Why I Hate Business Books - Read These 12 Books Instead

Why I Hate Business Books - Read These 12 Books Instead

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I was buying maybe eight years old me my dad would bond over playing chess together and in, his eyes there was no such thing as just let the kid win and it'd make matters worse he, never played chess for. Nothing we, always had to wager something. Losing. Is bad losing. And having to do push-ups was even worse. So. I would go to the library took out a bunch of different chess books I started, winning. Omit that moment, I became obsessed with learning, and reading I had. A problem book. Solve that problem. Hey. What's up so today I want to talk about my favorite types of books to read as an entrepreneur, and business owner now, it might not be the type of book you think I would read and, I'll tell you more about that in a second we're actually on the way to the Strand book store which is why we're in Union Square in New York City today but, on the way to the Strand book store we're gonna be walking past the chessboards, and what's, funny about these chessboards, is it, reminds, me of the time that I got obsessed with, reading. In the first place I was about eight years old, and I would play chess with my dad and my dad would just beat me relentlessly, you. Know there's no such thing as just let the kid win in his eyes beating, me was, his way of bonding, now, here's the thing losing stinks. But. We wouldn't play chess for nothing, we always had a wage or something and I was a kid I didn't have any money so, he was in hate me bet push-ups. It. Was horrible, before you know it I would owe him 100 pushups, and he would expect me to give him every single pushup. Before, we ended, the day so, now here's what's interesting about this I hated. Losing and I wanted to figure out a way to to. Fix the problem, so I would go to the library took out a bunch of different chess books and I would read these books to. Get better at chess so I would never lose against, my dad ever again let, me tell you after reading like four books I started, winning and, at that moment I became, obsessed with, learning and reading, outside of, school because I saw the benefit, I had a problem a book, solved that problem. And. That's kind of what I do today I find, I have problems, and I read books to solve those problems I want to tell you what types of books I like to read a second, first we're, in Union Square so let's go play some chess. Sit. Down after losing that game there that, first game I should have won but I haven't played chess in like probably 15 months and it's really annoying when you see the win and you just don't deliver it because I was it's. A time game five minutes five minutes and I only had about a minute left and I. Started to, rush a little bit but he had two and a half minutes left let. Me tell you losing. In chess as an. Adult. Pisses. Me off just, as much as it, did when I was a kid and I'm lean enough to do push-ups right now anyway. We're about to go to strand bookstore pick up a couple of books a lot of people think they need to read business books and, I think business books are one, of the biggest, wastes. Of time probably, on earth because. When. You read a business book if you read like three or four business, books you'll start to see the same things, happen, over and over and over again you got to be a good leader you got to persuade people you got to manage people you got a got. To tell good stories or, whatever and it's just like every business book is always the same advice over and over and over again I haven't read a business book in the last few years I can honestly say, was. Truly, interesting. And taught me something brand-new, or, showed me something that I haven't thought about before. Which. Is why I started reading a different type, of book, to get my inspiration and, want to tell you about that book in just a second so let's go to the Strand bookstore and pick a few up. So. As I was saying my favorite types of books. Are. Not regular. Business books. Their. Biographies. Autobiographies. And memoirs, and the reason why is because most. Business, books, you. Lose context.

What's. Happening, in the story. Where. The biography, you get everything you get their childhood, get their upbringing you got their call to action what makes them important, I. Read. This book a few years ago this. Is the dude that made modern art so expensive. Threshold. Resistance, he, basically taught how. To sell art, as. If it was a business, investment and he took around all these famous paintings, and started selling it to ego-driven, finance ears on Wall Street. Now. That I kind of shook off the agony, of defeat I'm. Ready to get started now, I know I said I basically, avoid almost all business books it's not that I hate business, books is that most new business, books are not. That, great. However. I've, got 12 book recommendations. For you today many of them are biographies, or memoirs, or autobiographies. And I do have a couple of business psychology books interwoven. Into, this mix but, I kind of want to just go through the list cool. Let's, get started the first book is a book written for children and this. Book is making, the list because. This is the book that I wish, I would, have read as a child. And it's, called what. Do you do with an idea, it's. A picture book but. The book essentially. Tells a story about a kid who has an idea and then. Eventually just goes after the idea because ideas have the power to change the world and, I love this book especially for children because, I feel like nowadays. Kids. Need to know that they have options and then and that their thoughts matter and. This. Book is. Exactly. That, so. I actually bought this book read it and I plan on keeping, this, book around for a while and eventually maybe one, day when I have kids I'm gonna read this to them but this is the first book I suggest you get it what do you do with an idea. The second book I want to share with you is the. Book that started, it all as I said earlier and it's this book Buffett. The making, of an American capitalist. When I first got started, in business I got obsessed with big business, owners and I didn't want to read about modern. Businesses, right because even though there were a lot of modern business owners that were doing a great job I felt like their stories, were, still you. Know playing, out so we didn't know what was gonna happen Buffett. On the other hand even though he's still alive when I was reading this book he, was just crushing it for like 30 some odd years and I. Wanted. To see how he did it because I felt like he just did it recently, and. As I said the. One thing I got out of this book I remember was. When, he talked about the. Fact that he read the biographies. From. The. People before him like Rockefeller, Carnegie, and stuff like that and that kind of motivated him to learn more about business and, that's really. Why this book, makes the list because. It inspired, me to start, on my, reading journey and over the last 10 years I probably read a thousand, books or so and this, is really the book that kicked it all off as. I said it's because I've read biographies as, a result now the. Second, book I want to share it's the very net it's it's literally the next. Book I read after. Buffett. The making American capitalist, it's pulled Titan it's. All about john d rockefeller, senior and let me tell you this book is huge, and I never thought I would read a book like this but just just holding, it makes me so excited because. When. I learned his story, I was. Truly, motivated. In a way that I never thought. I could be motivated, before, you. Know I grew up or I came from nothing my dad, was in jail my whole life my mom was on welfare she later went to school and became a nurse and it was great but this, book was the story of john d rockefeller, who started. From nothing and had an absentee. Father so. I kind of like connected, on that leveling, oh he's got an absentee yeah I have one too oh that's interesting, and then he just started hustling, and, he. Started a grocery, business then he got into refinery, he basically, followed. The money. And even, though there's more to life than, making money when. You don't have anything. That's. Really all you can think about and I understand, that so I appreciate how. For, him, business. Wasn't. Just. About the. Type. Of business, he did his business, he went from groceries, to oil, he basically followed, opportunity. To. Him if he. Was alive today, he. Would be like. An Elon Musk type character, going for space or going. For electric, cars or going for what ever had. The biggest opportunity. Or at least I think he would be anyway but, that's. Kind of what he did and he followed the opportunity, for me that was very motivating, because I realized, at this, point I had already started a web business I was already successful, I had quit my first web business I went into corporate America and I kind of like wanted to do the corporate thing but, reading this book Rhian spired me to.

Start Thinking about going back to, being an entrepreneur again. After. I kind of lost my way a little bit the first time in. 2008. Or so so. It kind of hits, home for me in the way that I know it fired me up like no other now, some of the lessons I took from this book a couple of things one of my favorite, lessons is the, fact that he used to read his hate mail at the dinner table and if, you've been watching social, triggers or my videos for any length of time you know that I love to make fun of haters all the time on Facebook Instagram, and videos so, I kind of really appreciated, that about this, book and I kind of still hold it, you, know closely, to me today but, there's a couple of other lessons, like how, we did some business dealings, how he persuaded, people to get on his, side how he actually stood up his his, business, structures and everything like that because he built the first global. Corporation. And that was all super interesting, as well I suggest. You read this book Titan, now, the next book is literally, the book I read, right after Titan right. Buffett, said you have to study the Great's that, came before you so I read Titan, let me read about one of his contemporaries, Carnegie, is the, next book that I read and then, this book called the tycoons, which, was about Carnegie. Rockefeller, Jay Gould of JP, Morgan and like that so. Now these two books I'm holding together for a simple reason I love, Carnegie story because he was an immigrant that came over from Scotland and, he worked his way up he started as Morse code operator, befriended. The right people, got the right opportunities. And really just showed, that he was gonna be the best person at whatever it is he was doing and that's, how he got to the next level so I actually, hold this close to me today because I feel like nowadays, nobody, gives. Anything their, all anymore, they. Kind of half-ass, things and. It's. It's, kind of a bummer they might say like well I'm, not gonna do a good job here because it's not my passion but, that's not, the, case, if you, want to succeed now, or later. You. Need to, put your best foot forward, no. Matter what it is you do it's, important, for building the habit, of excellence, and I. Feel like nowadays people just call it in they. Don't give their, all to, something. As. Monotonous. As answering, email as an example but, he started, as a Morse code operator, gave her his all worked his way up I love that story, now the reason why I grouped this with. The Carnegie book is because in the tycoon's, there's one story about Carnegie, that.

Changed, The way I. Think. About. The world and, it, was as simple as this Carnegie. Got a call on the Morse code operator, basically, two on, the Western Union line or whatever it was and they basically said hey the train fell. Off the tracks the Train fell off the tracks what do you want us to do and he thought quick Tom, Scott who was his boss was away on business so he wasn't there to make a decision so Carnegie crunched some numbers and fired back a Morse code, burn. The train. Think. About this this kid at the time is like 16 17 years, old he's telling people to burn the Train Tom, Scott comes back would you do you burn my train I can't believe it he was like well here's my here's my rationale, and he, just worked out old numbers and he showed. Them burning. The train was, actually, better financially. Than, trying to fix the train and what, was interesting was that created the. New way they dealt with broken-down, trains, when the train would break down they would burn the Train all because this punk, kid realized, it was better to do that it's one of the reasons why I like the Coco Chanel book that I told you about the other day remember she had a sweater and she even liked that, the sweater you know was too tight around her head when she pulled her head through it so she cut it down and invented the cardigan, essentially. The, thing that great people, all share in common whether it's a business, owner like Carnegie or a fashion, designer like Chanel they see what, they want they, take their emotions, and bias out of the picture, and just get. To what they're trying to get to so that's why this book goes hand in hand with Kearney because that told, that story but that wasn't, in the Carnegie biography, so I loved it now the next book is. Commodore. Vanderbilt, now, this book is written by a guy Edward rena han jr. there's, been some, talk. That, edward. Rena Han may have, forged. Some quotes made. Up some stories. I, don't. Know if that's true or not but this book is about a person that lived 150 years ago and for me whether it's. An accurate, depiction is. Important. But. I was still inspired, by it even if it was inaccurate, and the reason why I love Commodore, Vanderbilt, because actually, you know my favorite thing about the Vanderbilt was and I gotta say. He. Built Grand Central Station and he erected a bronze statue of himself that cost like seven hundred thousand, dollars back ten dollars, or. Something maybe he was instead. Of hundred thousand of today's dollars, if. He built the statue of himself in, Grand. Central Station, that. To me is, very. Funny, and kind, of interesting, because here's. This guy that became you know started from nothing in boating then, transitioned, to railroads, and steel and or whatever and eventually became one of the richest people in the world and. He. Was so narcissistic that. He felt the need to build a statue of himself that would last for centuries, it's. Kind of interesting and I like, that story but the thing I like most about Vanderbilt. Is he was uneducated and there's a quote where, one of the reporters, asked him he's like hey you, know varible you don't know how to read and he just responded with you know if I spent my life learning how to read I wouldn't, be good at making money or making business or something like that that might be a forged quote but based, on what I learned about Vanderbilt, I wouldn't be surprised, if that was true because he had that no-nonsense, attitude, he, would run this huge business, by day didn't.

We Go drink by night and then if someone tried to offend, him he'd get into a fistfight at the bar like, this guy was really like, just a rough and tough dude. That just got it done at all costs, and while. I don't think his personality would, be good in today's, standards. I appreciated, for how he approached, problems, back then given, the the time period and I always liked that he had the whole, all-or-nothing. Mindset, like he was gonna get it done or he wasn't and it, was. Just great to see that, type of passion, so this is the other book Commodore, the life of Cornelius, Vanderbilt, now. Keeping. In this I want to share one, of my. Favorite books that's not business-related like I said, a few biographies, and I shared that children's, book but. This book is a book I think every, marketer, writer, anyone, who's in the business of selling if you're trying to persuade, people to do anything you have to read this book and it's called age of propaganda. By. Anthony, Pratt Kanas and Eliot arenson, now, if you don't know Eliot. Arenson is probably, one of the the. Modern fathers, of writing, of persuasion. And psychology, he's the guy that, I don't. Want to say invented. It although, some may say that he did but this idea of behavior psychology and stuff like that he's one of the original writers and psychologists, that talked about this stuff and this book just kind of goes into all this different detail, on persuasion. And propaganda, whether you want to use it for good or for bad really, one. Of the examples. That I recall out of this book that really. Is interesting, to me is. They. Had this example, where they were trying to persuade, housewives, to eat meat, that they wouldn't usually eat during the Depression. You. Know the other organs, and stuff like that the stuff that people didn't want and, they. Wanted. To see what was more persuasive, if they had a professional. Speaker get on stage and talk. To them about, why. They, should eat this meat and they would explain the nutrients, all this stuff all the logic behind why they should eat this meat that they would usually throw away in. The other group they got together you, know they broke up groups and they basically elected. Team leader and it, was up to the group to decide. Why, they should eat it and essentially. All that really, changed. Was, instead of hearing some guy on a stage lecture, about why they should eat it they. Basically put these people at a table and told them hey, you. Tell us why you should eat it whether you agree or not and. What was interesting is just the mere fact of making them. Promote. Eating it whether they believed or not made, them more likely to want to eat this stuff all right this next book. Like, I said shared a lot of biographies I shared one of my favorite psychology, books now I want to share one of the best business books probably ever written and it's. By Jay Abraham getting. Everything you can out of all that you've got this, is one of those books that you. Can read a hundred times and every time you read it you'll. Pull out a new idea let, me give an example I read. This book probably once or twice and. You, know I have, my my, stuff like I have this things that I learned from my night things that I liked on a third reading I randomly. Spotted. Like, a two, paragraph. Description, of where, he said one of the best things you can do is create a database of your happy customers I was. Like wait what a database. Like a testimonial. Database. It, was like two sentences and I just looked at that one day and I was like, testimonial. Database. And. At that moment I just started, having my team every time someone, would say something nice about us we would take a screenshot put, it in it. In an Evernote take. A screenshot Evernote, screenshot, Evernote screenshot, Evernote, someone, say something nice hey could you share more Evernote, and it's, interesting because people only.

Think, About. Harvesting. Testimonials. Of happy customers when they need it they're like oh my okay I have this big launch coming up oh wait I should I need some testimonials, and then they try to figure out how to get the testimonials, but in this book there was that one two sentence, comment, about creating, a testimonial, database, and it just became a habit in our company to take these screenshots and, what's great about that is then, when I went to launch some products, I didn't have to try to find testimonials. I would have them already so, this one of those books like I said you read it once twice three four times you'll keep finding new ideas. To make your business better out of this book which is why I'm recommending it, they, don't really make books like this anymore not business books anyway or at least I haven't read one but, this is a great business book now, back into the image on, roof biographies, this. Is probably, my favorite. Autobiography. As I, see it by Jay paul Getty I didn't, know about Jay paul Getty until a few years ago but, what. Was really interesting about Jay paul Getty is that, and. I think 1955. Fortune. Said, he was the richest person in the world and some people believe he stayed that way for about 20 years and what. Was interesting about this he did it in an industry, that. Was already alive and well he, made, his money in oil Getty oil as you probably know and, what's. Interesting is when he started, it. Rockefeller. Was already, at the top of the oil business so. He was able to make a name for himself in amateur business, actually, when he started getting going in oil was like 1910, or so and oil. Was already a thing for like you know 60, years so, he went into an old business and still made a name for himself and that to me was always exciting, because how many people do you know think. About a business and they're like oh there's way too many people in the world already doing it there's no way I can do it right, anyone. Can do it the next thing I like about Jay, paul Getty is that he, started to share some of his advice later in life and a. Lot of the advice in this book is great I recommend, you read this book it's a fast read but. One of the things I like most is he did a column, for Playboy magazine in, early 1960s. It seems weird why would the one of most successful business people in the world do a column in Playboy magazine and when, they, asked him he actually had a very simple answer he said look I'm writing, these articles because, I want the youth and young people of today to be inspired, to, do something great in their life and right. Now the youth is reading. Playboy, magazine. That's. An interesting insight, because. All. He's really saying, is it doesn't matter where, your people are you, need to go where they are and. Get their attention where, they're at a lot. Of people try to create. The attention. By. Getting people to come and that's a great way to do it right but like you, could also just go where the attention, already is and, get. Their attention that way so this is one of the reasons, actually why I'm doubling, down on YouTube. Is because. Right now YouTube, tends to skew a little bit younger and, social. Triggers if you look at my age demographics. That social triggers we, tend to hit that 25, to 55, market, we don't have very many young people I don't have those, early, 20 year-olds on my email list I don't have early, 20 year-old people or even late teens and, what's interesting is it's like I wish I, have someone like me giving, me advice when I was 17, years old I got, started early mind you I got started in, 2005. Right. Before, my 21st birthday so I start when I was 20, so I got started in business you know pretty early in my life but I wish, I got started five years earlier, and that's. Why, we're. On YouTube there again to reach the people that we want to reach the younger people great, book. Now. This next book is the. Spielberg, biography. This. Biography, is fantastic. Mainly. Because it's. The story of the guy who became one of the world's greatest directors, but, what I loved about his story and I've talked about this before maybe, you might remember it but I love this story because he always wanted to be a director ever since he was a kid and he there's, a there's a comment in here where he tells his dad that he wants to be the director and his dad's like alright well you got to get a job you got to work your way up you got to fetch the coffee and, he tells his dad he goes no the first movie I work for I'm gonna be a director, or in other words he didn't want to work his way up he's wanted to cut the line now I don't believe, that you should be.

Egotistical. Enough. To believe that, you're able to cut the line but, he didn't really cut the line he just said that he wants, to be a director, and that's exactly, what he did he. Didn't wait for permission from. Anyone, he just started directing, his own movies, as a child he started getting the experience, when he was young making home movies and stuff when he was 10 11 years old so, he just started directing, for himself, that, by the time he applied for a director's, position he. Already had experience. But. The point is is that if you want to be some. The point is if you want to be someone. There's. A proven, path to get there right to work your way up path but. You also could just go be that person, and start, right now you're, not gonna be very good and, that's fine but. Just start doing it and get better it's, kind of again look at this look, what you're watching right now look. At my first or second vlog from, January, 1st January, 2nd 2018, wasn't, that good we're, getting better because. I wanted a vlog and the best way to get better is to keep doing it over and over again and that's what we're doing it's why I love this Spielberg biography, this next book is, a. Book called made, in America by Sam Walton now if you don't know who Sam Walton is I'd be surprised but he's the guy who created Walmart, now, I know Walmart has a bad rap nowadays, but you can't deny. How. Fantastic. Sam, Walton was as a businessman, because he essentially, created. The, big box store, as we know it and there's. A lot of awesome lessons, in this book I could, literally talk about this book probably for an hour but I want to pull out just one lesson he. Wanted to create a big box store that sold everything at low prices the, way he got started, he went, to underdeveloped, communities, and, created. The stores there he. Actually had a plane that he would fly himself to, these underserved. Communities, just, to scout locations to, build these stores now this is important because a lot of people believe they need to go where the people are and you do right, but it's more, expensive to start a store in New York City as an, example so he didn't go to city centers he.

Went To. Underserved, communities as a way to get a strut a stranglehold, on the rest of America and it. Was a really, fantastic strategy. And, that's. Probably the number one strategy I could share from this book is you, should go where the competition, doesn't. Necessarily, have the. Biggest. Stronghold. And then. Kind of work your way in this, next book is called fooling, Houdini by. Alex stone now. You may recognize this, book because when I get a podcast, back in 2012, I had Alex stone on my podcast I love. This book for one reason this, is a memoir or a story about how Alex stone wanted to become, and, he kind of talks about you, know his troubles. And tribulations on, trying to learn magic but. That's not why I love this story I love. This story for one reason. In. This story I learned, about a magician, who. Created a trick that was so unbelievable. That. He got disqualified. From. The magic Olympics, for. Cheating. Think. About this the, judges basically, said if you don't tell us how this trick is done we're. Gonna disqualify, you he didn't want to reveal it they disqualified, him and they, took his title from him now. This is. Infuriating. On so many levels because, he was shamed in the magic community for cheating a few. Years later he finally revealed this how, he did the trick and it was clear that he didn't cheat but, the reason why I like this story is because. Sometimes. You're gonna approach something in life and you're gonna do something so good that, people around you were gonna think you're lying. That's. Not on you that's. On them, and. Sometimes. We feel the need to justify, ourselves to those people and, you know what, I'm. Surprised, that he didn't considering his reputation got, put through the wringer, but. I also appreciate the fact that he didn't because. In the end your. Self-worth can't, come from the validation, of other people it should come from yourself, and that's, what he did he made himself very happy by not revealing the secret later down the line he did reveal it I appreciate, the fact that he was willing to just keep it inside and, not, reveal the secret for so long so, those, are my 12 favorite. Business. Books biographies and other books that I've read and I. Wanted, to share them with you today because people. Know that. I'm an avid, reader but, and they're always asking for book recommendations but I don't really make book recommendations. I mean not until now anyway the, reason why I don't make book recommendations. Is because for, the most part I read. So much I can recommend a book every single day of the week right but. The big problem with book recommendations. Is this people. Always ask me for book recommendations, but. They. Don't really want them they just want to see what I'm reading. Right, and then what I love is when people say hey Derrick can, you recommend a book for me and it's like well I've, read so many books where do I start. What. Problem, are you having do, you want inspiration, do you want business advice do you want a specific, skill do, you want no skill at all you want to be entertained like there's so many reasons, to have books and when. People ask you for a book recommendation it's, like I don't know where to begin, however. I wanted to change it up today because. A lot, of people saw my Coco Chanel video, the other day and said and they said they really liked it so, I wanted to take a second to share some of the other books that really changed my life now, here's what I want you to do if. There's a book that changed your, life I want, to hear about that. Book in the comment section below do it right now then like the video and of course if you like these daily, vlogs that I'm doing do me a favor subscribe. To my channel and hit, that notification, bell, and I'll see you in the next video. You.

2018-01-24 17:55

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Heres the timestamps for those who would like a text version of the list. I love the video, Derek 5:25 What do You Do with an Idea by Kobi Yamada6:20 Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist by Roger Lowenstein7:35 Titan: The Life of John D Rockefeller by Ron Chernow 10:35 The Tycoons by Charles R Morris10:50 Andrew Carnegie by David Nash13:35 Commodore: The Life of Cornelius Vanderbuilt by Edward J Renehan Jr.16:00 Age of Propaganda by Anthony Pratkanis18:00 Getting Everything You Can out of All You’ve Got by Jay Abraham19:50 As I see It by J. Paul Getty22:50 Stephen Spielberg: A Biography by Joseph McBride24:40 Made in America by Sam Walton25:55 Fooling Houdini by Alex Stone

Yes, thanks for this. It's still important to see the reason why I recommend it. A book rec without context is useless ;-)

Thank you! SO helpful!

Thanks man for this value-added comment. I needed this to jump around. If you're reading this comment, please upvote it so that it gets to the top and when I come back to the video I can just click on the time stamps.

Book that changed my life: Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

I worked 3 jobs and put myself through College and Grad school because I grew up poor and never wanted to be there again. Suddenly, I lost my job in a flood of other ESL teachers last year... and haven't found another one. For a girl who has been babysitting since she was 13 and never not had a job, was always pressing forward, this has been the hardest year of my life. I remember reading the auto biography of Henrietta Mears - the first woman to (gosh, so many things) begin, lead, and teach a seminary of all males in Hollywood, California, in the early 1900s. She began writing her own materials because she didn't like any of the ones that were available. Started her own publishing and printing press company right there because the all-male lead Publishers and printers at the time wouldn't print the materials written by a woman. Began Distributing that because demand got high and now is distributed all over the world. Started a camp in the hills of Southern California which I was astonished to discover years later when I was all the way in college that it was the camp I grew up going to! I always thought "mirrors Lake" was spelled like that because you could see your reflection in it and then realized it had been named after her! Mear's lake. A woman! A teacher! A writer! A world changer. I've been so depressed lately as I sent out so many resumes and have gone through the arduous process of trying to get hired at another school or university (not teaching exactly what I trained for because the demand has dropped) and have been really disappointed with all of that. Also I can't stand all these ridiculous documents you are required to attach. Sooooo many. I mean it is really getting incomprehensible. There's no way anyone in any HR room is reading all of the different things that teachers have to submit along with their resumes and cover letters these days. Your reminder today took me back to Henrietta Mears and the difference she made just by being different and not just fulfilling the regular place in society that a woman single and unmarried would have done, but carved out a really beautiful, meaningful, purposeful existence! I'm going back to the drawing board I'll still keep those irons in the fire, but I'm going back to my original inspiration. Thanks for pointing us back to books and to people and real lives and World Changers Derek

Awesome selection! I also read all sorts of books because there are lessons to be learned everywhere. I remember there was this childish book called, "Who Moved My Cheese" about two rats debating whether to stay in the same place or whether to go move and look. Two rats taught me to take risks. :))) science books are also super helpful in introducing big-picture, essential principles applicable to day to day life. Hope to see more book review posts in the future. Thanks for sharing this Derek!

Wow, you have a completely different method from mine. I just go to work and suddenly I have ideas coming up into my mind. Then I go home and I need to write it down asap before I forget it...

I put every single book you recommended on my wishlist. Thanks Derek! About the books I recommend: Unlimited wealth, by Paul Zane Pilzer, Shoe dog, by Phil Knight, and The tools, by Phil Stuts and Barry Michels.

Illuminating! Derek, I read Fooling Houdini a few years ago because of your podcast interview with Alex Stone, both the interview and the book were terrific. I will get that Kobi Yamada book for my kids. My son, especially, is an inventor and is always thinking way outside the box. He plans to invent a teleportation device when he grows up. Based on these books you like, I have to recommend one for you: David McCullough's "The Path Between the Seas: The Creation of the Panama Canal." If you love an incredible, against-the-odds story of perseverance, mental gymnastics, international political intrigue, science development, and human genius, this is an unforgettable book.

A lot of people have read Think and Grow Rich, I favorite was Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill,

“Man’s Search for Meaning" Viktor Frankl. A lesson in love, courage, persostence, self belief and overwhelming humanity

oooo I liked this one! Chess, New York, a bookstore and advice. What more could we want! I think you are right, reading broadly appeals to all parts of your mind and therefore motivation and inspiration. Also people get stuck in a trap of reading business books but as you say, different genres stimulate different thinking. Great video, well done and thank you

Hannibal and me by Andreas Kluth - was one of the best reads for me, it mainly about Hannibal Barca but also other historic figures with stories on their win and failures and how it shaped them, very interesting but also aspiring.

Do you like Robert Greene Books?

I wasn't expecting you to suggest biographies and autobiographies but it makes a lot of sense! Having the context behind why these successful people did what they did helps to understand their process. Slightly off topic - Did you find that being forced to do push ups affected your relationship with exercise as you got older?

Team of Rivals-taught me how to harness the strengths and abilities of those who might oppose me in some areas in order to accomplish great things in areas where we can find common ground.

Sometimes I don't want to watch a video for something like this because I trust you. I've been watching and reading your blog for years, and we actually met some years ago, too. Would you consider also posting a list with a one or two sentence reason why you recommend the book? This would be helpful as an option since the video is so long. Thank you!


I should do a blog post, sure. But for now, there is Smart Rock Climbing. And you'er right. It's a longer video. BUt there's a reason. The context around teh book is key.

Love your book reco's Derek, and LOVE the reasons why you chose them. Agree totally -- the context is so important -- thus I would encourage viewers to invest less than 30 mins of their time (y'know, skip one episode of a Netflix show this time) to watch the video and hear WHY you chose these 12 books. Loved hearing in particular that story about Carnegie and the broken-down train. It reminds me of a story I've heard you tell (I can't remember where) about wanting to implement a new process at one of your early jobs, where your boss refused to let you do it, even after repeated attempts on your part to persuade her -- so you finally did it on your own time and then showed her the results, leading her to finally see the value in your idea. On another note -- just wanted you to know that I *actually* look forward to your daily videos. Wuuut? I am SO not a YouTube watcher. Keep up the good work, man. Might have to get my 16 year-old son watching these -- we need to get more young men on your email list. :-)

Mans Search For Meaning

I would also like to add The Widow’s Season. My father died unexpectedly when I was 13 and this novel is a beautiful portrait of grief - over the loss of a loved one but also for when life doesn’t turn out the way we expect.

I may just have to pick up one or two of those recommendations. As for me, I really like how Tim Ferris stated that he likes to read fiction at night, and that it's important to help clear your mind and take transport you to a different world. That being said, Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World is a mind blowing great fiction book! Also, Unbroken, while non-fiction is unbelievably good. I find that after constantly learning all day, reading/watching the news, absorbing information etc. reading fiction really is nice mental break and makes me feel more balances in a way.

I love reading. 52 books or more each year. I pretty much focus on biz or mindset books. Thank you for the reminder to expand my horizons on what goes into my noggin

One of best videos yet.

Very engaging

Thanks - glad you like it. Hope you subscribe ;-)

The vlogs have been getting better I enjoyed the beginning part of the vlog of you playing chess. I'd highly recommend reading the Sam Walton biography since he gives ten principals at the end of the book for anyone who is interested in business. And you're right many business books say most of the same thing i'd say it's better to read books that'll teach you a skill you need.

Its true. What are you reading this week? :) I love books AND my shelf is SO full of half-read books but there are a few that have really made a huge difference in my life for sure. My most recent favorite has been High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard. There is an abundance of useful tips and tools for increasing performance that is easy to apply and actually inspires my life in much more than just business. Since I am a holistic health coach, you can imagine I have read a LOT of self-help kinda books. For me managing the mind and emotions are an incredibly important part of all aspects of life. In that realm, there are two books that have changed my life and continue to create an impact. One is The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. The second is the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Thanks for the share. It's always wonderful to hear what has inspired those who inspire me!

You make a really good point. The most powerful books don't have to be written with the purpose of teaching for us to get what we need from it. The best book I've ever read is Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts. I've never read a book that's more honest about the human condition. There's a lot of wisdom wrapped up in his story.

This is fantastic— I’ve been bored with business books for a couple years so I’m really excited to check out these books. I like the biography idea.

Another amazing video.....definitely adding these to my reading list. The book that probably changed my life the most ......actially I would have to name 2 that probably changed my life the most but in different ways....... 1. Betty Edwards "Drawing on the Right side of the Brain" and in my opinion THE ONLY drawing book anyone ever needs to read to learn how to draw. Don't matter what u want to draw ....if you want to draw well that is the book! And 2. Colin T Campbell "The China Study" which opened my eyes to the truth about nutrition and finding good health. My life has never been the same since both of these books.......for the better if course. Thank you for sharing this reading list.....im really looking forward to them! :) I'm still working on my video. The 3 writing tips u gave in the other video were very helpful. Ty

I have always loved to read but for years I was so stressed and tired from my intense work schedule I would go too long without reading or just reading business books I thought I needed to read. Then I would go on vacation and read but usually I would veg out on brain candy which is nice in moderation but can become a form of high falutin TV. Now I am all over the board again. I recommend “What I talk About When I Talk About Running” by Murakami. Although it is about his decision to run a marathon, it is also a great discussion about art, and the drive to create and follow one’s obsessions.

One of the books that changed my life is the classic Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People.' This book helped me because I grew up with a lot of verbal abuse so my instinct every time I got into a disagreement or altercation with someone was to first start killing them with my words which could include profanity if it went really far and more. It just seemed to be innately in me because of my upbringing. Sometimes I didn't even realize I was doing it until later. I'm not perfect but I'm so much better than I was and I started using the principles in the book in my everyday life and in my business. I've been an entrepreneur for a few short years and have a handful of clients who've been on retainer with me for more than a year with some nearing two years. My mindset change helped me to learn that issues don't need fuel added to the fire but rather calmness and kindness in working through issues is the solution plus how I behave makes all the difference!

This was a cool video. Going to get that book for my son. :) He’s 5 and I definitely want him to know he has options. Especially living here in the south of Spain where online business isn’t as big a thing as in the US. As for a book that changed things for me...I really enjoyed The big Leap. But it’s not just one book...it’s reading a lot of books and then re-reading them. Like you said, some books will tell you different things at different times. We can see things differently and pull different lessons from them.

Book that changed my life. Many but this one came at a difficult time in my life. It helped me with my self-talk. It's called Feeling Good by David Burns. 4 hour work week is another one and then Ready Fire Aim.

Thanks, Derek. Reading the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People changed my life. I was brought up to believe that other people had control over my situation. While reading that book, I realized that was not true. I could build my life based on my desires, through my choices and my own actions. That moment was the greatest of my life.

thats great! its also the book that changed mine.

Thanks for all of the recommendations. I am really starting to get inspired to read more about other people's lives that have achieved things that I want to achieve and/or achieved what I consider greatness. My wheels are already turning around who I would want to learn more about the lives of. And, I definitely paused the vid a few times to add soem recommendations to my amazon lists (the idea book for my nephew age 7, the jay abraham book for me). Loved the nugget about the testimonial database and about going where your audience is! Thanks! :D On a side note...isn't all stage magic "cheating"? It's illusions, not real. How can you cheat at cheating?!? Seriously. On that same note/story, Wayne Dyer has a saying "How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." When you do something awesome that pushes people outside their own comfort zone or shows them how small they are playing at life, then they tend to react badly. That's all them. But how you *choose* to respond is all (on) you.

Has this guy got a fuckin bullet proof vest on?

Oh and aside from the Bible, “The One Thing” has been really helpful.

Derek, I absolutely loved this video and I really appreciate you taking the time to share why you like the books you do. I will definitely check out a few of those titles that interest me. I'm also an avid reader and the one book that I recommend (outside of the Bible naturally) is a book called The Sociopath Nextdoor by Martha Stout. Great book and full of information we all need. Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson story is also excellent and I especially enjoyed it because I got to interview him twice on my show. The Marketing of Evil and How Evil Works both by David Kupelian are also excellent. The titles are self-explanatory. Ghost in the Wires by Kevin Mitnick is also a favorite because it's his story of how he became the world's greatest hacker and how he got hired by government. Really good and he talks about magic in the beginning. Loved Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand - great story about Louis Zamperini ... and one last one is God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew. Loved that book. Bibliophiles Unite! :)

There’s something particularly interesting to me about reading things outside of my wheelhouse. I almost always come away with some good ideas I can apply to my own life and work. So it’s cool to me that you appreciate books that aren’t necessarily about business but rather about people’s stories and journeys. There’s so much potential inspiration out there. And a lot of it just might lie in places we don’t typically think to look. For instance, one of the most impactful books I’ve ever read is called “Love and Respect”. It’s a marriage book that helps you understand how to better love and relate to your spouse. It’s got great principles that have helped me rethink the way I relate to people in general. Great read for relationship building and increasing emotional intelligence.

You wanted to win at chess and so read books on it. You were already so smart to know to do that. In 5th grade for whatever reason I wanted to learn Latin. So I checked a book out of the school library and the librarians laughed at me. I was pretty fragile as a kid and though I took the book home and looked through it, I decided it was a dumb idea. Wish I would have had the fighting spirit you had. Thank you for sharing your fav books! A few of them jumped out at me to dig into. I need to read the ones where people were not intimidated by others’ opinions. I need more of that!

Aristoteles Onasis - The Biography

Loving this video! So inspirational. I will be looking into some of the books you have recommended. Enjoying your daily vlog!

Is this guy really wearing a bullet proof vest? WTF?

Love the video Derek. One of my biggest "resolutions" for the year was to read more biographies so I appreciate the great recommendations.

I don't know what it is about a book that is so powerful. When I read What is the What I realized that I HAD to know more about the struggles of people all over the world. I had to know more than humanitarian crises, I wanted to know what forces were driving them and what solutions might be possible. I wanted to understand the integrated global economy and much more. I got a graduate degree in International Relations and even though I work in a different field (and love it) I'm thankful to have a breadth of knowledge about the whole world.

Love that reminder of not waiting for permission you took from the Spielberg biography... I spent waaaay too many of my younger years waiting for someone to give me the permission to do the things I was built to do... I also love the idea of pulling things out of biographies rather than going to business books... While I think there are a small handful of "evergreen" business books that are "must read," and an even smaller handful of new business books worth reading that come out each year... there's a large majority of books in the business section that are simply rehashes of other, better books that already exist. What a waste of time!

Living in the era of "follow your passion" really have created a legion of people that forgot the art of excellence. I loved your advice about how we should be excellent no matter where we are so that we can constantly build excelence in all we do. I work in a government job that I hate and this advice alone (which I read in numerous other channels talking about success) has been responsible for my peace of mind: just do the work the best you can and you'll already be working towards the business/lifestyle work you want. Great video Derek! I am working on buying all those 12!

Another excellent, informative video. I love reading and I'm always fascinated by what other people enjoy. Couple of good recommendations. Definitely going to look these up. Thanks Derek. I'm loving your stuff.

It's funny. I've noticed a long time ago that I'm reading the same content over and over again when I look up business books or any other "specialized" field for that matter (ex. social skills, psychology, etc.). Yet, I keep doing this. Anyhow, I've noticed that when I read something that's outside of what I typically expose myself to, new fresh ideas come to my mind, many of which are new ways of thinking of business stuff. Thanks for the recommendations.

Why’d you wear a bulletproof vest to a chess match? : )

Seriously, what the hell is that thing?

Maybe some people really hate losing at chess? haha My guess is so that he'll stand out. It can be an icebreaker.

Seriously, great list. Definitely checking out “what do you do with an idea” for my kids. I appreciated Seth Godin’s “Linchpin”. At the time I was going through a job search and it kept me upbeat about how I could add more value in my next job.

I used to play chess when I was a kid. I was good. I was playing for the adrenaline that the game was causing. I am now getting the same kind of game from blogging. Making money online is my new chess. They are very similar games.

You make your father sound like he had a European background.

2 biographies that changed my life: Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger and When I Stop Talking You Know I'm Dead by Jerry Weintraub. But it all started from How To Win Friends and Influence People.

Hi Derek, if you never watched a mini-documentary called "The Men Who Built America" I highly suggest you to take a look. It's 4 episode long and it shares the story of Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Andrew Carnegie and Ford; And how they ended up "Building" America.

The Law, by Frederic Bastiat

The Definitive book of body language by Allen and Barbara Pease, this book helped me talk to others and gave me the confidence to express my ideas with less of a feeling of is this right.

It looks like a weighted vest.

Dale Carnegie: How to win friends and influence people

Great video! I actually have some of the books you mentioned on a book list. Like yourself I also enjoy people’s stories. I find them inspiring and you certainly learn more. One book that was mind-changing for me was a Whole New Mind by Daniel Pink

Great book. Daniel Pink is a great writer - one of my favorite.

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