We Explore Our Fans' Homes • Watcher Weekly #031

We Explore Our Fans' Homes • Watcher Weekly #031

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It is august. 5th. It's time for watcher weekly. And it starts in five. Four. Three. Steven's over there on the. Basement. Where my hat goes, where'd my hat go, all right you see where my hat went i was shredding. Welcome to watcher weekly a show presented by breather. A show where we kick back, chat and answer your guys questions, to the best of our ability now where'd my hat no find your hat dude. I'm loving the energy today all the questions, we're going to be answering today are coming from the c tab. The c tab over there on youtube.com. Watcher. You can also reach out to us and we are watching video watcher we are watching. Patreon.comwatcher. Youtube.com. Watch our podcast we are watching.tumblr.com. Oh boy, today what are we doing today guys, i don't know man oh we have a we have a weird wonderful, challenge, we we put out a call for people to. Find the weird wonderful, corners, of their life during this strange, time when we're all a little isolated. And people submitted a bunch of wonderful. Little, videos we're gonna be watching, later on. That's exciting. This week is the, season, finale. Of weird wonderful, world i know, i said the bird watching episode was my favorite of the season this is either a tie, or a close second, it's probably my second favorite but it was my favorite experience. Of the season i love this little town as a person who loves immersion, and things like disneyland. Solvang. Right up my alley, also i love flaky pastries, and this is the place to go for flaky pastry, i i don't really, flip my lid for pastries, so when people are like oh these are really good i'm like okay, they'll be like a good donut, but i took these home and i ate them they were, incredible. Fantastic. Breath like they were so crispy, but also, soft. And. Airy it was nuts, it was i can't continue to talk about these pastries, my favorite scene in that episode, is when you guys are at the diner, brought me back to life. Sorry to bring it up again pretty pandemic. Yeah, well check it out it's a very good episode, and that is, a wrap on, weird wonderful, season. Two, an abbreviated. Season as it was meant to be eight episodes, we had some fun episodes, planned that were cut short, i know, there were there was at least one that was going to be, amazing. Oh yeah. Anyway let's uh well should we answer some questions, let's answer some questions, let's do it yeah. Right why i'm sorry ryan did you have some more chills, do you want to chill some more. No i don't. Have questions. Yeah i'm sure well my first question is ryan bergara why are you such a hater. Uh, i don't know, i don't know i don't know why i was born this way was that in the c tab shane or yeah i was in the c tab, okay, so i'm looking at the c tab i'm not seeing anything in there most upvoted question why is ryan bregard such a hater here's my response uh shane why are you such a hater. Oh, god. Didn't expect that did you, no. Here's one from mackenzie, is this youtube, this is youtube, uh mackenzie, asked do you guys think, you'll ever do, a meet and greet.

Not, Now. When we set out wait who asked this question, mckenzie. Mccann sure it wasn't coronavirus. Who asked this question. Now i'll say this when we three visionaries. Set out, to blame visionaries. Um, the content, trails. Watcher, entertainment. It started out as an idea. Part of that idea, was to do, eventually. Some really fun, live, shows, pop around, towns, you know, obviously. Uh. It's not gonna happen, right now, because. It's dangerous, you know, i don't know how many times i have to say this, we are not the chain smokers. As much as we'd like to be we did not write the song closer, is that one of their stories. I'm not gonna lie though that song is still a banger it's a good karaoke, song that's actually my go-to karaoke, song, no it's not but i mean. Is it really oh my god it is. It must be mentioned though that we, did not write that song we were not in the hamptons, this weekend performing, i was hoping i was hoping it was going to be in new zealand, because that would have been okay, they're fine there they did a great showcases. They have good leadership. We probably will do a meet and greet at some we'd love to in the future, who knows who knows when okay let's move on, uh, next question comes from oh, no. I should have chosen this question. Because i cannot, pronounce, names. Sam reddy, surya. Juanchi. Favorite, youtube channel. Other than watcher, of course. Well i know stevens, is the buzzfeed, unsolved network, how do you know about my burner. Yeah, i'm not gonna lie, i don't watch too much youtube, i never really have i use it to watch movie scenes, funny clips, disneyland. Ride povs. And i also go to house of highlights, a lot, to watch basketball, highlights but the one channel i have watched religiously. Is defunct, land. And yesterworld. And actually also expedition, theme park, and theme park history, i watched all of those now i had wished i hadn't watched all those because i would have a massive, backlog, to go through but if you are a theme park aficionado. Out there i would recommend those channels, or, you know there's also this little podcast, called the status podcast. Plug away ryan look you're ugly, my own personal podcast, that's outside, of watcher, we support creative endeavors, here ryan, yeah we do, he did something outside of watcher let's fire him yeah, how dare where's the button for that, i don't have one here, yeah we got to get one of those buttons that dr evil has yeah. Uh what about your guys's, favorite youtube channels i don't really watch a lot i've talked about, primitive, technology, a bunch i guess that's the only one that i return, to pretty regularly. Yeah i got a bunch i used to watch a lot of like asian american youtube, like wong, boo, this was like way back in the day like kev jumba, ryan higa, all these people have like either retired, or, done other things, now i'm watching, a lot of, um. Colin and samir, you guys heard of them, they uh they have breakdowns. Of other youtube channels oh binging with babish i love vision with babish, i watch a lot of youtube, so i can release the fullness of my subscriptions. If you're interested let me know in the comments below, next question. Uh here's one uh. From. Let's see here eva, kirksena. What talents did you guys have as kids that you wish you could still do today. I don't think i had any talents as a child. Did you that's not true number one. Healing. I was just like you guys say that you guys know about this spider bite i got, it's been a few weeks now. And, it is taking, a lot longer to heal than i expected, it's just a crater in my skin. Yeah and it's not it's not scabbing over it's just taking this. Darn time because i'm so old now i would say uh. Freedom. Of movement, without any inhibition. You ever seen a child move, around a playground they're moving freely, they're not thinking about. Oh that aches or hurts they're just they just are and, i long for that because i used to be a madman, out there on the monkey bars, and now if i try to do the monkey bars that's a minimum one to two day recovery, also endurance, i wish i had endurance, do you ever recall, being winded as a child, because i don't no i don't i used to be good at piano as a child, talon is long gone i can play like five songs now here's a question, and this is from patreon. We'll be answering more of these patreon, questions over on watch our weekly, plus on, patreon.comwatcher.

Stephen If you had the chance to guest star in a past, weird wonderful world, episode, which would you choose. Interesting. Interesting. Time opportunity, here, stephen. I mean look i'd love to take you along for a future episode, if we do another season here's the one i want to do, i want to do, a. Weird wonderful world, movie. On. Airports. Oh, well we've talked about how much we love airports. Oh i don't miss airports. I don't oh my goodness, i. Love, airports. It's because airports, and i hate flying, it's because you don't know how to fly ryan you gotta fly with the guys. You gotta fly with the guys. I have one with you guys you ain't flying with the guys i was supposed to fly with shane to london, and then he missed his heart, and that's my flight. So what happened that day this was when we went to, london for vidcon. Um. The, day or two before, that we were all standing around the office. And we were talking about our airport, habits, and i was like well i like to show up like, four or five hours before my flight because i just love airports. And i love, not being stressed, at all i can't i don't know there were several people who were like, it's kind of, that's like a really early to show up for a flight, and i was like yeah i don't know i just like it and then so that reaction, made me think like well maybe i'm doing it all wrong, maybe i should just, you know be a little more chill about it so then the next day uh it was the day we were going to london i remember that morning ryan and i had to go do, adr. Pickups. For swat. Uh. So i did that in the morning, and then, i was like well look, you know, our flight's not till like, six, or something, i can't remember when it was i was like i'm just gonna, tidy up the apartment. Get my packing. Going, and then i'll go a little bit later, and it'll be fine, but, traffic. Got progressively. Worse. On the way there and i got to the airport, i think about 45, minutes before boarding, or maybe a half hour, and i was like well i guess i'm really cutting it close. And i got up to the gate agent, and they were like. Yes. Uh you're too late, and i was like oh but they're not boarding yet and they're like yes but your luggage will not make it to the plane in time i was like oh, uh. Well, wha, what do i do. And they were like well we could just um put you on a later flight and i was like okay but it was very funny, because i was like well the one time. I tried to play it cool, i totally. It up i just remember, i was in the lounge, too i was in a lounge waiting for shane and i was like wow they got like oh you could drink bar in here and like oh you can eat snacks this is great yeah we could pour whiskey when you get in here and then uh i just sat there and. He wasn't responding, where she. Back to the question, yeah i love airports i wish we could just do a whole show. In airports. There was another question this week that i don't think we answered it was what would shane and steven's, show be maybe it would just be us exploring. Count me out it'd airports fun to just travel, around the world but never leave airports. Yeah okay that was fun good questions, as always uh well you know where to submit them let's move on, to our segment which is um this is embarrassing, i have this vacuum sitting back here the whole time. Wasn't embarrassing. We have an exciting segment this week it's the, weird, wonderful. Challenge, what we did is we uh put it out to our audience, to submit. Videos of them exploring, the, fun, hidden, facets. Of their world. That we can explore, together. Um, during this quarantined. Time. Uh so we're gonna go through some right now this is our first time watching this by the way so very excited to see what is up here, yeah me too see where all of our lovely viewers, come from let's see them first clip, hertfordshire. England. Just like everybody, else i've been going on walks to combat that quarantine, insanity. And today's walk brings us to this creepy, tunnel. It may be sunny right now but i'm telling you, walking through this thing in the dark is truly horrifying. I see a new weird thing every time i walk through here. What the hell is that, i don't even want to know what this is. And, this is me getting jump scared by a butterfly. A true bugara. Spooky, tunnel. Yeah i mean i wouldn't want to walk in that.

Uh, I i enjoy that because i i'm always a big fan, it's weird, even pre-quarantined. I always loved finding, weird little walks, around, town. I didn't have a little little pocket. In your hometown. You guys ever do that. Oh i used to do that all the time there was a abandoned railroad track by my i love it my place and i filmed a rap video up there. Oh a wrapped video i thought you said, i thought you said rat video. I mean i'm sure there were rats, in the background. In the bushes and whatnot, but uh yeah it was a, silly little sketch we did speaking of rats was that a rat hanging from that tunnel i don't know what that was, it was gross i don't know. I always love to see another bugara, out there in the wild, too, no it just looks like garbage. I like the mask, uh. Psa, by the way there you go yes that's good, let's keep let's keep going, the world can be weird, and they're wonderful. And i'm taking my curious little pal bella kendrina, to explore, every, last little bit of it say where are we, twin knowles trail in chino, hills. I'm not sure what they are. Shane and ryan if you see this you have to tell us what these birds are since you're experts, now. I don't know what but i don't know what birds those were they looked, like, finches, or starlings. I, have nothing but cheeto hills i know that place home of the the ball family, the what family, oh lorenzo. Lorenzo's. Oil, no uh, lonzo, ball. Alonso. Sorry. It's hot out there it's all i know it's hot it is hot out there, nice to see someone getting away to uh, a natural, environment, look look at the hills behind them it looked it reminded me of tj. Marchbank's. Short film, it's a very. Niche, reference, that, not even i understand, yeah check it out a beautiful day beautiful day, we're in it, that was fun though i hope they my backyard. I had an idea. Let me go check on my gardens. I was on my way to steal some nice ripe tomatoes, but that's when i saw it. Mushrooms. So i snatched, up those bad little boys, and for spiritual, reasons, i left some dried tulip petals i already had. Then i took those beauties, inside, to admire them and i ended up having more than i thought i did. I ended up having eight beautiful, toad stools in total, and all in all i'd say, that these mushrooms. Are pretty wonderful. Love the voice, over. Yeah pretty good that was some good stuff that was really fun nice little, i love a little a little vo. For interior, thoughts i hope they didn't eat the mushrooms. Uh, you know you've got to be careful with those speaking of which go watch phantom thread there's a very yeah that is. That's exactly what i was thinking of when, when she laid them out this. Greetings, from down under in wellington, new zealand. Wow today in weird and wonderful. We're at the city gallery of wellington. Now at first look this appears to be a normal, standard, art gallery. And it is. But then you pan off and all is revealed. How overlord. All hell quasi, the giant hand. Scary, now, that's a scary hand but what's even crazier, about this video is this video was shot in 2020.. Yeah new zealand really nailed it they're doing new zealand really nailing that panda congrats, new zealand. Uh you get to walk around and see music give it up. You have her hand dude doesn't need a mask. Yeah. You imagine a mask on that guy with a hilarious, that would be pretty funny, oh my underwear. That's pretty cool. Did they say that was an art museum. I don't know but i like that hand that's good yeah me too he's a funny guy with that on my desk i want that, you should be on the new zealand flag, yeah, he should be yeah. Hi my name is madeline. And, my weird and or wonderful, thing in my town. Is these little, ufo, houses. Alright so this is the first one, it's pretty far down on the beach road. Um the second one see them even further, but um. Yeah it has a little garage underneath, it it's it's still pretty close to the to the water, um. But yeah, that's, it, my town is very boring. I hope you enjoyed. My strange. Uh weird, and wonderful. Little building, that's, cool. Well all towns are boring, most towns have like one neat thing about them, would you guys live in a ufo, house, of course i live in a ufo, house it'd be great in a lot of futuristic, films dome houses, were like representative. Of that time for whatever reason they were seen as futuristic. It's strange to have them by the beach dome house by the beach seems like a strange, choice, seems more like an inland, thing, let's keep it going.

And, This was just. In my room. And, i accidentally. Touched it, oh. And. And it started doing that. That would and i've never been more scared. He sounds so sad. That's so, horrifying. It's horrifying. It's like an animated, toy but if i was cleaning out like a basement. And, that moved, like that and i didn't know it was supposed to move like that it's also kind of hard to hear what it's saying it sounds like it's just going. Like there's a spirit of an old man trapped in it yeah. I'm not gonna lie. First thought i had was this is shame a day showing emotion, burned, baby you feel that shane. You got me. Hey why do some of these gravestones, look nice and legit, while a bunch of other ones look lumpy and bumpy. Were these broken were they ground down by the elements, the answer, is, maybe, but actually, probably, not, as with all things in life, it probably, came down, to. Money. If you couldn't, afford, to actually, have a gravestone, made by a stone carver, you still had to be buried somewhere, so what they would do is they would mark your burial with a field stone, not only this allow your family members to find your body and pay your respects. It also, marked where you were buried, so no one would accidentally, dig you up later while trying to bury someone, else. Burial facts, weird, but wonderful. Wow. I love that one. Some social, commentary. Talking that's good. Talking about how only the rituals. Get those nice headstones. Or just a headstone, or any headstone, whatsoever. Also liked the descriptions. Of lumpy and bumpy. A nice lumpy bumpy headstone. Oh. Oh. Wow. Sea, world. Just some. Family. Oh. That's sick. Oh that's neat. That was cool that's crazy that could have ended much more uh horrible, if. It was like a horror film this is usually where the person gets, possessed, by the evil slides like the movie sinister. It's like a fun little treasure box it's i i know people. Regularly, buy boxes, of slides, there's an uh a photographer, in chicago, i forgot her name it was this woman who took photos, for like, 50 or 60 years, and she had just. Filed all the slides away and then someone i think bought them, in an uh estate auction or something, but she's an incredible. Photographer. And. They didn't find any of her photos until after she died, this is neat it's crazy, uh thank you for all those wonderful. Submissions. We don't have any, prize to give away, we do not, yeah. Um if you want to see more of them search the hashtag, weirdwonderful. I think is what we put it under, um. What better way to. Cap off the episode. On this week of the weird wonderful. Finale. That should do it for us be sure to check out the weird wonderful finale, friday, be sure to check out uh. Nothing else uh, we'll see you next week bye everybody. Bye.

2020-08-09 09:34

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