Why day trading has a high failure rate | How to fix this

Why day trading has a high failure rate | How to fix this

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what is up everybody i want to talk about the high   failure rate in trading so if you're brand  new to trading you have less than a year   experience of trading or you're developing or  even struggling this video is going to be pretty   insightful so as most of us know there's  statistics out there floating around about   how trading has a 99 point something [ __  ] percent failure rate or 95 failure rate   and only a fraction of a percent are actually  making legit real money um a lot of people   question that stat a lot of people want to know  if that's true so i want to kind of address that   uh from my own experience and running a trading  community and networking with a [ __ ] load of   traders for years has given me some insight and  i would like to address that but before we do   i would like you to meet tarukosaurus rex i am  selling him for 25 cents each uh this is his   box he likes living in here he's a good cat he's  pretty hefty he likes to eat a lot of food so if   you guys would like to buy him please let me know  again 25 cents i am not shipping internationally   i'm just kidding i'm not gonna give him up but  he's a badass cat so i'm gonna stick him up here   while i uh talk actually my shoulder is gonna  [ __ ] die because he's so goddamn heavy um   anyways if i want him to hang out with me i just  put this box somewhere and he'll just sit in it um   so anyways a lot of traders don't a lot of you  guys don't really see what trading really is   and we're gonna also get into that like  what really is trading how do you get better   uh at it so first and foremost  let's go ahead and start with uh   stats so there's been some studies  done uh there's been one done at an   exchange in a different country and they  talk about how high the failure rate is   um and then there's been another study out there  through a brokerage in the u.s that talks about how high the failure rate is and how uh a lot  of people blow out generally pretty quickly   and here's the thing when you get in the  trading you need to survive for as long   as possible this is definitely a survival sport  um but are are these statistics true we don't   really know what are some specific factors with  these statistics is it really is the failure rate   really that high because if we look at twitter it  seems like ninety percent of the people on twitter   are doing really good um [ __ ] i hit my  uh daily drawdown on friday i posted that   [ __ ] on twitter and it's funny because i got a  lot of response to that a lot of people hit me up   and i'm i'm pretty [ __ ] transparent with uh  what's going on in my trading so it allows me   it brings down the defense for other  traders that they can approach me   and they can be transparent about their trading  and most traders are struggling out there   in fact uh you know i've ran trading rooms  for two years now um i would say that it's   probably been my two year anniversary a few  days ago as far as running trading rooms go   i've been networking and dealing with traders  for four years but now for the last two three-ish   years i've been dealing with traders almost  every single day um especially this last year   and i i deal with experienced traders i  deal with a lot of new traders so i have a i have a look in the industry that most  people don't get to see you guys yeah you   guys see [ __ ] on twitter but it's all [ __ ]  most people are [ __ ] struggling so i i have   you know i've been guiding helping mentoring  traders and i've been doing it for free   um i've had people even offer me money to help  them i've never felt worthy to charge um and if   you look through my a lot of my youtube videos if  people are asking me questions i write big lengthy   [ __ ] messages so i i have a lot of engagement in  the community and i have a really good insight for   what's going on and in my opinion i definitely  do think the failure rate is that [ __ ] high   and i want to explain why that is and i want to  explain how you [ __ ] fix the [ __ ] problem   so that's that's what i want to talk  about so this is pretty [ __ ] important   [ __ ] but before i like get into a lot of  that stuff i want to go ahead and look at uh   this all right so this is from you profit  this is going to be a trading combine   um they only gave out uh there was only a  million dollars in withdrawals in 2021 i'm   not sure what their profit split is i think it's  pretty favorable for the trader so obviously the   traders made more than a million dollars uh i  would think but like let's look at these stats   and a lot of these combines put these things out  and these numbers are just as depressing so first   and foremost there's uh only a million dollars  roughly was withdrawn in the year of 2021. so   what does that tell us well that tells us not one  trader is a seven figure trader with this combine   okay so far there's been 45 4600 roughly 4  600 funded traders in 2021 so let's do some   stupid math and let's just kind of look  at this so we got a max of a million   uh dollars here so million 21 uh 472 45 so we  need to add that 45 cents that is very important   and if we divide it by the amount of funded  traders you can see that that's only 222 dollars   that ain't [ __ ] right but what we do know  is that most of these funded guys ain't making   anything i personally uh every time i see uh new  traders try these [ __ ] combines uh i've seen a   lot of them get funded and then they just blow it  out so i first hand see that [ __ ] happen a lot   they keep trying it they keep trying it they  keep trying it and then they get funded and then   they blow out and then they keep trying it keep  trying it they get funded and then they blow out   so what i'm thinking is happening is most of  these guys here are not making any [ __ ] money   so it says 45 97 have been funded right since 2021   is that how many are currently funded  i don't really think that is the case   right that's how many that actually maybe passed  to the funded stage that's what i think that   number is and they're just putting that [ __  ] in there to [ __ ] make it look good to make   this [ __ ] look better than what it really is  so the average withdrawal is a thousand dollars   is that per month or per [ __ ] year that's the  question uh if it's pre per year that's really   [ __ ] bad okay and uh that might be the case  because once you get funded you make a little   bit of money and then you pay yourself and  then you blow it out right that could be the   case if that's per month that's better but  even that [ __ ] sucks that's not covering   your lamborghini payment right there uh that  thousand dollars you're not you're not covering   your lamborghini payment and you're definitely not  uh paying your bills with that thousand dollars   and there's your top ten traders down here  so what i'm thinking is these top ten guys   are probably making most of the money  none of them are seven figure traders   probably one or two of these guys are  the ones who are making the most money   but if you really look at these numbers  it's pretty depressing so let's go ahead and   do this math let's go ahead and look at  the million dollars that was withdrawn 1 million 21 4 72 and 45 cents baby so uh how  many times does a thousand dollars go into it   so let's do that so a thousand thirty it goes in  there 991 times now let's divide it by 12 months so if the average withdrawal is only is a thousand   and thirty dollars that tells me  only 82 traders are actually funded out of the 45 4600 that actually reached  the funded stage and what we're not seeing   is how many [ __ ] guys tried  the combine and never got   funded that number is going to  be substantially [ __ ] higher so with that being said this is this that [ __ ] right there further  proves how [ __ ] up the success rate is in   trading this is hard man this is the equivalent of  sports i say this [ __ ] all the time and i know   some of you guys [ __ ] hate that analogy if you  don't like it you know what the door will actually   this trading room doesn't have a door it has  an acoustic blanket so the uh acoustic blanket   right is right there if you'd like to see your  way out don't let the flap hit you where the   good lord splits you that basically means don't  let the door hit you on the ass on the way out   um let's go ahead and look at this cat real quick look at him god what a fat beast what a  fat beast oh he knows i'm talking about him   anyways the the failure rate is high so  we got stats through brokerage houses and   exchanges that say the failure rate is high  these numbers on this you profit thing shows that   you're really not making that [ __ ] much  money doing this and the failure rate is   pretty [ __ ] high just to get funded and stay  funded because i'm pretty sure that they don't   currently have 45 4 600 funded traders i i just  don't see that that's the case i could be wrong   and i'm definitely not drinking smart water i'm  drinking dumb water today so keep that in mind   so with my own personal experience dealing with  traders every day all day i've dealt with a couple   hundred of them i'm not sure the exact number  the number of traders that i've consistently   worked with on a day-by-day basis is a lot  less i've had a many one-time interactions   but i think i have a good enough  sample size that allows me to see into the retail industry that a lot of  you simply don't get to see because you   don't network the way i do and again um when i  deal with tram deal with traders it's you know   there's no defense usually around me people are  going to be honest and truthful about what's going   on um and that's okay um a lot of traders feel  safe around me in the sense that i'm not gonna   judge them for being stupid because they want  the [ __ ] help whereas if you're somewhere in   twitter everybody is having a dick measuring  contest and everybody wants uh to make it look   like they're doing really good but that's not  really the [ __ ] case if you peel peel it back   most guys are [ __ ] struggling  okay so with that being said um i think i know why traders are are [ __ ]  failing you guys don't you guys don't realize   uh you guys are thinking about trading completely  wrong so there was a tweet i saw that i can't find   um on why traders fail and a lot of it is  the stuff you guys know about psychology   patience waiting trading your setup um all that [  __ ] and that's not entirely true here's a problem   when you get in the trading you're thinking  about the money that is the problem and some   people never stop thinking about the money at some  point you got to stop thinking about the money   within your first year you're not going to make  any money in this you're probably not going to   make any money for the second year the first year  needs to be spent developing and getting better it is the reason traders fail is they're not  developing their skills they're not developing   their trading skills okay i have a lot of  traders that ask me very specific questions   and there's there's just certain things i  can't share or teach uh because you la you need   experience there's just there's no substituting  the time and the experience um there's some   traders that know exactly how i trade and i  explain everything i'm doing in very great detail   and they they struggle and can't do it the way  i'm [ __ ] doing it uh because they lack order   flow experience and they they aren't fast enough  uh they haven't traded specific environments as   long as i have so the the experience thing is  the biggest thing and listen if you just got in   the trading and you've not experienced the summer  time you're going to be in for a rude awakening   if you started trading in the summer time  and then you started experience this high   volatility environment we're in right the [ __ ]  now it's january 16th so we've had high volatility   environments if you started in the summer  time this is going to be challenging for you   some traders and here's the thing i think you  should spend the first year on demo i've spent   years on demo and then what i did was i found  an a-plus setup that had a statistical edge   and then i started trading that live and then i'd  go back to demo and then continue to trade just a   plus setups live and then start transitioning  um but a lot of people can't do demo a lot   i hear a lot of [ __ ] excuses with demo i  hear things like oh i need to trade micros   because i need to feel what live money feels like  i need to feel what losing live money feels like   that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] [ __ ] or you guys  start doing combines in the first year and you   can't you shouldn't be doing that because until  you've experienced a full season of trading   you're not going to be able to trade the in  the environment when the conditions shift if   you've not traded high volatility you're going  to struggle you're not going to be able to do it   if you've not traded very low volume low  volatility environment you're not going   to know if you should be sitting out you're  going to end up probably getting just bleed   out in those types of conditions your approach  changes drastically as these conditions shift   and then also when i was trading the uh the  book was a lot thicker pre-covered and then   es got permanently thin after covet so that's  an example of the market completely changing   and you could see that in my pre-covered videos  how much thicker the es was hell if you never   traded the coveted [ __ ] meltdown i couldn't  [ __ ] do it i see i tried to do a tryout   uh almost like in combine but it was to get hired  at smb on the futures desk and i decided to do it   right as covet happened i told i kept telling  myself like i said okay i'm gonna do it in   january like i'm gonna spend january trying  it out on my own demo so i met the target   i was able to make the money  without hitting the max drawdown   and i'm go let's try it one more time in  february and i said at the end of february   we're gonna go for it and well [ __ ] at the end  of february is when the meltdown happened i just   couldn't do it i failed miserably i didn't know  how to approach that kind of [ __ ] volatility   when the [ __ ] [ __ ] is going 50 ticks in a  blink of an eye okay and i i was experiencing   horrific slippage on my stops too so yeah it was  it was bad and if you've not experienced these   types of things you're you're gonna get [ __ ]  up you need to go through a full season you're   not gonna make money the first year you're not all  right again i've dealt with so many traders mostly   new guys and i've not seen one [ __ ] new guy make  it i have not seen one new guy make it i only know   if personally i only know of three consistently  profitable traders that i personally speak to   and one of those guys [ __ ] disappeared i don't  know what the [ __ ] happened to him the other two   that i know that are consistent have not been  consistent for an entire full [ __ ] year   and they also have years of experience they have  years of experience and they're just now coming   into consistency that's the reality of what  [ __ ] trading is so when you're seeing all   this [ __ ] uh where people are like ooh my [  __ ] 500 a day trading strategy super simple my   easy setup in any my market condition that's all  at least when it comes to trading the ese mini   maybe i'm just trading a [ __ ] up market uh  and there's easier [ __ ] to trade uh well then   i guess i'm [ __ ] [ __ ] for that but i think  trading a really hard market makes you a better   trader right i don't know all i know is the es  emini it's a co-dependent relationship anyways   i'm just like i just don't feel like venturing  into other stuff i've tried and it's just like i   this is the market i [ __ ] know and i'm coming  to terms with just being a specialist in it because i understand it so much  better and when i try to read   order flow in another market i just i can't um so the problem the problem is though you knew  guys you guys are just thinking about the p l   um that's all you guys are thinking about you're  thinking about the p l and all that matters to you   guys is printing a [ __ ] green day it's f that's  not how you that's not a win that is not a win   you lack you lack skills okay you're not going  to come into this arena that has professionals   who are smarter than you have more money  than you have better technology than you   they're going to take your [ __ ] money you're  not taking their money okay you're not going   to step into this because there's so much you  need to learn and there's so many phases you   got to go through before consistency there's no  just getting into this and then being consistent   there's a [ __ ] shitload of stuff in between here  and here and the problem is a lot of new traders   try to go from here to here immediately you guys  rush to do these combines to get [ __ ] funded   you guys are trying to make money asap and  what's happening is you're [ __ ] hurting   yourself because you're going from here to here  and when i see guys that have you know five six   seven ten years of experience and they're either  not consistently profitable or they're barely   making [ __ ] that's [ __ ] up because what's  really bad about trading is you can waste years   of your life doing this and show nothing for it  and that's that's the cold hard truth when you   start to go down that route eventually  it takes a toll on your mental health   at some point this is going to take a toll on  your mental health and when you're trying to   go from here to here without doing all the [ __ ]  in between you're prolonging your [ __ ] learning   curve because at some point you're gonna  have to work on all these other things   before you can get here ask me how i know because  i've done that myself i've done that myself i've   tried to go from here to here there's no reason  i'm five [ __ ] years into trading and i'm just   now doing really decent i should have been doing  better a lot sooner like i'll see these guys that   are at smb capital and they they claim some of  these traders are consistent in about you know   two years or some [ __ ] a year or two  years and and a lot of their traitors   aren't consistent in their first [ __ ]  year and they got professional [ __ ] help   and guidance and they get shown trades with edge  you don't you're out here on your [ __ ] own   you don't have [ __ ] going on to help you so if  it takes these professional traders a year and   they might not even make it in a professional  environment if it takes these professionals if   it takes a trader in a professional  environment a year to get consistent   how the [ __ ] you think you're gonna do it in  a few months it makes no [ __ ] sense but you   guys aren't thinking about it like this the  problem is this is like the movie the matrix   you're living in the matrix you're looking at all  these youtubers that are making all this money   you're looking at all these twitter traders that  are making all this money you're looking at these   twitter traders that reward themselves with a  new ferrari and they're living the lifestyle the   trader lifestyle and you're just eating the blue  pill and staying in the matrix when in reality   i'm trying to show you what the red pill is so  you can [ __ ] leave it and that's you need to   focus on your skill development you need to learn  very basic [ __ ] that has nothing to do with p l   that has absolutely nothing to do with p l   because again you're not going gonna  go to a professional baseball game   with zero experience and beat those [ __ ] guys  at their own game you're gonna get [ __ ] crushed you're gonna get [ __ ] crushed okay  it's one thing if you watch baseball and   you're really good at it that's like the  equivalent of studying trading for years   but until you actually play the [ __ ] game  it's a whole different pro set of problems   you gotta come in here and perform every [  __ ] day i don't know any other job or you   gotta really maybe professional pokers  players i don't know of any other job   where you're gonna have to show up and perform  every [ __ ] day at the highest possible level   because you can have one day where you're not  feeling that well and you're human and that's   gonna happen and you could [ __ ] yourself royally  and [ __ ] entire weeks of profit or a month of   profit or you could put yourself in a slump and  you could give back the entire year really quickly   you got to show up to this job and sit in front  of a computer five days a week and perform   that's [ __ ] hard man to sit here and not  want to start looking at social media or start   looking at something else start surfing the web  to sit here and actually pay a [ __ ] tension to   what's going on even if it seems like nothing's  going on you should still be paying attention   it's hard to say we live in a cold i mean [ __  ] dude the amount of people that are actually   going to make it to the end of this video is  going to be very low it's gonna be like 14 so if you can't make it to this [ __ ]  video how the [ __ ] you gonna sit in   front of this computer for hours at a time and  pay attention to what's going on in the market you got to develop the ability  to do that you can't just do that   okay i i can't tell you how many times i see  traders put on a trade and they're immediately   talking about it stop typing because you need to  pay attention to what you just [ __ ] did because   when you're not looking at the  [ __ ] screen and you're like oh   i'm in the [ __ ] trade well guess what  you're missing context in the order flow you need i mean [ __ ] here's the thing man  for your first year spin it on [ __ ] demo   because you can learn everything you need to  learn on [ __ ] demo yes it's not live money   yeah you're not gonna feel live money but  you don't need to feel [ __ ] live money yet   the problem is when you start  trading micros immediately   to feel live money because you need to  feel the live money for [ __ ] some reason   you're gonna trade the [ __ ] micros you need to  feel what it feels like to lose real money why   you need to feel the emotion of trading live money  no no the problem is when you [ __ ] go do that   and you lack experience and skill development  you're not [ __ ] confident so now you're now   you're taking trades and you ain't really all  that [ __ ] confident because i can tell you   something if you can develop your confidence  on demo and you're seeing you have a st you're   trading live data okay obviously you want to  have a good demo if you want a really solid demo   i suggest the jigsaw trading dom i can use my  affiliate link and my coupon code 30 bucks off   all you got to do is pay is your data feed and  you can just trade that [ __ ] demo for like 10 11   bucks a month for as long as you want and that's  your overhead that's your overhead right there   that's very cheap way to learn how to  do this okay but but i mean [ __ ] dude   you know you you you wanna you can develop your  confidence on demo that's what i [ __ ] did   that's what i [ __ ] did i'm like okay i got  set up because you're trading live market data you're being forced to wait in a queue on the  jigsaw [ __ ] you're trading live [ __ ] market   data it's a real [ __ ] deal yeah there's gonna be  slight variations but i can tell you but there's   been times where i thought i was live and i wasn't  and i thought i wasn't live and i was and honestly   i didn't notice that big of a difference  between live and demo on jigsaw there is   some weird [ __ ] that makes it slightly  off but it's pretty close that there's   been times where i've actually not toggled one  account from the other and didn't realize it   so the the problem is you  want to feel live money but   if if you're not confident you're making it a [  __ ] load worse to when you do trade the micros   it becomes a a [ __ ] emotional experience  at that point and then you're trading like   [ __ ] [ __ ] because you lack confidence because  you didn't spend time building your confidence   building out a trading system with edge building  an actual setup with edge takes a long [ __ ] time   it does i have a lot to say about that [ __ ]  and you're [ __ ] yourself on micros you get and   here's why else you're [ __ ] yourself on micros  you're gonna sit there make seven bucks a day   that doesn't who don't [ __ ] do that   if you want to [ __ ] trade trade a realistic  size in the e-minis in my opinion or the micros   if tray two lots three lots on the minis on demo  so that way you're comfortable with that on demo i   know for some people they're like well demo is not  an emotional experience good for me it was for me   i freaked out when i would lose demo money and it  would ruin my day you're at an advantage if it's   not an emotional experience if it doesn't feel the  same you know why you're at an advantage because   now you can think clearly and you can actually  [ __ ] trade and don't get me wrong there's   some people that get consistently profitable  on a demo but they traded like [ __ ] idiots   okay if you're gonna trade on demo and you're  gonna start scaling 20 lots into a [ __ ] 3 000   [ __ ] losing position and i'm spitting all over  the place because i'm passionate right now but   if you you know a lot of people trade like [  __ ] complete idiots on demo and they're like   oh i'm consistent and and it's like yeah  but you wouldn't trade like that for real   in real life why the [ __ ] are you doing that you  need to treat it like it's real [ __ ] life and   if you're trading like a [ __ ] idiot and you're  scaling up 10 [ __ ] lots into a losing position   and you're swinging a 5 000 loser you ain't gonna  be able to [ __ ] emotionally handle that type of   drawdown in real life you're not and if you're  doing that on a demo that type of [ __ ] problem   that that type of behavior is going to  translate into your [ __ ] live trading   that that's how i feel about micros i mean  you can disagree with me and here and another   problem is when you're trading micros you start  to over manage you take three four trades a day   i've seen it i've seen it a lot he ain't  [ __ ] learning [ __ ] by doing that   you ain't learning [ __ ] by doing that what  you need to [ __ ] do is be on demo and you   need to [ __ ] trade a [ __ ] load trade 50 [  __ ] times a day trade 60 times a day well yeah   but wouldn't that cause impulsive trading when  that caught isn't that over trading yeah it is yeah it absolutely is but  you know what you're getting   gaining from that you're learning how to  get fast you're learning the difference   between limit orders and market orders  and when you should use both of those right you're getting quicker at it you're  learning to tap into the order flow because   watching the market is entirely different  than actually placing the trade because when   you place a trade it becomes personal at that  point it's like a baseball player that goes to   the [ __ ] batting cages is he trying to [  __ ] win and hit home runs no none of that   matters you know why you go to the batting  cages is because you're working on techniques   if my if i get into a trade and my  mouse cursor is on a different screen   that ain't good i need to learn how to keep  that [ __ ] mouse cursor real tight so i can   get in and get out really quickly [ __ ] you  guys see the way i [ __ ] trade in my videos   that's because i spent a tremendous amount  of time tick drilling on demo for years and and and the problem is when you're sitting  there taking three four trades on a [ __ ] micros   you're more prone to freezing up you're more  prone to [ __ ] freezing up and not executing   when you should first the guy that took a [ __  ] load of trades and now he doesn't hesitate   and when you get into the trade you might  start letting the loser go against you   whereas the guy that's over traded on  a demo will have less of an issue with   cutting the trade in re-entering you see  the way i cut and re-enter trades at times i'm just sharing with you how i got to where  i am in my trading right now and i'm obviously   very biased and you can absolutely disagree with  me but i think i'm arguing with logic here and   i think a lot of what i say makes sense at least  to me because you guys are hurting yourself when   you sit there on [ __ ] micros and you trade like  that you need to [ __ ] dude the guy that's gonna   it's it's literally like hitting the baseball  who's going to be able to hit the baseball better   and in the actual game the guy that hits [ __ ]  50 60 baseballs a day or the guy that hits three   to four a day right but yeah but what about the  fact that now you're over trading and it's a habit   yeah but what did you gain from it you're  gonna gain more and you're gonna learn more   by doing that [ __ ] you're gonna get more  experience you're gonna have a better feel   for the market you're going to get quicker at  it you're going to be able to cut and re-enter   you're not going to hesitate as much you're going  to gain a lot more than the bad habit you will   develop from it yeah you're going to develop the  habit of [ __ ] over trading but now now that you   have the experience of developing this specific  skill set remember we can't go from here to here   we can't go from new to consistently profitable we  got to develop the skills in between and getting   faster not hesitating and and if you want to learn  how to read order flow the best way to re learn   how to read order flow is to actually trade the [  __ ] otherwise you ain't paying the [ __ ] tension   and the best way to learn how to read  order flow is go through my tick drill   [ __ ] videos get rid of the [ __ ] charts  because if you're trying to trade order flow   and you're looking at charts well you're  looking at charts and you're no longer   looking at the order flow so you have no [  __ ] idea what's going on in the order flow you have no idea what's going on in the order  flow you got to get rid of it people ask me all   the time can i put up the auction vista can i put  this up the chart do i need to take the charts   down yeah you need to take the [ __ ] charts down  do you want to trade order flow the way i do you   want to be as fast as i i am this is what i did if  i did it you might want to consider doing it too   and if you don't and nobody [  __ ] does nobody [ __ ] does right i got a guy that's trying to trade the  setups i trade right now and then we did tick   drills last monday and then he tried to  trade the setups i'm trading after that   and he's like hey man i realize  the importance of tick drills   and now he's going to start to do him every [  __ ] day because he's starting to realize that   if he doesn't develop that skill the setups  that i take aren't going to really help him i mean really trying to trade just like me is  going to be kind of difficult to begin with   really you should be trading developing your  own trading identity yeah it's good to model   a specific trader it's good to try to do  what another trader is doing but at some   point you're going to have to develop your  own trading identity right you don't have   to take any of my [ __ ] advice you don't  need a trade order flow to be good at this   uh but uh i think reading tape and  order flow is very vastly important   very important and then at least for me because  without it i just oh my god he just [ __ ] fell   oh [ __ ] you all right bruh he's out of here oh  his fat body rolled it over the edge of the table   now let's talk about combines real quick i want to  i want to pivot and start talking about combines   okay that's another issue yeah you're on  demo but the problem with the combine is a   combine is for a guy that knows he can  pass it that's who should be doing it   if you don't have trading capital a combine  is a good route to get that trading capital   if you do have trading capital a combine is a good  way for you to experience live money and losing   somebody else's money before you do it with your  own money i think combines are a fantastic thing   obviously the rules are so strictly tight that  uh people approach it like [ __ ] jackasses   like they do on demo right i'll see guys have  really good p l's but then i look at their mae   and their mfe and they're [ __ ] losing 60 ticks  to make 10 right you're not going to be able to   mentally handle that on live money you're going to  trade like [ __ ] you can be doing that for real   so if you're doing that in pretend world you're  hurting yourself so with the problem with the   [ __ ] combine is the rules are so tight you  should be trading the largest one of the more   larger accounts and you should not be trading  the max [ __ ] size okay uh trading eight lots   i mean because the problem is you're like ooh 15  lots i can make all of this money yeah you're like   oh and i can hit the the monetary goal relatively  quickly on 15 lots yeah but do you know how much   you're making and losing on 15 [ __ ] lots 15  times 12 and 50 cents in the es that's 180 750 per   [ __ ] tick right i got a [ __ ] i generally have  a six tick emergency stop that's 1 125 stop outs   personally i can't [ __ ] handle that  okay that's a [ __ ] huge goddamn stop out   and at that point you're probably gonna  have a hard time getting them filled   completely in specific environments trading eight  lots is a hundred bucks a tick you can't handle   that [ __ ] mentally you gotta like work your  size up to the point you can actually handle that   you just don't go trading 15 lots you just don't  because those are big p l swings baby and if you   don't have confidence in what you're [ __ ] doing  your setups you don't understand the statistics   behind what you're doing you don't know what  if you have positive expectancy it ain't going   to work out you ain't going to have the confidence  you need to be able to pull it off and the problem   is i see this happen all the [ __ ] time all the  [ __ ] time i see more people fail at combines   than pass and when they pass they blow it  out and that's probably why the numbers are   the way they are on that you profit statement  where there's 45 4 600 funded guys yeah but   most of those guys aren't funded anymore  i see it happen all the time for years man   for years just like i don't see new traders get  consistent and stay consistent the first year   i don't see people first year traders pass a  combine and stay funded yeah they can get lucky   and pass it but the problem with the combine is  now you're treating it like the guy that goes to   the [ __ ] gas station to buy [ __ ] scratch-off  tickets right you're gonna keep wasting this money   yeah sure it's less less money than it would be to  trade live but you're going to keep wasting money   uh redoing these combines and then it's like  the guy you know getting the scratch off ticket   he wins 50 bucks you went you getting  funded is like the guy winning the 50   on the scratch off but the  problem is once you're funded you   gonna you need to treat it like that's it  you need to treat it like that's that's that   because now from this point forward you need to  stay consistently profitable for well [ __ ] how   long do you plan on trading for 10 [ __ ] years  20 years for the rest of your life well once   you get funded you need to stay consistently  profitable for the rest of your trading career   right and if you really sit there and think  about it how are you gonna [ __ ] manage that   if you don't know if you lack experience and  properly develop skills you need to trade well   right when i do it's funny because when  i did my tick drills on monday i lost   sixteen hundred demo dollars but that wasn't  the point the p l was not the point of it   uh because you're doing it first and foremost  i'm doing it without charts so i lack context   i don't know if i'm trading in a [ __ ] up  spot or not i don't know if i'm trading at   a point of control because if i'm trading at a  point of control it's going to trade like [ __ ]   so that obviously is uncomfortable but that  exercise is meant to be uncomfortable that   exercise is supposed to be that's that's how you  get better at [ __ ] you need to put yourself in   situations where you're [ __ ] uncomfortable  and tick drills is uncomfortable and it's not   to make p l it's to learn how to get quicker  and to be reading order flow and if you're   losing on the tick drills that's okay because  you're starting to see things in the order flow that you wouldn't be seeing if  you weren't doing that practice   maybe i see a bid come in and pull maybe  i see somebody start iceberging maybe i'm   starting to really notice hey there's a lot of  large traders hitting at this specific price   and then the market comes down and it comes back  there and then all of a sudden they hit again   and it pops through i'm picking up all this  nuanced [ __ ] doesn't matter to make p   l what i'm doing is i'm learning how  to [ __ ] read the order flow better   by doing it none of that [ __ ] matters and  the and another advantage of the tick drill is   if the tr trade blows out against me six [ __  ] ticks instantly why just hit the flat button   and then try to do a good job again and what  that's teaching you is how to cut and reset   and not have recency bias going into the next  trade because a huge problem with traders   are whatever just happened tends to shape and  influence what your next trade is about to be   and when you do the tick drill you're  getting in the habit of just cutting it   [ __ ] it forget it doesn't matter let's hit  the next good trade and that is a that is a   specific skill set that you need to develop  and use it in your actual [ __ ] trading   okay so when i get stopped out it doesn't freak  me the [ __ ] out like it normally would if i   take two stops in a row i'm not gonna that's  not good but i'm not gonna freak the [ __ ] out   i'm not gonna sit there and dwell on it  i cut it where's the next setup and if   i gotta wait 30 minutes for it i will and that  is something i've developed and learned through   tick drills for doing them for so many years i  always did them monday afternoons stop doing them   gonna start doing them again  because there's an advantage to it   and if you can get good at picking up a tick on  it more power to you but that's not the point of   it and nobody sees that going into it the point  is to develop all these little things that have   nothing to do with p l and if you can develop your  skills in being faster not being so emotionally   attached to a trade not freezing up learning how  to cut and reenter you develop all that skills   and then you start to define and build an actual  setup with edge which we've not talked about yet   you smash all of that together and then you  learn you do tick drills every monday afternoon   throughout all of the trading season  you're gonna learn what they feel like   in high volatility environments you're gonna  learn what they feel like in medium volatility   environments and lower and you're gonna and if you  suck at tick drills in a specific environment and   then you're better at them in another environment  well [ __ ] now you're starting to notice where   when you should be trading and when you  should probably consider not trading   by doing that [ __ ] there's  so much advantage to it   and what p l is is simply a reflection  of the skills you decided to develop   but if you're not sitting there focusing and  that's the win that's what you should be winning   today i want to get better at this not p l  today i want to be more patient in my trading   well guess what you want to be more patient  you need to [ __ ] meditate on it you need to   have a loop timer you need to have a sticky note  and you need to constantly be thinking about it   you need to build awareness around you need to  build the skill of awareness around patience   and then if you traded like [ __ ] that day  but you were a lot more patient than yesterday   well guess what you won the [ __ ] day  and you want to continue to work on it   relentlessly on just focusing on being patient  not p l and it doesn't matter if the p l looks   like [ __ ] every single day if you notice  that you did exactly what you were supposed   to and the trade doesn't have edge that's fine  because there's things we can do to develop that   but if we start to notice that there's a  huge amount of progression in becoming more   patient which is very big in trading um and  that's something i'm still working on myself   that is the win not the p l i don't give a [  __ ] how bad the day is if you were actually   patient and did what you were supposed to  where you were supposed to that's the win   that's the skill development and over time  that your p l will reflect all of that   so that is that that is literally a  [ __ ] gist of everything in between   and the problem again on combines  is you have to perform on the demo you can't be [ __ ] around experimenting i can't  sit here and tick drill on a combine trying to   develop specific skill sets because if you go  straight to a combine you ain't developing the   skill of becoming faster because you got to trade  it well you got to trade it like it's real life   and the problem is when you fail  they offer you a [ __ ] discount   they offer you a [ __ ] discount to  redo it and then you [ __ ] redo it   and it's like the guy getting the scratch off  tickets once you get funded and you fail there's   a higher likelihood that you're going to come  back and start doing it again and because you're   like well [ __ ] i made it once i think i can make  it again and then you're trapped in this endless   cycle of doing combines it's and the guy with the  scratch-off tickets when he wins on 50 bucks on   a scratch-off ticket what do you think he's gonna  do with that 50 bucks buy more scratch-off tickets   don't be that guy if you fail a combine you need  to sit on your ass and try to pass it on your own   demo within the rules and then go do it again or  if you fail what you should do is well what skills   am i lacking did i get tilted am i getting upset  am i too impulsive are you even keeping track of   this [ __ ] are you even reviewing the recording  of your session because if you're not here's the   thing everybody wants to be a [ __ ] traitor until  they have to do traitor work i sit here for two   three four [ __ ] hours at the end of each session  reviewing everything everything i told you guys i   was gonna do in my new year's video go ahead and  check it out i am doing that i'm building out a   book of charts that could take an hour sometimes  and then i gotta stat track every [ __ ] trade and that takes a can take a few  hours and then i review all the stats   and then i talk about what happened what i learned  why was this trade so good let's study that   right what did the order flow look  like around it let's look at that   oh i got [ __ ] up in this area  why let's really watch the footage and then let's formulate a goal for tomorrow  that has nothing to do with p l and we're gonna   work on that was i too impulsive today  we're gonna work on not being impulsive   was i trading dirty levels well then we're  not going to trade dirty levels tomorrow i'm   going to keep relentlessly working on these goals  because my statistics and review is showing that   everybody wants to be a trader until they  have to do trader work and trader work ain't   [ __ ] easy it's tedious it sucks it does it's  uncomfortable but that's how you get [ __ ] better   and that is why there's such  a high [ __ ] failure rate   everybody's thinking about the [ __ ] p l from  the very beginning you're eating the blue pills   in the matrix you're staying in the matrix eat  the [ __ ] red pill and see what trading really   is it's about developing specific skills  because you can't go from here to here   without doing everything in here  and getting good at those things   and now you're going to have to spend time  defining a trade with edge and when you do your   review and you start stat tracking your [ __ ]  you're using tags specific tags and playbooks tags   you look at the stats at the end of the month  and you need a high sample rate of stats to see   what's working what's not working in your trading  let me share some of my stats from this month   so let me pull this up i'm not sure if i mentioned  this video or not on friday i hit damn near my max   drawdown so i consider i max drew down because  the environment was really difficult to trade   but i spent several hours studying  it reviewing it in fact when i hit   my max drawdown i switched the demo and i started  trying to scalp and try to trade the environment so that way i could try to understand what was  going on and this is very important i feel like   a lot of traders who aren't comfortable with  a specific environment they end up just not   trading and i disagree with that because i feel a  professional good trader should be able to handle   themselves in almost any environment and they  should be able to adapt and adjust the problem is   people aren't willing to go back to demo to  experiment people are not willing to go to   demo to experiment in a condition that they're  not comfortable with and and instead they're   just gonna sit out and i hate to say this but not  you're missing out opportunity when you [ __ ] do   that [ __ ] you shouldn't just be sitting out  you should you should be in there [ __ ] testing   it and that's what i [ __ ] did i hit drawdown  so let's go ahead and start testing [ __ ] do i   need to run larger stops let's [ __ ] test it is  there something going on within the price action   yeah there was actually and what happened  was i ended up spending all of yesterday   re-watching a huge portion of that specific  trading session and i really started to   develop like i really started to see what  happened because friday was very difficult   and and this would be uh what what is it january  14th 2022 so if you remember that specific date   and uh i wrote a massive document just talking  about what's going on what i think's happening   what i'm seeing looking at specific theories  and then i did a video on it um it's not a   public video by any means it's actually a private  video and um i think i figured out what i need to   do to adjust to be able to actually trade that  type of [ __ ] environment instead i didn't just   shut it down and leave and be done i switched  the demo to learn how to [ __ ] deal with it   looks like one of my cats is going up  on the roof yep that would be womack sorry if the camera's shaking and  you guys have not seen womack yet   but um yeah so that's really important so  the the it's only halfway through the month   right now it's important that you try to trade  exactly the same way throughout the entire month   and trying to stay consistent um throughout  the entire month is a lot more difficult   uh because obviously emotions and [ __ ] get in  the way so it's important that you stay i mean   trying to trade consistently not being  consistently profitable is pretty [ __ ] difficult   uh to trade a specific setup in a consistent  fashion because emotions get in the way   and this is why it's important to  do this [ __ ] on demo is because you need to be stat tracking  and this is all about developing   an actual setup with developing a setup with edge   you need to be stat tracking and really monitoring  these setups uh and try to be as consistent as   possible so that way you get a very consistent  sample size and we're only halfway through the   month but these are what i'm seeing in my stats  and they're actually kind of surprising i'm only   going to go over two of them i'm sorry if the  camera's shaking because womack's up there so um two things i'm testing trading clean levels versus  dirty levels so what clean levels means is there's   no other level above my entry so if i get in here  i don't run the risk of the trade smacking a level   above my entry or if i'm going short i don't run  the risk of the trade smacking a level and coming   back in if there's other levels there i call those  dirty now if there's a bunch of levels behind it   and there's nothing in the direction  i'm going in i consider that clean   so this month so far clean levels uh they  make money so do dirty levels actually as well   so between tracking those two stats i know that  clean levels make money soda dirty but clean   levels they win 2.5 more times than losing so i'm  making 2.5 more times the money on clean levels   than i do losing on them whereas on dirty levels  i only make 1.6 times more than losing it's some   weird math i did so that could be wrong so what  that's telling me is maybe next month i need to   just completely ignore dirty levels yeah they make  money but they certainly don't perform as well now i also started to track pullbacks um versus  when a level gets tested for the first time   so i'll i'm tracking if the trade comes in and  then pulls back on my entry how does that perform   versus the first time we hit a level and then i  immediately attempt to trade it well pullbacks   also win 2.5 more times than they lose the first  test when the trade comes in for the first time   it loses four 4.0 times more than it wins so what  that's telling me is start trading pullbacks and  

don't worry about first test hits but here's the  problem is first test hits are working better on   a different type of setup so these are  just general stats across all my setups um   so what i need to do is look at the individual  setups and see if the first tests are working   better on a specific setup than the other and  our pullbacks working better on this test and   our pullbacks working better in high volume or  medium volume environments so it's that's very   important information and that's information that  you need to gather as a new trader because with   those stat those stats tell you a lot and i'm  surprised i'm always surprised by those numbers   certain setups i think i suck at i do really good  in setups i think i'm really good at i suck at   i'm always surprised and and the thing is  even when you're consistent you need to   continue to do this because you need to continue  to refine your trading so that way you can start   to scale up more size and these stats tell  me exactly where i need to make adjustments   i need is trade pullbacks but which setups but  i need to trade pullback so now going into the   next month i'm going to have to really want  to start not trading anything but pullbacks   and that might be hard because i have the habit  of trading breakouts um so it's gonna have to   be a goal of mine to actually start to wean out  trading first tests so this is a constant develop   developing cycle but this is how you find trades  with setups and then i also i tag impulsive trades   honestly if i stop being so impulsive  and i'm getting a lot better at it   um that will make a difference and i'm going  to continue to track my impulsive trading   because i want to it's like a game i want to  see if i can make that the amount of money   i'm losing off impulsive trading go down less  and less and less each month that's a win so   a lot of these stats and these numbers and [ __  ] and the reason it's important to review and   do all this stuff at the end of the day tells you  exactly what's going on in your trading and what   you can do to refine stuff and it allows you to  figure out if a setup has positive expectancy it   allows you to see if a setup has edge and listen  setup setups with edge can be handed to a trader   on a silver plat platter but that doesn't  mean they're going to be able to make it work   because if you don't have your mental framework  in check uh nothing's gonna work for you nothing   is gonna work for you so that's the problem  people think trade some trading courses suck   and [ __ ] but you gotta understand the guy  that's probably presenting it and don't get   me wrong some of the stuff out there is [  __ ] but the guy that's presenting it well   he has a [ __ ] load more experience in it and he  understands nuancy [ __ ] that he's not simply not   able to talk about right there's a feel to it uh  there's like this crystal ball thing going on to   where he has a feel for what might be happening  with his system that you have not developed and   that's another thing if you're brand new you don't  have that feel that intuition for what's about to   happen in the market the more and i've only been  trading the es so i like to think i have a decent   intuition with it because often there are times  where i'm pretty [ __ ] good at accurately   calling out a specific test or rotation  doesn't mean i'm trading it by any means   but i kind of know what the market's gonna do and  if it fails what i'm thinking would happen if it   ends up not doing what i think i'm like well  then it could go here and potentially this could   happen oh it is happening that way so if that's  happening this way then i think this might happen   let's nail it and there it goes and you  can kind of see that when i'm reading the   tape or whatever there's little things so it's  jerking or it's dumping or it's pulling in real   quickly those are little things and i can kind of  guestimate what's about to happen in the next few   seconds or we could tap this level and rotate  so i'm going to start cutting the trade there and that intuition it takes years to build that  and that right there is going to help make you   a better trader that's skill development in a  nutshell so i think with all of that being said   um i want to touch on developing setups with  edge i think that's a whole nother video   but it takes time it takes a lot of time to  develop a setup with edge and it's best to   do it on demo don't do it on live  money don't do it on micros don't   experiment in combines if you're gonna do  a combine know what you're [ __ ] doing know what you're [ __ ] doing you can build a  setup with edge on demo and that will give you   confidence so when you trade live money it's  not as [ __ ] scary and it's not as emotional i mean you would think that's  common [ __ ] sense but most people   don't think that way you guys  need to wake the [ __ ] up if i spend if i spent years  doing all this weird [ __ ]   and doing tick drills and all  this stuff you guys aren't doing i pretty i'm getting pretty [ __ ] good at  this i'm not a [ __ ] pro but i'm getting a   [ __ ] i'm a [ __ ] load better than i used to be  and i'm know what has gotten me to where i'm at   i know the things that worked to get me to  where i'm at and i'm simply sharing that with   you because you can waste a [ __ ] load of time  going from here to here without doing anything   in here without if you're not sitting there trying  to fix specific problems with specific solutions   and actively trying to build awareness around it  so that way you can stop doing the same stupid   mistakes over and over and over and over because  that's what happens when you get into trading you   make the stupid mistakes over and over and over  you don't know what to [ __ ] do about it because   you're not doing anything about it and you're  not trying to build awareness around it and   try to meditate and try you got to do a lot and  everybody wants to be a trader until they got to   do trader work and most people are [ __ ] lazy and  that is why the failure rate is so high or they or   they just continuously think about the [ __ ] p l  and they don't realize this is a high skill game   and you need to develop skills to be  able to even [ __ ] print consistent p   l i think the failure rate is high because again  a combination of laziness and a combination of   people who simply are not winning the day by  building out skills they're not winning the day   by [ __ ] conquering the goal of impulsive  trading they're not they're not winning the day   by just trying to get better at things that  have absolutely nothing to do with actual   printing p l a lot of things you need to do to  become a better trader has nothing to do with   actually taking the [ __ ] trade a lot of things  you need to do to get better as a trade you're   in control of because when you trade the market  you're not in control and there is an element of   randomness to it but there is a lot of things  you can [ __ ] control you can control reviewing   the day you can control doing tick drills  and cutting the trade when it doesn't work   and just learn how to get better at it you can  control journaling you can control stat tracking   there's so much [ __ ] you're in control of that  if you get really good at those little things   that will make you a better trader we don't rise to our goals you don't rise  to the goal of consistently profitable   what you do is you bui

2022-01-22 07:57

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