Using a free Canva website link to grow your business

Using a free Canva website link to grow your business

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yeah preparing all right let's go live on youtube got it go live let's see okay we are live on facebook and youtube okay hi friends wait a second what did i just do with the youtube thing let me get my life together too many things to click look here's here we go here we go here we go i should have set my phone up too and i already lost my youtube page listen listen okay i got it here we go goodness gracious so we i didn't say that we were going oh man i just found a whole nother tab i did not say i was going live tonight so i thought i'd pop on a little bit early so i'm really really excited about tonight we are gonna walk through some of you probably heard about this amazing new thing called the bio-link website if you have not yet stop what you're doing tell your friends and join us because um i just learned the coolest trick from one of my very own front line and she's gonna walk us through how to use this amazing i'm talking amazing new tool for your business hold on i need to pull up facebook so i can see what y'all be saying otherwise it's too many things for me to look at at one time okay no no no um i would love to know how you are so hi cindy i can only see um youtube right now do you know what i feel like sometimes when i pop on any sort of social media i feel like the oldest i feel like i'm like someone's grandma trying to go live or like do something because i'm always like wait hold on one second hold on one second living in my life together everything's fine everything is awesome okay so okay so here's what i want to say about what we're going to do tonight we're going to walk you through step by step how to use this amazing amazing new tool it's a brand new tool it's completely free um use canva to create it but it's um how many of you have heard about this that's what i want to know also we're going to start start at like 8 30. so i just wanted to pop on early because we weren't i didn't say we were going live so okay hi my favorite people hi allison and denise becky and that hey yeah so um the tool that we're going to show you how to use tonight is practical for anyone at any stage in your business and the ways that you can use it are almost uncountable i'm actually super excited to show you those of you who have not seen this yet because i'm excited to see what you come up with it from the idea aaron said that's funny that you said that because i call you my great great grandmother and since you then it's appropriate and i'll just act like a very i actually i feel like my grandma probably works facebook better than i do at this point but it's whatever hi from michigan so if you have brand new teamies if you have leaders in your organization i'm talking this tool is going to be game changer for so many of you regardless of where you're at in your business it is applicable to everyone um so i think that you're gonna love it this actually it's not really just cincy i think if you're in and i actually just sent this to one of my girlfriends who is in a different direct sales company and i sent her my um example and she goes what is this magic tell me about it and then she made an incredible one for her business and so it's applicable really for anything i actually just used this to create a link or like a really cool thing for our pto even if you don't have a business you can use it for pto it's amazing so i can't wait to show you we're going to get started in a couple more minutes while you're popping on now is the time for you to tag your teammates your leaders whoever you think would want to learn a really really cool and beautiful trick it's not just cool it's beautiful you're gonna love it how many of you while we're getting started hi rhonda have heard of a biolink website like give me a wave or a thumbs up or something this is pretty much one of the coolest things ever i say sometimes that i hate techno i shouldn't say i hate technology i love technology this is one of those things that makes me really love technology it's so super cool y'all are gonna love it and this is being recorded so obviously always um we'll have it on youtube and we'll have it on facebook for you to come back and watch as well and for you to refer your teammates to because once you do this you're gonna want them to know how to do it too okay cindy cindy says she's never heard it she's gonna love it it's called the bio link website karen you're just wait your mind's gonna be blown literally the coolest business tool i've seen in a long time okay we're gonna get started thanks for all of you who join it's yes aaron it's a lot like link tree but i'll we'll show you way cooler than that but yes it's essentially like leap tree um and it's free okay so welcome to online steps and success i'm so glad that you are here my name is alison dalke and we have a really special treat for you tonight this is going to be one of my all-time favorite ever broadcasts i'm sure of it so tonight we are going to talk about how to create and use a bio link website for your business if you don't know what that is yet don't worry it's okay we're going to show you and it's super super simple and i have a guest with me tonight because here's some of you don't know my philosophy well first of all our goal always on online steps to success is to help you dream big work smart change yourself and change the world with your business i truly believe that it's possible so everything that we do and talk about is centered around those ideas um this is one of those ways to work smart so i'm super excited to show you how to do this tonight and i and like i said before i cannot wait to see how many ideas you come up with because i have a ton of ideas but i think there's some so many more so today tonight oops sorry didn't mean to shake the camera i have my very own super fabulous amazing frontline with me courtney shepard she is also going to be one of my next directors which i'm very excited about my philosophy in leadership is to build up leaders and consultants that are better than me my whole entire goal she is prime example of that being real because she saw this someplace and she was like okay i have to teach our team how to do this popped on our team page showed our team had to do it i watched the video i was like this is amazing we have to show everybody so she's gonna show us tonight step by step how to create and use this super simple and free tool for your website or for your business and then we're going to share we're going to share lots of examples lots of templates lots of ideas so i'd love for you to welcome my frontline and friend courtney shepherd muted courtney i'm unmuting you okay i think i'm also not on the screen now you are oh fantastic okay okay great all right so everybody can hear me okay because we were kind of having some yeah some audio issues there for a little bit um but hi everybody i'm super super excited um i did have to do the same thing and pull up comments on my phone because i can't see you guys either um but hello everyone hi i'm so so pumped to talk courtney i'll keep um i'll watch comments too while you're talking and showing and write down some questions that we may have in um yeah for later too fantastic awesome um i'm i just want to preface this by saying that i did not come up with this idea so i cannot take full credit um any credit whatsoever i did get this idea from another call another consultant on another page and i just kind of took the idea that i saw and sort of just ran with it and thought to myself okay can i do this in under 30 minutes because if you are like me and there's like one like 90 something of y'all on this on this call right now and i know there has to be someone who's like the naptime warrior like i am like you get as much as you can done in this business and that time and that's me so i knew that if this was going to be amazing for my business that it had to be something that was effective looked great and i could do in under like 30 minutes right um and then once i did make this i'm going to show you guys this i'm going to share my screen once i did make this it was super easy to just duplicate and make for um my hosts after that so i'm gonna pull this up really quick let me minimize ally really fast and put that away all right and then we're going to share my screen okay first the first thing that i'm going to show you is the one thing that i use it for the most and ally did you make me oh yeah i can do it i got it okay okay once you can see this let me know that you can see it okay can you see it okay thumbs up yeah it's good cool all right great so this is my canva if you don't know what canva is it's kind of like a i like to call it my massive creating hub because i do literally almost everything on canva but this is essentially what ali called the bio link website and really um what this is is i um canva has a bunch of like templates that you can use so you can create an instagram post instagram story a facebook post um really whatever you want a postcard you can create all of those things what i did here was i clicked instagram story so that it has this sort of phone look and then i started kind of creating this whole page and i use this for my my um text party hosts um i kind of flipped and went to text parties um probably about six to eight months ago and they've been working really well since i implemented this so essentially what this is is an instagram story and what i'm going to show you is how this this looks like just a regular page just like a regular instagram story you would go post on maybe facebook stories or instagram stories but what's going to make this really freaking awesome is when you click these little texts and the text in the boxes here really anything on this page any element on this page this text this picture this facebook icon right here any of it can be linked kind of like a link tree how we had in the comments earlier they asked if it was like a lint tree it is like a link tree but this is so much better and i feel like it's more personal so i started using this for my host and what i did was i just threw a background on there that i liked and i put up buttons or like little elements so over here in elements you can go to um like lines and shapes and you can throw up like a square and then just kind of make it a button right and that's what i did with each of these okay i'm going to pull this over here so i can see what i'm doing so that's what i did with each of these i just kind of pulled that little square or rectangle over here and i made different buttons you can put as many on here as you want or as little as you want um but what i do want to say first of all if you're taking notes write this down do not over complicate this it does not have to be something that has to take a super long time it doesn't have to take you if it's taking you over 45 minutes to an hour then it's taking you too long so effective intentional work on this is what i would say is my best tip um but putting your buttons over here and then adding to your buttons what you want to link them to so for example here i have a button and it says shop the party link okay so i've gotten my host i've created this page i'm gonna link her party link to this page so i pulled up my website here and i'm just going to copy that link which is my website link and then i'm going to come back over here to the canva template and this text here is highlighted and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go up here to this button at the top right it says link i'm going to click that and right here in this box i'm going to paste the link and hit enter so you'll see now that that text there is underlined people are saying no way in this comment box yes wait yes wait we are definitely linking this so now this text is underlined which means whenever i go to share this and i'm going to show you how to do this when you go to share this that link you'll be able to click on on the website that you share and they'll be able to go straight to the party link but what i love the most is that um how many of you you can go ahead and put in the chat how many of you are doing text parties right now and if you're doing them you probably did them like i did where i created a party link and just sent the party link and maybe a blurb for your host to send out to her people which is great that's that's great but i wasn't getting a form of data collection from the people that um she was sending it to and ali has talked about this on a number of online steps before now she said you know getting you know building your list um data collection you know collecting tech you know cell phones and email addresses that sort of thing this helps you do that while putting it out in a text party format so ali i hope you're watching comments for questions because i am not okay so we're gonna move on here view the digital catalog same thing don't worry i am great every single consultant at the bottom of their website if you don't know this you're about to learn it so at the bottom of your website you have a view our catalog button at the bottom of your website every single consultant has this okay at the bottom of the website you have viewer catalog once that pulls up it's going to be a flippable shoppable clickable catalog digital okay so you can copy this link go back to your template here make sure that your text is clicked paste the link and hit enter and it will link that catalog isn't that crazy that is just gnarly right so i'm gonna before i share this and show you how to share it to your host so that she can share it to her people i'm gonna touch base right here on this enter the drawing people do this differently okay a lot of people do party packs so that maybe like the first 10 people can enter that form they're enter their information into that form and get a party pack and you mail out 10 party packs i do a drawing so they enter the information and they do a drawing so i do that and this is what i mean by data collection so even if they don't place an order or maybe it's not you know the party doesn't fall on their payday or you know maybe they want to host a party but they don't know where they should be asking you know people just don't know how we do things now so you can put this form this can link to a google form or it can link to a jot form or any other form service i use job form and google form for most things so you can link that form here and what it will do is once you link it they can click to enter the drawing it'll take them to the form and you can ask questions like what's your name and your phone number and your email and on a scale of one to ten how interested are you in hosting a party on a scale of one to ten how interested are you in joining cincy you know are you a disney fan are you a marvel fan that's that's data i wanna know so that if they're interested in all these things and i want to ask them to host i can especially if they rent 10 out of 10 on hosting but if they didn't shop the party i still know this information from them filling out this form and then i just added a check out my fav product and that will link to what my favorite product is the air purifier so i did that at the bottom here i have join my vip group with a facebook icon and at the bottom i put a little bit of fine print and i just said if you want your own shopping page like this and i'm free and have presciency text your name and the word party to my number and this host will also get a reward when you open your shopping page and that's just using the perpetual party reward okay so i'm going to show you how to share this once you have yours up there and you're happy with it and it looks great you have to share it to give it to your host so just like you would share a shop link um or a party link from your website you're gonna do this for the same way for your host except you're gonna share this page instead of the pws link okay so you're going to publish as a website and down here for web style instead of presentation you want scrolling and then you're going to click open website okay so now this is what it looks like on my desktop it'll obviously look different on mobile mobile but making it an instagram story and making it shareable as a scrolling website makes it super mobile friendly okay so this will pop up and then you'll copy this link to this page and you'll share that with your host and your host will share that with her friends so this is hey courtney can you copy that link right now put it in the comments absolutely let's do that so they can see like that's the game changer part of this whole thing yes just here we go okay in the comments great okay so you have that now now i'm going to show you now these links see the underline part where i did link it if i click that it's going to take you to my website now my computers are running a tad slow but it did it pulled up my website okay if i go back to this page and i click that catalog it's gonna pull up my catalog if it same thing for the drawing if i come down here and i do draw my vip group i can link my vip group there um i did want to show really quickly if i can pull this down to show you um one like one complete one of mine that i did i'm not gonna pull it into the comments though because then i'll have like a ton of this is an actual hosts page that i created um but what i want my second tip here that i'm gonna really focus on with you guys is don't make it busy okay it doesn't have to be perfect but what you do put on here needs to be intentional okay needs to be super intentional if you're gonna put it on the page make it intentional okay like i'm laughing over here because i'm like anybody here does it sound like she's my own child i'm like you better be intentional it's i'm just like this is probably words of alice and donkey trickling into what i'm teaching right now because it's working [Laughter] but i i just i really want to put focus on the word intentional because if you're if your hosts people are pulling up this page and they pull it up and it looks like a big jumbled mess of crazy everything everywhere they're gonna click out of that and go away okay so if another thing if you're if you're gonna put it on there then it needs to be an intentional call to action so for example i'm going to explain this join my vip group right here i'm active in my vip group so i put that there because i'm i'm active there okay right here on this picture of me okay it looks like just a picture of me but if you pull up the link okay i will link my instagram there because i'm active on instagram if you are not active on instagram don't put a call to action there for your people to follow you on instagram if you're not active in your vip group then don't put a link for your vip group there if you're going to put it there then be intentional about it so if you don't want to showcase your favorite product don't do that if doing happy mail is not in your budget don't put the button there like really make this customizable for your business for your host and another thing that i want to touch on really quick before i hand it over to ali is how easy this is when you book a new host so say i sent this to carly she texted it out to her people her party hit rewards and her people entered the form right this form right here so from that form i booked a party okay she wants the same thing carly had i want my own shop page i want to share with my friends okay great i just come back to home okay and on my home page where it's gonna it's gonna show all of my designs okay well this one doesn't we're gonna pull up see all and because i am live streaming on zoom with you guys it's gonna be crazy slow but all you have to do is say okay here we are say this is my party for carly right here all you have to do is click the three dots and make a copy and when you make a copy just make sure that all you do is change the link to the new party host link right and send it the new link to the new host after you share it that's really all you have to do super customizable and i even made like a hostess checklist this is half of it done um but i did a hostess checklist where it's kind of like fun instead of like a pdf or some like you know mail that they get that's like all these papers they have to read through it's this cute fun little like web page that they pull up and this right here tells them go through the digital catalog that text right there is linked to the digital catalog and they can make their wish list that way and then i tell them to decide who to invite and so on and so forth so that's just another way that i've used it for my host coaching as well so i am going to stop sharing super quickly and make sure there's not any questions courtney okay and we do have a few questions so i'm going to pop off a few of them for you okay go so the first question and i don't know if they missed it or if also i missed it because i was reading comment i mean i know what it is but i need to answer it for them what's the layout that you're using in canva okay so i'm using the instagram story template oh i told somebody that was wrong i'm sorry that's okay you can also use bio link website which is what ali was saying at the very beginning because it's essentially just like a link tree okay um is what you're creating but it's way more fun link tree in my opinion and what's a little bit more um advanced but i've been kind of playing with it and toying with it is i even added video of me to my page to kind of say hey you know it's like 10 to 12 seconds long of me saying hey and i'm happy that they're on the page that they need anything to shoot me a text like i did that before so it's super intuitive and i love it okay so carrie's saying i don't know how to use instagram you do not even need to use this on instagram if you don't want to so the entire point is you can create this template essentially and then when you save it to share this with a host or customers or whoever all you're doing is sending a link via text or be a messenger or however you're communicating and this entire little baby website page is popping up yep absolutely and what i've done is i've told my hosts like i haven't even created facebook groups you totally can you can still do your facebook groups and post this link as the shop link still collect your information this way still showcase your favorite product this way you can still direct them to your vip group this way you can still do this same type of link in a facebook party if facebook parties are your jam do it if that's what's working in your in your business then you do that sister but at the same time like if you share this link instead of just the regular website link like this makes it personal this puts a touch point there between you and their people whereas just sending a website your website is kind of like just showing like putting it well and it's incredibly engaging right so it's what i call sticky we talk a lot about sticky things on our team like not actual little but you know like you know the first time you like smelled a bunch of testers you were like what is this like there's so much i love this and you can't stop thinking about it this is kind of one of those things it's sticky it's fun it's like oh there's so many things i could do with this and 100 um so a couple questions brittany says yes you go to you create a login and this is you can do all of this using the completely free version of canva yes in the video that i did yeah you can throw a video on there this is completely free some of the backgrounds and things um like if you find a cute background that you really want to use some of those require the pay version but you can always go to google and pull one you know that you think is great and do that so that works as well so i want to show you a couple things that i've made that so my brain ever since i saw this has been reeling a million miles a minute of all the things i could create so let me let me attempt to screen share with you and i will show you one of the things that i made so one of the ways that i'm using this is not only for parties can you guys see this yep okay so i am this is i do we talk a lot about catch-all communication on my team and it's something we've started to talk about a lot on online steps and catch-all communication is communication that is catching all of my customers at one time so this i have decided i am i sent this out last week for the first time to all my tech subscribers text subscribers so all of my customers subscribe to my text message updates instead of sending just like oh this is what's coming on monday or whatever i sent this and just like courtney said every single thing on here is clickable so i'm making it a little bigger so you can see um all of this is clickable guess where it goes directly to my website if i were on instagram my picture would go to instagram but you know i'm not i could probably put it there anyways but i don't do anything there that wouldn't be intentional would it no so i'm not gonna but i have on here click the pictures for more info because they don't yet know oh i could probably click that thing so if they click this it goes directly to my pre-order form for black panther this christmas tree just went to the digital brochure of the holiday collection that i wanted them to see ahead of time my current favorite my porch pickup stock list here's my regular website and then here's business information join my text list they can click this text they can click the phone either one of them is going to take them to joining my text list same thing you want your own shopping page text your name and the word party phone number okay so um i actually the first time i did this last week before i sent this to all of my customers i sent it to like my very very best and i was like tell me what you think is it too much information do you love it whatever they were like this is amazing i love it so i sent it out to everybody it had really great really great response they like this is the cutest thing ever um i want to show you my party page get out of the way my screen sharing thing it's in the way hold on he doesn't like me right now let me show you my other party page so this is the same this is essentially exactly what courtney just shared with you this is one of my hosts party page hold on i'm trying to make it bigger for you same thing same principle just me my look this clicks directly to her party if i click on this oh i i can't use it because i'm not if i went if i showed you the actual one this would go directly to her party link party link digital catalog this get free scentsy samples is my data collection just like courtney was talking about so you can see all the things everything links um you could also put a video right in here on that computer screen if you wanted to do a quick little show and tell of your favorite product i mean the the possibilities are literally endless literally literally i want to talk about a couple of other ideas that i have not used this for yet but i am going to like this week um this would be incredible for new teeny onboarding like game changer i'm already texting my new teammates like there's a i have an auto drip that happens but if i could use this step one step two step three it's all pretty engaging oh absolutely right new teami onboarding um weekly customer sheet that's kind of what i showed you my all things cincy that that's just i'm gonna update that every single week it's incredibly easy to update here's the other cool thing when you update that exact template the link doesn't change so you really use the link over and over again it's the exact same link that's if you're so like the one that says all things that's going to be my catch all communication for customers every single week of what's new and what's coming that link won't change i'll resend it every thursday when i send my text updates but it the link itself doesn't change now when you have a new party host or whatever you need to make a copy just like courtney showed you so there's a new link okay i hope that makes sense right um what else if there's not another question yet then i was gonna touch on one other thing yeah go okay is whenever you are sending whenever you are sending this link out to your hosts okay so for example if i'm doing this in a text party format okay i tell her then you know you share this out with your people you can share it in a text you can post it on your facebook you can put it in your stories you can email it you can do you can put in messenger you can create your facebook group and put it in there i don't care what you do with it but that it's your link to share and just remind your people that there's a drawing they can enter and you know that they can go check out you know what's coming up you know that releases on monday or whatever depending on what happens in their party at that time and that'll drive more you know more i guess as compared to what i'm trying to say is compared to just sending a pws shopping list well also okay think about this so i was just thinking about sherry courtney sherry's on our team i'm gonna be another one of my next directors but i'm telling you what she's crushing some facebook parties crushing facebook parties and she uses busily all the things but she is really good about reaching out to every single person that was in the group regardless of whether they have ordered yet or not and so she'll reach out to every single one of them did you have any questions about bundle and save so think about this this can be that that connection point before you close a party and here on this page i can put the link to bundle and saves right which i had not even thought about until this very moment but you could put the exact link to bundle and save from that goes directly to that on your website right and you can do that connected to the party as well so everything that you would follow up about you could put in this link so that they're seeing and engaging in all of it booking or like hosting bundle and save questions whatever but you're it still becomes a touch point but it becomes much more engaging that makes sense yes and another thing a lot of other calls and a lot of other trainings are happening over fundraising right now because fundraising season is like in full swing what you can also do is add like a little tiny button that takes like you straight to if another shared page of your fundraiser situation like if you do a buddy drive okay you can put pictures of real life buddies and link those pictures to your paypal and then do your fundraiser that way the other thing is you can put a paypal link so i actually i told you guys i use this for our pto like i put pictures of our t-shirts that are for sale and our spirit items and there's buttons to for pto membership a link to our paypal account like all of the other like you can use it for anything you could use it as your sole fundraiser page imagine if you were doing a cent circle fundraiser a buddy clip fundraiser a buddy fundraiser you could make this a link and think about kids these days anyways they're super digital anyways if they didn't have to keep track of an envelope and and it's so much less work on you it's literally like hey kids give me your everybody copy down this link or whatever go to the open your email and click this link that's the link they're sharing with people where those people order engage all of that i mean there's so many things you could use it for another great idea that i thought was genius was an amy connect card oh yes are you gonna show us this yes i'll show it to you okay so i will i got this idea from somebody else and i okay hold on let me show the proper screen okay here we are okay so i created this one okay and it just says you know instead of sending all that like think of how crazy this would be if i put this in a text and amy right like that would just be completely gnarly and i can put this all in this page but send a super small simple text with a small link to it even a shortened link to it like bitly or tiny url and i can i can send that in my amy message templates if you use amy and then this will pull up so i have linked the clickable catalog all i have here is i know it's been a bit since we last chatted i hope you're well if you're in need of scentsy goodies i'm your girl just click through below i love bringing amazing fragrances to your home and through the buttons here i have the clickable catalog they can order through an open party if they're ready to do that they can host if they want to text me and host to get rewards they can join my vip group if they're not already there they can look into starting a side business and this is that video that i was talking about a minute ago um i don't know if it's gonna let me play it but it says when you're ready to purchase watch this first from your cincy girl courtney and i literally use a phone like element i pulled a phone an iphone over here i don't know if it's going to play hey guys i'm courtney welcome to the party when you're ready to make a purchase go ahead and let me know so um i can help you because sometimes i can get you a better deal and get you more for your money okay so go ahead and reach out and let me know and welcome so guys that's a video you can put any video there you can put a video of you unboxing a wall fan it really does not matter so and then down here at the bottom i have a link directly to the website this goes to the vip group this goes to a youtube because now i'm doing trainings and uploading youtube videos apparently so here we are but here's here's the youtube that i have i am active on instagram right so that's that's a connect cart that you can make so i i loved that idea as well i mean the onboarding was great if you have a reinstatement come back you can do like a reinstatement list like here's where to go to reorder your you know like get your kit you know your reinstatement kit um tons and tons of ideas i think i had yeah new consultant you know welcome back is a reinstatement one the host checklist just tons of ideas tons of ideas courtney i am we've had a couple questions about like okay how do you share this so it's just will you go back let's just show them one more time okay like go back to your amy reconnect page i'm not gonna make you share that on her but show them how you do it all right so from here let me pull this over here so my screen share is out of the way all right so from here if i'm ready to put this into my amy message templates okay up at the top right you're gonna click publish as website okay and then when it comes up down at web style you're gonna click down to scrolling that's gonna make it mobile friendly okay so that you can pull it up on your phone and scroll through it so you just click scrolling and then you click open website and then this will pop up and you can literally scroll yeah so then show them though that you're just basically taking that exact link from the um what's it called this right here yeah so all i would do is copy this link at the top now this is the web page this whole thing is the web page i want to share so i would copy its link i click copy and then i go take that to amy and i put that in my message template yes so one of the things i do a lot of times just to keep things especially if i'm working on my laptop where i'm working on my desktop i will take a link and i'll email it to myself um or if you're on mac you can message yourself whatever but i'll email it to myself just also so i have a place where i know that it is like i can go back and search through my email and like oh yes i put that link in there and it's easy for me to find all right or if you have google drive everybody like almost everybody uses google drive if you have google drive just pull up google drive make a new document paste that link in there and label it amy connect card and then pull up google drive on your phone copy it put it in amy really that easy it's really that easy all i can really give tip wise when it comes to that is like i'm not gonna lie i love ally to death ali is like the best sponsor but she's no hand holder and i've i've repeatedly like told my team this as well like there's if i went and learned something i went and i played with it i clicked around if i spent too much time then i went and i came back with a fresh mind and was like okay how can i do this more efficiently and less time with also effectiveness and that's really what you when we go back to intentionality and having that intentional space like you have think of that space as you only have so much of it and you don't want to fill it up with a bunch of busyness but every single spot has to be intentional so don't fill it with yeah chrissy says it looks like i know what i'm doing tomorrow what am i cleaning i'm gonna start tonight when i can't really like here's my challenge though here's my challenge for every single person on the call whoever's watching the replay whoever is watching the recording whoever's doing that the only challenge is for you is really challenge yourself to do this okay see how quickly you can make it in under 30 minutes see how quickly you can do that because there's a number of times even at like group like get-togethers where ally's been like here's your challenge and you have 30 minutes to do it like it's like because you can really be effective and get something done and have something ready to go in time that where we think oh well how can i overthink this and oh but it just needs to shift down a little bit more like no no done is better than perfect done is better than perfect and just really being intentional about what you're doing not about what not just about what you're putting on there but how much time you're spending putting things on there as well because that can also be not effective because just as much as what you put on there could not be effective the amount of time you spend making it is not effective either i would also say i just there is no space with this for the excuse of i'm not tech savvy there's just no space for it because it is incredibly simple to create yes and i need to ask you a question in private because we didn't discuss this did you make that well i'll just ask you right now did you make them a template i did oh look at that she might do a template i did make a template for you guys i'm gonna share it and ally can put it on a post in the page i didn't come unprepared you guys i'm gonna i'm gonna give a tempo for you guys to use all you do so i'm gonna go ahead and answer this now so i don't get like a slew of messages on how to do this so whenever i share it i'm gonna share it as a template and then you have to open it like it's gonna ask you first you have to make an account so make sure you have a canva account so that's step one go do that if you don't if you wanna use this template you're gonna have to have an account to do that so make your account so that you can access the template okay and then i get started by comments i should not read those then whenever i share it you'll be able to pull it up okay so it will be um basically wherever i have something you can replace it will be really basic but what i encourage you to do is spend that 30 minutes or less making it yours um and being intentional about what you put there so well you can even see how different courtney's and ice looked because they're both us very much us oh yeah and there's guys there's a lot of people training on this right now like i said it's not my idea is i cannot take credit for it whatsoever so there's a lot of people using this right now you can pull ideas but really make it your own like really make it something that um you put the effort into and if you don't want to showcase something don't showcase it yeah you do then do so rhonda said is it just as easy on an ipad versus a desktop um so i have canva on my phone um and while i have used it for a lot of things um you can totally do it you can do it you you can do it you might go over your 30 minute timer you can do it i had to mess around with it on my phone the other day in the car line because i was trying to get the pto one done for our spirit award stuff and i was like okay i got to figure it out listen guys once you get that first template under your belt once you get that first kind of look you want under your belt all you got to do is make a copy and oh somebody somebody asked where are you getting photos so you can get the photos on the marketing tab in your workstation so you download them you need to download them to save them to your computer or your ipad or your phone whatever you're using and then you upload them right into canva yeah and then if you're on your phone or your ipad you don't even have to upload them to canva if you're using the app you can use them straight from your camera roll um yeah if you're on your desktop you do have to upload it to canva and it'll be part and it'll be saved there forever like if i pull up my uploads it has my pictures of me some of my family product photos all kinds of things so it'll be housed there but if you're on your your phone or your ipad whatever device other than your desktop you can use your camera roll yes good point i do make postcards on canva as well yes amy like i'll make a postcard and i print them at home and i just print what i need at the time and that's it um yes you can use canva with your phone well i'm going to show you i want to share a couple real things i'm going to show you something real fast real quick um concerning photos so um if you saw my my like this is one of my party pages this is for a host um she so this image right here that is in the computer i actually just pulled up my website and i took a screenshot this is it right here this is the photo that i used this is the photo that i pulled right into that so it's actually just a screenshot of my desktop and i pulled it right into there um it's and so you can see over here these are all my images i'm getting deleted um so this is like these are all my images that i have uploaded into canva so and they stay there forever just like she said so really is really cool like the the opportunities with this like are really endless don't go crazy just yeah pick the couple of things that you want to test on it first see if it works for you and then if you find that it does like especially the data collection part guys even if you just use it for that like when you're using it in amy if you're if you're just using it to collect like data for referrals oh i just thought of that idea amen that yes you did we have now we have a referral program now we have a report so now we have a referral just kind of play with it like just kind of think about what in your business you currently do that this could enhance and then think of the extras that come after that so well and i would also say look at you i we i talk a lot about tension spots where is their attention spot what's one of the things that's not getting done that needs to get done that's income generating if there's a place that's tension filled that this can help relieve some of that tension then let's do that again we can't rip like say enough done is better than perfect don't overthink the whole thing um we are going to share the template yes i will show the template um but if that like attention spot thing if that's like i hear i hear that the most like i can't find new people i don't have anybody like use this to send to your best people to get referrals or to get you know enter a drawing for a big you know fast sample pack or whatever whatever the the deal is or a sensor goal or nothing you know whatever you have the budget for like this literally can help create peace in those tension spots you have in your business you know if if you need a way to like evolve your your text party or throw like a sizzle twist on your facebook party then throw this link on there like really is amazing what you can come up with i mean just just you know everybody alone coming up with their ideas on how to use this fantastic so far yeah for real and just the ideas that came up while we were talking just now all right i was like oh yeah referral idea so courtney thanks so much you did most of the work for me and i just she found it she shared on our team page then i did it and i was like okay well you have to tell the world about this well i did i do have to go back and say that i wasn't going to i wasn't going to share until i was like wait wait if i can't do this for 30 in 30 minutes or less because like i said for those of you who may have just hopped on i'm i'm the nap time ninja i work the majority of my business during my 12 hours nap time and if i can't get something done effectively within like 25-30 minutes then it's just not effective it's not effective for me yeah so i timed my cell phone so she put it into it absolutely she put a really quick video on her team page it's probably like eight minutes long and so i watched it and i was like okay i'm gonna see if i can do this and i timed myself and i did it in 30 minutes or less and then i was like this is a game changer and then once that one like i said once that one is done you just make a copy and if you want another background just change the background yeah you want it to be christmas themed you put a christmas theme if you want it to be whatever you can change the font a little bit you know put your picture on the right instead of the left whatever it just literally that first template is really the hardest part it's not even that hard and according to major templates so you don't even and i made you one so we're going to share it with you we can't wait to see what you come up with and thanks so much for joining us um lisa yes this can absolutely be sent through project broadcast it is a link so you can send it any way you want via text via project broadcast via email via messenger you can like courtney said you can put it in your stories you can put it on facebook or instagram you can put it anywhere anywhere it's amazing it's amazing so i can't wait to see what you guys come up with i know me too all right well we'll share the link shortly and thank you guys so guys courtney thank you you're the best how are you you know you're getting a big fat really great thank you gift in the mail i don't know the one i got the other day was pretty awesome so well i can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks and in the meantime keep dreaming big working smart changing yourself and changing the world and talk to you again thanks guys

2021-10-15 12:53

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