Work Differently - How To Start an Online English Teaching Business & Be Successful at It [ Part 1 ]

Work Differently - How To Start an Online English Teaching Business & Be Successful at It [ Part 1 ]

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So. She's an online English. Teacher she's, always had a knack for teaching. She. Lived the world of, inspired. Work in 2016. To fill her dream of teaching English in another, country, it's. More about that later on in. January, 2017. She. Began, to teach online and, our Spencer days speaking, with students, all over the world and so. Tonight she gonna tell us more about how, she came into AI, teaching. How, she managed, to design through live randoms. How. Much more, flexibility. And freedom she, has and how, she manages, to create international. Opportunities. Were. You doing before, being. An English teacher, what was so. Inspiring. Before, you, became a teacher, yeah, so. For. Many years I worked a few different industries. I'd. Also worked in corporate training for a while and. Now what is really, what things, started, to. Click. For me about teaching and I, loved training. The. Travel part of it. But. Then I, went to I took a vacation to career in. 2008, a matter, girl she was trying to teach herself English and, so I just kind of only wear long and could. Kind at, that place that I'd. Like to do this. But. When the opportunity came the first time in 2009. I didn't take it that's, scared the, idea will be leaving her life and the comforts so I didn't. Do it and so. Basically. What happened was in. 2015. I just. I wanted, to do something different so my original plan, was. To take. A couple months off travel, and figure out what. I would do next and I, went, to a travel next phone this was in Toronto and. I was just looking at different ideas and said I came, across this one, it's. An organization, that did, different programs we. Have a teaching. My. Attention. So. You know. How. It happens and. What. Happened. There while. I was there so I was in, a city called Armenians. And. Was. Teaching in high school and it, was enough in. An area. Where. They serve underprivileged, children. End. The. City and. So. I got to interact with these kids and. Just. Kind of see things from a different perspective. Many. Of them don't. Appreciate, the. Opportunity. To learn another language and I, understand, that from where, I have been English, Canada and we're to talk French to school and many people did not appreciate that opportunity either. So. I understood, but. They. Liked the idea of having. Their. Created, learning. About the cultures and learning about Canada. And. Took. The time to learn I had. This one. Because. He refused, to do his work like. He watched Disney movies and that's how he knew English, so, every day he, would do something really, crazy and it was inspired, by. I returned. To Canada and. Decided. I'm going to try teaching online and. So, you, were very first. I mean, they. Were very much interested in teaching that was. Very important, insurance but then you, decided to do online and because we wanted to have projects, ability to travel again or what, was the main reason. Pull. Part of it was because I could start quickly and, just come back I didn't. Have a job when I came back I had to configure myself situated.

I. Had. Interviewed for a position to, go back, over scenes, within each. Entry. For. Asia I'd have, to wait five months it's. A process I need. To start now. Because. Now I get to teach and speak, with. It's. So interesting to see best when you've got the first opportunity. Took a step back and then when, you finally decided, to take other, opportunities. I kind of stopped there and I have to take any other opportunity that's coming my. Way yeah, it's kind, of. Kind. Of. So. We. In. 2016. Two. Years have passed what, happens. Okay. So March. Then. January, 2010. I started, teaching online I was staying. With some friends just. Realizing. That I don't have to be. Location. It. Curved. The French. Came. Here to the refraction, or Cru French or whatever. And just. To be in a different city now that I've experienced, living, s, City came. Back to Toronto just like. And. How, does. Blaster. It's on my mind I'm a teacher here but then you should decide to go online and. Probably. Find clients how do, you set, up your business what, are the key steps to, actually make. It a business the. Easiest, way is to. Apply. To teach through their, online schools. So. I am, applying through one there. Are a few big ones. So. Where. Liz is one they. Have physical and online but. They. Usually hire. Two. US residents from your online yes. Education courses, another two one yeah. Now these are points that are cater to patents. There's. Also I tutor. Open. English. And. There's another one. For. Adults I. Talk. Easy boy that one's a little more I want, functions, a little bit differently, if. You really, get to be on it early you set. Prices. You really manage, your own schedule they. Just practice. But. If you're interested in teaching children. There. Are. Very. Complex. Like there are many many different avenues that introduction, yeah choose, how. Who. Are your terms how. Did you choose that you want, that. Well. For me I've always didn't. Want to teach adults anyway. So. That wasn't a no, right that was a no-brainer for me I'm not going to teach children. It. Requires a different. Set. Of energy, energy. You have to be an entertainer. And. So. So. That was an easy decision so it's just a matter of looking at which, one skater, to adults and. Their. Peak times are that's, it everything when you're looking at global most, of your. Students. Where they're going to be located if they're located in Asia realize. That peak, times would be eating through them which is 12. Hours ahead so, your. Give. A lot of the clients are in Europe when you come at six seven hours ahead, so you're, teaching. And. Then for. Me most of my students are resilient. Probably. But I'm eating my, seeds, and. So practically. Extinct I'm told. So. I and one of them I do needs, although, some of them do. So. The. Way that some. Of these other platforms work, if you just their. Children once they you open up availability. In, your schedule and, they will populate it with spots. For private, lessons. Lessons. If they don't offer group robots, lessons. The. Platform I work with has group, and private and then private is split between a 20-minute, also. Populated. Manage. And. Then, students can see your schedules. Slots. They. Can also contact you directly if they have, your email address and that's. With. You. So. There's I there, are other ones and some other ones that are very flexible like, I talkie, I can't believe where they don't set any minute, so Maximus. Or anything so you can just kind of go. I.

Like. Amply. For. Filling in gaps if. I have a student that doesn't show, up. Let. Me see who's over here it just casually them on and then. They call you and. So. On that one, that. One's really interesting I talk to a lot of Middle Eastern students. On. Camcorder, can't. Believe yeah I. Hope. I can try again. Monitor. Yeah. For. Being yeah, yeah, so, but. They think, what big-time Cantley is kind, of interesting because. I've been with them for over a year and so, when. I applied there were quite a few people and within like a week or, so they, were fun. But I think they've gone through a hiring blitz, right now. Because. I think they did a marketing, push. Region. So. Right now there seems to be an abundance of. Teachers. And tutors available. They're. Also looking, to launch a, kid's version for, gambling so, that one is just in testing, right now so, they're selecting, already. Registered. Teachers to, see, if they want to not, sign, but. Try again. Just. Make sure you like your intro video is, required. This here and everything. Campus. Contra the. Cards. We. Doesn't work for, you there's always pelvic, it's, very similar I. Talk. To you again also. I'm very flexible. So. There's. So, many options and. You work. Those. Terms were did. You also have that. There. As we come to you know. I actually haven't started. Doing. Doing. That I right, now I think it's easier, just to work through, because. I can't open it clothing biblically. As. I need to I. Don't. Have to worry about contacting, someone in. Those. Class I did. Have to, do. A cancellation. A couple of weeks ago and, rather. Than the, contact. Them directly I, just contact, the center and they reassign, it to another teacher so, that students. Still get their. Lesson yeah. There's. Virtually, no preparation, because. They have the lessons there I like, to customize based. On I'm speaking with so, I'll do a little bit of ground, like. That but, there are some other platforms, where you. Do, the preparation. It. Really, just depends on. It's. Already there for you it you can just customize did, you know be. Able to do, can. Be do meet. And. So, what would you say are. The. Colleges, and call self working on lunch. The. Pros would, be doesn't, good flexibility. And. Just. Being able to talk, to different, people and. Get. Different, perspective. It was come also of the cultural differences too. So. One, of the things that's, kept.

My Brazilian students to, talk. Which. Is great I love, it because that just means I get to listen and I just be. Careful this part musician be careful how you ordered this. Pronunciation. On, this word it sounds something. Else but. It my. Students, in England, I have to draw. Their. Opinions, right so it. Requires. I. Know that's a cultural, thing because, in Egypt that we the approach teachers. But. So. The cultural exchange. Yukons. Isolation. You. Have to be in a quiet place I can't. Come here, and teach, because, there's all kinds of. I. Can't. Control what goes on outside of, where, I live for example there's construction happening, building. Pen today they. Were doing construction on my floor but outside, experience. We're. Trying to go through my apartment today and I, had one student I was so thankful to 20-minute lesson and I quickly muted, the blank and just. Had a chat. Also I'm asking him questions to the child. So. Not, being able to control, what, happens and what happens right. Your. Manager stanswood you. Have to deal with that and, be, flexible, and creative. So. Yeah, so that part of the lack of control of that part of the isolation, I, also. Found that it is taken a while, to kind. Of get my variance in terms of managing, my time, in. The beginning it was fine but now, with the construction happening I had to kind, of shift. So. I find, I'm a bit, much later. And. Waking. Up later as a result implies, I so. Kind of throws things off. So. You. Know having those constant. Makes. It difficult to manage. Coffee. Read. A blog. Because. I, can take them somewhere so. Yeah. It can be it can get lonely because. Of that isolation like you find. Online. Forms of other teachers we're. All dealing, with the same thing no matter where we are so we share. Stories. Or. Things. That, have. Happened to you I've been through what I've never expected. When. I started teaching online. Unexpected. Things I. Think. It would be some of the conversations. A, student, asked me the other day weirdest. Conversation. So. I, did. Tell them about one, day I had, a student who I never saw, again and, he. Was studying, to be a minister, and. It was really interesting because a, teacher. Remarried. Which, is a common question in, Latin. America so I didn't take. So. They decided. To use Bible, verses to. Trying to convince me that marriage is a good thing. So. We just had this really exchange but this really interesting exchange, and it wasn't delicious, at all we were having fun, with it the idea that you, can have fun with reciting.

Bible Verses on each other but this, conversation. So. Having. That kind of a conversation. Political. Coverage Asians are interesting. Brazil. Is going through a really interesting time there and election. Years all. Of them have, to tell me about these. Things that are happening the latest corruption. All. The time. And. If I get a new Brazilian, student. Can. You meet President Lula just recently went to gym. He, has some really really, interesting, conversations. Also. Sometimes, the. Lessons turned into therapy, for. Event, so. This. One lady she wants to fire. Becomes. A therapy session I'm. Still making Corrections, on their grammar, so. I think, that's I didn't expect it. Some. Students, that after, without feel like friends. Shouldn't. Get books I read, every. Week once or twice a week. So. Even. Though it's video, he. Will time our video off is, a part, of it if he needs became this video takes up so much bandwidth. And. So some of the countries, during the night it's not that stable so he leaves it off so that he can receive, videos I turn my camera on you won't see me so, it's just weird I've been talking this to career at. That. Sometimes. School. To bed pretty. Late or. Can. You tell us what would be it to people that for you. Yeah. So depending. On what time, my first classes, like I usually try because, I've been going to bed very late I usually. Just. Kind of get my day started with breakfast. Ok coffee sit, down. It's a nice candle for the day. Look. At any previous notes it's, the first time I'm seeing that student, I look at the teachers notes, from before so I. Kind of might be able to expect whether we dis is our what their strengths are. If. It's a brand, new student they've never seen anyone I'm going to be the first teacher I, know, that to be asking. More. Personalized. Questions, so, that way any. Other teachers, they see, after getting a sense of who they are I. Look, at the lesson that. Is. Selected for, them if they selected, a lesson, sometimes. They. Sometimes. They customize a. Couple. Students, who. Like to. And. Then, for. The. The main my. Main level. There are words, that need to be done after class what. Their strengths and weaknesses are in certain areas, so. I actually tend, to lead to LeapPad. Because. Compared. Between my classes. So. We're getting away from the computer kind. Of beside. And. So. You've been doing that for about, two. Years a. Library. Or yeah, what's, the most, important, thing that you, have nerves. To. Be open, and to be flexible. Sometimes. You have no idea, what's. Going to be happening, just. Coming into. This, classroom even. If it's somebody you, speak with frequently. Where. The conversations. Going to go so. Being flexible. And. Were. You able to. Make. One you from the very beginning or, how, much time did it take you to actually have, the, program senator yeah. So from, the very beginning mom so. The. Way they I don't. Know if they've changed it since, I came, on but. They. Anyone, and then they give you the orientation and training and, you, can start doing group, classes, and then after that you traditionally for, private lessons and people start assigning. Private, lessons. Now. Because, of the, time I came on they have already done their class assignments. For. That, week, so, it's coming on into the week, but always, if you see ones. So. I was able to start, making money right away which. Is great yeah. Especially. When you start your business and things like, here. In two years before any connection. Good. Thank you yeah. So. There was a time. It. Took a few months. Yeah. So when. I first started I had mostly, group classes, and group classes are pretty. Stable you know that class is going to happen. If. No, students, come in then. You get paid for the time that you waited right. Wait we'll give you a full hour, so. I just opened, up as much availability.

As Possible. And. Just. Totally. Freaked me out where my. Whole week was just nothing but private lesson spots. Where. My group classes because those are like the stable, one and, somebody. Would use. For. Four, weeks straight it was nothing but private lessons, and they did if you'll. Go. Back. Back to the next now I just want, to loosen up, my lessons, to classes. Because. Of your classes require. See. Students. From different parts of the world in this. Class and they. All different accidents half. The time - can't understand, each other them. To interact with each other like okay, I need you to ask your classmate this question. But. I can't understand you. So. You have to read you. Know say what they said. Why. Did you say that. So. Yeah it can be fun but they require. A lot of energy. Building. Up from that when we could. Surely talk to clients you said, that you were actually. Managing. Your energy rather than managing, your time and, you tell us more about that so. I know, that for me my peak, energy times, power. And. Time. So. I do, prefer, the trying schedule classes around those times that I employed, the afternoons, and the early mornings of course. But. The. Afternoons, are where I think I'm. Ready for that. Be. Calm. Being. Traded. Siestas. New attribute, I do that, now so, I. Sleep. And. Then, I feel better and I'm ready to go but yeah. That's always been like man my energy levels so even when I did work 9:00 to 5:00 lintels. My bosses. Want to schedule management please not now, you know between the hours of 2:00 to 4:00 please. Just. Exhausted, so I don't have to do that. Yeah. Usually I average. Six. To eight a day. When. I first started I think two days. But. Yes, to say it some days yeah. It's. Perfect. If you don't have to do a hold on preparation, work so we can just teach. But. If you have to do prep then. I probably. Hours. So. It, really yeah it's really good to be able to do that. But. It's just the structuring. Some. Days I think I do, shorter. Days. When I've done. Today. I taught three classes. It's. Sunday at. 3:00. So but, an average is out of OCC, and then, it comes back to managing. My. Sundays, are you - my busy days and. They. Usually show, up so. Whenever I will cook I cook but on Saturdays, I had, a full day scheduled. I would probably see about three or four I have a reliance. On sentiment. But on. A Saturday, Sunday. They all show up. Monday. I don't. It. Looks like things are very, well for you what, are your plans for the future I. Would. Like to continue teaching. How. I do that idle I do. Miss. In-person. Classroom, teaching I didn't I'm looking. For training so I would, like to at. Some point in the future do, something. But. I'm not entirely sure how. 14:50, transmen. Have. To come back to. So. The. Events called, yeah. We'd love to actually review on. How. You feel. Things are going to evolve into work harder, you see, people work in, ten minutes twenty years thirty years I. Think. The. Trend of contract, work is what we continue in, fact this idea of the employer Indian students. Dead. That. Way, really. Is going, to be about, treating. Yourself as, a business, business, appointment. Doing. Employers, as. A client. Because. I think that at. Least here in North America in other places they still have the traditional. Notion to go in front of us, employer for twenty. Thirty years when they retire. The. Idea of being. But. And it always has but I think there's just too much turnover, people, are, looking. At life differently. Work, balance, I think very. Different way and and. I, see like a new generation of people. Not. Interested in what previous, generations. Looking. At experience, life. Experiences. You.

2018-12-20 08:53

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