Why traders cannot get consistency in trading

Why traders cannot get consistency in trading

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good morning good evening good  afternoon how's everyone doing   all right all right all right okay see  uh a ton of you guys in here in this room   we've got 551 people and counting so we're  going to talk about a important topic today   uh consistency prior to each of these webinars we  generally do a recording of our podcast so if you   ever want you can you can tune in earlier and log  in earlier into the webinars and you can actually   watch us do the recording live for At The Table  and being part of one of the episodes as well so   you can always tune in to these episodes 30  minutes prior to the webinar beginning if you   want to if you want to listen to the podcast  we did today it will also be available below   this webinar um in the link if you're watching the  recording uh or anything like that so having that   said having that said consistency consistency  is for those of you guys who are new i have a   very special announcement towards the end i'm  going to make so um i want to stay around for that   uh this is something that we don't normally do so  i'm gonna i'm gonna announce that towards the end   let's ask that million dollar question now how  many guys in here have an issue with consistency   okay one person says i feel like i'm in  therapy welcome to Urban Forex therapy okay okay so i see a bunch of people saying me me  me me okay good good so consistency is a big thing   now i want you to try to put yourself in the  position of you are not in your body anymore   okay yeah i i know i know it's like i thought  naveen you were a serious guy or you're an   ex-banker and you're traitor and this and  what is this mumbo jumbo just just go with   it all right you always come to my webinars you  trust me so far trust me with this go with it   you're out of your body and you're looking at  yourself okay here we go we're gonna go hippie on   you for today you're out of your body okay you're  looking at yourself and i want you to see yourself   taking a trade if you have to close your eyes  for this do it okay no trade yogi okay so   close your eyes just imagine yourself  at your desk how you normally trade   you are now out of your body and you're  sitting next to you watching yourself trade   how many times do you feel that when  you take a trade you took a chance okay i want you to just  internally answer that okay   or if you have to type it in you can  type it up to you that you took a chance   you took a chance now i want you to ask the second  question in case you're not taking a chance how   many times when you get into the trade you feel  it's a great trade but as soon as it doesn't work   a little bit you start doubting yourself thinking  what if it's wrong actually what if it's wrong okay now here's another one you're looking  at yourself the trade is going your way   and you close the trade in profit you you see the  sheer excitement on your own face but you know   that that person you're looking at is happy   but you know he or she is not able to probably  replicate that again but he or she wants to   he or she feels oh man if i can only do  this so regularly life would be so good right but you feel you made that money but  you're like did i actually make that money   or was it simply luck yet once again yeah once  again so what do you recognize when you're looking   at yourself taking these trades every time  you take it now i want you to think about it   is it a strategy issue and  let's say it's a strategy issue   you're looking at yourself and you're saying  all right i'm going to get onto google   i'm going to find hmm what should i type  in google what is the best forex strategy okay so you see yourself typing that and you're  typing in google what is the best forex strategy   and you come across a million of  them all of them have some kind   of indicators or something and  you're like all right this is it you take that strategy you're trying to  implement it to the best of your ability   and then you have one losing trade how many of you  can actually tell me that after that losing trade   do you feel you're on the wrong path as soon as  one loss or two losses you feel what am i doing   maybe this is not right for me i'm probably on  the wrong path maybe it's the wrong strategy   so much stuff comes up so much stuff comes up  in your mind and all that negativity that you   might be holding at in the corner like a  parent or a loved one or um a well-wisher   who might be telling you hey man don't trade forex  it's dangerous and when you get one or two losses   all that information starts flowing in where  you start feeling horrible and saying i know   they're right but i don't want to believe  them let me see if i can find another trade and then pounding on the losses compounding  the losses it gets worse and worse and worse   and then now there's so much shame and  guilt that we don't want to talk about it   we don't want to talk about it this  is the root of the consistency problem   this is the root of the consistency problem it  is such a bad thing how we begin the journey   that the journey gets closed and we don't  like to talk about what happened if you   don't like to talk about what happened  you cannot fix things that are not working does that make sense you're gonna have to  open that back up you're gonna have to be   humble about it you're gonna have to come down  to earth again and say it's okay people will talk   let them talk they always talk until you shine  and then they say oh i knew one day you were   going to be something you know i've heard that  so many times in my life i've heard that so many   times in my life people will talk it's what they  do what else will they do they're bored because   they have nothing else going on in their life so  they're going to say something about you at least   just take it because you know that  they're bored so just accept it it's okay   it's okay but don't take it in because they  don't define who you are they don't define who   you are you define who you are if you accept that  information oh you're going down the wrong hole do   not take in that information okay just let it let  it come through you and pass through you okay so   what we're gonna do today is we're going to open  up that chapter today of the things that we do bad   we close it and we put it away we're going  to open that up today we're not going to put   it away we're going to dig deeper into it and  find out what's actually wrong how do i fix it   that begins your journey of consistency okay we  can switch strategy to strategy but it will end up   pointing at the same pain which we we're  gonna say okay well then next strategy   next mentor next system okay next job next job  you know next relationship it's the same thing   over and over again in any part of life over  and over again okay you gotta get good at saying   how do i deal with conflict that's what it is  okay you heard irma armor talk about it earlier   talking about post analysis seems to be the single  most important thing that a lot of the consistent   traders are doing so what is this post analysis  is to look back and see what did i do wrong   or right how can i do more of what i did right how  can i do less of what i did wrong the boring stuff   so let's talk about that let's talk about  that okay all right let me open up uh the whiteboard here i'm gonna draw a  circle and you guys are gonna tell me   if you guys can see the circles one moment  i haven't drawn it yet just hang in there   okay just moving all the stuff around okay all  right hope is i'm gonna draw a circle right now   i hope my face is not in the way yeah i think  you guys can move my face around but if you're   watching this on the recording yeah you probably  can't move my face around sorry about that   um you're just gonna have to deal with our brown  guys somewhere on your screen okay all right   so let's let's take a look at this let's take a  look at this let's say you want to do one thing   you like to trade Fibonacci okay you guys have  heard of Fibonacci before right the mathematician   you know it talks about different types of  retracement in the markets and the markets   continue in a certain way and you guys also know  about support and resistance just very basic stuff   prices go up if they pull back and they go  up this was resistance it can become support simple thing yeah okay so all of you guys know  about support resistance and most of you guys know   about Fibonacci. Fibonacci is basically if you  if you draw from this lowest point to that highest   point the Fibonacci tendency is around the 50 mark  or the 61.8 percent mark or the 38.2 i believe   what is that one of those numbers the market  should generally respond and continue in its   original direction okay in a nutshell that's not  what Fibonacci was made for he didn't have forex   trading back in the day but we're just putting  it in the forex language of how fibonacci is used   okay so far so good all right all right let's say this is the strategy you work with you work with  the strategy of prices when they go up and they   make a new high if they come back i like to buy  that super simple that's a strategy that you do now when prices come back and they do that  and you hit the buy right around those areas   you notice prices do this okay and that might have stopped you out  first now think about it think about it   take a take a moment and reimagine  yourself when you did that trade   imagine you're sitting here sitting next to  yourself and watching yourself trade that   you did the buy where i have the arrow  and you put your stop loss below that by   and it stops you out and it goes in your favor two  things are gonna happen you're gonna be very upset   right and two in case you're not upset  and you feel fomo you might enter the buy   here by chasing it by saying oh it's a buy it's  a buy and you end up catching the buy up there yes or no you guys agree these are the only  two options okay there is no other option okay   the third option is i don't do anything and i  do post analysis that most people don't do okay   we're gonna talk about that why doesn't that  happen why doesn't why can't we take a moment sit   back and be like all right what just happened what  just happened all right so let's talk about this   so we know a certain piece and our mind goes uh  sorry here we go a certain piece in our mind goes   aha i knew it i knew it's gonna go up so our  our brain is focusing on it worked it worked   right right it worked but the reality is we're  not focusing on hey but i got stopped first   i got stopped first the the the correct  voice that should be coming to you saying   yeah but you didn't make any money and the  devil sitting there next to you is trying to   keep you calm and enjoy the moment  by saying but you knew the direction   you told all your friends it's going to  be a buy and it was a buy so cool right we need to solve this we need to solve that  we don't care to look good by saying i knew   the direction no one cares no one cares if  you really ask your friends who you might   be giving that call to they don't care also  that's the reality they actually don't care   they're just going to look back at you say good  for you buddy good for you but they don't care so   you need to let go of that ego of i know which way  the markets are going to go let's go with the idea   of i don't know which way the markets are going to  go can we begin learning from that moment onwards when we accept these words only then your learning begins just like when  you started trading you started with this notion   all the knowledge you have right now comes from  this notion the moment you remove this word your   learning stops the moment you remove that word  your learning stops right then and there as you   age that word disappears as you get more  ego ego will replace this word for you does that make sense so you need to humble down  to continue the learning process so you can fix   what's wrong so you can fix what's wrong okay  so now let's talk about what's actually wrong   okay we're just keeping it simple  so far we're keeping it simple   so we got stopped here and now we're coming to  a conclusion of maybe my price of the line i   drew is not the same line everybody draws what  if the line is supposed to be lower huh okay   so you do that and you come back the next time  around and the next trade that you do does this okay right it's like that's the next phase and  you're sitting through it was like what the   are you kidding me i i trained to  make it better but it made it worse   it made it worse and now i'm thinking  should i actually buy it sooner should i buy it sooner like is is  what what is wrong with this trade so   in this process what you're doing is you're  searching this search cannot stop it cannot stop   until you come up with a solid  explanation over and over and over again   never end this search if you truly are searching  for the answer you will find it there's a saying   in the ancient languages saying if you  even want to look for god you'll find him   okay so open up your search and don't don't  turn back just keep searching for the answer   you will find it but you gotta be looking for it  constantly okay and that's how you get smarter   and smarter and smarter and you learn more  and more about the markets than ever before   okay but you cannot stop the learning so you're  doing more post analysis you're figuring out   okay so i'm doing all of this stuff and i don't  know why prices are going from here sometimes   from here or sometimes from here how do i  figure that out and then you watch a webinar   and then you watch a webinar and there's  this brown guy with hair slicked backwards   okay he's talking like he's running some therapy  classes and he's saying welcome to urban forex let   me show you how the markets move and why they  move he teaches you the why and you're sitting   there saying i'm here to solve my thing which is  how do i buy this i don't know how to buy that   in his webinars in my webinars okay if you haven't  picked up on that yet in my webinars you pick up   on a certain piece of information when i teach you  something like this the markets are going sideways   they're not going anywhere there's three states  of the market three states of the market what are   the three states for those many of you guys are  students what are the three states of the markets okay range channel trend done these are the  three states one state is range which is sideways   okay the second state is trend which is higher  high higher lows or lower high lower lows   and the final state is channel which is very deep  pullbacks but inching slightly higher so far so   good am i drawing too close to my face yeah i  think i'm running too close to my face right   all right i'll i'll i'll  be careful i'll be careful   okay so these are the three states not new york  pennsylvania and jersey no not not those states   the three states of the market okay all right  now here we go let's take it a step further   in one of these webinars you learn a basic  knowledge of hey when you break this range   when you break that range because the range hasn't  been broken too hard you realize oh i'm not sure   if this is a trend which will do this and leave  or i'm not sure if this is going to be a channel which is going to come down very low and leave  ah so by learning a little technique where it   says well see how big the break is based on  the size of the brick compared to the size   of the range you will sort of have an idea  of how deep you're going to get a pullback and then you have an epiphany you're like oh that  changes everything like all those memes you see   right people screaming like ah it's like so you're  you're going through that phase of like oh i just   i i've been in this industry so long how come  i never saw that doesn't matter you saw it now   you try to make it better you do a trade you do  the buy right here and it still stops you out a   little bit and it goes and you're like why didn't  it go from here why did it come slightly lower   okay but one thing that you didn't notice  is you didn't buy it from up here at least   that's a good thing you're  building a bit more consistency   okay you're still trying to do that simple  thing of i want to buy on top of my snr   i want to buy on top of my snr right but you  see what we're doing is by you staying alert   and trying to take in more information you're  trying to find out how can i make my buys better   if you suddenly one day come across someone says  you know what support resistance doesn't work   that'll throw you off your game that'll throw  you off your game you need to stay put and try   to understand the more you learn about that one  specific topic the more you go deeper and deeper   into it the better you're gonna become at trading  support and resistance does that make sense does that make sense so wherever you acquire  your knowledge as long as you're applying it   towards what you're trying to do you get better  and better and better all you have to do is say   i don't know how to do this show me  okay and someone might give you one   idea someone might give you another idea it's  your job to take all those ideas in and be like   i like that one but i don't like that  one okay let me see what i can do   let me see what i can do okay i'm gonna teach  you guys one little technique okay ready okay i'm gonna remove all this one thing i want you guys all to know as basics  as very basics because this basics is like a   fundamental knowledge and uh i need to get you  guys all the fundamental knowledge before you even   do any type of trading okay the fundamental  knowledge is markets are coming down let's   say coming down coming down coming down now  they're going sideways and now they're going up   and up and up and up would you say  these are support resistance trades right these are all support  resistance trays correct all right now i want you to understand one concept  of you can have the same pattern but not all   are equal you might be like what the hell  but you drew it so perfectly i know thank you   thank you my drawings are awesome but still  not all pullbacks are exactly the same now   let's explain the question why okay i'm gonna  use a certain amount of names right okay so   uh marcus jason um cayston javore eric  all of you guys are on one team as   buyers okay if you're a buyer where do you want  to buy from what's the concept of stock trading   how do you buy buy low sell high right common  sense buy low sell high buy low sell high   like it's it's like you can just write that on  your wall buy a low sell high right okay now i   want you to understand when prices are coming  down everyone thinks the market is going down   who knows the markets are going to go up who do  you think knows that who do you think has that   much money to push the market up that's a very  very large player that's a very large player okay the fact that they can turn a dropping market they  can buy so much of it that they make the markets   actually turn what happens in this churn of as the  big boys are buying so all those names i've called   out these are all of you guys right you guys are  all the big boys in here yep all of you guys are   like yeah baby we're making some money nice shiny  teeth you're like smiling money in the bank you're   like yeah let's do this money is making money it's  going up it starts pulling back how do you feel okay it goes up you're like oh yeah making double  making more than i was before how do you feel   good prices come down like then it goes up again how do you feel and it comes down again at certain points when  it keeps coming down won't it start to scare you   at some point saying whoa whoa i don't think the  flow has much left in it let's start to cash out   let's start to cash out these big boys are  now selling they're removing their money they're removing their money but what happens to  the general public when they see an uptrend like   this oh i also want to buy i also want to buy they  join all the buys up here all the buys up here so far so far so good you are buying  what the larger player is getting rid of   you are buying what the larger  player is getting rid of   right simple enough you guys get the logic and  the flow of how the markets flow left and right so   now let's put it into a nutshell let's put  it into a nutshell so that means naveen i want to be buying i want to be buying this this this but then as  it gets higher and higher i don't want to be   buying anymore because i don't know at what  point it's going to collapse and die on me   and that is correct and that is correct this is  why sometimes your support and resistance will   work absolutely fantastically but there will  be at times where your support and resistance   who used to work absolutely  fantastically suddenly will do and you're like what just happened that was a  perfect support and resistance i drew it perfectly   he came down 50 mr fibonacci also signed off  on it the stars were aligned the moon was in   one location mars was in one location i asked  my astrologer he said go for it my mom said   you're a good boy do it my dog was looking at  me saying good job you can do this what happened context is wrong context is wrong so now  you're learning a new thing you're like okay   i'm a support and resistance trader and i learned  a thing about how much does the range break based   on that i'll learn how deep it can come that  will change the way i do my buys from support   and resistance cool cool cool that's tip  number one tip number two the context if i   buy too late in the trend i can get in trouble  okay okay okay but you see what's happening   here you're not learning a new system you're  learning to get better at what you're trying to do you need to have that hunger to solve that  problem over and over and over and over again does that make sense okay now here's a simple example of context  okay there's a nice chair that's you sitting   in your chair and this is let's say this is the us  okay you're sitting in the chair you're chilling   a person walks into your house and you are like  um hello can i help you what are you doing in   my house bang okay horrible gun you get the idea  and the guy is dead person came into your house   no permission of yours and you shot him he's dead  no good no good no good here's another context now   same thing let's switch this story around a little  bit the guy comes in to tell you hey someone's   robbing your car someone's robbing your  car be careful now do you want to shoot him it's the same situation someone walked into  your house aggressively but now you don't want   to shoot him now you're like oh why don't you  have a seat let's have a beer together after we   kill that guy outside robbing my car right it's  a whole different story he's your buddy now so   if we trade so simply and we just don't take  into context unnecessarily people will die   okay that's the moral of the story don't kill  people for no reason it's not cool okay okay   weird example and and we at urban forex we do not  endorse gun violence whatsoever if you own a gun   you you you are in my naughty list okay  so but you can it's your your choice but   i don't like it all right so far so far so good  you guys get the idea why context is important i see people saying sorry i'm late i just  came into the webinar and you're talking   about robbing cars that's like okay context is  important like i'm not teaching how to rob cars   like context man okay there's there's the example  right there okay so there you have it right   and would you say we have the same problem  in real life with context in real life   when we judge people or judge a situation we  have a context issue right we don't like to   solve the thing we just like to take action  or judge it on the spot we don't like to   absorb the context and be like oh that makes  sense therefore i will respond accordingly   right so context is everything context is  everything now let's take it a step further   so now you know in your trading there's  more to it than just a beautiful design   okay just a beautiful design won't  get you anywhere this right here is a   beautiful design if you have nice colorful um  moving averages uh like this oh look at that   oh such a beauty nice nice let me oh yes  beautiful beautiful like just absolutely gorgeous   okay lots of mas lots of moving averages  crossovers and now your prices get up to here   and everyone is screaming you  gotta sell man you gotta sell   you can now be that guy like white context  everybody context okay so the key to trading   at the end of the day the key to trading  at the end of the day is what am i doing why am i doing it and what's the purpose this  needs to be answered immediately immediately   i want you to know there's  only two answers to this what do you think is the right answer this one  number one or number two it's always going to   be number two it's always going to be number two  you know why take a look at this market's going up   pulls back goes up pulls back let's say your job  is to buy from snr you he comes down lower and   you're like oh well i was gonna buy it there  it doesn't look good and then he does this   and you're like oh no and you buy it  there what did you just answer from   number one and number two which one did you  go for being right or going after the money you went after number one you're trying to  prove yourself right but you're not thinking   about hey i can't buy too high that's too close  to resistance what if they hit it again i don't   know why i'm doing this game i forgot for some  reason i want this now when did that happen when   did being right become more important than making  money didn't i join this industry to make money what just happened who hijacked my brain  and why do i want to be right who am i   trying to prove myself to you gotta remove that  immediately remove that immediately so far so good   okay because this can come into a lot of a  lot of problems about what is actually the   right thing to do and what is the idea of oh  i was right there for it let me run after it okay let's take it a step further  let's take it a step further let's   take you down the line two years you're  now in the trading seat for two years   you're learning many things you're learning  lots of techniques you're learning lots of   tips and tricks you're still trying  to master support and resistance and then you see an ad and there's a guy in the ad with a hat  the hat pointed backwards and he says bruh i got this new forex trading  system and all you got to do   is i will give you a buy or a sell button  and whenever i say bra you buy you buy   because bra you've seen my lamborghini  in the back that's how i trade what happened to your hard work of  two years why is this so enticing   why is it so enticing why is bra suddenly more  important than your two years of hard work   right yeah and he's got a necklace  down to his feet you know full of gold okay why why why why does bro have the  answer and why don't you have the answer   what does bra know right so there's obviously lots of doubts that you  will get along the way what you're going to   start thinking have i been doing it wrong this  whole year that's what begins the doubt and this   is where these guys thrive this is where these  guys thrive that's where they make all their money   now remember what we talked about  in the beginning of the webinar   what is the number one goal of consistency  what's the number one goal of consistency size if you know how to trade well you will  size up dramatically a lot constantly you will   never see bra trade with size you'll see him  trading micro lots mini lots fake accounts mt4   bra will never make it but you need to  know your goal is consistency your goal   is consistency because that's the only way you're  going to make it from this from this market okay   no there's i'm sorry a lot of you guys are asking  about mt4 there's nothing wrong with mt4 sorry   i opened up a can of worms there there's nothing  wrong with mt4 it's just mt4 when it was made back   in the day it had dealer plug-ins and all that  stuff it was made for the broker not the trader   okay so of course they've done away with all that  stuff now they're they're probably much cleaner   and beautiful and rosy and donating to cows and  children everywhere around the world but i've had   a bad experience with them in the past therefore  i no longer see them in the same light like i used   to okay but not a bad not a bad software they're  they're great they're great software okay now   let's take it further if you get better at this  and you get that buy in if you get better at that and you know nine out of ten times whenever  that happens you do it well what is the absolute   next thing you're gonna do what  is the evolution of that traitor   size there is no other way it's just size the evolution is not go out there and  buy a ferrari and get a necklace that   shines so much that it blinds people along  the way no that's not the evolution the   evolution is oh let's see what else i can  do it's size it's a curiosity will increase   like oh can i go bigger that's just  the normal evolution of a traitor okay so consistency is the main thing okay  right now i know for many many traders who   are starting off let's let's talk about it what  what are what are some of the bigger things   from for many many traders when they're starting  off what's the big thing what's the big headache   don't i need to know what to do first before  i can learn to con make it consistent and   then i can do size isn't that like like  the biggest concern well then where do i   begin do i do support resistance do i do that  fibonacci guy do i do the astrological forex   do i follow john wick one two six one five  on uh you know telegram because he's sending   he's selling uh signals for ten dollars john wick  himself like no like what's the answer what's the   answer the key is do you want to actually learn  trading or do you want to simply follow someone   there's that little difference there you  can't learn something so simple and then   someone says okay i've taught you everything  i know good luck i'm gonna tell you right   now and i want you all to be honest with me is  trading easy that it can be done in one month   no okay that's the unfortunate  hard hard hard truth however   and all those ideas of when i get rich i'm  going to buy a ferrari is that dream bad   absolutely not if that's what you're what drives  you then you do that you do that but don't forget   you're in this industry to make money not to be  right so if you put that aside of being right   you open the doors of what else do i need to  know about how i trade to get more consistent   so that's the stage two stage three is now that  i'm getting a little bit more consistent how can i   size up stage four is now that i've  sized up how can i let that trade run   longer can that trade even run longer what  if we take it all the way down to stage one   what do you think stage one is  what do you think stage one is how do i trade how does the market work   what do i need to look out for when should  i trade is this supposed to be even a buy   what's the plan and the number one thing that  i always like to teach is this piece here okay   i'm going to bring it back to the whiteboard is  always remember that one constant thing that will   stay true to you inside your gut which is if i  give you an apple for two dollars and you know   all your friends are buying that apple for ten  dollars does a light bulb go off in your head if i am selling you a car for ten dollars and you know everyone is buying  that same car for one thousand dollars does   a light bulb go off in your head why do you  need 40 cars you're not going to drive 40 cars   it's because you now understand business you're  like if i buy 40 of those and i sell 40 of those   i will make the difference between the two  and i'll be rich if i can only do this over   and over and over again so what essentially are  you doing what are you actually doing that's true   to your nature to who you really are what are you  actually doing what's that answer to that question what are you looking for you're looking for a deal  you're looking for a bargain you're looking for   a discount this is the name of the  game if you lose these three words   from the notion of why you're trading  it's game over before you even begin   so when prices go up and they pull back and they  go up and you're a pullback trader like that is   the good deal here here here or is the good deal  here here here the first three or second three   the first three i don't care how beautiful the  second three looks i don't care how many mas   are crossing over i don't care how many dogs and  uncles and aunties are saying that's the buy even   if elon musk knocks on your door and says that's  the buy you are like that's not a good deal the   only way that's going to be a good deal is if i  know for a certain fact price will end up here   and we don't know that if we do we might get  get arrested because that's inside trading but   we do know these are good deals so isn't our  job supposed to be how can we do this the best   this part that portion right there needs to be in  your nature of solving how can i buy that portion this will sit well with you as a trader as a  human being because you are already born with that   mindset you're born with it  there's nothing you need to   learn you already have it you're just changing  the word from apple and car you're saying euro usd if i know he needs to go up again and i just got a  discount can i buy it at whatever these prices are   and then take them up higher but if they  already go up and then i buy it up here   that doesn't sound like a good deal  that doesn't sound smart at all   does that make sense that's where the notion  comes of support and resistance trading   is a good way to trade why because it comes  with the fundamental backing of you're buying   a good deal if you do that oh so that's a  strategy i can work on if the strategy is this okay you see that the price is ten dollars   the price is five dollars if the price breaks out  and the price is 12 you must buy it uh excuse me i'm i'm sorry what just happened it's like   like you want me to buy 12 when i knew the  whole time it was bouncing around 10 and 5.   why why would i do that how do i know it's going  to go up to 16 i don't know but if that 12 comes   down to 10 again and it hovers around and  it's getting ready to go back up like oh i'll take that deal i'll take that deal  let's do this because i saw earlier today   there is some demand for it i'm not using any  words like euro usd or pound usd or anything   i'm saying remove those words look at  the chart and saying is that a good deal   do you understand a good deal and begin your  journey from that mindset whatever system   you trade whatever strategy you have that's  your groundwork if that groundwork is missing   everything drops out of the sky nothing  works everything falls because it's wrong   how many guys just had an aha  moment just by understanding these   nasty little squiggly lines that i've  been drawing today it's like yeah   good i'm glad i'm glad because a lot of the  times when you or i every time we look around   there's this notion of i want to be a trader i  want to be a trader but we never take a moment   and sit down and be like what is a trader  actually what is a trader supposed to do   instead of a trader supposed to make money and  buy a ferrari i get that part but that's the after   effect how do i become the trader itself before  i go and buy the ferrari i get the ferrari part   what does a trader do what's his job   let's understand that first yeah his job  is to buy at the best available price once he and his job is not only  to buy at the best available price   his job is to know if i buy now will it go  down lower or will it go up immediately oh   now we got timing oh are you such a good trader  that you can master timing yeah that's the next   stage if you know this is a good deal then it's  all about timing you don't want to buy too early   you don't want to buy too late then you  can work on this part that that's later   that's later but the fundamental piece is  i need that discount here's another thing   at what point would you say  the discount has been ruined at what point would you say the discount  is is gone nuts it's gone berserk if the price has come down  lower so let's say this is   ten dollars this is twenty dollars and  the price right now is at uh fourteen okay so you're like oh fourteen  is a good deal i i saw people were   willing to pay twenty dollars earlier today  now it's at 14 all right maybe it can go back   up uh not yet oh i see it's going back  up okay i'll buy it at 15. here we go   people are starting to buy it again all  right that's one way that's a discount   working in your favour but what if it doesn't  work what if it does 12 11 9. now it's like um what's going on now do you understand where your stop-loss  needs to be where your stop-loss needs   to be because that doesn't make any  sense that's not a good deal anymore so your stop-loss is simply the deal  doesn't make any sense that's what a   stop-loss is there for because a deal is  weird now it makes no sense so far so good   no pattern discussion no discussion of what pair  is this exactly um how many candles do i need   to look at none of that stuff none of that stuff  none of the stuff that people think is important   it's not important all that stuff  what's important is what are you doing do you know what you're doing if you  solve that then you can layer the next   piece and the next piece and the next  piece yeah does that make sense so now   earlier okay how many of you guys had aha moment  today yeah just breakthrough in just the thinking   you were able to observe yourself and see hey  i'm making silly mistakes actually when i forgot   why am i in this industry to begin with i'm  here to make money not to be right that doesn't   well i think i lost path right we get back  on track it's never too late never say oh   i'm too late i'm too old no no no no no you  get back on track you are here we are here we   go together we're going to move forward inch  by inch inch by inch if that takes one year   do it if that takes two years do it who cares who  cares because the pay that you earn from trading   is far superior than anything else you have  ever seen i promise you that i promise you that   okay it takes just as much work as any other  degree that you would do but you just gotta push   you gotta stick your nose in there and be like  i gotta learn i gotta get better i gotta learn i   gotta get better and you keep on walking one  inch at a time until you cross that desert   and then you rake in your profits  you're wrecking your profits right   now i promised you guys in the beginning of  this webinar for those of you guys who are new   how many guys were new in this webinar ? okay so we got a bunch of you guys who are new and  many of you guys who are uh have been here before   i don't normally do this but here we go one  of the programs that we have at Urban Forex   is the Mastering Price Action 2.0 that's like  the starting grounds that we have of Urban Forex  

before we go into some of the more serious  topics like the iconic trader program   or the elite community and all that stuff where  we go you know hands deep and it's like all right   how do you make money day in and day out how  do you get more consistent how do you build   upon what you've learned but if you  want to lift off in the right way   the Mastering Price Action is an eight-week long  program that comes with daily support you can   message us anytime you want we'll  assist you with any of the lessons   it's released week after week you get to keep  it it never gets taken away from you i show   you exactly what you need to see in the market  so you can at least get started in the market   in the right track and start going from that and  and saying now i must build consistency because i   know what i need to do at least i can see that  board you know if you're an archer at least i   see the board now my goal is to hit that bullseye  come on how do i get better and better at hitting   at that bullseye but at least i know what i'm  aiming for i'm no longer in the dark now what the   special is what i wanted to say is a special thing  that i wanted to talk about at the end of this   webinar is the fourth of july is coming up which  we have one of our biggest promotions that we do   all of you guys who are in this webinar as a  special announcement and a special promotion for   you guys i'm gonna allow you guys to pick up the  Mastering Price Action 2.0 today at the fourth of   july rates right now only for those of you guys  who are in this webinar okay you'll be able to   pick it up the package is a 6,000 dollar  package and we reduced it reduced it reduced it   and we priced it just right for 149 dollars as a  4th of July special you can pick it up today   for less than 90 dollars okay you can pick  it up today for less than 90 dollars again   4th of July promotion available today where  you can get this from is www.urbanforex.com/webinar  okay i'll have  someone from the team typing into the   chat it's www.urbanforex.com/webinar in fact i'll open it up on my screen   so you guys know what it looks like so you're  not like am i on the right page let me open it   up forward slash webinar uh give me a second  here and i'll show my screen to you here okay yeah is it you guys you guys see my screen now  okay so this is this screen you will see so it   is an eight week long course many of you guys in  this room already have how many guys here actually   already have the program okay okay like tons of  you tons of you already have the program okay   so this is a special deal for all of you  guys who have not joined this program okay   all of these reviews you see are legit reviews  okay if it was not legit i'd give myself a 5.0  

but these are legit reviews we've taken  all feedback honestly as much as we can and   all of you guys i wish you guys can see all the  reviews from the people in the chat actually   saying how much they like the program so i really  wish to see a lot of you guys in this webinar   uh picking up the Mastering Price Action  2.0 taking that leap forward to make sure   all right now i know what to do now i know how to  focus on where to go for my consistency and how   to build layer by layer layer by layer all of you  guys who already have the program don't worry if   you're already on our waiting list on Urban Forex  uh regarding the fourth how many guys here are on   the waiting list for fourth of july because  we're doing something we've never done before   we're releasing the fourth of july promotion  early because we have limited availability   you guys know how much we work on our support  side right we work super super hard on support   having that said having that said because we work  super hard on support we can't allow thousands of   people to come in it's too hard it's too hard to  answer all the questions and support we can't give   individualized good support having that said we're  limiting the number of people who can come in   but those of you guys who are already fans of  Urban Forex you guys will get first access to   the fourth of july promotions through that waiting  list before fourth of july and if everything sells   out we won't have a fourth of july promotion okay  if everything sells out we might not even do it   so what we're trying to do is we're  trying to give our fans the first access   first okay before we make it  available to the rest of the world   all right now there's a lot of updates and  stuff coming in to the Mastering Price Action   2.0, the ITP is getting bigger we're doing tons of  upgrades on the back end constantly to make sure   your experience is top-notch the MPA webinars are  getting uh more and more refined they're getting   tighter every time i feel i can teach certain  things in a certain way i'll come out and explain   it to you okay we'll do webinars again together  we'll talk about it so there's a lot of stuff   to be to be learned in this eight weeks again  it's not limited to eight weeks it is for yours   to keep and you can come back at it and revisit  the lessons as many times as you want whenever   you want and even whenever you do that whenever  that might be if there's a question ask us we'll   assist you on it okay so we're around for support  no matter when you go through that program even   if it's later down the line uh that's okay as a  trader what is our thing what do we do as traders   if there is a deal we grab it i've just given you  a deal of a lifetime okay i've given you a deal   of a lifetime and it also comes with a risk-free  money-back guarantee so for whatsoever reason in   30 days you don't feel right you don't like how  this brown man is teaching you simply drop us   an email and we'll get your money back yeah so i'm  very happy i'm i'm pretty sure you're gonna really   really like this program uh i spent a lot of  time effort and energy and love into this program   to make sure it is super easy to understand but  not simplistic okay there's a difference there   many programs are simplistic it's like what  what am i learning this sounds nonsense   you know it's like am i just learning how to  draw support and resistance lines what is this   you got to know why we are trading what makes this  thing work why is this important we get through   all of that stuff and then go week after week  we're breaking down every barrier of what do   you need to actually do what do you need to  actually do and then we layer it on top so um   i see many many people asking about what about if  i already have the MPA 2.0 for those of you guys   looking for the next products for the ones that  are like at the itp or the higher level okay or   you're looking for the entire bundle uh then if  you're in the waiting list for the fourth of july   um then you'll get first access to it all of you  guys who are picking up the Mastering Price Action   2.0 today you will also automatically be enrolled  as a early bird for the 4th of july as well   in case you want to pick up more programs and  get the whole deal right now so that way you   can go through it at your convenience  whenever you want to later that's fine   we'll give you guys the opportunity to do that  as well as it's only fair it's only fair okay   all right guys that's all the time we have for  today again um if you if you want to pick up   the MPA 2.0 it's www.urbanforex.com/webinar i think you have to put www in front  

www.urbanforex.com/webinar  and thank you all for coming in again   uh it's always pleasure to see some familiar  names until next time guys thanks bye for now you

2021-07-04 19:48

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