What are you trading into a $25,000 Handbag??? (Boxes to Birkin)

What are you trading into a $25,000 Handbag??? (Boxes to Birkin)

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all right all right all right welcome to fabled hunters i'm aydah i'm saying and we're gonna open some stuff we're gonna kick off my new video contest we kind of mentioned the last time so if you can see the case of trading cards behind me we're actually gonna use three cases of these cards well we're gonna trade these cards into a 25 000 worth of handbags so if you want to learn more keep watching so saying since there might be viewers out there that never played a trading card game or collected any trading cards could you kind of explain to them why it's important and what the game really is all about okay well trading card games especially recently in recent times have gotten very significant uh because trading cards due to their scarcity have almost become like a store of value now trading card games and collectible card games used to be only part of like uh nerd culture or geek culture the people that play dungeon dungeons and dragons but recently things have gotten so crazy like the pokemon cards and the sports cards people are lining up at 6am at target at walmart at other big box stores and fighting literally fighting and clawing at each other and beating each other up to be the first to buy these boxes of cards because each box of cards might have you know they might only cost tens of dollars right but they might have cards that are worth thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars and there's a limited printing of all of them and flesh and blood is one prime example of a really hot and desirable trading card game it's a fantasy plus violent trading card game where people basically fight each other to the death in i guess medieval times with a little bit of futuristic steampunk elements there are people in the asia pacific region because the publisher was originally from new zealand people in new zealand people in australia people in the greater asia pacific area have been they they got in by paying about 50 for a box when it first came out and now they're trading in their collections for cars houses they're paying off their student loans they're paying off their mortgages so this is insane we're gonna do this we're gonna help aydah turn three of these cases into an hermes birken handbag [Music] hold on just one second didn't you want to tell the tell them what's been going on in the market oh yeah that's right um obviously uh monarch just released last friday may 7th and this is going to be the most monumental release in this publisher's history in my opinion my not so humble opinion now a lot of the people even before monarch actually was officially released like may 5th on wednesday and may 6th on thursday everybody was like oh no the world is ending the sky is falling and that didn't happen actually as a matter of fact i think monarch boxes got as low as maybe 375 on the open market some cases on the different uh groups uh went as low as fifteen hundred dollars case okay and as of the filming of this video uh boxes are no longer 375 or 350. they're like 450 cases are shot up to about 2 500 after a buyout not by me i don't know who did it there's some people out there however let you in a little secret when the boxes are 375 you know i was uh a little getting a little cookie monster all up in there now that said um you know i i mentioned there are going to be people that are only in this for the short term free attendees the rest of everybody else hold your product enjoy your product open your product have fun join in with us on the fun of opening and enjoying this master work from legend story studios that said we got a case to open [Music] okay here we are we have a case this is aydah's case so aydah this is all on you nice all right watch the safety safety knife this is this is you okay all right last time your your viewers some viewers like you weren't you know treating it carefully enough so good luck good luck yeah i'm gonna do better this time try to cut away from your body away away away yeah yeah that's a way towards you i'm giving no not towards me i'm i'm i'm backing off there you go there you go or beyond the point in our turn yeah okay leave the knife out yep you're gonna go through all four boxes eventually so which which box are you gonna take to kick things off all right i'll pick this one just off the top okay go for it let's do it it's your case you oh no uh that one fell out is it talking to you or do you still want this one this one now are you sure yeah are you sure yeah i'll do that okay okay yeah it fell out i wanted to come out came out prematurely uh-oh i'm always scared that i'll cut the box that's why yeah there you go just that little wait all right guys um i'm actually gonna cut my nails so next time when i open i don't scratch the yes i didn't tell her to do it she came up the the whole idea i didn't want an hr lawsuit guys so yeah it's a little easier to get in the packs with shorter nails yeah you're getting better the you know the viewers they're they're saying some things with other stuff you can edit but with unboxing you really can't do anything because i yeah it is what it is yeah that said genji can't play his magic on on my unboxing skills our sleeves are ready our semi-ridges are ready whoa we're ready all right am i better so far well we haven't even seen you open a pack yet all right so we've got the 12 and 12. yup okay okay i got your box i got you you could just toss packs this way nice there you go are there more on this side that's fine that's fine it's okay all right okay so do you still need my preparation or you got this yeah you still need it yeah okay the day where you don't have humongous long nails anymore you'll uh you'll get it you won't need me anymore so yeah there you go i'll prep your pack that's your next pack i'm actually getting better gentle gentle oh there you go yep yep yep you could even yeah well the second part all right there you go iris reality that's a prism's weapon yup let's go eleven commons yeah eleven commons hungering slaughter beast seeds of algae drastic screamer express lightning ecma camaro camaro yeah it's a mythical creature express lightning again belittle belittle pawn for pong stoney wooden hog yep brandish rally the rear guard and you've got the foil are all the rubbishes right there i got your foil right there gentle there you go third iron weave this is our common common equipment and then the two rares first one oh i remember this one with the super long name yeah super long name convulsions from the bellows of hell that kind of reminds me like don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice in the hood you remember that though one movie name yeah so that's like the longest game uh card game name or card name vexing malice okay just a red pack there you go all right next so while we're doing this um aydah uh why are you getting a a birkin again i actually it's for my mom so my mom is yeah all the way in asia and i missed many mother's days okay and i i meant to i actually plan on gifting her some flowers but i was so busy with work like we always are yeah for sure i didn't you know i didn't get the chance to give her flowers because you know in asia it's always a day ahead yeah yeah so i get it yeah so i want to make it up to her by surprising she knows that where i've been on you know creating this youtube channel with you and she's very interested okay and like learning more about what this is all about and it's also another i don't know just gifting back makes me you know yeah for mom we love you mom i love you okay and we could go through the comments we went through the pack already yeah careful as you go deep eight nine ten eleven you're you're coming up right after the soul oh is that the one soul reaping yeah there you go halo halo of illumination that's common equipment yeah then we've got two ribs and we've got another card yeah there's some duplicate oh mutated yeah a majestic card there you go nice sleeve that up that's a little kaching for the birkin fund nice getting close mom yeah oh so saying viewers probably want to know like outside of fable hunters yeah what do we what do we talk about what do we talk about yeah honestly uh the thing i talk about the most is probably work yeah that's kind of boring we do this to not talk about work relaxing it is relaxing it's therapeutic you're looking at cards you're looking at art it's like ooh what could happen yeah all right we're getting close oh that that might be a plow through yep yep that's the foil through the foil yeah that's a rare foil right mm-hmm and then i'll hide home yep just the common equipment there you go i've got the dimensional gateway yep last one yep two rares shadows go into the pile there we go yeah there's not really that much to talk about as an entrepreneur because outside of this you know when you're at work like 12 14 16 hours a day yeah i just never stopped yeah it never stops and your mind never turns off until you go to bed and then yeah yeah even you're waking up like oh crap then i call this client yeah oh no they're gonna kill me they wanted it yesterday i know right yeah last night i couldn't go to bed thinking about how many things i should do today yeah that's why it's rough that's why they pay you the big bucks either oh tenacity i got this leaf i got you i got you the car that we got last night yes you have your one cold foil i think cold foils are in the 125 to 150 range right now and it's still early in the game so hold on to that cold foil oh well blood drop broke yep um next there you go oh my god merc of the beast of the beast it's mark but we just say there you go cool there you go next one yeah it's not bad two m's we want in total eight m's per box i think i've been watching a lot of videos this past weekend and doing some of my own too and opening nothing great though really nothing great haven't gotten the library live yet okay i'd like to we are fabled hunters remember yep one of us is going to live up to the name eventually not with a bolt of courage though all right next you got two rares pulping and popping hey hey next nothing crazy nothing crazy at all yeah i'm trying really hard to be gentle with the cards because i we do read the comments pbs purple boob special yeah we read the comments and you judge me pretty hard for me yeah you guys hurt aydah's feelings but i'm trying my best i'm getting a lot better now i was watching old videos of how i was handling the cars the first time it was pretty bad it was pretty bad at all i didn't want to say anything because i didn't want to scare her off the show but it was pretty bad yeah and now looking back i'm like uh it was a super rare stable car than it would have been yeah that would have been bad but these cards are now yours so now you have extra incentive to take really great care of them good point okay okay careful yeah yeah oh oh oh oh hold on hold on oh my god oh my god oh wow okay okay okay let me grab this this is a majestic it just people have just been saying in the past 12 to 24 hours that majestics are more rare than legendaries this is a second most rare cold coil these things are probably going to a thousand plus oh my gosh and hold on hold on let me let me get this in a sleeve and just put it under the camera it is pretty this is a chains rune blade he's got two this plus the galaxy black oh we've got a little little feather over there a little feather a little bit of a chip over there but a little chip there well you know what it still looks like it might be in nine territory need some love on the centering and it is still a pack to sleeve cold foil majestic even more rare than legendaries that's a good start that's a good start that's your first m so yeah all right common equipment uh-huh let's see horizon and fantasma 5 yeah wow that is yeah that's something crazy yeah some guys opened up 84 boxes for charity i think they only got something like 13 majestics so that's like one in six boxes oh wow so that's more a lot more rare than one per case because it's only if it was one per case they would have gotten 21 majestics but i think they only got 13 so that's that's a really strong hit aydah interesting yeah yeah i'm so happy that made my day oh my experiences i did make my day if i opened up a 450 box and i got a thousand dollar card right [Music] [Music] the artwork yeah they look even better live in cold foil yeah all right quickly there we go what do you do with the common cards usually oh you collect them you put them into decks you could put them in a binder oh oh there's something else no oh that's just a purple boob special next engulfing light no just a common foil i got you oh blood draw broke and then [Music] okay we're making good progress on left twix let's go let's go ada i'll say blood drop okay that that's probably my favorite card oh really yeah yeah it's not about the value it's a pretty dress right see i could see getting uh getting me some prism in the trip in this dress well even levia she'll be she looks she'd probably be dateable in this dress right now surging militia all right back to sleeping cards get my mind out of the gutter get hungry go and then [Music] there you go pilgrimage yeah okay okay so that's that's always a plus [Music] there you go after 10 and 11 careful careful no not that one enigma camara is that it that looks like it's it enigma chimera yeah common foil and then c horizontally see horizon all right you got your next back ready you go even do too many times yeah yeah because you're getting used to it and you're remembering to be gentle yeah they're your little babies anything can be in there oh my god but the the hit to start off boxes the birkin with a dread scythe yes a majestic cold foil yeah it's it's not exactly a library but you know you are getting close that's a playable card all right there you go lightning beam oh so the shadow beast yep another comment there you go there's an apple a bolting blade nice yep this goes into the majestic pile there you go so um aydah what did you uh what do you spend your money on before trading card games before flashing blood i spend most my money on food on travel food and travel and then entertainment with my friends like like what type of entertainment just just curious i like karaoke karaoke [Music] we are opening here what else today it's not just aydah's video diary i didn't do much i worked a lot i was always working working and i enjoy working yeah yeah it's good to enjoy working it's amazing they are they are i'm hiding home we had bella beat up sushi the other day when you were done yeah oh there you go next oops i didn't prepare this that's busy i was busy talking i was busy you know co-featuring in the aydah's little lifestyle vlog just a second ago yeah that's cool yeah i'm investing stocks oh yeah yeah okay but it's nothing oh also i used to go um go on business trips to vegas a lot so okay and there i'll gamble a little bit gamble a little bit really never had much luck never had much luck it's a good thing yeah if you if you hit it big then they'll that's how they get you yeah they get you forever wow growling grill okay and then i'm fine um another majestic that's cool this this one they have this an extended heart foil and those are really rare those are almost as rare as the majestics pretty pretty close it's like neck and neck yeah yeah yeah so that's that's about it yeah i miss vegas yeah yeah holly's family is in vegas we haven't gone back in a long time but times are clearing up huh big gamblers oh you know some some people can get upset to uh a little bit of everything but primarily uh craps and blackjack i've always wanted to learn how to play crafts but never rolling the dice well we rolled the dice the the girls beat us remember so i've never really had any luck oh yeah last time yeah yeah yeah but it's a lot of fun though it's a lot of fun i i played a little blackjack last time but you know yeah the casino is not a good place they don't put a up so you know that's always with your time absolutely that's the it's by design they know exactly what they're doing [Music] and they feed you drinks yep not to help you with entertainment so that uh you can't do math too good yeah oh plow through you know rare foil rear foil drink weaver dreamweavers okay invigorating light and then another plow through okay making good progress yeah okay you're closing out the third quarter after this next pack aydah oh lucky bubble you've got a bubble pack there you go that's your crack bubble yep all right what is it what is it what is that oh oh just a stoney wooten hog common all right shadows and a herald of triumph all right all right so we just passed mother's day did you join this thing special for holly absolutely yeah we you guys got reservations we got the sitter we went out we ate out flowers chocolate come on i hold it down i hold it down i know what i'm doing nice yeah one of my boys he's like husband alert bro husband alert i'm like bro i got it covered since like tuesday please yeah because we usually for the viewers that don't actually know we usually film on sundays but mother's day landed on a sunday so so yeah we specifically delayed our filming so yeah cause gotta gotta take care of the ladies in our lives right yeah did you do anything with mom you just gave her a call i facetimed her yeah i was also you know i just moved yep i'm still kind of buying furniture my bed still hasn't come in so i've been sleeping on the floor oh no it's not bad though yeah it's not that big yeah it's actually not that bad it's pretty comfortable what else what else overload wartune herald okay let's get a couple more m's even if there isn't a second cold foil we want to get some extra majestics yeah get some extra value there's got to be a foil majestic i think there should be a foil adjustment at the library we hit the library then uh then you're like you're like you're the you're the bigger fabled hunter and i don't know we'll see you never know advice i have the worst luck so it it's probably going to happen too but i'll be happy for you [Music] shadow oh you don't see that that's a foil majestic hell yeah nice shadow of blasmuffette hold on let's get a sleeve on that the centering looks nice and we're gonna check it really quick because if it gets in a semi-rigid it's a notable car let's take a quick look ooh there's that chip there that's a bigger chip there's a little chip over there there's a little chip over there's four chips we're not going to send this for grading but yep all right we'll put that we know the dread scythe we'll save the best for last in the review all right parable still still good foil see horizon horizon okay should have gotten this ready i got the next one ready crack bubble again something strong they say if you pull a cold foil early you can also pull a cold foil late really that's what they say second swing that's not a cold foil yeah it's uh no it's just a it's a foil that's what it meant yep battlefield and how the judgment hell judgment is not a majestic there you go that's that was ready i got it ready and then it fell out a little bit all right i bent it open they also come it's pretty useful and then open [Music] the [Music] what is it what is it all right there's more there's more there's more you can tell it's the last car down there rally in the rear guard that's what it is it's a cotton foil very usable card though can defend for up to five yeah and glisten listen all right we're getting close we're doing okay uh if you hit the dreads length which you did we did just fine you did just fine yeah okay yeah you did just fine if only others could be so lucky if only i could be so lucky yeah well you never know maybe you hit a library yeah hopefully pbs okay next this is pbs okay invigorating light yeah okay just airflow yep still really cool art right yeah it looks like it should be stronger it should be like three defense or something like that ooh shadow puppetry there you go always not bad to get a little bit of majestic value last pack magic there's no little ritual a little ritual i already had it open for you so did i i thought i did yeah yeah bent it open like that thank you [Music] magic i hope you're right let's see we're about to find out aydah yep all right okay just just a reminder i watched a lss video i used to say levio remember how we both used to say libya it's like levia like leviathan you know that big monster levia because she's a big monster levia you'll learn something new every day yeah yeah all right last foil come on it's coming up it's coming up what is it it is don't be a menace to south central while drinking your juice and hood aka convulsions again time skippers yeah let's take a look at your majestics let's review and your flow majestic and yep your cold foil at least there was a cold foil there are people on camera not getting any cold foil so yeah let's see majestic shadow puff tree total of torment torment out of arrow edition audition baltimore multiplayer yep mark of the beast merck of the beast yeah and mutated mass mutated mess i saw this car last time yep we did i believe yeah okay all right and then you've got the majestic foil yeah blasmothet evil demon and the dreadsite cold foil majestic super duper rare i want this printed on my t-shirt yeah right okay not bad for you know a good beginning no right to kick things off you've got a dread scythe and you're on your way to that birken bag all right i guess that's it for now remember guys if you like what you see comment like subscribe invite your buddies that's it for now everybody bye you

2021-05-16 17:07

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