Why The Banana Business Of Chiquita And Dole Is At Risk

Why The Banana Business Of Chiquita And Dole Is At Risk

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Americans. Love bananas, we, eat more of them than any other fruit we, even bicker about the proper way to eat them it's, not brown what. Is that color oh that. Crunch right there. Basically. We've gone bananas for, bananas. Specifically. We like this banana the, Cavendish there. Are hundreds, of varieties of bananas, but, the Cavendish, is the only one widely available in, the u.s. in. 2018. Alone the u.s. imported, about 2.2, billion dollars worth of the Cavendish or about, ten point five billion pounds, but. There's a problem a deadly. Fungus that, targets the Cavendish is spreading, around the world the. Fungus and the disease it causes go by a few names most often tropical, race 4 or TR, 4 and Panama, disease but. Whatever you call it the result is the same the, fungus actually infect through the roots gets, into what's known as that corn which is a big bulb at the bottom and then gets into the vascular, tissue and. The first symptom is it's usually a very characteristic yellow, leaf just one leaf, very quickly after that the plant dies bang-bang. Indeed, no Cavendish, plant can survive once, infected with Panama disease it. Hasn't yet arrived in Latin America the region that supplies the u.s. with 97%, of its bananas, but, experts agree that it's only a matter of time it, is spread across oceans to continents. And if, you look at the map it's coming to Latin America there's no question, about that all. It takes is one person to transfer, this on their shoes and then we've got an epidemic and, it's gonna sweep through the American, production, system like, fire this. Is troubling, news for banana fans and for the three American, companies that dominate global, banana, sales as of, each company's, most recent, public filing bananas, comprised significant. Portions, of their sales but. The worst part we can't stop it we, know this because Panama, disease has, already destroyed the banana industry once, before. Bananas. Are like the most boring mundane. Object. On earth like, it's just a banana this is Dan Koppel, author of this book about bananas, yet. Behind, the banana is this amazing, fascinating. History it's like science it's its culture. Its its, its bloodshed, its murdered, it's music, that's everything, we'll, get to all that but. Let's start here how. Did a tropical, fruit become so popular in places where it hardly grows the.

U.s. Imports, the second largest number of bananas behind, the European Union, but banana agriculture, barely exists, in either place a dwindling, amount in Hawaii and a moderate amount in the Canary Islands to, understand, bananas, improbable domination. We have to go back to the beginning. Bananas. Were first cultivated here, on this tiny island 3,000. Years ago they, migrated, with humans across Asia the, Middle East and Africa becoming, a staple everywhere, they went Arabic. And European, scholars even bickered, over whether the famous fruit that tempted Eve was not an apple but a banana, bananas. Arrived in the Americas in 1516. When a Spanish priest brought them from the Canary Islands to the Dominican, Republic from. There they spread throughout the rest of the Caribbean, bananas. Are fragile and rot within a week of being picked in the early half of the 19th century the, small amount that managed to make it to the US were sold as an expensive, luxury food, but. After the Civil War bananas, became a huge craze between. 1871. And 1901. The value of the bananas imported, to the US increased, from 250. Thousand dollars to 6.5 million dollars, and in the ten years after that US consumption of bananas nearly tripled from 15 million to 40 million bunches, so many. Banana ships arrived at these docks on Manhattan's, Lower East Side that they became known as the banana docks this. Shift is thanks to these three entrepreneurs by, 1899, they had formed a banana importing, business called United, Fruit Company that. Might not sound familiar but, its modern name will, Chiquita. But. Back then it was United, Fruit and, huge so. Huge that it gained the nickname el Pavo or the, octopus, for the stranglehold it developed on Central America so. Huge that the US government, repeatedly brought antitrust, action against it so. Huge that understanding, bananas in the first half of the 20th century means understanding United. Fruit. United. Fruits business model relied on economies, of scale I mean the banana really is an impossible, export, fruit I mean it's fragile you, know it ripens quickly, it gets rotten fast and the way to do it is to, make it so cheap that, your money is made on volume, keeping. The retail price low meant keeping the costs to produce those bananas, very low but, transporting, a delicate tropical fruit across thick jungles, or hurricane, stricken oceans was not a recipe, for rock-bottom, production, costs, United. Fruit managed, this by tightly, controlling every aspect of the supply chain first. United. Fruit acquired huge, swaths of land in Latin America in exchange, they constructed, railroads, and telegraph lines. Infrastructure. That locals could use but that remained, under company control, during the, heyday of its operations. It was generally, the largest landowner. In any of these countries at, one point it. Controlled, almost. 20%. Of, all arable, land in Guatemala, for example second. United, Fruit squashed, competition, with price wars or buyouts, becoming a virtual monopoly by the early 20th, century the. US government, brought antitrust, lawsuits, against, United Fruit multiple, times in 1909. The government, forced the company to sell the 50% of shares it owned of one of its last remaining competitors, the. Company's previous owners, regained control and later renamed their business Standard fruit remember. That name it later became dole, but. The most controversial, aspect, of united fruits early history was its treatment of local plantation, workers in. Order to produce a bananas, very profitably. You. Have to keep wages extremely. Low, and so, the, plantations. Historically, have resorted to extremely, repressive labor, conditions, in order to suppress, wages, workers, often protested. These conditions, but United, Fruit took drastic measures to squash rebellion, measures, that often involved military, action, either from local governments, or from the u.s. itself, in. 1928. Workers, from united fruits plantations, in colombia went on strike United. Fruit encouraged. The government of Colombia to suppress the strike that, December the, workers were told they could meet with the regional governor in the town square to discuss their demands then instead the. Colombian, army mounted, machine gun, nests, on all the surrounding, buildings and, gunned. Down it's. Estimated up to 3,000. Civilians in cold blood including, and many women. And children and elderly people and so the national, governments, are the ones that were, mainly involved. In the suppression of strikes but, they were acting. Very, much, at, the behest, of United, Fruit and when, local governments, couldn't or wouldn't step, in the u.s. itself did. The. US Marines, landed. Repeatedly. In Central, America the US government, was determined, to prevent any sort of communism, from taking hold in the Americas, when, banana workers on united fruit plantations.

Protested. For unions, or rights it raised fears of communism fears, that many historians argue, were more of a convenient excuse, than a legitimate threat sure. The accusation. Always, flung at union organizers. Or human rights activists, was, that they were acting, under communist, auspices, it was a very convenient, way of. Dismissing. Those movements and rationalizing. Extreme, political, and military measures, against, them they, sort of lost sight of the fact that they were a banana company, and not sort of the political, communications. Arm. The anti-communist. Campaign, I mean it sounds crazy but it's really true perhaps. The most notorious example. Is that of hawk oboe Arbenz in, 1950. Arbenz won the presidency in Guatemala, on a promise, to redistribute, unused, United, Fruit land to poor Guatemalans, the, company sounded, the alarm which quickly reached the White House thanks to a few well-placed company. Executives, Allen. Dulles who, was a lawyer, worked for United Fruit the board member of United Fruit was, the brother of John Foster Dulles who was the, Secretary of State in the Eisenhower administration, and. So. When, United, Fruit perceived. Its interest to be threatened. In Guatemala, there was a direct communication of, that threat from united. Fruits managers, on the ground in Guatemala, to Allen, Dulles in turn, to his brother in turn. To, President. Eisenhower who. Then directed. CIA. To. Lead a disinformation. And. Destabilization, campaign. Against our vets one which, resulted. In his being overthrown and exiled and and which, ushered in literally, two generations. Of military governments. Extremely. Repressive governments. In, Guatemala. United, Fruit called this a decidedly, favorable, development, in its 1954. Annual, report. Chiquita. Declined, to comment on these allegations. However. The company released a corporate social responsibility. Report that, acknowledged, allegations. Of the company's participation. In the Arbenz coup and other events they, noted that this casts, a shadow even today over, the company but that times have changed and so has our company. If. This, seems like a lot of work for bananas that's because it was but, back in the US they, were becoming an extremely, popular snack, the, American, public was largely unaware, of United fruits tactics, abroad but at home they fell in love with bananas, thanks to the company's extensive advertising. Efforts to. Name just a few in 1924. The company, added coupons, for bananas, to boxes of cornflakes to encourage consumers to eat the fruit with cereal, in 1939. The company distributed, free, books to grade schools filled, of course with information, on bananas, in, 1944. They unveiled their most iconic marketing. Success miss. Chiquita. You. Know the big question is why like. What, Andrew Preston the founder of United Fruit what made him think this like easily. Rotten expensive. To ship, weird-looking. Fruit. Could. Be sold for almost nothing to people, who didn't know what it was how, to eat it that weird-looking, fruit, was gold for United Fruit in 1920. The company had net profits, of 33, million dollars or about. 419. Million in 2019. Dollars I mean. It was just just, a miracle a miracle that was you know bought obviously, in blood and and horror but it was absolute. Marketing, genius there's no question, about it. In short bananas, kicked off lawsuits, advertising. Innovations, protests. Who's in violent, suppression but. These bananas, were not today's Cavendish. These, are gros michel, bananas, a related, species that is bigger and tougher than the Cavendish and with a slightly different taste they're. Also the first banana rendered, commercially, extinct, by Panama, disease before. We get into that some, science gros, michel bananas were all genetically, identical the, same is true of today's Cavendish, which is why bananas look the same no matter where you buy them, business-wise. Identical. Products are good companies, can standardize transport systems and cultivate loyalty and Trust among consumers but.

Biologically. They're, bad. Monoculture. Is is always an issue in agriculture. The problem is is that if, you're growing all the same material, all of these are going, to be susceptible to the same disease so. When the deadly fungus first, appeared in Panama, in 1903, it made short work of United, and standard fruits products, over, the next 57 years Panama, disease wiped out virtually, every gros michel plantation, in Latin America both, standard, and United, Fruit knew of the disease since the early 1900's, but they dealt with it differently United. Fruit clung to the gros michel hoping it could outrun the disease by starting new plantations, on fresh land demand. For bananas was skyrocketing but. The ability to grow bananas in South and Central America was, declining, the disease was actually creating, this avaricious need for land that. Method only worked for so long by. The early 1920s banana, shortages, were such a noticeable, problem, that musicians Frank, silver and Irving Cohn wrote this hit song in which a fruit stand vendor repeatedly. Informs his customers, that he's out of bananas. By. The 1950s. The grow Michelle's future, looked grim even. The strategy, of stealing. Land as the, disease was chasing was was, running out of gas because, there was not, enough land to meet the, demand for bananas United, Fruit went into freefall from, 1950, to 1960, annual, revenue fell from 66, million to 2.1. Million, meanwhile. Standard, fruit couldn't afford to constantly, buy new land so in the late 1920s, it began searching for a banana with the taste look and resistance. To Panama disease to replace the dying grow Michelle it, eventually landed on you, guessed it the, Cavendish. Standard. Fruit grew the first commercial, Cavendish, in 1953. On a plantation, in Honduras, it spent the rest of the decade figuring, out how to transport, them Cavendish. Is very fragile but a grow Michelle was never shipped in boxes it was just thrown in bunches in ships but, by boxing, them and using gas to preserve that to keep their ripening in check they, were able to ship. This and grow, them at, low prices, this puts standard fruit leagues ahead of United, Fruit when the latter finally, adopted the Cavendish in the early 1960s.

In That time just that ten year span standard, fruit which became dull had, managed to get a 50% market share so Chiquita, never really recovered, to this day other, than chiquitos decline the switch to the Cavendish went smoothly enough nearly, 60 years later most, Americans, happily, consumed the Cavendish unaware, of its lost predecessor, for, the next few decades the industry, hummed along much as it had before just. With a different banana, standard. Fruit became dole and United, Fruit became Chiquita, together. With Delmont a and the Irish based company, fiefs they dominated, global banana exports, controlling, two-thirds in the 1980s, but the many problems faced by banana workers continued, more, than can be detailed here notably. In 2007. Chiquita, admitted, to paying a violent Colombian, terrorist, group to protect its banana workers from 1997. To 2004, and in, the mid-1990s, Chiquita. Kicked off a trade war with the year Union over its legislation, that favored bananas from former EU colonies. Chiquito. Lobbied the US government, to file a complaint with the newly formed World, Trade Organization, the ensuing, trade war called the worst transatlantic. Economic, dispute since world war ii by a 2005. Harvard, Business Review article dragged. On until 2012. Even. With all this nothing, changed for American, consumers bananas. Reliably, appeared, on supermarket, shelves around the nation for dirt cheap prices, an average, of about 55, cents per pound since 2000, but this. Brings us back to the beginning of this video Panama. Disease. In. The 1980s the banana industry's, old foe reappeared, banana. Biologist, Randy plotz first identified, it in the early 90s. The. Strain of the fungus that wiped out the gros Michel was called tropical race one or tr1, Cavendish. Is immune to that but, it isn't immune to a different, strain of the same fungus, tropical. Race 4 or, TR 4 think. Of them like different, strains of the flu this. Is very much a surprise people. Thought that animal, disease would not be a problem on condition, it. Is foreign. Teen efforts contained the fungus in Southeast Asia for a while but, it soon spread, historically.

This Has never been a, really. Great strategy I mean if you've ever been to a banana, plantation there's thousands, of vehicles going in and out all day long there's there's no effective, quarantine, method that we've ever seen that really worked for now Latin, America is safe its oceans away from the fungus but, experts agree that the fungus is arrival, is a matter of when not if hopefully. It'll take many. Many years, but it could happen tomorrow, there's, no way to really put a timeline, on this, part. Of the danger is due to how the industry, has changed the. Giant corporate owned banana plantations, of the gros michel era have been replaced by many more exporters, operating, on much smaller plots of land in, ecuador for instance, the number of registered, banana exporters, jumped from 181. In 2011. To 333. In 2012. Experts. Worry that the logistics, of implementing, protective measures across so many plantations. Will allow Panama, disease to spread rapidly it's. Very difficult, to make a thousand, different family, farms, do clean farming, compared to one big factory, farm I think what's possible. Is that someone's, going to get into the field and then keep it a secret. And. That that would be a disaster because once it gets in waterways, and soil that sort of thing that spread some kind of an insidious manner and this, time there's no readily available replacement. No known banana has the correct taste or durability, they, dodged the bullet in the, 1950s. By, identifying, a, variety. Cavendish. I think. If there, was something out there that would have found it by now I know they put a lot of effort into screening. Material, and looking at material, and, so far they don't have a replacement even. If they did the, entire infrastructure. Network for transporting, bananas, would have to be replaced once again the entire banana supply, came from the moment the, the plant litter is planted in the ground -, the moment you, start, to peel it is designed. Just for the Cavendish, banana it's almost as though a cavity, shaped pipe from, Central America comes. To your house and it doesn't really, fit, another, banana this. Could explain why until, recently the big 3 banana companies seemed unwilling to recognize the problem I think, they're still not quite, cognizant. Of the fact that they've got this same problem happening, again, CNBC. Reached out to dole fresh, Delmont a and Chiquita, for comment a fresh. Delmont a spokesperson wrote, that Delmonte takes Panama, disease very, seriously we, continue to work diligently with.

Other Banana suppliers, and local authorities, to prevent the spread of disease also. Significant. Resources, are being dedicated for research aimed at identifying long-term, solutions, a Dole, spokesperson. Wrote we, certainly are aware of the potential danger to our supplies and vigilant, in efforts to contain the threat thus, we have worked together with, other stakeholders, in efforts to combat this problem and raise awareness of its seriousness. Chiquita. Declined to comment breeding. A Panama resistant, Cavendish traditionally. Or by genetic modification, is likely, the best hope for the bananas future but each has their drawbacks, traditional. Crossbreeding, of Cavendish, bananas is difficult, because of their tiny seeds, people. Have been selecting, bananas, for for thousands, and thousands, of years haste on seedless, no, one particularly. Wants, seeds, in their bananas, and. Now we, have some residual, fertility, in it but it's very difficult, to produce seeds, in, bananas, genetically. Modifying, bananas, has proven more successful, in 2015, Australian, researcher, James Dale engineered, a Panama, resistant, Cavendish, banana we've, taken a, resistance. Gene from a wild, banana that occurs in Southeast, Asia and, he's naturally, resistant, to tropical race 4 we've moved that gene into Cavendish and that's how we generate, a resistance, but, any genetically, modified, banana will face strong resistance from anti GMO groups in both the US and the EU but. The Cavendish is more important, both for global economies, and food security than, the gros michel ever was. In. 2013. The, world banana, forum under the United Nations created. A task force specifically. To combat Panama. Disease. Structured. Response, to this threat of knowing. That the regions where tr4. Has not yet arrived but may arrive if nothing is done that. Not, sheriff they're exporting in their economies, and demand. Continues, to rise from, 2017. To 2018, global. Imports, of bananas, increased, by two percent to over forty point three billion pounds over. A quarter of that went, to the US but. If Panama disease takes, hold in Latin America, it will decimate the industry, Cavendish could no longer grow, in the quantities, needed to satisfy the world's, and especially the us's love, of bananas, it. May already be there we're. Just not aware of it but once it's once it's there it's kind of like the horses out of the barn type, thing so once the past established, that's all she wrote for English. You.

2019-04-22 15:15

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Who created this disease ? Long time ago no such disease

Typical big business and US government....I won't eat another banana

the best banana strain I had was from canary Islands but they don't grow em any more, they had brown sticky spots all around

Probably for the best the bananas are wiped, ends the corporate greed, low wages, suppression, or anything else still going on with those companies.

Yes! We have no bananas today!

Ppl in Portugal wont have this problem tho. our supermarkets always have 2 varieties. one of them is from an arquipelago off the coast called Madeira . These bananas are smaller, sweeter and just plain better. Although ppl comunly refer to them as bananas from Madeira I think the scienfic name is - Musa (meaning muse)

CNBC putting out half way decent content? Is this real life

Panama Disease... Panama Papers... nothing good comes from Panama.

Nooo the bananas

I’d always wondered why banana flavored things didn’t taste like banana. Is that because they were developed when gros michel was king? And therefore taste more like Gros Michel and not cavendish?

Leviticus 19:23-25 King James Version (KJV) 23 And when ye shall come into the land, and shall have planted all manner of trees for food, then ye shall count the fruit thereof as uncircumcised: three years shall it be as uncircumcised unto you: it shall not be eaten of. 24 But in the fourth year all the fruit thereof shall be holy to praise the Lord withal. 25 And in the fifth year shall ye eat of the fruit thereof, that it may yield unto you the increase thereof: I am the Lord your God. 1 Timothy 6:10 King James Version (KJV) 10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. Isaiah 24 King James Version (KJV) 24 Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof. 2 And it shall be, as with the people, so with the priest; as with the servant, so with his master; as with the maid, so with her mistress; as with the buyer, so with the seller; as with the lender, so with the borrower; as with the taker of usury, so with the giver of usury to him. 3 The land shall be utterly emptied, and utterly spoiled: for the Lord hath spoken this word. 4 The earth mourneth and fadeth away, the world languisheth and fadeth away, the haughty people of the earth do languish. 5 The earth also is defiled under the inhabitants thereof; because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, broken the everlasting covenant. 6 Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left. 7 The new wine mourneth, the vine languisheth, all the merryhearted do sigh. 8 The mirth of tabrets ceaseth, the noise of them that rejoice endeth, the joy of the harp ceaseth. 9 They shall not drink wine with a song; strong drink shall be bitter to them that drink it. 10 The city of confusion is broken down: every house is shut up, that no man may come in. 11 There is a crying for wine in the streets; all joy is darkened, the mirth of the land is gone. 12 In the city is left desolation, and the gate is smitten with destruction. 13 When thus it shall be in the midst of the land among the people, there shall be as the shaking of an olive tree, and as the gleaning grapes when the vintage is done. 14 They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing for the majesty of the Lord, they shall cry aloud from the sea. 15 Wherefore glorify ye the Lord in the fires, even the name of the Lord God of Israel in the isles of the sea. 16 From the uttermost part of the earth have we heard songs, even glory to the righteous. But I said, My leanness, my leanness, woe unto me! the treacherous dealers have dealt treacherously; yea, the treacherous dealers have dealt very treacherously. 17 Fear, and the pit, and the snare, are upon thee, O inhabitant of the earth. 18 And it shall come to pass, that he who fleeth from the noise of the fear shall fall into the pit; and he that cometh up out of the midst of the pit shall be taken in the snare: for the windows from on high are open, and the foundations of the earth do shake. 19 The earth is utterly broken down, the earth is clean dissolved, the earth is moved exceedingly. 20 The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard, and shall be removed like a cottage; and the transgression thereof shall be heavy upon it; and it shall fall, and not rise again. 21 And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth. 22 And they shall be gathered together, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited. 23 Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the Lord of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.

Banana company: Hey head of NBC, we play golf a lot and friends. My banana business isn't selling as much. Would you run a story on the potential banana plight so people will rush out and buy my bananas? NBC head: Ok


I got my ass BEAT

Someone call F r e e l e ASAP

Those few pioneering entrepreneurs also had us government support to overthrow a peaceful government in Guatemala.

A banana republic can't save Bananas!

When u spent ur whole life researching on bananas

The Bible never said was an apple by the way xD

Bananas are f@%$ing delicious.

The fact that most people didn’t know about this prior to this video is more alarming. This has been big news for the past 10 years.

Bananas used to grow"upside down", which would actually look right side up, because they used to grow that way. I find it hard to believe that no mention of how bananas are growing upside down now. lol Whatever, never mind if you don't already know what the heck I'm talking about, if you do, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for the video, a lot of interesting information, so bad how corporate interests always out way the simple needs of our fellow humans in places where they have no protection or recourse. We need to remember what the true cost of shopping at the Lage 3 Corps that sell to the average American. We talk about trigger words, while in China there are people making phones and junk against their will, without their consent, with terrible living conditions. Slavery is still Slavery, even if you can't see your slave suffer, or are even aware enough to know that is what is going on, it always has unfortunately.

I tried explaining that bananas may go extinct but I got made fun at for it.

I clicked because of the way they hold the bananas in the thumpnail

Cavendish good for nothing.

Today I learned why they call them banana republics

Got to be a loser to complain about how someone complains about the way you eat a banana

Bananas are boring until you are starving and there is nothing else to eat but bananas.

Del Monte Bananas

So technically, a person could bring an infected banana to a latin-american banana farm and ruin the whole industry?

Now at 30 cent per pound where I live, they are virtually free.

Who here can eat a banana in one bite, I can!

when you think you're watching Vox but it's actually CNBC

Good propganda ..just like against coconut oil and mustard oil

Tbh, thoes civillians were complete savages and needed to be treated as such because if we had too many uppetty people walkinng around, no one would want to be a poor, dirty, feild, worker.

I’m more of an Apple Kinda person! Death to the Banana! Haha

Always something sinister with USA.

Is “banana girl” here

We'll just stop eating bananas, big deal.

Cavendish bananas are so bland and thick skinned compared to other local varieties that naturally grow here in Southeast Asia. Not to mention the amount of insecticides and other chemicals used.

No! Not my nanas!

So, as usual, the anti-science jackasses are the only ones standing in the way of an trivial genetic solution.

US fruit companies been running all those banana republic countries. Now US cried foul when they revolt.

Like I said Americas wealth is built on the backs of immigrants. Without them America is nothing. Shame on anyone who thinks otherwise.

I thought I was watching a Vox video till I noticed the CNBC logo (๑˃‿˂).

Shame on America for profiting on the backs of Central Americans.

Try an apple for a change..much more ethical

Is that a banana in your pocket or are you glad to see me?

Btw, been following this story since Scishow did a video years ago.

Yet all of our banana flavors in the US dont use the Cavendish flavor but the Gros Michel.

The history of the Cavendish is even more interesting......John F. Kennedy's sister was a Cavendish as well as Fred Astaire's sister. It is a great story on how the Cavendish banana came to be.

I dont like bananas

Can anybody explain to me what this video is about? Eating bananas cause trouble in health called panama disease? Why this?It s a problem of the tropical land as i understand?Actually,we cannot eat anything without being afraid of it s quality!

monsantos chemtrailing disease to wipe out everything including your mom and kids............THE END !

Interesting report

White men bad ! Black men have high i.q and are the true world leader .

This is why I buy fair trade bananas. Forget these companies

WTF? So monopolies were and are bad.. but non monopolies are bad. SOOO I'll eat grapes

It's not at risk morons they'll just use a different species

My family & I live in neighborhood in Central FL, have had no problems growing our own bananas in the back yard. We also have orange trees. Hoping that dreaded deadly fungus doesn't strike central America, nor the USA. We want to spend our lives eating bananas as benefits good diet. Healthy fruit.

Dijo el cipitio :El guineo majoncho es el mejor

Jesus Christ, Bananas, how hard is it to just get vaccinated?

You talk as if Adam and Eve were real and not a fairytale

Panama Disease is nothing but karma. Over 100 years of exploitation of the poor Guatemalan people.

2:53 here . Where ?what was the name of the island ?

Do you realize that bananas are not grown from seeds? They are cloned, so your assumption that they will cross breed them from seeds is absolutely stupid...

Ehh, a GMO banana is not going to be the worst thing I eat all day. I don't know what the fuss is all about. GMO activists and anti-vaxxers exist on the same vein anyways.

When I lived in USA, I always wondered why I only saw one kind of banana everywhere. Now I live in my native India and I have access to many kinds of locally grown banana. Some times I see Dole branded Cavendish banana in some expensive shops, but I avoid it. Local stuff is tastier and lot cheaper.

I don't hate bananas I just had it alot when I was younger. Not the biggest banana fan at all.

Let bananas go extinct

This sounds like a vox video

I always hated banana. Good riddance

The blue vanilla ice cream banana would be fine and probably be very profitable.

How long would it take for the disease to spread?

Bananas are nasty Mushy I rather just have banana flavoring and plantains

Hey random person scrolling down the comments.. Have a great day! :)

Why do you import banana

My favorite banana is a shorter, fatter type that I can only find in Chinatown. The scent is more pronounced, meat is not as homogeneous, and there's a slight sour streak in the banana that makes it tastes more interesting.

What nooooo!!! I NEED MY BANANAS!!!!

I don’t see a problem with GMOs. There have been multiple studies that claim they are just as healthy or healthier then non GMOs.

I ate three bananas while watching this video

These and more are reasons I have boycotted bananas (and dole/del monte whenever possible)for years. Ever wonder why banana flavoured candy doesn't taste like our worse tasting fruit banana? Because our fruit bananas *aren't real bananas !!* Buy Local ;]

I’ve thought they are gonna blame global warming before I clicked on video. I still can’t believe it’s not true...please dig deeper, I am sure you can connect it to global warming somehow, please.

Me:alright im going to sleep now that was the last video Also me at 2:06 am in the in the morning:*watching this*

Banana arrived into America in 1942 when Cristovao Colombo Arrievde into America in Island of Bahamas...my great great great great Grand Father from Angola was the one who carry Bananas into America because he was part of Crew ..was Diogo Cao who said to Crstovao Colombo to take him into America because he was a great Sailor...he was with Vasco Da Gama in Kerala India

Arabic and European scholars. Arabic, not Arab? Really CNBC?

It's possible the world's food supply is being attacked by retrovolving humans again forming brutal empires.

I hate the smell and taste of bananas.

What our governments are already doing to us could be applied to bananas too. 1. They could always GMO a potato becoming a banana and grow it in North America, don't forget add a depop gene. 2. Stop eating banana and prevent climate change, yay. 3. Enforce vaccination on all banana plants under the auspice of herd immunity.

Does anybody else not like bananas

good to know about why bananas are in trouble wait why are they going into banana history

Good riddance, these companies deserve this

US: *Makes sure the farmers are paid minimum wages to increase profits* Farmers: *Starts migrating to US for better pay* US: *Surprised pikachu face*

There’s always money in the banana stand...

I’m not eating anymore bananas

Couldn’t pay me to eat a banana. More sugar than a candy bar. Sincerely, an American who isn’t fat

A kingdom for a banana.

It sounds bananas

Are you worried that bananas will go extinct?


I’m worried that humanity will become extinct.

How about the Jesuit priests killed by American Marines. War is a racket.

I am worrired about your research if you referr to New Guinea as a "tiny island"

La Matanza de las Bananeras a little history lesson of the United Fruit Company (which became Chiquita) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Massacre

No. Cuz non Cavendish bananas are widely available in my country


Nope. They’ve actually already got save guards against this stuff because we’ve already lost certain banana types. Your channel just doesn’t do real research

I sure am

@CNBC Not at all! Dole sprays airborne pesticides whilst the employees are working to save money and to maximize profits. Why do they spray pesticides on their employees knowing that they'll get cancer? Because they can and it saves mega money (huge profits). They care not of any morals. Thanks to corrupt laws that cater to the rich, the Dole employees/slaves that get cancer and die will NOT receive ANY compensation.

Lol, no these are man made food. Not even real bananas. We weren't meant to eat these.

No, once it becomes a problem, the banana industry will pay silicon valley to genetically engineer the banana tree.

Word on the street is that Major brands have been making them in labs for years now.

Not extinct.... Just a 20 fold price increase.... "Bananas on sale this week !"... $19.95 per banana, 2 for $37.00...

Well now I am...


CNBC lol no I’ll just move back to El Salvador and eat bananas

Why are we hoping from a disease to extinction so quickly? There’s time to prevent the spreading and many ways to prevent extinction.


Is this #MEASLES to the #BANANAS?


CNBC no but more so tired of government monopolizing something they don't bother to buy or protect.


No. The mistreats of people and it had created problems for the people who live in Latin Americas. There are many bloodshed because of banana.

I'm worried that your mom will go extinct.

These companies utilized American soldiers to overthrow Guatemalan government and control their lands for banana cultivation

No my mother will save em

+Andrew Driver peel from the bottom.

No, because if people like bananas soooooo much, trust me, they'll find a way.

You are peeling them from the wrong end.

Chiquita has a lot of blood on their hands for that banana. GOOD RIDDANCE!!! I've had sweeter pink bananas in Africa.

Yes for commercially available bananas because we use monocultures and don't change it up because we're afraid of seeds.


no because there are several different types of bananas that will replace the cavandish. but you already know that but you tryna use scare tatcis and wow facotr to get views. when all we have to do is stop cloning the same banana.

Kinda it’s good for u

Good thing communism tookover Cuba so now they can enjoy $15 month salary, but not some evil capitalism

Well, if the anti-GMO idiots want GMO free bananas in the future, they can have all the non-GMO bananas the fungus leaves alive. Which the gros michel tellls me would be none.

i don't care if bananas go away. There seems to be a surplus of pineapple this year, and I can eat pineapple everyday

So... GMO bananas. It works. Now if only anti GMO groups would budge... sigh...

You are supposed to peel it from the bottom then you don’t get that stringy stuff stuck to it. It’s how some monkeys eat them in the wild.

"On this tiny island" points to New Guinea the SECOND LARGEST ISLAND IN THE WORLD.... That was so painfully american...

I've tasted different bananas throughout the world. Latino bananas are my fave tho.

Fear mongering to drive up banana prices globally. Leave it to nbc to spread the propaganda

Very informative

Americans still fear communism doesn't matter if it is communism or not.

Rip Aho Girl

La Matanza de las Bananeras a little history lesson of the United Fruit Company (which became Chiquita) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Massacre

What if... Panama disease was actually engineered in a lab by South American patriots, to destroy the stranglehold of United Fruit in their country? I think there's an action thriller in this... But seriously, how is this any different from the wars that American waged in the middle-east recently, over oil? How is no one aware that America is the most evil country in the world? People hear these stories of America's evil past and somehow convince themselves that we've moved past it. Well, how? Why? When? What exactly do you think has changed? Government is a man with a gun to your head. Until that changes, these atrocities will never end. Anarchy is the only true freedom. Patriotism is a form of Stockholm Syndrome.

Awas pocong

How is this when something similar already happened and all we so is recieve a genetically modified version????? There are no seeds!!!

I don’t even like bananas but I like plantains and the chips of the plaintains but my family eats them so I’m scared


0:01 whos tf opens a bannana like that?

This whole video can be summed up into why they want to push GMO bananas on the populace. I say hell no.

Sounds like oranges all over again. You'd think these companies would be smart enough to grow more varieties than just 1...but nope.

Actually, this problem of monoculture is only in the US.

I work in produce at a major grocery store and people can't get enough bananas.

This feels like a Vice mini documentary...

00:36 so uncomfortable

What the hell next !? Ya, take my bananas

Chiquita is a move in ping pong

So the way to save the Cavendish is to genetically modify them, which is safe, but people oppose it?

Maybe if they didn’t purchase there governments back in the 1890s this wouldn’t have happened.

thank god i’m obese and i don’t eat fruit

Americans love bananas. What an old fashioned way to start a commentary.

"That crunch right there" dude that thing is not even ripe.

I learned most of this from Sam O’Nella already.

Everyone’s going to go bananas

Ok. Genetically modify the gros michel. Transport solved

I’ve been cavendish re-occuring nightmare

I think black women are just super critical of everyone

GMO please

1 comment = 1 banana saved


Thank you CNBC I recently just ate 3 bananas RIP

Del Monte ftw

They'll figure it out.

11:30 big Mike?

Baloney, stop this nonsense crap for God sakes. There will be no fungus killing banana trees,

Now we know the historical background to the destabilisation of central american countries and ultimately the migratory movements towards the southern border of the united states.

I never buying bananas again and nobody should if you gotta don't buy dole or chachtita

Banana republic 2.0 ?

This was uploaded a few days ago, but then taken down after about an hour. Why? (I was only able to watch half the video the first time around.). Was there a factual error, or some piece of information the banana companies found undesirable?

i love banana's, but nothing beats the asian baby bananas. It taste way better than cavendish, but you can only find them in asian grocery stores.

I don't support Dole and you shouldn't either. They spray pesticides on their employees (because it's more cost-effective, hence, more profit for the company), and they use dangerous pesticides that are banned in my country (Canada). Screw Dole and their corrupt company.

Really interesting. I wasn’t aware that people had been gunned down over banana growing/harvesting. Very sad.

Is the old fungus dead by now? Can’t they just switch back

So wait, one single person could bring panama disease to latin america? like in some tainted soil or something? And it would wipe out the entire banana industry?

There is no mention of what fruit eve was tempted with in the bible. To bicker over whether it was an apple or a banana is a new height in stupidity.

United Fruit Co, if y’all white ppl don’t know, has such evil history in Latin America.

It could happen. The farmers are practicing mono culture. That is what happened in Ireland. It could happen anytime in the Midwest with corn or wheat. Or wherever farmers only plant one type of crop over millions of acres.

I was just smacking on a banana today. Omg

just grow them somewhere else

for example on the moon

who is watching this while eating a big banana

Thai bananas are so yummy, and so many other bananas are way tastier than Cavendish.

Actual journalism :O from CNBC :O

Right wing extremist call liberals and Democrats “communist radicals” for their supposed socialist beliefs and ideals the rich white men that have been running this country for centuries are repeatedly exposed nothing changes but the time period and means available to hide things such as worker mistreatment

It’s bananas b-a-n-a-n-a-s

Let me guess, before I even watch this, it’s climate change that’s threatening them?

This is the work of these banana companies raising their prices on bananas

i'm from Costa Rica, and i can confirm that everything in this video is true, it was like the blood diamonds problem,but with bananas.

Will the fungus kills the Minions?


When you hear how bad of a history Chiquita and Dole have you have to question whether if its so bad that they are losing their bananas

15:08 To protect it's banana workers? Doesn't sound like something they'd do

If you were a slave owner, would you allow your neighbor to murder your slaves? Who would harvest your crop for free, then?

I can't believe we are going to loose the banana because a bunch of white liptards watch to many BS anti vac and anti GMO documentary

Yeah it was the Banana that temped Eve without a doubt!

good thing I'm allergic to bananas anyway

once TR4 hits, the world will go Banana!


Not one mention of Sam “The Banana Man” Zemurray?!

time to bring them indoors! hydroponic bananas!

Mmm Banana Daiquiris!

philippines imports Apples Philippines exports Banana. Bananas grows in our backyard

Panama disease can be treated

I just realized I used 22:19 of my like learning about bananas and I will never get that back..

Standard fruit aka dole was stronger in Honduras

Bananas are not going anywhere

Chiquita alone has suffered karma, such is the fact of life of doing business in Latin America. https://mises.org/library/extortion-private-and-public-case-chiquita-banana

I hate ignorant people that are hating on GMOs!

The banana business in Latin America came about by accident, never as real business idea. The company developing train routes was going broke, and the Panama Canal was becoming a reality. Banana plants started being used to feed workers. UFCo was born from this. Your report only states and shows the harm done by the attitude of this company, but it does not show the benefits generated to the local economies, riddled with poverty and lack of jobs. Too one sided for me! Cavendish was developed at the botanical garden of the Duke of Cavendish, Great Britain. I am sure that by the time de disease lands in America, a new variety will be already in the plantations. Regards from Costa Rica!

hey guus ,just a banana ,come o n

Wow they actually covered the US overthrowing democracies so that they would keep producing bananas for us. Not bad

Thanks anti vaxxers

Don't look away from your banana, otherwise it will turn rotten while you're not looking.

AND NOW YOU GUYS COME OUT WITH THIS???!! This has been on my radar for 2yrs. Banana and pineapples history involve bloodshed. Such diseases have wiped out Hawaiis rainbow papaya. And only genetically modified seeds survived however, people are against tampering with genetics...in other words gmo's

I am anti GMO but if thats the only way to stop bananas from going extinct I'd be ok with GMO bananas

The only proper way to eat a banana is with the peel still on it.

Build a wall around the banana fields and make the farmers switch shoes at the entrance.

Whoever peels the whole banana before eating is an idiot.

vaccinate the banana plants!

Never liked bananas .....

A devilish idea fills my mind.

I Like How There's A Banana Biologist XD

I don't even like bananas

Bananas, as all plants, are DRUGS...

After watching this, I don't think I will still eat Chiquita.

CNBC yes it’s cheap found easily and very healthy

+MrAcescore I just care about the tree not the fruit tbh :/

Nah. We have plenty types of bananas here.

yes because I like banana tree.

Maybe the cavendish variety lmao

Power to the Sheeple I wonder why you hate it weirdo I’m allergic to picky eaters like you need to be sliced open for punishment!

Good lord please not the bananas

these reports are better then the usual stuff. make a channel with just these and ill sub

Why did you make a 22 min video about who gives AF banana history when you answered the question in under 3 min?

Nope, I hate bananas

Yes. I love banana milkshakes and banana creampies and sliced banana in my corn flakes. Or even banana pancakes or banana nut bread.

I don't care because I don't like bananas.

I would be honorable for you greengos to give credit to our central american banana republics, that is thanks to us through our land and cheap labor that your first and the world first multinational company was form United fruit company many of our people had to die so you capitalist system could thrive but instead you humiliate us calling us third world ms13 savages. and this is the main reason why this caravan exist your idiotic greedy moraless foreign policy and we still support the US. Nothing in this world is for free eventually you have to pay and the time has come to pay our nations back.



Bananas, as all kind of plants, are DRUGS.

Why do American TV Programs treat there viewers like they are children, the graphics and narration, sound like the program is made for brainless idiots, it is so condescending! If America is so worried about Banana's, why not grow your own, if a little country like Iceland can be the biggest supplier of Bananas in Europe. Then why can't America grow them?

I like the apple banana @ 0:24 So little and so sweet.

I hate that banana so tasteless. Love me some apple bananas, so sweet!

Could they spray the bananas ahead of time to prevent it. The original flavor died out, it seems to happening again

there not ad risk they have differen kinds ready dont lissen to this brain dead women

there are way better varieties than Cavendish

My spoon is too big

When I first clicked on this video, I paused at the add and checked the summary. I was like o ok a fungus is killing crops of bananas and for some reason I came down to read comments. Your comments made me watch the video. I'm like dictatorships? Machine gun nests?? Wuuuuuuuut

well now I want chiquita's bananas to get the fungus

I'd like the Chiquita MANAGEMENT to get it!!!

JUST SAY "NO!" to Dole and Chiquita!!!

People don't even know how good other types of bananas taste. I had some from a street vendor in vietnam and it was the best banana I had ever had.

im from malaysia and i am sorry we did this. we dont have a problem here because we have many tropical species here but I am sure other countries do not have that option.

If it takes out Chiquita and Dole... that would be great!!!

They should use GMO to add resistance to the Cavendish.

No , No, not the banana.......

Just use GMO ez

This is very disheartening. Has America always been so evil?

YES! YES! YES! (But only since the Big Bang!)

We didn't like the cavendish. It was considered the junk banana for the longest time. We used to eat the Gros Michel until it was nearly wiped out by Panama disease and was replaced by the Cavendish banana we eat today.

Cant they just print 3d bananas

How is it this video never mentions Edward Bernays. I already knew he played a big part in marketing for United Fruit Company, causing those wars and tricking Americans into thinking the problem was with these countries, not United Fruit. But the second the video made the correlation between Corn Flakes boxes having coupons for bananas, I knew that was a total Edward Bernays marketing move for both companies products, ending with Bernays getting two separate paychecks for the same scheme. The guy was brilliant and bad. The Stuff You Should Know podcast covered him well. https://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts/live-in-chicago-how-public-relations-works.htm

The banana we know and enjoy today isn't even the same one that existed many years ago. If one crop goes away (still unlikely), it's likely the slack will be taken up in other parts of the world or transition to similar breeds that are not affected. I'm not worried.

This explains why old timey bananas are symbolized as a little fatter and more crescent shaped in fiction and stuff

I thought this was vox for three minutes until I checked the title again

As a Keto Dieter ...they are not healthy. Loaded with sugar. I'd rather eat berries.

Doh! A banana IS a berry!!!

And people still think Venezuela is not about oil........

I'm surprised how much fellow Americans in the comment section, didn't know about the coup and destabilization of Nicaragua for US private 'interests'. US deep state did this to many nations. They're doing similar to Venezuela today.

Thats bad for everyone time to get new breeds and hybrids in market.

La masacre de las bananeras fue una matanza de los trabajadores de la United Fruit Company que se produjo entre el 5 y el 6 de diciembre de 1928 en el municipio de Ciénaga, Magdalena cerca de Santa Marta.

Stupid americans.. Your bananas ambition cause a very famous masacre in Colombia, and it was support by the local government and the US government.

Globalism at work.

Umm one huge mistake about this video is that bananas aren’t fruits, they’re considered as berries

Not CONSIDERED. They ARE berries!!! End of!

I just watched a 22 minute video on bananas. *And I’m proud of it.*

My little brother is gonna have a hard time coping with this...

But God didn't create the banana man did.

does it have something to do with the radio active potassium?

*Haven't ate a banana since I was a kid so I think ill be ok*

there is small variety of banana that have texture of apple tenderness, that is my favorite banana, cavendish I think is the worst of all banana varieties to eat raw but good if you make cake with it

Most banana candy is Gros Michel flavor, in case you were curious.

Banana republic conspiracy brewing.

It's time for Monsanto to get to work!

And we wonder why we're supporting destabilizing Venezuela in 2019

BS lies just like 99% of the time....

I hope my banana tree wont get hurt : (

I didn't exactly know how extreme things got in the "Banana Republics" . It helps shed light on Latin American anger.

And of course the US keeps stocking it's shelf's with food around the world while the rest of the world starves.

Dole and Chiquita are some of history's biggest criminals and responsible for decades of tyranny and murder in Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Colombia. The term "banana republic" was coined to describe the horrible outcome of their intercession with local government. They are the supreme example of the horrors of capitalism, and if bananas go extinct due to these monsters' reckless tampering with nature, good. Death to capitalism.

Another man made problem

They want you to worry but I won't because I don't believe them

what's with the cheery background music with this devastating news?

Philippines SABA : eat my chips, turon, maruya, bannaque

They'll just switch to a new variety of banana. This has already happened to the first mono culture banana we imported from south america, the gros micheal or "Big Mike" banana.

is that the new mac book pro i see or what

So, while watching this video, which is amazing btw, I felt the urge to eat our last banana. The store where we buy our bananas has a giant Chiquita display with a singing banana, so I thought... hmmm I guess we eat Chiquita bananas, but the banana itself has a sticker with dole on it. smh.

U guys played donkey Kong music

Aren't global economy and open borders fun?

Bananas go extinct? Ha ha ha ha. That's funny. You mean commercial varieties might go extinct. Who cares? I don't like bananas, or big ag corporations.

Then you will wonder why Monsanto will come out right away with this new banana they try to sell the world that is completely resistant to this disease. Monopoly was not just a game you played as a kid.

What’s a

If I don't get my bananas because of some NON-GMO protester.........the world will BURN!

Thank you CNBC, very informative.

I agree! Excellent journalism!

Revolution we need a fresh clean start humans are destroying this planet! I’m sure the next generation will have a hard time only the very wealthy people might have a comfortable life but the rest will struggle

These are not real bananas they are GMO...real bananas have seeds.....ask anyone from South america....smh

So every cultivated crop is a GMO? Selecting the desirable traits and breeding those plants is manipulation but has also been done for thousands upon thousands of years, since the beginning of agriculture.

I can’t live without them bananas

What you DOING with them bananas, ANNii??? WTF!!!

It's nothing wrong with the bananas everybody in Central America are leaving there's no one to work for the banana plant they just making a lie

Good. Down with globohomo. Eat locally produced foods and end major carbon footprints.

And that’s why banana “flavored” things don’t taste like bananas. The flavor is based on the Gros Michel that died in the 70’s and our thoughts of how bananas should taste are based on the Cavendish. I never liked the taste of the Gros Michel but I do like the Cavendish.

Welp, there goes banana bread.

"Banana Biologist"

Every American is opening the banana on the wrong end :))))

I never want to eat a banana again!

And now we're refusing them refugee status and kidnapping their children when they walk to our border asking for help.

The moment I got hooked: 2:16 - there is a book about bananas?!

It gained the name "El Puto"...

At 03:00 you showed the wrong map of India

so.. no mentioning of India China or Philippines in a banana video report... aren't they world top producers?!!

Clearly a sabotage!

The only thing we want in murica from third world countries is their fruit and cigars, the people can stay on the other side of our amazingly great wall. murica woot !

Why play a video through a laptop? just show it directly.. This is a stupid trend

My mom is starting it grow bananas bc of this

I tend to avoid GMOs in general and mostly consume organic products. The avoidance to GMO is more to avoid the more frankenfoods, particularly where they move genes from a vastly different organism &/or do so in a way that may cause harm/pain to the new GMO organism (1 ex: can’t feel good for a salmon to mature so quickly!) &/or they combine the genetics of pesticides/etc into plants that we and numerous other organisms eat (ex: some kill off bees, butterflies, etc w the offending pests). I’d have no problem eating a gmo banana IF the genetic material gained was from another banana and the original donor’s genes were biologically native and not transferred from elsewhere AND the new banana didn’t harm other organisms! I’d also be fine eating a banana with seeds; especially if those seeds carried extra nutrients beneficial to me/my family.

eatin a gassed bananas cant be fun

wrote a book on bananas.... haha sounds like a story from The Onion where that guy wrote the book on ant-eaters

I want to bring that fungus and travel to Panama and other south America latin then :)

Noooo. I cant live without banana milkshakes or banana creampies:'(

They should make a banana that last longer. And are thicker


United Fruit is still around, it’s just a group of homosexuals... They don’t care about the flavor of bananas, just the size.

Chiquita and dole are horrible companies with terrible pasts that very few people know about

The shit is bananas!

Ain't that just bananas!

I can't believe I watched a 22 minute documentary on bananas

man americans were assholes

Not worried at all. We have a bunch of bananas here in the Philippines.

The Dulles brothers and United fruit....the Dulles brothers and BP/SHELL/STANDARD OIL, the Dulles brothers and US steel, the Dulles brothers and Central American contras...the Dulles brothers and MI6 in Africa.....kind of a theme. Let the white man tell it and all these places are “shitholes” magically!

I honestly hate bananas but love the banana flavored laffey taffey

united fruit company? UFC?

GMO will save it but stupid of Americans and Europeans rather the banana be history.

safeguards +Random Dude

you peel from the side so you can store it in your pocket for later +Andrew Driver

Not really my wife still prefers my banana

This has been happening for decades. In the 90's you saw red bananas and mini bananas at the grocery store. This was because they were trying to see if the public could be transferred to alternates of the Cavendish, then you saw the Gold fingers which was a crossbred alternate with a slightly apple like tartness. Since then there have been cross bred alternates which tastes like the Cavendish so for all we know, they could transition without our knowledge. You don't see visible alternates on the grocery shelves so obviously the panic has abated somewhat, either they have backups to the Cavendish already lined up or they are otherwise no longer concerned. As to myself, I'm not addicted to bananas and would actually like to see the issue come to a head so that the public would become more aware of the vulnerabilities of our current agricultural practices and of course the misdeeds done for corporate interests. If I really want to keep bananas around, you can keep a dwarf Cavendish in a greenhouse or just dig up the corn and bag it in burlap over the winter months, you can even indulge in growing tastier bananas like the blue ice cream named for it's appearance and taste but aren't durable enough for commercial use. Note that keeping the corn dormant wrapped in burlap in the basement allows you to grow the dwarf Cavendish even in Canada, it's just a lot of work to hack down the plant and dig up the corn each fall. Just make sure you don't compost the skins from grocery store bananas if you intend to grow your own or you could easily spread the diseases to your plants.

are you worried that Latin American Democracy will be extinguished by the USA?

no your an idiot.... This happened to the big mike, everything will be fine

No. Surely a huge company like Dole will find a scientific method (gene therapy) to modify their bananas and maybe make the perfect, most durable banana.

+AEtheGOD Actually no there isn't a lot that have the same aesthetics as the Cavendish. You can get smaller You can get brown skinned Or you can go GMO But what will the consumer buy since being conditioned to a specific look for hundreds of years

+purehuman PuroHumano now you scaring me more

Their business is not at risk since people have known about tropical race 4 since the 1980s. There's been hundreds of new varieties created but they're still doing consumer research and field tests to decide which one would be the best replacement. The first one that was released in 1988 was FHIA-01 known as "Goldfinger" 'FHIA-01' was released by FHIA in 1988 as part of their programme to breed bananas with increased tolerance/resistance to major pests and diseases 'FHIA-01' has been classified as susceptible but highly tolerant[18] and as resistant[19][4][12][20][2][5][21] to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense races 1, 2 and 4. http://www.promusa.org/FHIA-01

The massacre in 1928 of banana plantation workers in Colombia has been forever memorialized in the plot of "One Hundred Years of Solitude," Latin America's most famous novel. There's a similar massacre in the novel of banana plantation workers trying to rebel against a repressive regime. So, bananas are quite influential--they even inspired Latin America's greatest author, Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

More Trumpers should watch this, and fill their empty brains with real information.

Why must every video have annoying background music or some ridiculous intro? Just narrate it and leave it alone.

I can't possibly be the only one who picked up a banana from the kitchen, and started eating it while watching this

LOL. If I had a banana, I would've done the same. :D

All these wars fought over bananas and no one thought to put bananas in their enemy’s rifle?

5:55 : United Fruit Slaughted Innocent Civilians and banana workers, 3000 dead from premeditated mounted sentry gun entrapment.

We would eat other bananas if they made it readily available.

great video, great research, but it shows that the us is still the same, owning with hard power, killing people for money. this is a disease.

I'm gonna pretend to be an ignorant trump supporter and say "Fake News!"

People only care when it's gone. We need Bananas to go extinct, same goes for famous animals, maybe when the last Elephant dies we might actually do something.

that is an odd way to explain preservation, you say the longer it grows or the longer the envirenment the longer bananna? which way do you think? if erosion happens is it because of the deteriorating envirenment as opposed to the preserving bananna? most people would say the chain leads to deciding which one is bought. here to who know and who dont know.

I hate bananas.

Good they are full of poisonous pesticide and fungucide anyway. I am not worried at all about banana there is plenty of wild banana in Asias jungle if you really want them.

We bicker on how bananas should be peeled!

No. They only want to raise the price for bananas

I'm not worried about the Cavendish. There's a lot of wonderful bananas out there.

Awesome production and design. Real journalism. Please please please continue this more NPR route of information.

What the heck, this started auto-playing and I thought I was watching a Vox video. Not bad, NBC.

Only buy healthier, pesticide free organic bananas!

non-gmos... :| I trust in science that we, humans, manipulate nature to prevent a disease from destroying our food. Just gimme that bacteria resistant banana... i could careless if it does nothing bad like a natural version. which it doesnt :|

Good. Bananas shouldn't have british names.

I'm from South East Asia. The birthplace of bananas. I found that the bananas in the USA. Is not the same. Not as tasty. It was big. But it tasted bland. There are other strains of bananas don't let just one strain monopolize the market

I'm literally eating a banana while watching this and you're telling me it got a disease?

I blame Sea Of Thieves for the banana shortage.

We argue over how to eat bananas? Please continue doing these entertaining and factual videos. And fire, immediately the squad of betas that are creating these Vox-like format and editing..

Back in Arbenz government, my grandma told me that everyone had money, and Quetzals (Guatemalan currency) worth more than dollars. People didn't wanted dollars!!! The effects of CIA and the banana empire were way worse for guatemalan people(36years of war and corruption). If that wouldn't happen we would like the Netherlands of America (yeah, that's right, America is a continent, not a country) or some sort of Norway. Many of the great advancements that took place on the country came from that epoch.

And in steps Monsanto with their genetic manipulations, voila fungus resistant glow in the dark bananas... mmmm tasty

Communism IS a real threat in Latin America. It isn't just an excuse.

I don't care about corporations

Kirk Cameron loves bananas.

Why Adam and Eve were painted as white?

it took me 2 minutes to realize this wasn't a vox video

cant they grow it in a lab?

The Banana Chiquita destroyed Guatemala and impeach their president Jacobo arbenz they are very evil. The USA started a disastrous civil war in Guatemala. You can read https://www.scribd.com/doc/106672332/BITTER-FRUIT-The-untold-story-of-the-american-coup-in-Guatemala


Im surprised a us news corp is admitting to the evil conducted by capitalist americans and their military.

get off this capitalist american site which uses american military inspired internet, you left wing parasite.

Lol, watching this while eating a banana split.

Simple solution just change the location you grow them to a different country

Yeah, I won't be buying Chiquita bananas anymore, thank you.

Ya know what, here's a thought, the big companies know this is coming, they knew a long time ago, and they've already replaced their bananas with the modified version that is resistant, and as a result they are hoping the disease spreads so they can take more market share. Just a thought. potentially unrelated, i like the fruit, however about 8 years ago it started to give me an allergic reaction when i'd eat a banana, my mouth gets really itchy, and it sucks because i like bananas, and i can't eat them. :(

humans are next

F. united fruit for what they did to gautamala.

And this is why diversity in the plant genetics is so vital. Cloning & grafting single species = eventual extinction!

Florida Orange caught smuggling Panama Disease into Panama.


The United States created many of the problems in Central and South America that has caused people to seek better lives in the US, including what they've done for cheap bananas. We have people like Trump who have a similar history of exploiting people for their own gains, then turn their backs to them when they are in need.

Hail Hydra,. I mean Chiquita.

Gmo are the future if we want keep are population growing

Can we believe this story? It is from CNBC so the legitimacy has to be questioned.

"The Panama disease hasn't reached latin America". Isn't Panama in Latin America? lol

Gave up bananas a year ago. Don't miss them.

chiquita and dole can shove the bananas up their ass.

Bananas arent even that good. Peaches are much better

For all you sanctimonious hypocrites...you love cheap prices on any product! This story is as old as man! Just the details change! What I am waiting for is for man to make himself extinct!

O dear God, save the bananas them please . Love banana so ....

GMO is not the answer! Eugenics and greed will be the end of this planet lol no seeds and they wonder why there plants are failing. We need to get past eating infertile plants, its not good for the plant and its not good for us.

Alan Brown, that one person who's a banana biologist

Time has changed. This is like a nazi saying: yeah, I might have killed a few jews and taken their factories, but I'm not doing it any more....well...you still got the factories don't you?

It's not a bawinar. It's a baloser. Im not a bananaist. I'm a scientsist.

There's a interesting book/novel written in 1941 by costarican writter Carlos Luis Fallas called Mamita Yunai which is around the banana production and United Fruit Company labor here in Costa Rica, it has even being translated to english, chinese, etc.

It be fun to transplant that fungus to South America

if the stupid scientists were not messing with GMO bananas and have bananas as they are supposed to be with a pit inside, perhaps that would be a problem today

Great... now I know why they call them "Republica bananera", and old expression for those countries


Stop buying cheap bananas

So... the Gro Michel crop is hardier, cheaper/easier to transport and larger - If you have the finance to create GMO Cavanish, would you not gain an advantage over competitors by applying those techniques to the Gro Michel? Still would stand the scrutiny of the anti-gmo movements

Let's grow pawpaws instead, they are native to America and taste a lot like a banana. Also high in potassium.

so why not grow another breed of banana to prepare for this?

I thought they were going to say they are at risk because the #ketodiet was taking over and it strictly prohibited bananas loooollllll

And now, 2019, thousands of Guatemalans (El Salvadorians, Hondurans and Nicaraguans too) are seeking a better life by attempting to immigrate to the US...seems that if they had got a fair shake from the American businessmen and leaders back in the 50s to 70s they may have stayed home. Some of our problems we create ourselves. Makes you wonder what new problems we are creating today for ourselves in the future.

Banana Biologist - what a role

Same thing happened to the previous strain of Bananas back in the sixties

ummm......monoculture bad. when not if.


God damn i hate anti-gmo groups.

bingo the end of united fruit dole and delmonte--no more invasions -maybe they can grow on mars?

Dole bananas are planted in Philippine where Monsanto US companies used genetic modified good and illegal fertilizer to harvest. US has been doing it to slowly wipe out the Filipinos population and yet those Filipinos treated them like King's.

This report is highly inaccurate. If one does their own due diligence they will find out why we have the Cavendish banana in the first place. It's not because we love them. The fact is, it is one of worst tasting bananas that exists. It lacks the sweetness of days gone by. But we are stuck with it because of these fungus's which attack other varieties ferociously. Some islands have even outlawed these other varieties. BTW - If you get into virtual reality (VR), you will discover that most bananas are grown under overhead covers or what amounts to indoors. Gigantic fields of tented crops. Why ? Because the output per acre is much larger. The banana farmers can justify the cost of that covering this way.

Thanks goodness for this information. I had been blaming Trump.

Where are all these Refugees coming from! Oh, I wonder?


if this company massacered 3k banana workers... it is time for this company to be forgotten... be gone.

good Dole helped a dictatorship anyway

The United states earning the hate!!!!!

the fruit of the tree of knowledge couldnt have been a banana or an apple, because God put an angel to guard it from them with a flaming sword and then the flood happened lol duh

plantains are good.....

This is a long video just to say the Cavendish is in danger but there are literally hundreds of varieties of bananas and many of them taste close enough to the Cavendish that no one would notice. I grow bananas. The plants are very resilient and difficult to kill by neglect, pest, or disease. Some varieties even resist New English cold. Bananas are not going anywhere. Clickbait.

America war mongering for profit. A horrible government allowed by a careless population.

your content is addictive

Forget the Anti GMO'ers On This One' This Is Real! We Have The Technology' To Rebuild The Banana! Use The Modified Resistant Gene Hybrid ! Always!! _

We need more varieties of many foods to prevent this type of thing.

because GMO's are debatable. Both left and right support/don't support.

The agricultural practice of monoculture of seedless fruit (the Cavendish is just one) will eventually become extinct but the banana as a species will survive. There is a reason cloning as a method of reproduction is usually not successful in nature for the long term.


What, CNBC, you're not blaming Millennials for killing the banana industry? lmao your reporting is garbage, you neoliberal pigs.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HsJ2EbQA00Y man. give him some credit.

@CNBC I'm concerned that CNBC refuses to report on the grotesque exploitation of the Southern hemisphere's people by giant U.S. based corporations.

No, because it can be treated. It is not true that once it is infected it will die.

+Rodrigo Rios Lee if thats true why do frozen bannanas taste like ice cream? will ice cream not be delicious in the new milleneum future?

Alexandre Goncalves it's Ma'am!! and Jewish

Not only bananas, almost every living organism will go extinct in the next decades, including humans. Never heard of the 6th mass extinction?

+David James im sorry but i dont know what is a cavendish. good day to you sir and your fancy irish ways.

CNBC Hillary Clinton would have saved the bananas. She still can help. Please send all your money to the Clinton Foundation attention: head banana

Who else had to eat a cavendish while watching this?

i am because i like bannnana smell. I also like spelling bannnana and occasionally wearing yellow hats and shirt combo.

Bananas are inherently evil due to their phallic nature. God cursed them once for it and now it's happening again.

+AEtheGOD Sure, there are different kinds out there but few that have the classic "banana" flavor people want. There are some which are far better tasting but not able to be shipped for one reason or another. Some ripen too fast, some split easily, some have too thin of a peel and some, like the best tasting banana I have had, Paggi, as soon as they begin to ripen, the banana falls off the stem.

No, and the anti-GMO won't hold water. Once the disease wipes out enough of the supply to make bananas not commercially viable, the GMO version will be presented, and it's either eat this, or no bananas for you. We know the vast majority of activists won't persist in their actions once the problem begins to affect them personally, especially financially.

+Omar El Shazli The Cavendish is already a hybrid invented by the British because of the first blight and now the Australians have a GMO. One has to wounder if are we even eating Bananas at this point. lol

no. i eat other type of banana that are so much sweeter than this.

Yes. Genetic diversity is lacking in many commercial crops. I am worried about not only bananas going extinct but other kinds of crops.

er... they dont actually sell bananas.

IVE STOPPED EATING THEM because of the chemicals used to grow them and the environmental effects also the gmo!!!

why didn't you talk about the chemicals killing the workers..and toxic to those who don't wash their fruit??!!!!!!!! CHEMICALS CHEMICALS CHEMICALS CHEMICALS

New Guinea is not a tiny island...

i stopped buying them..used to buy organic

"we can't stop it because it happened before." ...so. they tried CRISPR back in the day?

Good, we can eat any of the other kinds of bananas


I got a banana between my legs.

I live in Hawaii, no need to import bananas, they grow easily and we have much better types available.

Meruca efff ya!!!

So this is the 2nd variety of banana to approach extinction from a fungus.

So the price went up.... Curiously!!!!!!!!!!!!

I always like to buy & ate Long bananas every 3 days one ya! I liked Del Monte Long bananas & in Singapore, we’ve Del Monte & Aloha Brands of Long bananas ya! ☺️

How do we know it isn't being done on purpose as part of the agenda?

Where ever US goes there is violence and war. I was expecting this before seeing the video.

I love

Banana runts rule!!!

I'd love to see more content of this style from networks like CNBC... Much more. Stuff like this is one of the reasons why so many countries are far behind technologically and socially.

DUHHHHH. Bananas have suffered in the past from monocropping issues.

20 mins is ridiculous im out of here.... I dont eat them very often cause their loaded with sugar.

How did the tree get the fungus. JEHOVAH GOD said he saw them put the fungus in the trees.

It's a CNBC documentary that is mimicking Vox's style even though Sam O' Nella did it better. Thanks YouTube.

They just disproved atheism.... lol when will you just accept God...

yes! we have no bananas, we have no bananas today!

Time to start breeding bananas again, selecting for the trait of having seeds this time instead of selecting for seedlessness. Too bad the banana trees take a while mature and it would take ages to reverse what we lost through selective breeding that was ultimately shortsighted. That's my understanding at least. But of course GMO will be viable much sooner.

companies staged coups and killed civilians in order to keep their profits by using their political power when voters were fed a convenient lie about the threat of communism. Just like us fights "terrorists" and bringing "democracy" today. presidents and prime ministers are just puppets, the multibillion company lobbyists control everything. We live in a cyberpunked future and we just don't know it.

Time to start preserving some bananas

Id watch a 2 min vid on this but not a 22 min vid on it tho

Ive seen one banana that was completely straight

The way the companies talk about Panama disease sounds like its a deadly to humans disease LOL. Like they're just bananas, if they're gone in 10 years, oh well.

the whole all-natural food is a piece of crap that producers use to increase their prices for no reason

Why? Because the Americans.... that answers almost any problem world wide

I'm surprised there doesn't seem to be any antifungal treatments.

It is a false statement that once the plant is infected it will die. It can be treated and cured, leaving a healthy plant.

Man why bananas and not pairs or cherries. The latter fruits I don't go nowhere near.

Incorrect information in this video. Cavendish seedless bananas are simply Triploid gened mutants that are hybrids specifically made because they can't reproduce because they lack seed production. It's obvious the film maker did not do their due diligence.

this is a really bad oversimplification of what untied fruit did in Latin America...

So what's the problem? Go with GMO.

minute 9:30mother F***** distabalizing Central america for Bananan and creating this Immigrations issue

Stolen from sam o nella

Genetic modification sounds like a great solution to the problem. Too bad we have so many clueless, paranoid morons who fear what they do not even understand when it comes to "GMO" crops.

The funny thing is, bananas are actually bad for you. Way too much sugar and not a great source of potassium. Spinach or many other vegetables have higher levels of potassium. Bananas actually spike your blood sugar more than a candy bar.

i do NOT eat any bananas produced or controlled by these 3 gangster companies who have all blood on there hands!

of course they say the company has changed, the assholes have now the stupid monopoly they wanted

my burrito rip in half and i said "stupid banana" when i meant to say stupid burrito. i was going to say something about the video when it happened, maybe that's why i said banana.

Vox, is this you?

Bring back the Big Mike.

This is a "fool" proof inexpensive home security system:  U will need: a bunch of bananas, a jar of crunchy peanut butter, a pack of condoms and some Saran wrap. Take the unpeeled banana and put a condom on it... coat the banana liberally with chunky peanut butter. Place the Saran Wrap on the object of safe keeping to prevent it from getting sticky and then the banana on top.... such as the seat of your Ferrari... walk away with the windows open!

Corporations love their monoculture farming, and that is the problem. What will be next? Maybe Monsanto's GMO products.

Screw those companies! If they fail another company will take its place, normally the same crooks from the company that failed, just under a new name.

You know that laffy taffy banana flavor? You see those little banana candies in the jar? Ever wonder why they call that flavor banana when it doesnt taste anything like a fresh Cavendish variety? What you are tasting is what the Gros Michel would have tasted like...R.I.P


Click bait. There is no real threat. People were just slow to respond.

The great white fleet and the banana republic show corporate goverment at their worst.

I was going to say...this sounds familiar. History repeats itself...

This is bull***.


i'll miss you, bananas...

am i the only person who thinks that GMO researchers should have used the resistance gene on the gros michel? it is a MUCH better banana by 10x or more. it tastes really good green and can last a long time and still be edible.

Bananas in Pajamas.

And now, there are so many Americans, who seem "annoyed" to see so many people from Central America making caravans, trying to escape violence and hunger. Always remember: it was the USA that destroyed the dreams of freedom and prosperity of those people; it was US military, or dictators with US military support that stained Central America's land with blood. Just remember that next time you see a Central American migrant.


The real math is: Banana + (Fungus) = $ CONTROL

Been hearing warnings about this for years.

People died so we could eat cheap bananas. *eats a banana while being triggered about bananas

its going to happen regardless hippies can pay more for the non gmo I guess simple enough

This was a really well done piece. Nice to see CNBC take some cues from Vox.

I am glad I don't eat bananas...

Bill Maher has a great demo of how Mike Pence eats a banana

what if one bannna costs 1500 $ of todays money in the future. what if we tell our grand kids about how we used to eat bannas like they were nothing ...

Eve tempted by the forbidden banana? Now THAT story makes sense!


There are 67 different varieties..not hundreds...

so people should only eat local grown fruits and vegetables.

so wait? banana farm workers wanted to strike and unionize so America sent armed soldiers to crush the union claiming to be fighting communism?? who paid for that...the rich banana farm owners or american tax payers?

If the fungus enters through the roots, why not graft the Cavendish onto the stalk of a resistant banana strain?

In the Philippines, there are a lot of varieties of bananas sold in the market, on of which is called "Lakatan." It is similar to Cavendish, a bit smaller but a lot sweeter. I bet these companies will someday sell Lakatan when all of the Cavendish dies from the disease.

I find it funny that only CNBC is concerned over this...everything is always pitted as a "U.S" or "America" problem....First Avocados...now Bananas...guess they will keep going down the list til one gets our attention!!!

Wow, it took CNBC 22 minutes to describe what Sam o'Nella said in like 5.

so they already gmoed a solution and its solved. okay why does this video exists? The growers will quietly switch if they haven't already, the hippy winers are certainly not harming gmo corn much.

Banana Plantation Workers: "Hey we want rights!" US: "Only commies want rights..."

cmon black people... save our bananas

No worries. The tropics have hundreds of other fruits that you haven't even heard about. It's just a matter of popularizing their consumption. Also, I'm colombian. The problem of chiquita paying a terrorist organization from 1997 to 2004 sounds awful. And it is. But in their defense, our government had no control of the territory and they were being terrorized by a second terrorist group. Their workers were being kidnapped, they were getting extorsions and so on. The only solution for them was to pay this first terrorist group to defend them. It sounds awful but it is difficult to understand if you were not there.

I prefer the Chiquita bananas because the "opener" works so well. The "Dole" bananas have defective openers. I always use the stem to open. There are advocates of opening bananas from the wrong end which I don't understand at all. I am not sure why the Dole bananas stems do not properly open the banana, but it must be a slightly different variety.

why is the white guy arguing about bananas with the african? Its obvious she is the expert

oh darn! what will i keep on the kitchen counter for 1.5 days before it turns brown now?!

Suffering from the same problems every monoculture suffers from. Just stop it and all problems disappear.

Dole sold their banana biz a while ago

united fruits has the largest bananas. LOL

Too bad they aren't making a resistant Gros Michel. They have a much richer, creamier and slightly sweeter taste. Maybe find a way to combat the fungus...

Solution is special Monsanto banana seed.

Wait till the when anti-GMO -freaks- concerned folks can't have their bananas anymore for them to wilt from their "OMG GMO" positions.

I heard girls really like bananas ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

As someone from Europe I really dislike the "especially for America" statements.. We love bananas just as much, this is just another statement that shows the egocentricism of America. Love the rest of the video though, I thought it was really informative :)

I can't go back to putting strawberries in my yogurt. I'm sure Monsanto's GMO bananas will survive though.

Let’s go GMO people. We’ve done it to ourselves in human medicine, so debating this topic is just as debating the human medicine that we currently have.

Hi, Stopping in to say that bananas are disgusting.

Simple, too much chemicals & pesticides on it. I just cut a banana hand from my backyard, pure natural, no even irrigation here on Florida. The flavor, REAL NATURAL, is incomparable.

I don’t know...

Xander Geesman Right, like by being OK with genetically modified bananas. I don’t think GMO is as big of a deal as people make it out to be.

no you are fake news

+David James Head banana = Billy the BJ boy ???

+Paris Wolf Like the Texas Ruby Red grapefruit? Those were delicious but something happened and they're not around any more.

Banana's won't go extinct! That's bananas!

No. The USA can always buy alternate varieties from the Caribbean countries and others as they should be doing anyhow.

Already happened to banana before, you dimwits.

There are thousands of edible banana species in the world. The one most readily available in the us the one sold by all the big companies is the cavandish banana. The cavandish banana is one of the most boring banana species and is the second banana to be sold in america on large scale. The first was the gros michael which had an extinction scare but they still exist and taste better than cavandish just arent sold like they used ot be.

I hope they do go extinct

CNBC yes!!

+Andrew Driver I peel it from the side, byatch

I hope it goes extinct and all these mafias burn to the ground.

No. Just like Big Mike, the Cavendish's days are numbered. History has shown that monoculture is rarely sustainable.

I once heard that an Italian doctor traced the root of cancer to fungus, and makes me wonder if TR4 is that fungus and why these super rich corporations have not found a solution for this.

Nah, Dole commited crimes against humanity.

+Bara Kuda Well, if you consum Cocain, your insulin level will rise, same with coffe, BANANAS, Potatoes, Tea, Bread, Pasta, Apple etc. But NOT if you eat meat or drink water. Plants give you satisfation, meat and water dont.

well no, i'm not worried but your mom is.

Wow no mention of the cause which is monocultture

Humans: Let's cultivate and make clones of the bananas to prevent diseases. Panama Disease: *Hold my beer*

I heard those Colombian white powdered ones are pretty damn dangerous :] . It silly they are so hard to get though.

Multinational companies or ‘transnational companies’(TNCs) still face social challenges and need to demonstrate real progress towards environmental and social sustainability. They have launched a series of certification initiatives but have not managed to convince many critics that these have benefited workers, local communities and the environment. TNCs may have to work more closely with civil society organizations and NGOs in order to gain their trust. Otherwise these pressures may further accelerate the process of moving TNCs away from the production end of the commodity chain. Dole and Fyffes have reportedly entered into shipping arrangements with European importers of Fair Trade bananas, which shows that progress is underway. Zeljko Serdar, CCRES


No one punch man comments I'm surprised

Has anyone checked to make sure that the mycelium are present in the ground where the bananas are growing? If it's missing you need to plant it

I don't even eat bananas so......................................

Banana milkshakes are the bees knees.

Thats bananas.... Wouldn't wanna ruin the C.i.a.'s front buisness.

it would be so derpy if bananas disappeared

Well, at least Chiquita is focused on trying to change for the better...

well this is what we get when we limit species diversity. Basically we as humans disserve this

This video made me appreciate bananas man. Ty

CNBC let´s call the violent grup Chiquita pay in Colombia by it real name the paramilitaries.

i wonder when i pick up a banana at the store, on average how long ago was it hanging on a tree thousands of miles away?

Excellent report and documentary. Very informative and well researched. Let´s hope a solution other than GE/GM is found. Plus the US should acknowledge its war crimes for economic reasons in Latin America. Thanks

The US government used General Smedley D. Butler as part of it's Capitalist Expansion Team. " “I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents.” Quote from Gen. S.D. Butlers Book: War Is A Racket

In conclusion, Bananas are EVIL



Or it's just another scare tactic or intentional diseasing to raise profits!

The Gros Michele nearly went extinct in the 30s-40s, the Cavendish sucks usually and even if it does get mostly wiped out it will still likely survive in the long run. It'll just be replaced with yet another desert banana, maybe one of the more colorful varieties like a red banana.

How the Hell can you discuss the United Fruit Company without mentioning Edward Bernays? And the term “Banana Republic” Extremely poor journalism.

The Cavendish is already a gmo, most modern fruits and vegetables are gmo's. I don't think I'll ever understand this bandwagon movement against them.

Nobody LOVES bananas as much as Somalis

with all the money involved you would figure they would get somebody that can solve this problem as quick as they can .Greed is there motivator and we like our bananas

The very first statement is untrue Apples are still the favorite Probably always will be.

You need only look at the actions of the United Fruit Company (among other examples) to see why many from Latin American countries have vehemently criticized the Monroe Doctrine (and the accompanying American style Imperialism). In fact, they are the poster child for American Imperialism.

There's always money in the banana stand.

Remember when the government brought anti-trust action against monopolies? Ancient history.

make the soil heathly .then the fungus is gone

There is literally a GMO cavendish that is resistant... where is the issue again?

So no more banana splits. Humans are doomed

bring on the GMO banana i dont fkn care we arent gonna live forever

Wait wait wait... so we have a solution to this, which is only briefly mentioned, and then quickly dismissed because there are people in the US who lack a biochem education and are irrationally afraid of GMOs? Wow, eh.

I don't know if it's true, but I've heard that the gromichel was the variety that banana flavoring for candy was based on and that's why banana candy doesn't taste like bananas now.

I'm sorry, but New Guiena is not a "tiny island". It's the 2nd largest island in the world after Greenland.

Bring back the Gros Michel.

bananas: whoopi goldberg: you're in danger girl

Pineapples can finally get in that top 3

Isn't Chiquita guilty of human trafficking?

...because vegan feminists abuse bananas

Is it just me or does this look like one of Phillip defrancos informative videos

A very great story especially considering it's from an "enemy of the people."

Screw those banna companies they have a monopoly because of extortion of latin american countries

The governments are willing to butcher thousands of banana farmers to avoid paying them more money, Maybe the death of the banana is poetic justice? No more profits for the pigs in bananas eh?

Isn’t it obvious the GMO banana will replace this one?

Bananas was making some greedy people very very rich, like the Dules brothers. They should rename that air port.

What you reap, you sow.

The death of the Cavendish banana may also be what triggers the oncoming battle of GMO vs non-GMO. Considering the overlap of demographic with those who are against GMO products, vegans everywhere will be wanting their bananas back...

The cavandish banana maybe but they are the lamest of the thousands of edible banana species in the world so no huge lose really.

If only vaccines existed for other plants and animals?

Monocultures always fail eventually.

theyre not going extinct lol stupid liberals and theyre scare tactics like climate change

Wow, what a high quality production. The writing and research was wonderful.

1- when Americans have the nerves to tell people to go back to their country yet they have been and are still in everyone's country raping their Economy for centuries now. GFYS! 2. Dont worry about bananas going extinct. these big banana cooperations will use modern science to create a "bannana Vaccine" that will save the bananas but sure enough to be hazardous to human health.

If Chiquita and Dole go out of business how will their CEO's afford Joe Biden's $2,800 a plate fundraiser?

This video jumps around the 1900s, confusing the timeline. One moment we're in the 1950's, and the next we're back in the 1920's, then back in the 1950's & 1960's again.

I can tell by the comments that people have difficulty thinking for themselves. This is a biased, one sided story cloaked as a documentary. Of course they are wanting you to hate banana companies guys. There is a political and financial incentive for the creation of this "documentary" I hope some of you guys can see through this.

Genetic engineering has engineered a resistant banana, if there wasn't so much unscientific hysteria against genetic engineering, that would be the answer. I want them to engineer the original Gros Michel banana to be resistant too.

Don't buy bananas if support Central Americans. Also don't buy bananas if you want migrants to stay in their country.

Boycott chiquita banana.

They taste like paste now with the new hybrid ... bring back the old.

didnt they start a war for bananas years ago?

There are bananas that taste way better than the one sold all over the US. Problem is that the people have no imagination and want the same stuff.

Bananas going extinct ? How about worried that US keeps f** with Latin America and the world

So, no one was punished for these mass killings?

and i don't eat them because they have so much sugar XD XD

The main problem is the EU sabotaged the company and they had to sell most of the ownership to stay in business.

Now is the same but with petroleum in Iraq and Venezuela if you don't have this don't worry American soldiers won't be in your country

. . . And another fine political propaganda piece, courtesy of our friends at the Communist Nitwit's Broadcasting Corporation... aka CNBC. Destroy America, CNBC! Crush it in the name of Communism!

Who knew big ag mono-crops were such a bad idea?

America can do without bananas. What a ridiculous corner growers have painted themselves into.

Wow the word chiquita miss pronounced like 20 times she even went out of her way to misspronounce it. Sad little one


this story is bannanas

The Lady In The Tutti Frutti Hat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLsTUN1wVrc Circa 1940's

Wow I am soooooo happy and thankful to GOD, that all GMO bananas will be gone. God has amazing ways to teach lesson to evil devil's....

I haven't watched the video but I can answer in one word: Monoculture. All you have to do is diversify your crop variety, but thanks to capitalism and general greed we find ourselves in this situation in many agricultural industries. Heck, the fact it's an industry is the problem. All sorts of creepy unnatural practices give way to unnatural disasters.

Great. And i was worried about the insecticides. Jeez. The only way to know something safe anymore as to grow it yourself

Money and profit involved ,you know that they will come up with a solution.Besides I WANT MY BANANAS !!!

Time to start shorting chiquita stock.

Bananas, coffee, or cocoa, there is too much money in the industry to just let it die and everything will be done to preserve it. People against GMOs need to spend time and do some research, instead of crating protests of things they do not understand.

The United States of America, the greatest terrorist organization the world has ever seen.

Watch the first 4 minutes and the last 6 minutes, you're welcome

also hoomans open bananas upside down,

They grow bananas in my zip code. 96749 look it up. The local schools serve Ecuadorian bananas becuase the food service providers undercut the local guys. WTF. they ship bananas from Ecuador to mainland US, and then on to Hawaii. WTF BTW.

Jacobo Árbenz :(

Went from how bananas are being endangered to the dark history of the politics behind bananas...okay CNBC.

i've heard there are many varieties of bananas, and that the Cavendish is actually the most bland tasting of them all.

Diversity is the solution.

Remember Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala was overthrown for stupid bananas, i hope this fungus kills United Fruit Company/Chiquita

Im confusion why this video 22 minutes

They will GMO new bananas resistant to the fungus. They've already done successfully. This was also done with the Papaya

Lol World Banana Forum

I will never buy, and will make sure my wife doesn't buy anything "Chiquita" ever again.

maybe don't buy anything every since everything has a root in violence at some point.

Its almost like communism is nothing but a boogeyman. Its almost like its the rich capitalists that are the issue.

Dislike for the banana that you grossly pealed from the wrong side. I'm disgusted.

Omae wa mou shindeiru!!

nah we got plantain

Sounds like very good excuse to make them even more expensive.

OMG!!!! There are NO other types of bananas that can fit into that "pipe"! When that Panama Disease hits, we'll never have anymore banana's EVER!!! You identified the problem early on in the film.... The industry is NOT willing to give up a penny on their sweet deal of that mono crop they have maximized to the breaking point.... The natural world doesn't continue that behavior indefinitely. There are other banana's that can be farmed and sold. No GMO's needed. In 1977, I lived in India for a year. Every month there was a different type of banana in season selling on the streets. Some had big seeds (not a big deal). They all tasted different from each other. Some were short, long, red, yellow, super sweet, or very tart. They all had much more complex flavors and textures than the Cavendish. I'm not even worried about the Panama Disease. In fact, I can't wait. I'm just disappointed that we have been deprived of the wonderful variety of bananas that are so enjoyed by other nations. I grew up in the 60's, where the only apples available were Macintosh, Red delicious, Golden delicious, and Granny Smith.... gee.... could the world handle ANOTHER type of APPLE???.....(spoiler) HELL YEAH!!! And also.... lettuce was only ICEBERG LETTUCE, then someone dared to introduce that exotic weird product.. ROMAIN LETTUCE! Shocking... Sounds quaint huh? Well this whole report sounds quaint. Such a throwback.

CNBC I can’t wait for the human race to go extinct then everything else will be fine ...

Every banana you eat is a clone and has been a clone for over 30 years. The original bananas died years ago. They don't even taste the same.

No, this has been said for years

I’m allergic to them and often get severe stomach pain after eating them. They’re extremely high in sugar, so we won’t really need them since the world is so fat already lol.

Maybe its TIME to stop wanting fcking bananas

not worried cause if theirs money to be made of course the big companies are gonna pour money into developing a way to keep it going

but those interventions were all before communism was even in russia so how could that have already been an issue?

3:27 think pure thoughts... that is your grandma for god's sake!

Rust Fungi is another big threat to crops.

Without bananas, how will Garou's victims recover?

are there tr1 resistant gros michels that are genetically engineered?

plz save bananas

12 years until bananas go extinct

eh, i don't eat bananas. way too sweet and feeds candida.

I wish they'd try to transfer the resistance gene from the Cavendish into Gros Michel Bananas, alongside the one they took from whatever wild variety the TR4 resistance came from. The Gros Michel was supposedly much tastier than the Cavendish, kind of like those banana-flavored sweets you think don't really taste like banana at all. I'd be willing to pay a premium to have it available in stores.

10k likes for suppressing an entire Country for a damn fruit! Capitalism is disgraceful! We have failed as humans completly!

Already learned most of this watching Drunk History.....but thanks for the recap!

Who eats banana with rice? It tastes great with rice

Dole destroyed Hawaiian culture so it's fitting mother nature destroys dole's profits

Pesticides incoming

4:16 I thought you said “el puto”

Got a lot of them in my backyard

jokes on y’all I’m allergic to bananas

U.S. have boring banana anyway(only one type). It's time to try different type of banana. They taste better

Is this news? I remember this was reported in New Scientist back in 2006: https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn9152-a-future-with-no-bananas/

Now riddle me this, why is there a popular hipster clothing store called Banana Republic? Is it threatened by this fungus too?

The space aliens who allied with the Russians to make me vote for Trump also like bananas and they have been scooping them up causing a shortage.

I love bananas, but one thing I hate about bananas is that develops black spots way too quick whenever I want to consume them

Could they attempt to cross breed the Cavendish and Gros Michel in order to cancel out the weakness to Panama disease?

Wow I am disgusted that this is how banana's have reached my plate. I will never eat another again. That's absurd that most of this corruption is going on over a piece of fruit. Say no to bananas and boycott that thing.

personally I feel a GMO for this reason is understandable and acceptable ... if it's this or nothing !

India has the best tasting bananas!!!!!!

Eat apples!!!!!!

This story has been told for more than 20 years now.

A new way for monsanto to go on a power trip.

so a U.S. company goes in to a poor country promises them railroads and telegraph lines suppressed wages, military , U.S. & China the same

GOOD. Take down the monopolies that have dominated South America, and let's all grow our own food via co-ops and other collaborative efforts. And maybe ban Roundup and prosecute Monsanto while we're at it.

Finally my small banana farm in Florida will soon gain its value bahahahah

Cavendish is one of the most tasteless versions of bananas.

GMO opponents will starve the world.

So is this about bananas or politics, the communists are always at work,

The fungus could be the reason to turn once again to local fruits as nutrition staple. Apple was the staple fruit before the bananas overtook the market in my country, also due to the hard currency (Euro) . So it maybe a catastrophe for a lot of people and I hope it does not come to this, but it is not doomsday.

So overthrowing governments for corporate interests is nothing new in United States ..... now Trump is itching to overthrow Venezuelan government to steal their oil on the behest of Oil Cartel... ExxonMobil, Shell etc.

I'm a Longshoremen. Nuff said. ~boB

I hate bananas.i hope they go extinct.

same thing that wiped out bananas in the 1950s

this was bananas to watch

Oh no - we will lose bananas! Just another thing that progressive will worry about - what next? Global warming? a black US president? a new government holiday?

How about the "Banana Wars", when the USA overthrew governments in Central America to steal land to have cheap bananas. This is one of the reasons there continues to be social problems in Central America and migration to the USA from the region. Thankfully FDR made an effort to end the USA's shameful behaviour in the region! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_Wars#American_fruit_companies

leave it to cnbc to go from a video about dying banana trees to straight up communist propaganda

Unpopular opinion; I hate bananas. I like plantains tho.

And this is what happens when there is no biodiversity in our food supply

Fruit, drugs, and fear of communism is basically why Latin America is so messed up. Americans consume all three in large quantities.

I need a hobby!

A banana makes or breaks a good smoothie.

please i cant wait... no more bananas

Unaware of all of this. Wow

Freelee has left the chat

This ladies voice makes this so boring. Wasn't Morgan Freeman available?

Shoes Hell. Come'on ChemTrails !

If you plant a monoculture you invite plague. These companies are the ugly face of cpitslism and I say that as a capitalist. They need to die.

i like that background music reminds me on some psybient music:)

Both companies were once the head of different massive communist dictatorships, it all should be fiiiine...

These big American corporations are just thugs.

My wife prefers saba and burro banana's but they are expensive in the states.

The banana you eat is not the banana of your grandfather. The best banana was virtually made extinct due to the greed of companies like Chiquita and their deforestation practices to plant bananas.

cavendish punah? nggak masalah sih, krn di indonesia kita punya banyak lbh bagus kita sebarkan ide ke org amerika yg katanya suka pohon utk makan buah tropis spt durian dan manggis itu juga susah tumbuh di usa jika kita lihat di yt dan instagram byk sekali warga usa yg mencoba menanam pohon pisang yg bukan cavendish bagaimana jika selera mrk berubah ?

I absolutely detest bananas.

Time's have changed and so has our company.... Yeah profited and established a stranglehold during a time they were allowed to act with barbarism then changed their name to Chiquita to feign sympathy when it was no longer convenient and under the watchful eye of an oft apathetic and misguided news media..

I thought it was in jeopardy because all the central american folks are caravannin to USA

Wow! Never buying Chiquita again.

From controlling whole countries and being known as banana republics to being endangered *Top 10 anime plot twist*

I dont really care for bananas.. but im wondering why the U.S stepped and deployed in south america and try to control the issues when it didn't even involve them at all. Also, most the people were looking for a profit.. not to solve world hunger. Just greedy people found something else they could sell and control. Sad...

…..dang....now I have to get up and go in the kitchen and get myself a banana....

Not my wonderful source of potassium?!

literal slave labour


It happened to rice stalks at Rice Terraces in Philippines .. it is believed that ONE AUSTALIAN brought the culprit or Culprits ATTACHMENT to his or his dirty soiled shoes

The background music is mostly annoying

How does anyone write an entire book about bananas that's interesting from cover to cover? I don't know, but Koeppel managed it. His book is a genuine page-turner and I can recommend it to anyone who likes a good read.

Times have changed have they? Don't forget the nonexistent Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Don't forget how any country that causes disturbance in the oil industry mysteriously becomes a country needing "liberation". Same stories, different names.


I dont like bananas

The guy hosting this is the predator that brought pizza on an episode of NBC Dateline, and this is by NBC... Don't believe me? YouTube "Pizza Predator" and see for yourself!!

I hate anti-gmo groups

Chiquita is still horrible as ever

A tale of conservative vulture capitalist terrorism. The radical right is using the same tactics today.

Red bananas?

i have heard this since 2005

soooo we have the solution but are worried about anti-science idiots... why do these people want measles and no bananas.

https://www.npr.org/2011/08/30/139787380/bananas-the-uncertain-future-of-a-favorite-fruit Bananas: The Uncertain Future Of A Favorite Fruit February 18, 2008

From what I have heard, artificial banana flavor candies are the flavor of the Gros Micheal and not the Cavandish. Which is why they have such a different taste.

Anti-GMO people are as stupid as anti-vaccination people

Bananas aren't really healthy but I would hate to see them go away completely. I really don't eat bananas but I will have one every once in a while. It would be sad if they went away.

Not the first time a banana strain has been killed off by disease. Try some multi culture in plants and we won't have this BS problem. Same thing happenned with potatoes. Get some life lessons.

Bananas why you worries? in south east asia fruits are anywhere..PHILIPPINES is a small countries but bananas..mangoes..coconuts..pine apples..etc.are anywhere..it grows only with out farming..

Why would they not place research into bacteriophage?

when Canary islands is named in a internet video :D hello from the canary islands!!

today: oil 60 years ago: bananas

Good informative vid.

wtf i hate bananas now

Come, Mister tally man, tally me banana Daylight come and me wan' go home It's six foot, seven foot, eight foot BUNCH! Daylight come and me wan' go home Six foot, seven foot BUNCH! Daylight come and me wan' go home Six foot BUNCH! Daylight come and me wan' go home no more BUNCH! Daylight come and me still at home

Not really

CNBC. Its about Higher prices, more profit. In California you can buy 1lb for 49-59 cents a pound. So get ready to see $1.00 a pound

CNBC I hate bananas

+Scott O'Keeffe well it be better for the other living things

+Jasmine Martinez haha, or ugly bananas

You weirdos, I'm in Asia no I'm not worried, you just can't deal with ugly and strange things I'm going to steam some bananas

Nope. Dole, Chiquita, Fresh Del Monte and any other monopoly company that has used slave labor and oppression need to go extinct.

Fantastic documentary. Thank you. Greetings from Portugal.

And they sell for 49¢ a lb

CNBC you have a history of lying that I can't start to believe you NoW I stop the video at 7.0 minutes I wasted of my life.

so tired of hearing about political hit pieces.... i'm glad i stumbled upon some actually important news that needs to be reported on! can't believe it's about bananas of all things lol

Maybe we could save the bananas if we STOPPED SENDING BILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO ISRAEL ?

Yea, americans as usual get what they want supported by their government; the history of the bananas production should be at taught at schools as an example of the brutality and cruelty of americans around the world. But yes, history is written by the winners and this is the perfect example. Hundreds of thousand of people died during those years in several countries but today just a few people know about it

It could be biological warfare against USA:))

I don't think Americans love bananas as much as they think we do. We always have a giant banana section but I always see it brimming with bananas. Same with apples. I think we throw away more fruit than we buy and eat.

o boy cant wait to enjoy some bananas

“wE wAnT nAtUrAl nO gMo” *doesn’t acknowledge the fact pretty much every food we eat today has been gentility modified* *doesn’t acknowledge the fact that there is no real scientific evidence to support the fact that gmos are bad for humans* If you don’t support GMO foods, you are also probably against vaccination, change my mind.

Yes, we have No bananas.

hi vox!

That complete destruction of a banana via peeling at the beginning was pretty graphic.

My wife hopes that my banana survives!!!!!!


I've noticed bananas don't taste the same as when I was younger.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnd people say that a possible government involvement in 911 is impossible. Monsters such as in this are possible of anything... #YourLeadersAreKillers

Stop buy bananas.

full of sugar and carbs.. Not all that good for you but marketed as such.

yeah but where do I get the book?

EVIL!!! Oh great - even MORE POISONS TOXICS added to bananas!!! SCUM pharmaceuticals & "THEM"!!!!! We MUST STOP "THEM" (& that only happens as WE work on healing our OWN CRAP!!!)

Wasn’t there a banana epidemic that happened back in the 1930s?

Get ready for the food prices to skyrocket then

No, the fairtrade , biological banana without pesticides will survive because they are the best banana's

freelee must be devastated ...

I think it's time they start mass shipping other varieties, i have bought red bananas and they actually take a while to ripen, about 2-3 weeks after i purchased them from a market but they are so delicious and sweet, similar taste to the cavendish. there is a few different varieties of red bananas, there are smaller ones that ripen quickly and are very sweet, but there is the medium sized ones that are thick and wide that take longer so they can be good to ship too it's just that people need to be re-educated about them and their ripening times etc

It never fell every time I buy some here they go this mess.

Bravo, very insightful and learnt a lot!

Not gonna lie I read this title as "Why The Banana Business Of Chip And Dale Is At Risk" and was extremely confused at first.

Some 150 years later and We still haven't come up with a blight proof American Chestnut tree. Blights of plant species are a very big problem. At least there is a genetically modified species of the Cavendish developed if the world has to go that route. If people hadn't modified nature in the first place through selective breeding to minimize seed production in bananas, we might not be facing the need for a genetically modified species now. Dang if People can't screw up nature something awful. Now the world is so overpopulated that we nearly have to accept genetically modified foods as acceptable to be able to feed everyone.

RIP vegans

The better bitter the sweeter the juice

Why would I worry that there isn't a Coca-Cola of bananas? The same way as a New Yorker, I didn't see the purpose of Über when we've had livery/gypsy for years before them. The conglomerate wants their hands in every pie. They'll soon realize that most of us, don't always buy things because of a brand name.

I have plenty of Banana left for the females around the world, @CNBC Email me for my business and lets get to work.

I’m sure Monsanto could come up with a deadly solution

Our smaller variety in the Philippines is better tasting, the cubby ones we steam are like candy The tiny red ones are delicious. You guys can't change. Act like the world will be terrible. There's many yummy bananas American people think bananas are all the same. As for history. It's history

Yesterday’s bananas today petroleum

What a surprise! Another company that's successful because of slave labor and destroying a country. It's like there's a pattern of behavior from these so call "successful" companies. If these "successful" companies oppressed people and nations in the past, they are doing it now. Reap what you sow, the companies and the families that sustain them.

My god ... this is BANANAS!

Go to Nirvana , with a banana

+Amellia Mendel Alright, even from someone with "Mendel" in their username: Why is it not possible? If you're that certain, I'm sure you'll be able to explain in detail.

It's not possible, sorry

Vanilla Banana Chardonay Milkshake

CNBC No. there is so much tyranny behind bananas I’ll never touch another one. Damned politicians, big banksters and the Dulles brothers murdering poor people. Had I known of this I wouldn’t of been buying this blood bananas. Also the fungus is destroying our body’s ecology. It is ubiquitous in the mother plant therefore it’s predominant in the offspring.

+Longevity Coach now you scaring me more

Banana's are Loaded with Nano technology. Don't eat them.

Curious George has left the chat

Got it, short these companies.

Okay, now you know. You stole their land, you stole their labor, you overthrew their elected officials, you killed their union leaders and created a culture of dysfunction. THAT is why they left. THAT is why they CARAVAN. THAT is why they come to the Border. THAT is why they ARE political refugees. You ate those cheap bananas now LET THEM IN,

I heard that your mom is a banana worker.

It scares me that companies had the power to manipulate entertainment and education from youth to fit their agenda. Kinda of opens your eye about what else they have done.

They act as if it’s not happening yet. It’s been happening wide scale in Latin America and that’s why this story is getting attention.

Fungus created by the government. CNBC corrupted media.

Can they not do similar to the wind industry and graft the tops onto different bulbs on the bottom?

What are the chances Monsanto developed Fusarium Oxysporum?

Now I wonder how the Gros Michel tasted like...

better hedge

Dole Chiquita & Del Monte bananas are laboratory GMO without seeds they should be extinct.

YOUR TIMELINES ARE ALL OVER THE PLACE! "Yes we have no bananas" 1920s then 1950 - 1960 profits fell then you say 1923 the search for replacement banana started then 1953 the first Cavendish plantation

More proof that we are nothing more than overgrown monkeys.

"... will face strong resistance from anti-GMO groups..." Ignorant peasants. Go smoke your recreational marijuana in a drum circle. There's no evidence GMOs are bad for you. If you don't want to eat a GMO banana, then don't. I don't care. But stop trying to tell me what I can eat.

The king of kings never forgets, and he works in mysterious ways.

United Fruit used the same business model that most colonists in theses and countries did in the developing/3rd. World countries, by putting a stranglehold on the countries ability to trade outside of their borders so keeping them poor.

The cevendish banana was used to displace bananas throughout the West indes but do ot have their nutritional value

+Krawurxus Actually, there's a Japanese team working on it, but they have been unsuccessful. The Australian team working on reactivating the resistant gene in the Cavendish have shown much more promise. The Japanese team have engineered a new form of the Gros Michel, with a lettuce-like skin that fruit fans can simply bite into with edible skins, but they are more susceptible to a mirriad of other diseases. I'm not going to give you a thesis, just use Google and have a great day. You can actually buy Gros Michel bananas, at certain markets but they are not mass produced

I toured Chiquita in Costa Rica, 1992, for School for Field Studies, studying conservation biology and sustainable development. I refused their "perfect" bananas - the local animals and workers had been poisoned.

Bananas should have seeds that are black most of these bananas don't have seeds

Extinct??? Not in the Caribbean nations small families try to keep these as part of the family gardening for food ,cuz they can be cook many different ways as well as in drinks..

Bananas pretty much all taste same. I have eaten different home grown varieties of bananas in south Asia which are a lot smaller than the Cavendish. There are no big supermarket chains of big fruit companies. I guess there are advantages of being dirt poor third world country if you have land, you can grow your own food.

Never called a banana boring your boring bro!!!

Better dead than Red

What about plantains?


Probably something that poisons the dirt for everything but bananas or some other insane, but cost-effective solution.

Dole Makes most of its money off of Pineapples now

Let the food grow naturally. GMOs have to go

how come we don;t see this in chiquita and dole commercials? the love of money is the root of all evil. many will have to answer for worshiping money above all.

those companies and the U.S. should pay for the crimes against humanity they committed around the world, and in their own soil ; for every woman, man, child and animal they murdered in cold blood... for profit

saying sorry is NOT nearly enough

Wait, so monocultures are a terrible idea for food production? The banana isn't a food staple, it's an extravagance, a luxury in the U.S. But what about all the clone seeds Monsanto has patented and forced on farmers? There's nothing inherently wrong with GMO foods but there is something wrong with a single crop being a clone. As we see with the banana all it takes is one pathogen to devastate the entire food supply. #ThanksALotMonsanto

I love me some fried ripe plantain

The cevendish banana was used to displace bananas throughout the West indes but do not have their nutritional value

I believe that it is possible that fruits and other edible plants are manipulated through cross pollination to improve sales and profit. I do think this mainly means taste improvement. Can food be too tasty? Do we become addicted? I think we might.

Thanks for shining a light on a few of the countless hideous crimes against humanity carried out by the United States govt. Now if only you would address the geoengineering carnage taking place in our skies everyday. Lord knows it’s gotta be playing a role in these mass tree and animal deaths not to mention “climate change”, weather warfare and crop destruction. When you study history you quickly learn that the biggest threat to national security is the govt itself.

+Zach Ethington ok thanks for letting me that

Cavendish was considered a garbage banana, the industry only turned to it because gros Michel died out from another versiion of the Panama disease.

gotta love Fungi! the true rulers of the planet! and they love mono cultures...

NOOOO I love cavendish.

Many People still don’t know how to eat bananas. The banana doesn’t actually rot easily at all. It is ready to be eaten when it’s spotty. Spotty ( ripe ) bananas have high antioxidant content, TNF and are smooth on the digestion, while as the yellow banana with no spots or green bananas constipate, are hard to digest, low in antioxidants, TNF and have too much nitrogen and complex sugar ( starch ). People like bananas not because of stupid advertisements. People love bananas and other fruits cause we are drawn to this food. It’s a food our bodies are meant to get daily, not as a freaking snack, but a meal .

Imagine if it was oil and not bananas.

And thus we have the term Banana Republic. A powerful company, more powerful than a nation.

Ghastly_Grinner they were definitely red after being dead

GMO is cavendish's last resort to TR4

And the ironic thing NO GMO on a banana? Banana are triploid. The ones we eat have no fertile seeds.

Because they are scum companies and should all be shot

Apples are shook.

Import a different variety but the Fear peels away, what do we do with out Fear?

I’m surprised these owners of United fruit weren’t killed back in the day. I wonder how many of today’s problems with poverty down there started with these anti union, anti labor, practices. Calling unions or fighting for labor rights communist is pathetic and only served to repress the population.

The problem is all the chemicals use to grow bananas today. In Ecuador we grow bananas but normally most Ecuadorians only eat the chemical free ones , at least the ones that know the difference . And the chemical free ones are cheaper

The best strains of bananas have been extinct for many years. Today's bananas are awful compared to what we had in the 50's and 60's. I'm not worried because it's not my favorite fruit but since it's allegedly the world's favorite fruit I imagine many people are concerned.


The U.S. Government has a history of Overthrowing Governments in Central & South America.... Did you know they were Democrats....

I want natural gmo

Well I suppose no I am not worried - we were just told there is already a GMO alternative that is identical + resistant. No problem!

Always fun to see how the American Empire victimized others for our benefit. :( Maybe the banana industry should be allowed to die, seems like poetic justices after all the deaths to keep it alive.

If they went extinct in Asia then they must have destroyed all plants in that area of the world so perhaps it won’t spread because there aren’t as many infected plants as before, I read a long time ago that Plantains would be the next best replacement for the Cavendish banana

What about Puerto Rico, another banana and plantain export?

Knowing this story, and that people were murdered when they protested bad work conditions, I hope the banana industry does fail due to disease. I won't be buying any more bananas.

if they do all die out, don't we have some seeds in a seed vault somewhere under a ton of snow? We can just take some from there and replant lol. But anyways, I have 4 banana trees in my backyard just in case.

This is the beginning of the shift by TMH...famine

What do you mean JUST a banana???

We need God to intervene...


No in Malaysia we have a lot of banana types, cavendish will be extinct but not others... it was specifically engineered by human...plus learning from its history the company had what it deserve to get in the past...

Wow I will never eat Chiquita products now

Why dont people buy mostly local fruit? I live in switzerland (its snowy and rainy). I know people love bananas, but apples, pears are just as good. Also frozen berries are a great option in colder months. I started cooking way more seasonally and i dont really miss anything. I dont need everything available all the time

If the disease for bananas can travle on your shoes, wear different shoes on the banana farm.


Nobody cleans shipping equipment. The women in WW2 loved working on banana boats.

It's not real statistics when they say we eat more bananas than anyone else... I would say that we purchase more bananas than anyone else... in every household including mine half of the bananas turn black in the fruit bowl and are thrown away. Any grocery store will tell you they throw more bananas away than any other perishable food in the store. Produce companies do the same thing. No one really wants to buy green bananas and once they start to ripen it all goes very quickly . Why can't a banana last as long as an apple or an orange?.. laughing out loud so much

Who gives a s*** as long as we get our of freaking bananas!!!!

So what you are saying is, they'll raise prices steadily because of banana going extinct and when they actually do go extinct they'll slip in the new panama disease resistant bananas and keep the prices high.

All the bananas are gonna DIE !?!?!!

Dole? I do not eat their produce after watching this documentary film that have been banned in US: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pqrX4BhtDHg

Did you just call New Guinea a "tiny island"??? It's literally the second largest island in the world after Greenland...

usa the united terrorists :o

Eve really wanted that banana *wink wink*

+Lee S Yes a small minority of Republicans are rino's, but it's mainly the Democrat side...

Yeah, we also know that party lines have crossed since then. Sooooo, modern day republicans.

Excuse me while I go eat my bananas before they overripen or turn completely black.

I know this might sound unpleasant to some people but... This might be Monsanto's chance for redemption.

I really like Bananas,, but After learning what Dole did to early Hawaii, I don't and won't support that Business!!!!!!

When younger thought everyone was out to get the USA through history we find out the USA is the world's Bully and most Americans act like they are the victim . Then they use the word communist to hide there true intentions. Notice the white man throws those words around on labor unions black ppl that didn't vote for 45 our communist president .Really

This is the result of some peoples greed and trying to push genetically modified plants... most of big companies wants to alter the natural way . SOME DISEASES comes from the laboratory who wants to control the market, wants fast money and manipulate the market.... IT WILL come to a point later on that only a few will produce because of manipulation in the market..

I love bananas and banana bread yummy

Cavendish is tasteless.

This seemed like a Vox.com video!

banana airines remake of yes we have no bananas is gold

If your a diabetic, bananas are a banned fruit. The grain lobby and the medical industry have been pushing grains on us all our lives. See the food pyramid. Now most of America is diabetic. In WW2 the Japanese would feed their prisoners a diet high in starch (rice)with very little veg or protein. This would dumb down the prisoners making it harder for them to plan an escape but leave them able to do manual labor. Enjoy those fries and that white bun wrapped around adulterated meat and processed fat. Four walls do not a prison make, we are all imprisoned within our minds.

In America if you ain't first you're last

Jau Yun Well said!

I am worried.

No. I'm worried that the U.S. billionaires will send troops abroad to suppress democracy and that they will destabilize poor people for profit.

Please make a documentary about Oranges, i love them too and also make one about Broccoli I love me some broccoli too.

The scientific name was written wrong

I'm not concerned at all. Looks like it's time for crispr to step up to the plate.

Bananas are disgusting... Only banana shake is good

I fruits. They keep putting poop on it and make n me sick

United fruit radicalized Ernesto "Che" Guevara

i actually have bought and ate gros michel bananas from the internet. they are delicious.

I feel like there is some sort of greater meaning to the fact that something as seeming small asa banana could have to power to overthrow governments But for the life of me i cant see much morr than sadness out of it

Assuming all bananas aren't wiped out (assuming any mass wipeout does happen) likely the same thing that happened before will happen again. The current 'banana' is popular banana #2, the previous favorite banana was wiped out in the 50's or 60's, I forget which.

I think when we tolerate corruption in the government it ruins the place anyplace and it’s very difficult to stamp out.And when the government promises to help you could bet that that’s not gonna happen ! or it’s cost triple and the problem is not fixed.Global warming comes to mind.

Better start stealing. That'll show them.

Genetic modification and selective breeding are not the same thing. Lack of evidence is not proof of safety. There used to be no scientific evidence supporting claims of cigarettes being harmful to humans. The idea that you're either against or for something is idiotic and both views are equally wrong. We should first carefully study before implementing, yet at the same time not discard. Most people will acknowledge that GMOs bring non-zero chance of health and environment related issues, both direct and indirect. People would generally agree that antibiotics and antimycotics are a good thing, yet their constant overuse has led to evolution of resistant strands which are no longer dangerous just to our crops and livestock. And we've yet to implement proper measures to limit their use only where necessary.

Who else is watching while eating a banana?


In the Philippines as a tropical country, there are dozens types of bananas.There's plenty of it here.

Plants becoming susceptible to a disease is usually due to a mineral deficiency in the soil - has this not been looked into?

If they are going to be GMOing bananas, then I guess I will stop eating bananas. Thank goodness there are plenty of other foods I can eat that aren't being GMOd.

we are all going into keto, so bye bye! jk


PLA pledges its allegiance to CCP. US Army, Air Force, Navy & Marines pledge their allegiance to American oligarchs. Both populations are deluded enough to believe their respective armed forces are saviors of human race and fight to keep peace & save innocent lives.

Bananas are about the only thing people won't boycott.

+I lick the insides of microwave popcorn packages you are smart lol

I love Banana

Workers should strike It's sad they pay employees scrap

There is always money in the banana stand!

It only needs a chinese man ;)

What about “Effective Microorganisms” ? From what I’ve read it can eventually overcomes even the man made poisons they’ve put into the soil to grow things. If what I’ve read is true, it might even help Flint Michigan with their poisoned water issue? Here’s hoping!

WAIT this isn't a vox video?!??!

WOW! Amazing History Lesson! The only thing left out was how the clothing company "Banana Republic" fits into the equation. LOL

reason why cavendish is vunerable is because currently all commercially grown Cavendish are effectively clones

I haven't eaten a banana in years. so... no.

Cavendish Bananas has no match against Lakatan Philippine Bananas.

Yes, we have no bananas

No real concern here...

my monkeys get angry when i don,t have bananas

Just because the accusation of Communist insurgents was abused does not mean one can dismiss that it was also a reality. These alleged academics use logical fallacies and opinion as if they are facts, as opposed to how a truly dedicated Academic would phrase things much more precisely, which should be a habit for such 'scholars' to do clearly and succinctly. This is not to be mistaken as a defense of such Fascist actions, otherwise known as Corporatism or Crony Capitalism to describe a gov't and corporate intertwining as Mussolini described it.

yet no one knows how to peel a banana properly

+Spice Master II everyone opens bananas upside down, youre really supposed to open from the part that doesnt have the "stem"

Mat I'm curious. What's the proper way? If you can manage to eat the inside and not the skin, seems ok to me.

I'm going to start hoarding bananas and freeze them in liquid nitrogen in an underground vault

I've watched a 22 minute video about bananas and I'm allergic to bananas...

people who are against preserving a species just because itts gmo are seriously stupid

I dont like that type of banana

Death to the banana! A weird looking yellow abomination that tastes like garbage.

Down with Dole and Chiquita.

55 cents for a pound?! Damn, in Hungary they cost three times as much. Well, I guess then, if it comes to a shortage, the least paying country will get the least... sorry American folks! :)

Actually, there are a lot of banana variety in the world. But cavendish are arguably having the best look and colour. But not the taste. There are lot of other variety with a better taste

Why do you people eat green bananas? (yes those are still green)

Good! The US gave Guatemala Jorge Ubico, a brutal dictator. Screw American Imperialism.

+tay h But, Muh America-sucks.

I H8 bananas and plantains this video stinks.

I guess you can say the situation is going Bananas I'll see myself out now

We will just develop another strain of banana that is resistant to the fungus. Democrats love to fear monger.

Why i'm deep diving bananas is beyond me. But i'm fascinated

I hope humanity one day brings the extinct type of banana, trough cloning, genetics or something.

And now we say: "a Banana Republic", for such manipulated countries. COINCIDENCE?? I think yes...

people are dying of hunger in the world - you want me to care if bananas go away? - well, i dont, at all - luxury is blinding, i can see that

The video is such a "Vox style" video that i had to double check the channel

This is why I don't buy Dole or Chiquita bananas but only organic fair trade bananas. It feels good and tastes better!

EU is not a country.

+Zeales Yeah, you're right. I just checked. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_republic

Sorry but not a coincidence. This is literally the origin of the saying ' A Banana Republic'.

best banana is gros michel.

Amazon can buy all these banana businesses!

* cronch *

Im from US retired and moved to philippines. Dole has lots of plantations here raising Cavendish all for export, but I can never find any here to buy because Filipinos don't like them to eat. I was raised on Cavendish so thats what I like but off all the varieties here none that taste good to me. Surrounded by something I like but I can't buy them.

i never eat bananas in the US, but when I went to India, I would eat one every day. It tasted different.... i think sweeter and softer.


Me to girlfriend: Don't worry, my Cavendish Banana is disease free

Given the choice I would rather bring back a GMO Gros Michel than a Cavendish.

Yes! We have no ba - na - nas We have no ba - na - nas to - day

At 2:55 the narrator refers to Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya as "this tiny island." Approximately 1million square kms c/w Canada 10 million km2. She needs to get out more.

I guess I better stock up on some bananas

I like those tiny little naners with the thin skin that ripen too fast and are very sweet!

The background music is PAINFUL. never add background music.

PLEASE!! Make them genetically modified and add some more vitamins. Nothing wrong with science saving fruits and food.

The apple banana is the best (If you’re from Hawai’i, you know)

"That crunch right there" That man is sick.

This is bananas.

Meh, I would not be surprised  in a few years we will find out some company came up with a banana GMO plant that is resistant to these diseases, or that these companies are encouraging and spreading this disease on purpose. Cut the supply, increase the price. Fix the problem they produce and make millions on the way.

I’m watching this while listening to Hollaback Girl ...

Maybe Aho girl is going to sober up if all the bananas are gone

+Miguel My wife could tell you, but I have no idea what there called, but there all kinda sweet for me. I had some kind that I was told were from Australia that were very small but tasted pretty good . I know the Cavendish are popular for export because they keep well while in transport but when that's all a person ever ate there whole life that's what the end up liking to eat, just never see them for sale here though.

Cavendish is considered bland than the lacatan, latondan, saba, señorita, morado variety in The Philippines. It just superficially looks good hence being exported. What varieties have you tried in The Philippines?

Can you genetically modify the cavendish?

gene editing can solve the problem.

OK, United Fruit may have owned "twenty percent of all arable land in Guatemala" BUT in exchange for bananas the country was able to import rice, beans, and other food staples. You can only EAT so many bananas before you "GO BANANAS!"

Daylight come and me want go home!

Eve ate a banana, LOL

Mark Moberg, eh? Of course it's a Jew demonizing white men.

learn to code


this needs to be a hollywood film

I enjoyed your video but I wish you would have mentioned Sam Zemurray and he has a book on how he became the Banana King which is very interesting. He basically built LSU with donations.

glad i know now

Wonderfully explained.. Thanks for your efforts...

And the same US roam around the world preaching regarding the Dictorial conduct of CHINA buisness... The Human race has been dishonored by US than Satan

context is key my friend

so; no bananas... so what???

Maybe it has to happen, sooner or later , nothing lasts forever .

so basically banas can be the same but have different shapes and size and other bits .Industry is flawed and will have to change or else.

strikes in usa are not widespread , I still wait for traffic controllers , rail all different industires to go strike . America seems like a bad country sometimes.

Ahh governments protecting the rights of the tiny corporation against men, women and children! Warms my heart...

These 'entrepreneurs' have perpetuated the 'peculiar institution' throughout latin america

War War never changes

So why call it the "Panama disease" if its not even in or started in Panama?

So I can literally screw over an entire industry by bringing the disease?

noo mah bananas!

yet china is evil. in the words of scarface " you call me the bad guy, what that make you, good?" fall of the west possibly best thing that could happen to many poorer nations.

Who here heard El Puto?

Really interesting and well-organized video.

"Historians say; It was more of a convenient excuse than a legitimate threat." Repeat for Venezuela.

there are other species of banana anyways. no biggie

I was listening to this while cleaning my room and heard “EL PUTO” not el pulpo lmao

Even in Costa Rica, banana companies are infamous for the terrible conditions the gave to workers and the corruption they brought, even today, with a much more solid state, they are not great. By the way, the term "Banana Republic" is a very offensive term, think of it as an N-word of sorts.

Try with humanity

+Genuin- Bot kinda, more potassium in tomatoes, bananas are like #50 on the list.

There are so many banana types in Malaysia i am from Malaysia

Bananas are not responsible for violence in Latin America. Socialism is.

* bonana

banana Republic...

cnbc fake news garbage.

There go the hippies with their anti GMO nonsense...

Inflating the price of banana incoming.

Nope! I live in Florida and can grow other varieties of bananas anyways. I got bananas growing in my backyard. So honestly I do not care either way.

Great VID !!! MORE PLZ

Transport economies always mean slavery and murder, so i'll eat only my own thanks.

Honestly this is one of the many problems with living this modern lifestyle. People in living in Europe and the United States wanting to eat tropical fruits. So as a result of everyone wanting to grow the same bananas all over the world to supply the demands of a few countries that can not grow it locally. Basically a disease breaks out killing the very type of bananas that are in demand. Not no mention if you believe in global warming / climate change all of the carbon and other resources that are used to supply you with banana. Honestly people just need to eat what can be grown locally in their region of the world. Do not like what is available think about living somewhere else where you can get it. Honestly the future is going to be very different than today no matter what and it will probably be in that people will just not be having all of the goods that were once available. Bananas is very likely to be one of the goods. Honestly the only real way to save the bananas is going to be GMO. I am not against GMO. The only reason that GMO are need or even exist is to supply unnatural demand for limited few varieties of produce to being with which is the product of modern consumer demands of wanting everything to be the same. Bananas have Panama Disease Citrus have Greening Disease I am sure there are others out there. Allot of people do not understand that. GMOs are going to be needed if you are going to want certain foods. Otherwise you are just going to have to live without the produce in your life. The future is either GMO produce or just not having certain produce. The choice is in the hands of the consumers. PS I grow bananas in my back yard and have different kinds. I have studied about edible plants as a hobby.

Oh so the US gave Colombia a dose a freedom for their own foreign interest? this doesn't sound like the selfless world police US we all know.........

Machine Gunning 3000 civilians , " Name of Freedom " or Just " Greed " then and now Nothing Change from American Imperialism .

i should really think twice before buying chiquita anything ever again. even dole....

bananas are actually highly genetically modified. GMO. food for thought. what you buy at the store is not how a banana looked 100 years ago. fruits in general are full of sugar. sugar is shown to be the causes of many cancers in the latest research. you can actually gain weight eating bananas and other fruits. these companies are just lying their asses off to consumers about the health benefits of their products. fruits should only be consumed in small amounts

WOW - heard about the infamous US banana companies running rampant in Costa Rica - didn't know about the Colombia massacre ! JUST MORE PROOF of the "Evil Empire" treating Latin America as its "backyard". PLEASE read "Secret History of the American Empire" by Perkins (Amazon.com). As a "corporate hitman / jackal", he participated in bribing, blackmailing, and otherwise coercing 3rd World leaders into "dancing to Uncle Sam's tune". If they refused, the US military was sent in as "Mafia enforcers", to bring REGIME CHANGE to the country. SOUND FAMILIAR ???

+Renacimiento Filipino My wife could tell you, but I have no idea what there called, but there all kinda sweet for me. I had some kind that I was told were from Australia that were very small but tasted pretty good . I know the Cavendish are popular for export because they keep well while in transport but when that's all a person ever ate there whole life that's what the end up liking to eat, just never see them for sale here though.

Cool video. Thanks

@Genuin- Bot kinda, more potassium in tomatoes, bananas are like #50 on the list.

@Zach Ethington ok thanks for letting me that

@Scott O'Keeffe well it be better for the other living things

@Jasmine Martinez haha, or ugly bananas

@David James Head banana = Billy the BJ boy ???

@Paris Wolf Like the Texas Ruby Red grapefruit? Those were delicious but something happened and they're not around any more.

@Andrew Driver I peel it from the side, byatch

@Bara Kuda Well, if you consum Cocain, your insulin level will rise, same with coffe, BANANAS, Potatoes, Tea, Bread, Pasta, Apple etc. But NOT if you eat meat or drink water. Plants give you satisfation, meat and water dont.

@Rodrigo Rios Lee if thats true why do frozen bannanas taste like ice cream? will ice cream not be delicious in the new milleneum future?

@David James im sorry but i dont know what is a cavendish. good day to you sir and your fancy irish ways.

@AEtheGOD Sure, there are different kinds out there but few that have the classic "banana" flavor people want. There are some which are far better tasting but not able to be shipped for one reason or another. Some ripen too fast, some split easily, some have too thin of a peel and some, like the best tasting banana I have had, Paggi, as soon as they begin to ripen, the banana falls off the stem.

@Omar El Shazli The Cavendish is already a hybrid invented by the British because of the first blight and now the Australians have a GMO. One has to wounder if are we even eating Bananas at this point. lol

safeguards @Random Dude

you peel from the side so you can store it in your pocket for later @Andrew Driver

@AEtheGOD Actually no there isn't a lot that have the same aesthetics as the Cavendish. You can get smaller You can get brown skinned Or you can go GMO But what will the consumer buy since being conditioned to a specific look for hundreds of years

@Longevity Coach now you scaring me more

@MrAcescore I just care about the tree not the fruit tbh :/

@El Renacimiento Filipino My wife could tell you, but I have no idea what there called, but there all kinda sweet for me. I had some kind that I was told were from Australia that were very small but tasted pretty good . I know the Cavendish are popular for export because they keep well while in transport but when that's all a person ever ate there whole life that's what the end up liking to eat, just never see them for sale here though.

@Zeales Yeah, you're right. I just checked. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_republic

@Spice Master II everyone opens bananas upside down, youre really supposed to open from the part that doesnt have the "stem"

@Chaka Oof Ka My wife could tell you, but I have no idea what there called, but there all kinda sweet for me. I had some kind that I was told were from Australia that were very small but tasted pretty good . I know the Cavendish are popular for export because they keep well while in transport but when that's all a person ever ate there whole life that's what the end up liking to eat, just never see them for sale here though.

Change the hair style, lose some weight and remove those disgusting nails.

In Indonesia we prefer our native Bananas instead of that filthy genes Cavendish GMO, why so? because we prefer the smaller variance for fried Banana snacks and the wild variance one with seedlings for Banana Chips... Cavendish costs about S$0.60 per pcs... Which is expensive for the mainstream Indonesian... Please do not export your filthy genes in our market...

CiA is responsible for this Panama disease.

@Andrew Driver peel from the bottom.

mass extinction on the way. nature must balance the ever-growing bannana population

Soon there will be too many people and not enough bananas or they aren't growing fast enough to supply the demand

Nah, they're all clones

0:20 "specifically we like this banana : the cavendish" lol no that's the least good of all bananas but it's the only available since it's the only one produced on an industrial level, wrong premice i'm afraid

Minions left the chat

This video missed the wild episode in Chiquita history when it was bought by Cincinnati insurance and gas station magnate Carl Lindner, Jr., and moved around 1987 from New York to a midwestern city with a small-time local media. Except in 1998 the Cincinnati Enquirer hacked its internal voicemail system and uncovered all sorts of illegal stuff going on. Uncle Carl and his army of lawyers attacked The Enquirer and forced it to retract that stories, pay it $10 million, and sign an agreement to never write an investigative piece on another Lindner-owned business. http://dlib.nyu.edu/undercover/chiquita-banana-expose-cincinnati-enquirer

Banana Cabana

yes because there all one dna .bannas have been attacked before . this means one disesse can effect then all

You should have covered also the political and social mess the united fruit company and another big companies did in central america specially

10 seconds in... brown girl: "IT'S NOT BROWWWN"

I don’t mind, never did like this variety much anyways. I prefer the smaller and much sweeter one

Anything else Einstein?

so we'll have to settle for another of the 1000's of banana varieties...

Well we are lucky, we have 100s of banana varieties in Kerala.

I did'nt know there was so much blood in our bananas.

So before oil, there is banana. America always finds way to wage wars.

Just use CRISPR-CAS9 to create immunity to the disease and fungus.

USA murdered 3000 people's for bananas myself never believed USA did war for oil but now I am believing

Banana sounds like such a silly word

wait u call it panama disease but it hasn't reacht latin america i thought panama is in latin america

ya watch the hole video and nowe i understand

I'm eating a banana right now

yes, people will have hypokalemia.. (lack of potassium in the blood)

i really dont understand the fear of GMO if we have the knowledge we can improve these plants to fit our every need, it seems like a the perfect solution. i also scuff at people who only want food made in thier own country :/

That colonialist apparatus that lead to genocide and generations of civil war in Guatemala and elsewhere is still firmly in place today. And people wonder why there are caravans.

What is the song playing during the history portion? :D

You forgot to mention operation PBSUCCESS, a coup d'etat carried out by CIA, authorized by U.S President Eisenhower, to overthrow the democratically elected President of Guatemala and installed a dictatorship, just because Guatemalan wanted to take back its own banana land :) and "Communism" is nothing but a label that U.S government uses so that its terrorism seems somewhat righteous.

CNBC el pulpo will continue

This is just propaganda to increase banana prices.

So basically the US is largely responsible for supressing the rights of latin americans and thus largely responsible for the migrant crisis.

I'd be interested to see what a Gros Michel taste like.


I don't think Cavendish bananas are that good....it's flavorless compared to Asian types

yes, esp American women. They are Bananas after Big Bananas.


Amazon is the modern United Food.

The question must be, Are we worried that Cavendish bananas will go extint? And the answer is NO, at least here in Latin America we eat many variety of bananas, and in different ways.

Give me a break. Not hearing from an America 'expert'.

You forgot to mention the part where researchers in Honduras over the past 30 years have bred a variety of banana with a taste similar to the superior Gros Michel but resistant to all known forms of Panama disease, without the use of genetic splicing (GMO). It's called the Goldfinger.

The US causing conflicts and trying to politically influence other countries? No, never. *cough* oil *cough*

US is a criminal enterprise of white businessmen.

2:54 did she just called Papua a "tiny" island??? Wth

Ah, the greedy capitalist monster that is the US. Such a horrible national history any way you look at it. SMH

Before you eat a banana, always remember the number one rule: 1. Never make eye contact while eating a banana

How bout gmo bananas and I know people would say gmo is bad but gmo saved the Hawaiian papaya

Oh shut up you white people and your mono agriculture practises are destroying many varieties of plants so people pay for your seed this why you create problems in other nations and you have refugees crisis and than you cry about themis thanks to central american slave labor and land giving to united fruit company that stablish your first multinational by putting puppets government at some point something in your brain has to click that is not working out for you.

Nothing has changed . Banana, drugs, opium, oil, sugar, banking ... wars declared on behalf of the cooperate interest.

In Argentina we get all sorts of bananas. We have red bananas that are tiny, and yellow normal ones, and then a smaller version and a tiny version.

You must use the resistant gene in Cavendish for them to still survive.

It's all their fault ...they took all the seeds out of everything....WE ARE SCREWED!

This is the kond of nideo my tax sdkollars are pauing for

I grow several varieties in my yard, but rarely get any. Can't wait for my first red ones to make.

@Riki Rikin kanayin Idiot.

You sound jealous.

Scientifically illiterate people are scared of GMO.

same thing that happened with bananas is happening today with oil, look at the USA backing an evil monarchy in the middle east, trying it best to get in a fight with Iran and Venezuela, those are real humans suffering at this moment and it looks like things could go worst for them in the future while people in the usa don't even know all the wars the usa have been involve in the last 5 years direly or indirectly... and the media love backing those wars and don't say anything about it or try to prevent or get out of those wars...

do american fried their banana?

Yes, I'm really worried!

If you've ever been to Southeast Asia, you know there are FAR more interesting and tastier varieties of banana, which make the Cavendish seem boring in comparison.


Am eating banana while watching this.....

Fascinating. If the cavendish succumbs then maybe we can grow an appreciation for the plantain. When ripe you can fry those bad boys up and they’re damn delicious. Maduro. I’ve never once had a banana and went “ahh this is just so damn delicious”. Bananas are typically a let down like continental breakfast in which it happens to be a prominent feature of. Don’t even get me going on plantain chips. Amazing.

Huh!! The competition.

Funny thing is the same claim that was used back then that those who would protect the people from the companies as communists is still being used today for the same purpose. What I hear is if you are not for our wealth and control, you are a communist. And this is why the problems exist in all of these countries today.

Have you tried ripe organic bananas? They’re almost always sweeter and more complex flavor than conventional bananas

They are. Its CONFIRMED

Hahahaha Good Stuff

good riddance, I feel sorry for those who lost jobs but as they weren't paid well and forced to work... I don't like these bananas anyways. you can get plenty of potassium and lots less sugar from other produce

@Sal is tonight’s Big loser kinda, more potassium in tomatoes, bananas are like #50 on the list.

Cavendish banana has quite dull taste when compared to other banana varieties grown in Asia, but it is not as fragile as others and is bigger in size. That's one of the reasons GM food is so popular in America, cause so long as it is good looking despite lacking taste or perhaps nutrients as well, it will sell.

"By the way it's lookin DWIGHT, I'd say he's a dirty," "oh god" "collectivising," "no!" "commie." "COMMIEEEE COMMIEEE" "Yeah go get em dwight!" "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

@AEtheGOD I have a choice of several types of potato at the local grocery store, we need to do this for bananas as well.

So that decease is kinda like Bitcoin...Once it's on the wild nothing can stop it ;)

stupid question because there will be lab grown bananas in 10 years. so NO! fake news

gmo and phage therapy can solve this mess easily

Here's a video of a dumpster full of bananas... https://youtu.be/wdjZ50Ay1ZY?t=51 these videos pop up weekly of freegans finding food that could have been donated....


BTW IF you think Adam and Eve ate an actual fruit like apple/banana then you will not be able to understand the Bible at all, that is just false doctrine taken out of context by idiots and parroted by the ignorant that don't do their own study work.

They go great with peanut butter. My kids love em and eat ALOT of them, but they aren't our fav, apples and berries are which are more healthy anyways.

avocados have about 10x more potassium than banananana

Colombia announced TR4 has arrived in Latin America and announced a national emergency

If the bananas were seeded and not injected with GMO that wouldn’t be a problem

As of August 2019 TR4 has finally reached the Latin Americas. Now it’s just a matter of time before the cavendish joins the gros michel. Once again the U.S proves how really corrupt and evil it really is

Absolutely love these informative mini-documentary type videos. Please continue making them.

It happened


The white man will do anything for money

Any scientific evidence to your claim?


#Awesome story. As usual sick greedy American company for the United States of America Empire.

i know it may be tragic for all the lazy people. but plantains are better. and lets face it. my neighbor has a fantastic ass but she is not single...

It could be a plague mentioned in the bible.

This plague has already arrived in Colombia.

After the chaos they created with the killing, rapes, overthrown democracies in central america sometimes i can't even look at a banana...

Yes, we have no ban-an-as Good job cnbc - more vice-style reports


my bananas are turning brown before ripening, i have green and brown bananas, what changed this year in how they are managed in the USA? 3 different grocers same result, CNBC can you answer this?

Gedang goreng


Capitalism for the wealthy and the rich , oppression for the poor and the deprived.

You can say the world went bananas

Americans used to prefer the Grosse Michael but they were wipeout...they are stuck with the Cavendish.

@Jonathan Santos kinda, more potassium in tomatoes, bananas are like #50 on the list.

Looks like the US owes central America big time and haiti

This video is bananas!

I think it the natural world way of rebalancing he earth. whites have exploited the natural world agriculturally, for their economic gain. Along with with factory farming and large corporations.. let everything go extinct. until the native ppl push whites in their place ( there is a reason why Europe was agriculturally handicapped) let the whole world go without this crop and dozens of others.

Actually there is a better tasting breed of bananas... in Singapore we have them but not in major supermarket..... it taste powdery and actually bad on the tongue when it is still raw.. but once it is properly ripe, it become this awesome fragrant and sweet banana that I would find it better than cavendish

For animals yes. Humans did it to themselves

to all Latinos of poor immigrants from these countries when people tell you to go back to your countries tell them to give back our owed grandparents cheap labor back then we will gladly go.

We do not forget about this Yankis!!!


Maybe the earth is saying something

Chiquita has more than disease to worry about. There's 13 former Chiquita employees are charged with crimes against humanity in Colombia for funding terrorists.

3000 people massacre over labor rights. Bad influences made latin america poor and corrupted

Meanwhile I have 3 different types of Banana at home. I'm eating banana while watching this.

the reason why banana is never cheaper.

if bananas go away my country Ecuador would probably go into an economic clash. Bananas are so important here than there's a part of our modern Architecture classified as Era Bananera.

Other news