WestJet's INAUGURAL Calgary to Dublin Flight! 787-9 Business Class

WestJet's INAUGURAL Calgary to Dublin Flight! 787-9 Business Class

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Hi everyone quick disclaimer / backstory, before we start I want to mention that today's trip report is indeed, paid for partially. Let me explain on. October, 10th 2018. WestJet announced, their first transatlantic, Dreamliner. Destinations. Calgary, - London Paris, and of course Dublin, less. Than an hour later I had booked myself an economy class ticket to Ireland that. Evening after I booked the flight I received, a voicemail from none other than WestJet, CEO, Ed Simms himself, he. Told me that I was actually the very first person to book the Calgary to Dublin route so. A few days later I received this very nice box of West ship merchandise as well as his business card, fast. Forward a few months just a few days before my flight I received, an email from West jet saying that my seat had been changed to one in business, class I won't. Say any names out of privacy, but I'm very thankful to watch it and my contacts, there being, able to fly with their flagship, product on such a special flight is a huge, privilege I do want to mention that nobody at WestJet has pre-screened. This video these are my honest thoughts and opinions that. Set its WestJet it's a Dreamliner and its business class I think it'll be a pretty good flight hope, you enjoy the video. Hello. From Calgary, International Airport. My name is Alex and welcome to a very, very special trip report today. I'm flying on board the inaugural, flight of WestJet, 787. Dreamliner from Calgary to Dublin Ireland, I'm. Flying over the Atlantic tonight, on West at flight six in West hits lie flat business, cabin. Check-in, what normally, I had already checked in online but, needed a bag tag, back. Drop was also easy there were plenty of very helpful West headers around for this inaugural flight. Even. Though there was just one lane open security. Only took about five minutes. Business. Class passengers have, access to the Aspire lounge in Calvary's International, Terminal it's. Accessed from this elevator, which takes you up a few levels. There. Was a decent selection of food for suppertime there's. A good view as well overlooking. The US departures, area but, not any airplanes, unfortunately. Overall. It was a nice place to spend a couple of minutes before flying, it's. A bit busy this time of evening when most of our transatlantic flights depart but. Otherwise it was enjoyable and I got a good meal out of it. Back. In the departures, area here's my aircraft for today's inaugural, flight arriving. From Toronto. Charlie. Golf uniform, Romeo Papa is WestJet second Dreamliner and was delivered in February this year. This. Was the same aircraft I first flew in their business class with back in March. At. The gate Weston had food for everyone as well as a cake commemorating, this first flight. There. Were also some dogs from palace Calgary who act as therapy dogs for travelers and well, they were adorable. We. Count three questions, number one. You. Know it was a great speculation, within. Which jet were the first of our ten Dreamliner's, was going to be based and secondly. Where they would find, first. As, the executive, team it was a bit of a no-brainer. It's, course it's going to be outward of course it's gonna be countering, this is our home because. You know we, are not made, in alerter. You're. Made of all burden and that's our home. And. I also want to say that I think it's a sign of optimism, the. Recent transaction. Between. WestJet, and onyx, which. Was as clearly. As. Onyx said to be a bet on the future of Alberta a company. That's, right. That. Was a it was an endorsement of, the strategic, direction of, WestJet, increasingly. To be Klump become a global airline Canada.

Is Now in a revenue terms the number five, market, for, tourism to Ireland which is extraordinary globally. It's. The number nine market, in passenger. Terms but because, Canadians, are such generous people who stay longer, of their holidays have spend more money and, you're, at number five and that's a thank you for your thank you for your generosity direct. Connections, mean, more. Business more tourism, and, more, clothes and, for. That we have our. Home carrier, to thank a question, from. My perspective as, an airport CEO, WestJet. Is making me look to a very good. Okay. Three. Two. One. Keep. The nose up Jason. In. Three two, one. They. Work now or with our convenience. Thank, you for choosing West, Jeff and local, before Papa merci on democracy, West Ghent in heaven, above. Two, risotto passages, one dinner. Thank. You. My. Seaport tonight's transatlantic, flight is one a at the very front of West it's business class cabin. Once. I sat down I was greeted by named by a very friendly WestJet, cabin crew member and was, given a menu and amenity kit. After. A quick read of the menu the same crew member took my order for both dinner and breakfast, services, and, also asked if I'd like to sleep after eating for. My pre-departure, drink I decided to try and West at signature cocktail, which I thought was very tasty. As you'll. See I ended up having quite a few over the course of the flight. In. The inaugural flight goodie bag were a lot of cool things including, some WestJet, socks earbuds, and this, sign letter from Edie Simms. My. Personal favorite was this inaugural, flight pin. Hot. Towels were also given out just before pushback. I'll. Go over the rest of the seat and the amenity kit once were airborne for, now here's the very first departure of Westat flight six from Calgary taking, off from runway one seven right. WestJet. Has 16, lie flat pods in their business cabin each, seat comes with lots of storage an 18 inch in-flight entertainment screen. Some headphones and a bottle of water in the armrest. On. The, other side is a literature pocket, and vanity mirror as well as a universal, power outlet, and touch screen remote. The. Trade table is also very sturdy and has a lot of room to work with. The. Partition on the aisle side of the seats also offers a lot of privacy. The, amenity kit on tonight's flight includes the usual necessities. Like socks and an eye mask but, all of the products here are from Canadian, companies, something, that was just very proud of. The, literature pocket contests are the same as usual with a safety card airsickness bag and this month's issue of the WestJet magazine. Not. Long after departure the cabin crew came around with post departure drinks and a light snack of popcorn. WestJet's. In-flight entertainment system. On their 787 is excellent, there's a great selection of movies TV shows music and reading material, I also. Like the moving map a lot, it comes with plenty of different views and is fairly easy to use. The. Business headphones are also very comfortable the sound quality was good and they're adjustable as well. The. Crew were having some issues with the in-flight Wi-Fi and it didn't work until, about three hours into the flight once. It did though I bought a flight pass for about 20 dollars the, Wi-Fi was reasonably, fast and enough for me to keep you all updated on, my Instagram story.

For. My appetizer I picked the salmon which came with a bread basket. The, salmon itself look great and it was delicious I would, definitely, recommend it. One, thing that impressed me was that the bread in the basket was actually warm, the. Bread itself wasn't too dry at all it had a great texture, and it was very tasty with some butter. Overall. A great start to the meal. Moving. On to the main course where I picked the beef short rib, like. The appetizer this was ridiculously. Good. The. Beef melted, in my mouth and the sauce was flavorful and really complimented. The okay look it's not hard to tell that I know nothing about food but this this, was delicious. For. Dessert I went with the cherry pie I was, told that I could either have this hot or cold but that it would take about 15, minutes to warm up in, the interest of going to sleep sooner I decided to have it cold and it was pretty good, that. Said I think I'd recommend, having it warmed up instead in. The. End it took a little over two hours after, departure for my meal service to be finished. It. Helps that I was first to be served but still, a definite, improvement from what I've heard on WestJet's, earlier long-haul flights. The. Business only lavatory, on West Jetstream liner is fairly roomy I said, there's plenty of times in my earlier 77, videos but I really, do like the small WestJet details throughout the cabin. When. I got back to my seat it had been very nicely made into a bed by one of the cabin curb I'm, definitely not used to turndown service so this was a very nice touch a. Blanket. And pillow provided, were both super comfortable, I will. Say it took a little bit of adjusting, for me to sleep comfortably. I'm. Six foot eight so in the fully flat position I'm actually a bit taller than the bed I, ended. Up sleeping with the seat angle for a bit more foot room still. I was woken up by the cabin here near Iceland, after a very pleasant three hours sleep, for. The average height person I have no doubt that the bet will be even better. Before. Going to sleep the cabin crew asked me how long before landing, I'd like to wake up ice, at around 2 hours just so I had time to film a bit more and was woken up to two hours before landing, on the dot, within. Minutes I had a hot cup of coffee in hand and the Canadian breakfast on my tray table. Once. Again I got another basket, of delicious, warm bread with this amazing breakfast, plate this. Game with Saskatoon, berry jam and of course maple, syrup I. Can't. Stress this enough this was a really, nice way to wake up. All. 16, seats in business were occupied and premium, and economy, were almost full, I'd. Say the load factor was about 95 percent if not more a very, strong start for this route which I'm glad to see. As. Ireland, came into view hot towels were given out as well as these tasty, maple candies. And, dissipate, time. Arrival into Dublin this morning. Looks like that 11:33, local, time. You, need to reset your watches for. 10:55. And. Agrees. Right now overcast. Right, beach, house. Thank you for joining us this evening. And. With. That we descended, into Dublin landing, on runway two eight. What, up ladies and gentlemen welcome to Dublin. 34 a.m. as. We taxi to the kids. And all your carry-on baggage stupid, until the aircraft is parked at the gate and. Having. Now flown the Dreamliner both on a domestic flight and a long-haul flight I genuinely, believe, that WestJet, has a winner on their hands with. Food on this flight was phenomenal. That was some top-tier catering and I was very impressed by both the quality of the food and just how tasty, it all looked I've. Always had a good experience when it comes to service on WestJet and this flight was no different, if not even better the. Cabin crew serving, business were all unbelievably. Nice and they really went above and beyond the whole flight the. Entire crew was very friendly and one of them happened to recognize, me from the first revenue, 77, flight earlier, this year this. Was the first time in almost a decade that I flew transatlantic, directly, from Calgary, that kind, of convenience, is unmatched, especially, when I've only gone through Europe through Toronto the last couple of years I was.

Blown Away by West's hospitality. And their generosity towards, me in the first place both, the flight crew and cab macGruber fantastic, they're very proud of their new Dreamliner, and I can't wait to fly with them again on the return flight now. For the wait to get through immigration and, I think this is where I'll wrap things up thank. You to West jet thank you to the wonderful people there who made this happen and thank, you very much for watching I do, hope you like this trip report that's been eight months in the making leave, a like if you enjoyed subscribe if you're new and I'll see you in the next one. You.

2019-06-17 16:09

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Sorry this took so long to get out! I had a bunch of technical issues, but here is my experience on WestJet's inaugural flight from Calgary to Dublin! I hope you enjoy this very special trip report that's been 8 months in the making :)

Great review! Enjoyed watching ☺

You are so lucky to be able to do trip reviews. I'd like to do this someday.

Awesome report Alex! Man this makes me want to try WestJet business so bad! Also, you are so tall that your cabin shots seem like they're shot from the ceiling!

Does your occupation have you traveling a lot? I would love to do what you are doing for a living. Maybe one day I will have that dream career. Anyway like always it was a lovely video


I think it's very cool that WestJet decides to purchase Canadian products for their amenity kits. I wish American carries could say the same!

Great video Alex!

Very cool what they did for you! Excellent video as usual. Thanks for what you do! My wife and I are planning a London getaway next year, and very much looking forward to Westjet's service out of Toronto overseas. Cheers!

Great trip report, Alex! I always enjoy watching your videos!

Great video!

I'm so proud of you Alex you definitely deserved this well trip your trip reports are so awesome I can't wait to see more in the future so jealous I wasn't there cheers Delores

I'm so jealous. I'd love nothing more than to fly all the time. Just for fun!

Glad I could push you out 7 minutes early :)

WestJet honestly is the best airline to fly in Canada. The BEST customer service, the easiest check in, always clear and able to explain. Absolutely LOVE them.

Excellent report! I've been dying to see how transatlantic economy on westjet compares to Air Canada's minimalistic service in terms of catering

Fantastic report as always! Having flown on the return flight the same day I must say the food options were a little more limited.. But overall it's a great product & I've really enjoyed the pod. Keep up the great videos!

Wow good video man keep it up

Thats awesome Alex, congrats, what a fantastic thing they did for you. I love WestJet, have been wanting to fly them for a long time.

Toronto is 1 syllable BTW

How long did you spend in Dublin? What was the economy fare you paid when you booked? Why did you pick the Dublin inaugural rather than the Paris inaugural a couple of weeks earlier?

Nice review. Looks like a great product.


great video ! Are you still in DUblin ?

Love the 787

Great trip report

Such an eventful and thorough flight review Alex. You give a really detailed yet interesting explanation and reveal of the complete journey. Hats off to West Jet for upgrading you. They knew that with their excellent new product, you would be the one to show it all off to the best advantage. Well done Alex. Well done West Jet. Cheers, Colin.

Great 787 WestJet models

Outstanding trip report, once again as always!

Great video, I was on the same flight in economy class!

i worked on this flight

Excellent video. I am Air Canada E75K and you convinced me to try WestJet Business class now. But the popcorn with welcome drink is so NOT business class. I would expect warm almond and cashew nuts.

King F Hui . The “gourmet” popcorn is flavoured and is excellent and better than these tired old broken nuts thrown at you on larger airlines. You should be so lucky!

Great trip report. I’m anxious to try Westjet on this route, and hope it is a success for them. Earlier this Spring I flew to Dublin -Edmonton to Vancouver to London to Dublin. Despite being in business class, it was exhausting. Direct flights from Calgary (and Edmonton) are the best.

I really love this video. Ahh, I wish I could fly the dreamliner soon :) Great video!

You shoulda kept some of the bread to mop up the sauce from the entree.

Your trip reports are by far, one of my favourites. I can’t wait to try their business class

A very special route in my opinion, thank you for this flight report! Greetings from Germany!

This video is your best yet great work!

I’m expecting that this route will become my default way to travel between Canada and Ireland!

Hello After a long time very nice video.thanks for the video

Awesome trip report Alex! They're always excellent but this one has definitely surpassed them all! Thanks for sharing your experience on the inaugural

Great video! Thanks for sharing.

Still better than Air Canada! They actually care about you! Great video!

@Bryan Frechette Maybe they'll flight out of Vancouver

Uchenna Okorie i would like to see west jet fly to Auckland international airport, would be interesting to see the difference in service, I love travelling with air New Zealand personally


I was on that flight too!!, WS is awesome !!

I’ll fly this route in October! If not, it’s to london

First like lol; great video and keep up the good work


I love u image u camera is perfect to the video like Full HD which camera used go pro

I have been wanting to see a Canadian review a Canadian airline!!!! I am a Westjet credit card holder and it has given me so much WestJet Dollars to use. ☺️ This might be an option soon! ☺️

That's nice Alex... I'll take your gifts lol

How do you record the takeoffs and ladings. I see the mount but do you use a phone or something else?

well that lounge is about 1000 times better than the one in the domestic terminal for westjet that I go to all the time

SOB got me with the finger circle. lol

Wow... what a great back-story on how you picked up that business class seat, Alex! Good for you! These 787's are truly great aircraft. Another great review.


Aer lingus is better.

Heading from Glasgow to Saskatoon on July 7th, via Halifax and Calgary on a 737. I very much doubt it will be a comfortable trip. Food options in Westjet economy are very limited, in my experience. I like Westjet though :)

to bad no welcome water salute

Great trip report! I've never flown WestJet and every time I've been to Canada, I've flown European airlines but I think that this shows true Canadian hospitality! I know they fly seasonally to Glasgow, but I think if the Dublin route proves successful, an Edinburgh route might be on the cards...

Fuck Jason Kenney and his war on science and gay children but great video otherwise!

Amazing video! Will be flying return Dublin to Calgary in August in Business. You’ve got me excited for the flights now!

nice wish they would fly to Manchester

Welcome to Ireland! Great to see the new business product - I’m talking my family Dublin-Calgary across that row 1 next Thursday

thank you very good looked like you did enjoy that trip. only lackluster: Westjet has no first class cabin would have been a challenge for them

wrong 10,000 cas nonsense. nobod ypays that much for first class. There are so many Specials available for FIRST CLASS travel I do not care About only lie flat. I am buying the only 4-6 seats cabin and caviar and KRUG champagne.. And believe me you get it for so much less….Sorry for west Jet it would have been a challenge to introduce the ONE AND ONLY FIRST CLASS PRODUCT..inn CANADA..@Paddy Downey

Considering this is their first ever full business product, it’s unlikely they’d ever have enough demand for a first class product (it would be CA$10,000+ for this trip too). Most airlines have removed it and replaced it with lie-flat business pods like these.

You didn’t pick up the call from Ed sims? You let it go to voicemail

1A is the "death" seat in a structural de-compression..... :)

So happy for you Alex! I'm glad things worked out the way they did and you got a great upgrade (and the extra legroom!). Keep up the excellent work. Really enjoy your reports.

Anyone ever notice that Alex's voice audio like the captain's announcements on a flight? I love that, it adds another dimension!

your wonderful video is so very dark

Alex, you are a rising star in the Aviation vlogger world! You have some of the best videos out there, I think you are even better than some of the big guys out there

Now I know why they say Air Canada sucks

That's Clogherhead at 17:33. A fishing village in Co. Louth.

beat me to the comment

Kevin Crawford i was asking that westjet fly out of Calgary to go to Auckland in New Zealand, air Canada only flies to Auckland from Vancouver during the southern summer and I prefer flying air New Zealand then air Canada but if westjet want to do the southern run, I’m ready to pay the big $ to try then out

Did you get complimentary hand jobs from flight attendant?

I’m so happy no one clapped on landing . Lol

17:50 wow

Great video Alex and great job WestJet! I only fly WestJet as I live in Calgary and they are a fantastic airline that makes travelling pleasurable.

Nice pull brother. WestJet set you up good.

Isn't Ireland a BEAUTIFUL Country? I got home from there two weeks ago. My Mother was right, green as far as the eye can see, Greens of different shades. The People are Wonderful as well. Business Class is awesome!

Lovely video - how marvellous that they upgraded you

Liked and Subscribed for a great video, I saw you arrive!!

Can't believe how quiet those engine's sounded on take off

I hope that they will serve the same standard of food served on Emirates, Etihad and Qatar, I was not impressed with the frozen pie. Thanks for sharing and it helps is define how to fly

Westjet are classy , you paid and they treated you well , very impressed

Good morning from the US, Alex. Thank-you for an outstanding flight report on WestJet. You are succinct and objective with your reports, yet concise – the way I really like. Based on your numerous flight reviews, I hope that WestJet will fall within my plans for future travel so that I am able to share your experiences personally. The most notable thing for me about your flight is the portion of butter you received with your warmed bread. It might be a small thing for some, but that is first class service in my opinion. For years, one of my objectives has been to figure a way to bring additional butter onboard, because I am so tire of the meager portions I have been allocated on past flights. Butter and (good) coffee creamer are 2 of my pet peeves when it comes to comfort foods, despite whatever amenities are offered in business class. Hopefully, Aer Lingus will extend reciprocal transatlantic flights between Dublin and Calgary, for I would really like to see Calgary expand its direct overseas flight destinations. The airport is just the right size to be an international hub, yet it is still small enough not to be jam packed with passengers. Currently, I consider the Calgary to be a serious contender as a portal to any future overseas flights I might take. Again, thank-you for your review.

The takeoff and landing videos were recorded with an iPhone 6S!

Being exceptionally curious, why do you contend, "1A is the death seat in a structural decompression"? I haven't been able to find the reason via "Google". Thank-you ahead of time.

How can you tell

was it lit?

Great video

Go West jet Go

Any plans for YYC - ZRH on Edelweiss? Would be cool to see the A340.

Glad I could help with the photos!

Curious why WestJet would write the date American style on the pin you showed...

Excellent video but you NEVER pet a service animal.

Wasn't a service animal it was a comfort animal with a literal sign saying "pet me" on it....

Alex, what is the camera equipment you used? I am impressed by the low light and close ups.

There's something on the wing some thing. (in the voice of Bill Shatner).

Very good video, I love your voice buddy. Wesjet is very good company, with good service. Unfortunately, we'll not see those Dreamliners here in Quebec.

The first speaker’s accent was so strange. Some auld twinges of Irish in there, but not enough to be a full on Irish accent.

Awesome video and review! Fantastic that WestJet upgraded you! WestJet is truly the best airline!

Are you sure about that? It sounded like one of those synthesised robot voices.

Worst airline, I flew from Toronto to Calgary paid for my baggage at the airport even though I gave my email address I didn’t get the receipt for my payment had to call Westjet several times but no help took me 5 weeks to get the receipt plus in flight the airplane was dirty and smelt so bad. Will never ever fly with Westjet again.

The catering looks insane. Keep the great work up.

I wish westjet was flying to australaia. It looks like a great product both soft and hard but it's the staff that sets it apart from other airlines.

What camera are u using in this video?

very nice report, but did you fly on the old and tired west jet 760 to London and economy? Not everyone can afford business class. More people have to use economy. That is where you come to regret the so called savings from WJ. One have to pay for everything, food, bags, small places overhead, so you have to think twice to have a carryon. Entertainment assessable only on your iPads. If you still want to pay a lot you even can have an internet access. In the end you end up paying the same amount that on AirCanada. So my advice to travelers - think before getting the luxuries of WJ

Great video Alex. Can I ask what type of camera do you use for your videos ?

Wow! these simulator graphics sure are getting better and better...

I like this video

And what do you do for a living to afford these little getaways?

Seems quite dissapointing that you had to pay for the internet, the least they can do is to give free internet to business class passangers, considering the price tags for such tickets

These 787 seem very quiet . Good video.

This looks great! I wish I could go get a ticket for business!

are you old enough to know that business class is what all air line flights used to be like


The plane isn't from a Canadian company. LOL

Idk why you sound like sam chui!?!

Your 6'8"wow.how big are your feet? And did they fit in that small cubby hole?

It flew over where I live, i seen it, 28.000 ish

Please don't move you videocamera so rapidly. I almost got seasick watching it......

Really like your detailed trip reports! Nice video

“One open security lane took about 5 minutes.” - Timestamp (roughly) 2:03 . I wish it was that quick in the US.

Thanks for posting this Alex. I would love to fly business class even just once, but sadly at nearly $6000 round trip it's not something many regular people will ever get to experience. I'm also hoping they add more flights to Europe and Ireland in the future. When I've searched it seems they only have flights up until around October. Hoping for Christmas flights in the future.

Okay that’s cool that the CEO personality called you and told you they you were the fist to purchase the Dublin tickets

I used to like your videos until you threw it in or faces that you got the free stuff! I pay my way for first/business class on flights I take and airlines don't give the rest of if us anything. LOL!

MacKenzie B WJ is way better than air canada

My first flight on a dreamliner was one of West Jets! So cool

Awesome video man liked

You_want_some_gamer its 3 not one. Tor-ont-to

Hey Alex just wondering what did that guy give you just before you boarded at the gate?

Luna: Doggo Best part XD

It was a goodie bag courtesy of WestJet and YYC, for the inaugural flight!

An IDEA Maybe You Could Do A Video on the Westjet Disney Plane. IM Disney Fans Would Love That I Know Westjet Has A Contract With Disney

I can tell that this was a VERY Canadian flight

The best pub in Crumlin which is in Dublin is either floods or the Stoneboat.

I wish you have good flights. New subscriber From Dublin.

I thought it was pronounced "Doo-Blen."

brutkowski goes to demonic dublin

Who thinks this will possibly go daily or maybe be increased next year ?

I actually saw this aircraft being built at Everett Paine field

this is amazing. And you got aviators.

I want the ribs

I was joking about Irish accents.


Alex, makes me feel like making a trip with them! As usual a great video thank you.

What do people do with the hot towls?

Flying on this aircraft is pretty special! I love all the small attention to detail! WestJet has such outstanding hospitality and service and i hope to work for them someday!

A very nice insight into the Westjet service into Ireland. The inflight service is very attentive with nice Canadian touches. I like how your reports are not filled entirely with audio and the viewer can experience the flight :)

Question, was there a water salute?

nice boeing has repaired the 787

Good for you Alex...you seem like one of the TALLEST and nicest guys on the Tube...I really enjoy your flight reports and really enjoy a lot of regional reports. Keep it up.

Love this vid thanks Alex can you please do the same with Calgary Paris and Calgary Rome next year

1:24. Why did I felt like I'm looking at Kualanamu intl airport 2nd floor?

How long was the flight?

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