Weekly Forex Forecast (26/04/21) EurUsd / XauUsd / 30+ Pairs

Weekly Forex Forecast (26/04/21) EurUsd / XauUsd / 30+ Pairs

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hey traders it's john fortune here this week's  weekly forex forecast we're going to run through   over 30 markets highlighting targets in each  market for the week ahead as we go through   the markets we're going to build out a data  driven high probability watch list along the way   for next week so i hope you're having a nice  weekend let's kick off with the dxy in last week's   video i noted that the dxy was still structured  to the upside but i went into last week with a   neutral bias on the dxy prepared to trade it  both ways and i did state that the 9130 could   very likely be broken last week and i wouldn't be  surprised to see it breaking that level starting   to reverse to the downside and if it did that  we would see outside of the watch list EURUSD,   AUDUSD in NZDUSD as ones to watch last week and  all three of those markets work very nicely as   we'll see when we go through the markets today so  in terms of this week it's quite straightforward   i go into this week with a bearish bias on the  dxy any correction any pullback in the dxy would   be viewed as an opportunity to look for dollar  weak positions going into this week and the next   kf supports the downside in the dxy which may take  a couple of weeks to achieve is the 89.71 so i do   favor dollar weak positions going into next week  and it's worth noting that total trending markets   has risen from 19 to 25 so the watch list is still  slimmed down because only a quarter of the markets   are fully trending but it does point towards the  markets starting to trend and find direction once   again coming into the summer with the rolling over  of the dxy last week and of course once that picks   up even more i would begin to look to risk more in  the markets as opposed to the capital preservation   approach that i've had over the last two weeks  where markets have been choppy and therefore i   have been reducing my risk and reducing the  amount of trades i've been taking overall   crude oil crude oil was on the watch this last  week and it is on the watch list again this week   i do like crude oil to the upside it has been  very choppy over the last couple of weeks like   a lot of the markets and this just validating  the idea to actually have taken less trades   over the last two weeks like we were looking  at in the forecast we've broken out of this   sideways move and last week i highlighted  the fact that i want to see a pullback   and then i would start to look for long  positions in crude oil we have started   to pull back so any deeper correction this week  is still regarded as a good opportunity to look   for bullish reversals up towards the next care  resistance the upside the target set and the 65.42 EURUSD, EURUSD was a really nice market last week  we discussed in last week's forecast that if we   started to break down in the dxy this would put  some of the dollar pairs on the table like EURUSD,   NZDUSD, AUDUSD and once we started to break down  we did have a really nice rally taking out the   1.2061 very simply put going into this week it's  not on the high probability watch list because  

that's data driven i don't get to decide what's on  there it's all done via data but i do like EURUSD   outside of the watchlist pairs this week as well  just as i did last week i'll be keeping an eye on   it this week so any correction in EURUSD would  be looking next week for a bullish reversal in   this market up towards the next key of resistance  the upside and the second target from last week   at one point two one five five GBPUSD, GBPUSD does  go down on the high probability watch list and i   like GBPUSD because not only is the dxy rolling  over to the downside is the data showing that   this is quite a strong market to the upside but  technically speaking we broke out of a double   bottom pattern last week and we are currently  sitting with nice momentum and a ball flag so   any continued correction impound dollar next  week will be viewed as an opportunity to look   for bullish reversals up towards the next care  resistance the upside in the target set at 1.4081   USDJPY, USDJPY reversed to the downside last  week as did the dxy and going into this week   although the markets are quite corrective  dollar weak positions are probably one of   the better plays going into next week so any  pullback in us dollar yen although it's not on   the high probability watch list would be viewed  as an opportunity to look for bearish reversals   down to the next care of support to the  downside the target set at the 106.71 AUDUSD, AUDUSD was a nice market last week we  took out the 0.7810 which was pretty much the   high of that week and that's the second week  in a row we've pretty much picked the high   of the week in AUDUSD i did note last week that  i did like this market although it wasn't making   the watch list and i repeat that again this week  AUDUSD to the upside NZDUSD to the outside EURUSD   to the upside once again are markets that i like  even though they do not make the watch list this   week and i will be looking at these for potential  trading opportunities this week so any pullback   as we're already seeing in AUDUSD is simply  viewed as another opportunity to look for bullish   reversals in this market up towards the next key  of resistance the upside in the target set 0.7848

NZDUSD again this was a market that wasn't on  the watch list last week but i did highlight   in last week's video this would be one  i'd be keeping an eye on nonetheless   we did take out targets at 0.7221 and that  was pretty much the high of the week in NZDUSD   going into this week i like this market once  again even though it doesn't make the watch list   so any pullback in this market will be viewed  as an opportunity to look for bullish reversals   i'm going to be looking up towards the next key of  resistance the upside in the target set the 0.7268 USDCHF last week i was looking further declines  in this market into the 0.9102 we came close   but we didn't quite take this target out so very  simply put for anybody not involved from last week   any correction as we're coming quite close to the  target any correction would once again be viewed   as an opportunity to look for short positions  down to the next care supports the downside   the target set from last week zero point nine one  zero two and any breakthrough here are we looking   down towards target two zero point nine USDCAD  it was on the watch list last week for a high   probability move to the downside we did have a bit  of whipsaw with the interest rate decision but we   did ultimately finish the week to the downside we  came very close to the target at 1.2436 we haven't   achieved it yet so for anybody not involved  from last week any correction in this market   once again would be viewed as an opportunity  to look for bearish reversals down towards   the next care supports the downside the target  set from last week the four three six and on a   break through here i would be looking down towards  target two at the one point two three six three and wrapping up the dollar pairs we have XAUUSD  last week i noted that the market had broken out   to the upside and i did like this for further  advance to the upside although again it was   not on the watch list very similar to this week  we only have two dollar pairs on the watch list   they are the two primary pairs i'll be looking at  out of the dollar pairs but i do like the dollar   weakness trades across the board going into next  week so although we just stopped shy of the target   from last week any pullback as we're already  getting would once again be viewed as another   opportunity to look for bullish reversals up  towards the next care resistance the upside   the target from last week with the 1 1807.87 so  that is the watch list so far out of the dollar  

pairs i like GBPUSD to the upside USDCAD to the  downside primarily because they are on the watch   list that means the date is showing they are  two of the best pairs out of the dollar pairs   but i do like as a theme dollar weakness next week  and i like the dollar week positions going into   next week pretty much across the board including  XAUUSD to the upside EURUSD to the upside etc   i do think the better opportunities could  very well be in the dollar pairs next week   kicking off the euro and the yen pairs is of  course EURJPY now last week we really didn't   go anywhere in this market and it has been on the  high probability watch list for the last couple   of weeks the good thing about this it shows you  something about the high probability watch list   which is that when you trade a strong and a weak  currency you really need both of those currencies   to reverse in order to take some kind of a decent  loss because if one of the currencies fails or   reverses usually the market just goes nowhere so  you don't make any money but you don't lose any   money either and that's really what we've seen  on EURJPY for the last couple of weeks going to   this week i do still favor long positions in this  market and i do think this is just a pause before   further advances so any correction once again  would be viewed as another opportunity to look for   bullish setups in this market up towards the next  q resistance the upside the target set the 131.17 CHFJPY, CHFJPY reversed to the downside last  week and this is again just a very choppy market   more or less left this market completely alone  this year and a couple of times that we have been   looking at it just started to reverse so going  into next week it is structured to the downside   i have very little interest in this market i  think there are better places to put capital   next week especially with the dollar weakness so  anyone who is looking to trade this though any   pullback towards the 11830 would be viewed as the  opportunity to start to look for bearish reversals   in this market down towards the next care of  support the downside in the target set at the   117.20. GBPJPY, GBPJPY was on the high probability  watch list to the upside last week and we did take   out the target to the 151.52 and that was pretty  much the high of the week last week in this market   we then reversed and we're actually structured  to the downside so i have very little interest   in trading this market to the downside because  most of the currencies are structured to the   upside against the yen and yet the pound is one  of the stronger currencies against the dollar so   this chart doesn't make too much sense i think we  could see this reverse higher in the near future   so i will be filtering out short positions i  won't be trading this market but if you are   looking to trade it next week the opportunity  would be for any pullback towards the 151.540   to look for bearish reversals down to the next  key of support to the downside at the 148.54  

AUDJPY, AUDJPY is on the watch list next week for  a move to the upside i'm interested in this market   to the upside however you can see that the market  is still quite choppy and this is reflecting what   we looked at at the beginning of the video where  25 a quarter of the markets are trending and 75   aren't so the markets haven't found direction  yet but based on the total number of trending   markets increasing they may be coming into  more of a directional move so very simply   put any reversal in AUDJPY to the upside next  week would be viewed as an opportunity to look   for bullish setups up towards the next care  resistance outside the target set at the 84.65 CADJPY currently structured to the downside and  quite choppy just whip saw in last week on the   interest rate decision so if you are looking to  trade this market i think there are better pairs   out there especially the dollar pairs we looked  at if you are looking to trade this market any   correction towards the 87 130 would be viewed as  the opportunity to look for short positions down   to the next care of support to the downside at the  85.11 NZDJPY down the watch list is one to watch   next week and as we see the dollar rolling  over to the downside we're seeing the safe   haven currencies weakening and we're seeing those  commodities those kind of reflationary currencies   aussie new zealand etc starting to strengthen so i  would be interested in opportunities to the upside   NZDJPY next week any continued correction would  be viewed as an opportunity to look for bullish   reversals in this market up towards the next q a  resistance the outside the target set and 78.67

EURCHF, EURCHF is a very choppy market and we  did trade this nicely to the upside it was on   the watch list for a number of weeks and then  it started to get a bit corrective over here   and it came off the watch list and the watch  list has saved us all of this headache in this   choppy market since we took it off it is not  gonna watch this this week and i think there   are better markets out there to trade  if you are looking to trade it however   the opportunity would be for any correction start  to look for bearish breakouts down to the 1.0956 EURNZD, EURNZD is quite choppy we look to be  in a range between these kind of levels here   and this is because the dollar weakening both new  zealand and the euro are gaining from this and   the market's just ranging so taking this from  the range bottom if you are looking to trade   this next week and again if you are looking to  allocate capital why not take EURUSD to the upside   of NZDUSD to the upside instead of trading EURNZD  that makes more sense to me but if you are looking   to trade this any correction would be viewed  as an opportunity to look for bullish reversals   up towards the next care resistance to the  upside and the target set and the 1.6916 EURAUD similar to EURNZD both these currencies are  benefiting from a weaker dollar and as a result   the market is very choppy we did pull back and  bounce from the one point five four five twenty   and we're grinding up towards the one point five  six eighty so if y'all can trade this market and   again i think there are better opportunities i  would rather put my money into dollar pairs next   week any pullback would be viewed as the  opportunity to look for bullish reversals   up towards the 1.5680 euro pound although this  market was not on the high probability watch list   last week i did make a point of highlighting  it to say that there was a very good chance   we moved to the upside in this market because  of things we were seeing in some of the other   markets we did have a pullback and a really  nice rally so the move has pretty much already   taken place we stopped just short of the target  but there was a nice rally to capture last week   because going into this week the pound is not as  weak as it was this isn't as good a market this   week but if you are looking to trade it this week  and you weren't involved from last week you'd need   to see a correction first and i would be looking  for bullish setups once again up towards the next   care resistance the upside at the 0.8740 so just  to repeat the move in this market pretty much has   already taken place last week if you are looking  trade this week i would prefer dollar pairs now   going into this week and i'd let this pass me by  if you weren't involved already from last week EURCAD we took out both targets to  the upside in this market last week   i think i prefer dollar weak positions  yen weak positions going into this week   especially with crude oil starting to break  out to the upside we had a correctional last   week which helped eurcad to the upside but if oil  starts to move to the upside we could see eurcad   struggling so i'm not as big a fan of eurcad  this week if you are looking to trade it however   any correction in this market would be  viewed once again as an opportunity to   look for bullish reversals up towards the next  care resistance to the upside at the 1.5209 GBPCHF, GBPCHF is not on the watch list  and it's structured to the downside   it is grinding to the downside but i'm not a  big fan of pound shorts next week so i will   personally filter this out if you are looking to  trade this any correction once again would be the   opportunity to look for bearish reversals  down to the next gear support the 1.2575

GBPAUD two currencies benefiting from the weakness  in the dollar and so again i would rather trade   GBPUSD and AUDUSD against the us dollar next  week then against each other if you are looking   to trade this however and i will personally  be filtering this out any pull back towards   the 1.8050 would be viewed as the opportunity  to look for bearish setups down to the 1.7695 GBPCAD, GBPCAD kind of whipsawed like a lot of the  cad pairs offered the interest rate decision last   week it is stretched to the upside i would prefer  to trade pound dollar to the upside next week but   if you are looking to trade this any pullback  should be viewed as the opportunity to look   for bullish reversals up towards the next care  resistance the outside the target set at the 1.755 GBPNZD similar to GBPAUD two currencies  benefiting from the weakness in the   dxy but we're seeing the commodity  currencies outperforming the pound   and this is why the markets are grinding  to the downside in both of these so   i would favor short positions but i think  there are better opportunities out there   any correction for anybody who's not involved on  the pullback would be viewed as an opportunity   to look for bearish setups down towards the  next care supports the downside at the 1.9058 AUDCHF structure to the downside this market's  quite corrective as we see the us dollar index   declining this is going to primarily  strengthen the commodity currencies   over and above the other currencies and this is  going to put upward pressure on this market so   i don't really like this market going into  next week if you are looking to trade it the   opportunity would be for any pullback to be viewed  as an opportunity to look for short positions   down to the next care of support 0.6990 AUDCAD  structure to the upside which makes sense if the   xy is rolling over because you would expect the  australian dollar to outperform the cad but both   commodity currencies so this market could get  a bit choppy if you are looking to trade this   any pullback towards 0.95840 would be viewed as  the opportunity to look for bullish reversals  

up towards the next care resistance to  the upside 0.9787 i think i would prefer   to trade USDCAD to the downside or EURUSD  to the upside over personally next week AUDNZD we did take out the target  set at the 1.0768 last week   i don't really like this market that much  even though we took out target last week   because both the aussie and the new zealand will  be benefiting primarily from the dollar weakness   so the main takeaway i would have from this market  is that the aussie is weaker than new zealand so   when you look at other pairs NZDUSD to the upside  AUDUSD to the upside for example AUDJPY to the   upside NZDJPY to the upside i'll just bear in mind  that the new zealand dollar is stronger than the   australian dollar so if you are looking to trade  this and again i think they're better markets   especially in the dollar pairs any pullback in  this market would be viewed as the opportunity   to once again look for bearish setups down  towards the next care of support at the 1.0718 NZDCAD took out target last week at 0.9040 and  that was pretty much the high of last week in  

the move to the upside going into this week both  new zealand and the cad should be benefiting from   the weaker dollar you would expect NZDCAD  to drift upwards as the new zealand dollar   benefits more than the canadian dollar from dollar  weakness however you still have two commodity   currencies so the market could like aussie cad  gets a bit choppy but if you're comparing this   to aussie cad what would be better probably this  because of AUDNZD to the downside so if you all   can trade this any correction in this market  should be viewed once again as an opportunity   to look for bullish reversals up towards the next  care resistance the upside the target set 0.9105 NZDCHF is structured to the downside and  this market is quite choppy we've seen   already the new zealand dollar has quite a bit  of strength against a number of the currencies so   i would filter this out i don't want to really be  short in NZDCHF next week i wouldn't be completely   surprised to see it reverse higher that's what  you would expect to see NZDCHF drifting higher as   the dollar rolls over or you see a weakness so  i don't want to trade this market next week in   all likelihoods i won't trade it but if you  are looking to trade it the opportunity would   be from the area we're currently sitting down  to the next care support to the downside 0.6441   i'd much prefer to trade dollar weak  pairs next week than NZDCHF personally and last but not least we have CADCHF last week i  was looking for further declines into the 0.7274   we took out that target that was pretty much  the low of the week last week in this market   very simply put going to this week i think that  this market could actually start to get corrected   because if we start see oil pushing higher the  canadian dollar pushing higher this is going to   struggle so any moves to the downside could be  capped i think there are better opportunities   out there if you want to trade this market any  pullback would be viewed as the opportunity to   look for bearish reversals down to the next  ko supports the downside the target set   0.7189 so that is it for me for this week guys  those are the markets that i'm looking to trade   primarily AUDJPY, EURJPY, GBPUSD, NZDJPY  and USDCAD and you can see the theme there   really being dollar weakness yen weakness  and therefore that kind of reflationary   structure that kind of reflationary book as we  start to see safe haven currencies like the dollar   like the yen weakening and commodity currencies  like the aussie like the new zealand and also the   canadian dollar strengthening i do outside of  those like all of the dollar weak pairs across   the board including XAUUSD next week as well so  outside of those pairs i will also be keeping   an eye on all of the other dollar pairs so i hope  you enjoyed this video and if you did please let   me know by liking sharing and subscribing a big  thanks to everybody who does that on a regular   basis and a big thank you to everybody  who has subscribed to the channel so far   i want to wish you a fantastic weekend and i want  to wish you all the best in your trading next week   the only thing left to say is take  care and don't forget to trade safely

2021-04-26 10:00

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