WEEKEND IN MY LIFE: selfie wrld, grocery haul + small business stuff

WEEKEND IN MY LIFE: selfie wrld, grocery haul + small business stuff

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hey everyone it's jayden back  with another freaking video if you don't know me my name is jaden ashley and  happy friday i just got off work sitting on the   couch stealing my work clothes um it's 4 10. and  i'm tired last night my fiance and i didn't really   get good sleep because allergies have been kicking  his ass kept him up kept me up so i really need a   nap right now but i really can't because i have  stuff to do there is a grand opening tonight for   the new selfie world here in jacksonville and i'm  actually so excited for it because the the rooms   that they decorated to take pictures and it's so  cute and i love taking a good instagram picture so   i'm just sitting here eating he's on his way  home i'm eating some imitation crab with butter   and some seasoning don't know if you  guys think that's gross or not but it's   actually really freaking good yeah so i'm gonna  bring you guys along the weekend with me okay   it's been about two hours since we last spoke and  i tried to take a nap couldn't fall asleep no took   a little bit of a nap and i decided i was going  to get up get dressed and start getting ready   i might as well just go you know get it over  with i'm excited but get it over with and then   come back that way i can shower take off my makeup  lay down and just chill for the rest of the night   pull my hair back i'm just gonna do my makeup  i have a super cute dress from forever 21. videos i'm not even going to put you in the  camera because i know you don't want to be   in it all right so we decided that on our way  we're going to stop at nukes and get some dinner   nukes is like our favorite date night spot easy  peasy date night spot if you don't know what   nukes is you need to know when you need to try  it because it's delicious and um i don't know if   i explained what the thing is that we're going to  but it's called selfie world and it is a franchise   but they opened up one here in jacksonville and  it's like a whole bunch of diddle diddle it's   a whole bunch of little kind of cubbies or like  rooms with different props and you take pictures   and they have a whole bunch of like uh light  rings and stuff like that they have music like   a dj there right now because they have like an  influencer night which i thought was pretty cool   you know because i'm an influenza i guess and  then tomorrow's their actual grand opening   so we got a problem nukes at nukes this place  closed at three three o'clock is it what is that   eleven to three yeah eleven to three who  the hell is eating nukes from 11 to three   open for five hours maybe they had a short  staff i don't know i don't know but now   we have to figure out what to eat i would go  eat sushi burrito but he's not feeling i know   he wouldn't eat that there's zaxby's there's  chick-fil-a there's wendy's tropical smoothie you want some trap no i'm trying to eat something  i can actually get full not just a snack   tropical smoothie is not a snake yeah it  is i get full i could probably eat nine of   their quesadillas okay well i'm spending fifty  dollars i'm spending and eating nine quesadillas   so what do you want chick-fil-a chick-fil-a  okay chick-fil-a buy our house is literally   the worst chick-fil-a i think  we've ever been to in our life   two times we went the first time they forgot the  chicken on the chicken biscuit second time they   forgot our chicken nuggets and our chicken nugget  meal noah came back they tried to tell him that   he's lying so he had to cuss  them out unfortunately jaden yes thank you can we get some uh mayonnaise and what  do you want chick flicks i got no i got myself   can i get mayonnaise just mayonnaise like three  things we're about to eat or to play and then go it doesn't fit mom if you're watching this   she got us the sauce stunker holder thing  and it don't even fit chick-fil-a sauce no rude no he's showing up for y'all right now   i'm gonna record it just in case  they want to [ __ ] act a fool all right so again they messed up our  order we asked for two chicken strip meals   and we got one chicken strip meal and one chicken  nugget i got a sweet tea with no ice no i got   a sweet tea and they gave me a sweet tea with no  ice then i got do i want to sit in this whole line there was a big old u-haul over there blocking  um and then they gave me no fork for my mac   and cheese and there was no ice in my drink so  we're back in line what we came for because when   am i supposed to eat this with my fingers this is  literally the third time that we've came in a row   that something has gone wrong and you know  i know things happen but it's a consistent   thing and chick-fil-a doesn't mess up like  that's not the place that you have mess-ups at   how's yours so cold i don't know i'm talking to a  manager tell them how shitty their restaurant is   okay no oh yeah no no no you're not i promise  you hey man i just want to let you know um so   every single time that i've came here there's  been at least two things wrong with the order   the first time you know i came through and  they didn't put the chicken on my biscuit   um second time second time was i didn't get i  didn't get my chicken tenders and i drove all the   way home had to drive all the way back this time  i ordered chicken tenders and i get a small nugget   meal and then they forget the fork for a mac and  cheese it's just frustrating because obviously   we want you guys to be better so we can come  back i completely understand is there anything   else i can do that's it that's it no we just  want to let you know i appreciate it thank you   you are nice you were nice i didn't think you'd be  that nice hi we're here i'm nervous social anxiety that was fun i got some actually pretty good  pictures there was a lot of freaking people   though um which i kind of knew was gonna happen  if we went later that was really cool and it's   awesome that they opened that in jacksonville i  know they're about to be rich as hell i got some   super cute pics um and there's so many things  that we didn't even take pictures in because   there's so many different people and places and  stuff so i'll be able to come back and actually   get some content on some loafers he tried to put  the sock thing on but it wouldn't fit is my fit   how do i feel what do you think give me a  little walk give me a little strut your stuff they look much nicer than your spares that's  for [ __ ] sure i like them do they fit nice   are they too tight no i fit really good  this thing's just annoying good morning   totally forgot i was about to be vlogging but  i did just wake up um so i guess it works out   i'm making some breakfast and i just got off the  phone noah but today i'm going to be doing a lot   of cleaning i want to do like a good deep clean  because he's working today and i feel terrible   when he works on saturdays and then i'm going  to hopefully film that is definitely the goal   but right now i'm just kind of cleaning all  this food cooks i got a super cute planner   for i say super cute i got this planner from  walmart it's not even super cute this is black   very modern minimalistic matches jay ashley starts  in july so i can't even use it for a little while   but i got it to use for business stuff we  move out of our apartment in like 62 days   i am gonna do an apartment tour i'm gonna film  that either today or tomorrow hopefully today   and have that up for you guys  tuesday and i have a video going live   tomorrow my modern fertility video where i tested  my fertility to see if i could have children and this hash brown was just a solid block of ice   and uh couldn't break it apart so i decided  to just put the whole thing in there   and yesterday when we were at tj maxx i'm  gonna show you guys i got some sandals they were the display but look how cute nicole  miller i think is a brand and i got it in a   six and a half but they were only twenty  dollars and i was like that's a steal and   noah also got some loafers for like 30 bucks  they're all dough loafers that we saw at aldo   and they were only 30 there so we definitely  lucked out in that department let's make some eggs when i make my eggs i like  to add milk just a little bit so it's pink himalayan salt and then i  have this cool little onion holder i got a little bit of breakfast going on hash  browns that look like ass a little bit of pepper   on those eggs are cooking relocated into the  bedroom and now i'm cleaning because i feel   like our room is a disaster because i've been  doing so many hauls i got clothes everywhere so   i have these bins on the top of our closet  and there's so much [ __ ] inside i'm gonna   see if i can go through it i'm real bored right  now like i'm in the process of doing laundry   i don't really have anyone to talk to on the  phone so my headphones just in for no reason   um yeah so i guess i'm just gonna clean [ __ ] out morning and a happy sunday  wow this is a weird angle but i'm not mad at it so i'm about to  wash my face and i guess get ready for   the day we have a couple errands to run that  noah just left to go get his hair cut and yeah i finished cleaning all of the  laundry yesterday but i didn't finish   putting it all away so we're gonna have  to do that but we have a load of dishes in what this is what our sunday is looking like i had so much planned like i was gonna  film i probably still will you were being   inappropriate eat your ravioli and leave  me alone i also said yeah um i was just   doing some work on my computer and he got his  hair cut why are you staring at me like that what a freak um but we're just gonna eat some  lunch hang out we need to go to costco and get   a couple things but yeah happy sunday hello hello  i'm currently driving to my aunt's house i've been   working with her sidenote pause i'm so anxious so  if i'm acting weird and not as like cheery it's   because i've just been struggling with my anxiety  so bad like i haven't really nothing to be anxious   about right now and my chest just feels tight  i keep yawning i can't take deep enough breaths it just won't go away so i'm frustrated and  knowing i have not been getting good sleep   lately because he has allergies really bad i  think we both have been struggling with allergies   and it's just keeping him up at night which  is keeping me up at night because he's like   scratching his throat doing that weird [ __ ]  with his throat and i just feel like i've not   got any good sleep for the last week um and then  the anxiety just doesn't really help but i'm going   to my aunt's house because we did a little collab  where we did a giveaway she creates like custom   cups like starbucks cold cups and tumblers  and stuff like that and i need to get some   boxes from her and do a little finishing touch  on the cups so i can send them out so that we   did the giveaway like a couple weeks ago and i  was liking so i had to go over to her house and   get what i needed i am feeling like not motivated  at all today i think just because i'm so i tired take energy drink because my anxiety would  just be so much worse because my heart would be   racing so you know i decided to get cute and he  decided to get cute and guess where we're going   the freaking grocery store um i wanted to take  a cute picture so i was like okay babe i'm gonna   get cute real quick he said i'm gonna get cuter so  now we just look great and we're going to costco   so hey you know but the sky is about to fall it's  literally been raining in jacksonville for what   two weeks now non-stop literally non-stop and that  noise is the ac because it's hot as hell but my   outfit is so cute it's fashion nova this little  top these jean shorts i've been obsessed with and i'm still anxious but hopefully i can  be distracted at the grocery store and it'll   go away this costco parking lot is a mad  house this costco period is a [ __ ] mad   house so let's pray for our sanity when we go in  here well you did find a spot that's pretty close   so it's starting off great i'm here last  time we pretty much got the same stuff but there is a lot more people here this time  and i have to hold the camera low because it's   like everything you just get a glimpse of how big  this place is just a warehouse it's like wholesale   grocery shopping that's exactly what  it is look at that getting some lunch it's my stance we got some pizza and hot  dogs this hot dog don't got no confidence mega pizza and this is mayo   mega dog thank you we got our groceries and we  actually got a park in the shade too real nice okay do you think this thing's  gonna like fly around back here all right let's go take some  cute pics um let's go buy um over by like apple and stuff we're gonna  go in there that place is gonna be slammed   where else can we go i just need to be  in front of a building so hold on hold on that [ __ ] bag is gonna bust let's look out one trip we got some asparagus we're gonna do  a little grocery haul we got some frozen pizza   we got okay dryer sheets we got some bang  pickles best pickles ever from costco   some raw honey for noah some mozzarella cheese  balls elsa come on please give me a break chocolate chip cookies for noah and spaghetti sauce i'm gonna feed the child yep yep and we got my favorite faux i'm gonna call  it faux if i'm pronouncing it wrong i'm sorry   hi angel mr spin he what a beautiful girl  mommy hasn't snuggled all day with you   i just ate dinner i was playing this  game and i'm working on something   i literally have on pajama  pants in this tank top still   but i uploaded my video earlier so i feel real  good but i do need to work on some business stuff   so what i'm currently working on is some tags  for my clothing items and that's very important   because i want to private label my pieces i'm  currently working on my labels very exciting   um very surreal that's for sure i don't even  care if you guys see prices i really don't   so i'm going to try and talk to my mom see what  she thinks about it obviously because i want to   run it all by her too but i am about to make  a vendor list and i'm going to have to reach   out to everyone too to see if i can private  label their pieces but the label size that i   the label style that i like they don't have it  in an xxl so i might have to switch it up a bit   or just get it in black but i kind of wanted  everything cohesive morning and happy monday   guys so like i said it's monday and as you can  tell with my attire i am about to go on to work um   i am tired i don't know i am always tired i slept  till nine o'clock like i slept in late so i'm late   and got ready and i just still feel exhausted  it's really frustrating but yeah so i got to   work i work at allstate with my mom i'm like a  receptionist marketing manager so that is what   i do during the week so you guys kind of got like  a good glimpse at what my weekend was looking like   i did work on a lot of business stuff yesterday  creating spreadsheets emailing vendors just like   all the stuff you know that goes into it  ordering stuff organizing my inventory   um so that's been really cool and i want to do a  video all about business stuff i want to have like   a series you know yeah so my weekend is pretty  simple it was pretty simple i wanted to film and i   did not film the only thing i filmed was this vlog  but i wanted to do like a apartment tour which   i'll probably film today so i can have some good  videos go up this month but yeah i hope you guys   enjoyed i hope it was semi-exciting and that you  liked watching it every single time i asked you   guys what kind of videos you want to see you say  vlogs so there you go here you go i am giving you   a vlog so i hope you love it thank you so much for  watching be sure to give this video a big thumbs   up subscribe turn on my post notifications head  over to my instagram i love you and stay fabulous

2021-07-04 01:43

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