Webinar: How to do IT business with the state of Texas and Shared Services Governance Model

Webinar: How to do IT business with the state of Texas and Shared Services Governance Model

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Thank, you all for coming thank, you for those, of you participating via, webinar. This. Is the dir. Next-generation. Data, center services, market. Engagement. Thank. You for taking the time to come and, hear about us today. And. We'll. Get going I'm Amy Cooper and I am the procurement, and purchasing, lead at. Vir. That. Being said we're not in the procurement yet I keep. Saying yet, any. Day now we'll begin writing, requirements, so we haven't started writing requirements, yet but. We want to take the time to help, inform, our Marketplace on. Some. Of the items. That we. Have heard vendors, say can. Sometimes present a barrier to doing, business with the state of Texas so that's. One of our goals today sure, a little bit with you today about the. MSI. Environment. That's the multi-sourcing. Services. Integrator. We, just, awarded. That contract a. Couple, months ago and so it's new. And, we want to ensure information. About that with you all today we. Will be, asking. Some questions throughout. The presentation. Today, and giving. You an opportunity to provide us feedback so. Hopefully, you've had a chance to login I'm. Gonna go to the next slide where. We, are going to just practice, many just a little bit here and I wanted to ask the question if, you are here, thinking. About bidding on any of the data center services, are. You planning. On bidding as a prime or a subcontractor. We. Won't hold you to this this is kind of just a practice part, of it to to get to know our audience wants to know who's here part, of the market engagement, is to, help the vendors team as well we, understand this is a very big undertaking and. You. Know sometimes, you. Might not have portion. Of the services, that, a subcontractor. Might have as well and this is a chance for you to network and engage. That way. So. We have. Actually. It's almost even, between prime subs. Not sure. So. Maybe that's good pairing right there. Okay. I, want to introduce you to our procurement. Director calling, Berkeley who will be sharing more, about vir for you okay. I am colleen park clean i am the director of procurement services. At the ir so. As you can see on this mission statement slide the. Ir is here to provide technology, leadership. And solutions, to all of our eligible, customers, we. Have a lot of eligible, customers so i am not going to read. Them out to you right now but, if you want more information on who can use dir contract, you. Can check our website the. IRS, on texas above and under. Contracts. And services. You can click on eligibility. This. Will take you to a page that has all of the different types of contracts, vir holds, as well. As information, on the customers, that are eligible to use those contracts, and. If. You haven't played around with the IRS website yet, there. Is some really great information out there that will help you as you are getting ready to prepare. A bit I. Recommend. That you bookmark the current contracting, initiatives, page and, check. There frequently to keep up with what we are doing on procurements, at the area, so. Our philosophy the, IRS fosters and promote technology. Leadership, by, providing quality, service, to our customers and my. Encouraging. Strategic, partnerships, between the public and private sectors, we. Foster and promote technology. Solutions, by ensuring, that business, needs Drive technology, solution, and by. Securing. Technology, access and maintaining. Privacy of, sensitive, data and information thus. Ensuring, the public trust in our agency, and, finally. The IR fosters and promotes value to customers, by, encouraging, the use of managed, technology, infrastructure, and shared services, as well. As delivering value to Texas, citizens, through, the official state internet, portal. Here. We have a visual representation, of, the different contracts, and services, that dir offers our customers you. Can see we have cooperative contracts, which.

Are The self-service. Option, for, agencies, and there are eligible customers for care technology, commodities. And services that they will then manage. There. Are also shared, services, technology, aired as technology, services, we've just rebranded, so I apologize, I'm probably going to get it wrong a few times it used to be shared services, we, are now shared technology, services. Which. Are the contracts, that dir manages, that eligible, customers can opt in to use, dir, establishes. The contract, directly with the customer and manages. The vendor engagement. Service. Component, providers, or FCPS. Also. Contract, the Cir directly, working with dir, staff and the multi-sourcing. Services, integrator or the MSI to. Provide contracted, services, I'm, Sally, Ward will be up here shortly to discuss wanna. One. Of our newest MCPS, is Texas, gov, this. Is the official, website, of the state of Texas and offers. Constituents. Or that is the citizens, of Texas the, ability, to renew their vehicle registration, or driver's license, or order, birth certificates, or other records with, a secured, payment, portal I don't. Want to feel too much of Sally's thunderous child to cease affair. We. Also offer, technology, planning, and policy, to the state of Texas and you, will see the IR staff called over to the pink building behind us in order to. To. Offer expert, opinions, on technology, resources, and future. Planning that may lead to legislative, changes. The. IR also, offers communication, technology, services. Voice data PBX, etc, we. Manage the telecommunications. For the entire Capitol Complex as, an example and. Finally. We offer information security, services, with, our chief information security officer. Nancy Reyna sec and her staff providing, security training, and conferences. To other agencies security staff, as, well as performing certain mandated. Security, testing for agencies, every year as, you. Can see we have a wide variety, of offerings and, responsibilities. In the information, technology space, that, this question is for the M for information, purposes only and aimed. At helping interaction. The audience. So. Would you please indicate whether you currently have, a dir contract, and if you don't I will let you know there's lots of opportunities. Please. Go out to the website we. Do update. Our planning, phases and, all the way through a procurement process so if you see something that your company. Is interested in you, can have multiple contracts. With the IR so. Please bear that in mind and, it looks like I have a lot of opportunities. Meet you all for the procurement process, we.

Have About half the audience has, contracts. And a little, more than half does not have a contract yet so, I look forward to working with you all in the future. Okay. So here's the stuff that I know you guys are most interested, in we're going to talk about the procurement schedule. For the dcs or the data center services procurement. Right. Now we are in the process of wrapping up the market, research phase we've. Already conducted several, art of the possible sessions. And are beginning the planning stages for the procurement. We. Expect, to begin drafting, requirements. In June which, is a couple of days from now. This. Will trigger, the start of a blackout period between, dir. And vendors. This. Doesn't mean that we will stop. Posting, these market engagement, sessions but, once requirements, drafting begins we will not be able to meet with individual, vendors for example. We. Have to follow what. The Comptroller, says, and this is one of their, definitive. No, individual. Vendor meetings during open requirements, drafting. So. Given. That if, you have any questions. Starting. In June about, this please don't reach out to anyone at dir, that you know or may have a relationship, with all. Communications. Needs to go through ami flooger our, information, is at the end of this slide deck she, is the single point of contact and, failing. To follow the single point of contact rule, could. Cause us to preclude your company from receiving a piece a dir, contract, under, this VCS procurement, so. We do have to be very mindful of that I am, reminding, you now we will, remind you every, can we talk to you from now on so, please be cognizant, of that. But. During that timeframe we may be posting, a, draft. Rfo for comment, that, is your opportunity to tell us what you think of the requirements, that we have put together at that point, please. Watch, the electronic, fake Business Daily and the dir. Website. For information on this we're. Not necessarily going, to do a blast announcement. But we will be using those vehicles for communicating, with you all. Next, we anticipate, posting, the RF O's and it, might be more than one rfo. Sometime. This fall, most. Likely, and November, to, January. If. That changes, we will be communicating to you all so don't stress if it. Doesn't look like something is posted, on December, 31st and. You're. Starting, to get anxious oh it's going to be there January 1st it may take us a little bit longer, we. Understand. How complex, this is we, want to make sure we're getting the requirements, right finally. We intend to award the contract no. Later than September or, October of. 2019. Again. Both dates could be subject, to change that's what we're aiming for we'll, see what happens throughout the procurement, process. We. Will keep the timeline updated. For you as we post additional information. To the ESP d n dir. Website and. We will definitely, be posting a, new schedule, once. We post the RF o, you. Can type in your answers, in mentem either what. Barriers, you encounter. When bidding on dir procurement, and this. Is a great opportunity for, me to point out to you that this is completely anonymous I won't. Know who said what I can't hold it against you. So. Let, us know what barriers exist and, I will use this to go back and look at our processes, in order to streamline them, and make it an easier process but if I can so. We will go back and look at what you've given up and, hopefully.

We Can address some of these in the upcoming four-term it's for you I can't. Make promises on, some of these things we are mandated, by the state of Texas. To do some of this so market, engagement, that's what we're doing right now we, are trying to work with you all as the market, to, get you more engaged, in our procurement, process this. Is one of the ways that we are hoping to remove some of the barriers that you all are experienced, and contracting, with the state of Texas as. Part. Of the market a TPS, market engagement, dir, will conduct briefings, to share non requirement. Related, information, to. The vendor marketplace, as appropriate. These. Briefings, will help remove barriers which, the vendor community has. Indicated, reduced their desire to, take the risk of bidding on an open procurement, and the, they are also intended, to establish a, common, base of understanding, and to promote competition in the marketplace. All. Information. Disclosed, during these briefings, will be made available to the open marketplace via te SVD, and I'm. Not kidding when I tell you ESP, D is going to be your best friend. Throughout this procurement. Once, we start posting there you need to check regularly it, is your responsibility, to check regularly and, catch any of the amendments. That we post or addendum, so. That you are not behind the 8-ball when, it's time to turn this in and you have seen all of the requirements change, as they go through the process and finally. When we enter into a contract, with one or more vendors I want. You to know that vir, is looking for partners when. What partners, that are going to work with us through. The future the. Data center contracts, will be a multi-year, contract, and. We want to make sure that our partner, will help us envision the future and also, guide us they're walking, with us every step of the way this. Is a collaborative, arrangement you. Will have requirements, that you have to meet we will have requirements, that we have to meet in order to make sure that we are achieving the, goals of the, project and as. We prepare for the upcoming VCS, procurement, we, are considering, a variety of business, meet our. Customers, are ultimately. Any agency. Or entity that is eligible to use our contract so. As you can see we. Have limited, budgets that we have to be. Concerned with as well. As the need to do some legacy modernization. There. Are persistent security. Threats we. Need to keep all data secure, and maintain currency, of all software, and hardware in order to facilitate this. Finally. As always the state is facing workforce, constraints, you, all may not know this but all state agencies, have. FTE. Or full-time equivalent. Tasks we. Cannot just keep hiring and hiring to fill those positions we, really do rely on our vendor partners, to help us where, we cannot, hire anymore because of legislation.

That Has limited how many workers, we can have her agency. And. We are looking to you all our partners, to help us fulfill these, business. Needs and others as we identify them, okay. And this is my last poll, of the day before I turn it over to Sally. She's. Going to walk us through the dcs. For chairman overall, so. Could. She please tell, us what part. Of the article response takes most mine to prepare and again. This question, is for information, purposes only and as. A way of interacting with the audience. No. One's going to be held to anything oh. I'm. Losing I. Bet. It was going to be technical, solution. So. You can see it all, parts, as a solicitation, are fairly complex, and just from, the audience fall everybody. Is worried about the pricing, pricing prices. We. Do care about that as well do, look in the rfo when we post we will give you an indication of, where. The. Order of priorities, trying to say it's right for, the criteria that we establish, so. We will tell you where we think technical, solution. Ranks for, example, in relation to pricing, so, bear that in mind as, you're putting your presentations, together as well, all. Right I'm going to turn this over to Sally Ward, she, is the director of business, and planning. I'm sorry, planning and government with. Vir. Alright. So. Data. Center services was created. As, a way for, the state to consolidate. Similar, IT services. Among state agencies, and, provide, a more cost-effective. Solution. For taxpayer, payers. Our. Data. Center services includes. Mainframe, server. Network. Data. Center facility, and bold. Print, mail not the printer printers just for, one piece at a time but large. Quantity, bulk mail. We. Do deliver services, in a multiple, areas, we have legacy, data centers about 25 percent of our server computer, resides. In an agency's, legacy. Data center. About. 74, percent, 71. 70, 65 percent, roughly reside. Either in a public cloud or. The, vast majority, do reside, in one of our two, consolidated. Data centers, one, here in Austin Texas one. In San Angelo. We. Do support most, of the largest agencies. In the state but, we also have quite a number of small agencies, where, those. Agencies, would, not on their own be able to get. The same types, of services and technologies. With, their small volumes, so coming. On to the dcs program, really is a benefit, to the small, agencies as well so. The program is designed so. That IT is taken, away from a customer, worry, point, that a customer, is then able to focus on the business needs of that agency, and they're not focused on the, IP that's, our mission and our goal we. Want to provide our customers with the latest IT infrastructure, technology. And certainly the latest and most robust. Security. While, at the same time providing. A proven, tested, disaster. Recovery, strategy. For server and mainframe and print mail you, may have seen this slide before the. Circle, little, pies in them and it kind of talks about the four main areas that dir. Provide services, I'm just going to talk about to the. Top one is the cooperative contract, program and the bottom one is the shared, technology, services. And I want to really want to talk about the difference, in these two programs, the co-operative. Contracts, are, more. Of a do-it-yourself. Model, for customers, these, are pre negotiated. Contracts, that dir, holds, with vendors, for either IT goods or IC, services, but, allows a customer to come in and design the service the. SLA, the, pricing, whatever, that customer, needs, or want and the customer, works directly, with the vendor, that's on the cooperative contract, to do that work. Shared, Technology, Services is. Really, more, of a, managed. Outsource. Service. And in. Other words it's not a do-it-yourself model. This model we've already designed the. Pricing, and the prices, we've designed the service level agreement we've designed the scope of work and coming. Into this environment of, customer, chooses to. Share the same managed services, that all the other customers.

Are Sharing, within that model so there are two very different models the data center services. Are Fe will be in the shared technology, services. So, let's talk about what we currently have in shared service is on the left are the two, boxes, that we will be putting out an RF o for the first. Is the state data. Center services this, includes. Hybrid. Cloud, so that's our on prem model, as, well as our, public, cloud models. That are also integrated. Through. Our network, to, our data center it, includes. Server and mainframe, services, our. CJIs, compliant, community. Clouds up our private cloud that's on Prem for the, two data centers. We. Have self provisioning on, our, marketplace, for, all of those areas. The public, and the private cloud. We have fully, managed services, as well as semi managed services, so a customer, can choose to, what level of support, they. May need based, on either, their budget or the. Capabilities. Or constraints, that their own staffing. We. Do have a dual data center disaster recovery model, where we can, we. Are a, balance. Model where one data center was to be lost the other data center will come up with the production from the lost data center and by person. We. Also follow, strictly. An ISIL service management model so, all of our language. And our terms and our processes, are all based on the latest version of item and, we. Do offer disaster, recovery as, a service for agencies. That may not have compute inside of the data center but need a disaster, recovery. Either. Process or backups for the actual disaster, recovery itself. Both. Print, and mail services, these. Are going to be the secure, document. Printing. The. Composition. Laying out of compositions. Of documents, it's going to be the, service, of cleansing, addresses, and making sure that as many addresses as possible, are deliverable is. Going, to be the mailing, of many documents, in a. Enterprise-wide. Sorting. Facility. So that all customers. Can get the feminist benefit, of lower, postage. By, merging, mail, from other customers, together there. Is no capital, investment, in hardware or software for, our customers, to use our print mail and we also have in our print mail is see just the security. Compliance. We, do have quite a number of, customers. Who need that level of security for, physically. Printed, and physically, mailed. Information. So. That's pretty much the, data center services program, I'm going to go into talking about the multi-sourcing. Services, integrator, model. It. Would be really helpful for me if I could get a sense from those of you on skype. Let. Me start and explain our shared.

Technology, Services program, model, how we are structured you can see at the top is our our, customer the next, layer is dir. And dir. Serves. In the role of a sourcing, and vendor management, and governance over. A shared technology services. Program. The. Green boxes, are our multi-sourcing. Services, integrator, and this. Integrator, is the one that brings together all of the various services, that we're trying to provide in, a consolidated, way to our customers, so we, want to provide the, types of managed services, that, are, jointly. Integrated. From a customer's, perspective. So. We. Want to be able to integrate. All the service providers, and the services, that they provide while. Doing. That in a means that provides, the customer a single. Point of entry a single. Phone. Number to call a single, website. To go to, so if you think of that, general. Model, then MSI, is going to be the one that's integrating. I'm, going to go into a lot of detail, about the green boxes, and what those mean and what the msi does but, I want to finish off this slide is, showing. You the various service, component, that, are integrated, within this model so you can see data center services at, first and office, is our current service. Provider or, server mainframes. Network and the data, center facility, itself and. For. Print mail our current provider is Xerox. Another. Service component, is Texas, gov which effective, in September, of 2018. Which. We have Deloitte, who will be doing our Texas gov, services, for the portal. And the website and we. Have NIV Texas, and I see is providing, the payment, services. Next. Is mas. Or managed, application. Services, this. Is currently. Held by two vendors. Enterprise. Services, holds, the application, development and application maintenance, contract, and those are to provide, services, application. Development and application maintenance. Solely. For customers. That are participating in, the data center, services programs, that have infrastructure. In the data center services program. We. Also have a rate card option, this is more of a do-it-yourself. Option, for data. Center services customers. To use. Staff. Resources. Or augment staff resources, to projects, that they may have and, next. Is managed, security, services and, fs and this is held by AT&T, this is a new contract, we stood up in March to. Provide security, services, for, data center services customers. As well as other customers all other customers in this Basin all, right so let's break down the, multi-sourcing. Services, integrator, and the reason to do this is I'm trying to answer the question why would you care about. An MSI, if you do, intend to bid on the data center services, artha what does that mean to, you. So. Our MSI, provides, a marketplace, for our customers. It. Is the, place where the, service catalog is so, if you are a service provider with. Data center services your, service, catalog, would, be managed, by the. MSI it would be on the MSI Service. Catalog portal. It would, hold those, services, that you would be supplying, to the customer, so. That's something you would it provides that is provided, by the, MSI. The. MSI provides, in this marketplace a shopping, cart experience, for, the customers, that allows, them to purchase and then track an order, it. Allows this, marketplace allows, the, public and private. Infrastructure. Pricing. To be compared, where a customer can come, into the marketplace and say I want. A Windows, operating system. And I, want it this big and so forth and the, marketplace tells, that. Customer, if you build it in the consolidated data, centers it will cost you this if. You build, it in. Public. Public. Clouds it will cost you this and if you want to build it insist, public clouds it will cost you this so, a customer, can make an informed, choice. The. Marketplace, also, automate, the, workflows, with the customers, and the service component provider if you think about how. Do you, respond. To a customer's, request for a new application. Well, the MSI provides that cool and that, workflows that's automatically, routed to, each service component, provider so. The, data center services provider, will get a ticket that says a. Customer. Needs a certain application and. Certain. Requirements, and the. Perhaps, the, managed. Application services, provider will get a ticket that said and here's, what the, customer, needs with. The application, those, who are put together into, one, request. And one solution, for that customer and it's all through the tools that the MSI provides.

The. MSI also provides, a. Single, service, desk for all of our customers one, number to call and that service. Desk then route. To, the right service, component provider as necessary. And ensures. That multiple, service component, providers if involved. Are informed. And brought into an incident or a request. The. MSI provides, a portal, that, allows you, to collaborate, with your customers, so the sharing of reports the, sharing, of works in progress the. Sharing, of, service. Management manuals, our process and procedures, there, is a portal, that the, MSI provides, and the service component providers, and simply, upload its, data to that portal and. The. MSI also, provides a public facing portal, so, that customers that, are not current, data center customer, but, it might be interested, in knowing more or, becoming a data center services customer, can, get additional information, about our services about, the various service component, providers and what they to offer and then. Can put in a request for, additional services. Or to be contacted, and again. The msi supports, that portal and wraps those requests, as appropriate. To the service component providers, and, lastly. The MFI provides, the. Sharing services, systems, and the training and the process, documentation, those are things that give, our customers, confidence, that. Our vendors are all, executing. To, the same process, to the same level, of. Expertise. And to the same quality, so, we've instilled, that in our MSI to ensure, that those processes, are documented. Clear. And available, to all our customers. All. Right the next one is service management. And. Service management is. Explain. Where the MSI provides, a digital. Consolidated. Reporting, for all service level agreements, so, your, services, are picked, up by the, MSI's. Tools and the, MSI will, then calculate and, report on, service, levels so that's not a task that, needs to, be in your. Scope of work or your price it. Also. The. Service, management, allows for automated, idle function so anything, that can be automated, with the tools that the MSI, has we. Have directed the EMA site to do that so, less phone. Calls or emails we want everything documented we want as much automation, in that workflow as possible, and that. Tool that the MSI owns is what you will use to create, that automation. We. We want all communication. To be centralized, for our customer, one, source of record, one. Place that it's documented, and if it's not documented there it didn't happen and this, is where we, all benefit, from case. Management problem. Management customer. Satisfaction. All the things that need that level of detail is all in this one tool. We. We. Have digitally, enabled change, management, we will be implementing, that in. And, this is another. Process. Improvement, for our service component, providers and our customers, to, spend less time and change management review, and change management meetings. And work on doing the change. We. Provide, service, and oolitic dashboards, again another, tool that so. This component provider, does not need to provide but that our MSI. Doesn't provide and, allows you to see the status of your services, your, workflows, your, customers, view your, view so, enterprise, view. We. Do all of our security, operations management through, the MSI and through this tool and we also then tax the MSI with ensuring problem, management is coordinated. Among, all of our service component, provider. All. Right IT business management, this.

Is The area where we, provide program, management through the MSI, for, a lot of the programs, that we do in shared services, such as technology, planning, or our ongoing refresh, programs, and these types of things we. Provide, performance analytics, through. The MSI, to see are we meeting our business objectives as a shared service, are we meeting our business objectives as a, service component provider. All. Financial. Invoicing. Is done through, the MSI, so. Invoices. From service component, providers are, sent to the MSI, the, MSI is responsible. For having the tools and technology. To charge. That back to, the many customers, that we have and, those. Customers then, pay. Their bills, to dir, and dir, then. Pays each. Of the service component provider I. Want. To make sure that nobody. Missed that because this one comes up a lot your. Invoice, you are not required to invoice customers, directly, either. You don't have to worry about which cost customer, bought which things the, MSI, does all of the charge back. If. There's. Any, financial. Analytic. Reporting, that's all done out of the MSI, schools. And any. Operational. Intelligence dashboard. Can, be created out of these tools also and available, to you in your staff. All. Right operations. Management one, of the most, important, things that our msi does is to provide data quality. Management as you can imagine. We. Have a lot, of data data, center services application. Security, print. Mail we, have a lot of data from, a lot of tools in the, environment, and how do we make sure then, that we have the right data the, right customer, assigns the right billing. Flag the, right, Billings. Time period, how do we make sure we have all the right information so our msi, provides. Data quality, management tools and oversight. And process, to, make sure that we, can automate as much of that data question, as possible, we can identify. Conflicting. Data and resolve it without human, intervention and, we can validate the data that we have so, it this is a big function, of the msi and it where it solves a lot of manual, work on our, service component, providers heart to not have to document. And key in, numerous. Things every, time you do something. The. Configuration. Management database is, obviously, the heartbeat, of data center services this is our largest. Database. Of information, it's not only our day-to-day operations but, it receives all of our reporting, and most importantly, it feeds all of our charge backs and financial. Billing. The. Msi also, provides a role in major incident, management they. Do not provide, staffing. In regular. Routine, incident, management but. For. Those incidents. That are major, as, defined. By isil which. Is defined by us. The. Msi, make sure that all, the, right players are engaged and that. Incidents. Are escalated. If they're not resolved, and that communication, to the customers, at all levels, business, technical, and, so forth are going on and so they, provide that additional help in a major incident management they.

Also Will. Aggregation. Event, data and correlation, of events and. They. Are also provides you workflow, orchestration. Where a server, can be automated. And it, doesn't require a, manual touch, from, a staff. Member of the data center services service, component, provider we, want to be able to do that so we connect with Enterprise Service bus as we do all sorts of self. Provisioning and, self changing, self-healing. As well. The. MS lab provides all the cloud resources the, public cloud resource, utilization, as. Well as billing in a real-time mode so that customers can see what they spun up what's, billing, to their account and, keep, track of that and as. I've, said before the. MSI, is really, our, means. For ensuring that we get operations. Process. Maturity we, are looking, constantly, beyond. Just repeatable. We want to move up in the CMM. Model and the capabilities. And maturity, of our process, and to ensure that our customers, are consistently, getting that quality service. And that that's why the MSI, provides the consistent, process. Documentation. And oversight. To ensure that those things are consistently, happening, I. Didn't. Mention here and I probably should, that the MSI is also, responsible, for sneaking. Customer. Satisfaction. And customer feedback. And that's all automated, as well one. Through a monthly, customer, scorecard, where customers, provide a scorecard. Of the vendors performance, any vendor, all vendors and the, MSI is responsible. For getting that data together and sending, it to each service component, provider so you can act on it and the MSI also provides an annual, third-party, customer, satisfaction. Survey and the. Results of that are also provided. Back to you to each service component, provider so that you can act on that data as well alright so in, general what, is a digital, and a thigh it's, basically, doing all of the things that I just talked about in. Digitally. An automated. Way as possible. It's, the. Primary. Way that, our operations, interface, between dir, and the SVP s occurs. In it, for prime primary, interface in the management of the programs. That we have, so. Integration. Is important, for us to delivering, that, one. View. Of the program that, one, voice from. Our vendors, to our customers, and that is one phone. Number to call for customers, all. Right that, was your quick overview. What. Questions, might you have I if, you type them in I could. Probably answer, most, of them here if I couldn't, or I can't then, we'll take it offline and we'll answer it invest another venue but is there something that I didn't address that you might have a question about. Who. Pays the MSI fee, vir. Pays the MSI, and that those, charges are allocated, to all of our customers so. The self funding model customers. Pay the MSI, and. Uplift. To all of their other services, is, this similar to a GSA, by I don't think I can answer that, yeah, in fact is part of that cooperative, contracts, PI piece that I talked about and we're, here today all from the shared technology services.

Side So, if facts won't be posted, as part of a shared service, now. I want to move on and talk a little bit about governance, government, is incredibly. Important, to the success of this program. Governance. Is what we develop, in order. To have. Shared. Services. Among, multiple customers. And all speak with the same voice, to. Our, vendors. So. When you do business with the, state of Texas, in the shared services, model you. Are not doing business with. 3040. Agencies. You. Are doing business with one entity, that is, buying services, the same way we. Do, not customized, by agency, we, are one service, for all of those agencies, so. The way that we do that is, we. Created, a governance, program, that guides the, interaction, of our customer. And our visitor. Dir. And set, expectations, for. When an account decisions, and roles and processes will, be done. Our. Governance, involves dir, and our customers, of course but. It also includes, all service, component, providers and the MSI as fully. Participating. Members. Of governance, it. Facilitates. Effective. Resolution. Of problems our. Government's model is not an advisory. Model, it. Is not an, advisory, model we do not seek. Customer's. Advice, on how dir, should solve a problem, we. Seek our customers, to be involved. With our service, component, Vermont providers, to, solve problems, so our governance, meetings are all about solving, problems. We, have some guiding principles that are pretty important, we, established the dir, customer, business executives. As the. Guiding. Leaders. In studying. Our program strategy, we've. Implemented, a decision-making. Process. That it's a model, that. Aligns. Dirs, customer authority, and accountability with. Consensus. Building. We. We resolve, issues at the lowest level, possible and. We. Established representative, groups. To. Solve issues, and problems that, could not be resolved, at a lower level so we. Form when we have formal roles and responsibilities.

For, The strategy, and issue management, around. VI our our customers and our service service. Provider and. I'm going to show you the. Model so. This is the structure and at, the top you'll see the business executive, Leadership Council this, is the group of business. Executives, they own the strategy, of the program. Reporting. Up to the business executive. Is the IT Leadership, Committee this. Is a committee, of primarily, IP directors. Some. CIOs. Not, not, day-to-day. Operations. Level but more on the IP. IRM, levels that have both operational. And financial. Responsibilities. Within their own agency, and, then. Underneath, the I PLC, and under the governments of the I PLC, are what we call solution, groups each one of these groups is created. To, solve problems. Within that, area of. Responsibilities. That we have a technology, group but. Studying, technology. Strategies, solving technology, problems, service. Delivery a general, service delivery. Contracts. And finance. GIS. Is a separate, group which we have a separate, GIS offering. Security. And, then Texas gov. Cir. Is a co-chair on, each of these groups but it is a customer, that cares each of these groups they, meet monthly at. Least and they, do form separate. Subcommittees, if necessary, if there's a topic that warrants, additional, and deeper, information. Or dive or solution. All. Of these groups use, this consensus, based, model, in a. Representational. Form to. Come to decision, so agencies. Are grouped into what we call partner a partner groups, and. Each partner group has one, seat one membership, on each, of these groups. Then. Using, consensus, based decision, making we. All try to gain gain, consensus. For what is the best solution for the program, and remember. The service provider is a member, here and is a part of this solution, so. What this means is, we. Don't have a, complaint, desk where. A customer isn't. Willing to, also then solve the problem, once. A complaint has been aired it's to solve it and that's what we focus our time on is solving, it if a. Solution group cannot reach consensus. They, have the option to bump, it up to the itlc, the. IPL seeds then can hear that issue and they, try to come to consensus, as well, if. The idea they cannot come to consensus, then, the, IPL see can that absolutely fell, for the business executive, Leadership Council at, that, point. The, bells becomes a voting membership, and a, decision will be made by, majority. Of the vote what. Kind. Of create here with the model that we have and then the governance, structure is we're, trying to enable, agencies. In Texas, to modernize, their IP that. Is one of our primary goals, we. Do, not want, to. Retain. The risk of legacy. Technology. With, central, security, risk we. Don't want the. Agencies. To be unable to purchase. Or, have access to the types, of skills and, capabilities. And technology, they need to remain current, so, our program is designed, primarily. To, ensure that agencies can modernize their IP and they can keep it modern. We. Want, to be able to develop and deploy new services to, our customers, it is very. Important. In the data center services program. As. In, any technology area, that we stay current with technology. I'm. Sure, you're aware that, many times we had to cut budgets and so we we've, remained with technologies. That have long been out. Of state. We can't find the people to maintain, them, we can't find the package, to patch them we, are here to provide new services. Continually. To ensure that our customers can, take the benefit of those services. Regardless, how long of a duration, contract, we may go for it, is our goal to ensure. That we continue to get new services. We. Want to be able to extend the reach of our shared services to, all of our customers in particular those, that the smaller agencies, that, wouldn't, be able to navigate.

Some Of the new technology, or the public cloud on. Their own would, be able to get that guidance through our shared services, and we. Want to be able to optimize and integrate, all of our IT, services. So that as we share our services, and we share technology. We, lower the cost for everyone. So. We're optimizing, but, we're also integrated. Into a service, because our ultimate goal is that we are no longer buying a server we're not buying technology. You're buying a service and, we're trying we're buying technology as a service, so. Those are our goals for the shared services, program, and as a whole all. Right, question. This is the end of my presentation so, if you have questions, from anything from. Anything you've heard today now's. The time that's. A great question so what constitutes, an. SCP or service component, provider is it by vendor is it what is it so, we. Create service components. And, we. May have. Multiple providers, or, one. Provider for multiple, components, so. In the, current model we have four service, components. That. Are contracted, to office, one service component, provider, to. Provide. Office. Happens to have one all four of those service components, when we put them it they are the current, SVP. Right. So, we we group them by service, component, we will put out our mode by service, component, we. May, award. One, one. Provider, multiple. Components, or we may award only one, component for provider we, don't, know right now what that will look like we. Will not be rewarding. More than one provider per service. Component. So. There won't be two wait, no maybe not. Maybe. Not oh that's, right we might have one. Nevermind. One. Service component, may have multiple providers yes, I don't, think we'd have two vendors, managing. The, facility. Okay. Most, of this is for service and automation solutions. And such how about the hardware such, installing. Cabling. CCTV. IT technology. Upgrades and such all, of that is so.

Cabling. Would be within. A function, would be within a, service component. Whoever. Would be managing, the, networking. And maybe in the networking or it may be in the data center facility, or that, that, level, is. Baked, into the. The, scope of work for a larger, service component, upgrade. Is going, to be the responsibility, of the. Service component provider, that, will all be a part, of the ongoing services. That you provide so, I think we've said it before we have server. Mainframes. Network. Bulk. Print mail and data, center facility, are the five service components. That we have today that we are going to be outsourcing. Again they're a new procurement. And they. May be grouped, a little differently, we. Don't quite know yet but it'll be some form some. Grooming. Of that but we don't expect to be putting out an RSO, just for hardware. Installation or just for. Hazily. That might be something that that's your expertise. You might want to subcontract, with someone else. Okay. You mentioned that the msi tools are used for automation with the dcs providers, need. To use the msi tools for automation yes, where. You can not. All of the tools, will automate everything in, your shop but for those things that. That. Type of tool can automate yes we. Use one. ITSM. And we expect all the service component providers, to use that pain Society. Service management tool we're. Using ServiceNow, or. Will be as of September. How. Do you intend to increase usage, of public cloud, yes. We are looking for a partner to help us. Yeah. Well after the requirement, I think it's sufficient. To say that. Our. Agencies, need more. Than just the access. To the public cloud our agencies, need the expertise, to help, them either. Reconfigure. To get to the cloud or to create new applications, that are work. Well in a cloud or. Deciding. What could or could not be an economy. Today. Our agencies, are struggling with the capability, of being able to use. The, public cloud. So. We will be solving that problem in the next bar code. Okay. What are semi managed services, in. The. Infrastructure, space IP as a service kind of infrastructure, server management, we not, measuring a server, we. Allow, customers. To choose. How much management. And support they, need or want for their infrastructure, so, in a fully managed, arrangement. The. Service. Component provider, is providing all patching, invest, all database, management and says all of the middleware management, and you. Know those all of the you, know code. Deployment. And so on a telephone in a spending, managed environment some. Agencies. Have more. Database. Expertise. And are working, in more, of a DevOps environment. And so their holes of the database. Management. Themselves. Rather than ask the service component provider to do so and so on and so forth and so semi managed that reduction. Is services, it allows the customers, to actually do, more hands-on. Work for, those workloads that they need that kind of. Access. To that workload. Where. Are the security, services, within dcs. Security. Will be based into every single service component, there, will be security, requirements. For every single service. Component, that we put out in the RF oh. So. Does. That make sense as IP. Moves to the cloud many customers, been up and down servers, regularly, this cloud music, approach does not align well to the CMDB, approach to managing cloud spent do you see this changing yes. The, CMDB, is not, the source, of record, for, considering. Public. Cloud usage, the. CMDB for public cloud is or operational. Intelligence. It. Is for, incident. Management, it's the proposing, a variety of other. Needs. And services but, it is not the source of billing, for public clouds. I. Hope. That answered that question. Well. Dir expect, not to own any equipment.

That. Would be great. How. Can we find out about subcontracting. For hardware and installation. From those companies who will be. Needing to installation, services. That they need it as part of their IT services. So. This is a generic hub. Answer. And. It applies, to all subcontracting. When. Any. Vendor, any prime is submitting, a bid they are required, to do some good-faith effort, and we do outreach to the community, in order, to make them aware of subcontracting. Opportunities. That. Is really your best opportunity. During that period where they are doing, their teaming arrangement. To. Find out about those opportunities. Vir does not stand in the middle of those. Relationships. It is strictly. Between the. Prime vendor and the, subcontractors. That they. Choose. To use on the solicitation. So. Watch. Chambers. Of commerce. Organizations. There's. Like Hispanic, business organization. There's, different, hubs. Organizations. That you can talk. To establish. Yourself as a hub or a historically, underutilized. Business. You. Have some time to get that done but. That's really your best opportunity. And know. That this is coming in the marketplace, now. We. Had a hub, prime. Forum. Already, market engagement, so, you can review those materials, and see who has indicated, themselves, as, being interested. In becoming a prime and reach, out to them as well. Your. Latest. On ESP, D as one of the attendants. That we have posted to the market engagement, and you, can go to the dir current, contracting, initiatives, website, to. See the link that will take you right to the posting and, I will tell you ESP, D is a very finicky if, you are not using the right browser. You. Will see that dir has nothing, out there it. Has to be Internet, Explorer, like. An eleven point zero or greater if, you're, using something, else it may look like we have nothing out there and I will tell you we have multiple. Opportunities out, there right now so try. Chrome I think that's what they recommend. But. That is a comptroller issue again. It's not a bir issue I'm just giving you a little hint to help you get through it, alright. Our requirement. Gathered. This. Is not an easy private, answer. Because, there's a variety of ways to. Gather requirements. If. You would like a procurement, 101. Section I have cards, and I'm happy to walk you through a generic, procurement, cost card. VCS. We have not started requirements. Gathering or, grafting, yet so. I don't have an answer for this question yet, there will be a variety of methods, view there. Will be meeting. With customers, there will be procurement. Assistants support that will be half, happening. Throughout this process there. Will be current. Requirements. That we are going to use it is a variety, of ways but. We are really just looking to solve business needs, and we will follow whatever. Path, we need to go down to identify, the business needs and find the right requirements, for them I. Think. It's fair to say we are going to be using a variety of sources and. Including. Our customers, and how, we develop those requirements. Okay. Just, to clarify earlier. Is mentioned that 25% of VCS are in legacy data centers did I get that and if so can you describe what those services are any, different. Than the 2d of our data centers yes. 25 percent of, the. Compute. That's not in the public cloud is, in. A, legacy. Data center they, are remotely, managed for the vast majority of, services, they're remotely, managed, by. Our service component, provider from one, of the two. Consolidated. Data center, or the, service providers. Facilities. In sight. The, services, are not any different other. Than. Obviously. The, limitations. Of having computed.

In, A remote area or, in a business office that's not readily, accessible to, touch. That. Require, break6, services. That go out to those locations, that. Is provided, by the service. Component provider. But. They get the same fully managed any managed services, the things securing, its MDR name, everything. It's. May be different pricing, because it's different equipment. Is so forth may be different in fillets as well we. Have a variety of service. Level agreement, depending. On the level, of supportive. Communities. The customer chooses well, integration, requirements with the MSI be defined in the RF oh yes very. Much so we, do have. Integration. Requirements for all our service component providers and it's, in each service component, provider our zone we will continue, to do that you. Mentioned data centers in Boston, and San Angelo, are there other sites that are in scope of the MSI Indies yet yes, the agency's. Legacy. Data centers are in scope and agencies. Do have some business remote. Offices, where there are some servers, and file systems. And services. Provided. And. Of course our we, have two public cloud providers. So, their sites as well. Okay. So we, have network by some in the queue right now I'm, going to turn it over to Amy and she is going to close us out but you can continue, to submit questions and, if. We get them through Amy the single point of contact we. Will try to send answer that as well I do, want to remind you though that anything. We say she can, be trumped, will be trunk may be and, the, RF oh so. Nothing. Real. Until, it's written in the arm rows or page so those, will overrule, anything, that, you hear a space here today we're at other events as well. There's. Nothing, to bid on right now why the, there that and there as well the our foes are. Expected, to be out late fall. I think. Colleen has the timeline, on the. Somewhere. Around November, is January. Time frame. So. That gives you all plenty. Of time to start teaming with the. Primes and the sub so, do. Go check the ESP, D for those. Attendance. And they'll. Have their. Indicator. Marked however prime, oh. There. We go thank you for advancing, my slide so, the marketing gateman notice is. Me. On. The ASP D there you see the link on the screen we. Do ask that you check it regularly. One, thing to note when, you want to see what we've added for attachments, and the denims you have to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the screen to. See those attachments. When. We're done here we will put out today's, slides and the, attendance, sheets and it. Takes us a little while to get to the webinar reporting, out because we have to add the closed captioning, so do, look for that that'll probably be posted. And a. Week or so but we will try to get the slides and attendance, out, as, soon, as as, practically. Possible for. This one so. You can. So. It's. Actually going to posted on the SPD, on the dir, website we have a link that will take you to the Yazidi so you don't have to search it that, way.

We. Will also be announcing, our next market, engagement, event, using. That method as well I believe. We've tried to keep an email, list. Kind, of going from, people, who have been at the. This. Forum and then register, on the webinar or attended, the last, market. Engagement, as well so we will try to you know send an email out but please do check it regularly, in. Case it goes to your sandbox there's. A lot of information for vendors on the website, in general if you want to know more about the. Dir. There's, a dir basic, series. Webinar. Our slide, out there that you can look at to learn more that way okay. And I, am the point of contact, so you, can email me and, I will answer every question I can if.

2018-06-10 02:53

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