What is MOVING AVERAGE trading strategy, how to use moving average CROSSOVER strategy correctly?

What is MOVING AVERAGE trading strategy, how to use moving average CROSSOVER strategy correctly?

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hello friends welcome to option panel youtube  channel if you remember previously i talked   about what is technical analysis and what are  the key things you need to know when you are   looking at uh technical analysis if you remember  there are a few things i mentioned one was price   volume and then when you're studying price and  volume you have to look at you know for the prices   to continue to be in a trend or break down the  trend then the second thing was about looking at   uh whether the prices are or the stocks or that  underlying thing is overbought oversold and some   other things so this particular video tutorial  i'm going to focus on the first and the very uh   important aspect of technical analysis and that is  determining the trend how can you figure out trend   now there are hundreds and hundreds of indicators  all right but what i'm going to share with you   is the simplest and the most popular way of  determining the trend and now it may come across   some of you who may already know about the market  you may think oh well i've heard about this thing   a lot of time well you might have heard about this  a lot of time but did you use it to make money   and if you haven't really used it for  making money then i would suggest that   look at this tutorial with a fresh perspective  and see what is it that you might probably be   missing when you were applying this indicator and  if you are completely new let me tell you this   you know people will tell you it's simple it  doesn't work in all sort of nonsense just tell   them shut up let me study this first and let  me see whether or not it's gonna make me money   so let's get deep dive into it understand  how basically you use moving averages   to determine the trend whether the trend will  continue or the trend is going down or what   could be your entry point or exit point using  that trend i want to talk to you about moving   averages i will share with you what is the best  way to use those moving averages how do you build   the right kind of moving averages which will give  you an amazing result so now once you look at it   you'll find that you have one candle second  third four fifth six seven eight nine   ten and so on now each of these things will  have four prices the four prices can be   uh if you look at it high low open and close  now as we are moving from one day to another day   you can create an average price okay now this  average price is an interesting one because   what you're doing is you are trying to smoothen  this price moving for that particular day and   create an average to find out how the prices are  so some people may use only the highs of the day   some people can use low of the day some people  can use only the opening and some use close price   or depending upon what variation you choose  in fact you can also choose high plus low plus   open plus close divided by four to give you  the average price of that day okay in most of   the cases if you go around and if you see you know  people using the moving averages into their charts   most of the time it is a closing price then  now you may choose whether you want a three-day   average you want a five-day average you want  eight-day average or you want 10-day average   or you want bigger and that's what really  is that you see people explaining to you   you know that i'm using simple moving average  for so and so date so three days is naturally   showing you it's a very fast moving average  showing you the average of the last three bars   similarly if you're using 10 then it is  showing you the average of the last 10   bars right and the most popular i'm going to  talk about that as well in a minute are 20   50 and 200 and i'll come to that in a minute as  well but you know while you're using averages   there are actually multiple types of averages  so what do what do you mean by multiple types of   averages you can take you know a simple average or  a simple moving average or you can use exponential   moving average or you can use weighted moving  average or you can choose hull moving average there are many many types of averages which are  available and the two most popular averages are   simple moving average and exponential moving  average so which one should you choose and   which one you should not choose and what are the  key differences between simple moving average   and exponential moving average the simple moving  average is really you know just the simple   average of those 10 days while exponential moving  average gives weightage to the more current market   movements okay so if you want to just normalize it  over 10 days period 28 speed years using a simple   then you call it simple moving average but in  case of 21 days for example you want to give more   weightage to the recent price action then you  use exponential moving average now when you're   looking at the moving averages ideally speaking  you should have three different types of settings   short-term moving average and then you should have  a medium-term moving average and then you can also   have a long-term moving average now why would  you have these three uh different types of moving   averages short-term medium-term and long-term  short-term so that you know you can see what has   been happening in the price action especially in  that shorter period of time long term maybe really   very very long and by the time you make a decision  it might be very late so which is why you may not   want to choose just one long term option so  what are the advantages of a short term versus   the longer term shorter term helps you to take  quick action and longer terms can help you refine   your major entries particularly so i use  long-term averages especially for bigger long-term   oversold kind of opportunities where i can benefit  from a rapid market move so when you look at these   three types of moving averages short term median  term and long term the most popular simple moving   average for short term is 20 some people also use  21 moving average for medium term many people use   50-day moving average now some people like to  go for medium time as 100-day moving average   they think that 50 is also too quick but in  my opinion you can use 100-day moving average   but make sure that you also use 50 because 50 is  used by millions of traders all around the world   and for long-term average people are using or most  of the traders use 200-day moving average so these   are three different settings that most people  are using one fantastic usage of moving averages   is to use the moving averages as your stop-loss  criteria too so in case if you've been in a trend   and you've been following it and you see the  market just keep going up and up and up and you've   been fortunate to get a lot of money out of that  particular trade you may say okay i'm going to use   20 or 21 day sma as my moving average meaning if  the price drops and closes below 21 moving average   i'll say i'm out of that long trade similarly you  can choose 200 or 50. typically when i follow i'd   rather go for 2021 i don't really look for 200-day  moving average as my stop-loss criteria and the   reason for that is simply because by the time it  hits 200-day moving average it's pretty late okay   short-term i use for most for the stopping out and  the long term i usually define and refine for my   entries sometimes many people also use or the  traders also use like this maybe your short-term   moving average let's just use another one another  color this may be your medium-term moving average   and then there may be like you know sorry this may  be short time this may be medium term and this may   be more of a long term so let's call it short  term medium term and long term so some people   also define i mean this is also a great usage  of the moving averages is that you can choose   these areas as an area for entry you know  where you see all the conversions happening   and once you know it's crossing through this you  may define and use it as your entry points too so   i'm gonna share with you how it looks like when  you are looking at a real chart what you're seeing   on my screen now is think or swim if you look at  it here and if i zoom in you will see that there   are prices right so this is for spy spy is the  s p 500 etf and here you will notice that there   are actually four prices right so look at this  bar that i'm pointing out here in the red bar   and look at this box this box will show you open  high low and the closing price the high price for   that day was 472.87 and the low price was 464.8  how can we use moving averages to make some   trading decision so let's say if i use spy and i  go to studies and i look for simple moving average   and let's say i add three simple moving  averages short term long term and medium   time so short time as i mentioned that  most people are using 20 day moving average   and for medium term all or most traders use  50 day moving average and for our longer term   most of the trader worldwide tend to use 200-day  moving average so i applied these moving average   and you will see well i've got three  different lines here correct now the   very first observation you will have from this  chart is that every time spy drops around this   blue line which is 50-day moving average  it tends to bounce so let's count this here   it has dropped to 50-day moving average one  time here second time here third fourth fifth   sixth seventh eighth and then ninth and then  ten almost ten times it is dropped to that   and if you would have just made one simple trade  strategy that is you will go along once that   underlying stop drops to 50-day moving average and  you decide maybe 100-day moving average a 200-day   moving average as your stop-loss you will notice  that out of 10 times actually you will lose only   on one time nine out of ten trades would have been  profitable now that's a pretty significant result   for uh you know a not like a rocket science based  strategy a very very simple strategy on s p 500   just on 50 day moving average if you would have  decided to go in out of 10 trades nine trades   would have been profitable just by following  that so you've got short term medium term and   long term moving average but is that it can  we just simply use it or can we also modify it   so what i'm going to show you the best way to use  a moving average okay so let's go ahead and for   example let's say i'm going to use microsoft and  that's where i will show you how we can use this   on microsoft so how do you figure out whether or  not should you be using here is one very important   thing that you need to understand when you're  trading moving average each stock exhibit its   own character meaning that the 20 50 200 you can't  take it just just as given for every single stock   remember each stock behaves quite differently  and if you are into that particular stock it's   it's worth the effort to figure out what sort of  settings are best suited for that particular stock   okay so let's look at let's do this for microsoft  i'm going to remove all these uh from here and   i'm just going to do here let's just go ahead  and edit studies i'm removing all of those and   let's begin this trial with 20-day moving average  now if you see this you will say that actually it   does not really behave according to 20-day moving  average right you will notice that between this   period and let's highlight this period to  this period is when actually the 21 day moving   average has been working for just about three to  three months so that might have been good time   but can we can we play around and see which  moving average actually works better so let's   go ahead and edit studies and maybe then uh  let's go ahead at this studies edit studies   and i will change this settings to maybe let's say  25 let's just say 25 and we look at it and we say   does it follow 25 moving average let's say hey  it doesn't really follow even 25 moving average   except for this period when the stock was really  trending let's see another one let's just maybe   make it 30 days moving average and then see if  it follows 30-day moving average apply and okay   so we see the 30-day moving average well not  really it's it doesn't follow you in 30-day   moving average it may or may not be a good example  of using moving averages except for this four five   year four five months period uh let's change  this again and uh maybe let's make it say 50 day   moving or 40 just one by one as we go through  40 day moving average and when we come here   we look at 40-day moving average it doesn't seem  to follow 40-day moving average as well right so   let's go ahead and change this and make it 50-day  moving average and keep looking at it and then   see whether it works on 50-day moving average  now we're getting closer to some sort of uh   exhibit that microsoft tends to follow so 50-day  moving average we have some but we still have some   room that it actually tends to dip below that  level as well so let's go ahead at the studies   maybe change this to say 70 day moving average so  we click 70 day moving average and then we see now   uh it's trying to make more sense if you look  at here 70 day moving average it fits perfectly   here 70 day perfect perfect here there is there  are some room for error and again 70-day moving   average so what i've just done and what i've  demonstrated to you is that don't just take   it you know um as given if you are being given  or somebody is telling you that okay go ahead   with 50-day and 200-day moving average use this  knowledge to see what sort of patterns this follow   because stocks tend to move in a cycle as well so  see what sort of cycle it is following and if you   happen to see a microsoft every time it drops to  around 70 day moving average it does it does tend   to move okay except unless there were a little  bit of period with a little bit of bearishness   so you may say that okay 70 day moving average  is what probably i will use for my entry now   let's use another moving average to define what  possibly could be a stop loss so i go in studies   edit studies and i will just duplicate it here  to find out if i can get another simple moving   average that i can use as a stop loss so now this  stop loss what do you think should be bigger uh   setting bigger than 70 or lower than 70 should  be bigger than 70 right so let's just go ahead   and say 90 days for example so if i click on  90 days i will just change this color 90 days   edit studies and i change this color so i  can see different now you will notice that   actually it does go to 70 days but then pulls back  to about 90 days and then it comes in so maybe i   can't remember 90 i will just change this 200 day  moving average edit studies and i make it 100 and   i say hey okay you know i can use 100-day moving  average as either my entry point or my stop-loss   point most of the time it is not really dropping  so i could have used 70 days an entry point   and really benefit but between 1700 not so much  of the gaps are there i could have also chosen   100 but if i would have chosen 100 i probably  will not get the entries here right you see that   70 days i would have gotten the entry and  i could have possibly used 100 day moving   average as my stop loss and i will be writing  if i would have taken this entry here at 70 at   242 i will be actually riding even all the way now  without being stopped out you know emotions really   become the difficult issue when you are trading  the stocks but having a mechanical system can can   allow you to profit from the markets and stay in  the market for longer duration now let's see does   this setting work for let's say um let's choose  another one example shopify shopee or sec limited   now if you see set um se it just doesn't follow  any either the 70 day or 90 to 100 days meaning   that you just simply can't use that setting for  um for c limited so let's play around and see what   sort of settings will work for s e so i change  this edit studies and i begin with 21st 20 days   so when i click on 20 days i see that  it actually does not follow even 20 day   simple moving average as well so let me also try  and play around and see if it follows actually 20   exponential moving average yeah i can use  that as well versus simple moving average   just go in and remove this or rather i can have  both and then see which one it is following better   so let's say simple moving average and i will also  add exponential moving average okay moving average   exponential and i will change both to 20 to show  you the difference as well on what is happening   between these two okay so change this to 20 and  let's make this purple color we do it okay apply   and then all right so it doesn't follow 20 day  either simple moving average or exponential moving   average as well so this is not really working here  so what averages it might follow so edit studies   let me remove both uh 20 exponential and i'll just  keep one only and then let me change this to say   35 just y 35 randomly just to see what settings  are working and i see that 35 well it tends to   not really work even on 35 so shopee shopee  or c limited may not really be a good stock   let's just do one more try again first 50 let's  see on 50 day moving average click ok and then   apply well it seems like 50 day moving average  might be working or last one year 50 day moving   average and 100 day is not really providing any  support area so let's change this to 100 to 150   if i change this from 100 to 150 and now i notice  that on shoppi or c limited you will notice that   it looks like 150 days might be working on  on c limited and about 50 day moving average   for entry possible entry on um on c limited so  let's just change this also again make it 60   to see whether 60 qualifies for entry and 60 does  look like now other thing when you are doing this   test and you're looking at back testing to see  what kind of moving average settings work for   that particular stock it is also a good idea to  expand your time horizon so that's another way   another secret that you should be looking at  to see whether or not it follows that game now   if you look at it here choppy on seems to follow  even over a two year period two years period okay   it really did not break that level until recently  and when it dropped it actually dropped very very   hard afterwards and in fact on this red line on  around you know 60 days or 70 days probably will   be also uh really nice so i can also change  this again like let's say make it 75 here   so uh for longer run we had 150 and for shorter  run we had 75 and it seems like 75 might be   working so what i'm trying to tell you here is  through this uh strategy and understanding this   part is that you have multiple averages that you  can use for your trading okay if simple moving   average exponential moving average hull moving  average and the weighted moving average and then   each moving average has multiple settings  you should do the individual stock research   and see what kind of settings it follows  what kind of cycles it follows and if you   do that your rewards can be amazing so this  is how you look at moving averages and you uh   you know develop an investing approach now you  can study it more and don't think that you know   just by studying this 30 minutes video tutorial or  short tutorial become an expert on moving average   and you will become a millionaire tomorrow now  this is a right foundation for you to learn   well that's some some serious sound okay well  this is this will help you to set up your uh   your basis right and if you studied well and  if you study as i showed you in the tutorial   and figure out you know the short term medium  term and long term averages for your stocks   and define the crossovers for it you know  you can really take it to the next level   so don't jump into some conclusions it's  the right time to really understand and see   what will make a difference in terms of  determining the trends for your portfolios okay   or for your stocks you can use it to refine your  entry you can also use it to refine your stop loss   and so much more now in the next tutorial i'm  going to talk about you know how do you know   whether this is stock or this trend is coming to  an end especially either on the bullish side of   the downside how do you know whether it is already  overbought or is oversold how can you combine the   multiple just so much you know this is really  getting exciting now here's the thing you know   preparing all these videos is a lot of work and  as you would appreciate that there's a lot of   time and thinking that goes behind this so if you  are enjoying this and if you want to appreciate   you know just book the like icon and send us some  love this will help us to send this video other   people can find it out as well and um that's it  you know just just hit that like like icon on   the video i appreciate that thank you now here is  your homework for uh for today from this tutorial   and this is an extensive one so you can't have  a shortcut so this video is choose the three   stocks top three stocks in your stock holding  it may be from your local market or maybe from   the u.s market it does not really matter so  choose the three stocks if you don't have the  

stocks in your portfolio choose the three stocks  that you would like and then find out short term   medium term and the long term uh trends parameters  for that stock and make that comment below   so i would know it you have actually done some  studied and you have you have really reviewed   stocks in your portfolio and you've done and you  played around some settings i will also leave   you know a link to the websites where you can go  and play around with the moving averages and it's   all free you don't need to buy anything and spend  some time studied well and then see did you find   something you know that can make a difference  and it just happened to be a lot a lot of   lightning and things which are going on with the  place where i'm sitting but i thought you know you   have a weekend or whatever time you have it you  can watch this and prepare a good good study plan   so with all that this is your coach panoch i  look forward to seeing you the next tutorial   make sure you do the homework and let me  know in the comment section your top three   stocks and for those stocks your short term  medium term and long term moving averages   and once again stay safe stay healthy this is  manoj i look forward to seeing you soon you

2022-02-01 18:59

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