jennifer johnson president graduate and professional student association curtis cohen president associated students of washington state university gina vasquez president associated students of washington state university global and doug wilcox president of the washington state university alumni association jen good morning wcu graduates as president of the graduate and professional student association here at washington state i want to say that on behalf of the gpsa congratulations on reaching this amazing milestone it is a remarkable accomplishment especially for you all who have persevered in the face of one of the most challenging times in modern history no one thought our final semesters at wsu would include sitting in countless zoom sessions wearing face masks everywhere or self-quarantining but in continuing to tackle these challenges we have demonstrated how strong and adaptable we are i am honored and proud to be such a be a part of such a resilient student body it is a pleasure to speak to all the graduate and professional students receiving their degrees to ga you are a part of a special group that has chosen to spend the past 20 plus years in education so that you may help solve the problems of the future it may not feel like it but you're all experts in your respective fields i'm sure your first thought of that notion like me is one of terror but this process was designed to challenge how you plan how you think how you work you have met those challenges and you endured you have come out on the other side able to tackle the most difficult problems this world has to offer while this is likely the end of school for most of you do not let this be the end of your education moving forward you'll go on to guide cutting-edge research you'll advance life-saving technology you will fight for social justice causes and you will positively contribute to the global community with your newly developed skills and leadership i implore you to use them for good help lift up those around you who have not been fortunate enough to have had the same opportunities to the undergrads thank you for your spirit your enthusiasm and your commitment to learn alongside us to the graduate and professional students your work and efforts have been impactful you have paved the way for the next group to continue to make meaningful contributions my hope for every one of you is that the challenges and triumphs you face during your graduate experience continue to shape and influence you wherever life takes you next commencement represents the completion of one chapter and the beginning of a new one just as promising as the last enjoy this moment once again congratulations on your academic achievement gpsa wishes you the best of luck moving forward go cougs well hello everyone my name is curtis cohen and i have had the honor of serving you all as asw president this year this is a very interesting ceremony and believe me there is really nothing more i would want than to be here with you all in person wearing our caps and gowns graduating from any four-year school is a challenge even more so when we face unexpected events each day regardless of how the celebration is delivered the fact that we graduated under these circumstances should not be overlooked for a final year here many of us expected a completely different experience but at the end of the day this past year doesn't accurately define our overall experience here at wsu graduation is not the end of the road but the beginning of a new journey i can tell you one thing we've learned during this journey is that nothing in life is easy and the world is just not fair but cougs will always prevail you see the diploma we receive today doesn't come from any school but from washington state university the people around us build this school and it is so rare to find a campus so tightly knit with different groups each passionate about various goals and causes and at the end of the day we are wsu graduates so congratulations to our first generation students working students commuter students and students with disabilities and congratulations to you all the class of 2021 you did it and this is just the start so go out there and continue to make the world a better place go cougs this year has presented a series of unpredictable and historical challenges as a community we have endured despite these circumstances i must admit that i'm still grieving the loss of the experience my senior year would have offered had the world not been impacted by this devastating health and social crisis this is small in comparison to the losses the members of our wsu community have faced as some have lost loved ones are still recovering from the fires that devastated the pacific northwest and have had their financial emotional and psychological stability shaken this year has shed a blinding light on the issues that we face as a society such as multicultural intolerance and healthcare but not limited to these aspects of our reality in continuing to take these challenges head on we have also showed how strong and adaptable we truly are i am honored and proud to be a part of such a resilient student body i have seen student leaders unite to find ways to support engage with and advocate for their student bodies the courage it takes to continue to persevere is remarkable and truly equality that will prepare us for the challenges to come as a wsu global student i am grateful for the flexible and accommodating experience that this campus offers its students for those who are not aware the average age of global campus students is 30. these are students who are in the thick of their lives and have chosen to pursue higher education many of our students are parents and work full-time jobs some have been working with the public in businesses hospitals and as first responders others have lost their jobs had to become home school teachers or relocate if not all the above in the face of adversity you have persevered i congratulate you our global campus graduates for this milestone accomplishment while graduating college is impressive in its own right let this accomplishment serve as a symbol of your own grit work ethic and unwavering commitment to achieving what you set your mind to while you may not be where you yet wish to be find a moment to be thankful for where you are and what you have accomplished thus far congratulations global cougs you made it to graduation as president of the alumni association it's my honor to be among the first to welcome you to the cougar alumni family a family that is over 215 000 strong the next few years are full of promise and opportunity and having the support of the cougar family during this time is critical to get your life after graduation started we are proud to give you a free three-year membership the alumni association has 54 chapters and clubs across the united states making it easy to find and stay connected to your fellow cougars wherever you go you can find the chapter and club contacts on our website or on facebook this vast cougar network network wants to help you succeed in your career and personal pursuits once again congratulations and go cougs thank you jennifer curtis gina and doug hello my name is dave solay i'm the chancellor of the wsu global campus and i was thinking about the first time my youngest son saw me in my regalia he he looked at me he did a double take i could tell he was thinking he was thinking hard and he asked me dad are you going to hogwarts i smiled he didn't he was serious and realized that we see reality in different ways you know the world we live in is viewed differently by different people depending on context perspective experience and i can tell you the world that i live in today is very very different than the world i knew a year ago and i imagine the same is true for you you know i think of our parents our faculty our students and how their worlds have been significantly altered because of this pandemic but you know the same is true for our global campus students on the surface things may look the same you know we were online before the pandemic we were online during the pandemic and we'll be online after the pandemic but it's when you talk to our students our global campus students that you understand how different their world is today through the loss of a job insecurity over feeding their family racism isolation spending 24 hours seven days a week in the same physical space as your partner and or your children and then on the other end of the spectrum being all alone it's a tough year it's been a really tough year but i gotta look back and i see some of the amazing things that we accomplished together working through adversity adapting to change there was some really amazing efforts to move us to this new reality if you think about this graduation ceremony as a micro example of that it would have been so much easier to just throw our hands up and say you know what this is going to be too hard we'll just we'll do graduation the following year but we didn't we tried something different and it is different but we tried and we're going to keep trying to work with this new reality and i think about you our students it would have been understandable so understandable for you to say you know what things are too different there are too many unknowns i'm just unsure where my future's leading i'm going to postpone my education and maybe i'll graduate a year from now but you didn't you pushed through and you finished you finished and i don't know if it sunk in yet but you're a college graduate and more importantly you're a graduate from washington state university that means you are part of a family of alumni that are passionate and intensely loyal to this university you are a coug and nothing can ever take that from you not even a pandemic congratulations and go cougs today we celebrate with a total of 2263 students participating in the system-wide virtual commencement there are 30 students from everett three from olympia 211 global 1554 from pullman 103 spokane 115 tri-cities and 247 from vancouver representing 154 different degree fields the candidates for advanced degrees will be presented by lisa gloss dean of the graduate school i had my sincere congratulations and best wishes to all of the graduates whose accomplishments we are celebrating today in particular i want to recognize the tremendous achievements of our graduate students that completed their degrees this spring semester pursuing an advanced degree is a life-changing path this journey is often difficult and stressful but i hope you also found it to be a journey of self-discovery and growth personally intellectually and professionally please remember to celebrate that your journey was also important to the growth of the knowledge base research and scholarship that will benefit the human race in so many different ways that's what graduate student scholarship is about participating in the research that writes the textbooks for the next generation this commencement is a celebration of the completion of an important phase of your life path from where you stand now there are so many different fulfilling paths that you can follow that is an exciting amazing vista but also probably unsettling uncertain don't forget to pause and savor this moment your accomplishments you made it you're ready for that next step in your path you've shown remarkable resilience perseverance and dedication earning a master's or doctoral degree isn't an easy time at any time but you've been successful during some of the most challenging situations a graduate student might ever encounter as he weathered the many personal and professional impacts of life in the time of covet 19. i sincerely miss the opportunity to shake your hand hand your diploma and share your enthusiasm and joy as you celebrate this milestone many of my happiest memories as the graduate dean and as a faculty member are from the celebrations as part of commencement ceremonies i want to emphasize again congratulations and please know that we the wsu faculty staff administration and your fellow students we are proud of you president schultz from the graduate school i am pleased and privileged to present to you the degree candidates for the professional science masters the master's candidates and the degree candidates for the doctor of education and the doctor of philosophy the carson college of business presented by dean chip hunter congratulations carson cougs across the state of washington and well beyond in fact worldwide also congratulations and thanks to your family and friends the folks who helped you earn this degree that will be so valuable to you for the rest of your life i'd like to echo what provost chilton said and remind you that we would love to see you back on campus to get that degree in person one of our campuses and in fact if you're from our global campus find a campus and come see us curtis you can come back too carson cougs there are a couple of things you might reflect on as you think back on these last few years you know how to do some things that you didn't know before you joined us you also know how to think differently than you did before you joined us and we also believe you're ready to lead differently than you were before you joined us we're really proud to have you become the next business leaders of the state of washington in the pacific northwest and well beyond we're really excited for you to join our community the broader carson college community and that community of wsu alumni worldwide president schultz i take pleasure in presenting to you the master of business administration professional degree candidates and the baccalaureate degree candidates from the carson college of business the honors college presented by dean m grant norton congratulations to all the graduates from the honors college i'm proud of all the things that you've accomplished during your time at washington state university in particular you've shown great resilience during the past year which has brought many challenges great and small i'm sure that you all have a bright future ahead and i hope that you'll keep in touch and continue to share your stories with us i'd also like to take this opportunity to congratulate our first honors college pathway students that will soon join the lc s floyd college of medicine with best wishes and congratulations to you all upon recommendation of the faculty and by the authority of the board of regents and the statutes of the state of washington i hereby confer upon each of you who fulfill its requirements the degrees for which you have been recommended with all of the privileges and obligations julie axelton doctor of philosophy business administration accounting jinjing chen doctor of philosophy business administration finance [Music] yoon doctor of philosophy business administration finance master of business administration mba so excited i'm done thank you god thank you to my family and my friends that supported me um we did it jorge aguiar master of business administration mba everybody this is [Music] administration mba rasha ali master of business administration mba brandon arcaneto master of business administration mba kelsey asplund master of business administration mba we did it jeffrey bocha galupi master of business administration mba carolyn bond master of business administration mba i'd like to thank my boyfriend and all of my family and friends for all their support in this journey and to my fellow classmates if we can get through 2020 in grad school we can do anything jessica busey master of business administration mba anthony castillo master of business administration mba [Music] auntie kathy dan master of business administration mba [Music] jeremy dornbush master of business administration mba i'm grateful reaching another milestone graduating with my mba in international business from washington state university thank you to family and friends for all your support go cougs anna gibson master of business administration mba josefina guerrero master of business administration mba austin harding master of business administration mba kenneth haynes master of business administration mba martha herrera master of business administration mba go coogs love you guys love my family for supporting me troy hodges master of business administration mba want to thank my friends and family i look forward to what's coming next tabitha isaacson master of business administration [Music] mba leland johnson master of business administration mba [Music] samuel johnson master of business administration mba hey i just want to say thank you to my wife rebecca and my son gabe for supporting me through this uh this journey to get the mba i love you guys and i did it for you alex kenyang master of business administration mba susie conan master of business administration mba whitney little master of business administration mba anthony lorenzo master of business administration mba dipendra mullah master of business administration mba mackenzie marshall master of business administration mba i want to thank my parents my group members my co-workers and my friends for all the support over the last two years go kooks emily macid master of business administration mba neil maunu master of business administration mba man house villa administration mba brandon michael mckee master of business administration mba michelle marine master of business administration mba [Music] gabriel negrin master of business administration mba gloria ochoa brook master of business administration mba dennis fendler master of business administration mba [Music] kayston pickens master of business administration mba andrew purdy master of business administration mba kate rampone master of business administration mba matt rassband master of business administration mba [Music] joanna romero master of business administration mba yes we finished now are you figuring out what you're going to do next weekend let me know lori rasheeds master of business administration mba hi i'm warrior shavix and i'm graduating with my mba from the carson college of business at wsu go cougs daniel soto-amaya master of business administration mba james stroud master of business administration mba derek taylor master of business administration mba larry thompson master of business administration mba kirsten vandetta master of business administration mba derek vandenberg master of business administration mba stephen witt master of business administration mba laurie wolf master of business administration mba melanie wood master of business administration mba thank you so much for being so supportive of me on this journey i love you mom and dad nadine allison darren russell clifford thank you so much i wouldn't have done it without all of you ashley abbott bachelor of arts in business administration management [Music] bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude [Music] bachelor of arts in business administration international business bernard address bachelor of arts and business administration finance yeremon bachelor of arts in business administration finance mitchell aikman bachelor of arts and business administration management khalid alabri bachelors of arts in business administration accounting magna laude noah alexander bachelor of arts in business administration marketing minar al-harthi bachelor of arts and hospitality business management hospitality business management ibrahim ali bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems mubarak also mali bachelor of arts in business administration accounting and my dad and his continuous support thank you for everything you have done mom oh you i uh he's a love jessica alvard bachelor of arts in business administration accounting and marketing [Music] sara ali bachelor of arts in business marketing bright ammo bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management i have a great experience as a global campus today maybe see the good understanding of topics and concepts bachelor of arts in business administration management guard anderson bachelor of arts and business administration management pedro andrade bachelor of arts in business administration marketing marissa errorcat bachelor of arts and business administration marketing daniel armijo bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems [Music] hayley arthur bachelor of arts in business administration finance laticia marine bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management laude homie mesfen i yella bachelor of arts in business administration international business [Music] brenna bailey bachelor of arts in business administration management magna laude jack baker bachelor of arts in business administration finance ty jordan baker bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems magna laude steven ball bachelor of arts in business administration finance jennifer bals bachelor of arts in business administration accounting adam barenke bachelor of arts and business administration marketing hannah basler bachelor of arts and business administration management very sorority emily baumgardt bachelor of arts in business administration marketing brett beardsley bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems jacob belcito bachelor of arts in business administration finance summa laude [Music] alexandra bennett bachelor of arts in hospitality business management wine and beverage business management [Music] reese bergow bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] sam blanc bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude [Music] nicholas blasko bachelor of arts in business administration accounting summa laude samuel bubar bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems rene bourgeois bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management clark boys bachelor of arts in business administration finance ryan brady bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management bachelor of arts in business administration finance annika brayton bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems magna laude madeleine brendan bachelor of arts in business administration marketing stacy bridgeman bachelor of arts in business administration accounting hayley brown bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management caitlyn bruner bachelor of arts in business administration accounting summa laude wei song boo bachelor of arts in business administration finance nathan budkey bachelors of arts in business administration marketing [Music] bachelor of arts in business administration finance zachary bird bachelor of arts in business administration marketing kelsey bias bachelor of arts and business administration marketing summa laude alana kalanin bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems colby campbell bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude lily campbell bachelor of arts in business administration accounting owen campbell bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems laude corey cannon bachelor of arts in business administration management magna laude schuyler cannon bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management laude carden's february jr bachelor of arts in business administration management luke carney bachelor of arts in business administration finance magna laude samantha carone bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management lauren carroll bachelor of arts in business administration marketing taylor carthum bachelor of arts in business administration international business andrew cave bachelor of arts in business administration marketing karen chong bachelor of arts and business administration management bowen charlton bachelor of arts and business administration accounting lyotong chen bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude chin bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management laude chuan fong cheng bachelor of arts in business administration accounting amanpreet choker bachelor of arts and business administration finance [Music] tour christensen bachelor of arts and business administration accounting jasmine clark bachelor of arts in business administration accounting max koberly bachelor of arts in business administration finance magna laude curtis cohen bachelor of arts in business administration finance emily cole bachelor of arts and business administration marketing summa laude bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude cooper condill bachelor of arts in business administration management summa laude kelly connors bachelor of arts in business administration management elizabeth contreras bachelor of arts in business administration management ben cook bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude cam and cooper bachelor of arts in business administration finance [Music] thaddeus cosgrove bachelor of arts in business administration finance kelsey cattrell bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems summa laude brendan covington bachelor of arts in business administration management [Music] cody cox bachelor of arts in business administration accounting summa laude lexi kramer bachelor of arts in business administration management hayden crane bachelor of arts and business administration marketing katie crittenden bachelor of arts in business administration accounting catherine crowe bachelor of arts in business administration marketing alejandra cruz bachelor of arts in business administration international business arnolfo cruz chapman bachelor of arts in business administration finance carissa cruisin bachelor of arts in business [Music] bachelor of arts in business administration finance tiffany dang bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] mccall dannis bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude [Music] bryn davidson bachelor of arts in business administration management griffin davis bachelor of arts in business administration finance megan dean bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management maria de la cruz bachelor of arts in hospitality business management luke delaney bachelor of arts in business administration finance jordan dimers bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management kate linda pray bachelor of arts in business marketing fox montana diaz bachelor of arts and business administration management information systems va accounting armando arturo dergio gutierrez bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems [Music] ryan donnelly bachelor of arts in business administration business management inc [Music] cole dachson bachelor of arts in business administration finance mckenna duncan bachelor of arts and business administration marketing magna laude katherine eggerton bachelor of arts in business administration marketing summa laude [Music] kae eggy bachelor of arts in business administration finance [Music] max english bachelor of arts in business administration management bachelor of arts in business administration marketing taylor estevez bachelor of arts and business administration finance kyle evanger bachelor of arts in business administration finance alan eubie bachelor of arts and business administration marketing ali falter bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management laude allison fay bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] bachelor of arts in business administration management claire five bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] megan fisher bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude nathan fitzpatrick bachelor of arts in business administration finance [Music] catherine fleisch bachelor of arts in business administration marketing magna laude pedro flores bachelor of arts in business administration finance akaria francis bachelor of arts in business administration international business joshua frazier bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems benjamin furfie bachelor of arts in business administration finance chloe gage bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude caitlyn gagnon bachelor of arts and business administration marketing laude marcus garcia bachelor of arts in business administration marketing kimberly garciavilla bachelor of arts in business administration management laude ashley gettys bachelor of arts in business administration management summa laude vinnie gennaro bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] marketing bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management gurleen gill bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management hannah gilliland bachelor of arts in business administration entrepreneurship taylor goldbach bachelor of arts in business administration management i just wanted to take this time to thank my parents grandparents girlfriend friends and family for getting me to where i'm at today may have taken longer than any of us anticipated but i couldn't have done greg gomez bachelor of arts in business administration accounting karem gonzalez bachelors of arts and business administration marketing leslie gonzalez bachelor of arts in business administration management magna laude elise gordon bachelor of arts in business administration marketing kevin gordon bachelor of arts in business administration finance jared gould bachelor of arts in business administration accounting amy grass bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management magna laude kevin gretch bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems laude marnie greenfield bachelor of arts in business administration marketing laude [Music] ashlyn gregoit bachelor of arts in business administration accounting summa laude jessica griffiths bachelor of arts in business administration management summa laude emmett gruber bachelor of arts in business administration marketing laude jasa grunlos bachelor of arts in business administration marketing iman hamid bachelor of arts and business administration management information systems nathan hamlin bachelor of arts in business administration finance annika hansen bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems fallon hanson bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management demi hansen bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude jack harmeyer bachelor of arts in business administration finance john harris bachelor of arts in business administration finance mason haupt bachelor of arts in business administration management kendall hawkins bachelor of arts in business administration marketing andrew hayes bachelor of arts in business administration finance hannah hayes bachelor of arts in business administration management natalie heatman bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management samuel heikel bachelor of arts in business administration finance kaylee henry bachelor of arts and business administration management kylie herrera bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management megan hexham bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management hi my name is megan hexson i'm graduated the bachelor of arts and major in hospitality business management i'd like to thank god my husband and my three children for getting me through this journey miles hickey bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] accounting higgins bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems vanessa higgins bachelor of arts in business administration marketing jack hinchcliffe bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems amber hindman bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] georgia hines bachelor of arts in business administration management nicholas hofer bachelor of arts in business administration marketing preston hoff bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude josephine hookland bachelor of arts in business administration finance magna laude michael hoover bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] finance sean houghton bachelor of arts and business administration finance alyssa howe bachelor of arts in business administration marketing uding hua bachelor of arts and business administration marketing zhu olen hawa bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management candice hunter bachelor of arts and business administration marketing henry hurd bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] marketing [Music] bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] elora irby bachelor of arts in business administration international business laude samantha isernio bachelor of arts in business administration marketing andrew iverson bachelor of arts in business administration finance andrea jeffrey ruglis bachelor of arts in business administration marketing caleb jelsic bachelor of arts in business administration finance joshua jensen bachelor of arts in business administration marketing nicole gal yen bachelor of arts in business administration management laude june kaiji bachelor of arts in business administration accounting anna johansen bachelor of arts in business administration marketing tyler johnson bachelor of arts in business administration marketing laude emily jones bachelor of arts in business administration management [Music] rachel johnson bachelor of arts in business administration finance lindsay jorgensen bachelor of arts in business administration finance magna laude bachelor of arts in business administration accounting summa laude will carges bachelor of arts in business administration finance nicholas kaoni bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] management matthew keane bachelor of arts in business administration marketing mechanical cup bachelor of arts in business administration international business philip killian bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems magna laude hey everybody just wanted to thank everyone from my family and friends as well as my teachers back home at dallasport wild for supporting me along this journey thank you so much bachelor of arts in business administration accounting [Music] hayley kinoshida bachelor of arts in business administration marketing benjamin kleck bachelor of arts in business administration finance caroline cole bachelor of arts in business administration accounting laude josh krebs bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] nathan cooch bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude conor lambro bachelor of arts in business administration finance kellen lamey bachelor of arts in business administration finance grace lawrence bachelor of arts in hospitality business management wine and beverage business management magna laude thanks mom and dad trent lawden bachelor of arts in business administration marketing chase letter bachelor of arts and business administration finance christy lee bachelor of arts in business administration management laude owen leanstra bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] management gabrielle letourneau bachelor of arts in business administration marketing and management whrm shioji bachelor of arts in business administration marketing guang hui leong bachelor of arts in business administration accounting mason lingi bachelors of arts in business administration finance abigail linenco bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude [Music] claire liss bachelor of arts in business administration management laude imani lloyd bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] marketing lacey lober bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management magna laude mitchell lockhart bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude jayden lohman bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management hey coogs just want to thank my mom and dad and my baby brother for always believing me and never giving up on me go kooks lorena lopez bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] accounting miguel lopez bachelor of arts in business administration finance maribel lopez garcia bachelor of arts in business administration finance justin lotsgar bachelor of arts in business administration accounting nicholas lowery bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems laude wesley ludwig bachelor of arts in business administration finance summa laude laura lyle bachelor of arts in business administration marketing chance mayor bachelor of arts in business administration accounting i just want to say congratulations to my fellow graduates always remember it's not how you bowl it's how you roll goku shea mackie nelson bachelor of arts in business administration finance and alexis manjaros diaz bachelor of arts and business administration accounting bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] marketing marcelo martinez bachelor of arts in business administration accounting lucas matthews bachelor of arts in business administration finance for supporting throughout my college dayton matsushima bachelor of arts and business administration management information systems tyler matheson bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems mckenna mcclone bachelor of arts in business administration accounting brian mcgee bachelor of arts in business administration marketing cameron mckinley bachelor of arts in business administration accounting sarah mcmorrow bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems [Music] william mcreynolds bachelor of arts in business administration finance sydney mejia bachelor of arts and business administration marketing kelsey menolationa bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude congratulations cubes class of 2021 jake meredith bachelor of arts and business administration accounting maxwell middendorf bachelor of arts and business administration marketing stephanie miles bachelor of arts in business administration marketing laude brandon miller bachelor of arts and business administration accounting magna laude sarah miller bachelor of arts and business administration marketing magna laude zane miller bachelor of arts in business administration accounting [Music] natalie millman bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems preciosa miranda bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude caroline mitchell bachelor of arts in business administration international business magna laude pamela mossery bachelor of arts in business administration finance jensen mulver bachelor of arts in business administration marketing vance montelongo bachelor of arts in business administration management alexa morales bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude michael moran bachelor of arts in business administration accounting troy morrow bachelor of arts in business administration accounting tiara murphy brennan bachelor of arts and business administration marketing bella nadolsky bachelor of arts in business administration finance morgan nagy bachelor of arts in hospitality business management wine and beverage business management henry napier bachelor of arts in business administration finance shasta neely bachelor of arts in business administration marketing parkland kneel bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management magna laude grace and nelly bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems ba finance laude hayley nelson bachelor of arts in business administration marketing magna laude twinette nguyen bachelor of arts in business administration marketing laude felipe neuya bachelor of arts and business administration marketing camilla ormichael bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management morgan palmerton bachelor of arts in business administration accounting summa laude alan pan bachelor of arts in business administration finance summa laude ilya panna bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude kezia jules paragus bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] logan parr bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems magna laude grant pearson bachelor of arts in business administration finance samantha peterson bachelor of arts in business administration marketing alexis pinstra bachelor of arts in business administration finance austin penuelas bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management jessica peralta bachelor of arts in business administration management kelly phelan bachelor of arts and business administration marketing magna laude emily pearson bachelor of arts in business administration finance magna laude vanessa peters bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management colin poe bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems mari on apolloship bachelor of arts in business administration accounting summa laude andrew powers bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] marketing sarah pratt bachelor of arts in business administration management logan putilov bachelor of arts in business administration marketing maxwell puzzo bachelor of arts in business administration finance abigail kwame bachelor of arts in business administration marketing alana quinn jones bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] julie quintanilla bachelor of arts in business administration management laude cassidy rogue bachelor of arts in business administration marketing christopher raynaud bachelor of arts in business administration finance elliott rise bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude jocelyn roberts bachelor of arts in business administration management austin rockafield bachelor of arts in business administration finance conor rorvick bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude matthew rotundo bachelor of arts in business administration marketing jacob roland bachelor of arts and business administration entrepreneurship travis rucker bachelor of arts in business administration marketing [Music] alex sakamoto bachelor of arts in business administration marketing pablo salas bachelor of arts in business administration marketing we did it thank you mom and dad cannot be more proud of you coug always go coogs diana sanchez bachelor of arts in business administration finance [Music] essence sanders bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems laude lexison bachelor of arts in business administration marketing magna laude graham schmidt bachelor of arts in business administration finance luke shoals bachelor of arts in business administration finance kyle shawn of arts in business administration marketing thomas schuett bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude zachary thomas schulich bachelor of arts and business administration marketing charlie schultz bachelor of arts and business administration accounting laude bachelor of arts in business administration [Music] management nicole scott bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems blake seckler bachelor of arts in business administration management laude alexander sedlick bachelor of arts in business administration international business magna laude sydney sewell bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude ingrid siebold bachelor of arts in business administration marketing laude jessica sharp bachelor of arts in business administration accounting olivia shoesmith bachelor of arts in business administration accounting bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management bayley singh halpen bachelor of arts in business administration management emma sisik bachelor of arts and business administration management breeland smilin bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude sydney bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems laude jasper southwell bachelors of arts in business administration accounting skyler sperber bachelor of arts in business administration marketing ella bachelor of arts in business administration international business summa laude emma claire spring bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management summa laude graham stamey bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems nicholas stumulus bachelor of arts in business administration accounting hayden stark bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management steiger bachelor of arts in business administration finance aaliyah stratton bachelor of arts in business administration marketing hadley stratton bachelor of arts and business administration marketing hannah strobe bachelor of arts in business administration marketing jamison sullivan bachelor of arts in business administration management laude hayden summers bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems patrick summitt bachelor of arts in business administration finance bs in economic sciences alissa sweet bachelor of arts in business administration accounting laude kayla cyborg bachelor of arts in business administration accounting [Music] bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management magna laude ion paul tamasan bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems ba finance bachelor of arts in business administration marketing magna laude [Music] charisma taylor bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management mallory joan taylor bachelor of arts in business administration management information system tyreena faith rower bachelor of arts in business administration finance amy todd eric bachelor of arts in business administration management laude matthew tolls bachelor of arts in business administration management bailey tompkins bachelor of arts in business administration mis and management magna laude dana torlon bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems susan torres bachelor of arts in business administration international business emily townsend bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management bautran bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management summa laude rhys tripard bachelor of arts in business administration finance magna laude covina turpin bachelor of arts in business administration marketing summa laude hannah umansky bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management magna laude taylor upton bachelor of arts in business administration finance [Music] tara vachnitz bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems magna laude [Music] miguel angel velasquez of all bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems [Music] donovan vales foucault bachelor of arts in business administration management kobe vendolin bachelor of arts in business administration marketing rose vowel bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems amber wagner ba and hospitality business management hospitality business management ba in mis summa laude chandler walls bachelor of arts in business administration finance ashley brook walters bachelor of arts and business administration management i'd like to thank all my close friends and family for all of their support over the years congratulations class of 2021 and goku's chuachio wong bachelor of arts and business administration accounting magna laude delaney watkins bachelor of arts and business administration marketing emma weglin bachelor of arts in business administration finance laude madison we hunt bachelor of arts in business administration accounting laude molly wellner bachelor of arts in business administration accounting mason white bachelor of arts in business administration finance john whitmore bachelor of arts business administration business management [Music] morgan wickline bachelor of arts in business administration finance magna laude [Music] jacoby wiggy bachelor of arts in business administration management summa laude emily wilkins bachelor of arts in business administration finance jack wilkinson bachelor of arts in business administration management information systems magna laude connor williams bachelor of arts in business administration finance [Music] laud williams bachelor of arts in business administration management jennifer willis bachelor of arts and business administration marketing evan wilson bachelor of arts in business administration international business henry winner bachelor of arts in business administration marketing hallie walgamatt bachelor of arts in hospitality business management hospitality business management colleen woods bachelor of arts in business administration marketing cai you en wu bachelor of arts in business administration management [Music] alice yailey bachelor of arts in business administration marketing bachelor of arts in business administration accounting julianna zamudio bachelor of arts in business administration marketing ba in spanish carl zanet bachelor of arts in business administration accounting magna laude bachelor of arts in business administration marketing magna laude zerta bachelor of arts in business administration marketing i'm really happy with my experience here at wazoo this last four years and i'd like to thank my family and friends for [Music] bachelor of arts in business administration finance magna laude schuesse jew bachelor of arts in business administration accounting nicholas circle bachelor of arts in business administration management magna laude alicia jim e esky bachelor of arts and business administration [Music] marketing [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] congratulations and go cougs hello carson coogs and congratulations class of 2021 i'm dr mark beatty associate vice chancellor for academic and student affairs here on the wsu everett campus and a proud faculty member of the carson college business it gives me great pleasure to wish you all well on your commencement and just know that you've done this in the midst of a pandemic amazing congratulations for your resiliency hey coogs jill creighton here your dean of students to our class of 2021 congratulations on this tremendous achievement you have earned it wherever you happen to be on planet earth whether in the state of washington or beyond i hope you're marking this momentous occasion with loved ones i know this is not how you envision ending your career as a coug but we know that cougs are for life when it is safe and healthy to do so w

2021-05-11 10:18

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