Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

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foreign i wish i could go in there  oh boy i want some chocolate maybe i'll go to the candy shop see what they have hey can i get some candy for free because i have  no money no money i'm sorry kid but uh if i give   candy for everybody then i'll be out of business  i only throw out candy anyway when i'm singing so   well can you can you sing now so i can get some  free candy please please kid if you want candy   you should uh get a free uh golden ticket you  know wonka he's uh giving away free tickets in uh   random candy balls golden tickets i i need to go  on ticket to go inside the factory and then i get   all the candy i want is that is that  right yeah that's right kid you can do it   just find a golden ticket and then  you go to the factory you got a kid though that's extremely rare because it's  only like five of them and uh there's the   whole world and i think everyone wants them  so good luck with that i'm gonna find one   i i am candy man i'm gonna find  one i'm gonna go to the factory   you know i guess i could sing a little  bit candy men men men men men candy men   candy men men men men candy men candy men men men men men men men candy men   okay well i i guess i'll i'll get going  now yeah yeah have a good day there charlie   oh hey there charlie how was your day today oh  it was good grandpa but i actually heard that uh   five people will get to go into the chocolate  factory uh if they find like a golden ticket   golden chicken well i wish i could help you find  one charlie but i've been you know i've been in   this bed for 20 years and i'm not getting out  anytime soon you know i mean if i gotta go to   ticket maybe i'll come out but i can't help you  look for one it's okay grandpa if you didn't   get out of bed for uh you know when i was born i  guess it's not likely you're gonna go to bed now   uh but uh yeah i hope i find one because i  i really want a chocolate bar do you know   cheer up charlie ah no no no no no no singing  please no singing it hits me here's my ears   okay well i'm gonna go to bed then all right  charlie go to sleep dad i wish you'd let me   sing i feel like i have a good voice and i really  have no other role in this movie i just it just it   hurts my ears anyway well i hope that boy finds a  golden ticket i mean we have no money but i hope   he gets one you know me too me too dad anyway you  should get some sleep i'm gonna go to bed as well this machine will tell us the precise  location of all five wonka golden tickets   and i'm now going to ask it computer  where are the five golden tickets   it says i'm not telling that will be cheating  all right uh i am now telling the computer if it   shares with me the location of the five tickets i  will gladly share with the grand prize it says uh   what would a computer do with  a lifetime supply of chocolate   i'm now telling it precisely what  it can do with a lifetime supply   of chocolate this just in breaking  news all five tickets have been found   all five tickets have been found by kids and  some shady dude all five tickets are taken i just wanted to find the  ticket and go to the factory i'm sorry charlie well i bet that  chocolate just tastes terrible anyway   i was looking forward to some cabbage soup  anyway i bet that tastes better than chocolate   chocolate gross right i'm sure you're right  grandpa i'm sure you're right about that i   bet it tastes terrible i don't want to  go to the factory anyway cheer up charlie stop singing please stop uh okay  well i gotta go see you guys   hey there's money in here sweet i'm gonna buy  candy hiya candy man i like a candy bar please   candy bar you don't have any money  i do have some i found some in the   streets so i want a candy bar please okay  all right here's your candy bar kid enjoy   there's not any tickets in there though because  they already found all the uh tickets you know   i know but i just want a sweet taste of  candy so i'm gonna take it home and eat it   i'm going home with my sweet candy bye candy man  yeah see you around there charlie see you around hey mom hey grandpa hey grandma hey everybody   hey charlie how's it going i'm good i found some  free money so i i gotta i got myself a candy bar   anyway i'm gonna watch some tv now okay yes let's  watch the tv together let's all watch the tv   we bring you this special report let you guys  know that one of the tickets was a fake the   shady person faked their ticket that means one  of the tickets is still out there and anyone   could find them one more ticket out there  wait a minute yeah charlie oh open your candy   that you bought earlier wait oh my  goodness there's a golden ticket in here   what charlie it's not funny to make fun of us  like that okay yeah charlie that's they've already   found all the tickets already no there was a fake  one and i haven't i have the ticket right here   oh my goodness we're gonna go we're gonna go to  the factory i can bring someone too check it out   grandpa golden ticket for days right here guys i'm  gonna take it for days we're going to the factory oh my goodness oh you're right charlie   you're right oh my goodness it looks like you  got the golden ticket you know what we got the   golden ticket we got a golden ticket we got  a golden ticket we're gonna go to the factory   yay i got free candy for life now  this is gonna be sweet right yeah   oh man this is gonna be sweet come on let's go  let's go let's go i've been in bed for 20 years   but it's good to get up and move my feet right  guys come on all right yeah all right slow down   there grandpa slow down um you just got out of  the bed i'm fine i'm honestly i'm good i'm good   cheer up charlie no no no stop singing stop stop  we're happy we're happy now but it's my only song   let me sing it no no we're dancing having a good  time i got a golden ticket i got it all by myself   well actually i found it grandpa so uh  it's fine fine you can come too though   fine all right let's uh let's let's get  going then all right all right let's let's go i'm going to put willy wonka out of  business because i'm going to eat   all his chocolate in one year please i could  eat all this chocolate even quicker than that   when are they gonna open it up come on  i've got gum to eat come on hey charlie   come over here charlie what okay oh  hey uh candyman marcus how you doing   yeah i'm good charlie listen to me i want you  to go get me an everlasting cupcake you hear me   because i need one for my shop everlasting  cupcake what what what is that that sounds amazing   yeah yeah it's gonna be sweet man  everlasting cupcake you get me one of those   and uh we can be both be rich you know what i mean  we'll be both rich anyway i'm gonna get back to   the shop have a good time in the factory charlie  okay thanks sir marcus i'll see you later buddy my my look at all these children oh  oh i'm sorry i'm sorry look at all   these wonderful children here are  you ready to come into my factory   yeah let us in already come on we got our tickets  we want to go come on patient children patience   all right let me open the gates and let you in  are you ready for a wonderful day come on i want   my chocolate please give me my chocolate come on  children i want to go fast out of my way i'm first here we are what is it what what is this room this room is so small um is this room actually  shrinking or is that just your imagination i   think that's from something else oh really what's  that from uh some ride maybe welcome where's the   bathroom i gotta use the bathroom there'll be time  for bathrooms later now everyone up the stairs   and through the tiny door up there but we can't  fit through there wonka we're too big for that   nothing here is as it seems  this is a place of imagination   and mystery and stuff let's go everybody this room  is getting smaller i think we're getting bigger   i can't fit up here this door is too  small come on everybody up you go well i don't know about you guys  but i'm getting something to eat oh man look at all this candy here it's amazing  so many candies here i don't know what to choose   yes what do you guys think of my imagination  there's so much candy here try some of the   chocolate desserts mmm they're very good hey  wonka how did you make this place so magical magical it's all for my imagination and also  i pinterested a lot of it check out this one   i followed pinterest on cool ideas  for chocolate factory it's pretty neat   wait i got a sea dish really yes hey grandpa  we got sausages over here candy sausages   look at all this chocolate  in papa which is awesome oh my gosh look over there who are those things   whoa they're like little guys over there  little little little workers or something hey dad i want one of those oompa loompas   all right all right there uh i'll get you  how much uh how much for uh willy wonka   i'll get you one so you worry how much willy wonka  i'm sorry but they're not for sale come on woolly   everything's a sale if you have the right number  come on come on willy ah no they're not they   were my friends and my workers and i like them a  lot all right we'll just have to negotiate then   come on dad i want one come on  give me an open loop and now   yeah i'm gonna go into the chocolate river  augustus no no get out of the water augustus get   out that is chocolate not water oh this chocolate  is delicious so good so good my son where did my   son go he's been sucked up by that giant pipe  there oh oh well i guess he's a gonna now   he's gonna get uh taken to the uh fudger  factory the fudge factory no no no no   no bring him back willy wonka i think he's in  the pipes now what what watch it watch him go   don't worry i'm in the chocolate pipe mummies  it's everything is it's fine right now augustus no   vodka where did he go ivanka  oh here we fudge in seconds   you should probably make your way  down to the fudging room where uh   you can retrieve your son there oh augustus  i'm coming mommy's coming for you augustus   uh are we are we singing a song of this at this  point are we uh okay uh oompi loompi your kids are   the fudge room okay well now let's go down to the  laboratory should we take that uh that that boat   over over there believe me you do not want to go  on that boat uh the last people we send in their   boats uh really got freaked out now we're just  gonna take the stairs down there oh okay i guess   i guess we can take the stairs i'm ready to go  i'm ready to go here we are in the inventing room   want to see something really cool that i've been  working on i can't i haven't quite finished it   yet but it's almost finished sure walker let's  see it what what what you got working on there   i call it my everlasting cupcake machine button  button who has the button oh here it is right here now who wants some cupcakes everlasting cupcakes  me me me i want one wonka i i want a cupcake   i want two gimme two wonka i want two  everyone will get one cupcake each okay   one and don't eat them because they're not quite  ready yet i'm still walking out the kinks okay   i'm gonna eat mine right now i don't care oh this  is so good it lasts forever and it tastes like   blueberries it's like a blueberry cupcake this  is amazing violet he told you not to eat that   violet hey wait what's happened to my daughter  what's what's going on with my daughter   i feel kind of funny i ah what's happened to  me what's going on my daughter's a blueberry   walker fix this fix this problem oh no  she's a blueberry uh-oh what's happening   to me i gotta i gotta go be juiced okay oh  i gotta go with these guys yay coming back you've been turning your blueberry and now we  have you hearing stuff okay this is ridiculous   my daughter's a blueberry all right well  should we continue our tour everybody   two naughty children gone three very good children  left am i right all right come on everybody   and here is my special fizzy lifting drink room   a little drink of this juice will have you  floating in the air unfortunately it's kind   of setting people too high up so it's not quite  ready yet can we try some wonka i'd love i love   some of the drink right now i'm so thirsty sorry  my boy sorry there's nothing we can do about that   but uh i just want you to see this room and uh  now we shall uh be leaving okay everyone follow me   down this way hey charlie let's get some of  this juice huh i'm pretty thirsty as well you think so grandpa okay yeah let's do it  it's gonna be sweet bottoms up feels good   i feel the bubbles all the bubbles inside my  body oh i've never felt like this before i'm   flying grandpa i'm flying me too charlie look at  me i'm flying towards the ceiling this is amazing oh this bubble stuff is good maybe  too good oh i'm get i'm getting very   crappy i'm getting too close to the fan  grandpa i can't stop floating upwards oh wait funny can perfect work this helps oh boy well let's get back to the tour okay and  here we have our golden eggs production area dad i want a golden goose okay so i can like have  my own golden eggs all right veruca i'll get you   a golden goose when we get back home okay no dad i  want one right now i want a golden goose right now   dad but we're on a tour darling all  right let me uh let me ask wonka then   also i think these are golden flamingos not  golden gooses i don't care what they are dad i   want a golden goose get me a golden ghost right  now or i will never love you again all right   all right be reasonable i'll try my best all  right wonka how much for the golden flamingo i'm   sorry but they're not for sale come on you said  that about the balloon give me a golden flamingo   you can't have everything in this world enoch  and your daughter i want one now and if i don't   get what i want i'm gonna get very angry i want a  god of flamingo and a golden ghost i want one now where'd my daughter go where'd you go i'm sorry  but she was a very bad egg my daughter my door   she wish where's she gone well i'm afraid she's  uh gone to the trash and uh you know they take   that out every tuesday today is tuesday it is  it is tuesday so you better get down there quick   before she's uh taken away for good baroque  i'm coming for you darling i'm coming for you   oh man she was a bad egg i get it because  she was on the egg machine right here   all right on with the tool on with the tool now now this is a very experimental room what is it uh wonka it's the wonka vision i'm  gonna be beaming hot chocolates and cupcakes   to everyone around the world holy moly how did you  how did it work let me show you i was hoping you   would ask ah tv i love tv i watch it all the time  that's gonna be suede let me show you how it works see that those are the particles that represent  the cupcake and it's beaming to the tv over there   what what's happening where where is it  wait i see it i see it coming through   whoa that's amazing you made that uh cupcake  shrink yes i know and we can beam the cupcakes to   everyone around the world as well and you know  what it doesn't just work on cupcakes either   wait what can i be on tv oh i want to be on tv i  gotta try this hey walker do me next to me do me   do me do me i mean okay let's uh let's do this  thing me me me me me me me me me me me me me is he coming through mike mike what's  happening i think i can see him hey look at me   i'm on tv hey mom look at me i i'm on  i'm on the tv this is so cool sweet mike   you shrugged my boy hmm i guess it does work on  people interesting i always wanted to try that   well i'm sure your son's fine just take him  to the stretchy room and uh we'll get them all   sorted out okay my son my boy back i'm coming  i'm gonna get you stretched that'll be great hang on you don't know where you're going well  yes sir it's just us huh oh boy this place is   uh this is crazy all right well that's the end of  the tour so um thanks for coming and um yeah the   exit is right over there so uh exit um wait what  yes that's the end have you not uh seen enough   i've shown you all the the factory anyway i've  got so much to do anyway bye-bye see you later now   what but what about all our free candy did  we get like a lifetime supply or something okay um well i'm gonna talk to that willy wonka  hey walker you promised us free candy um i didn't   promise you free candy i promised you nothing  yes you did at the beginning you said we went   free candy for the rest of our lives i think that  was on the ticket you don't get free candy because   you drunk the fizzy lifting drink you get nothing  you hear me nothing so get out of here okay   you were naughty and so you must leave you get  nothing good day sir i say good day to you come   on charlie let's go someone wants a everlasting  cupcake they're gonna get one hey willy wonka   here's your here's your everlasting cupcake bag oh  charlie don't you see you've did it my boy you did   it you've passed the test you've done it this over  here is my friend marcus oh that's marcus he's the   one who wanted the the cupcake there ah marcus  he's uh worked for me for years yeah that's right   charlie that's why i work for the candy shop i  mean uh willy wonka we go way back right uh willie   we sure do we sure do marcus you know charlie  i've been looking for a child to take over   my whole factory here and i think you are  the white boy the whole factory for me   that's right see i know a child would only do the  right thing for the chocolate factory and you're   definitely the white child for the job boy oh  boy this is amazing oh my dreams are coming true   and you know what charlie i have  something more to show you as well   serving more what do you have to show me follow  me charlie follow me let's go all right i'll just   um yeah i just gotta hang out here then that's  cool yeah candyman can do whatever he wants to do let's go i'm going to show  you this amazing invention wow i call it the wonkavader come on everybody  come inside wow this is the wonkavader   amazing oh where can it go i can press  whatever button i want to amazing   i'm going to press this button right here  do it charlie let's see where it goes wow you

2021-04-02 02:02

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