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bad news everybody the party's over so today while Eamon was out um in town I had  a knock on the door and we had a visit from the   local township building inspector apparently  multiple complaints were filed against us   for building without permits we're  Eamon and bec van lifer's turned   amateur renovators over the past eight months  we've worked hard to transform this cabin   into our dream home only to find out we've  been breaking a lot of rules along the way you driving good and you might have noticed  we are not at our place today   but we are with Tim here with  tim yeah hey tim's here yeah   eamon eamon's favorite uh favorite worker favorite  person to see on a wednesday morning yeah just a   wednesday morning only wednesday morning we have  come to our neighbor's place matt and jackie and   they are gonna let us use their beach because we  are building something very exciting floating dock what are you doing come on it was a little less steep than our place eh so we decided to use barrels like this  they're like food grade barrels tim has   like the supplier guy that he knows  um they're 30 bucks a barrel versus   normal dock floats which can  be upwards of 200 bucks a piece yeah okay yep exhausted already so we're saving  a lot of money i knew i'd be grateful that we're   not building this at our place but imagine  just imagine honestly can't imagine i had to   take all these barrels down there down the  back make sure the barrel doesn't fall off   you just miss us he's fine he's totally fine but  yeah very grateful for this level ground thanks   guys the one side is sealed see how it's already  i don't think it's ever been opened so that's fine   most of them have a cap yeah don't worry about  the cat don't worry about the cap and then for   these ones you're gonna undo them oh so see this  one doesn't even have a seal and that's why you   got to do this because otherwise water gets in  quite a bit well you don't need that much put that that's good okay all right okay one of 32. of course the boards we need we're at the  bottom coming right through the camera oh the butt shot's coming in not even two minutes   into the vlog and tim's already got  it in front of the camera classic if anyone cares this is my last one yay as you  guys probably know tim and i have built a lot   of different platforms by now and we always  seem to struggle when it comes to squaring   it and that makes a big difference in the  structural strength plant-based nutrition as well as the uh you know when you put the  boards on you know you're gonna start coming   out of whack so i have a trick thank you  tik-tok tim would typically grab the corner   and go to the other corner and then move it to  the other corner and it does this like silly dance   all you got to do is the 6 8 10. you come out to  six yeah i'm actually curious come out to eight   and this should be ten it should be ten so yeah  this side's gotta come in can you just lift that   and bring it that way maybe a little bit more of  the leg towards the leg yeah just a little bit   perfect right there yeah you've got to square it  down yeah you think well let's go corner we got to   do this side too yeah we shouldn't have to should  we what are you doing well if that's doubting my   ticket where is it yeah let's go corner corner  check it uh no we're way off oh so we got to do   this side too you just saw the first part and  then stopped watching after i got so excited   way off wow okay so you gotta check tiktok and  watch the rest of that video tick tock fail   back to the old fashioned tim way bud you were  just making fun of it okay tim's method's the best   we just realized that it might be unclear exactly  what we're building today or what we're doing here   and on our lake you can have a floating dock  so you can actually come out on the water   and enjoy so we are replicating exactly  what matt and jackie did a few weeks ago   nice is it 16 by 16 believe it's 16 by 16   floating dock so now we're putting in stringers  and the beauty part about building this this   way is we haven't even made a single cut because  we're just using the true 16 foot long boards yeah i was actually wondering why the  chop saw didn't come over in the   gator this morning so there you  go cross your toes there you are we might have to take this apart this  is actually an inch over no it's over   no so we got to cut it we got to cut  them down to 16. come on dude yeah yeah an inch over i guess my toes  weren't crossed tightly enough   to be honest i thought things were going  a little too well this morning we got an   angry aiming on the job site that's a big mistake  dude what if we um is it's an inch we got to buy   what if we strapped another board on or something  well no the uh another cause which way are   they going problem is that the the deck boards  will be wide enough they won't reach the sides   we've determined that our saving grace will  be if we can find seven of these boards that   are actually 16 and 5 8 because even though  they say they're 16 feet they uh they're never   true 16s we've found three so far can you  cross those toes again for me get a winner we've just propped the uh the old girl up we're  waiting for matt to get off the business call   um and then he's gonna help  us carry it down to the beach   and in the meantime we're gonna get these  two by fours set and these are gonna hold   these are gonna be like the cradles  to hold the barrels thank you yeah how's that how's that for fit that's perfect  first give me 25 crunches yeah kiss the barrel   no sparrow no there we go one more time  kiss it there we go very good very good 20. while i'm in and tim finish that up i'm  gonna head home and make some quick lunch let's make some fajitas okay that just confirmed  i'm the worst vlogger on my own i didn't show you   the burritos but i packed them i'm leaving  the kitchen a mess and we're back to it   got some watermelon i mean i might not be the  best solo vlogger but at least i'm showing up   with watermelon snacks right the queen has come  bearing gifts because mistakes were being made   and when mistakes get made you need to slow  down grab yourself slice the watermelon i regroup oh all right go ahead yeah we gotta send  back into my place into westport to pick up a tool   that i forgot to bring today maybe she could uh  grab you a kleenex as well yeah all right okay   no you got hot sauce all over your face  yeah just a little in the corner let's   go to the lake that's what he was  zooming in on the hot sauce yeah   we are going to get matt and jackie we're  going to uh bang this guy which probably   weighs like 2 000 pounds wow would  you say or no is that exaggerating it weighs a lot we're gonna get that over  into the water and now that we've got   the supports underneath we're actually just  going to set it onto the barrels and it'll float   and then we need the quick drive tool  which tim forgot to get the deck boards on everybody on the streets around the king all right it's gonna be amazing in there we were  just about to leave and then um realize that the   hardware store sent us the wrong kit so beck's  also gonna make a stop and pick up some new okay this should work as long  as that window doesn't break if you're still not sure what the quick drive  tool is we're going to show you that in a minute   tim and i reckon that will  save us at least two hours   and it's worth the half an hour  drive so that's where beck's gone   in the meantime we're going to work on the  extension so this will live just sitting on   the land we've already got it framed out we're  gonna have two barrels maybe four barrels at the   front and then that'll be hanging on the shore  tim's cutting the five foot boards right now now there's only one thing left to do man  nope there's several things left to do say hello to my little one second my little friend a lot of algae in that water i'll drop the tool buddy somewhere montana say hello to my little friend hmm we'll see you tomorrow morning good  morning how's everybody beautiful how was your sleep my sleep was good i'm  ready to have a beautiful dog to jump over   today and i'm pumped i had kind of a weird sleep  where i like i had a dream that i could walk   through walls you dreamt last night yeah that i  could walk through walls that's kind of cool you   spirit or something it's kind of cool that's kind  of cool yeah that's all my superpower was just all right it's a good day hey baby how's it going good are  you already swimming today oh yeah the dark's done   oh it looks so nice and nick's been asking about  you all morning you got a new boyfriend huh yes   yeah it looks like i got a little bit of  competition here a little kid nick is uh   starting to flirt with back a little too  hard i might need to put him in his place   yesterday he made her a bracelet  that says beck and a heart neck neck all right and the doc is  ready for its maiden voyage probably   it's one and only voyage back over to  our camp camp cabin and the wind is   perfect yesterday the wind was coming the  opposite way now the wind's gonna help us   but first we gotta see if we can get the atv dude  the atv will fit on your trailer oh it might if   you've got the strength to get it up there i don't  have the strength but i have the balls to drive it   all in the pursuit of adventure and tim's always  willing to uh give your crazy ideas a try isn't he just like that too easy   we've asked to see if um anybody wants to join the  maiden voyage and everyone's turning us down so   it's just a solo mission you're doing something  silly well solo beck and i don't know bye come on you never actually doubted us did you it's gonna be a good day  we're getting close hello home   keep paddling buddy reinforcements are on their  way to them come on buddy oh the wind's picked up   okay we're coming in hot oh we're just staying  in the same freaking spot or what yeah oh tim go that wind just kicked in the wrong time  yeah guys this is so sweet looks so good we should probably clean up the area and start to  enjoy the dock but first i want to finish a little   project you might remember last episode where we  tried to make a rope swing it was an epic fail i think the design of the  rope swing was the problem   let's go again just needed a different  design this works really well okay now that the important stuff's  out of the way like a rope swing   we're gonna clean this up so  we can actually enjoy the dog now the most important part a little dangerous   stealing the chairs from the other platform  i learned from the porters in nepal   rest it on your head that barefoot works  oh yeah the barefoot beast heyman oh take a seat but oh that's amazing what do you think pretty awesome  sweet spot you guys have here   i'm sure each week we sound like a broken  record when we say that this just changes   everything but having this dog on the water  really feels like it changes everything   and we're just a couple steps quite literally away  from being finished so tomorrow we'll be tackling   the steps up to is that platform d e f f finishing  the alphabet finishing the alphabet and then guys   we're just gonna be enjoying summer  and kicking back relax and all cool   well you know that's not true but to a big day  tomorrow to a big day tomorrow see you then   i feel like this is where we come to share bad  news with everyone so today while eamon was out   um in town i had a knock on the door and we  had a visit from the local township building   inspector apparently multiple complaints were  filed against us for building without permits   why you might ask we're such lovable couples  well i would have thought the same thing   i think initially my reaction was to be angry  at the people who reported us because they're   projecting something on us that's going on but  really at the end of the day i'm more angry on   ourselves that we didn't know better to be honest  we're like new homeowners we're fairly young   we were building what we thought was a beautiful  home and just had no idea the expectation for   permits and getting the township involved and all  these complexity that is permits and drawings and   engineers and all that stuff and even just  like how it varies from place to place and   township to townships so anyways how do you feel  babe i've had a lot of anxiety around everything   the worst case scenario would be we have to  take everything that we've built down and   this includes indoor renovations as well like  the windows which is interesting because we've   hired people to help guide us along the way and  nobody's ever mentioned pulling permits so worst   case scenario i really don't think is gonna happen  i think we're gonna hopefully be able to submit   our permits work with the township but the  struggle here is that we're on a no construction   order so tools are down and now we're just  sitting here twiddling our thumbs yep as you   can imagine it's it's a stressful time but  we are just you know gonna get through it   and work with the township to make it right yeah  we're definitely committed to making it right and we want to make it right and learn like  how to do this properly in the future because   we hope to you know do other renovations to  the cabin so so get your permits kids yeah   unless you live like way in the sticks like middle  of desert off-grid and even if you even if you do   you probably need a permit and if you're  not going to get a permit well don't share   your life online it's just the price you'll pay i  think and if you were the one that mattered on us i got some words for you in  my private vlog coming soon   sharing our lives with you in this way is  something that definitely helps eamonn and   i get through these more challenging times  so a big thank you to the community for   just showing up every single sunday and a  big thank you to skillshare for continuing to   support this channel and sponsoring today's video  skillshare is an online learning community with   thousands of courses where millions of people come  to further their skills and illustration design   filmmaking photography i recently shared about  marquez brownlee's new course on skillshare   all about scripting shooting and editing your  youtube videos and i think it's an amazing   place to start if you guys are interested in  getting into filmmaking or becoming a youtuber   right now skillshare is offering the first 1000 of  you who clicked the link in our description box a   one month free trial of skillshare so make sure  you don't miss out okay fam well we will see you   sunday and make sure you call someone you love and  tell them you love them also sorry if that felt   really like low energy and down and like whiny  and complaining but we're just sharing in real   time and that's just the feelings we're feeling  right now and i'm sure next week we'll be one   step closer to figuring it out and it'll all be  okay and we can calm down and it'll all be fine   if you think permits suck give this  video a like and we'll see you sunday how's my hair today does that what do you  guys think of like what i've been doing here   i just kind of want it off my face you know always good to test spin it first  that guys have no value in background   most girls have no value in  background sure that's true yeah

2021-06-21 22:16

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